Life on the Water Summer 2009

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Volume III No. 4 | 1

LuLu’s: A Green Restaurant It’s all about fun, food, a zest for by Tracy Williams

for its environmentally friendly improvements that take the pink life and a “crazy sista” named LuLu loving Lucy towards the green. who embraced her love of cooking. By thinking outside the box, the The place is LuLu’s at Homeport restaurant installed a wind turbine Marina in Gulf Shores, Alabama. to generate power for the “Bama LuLu’s did not begin as a shiny Breeze” outdoor bar. A recent quote new idea but rather was born from by Fisher said it best, “Bama Breeze” a long progression of life events starting with Lucy Buffett inheriting is powered by the ‘bama breeze.” LuLu’s menu features a the family grill. Lucy, known as LuLu, began introducing her recipes “Cheeseburger in Paradise” made with organic grass fed beef from through trial and error and listening Boutwell farms out of Dothan, to what the customers wanted. She Alabama. The beef is higher in relocated LuLu’s Sunset Grill on omega 3 fatty acids, Weeks Bay and vitamins A and E, Recently, LuLu’s transformed beta carotene and has received the Dauphin it into a 500 fewer calories, fat, and Island Sea Lab’s seat tourist cholesterol. Seventh Generation destination on They also use Award and the Smart the Intercoastal biodegradable cups Coast “Giraffe” Award Waterway. and were one of the for its environmentally Is it great first public venues friendly improvements... cooking, vivid to use bio-retention decor, tropical rain gardens to absorb locale, soulful storm water to protect the runoff music that makes LuLu’s so popular? into the Intra-Coastal Waterway. Or is it hungry Parrotheads hoping “It has been a challenge to for a glimpse of Bubba dropping by develop new systems as well as to for a bowl of sis’s delicious gumbo? When it comes to the heart and soul constantly search for ways to become of the restaurant’s appeal, it has to be more sustainable. It’s not easy doing things unconventionally.. We are LuLu herself. Just ask Johnny Fisher, the general striving to eliminate much of what is thrown away such as cardboard, manager of LuLu’s restaurant, a food, paper and plastics. The benefits native Alabamian who was with the have been amazing,” said Fisher. House of Blues for nine years. He If you are in the mood for coastal returned home in 2005 to work for cuisine such as a Buffett’s Crab Melt the restaurant. “LuLu’s is a direct sandwich, or seafood that is grilled, reflection of Lucy and that’s why it’s successful. Her personality permeates blackened or fried in a fun-loving environment then drive or float on through the business.” over to LuLu’s at Homeport Marina Recently, LuLu’s received open daily at 200 E. 25th Avenue the Dauphin Island Sea Lab’s or marker #155 on the Intercoastal Seventh Generation Award and Waterway in the great Gulf Shores, the Smart Coast “Giraffe” Award Alabama.

Volume III No. 4 | 29

People on the Water

The building may

be pink but the thinking is green at LuLu’s at the Homeport Marina in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Who is LuLu? She is the daughter of James Delaney and Mary Lorraine Peets Buffett and proclaimed ‘Crazy Sista” of the Buffett family. Lucy Anne took her love of cooking which began as a little girl growing up “underfoot” in her family’s kitchen and turned it into a way of life. After tasting what the world had to offer, Lucy settled back in LA (Lower Alabama) and added just the right spice to what would now become her career: LuLu’s, a national vacation destination and a business leading her community with green innovations.

by Tracy Williams Continued on page 32

Volume III No. 4 | 31

“I believe that the kitchen is the heart of the home, just like the kitchen at Lulu’s is the heart of the restaurant,” said Lulu. “In Mom’s kitchen there was always a pot boiling or something baking.” While her brother Jimmy Buffett (you might have heard of him!) went singing about cheeseburgers in Paradise, LuLu created her own version of cheeseburgers, in her own Alabamian paradise. LuLu’s has been a highly successful venture for the pink loving Lucy but she decided to take another of her loves, writing, and combine the two talents. Her first published project highlights her recipes as well as her personality. She titled it “Crazy Sista Cooking Cuisine and Conversation.” She compares it to a visit to her kitchen

rather than a “how to” book. She describes such a visit, “In my kitchen, I’m first of all going to put you to work -- probably chopping garlic. There is going to be lots of music, good libation, lots of aroma, and wails of laughter. It is a very sensory experience.” The autobiographical journey takes Lucy’s conversation through the ups and downs of her life, pulling recipes from family, friends, and her own creativity. You find the true taste of the coast in her authentic collection, including some great Southern comfort food as simple as “Cinnamon toast” to “Lump Crab a la LuLu over Garlic Cheese Grits.” LuLu’s personality is a major contributor to her appeal, just as her fascination with the color pink. Look for the pink flag, on top of the pink restaurant and if you find LuLu herself, you may discover

