Phone 08 8724 7111 www.lifestyle1.net
Pauline Grieve Registered Conveyancer Over 48 years experience in conveyancing See page 3 for details
Herman Bersee Barristers and Solicitors
Family Law
Personal Injur y
29 Bay Road Mount Gambier SA
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98 George Street Millicent SA
8733 2125
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22 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier SA. Phone 08 8725 2565 | Email henripost1@bigpond.com
your dreams come true
Pauline Grieve has spent almost 50 years working in the real estate and conveyancing field. Her first job out of school turned out to be her last in terms of career choice and she
wouldn’t have it any other way. “When I left school I was applying for all sorts of jobs and I got a job in a real estate office,” Pauline said. “That was back when land brokers, as conveyancers
Average Net Distribution October 2012 to March 2013 27,600 copies. Phone
08 8724 7111 or 03 5561 3141 Fax 08 8724 7882 Web www.lifestyle1.net Email mail@lifestyle1.net Office Office 1 20 Penola Road, Mount Gambier Manager Jason Allen Sales Duncan McGregor 0407 722 983 Editor Di Gould Print 28,000 copies Distribution Letterbox, Australia Post and Newsagencies Padthaway
Kingston Lucindale
Beachport Mt Burr Southend
the legal side of real estate,” Pauline said. “I love it because the work is satisfying, you meet really interesting people and you are helping someone achieve a dream.” After her introduction to conveyancing at the real estate office, Pauline then started working with a licensed land broker in 1979 and has been employed in the real estate conveyancing industry ever since. Pauline joined Herman Bersee’s team in 2006 and after completing her studies became a fully qualified Registered Conveyancer and is a member of the Australian Institute of Conveyancers – SA Division. That was two years ago and took a great deal of discipline, returning to study after so many years away from the education system. “Going back to study after so long and tackling it after working all day I had to really knuckle down and show a lot of
discipline,” she said. “I guess I was lucky I had been in the industry so long that I already understood a lot of the information but you still had assignments and exams so it was tough.” Pauline manages the conveyancing services for all real estate transactions through Herman Bersee’s office, both in South Australia and Victoria. “The conveyancing side of my legal practice grew steadily after Pauline started working for me,” firm principal Herman Bersee said. “Pauline is well known for her level of service to people selling or purchasing new homes and other properties or businesses and since she achieved her
Apsley Dunkeld >
Tarrington > Kalangadoo Casterton Dartmoor Glencoe
Mount Gambier
We support recycling
Portland Yambuk
Over 45 towns
Details contained in this magazine have been compiled from information supplied by advertisers. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained here in. Prospective purchasers should rely on their own enquiries.
Far left - Pauline Grieve hard at work in her office at Herman Bersee.
Above - Pauline Grieve and principal Herman Bersee outside the Bay Road office.
Herman Bersee Barristers & Solicitors Conveyancing (08)8725 6969 www.bersee.com.au
Salad OR soup OR calamari PLUS an entrée pasta
Edenhope >
Allendale Nelson Port MacDonnell
full accreditation it is becoming an ever increasing part of my legal practice which is mostly in family law, property settlements, wills and estates.” Pauline also fulfills the role of senior estates clerk, in relation to deceased estates and probate applications.
Naracoorte Coonawarra Penola
were then known, still worked out of real estate offices.” She didn’t take long to take a genuine liking to the real estate and conveyancing business. “I describe conveyancing as
102 Commercial St West, Mount Gambier Ph. 8723 0011 Open 7 Days. Fully Licenced Available for a limited time only and while stocks last. Dine in and lunch time only. *Modern menu $1 extra. Lifestyle1.net - 003
COVER Helping
tempt the tastebuds Chicken & Potato Casserole 50g butter, plus extra to grease 2 leeks, white part only, thinly sliced 1 onion, thinly sliced 1 tbs olive oil 1kg diced lamb leg or shoulder 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbs pearl barley 800g waxy potatoes (such as kipflers), peeled, thinly sliced 300ml lamb, chicken or beef stock 1 tsp chopped fresh thyme 5tbs (100ml) thick cream 3 tbs chopped flat-leaf parsley Method Preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease an ovenproof casserole dish. Place half the butter in a large frypan over low heat and cook leek and onion for 5 minutes or until softened. Transfer to a plate and set aside. Add oil to pan, increase heat to high. When oil is hot, add lamb and brown in batches, then transfer to a separate
6 1 3 4 9 8 2 7 5
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4 9 6 7 3 1 5 8 2
5 3 8 9 6 2 7 4 1
2 4 1 5 8 7 3 9 6
3 6 7 2 4 9 1 5 8
9 8 5 6 1 3 4 2 7
Lifestyle1.net - 004
your stars
plate. Add garlic and barley to pan, season with salt and pepper and cook for 1 minute, then return lamb to pan and stir to combine. Place half the potatoes in base of casserole. Layer meat over top followed by leek mixture. Use back of a spoon to flatten contents of casserole, then overlap remaining potatoes on top. Pour in stock and sprinkle with thyme. Cover with a lid or a layer of foil and bake in oven for 2 hours. Brush potatoes with cream. Return to oven, uncovered, for 30 minutes or until potatoes are golden. Serve from dish, sprinkled with parsley.
How to play: To solve this puzzle each 3x3 box, each row and each column must contain all the numbers from 1 to 9.
8 2 4 3 7 5 6 1 9
come’n’try Square Dancing is Fun - Come and Try - Allabout Squares Dance Club We are inviting new dancers to come and try Square Dancing in June. We meet at Glenburnie Hall, Casterton Road on Saturday evenings starting at 7.30pm. More than two hours of entertainment from a live caller is provided followed by a delicious supper. Nominal cost. No experience necessary. Please call Andrea on 0417 509 144.
7 9 2 4 1
3 8 8 1 5 2 7 1 8 6 7 9 8 9 7 3 1 6 4 2 5 2 8
Pisces Could be a good time just to give your house the once over - a pre-spring spring clean. It will make you feel more envigorated about everything in your life. Add some personality to your home. Aries Your ability to talk the talk will come to the fore this week and should secure you an impressive deal at work. Might also be a good week to de-clutter your home - give away what you’re not using to charity and maybe even have a garage sale to get those extra funds you’ve been looking for. Taurus You’ve been working hard and waiting a while for this but it looks like that good job with the good salary is just around the corner. You will have no trouble getting recommendations so bite the bullet and take the plunge. Gemini You will meet some interesting new people this week so take advantage of bouncing ideas off them and really get in touch with your creative side. These new people in your life could prove keepers. Cancer Your willingness to go that extra mile at work and take on new responsibilities or help others has not gone unnoticed and that long awaited payrise could be on the horizon or at least some meaningful recognitiion for what you do at work. Leo There is no doubt you’re talented at what you do and some friends in high places will make sure that’s acknowledged this week. You could get a huge career break this week as the right people are exposed to your ideas and skills so be prepared to take advantage.
Virgo Boy are you at the crossroads this week careerwise as you seriously consider whether to stick the status quo or bite the bullet and make a change - shake things up. It really is time you probably took up a new challenge even though that means taking a risk. Libra It’s all about an amazing travel opportunity this week and by amazing, we mean life changing. You will gain a whole new perspective and your problems will pale into insignificance. Scorpio You really need to let those close to you know just how important they are to you and how much you love them. This is also a good time to confide in someone close and sort through and find solutions to some of those niggling little issues that have been eating away at you. Sagittarius Someone close to you, either personally or at work, will talk you into taking a risk this week, sensing your restlessness with the status quo. It probably is time for a new challenge so listen carefully to what they are proposing. Capricorn You could find yourself with either added responsibility at work and an accompanying payrise, or an intriguing second job. Either way you will be glad of the extra money and that will offset the extra effort required. Aquarius It’s all about romance this week and spicing it up at that. If you’re in a relationship, the time has come to try some new things between the sheets and if not, then get out there and see what’s on offer. It’s definitely time to focus on all things personal for a while.
million dollar facility officially unveiled
Southern Grampians Shire Council is pleased to announce that the new $1.2 million synthetic hockey field at Pedrina Park in Hamilton was officially opened earlier this month by the Hon Hugh Delahunty MP, Member for Lowan, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs. The project is a partnership between the Victorian State Government, Southern Grampians Shire Council and the Glenelg Region Hockey Association supported by a local benefactor. The project has created
a state of the art facility for hockey players in the shire that will allow for matches and trainings to be completed at night through the installation of competition lighting as part of the project. The new surface will also ensure that matches will be able to be played in all weather conditions. Previously matches had to be cancelled due to poor surface conditions caused by heavy rain in the winter months.The surface was installed by STI International who worked on the construction of the synthetic hockey fields for the 2012 London
Olympics. Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Cr Albert Calvano said council was pleased to see works complete on the new synthetic hockey field at Pedrina Park. “The project has created a first class facility for local hockey players and will make Southern Grampians a regional hub for hockey,” he said. “The new field will help in the promotion of junior hockey, allow for matches and training to be completed at night, while securing the future of hockey in Hamilton for many generations to come.”
Lifestyle1.net - 005
Below - Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Cr Albert Calvano with the Hon Hugh Delahunty MP, Member for Lowan, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs at the official opening of the new synthetic hockey field at Pedrina Park in Hamilton.
COLLECTED STUPIDITY We live in a society and with a government that encourages people to be lazy and stupid. I’m convinced that we’ve unfortunately got the
Why we suck by Robbie Tansel
governments that we deserve. Let’s be clear that when I say government I mean pretty much every one of the clowns on both sides who
sit in a parliament around the country. We don’t have leaders. We have politicians who want to play politics. Play is the key word here. They’re
Celebrating 100 YEARS
playing a game where their aim is to stay in the game for as long as possible. Our televisions are saturated with reality shows full of people who are trying to win the game and I think it has rubbed off on our pollies. I actually think that might be a pretty interesting reality show. Choose an electorate, then put the candidates through a series of challenges and vote some off each
week. I reckon it might be a more informed way of picking our politicians actually. They can’t honestly think they are doing what is right for the country and its future. They’re doing what they think will get them the most votes. If that stuffs up lives, then so be it. Like I said though, we’ve got what we deserve. We are actively facilitating the destruction of our country’s present,
Newly Refurbished Taven & Front Bar 32 Modern Gaming Machines Sundays $10 Pizza or Schnitzel & Pint *Conditions Apply
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72 George Street, Millicent. Phone 08 8733 2017 (parking at the rear of the hotel)
at the gallery Until 30 June ‘Stan Kelly: Fungi’ HAMILTON ART GALLERY, HAMILTON See the works of this self-taught artist, a Victorian railway engine driver by trade who devoted his paintings to Australian native flora and fungi.
Lifestyle1.net - 006
and future. We’ve accepted it. Our lives are still too comfortable so we sit on our couches watching people renovate houses, cook meals and lose weight. No wonder we haven’t noticed how bad politics is. I think the fact that our lives are so comfortable and safe is possibly the biggest danger to all of our futures. The fact that our lives are so safe and comfortable has made
us lazy and stupid. Think back to hundreds or thousands of years ago. Life was dangerous so you had to be constantly on full alert. You knew that if you weren’t fully alert then a lion would eat you. That sort of motivation kept people very alert for hundreds of years. No need for some caffeine filled energy drink to keep you awake. Imagine if you knew that when you were walking through Coles and Woolies there was every chance that a wild animal might jump out at you. You reach into a fridge and a crocodile might jump out at you. You’d be pretty switched on, wouldn’t you? Imagine if you knew that the people of Kalangadoo were hostile and could march on your town at any moment, intent on raping and pillaging. Again, you’d be on full alert. You wouldn’t be sitting around watching people renovate houses on your forty inch television. We know that’s not possible. Nangwarry? Not so far fetched. Back in the day if you didn’t get up each morning and go out hunting, or out into your paddocks to work your fields, you wouldn’t eat. You either got off your fat rear end or you would starve. That’s motivation. Today people know that the government will pay them fortnightly to sit around playing Playstation. Where’s the motivation to do something? Personal pride? Well who has that these days? Personal instant gratification; well that’s what we’re talking about. Our governments and we as a society have actively encouraged people to be fat, lazy, stupid and selfish. Well done us. So what’s the answer? How should I know? But if someone knows how to vote those two annoying police sister chicks off the Block could they email me at robbietansel@ gmail.com Or if they know how to vote that annoying ranga woman off that House of Representatives show drop me a line too.
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BLUE LAKE MOTEL - LEASEHOLD ONLY 1 Kennedy Avenue, Mount Gambier Prominently positioned with excellent views over the city is the Blue Lake Motel, containing 24 rooms within close proximity to the CBD of Mt Gambier. Great family business opportunity with excellent potential for increase in trade. Features include; • 50 seat licensed restaurant updated in 2012 (not currently in use) • Commercial kitchen & bar facilities • Ideal setting for business meetings/conferences • 3 bedroom managers residence with private rear yard • 24 rooms including interconnecting family room • Guests kitchen & laundry amenities • Long lease available.
Address: 1 Kennedy Avenue, Mount Gambier Price: $115,000 - Leasehold Only Contact: P & L Real Estate 32 Bay Road, Mount Gambier 08 8723 3416 Al Lamond 0418 849 266. www.pandl.net.au RLA 185456
Explore the outstanding options available in regional South Australia’s largest city & all that the Limestone Coast offers.
Lifestyle1.net - 007
4 Queens Avenue
FULL OF OLD WORLD CHARM Dolomite fronted Character home centrally located. Comprising of 4 double bedrooms. 3 with built in robes. Dedicated office and study. Formal and informal living areas. Relax with a wine in the delightful Entertainer’s kitchen featuring an island bench. Main bathroom with sep shower bath. 2nd shower and toilet. Ornate features throughout. Offering the choice of s/c heating or ducted gas heating. Single garage under the main roof with internal access plus carport. Stunning views over the rear garden and pond from the outdoor decking. Situated over 2 titles totalling approx. 2651m2. This property represents an excellent opportunity for those who adore character homes but want the hard work done.. as a repaint of the exterior, replumbing and re wiring have all been completed. An inspection of this “One of a kind” home will leave you wanting more.
16 Shaughnessy Court
GREAT FAMILY HOME IN A GREAT SPOT Neat brick home located in quiet & convenient culdesac, close to city. All bedrooms with built ins & main has ensuite. Separate lounge & rumpus room. Open plan family/ dining & kitchen. Spacious timber kitchen with gas hot plates, electric oven & dishwasher. Three way main bathroom with corner spa bath. Ducted gas heating & split system a/c. Gabled pergola overlooks large & deep rear yard. Large garage with room for 2 vehicles + ample workshop area + carport.
4/18 Yeates Street
NEAT & CLEAN Spacious three bedroom townhouse/homette. Good size bedrooms all with built-ins. 3-way bathroom with double vanity and dual access to bedroom. Light filled open plan living including full kitchen, dining and lounge. R/C a/c. Large paved pergola. Double garage UMR with extra parking available.
Moorak Hall Road
SUPERB COUNTRY LIVING Just minutes from the city centre. Comprising of 3 luxurious bedrooms study or ideal den. Situated on 10 acres into fenced 5 main paddocks with stables. Chefs kitchen with stainless steel appliances and granite bench tops. Well appointed games room/rumpus. Open plan living area with dedicated cellar ideal for the wine buff. Renovated ensuite & main bathroom. Indoor heated pool & spa spacious entertaining all undercover. The most exquisite of gardens to enjoy. Living in this property will offer a truly unique experience. In conjunction with Gebhardts Real Estate.
5-7 Salesyard Rd, Allendale East
11/69 Bay Road
THE BEST OF ALL WORLDS Executive living brick family home with rural vista and all close to the coast. Three double bedrooms + large office. Main bedroom with WIR to ensuite. Formal lounge, separate dining & family room. Spacious kitchen with walk in pantry, dishwasher and plenty of cupboards & bench tops. Main bathroom has separate bath & shower + separate shower. Single garage UMR with remote door + 9m x 6m approx garage. Rainwater tanks & bore.
4-5 Leslie Court, Donovans
WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THIS 4 bedroom home. Great size bedrooms all with built in’s. Main bedroom has a spacious walk in robe and ensuite. Family size kitchen with s/s appliances, gas cooktop, electric oven and walk in pantry. Ducted gas heating and a split system. Vehicle access is also available to a rear double garage, measuring approx. 7m x 6m with a clearance of approx. 2.35m.
21 Reginald Street
A RENOVATED CLASSIC Immaculate stone home in popular lakes area. 3 double bedrms. 2 with BIR. Large main bthrm with sep bath/ shower, 2nd bthrm combined with laundry. Open plan kitchen/dine with s/steel appliances & dishwasher. D/gas heating. Single Garage with w/shop. Split reverse cycle system.
9 Redwood Avenue
EXECUTIVE LIVING AT ITS BEST Stunning home with sweeping views of Don McDonnell reserve that has emphasis on generous size living. Inviting formal lounge with gas log fire. Massive family room with stacker doors opening to alfresco area – perfect for entertaining Large kitchen with granite bench tops, gourmet Smeg gas cooker, dishwasher and huge pantry. Two dining areas, one for everyday the other for larger gatherings. Bedroom one with WIR and ensuite with BIR in remaining two bedrooms. Dedicated office. Ducted r/c a/c through out + 2 gas log fires. Triple garage UMR with access to another garage in rear yard. Rainwater services home. Good size rear yard. So much more with this home.
