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ISSN 1916-3290 Lifelike Dolls

Sept/Oct 2008 Vol. 1, Issue 4

$9.95 CAD


Featuring Doll Artist Jennifer Timberlin Going once...Going twice...Gone! Creating Dynamic Auctions

Creating Amazing Skin Tones & Textures: Tools & Tricks of the Trade

Say Cheese! Tips For Posing & Photographing Your Dolls



September/October 2008

What’s inside....


Features: 6 Jennifer Timberlin and her JenneDolls 10 Tiny Treasures - Thoughts on the Show 12 Creating Amazing Skin Tones 18 Tiny Treasures Photo Gallery 20 Sculpting 101: Continuing the sculpting tutorial with Tina Kewy 22 Tiny Treasures Contest Winners 28 Tips for Posing & Photographing your dolls 30 Creating Dynamic Auctions 33 Posing for Pleasure by Janice Fricker Blair 34 Spotlight Aritst: Leighanne Harvey 37 Basic tips to creating your first reborn In every issue.... 4 From the Editors 5 Secrist Cover Contest 16 Sculpting Contest - Time to vote 26 Portrait Dolls 24 Gallery

34 Calendar and News 38 Ask the Artist 39 Sculpting Contest 41 Collector 43 Fun stuff

44 Beautiful Doll Sewing Tips 46 Craft Pattern 47 Shopping Directory

Copyright Š2008 Lifelike Dolls. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any forms or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording or by any information or retrieval system without written permission from the publisher. Prices subject to change without notice. For reproduction information, contact: Lifelike Dolls 169 James St. S., St. Marys, Ontario, Canada, N4X 1B9,


...from the Editors. This week my youngest child said his first word (Dada, of course) and sat up for the first time. He is my last child, so every first seems a little extra special to me. I’m in no rush to see him grow up, but it is still exciting to celebrate each “first” with him. His accomplishments had me thinking about my own “firsts” this year. I reborned my first ethnic doll, made my first attempt at sculpting and created my first custom doll. Lifelike Dolls is another big first…for us as the creators and for all doll artists in North America. We have learned so much this year, and it is hard to believe how far we have come in such a short time. The magazine has opened the door to other firsts too…my first plane ride, my first doll show and my first real sense of accomplishment outside of being a parent. It is incredible to have a business that is based on something I love, that I create along side my best friend and that is appreciated by doll artists around the world. I hope that Lifelike Dolls can open the doors for many of you to celebrate “firsts” too… through articles, submissions, gallery pictures and even by providing the tutorials that lead to new creations. If you have a “first” you want to share, send it to us so we can celebrate along with you. Happy Reborning! Sheri McDonald Co-Editor

I really want to extend a huge thank you to all of you that write into us with your comments on the magazine. We are completely in awe of how much of a success it has been so early in it’s existance. We started this adventure with not much more than a dream and a ton of passion for this beautiful art. We always enjoy hearing from our readers. If you have topics you’d like to see covered, or you have a favorite artist to share, or maybe you just have some questions you’d like to see answers for, please send us an email. I hope you all have had a wonderful summer! Cheryl Bage Co-Editor

Do you wonder where we find the artists and collectors to feature in Lifelike Dolls? In our email box! Keep sending those submissions! Include a bio about yourself and how you got involved in the dolly world, your web page (if you have one) and some high quality pictures of your work. The Nov/Dec. issue of Lifelike Dolls is underway, and we need your submissions. If you have experience, knowledge, tips or even just some comments on any of the following subjects, send them to us: • Giving your doll hair • Doll Shows • Couture for babies of all sizes • Santa Sculpts Send all submissions to


Could your baby be on the cover? Newsweek magazine has their “Man of the year.” People magazine offers their cover to the sexiest man of the year. Now it’s time for the “Reborn Baby of the Year” cover! Celebrities know making the cover of a magazine guarantees global exposure and the chance for incredible recognition… Reborn artist have dedicated so much time to the incredible art form of reborning and its time for the world to know. But the problem is outside the doll world nobody has heard even heard of reborn babies. Secrist plans to change that with the “Reborn Baby of the Year” cover contest. Do you remember what happened when the documentary My Fake Baby appeared on TV in the U.K.? The global reborn market exploded with growth that we’re still feeling months later. In the same way the tutorial guide is targeted to reach women all over the world who are just waiting to discover the beautiful babies you make. So will you be in the next Secrist catalog? There are several opportunities for recognition: • 1st Place: Cover page plus featured artist biography and $1500 in Secrist cash! • 2nd Place: Back cover ¾ photo & your nursery contact information • 10 Honorable Mentions: Inside photo listing & your nursery contact information In conjunction with LifeLike Dolls Magazine, Secrist has begun a search to locate the world’s most life-like reborn baby. We already know our panel of judges from many different doll magazines will have a difficult time choosing a winner. If you are a professional reborner just waiting for your opportunity to be in the spotlight, that opportunity could be here! The cover will be awarded on the basis of five important factors: • Photo quality; clear, well lit pictures that show the artistic detail of the work. • Artistry; covers quality of work such as rooting, coloring and detail of cosmetic painting. • Pose; a baby posed in a natural relaxed way. • Clothing and accessories; clothing definitely makes the baby. It doesn’t need to be elaborate but it must bring out the best in the baby. Blankets, toys and other items that add to the overall effect of the scene and baby are welcome. Clothing must not have text on them. • General appeal; your picture should have a harmonizing effect of all the above components that will make people sit up and take notice! For more information on how to participate in the “Reborn Baby of the Year” contest please visit us on the internet at Do not submit pictures of your baby without first reading the photo requirements. Secrist Doll Company is the leader in educating and equipping doll artists all over the world. Their passion and purpose is to teach, equip, and promote those dedicated to the reborn arts. In 2008, they introduced the now well-known catalog Secrist Guide to Reborning Tools & Applications. With thousands of copies distributed all over the world it quickly became a resource and reference guide for reborners everywhere.


Jennifer Timberlin and her JenneDolls

Jennifer Timberlin is the talented artist behind JenneDolls. She has been married to Lance for 16 years and has six beautiful children who range in ages from seven to twenty. She is also a freelance photographer, and says she has loved photography since childhood. She previously owned and operated Precious Memories Photography Studio prior to becoming a full time sculptor.

In the Beginning Jen’s interest in art began in childhood. She enjoyed drawing and painting and always found ways to make new creations from items in her home. Throughout the years she has dabbled in different creative activities. In the eighties, she made custom birthday cakes, in the nineties it was decorative wreaths and t-shirts, and in 1999 she opened her own photography studio. Jen’s creative streak continued when she began sculpting dolls in 2004. A friend, Joni Inlow, who is also a doll artist, introduced her to them. Together they studied the art and practiced turning polymer clay into little babies. They worked together a lot in the beginning, but they have developed 6

their own styles and techniques over the years. They once worked together to create a doll. Joni created the eyes, mouth and arms, and Jen did the nose, ears, and legs. He was sold on eBay. To become the wonderful sculptor and artist she is today, Jen studied some online tutorials, but mostly used trial and error. She is completely self-taught. Artist Creations Jen is probably most well known for her miniature-sized dolls. Over the past four years, she has made close to 500 dolls ranging in size from three to twelve inches. Her favourite size sculpt is a 6-7 inch baby, and she prefers creating and dressing up baby girl sculpts, particularly the six to nine month look, both sleeping and awake. Jen has also created many portrait dolls. The inspiration for her creations comes from looking through baby magazines and different photos on the internet for unique expressions and different facial features. Like most doll artists, she can’t help but study real life baby faces as well. “After doing my first full sculpt a few months ago, I have really enjoyed coming up with new expressions and positions for them. It’s a totally different technique for full sculpts versus poseable babies....much more complicated and time consuming.” Jen uses Prosculpt baby clay for her creations, and can usually complete a doll in about four hours. Her dolls sell on ebay and on her website.


Jen has been very fortunate to develop relationships with many of her buyers from around the world. “It’s very heart warming to know that my work touches people in such a special way and brings a smile to their face. I take a lot of pride in that.” While Jen is not an avid doll collector yet, she has acquired some dolls through trades with other artists. She dreams of someday owning dolls by Sandy Faber and Cheryl Hill, but with six children it is not a possibility in the near future. “Sandy Faber is my inspiration. Her dolls are the most lifelike I have ever seen and can only hope to be as talented as her someday.”


Associations Jen started the OOAK CRIB in 2006. It’s a private yahoo group for sculptors to come together and support each other. Her dolls have been listed in Contemporary Doll Collector Magazine, on various doll clothing makers websites as models, and in Lifelike Dolls Magazine. Her work has been sold to Reborn Doll Kits, Ashton-Drake, and she is in the process of selling to Danbury Mint.

