Weigh to Health: Winter 2019

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A newsletter from the Center for Weight and Wellness Strategy, Support, Success, Weight Loss

Our Mission:

To teach patients the skills necessary to make lifestyle changes and to empower patients to implement these changes in their everyday lives. Each patient’s program is personalized based on his/ her current weight, medical conditions, lifestyle factors, and personal goals.

The Center for Weight and Wellness provides comprehensive treatment programs designed specifically to treat various levels of overweight and obesity. Treatment staff include physicians, psychologists, licensed mental health clinicians, social workers, physician assistants, nurses, nutritionists, health educators, and exercise physiologists. Patients can enroll in a free orientation session by calling 401-793-8790. Two locations: 146 West River Street Suite 11A, First Floor Providence, RI 02904

1377 South County Trail, Unit 1A East Greenwich, RI 02818 www.lifespan.org/centers-services/ center-weight-wellness www.facebook.com/Miriamhospital twitter.com/Miriamhospital or @MiriamHospital Instagram.com/lifespanhealth Vincent Pera, MD Medical Director

Volume 6, Issue 1

Winter 2019

Yoga, Health and Weight Management by Joanne DeCataldo

Yoga, an ancient discipline involving physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and mindfulness techniques, is a commonly used complementary and alternative therapy for weight loss.

As demonstrated in clinical trials, yoga has improved a number of obesityrelated outcomes including body mass index (BMI), body weight, body fat, and waist circumference. In the vitamin and lifestyle (VITAL) study of 15,550 adults, individuals who practiced yoga for at least four years were two to four times less likely to gain weight as they aged than individuals who did not practice yoga. A 2011 pilot study of a 3-month yoga program for adults at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes suggested that yoga would be a possible risk reduction option for this population, and that yoga holds promise as an approach to reducing cardiometabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar and has been shown to increase self-efficacy/ self-confidence for this group.

preoccupation with food, fewer cravings and a shift toward healthier more mindful eating, therefore, making it a useful tool for healthy, sustained weight loss. At the Center for Weight and Wellness we focus on a mindfulness approach to calorie consumption and eating behavior. As a certified yoga teacher with over 20 years’ experience, my students have told me just how important a mindfulness approach is to achieving greater health benefits. They report improvements in strength, flexibility and balance, and most importantly that they have more energy, feel happier and are more relaxed. Every time you practice yoga you have an opportunity to take what you learn in the class and bring these concepts to everyday living. You learn to embrace your life, make good choices for yourself and breathe through the difficult times. Watch for more information about the CWW’s upcoming Yoga Series.

The mechanism underlying yoga’s effectiveness at improving weight-related outcomes remains unclear, although a number of pathways have been proposed including increased Chair Yoga for CWW members! energy expenditure, reduced pain, enhanced mindfulness and body Chair yoga offers the same benefits of awareness, and reduced stress. traditional yoga, without having to get down Yoga appears to downregulate the on the floor. Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Tuesday, January 8 through February 12, 2019. (HPA) axis and the Sympathetic• 6:00 PM sharp to 7:00 PM Adrenal-Medullary (SAM) response to stress. Additionally, • $48.00 for 6 weeks of Yoga yoga interventions have been • Taught by a certified yoga teacher shown to reduce binge eating and Exclusive provider of

in Rhode Island

A newsletter from the Center for Weight and Wellness

Lighten Up – Teen Weight & Wellness Program For moderately to severely overweight teens (ages 15 to 18).

Program Highlights • Personal visits with a medical provider, dietician and exercise physiologist • Weekly behavioral, nutrition & exercise group teen sessions • Separate parent education sessions. For more information or to enroll, call 401-793-8790 • Group Session: Tuesdays, 6:00-7:00 PM • 1377 South County Trail, Unit 1, East Greenwich, RI

Patient Success Story: Lee-Ann

Katy’s Culinary Corner:

Healthy Holiday Habits • Position yourself away from the food! Enjoy your plate in another room so you’re less likely to pick on extra appetizers while you’re chatting with friends. • Keep your normal eating routines in place before the party. Skipping meals can lead to extra hunger and overeating later on. • Don’t waste your calories on filler foods. Prioritize and choose festive foods that you only enjoy this time of year. Grab a small plate to keep indulgences in check. • Bring a healthy dish to share, then you’ll know there will be at least one healthy food to eat.

Lee-Ann summarizes her experience at the Center for Weight & Wellness, “the first week or so in the program can be a Lee-Ann recalls, “it takes hard work challenge. Your body is going through a and dedication to lose weight and keep sort of detox. I remember focusing on one it off. With the Keep on Track program meal at a time. The reward of losing weight I know I am not alone.” “The sharing during groups allow you to feel supported at a consistent pace is what motivated me Lee-Ann after Lee-Ann before to keep going. One of the most powerful and heard,” she continues, “sometimes it “It was time to do something healthy things I have learned through my weight can be very emotional to share because loss journey is that what was standing in for myself, so I called the Center for you are talking about a sensitive topic my way to good health and a healthy body Weight & Wellness.” —Lee-Ann like mindless eating or making high fat weight was something I could control. choices, but it helps to look at your issues Lee-Ann is a member of the Keep on Now the feelings of health, happiness and head-on, talk through solutions, and Track Program at the Center for Weight comfort reinforce my habits to stay on get ideas from others on how to prevent & Wellness (CWW) in Providence. She track for good!” reoccurring patterns of behavior.” The has successfully lost 59 pounds since the groups - led by a multidisciplinary team start of her program in February 2018. of therapists, registered dietitians, and Her blood pressure has improved from Arianna’s Advice exercise physiologists, deliver cutting 131/77 to 119/72. Lee-Ann reports that According to the American College she has much more energy and is happily edge information and provide tools for of Sports Medicine, “muscle groups continued success. She adds, “If you follow reaching into her closet for clothes she isolated during exercise and/or muscles their guidance, then you will lose weight never thought she would be able to wear crossing major moving joints should be and feel in control of your eating habits.” again. Climbing stairs is no longer a stretched 2-3 times each week or more.” struggle. Practicing yoga three times a Lee-Ann practices mindfulness eating Stretching regimens will vary depending week makes her feel strong, flexible and and fully experiences and enjoys her meal, on fitness goals, for example, athletic energized. She exclaims, “I feel great!” and no longer needs to eat to fullness. performance/injury rehabilitation/and or She did not always feel this way. What led She has made a commitment to continue general fitness. Here are some benefits her to joining the Keep on Track program to do advance meal prep and planning. of stretching/flexibility training. As she transitions from the Keep on was a continued feeling of fatigue and • Decrease the risk of injury sluggishness. She felt her weight was the Track program to the Master’s program • Increase range of motion in your joints she plans to meet with the dietitian to culprit. Lee-Ann did the Modified Fast develop a food plan. The Master’s program • Improves performance with certain program in 2013 and maintained her exercises or basic daily activities is a maintenance program for those who, weight loss for several years. It was only like Lee-Ann, have reached their target • Increased circulation of blood to your when life became very busy with her job rate and are ready to keep it off for a muscles and home life that her weight began to lifetime of success. creep back up. She noticed shortness of • Pain management • Stress relief To learn more about the Center for Weight and Wellness, register for a free • Posture improvements orientation session. Call 401-793-8790. breath while walking, joint achiness, and general fatigue.

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