11A Shepherdson Road
THE ULTIMATE IN EASY LIVING Simply stunning courtyard home, elevated and in the Lakes location. Comprising of 2 double bedrooms plus a study nook. Open plan kitch/dine and living with solid timber flooring, stainless steel gas cooktop, electric oven and dishwasher. Sliding doors spill to outdoor entertaining. Main bedroom has a WIR and ensuite. Bedroom 2 is ideal as a guest room with ensuite access to the main bathroom which is 3 way. Lightfilled study area with built in desk and cabinets. Internal access from the double garage and recent solar panels installed.
9 Ellard Street
EASY CARE LIVING You will feel like a master chef with this startlingly renovated kitchen. This three bedroom courtyard home is convenient to post office, butcher & deli. Timber flooring in lounge, kitchen & passage. All bedrooms with built ins & near new carpets. Separate bath & shower in bathroom + separate toilet. Reverse cycle, split system air conditioning. Double garage UMR & enclosed side yard. Level allotment & on own certificate of title. $7,500.00 Purchaser cash back incentive – conditions apply.
15 Arlington Terrace
A PLACE TO CALL YOUR HOME Neat family home located in culdesac street at Conroe Heights that would suit a variety of family dynamics. Constructed of the timeless and popular Mount Gambier split stone that never dates. Three double size bedrooms with the main boasting generous WIR and the remaining two bedrooms with built in robes. The easy care convenience of a two way bathroom that has shower and bath + separate toilet and separate vanity – less to clean. Separate office located conveniently close to front entrance & formal lounge. Large open plan living warmed by free standing s/c heating and also split system r/c air conditioning. Generous timber kitchen with electric hot plates and electric wall oven, double sink and pantry cupboard and direct access to double garage UMR. Sliding door from family area opens to sheltered decked pergola. Convenient side access to enclosed rear yard that has a 9m x 7m (approx) concreted colorbond garage. This lovely home is just waiting for a new owner.
307m2 $59,000 883m2 $62,500 1425m2 $99,000 1196m2 $175,000
EVERYTHING WILL HAVE A SPOT! Neat tidy home with extensive garaging & vehicle coverage. Four bedrooms- main with ensuite. Large open plan living with s/c heating & r/c a/c. Renovated kitchen. Double carport connected to home. 12m x 6m approx games shed- lined, insulated, r/c a/c, built-in bar. 11m x 8m approx garage + high clearance carport. 1452m2 allotment. $7500 Purchaser incentive conditions apply.
SALES Jamie Sutherland 0458 231 506 Vicki Quinn 0417 804 782
AN EASY INVESTMENT Thought of securing an investment but worried about problem tenants? Look no further than this delightfully low maintenance unit. Situated in well maintained. Hedley Court on prestigous Bay Road. Comprising of 2 bedrooms with built in robes in the main. Renovated bathroom with sep shower bath. Separate toilet. Open plan kitchen/dine/lounge. Split system reverse cycle heating and cooling. Private rear courtyard. Single carport with lockable storage room. Currently leased with an immaculate tenant
6A Gordon Street 7 Highland Drive 19 Mayflower Court U/C 7 Redwood Avenue
9 Coral Court
2/102 Wehl St - 2 bedrm unit. Lounge, kit & dining has gas heating. Kit w/ gas cooking. Large laundry. Sorry no pets. Avail Now @ $135 p/wk 3/68 Brownes Rd - 2 bedrm unit both w/ BIR’s. Kitchen w/ electric cooking. Spacious lounge. Close to Mt Gambier High School. Sorry no pets. Avail 9/7/13 @ $140 p/wk 3/113 Sturt St - 2 bedrm flat. BIR’s in main bedrm. Open plan kitch/lounge w/ elec cooking & heating. Sorry no pets. Avail 28/6/13 @ $140 p/wk 2 Gumbirra Crt - 3 bedrm house. Gas heating & cooking. Combined lounge/dining. Large enclosed pergola. Double garage. Pets negotiable. Avail 23/07/13 @ $200 p/wk 6/4 Pick Ave - 2 bedrm unit close to main St, south eastern hotel & Harvey Norman. Gas heating + R/ C. Enclosed rear yard + garden shed. Sorry no pets. Avail Now @ $205 p/wk 10 Wilson St - 3 bedrm home close to town. Near new kitchen w/ elec cooking + plenty of storage. Large yard + shedding. Avail 1/7/13 @ $245 p/wk
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Emma Beare 0437 902 438
2/151 Commercial St West - 2 bedrm unit both w/ BIR’S. Kitch w/ gas cooking. Split system/c heating/cooling in dining room. Gas heating in lounge. Single garage w/ remote roller door. Sorry no pets. Avail 10/7/13 @ $250 p/wk. 59 Penola Rd - 3 /4 bedroom home. BIR’s in 2 rooms. Kitchen w/ dishwasher. S/C wood heating. Single carport. Pets on app. Avail 30/7/13 @ $250 p/wk 12/151 Commercial St West - 2 storey unit. 2 upstairs bedrooms, main w/ BIR + balcony. Kitchen w/ gas cook top + walk in pantry. Dining area w/ gas heating. Single garage. Sorry no Pets. Avail 26/7/13 @ $260 p/wk. 27B Hart St - 3 bedrm apartment. Fully Furnished. Main bedrm w/ WIR, others w/ BIR’s. 2 queen beds + 2 single beds. 2 way bathrm. Lounge w/ r/c a/c. Kit w/ elec cooking + dishwasher. Rear decking. Sgle remote garage w/ internal access. Sorry no pets. Avail 30/6/13 @ $420 p/wk
I Lisa Yeates 08 8725 4225
RECEPTION Rhea Penafiel 08 8725 4225
10 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier enquiries@vickiquinnrealestate.com.au www.vickiquinnrealestate.com.au
Lifestyle1.net - 008
I RLA 204710
67 Pinehall Avenue 2 HOMES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE
• 2 bedroom unit with BI robes in main bedroom • Eat in kitchen • Lounge with free-standing electric hea ng • Separate laundry & bathroom • Carport UMR • Small enclosed yard • Central loca on - walk to shopping & services
• A rus c, split level pine log cabin on approx 3 acres within city limits • comprising of 4 bdrms + study, 3 with BI robes, a mber kitchen with elec cooking, dishwasher & lge pantry • Master bathroom plus ensuite to main • S/C hea ng & open fireplace • Lots of sheds & 2 car garage & 2 carports
PRICED AT $110,000
PRICED AT $495,000
• Also low maintenance transportable home with 3 bdrm, 2 with BIR’s • Able to be rented out for $190 - $210 per week. • Beau fully terraced gardens • All the hard work is done
• Centrally located close to Reidy Park School and High Schools • North facing 3 bedroom brick home • Master bedroom with WI robe and ensuite • BI robes in bedrooms 2 and 3 • Modern kitchen with BI dishwasher and casual dining • Formal L shaped lounge/dining with gas hea ng • Drive through garage UMR PRICED AT $242,500
New Price
Chris & Mary’s Fish & Chips BUSINESS
• An iconic local business with current owners for over 23 years wishing to re re • Open 6 days per week supplying the best takeaway fish n chips and Yiros’ in town • Ideal husband and wife or partnership opera on • Main street loca on with easy parking • Consistent healthy profit figures with a steady growth pa ern • Some vendor finance may be available to approved purchasers
• Perfect for the ac ve family with three double bedrooms • Master with ensuite and BI robes • Open plan kitchen / dining & family rooms • Formal dining room with balustrade overlooking a sunken formal lounge • Ducted reverse cycle air condi oning
PRICED AT $80,000
PRICED AT $285,000
• Plus s/c wood heater and portable gas heater • Designated office area or guest room • Drive through 3 car garage and workshop • Low maintenance yard with great street appeal and situated between St Mar n’s school and McDonald Park Primary.
5/22 Buronga Avenue STYLE AND POSITION
• Solid three bedroom home e high on the hill • Excellent flow and vision to the new ‘Woolies’ development • All bedrooms with BI Robes • North facing kitchen and living • Modern hostess kitchen with open plan dining & lounge • Private enclosed rear yard with detached lock up garage • Well presented spacious home e in a well regarded group PRICED AT $209,000
New Price
Rentals 3/11 WERONA STREET $100 PER WEEK 1 bdrm flat, electric hea ng & cooking 14 TALLARA AVENUE $185 PER WEEK 3 bdrm home, gas cooking, shower over bath, lge rear yard single carport
25 Hay Terrace, Kongorong TRANQUIL COUNTRY LIVING • • • • • • •
Situated in the town ship of Kongorong. Close to School Country P.O. and spor ng complex. Superb solid brick family residence. Three spacious bedrooms. Formal lounge and dining. Informal family playroom area. Enclosed rear entertaining area ideal for alfresco dining.
PRICED AT $299,500
• Tastefully renovated three bedroom stone home • Immacuately presented with huge lounge featuring sn oversized bay window • Fully refi ed kitchen with pantry cupboard, dishwasher and central island • Cooktop bench & BI oven • Redecorated bathroom PRICED AT $259,500
• Ensuite to master bedroom • Built in robes to all bedrooms • Spacious dining area adjoining the breakfast bar • Enclosed rear porch & office alcove established in the passage • Ducted reverse cycle air condi oing • New 4 car garage with remote doors • Private secure rear yard
UNIT 5/22 BURONGA AVENUE $180 PER WEEK 3 bdrm unit with BIR’s to all rooms, open plan kitchen/dining & lounge, gas hea ng, sep bath, single detached lock up garage 11 MONTGOMERY AVENUE $$230 PER WEEK 3 bdrm home – 2 with BIR’S, garage UMR, electric cooking 55 MONTEBELLO DRIVE $262.50 PER WEEK 3 bdrm home, main with WIR & ensuite, open living, kitchen, dining, family, dishwasher, & R/C air cond, office, Carport UMR, excludes dble garage.
OPEN SAT 11.00 - 11.30am
U3/35 ALEXANDER STREET $110 PER WEEK 2 bedroom flat, kitchen/dining/lounge area toilet in bathroom, courtyard size rear yard. NO pets.
20 Lasiandra Crescent A WINNER FOR THE BEGINNER
23 Lila Crescent, Nene Valley STYLISH SEASIDE RESIDENCE
• Three bedroom brick and le home in the North West of the City • BI robes in all three bedroom • Formal lounge with gas hea ng • Kitchen with new gas oven and casual dining • Upgraded bathroom with bath & separate shower • Covered outdoor pergola at the rear
• Stunning 3 bedroom home on a large allotment • Built in robes in all bedrooms • Raked ceilings to living areas • Blackwood mber kitchen with B/fast bar • Open plan living dining • Split system R/C air condi oning • Total upgrade inside and out
PRICED AT $199,000
PRICED AT $339,000
• Large bathroom with separate shower and spa bath • Detached games room/garage with mezzanine lo • 2nd toilet & shower
10/1 CARAPOOK STREET $200 PER WEEK As new – cosy 2 bdrm modern unit. BI robes in both bdrms, gas hea ng, modern kitchen – private courtyard. Single garage with remote control door & internal access. Centrally located. NO pets. U1/35 ALEXANDER STREET $105 PER WEEK 2 bedroom flat, kitchen, dining, lounge area. Toilet in bathroom. Courtyard size rear yard. NO pets
Phone (08) 8723 2121 55 Commercial St East, Mount Gambier John Overmaat 0417 874 286 Steve Auld 0478 144 178 Kim Cawthorne 0418 807 596 RLA 100053
Lifestyle1.net - 009
Mount Gambier
29464 Princes Hwy, Glenburnie
68 Suttontown Rd, Mt Gambier
• Prominent location, 3 bedroom home on 8.5 acres • Great north facing entertaining area • Large workshop/garage & other sheds • Easy access for trucks & machinery • Comfortable home with 3 living areas WEB Id. 5385761 3 2 8 Bruce Auld 0428 849 882
1.00 - 1.20pm
1.40 - 2.00pm
1 Lange Street, Mount Gambier
• • • • •
OPEN SUN JUNE 30 1.45 - 2.15pm
Brick home on large corner allotment 2 street access, huge carport Bullnose verandah Ducted gas heating 2 way bathroom
WEB Id. 5194813
• • • •
Modern kitchen with gas cooking & WI Pantry 3 bedrooms – main with WIR Excellent residential area Rainwater throughout
Paul Cavanagh 0409 286 285
8 Bluebell Drive, Mt Gambier
• • • •
Double garage umr Room for caravan/boats/trailers Ducted gas heating Vendor ready to sell now
Paul Cavanagh 0409 286 285
691 Nelson Road, OB Flat
• • • •
One of the biggest sheds in the Southeast Sheds, sheds and more sheds Beautifully presented gardens Too many features to list.