In the Future “I feel that my career with doll sculpting will continue for a long time. I would love to be able to see many of my dolls in production someday. I plan to further my education by taking classes and attending seminars to help me perfect my techniques and sculpting abilities.” You can see more of Jen’s work on her website at http://www.


Tiny Treasures St. Louis ...Thoughts on the Show. I thoroughly enjoyed the Tiny Treasures Conference and Show! I attended two workshops--one was micro rooting and the other was photographing babies. Both workshops I attended were fun and provided valuable information that I will definitely put to use. The Baby Shower and Brunch were my favorite part! The atmosphere and decorations were festive, the games were fun, and the food was delicious and plentiful, especially the cake! This first Tiny Treasures show provided much for both the reborner and collector. It was great to meet so many other reborners, to see their work firsthand and discuss what we all love best--babies and reborning! We had a good opportunity to see and buy dolls, doll kits, baby clothes and other reborning supplies and to meet and chat with some of our favorite dealers and sculptors. I met Sheila Michael and fell in love with her beautiful babies! I custom ordered my very own “Sheila Michael” baby doll and I can’t wait till she arrives! The final attraction for me was the Reborn Contest, which consisted of numerous beautiful, high quality reborn babies! I expected to see some wonderful babies, but I didn’t expect it to be so difficult to choose my favorite for the People’s Choice award. It must have been quite a challenge for the judges, and I would not have wanted to be in their shoes. The highly anticipated awards banquet provided an excellent meal, more fun games, interesting conversation and the excitement of learning which artist babies received the coveted awards! All in all, Tiny Treasures was a wonderful event that I look forward to attending again! ~ Laurie Sanchez, Fruit of the Womb Nursery Tiny Treasures was a huge success with productive networking between friends and businesses. The organizers of the show were pleasant, efficient and created an atmosphere of learning, as well as an environment perfect for sales and acquisition. Hotel staff were polite, friendly, and very responsive to needs. The areas in the hotel available to Tiny Treasures participants were clean, well prepared and added to the entire success of the show. I have never attended a doll show before and wasn’t sure what to expect. What I found was an energy and excitement that is only found with those passionate about their art. Reborning has evolved from the days of oil paint and taking apart play dolls to creating heirloom custom babies from the best materials and kits available on the market. All venues of reborning were well represented, from those who sculpt and reborn to those who provide the reborning world with the materials needed as well as companies who offer completed dolls, such as Ashton Drake whom I was representing at the show. Our table was very busy and surrounded by happy customers totally immersed in their joy of doll collecting. I entered two of my Grandmother’s Attic/Sunbeam Babies Nursery babies in the reborn contest and was thrilled to see the stiff competition of lovely babies. I am proud to be a member of the reborner community and even more delighted when interest was shown by new Mommies wanting to buy my babies. Tiny Treasures was an excellent resource for sharing my reborn babies with the general public. A huge ‘hats off’ to everyone involved in Tiny Treasures and a very grateful thank you to Doll Reader and Mavador Media for believing in us and providing us with such a pleasant experience. I am looking forward to attending next year. ~ Carol Green, Grandmother’s Attic


I thought the Tiny Treasures show was an excellent beginning. Every detail was covered by the IDEX and Madavor Media staff. My hat is off to them for providing an innovative venue for lovers of baby dolls of all shapes, sizes and colors! It didn’t compare to an IDEX tradeshow and that’s what appealed to me personally. Tiny Treasures was just the right size to get around to all the exhibits, table and vendors, and spend a little more quality time talking to other artists and networking for the future. In the coming years it would be great to see more diversity in vendors and suppliers as well as a larger draw for collectors. There was a nice contingent of IRDA members in St. Louis. I had a ball meeting ladies who I chat with daily on the internet, but never met face to face. IRDA co-hosted the now-traditional Baby Shower again and we really had a lot of fun. ABC’s 20/20 came and filmed at the shower too! I was amazed at the quality of the entries for the reborn competition. You just had to be there to appreciate the amount of quality artistry that was represented. They were all so creatively posed. Another thing I enjoyed was the Banquet and seeing the expressions on the winner’s faces as their names were announced. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to take more photos of the Awards presentation. Susan Fitzgerald, Diane Dwyer and Bobbi Scott handled it with typical aplomb, and seemed to be having as much fun at it as the rest of us. The classes seemed to be fairly well attended, considering the number of convention attendees. I was honored to have Elly Knoops and Donna RuBert attending my Painting with Genesis class. All in all, I think the first Tiny Treasures event was a success. I hope it will continue. ~Stephanie Sullivan, Pres. IRDA HunnyBuns Nursery/SSStudio OOAK Dolls

I enjoyed the show and can see it growing so much just like the art of reborning. I am proud to see how reborning has grown and I’m proud that I have been in so many parts of it: reborning, assisting in forum classes and live classes, maunufacturing kits and even as a collector. I have watched reborning become a true work of art. The Tiny Treasures show helps display so many levels of the art and of doll collecting in general. I hope it grows and becomes a source for reborners to learn together and enjoy the company of others in the same industry. ~Danesa Steele

The Tiny Treasures show was an absolute blast from start to finish. It was so nice to have a show dedicated to baby dolls and reborning. I very much look forward to attending next year. The IRDA baby shower brunch was an experience I am happy I did not miss. It was hosted by the IRDA president Stephanie Sullivan and Diana Mosquera. The group was small and intimate, I believe about 24 or 25 attendees, all of us busy chatting away about our favorite pass time...reborning. To our surprise we had some visitors from ABC 20/20 show who were filming for an upcoming show. The food was delicious, but the best part was the cake. I’ve got to tell you I still dream of that cake! It was a scrumptious confection of cake and cream filling that was heaven sent. Diana Mosquera did a great job on the party favors, decorations & games. Each person attending received a nice gift bag filled with goodies and also some very nice prizes were awarded to winners of the shower games. Thank you IRDA and IDEX for a wonderful brunch and baby shower. ~Louetta (Louie) Huddleson


Creating Amazing Skin Tones Babies, like adults, are born in a wide range of skin colors. Some Caucasian infants also have the added feature of mottled, rashy or blotchy skin tones. Sometimes in a ruddy color, sometimes in a brighter red. This color also varies depending upon the age of the infant. For example, older babies sometimes have a more even “peaches and cream� complexion, while newborns are often flushed, with mottled skin and more blue undertones. The key to achieving ultra realistic tones is to applying thin, translucent multiple layers of paint, and applying texture.

Genesis Paints for Skin Tones Genesis Red Pyrrole Red 05 Dioxazine Purple 04 Sap Green Burnt Umber Flesh 07 Flesh 08 Glazing Gel / Blending Gel

Quinacridone Crimson 01 Pyrrole Red 02 Ultramarine Blue Yellow Ochre Flesh 04 Flesh 05 Titanium White Odourless Paint Thinner

Texture can be applied in several methods, using a variety of tools: cosmetic sponge, cellulose (kitchen) sponge, seasponge, mop brush, stencil brush, berry maker, and any other tool which will transfer or leave behind a pattern.

It is best to experiment with each to see the results they give you. Colour can be pounced into the vinyl by applying colour directly to the brush or sponge and pouncing lightly onto the doll. Or alternatively, colour can be removed by applying a liberal amount of thinned paint to the surface of the vinyl and then using your selected tool dry and free from paint to pounce, removing paint form the vinyl and leaving behind a subtle textured pattern. To thin your paint add small amounts of odourless thinner to create an inky consistency.


The paint blend should be thin, but thick enough that it will still hold the brush or sponged texture.

Working with layers of colour, select 3 Genesis flesh tones, a light medium and dark value for your doll. Each colour will be applied and heat set before moving onto the next layer. Begin with your lightest flesh value, you could even add some white into it to create a lighter base colour and work with four layers of flesh colors. Dip your large flat rush into the odourless thinner and create a small puddle on your glass, blending palette. Apply this colour liberally to the vinyl surface, or to your sponge surface, using the texturing technique you have chosen. Heat set this layer and then ove onto the next colour. Two key factors to working in layers is to keep the colors translucent and not to completely over up the previous layer. The colors will overlap, but not completely cover one another. So layer one covers 100% of the vinyl surface, then layer 2 will only cover 80%, and so on. This way, you will create the subtle illusion of multi-tones present in newborn skin. Once you have applied your flesh tones, you can then go onto add small amounts of blush tones (such as Pyrol Red 05 for newborns), Then yellow ochre, and even a very scant amount of thinned sap green‌.yes, you heard correctly, I said green! Try it on a test piece, just a hint can be extremely effective and lifelike, but too much will turn your baby into an alien very quickly! Experiment, and don’t be afraid of your paints, just always bear in mind that a little goes a very long way when using Genesis paints!


