Jesus' Last Teachings—A Lenten Study

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Life Bible Study, LLC is a Christian Publisher serving churches and Christian communities in order to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples as we go. © 2018 Life Bible Study All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Life Bible Study. Address all correspondence to: Life Bible Study, LLC 5184 Caldwell Mill Road Suite 204-221 Hoover, AL 35244 Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ISBN Number 978-1-63204-072-5 31 Verses Every Believer Should KnowTM Printed in the United States of America

Introduction......................................................................................................................... I How To Use...........................................................................................................................III

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Verse Verse Verse Verse

1: Matthew 20:18....................................................................................... 2 2: John 12:27............................................................................................... 4 3: John 12:32............................................................................................... 6 4: Hebrews 2:17........................................................................................... 8

Verse Verse Verse Verse

5: Luke 19:41.............................................................................................10 6: Luke 13:34.............................................................................................12 7: Luke 23:28.............................................................................................14 8: Jeremiah 8:21........................................................................................16

Verse Verse Verse Verse

9: Matthew 21:13......................................................................................18 10: Zechariah 14:21...................................................................................20 11: Isaiah 56:7............................................................................................22 12: Jeremiah 7:11......................................................................................24

Verse Verse Verse Verse

13: Matthew 21:19.....................................................................................26 14: Mark 11:24...........................................................................................28 15: Luke 13:7..............................................................................................30 16: Jeremiah 8:13......................................................................................32

Verse Verse Verse Verse Verse

17: Luke 20:8..............................................................................................34 18: John 8:28.............................................................................................36 19: John 10:18...........................................................................................38 20: John 19:11...........................................................................................40 21: Matthew 28:18.....................................................................................42

Verse Verse Verse Verse Verse

22: Matthew 24:3.......................................................................................44 23: Matthew 24:44.....................................................................................46 24: Daniel 7:13...........................................................................................48 25: 2 Thessalonians 1:11............................................................................50 26: Revelation 19:11..................................................................................52

Verse Verse Verse Verse Verse

27: Matthew 28:5-6a..................................................................................54 28: Luke 24:6b-7........................................................................................56 29: 1 Corinthians 15:14.............................................................................58 30: 1 Corinthians 15:20.............................................................................60 31: 1 Corinthians 15:54.............................................................................62

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Closing................................................................................................................................ 64 Acknowledgments................................................................................................................ 66

n o i t c u d o Intr Introduction

As Jesus led His disciples during His last week in Jerusalem, He taught them along the journey. And He continued teaching throughout the week. He taught through delivering prophecy, through allowing people to see His emotions on display, through His actions that took on the role of living parables, through His responses to conflict and criticism, and through the way He completed His mission on earth. His audiences varied, and included His disciples and His followers, the crowds in Jerusalem, the religious leaders, the merchants in the Temple court, the political powers in Judah, and even the Roman soldiers. Everyone who encountered Jesus during this week had the opportunity to see or hear Him teach. Studying Jesus’ teachings during this final week is like taking a master’s course in teaching methodology, in understanding the audience, in passionately conveying the content, and of living out, fully committed, what is taught. Jesus taught from His authority as the Son of God and out of His deep love and compassion for mankind. Jesus passionately wanted to bring all people back to God, and He agonized when some of His audience rejected His message. Even facing the humiliation and pain of the cross did not change His message.


Jesus provides us with the opportunity to see the supreme Teacher in action. Not only can we be changed during the process, but we might even become passionate about how we, too, teach with our words, actions, and lives. Jesus’ last week is often referred to as the Passion Week. That title captures the energy of the week, the emotional ups and downs of dealing with people who didn’t get who God is and what Jesus was sent to do, the pain and sorrow experienced on the cross, and the joy of His resurrection. So, if you’re ready, let’s start the journey.

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How To Use How To Use

31 Verses Every Believer Should Know: Jesus’ Last Teachings—A Lenten Study How can you get the most out of this study for Lent? Consider these suggestions . . .

1. Read the devotions provided for each week of Lent. Daily Bible study and personal reflection can give you the opportunity to mourn over Jesus’ suffering and celebrate His resurrection. 2.

Memorize the verse included with each devotion.

3. Respond to the questions that accompany the devotions either in writing or mentally. 4. Pray daily that God will allow this journey to teach you something new about Jesus, so that you might renew your commitment to Him.


Verse 1 Proclaiming His Coming Death “See, we are going up to Jerusalem. And the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn him to death.” —Matthew 20:18

When was the last time someone started to tell you something with the words, “Well, I have good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?” Did your heart start racing when you heard those words? Were your hands shaky or sweaty? Or did you simply think the person was just being dramatic to get your attention? If you were indeed going to receive both good news and bad news, which would you prefer to hear first? How difficult is it to focus on the good news, especially if you’ve already heard the bad news? Read Matthew 20:17-19. Jesus had twice predicted His coming death to His disciples (see Mt. 16:23 and 17:22-23). In both instances, despite having witnessed Christ’s true identity, the disciples were distressed by what would happen to Him. In chapter 20, as Jesus led His disciples up to Jerusalem for the last time, He reminded them that He would be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, who would condemn Him to death, and hand Him over to the Roman authorities to crucify Him. This time, however, Jesus promised that He would be raised from the dead on the third day. Yet once again, the disciples couldn’t hear the good news of His resurrection because they were so focused on the bad news of His death. Jesus knew that His mission as Messiah would lead Him to the cross, and He also knew that He would be resurrected from the dead. His full awareness of God’s plan along with His complete trust in His Father allowed Him to endure the bad news for the joy that would be found when the good news came true. When we hear “good news and bad news,” we tend to focus on the bad news and overlook the good news. Jesus’ emphasis, however, was on the good news of what He would do for all mankind, not on the bad news of what He would experience.


How were Jesus’ predictions of His death and resurrection both bad news and good news?

Why do you think the disciples heard Jesus would suffer, but couldn’t hear that He would be raised to life?

How does Jesus’ completed work as our Messiah give us joy and hope?


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