2 Douglas & Ingleby Streets, Mt Gambier
OPEN ALL WEEKEND BY APPOINTMENT • 2 x solid stone duplex pair each comprising of 3 bedrooms • Fantastic corner position, • Freshly refurbished throughout • Live in one and rent out the other WEB Id. 4659114
143 North Terrace, Mt Gambier
• • • •
Wheel chair access to shower in duplex 2 Town gas heating unit Great size backyards with room for a shed Walk to both, primary and high schools plus corner store and public transport and tavern close by. • Rental appraisal available upon request
Charmaine Russell 0407 268 098
OPEN SUN JUNE 30 11.30 - 12.00 noon
• Approx 2.9 acre property on 2 titles • 3 bedroom home • Lounge with gas heating • Horse stables with power • Brand new gas hot water system WEB Id. 5159311 Paul Cavanagh 0409 286 285
38 Pressey Street, Mount Gambier $100,000
• Great opportunity to own your own home • Solid home on 804m2 allotment • 3 bedrooms, freshly painted throughout • Easy to maintain gardens • Close to schools & transport WEB Id. 5216493 3 Zoe Tomkinson 0417 863 063
24 Telford Street, Mount Gambier
11.00 - 11.30am
• Ex display home • Convenient location in popular Conroe • Raked ceiling & unique steps down loungeroom • Large formal dining room • Large family room & casual meals WEB Id. 5064858 Graeme Cleves 0419 806 410 3 2 4
40 Pressey Street, Mount Gambier $100,000
OPEN ALL WEEKEND BY APPOINTMENT • 3 bedroom solid home on 761m2 allotment • Freshly painted throughout, updated kitchen & bathroom • Easy to maintain gardens • Close to schools & transport • Adjoining #38 available WEB Id. 5216506 3 1 0 Zoe Tomkinson 0417 863 063
26 Telford Street , Mount Gambier
By Appointment
• Large solid stone family home • 3 to 4 bedrooms with gas heating • Huge lounge room with polished timber floor • Games room or family room • Renovated stunning bathroom • Teenager retreat WEB Id. 5343420 Graeme Cleves 0419 806 410
2.30 - 3.00pm
32 Millard Way, Kalangadoo
• 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spa bath in ensuite • 3 car garage with kitchenette & wash facilities • 2 spacious living areas seamlessly connect with covered outdoor timber deck • Bore, rainwater, town water and shed WEB Id. 4702751 4 2 2.5 Charmaine Russell 0407 268 098
2.30 - 3.00pm • • • •
26 Turnbull Drive, Mount Gambier $460,000
• Positioned on the foothills of the Blue Lake with walking trails only moments away • Beautifully elevated with sweeping views • Beaming with natural light are the huge games room, office & storage area WEB Id. 5061448 4 2 2 Charmaine Russell 0407 268 098
Delightful home in Conroe Heights 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen/dining/living overlooking courtyard Theatre room/ 2nd living area
WEB Id. 3688151
OPEN SUN JUNE 30 • Spanish Architecture dominates this outstanding home • 3 - 4 bedrooms • Beautifully refurbished with new paint, new carpet, new ensuite, new kitchen and appliances • Encompassing large separate games room WEB Id. 5131852 3/4 2 1 Charmaine Russell 0407 268 098
36 Brolga Street, Mount Gambier
2 Bedroom stone duplex, updated eat in Kitchen, updated bathroom with separate shower and kids bath, massive separate gas heated lounge room, Polished floor boards Throughout the bedrooms and living room, enclosed rear yard with room for a shed and the kids to play. Situated opposite the Showgrounds. WEB Id. 5224218 2 1 0 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
3 Bedroom stone duplex, Enclosed rear porch ideal study or 4th bedroom, updated eat in Kitchen, updated bathroom with separate shower and kids bath, separate gas heated lounge, Polished floor boards Throughout the bedrooms and living room, enclosed rear yard with room for a shed and the kids to play. Situated opposite the Showgrounds. WEB Id. 5224545 3 1 0 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
2/53 Bertha Street, Mount Gambier $222,000
11 Howland Street, Mt Gambier
OPEN SAT JUNE 29 10.00 - 10.30am
• 2 Bedroom executive unit in lakes area • Both bedrooms with built-in robes • 3 way bathroom • Open plan living with gas heating • Single garage UMR with remote control door WEB Id. 4953345 2 1 Graeme Cleves 0419 806 410
• 4 Bedrooms3 with robes • Formal lounge with reverse-cycle air and slow combustion heating • Upstairs kitchenette and large family room • 3 Toilets WEB Id. 5237084 5 2 2 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
0419 806 410
0407 268 098
0408 853 180
0417 863 063
0428 849 882
0409 286 285
9 B ay Ro ad , Mo un t G am bier
ph 08 8723 0633 Lifestyle1.net - 010
m tg a m b ie r @e l d e r s.co m .a u RLA 62833
35 Bluebell Drive, Mt Gambier
145 O’Neil Road, Worrolong
30 Eglington Terrace, Mt Gambier
4 Marara Street, Mount Gambier
OPEN SUN JUNE 30 11.00 - 11.20am
12.30 - 12.50pm
2.00 - 2.30pm
1.00 - 1.30pm
• 3 huge bedrooms all with robes • Master with WIR & ensuite • Formal lounge & games room • Massive open plan kitchen/meals/family area • Kitchen with WI pantry designed for the chef WEB Id. 4758326 3 2 2 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
Elders has just listed for sale this lovely solid brick Family home ideal for the growing family. The home consists of 3 Bedrooms plus study, formal sunken lounge, formal dining area and an open plan kitchen meals family area. The kitchen is solid Tassie oak and boasts wi pantry. Both WEB Id. 5235386 4 3 6 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
• Recently renovated • 3 Bedrooms 1 with robes • Remote Carport plus new colour bond garage • Stunning rear private decked patio • Beautifully land scaped gardens WEB Id. 5292594 3 1 2 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
13 Old Kent Court, Mount Gambier $284,000
6 Robin Street, Mount Gambier
7 Playford Street, Mount Gambier
RENTAL POTENTIAL $240 PW/K • Near new Carpet in lounge, passage and bedrooms • Level allotment • Solid brick home • 3 bedrooms all of a great size • Single garage WEB Id. 4389135 3 1 2 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
WANTED OPEN SUN JUNE 30 12.00 - 12.20pm
10.30 - 10.50am
11.30 - 11.50am
• 3 bedrooms all with robes • Master with walk in robe & ensuite • Formal lounge • Open plan kitchen meals family area • Single remote garage UMR with internal access WEB Id. 4476697 3 2 3 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
• 3 bedroom solid home • Built-ins in all • Updated kitchen with dishwasher • Formal lounge dining • Large family room with built-in storage cupboards WEB Id. 4715568 3 1 3 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
• 3 bedrooms, 2 with robes • Open plan lounge/ kitchen/ meals • Updated kitchen with dishwasher • Slow combustion heater • Great separate family room • Single garage with workshop Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
7 Tolmie Street, Mt Gambier
12 Paltridge Street, Mount Gambier $265,000
VENDOR SAYS SELL • Premises approximately 160m2 plus mezzanine floor. • High clearance double access roller doors of 4.1m clearance. • Stone workshop with rear access on allotment of approximately 567m2 plus Right of Way. • 3 phase power, pit & ablutions & office area. WEB Id. 5338142 Bruce Auld 0428 849 882
16 Mayflower Court, Mt Gambier
11.00 - 11.20am
Bruce Auld 0428 849 882
EY’S, YUKI LANE • 17ha (42 acres) in 2 titles • Fenced into 4 main paddocks • ETSA to former house site • Dam & large red gums $100,000
Bruce Auld 0428 849 882
7 Aramanta Drive, Mount Gambier $359,000
WEB Id. 5206224
Paul Cavanagh 0409 286 285 2
SWIGGS, BUDDLE LANE • 16ha (39.5acres) in 2 titles • Stockyards, hay shed, old cottage & sundry sheds • Water licence of 8ha I.E. with diesel motor & centrifical pump • An attractive block with large red gums & good home sites $225,000
16 Mitchell St, Mount Gambier
OPEN SAT JUNE 29 • 3 bedrooms all with robes • 2 bathrooms • Open plan living area • Covered rear patio • Remote garage with internal access WEB Id. 5194741 3 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
• Large brick 3 bedroom home • Views over town quiet location • 2 living areas s.c. heating • 3 wcs & showers, ensuites, spa bath • Good garaging & workshop area, cellar WEB Id. 5236670 3 Bruce Auld 0428 849 882
• Turn out block Kalangadoo/Mt Burr with ETSA • Industrial workshop with high clearance • 4 br home, large shed, 3 phase power, 5 mins to town • Cropping land Tantanoola/Millicent/ Penola • 10 - 15 Acres - 10 Minutes to town
RENTALS 3 Newton Crescent
3br 1 bath 0 car
avail end June
17 Railway Terrace, Kalangadoo
3br 1 bath 2 car
avail end July
5/2 Underwood Avenue
2br 1 bath 1 car
avail now
7 Eight Mile Creek Road, Port MacDonnell 3br 1 bath 1 car
avail now
3 Griffiths Street Mount Gambier
4br 2 bath 3 car
avail now
33 Lake Terrace East
3br 2 bath 2 car
avail early July
12.00 - 1.00pm
• Home with character • Fantastic location close to CBD, only minutes from restaurant & shops. • Stylish kitchen with electric cooking • Slate & polished timber floors throughout WEB Id. 4952993 3 1 2 Graeme Cleves 0419 806 410
11.30 - 11.50am • 3 bedrooms all with robes • Master with ensuite and wi robe • Formal lounge • Open plan Kitchen meals Family area • Spacious 3 way bathroom • Great outdoor patio area 3 Barry Ritter 0408 853 180
Take the hassle out of your Investment Property Let our professional Property Manager Zoe Tomkinson look after it for you. For a no obligation free appraisal, call or email Zoe today
0419 806 410
0407 268 098
0408 853 180
0417 863 063
0428 849 882
0409 286 285
9 B ay Ro ad , Mo un t G am bier 3
Zoe Tomkinson 0417 863 063 zoe.tomkinson@elders.com.au
ph 08 8723 0633 Lifestyle1.net - 000 011
m tg a m b ie r @e l d e r s.co m .a u RLA 62833
3 Penola Road, Mount Gambier
Jason Malseed 0419 032 795
• Total area approx. 480m2 • Ground Floor • Reception, board room, 4 offices, large work area • Strongroom, lunch room & M/F amenities
Best Offer by July 31, 2013 (Unless Sold Prior)
• First Floor • Reception, 3 offices. large work area, • Large storage area, 2 strongrooms & M/F amenities • This area could be let separately • Vacant possession will be given
Jason Malseed 0419 032 795 26 Ehret Street, Mt Gambier
28 Matthew Flinders Way
• Sought after location on 4545m2 allot, close to Tenison + Moorak schools. • 5 bedrooms, BIR’s, main with ensuite. Fresh paints, carpets, new roof and fences. • Timber eat in kitchen, formal dining, heaps of features-lead light, ornate fire place, polished floor boards.
Jason Malseed 0419 032 795
Sue Francis 0419 844 764
11 Bellshire Place, Mt Gambier
Find us on Facebook
1 Wehl St South MT GAMBIER
08 8724 9999
malseeds .com.au RLA 115603
• Inner City Living for a Song • Beautifully located 3 bedroom duplex • Close to town on a 672m2 allotment • Renovated bathroom, polished floor boards, new aluminium windows throughout • New gas heater plus gas cooking • Rear yard access to single c/bond shed
• Step inside the entertainers delight, where the outside does not reflect what’s inside • Glossy tiled open plan living, red gum wall unit with feature artwork, • Fantastic kitchen with S/S restaurant style gas cooker • Under bench lighting, sinkerator, window benched office, ducted heating etc, etc, etc.
Sue Francis 0419 844 764
Sue Francis 0419 844 764
50 - 52 Boandik Tce, Mt Gambier
• Grantville Court Shopping Centre • Great commercial property • All outgoings paid by lessees
$585,000 - $625,000
$60,000 + income annually • All 8 shops constantly tenanted • Long running businesses • Great solid investment
Jason Malseed 0419 032 795
• • • • • • • • •
5 & 7 Barwon Crs Avail Now $185p/w 8 Jarrah Street Avail 8th July $195 p/w 7 Barwon Crs Avail Now $180p/w 77a Sea Parade Avail Now $450p/w 3 Eleanor Street Avail 28th June $250p/w 76 Penola Road Avail Now $260p/w 6 Heathfield Way Avail August $265p/w 3/57 Milstead St, Port Mac Avail Now $130p/wk 26 Harley St, Allendale Avail 16th July $210p/wk U1 4 Hartley St Avail 7th June $205 p/wk
32 Cardinia Street, Mount Gambier
• This 3 Bedroom duplex set on approx. 860m2 allotment • Close to Woolies, Chemist & Bakery and a short walk to town • Fresh paints inside & out, lovely polished floor boards & new blinds throughout
Sue Francis 0419 844 764
Lifestyle1.net - 012
• Spacious, quality home with beautiful window dressings, fittings and low maintenance flooring, unbelievable throughout • Large entertaining area that flows through to the outside living • Ensuite with large spa built in for relaxation, both bathrooms tiled floor to ceiling.
Sue Francis 0419 844 764
115 Orchard Road, Moorak
• Updated kitchen with gas upright stove • Updated bathroom, new tiling & vanity • Enclosed private rear yard having a path to clothesline • A great opportunity to escape the rent trap for the first home buyer
OPEN Saturday
OPEN Saturday
11.45 - 12.15
10.15 - 10.45
4 Thurston Street Mount Gambier
• Four bedrooms plus office or fifth bedroom • Three of the bedrooms have built in robes • Good size lounge room with gas fire off • Open plan kitchen / dining plus extra living room kitchen. Double length carport with auto door and
3 Bertha Street Mount Gambier
• 3 bedroom stone home with entrance hall and lounge with gas heating. Kitchen/dining room with open fire place. • Additional porch at rear. • Large garage measuring 8mx6m plus car port.
internal access - Single garage
• Land area of approx 753m2
PRICE 4 Lange Street Mount Gambier
• Main bedroom has a W.I.R plus huge bathroom • Bedrooms 2, 3 & 4 all have B.I.R. + office or 5th bedroom • Large formal lounge, Open plan kitchen/dining & living room, 3rd living area designed as kids play room • Elevated timber decked outside entertaining area • Double garage with auto door. 6m x 6m double shed
2/22 Underwood Avenue Mount Gambier
• Solid stone / tiled roof unit in a group of three • Large open plan kitchen / lounge/ dining • Log gas fire plus Kelvinator R/C inverter • Large timber kitchen with electric cooking • Two large size bedrooms, both with BIR and new carpet • Great location with all the hard work completed
OPEN Saturday
OPEN Saturday
9.30 - 10.00
11.00 - 11.30
4 Link Street Mount Gambier
• Brick veneer home in great location • Main bedroom with ensuite & walk-in robe, remaining bedrooms have built-ins • Two living areas. R/C air con plus wood heater • Extra large block with two large sheds plus carport • Well maintained home
17 Elle Court Mount Gambier
16 Wilson Street Mount Gambier
the windows.
2 $514,000
• Lower level: 2 bedrooms, 2way bathroom, kitchen/ dining, 2 living areas • Double garage with auto doors. Elevator • Upper level: Main bedroom boasting WIR & ensuite. 2nd bedroom, bathroom, impressive kitchen/dining, formal lounge - theatre room, office & outdoor entertaining
92 Billings Road Worrolong
Mount Gambier
allotment of 956m2 • Separate dining room, modern kitchen • S/C wood heater • Separate 6m x 6m garage
• 4 bedrooms, 2 with WIR’s and one with BIR’s • 3 large living areas, Entertaining room with large BI bar, projection TV & surround sound • Large rear veranda, entertaining area, open fire • 5 car shedding plus workshop area. 2 car carport • Pool, 30 fruit trees+100 bird aviaries approx 8 acres
• Small parcel of unimproved land on Springs Road, Port MacDonnell • 5 Min drive to the township and 20 min to Mount Gambier • Zoned primary industry
Lifestyle1.net - 013
• Manageable back yard with shed and wood shed
9 Wallace Street Mount Gambier
• Character stone home in great location • 3 bedrooms, main with built-in robes • Large allotment of 1019m2 • Zoned ducted gas heating • 2 living areas • Double stone garage & double carport
7 $825,000
• Three bedrooms, bedroom one and two both have B.I.R • Good size kitchen with electric cooking • Large open plan lounge / dining room • R/C Air con and open fire place. Single garage • Bathroom has bath, shower, and vanity & separate toilet
• Elevated 6 roomed residence on a large corner
Lot 799 Springs Road Port MacDonnell
8 Bond Street Mount Gambier
• Covered & paved outdoor entertaining area. • Currently tenanted.
laundry • Land approx 945m2 in a great central location
• 4 bedrooms, 3 with built-in robes • Large open plan living area with built-in bar • Ducted gas heating, roller shutters to a majority of
• Well presented 2-3 bedroom home • Open plan kitchen/family area with gas log fire • Huge light and bright lounge room • Large main bathroom + extra shower & vanity in
9 Livingston Street Mount Gambier
well as a quality S/C wood heater. • Kitchen/dining area with views toward the tower. • Sitting room or ideal as a study with gas heating. • Single garage in backyard & rainwater tank.
• S/C wood fire and tiled three way bathroom • Single garage UMR, enclosed backyard
PRICE 2 Noora Court Mount Gambier
• Built ins in 3 of the bedrooms. • Lounge room with a modern gas wall furnace as
• Three bedrooms, 2 with built in robes • Open plan kitchen , dining , lounge room • Impressive timber kitchen with electric cooking • Large lounge room with bay window and R/C A/C
68 Wehl Street North Mount Gambier
39 Oldbridge Road Nelson
• Frontage of approx 32m & area of approx 1250m2. • This elevated building allotment enjoys spectacular views to the Glenelg river estuary & southern ocean. • SPECTACULAR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AN ALLOTMENT TO BUILD A RETIREMENT OR HOLIDAY HOME.
Real Estate Buy Or Sell... See P & L
15 Sharley Avenue, Mount Gambier $199,000
14 Kurrajong Street, Mount Gambier $209,900
OPEN SAT 10.00- 10.30am
• Attention 1st home buyers & investors! • Value packed 3BR home on large allotment with secure 3 car shedding • Huge as new family room with S/C wood heating & r/c a/c, spacious pergola • At the new price of $209,900, this is 1 3 a great chance to enter the market 3
1 Jardine Street, Mount Gambier
Blue Lake Motel
OPEN SAT 10.45 - 11.15am
• Spacious & affordable family home close to the Mt Gambier Hospital & new Marketplace • BIR’s in all bedrooms, Master bedroom with ensuite • Open lounge with s/c heating & north facing balcony • 2nd family room with built-in bar, r/c a/c & o/door access • Enclosed rear yard ideal for 3 2 children or pets
91 Jubilee Highway East, Mount Gambier
OPEN SAT 11.30am - 12.00pm • Superbly presented Federation residence on a magnificent 1533m2 allotment in one of Mt Gambier’s prestigious streets • Features include brand new kitchen, 15ft ornate ceilings polished f/boards, Marble fireplaces, ducted under floor gas heating, 4 bay garage, 2 1 4 st access from Jardine & Mitchell St 4
• Prominently positioned with excellent views over the city • 24 rooms within close proximity to the CBD of Mt Gambier • 50 seat licensed restaurant updated in 2012 (not currently in use) • 3BR Managers residence with private rear yard • Great family business opportunity with excellent potential for increase in trade. Leasehold Only
2 Carapook Street, Mount Gambier $235,000 W SE NE EA L RE
8 Gordon Street, Mount Gambier
• 3BR renovated Mt Gambier stone home on corner allotment close to Commodore & Frew Park • Country kitchen with new gas cooking, dining with fireplace, spacious lounge with gas heating • Converted garage to studio/music room with A/C (ideal for home office), paved 3 1 u/cover pergola & decking
RENOVATED AND VERY AFFORDABLE Bright & inviting 3BR Mt Gambier stone home on low maintenance grounds within walking distance to city centre & McDonald Park Primary School. Offering timber kitchen with gas cooking & dishwasher, separate dining, lounge with polished floorboards & gas log fire, second sunny living area, three good size bedrooms (2 with BIRs & new carpet), renovated bathroom with floor to ceiling tiles, separate WC & gas HWS. A double carport at the rear of the home offers secure parking or undercover entertaining, while a paved courtyard provides a sunny spot for outdoor entertaining. A neat & tidy package for the first home buyer or investor, with a periodic lease of $220/week.