Once you have layers of texture using all of your chosen colors, you can then go on to add detailing such as veining, creating tiny capillaries, adding stork bites or milk bumps, whatever you desire.

Remember the golden rule, many of the detail steps are optional and when you find yourself at a place where you are very happy with the look of your doll then it is the perfect place to stop and call your masterpiece complete. For more tips and techniques on painting amazing skin tones you can review the book Beautiful Babies 2: Advanced Techniques in Reborning.

Michele Barrow-BĂŠlisle MBB Creative Doll Design


Take a Class! New reborning and sculpting classes are popping up every day, and it’s a great opportunity to learn new skills and make new friends! MacPherson Arts & Crafts in St. Marys, Ontario, Canada offers classes for artists of all skill levels. Many great artists have taught or attended classes at MacPhersons, and they are always a blast! Check craft stores in your area for classes that you could participate in!

Ad creation services are also available for both print and web ads. All ads appearing here are sample ads (smaller than actual size) that were created by Lifelike Dolls.


Sculpting Competition

...Choose your favorite!

Lifelike Dolls Magazine and Reborn Australia have teamed up to hold a sculpting competition and give one lucky reader the opportunity to become known worldwide. Reborn Australia started out as an online store that stocked reborn supplies and they have now branched off into the production side to bring you Reborn Australia Kits. Reborn Australia takes orders for kits when they are ready to ship so there are no long waiting periods and no upset customers. Their goal is to be the production company of choice. They do not tie artists down with restricting contracts since they believe that the artists will have such a positive experience that they will always return to them as the first choice anyway. The lucky winner will get his/her sculpt produced into vinyl kit form and he/she will receive $500 AU cash upfront, royalties plus get a prototype to reborn!

The Finalists... Baby #1

Baby #2

Baby #3

Baby #4


Baby #5

Baby #6

Baby #7

Help decide the winner...

To place your vote for your favorite sculpt all you need to do is visit our website at (one vote per person). The poll will be open until midnight EST September 20, 2008 The winner will be announced in the Nov/Dec issue of Lifelike Dolls.

Are you reading this? This space could be yours! Advertise your business with us.


Tiny Treasures St. Louis ...Babies, Babies Everywhere!

Nanny’s Nursery Elly Knoops Exclusive Dolls Diana Effner Porcelain Dolls, Inc.

The Sandbox Toonies Bonnie Chyle with The Doll Maker & Friends


Brook D. Cunningham Dolls Inc.

Elly Knoops with her newest sculpt 18

Sheila Michael Dolls

Two of many entries for contests

Angels Touch Nursery

Arnold Babies Shopping at Irresistables

Innocent Faces Brenda J. Smith Love is Forever Nursery

Angela Kassis shares her work with us

OOAK contest entry by Sharon Robinson

Angela Mueller with her winning reborn Adeline Ashton Drake


Sculpting 101: From Clay to Creation

Part 3 By Tina Kewy

We have now come to a point we are going to give our baby her actual looks. You must understand, things that at first glance might seem unrelated to the looks do play a part on how your baby will look like at the end. We must remember that everything comes together in harmony and that you are not building just a cute face, but a whole head and this includes the back and the sides and even the neck. Everything counts and plays a part so at this time I will start building the skull because it throws off my perspective. We will start by rolling out a piece of clay, a little less than an inch thick and add it to the back of our head. If you have done a bit of homework, you know by now that a baby’s face sits low in the skull and we need to build bulk at the back of the skull at this time, so I am placing my clay at the top back of the head as shown in the picture. Study this position for a moment before you add yours. I have blended in and smooth the piece I just added. Note we still need to add a lot more clay to build the appropriate bulk for our sculpt but this bit will correct our perspective as we work on the face for now so it’s enough for the time being.

Now we need to add some bulk on the sides too. Roll out an oval wedge piece of clay and add it to the side as shown in the pictures, just above the orbital bone. It should wrap around the skull.

I have now blended and smoothed my clay. Compare this picture to the last picture from last time. I haven’t touched the face yet, but doesn’t it already look more human, just by adding *around* the face?

We are now ready to actually shape the face of the baby to the final look. Now is the time to consult those reference pictures, and now is also the part when your creation will veer off mine and our results will differ because I can’t tell you how your baby will *look*. This depends totally on you. If you have so far followed my directions, you have a pretty solid base on which to build on. So take a deep breath in and here we go.


My baby looked a little like an old man, so here are the bits I need to add to make her look like a baby once more. These are the parts that are missing most of the time when your baby looks more like an old man rather than a baby. Remember I am working clockwise but that’s just my way. You could have done both sides by now at least until now.

Also, we are at a stage that you can change a lot of things to get the look you want. For instance I do not like the chin on this baby and the distance between the top lip and the nose is a little too big for my tastes. So after blending in and smoothing, I am starting to work on the chin/lower lip to get the look I have in mind (which is a full lipped baby).

Big difference! I have now reworked the nostrils a little bit, and started adding bulk to the right side of the face. In order to fix the chin/lip problem, I needed to remove the bottom lip completely.

Don’t forget to check your progress for the sides as well. Remember some things like cheek mass might be lacking from the side and not the front.

In order to get “my look�, the full lips, I need to add the lower lip in two pieces as shown here. Have another check from the side to see how it looks so far.

Blended and smoothed, the lips are almost complete.

I need to add the sucking blister and work on the double chin a little bit.

At this time I have also added almost all the bulk I need to the right side of the face including the skull bulk (not shown in pics). Basically all the right side is now missing is the eye and some refined cheek mass to match the left side. Here is how the baby looks right now with her left side totally finished.

When we next return, we will finish the entire head by doing the building of the skull, ears, neck and hair and we will bake our cutie! Until next time, keep practicing!! Dolly Hugs Tina


Tiny Treasures St. Louis And the winners are... 1st Tiny Treasures Best Baby Competition Winners Honorable Mention, Presentation: Daniel, by Donna Melnuk; sculpted by Maribel Villanova

Small Edition by an Individual or Company: Roberta, sculpted by Fiorenza Biancheri; manufactured by Reborn Doll Kits Large Edition by an Individual or Company: Holly, sculpted by Rotraut Schrott; manufactured by Reborn Doll Kits OOAK by an Individual: Miya, sculpted by Emily Jameson Most Beautiful Baby Doll, People’s Choice: Miya, sculpted by Emily Jameson

Best Reborn Doll of the Year: People’s Choice – Tiny Treasures attendees voted for their favorite.

Winner: Lilah, by Patricia Jarrard; sculpted by Sheila Michael for Doll Dreams

3rd Annual Reborn Competition Main Categories (including descriptions)

Additional Categories (including descriptions)

Best Presentation: Judges picked the best overall reborn doll of the year (including presentation)... the total package!

Best Overall Color Application: How realistic the colour is all over the baby.

Winner, Presentation: Liza, by Jacalyn Cassidy; sculpted by Tina Kewy for Simply Reborn Dolls 22

Winner: Adeline, by Angela Mueller; sculpted by Tammie Yarie

Best Rooting: How well the hair is attached and styled, and how realistically it is done.

Most Realistic - From weight to proportion, fingernails, eyes, rooting, etc. Most lifelike baby.

Winner, Rooting: Danielle, by Laurie Sanchez; sculpted by Mylene Swertz for Simply Reborn Dolls

Winner: Adeline, by Angela Mueller; sculpted by Tammie Yarie

Honorable Mention, Rooting: Lilah, by Rachelle Ferrell; sculpted by Sheila Michael for Doll Dreams

Above: Jacalyn Cassidy, Cindy Kolscheen and Laurie Sanchez Left: Reborn Artist Angela Mueller Right: Sculptor Emily Jameson


The G 24



Portrait Dolls Anneke Doeven Netherlands

As a child, Anneke loved to make little dolls from fabric, paper mache or whatever was available. Her first clay sculpt was created twenty years ago and was the likeness of an elderly lady. Soon after that creation, she visited a doll show and was impressed by the baby sculpts. She wanted to learn to make them, but with no sculpting classes available, she was left to teach herself. Years later, she took lessons from another Dutch doll maker, Gerda Ter Veer. Anneke was once a theatre nurse, but her passion for dolls took over and she left a twenty-five year job in the hospital to become a full time doll maker. With her husband’s support, she created her own business, Artpop, which is now six years old. Anneke finds her inspiration by looking at pictures of babies and by studying real babies. She is also very inspired by the work of Catharina Theunissen. Anneke learned about reborning a few years ago and enjoys that art, but her first love will always be sculpting. She has just recently started creating portrait babies and hopes to continue with this new challenge. Her two portrait dolls, Natasja and Robbin are both cernit reproductions of real life people. Created by examining a single photograph of each one, the real life versions of these babies are now in adulthood. The portrait dolls are created with a jointed cloth body, weighted with poly pellets and the hair is hand rooted. Anneke takes great care in producing her portrait dolls and all custom orders. She will not accept payment until both she and the buyer are satisfied with the finished result. You can view more of Anneke’s work by visiting her website at What is a OOAK lifelike sculpt? OOAK stands for “one of a kind” and is used to describe an artist creation that has not been reproduced. Sculptors use various mediums such as clay or cloth to create realistic sculpts of infants, animals, fantasy dolls, fashion dolls, celebrities and so much more! These imitations of life are true works of art to be passed from generation to generation.


