Your local community lifestyle magazine
Christmas & New Year Shopping
Gift ideas to inspire you from around the town
The sixth annual charity fashion show, organised by Haslemere Chamber of Trade & Commerce
Top winter destinations
Local Businesses, People, Eating Out, Property, Wine, Arts Diary and Directory
Contents Inside Life in Haslemere this issue ... 4
Shopping Christmas and New Year shopping in Haslemere, by
Jessica Moon
Profile Turkish Delight, Nick Keith gets carried away by
Coldharbour Trading FashionHaslemere s 6th Fashion
Show, report by Lucy
Local Business Six pages of stories about local companies 18 Travel : Top winter destinations, by Andrew Brownrigg 24 HistoryLiterary luminaries, by Lucy Coates
HealthGet fit for living at Grayshott Spa
Wine The best for Christmas and New Year, by Richard Royds
Eating Out Life s favourite local pubs for food, by Oliver Gordon
SchoolsEducational directory in and around Haslemere 34 GardeningHaslemere company wins national award
PropertyThe state of the local market, by Nick Keith 42 Contact directory Clubs, organisations and events
Editor: Nick Keith Fashion editor: Geraldine Onslow Sub-editors: Lucy Coates and Sarah Parson Creative director: Andy Burke Art director: Karen Holloway Advertising manager: Sally Puddick Marketing executive: Clare Rees Marketing & production director: Gareth Gammon Publisher: Anthony Parson Contributors in this issue: Maddy Brown, Andrew Brownrigg, Lucy Coates, Jessica Moon, Richard Royds Designed & produced by:
LIFE MAGAZINES LIMITED 22 High Street, Petersfield, GU32 3JL Tel: 01730 235669 email:
Editor’s View Photo: New Hill Photography
Welcome Here s your new lifestyle magazine, specially dedicated to the local community in Haslemere. hat s what makes Life in Haslemere different, as the
T first in a series of a new breed of magazines for market towns. The magazine is full of quality and full of colour; produced for local people and with input from the local community, it is intended for your entertainment and your pleasure. In this Christmas and New Year issue you will find tips about what to buy and where to go in Haslemere for your presents; and our report of the sixth Haslemere Fashion Show in November provides the latest news from the local boutiques. You will read the fascinating stories behind local businesses, such as rug retailers Coldharbour Trading and ironmongers R West; and discover what s going on in the property market. We trace the literary influences of literary figures, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and George Bernard Shaw. We feature local experts on travel and wine; and we provide detailed directories of local schools, clubs, organisations and events. The magazine will be produced bi-monthly, so it will enjoy an eight-week shelf life between issues. Most of the 11,000 print run will be delivered to selected homes in the area, with copies also available in the town s shops and hotels. The highly experienced team to produce this ground-breaking publication all have wide experience in the media and publishing magazines. We are in constant contact with the Chamber of Commerce, the Haslemere Initiative, and the Town Council. With your help. we want to make Life in Haslemere a success for your community. We hope you will support us through news, articles, letters, photographs, advertisements and sponsorship to boost your local community. Nick Keith Editor
The Life in Haslemere team: Back row: Sarah Parson, Anthony Parson, Nick Keith, Gareth Gammon. Front: Lucy Coates, Sally Puddick, Andy Burke, Clare Rees life in HASLEMERE : FEBRUARY - MARCH 2007, deadline for copy 12 January 2007
Disclaimer Life in Haslemere is published by Life Magazines Ltd.The views or facts expressed in the content of the of the magazine editorial or advertising are not necessarily those of the editor or Life Magazines Ltd. nor do they accept responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions or any legal implications arising thereof. Life Magazines Ltd. retains Š copyright over the content. Any material submitted to the publishers is done so at the senders risk and may or may not be returned, and may be subject to editing without notice prior to publication. Life Magazines Ltd. does not necessarily endorse any of the businesses or services featured in this magazine.
Holly Park
Shopping locally this season
Holly Park
By Jessica Moon
The beauty about shops in Haslemere is that they provide both wonderful produce to give to others but also to treat oneself both in the pre-Christmas rush and the post-Christmas blues. he renownedHolly Park
beautiful produce for the
Ton West Street contains
home and garden, nearly all
many beautiful items for
sourced in Britain and with a
Rural Living
story to entertain both adults your home and specialises in providing bespoke goods. Itand children. boasts
Truely original gifts include
made-to-measure furniture, 100 year-old textile bobbins which can be painted in a
transformed into imposing
style of your choice.
candlesticks for ÂŁ27,
There are a plethora of French pieces including
working paraffin lamps, framed photos and
traditional picnic hampers. wardrobes, chests of drawers and side tables. In amongstFor your own home, there is much crockery and bed linen all the furniture are various made without bleach. treasures including beautiful lamps and shades, baths
For children, hand-carved
oils, patchwork, cotton,
wooden rocking toys made
cushions, fabric covered
in Wales can be removed
boxes, rugs, throws and
from t heir rockers in order to
Christmas decorations.
become ride-on pieces for
Many people are looking toactive children with a sense of adventure. Woollen soft give children something that might tear them away from
toys, made by Polish disabled
the television and computerpeople, can be warmed in the screens. Look no further
microwave to make a cuddly
than Rural Living on West
friend. Bird and bat box-
making kits (all made from
for thoughtfully chosen
fallen trees and branches)
Classic Cookware
provide a long-term, fun butBaby Colston Bassett educational project for children and adults
Stilton, Montgomery and
From eating to cooking,
alike.Dorset Drum Chedder
Just opposite Cheesebox, is
on the Truckles, Ashmore Mini BabyClassic Cookware
Cheese, Ragstone Goat Log a shop that is smelly for all
High Street is another family
the right reasons and does and many more cheeses
run store and is full to
bedeck the counters. not let its name restrict its
bursting with every item one
produce to delicious
Similarly, organic salmon, could ever want in the
cheeses. A whole host of
roast hams at ÂŁ13.50 per
kitchen: from the practical
scrumptious goods are
kilo, jams, pickles, and
Christmas accessory, the
Topping s award winning available from the shop itself
turkey lifter, to the majestic
and more can be ordered
pork pies are available in Henry Watson Pottery, via
specially for Christmas
abundance to tantalise the half a plastic doll to sit atop
before 11 December.
taste buds of the lucky
skirt cake. Life
recipient of these wonderful treats.
Shopping t
Life Haslemere Book Shop
Objets d Art
landscapes and Nikki Wine racks are a useful gift for a man
as are the
GolesworthySave Our Socks
well worth a visit particularly is not in stock. various gadgets and gizmos toys are lovely things to give Upstairs hosts many secondfor someone who wishes to or receive and are very available for peeling, slicing, spicing and, well, cooking.reasonably priced. For women, go to Jagati on
Do not judgeMr Timms
hand books - all in good
buy a more traditional gift.
Why not get a tankard or hip
and many of
flask engraved for your man which are difficult to source
Haslemere Book Shopby its cover as the outside belieselsewhere. The children s or a beautiful antique necklace for a special lady? beautiful jewellery and is the large interior, which section is especially recommended as it conjures The romantic Christmas boasts more than an always happy to make a period makes this the perfect bespoke piece to order. If excellent range of books. many happy memories and
Lower Street. Here, Jaki
Golesworthy makes her own
you don t trust your own
Talking books on CD and
might allow you to share a place for young hopefuls to
judgement, why not take a
tape, maps of the world,
come and choose from a story you enjoyed as a child
wide selection of stationary, wrapping paper with the younger generations loved one s favourite outfit engagement rings (from the now many of whom have in to show Jaki and ask herand even table napkins are out on the original more traditional solitaire to If to design a necklace, some dotted around the shelves. missed artwork you loved these coloured gemstones) or, for earrings or a corsage to goyou are having trouble with it?
deciding, go for a book
books are just the way you the more experienced
token and take advantage ofremember them! The wonderful treasure their next day ordering printed with original photos, trove that Objets is d Art is service if the book you want Ruth M Taylor local Amy Hanigan t-shirts
romantics, to select eternity rings, pearls and watches. If you cannot choose, buy a
Advertisement Feature
Footprints is one of the largest stockists of designer clothes for children aged 0-16 years in Surrey!
Starfish offers a varied selection of high fashion brands for men and women! tarfish stocks leading brands for both men and women,
Sincluding Whitestuff, French Connection, Great Plains,
Duck and Cover, Sonneti, Jackpot, Part Two, Cottonfield, ootprints stocks leading designer brands for children Gant Woman, O Neill, Quiksilver, Oilily and more. aged 0-16 years, including Pampolina, Catimini, Oilily,
Gant, IKKS, O Neill, Quiksilver, Oxbow, Petit Bateau,Starfish, also offers a great selection of footwear from Replay, O Neill, Quiksilver, Poetic Licence and more from Berlingot and more. 41 for women and up to a size 46 for men. Footprints, also offers a great selection of shoes sizes from 36 There19s also a fantastic selection of bags from Oliliy, Naturino, BMS, O Neill, Quiksilver and Replay from sizes Connection, Jackpot and Great Plains as well as 41. School shoes are also available in brown, navyFrench and
black all year round in many different styles and upbelts, to a hats, gloves, scarves and swimwear from February t August. The jewelry selection from Starfish is the most
size 41.
talked There are also new born gift sets, christening wear, baby about and recommended by so many customers, necklaces from leather shoes, sleeping bags, swimwear all year round, nightwear, hats, gloves, scarves, tights and a huge ÂŁ35 - ÂŁ165! selection of accessories!