29 Willow Avenue, Mount Gambier $249,000
2 Burdikin Avenue, Mount Gambier $222,000
• 3BR Mt Gambier stone home on corner allot. close to the city & schools • Spacious updated kitchen offers elec. cooking & pantry • Light-filled rumpus room & excellent undercover areas • Dble stone garage with low maintenance lawns & gardens • Currently leased @ $220/wk 3 1 2 until Nov 2013
• Up to $23,500 in Government Grants extended until December 2013 • Take your choice of 3 available allotments and house plans to suit • Plans range from 3BR/2 BATH/2 CAR incl 9ft ceilings, carpet & blinds 3 2 2 • Phone for details
• • • • •
58 Kurrajong Street, Mount Gambier $299,000
7 Kywong Court, Mount Gambier $325,000
9 Tanglewood Crescent, Mount Gambier $294,900
83 Wireless Road West, Mount Gambier $235,000
• Unique, solid brick, split level home on large allotment of 1000m2 with panoramic city views • Recently renovated throughout,huge open plan living with raked ceiling, floating f/boards, s/c heating & r/c a/c • Versatile floorplan allows for 3BR & 3 spacious living areas, or up to 5BR 5 2 5 • Excellent shedding
• Solid & spacious family home • 4BR, 2 bathrooms, 2 living • Quiet cul-de-sac, secure rear yard • Excellent shedding with double garage UMR & access to 6x12m shed • Everything for the growing family
• Superbly designed 4BR home located amongst quality homes in a well established area • Beautiful & private gardens with pop-up sprinklers • Gas heating, gas & elec cooking, gas HWS, two-way bathroom with shower, spa & WC, plus 2nd sep WC • Single garage UMR with remote, 4 1 1 internal & rear yard access
• Big home looking for big family! • Neat & tidy double storey home with 5BR, 2 Bath & 2 living areas close to TAFE, school & hospital • Double length carport with rear yard access to a double iron garage • Currently leased @ $230/wk
68 Wehl Street North, Mount Gambier . $514,000 R IL DO AVA N VENCE A FIN
17 Jardine Street, Mount Gambier $559,000
• Builders own executive home, offering 2 separate living arrangements of 50sq • Upper Level – 2BR, 2 Bath, 2 Living, office & alfresco • Lower Level – 2BR, two-way bathroom, kitchen/ dining, 2 living & remote dble garage
• Lovingly restored 4BR character home in the CBD • Stunning redgum kitchen/dining opens to exceptional o/door entertaining area • Sparkling solar heated inground swimming pool • In conjunction with Vicki Quinn Real Estate
corner allotment • Adjacent Mt Gambier Hospital & walking distance to the new Marketplace Shopping Centre • Ideal for the professional, 2 2 rental appraisal $350-$370/wk 4
• Open plan living • Dble garage with concrete, power, kitchen facilities, shower & toilet • Huge u/cover paved pergola, equipped bore, 3 phase power 3 2 2
Lifestyle1.net - 014
Low or no electricity & gas bills with solar power 3BR + study brick & tile home in quiet cul-de-sac Blackwood timber kitchen, R/c ducted air conditioning Huge entertaining area, double c/bond garage Rental appraisalup to $240/week
Phone 08 8723 3416 32 Bay Road Mount Gambier www.pandl.net.au RLA 185 456 Al Lamond 0418 849 266 al@pandl.net.au
Owen Pettingill 08 8723 3416 pllive@bigpond.net.au
Brooke Stephenson 0424 943 991 brooke@pandl.net.au
Find us on Facebook
117 Wynham Road, Moorak
7 Thompson Court, Moorak
Impressive 5BR family home on 20 Acres with outstanding views over the popular Moorak district. Offering a unique rural lifestyle, this builder’s own home was built in 2009 & offers 30 plus squares of elegant living, boasting spacious rooms & quality fittings throughout. There are a host of value added features including A-Bus Sound System, R/C ducted air-conditioning, automatic watering system & rainwater. Just minutes from the city, the property is well designed for horse enthusiast, including new stables, new shedding & horse arena. This magnificent property offers location, lifestyle & all of today’s living luxuries.
Take advantage of the peace & quiet of the country, within minutes of the city, by choosing this luxurious 2-storey family home with a lovely rural ambience. Situated on a 4571m2 allotment, this spacious, as new home of 45sq, is perfect for the growing family. The upper level features 4BR, including huge master suite with WIR & lavish ensuite. Additional bedrooms (all with BIRs) are serviced by a striking bathroom & centrally located family room. The lower level offers a stylish kitchen with Ceaser Stone benches, o/looking a light-filled living area, which leads to alfresco entertaining. Those with a larger family will appreciate the 3rd living area, dedicated study & 5th BR with en-suite. Huge double & single garages UMR, plus detached double c/bond garage with concrete & power complete the package. An exceptional home, which has to be viewed to be fully appreciated.
OPEN SUN 11.00 - 11.30am
16 Church Street, Yahl
24 Yahl Main Road, Yahl
72 Yahl Hall Road, Yahl
• Unique property offering extra room for extended family or Bed & Breakfast (S.T.C.A.) • 3BR brick home & 5BR Blue Lake Home on 4725m2 allot • Both homes connected to Blue Lake water & Envirocycle • Close to Yahl Primary School
93 Racecourse Road, Kalangadoo $285,000 W SE NE EA L RE
173 Uphills Road, Kongorong 14 ES R AC
• Picturesque country setting comprising 73 Acres, scattered with red gums on the outskirts of Kalangadoo • 3BR timber frame home with fenced house yard & dble iron garage • 3 main paddocks, 2 dams, steel c/yards with ramp & crush, various shedding 3 1 2 • R/water & equipped bore
• 4-5BR solid brick home tucked away in a beautiful rural setting on 14 Acres • Polished floorboards, formal dining & lounge, blackwood kitchen/dining with elec cooking & family room/5th bedroom • 4 main paddocks, plus house 5 2 7 & shed yards
• Beautiful Federation style residence amongst attractive gardens on 15 Acres • 3BR, formal dining & lounge, sitting room, country style dine-in kitchen, high ceilings, striking leadlight, open fire places & timber mantles • Purchase your own magnificent piece of history & enjoy a rural lifestyle 3 1 6
138 Sea Parade, Port MacDonnell $559,000
20495 Penola Road, Mount Gambier $294,000 4 ES R AC
COASTAL / RIVER PROPERTIES Boat Shed & Landing, Nelson $28,000 Lot 71-74 Holloway St, Donovans 1297m2 – 1397m2 From $74,000 Lot 75 Holloway St, Donovans 2 1 2 $239,500 Lot 72 Eight Mile Creek Road 6592m2 $230,000 Lot 33 Elliott St, Pt MacDonnell 615m2 $85,000 5 Kuhl Drive, Racecourse Bay 2 1 3 $195,000 24 Compton St, Pt MacDonnell 2 1 1 $149,000 4 Springs Rd,Pt MacDonnell 2 2 4 $254,000 10 Saunders Rd, Blackfellows Caves 4 2 2 $325,000 24 Livingston St, Blackfellows Caves 3 2 6 $480,000 138 Sea Parade, Pt MacDonnell 4 2 2 $559,000 7 Sydney Street, Nelson 3 2 6 $550,000 20 Banksia Street, Nelson 3 1 2 $169,000 Owen Pettingill - Licenced Agent
• Fully furnished, as new quality built 4BR home on corner allotment with rearyard access • Breathtaking views of Pt MacDonnell’s coastline from every angle • 3 living areas, 2 stunning bathrooms, striking kitchen, indoor & alfresco dining 4 2 2 • It’s got the lot!
• Enjoy the peace & quiet of country living in the popular township of Yahl • 4BR Mt Gambier stone cottage on a well laid out 4 Acres (approx.) • Town water connected, bitumen road frontage, stone double garage with new 4 1 2 roof, concrete & power
148 Burston Road, Glencoe 15 ES R AC
• Character Mt Gambier stone family home set on 4 acres • Country style dine-in kitchen with elec cooking, north facing formal lounge with gas heating, spacious bathroom & 2nd WC • 4 Bay High Clearance garage, plus 3 Bay Carport • Very affordable country property 4 1 5 only minutes from the city
Lifestyle1.net - 015
• Inviting 4BR Mt. Gambier stone home, situated in the quiet township of Yahl • Massive 15mx7.5mx3m clearance iron shed with rumpus room & 7.5mx12m high clearance carport • Brand new dine-in kitchen with elec cooking, d/ washer & large WI pantry, 4 1 8 plus ducted gas heating
OPEN SUN 11.45 - 12.15pm
Lot 12 Nelson Road, OB Flat 2.5 Acres $155,000 Lot 2 Mount Percy Rd, Compton 3 Acres $249,500 Lot 51 Buck Rd, Moorak 5 Acres $179,500 Lot 1-6 Kirip Rd, Glencoe 5 - 10 Acres From $65,000 Lot 72 Eight Mile Creek Road 6592m2 $230,000 Lot 73 & 74 Holloway St, Donovans $74,000 Lot 21 Yahl Hall Road, Yahl 7Acres $220,000 Lot 20 Post Office, Mt Schank 13.5 Acres $230,000 297 Chambers Rd, Mt Gambier 55 Acres $380,000 Lot 71 Cafpirco Rd, Mt Gambier 76 Acres $499,000 12 Casterton Rd, Mt Gambier 100 Acres $675,000 Lot 2 Old Kalangadoo-Penola Rd 340 Acres $760,000 378 Stephens Rd, Gorae West 550 Acres $3,400/Acre Mumbannar-Wanwin Rd, Mumbannar 135 Acres $158,000 Earls Road, Nelson 144 Acres $341,000 Portland-Nelson Rd, Nelson 251 Acres $690,000
6332 Portland-Nelson Road, Nelson $459,000
• Colonial 4BR brick home with approx. 18 Acres on outskirts of Nelson • Massive sheds incl. 80’x90’ machinery shed, 36’x24’ c/bond shed & 14’x30’ c/bond shed • 13,000 gall r/water, equipped bore, solar HWS • Beautifully established gardens 1 6 with an abundance of native wildlife 4
346 Burnda Road, Compton
5 5. RES AC
• Immaculate 3BR timber frame home set on picturesque 2.19Ha allotment • Open plan living with r/c a/c, timber kitchen with elec cooking & BI bar, fantastic o/door entertaining • Excellent shedding includes high clearance 7x9.5m, 3bay garage & carport 3 1 6 • 4x 5,000 gall tanks
Suite 2/14 Helen Street Mount Gambier SA 5290
www.gebhardts.com.au Ph 08 8725 5766 www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.co
42 Canavan Road
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
2/14 Doughty Street
Great north facing home in excellent area, offers plenty & awaits new OPEN owner – value buying! SAT 9.30 - 10.00
2-4 Tawarri Crescent
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
182 Commercial Street West
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
bed rooms
A wonderful central character home – approx 1,000m2 block with subdivision potential subject to council consent. Walk to restaurants and shops – enjoy the lifestyle!
20 Mark Street
bath rooms
car space
Exceptional private unit a moments walk to cafes, restaurants and retail OPEN therapy that offers SAT bonus extra living area. 10.15 - 10.45
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
186 Jubilee Highway West
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
3 Shepherd Street bed rooms
20 Dry Creek Road, Donovans
car parking
bed rooms
bed rooms
car parking
bath rooms
car parking
A roomy family home with an abundance of large shedding – bring the boat – bring the OPEN caravan! Desirable SAT location close to schools 10.20 -10.50 and shops.
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
$449,000 5 Acres (Approx)
A wonderful spacious home on a beautiful established five acre (approx) setting. Big home OPEN - big entertaining and SAT big shedding only minutes 9.30 - 10.00 from town!
9 McDonald Street
A modern master piece in desirable Saint Martin’s precinct – open family living and entertaining with a wonderful outlook – you won’t be disappointed!
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
17 Gaden Street
List with Gebhardts Experience the difference
bath rooms
car parking
161 Bay Road
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Lovely established grounds set on over an acre of land solid home with great OPEN shedding. A world SAT away but minutes to 11.45 - 12.15 town!
92 Gray Street
Character home with plenty to offer with versatile floor plan, outside entertaining and quiet tree lined residential location. Expect to be impressed with this unique offering.
bed rooms
2 Charles St & 228 Commercial St West
5 Shepherd Street 1x3
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
1013m2 double (approx) storey
Combining brilliant location with a beautiful spacious family home – great flat allotment – it really doesn’t get any better than this!
9 Ellard Street
Great investment or 1st home with northerly aspects and excellent tenants and offers value buying - enquire now!
6 Lake Terrace East
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Exquisite home on low maintenance flat allotment – fresh, fabulous & funky! ASK THE AGENT ABOUT THE $7,500 CASH BACK INCENTIVE
2 Ivy Place
Great investment opportunity offering 3 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats in well maintained condition with excellent history – contact agent for further details. 3x2
A well maintained and central group of units – a great opportunity to expand your portfolio. Community title.
bed rooms
bed rooms
Appealing character villa with loads to offer – recently upgraded. Large corner allotment and great shedding.
10 Talbot Road
12 Ellwood Court
An affordable opportunity in popular location – great for a family or OPEN investor – great SAT value! 11.00 - 11.30
Block of Units 3 x 2 bedroom
30 Dulkara Avenue
A private and established setting – full of birdlife – elevated views – on the edge of OPEN the Blue Lake. This is a SAT real family home – a 11.00 - 11.30 perfect lifestyle!
74 North Terrace
Great investment opportunity offering 3 x 2 bedroom and 1 x 3 bedroom flats in well maintained condition with excellent history – contact agent for further details.
6 Saunders Road, Blackfellows Caves
An opportunity is waiting – approx 970 m2 on 2 titles with 2 street frontages – popular western side of city – potential!
65 Moorak Hall Road
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Beautifully renovated with a focus on seamless indoor outdoor entertaining, European style kitchen with stone bench tops – luxury living!
5 Germein Court, Port MacDonnell
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
An inspiring 4 bedroom home in great location – fantastic entertainer inside & out! You won’t find much better than this one!
3 Burney Street, Allendale
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
A relaxing River Oasis that offers quality living on Parklike grounds, double garage under main roof and an abundance of shedding with two street access. ASK THE AGENT ABOUT THE $7,500 CASH BACK INCENTIVE
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Majestic sea views from this property - enormous living with stunning outlook – high clearance garage ideal for boat & caravan
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
$920,000 10 Acres
Capturing the very essence of relaxed rural living, this home is set on arguably Mount Gambier’s finest 10 acre parcel of land. Perfect paddocks, spectacular gardens and beautiful views.
Lifestyle1.net - 016
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Well located in the popular Seaside town of Port MacDonnell is this great brick home- currently leased until Jan 2014 @ 235 per week. Invest now- go fishing later!
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Ideal location - large block with great shedding – tremendous potential!
Paul Chuck 0409 541 113
Jo Campbell 0409 240 223
Ben Jeffrey 0417 810 246 RLA 1903
Ph 08 8724 8088 www.gebhardts.com.au
hardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au www.gebhardts.com.au
7 Lakewood Avenue
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Positioned opposite a reserve this designer home is executive style living OPEN at its very best! FRI 5.00 - 5.30
7 Peters Street
17 Truman Street
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
68 Milstead St, Pt MacDonnell
$180.00 pw
• 3 bedroom weatherboard home • Open living kitchen/dine/family with elec cooking & r/c air conditioner • Double garage detached • Property is on the market for sale • Presented as neat as a pin • Pets Neg • Available Now
Fantastic elevated lakes location stunning city views & ultra desirable position - don’t delay - priced to sell!
3/184 Jubilee Highway West 19-21 Smiths Road, Port MacDonnell
2/56 Brownes Road
$210.00 pw • 2 bedroom unit • Both with BI Robes • Kitchen with elec cooking • Lounge/dine with r/c air conditioner • New carpets & freshly painted throughout • Single carport umr • Bathroom completely renovated • Fully enclosed rear yard • Pets Neg • Available Now
49 Sturt Street
110 Aramanta Drive
$220.00 pw 4
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
An inspection will impress! Great flat allotment, excellent shedding, look no further!
32 Montebello Drive
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
A seaside escape with stunning ocean views. Big on space – big on shedding – big double allotment!
Unit 5/55 Bertha Street
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Elevated & level allotment - quality local builder & desirable location. Take advantage of the Building grant - buy now and add your touch!
• New 2 bedroom homette • Main with BI Robes • Kitchen/dine/living with elec & gas cooking, dishwasher & r/c air conditioner • Single garage umr with internal access • Fully enclosed courtyard with u/c pergola area • No Pets • Available 1/7
2a Bond Street
$225.00 pw • 3 bedroom home • Two with BI Robes • Kitchen/dine with elec cooking • Lounge with gas heating & timber floor boards • Single garage umr/entertaining area • Low maintenance yards • No Pets • Available 23/7
8 Saxon Court
Lot 10 Eight Mile Creek Rd, Brownes Bay
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Huge family home in popular residential area that offers extra large living areas and great floor plan.
14 Houston Drive
bed rooms
bath rooms
open space
Perfectly located a short stroll to the city centre and the lakes area - this lovely unit will be sure to impress - currently tenanted.
2 Bodey Street
Absolute beachfront with unobstructed sea views. Build your dream home or coastal retreat – approximately 5,482m2.
• Near new 3 bedroom homette • Main with ensuite & WI robe others have BI robes & desk tops • Open living area Kitchen/dine/family with two electric ovens & gas cook top, dishwasher, r/c air conditioner • Bathroom with spa bath • Undercover patio area • Double garage umr with internal access • Close to schools & shops • No Pets • Available 1/7
7 Gebhardt Close
$330.00 pw • 4 bedroom family home • Main with ensuite & WI Robe others with BI Robes • Kitchen/ dine/family area with r/c air conditioner, dishwasher & elec cooking • Formal lounge • U/c entertaining area • Double garage umr with BI Cupboards • House is connected to rain water tanks • Gas central heating • No Pets • Available 15/7
20 Turnbull Drive
30 Hastings Avenue
$360.00 pw
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Majestic north facing executive family home overlooking a tranquil reserve – the trophy home!
The Body Retreat
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
Beautifully upgraded throughout – two living areas and outdoor entertaining – a wonderful family home that is sure to impress!
An exceptional opportunity to own & operate the luxurious and successful ‘The Body Retreat’
Bruning Place Starting from $50,000 Altinio Drive & Stella Place Starting from $59,000 Aramanta Drive Stage 2 Starting from $84,000 Rosaville Estate Starting from $90,000 Corriedale Heights Starting from $92,000 Calula Estate Stage 2 Starting from $225,000 + GST Seafarers Way, Port MacDonnell Starting from $83,500
bed rooms
bath rooms
car parking
The perfect family home – quiet cul-de-sac location – close to the hospital and new shopping complex – gorgeous!
4 Margaret Street c
commercial - huge potential!
A fantastic commercial opportunity in the heart of the city – huge freehold premises situated on approx 1915 m2 – prime position & potential! Has valuable frontage to Margaret Street and railway precinct which is ear marked for development.