a pink Ipod, pink laptop, pink briefcase and on certain days pink cowboy boots. She confesses,” I don’t see myself as a social butterfly. I’m more of a “seasoned partier! I’ve always been social; I got constant C’s in conduct from first through twelfth grade.” Being a part of the coast is ingrained into her as she recalls her family vacations on Mobile Bay. “It always consisted of crabbing, shrimping with seine nets, floundering at night on a low tide, lots of swimming and naps when the afternoon squalls rolled across the bay.” “Being on or living by the water is a mythic experience. It brings a sense of adventure and escapism at the same time it is humbling,” LuLu reflects. Always busy, LuLu is currently working on a book of memoirs with recipes called “Silver Queen Sista: My Life According to Food.”

LUMP CRAB A LA LULU OVER GARLIC CHEESE GRITS Makes 4 servings 1 stick unsalted butter 1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese 1 large leek, including green part, cut in ¼ inch slices 1 ½ teaspoons kosher salt ½ cup coarsely chopped green bell peppers ½ cup sliced mushrooms ½ cup coarsely chopped yellow bell peppers ¾ cup good white wine 1 large tomato, peeled and chopped 1 teaspoon black pepper Large handful of fresh basil leaves, cut into ribbons 1 pound jumbo lump crabmeat 1. In a large heavy sauté pan, melt butter over medium heat. Just as butter begins to sizzle, add leeks and cook 5 minutes or until tender. 2. Add all bell peppers and continue to cook for 2 minutes. 3. Add mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes longer or until mushrooms are softened and mixture is juicy. 4. Add tomato and continue cooking for 2 minutes 5. Add wine, salt, and pepper and mix well. Cover. 6. When liquid is bubbling, gently add crabmeat. Shake the pan instead of stirring so as not to break apart the large lumps of crab. Cover and cook for 1 minute or until crab is heated through and mixture is back to bubbling. 7. Add basil to crab and top with Parmesan cheese. Do not stir. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 1 minute. Adjust seasonings. Serve immediately over Garlic Cheese Grits.

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But that is not all, “One of my new favorite projects is that we are building an awesome, outdoor demonstration kitchen overlooking our marina. I will be inviting chefs and friends to come cook.” It is not all about the food, because LuLu’s offers fun and entertainment as well, including musical guests and special fun events such as LuLupalooza and Fishin Chix Pink Rubber Boots Ladies Fishing Rodeo. There is always something going on. Music has played a big part of the Buffett’s life. “My mother played the soundtracks from Broadway musicals every Saturday morning, so we all loved singing those songs.” As for trying her hand at singing, “I was Ngana in South Pacific at the Mobile Theater Guild. I will still break into “Dites-moi” at the dinner table after a couple of glasses of red wine.” Jimmy Buffett is a music legend and drops by occasionally to visit his sister, but as for musical ambitions, Lucy’s amazing talent is in the cooking, she has no delusions of a musical career. “I sold advertising for the small town paper in Fairhope, Alabama. When I called on one of the businesses one day, I was asked if I could sing. My response was, if I could sing, I wouldn’t be calling on you today!” LuLu’s at the Homeport Marina is leading her community in progressive steps towards going green with pioneering processes they have implemented into the running of a large business. “It is a matter of integrity,” Lucy explains. “I come from a liberal

LuLu’s famous LA Caviar

family. It’s easy to embrace an environmentally friendly philosophy. I’m about being authentic in everything I do and am. Spending the extra money to improve the community that has given so much to me is an easy choice. At this point in my game, it’s about enjoying myself and giving back.” As for the Buffett family, “Without a doubt, our family has a very irreverent sense of humor. It truly helps us through difficult times.” Lucy knows the challenges of living on the coast. In 2005, six months after opening her new facility, Hurricane Ivan paid a visit. Even though LuLu’s suffered damage they reached out a helping hand by

offering free cheeseburgers to relief workers. Her philosophy on living in a hurricane alley, “I don’t worry about what I have no control over. It’s a life lesson that comes with aging. Rebuilding is simply a part of Gulf Coastal living. The destruction breaks your heart but healing begins immediately the next day when the weather is impeccably beautiful with the sun shining brilliantly on all of the devastation. A kind and loving camaraderie descends upon the community after a hurricane disaster.” Lucy has embraced what life has taught her and sums it up, “At this point in the game, it’s all about enjoying myself and giving back.” She proclaims in her book, “Food is my passion; cooking is my art.”

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