Starfish is open Monday
Saturday 9.30am
Business Profile
Turkish Delights Rugs and kilims have become a way of life for Annie Fabbri and Colin Fletcher, the partnership at Coldharbour Trading which adds a colourful and exotic touch to Haslemere s Town Car Park. Nick Keith reports
Coldharbour also sells cushions, handbags, purses and other accessories.
ome 10 years ago Annie
Sand Colin were
Colin, Annie and Caffy the dog
variety of customers, youngexperienced buyers
and old.
approached by a Turkish rug So what is the secret of abecause that is the dealer called Suleiman who good rug or kilim? Annie and Colin compare them to fine Turkish way was seeking an agent to sell rugs in the UK. They agreedwine, because they improve of doing and started buying rugs forwith age. And the fleece
quality derives from the friends, and before long they
The rug
had a house full of rugs we could hardly open the front door,
vendors are climate where the sheep (and goats) live. The richest
So Colin and Annie decidedvillages south of the mountainous Anatolian to start their own business, Coldharbour Trading, and toplateau where the air is colder. source the rugs straight from Turkey. At first they sold and on oily, the hoof
often nomadic but
Annie recalls.fleeces come from the
Coldharbour Trading at the top of Haslemere s Town Car Park.
all have their cell phones and have a verycustoms can be the longest good idea of international part of the rugs journey.
market prices, he adds. The fleeces are thick says Annie,
and Fellow traders tease us
about rich in lanolin, which is like and at exhibitions,
but five or more years ago natural Scotchguard.
having a good but buying is
Not all the rugs are new, and a lot are between 30 and 60 years old (costing between ÂŁ90 and ÂŁ7000 at
intense work and Turkey canColdharbour). Many of the felt like settling down and Annie and Colin visit women weavers no longer Turkey three or four times be a extremely cold and giving up the travelling life. work from home but have uncomfortable at this time of year to buy rugs and kilims, At that time their premises gone to urban workshops year, says Annie. at The Ark became availablerelying on their own where they weave to They use a cheap and (for years it was known as experience and judgement, Ted s Shed where people bought their vegetables).
although they have contactsefficient road transport
repetitive patterns.
and We scouts pointing them tosystem to get their rugs
not interested in these rugs
We are
because we want high quality liked the unique quirkinesspossible sources along the from the vendors to Istanbul and uniqueness, so no where they are collated, of the premises to show ourtraditional silk route. They repaired and washed before reproduction rugs for us, We travel extensively in search Annie insists. being brought to the UK. The of interesting pieces. are both local people and we People often come through process from purchase in We fly to Istanbul or Izmir, like the individuality of the door and say they know Turkey to delivery in Haslemere and its shops andand travel inland, says rugs,
Annie explains.
When we are buying Haslemere can take up to a nothing about rugs, but the month, and often the periodsecret of buying is to buy don t seem to be in such a there are always great what you like. And at of going through British negotiations, even for rush and we have a great boutiques. The people here Colin.
Advertisement Feature: Haslemere Dental Centre
Something to smile about
Haslemere Dental Centre like to let our customers to do the talking!
And smiling!
They ve made me feel younger. I think everyone is
Do you smile confidently, or are you selfjealous conscious? If you are unhappy with your smile, so fab! don t feel bad, as you are part of a staggering 76% Thank of the population who feel the same. In fact, three back my quarters of the population don t feel confidentused to
of my teeth, they re Ms B you for giving me smile.
I m getting
my new smile with
ou may be surprised to Centre).A leading no problems. Thank you! know that improving exponent of the Smile Lift, Ms L your smile is more he coaches dentists in the
accessible and more
Contact HDC T: 01428 643506 W: E:
UK and US.
Before and after (above and belwo) With our 0% finance offer, Testimonial affordable than you would We pride ourselves in why not speak to us about I remember my aunt many think, and is available right offering you a fantastic our free, no obligation years ago expressing surprise on your doorstep ! customer experience, from cosmetic consultation? As
that I never opened my mouth when I smile: and without Leading practitioner staff, fresh coffee and a transformations, HDC also really being conscious of it, it One of the leading relaxing massage chair, tooffers reshaping, cosmetichas been like that until the practitioners in the fieldDVD of glasses to watch your dentures, Isolagen, teeth last couple of months - they weren t awful but they were cosmetic dentistry, Dr Barry favourite films whilst your whitening from as little as not beautiful! Now I never Oulton (see advertisement dental care is carried out. ÂŁ95.00 and the latest miss an opportunity to give a on page 19) practises withThis is a dental experience Zoom power whitening. wide smile to everyone.
friendly and welcoming
HDC (Haslemere Dental
like no other!
well as smile lift
* AACD poll 2004
Haslemere steps out and struts its stuff The sixth annual charity fashion show, organised by Haslemere Chamber of Trade and Commerce, was held in November. Lucy Coates went along to check it out
his remarkable
Tevening, in aid of
rucksacks claiming that boys rule ! In-Training and Sports
Macmillan Cancer Care,
Lockershowed an
was divided into six main sections. CompĂ˜red by
impressive range of
toastmaster Nick Smith,
sport and leisure wear
the show provided ample
including an extensive
opportunity for the
range of ski-wear for all
audience to appreciate the
ages, tennis, hockey and
different clothes, footwear
rugby wear.In-Training
and accessories on offer in
showed a range of more
casual daywear too and
First off were the white and blue
Sports Locker had
interesting jogging tops
which were designed and
with detachable sleeves
modelled by pupils at
(to avoid over-heating)
Stepping Stones School .
and a clever, flashing
Wearing white t-shirts with
armband for safety on
each pupil s impressions of
dark nights.
the USA printed on the front,
Several Haslemere outlets
the imaginative designs
took part in
included both positive and
including the only shop
Casual Days
negative aspects of America,
selling solely menswear
from burgers to rocket
Davids. The models
(including owner Joe Ball)
Wispers School pupils also
looked extremely
wore their own designs,
handsome as they
made largely by themselves,
swaggered down the
around the same
catwalk causing quite a
stir in the audience!
theme. These included a
The versatilityCoCo of s
beautiful fitted red dress
snappy geometric
and a three-skirt,
patterned wrap dresses
extravagant number that Blush
could be easily spotted in
were shown dressed up
a crowd.
or down
Next came an incredibly confident and charismatic
with heels or
boots.Luigi stylish shoes modelled with
bunch of young models
Ultimate Vision s
who bopped along to the
sunglasses, and
music wearing wonderful
handbags from
and unrestrictive
Osprey were
children s wear from
modelled beautifully
Footprints and
but perhaps the star
Windmills . Accessories
of this display was
from these outlets were
the handbag used in
also shown including fun, feathery bags in pink, and cool
the new James Bond film! Blushexhibited
ISSUE 1 DECEMBER 2006 / JANUARY 2007 Photos: Peter Searight - The Remarkable Studio
Stepping Stones
Joe Ball models clothes from his shop, Davids
Hannah from Amazing Grace
a wide array of trendy
floaty feel whilst Lilyhad one Hannah. In particular, a black
daywear, and announced
two-set covered in red
sparkles that they are now giving full
perfect for
consultations for ÂŁ75 and
green, sheer gown printed
will have new brands after with banana plant leaves. The main message from the Glamorous Nights
oozed Hollywood with its glamorous cross-back. The
dress. Many styles were generation while the Starfish raunchy
choreography seemed to
displayed: Starfish started
find a top you wanted, you detail to theirs with eyecatching sparkles and a may just find a lover instead! Amazing Gracestunned the underwear modelled by
Due to
animal-print trim; Blush s
forced to change the venue from the Georgian House Hotel to Branksome/Verve Venues;
so the audience
almost doubled in size (from fromDanielle Prior ,
Guests, andCoCo
roughly 100 last year to 180
Bridesmaids;and there was
this year).
some dashing menswear with a chic, simple classic;
imply that if you could notCoCo added interest and
audience with beautiful
Wedding Belles
section section showed beautiful
gowns, good range for the younger was to invest in a little black models
venue and a bigger and
black corsage and one full better success!
from Davids.
All in all, this was a wonderful evening, which
Much praise goes to Julie boasted a real community Brooker of CoCo Boutique for feeling and celebrated the stunning shopping largely organizing the whole
available to was black dress was fitted and event. Julie said that she opportunities Lifeages of all shapes, pleased with the evening: people It layered to give it a romantic, M
Fat Faceand Starfish had a
was in a bigger and better
and a gorgeous length, flared number whichpopular demand, Julie was
colour and style
pulled in at the hip by a
Fashion M
Programme Schools Stepping Stones Wispers
Boys and Girls Footprints Windmills
Sport In-Training Sports Locker
Casual Days Star Fish Blush Davids CoCo, Claytons Jewellery, & Ultimate Vision Lily Fat Face
Glamorous Nights Amazing Grace Starfish Blush CoCo & Objets d Art Blush
Wedding Belles Danielle Prior
Clockwise from top left: Adidas menswear from In Training; wedding clothes from ??; tennis gear from Davids Sports Locker; more wedding dresses from Danielle Prior and Coco; and Sports Locker sports wear
CoCo - Bridesmaids
Local Businesses
This series of profiles of businesses in and around Haslemere opens with arguab the oldest in the area (R Miles), and includes the discovery of a couple of tre in Wey Hill (Chamberlain Music and Aerial Systems) and colour and sparkle (Clay
R. Miles & Son Ltd.
Town’s oldest retail outlet Martin Burt
which the shop had in those days. Now he runs Miles with the help of his wife, Angela, who is company secretary, and his daughter-in-law Gemma (pictured). The vast range of goods still gives the ironmongers a traditional feel, and customers value the personal
hat is the oldest
W business remaining in Haslemere? R Miles, the
service, which can include free delivery if they wish. Most of our customers are
ironmongers in West Street served and helped directly, have a strong claim to thatin the old-fashioned way, title. Founded in 1896, R Miles continues to provide a
Martin said. Yet the service goes well beyond the four walls and
customer service under
multiple shelves in the shop.
family ownership. Now the
R Miles also offer to
undertake all kinds of jobs man in charge is Martin Burt, around the house, including whose father Frank took over the running of the businessglazing. R Miles is a joy to behold and, beauty, they say, is in the eye of the beholder. When you enter the shop you
Most of our customers are served and helped directly, in the old-fashioned way...
feel excited because the shelves are bristling with bright and shiny and new household goods. And goods
they are in every
Contact: R Miles & Son December Shopping
in Haslemere
sense, offering abundance
20 West Street, Haslemere is Haslemere Open for Business on all the Sundays in and stimulating the urge toGU27 2AB December up to and including Christmas Eve. buy. Tel: 01428 642686 Free Parking on Sundays Many shops strive to all in one place achieve this effect, using all Something for everyone to buy from the Miles family in the for family shopping and a famil 1960s (having joined as thesorts of means to the end of Bring all the family manager in the fifties). Atgetting shoppers in the the time the business was buying zone. R Miles seems
day out
Eat, Drink (& be merry!) run by Sydney Miles, son ofto take you there effortlessly. Wide variety of shops, cafes, restaurants the founder. If you know a business or Many of the shops stock larger, and often more In 1966 Martin joined the retailer in the area which unusual selections than can be found in other towns business, and he remembers is older than R Miles, Lots of Independent Retailers offering Individual Serv the wooden floors and oldplease contact the Editor fashioned range of drawers Find it in Haslemere at:
Local Businesses
Branksome is beaming
ou will find smiles all The auditorium, at the hub
Yround at Branksome since of the conference area, has the September relaunch of this business and social
space for 150 people. Since theHaslemere Travel
events location. You might Show in October and the expect the staff to smile
Haslemere Fashion Show in
because Branksome is
November, Branksome has
famous for its peerless
geared up for a busy
customer service but even
Christmas period, hosting
the Edwardian building
many business and social
appears to beam as it gazesparties. down from its 32 acres high Branksome is also above Haslemere. Branksome is enjoying a
becoming a favourite for wedding receptions with 20
already this year. In 2007 the plan of steady refurbishment and improvement as it
grounds will have a
sharpens its focus as a
permanent marquee from
comfortable and capacious
May to October to cater for
venue for both business andwedding receptions. social events. We get great feedback
Branksome has already enjoyed a varied career as a
from our customers for our home, a school and a service,
corporate training centre. sales and marketing
Having acquired it for executive Susie Brooker told Life in Haslemere before
conferences, Olivetti
going on maternity leave.