11A Calula Drive c
Fantastic investment property – currently leased - great return – prominent location – further details on request
Lifestyle1.net - 017
• 4 bedroom family home • Main with ensuite, spa bath & BI Robes • All others have BI Robes • Open living kitchen/dine/ family with dishwasher, elec cooking • Rumpus room with r/c air conditioner • Office • Triple garage umr with internal access & rear yard access • U/c entertaining decked area • R/C electric heating • Pets Neg • Available 12/7
RENTALS - UNITS • 7/7 Sinclair Street $95.00 pw • 3/268 Commercial St West $110.00 pw • 2/46 Derrington Street $160.00 pw • 7/69 Bay Road $175.00 pw • 4/1 Daniel Street $180.00 pw • 2/8 Boomerang Avenue $210.00 pw • 2/56 Brownes Road $210.00 pw • 3/184 Jubilee Highway West $220.00 pw • 2a Bond Street $310.00 pw • 7/13 Allison Street $320.00 pw
RENTALS - COMMERCIAL • Harrold Street • Cnr James Street and Bay Road • Law Street • 96 Commercial Street East • 165-167 Commercial Street East • 46 Commercial Street West • 9 Ramsay Avenue • 30 Commercial St West • 5 Allan Drive
$400.00 pw • 4 bedroom family home • Main with ensuite & WI Robe others with BI Robes • Kitchen/ dine/family area with dishwasher & elec & gas cooking, walk in pantry • Office with BI cupboards & desk top • Huge U/c entertaining area • Double garage umr two car length to house 4 cars • House is connected to rain water tanks • Auto gates making property secure • Pets negotiable • Available 2/7
RENTALS - HOMES • 4 Gerloff Street • 68 Milstead St, Pt MacDonnell • 3 Robinson Street • 16 Peake Street • 49 Sturt Street • 33 Peake Street • 9 Ellard Street • 82 Bertha Street • 87 Bay Road • 9 Eustace Street • 92 Gray Street • 153 North Terrace • 3 Helpmann Avenue • 8 Saxon Court • 7 Gebhardt Close • 7 Lakewood Avenue • 29 Eldridge Drive • 20 Turnbull Drive
$165.00 pw $180.00 pw $220.00 pw $225.00 pw $225.00 pw $230.00 pw $230.00 pw $230.00 pw $230.00 pw $260.00 pw $300.00 pw $300.00 pw $320.00 pw $330.00 pw $360.00 pw $380.00 pw $400.00 pw $400.00 pw
Gebhardts Property Management I 2/14 Helen Street, Mt Gambier Ph 08 8724 8088 / Fax 08 8724 8099 Lic Agents RLA 1903 ACN 008075027
REAL ESTATE Sold Elder’s Mt Gambier real estate team have been kicking some big goals over the last 6 months in listing and selling homes in and around mount Gambier. From last quarter of 2012 and the 1st quarter of this year 2013 Sales Manger Graeme Cleves and sales consultant Barry
Sold Sold
Ritter have both won silver awards for sales excellence. Rural sales consultant Bruce Auld has won gold and a silver award for sales excellence all of this has been achieved in a soft market which makes it even more special. Elders Teresa Robinson has done a brilliant job in her
fashion show with a twist
June is Environmental Month and the Mount Gambier Library has extended that to fashion with a competition that is set to culminate in a fashion show like no other this Friday. Local sewers and designers have entered a challenge to create a fashionable wearable garment or outfit from a bag of second hand clothes which have been kindly donated by Anglican Church pre loved clothing. The bags have been packed, and challengers have collected the bags not knowing what the contents are. Contestants have had just less than four weeks to create their garment or outfit which will be modelled at the Recycled Runway Fashion Show on Friday, June 28 at City Hall, the Main Corner. Doors open at 6pm with full bar facilities available, and the show is set to commence at 6.30pm. The competition, created by the Mount Gambier Library, had an immediate response with all 24 bags of clothing being taken up by competitors within 72 hours. There are two categories open, one for high school students and the second, open adults with guest judges for the evening being Jan Miller, from Jan Miller Designs, and
role as sales support officer and has been awarded silver award giving her a second award since she joined elders just over a year ago. Elders would like to congratulate all staff members for their hard work and fantastic results.
Cnr Glen Street & Railway Terrace, Millicent I Ph 8733 2099 I Fax 8733 4748 I
75 Church Street, Penola ROOMY! - TAKE A LOOK INSIDE
$210,000 1 2
Keith Hamilton, with a degree in textiles and design and costume design. Guidelines for the competition include no swapping of the clothing, all four garments supplied must be used to some degree, up to 50 percent added fabric or accessories may be introduced and entrants may only spend a maximum of $20 creating their item. The judges will be looking at design: originality/ innovation; common theme/harmony of the outfit; wearability; use of all garments and the construction techniques used and accuracy or neatness of construction. The original contents of the bags will be projected up for all to see what the contestants had to work with, followed by the modelled outfit on the runway. The prize for both categories is $100 voucher from Damzel Recycled Clothing, in keeping with the recycling theme. A highlight of the night will be Jan Miller’s personal challenge. Putting her skills to the ultimate
test, Jan has managed to acquire some “unique” and once fashionable 1980s bridesmaid dresses which she is attempting to transform into a stylish dress which ladies would wear to a special occasion today. The Recycled Runway Fashion Show is an open event for the entire public to come along and support and see
Solid stone family home on corner allotment Lovely timber kitchen with dishwasher Separate Living room with gas log fire & r/c split system Large formal lounge room & formal separate dining room • 3 large bedrooms all with BIR’s • Study/office, fully enclosed rear veranda WEB ID. 5419326 Kerry Smith 0419 803 836
• Outside awnings • Double garage with side street access • Rainwater & bore, enclosed front & rear yard
21 Campbell Street, Millicent IMMACULATE, SPACIOUS & SOLAR POWER
• • • •
Immaculate solid brick & stone family home Beautiful modern custom made kitchen Open plan dining & living with r/c split system 3 double bedrooms all with BIR’s & outside roller shutters • Approx. 8m x 6m rumpus room with slate flooring
• Added Bonus – INSTALLED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM • Single UMR carport & attached large single garage • Rainwater, Bore & Mains Water • Established pop-up sprinklers front & rear grounds • Enclosed rear yard
$98,000 1 1
6 Oberland St, Millicent Reduced To $145,000 NEAT - AFFORDABLE - LOCATION 3 1 2
ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED Very neat & tidy solid stone attached home 3 bedrooms with carpet flooring (2 of double size) Modern kitchen with masses of cupboards, new stove Sep. bathroom with shower & bath
WEB ID. 5131399 Kerry Smith 0419 803 836
$255,000 1 2
WEB ID. 5423596 Kerry Smith 0419 803 836
75 Clarke Street, Penola APPEALING & AFFORDABLE
• • • •
Above - Rebecca Yoannidis.
RLA 62833
• • • •
what these brave talented contestants have created from a bag of unwanted clothing. Tickets are just $5 which includes nibbles and lucky door prizes and can be purchased in advance from the Mount Gambier Library.
• Large laundry, separate toilet • Single carport, enclosed rear yard
• 1 Acre (4284m2) allotment on outskirts of town • In quiet cult-a-sac, with new established homes • Lovely views out towards Mount Muirhead • Power & Phone • Fully fenced • Recently planted trees • Ready to build on WEB ID. 4985459 Kerry Smith 0419 803 836
Lifestyle1.net - 018
• • • • • •
Solid Mount Gambier Stone Home 3 bedrooms - 2 with BIR’s Lounge with s/c wood fire, r/c a/c, adjacent dining Kitchen with electric stove Under cover back patio, Rainwater Single enclosed carport, adjoining garage WEB ID. 4906920 Kerry Smith 0419 803 836
local story
LOCAL Glenelg
residents going healthy on a budget and lifestyle choices.” For further information about the Food Sense program, please call 0407 293 224 or email
Another accolade The Royal Mail Hotel, Dunkeld, was announced ‘Best Redeveloped Hotel’ and ‘Hall of Fame Regional Accommodation’, at the 2013 Tourism Accommodation Australia (Victoria) Hotels State Awards for Excellence held at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne earlier this month. The awards acknowledged the Victorian hotel industry’s top performers in both regional and metropolitan areas. Set in Western Victoria, the Royal Mail Hotel was recognised both as an industry leader in boutique accommodation, and for their continued investment in regional Australia. The awards follow the redevelopment of the hotels Deluxe Mountain View Rooms to add to their extensive accommodation offering that also includes the historic 1800s Mt Sturgeon homestead and beautifully restored bluestone cottages. General manager Scott Horn (pictured left) applauded the hotel’s owners and staff for their commitment towards providing a truly memorable guest experience. “The Royal Mail Hotel has a strong commitment to continually improve and invest in our product and staff in order to deliver our guests a truly memorable experience,” Mr Horn said. “Our combination of contemporary boutique accommodation, awardwinning food and wine, access to nature and outstanding guest service in a regional location is second to none. “We are thrilled to have been acknowledged as an industry leader in providing guests with an exceptional experience.”
A program based on the concept of ‘spend less – eat smart’ is helping Glenelg Shire residents to make healthy diet and lifestyle choices. The Food Sense program, which is funded by the Glenelg Shire Council Get Active Glenelg2Grampians project and delivered by Loaves and Fishes, assists adults not predominantly in the paid workforce to create healthy food options on limited budgets. Mayor Cr Karen Stephens said that the eight week program gives people
the budgeting tools and practical support to address common issues surrounding healthy eating on a budget. “Buying fresh, healthy food is often incorrectly perceived to be more expensive than processed foods which are high in sugar, salt and saturated fat,” Cr Stephens said. “The Food Sense program is helping to dispel this misconception and encourages participants to make informed decisions when purchasing and preparing food.
“It provides current information about healthy eating, which participants can also share with friends and family, creating support networks outside of the program. “The Food Sense program looks at the Australian healthy eating pyramid, meal plans, purchasing choices, budgeting tools, and food marketing. “The program brings together these elements to form a comprehensive program that empowers people to improve their food
Lifestyle1.net - 019
cstewart@glenelg.vic. gov.au. Left- Loaves & Fishes committee member Hilary Thorpe;
program participants Dean Ritcher and Julianne Pearce and Mayor Cr Karen Stephens.
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arts program released
The new Glenelg Shire Council Arts Program, covering July to December this year is now available. Council is proud to be
one of only four venues in Victoria to be hosting the travelling exhibition – Anne Frank - A History for Today. The
exhibition will be visiting Portland from August 19 until September 13, at the Portland Arts Centre, and then moving
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on to the Casterton Town Hall supper room from September 17 to October 4. In addition, the program features 14 top quality touring performances coming to the shire over the next six months. Highlights include the Melbourne Ballet Company, Nick Charles, Amanda Muggleton in The Book Club, and some wonderful entertainment for children, families and the young at heart. Several of the performances in the program will also be held at Heywood and Casterton venues. Upcoming exhibitions include an exhibition celebrating 150 Years of the Portland Town Hall plus the always popular annual VCE arts display and work by other local artists. The Community Arts Program also includes details of a five week course with local artist Brett Jarrett, an introduction to felt making, and a series of artist talks and workshops. Copies of the Arts Program July – December 2013 have been mailed to Arts Centre mailing list subscribers and the
Lifestyle1.net - 022
local story
program is also available from Council Customer Services Centres in Casterton, Heywood and Portland, at the Portland Arts Centre, and from other council
venues. Full program details are also available in the events section on Council’s website www.glenelg.vic.gov.au or by calling (03)5522 2263.
Budget windfall Southern Grampians Shire Council has proposed to complete two major infrastructure projects in the community and leisure services area in the 2013/ 14 Draft Council Budget. The Dunkeld Community Centre redevelopment project will see the demolition of the existing RSL building and kitchen and provide a full upgrade of the existing Dunkeld Memorial Hall. Key features as part of the redevelopment include new welcoming foyer; creation of a large events space for up to 250 people for events and activities, such as performances, dinners and celebrations; construction of a community kitchen to be used by community groups and commercial caterers; construction of a kiosk to be used for small gatherings and building of an administration area complete with IT equipment available for community hire. Internet access will also be available for campers and visitors with the office to be located adjacent to the main entrance. The Dunkeld Community Centre project is to be completed in a partnership approach between the Dunkeld Community Centre Inc. who have raised $500,000, Regional Development Victoria who have committed $500,000 through its Putting Locals First funding program and Council who have proposed $500,000 through its 2013/14 Draft Budget. The Pedrina Park Soccer Development is the other big ticket item. The Hamilton Soccer Club in partnership with council recruited the services of sports consultants to develop a fully specified tender for the development of a new soccer field inclusive of lighting, irrigation and partial fencing as well as the construction of two secondary soccer fields that will also allow for cricket matches at Pedrina Park. The Pedrina Park Master Plan provides the framework for the design of both the soccer field and the multipurpose
oval. The project includes the construction of a new primary, senior sized soccer pitch, complete with lighting and the formation of two secondary soccer pitches combined with a cricket oval. Works also include the supply, installation and commissioning of a fully automated irrigation system and partial fencing for the primary pitch. The main soccer pitch surface is to be constructed using a rye grass seed and possibly planted with a warm season grass species. Basic rye grass sowing of the secondary pitches will also be required.The project will again be completed using a partnership approach with the Department of Planning and Community Development committing $100,000 to the project through its Soccer Facilities Funding Category. The Hamilton Soccer Club has committed $197,500 with council also committing $197,500 towards the project. Southern Grampians Shire Council Mayor Cr Albert Calvano said council was pleased to be proposing to complete two major infrastructure projects in the leisure and recreation areas as part of the 2013/14 Draft Budget. “The Dunkeld Community Centre is a feasible, viable and sustainable opportunity for Dunkeld and surrounding region and will assist Council to continue to support and enrich the community,” the mayor said. “The Pedrina Park Soccer Development will create a permanent home for soccer in the Shire while also upgrading other ovals and fields at the facility, adding to the recently completed synthetic hockey field that has been constructed at the precinct. “I would like to congratulate both the Dunkeld Community Centre Inc. and the Hamilton Soccer Club for the work they have completed both in the planning and fundraising areas for their projects and I look forward to works commencing in 2013/2014.”
LOCAL Flagstaff With 103 online reviews generated by guests to the region Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village has come out on top of the Tripadvisor rankings. Rated 4.5 stars out of 5 it places the Warrnambool attraction as the highest ranked paid attraction for the Great Ocean Road. “This is a great credit to the service provided by our staff and volunteers to visitors to our region that we have been ranked so highly across so many
Hill secures another accolade independent reviews,” said tourism services manager Peter Abbott. “With online marketing and guest testimonials such an important element in promoting Warrnambool as a key part of the Great Ocean Road experience the Flagstaff Hill Maritime
Village result is good news for all parts of the local tourism industry.” Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village is Australia’s most awarded maritime heritage centre and is located in Warrnambool – Great Ocean Road. Further details can be found on www.flagstaffhill.com
Lifestyle1.net - 023
drama at the theatre June 27 - 7.30pm The Table of Knowledge SIR ROBERT HELPMANN THEATRE A play based on the Wollongong Council ICAC scandal.
celebrations on the drawing board
NAIDOC is an important time for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to come together to celebrate and be proud of who they are, of their culture, lives and achievements. NAIDOC week is also a time to showcase some of the achievement s to theirown communities and also to the broader community. In the Lower South East, there are many sites, stories and a rich experience held by Elders of the local region and also by other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have made the region their home. This year’s NAIDOC theme is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the presentation of the Yirrkala Bark Petition to the Federal Parliament. In 1963 the Yolngu people of Northeast Arnhem Land presented the partition framed
by traditional bark paintings to recognise their traditional lands on the Gove Peninsula. NAIDOC Week in the South East this year also includes the presentation of NAIDOC awards which are a way in which local South East Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members can be awarded and recognised for their contributions in improving the lives, and promoting the issues that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people face in the wider community. To celebrate this year’s NADIOC week and its theme Pangula Mannamurna has organised a NAIDOC march on Friday, July 12, walking down Commercial Street, from the Cave Gardens to Pangula Mannamurna. All community members
are invited to gather at the Cave Gardens at 11am for an 11.15am start. Once again Pangula Mannamurna will be holding our Family Fun Day straight after the march behind their offices at 191 Commercial Street West. The Family Fun Day will begin at 12noon with Kinneman Karma performing. Children’s rides, and many other different stalls and activities will also attending. The day will be a celebration of the South East Aboriginal community and to show the wider community what they value as an Aboriginal community. NAIDOC week is vital to the Aboriginal community to show how proud they are of theirculture and to stand up and be seen as a part of the community.
Good governance practice can improve any
business, large or small Often directors of smaller organisations assume that taking
the time to develop a deeper understanding of corporate governance
codes is mainly for directors of listed companies. This is
not strictly true. The basic precepts of good governance are fundamental to all organisations – having an appropriate charter, well understood roles and responsibilities for directors, appropriate financial knowledge, clear accountability and transparency are hallmarks of a well run business. Many private companies will start, and continue for some time, with a sole director. Certain events may trigger the need for additional directors and for the formation of a board. Factors to influence your decision in establishing a board may include whether the business is transitioning from being family-owned to more professional management, examining strategies for raising capital, planning for significant expansion, generational succession, or simply looking for outsiders to guide it forward strategically.The formation of a board can be the catalyst
to get your business moving into new stages of development, but it will require a sound governance framework for maximum effectiveness. Many sole directors or directors considering the advantages of forming a board in the future, gain immense benefits from participating in governance education. As part of its commitment to offering professional director development programs throughout the regions of South Australia, the Australian Institute of Company Directors will bring its renowned Company Directors Course to Mt Gambier once again in October this year. Held over five consecutive days, from October 14-18, at The Barn, the Company Directors Course is designed to increase director confidence and capability. It is the most comprehensive and recognised governance program available for directors and business leaders. It highlights the
roles and responsibilities of a director across a wide spectrum of legal, financial and strategic issues and is accompanied by manuals that are essential reference materials for directors to successfully govern their organisations. With more than 33,000 members, the Australian Institute of Company Directors is the preeminent organisation for both current and emerging directors. By becoming a member of the institute, you will have access to valuable professional support,
strategic briefings, quality professional development and a range of connections to strengthen your director career. For further information regarding the Company Directors Course in Mount Gambier or membership, contact the Australian Institute of Company Directors on (08)8236 2800 or email sa-nt@companydi rectors.com.au. Below - Australian Institute of Company Directors State Manager David Spear.
school holiday entertainment
ART SUPPLIES June l speciaoff
n Derivaaints P c Acr yli
JULY 12 & 19 Millicent Public Library School Holiday Program Join us for some Holiday Fun at the Millicent Public Library on Fridays. Exciting school holiday activities include storytelling, arts, crafts, books, bead making, fun food and more. Children will have a great time, and it will be a fun-filled morning for all. For more details call (08)8733 0903 or log onto the Wattle Range Council website.