Gallery Credits

1 13



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1. Stacey Haskins - Haskin’s Heavenly Babies 2. Lisa Beeler - Precious Newborns 3. Stacey Haskins - Haskins Heavenly Babies 4. Angela Winfree - Cotton Babies Nursery 5. Lynda Sprake - Bellers Babies 4 U 6. Bonnie Dubil 7. Kimberly Craig - Special Little Bundles


4 5 7

8. Sheri McDonald - Wee Wrap Babies 9. Ruth Seyffert - Blessed Baby Creations 10. Amanda Choo - Amanda’s Peek-a-boo Nursery 11. Leighanne Harvey - Wee Bairns 12. SueAnn Lommler - Sue Ann Studios 13. Lillb’ees Reborn Baby Nursery



doll artists ourselves, we understand the importance of properly presenting a doll to the public, especially when trying to make a sale. So, we put the call out to artists and collectors to hear what everyone had to say about posing and photographing your dolls, and how to best display them in an auction. We received some suggestions we expected, and some new ones too! Read on to hear what the doll community is saying about displaying your dolls.

Say Cheese!!!

Tips For Posing & Photographing Your Dolls DO


Take photos in natural light

Use a flash while taking pictures

Take pictures of the hands, feet and rooting

Clutter the photo with too many props or background items

Take pictures of the doll unclothed

Take lots of pictures with a pacifier in the mouth or hands over the face

Take pictures of the baby’s face straight on

Take pictures “up the nose”

Take close up pictures using a macro setting

Take far away pictures

Crop your photos to remove background items

Edit your photos to change the true appearance of the doll

Pose the doll realistically, doing things that a real baby Pose a sleeping baby taking part in “awake” activities would do like sitting upright or playing with his feet Pose the baby to appear cuddly and comfortable, using Pose the doll on a hard flat surface props such as blankets and stuffed toys Show the baby with both wet and dry hair

Take pictures of the doll upside down

Take several shots of each pose, to ensure you get at least one usable picture Use a tripod for steady photos COMMENTS ABOUT POSING & PHOTOGRAPHING YOUR DOLLS To make nice pictures, I love to use my light tent; it makes all the difference in the world! ~ Rene-Lauren Schwarz The prospective of a photograph is really important, you can shoot a doll at such a weird angle, that the whole face looks deformed, try to never do “Up the nose shots” as they are never flattering. I like to include a mixture of close up shots, full face shots and full body shots. Including photographs where the top of the head, or a foot is “cut off” is a definite no-no. With Sculpts, it is extremely important to include shots such as a full front face shot and an eye level profile shot. ~Ruth Annette, Precious~Dreams


Photos should be light enough to make out the details, and close-ups are a must. I wish that the artists would do “nude” photos of the baby so that we could see what kind of shoulders and hips the baby has. I have gotten some that have no shoulders at all! I hate BUSY photos. Where you can’t tell what is part of the baby and what isn’t. Too many props can be confusing. Photos should look as close to what a real baby would look like as possible. ~Linda Butler I think the best photos are the ones that look the most natural. That’s why when I pose my dolls, I think of how I would want my own children to look in the pose. You want your pictures to look like the beautiful portraits of children you might see in a paediatrician’s office, or in a fine department store in the mall. I always use natural daylight as well. I shoot lots of different styles and poses, and it’s OK to use props as well. Just don’t let your props take over the picture! Remember, your main focus should be your doll. Keep it simple when photographing infants. Solid backgrounds are best. Busy backgrounds are distracting and take away from your beautiful baby. ~Stacey Haskins, Haskins Heavenly Babies I love big “close-up” pictures of the featured baby, and head to toe shots--lots of them!!! BUT, I need for them to be facing me (rather than upside down, as I keep looking for a front “forward” shot of the face)! ~Dian (in VA) I love to see a baby posed looking like a baby, in hats, under blankets, etc., however, I also want to see the baby out of its cute clothes. I want to see the head, the whole thing, up close and far away. I really would like to see the baby completely unclothed before I send you a big chunk of change. ~Brenda When taking photographs, the lighting has to be right, daylight is best. Also apertures have to be set, and background is important. I like to pose my dolls so all details are visual. I also do close-ups for a more enhanced view. ~ Elly Kavanagh, The Fairy Glade Nursery Photos should be large, clear and close-up. They should not be fuzzy, out of focus, dark, off color or manipulated. The photo collection should include close-up views of the hair, the face, the hands and the feet so that you, the buyer, can see all details. The baby should look “real” and should be photographed in natural positions. Most babies, and in particular sleeping babies, can’t and don’t sit up. ~Patty Jarrard


Going once...Going twice...Gone! Creating Dynamic Auctions DO


Include the sculptor’s name and the kit name

Include music, floaties or animations

Include large, clear pictures in a variety of poses

Use pictures that you did not take

Use a template

Take credit for work that is not your own

Be honest and show any flaws or mistakes

Try to hide your mistakes

Give a brief or bulleted list of the vital details, in lieu of, or along with, the long description

Use dark or blurry pictures

Provide pictures of the rooting, hands, feet and unclothed doll

Show multiple copies of the same picture

Proofread your auction for spelling and grammar mistakes Have an About Me page Include terms of sale such as return policy and shipping charges

COMMENTS ABOUT AUCTIONS Just give the facts and a little about the artist. The baby should be able to sell itself in the pictures. I just want the relevant information and lots of pictures to look at. ~Brenda I like to see a beautifully laid out auction, pretty template and well laid out photos. I’m not keen on any auctions that use EBay’s standard selling format, the pictures are too small and it isn’t very professional. I don’t like music, it really does slow everything down and I am quick to move on to the next babe. I like to see nice, clear photographs with close ups too. I often think that if it is good rooting, then the seller will want to show it off, so any dolls that have hats on for every photo or a headband then in my opinion they are trying to hide it. ~Angela Thomas


One of my biggest turn-offs is music on the auction, because then I either have to turn DOWN my computer speakers, try to ignore it, OR just pop right back OUT of the auction without viewing it entirely. ~Dian (in VA) To make your auction stand out, start with a good title. You also need a fresh template with easy to read writing and a selection of good photographs. The auction must be interesting and make a customer want to scroll down the page. I run Simply Reborn Online Classes, and we are always expressing to our members, be honest! If your doll is micro-rooted, tell the customer that it is micro-rooted and back it up with photographs. If it is not micro-rooted, then let the customer know it is hand rooting and again take clear shots of the head. If you made a mistake whilst drilling the nose, then say the doll has a boo boo. Do not claim your home is smoke and pet free if you smoke and have half a zoo in your home. These things are so important for a customer, and will be the basis of your reputation. ~Ruth Annette, Precious~Dreams I leave an auction in a heartbeat if it’s taking forever to load. I just don’t have the time. If the pictures are fuzzy I usually don’t waste my time either. Nice clear, sharp pictures are most helpful. I like to see the entire baby. I don’t like to see only poses where the doll is completely covered up, wrapped in blankets or sleepers as a real baby is because I want to see what I may be buying. I always assume others will as well. I am not fond of music in the auctions either as some is ok some of the music is just a distraction. For some folks it takes forever to load too. ~Sandra Catoe, Heaven’s Rosebuds Nursery The moment I hear music, I exit the auction, mainly because it usually jams and freezes for ages. I collect as well as produce my Reborns and OOAK’s, and for me a reserve is extremely off putting because I will not allow myself to get attached to that doll, not knowing if it is really in my price range. I don’t usually bother to bid if I see a reserve, especially a high starting bid and reserve, that tells me that either that Artist has no faith in their work, or they are not in this for the love of it, but just want the high prices. ~Ruth Annette, Precious~Dreams When I see an auction with fuzzy or blurred pictures, or all text is crammed in a single sentence, I lose interest, as I can’t judge what to expect. Some auctions don’t even give details on important information like what paint was used etc. This is a no-no for me and I will leave the auction without looking further. ~Elly Kavanagh, The Fairy Glade Nursery I hate to have to scroll side to side to see all the text/ check your HTML settings. ~Dennise Music, “floaties” and grammar errors will make me leave an auction. If the artist can’t take the time to make those corrections, then how much time did she take to make sure the doll was her best work possible? ~Kay