commissioned Sir James
to design purposeWe have a loyal, friendly Stirling and built training facilities in the experienced local staff, and their excellent service
seventies. Part of the Verve
encourages customers to
Venues stable since
come back to Branksome
November 2005 › which will
again and again.
soon re-brand to De Vere
Business people bustle
Venues after the acquisition
around the 33 meeting
of the hotel group
rooms, which can hold
Branksome can look forward
groups of 10 upwards, and
to a bright future. It is part
the training zone includes of in the wide-ranging space dedicated to computerproperty portfolio of the training.. Many conferencesAlternative Hotel Group Branksome s 60 bedrooms.
which also includes De Vere Life Hotels, Malmaison and Hotel t
are residential, using
Local Businesses M
Chamberlain Music
Magical musical mystery tour
In fact he comes from
musical stock: his mother
Anne runs the Hindhead Music Centre and his wife
ou will discover a world of
Ypleasant musical surprises
Charlotte teaches the clarinet.
inside the doors of
I played piano and
violin (quite badcly when I
Chamberlain Music in
was young,
Weyhill. Front of house, you
find a general and
he says selfMy three children
and my wife are far more
educational music shop
musical than me.
stocked full of pianos, brass,
Chamberlain was founded
and woodwind instruments,
in 1990 occupies 8,000
and sheet music for a
square feet in its third
national and international
location in Weyhill. While the
market. They have 50,000
first impression is of a welte
books for all musical
of pianos and stacks of sheet
music you discover that a
Owner John HughesChamberlain says:
small army of musical The Chamberlain team
experts beaver away behind
catalogue forms a big part of provider of the ABRSM
the scenes. Chamberlain part in this development, in employ 25 people who, in cooperation with instruments and sheet musicreferral service. John Hughes-Chamberlain s Another line lies in to school and adult words are an amazing musicians all over the UK. distributing for the BritishJohn Hughes-Chamberlain collection of varied talents. In addition, the firm has Choral Composer s cataloguesays he fell into the The point is that to have a for the renowned choral business after starting a become the referral agency successful one-stop music bookshop in Guildford. At musician John Rutter and his for the world s leading shop you need lots of one point he was running musical examination body. company Collegium. different skills and a huge the music and bookshops, Behind the scenes, in Two years ago, the variety of knowledge to cyberspace sheet music has but found that Chamberlain Associated Board of the answer all the questions your Music became the more Royal School of Music have taken off online, and customers might have. serious business. selected Chamberlain as theChamberlain Music have a what we do, as we supply
Clayton Fine Jewellery
Coruscating colour rings. eith Clayton has been in want to travel less and shop
K the jewellery business
We stock contemporary
locally. In Haslemere they
to support local since 1969. Having trained like in
and traditional jewellery
London for three years he
businesses and get good
watches. Plain elegance is
moved out to Farnham and
service and choice from
what we aim to have on
in 2004 establishedhis
independent retailers.
business in Haslemere,
But his customer base
Also involved are Keith s
sister Tina and assistant where he has lived for the extends much further afield,
Keith Clayon
round my knowledge, and
Ellie, who all worked at some advertisement or they are Haslemere s attraction as atime for the Farnham driven to come by word of great place to shop . He jewellery business. mouth. Only last week a
my ability to deal with
offers a large selection of
customers, suppliers, and
coloured stones and
and he benefits from
My business is based
he says.
Idiamonds, with a growing
believe people increasinglyreputation for engagement
Most of my customers
come in because they are attracted by my displays, have seen a small
young woman came here and introduced herself by saying, My best friend raves about M
past 28 years.
Local Businesses
Local Businesses M
Aerial Systems and Bluestone FX
Two for the price of one
The shop at 97 Wey Hill contains two businesses
Howard Meikle, working at his computer for Bluestone FX
if, say, they are looking to
t the foot of Wey Hill one
A shop houses two distinct
buy a property abroad or
businesses in a single space.
transferring funds.
At face value Aerial Systems
positions himself in the gap
does what it says on the
between the banks and the
outside: they install aerials
global inter-banks in FX transactions. Typically he can
for televisions.
find margins in property
This is one of three Aerial outlets
deals around ÂŁ500,000
the others are in
Bognor and London
where the banks, broadly, do
not operate.
over 14 highly trained staff.
He has 10 foreign agents in
When you are behind the scenes at the back of the
countries such as France,
shop the phone never stops
Italy, Spain, Portugal and the
US. In a recent deal he saved
good news for
a client about ÂŁ3,000 on a
partners Jason Weller and
property purchase of around
Howard Meikle. Old friends for 12 years,
Aerial partners: Jason Weller and Howard Meikle
500,000 Euros. He aims to take his experience into new
and both in their early thirties, Jason and Howard of installers, the
When he left London two
property markets, such as
joined forces in August last Confederation of Aerial
Australia and New Zealand, years ago, he stayed in touch
year, to offer clients in
Industries Ltd, they are
and into new sectors, such with his client portfolio and
Haslemere and elsewhere
determined to remain
started this company to
their expertise, which is
leaders in the field.
service their needs.
necessary for the changeoverAt the same time Howard
Bluestone provides a
to digital television in the personal Meikle has another interest,
as polo. With two Haslemere businesses to nurture,
foreign exchange Howard will have less time
such as Bluestone FX , which is one service, trading worldwide for country pursuitsLife walking and shooting, but he At present they are hard at of the newest businesses infor individuals or corporates, t
next few years.
work on that effort, with aHaslemere. dedicated staff of 14
FX , of course,particularly in the
If you want your business story told in sector, Howard said. Life in Haslemere , I have the contacts and the please contact us.
(in stands for Foreign Exchangeinternational property
contrast to many similar
and, during his time in
outfits which rely on contract London, Howard built up a installers). As founder
expertise to save people reputation in a multi-million
members of the trade body
pound plc.
money in foreign exchange
Tel: 01730 235669 Email:
Local Businesses t
Haslemere Initiative
National award for rewards scheme he achievement of the
THaslemere Rewards
the rewards
scheme will
continue after February, and
Scheme loyalty card in
we had a very positive
winning the National AMT
meeting with the retailers in
Award 2006 bodes well for
mid October,
plans to shift from pilot
in Haslemere .
she told Life
stage to full-scale operationThey told us that they want to continue. The
in early 2007. The rewards scheme,
Initiative will still be involved
although the retail groups L to R: Nick Paul (Chairman, Advantage West Midlands), Phil Bates created to attract customers
(Chairman, Grayshott Pottery), Janet McWilliam (Project Coordinator, Haslemere Initiative), Iain Lynch (Corporate Services Manager, Waverl Haslemere has shown itself Borough Council) Melanie Odell (Chairman, The Haslemere Initiative), Julian Owen (Chairman OMT), Arya Ingvorsen (President of The Haslemer willing to share best practice & District Chamber of Trade)
will have ownership. And
to the area s mainly independent shops, had to overcome competition from
with other towns. 80 other entrants to win this prestigious award,
Launched a year ago, the
for its creativity, its
customers aware of the
loyaltyinnovation, its engagement scheme. Shoppers benefit from of the business community work and persistence said scheme was developed and or points worth up a piloted by the town and itsand for its significance ondiscounts Melanie Odell, of the surrounding villages. The local and national level. to 10% from the participating Haslemere Initiative.
town s award was the result of hard
We established a good
smart card
scheme uses
Keith Clayton, of Clayton outlets. Jane Scott, a local Fernhurst resident said that The reward
partnership between the
technology, which allows
Jewellery, said:
retailers, the chamber of
shoppers to use only one
scheme has been beneficial she uses her card regularly
trade and the town council card in the 30-plus
because it gives people a
their support in legal and participating retail
sense of supporting
around Haslemere, though
their especially in the bookshop,
the children s shop and in local shops. There s a businesses, and costs around ÂŁ5. It is recognisedfeelgood factor but we havethe two participating shoe crucial. I am confident that I have found it to be to make sure that we keep shops, professional matters was
Haslemere Chamber of Trade and Commerce
Get in the Christmas mood aslemere is a great
gifts, farmers
market, street
H destination for shoppersentertainers, Father
it s free! Many of the town s wide range of shops, including
right now, with a number ofChristmas, and lots of events and initiatives
entertainment for all the
independents and nationals,
organised by Haslemere
will be opening each
Chamber of Trade to get you On Wednesday 13
Sunday up to and including
into the Christmas spirit. December at 7pm the annual
Christmas Eve. With free car
The annual Christmas
parking and lots of great
High Street Carol Concert
will include free mulled wine Market returns for its sixth
places to eat and drink, it
year on Sunday 3 December. and mince pies, served by
makes Haslemere a great
the Chamber of Trade, to Based in the High Street and
option for Christmas
thank the people of West Street it will be bigger and better than ever with
Haslemere for their custom
the year. over 100 stalls. Organised throughout in conjunction with Haslemere Haslemere Town Band will Initiative and Waverley
provide the music and The
Shopping and an enjoyable day out for the family. Finally Haslemere Chamber of Trade would like to wish you a very supporting the event. This is
merry Christmas and a White Horse Hotel and Plumba lovely traditional Christmas Borough Council, attractions Scaffolding are again include Christmas crafts and
prosperous new year. event for all the family and
The best winter destinations Andrew Brownrigg provides notes on some favourite holiday destinations.
beach lovers
INDIA auritius boasts fantastic The diversity of historic beaches and sporting
sights and local culture are facilities, high quality hotels, served by an expanding great service, wines and food. Albeit with longer
variety of flights. They cover
the whole of this vast flights and a limited amount country, from the Himalayas of local culture or historic to the spectacular cities of interest, this is nevertheless Agra, Jaipur, Udaipur, a superb winter destination. To avoid prevailing winds
Jaisalmer and Jodhpur in
and the worst tropical
Rajasthan and down to the
rainstorms, go to the west old colonial south of Kerala.Yanmar Many high-class hotels, coast in winter. Seychelles has some of thebeachfront and rural most beautiful small islandboutique category, with
good beaches and local
relaxing ambience.
