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A newsletter from the Center for Weight and Wellness Strategy, Support, Success, Weight Loss

Our Mission:

To teach patients the skills necessary to make lifestyle changes and to empower patients to implement these changes in their everyday lives. Each patient’s program is personalized based on his/ her current weight, medical conditions, lifestyle factors, and personal goals.

Te Center for Weight and Wellness provides comprehensive treatment programs designed specifcally to treat various levels of overweight and obesity. Treatment staf include physicians, psychologists, licensed mental health clinicians, social workers, physician assistants, nurses, nutritionists, health educators, and exercise physiologists. Patients can enroll in a free orientation session by calling 401-793-8790. Two locations: 146 West River Street Suite 11A, First Floor Providence, RI 02904

1377 South County Trail, Unit 1A East Greenwich, RI 02818 center-weight-wellness or @MiriamHospital Vincent Pera, MD Medical Director

Volume 6, Issue 2

Spring 2019

A Conversation with Vincent Pera, MD I had the privilege of interviewing Vincent Pera, MD, founding Medical Director of Te Miriam Hospital’s Center for Weight & Wellness (CWW). Under his leadership, CWW has assisted over 10,000 patients on their weight loss journey. Below are some of his thoughts. - Joanne DeCataldo, Health Educator

Tirty-two years ago, while I was doing my residency at Te Miriam Hospital, I realized I wanted to devote my career to helping patients lose weight. Tis was partly due to the negative impact I saw that being overweight was having on my patients’ health and the deep-seated afection I felt for a family member who struggled with weight. Early in my career, I committed myself to the goal of improving health through medical weight management.

I had heard about a novel program in Chicago using a type of meal replacement supplement - Optifast®, combined with a behavioral approach to weight loss. After further investigation with the Optifast distributors and collaboration with the Behavioral Medicine team at Te Miriam Hospital, the Weight Management program was born!

CWW’s program is rooted in the belief that weight issues need a multi-faceted approach: medical, behavioral, nutrition, and exercise. CWW has a team of caring, multi-disciplinary professionals who are devoted to their patients and who want to see their patients succeed. Tat success - patients losing weight; improving their overall health; reducing their medications; improving their appearance and mobility; and most importantly, improving their self-esteem Exclusive provider of

and psychological wellbeing, is very rewarding for me and every member of our team.

One patient – Rosemarie, is an example of how we have helped. She came to the program twelve years ago and continues to be engaged today. She had many health problems: hypertension, pre-diabetes, and back issues. She was sufering. After losing, gaining, losing then gaining weight again, we discussed bariatric surgery, which she investigated and decided to have. After her surgery, she continued to come to CWW’s Masters/maintenance group. Tis patient showed so much determination, never gave up and realized to be successful in weight loss, she had to transform her life rather than follow a temporary plan. Tat is the diference – transform the way you look at food, your behaviors around food, engage in regular exercise and reinforce a mindset of optimism and emotional well-being. CWW ofers strategies to develop these habits. Research shows that obesity is a chronic disease whose causes may be straight forward for some or complex for others with medical, behavioral, psychological and environmental issues contributing. An efective program must be able to identify the causes and provide interventions that address all the

in Rhode Island

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A newsletter from the Center for Weight and Wellness continued from front

contributing factors. Te patient needs a system of structure, accountability, efective oversight, and frequent engagement to learn, grow and stay connected. Patients receive the care, compassion and treatment they need every day here at the Center for Weight & Wellness. Our comprehensive integrated approach, coupled with the use of Optifast® product, along with an excellent long-term maintenance program and with over 30 years of weight management experience makes our program unique and one-of-a-kind in Rhode Island. My commitment to helping my patients succeed has enriched my life and continues to fuel my motivation to do this work.

Katy’s Culinary Corner: Cod & Veggie Foil Packet Meal Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Ingredients: • 8 oz. cod fllet • 4 oz. Asparagus spears • 2 oz. Snap peas • 5 oz. Grape tomatoes • ½ tsp Dried minced garlic • ½ tsp Italian herb seasoning • Pam spray • 2 Lemon slices Counts as: 6 oz. protein, 3 non-starchy vegetables

Method of Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Tear one sheet of heavy-duty aluminum foil (approx. 12”x 16”). 3. Spray sheet with non-stick cooking spray. 4. In center of the foil, place cod fllet, veggies & seasoning. Top with lemon slices. 5. Pull up the sides of the foil and seal by folding tightly. Repeat on the ends of the packet. 6. Place the packet on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. 7. Removing the packet from the oven, carefully opening packets, as it will steam. Recipe modifed from

Patient Success Story: Michael

Michael after

Michael before

When I frst met Michael, he was the picture of health. I couldn’t imagine him struggling with weight or needing exercise guidance. He said he will never go back to being a big guy again. For many years he tried every diet there is. Mike found that short term diets worked, however, his weight struggles always came back. Frustration was getting the best of him, he thought, “Maybe I’m just supposed to be this big.” As a frefghter, being a big guy really challenged Mike’s ability to perform. He remembers walking up two fights of stairs only to be hufng and pufng by the time he reached the top.

fast treatment protocol. Mike decided to come to the CWW orientation, which he says changed his life. In just 22 weeks in the modifed fast treatment group, Mike lost 80 pounds. He became totally invested in the process. He recalls, “Once I started, my success was a result of attending every group, staying on Optifast products, eating one nutritious meal a day and never taking a sip of alcohol.” Mike’s journey has been transformational. His goals and aspirations of losing weight, becoming healthy and starting an exercise program completely overshadowed his former unhealthy habits. At 57 years old, he says he feels amazing! He exercises every other day and a minimum of four days a week. Although his workout is intense and time-consuming, he stresses he is determined to persevere in order to remain a ft, healthy man.

Although Mike retired from frefghting in July 2018 he continues to work as an on-the-road phlebotomist. Some days he is up and down many fights of stairs to draw blood – no longer hufng and In November 2017, Mike ran into a pufng. He packs his lunch every day, friend who was a patient at the Center for including lots of fresh veggies, nuts, lean Weight & Wellness (CWW). His friend protein and at least 120 ounces of water. had lost 30 pounds doing our modifed He says he looks at food diferently and To learn more about the Center for Weight and Wellness, register for a free orientation session. Call 401-793-8790.

wants the most nutrition out of his food choices. Mike’s advice to a new CWW patient is, “Eat smart, go to all the treatment groups, apply what you learn, become mindful about your choices, and fnd an exercise that you will enjoy doing and fnally, don’t give up! It’s a challenging journey, but the destination is so worth it!”

Arianna’s Advice

With the warmer months approaching, it may be time to switch up your cardiovascular exercise routine: • Aquatic training is suitable for all ftness levels and ofers more than swimming laps. Aquatic walking, jogging, range of motion exercise, swimming and water aerobics are all great ways to have fun in the pool or at the beach. It’s low impact, so it benefts people with Arthritis & Fibromyalgia. • Walking is one of the most popular cardiovascular exercises because it can be done anywhere! Take advantage of Mother Nature’s beauty. Visit the many beautiful paths and trails in RI. Or, join me in the CWW JustWALK group! For more information visit us at center-weight-wellness, click exercise schedule.

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