Posing For Pleasure by Janice Fricker Blair

1. I put on some music that I really love (perhaps Madonna’s ‘Strike a Pose’?). 2. The main thing is to have fun…this is not a time for getting too serious or the fun goes out of it. If you notice this happening, take a deep breath and relax. 3. Pose your baby with ease. Don’t be afraid to gently scrunch the soft body right in the centre of its chest pressing down on it. This gives baby a really comfortable look. Things you may need: • • • • •

A wicker laundry basket A nice regular fresh sleeping bed pillow that you’d use for your head. Place it in the bottom and have it dip in the centre. A U-shaped pillow or nursing pillow Baby blankets, crochet or knitted, a piece of medium lace is good too. Small pillows for the head, limbs, etc. They can be placed under the blankets for posing. Use as many as you like. You want to have the baby look comfortable, cute, and natural.

How: 1. Tucking small pillows under the legs will lift them, legs can be crossed a bit too if you like, or tucked up close to the belly 2. Feet can be placed with the flat part of each foot together. A big toe can be under the heel .One on top of the other. 3. Bum will be downwards at any height you like. 4. Arms can be on either side of the head, up or down at its side, close to the chest, under the chin, over the eyes, in the hair, or even cuddling a soft toy or blanket. Tuck a toy anywhere it looks snugly for your little one. 5. Scrunch the baby so that it looks at ease. Turn baby onto its sides too. 6. The head can be turned sideways, downwards or upwards. For upwards, I just gently lift the chin. For downwards, I gently press on the end of the nose so that the head kind of scrunches down into the blanket or lace. 7. The entire baby can be picked up and just switch its whole direction east or west. 8. I like to tilt the whole basket so that pictures are taken at different angles. 9. Keep the blankets gently ruffled around baby or use lace of your choice. Cozy is the look. 10. If you don’t want the baby’s bottom to be far down in the centre of the big pillow just fold and put an extra blanket or two to change the height of it in the centre dip. You can also put a small pillow or even a towel under the blanket for baby’s head at different heights. 11. Basically there is no formula. Just pose your reborn for pleasure. Of course you’ll be changing its outfits and keeping its hair brushed for different styles. Buyers like variety. 12. Just relax, take your time and enjoy yourself.


Sept 6-7, 2008 10am-5pm Advanced Reborn Doll Making taught by Michele BarrowBelisle MacPherson Arts & Crafts, 91 Queen St E, St Marys, ON Canada 1-800-238-6663,

Sept 28, 2008 10-4 P.M. Fall Splendour Doll Bear and Miniature Show and Sale RA Centre, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa ON, Canada K2C 1H8

Sept 7, 2008 10am-4pm Doll Show, Maple Leaf Doll Club Cambridge, ON Canada Sept 8, 2008 10am-5pm Creating Reborns of Colour taught by Michele BarrowBelisle MacPherson Arts & Crafts, 91 Queen St E, St Marys, ON Canada 1-800-238-6663, Sept 27, 2008 9:30am-4:30pm Beginner Reborn Doll Making taught by Cheryl Bage MacPherson Arts & Crafts, 91 Queen St E, St Marys, ON Canada 1-800-238-6663,

September 2008 Sun












6 Advanced Reborn Doll Making Class

7 -Advanced Reborn Doll Making Class -Doll Show

8 Creating Reborn’s of Colour Class



















27 Beginner Reborn Doll Making Class

28 Ottawa Show & Sale




Oct 4th, 2008 10am-5pm Sculpting OOAK Baby Doll taught by Dawn McLeod MacPherson Arts & Crafts, 91 Queen St E, St Marys, ON Canada 1-800-238-6663,

Oct 25, 2008 9:30am-4:30pm Beginner Reborn Doll Making taught by Cheryl Bage MacPherson Arts & Crafts, 91 Queen St E, St Marys, ON Canada 1-800-238-6663,

Oct 4, 2008 10am-4pm Austin Doll Collectors 33rd Annual Doll Show & Sale Travis County Exposition Center, 7311 Decker Lane, Austin, TX USA 78724 Oct 12, 2008 10am-3pm 27th Annual Doll and Bear Show and Sale Quality Inns & Suites, Exit 246, I-80 Iowa City, IA USA 52240 Oct 19, 2008 10am-4pm London Fall Doll, Teddy Bear & Miniature Show and Sale London Ukrainian Centre 247 Adelaide St. S., London, ON Canada

OOAK by Dorothy Steven

October 2008 Sun










4 -OOAK Sculpting Class -Austin TX Show & Sale








12 Iowa Doll Show & Sale







19 London Fall Show & Sale






25 Beginner Reborn Doll Making Class








Spotlight Artist Leighanne Harvey Leighanne Harvey was born and raised in Ontario, Interest in Leighanne’s work is global, and her customers Canada. She studied life sculpture and anatomy at the can be found on most of the continents. Many of her Ontario College of Art and Design in Toronto and baby sculptures are custom portraits; people send worked with artists such as Evan Penny during pictures of their babies to Leighanne for her that time. As a student, she competed in a sculpt original, lifelike replicas. refrigerated room at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in the famous Butter Sculpture Leighanne’s most recent endeavour contest and won the first place ribbon. involves the art of the Reborn Doll. She has Her work spans many forms however it created a reborn doll kit using an original, is the wee form of the human baby that hand-sculpted baby doll. The edition is captures the majority of her time, energy limited to 500 and orders are coming and enthusiasm. Her attention to detail in from around the world. Prominent brings clay to life, and provides people reborn doll artists, Claudia Maheux from around the world with babies to treasure. Quebec and Helen Jalland from the United Kingdom, have created realistic baby dolls The special features and nuances of the using newborn baby captured Leighanne’s interest over 20 years ago. She began painting faces of Leighanne’s yawning babies in oils and watercolours. As an avid kit with gardener, she moved her arts outdoors, sculpting cement tremendous success. babies and filling her gardens with chubby replicas of “Harvey” was released newborns. The popularity of the cement babies grew and in July 2008. Leighanne sold the garden sculptures and custom portraits to happy homes in Ontario. Her evolution as an artist has allowed Leighanne’s passion for babies Leighanne to mix grew stronger with the births of business with her two boys, Quinlan and Liam. pleasure. She can raise In 2005 she began sculpting her children in an environment filled with wonder and small, lifelike babies in imagination, while earning a living by doing what she polymer clay. The loves—sculpting babies. Her children have babies range crafted creative ways to remain outside in size from at the pond to find little creatures and three to six design new animal habitats. When inches, the little Quin thoughtfully suggests, eyes are made of glass, the hair is “Let’s go outside mom…you can fine mohair and the realistic details have a nice cup of tea and sit in the are completed with genesis paints. garden and sculpt a baby”, it’s an offer Her grandmother, Francis Petts (or GiGi that Leighanne just can’t refuse. as she is known by her great-grandchildren and e-bay customers) hand crochets or knits all the perfect little outfits worn by Leighanne’s creations. e-bay ID: wee-bairns 36

New to Reborning? Follow these Basic Steps to Create Your First Doll Step 1: Wash the doll kit using a gentle soap, and rinse thoroughly. Pat it dry and ensure it is completely dry before proceeding. Step 2: Give your doll a base flesh coat. Depending on the paint you are using, you will either need to bake the doll or allow the paint to dry. For the purpose of this guide, we will say “bake”. Step 3: Apply veins. Bake. Step 4: Paint the creases, and add your crease colour to the nostrils and lips. Bake. Step 5: Apply blushing to the cheeks, nose, lips, hands, feet, knees and elbows. Bake. Step 6: Make any necessary colour adjustments using your colour wheel. Bake. Step 7: Paint eyebrows, finger and toe nails. Bake.

Step 8: Paint tips on the finger and toe nails. Bake. Step 9: Root hair, and eyelashes if it is a closed eye doll. When finished, spread glue to the inside of the head to seal the hair. Allow to dry. Step 10: Give your doll a haircut. Spray a little leave-in conditioner in the hair and gently style it. Step 11: Insert eyes and glue eyelashes on open eye dolls. Step 12: Weight your doll with the weighting medium of your choice. Step 13: Attach head and limbs to body with cable ties. Step 14: Dress your baby, and don’t forget the diaper! For more detailed instructions, and for advanced reborning techniques, see this and other issues of Lifelike Dolls!