Leeward and Windward
cuisine. great beaches, colonial resorts, many with just a few There is such a contrast MADEIRA, AZORES and chalets, renowned for greathistory, inland waterways, between the islands of the CAPE VERDE varied wildlife and many food, beautiful beaches, North Caribbean, with the US Direct short flights with no classic fortresses of old. good fishing and a really and British Virgin Islands,time the difference; with much more varied attractions than
The Maldives lie just off CARIBBEAN the islands, the Grenadines andthe Canaries, plus attractive Regular flights to Jamaica,Trinidad and Tobago near coast of Southern India, and countryside, sea and bird Antigua, St Lucia, Barbados, are a haven of minute atolls, the Venezuelan coastline. life, and local culture. some with luxurious hotels,and Grenada with internal Bermuda, Bahamas, Turks & Madeira and the Azores are connections to smaller, more some with a few beach Caicos are also reachable by fast developing a good bungalows, and others with secluded islands. Highair and host a first class variety of comfortable and quality hotels, good sportsvariety of hotels, with superb over-water villas on stilts. well-run hotels. This is a real fly-and-flopfacilities, reliable climate, fishing and diving On safari in Kenya
A lodge in East Africa
Cape Verde is the new up
affordable with the growth of low cost flights, and a burgeoning boutique hotel market. North Africa offers some winter sunshine ideas with extra flights and the growth of Riads in Marrakesh in particular, with many other good value hotels in Morocco, and also in Tunisia.
SKIING Europe and North America are seeing a real boom in skiing holidays, with fantastic value in America and Canada in particular. With a variety of first class accommodation and ski Thailand, Cambodia, and coming destination, with Vietnam, indeed all South a direct flight once a week, and a fledgling tourist
East Asia.
economy. Highly recommend a visit to these islands now AUSTRALIA
little time difference.
facilities; popular ski resort The growing attractions ofsuch as Whistler in Canada, Mozambique, with vast areasand Aspen and Vail in of mainland earmarked for
Colorado are now joined by
wildlife development, and
Beaver Creek, Jackson Hole
to appreciate an unspoiled
Ever-popular with independent travellers
and Stowe in Vermont as beach and island resorts, all more and more British skiers of which can be combined venture further afield.
visiting relatives or
with the other established
Many direct flights into Cairo, Luxor, Sharm el Sheikh, Hurghada and Taba
some beautiful untouched
Snow reports in Europe are game viewing opportunities.already looking promising Kenya and Tanzania offer the world itineraries, this must for this ever popular activity best game viewing and link with chalets and great hotels be one of the most unbeatable areas for winterthrough Nairobi or Dar Es to suit both families and combining with round the
to the exotic and of make this a special winter travel. The vast continent Salaam fascinating beach Australia, to North and South destination. Historic destinations of Zanzibar,
adventurous skiers; well known resort areas such as
wonders of the world
islands of New Zealand
aligned with good winter
Lamu and secluded gems all French Alps, the Dolomites along the African Coast andin Italy, The Bernese contrasts. The area provides offshore islands. great opportunity to mix Far Oberland in Switzerland and
climate, fine beaches, watersports, snorkelling,
provide a variety of
Eastern cultures en route friendly service, great value and good food.
eastbound and carry on
Dubai offers a cast iron around the globe through climate, and an ever
the Pacific and North
developing choice of first America, or even South class hotels; fabulous
shopping, local culture, wadi bashingand great golf
the Trois Vallees in the
Botswana, Namibia, Zambia the Tyrol and Arlberg and Malawi also offer unique regions of Austria, will be game and adventure welcoming the British in experience, all of which can greater numbers this winter. be combined to create an unbeatable selection of
independent itineraries.
There is an ever-growing
variety of winter cruise
CITY courses. With fairly short,The fantastic attractions of
itineraries from UK ports to
direct flights this is a
South Africa, with great
popular year round
beaches for surfing, the
Garden Route and the Wild Coast near Durban combines Barcelona, Venice, Istanbul, Australasia, Africa, Antarctica Seville and Florence are now with a perfect winter climate. and South America are all
Oman is a bit less developed, has direct
the Canaries; destinations Old-established short breakfarther afield including city favourites such as Caribbean, Far East,
being chased hard by the flights, some good hotels, There is a fascinating history easily and offers a more cultural of the Zulu and Boer wars; delightful Eastern Europeanreachable experience. The United Arab Emirates
the many game parks with
gems of St Petersburg,
by air,
such fine safari lodges,
Tallinn, Riga, Krakow,
and the
Dubrovnik, Budapest,
vast array
can easily be combined withproviding great food and onward connections to
Prague, now much more wine; plus direct flights and
Local History
Hilltop Literary Figures by Lucy Coates
The London and South Western express train approaching Haslemere Station Photos:Around Haslemere and Hindhead In Old Photographs (1991)
is commemorated in the
aslemere s barren heath than that!
H lands lay relatively untouched by the types
neck in order to frighten
away any sightseers William Cobbett denounced stained glass windows of St.
God ever made. introduction of the railways
Turner, visiting in 1807,
Suddenly it
became possible for people sketched what Trotter describes as
to commute to and from
certainly the Bartholemew s Church, as is Despite his longing for a
Hindhead as inner-city
of London until the most villainous spot that
in 1859.
Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)
a gloomy,
Lord Tennyson. Hopkins is
low profile, Tennyson did
share his passion for the thought to be the only Jesuit with a memorial in an
surrounding countryside in
Anglican building.
his writing.General In
They all shared a wish to Hamley he wrote,
London allowing them to
You came and looked and get as far away from the city uninviting landscape of bare
avoid, what Grant Allen
and barren hills
as possible: Grant Allen andloved the view and entitled
itHind Head Hill . The church Lord Tennyson (Poet described in his 1895 novel,
Long known and loved by
The British Barbarians , the
and its congregation were
Laureate) even went to the
crowded town, [which]
described as dreary by a
extreme lengths of having
Green Sussex fading into
stagnates and ferments,
settler who wrote:
houses built to enable them blue
polluted with the diseases
Long had stood the old
to live in the wilderness.
With one grey glimpse of
and vices of centuries.
Church building,
Designed by a young
Old and dreary, dark and
architect whom Tennyson
There was an influx of
Tennyson was especially
mouldy, many notable literary figures
had met at Haslemere
fond of the walk to
but descriptions of the areaAnd an old man droned
Station, Tennyson s
Grayswood and it has been
by others before them are
within it,
pretty negative. The Devil sAnd the old Clerk droned
was 800 feet up.argued that the small stream
Tennyson already had
running along the way is
Punchbowl provided a stage
described in his poem The estates at Farringford on the
for Charles Dickens
And a droning people
Isle of Wight but preferredBrook. Tennyson s memorial
character Smike Nicholas in
Nicklebyto imagine the
foul These somewhat gloomy
and treacherous murder
as there were
referred to his retreat as sorrow portents failed to deter the
committed there by night : literary figures after 1859;this little hut The grass on which they stood had once been dyed
the romance of the area.
- perhaps he felt the
water taunted as, what ever-flowing had
modest summer retreat, had less steady on his favourite turned into a 10-bedroom,
Victorian Gothic mansion. again, to associate fresh air
with good health. drop by drop, into the hollow which gives the place its
a as he grew older and indeed they merely added tooriginally been intended ashim
had begun, once with gore, and the blood ofPeople a murdered man had run down
describes him as
fewer tourists. He jokinglyhimself schooled by love and
Beatrix (neĂ˜ Potter) and
He is reputed to have walked his dogs on
Sydney Webb are associated Blackdown wearing a dark
walk along its banks:
men may come and men may go, but I go on forever. The height of one s house was of great importance for
The Devil s Punch
thought Nicholas, aswith the area. Gerard Manlycloak and a black sombrero.George Bernard Shaw and Sir
he looked into the void,
Hopkins lived and died at
never held a fitter liquor The Garth
Arthur Conan Doyle, both Winter and Collyer note that
living in the Haslemere in Haslemere andhe wore a whistle around his
Local History
district. They conceived a bet: a surveyor would
Haslemere had become popular with true
measure the heights of bothcommuters: the middle classes wanted a share of if Doyle s was
their houses
higher than Shaw s Cathra
where he wrote
wilderness and arrived in droves. They too built
Ceasar and Cleopatra (now
houses and pushed the wilds
St. Edmund s School), he
further back.
would triumphantly rename his house
The literati foresaw a built-
up Haslemere. Bernard Shaw Overshaw , but if
it was lower,
Missalliance : Undershaw . expressed in
Unfortunately for Doyle,
The writing is on the wall!
