==== ==== Essential Fatty Acids are Necessary for Optmum Health. and Excess Body Fat Unnecessary and Threatening to Optimum Health. Good Health Must Start From the Inside and NOW you can ZAP FAT from the Outside and Be Rid of Excess Body Fat Forever. http://healthyhormones.com.au/cart/index.php?main_page=page&id=45 ==== ====
Basically there are four main techniques of calculating body fat. Which includes Home Body Fat Scale, Navy Method, Hydrostatic Weighing and Skinfold Caliper; but we will highlight information about top three techniques which are more commonly practiced. Home Body Fat Scales measures fat by method of Biometrical Impedance. In this process an extremely low voltage current is passed through our body and the opposing current is measured. Upon result comparison with the actual weight of our body, the exact percentage of fat can then be derived. This method has some margin for error, because the impedance of our body is also affected by other various factors that generate some current along with fat. For example the body water, electrical waves of heart, skin temperature, skeletal muscles, and physical work out. In order to remove this obstruction an individual has to fast for 4-5 hours and has to avoid any type of physical exercise before 12 hours before the method is applied. Skinfold Caliper is one more effective technique which is implied with the usage of calipers. This is the cheapest technique of calculating body fats. However, one needs to learn the usage correctly in order to achieve best results. It should be implied in presence of a professional. Hydrostatic Weighing which is formerly known as under water weighing is the most accurate technique of calculating body fat only if you get a hydrostatic weighing tank. For this technique one needs to know Archimedes Principle. If you know some physics, you will understand this even better. The inspector or co-mate calculates mass of your body by measuring the amount of water you relocate while you are in the water. The simple reasons for this is the amount of water relocated when the body is totally or partially immersed into the water is equal or proportional to the weight of that body. Then a method is used to calculate fat based on the density of the body. The only major problem for this technique is to find a hydrostatic weighing tank. But on top the golden question is why to bother for calculating body fat? Information about the accurate amount of body fat can help you in setting goals for your weight loss strategy. Body fat is an important constituent of successful weight loss plan. You will be able to understand scientific aspects of your weight loss program. It is something like knowing inventory of your fat and knowing the duration it will need to lose a certain portion as well as getting information about the calories you need to drop from your daily diets to achieve the goal. Calculation of body fat is the one and only mean by which you can passionately track the achievement.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Naresh_Shah
==== ==== Essential Fatty Acids are Necessary for Optmum Health. and Excess Body Fat Unnecessary and Threatening to Optimum Health. Good Health Must Start From the Inside and NOW you can ZAP FAT from the Outside and Be Rid of Excess Body Fat Forever. http://healthyhormones.com.au/cart/index.php?main_page=page&id=45 ==== ====