Ask the Jeannine Holper

Ask the Reborner...

Q. Hello. I am still trying to learn the whole reborning process. It has been something I have enjoyed doing. I have made and sold 9 babies so far, but I see other dolls on ebay that just look amazing. They have the mottled skin tone. It looks very realistic. I have searched the internet and found some are using a tool called the berry maker tool. Are you familiar with this technique? If so how do you achieve this skin tone? Thanks Ronda A. Yes, the berry tool has been used by many Reborn Artists. I have seen some fantastic results from reborn artists that have used this tool set. A few reborn artists will use the berry maker tools as they come in the package with the rounded tip; others will slice off the tip and use it with a blunt edge. If you use all four sizes of the berry tool, you will obtain some variation in the size of the mottled effect; however I just find them just too perfect for my reborning work. Using the berry maker tool, I recommend thinned out paints to provide you the best textured effect. The same is true for household and sea sponges. However I like the sponges better, as they create more variations in the skin texture than the round only part of the berry tool. Remember to remove any excess paint from your sponges and tools prior to the application of the color onto the vinyl of the doll parts. If you apply multiple layers using the sponges with less paint, the results will show great skin pigmentation. Q. Hi Everyone. I have been practicing on my daughter’s dolls, much to her dismay, and have started my first proper baby, a huti

kit I inherited that was part reborn and had to be sorted out and started again. The problem I have is with rooting. I really enjoy it, i just love doing the rooting and I have finally got beyond the plugs!!! But I never know when to stop and end up with a full head of hair each time! I don’t seem to know when to stop when I am trying to do a wispy newborn look. I know babies can be born with a full head, but new adoptive parents seem to prefer the wispy look so how do I curtail myself? Cheers everyone, Sarah A. I hear what you are saying… Sometimes I can do the opposite and create a head that is too wispy and it will initially look like an old man (LOL); then I evaluate the situation and have to add in more mohair/hair. One of the things you can do is find a picture of a reborn with the wispy hair you like and print out a close-up of the head. Keep that picture with you when you are rooting in your doll’s hair. That will help to remind you not to root in too much hair. Another item to consider, is when you are done with your hand rooting activity, if the hair looks too thick, you can always pull the hairs back out to create a more sparse look. This option is available to you until you glue in the hair from inside the head. If that has already been done, then there is the alternative to use your thinning shears around the doll’s head. If you use this option, try to snip at various angles, so that your thinned out sections are not straight, which will help the cut to look more natural. About the Author: Jeannine Holper is the founder of Excellence in Reborn Artistry™ reborn mentoring club and is a Reborn Dolls Workshop Instructor. She most recently has received the honor of being the International Doll and Art Emporium’s Featured Master Artist for the month of June. She has authored of over 25 books on reborn artistry techniques and soft body patterns for reborns and doll kits. To browse some of her available books and movies, please visit her bookstore at WWW.LULU. COM/JEANNINE Want to Ask the Artist a question? It’s super easy to submit your reborning, newborning, or doll emergency room procedure question; Just an eMail to and include Q&A in the subject line; when submitting a companion picture, please make sure it is of high resolution. Who knows, maybe your question just might be selected to appear in the next issue. Enjoy!


Artist... Tina Kewy

Ask the Sculptor...

Q. Can I mix different kinds of polymer clay together? A. Yes! From experience most polymer clays, either plastic based or glass based, blend well together for a durable result. Q. What does “baked into the clay hair” means and what does “hand applied hair” mean? A. “Baked into the clay” means the artist embedded the hair into the clay while it was still raw and then baked the piece. This makes the hair look as if it is growing right from the skull. “Hand applied” usually means glue was used, after the piece was cured. Q. I love polymer clay babies but I am afraid to sell the ones I make because they might break. A. When you sell a polymer clay doll you have to remind your buyers that these are *display* pieces. They are not meant to be played with or touched too much. Changing their clothes once in a while or giving them the occasional cuddle is ok, but these are expensive handmade dolls that should normally be kept behind glass. If you come up with a service plan for your customers,

maybe you will feel better about selling your dolls but be sure you make your plan fair, like do the work for free if it’s a small repair but charge for shipping back to the customer. Q. Can I re-sculpt something I have already baked? A. Yes, and no. You never have more control over the clay than when it is still raw, remember that. If you have to, you can removed bits of baked clay and add bits of raw clay, blend/ smooth really well and re-bake. We will be doing some repair work on already baked pieces later on in my tutorial, so stay tuned for that. Tina Kewy has been sculpting in clay since she was 7 years old. She has tried her hand on all sizes from less than 2 inches to full size 35”toddlers but she is mostly known for her realistic newborns and premature sculptures. Tina has been teaching sculpting and anatomy for the past 10 years all over Europe and has had her sculptures reproduced in many mediums by many companies worldwide. Her premature sculptures have a prominent home in many hospitals all over the globe through the “Bonding” program. She lives in Greece with her husband and twin boys.

Sculpting Contest Michelle Bunnell with would like to invite all OOAK baby sculptors to participate in the “3rd SCULPTING CONTEST !!!”

sculpted by the talented artists: Gerda Van Keulen and Lorna Ours.

Grand Prize Winner receives: - $500.00 Cash - Their sculpt produced into 350 limited edition True2Life © Silicon-Vinyl doll kits - $5.00 per doll kit sold - Plus 3 free doll kits - An artist showcase page on OOAKREBORNBABY.COM

This contest is for EVERYONE! Whether you’ve been sculpting for several years or just beginning, a well-known sculptor or still establishing yourself, YOU are welcome to participate in this contest.

Due to the overwhelming success and response from our previous sculpting contests, we are excited to offer this opportunity to aspiring sculptors once again. You may view our previous sculpting contest winners “Max” and “Katelyn” on the vinyl kits page at WWW.OOAKREBORNBABY.COM

• • •

All submissions must be between 18 to 28 inches. Newborn-toToddler. All submissions must be an original sculpt including: -Head -3/4 to full length Arms and Legs Sculptors are able to submit up to 4 different Heads per set of Limbs. NO submissions with paint or hair will be accepted. All entries must be baked and sanded to qualify. The top 3 sculpts will be chosen by an Internet poll. Then a panel of 5 judges will decide the winner. Deadline for submissions is Midnight January 1st, 2009.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: MichelleBunnell@ ***ALL SCULPTORS MUST NOT BE CURRENTLY UNDER CONTRACT TO BE ELIGIBLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONTEST***


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Little Seahorse Nursery

Lifelike Dolls has it all! • • • • • • •

Featured artists & collectors Informative articles Tutorials Event listings Free patterns Contest listings And so much more…

ISSN 1916-3290 Lifelike Dolls $9.95 CAD

November/December 2008 Vol. 1 Issue 5

The Nov/Dec issue is packed with information! NORTH AMERICA’S PREMIERE REBORNING & SCULPTING MAGAZINE

Those Gorgeous Locks:

Giving your Doll Hair

Doll Shows:

How to get the most from them

Dress for success:

Couture for babies of all sizes

Santa Sculpts

The Amazing Artistry of

Stephanie Sullivan


• • • • •

Featuring Reborn Artist and Sculptor Stephanie Sullivan Those gorgeous locks - Giving your doll hair Doll Shows - Making the most for your buck Dress for success - Couture for babies of all sizes Sculpting a miniature baby: Continuing the sculpting tutorial with Tina Kewy