Comprehensive range of quality art supplies. All major brands
5 Glen Street Millicent | 08 87332461 millnews@internode.on.net
Market Place Mt Gambier | 08 8725 8134 mgmnews@internode.on.net
Lifestyle1.net - 024
Wall to wall fun at
Portland YMCA The countdown is on to the winter school holidays and Portland YMCA is r3ady and waiting for an influx of the region’s kids to their wide variety of activities on offer for the two week
break. From the jam packed school holiday program to the swimming lessons, Portland YMCA is your one stop shop for holiday entertainment and fun. This Friday is when all the fun starts
with a 7am community breakfast before the Early Childhood Centre commemorates Red Nose Day with a pyjama party and pancake day. And the fun doesn’t stop there with the “y” hosting a Pool Party and Movie Night from 58pm. Entry to the Pool Party and Movie Night is free with Rotary providing a $4 barbeque meal, which includes a sausage, hamburger and drink. From that point on the YMCA is offering Water Play,Kids Zumba, Come’N’Try Underwater Hockey,
Kinder Gym and use of the Rock Wall, with all activities targeting 5-13 year olds. For those interested in taking advantage of the five day swimming lesson program, being offered over both weeks of the holidays, the clock is ticking on securing your spot with bookings are essential and places filling fast. Enrolment forms are available at the YMCA at 22 Bentinck Street, Portland. Classes are 40 minutes, cost $55 for five lessons and are run by experienced, qualified AUSTSWIM teachers. For more details regarding the swimming lessons and everything going on at Portland YMCA log onto their website www.portland.ymca. org.au or go to their facebook page.
Lifestyle1.net - 025
July 5-28 Ibis Rising NARACOORTE ART GALLERY, NARACOORTE The Naracoorte Gallery’s annual non acquisitive exhibition Ibis Rising is on again from July 5-28. With three categories; two dimensional, photography and three dimensional, the gallery walls will host a variety of vibrant artworks from our talented artists.
commercial & industrial ADVERTORIAL I STRATCO
Experienced local staff and a wide range of quality products
Above - The Stratco Mount Gambier team (from left) - Daryl Lewis, Adam Ekers, Paul Crameri, Jess Gilbert, Shannon Davis, Sam Triffitt.
• • • • • •
Earthmoving Block Clearing Dozer Hire Grader Hire Tree Removal Laser Level Drainage
• • • • • •
Bitumen Paving Sand & Rubble Supplies Backhoe & Tipper Trucks Slashing Hydraulic Rock Breaker Mobile Crushing Plant
Depot at 33 Williams Rd, Millicent • Email: geoff@teaglecontracting.com.au Web: www.teaglecontracting.com.au
Stratco is a South Australian family owned business and the Mount Gambier branch services the entire Limestone Coast and Western Victoria. So whether you live in Keith or Kingston, Naracoorte or Beachport, Hamilton or Casterton or anywhere in between, Stratco Mount Gambier can help you with all your roofing, fencing and shedding solutions. Stratco Mount Gambier boasts an experienced staff of locals that are all about ensuring customers receive the highest level of service possible. The Stratco Mount Gambier team is headed up by area manager Paul Crameri, who has a wealth of Lifestyle1.net - 026
experience in the industry, and office manager Shannon Davis. Stratco offers a wide variety of lifestyle solutions from its Outback range, Homeshed garages, garden sheds and outdoor storage solutions. And from the smallest to the largest project, the staff at Stratco Mount
Gambier is committed to seeing the job through from the initial enquiry through to the completed job. The Mount Gambier branch also manufactures Complete roofing and has a vast range of displays at the Pyne Close site, including Heritage and Good Neighbour
panel fencing, Outback carports and verandahs, Homeshed garages and a variety of garden sheds. Call into the Pyne Close display or phone (08)8723 8989 and let the friendly Stratco staff assist you with all your shedding, fencing and roofing needs.
competitors compete at premier highland dancing event
The South Eastern National Dancing Association’s 64th annual Southern States Championships were held at The Icehouse on the Qheen’s Birthday weekend. Being regarded nationally as one of the premier competitions on the Australian Highland Dancing calendar, the two day event attracted more than 80 dancers from South Austalia, Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania. There were also some United States based dancers that made the trek to compete. Adjudicators were Sharine Nicholson, from South Australia, Gwendoline Bell, from Victoria, and Queensland’s Margaret Paterson. RESULTS Primary 6 yrs & under Pas de Basques, Pas de Basques & High Cuts: Cailey Finlayson (Vic) 1. Lucy Edwards (SA) 2. Hailee Pearce (SA) 3. Highland Fling: Cailey Finlayson (Vic) 1. Lucy Edwards (SA) 2. Sword Dance: Lucy Edwards (SA) 1. Hailee Pearce (SA) 2. Cailey Finlayson (Vic) 3. Beginners Any Age Highland Fling: Ebony McDonald (SA) 1. Kasey Lansdowne (SA) 2. Georgia Seidel (SA) 3. Sword Dance: Georgia Seidel (SA) 1. Jasmine Gibbons (SA) 2. Kellie Wallace (SA) 3. Seann Truibhas: Jasmine Gibbons (SA) 1. Kellie Wallace (SA) 2. Scottish Lilt: Ebony McDonald (SA) 1. Georgia Seidel (SA) 2. Jasmine Gibbons (SA) 3. Flora: Ebony McDonald (SA) 1. Georgia Seidel (SA) 2. Aggregate: Jasmine Gibbons (SA) Novice Any Age Highland Fling, Scottish Lilt: Alexandra Quick (SA) 1. Priscilla Baker (SA) 2. Sword Dance, Seann Truibhas: Hope Hampton (SA) 1. Hayley Lumsden (Vic) 2. Flora: Alexandra Quick (SA) 1. Hayley Lumsden (Vic) 2. Aggregate: Hope Hampton (SA) Intermediate Any Age Highland Fling, Seann Truibhas, Scottish Lilt, Flora: Phoebe Clark (Vic) 1. Erin-Grace Cana (USA) 2. Sword Dance: Erin-Grace Cana (USA) 1. Phoebe Clark (Vic) 2 Aggregate: Phoebe Clark (Vic) Restricted Premiership 11 yrs & under Highland Fling: Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 1. Connor Ferguson (SA) 2. Eryn Law (Vic) 3. Teagan Blok (SA)
4. Madisson Tape (SA) 5. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 6. Sword Dance: Connor Ferguson (SA) 1. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 2. Eryn Law (Vic) 3. Madisson Tape (SA) 4. Teagan Blok (SA) 5. Claire Redding (SA) 6. Seann Truibhas: Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 1. Eryn Law (Vic) 2. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 3. Madisson Tape (SA) 4. Teagan Blok (SA) 5. Skye Wright (Vic) 6. Overall Result: Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 1. Connor Ferguson (SA) 2. Eryn Law (Vic) 3. Restricted Premiership 12, 13 & 14 yrs Highland Fling: Kiara Di Giusto (SA) 1. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 2. Li-xin Unger (SA) 3. Natasha Burgess (SA) 4. Connor Finlayson (Vic) 5. Zoe A’Vard (Vic) 6. Sword Dance: Alannah Stewart (Vic) 1. Connor Finlayson (Vic) 2. Li-xin Unger (SA) 3. Kiara Di Giusto (SA) 4. Isobel Rust (Vic) 5. Zoe A’Vard (Vic) 6. Seann Truibhas: Natasha Burgess (SA) 1. Kiara Di Giusto (SA) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. Connor Finlayson (Vic) 4. Li-xin Unger (SA) 5. Isobel Rust (Vic) 6. Overall Result: Alannah Stewart (Vic) 1. Kiara Di Giusto (SA) 2. Natasha Burgess (SA) 3. Restricted Premiership 15 yrs & over Highland Fling: Nathania Burgess (SA) 1. Laura Betts (SA) 2. Taylah McPartlan (SA) 3. Hannah Walshaw (SA) 4. Annabel Tape (SA) 5. Rebecca Spink (SA) 6. Sword Dance: Rebecca Spink (SA) 1. Nathania Burgess (SA) 2. Hannah Walshaw (SA) 3. Brooke Watson (SA) 4. Laura Betts (SA) 5. Taylah McPartlan (SA) 6. Seann Truibhas: Rebecca Spink (SA) 1. Nathania Burgess (SA) 2. Laura Betts (SA) 3. Brooke Watson (SA) 4. Melita Soronaivalu (Vic) 5. Taylah McPartlan (SA) 6. Overall Results: Nathania Burgess (SA) 1. Rebecca Spink (SA) 2. Laura Betts (SA) 3. Premier 10 yrs & under Barracks Johnnie: Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 1. Eryn Law (Vic) 2. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 3. ½ ROT: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Eryn Law (Vic) 2. Connor Ferguson (SA) 3. Irish Jig: Kthryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 2. Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 3. Sailors Hornipipe: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Cyan
MacLeod (Vic) 2. Connor Ferguson (SA) =3. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) =3. Aggregate: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) Premier 11 & 12 yrs Barracks Johnnie: Paige Crooks (Tas) 1. Isabella Clark (Vic) 2. Molly Coleman (NSW) 3. ½ ROT: Paige Crooks (Tas) 1. Molly Coleman (NSW) 2. Connor Finlayson (Vic) 3. Irish Jig: Molly Coleman (NSW) 1. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 2. Madisson Tape (SA) 3. Sailors Hornpipe: Paige Crooks (Tas) 1. Molly Coleman (NSW) 2. Isabella Clark (Vic) =3. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) =3 Aggregate: Paige Crooks (Tas) Premier 13, 14 & 15 yrs Barracks Johnnie: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. ½ ROT: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Alita Di Giusto (SA) 2. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 3. Irish Jig, Sailors Hornpipe: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 2. Chelsea Frederickson (Vic) 3. Aggregate: Ashley Draper (Tas) Premier 16 yrs & over Barracks Johnnie: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 1. Chloe Miller (SA) 2. Megan Majezyna (Vic) =3. Brooke Watson (SA) =3. ½ ROT: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 1. Chloe Miller (SA) 2. Megan Majezyna (Vic) 3. Irish Jig: Megan Majezyna (Vic) 1. Chloe Miller (SA) 2. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 3. Sailors Hornpipe: Megan Majezyna (Vic) 1. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 2. Chloe Miller (SA) 3. Aggregate: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) National Premiership 10 yrs & under Scottish Lilt: Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 1. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 2. Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 3. Eryn Law (Vic) 4. Connor Ferguson (SA) 5. Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 6. Flora: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 2. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 3. Eryn Law (Vic) 4. Connor Ferguson (SA) 5. Skye Wright (Vic) 6. Village Maid: Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 1. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 2. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 3. Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 4. Eryn Law (Vic) 5. Connor Ferguson (SA) 6. Overall Result: Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 1. Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 2. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 3.
National Premiership 11 & 12 yrs Scottish Lilt: Molly Coleman (NSW) 1. Paige Crooks (Tas) 2. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 3. Isabella Clark (Vic) 4. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 5. Madisson Tape (SA) 6. Flora: Paige Crooks (Tas) 1. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 2. Molly Coleman (NSW) 3. Isabella Clark (Vic) 4. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 5. Madisson Tape (SA) 6. Village Maid: Jelena Carpenter (SA) 1. Molly Coleman (NSW) 2. Paige Crooks (Tas) 3. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 4. Madisson Tape (SA) 5. Isabella Clark (Vic) =6. Kiara Di Giusto (SA) =6 Overall Result: Molly Coleman (NSW) =1. Paige Crooks (Tas) =1. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 3. National Premiership 13, 14 & 15 yrs Scottish Lilt: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. Alita Di Giusto (SA) 4. Melita Soronaivalu (Vic) 5. Natasha Burgess (SA) 6. Flora: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 2. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 3. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 4. Chelsea Frederickson (Vic) 5. Alita Di Giusto (SA) 6. Village Maid: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 2. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 3. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 4. Chelsea Frederickson (Vic) 5. Rebecca Wallace (SA) 6. Overall Result: Ashley Draper (Tas) 1. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. National Premiership 16 years & over Scottish Lilt: Georgia Quick (SA) 1. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 2. Rebecca Spink (SA) 3. Chloe Miller
Lifestyle1.net - 028
(SA) 4. Nathania Burgess (SA) 5. Laura Betts (SA) 6. Flora: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 1. Chloe Miller (SA) 2. Nathania Burgess (SA) 3. Georgia Quick (SA) 4. Laura Betts (SA) 5. Sarah Hanel (SA) 6. Village Maid: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 1. Georgia Quick (SA) 2. Sarah Hanel (SA) 3. Chloe Miller (SA) 4. Rebecca Spink (SA) 5. Megan Majczyna (Vic) =6. Taylah McPartlan (SA) =6. Overall Result: Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 1. Georgia Quick (SA) 2. Chloe Miller (SA) 3. Premier Premiership 10 yrs & under Highland Fling: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 2. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 3. Connor Ferguson (SA) 4. Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 5. Teagan Blok (SA) 6. Barracks Johnnie: Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 1. Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 2. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 3. Connor Ferguson (SA) 4. Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 5. Teagan Blok (SA) 6. Highland Laddie: Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 1. Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 2. Connor Ferguson (SA) 3. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 4. Tahlie Ann Hart (NSW) 5. Teagan Blok (SA) 6. Overall Result: Kathryn Attleir (Vic) 1. Darcie Donaldson (NSW) 2. Cyan MacLeod (Vic) 3. Premier Premiership 11 & 12 yrs Highland Fling: Lily Joslin-Boyle (Vic) 1. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 2. Molly Coleman (NSW) 3. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 4. Paige Crooks (Tas) 5. Isabella Clark (Vic) 6. Barracks Johnnie: Paige Crooks (Tas) 1. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 2. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 3. Molly
Coleman (NSW) 4. Kiara Di Giusto (SA) 5. Isabella Clark (Vic) 6. Highland Laddie: Molly Coleman (NSW) 1. Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 2. Jelena Carpenter (SA) 3. Paige Crooks (Tas) 4. Isabella Clark (Vic) 5. Lily JoslinBoyle (Vic) 6. Overall Result: Brianna Johnstone (Vic) 1. Molly Coleman (NSW) 2. Paige Crooks (Tas) 3. Premier Premiership 13, 14 & 15 yrs Highland Fling: Elizabeth Mulvany (Vic) 1. Ashley Draper (Tas) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. Alita Di Giusto (SA) 4. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 5. Chelsea Frederickson (Vic) =6. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) =6. Barracks Johnnie: Elizabeth Mulvany (Vic) 1. Ashley Draper (Tas) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 4. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 5. Alita Di Giusto (SA) 6. Highland Laddie: Elizabeth Mulvany (Vic) 1. Ashley Draper (Tas) 2. Alycia Kennington (Vic) 3. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 4. Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic) 5. Chelsea Frederickson (Vic) 6. Overall Result: Elizabeth Mulvany (Vic) 1. Ashley Draper (Tas) 2. Alannah Stewart (Vic) 3. Premier Premiership 16 yrs & over Highland Fling: Madison Chrystie (Vic) 1. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 2. Cobie Williams (Vic) 3. Tessa Bond (Vic) 4. Chloe Miller (SA) 5. Laura Betts (SA) 6. Barracks Johnnie: Madison Chrystie (Vic) 1. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 2. Cobie Williams (Vic) 3. Tessa Bond (Vic) 4. Chloe Miller (SA) 5. Georgia Quick (SA) 6.
Highland Laddie: Madison Chrystie (Vic) 1. Cobie Williams (Vic) 2. Chloe Miller (SA) 3. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 4. Georgia Quick (SA) 5. Tessa Bond (Vic) =6. Megan Majczyna (Vic) =6. Overall Result: Madison Chrystie (Vic) 1. Jacqui Houlihan (Vic) 2. Cobie Williams (Vic) 3. SOUTHERN STATES CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Southern States Championship 7 – 10 Years 1st - Kathryn Attleir (Vic); 2nd - Cyan MacLeod (Vic); 3rd - Darcie Donaldson (NSW); 4th - Eryn Law (Vic); 5th - Tahlia Ann Hart (NSW); 6th - Connor Ferguson (SA) Southern States Championship 11 – 12 Years 1st - Molly Coleman (NSW); 2nd - Brianna Johnston (Vic); 3rd - Jelena Carpenter (SA); 4th - Paige Crooks (Tas); 5th - Lily Joslin Boyle (Vic); 6th - Madisson Tape (SA) Southern States Championship 13, 14 & 15 Years 1st - Elizabeth Mulvany (Vic); 2nd - Ashley Draper (Tas); 3rd - Chelsea Brooks (SA); 4th - Alicia Kennington (Vic); 5th - Kayleigh Carmichael (Vic); 6th - Alannah Stewart (Vic) Southern States Championship 16 Years & Over 1st - Madison Chrystie (Vic); 2nd - Jacqui Houlihan (Vic); 3rd - Cobie Williams (Vic); 4th - Marita Everett (Vic); 5th - Chloe Miller (SA); 6th - Tessa Bond (Vic) Above - Southern States Championship placegetters.