Shaw s house was the higherRome fell! Babylon fell! s turn will come! and it is still possible toHindhead see Undershaw
on the South-
Perhaps this was a fitting
tribute. For, although the East side of the traffic lights at Hindhead. This was wherearea has retained its natural he wrote his world famous
beauty, some has been left
detective novels and was
to waste. Most notably
perhaps is Sir Arthur Conanbuilt to provide comfort for his consumptive wife who
Doyle s house as it stands
had been given only a few
resolutely but with a
months to live in 1893 but lessening sense of dignity as it falls into disrepair. she lived there for 13 years! Both Shaw and Conan Doyle
Rumour has it that it was
threw themselves into localturned down by the National life. Shaw was always
Trust and yet it was Sir
attending this function orRobert Hunter who,
speaking at that event ,
living down the road from
whilst Conan Doyle played
Doyle in Three Gates Lane,
The National Trust cricket for Grayshott, had founded his own shooting club and
with two colleagues to
supported the first Hindeadconservelocalas well as national treasures. footballers, using a billiard table as a model pitch. Local gossip has it that The Spinney
The people of Haslemere have a keen interest in
was the home history. The wonderful
of Conan-Doyle s mother
Haslemere Educational
and that she haunts it. TheMuseum is firm evidence for this. Yet, as Conan Doyle s last sighting was by a child staying there who explainedworld-class reputation innocently that
continues to grow, his old the mist got
into my room last night.
an excellent
resource - falls into Trotter points out that itpotential is strange that these literarythe shadows. figures did not form a tightThis information brings community like the
new weight to Shaw s
Bloomsbury Group and,
premonition. Perhaps the
plans for a new tunnel instead started to drift away from 1900 onwards.
through Hindhead will at
Photo: Kathryn Ferry
Grayshott Spa
Fit for living
Fab food which fills and keeps you healthy
Grayshott Spa aims to be a health and leisure destination , successfully sending guests back into the outside world relaxed, re-energised and better equipped to manage their lives . Nick and Geraldine Keith tested the Spa s credentials for healthy and G: The place feels like a : I treasure the sense of
G peace, health and well- luxury country house hotel being that people get from but the dress code is so Grayshott Spa, and this
relaxed you can potter about
feeling seems to be shared in your dressing gown all by many of the enthusiasticday long. band of regulars who have It is also a place for visited since its opening. N: You
walls, accent colours in
and the men s intensive face
people of all ages. At can tell by their smiling faces
plums and reds, the large
and back treatment (which
and relaxed demeanour. Nowadays people go to spas as much for nurture
lasted 65 minutes and left breakfast we sat next to a modern flower paintings, the me feeling like a new man). comfortable drawing room young group who were having a lively discussion with its big sofas and cosyAnd I arrived with some back throws, and the Bubbles Bartwinges, which were
about music. Apparently and good nutrition as to lose weight. They want to be
most of the visitors are
(once the billiard room).
dispelled by the osteopath.
women but Grayshott is healthy, to exercise, to eat definitely for men as well,Space and comfort suffuse well, to escape the rat race, the whole spa the and I can heartily to take stock, and to
G: After all that treatment and exercise, you may feel like a drink in the Bubbles
balance in their lives.
recommend it as place wherebedrooms, two dining everyone can unwind for tworooms, drawing room,
N: We do hope that the
recently reopened or three days (or more) andcinema/lecture room, and Conservatory Restaurant or let go of the stresses and treatment and activity areas.
establish harmony and
Bar, followed by food, in the
The Dining Room.
strains of modern life. regulars are as enthusiastic
The treatment rooms have
as we are about recent
an oriental character, painted
changes. During the last 18G: What has been done is months Grayshott Spa has
the dĂ˜cor is
in a pale grey colour
N: The Grayshott healthy
eating plan is OK by me suffused with lilac. And you will find a huge choice of a few days at
contemporary, stylish and treatments - too numerous facelift since it was takenwonderfully comfortable. The to list here. new rejuvenated interior sits over by Simon Lowe, who
ratios of 50% fruit,
comfortably within its tells us that he is passionate
vegetables and salad, 25%
undergone an enormous
about design.
least! You
apportion your food intake in
impressive early Victorian N: Yes, I really enjoyed theprotein, and 25% carbohydrate and within de-stress muscle massage shell. I liked its calm, neutral
A treatment room
those parameters you can
health): proper pampering,
eat extremely well. I nevertop treatments, fantastic and great design, felt hungry, and I daresay food, we would have lost weight if we Offer:Grayshott s early 2006
had not enjoyed a good
breakfast, and three-courseChristmas present means lunches and suppers
special prices to celebrate
we were there for only for the Spa s 40th birthday 40% off per person per night
two days.
between 4 and 21 December. G: The food at Grayshott is Rates for Christmas start at organic, colourful, healthy£595 per guest for 3-5 and absolutely delicious.
nights; and from £495 for a New Year stay. (Usuallly you
can get a two-, three-, or Grayshott Spa Factfile four-day spa break with tennis player Annabel Croft, Once of the home of rooms from £180 per credit Grayshott with putting Alfred Lord Tennyson, them on the right track in person, including meals and Grayshott was acquired at least two treatments). terms of nutrition. by the Stalbow family in N: Sports stars, such as
1960, reopened as a Contact: Grayshott Spa, health farm in 1965 and health farm 20 years ago I 01428 602000. soon earned itself a email: can clearly recall three large reputation as a leader in ladies sitting round a this field. formica-topped table in their Web.: Acquired in February dressing gowns morosely 2005 by Simon Lowe, contemplating their supper . Life owner of Fawsley Hall in They each had a mug of Northamptonshire and Bovril and a peach and were the Park Resort at Wick, plainly fed up with each near Bath, he immediately other, with Bovril and with appointed Peter Wood as peaches. They faced the general manager to prospect of a long evening oversee a three-year ahead without even a small refurbishment gin and tonic. programme. G: On my first visit to a
N: The decision to re-name it
instead of
In 2007, an additional 16 luxury suites will be
added to the existing 59 highlights the changes in the guest rooms. business of health Exercise facilities management. include indoor and G: How things have changed! The abiding memory of our
outdoor pools, outdoor and two indoor tennis
courts, a well-stocked recent visit to Grayshott will gym, a nine-hole golf be of pax et salus (peace and
What to drink at Christmas With Christmas upon us again Richard Royds recommends what we should be drinking
n Christmas Eve, in
glass of Madeira hits the Champagne, try Blanquette delicious South African,
Australian and North de Limoux from the foothills spot and this goes well with anticipation of what is of the Pyrenees or local American examples. For a many Christmas goodies
to come, we have a light
award winner Nyetimber supper of smoked salmon. A nuts, glacĂ˜ fruit and from West Chiltington. Christmas cake. You might crisp dry white, such as Back to the turkey &
lighter European red, the delicious cherry fruit of Italy s Valpolicella or a
Chablis or South African
like to consider Madeira
Sauvignon Blanc, is the
instead of Port to
pudding! The English
accompany mince pies and
would also go well. tradition is to drink Claret
perfect accompaniment. After church on Christmas Day a
Stilton cheese. I love good[Red Bordeaux] and jolly Sherry and an Oloroso or Palo Cortado
Dolcetto from Piedmont It s not obligatory to drink
nice it is too. If you are red wine with turkey and a
dark but dryfeeding the five thousand, traditional alternative is
are good alternatives forgo for a Lussac-Saint-
white Burgundy. But why not
consider a full-flavoured those who don t like thingsEmilion or Canon-Fronsac; if you are dining
sweet. A glass of
choose something with a
Italian white from Veneto? For a crowd-pleaser, go for
sparkling wine
Sauvignon Blanc/Semillon little more class. But beara in
is obligatory
blend. mind that turkey is not very
while opening
strongly flavoured and
the presents
something softer may be
preferable to please
than traditional Sauternes,
such as a Muscat, and Italy
lunch. Instead of
I adore Pinot Noir, the
With Christmas pudding I prefer something fruitier
has several to offer. Try one
grape of red Burgundy, and from Pantelleria (an island it makes lovely wines
near Sicily where they call it
throughout the New World
Zibbibo) or a delightfully
too. New Zealand, with its light and refreshing Moscato cool climate, has a great reputation, but also look out for
Frizzante [lightly sparkling] from Piedmont. If you are serving Port remember to do it justice by
decanting. It s not just great vintages that benefit. I
Examples of some of the wines mentioned over: 2004 Chablis, Domaine
for 2005 Falasco Organic
2005 Pouilly-FumØ, CØdrick Bardin,
from £7.99
£10.99 2004 Dolcetto di Dogliani
Madeira, from £9.50 for
San Luigi, £9.99
Barbeito Veramar Boal
White Burgundy, from
£7.99 for 2004 M con-
PrissØ Port, Churchill s Crusted Veneto, from £6.75 for £17.00; other Ports, from 2005 Falasco Garganega;
£8.99 Blanquette de Limoux,
£8.50 Nyetimber Classic CuvØe,
South Australia, £8.99 2003 Morsi di Luce
£23.00 2001 Ch teau du Gazin, Canon-Fronsac,
2001 Ch teau La Croix de GrØzard, Lussac-StEmilion,
2005 Hollick
Passito di Pantelleria, £13.99 2005 Moscato d Asti Aurum , Boroli,
Richard Royds ownsthe Pinot Noir: from £8.99 for haslemere cellar
can provide
your wines for
Christmas and the
New Year, from £4.25
per bottle. Minimum order is 12 bottles (can be mixed).
You can order online from or call us on 01428 741165 and ask us for our latest wine-list. II
The Vintry Wine Co Park Farm, Milland Near Liphook
2005 Hollick Pinot Noir, 01428 645081 South Australia
Eating Out
Reputations at steak
by Oliver Gordon
Eating habits continue to change around the country, with decent food offered increasingly in pubs as restaurants. This kind of eatery-inn has become known as a gastro-pub in some places.
Dave Etchell and Clair Johnson at the Fox & Pelican, Grayshott
this day and age, but I love a
problem with some
A gastro pubs is the price good steak and, well, someone had to do it!
they charge for often
First stop in the High Street indifferent food. My personal preference in a pub is for was theWhite Horse, where you can enjoy a first class decent old-fashioned food at reasonable prices. It seemssteak sandwich, tender, tasty that Haslemere pubs
and cooked to order (with
(fortunately) have chosen
good chips). My companion
this path.
(who will remain nameless to
protect the innocent) To test the local market in Haslemere, I have visited aprofessed himself happy with Inn on the Hill, Lower Street, Haslemere his choice of a fish finger selection of pubs to try their sandwich staple fare. To ensure a fair
the consequence on theInn on the Hill temptation to leave the path , of being a father of young opposite Haslemere station.ofI steak and chips. However, test, each pub has been children, he explained. judged on its steak sandwich suppose this is the closestI stuck to my guns, and was The next venue for this rewarded with a fine meal at you get to finding a gastroin dedicated research focused inn locally. But the more a fair price.