Collector – Linda Butler I am 64 and still remember the doll I got for Christmas and two of mine are now living at the Hospice where Mom when I was 9. My brother had been born in May and so I passed away. The residents there love these babies and got a baby doll and all of his baby clothes. And then the take good care of them. So now it is just me, Patches the next year there was my Terri Lee doll. She was another kitty, and the babies. favorite. As I grew older my dolls were packed away. I My collection has grown by leaps and bounds since I no don’t know what happened to those dolls, sad to say. There longer have Mom to take care of and she left me a “baby were no Barbies or Bratz back in the 50’s! In the 80’s there fund”. The first one I got after Mom passed was Maddie was Cabbage Patch Kids. I was an adult with kids of my Jo. It is funny how whenever I would type an email to own but since they said these were collector items I thought Linda about the progress on Mom’s Maggie I would typo I could get away with having one. So I had (and still have) “Maddie”. When I decided to search for a baby who was a New ‘Ears Baby. I even had a crib for her and took her to born on the day Mom passed, imagine my surprise when Kinderphoto for portraits! But in time the crib was given to the doll was Gutzwiller’s Madeline done by Jamie Atwood a new grandbaby and doll was packed away. of Little Pebble and her name was Maddy! So I had to have In 2006 my Mom got Ashton Drake’s Emily and she got me her! into collecting Ashton Drake So Truly Real Dolls. I had the Baby Grace and the blond Picture Perfect Baby. That Christmas she said she wanted to buy me a doll for Christmas. By then I had discovered the magic world of As my collection grew I needed to make more space and so reborns and so I suggested we look on Ebay. And that was instead of selling off my babies I adopted them out to friends the opening of Pandora’s box! We ended up with two for and family. My girlfriend, Sue has a baby. I had Shayla and Mom and one for me. My first reborn was Merri Jo by Trinity by Cathy Rowland of Creative Impressions. Trinity Joyce Wilbanks of Kustom Kraft Kids. When I got home now lives with my niece Diana in So. California, along I got her little brother Niklas also by Joyce. And I was with my first prototype, Patsy by Ida Gonzalez of Precious hooked. Babies. My sister in law has not only Mom’s favorite, When I moved my Mom, 82, up here in May of 2007 she Amy, but also my Hannah by Claudette Davis of My Bit had 4 babies. She loved those babies and tended to them of Heaven and Bradyn by Michele Wilson of Silver Cloud. every day. By then I had 10 of them and had met this very And my Candice now lives in So. California with another special artist named Linda Hopkins of Sissy’s Nursery friend, Fatima. These babies are truly as loved there as through the purchase of my Kiera. Although we had never they were with me or I wouldn’t have let them go. met, we became very close. She was so good to my Mom. What started as just a group of babies soon became a She always sent her a hug in emails. She wanted to make a COLLECTION. I set dreams and goals for completing it. I baby for Mom for Christmas but Mom got so bad that she wanted a baby by Helen Jalland of decided to go into hospice and stop all of her meds. Linda finished that baby through a thousand tears. One of the last things Mom saw here on earth was her Maggie. The baby that Linda made for her got there just in time. Mom is gone now. She passed on Dec. 1, 2007. Her favorite baby, Amy, now lives with my brother Dave and his wife Kathy. Maggie now lives with Mom’s visiting nurse, Sharon Bush, who takes her along to see all of her patients. Sharon also has my Lillian. The other two of Mom’s babies 41

Tinkerbell and one from Carine of Belgium. And I wanted a prototype. And I wanted some ethnic babies. And I wanted them to all be special. I am very particular about my babies. Each one is a work of art. I realistically knew that I couldn’t have it all. But God has truly blessed me with every one of my hopes and dreams. I have Alana by Tinkerbell Nursery and Nina by Carine of Belgium. I have Noelani, my Hawaiian girl by Falicia Sherbon of Lilbitts, Kiera, my little Italian baby by Linda Hopkins of Sissy’s (she also did six others for me), and Autumn and Summer my two AA sisters. Autumn is by Jennifer Schlisser of Prairie Patch (she also did my Brynn) and her little sister Summer is by Debbie Henshaw of They Never Grow Up. Debbie is the only creator of any of my babies that I have gotten to meet in person so far. I still dream of meeting Linda someday. My little Ryan by Stephanie Sullivan of HunnyBuns won the 2007 Doll Reader Magazine Best Full Vinyl Body award at the IDEX Show in Las Vegas. And I am the proud Mommy of two of Claire Taylor’s #1 prototypes. Grace was done by Mary Rubio of Adorable Bebe and Cheri was done by Deanna Flynn of Deanna’s Reborns. I also got the bonus of my chubby Eddie, one of the two Harvey prototypes by Leigh Harvey. Mine was done by Claudia Maheux of Flutterbies and Scutterbotch. When I am looking for a baby I wait for them to tug at my


heartstrings. Like my little Wren by Debra Wilson of Debbie’s Daydreams. She has this little tongue sticking out just like my granddaughter, Caitlin had when she was born. Faith by Sherry Albi of Forever Wee Ones was just so tiny and sweet. And my little Krytr (pronounced critter) by Melanie Dixon of Mel’s Little Angels is all tough guy! He has this attitude that shows in his face. Mary Sue by Karen Larabee of Lil Sweethearts had me with her eyes and Lillie Mae by Kim Noble of Tiny Toes had me with her smile. I look for the unique features. They have to have part of the artist’s heart and soul in them too. I have a lot of fun with my babies. I have a stroller, car seat and pram to carry my babies in. I take them shopping at the local baby consignment shops. Some people think I am a bit over the edge into the deep end about my babies. These little reborn angels are all over my house. They are not piled up or stored on shelves. Each one has the space of a baby in this home. I have cribs, bassinets, cradles, high chairs, bouncy seats, baby baskets and a little rocking chair. They greet me as I enter just about every room except the bathrooms. Hey, I like my privacy! One thing I have learned about collecting reborns….never say “This is the last one.”! You will eat your words. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to see what is listed on eBaby right now…….

septoct Sheri McDonald

Just For Fun!


l i f l puzzle a y Sept/Oct g n i i o el l g p dg c o ii n o cg b a sc n m k hb r e am d r pr b w ed r r rrb p c hp a y a p l wp b s cb

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auction bassinette contest cradle bassinette foil genesis cradle kit layette genesis mohair mottling polyfil polymer layette props realism mottling silicone template polymer tiny treasures toddler

air yfil ps icone y treasures

realism template toddler


pSheri u eMcDonald f o c b t c e i c p o s i n g o m e n p i p n p xo pe ut e cf eo cl bl t oc cl t e i c p o s i n g e st oe mi e ln up ip pl n ip ro st xe en t ec he ly lo o tc ge ue sr ey i ol mu pa la i cr ec et st et n ee ch yl om t ug np t u r y o m a a c e i en eo tr t me sc li ml u an el gi es oe r am ns is ll a te sr tl gy sa e ia mn sl la t is ie er tt ys a ii om ll as i li se ube uec ctu us uui ppo ele gsg nl ngs gpk um us sr r mm oo hh aa i ir rc ci cc ce e nn ii ll rr i ia ah at at ts s oo tt ll tt e en na tp tt to o dd dd ll ee r rn na blanket doe suede blanket glass eyes doe suede macro glass ooak eyes posing macro sculpt ooak texture posing tutorial

sculpt texture tutorial

l e o e c p i l r e e k p c h a a

Dolly Days On a few occasions, I have had the pleasure of getting together with a group of women who share my love of dolls. We brought our dolls for “show and tell”, some doll making needs to trade or share and we enjoyed a meal and each other’s company. In my opinion, this is the best part of being a doll artist!

Do you have Dolly Days or get-togethers with your doll friends? We want to hear about it! Share your stories and your pictures, and you might see them in a future issue of Lifelike Dolls!

collect eyebrows collect hairline eyebrows mini hairline photography preemie mini July/August 2008 Issue shaper photography Sheri McDonald timberlin Answer to July/Aug’s puzzle preemie wig Canadian spelling is used.

shaper timberlin wig



T I N 10 11 V I N Y E E D L 17 G E N S



S P A O L Y M E 30 R O


A G L A S S B E A D O O O P S R 9 A L G A L O U R W H E E L E 14 15 S D O 18 E S P N 19 C A R M A T U R E R L 20 I I D E X S T 25 T U L A T 26 U K E W Y C T 29 G U I L D O O T I N G

Across 3 Used for weighting

O O A 7 8 K N E W B 12 C O R N S I N G






M M O H A I R G C E T O N E E T 6


K 16 E S U E D E C M U P L E 22 21 S P I R I T S E P Y O N G 28 27 C A B L E W L

Down One of a kind


Oh You Beautiful Doll! “Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll. Let me put my arms about you, I don’t want to live without you.” -- Written in 1911 by Nat D. Ayer (music) & Seymour Brown (lyrics) Who ever said “living in the past” was a step backward? I have such fond memories of my earlier years – why would I not want to relive a few? That’s just what I did a few weeks ago. In the early 80’s, I bought a pleater machine so I could smock & sew beautiful dresses for my new baby girl. Five years and lots of tears later, I sold the pleater when my ‘diva’ five-year-old daughter refused to wear mommy’s creations. I thought that was the end of my smocking days! Fast forward to June 2008 and a meeting with a wonderful woman named Ruth who was downsizing her home and selling everything but the kitchen sink; everything including… yep, you guessed it - a Sally Stanley pleater machine in pristine condition. My brain went into overdrive thinking of all the beautiful smocked outfits & bonnets I could make. It was a quick sale!! Ruth emails me every few days with ‘new finds’ that I promptly purchase – embroidery floss, ribbons, laces, books. Her downsizing has definitely been my gain!! I’ve been very interested in sewing heirloom gowns and bonnets and these decorative tips fit in quite nicely with smocked outfits. I thought I’d share these relatively simple techniques which can only enhance your special sewing project for your new reborn baby.