LOCAL Embracing It’s that time of the year again when Lifestyle1 tries to make your life easier by providing a concise and easy
a new era
to access business directory of all those essential services that you need to access. With the contact
details right at your fingertips, it makes life so much easier. And in 2013 it will be even easier as the business
There is somewhere wonderful with so much
Bling it could almost make you
Come in and help celebrate Dizzy Lizzy & Bling Box now in one handy shop during the up to
directory moves into the technological age and will be accessible in online format as well as the print version, which many customers still like to have in a handy location on the fridge or by the phone. With so many more people now relying so heavily on smart phones and tablets, being able to access that same information at the click of a button has been an important development in setting up the 2013 business directory, for the businesses that have come on board. The directory will be on the Lifestyle1 website for the full 12 months
50% off
selected stock sale.
Commercial Street East, Mount Gambier
and you will certainly want to check it out online because you could find yourself the proud owner of a new Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus Pre-Paid Mobile Phone, kindly donated by The Telstra Shop Mount Gambier. There are four on offer during the first couple of months of the promotion with a fortnightly winner selected based on a brief online quiz. So keep an eye on our website and your letterbox and by early July, the 2013 Business Directory will be yours to access whenever and wherever you want.
local story
TAFE SA students got their hands dirty earlier this month supporting the local Beautification of Hayes Crescent Reserve project. Five students studying Certificate III in Horticulture at TAFE SA Mount Gambier Campus spent the day planting fruit trees, dozens of herbs and 70 assorted low maintenance shrubs and grasses in the reserve’s new garden beds. This day was the culmination of three months of research and preparation in collaboration with the project’s partners the Mount Gambier City Council, SAPOL and SA Health (OPAL Program). Since receiving the project brief in March the students have tested and researched the soil, brainstormed ideas for low maintenance plants, and implemented a plant establishment program. This experience has been an important part of their learning, with students completing several
course competencies. Student Josh Thompson, who attends TAFE SA as part of a horticulture traineeship, said that local residents would enjoy having a reserve that is both useful and pleasing to the eye. “I’ve really enjoyed seeing the changes on the reserve, going from a bare reserve to something that local residents can enjoy,” he said. “The experience has exposed me to a range of different horticultural techniques, tools and machinery that will benefit my future job prospects. “It is also great to learn from someone like our lecturer, Joley Didwell, who has a lot of experience and knowledge in the field. I would encourage people to have a go at horticulture at TAFE SA as it could lead to many different career opportunities. “They have a good mix of practical and theory assignments and I have learned a lot in the short time that I have been there.” Applications for both Certificate II and III Horticulture courses are now open for semester two. For further information phone TAFE SA lecturer Joley Didwell on (08)8735 1456.
gone fishing Beachport Lions Club Salmon Fishing Competition July 5 - 20 The annual Beachport Lions Club Salmon Fishing Competition is held at the picturesque Beachport Salmon Hole. This event runs for the two weeks of the South Australian school holidays giving everybody the opportunity to try beach salmon fishing. Entry fees apply and registration/ entry forms are available from Blupod at the Jetty Shop. Daily weigh in is at the Beachport Hotel between 11am and 7pm. The presentation evening is at the Beachport Hotel on July 20. Registration and entry forms available from Blupod At The Jetty. For more details call Lou 0427 358 043 or Blupod at the Jetty (08)8735 8302
Lifestyle1.net - 030
Joe D’Agostino & Associates Chartered Accountants Tax & Business Advisors Phone: 08 8725 0711 7 Penola Road, Mount Gambier SA
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• Cool Rooms • Freezer Rooms
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during June.
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Lifestyle1.net - 031
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Method To make a satay sauce, place coconut milk, peanut butter, sugar, garlic, sweet chilli, ginger and soy in a saucepan over low heat, stirring for 1 minute or until peanut butter melts. Bring to a simmer and cook for 5-6 minutes, stirring, until thickened. Stir in lime juice and set aside to cool. Place mince, onion, crumbs, chopped coriander and 1/2 cup of the satay sauce in a bowl and combine well. Form into 4 patties and chill for 15 minutes. Heat 1cm oil in a frypan over mediumlow heat and cook patties for 3-4 minutes each side or until cooked through. Fill the toasted burgers with lettuce, tomato, patties, onion, coriander, chilli and remaining satay sauce.
Contact a consultant near you
Portland Motor Mechanics
Satay Chicken Burger 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter 1/4 firmly packed cup brown sugar 4 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbs sweet chilli sauce 1 tbs grated ginger 1 tbs soy sauce 1 tbs lime juice 400g chicken mince 1 onion, finely chopped 1/3 cup fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs 1/4 cup chopped coriander leaves, plus extra leaves to garnish Sunflower oil, to shallow-fry 4 hamburger buns, split, toasted Lettuce, sliced tomato, sliced red onion and finely chopped red chilli, to serve
Lic BLD 179971
Free Water Testing Done
Clasic Cupcakes 3/4 cup caster sugar 3/4 cup milk 125g butter, melted, cooled 2 x 59g eggs, beaten 1 teaspoon Queen Natural Vanilla Essence Sprinkles and lollies, to decorate Icing 1 1/2 cups pure icing sugar Pink food colouring, optional 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons water
250 Jubilee Highway West, Mt Gambier Ph (08) 8725 2826
JR Construction. ‘BUILDING A SHED’ Carports, Garages, Industrial Concreting, Roofing, Maintenance BEST PRICE - FREE QUOTES Servicing the South East
Method Preheat oven to 200°C. Grease a 12 x 1/3-cup capacity muffin pan. Alternatively, line holes with paper cases. Combine flour and caster sugar in a bowl. Make a well in the centre. Add milk, butter, eggs and vanilla to flour mixture. Using a large metal spoon, stir gently to combine. Spoon mixture into prepared muffin pan. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Stand in pan for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool. Make icing: Sift icing sugar into a bowl. Add food colouring and water. Stir until smooth and well combined. Spoon icing over cupcakes. Decorate with sprinkles and lollies.
Jason: 0402 066 368 | jrowe05@bigpond.com WETSUIT HIRE
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legends earn life membership
Six time A grade premiership player Hayley Dunn and club best and fairest winner Leica Sims both clocked up 200 games on Saturday, earning the duo life membership of the Millicent Netball Club. Dunn grew up in Millicent and started her junior netball career with the Saints as a 15 and under player in 1990, debuting in the A grade team in 1993. She headed to Adelaide for study in 1995 and played for the Adelaide Cougars, alongside current team mate and long time friend Donna Denton, with the duo playing reserves and then State League together. Dunn also represented
South Australia during this time at 19 and 21 and under levels at two national championships. Employment then took Dunn to Sydney where she continued playing State League netball. In 2005, when Dunn was working in Melbourne, Denton convinced her friend to come back and play a handful of A grade matches for the season and Dunn admitted yesterday that returning home and, in particular, to the football and netball club, really gave her, and husband David, a real taste for life back in the regional centre and in 2006 they returned to their home town and gave Millicent
what have become the most famous bookends in the past decade of Western Border netball. Since Dunn’s return, Millicent has won six of seven titles and are gunning for their fifth consecutive title this season. Dunn was able to celebrate her milestone with a typically clinical 30 goal victory over South Gambier in which Dunn and best mate Denton were the Saints’ best. Dunn has been a multiple Western Border representative player, a multiple Team of the Year honouree and is currently club secretary. Dunn celebrated the milestone with husband David and their three children Kynan, Tallan and Kalani. Leica Sims joined the Millicent Netball Club in 2000 and was an A reserve player and a reserve for the 2000 A grade premiership side. She continued in A reserve until 2007 when she started what has been a hugely successful career in the club’s B grade side. She was the 2007 best and fairest, runner-up best and fairest in 2010 and has played in three losing grand finals. Lisa celebrated the milestone with her husband Ben and their three children Sapphire, Brodie and Arli but South Gambier soiled the party, taking the premiership points.
Below (left) - Hayley Dunn passing the ball out of defence during the 2012 grand final in which she was named best on court. Below (right) - Hayley Dunn pressures the shot like no other defender in the competition. Here she puts Portland’s Steph Arnott under the pump during the 2012 second semi final. Right - Leica Sims in action.
WB Junior Football Results
South East Coast Basketball League results
Under 14 North Gambier 1.1 3.4 3.8 4.9 (33) West Gambier 1.1 2.1 2.2 5.2 (32) Goals - North: W. Stafford, N. Brown 2. West: B. Von Duve 2; B. Symonds, N. Bone, J. Geddes. Best - North: W. Stafford, J. Hatt, D. Carmody, M. Sochacki, E. Maney. West: B. Von Duve, B. Hosking, A. Pulford, J. Geddes, B. Tilley, R. Badenoch.
Under 12B West Blue 2.1 3.7 5.8 6.9 (45) West Red 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.2 (26) Goals - West Blue: K. McPartlan 2; J. Judd, J. Opperman, T. Newton, A. Pearson. West Red: J. Cornolo 2; M. Brown, M. Duryea. Best - West Blue: K. McPartlan, J. Opperma, W. Egan, J. Carlson, J. Sneath, T. Male. West Red: E. Giddings, M. Duryea, L. Hann, J. Cornolo, B. Lentsment..
Left - Kalangadoo star Brian Casey sets himself for this mark while the cavalry arrives front and centre in case he spills it. Photo courtesy of Andrew Crouch.
Above - Kalangadoo shooter Kylie Allen converts with opportunity during A grade netball action at the weekend. Photos courtesy of Andrew Crouch.
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Men - Cougars 100 (K. deWit 35; T. Phillips 22; S. Stafford 19) d Roos 82 (L. Blicavs 28; M. Markiewicz 19; M. Bachmann 18); Bulldogs 100 (S. Berefeld 41; M. Berkefeld 19; D. Bromley 16) d Wizards 70 (N. Morrison 24; M. Parslow 22; P. Loring 14); Panthers 85 (D. Brown 28; T. Brown 22; M. Mott) d Millicent 51 (J. Murphy 14; D. Todd 12; J. Telfer 11). Women - Bulldogs 58 (T. Gray 13; C. Itzerott 12; T. Gray 10) d Roos 48 (A. Kalantarian 25; D. Jolley 8; T. Sims 6); Panthers 79 (N. Handreck 20; E. McKay 19; B. Walters 18) d Millicent 53 (S. Allen 16; K. Seebohm 10; A. Walker 8).
PIONEERS SHOOT THE LIGHTS OUT TO CONTINUE TO SIT ON TOP THE SOUTH CONFERENCE STANDINGS It was a three point shooting frenzy at the Icehouse on Friday night as the Castec Rural Supplies Mount Gambier Pioneers produced somewhat of a clinic after quarter time of scoring from beyond the arc. Pioneers favourite Erik Burdon his six from nine in three point territory and finished with a game high 22 points, while Jan Warbout strutted his stuff from beyond the arc with three from four - his only points for the contest. In the end, the Pioneers hit as many three pointers as the Brisbane side attempted, making the three point shooting stats one of the key numbers in the game with the Pioneers scoring 48 points from long range and Brisbane just 12. When you consider the final margin was 33 points, you need almost look no further. But that wasn’t the only glaring deficiency for the visitors, who converted an appalling four from 14 from the charity stripe and were also outgunned on the boards with the Pioneers also winning the rebounding count, dominating the defensive boards in particular. Skipper Matt Sutton had a hot hand and converted four of his five attempts - his only miss ironically coming from three point range. It was also a fruitful night for Matthew Berkefeld who had a purple patch with his three minutes on court, scoring seven points, including draining a three, while Tom Daly continues to be a consistent performer, knocking down his usual 15 points, proving dangerous when attacking the basket, as well as from long range. Ben Allen, too, continues to loom as a critical component to the Pioneers’ play off fortunes as he finished with 12 rebounds and 17 points.
Far left column (from top) - Sharks Jake Bisko-Lamont stops Apollo’s Jake Blackwell from scoring in under 17 action; Jake Blackwell (Apollo) dribbles the ball with Matt Bonney (Sharks) hot on his heels; Laurie Bradley-Brown attempts to take the ball past his Sharks defender in under 17 semi final action on Sunday. Left (centre column from top) - Apollo’s Harry Maddern; Jake Bisko-Lamont takes a goal kick for Sharks; Apollo’s Toby deWit looks to outsmart his Naracoorte opponent during under 12 semi final action. Left (from top) - Connor Prior (Apollo) looks to dispossess his Naracoorte opponent; Under 17 Apollo player Johnny Cooper takes the ball forward for his side. Photos courtesy of Leanne Wallace and Eliza Cole.
South East Women’s Football Association round seven results
Western Border Soccer Association Challenge Cup semi final results
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Seniors United 1 (T. Nearmy) d County 0; Wanderers 0 drew with Millicent 0; Palace 7 (M. Plant 3; K. Seiler 2; E. McClintock, N. Koczak); No score available from the Portland v Villa clash. Under 14 Palace 8 (K. Kourmouzis, J. Bradley, H. Edwards, E. Firth 2) d Millicent 2; County 1 (B. Thomson) d Mount 0.
A Grade Inter 6 d Centrals 2 Apollo 4 d Naracoorte 0 B Grade Inter 1 d Centrals 0 Apollo 10 d Blue Lake 2 Under 17 Inter 7 d Portland 2 Apollo 9 d Sharks 1 Under 14 Portland 4 d Inter 0 Sharks 4 d Centrals (penalties) Under 12 Inter 3 d Centrals 0 Apollo 10 d Naracoorte 1 (mercy rule)
WBFL Fiery
Left - The North Gambier McInerney dynasty continues with Matt McInerney (third from left) suited up for his A grade debut with (from left) cousin Tim McInerney and brothers Steven and Nick. The three boys are the sons of John McInerney - a club legend.
West Gambier got the last laugh in a sometimes fiery clash with East Gambier at the weekend - the Roos ensuring they sit two wins clear inside the top four with a 10 point victory over the Bulldogs. East Gambier coach Phil Carman incurred the wrath of the umpires with a flippant comment and was yellow carded and had to leave the coach’s box, while with five minutes to play, an incident involving Bulldog-turned-Roo Levi Morton and his former team mate Dylan Howard, on the McDonald Park wing right in front of the vocal crowd, that saw Howard taken from the field with suspected broken ribs and still feeling the effects of the contact long after the final siren. Emotions continued to run high after the final siren as Anthony Wilson remonstrated with Morton over the late game incident. That altercation soon saw West Gambier coach Keith Ransom on the thick of the action as well as a number of East supporters. The West players
did not receive an overly warm reception on leaving the field and to add insult to injury to the defeated Bulldogs, Rhys Carman was issued a red card after the final siren as well, for taking an umpire to task. Given his record with being yellow carded for verbal altercations with umpires, he could be facing a rest from on field action. Shem Balshaw was also knocked out early in the contest and tried to return to the fray later in the game but was unable to exert his usual influence on the contest. South Gambier struggled to overcome a dogged Millicent outfit at McLaughlin Park and in the end, the Demons’ solid start with a four goal to one opening quarter set up the 22 point victory. Veteran ruckman Mick Ryan, who was covering for injured big man Jak Ryan, earned himself a yellow card late in that contest. In the end, the home side had more scoring shots, but the Demons’ conversion was superior. Brad Cordy played his best game for his new club, with class onballers
Photo courtesy of Kelvin Ruge.
Western Border Goalkickers
Brett O’Neil and Simon Berkefeld looking back to their best. Casterton went toe to toe with the undefeated reigning premiers at Vansittart Park and were still in touch at 24 points down at the final change but as they have done so often this season, North turned on the afterburners and
the final margin was a much less flattering 56 points. Tigers coach Justin McConnell extended his lead at the top of the goal kicking table with a six goal haul, giving him an 11 goal break on South forward Brett Exelby, who slotted through two majors.
West Gambier 6.6 10.12 10.12 12.15 (87) East Gambier 4.0 8.4 8.4 12.5 (77) Goals - West: J. Ryan 4; T. Holmes, R. Fox 2; N. Allen, C. Cowell, B. Wilson, D. Lloyd. East: C. Anderson 2; S. Balshaw. Best - West: T. Holmes, B. Wilson, D. McElroy, N. Lewis,. A. Cram, D. Lloyd. East: M. Dempsey, C. Povey, L. Thomson, K. Thomson, G. Janeway, A. Wilson. North Gambier 3.3 7.7 12.9 18.13 (121) Casterton 2.2 5.3 9.3 10.5 (65) Goals - North: J. McConnell 6; A. Kilsby 4; S. McInerney, N. Blachut 2; B. Egan, A. Kurzman, B. Stafford, P. Perry. Casterton: D. Ayton. Z. Michau 3; C. Perry 2; B. Currie, J. Harvey. Best - North: N. Blachut, M. Quirk, C. Hudson, N. McInerney, N. Mark. Casterton: A. McKenzie, M. Cowland, B. Currie, T. MacMichael, A. Richardson, K. Forbes. South Gambier 4.3 8.5 15.7 19.8 (122) Millicent 1.3 4.9 9.11 14.16 (100) Goals - South: B. Cordy, S. Berkefeld, B. O’Neil, T. Currie 3; B. Exelby, A. Bryant, M. Weistra 2; L. Pearce-Raisin. Millicent: J. Reilly, J. Martin 3; P. O’Loughlin, J. Pratt, G. Gascoyne 2; D. Thwaites, J. Agnew. Best - South: B. Cordy, S. Berekfeld, J. Wilson, S. Fleming, J. Mullen, B. Howard, B. O’Neil. Millicent: J. Martin, M. Redman, J. Agnew, C. Haggett, N. Robbins, S. Duldig.