(and chips). A tough task, and perhaps not so
By the way, if you are in the modern dĂ˜cor still allows for middle of your Christmas
some pub-style nooks and
shopping (or taking in New crannies, where you can eat, drink and talk with privacyYear if sales) and don t feel you so wish. Here the steaklike a steak sandwich, go to Arco Felice . Joseph sandwich came in fine strips, who comes with good salad and chips. Guardaseione, It was slightly more expensivefrom Naples, owns this ristorante & pizzeria.
but still good value. The third port-of-call in this short
steak crawl
me to theFox & Pelican ,
With its great position at
the highest point of the town took car park, Arco Felice offers
you a taste of Italian homeGrayshott. The pub certainly cooking and a great choice offers a great choice of food, which provided a big Arco Felice above Haslemere town car park
of pasta and pizzas. Ciaofor Life
“Consistently inventive cooking, offering strong flavours, handled with sensitivity”. Hardens
“Absolutelydeliciousallofitfullstop” Sunday Telegraph
The critically acclaimed restaurant has moved to 20 Dragon Street where we can now offer car parking, function room, 40 seat restaurant, courtyard for the Summer and letting rooms for the New Year. We are able to take bookings for Christmas parties/dinner, Christmas Day & New Years Eve. We are open Tuesday - Saturday for lunch and dinner. Lunch from £19.50 for 2 courses £25 for 2 courses on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Evenings. Opening possibilities for Sunday & Monday are available for large parties. JSW, 20 Dragon Street, Petersfield, Hampshire GU31 4JJ Tel: 01730 262030
Advertisement Feature very friendly and
Tanning Level
knowledgeable about
in Charter Walk offer a
Mr C Lovell ,
variety of services. The
Petersfield. three state-of-the-art layTanning Level also offer a down sun beds provide full range of nail year-round tanning in treatments , ranging from comfort and style. Whether Jessica manicures and you are after a holiday or pedicures to acrylic and wedding tan, need a u.v. gel nail enhancements. vitamin D boost, suffer Their experienced from S.A.D, ecszema, technicians can pamper psoriasis or just fancy a you fully and make you nice warm kip then proud of your nails! Tanning Level is for you. A variety of items are available in the gift shop, They are truly
ranging from tan
marvellous beds
enhancers, teeth whitening
Dr.Statham , Chertsey.
kits and heated eyelash curlers to lip volumisers
I ve never been on a bed offering aromatherapy before, it was great!
and nail care products.
Gift vouchers are also Mrs available for both tanning
J Greensmith, Midhurst.
and nail services. If you are after a break
I found the staff to be
from the hustle and bustle
Schools Directory
Educatonal listings in and around Haslem Adult Learning:
E-mail: Adult Learning in HaslemereWebsite: Website: State, male and female (over 16)
Telephone: 01428 722005 E-mail:
Bidbury for English
Website: ning
Independent Schools:
Individual and small group,
professional and general
Bidbury for English
English courses, summer Day School for boys and girls
See Schools, column 3, this(3-13 years). Nursery, Pre-prep and page. Preparatory Education University of the Third AgeHeadmaster: Nigel Taylor Address: Hazel Grove, Adult learning Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6BL Telephone: 01428 682052
school for young learners
and girls in Easebourne near
and boarding school
Midhurst, 01730 813243
Please see advert on page 37
Also Adult Learning.
Haslemere Preparatory
Head teachers: John and
Shireen Weston
Day school for boys (4-13
Address: Greywalls House,
Website: www.haslemere-
Telephone: 01428 604322
enquiries@amesburyschool.coHillbrow, Petersfield,
WEA Liphook Branch
Conifers School Preparatory School for boys
Headmaster: K J Merrick
Hampshire GU33 7QR
Address: The Heights, Hill
Telephone: 01730 894246
Road, Haslemere, Surrey Voluntary organisation works
E-mail: bidbury-
GU27 2JP
to develop education and
Telephone: 01428 642350
Website: E-mail: learning with and for the Barrow Hills School A Catholic Independent Day community. School for boys and girls
Address: 43 Chiltley Way, (aged 3-13 years). All denominations welcome. Liphook, Hampshire GU30 Head: Matthew Unsworth 7HG
Brookham School
Website: www.haslemere- Pre-Prep School for boys and girls (3-8 years) Highfield School Head teacher: Diane Gardiner Day or boarding, (7-13
Telephone: 01428 723041
Address: Roke Lane, Witley,Address: Highfield Lane,
Godalming, Surry GU8 5NY
Liphook, Hampshire GU30
Telephone: 01428 683639
Life Headmaster: P G S Evitt
Chairman: Joyce Mounsey
Schools Directory M
Telephone: 01428 658666 Address: Highfield School, and Girls School (5-18years) Highfield Lane, Liphook,
Address: Farnham Lane,
Hampshire GU30 7LQ
Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1HQ
Hut, Marley Lane, Camelsdale
Telephone: 01428 728000
St Ives School Nursery Independent, girls and boys,
Telephone: 01428 63052 Grayswood Nursery School (3-5 years) E-mail: Independent, boys and girls Head teacher: Sian Cattaneo admissions@royal.surrey.sch. k (2-5 years) Address: Three Gates Lane, uk Website: Supervisor: Mrs Monica Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2ES Website: Thompson Telephone: 01428 643734 Address: Grayswood Village E-mail: King Edward s School Hall, Grayswood, Haslemere, Wispers School Boarding and day pupils, Surrey GU27 2DE Website: Boarding and day pupils, boys and girls (11-18 years) Telephone: 01428 658931 Offers the International girls (11-18years) Website: Baccalaureate Headmaster: Henry Beltran The Royal School Nursery Address: Wispers School For chools/grayswoodnursery/ind Girls and boys (2-4 years) Headmaster: P K FultonGirls, High Lane, Haslemere, ex.html Address: Farnham Lane, Peebles Surrey GU27 1AD Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1HQ Address: Witley, Godalming, Telephone: 01428 643646 Hambledon Nursery School Telephone: 01428 605805 Surrey GU8 5SG E-mail:, boys and girlsE-mail: Telephone: 01428 686735 Website: years) admissions@royal.surrey.sch. E-mail: Head teacher: Lesley Whittle uk admissions@kesw.surrey.sch.Nurseries: Address: Rock Hill, Website: www.royaluk Barnkids Ltd. Hambledon, Surrey GU8 4DR E-mail:
Independent, full day care,Telephone: 01428 684892 nursery (1.5-5 years), after Websites: school clubs and holiday
St Edmund s Schools
clubs (2-11 years)
Independent, girls and boys
Haslemere Preparatory
Address: 7 College Hill, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2JH
Prep School for Boys (2-13 Manager: Jeannette Walker Address: The Barn, Penang years) and Girls (2-7 years)
Timbers Pre-School and
(3 months - 5 years)
Headmaster: Adam Walliker
Farm, Combe Lane,
School Nursery
Address: Portsmouth Road,
Chiddingfold, Surrey GU8
Independent, boys and girlsTelephone: 01428 645 001
Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6BH
(aged 2-4 years)
Telephone: 01428 685633
Headmaster: K J Merrick
Address: The Heights, Hill Independent, girls and boys
Telephone: 01428 609875 E-mail: .uk Website:
St Ives School
Road, Haslemere, Surrey Website: 2JP Telephone: 01428 642350
Toad Hall Nursery (3 months
5 years)
Louise Nettle: 01428 654117 Address: Chestnut Avenue,
Camelsdale Playgroup
E-mail: Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2JH Independent, boys and E-mail: haslemere@toadhall(2-5 years) Website: Head teacher: Fiona Brodrick Website: www.toadhall-
Girls and Boys Nursery and Address: Church Hall, School Girls Prep School (3-11 Road, Camelsdale, Madhatters Nursery School years) Haslemere, Surrey GU27 3RN Independent, girls and boysWeydown Nursery School Head teacher: Sian CattaneoTelephone: 01428 643495 (2-5 years) Independent, girls and boys Address: Three Gates Lane, Website: Supervisor: Mrs Chiverton (2.5-5 years) Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2ES Address: Longmoor Road, Manager: Clare Hitchmough Telephone: 01428 643734 /camelsdaleplaygroup/ Liphook, Hampshire GU30 Address: Parish Hall Our
7NY Caring Daycare Day Nursery Telephone: 01428 727288 Independent, boys and girls
GU27 1BS
(0-5 years)
Messy Mornings
Telephone: 01428 654677
Manager: Amanda Vaus
Independent, art and craft (School Hours) or
The Royal School
Address: Pitfold House,
group (18 months - 5 years)01428 722702
Mixed nursery (2-4 years)
Woolmer Hill Road,
Address: Camelsdale Scout
Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1QA
Lady of Lourdes, Weydown Road, Haslemere, Surrey
Schools Directory
Wispers School, Haslemere
CONIFERS SCHOOL A preparatory school for GIRLS and BOYS
Come and see our new science laboratory and new year 6 classroom common room and changing facilities
Easebourne, Midhurst • Tel: 01730 813243 • email: • website: 37
Schools Directory M
Address: Lower Road,
Telephone: 01428 685463
Fernhurst Primary School
State Primary Schools: Head
Boys and Girls (4-11 years) Edwards Independent, girls and boysunless otherwise stated Address: Haslemere Road,
Weyhill Montessori School (2-5 years)
Telephone: 01428 642086 office@grayswood.surrey.sch
Beacon Hill Primary School Fernhurst, Haslemere, Surrey .uk
Principle: Mrs Dows-Miller Head teacher: Mrs Jenny Address: Scout
Grayswood, Surrey GU27
teacher: Mrs Margaret 2DR
GU27 3EA
Dennett Telephone: 01428 653144 Address: Beacon Hill Road, E-mail: office@fernhurst.w-chools/grayswood/ Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1BX Beacon Hill, Hindhead, Surrey Headquarters, Weyhill,
Telephone: 07774 936960
GU26 6NR
Telephone: 01428 605597 Weyhill_montessori@hotmail.c E-mail: head@beacon-
Website: www.fernhurst.w-
Hollycombe Primary School (4-10 years only)
Headteacher: Stephanie Fiske
Grayshott Primary School
Address: Wardley Green,
Head teacher: M J. Hills
Milland, Liphook, Hampshire
Address: School Road,
GU30 7LY /weyhillmontessori/
Grayshott, Hindhead, SurreyTelephone: 01428 741332 Camelsdale First School Website: www.hollycombe.wGU26 6LR Head Teacher: Sarah Palmer Telephone: 01428 605596 Nursery School Address: School Road, Website: Independent, girls and boys Camelsdale, Haslemere, CE Primary School (2-5 years) Surrey GU27 3RN hott Head Teacher: Miss Helena Principles: Isobel Wood and Telephone: 01428 642177 Rees Lara Patrick Email: office@camelsdale.w-Grayswood C of E Infant Address: Openfields, Address: Chichester Hall, School(4-7 years only) Headley, Bordon, Hampshire Petworth Road, Witley, Nr. Website: www.camelsdale.w- Head Teacher: Anne BristoweGU35 8PQ Godalming, Surrey GU8 5PL Woodlands Montessori
Advertisement Feature anceArt is an exciting within the dance industry,
D new dance school in
many of them ex-soloists
Haslemere, Surrey. In its and principals. first year it has become
We were very privileged
to have Mr Jeremy successful at festivals and ISTD Competitions. This
Kerridge, a full time
teacher at Arts Educational, year at Tudor Rose Festival of Dance and Drama
Tring Park, and ex-
DanceArt Gained 15 1st
principal form Northern
Places, 14 2nd Places and Ballet Company and the 11 3rd places . Many
Royal Ballet.