For a decorative touch on the yoke/bodice seam of a dress, gown or bubble, piping is a very easy method to add the ‘just right’ touch. Cut a fabric strip the length required for your yoke seam. Width should be two seam allowances plus the circumference of your ‘filler’ – I use a heavy 1/16th white cotton rope. I also add another 1/8 – 1/4 inch extra & then trim this off once I’ve sewn it. Fold the fabric strip in half lengthwise & place the rope inside next to the fold. Using your zipper foot so you can get nice & close, stitch the length of the fabric enclosing the rope. (See Pic Piping #1).

Trim seam allowance to match the skirt seam allowance. With right sides together & raw edges even, pin and place your piping on the stitching line of the ‘skirt’ and baste piping in place. (See Pic Piping #2) With right sides together, place yoke/bodice on top of piping (ie. ‘sandwich’: yoke-piping-skirt) with all seams matching & sew in place. (See Pic Piping #3) (Tip: if you’re a lace ‘fanatic’, you can baste lace on to your skirt top edge before sewing on your piping) You now have a very beautiful edge to join your yoke/bodice to your skirt!

French Seams

I am obsessed with having the inside of my garment looking as professional and neat as the outside. I almost always use French side seams. They’re quick & easy and give the inside of the garment a very finished look. I finish my other seams with a serger stitch providing not only a visually pleasing aesthetic look but secure, quality seams. With WRONG sides together, sew a scant 1/8th inch seam the length of the side seam. (See Pic French Seam #1) Iron seam.


With RIGHT sides together, again stitch the length of the side seam, enclosing your 1/8 inch seam. A scant 1/4 inch seam should enclose it nicely. (See Pic French Seam #2) (Note: If you’re uncomfortable with sewing such a tiny 1/8 inch seam, you can sew it wider but you must trim the excess to 1/8 inch to ensure you enclose your finished seam properly) Now… isn’t that easy? And so professional looking!

Pin Tucks

Pin Tucks can be sewn into the yoke/bodice or around the circumference of the skirt portion of the dress. They add such a pretty touch and are quite easy to sew. Pin tucks can be utilized on either a yoke/bodice or on a one-piece front at the neckline, giving nice fullness to the gown. If you have a pattern with pin tuck markings, mark your dress according to the pattern with a ‘disappearing’ marker. On the RIGHT side of the front, fold each tuck (pleat) in half and vertically stitch on the marks. Complete all pin tucks and iron toward the centre of the dress. (See Pic Pin Tucks) To incorporate pin tucks into a bodice when your pattern does not require it, add sufficient fabric for the number of tucks, i.e. 4 pin tucks on each side: add 8 X 3/8” of fabric. To do this, place your bodice pattern away from the fabric fold the required width (8 X 3/8”) and mark the 8 tucks on your bodice with a disappearing marker. Each one will be 3/8” wide. Fold in half and stitch vertically. To sew horizontal pin tucks into the skirt of your dress, mark the circumference of the dress a few inches above where the hem will be. (The placement of these pin tucks is entirely up to you) This will be your fold line. Beginning at the back right side of the dress, fold on the marked line and stitch approximately a 1/4” wide pin tuck. A set of 3 pin tucks evenly spaced around the skirt is adequate and looks very pretty. I hope you find these decorative tips helpful for your next sewing project and, as always, I’m available by email if you have any questions: “Memories are a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose” Happy Sewing! Jan Czuba, Reborn Artist & Seamstress Fairy Dust Nursery – Home of Zooby Designs--Haute Couture For The Discerning Reborn Baby Doll

Canadian Reborn Artist Fellowship

Canadian Doll Artists come together to share a love of creating beautiful dolls.


Ribbons-a-Plenty! By Carol Carlile Crochet Haven Presents

Headband With pink yarn, Row 1: ch 120, join to form circle. Ch 3, turn. Rows 2-3: Work dc in each ch around. Join, ch 3, turn. Row 4: Work in back loops only, dc in each dc around, ch 3, turn. Row 5: Work dc in each dc around, join.

Finished Size: 0-3 Months Materials for entire set: (continued from last issue) 1 oz Pink Bernat Baby yarn 1 strips of ¼” elastic 15 inches long 1 white clover flowers with pink roses in center. Hook: Size 2 (2.75 mm) steel crochet hook or size to meet gauge Gauge: 3 dc rows = 1” 6 dc = 1”

Row 6: Fold over the elastic and working through rows 1 and 5, (sc, ch 2) in each st around, making sure the elastic is inside. End off Row 7: On opposite side of headband, join yarn, in un-worked loops of row 3, Rep row 6, end off. Sew rosette bow on center of headband. *Look for the beginning of a new outfit starting in the Nov/Dec issue!

A journey of self-discovery; creating polymer clay faeries, faerie doors, wands and crafts, combined with insightful words of wisdom from the Faeries


Learn to sculpt a large scale Santa figure in polymer clay, with loads of step-by-step instructions, tips and full colour images to guide even the beginner

get listed in the shopping Directory! List your nursery, store or service in the shopping directory so that potential customers can easily find you. The directory will be included in every issue of Lifelike Dolls, starting with the November/December 2008 issue. Get your listing seen just in time for the Holidays! Visit the Advertising section of our webpage to get more information about listing your business in the shopping directory. You can find it under “Print Ads” at For this issue, you can enjoy a sneak peek at the new Shopping Directory and how it will look in upcoming issues of Lifelike Dolls.

Wee Wrap Babies

Exquisite Detailing Ultra Micro-Rooted Realistic Weighting Custom Orders Available

SHOPPING DIRECTORY DOLL KITS Grandmother’s Attic AD, Berenguer, Various Artists MacPherson Crafts Secrist, Berenguer, Various Artists 1-800-238-6663

Get your listing in the November/December 2008 issue and be listed for the Holiday Season! Do you have a category suggestion for the Shopping Directory? Drop us an email at editor@lifelikedollsmag. com and let us know what it is! Happy Shopping!


Wee Bairns Artist Leighanne Harvey

Adrianne Inspired Creations Crocheted & Handmade Clothing


Zooby Designs Heirloom Baby Couture

Adrianne Inspired Creations Custom Reborns


Blessed Baby Creations Reborn Dolls, Custom Dolls

Lifelike Dolls Bi-monthly Magazine 519-284-8033 MBB Creative Doll Design Books, tutorials and classes

OOAK DOLLS Somerville Designs Studio Artist Wendy Somerville eBay ID Earthfairies

REBORNING SUPPLIES HunnyBuns Reborn Supplies Reborning & Sculpting Supplies 937 866-0269 MacPherson Crafts For all of your reborning needs! 1-800-238-6663


Only a handful, these are the perfect gift.

Only 6”

Secrist Set Three 6” Minis by Danielle Zweers. Includes pre-inserted eyes!

Three Mini Babies! Limited Edition 400

These adorable triplets are only a handful each at just 6” (15cm) from head to toes. Each baby in the triplet set comes with a cloth body and a FREE dress, bloomers and bonnet. Just $62.99 for ALL THREE babies! Less then the cost of one reborn doll kit from most companies. The 6” minis are a favorite of doll collectors and they only take a reborner, on average, a couple of hours from start to finish. A baby you can complete in just one morning! Order online at

News from ...

• Lower Paint Prices Special offer on all of our individual petite paints and individual pre-mixed paints! It’s the same highquality paint reborners have come to trust, just at a lower price. Everyone knows that Secrist pre-mixed paints are the most accurate and the favorite of professional reborn artists, such as Sheila Michaels. You can now purchase single petite paints for just $3.50 each and single pre-mixed petite paints for $3.99 each. Why buy anything else when the best is so affordable? • Selling Your Reborns Read the new helpful articles on how to start your own craft business and be successful! Check out the newest articles: Getting Started Selling Reborns, Top Four Craft Website Mistakes, 10 Mistakes to Avoid, Craft Shows: How Find Them, Tips for Selling On eBay, and Selling Your Dolls Online. Don’t forget to visit the Business section of our forum at! • Sleepers and Shoes Our adorable pink and blue sleepers with hat for 16” - 18” preemies are here. And, they are only $5.99 each! Plus, our “too-cute-for-words” white preemie walker shoes are finally back in stock, only $4.99 each. Decorate them with paint, fabrics, baby buttons or just leave them plain. It’s nearly impossible to find shoes that fit preemies, but we have them! Prices and offering subject to change without notice.


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