students gained an 84
performing in
mark which qualifies them Guys and Dolls the West End Company to the next round in the All
gave her
England Dance Festival.
time at a Musical Theatre
DanceArt were also
awarded trophies for the highest mark in theircategories. Summer School 2006 was hosted by DanceArt
This exciting week ended with a small presentation to the parents to show what we had been working on. A senior and
pupils from other schools intermediate award was attended, Students had thegiven with a scholarship to rare chance
to be taught next years summer school
by professional vocationalto Zoe Travis for the tutors, who are actively intermediate group and
Schools Directory
Telephone: 01428 714409
Address: Pipers Lane,
Bohunt School, Liphook
Helena.Rees@holme.hants.schWest Sussex GU28 9HZ Telephone: 01428 707352 .uk Website:www.theholmeprima
E-mail: Liphook (Voluntary
Shottermill County Junior
Controlled) Junior School
School (7-11 years only)
(7-11 years only)
Address: Lion Lane,
Head teacher: Richard
Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1JF
Telephone: 01428 642096
Address: Avenue Close,
E-mail office@shottermill-
Liphook, Hampshire GU30
7QE Telephone: 01428 722490
Shottermill Infant School (4-
Liphook Infant School (4-7
Head Teacher: Miss M. E.
years only)
7 years only)
Head teacher: Mrs E A Cole Address: Lion Lane, Shottermill, Haslemere, Address: Avenue Close, Liphook, Hampshire GU30
Surrey GU27 1JP
Telephone: 01428 642902
Telephone: 01428 722036
Email: admin@shottermillinfant.surrey.sch
Northchapel Primary School Website: Amesbury School Founders Day Dinner in November: Mark Wood Head teacher: Miss Claire (Chairman of Governors), Mayor Brian Howard, Viscount Greenfield
Transform wins national award Haslemere-based Transform Landscape Design and Construction have won a national award for garden design. The award, for domestic gardens costing between ÂŁ20,000 and ÂŁ50,000, was sponsored by the British Association of Landscape Award Industries, and Transform s management team went to London for recognises the hard work
W e have been creating
points and changes in level.Transform designs,
constructs, restores and Mr M Stead, the garden s gardens in Haslemere and and expertise of our maintains gardens in private owner, said: We are surrounding areas for many dedicated team. and commercial clients. The years and so are thrilled toThe winning garden, which delighted with the new area; have won this award in a national competition, Simon Gray, Managing Director of Transform.
is on the outskirts of
saidHaslemere, presented some significant challenges It including several access
The Grayshott Spa Club
Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Pools, fully equipped Gym, Indoor and Outdoor Tennis Courts, resident Tennis Pro, 9 Hole Golf Course and so much more. Go on, indulge yourself! For membership details, please call Amanda on: 07886 837638 Headley Road, Grayshott, Nr Hindhead, Surrey GU26 6JJ -
company, which was started it is now the most used part in 1988 by Simon Gray, of the garden, previously we walked past with our eyes
prides itself on courtesy,
enthusiasm and ingenuity
Orchard House, Church Lane, Haslemere, Keats Harding
Something in the air Established as a commuter town since the arrival of Wood House, Haslemere, the railways in 1859, Haslemere and the surrounding Clarke Gammon Wellers area also benefits from having a great choice of schools and a wide range of properties. But change is in the air, as Nick Keith reports he two big factors in theadds. Last year two-bedroomand we achieve the best
T2006-07 property market
flats fell from £185,000 toprice out of the
£165,000 and have only are: the internet and the new Home Information Packs,
returned to their previous
which come into force next values this year. Keats Harding have sold a two-
year. Modern technology means
& West as a junior in 1978,years, believes that the saw that firm acquired by
days a week.
experience and local
knowledge of the staff bedroom flat in a convertedPrudential Property Services boom, and set up the
Farnham Road, for to go to an office in London from home on one or two
Cooke, who has lived in
Nick Harding joined CubittHaslemere for nearly 35
during the 1980s takeover that people no longer need country house in The Lances, every day, and many work
Haslemere High Street (which opened in 2003). Steve
makes a major contribution to serving clients.
Many Londoners approach present firm with his partner
£215,000. With demand strong,
Houses withinhomebuyers can expect to
Andrew Meehan in 1990.
Clarke Gammon Wellers
Keats Meehan has nine
seeking better schools, lower
walking distances of the
pay around £500,000 to
franchised branches in
prices and greater security.
station used to sell at a
£750,000 for a good four-
Surrey, Sussex and
The firm offers a wide range:
Hampshire, each
from a £140,000 flat at one
says Nick Hardingbedroom house. And Nick
Harding expects the market independent but with sharedend to the £1 million Wood at Keats Harding in the High Street.
Now people search to have
a bit more bounce marketing and a central
increasingly for more ruralnext year, adding:
We try database. to
make sure that houses in
outlying areas. The housing market in
Haslemere are marketed
Founded in 1919, Clarke Gammon Wellers has five
House in Chase Lane at the other
with a gated
entrance, swimming pool in secluded grounds and five
year after a
as fully as we can, London and the branch in 2005,market he
Haslemere has rallied this properly, that we test the offices, including one in
Property t
Life staff living space).
Barn Oaks in Tudor Close _ In Grayshott, Clive Richards at Gascoigne Pees says the a modern detached local market is adds:
house with four buoyant . refurbished He
Grayshott has
was priced at
and Lyon Lodge in everything you expect from £445,000; a village
people know
everybody and they are
Glen Road, with 2/3 bedrooms, was showing at
friendly; there are lots of£350,000. Neighbouring
The Shealing, Headley Down, Gascoigne Pees
shops and everything you
Headley Down has
want in a community. The
experienced substantial
development, and buyers can style of property is varied,
having evolved through the find houses 25-30% cheaper is still driven by the railway than in Grayshott. decades since the Victorians station and the schools. much involved in selling new Finally, the new Home came here. The market, Typical offerings from developments. which is mainly middle to Information Packs are still at Burns & Webber who also Burns & Webber include a the in discussion and trial upper, is still fizzing, even bedrooms. They are also
have offices in the High
two-bedroom cottage in
Street as well as in
Fernhurst for just under
Cranleigh, Godalming,
£240,000; a four bedroom
November. Typical Grayshott houses
stage, although the Government is set to launch
handled by Gascoigne Pees the new scheme on 1 June. family home in Hindhead forinclude Woodpeckers in Farnham, and Guildford Vendors will probably have tend to sell houses in the £475,000; and Wheelwrights,Headley Road, with plenty of to provide key documents a large house close to the downstairs rooms (snug, range of £300,000 to such as searches, deeds and The beauty of road from Haslemere to conservatory and study on Midhurst, with huge drawingtop of the usual housing in this area is that room and master bedroom there are properties to suit accommodation), four £900,000.
So local agents are
wait-and-see suite, plus a ground floor bedrooms and a third of an approach as the discussions annexe (a guest, relative or For us the market and trials have acre for an asking price continue; of
all tastes, Hardwick.
energy efficiency.
says Adrian
adopting a
33 Chapel Street, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3DY Tel: 01730 265522 Fax: 01730 26923
Useful Contacts
Arthritis Research Campaign: Natural England (was 01428 724741
Countryside Agency):
BLISS:01428 642320
020 7932 5800
Books On Wheels:
Relate: 02392 827026
01428 604558
Royal British Legion:
British Heart Foundation:
01428 642675
01483 419774
Samaritans: 08457 909090
Canine Partners for
SPACES Young Parents Group:
Independence:08456 580480
01428 723910
Care In Haslemere:
Visitor Information Centre:
01428 652505
01428 645425
Cats Protection: 01428
Women s Royal Voluntary
Service: 01428 605498
Celebrate Marriage: 01428 Royal Surrey County Hospital
Contacts in Haslemere
Telephone: 01483 571122 Police: Haslemere Police Station , 46 West Street GU27 2AB
& District:
Telephone: 0845 125 2222 Surrey Police , 6 Carshalton Road, Sutton Surrey SM1 4RF
Emergency Services:
Telephone: 0845 125 2222
Service ,St Davids, 70 Wray Park Road, Reigate RH2 0EJ Telephone: 01737 242444
Arts Groups: DanceArt (3-18 years) Telephone: Kahli 07830325426 Website:
Gas,Water and Electricity: Electricity Emergency: 0845 770 8090 Gas Emergency:0800 111 999 Southern Water: 0845 278 0845
Haslemere Players Telephone: 01428 643334 Website: Haslemere Symphony Orchestra and Chorus Telephone: 01428 605612 Website:
Health: Dr C Taylor & Partners , Haslemere Health Centre, Church Lane, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2BQ Telephone: 01483 783000 Dr C.P. Taylor & Partners , Fernhurst Surgery, Crossfields, Fernhurst, Haslemere GU273JL Telephone: 01428 651040 Haslemere Health Centre Telephone: 01483 783000 Haslemere Hospital Telephone: 01483 782000 Holy Cross Hospital , Hindhead Haslemere Thespians Telephone: 01428 643585 Haslemere Town Band Telephone: 01252 331828 HHH Concerts Telephone: 01798 831242 Website: Opera South inc. Opera Omnibus Telephone: 01428 684291 The Grayshott Stagers Telephone: 01428 751898 Website:
Road, Haslemere GU27 1NQ Telephone: 01428 643311 Homecall Doctor , Warrenden, Weydown Road GU27 1DS Telephone: 01428 654786
Places of Worship:
Childline: 0800 1111
Church of England:
Citizen s Advice Bureau: 0844
All Saints
Helplines ,Support Groups & Charities: Alzheimer s Society: 01428 642055
Church ,
Grayswood GU27 2DB
Crossways Counselling
Telephone: 01428 656504
Service: 01428 644333
Environment Agency: 08708
506506 Friends of Holy Cross Hospital: 01428 683144
Fire: Surrey Fire and Rescue
Guide Dogs for the Blind: 01428 727617
Liphook Church Centre , Telephone: 01428 723119/01428 725390 St Alban s Parish Church , Tilford Road, Hindhead Telephone: 01428 605305
Haslemere and District Volunteer Bureau: 01428 661166 Haslemere and District Macmillan Cancer Care: 01428 605185
St Bartholomew s Church , Haslemere GU27 1BP Telephone: 01428 644578 St Christopher s Church ,St Christopher s Green. Haslemere
Haslemere Blind Club:
Telephone: 01428 644578
01428 643971 Haslemere Gateway Club:
St Joseph s Church R.C. Headley Road, Grayshott.
01428 654496
Telephone: 01420 472415
Haslemere Hard of Hearing
St Luke s Grayshott Parish
Support Group: 01428
Church,Headley Road
Telephone: 01428
Haslemere Library: 01428
604540/01428 606703
St Margaret s Fernhurst ,
Haslemere Stroke Club:
Church Road GU273HZ
01428 645855
Telephone: 01428 652229
St Mary s Bramshott
Committee for Macmillan
Telephone: 01428
Cancer Support: 01428
723119/01428 725390
St Paul s Camelsdale
HAV4D: 07930905016 Hazlehurst Trust through Surrey Community Foundation:01372 861609
and St Paul s Lynchmere Telephone: 01428 642983 St Stephen s Church , Shottermill GU271NS
Telephone: 01428 645878 Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre: Website: 01252 792400 Hindhead Community Group: Three Counties Church , 01428 607816 Church Office, Kings Road Home-Start:01252 737453 GU27 2QA King s World Trust for Children: 01428 653504
Telephone: 01428 653011
Useful Contacts
Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2PD Telephone: 01428 642006 E-mail: Lythe Hill Hotel and Spa Petworth Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 3BQ Telephone: 01428 651251 E-mail: Wheatsheaf Inn , Grayswood, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 2DE Telephone: 01428 644440 E-mail: Dancers from Danceart performing their routine at the Haslemere Fashion Show in November 2006
Sports and Leisure: Broadwater Park Golf Club , Old Portsmouth Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3BU
Jehovas Witness:
Telephone: 01483 429955
Jehovas Witnesses ,88 Weyhill,
Camberley Health Golf Club,
Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1HS
Golf Drive, Camberley. Surrey
Telephone: 01428 642080
GU15 1JG Telephone: 01276 232258
Champney s Forest Mere
Haslemere Methodist Church , Health Resort , Liphook, Lion Green
Telephone: 01428 644334 Website:
Hampshire GU30 7JQ Telephone: 01428 726013 Website: Cowdray Park Polo Club Telephone: 01730 813257
Haslemere Rugby Club s studs! Religious Society of Friends , Telephone: 01428 661486
Quaker Meeting House, Mill
Lane, Godalming.
Sunday Services: 10.30am
Woolmer Road,
Haslemere Rugby Club
Haslemere GU27 1QU
Telephone: 07771530510
Telephone: 01428 644577
Haslemere Youth Football
Milford Golf Club , Station
Cranleigh Golf and Leisure Club, Barhatch Lane,
Roman Catholic: Haslemere Catholic Parish Cluster ,21 Derby Road
Cranleigh, Surrey GU6 7NG
Lane, Milford, Godalming,
Hindhead Golf Club , Churt
Surrey GU8 5HS
Telephone: 01483 268855 Road, Hindhead, Surrey GU26 Telephone: 01483 419200 Dean Farm Golf Course ,
GU27 1BS Telephone: 01428 643877
Telephone: 01428 656215
Nordic Walking
Telephone: 01428 604614
Andy Webb
Hurtmore Golf Club , Hurtmore
Bordon GU35 9NG Telephone: 01420 489478
United Reformed:
Haslemere Hockey Club
Road, Hurtmore, Godalming, Shottermill and Haslemere Beacon Hill United Reformed Director of Hockey: Heidi Wells Surrey GU7 2RN Football Club Telephone: 07973 345547 Church, Churt Road, Beacon Telephone: 01483 424440 Telephone: John 01428 Director of Junior Hockey: Hill Kinetika Gym , The Herons 642296/07770568793 Mandy Jackson Telephone: Leisure Centre, Kings Road, The Herons Swimming Centre 01428608990/01428 606236 Telephone: 01428 604643 Telephone: 01428 658484 Haslemere GU27 2QP Haslemere Recreation The Wild Wood Country Club , Telephone: 01428 658484 Places to Stay: Association AND The Edge Leisure Centre, Horsham Road, Alford, Georgian House Hotel Telephone: 01428 661486 High Street, Haslemere,
Haslemere Cricket Club
Surrey GU27 2JY
Telephone: 01428 654459
If you would like your organisation to be
Telephone: 01428 656644
Haslemere Educational
added to this directory, please e-mail your
Museum Telephone: 01428 642112 Inn on the Hill , Lower Street, Haslemere Lawn Tennis Club
details to FAO Lucy Coates. 47
Arts Diary
Arts Diary
Time: 7pm
Holy Cross Hospital Time: 7.45pm
Saturday 20th January Poulenc, Elgar, Laillet and Friday 15th December Vierne Beethoven Christmas Pr0gramme Alton Organ Society The Louisa Denby Trio Haslemere and District Starring International Concert bassoon, oboe and piano Recorded Music Society Organist: Gillian Weir Shottermill Hall, Holy Venue: St Peter s Church, The Venue: Venue: St. Lawrence Parish Square, Petersfield, Hampshire Cross Hospital Church, Alton, Hampshire GU32 3HS Time: 7.45pm GU34 2BW Time: 7.30pm Time: 8pm Saturday 16th December Tuesday 23rd January The Blues Band on tour Saturday 9th December Venue: Haslemere Hall, Bridge Alton Organist Society Organ Mozart s Mass in C Minor, Charles Villiers Stanford: Concert Road Parry s Ode on the Nativity Arguably Britain s greatest Alton Organist Society Time: 8 for 8.30pm Godalming Choral Society all-round musician Starring international concert Conductor: Nicholas Steinitz Book Tickets: 01428 642161 Haslemere and District organist: Thomas Trotter Venue: Great Hall, Charterhouse Recorded Music Society Venue: St Lawrence Parish Handel s Messiah School, Godalming GU7 2DF Guest Presenter: John Church, Alton, Hampshire GU34 Farnham & Bourne Choral Time: 7.30pm Humphries (ARIBA) 2BW Society Venue: Shottermill Hall, Holy Book Tickets: 01483 422006 Robin Wells Time: 8pm Conductor: Cross Hospital Venue: St. Andrews Parish Musica Sacra Ensemble Time: 7.45pm Yeoman Of The Guard Church, Farnham, Surrey Petersfield Chamber Choir Farnham Amateur Operatic Time: 7.30pm Director: Ann Pinhey Saturday 2nd December Society Venue: St. Peter s Church, TheBook Tickets: 01483 425575 Mozart s Overture to Magic Venue: Farnham Maltings tbc Square, Petersfield, Hampshire Flute, Mendelssohn s Violin Time: 7.30pm Sunday 17th December GU32 3HS Concerto, Brahms Song of Book Tickets: 01252 726234 Salsa Dance Classes Time: 7.30pm Destiny, Handel s The King Shall Every Sunday evening until Rejoice and Schumann s Christmas and again in JanuaryWednesday 24th January Carols By Candlelight Symphony No. 4 Yeoman Of The Guard Tilford Bach Society and The Venue: Hasleway, Lion Green Haslemere Music Society Farnham Amateur Operatic For details, see Sun 3 Dec London Handel Singers Symphony Orchestra and Society Venue: All Saint s Church, Chorus For details, see 23 Jan. Friday 5th January Tilford, Surrey Conductor: Darrell Davison John Eliot Gardiner Venue: Haslemere Hall, Bridge Time: 3pm and 6.30pm Thursday 25th January Haslemere and District Book Tickets: 01428 713338 Road, Haslemere GU27 2AS Yeoman Of The Guard Recorded Music Society Time: 7.30pm Farnham Amateur Operatic Guest Presenter: Paul Graber Christmas Concert Book tickets: 01428 605612 Society The Waverly Singers and Locke (Guildford RMS) For details, please see 23 Jan. Venue: Shottermill Hall, Holy Brass Ensemble The Parlay of Instruments, Cross Hospital Telemann, Handel, Purcell and Conductor: Malcolm Hicks Friday 26th January Time: 7.45pm Venue: St Andrews Parish Bach Tilford Bach Society Concert Church, Upper Church Lane, Director: Peter Holman Venue: Farnham Castle, Castle Saturday 6th January Farnham, Surrey Venue: Petersfield Festival Hall, Hill, Farnham GU9 0AE Twelfth Night Concert Time: 7.30pm Heath Road Time: 8pm Opera South Book Tickets: 01252 613765 Time: 7.30pm Book Tickets: 01428 713338 Venue: Georgian House Hotel, Book Tickets: 01730 261199 High Street, Haslemere GU27 Sunday 10th December Yeoman Of The Guard 2JY Salsa Dance Classes Sunday 3rd December Farnham Amateur Operatic Time: 6pm Every Sunday evening until Salsa Dance Classes Society Christmas and again in JanuaryBook Tickets: 01730 817547 Every Sunday evening until For details, see Tues 23 Jan Christmas and again in JanuaryVenue: Hasleway, Lion Green Sunday 14th January For details, see Sun 3 Dec Venue: Hasleway, Lion Green The Elixir of Love (L Elisir Saturday 27th January Time: 6-6.25pm, Free Absolute Southern Pro Musica Mozart d Amore) by Donizetti Beginners Intro; 6.15-7.15pm Tuesday 12th December Schubert s Die Sch ne MullerinOpera South: Introductory talkSouthern Orchestral Society Beginners; 7.30-8.30pm Conductor: Jonathon Willcocks by Tom Higgins, Director of Improvers; 8.30-9pm Music and Hindhead Music Centre Venue: Petersfield Festival Hall, Venue: Hindhead Music Centre, Music dancing. Petersfield, GU31 4TF Venue: Capron House, North Hindhead Road, Hindhead GU26 Time: 7.30pm Street, Midhurst, W. Sussex 6BA A Service For Advent GU29 9DH Time: 7.30pm The Bartholomew Singers Time: 2.30pm Book Tickets: 01428 604941 Conductor: Anthea Morton Book Tickets: 01730 817547 Venue: St. Bartholomew s Parish
Friday 1st December Handel s Messiah Guildford Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Malcolm Archer Venue: Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford Time: 7.45pm Book tickets: 01483 444789
Church, Derby Road, Haslemere Wednesday 13th December Town Centre Carol Singing GU27 1BP Chamber of Commerce Time: 6pm dispenses mulled wine, mince pies and Town Band provides Tuesday 5th December music JS Bach, DuprĂ˜, Franck, Jongen, Mulet, Mushel, Sweenlinck and Venue: Haslemere War Memorial
Friday 19th January Celebrating Elgar s 150th Haslemere and District Recorded Music Society Presenter: Rhona Morey Venue: Shottermill Hall,