East Gambier 3.1 6.4 8.6 10.10 (70) West Gambier 1.0 2.2 3.3 4.3 (27) Goals - East: T. Younghusband 5; J. Ransom, J. Reader, K. Cook, S. Scheidl, B. Nunan. West: J. Smith, B. Wilson, N. Martin, J. Hewett. Best - East: J. Case, M. White, P. Dwyer, S. Scheidl, E. Humphries. West: K. Badman, D. Robbins, K. Hawke, N. Martin, T. Lockwood, T. King. South Gambier 3.4 6.9 7.12 10.13 (73) Millicent 1.2 1.4 3.6 6.8 (44) Goals - South: R. Paterson 3; C. Patzel 2; P. Glynn, R. Attiwill, N. Seager, P. Harten, C. Stratford. Millicent: C. Chittleborough, S. Duncan, H. Reilly, G. Rigney, A. Nitschke, C. Denton. Best - South: N. Seager, R. Attiwill, D. Stratford, R. Franchetto, J. Harvey, R. Paterson. Millicent: B. Grosser, A. Thorne, B. Zalme, D. Shanks, G. Rigney, H. Reilly. North Gambier 2.3 6.5 9.7 11.7 (73) Casterton 1.2 2.3 3.4 4.6 (30) Goals - North: J. Schutz 5; J. Gibbs, T. Young, J. Yeates, J. Roughana. Casterton: S. Koch 3; P. Larkins. Best - North: J. Schutz, K. Opperman, T. Gibbs, T. Young, S. Shepherd, A. Bowd. Casterton: M. Jarrad, H. Beauglehall, T. Murrell, Z. Cleary, M. Waters, H. Smith.
Justin McConnell Brett Exelby Anthony Kilsby Simon Berkefeld Zac Michau Glen Gascoyne Jarrod Ryan Joshua Martin
North Gambier South Gambier North Gambier South Gambier Casterton Millicent West Gambier Millicent
38 27 22 20 19 18 16 15
WB Seniors Ladder North Gambier South Gambier West Gambier Casterton East Gambier Millicent
% 221.01 146.35 87.48 80.29 66.34 64.85
Pts 16 12 8 8 2 2
WB Netball Results A Grade Millicent 74 (D. Denton, H. Dunn) d South Gambier 44 (C. Weir, A. Boylan); North Gambier 49 (M. Renko, M. Hosking) d Casterton 45 (S. Guthrie, N. Rhook); West Gambier 64 (E. Stafford, B. McEvoy) d East Gambier 57 (M. Markiewicz, B. Dempsey).
A Reserve West Gambier 75 (K. Rolton, L. Holmes) d East Gambier 32 (R. Pratt, Z. Cornolo); Millicent 65 (C. Grimes, S. Pretty) d South Gambier 29 (T. Hemmings-Dunn, L. Copping); North Gambier 52 (G. Hinge, C. McCourt) d Casterton 45 (T. Cleary, E. Milich).
B Grade South Gambier 61 (R. Bryant, L. Bruggemann) d Millicent 44 (L. Sims, B. Turner); Casterton 61 (T. Guthrie, B. Tierney) d North Gambier 43 (A. Close, M. Liddle); West Gambier 64 (C. Somerfield, K. Judd) d East Gambier 43 (Z. Tomkinson, N. McIntyre).
C Grade;
Under 17
Under 15
East Gambier 3.2 7.4 9.6 11.8 (74) West Gambier 3.1 4.2 6.4 8.7 (55) Goals - East: K. Anderson, J. Van Horan 4; H. Walters, J. Jones, B. Morton. West: J. Lock, R. Langley 2; G. Ha, A. Von Stanke, B. Ross, B. Stratman. Best - East: N. Walters, J. Van Horan, B. Rogers, K. Anderson, H. Walters, J. Jones. West: J. Pfitzner, J. Lock, M. Hunter, M. Smith, A. Von Stanke, J. Coombe. North Gambier 2.2 3.3 5.5 7.6 (48) Casterton 1.1 2.4 2.5 4.9 (33) Goals - North: S. Stafford 3; S. Sochacki 2; M. McInerney, W. Lewis. Casterton: B. Gill 3; E. Currie. Best - North: T. Hatt, A. Anderson, T. Flett, J. Hunter, B. Bruhn, Z. Mewett. Casterton: B. Devereaux, I. Forbes, O. Crawford, F. Stark, A. Cleary, E. Currie. South Gambier 6.1 7.8 12.10 18.11 (119) Millicent 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.2 (20) Goals - South: D. Stratton 4; R. Franchetto, J. Foster, J. Tentye 3; Z. King, P. Kermond 2; N. Laube. Millicent: M. Gordon 2; C. Hobbs. Best - South: R. Whittaker, J. Tentye, Z. King, N. Laube, P. Glynn, B. Whicker. Millicent: J. DeJong, L. Thomas, M. Gordon, H. Walshaw, B. Wilson.
East Gambier 1.0 2.2 3.4 6.6 (42) West Gambier 2.1 2.2 3.2 3.3 (21) Goals - East: M. Murphy 3; T. Lockwood, L. Dohrmann, J. Green. West: R. Hosking 2; J. Lock. Best - East: B. Clark, B. McMillan, B. Biggs, S. Brooksby, S. Parsons, J. Green. West: R. Hosking, J. Lock, N. Tilley, L. Lean, B. Walker, B. Aberle. North Gambier 2.1 2.3 4.4 4.5 (29) Casterton 1.2 2.3 4.3 4.4 (28) Goals - North: T. Brookes 2; B. Close, W. Stafford. Casterton: B. Millard 3; A. Naylor. Best - North: W. Nankivell, B. Close, J. Everard, N. Brown, N. Steen, T. Brookes. Casterton: K. Zippel, C. Jarrad, B. Millard, C. McCombe, B. Robinson, D. Carlin. South Gambier 2.0 3.2 5.6 8.6 (54) Millicent 1.0 3.1 3.1 3.4 (22) Goals - South: D. Ridding 3; J. Capewell 2; L. Denton, P. Gale, J. Czerwonka. Millicent: M. Nitschke, B. Pretty, B. Fabris. Best - South: T. Walker, J. Neshoda, J. Czerwonka, R. Wilson-Waye, J. Dukalskis, D. Ridding. Millicent: B. Fabris, J. Grimes, B. Kenny, A. Watts, M. Bowering, M. Nitschke.
South Gambier 55 (D. Lewis, B. Fuller) d Millicent 34 (K. Werchon, B. Shanks); Casterton 46 (P. Robbins, C. Jones) d North Gambier 38 (A. Pietsch, S. McInerney); East Gambier 65 (T. Gray, R. Anderson-Gibson) d West Gambier 31 (F. Anderson, N. McPherson).
17 and under South Gambier 29 (D. Gray, M. Lawler) d Millicent 27 (M. Squire, S. Houlihan); North Gambier 31 (B. Walters, T. Woodall) d Casterton 28 (E. Milich, T. Guthrie); East Gambier 36 (M. Markiewicz, E. McKay) d West Gambier 18 (R. Humphries, J. Kipping).
15 and under Millicent 32 (Z. Brown, B. Cory) d South Gambier 22 (K. Roachock, J. Opie); North Gambier 53 (S. Hayman, A. Hood) d Casterton 19 (T. McIntosh, M. Gorman); East Gambier 51 (S. Harrap, T. Gray) d West Gambeir 27 (O. McEvoy, G. Hunter).
13 and under South Gambier 43 (O. Dukalksis, Z. Duncan) d Millicent 24 (S. Ferguson, M. Turner); East Gambier 31 (S. Smith, J. Delaney) d West Gambier 28 (E. Hunter, H. Witherow).
MSE Netball Results A Grade Robe 52 (T. Hunt, K. Austin) d Glencoe 39 (D. Edwards, A. Edwards); Port macDonnell 36 (K. Wilson, C. Merrett) d Nangwarry 28 (T. Stewart, E. McDiarmid); Kalangadoo 69 (J. Peacock, N. Ryan) d Kongorong 28 (C. Pink, P. Douglas); Hatherleigh 63 (G. Brooks, K. Green) d Mt Burr 37 (H, Agnew, S. Puiatti).
A Reserve Robe 60 (K. Moore, A. Grimes) d Glencoe 51 (M. Rowett, K. Sealey); Port MacDonnell 32 (M. Neave, C. Mansell) d Nangwarry 27 (T. Ploenges, K. McDiarmid); Kalangadoo 60 (L. Ilsley, A. Casey) d Kongorong 27 (A. Anderson, K. Earl); Hatherleigh 51 (S. Haines, K. Smith) d Mt Burr 33 (M. Treloar, L. Scott).
B Grade Glencoe 51 (S. Davis, S. McDonnell) d Robe 37 (T. Davis, M. Denton); Nangwarry 64 (T. McGinty, K. Neale) d Port MacDonnell 36 (J. Merrett, C. Smith); kalangadoo 50 (I. Ryan, C. Blackmore) d Kongorong 30 (H. Goodridge, H. Greenfield); Hatherleigh 71 (L. Stuckey, T. Smith) d Mt Burr 24 (B. Fox, N. Trembath).
B Reserve Nangwarry 42 (K. Clayfield, J. Foote) d Port MacDonnell 33 (M. Freeman, S. McBain); Kongorong 45 (C. Doody, T. Mullan) d Kalangadoo 32 (C. Shelton, L. Bott); Hatherleigh 27 (F. Jackman, E. Connell) d Mt Burr 14 (T. Watts, S. Aberle).
17 and under Robe 55 (L. Howe Morgan, I. Deane) d Glencoe 31 (L. Edwards, A. Kuhl); Nangwarry 46 (C. Harrap, E. Baluch) d Port MacDonnell 35 (G. Pratt); Kalangadoo 44 (K. Martin, B. Coxon) d Kongorong 25 (E. Hudson, T. Pelkonen); Hatherleigh 82 (G. Gray, E. Watson) d Mt Burr 27 (C. Lane, G. O’Halloran).
15 and under Robe 40 (L. Faulkner-Hunt, A. Lindner) d Gelncoe 10 (S. Edwards, A. Edmonds); Port MacDonnell 42 (E. Devine, T. Stark) d Nangwarry 21 (B. Holmes, T. McKeon); Kongorong 31 (T. Modra, K. Long) d Kalangadoo 18 (M. Bowden, L. Williams); Hatherleigh 75 (M. Pulmer, A. Brooks) d Mt Burr 47 (M. Langcake, K. Lesslie).
13 and under Port MacDonnell 59 d Nangwarry 30 (M. Watson, M. Bonham); Kongorong 35 (A. Cagney, M. Robb) d Kalangadoo 16 (I. Giddings, G,. Duncan); Mt Burr 49 (C. Vanderhorst, S. Wallis) d Hatherleigh 12 (L. McGregor, L. Corman.
Senior Colts
Port MacDonnell 13.2 19.7 26.11 32.19 (211) Nangwarry 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.1 (55) Goals - Pt Mac: D. Bromley 11; J. McGregor 5; B. O’Dine 4; L. McIntyre 3; R. Povey, B. McGregor, M. Lewis 2; J. Feast, J. Zeitz, B. Stephens. Nangwarry: N. Easterbrook 4; B. Dinnison, N. Reeves, A. Mills, J. McKeon. Best - Pt Mac: J. Zeitz, R. Povey, B. O’Dine, D. Bromley, B. McGregor, L. McIntyre. Nangwarry: S. Merrett, N. Reeves, M. Ftachen, J. McKeon, J. Barnes, A. Dinnison. Kongorong 7.5 13.8 16.11 24.11 (155) Kalangadoo 4.4 7.6 10.10 13.12 (90) Goals - Kongorong: S. Phillips, J. Wright, B. Weaver 4; J. Turner, M. Waters, A. Harding, B. Saffin, B. Drew 2; J. Phillips, D. Phillips. Kalangadoo: M. Lowe, J. Pratt, B. Casey 2; J. Dunn, A. Stone, S. McLaughlin, J. Casey, B. Auld, B. Ousey, A. Auld. Best - Kongorong: N. Ham, A. Harding, B. Weaver, B. Drew, W. Milne, J. Wright. Kalangadoo: M. Jones, J. Bannister, A. Stone, B. Auld, A. Auld, B. Ousey. Hatherleigh 5.1 7.8 10.13 16.16 (112) Mt Burr 3.2 6.4 7.7 10.8 (68) Goals - Hatherleigh: J. Sullivan 5; S. Telfer 3; T. Bell, B. Sneath, T. Merrett 2; T. Agnew, J. Bateman. Mt Burr: J. Gregory, S. Bevan 3; P. Agnew 2; M. Teagle, B. Gordon. Best - Hatherleigh: J. Sullivan, J. Sandland, C. Buckley, T. Watson, T. Saunders, J. Bateman. Mt Burr: J. Fiebig, J. Nowak, C. Gallio, A. Butler, D. Bowering, J. Gregory. Glencoe 7.3 14.10 16.15 22.20 (152) Robe 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 (3) Goals - Glencoe: M. McRae 7; Z. Cocks 6; A. hentschke, J. Bates, D. Paproth, L. Sharaf 2; D. Watson. Best - Glencoe: Z. Cocks, T. Edwards, M. Von Duve, M. McRae, T. Hawke, L. Medhurst. Robe: Z. Deane, B. Jess, T. Pearce, J. Steele, J. Pettit.
Port MacDonnell 2.4 5.4 9.7 11.8 (74) Nangwarry 1.0 4.2 4.3 9.6 (60) Goals - Pt Mac: none supplied. Nangwarry: M. McCallum 2; M. Deanfield, G. Cooper. Best - Pt Mac: none supplied. Nangwarry: K. McCallum, N. Rowe, S. Potter, B. Haggett, M. Deanfield, G. Cooper. Kalangadoo 2.1 7.3 9.4 12.10 (82) Kongorong 2.1 3.2 8.2 9.3 (57) Goals - Kalangadoo: T. Saunders 4; K. Weistra 3; Z. Dunn 2; R. Carlson, M. Lowe, P. Davies. Kongorong: J. Mullan 5; T. Saffin 2; M. waters, A. Last. Best - Kalangadoo: T. Jones, M. Lowe, P. Davies, J. Bayley, R. Calrson, K. Weistra. Kongorong: M. Waters, R. Hein, A. Lightbody, D. Brown, A. Last, P. McInnes. Mt Burr 5.5 10.9 12.16 15.22 (112) Hatherleigh 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 (6) Goals - Mt Burr: D. Lesslie 4; H. Schultz 3; A. Ridley, J. Gregory 2; B. Cutting, J. Robbins, J. Stone, A. Butler. Hatherleigh: T. Jackman-Tilley. Best - Mt Burr: A. Butler, D. Vanderhorst, A. Ridley, J. Wallis, H. Schultz, D. Montouri. Hatherleigh: M. Bunt, J. Gilbertson, D. Sutherland, B. Lang, J. Telfer. Glencoe 1.1 4.2 6.5 7.6 (48) Robe 1.3 1.5 3.6 4.6 (30) Goals - Glencoe: M. Telford 2; B. Mitchell, R. Edwards, N. Herring, M. Khan, B. Elven. Robe: J. Sneath 2; A. Clements, S. Altschwager. Best - Glencoe: J. Telford, B. Mitchell, M. Telford, R. Edwards, N. Herring, W. Cleggett. Robe: A. Clements, H. Kurray, H. Smith, A. Baker, J. Gibbs.
B Grade Port MacDonnell 4.4 12.5 16.10 20.12 (132) Nangwarry 0.1 1.3 2.3 2.4 (16) Goals - Pt Mac: M. Stark 5; M. Dwyer 4; D. Jones, A. Taylor 3; J. Dempsey, B. Goodwin, J. Bromley, T. Lampard, K. Blacksell. Nangwarry: J. Raneberg, C. Lock. Best - Pt Mac: J. Bromley, J. Smith, M. Stark, A. Taylor, M. Dwyer, K. Blacksell. Nangwarry: C. Lock, T. Fenn, R. Munn, N. Nguyen, J. Clayfield, M. Neale. Kongorong 5.4 7.8 13.12 21.12 (138) Kalangadoo 1.1 2.5 2.6 3.7 (25) Goals - Kongorong: M. Evans 8; W. Attiwill 5; D. Hann, T. Elleston 2; N. Bowd, D. Harradine, J. Bottomley, T. Glynn. Kalangadoo: M. Gribben, S. McCann. Best - Kongorong: R. Fromburg, T. Elleston, G. Hay, B. Dening, W. Attiwill. Kalangadoo: M. Gribben, T. Brennan, B. Whitehead, M. Grosvenor, M. Millhouse, Z. Dunn. Hatherleigh 6.3 9.6 14.6 18.8 (116) Mt Burr 2.3 4.3 7.4 10.6 (66) Goals - Hatherleigh: S. Beggs 6; M. Gibson 4; T. Loveday, S. Lambert 2; N. Stratford, L. Haines, A. Robbins. Mt Burr: Z. Wallis, M. Osmond, S. Lesslie 3; T. Butler. Best - Hatherleigh: S. Beggs, T. Loveday, S. Fitzgerald, J. Grover, M. Bowman, N. Stratford. Mt Burr: Z. Wallis, S. Highes, M. Field, S. Lesslie, J. Little, A. Wiese. Glencoe 5.4 7.6 14.14 20.16 (135) Robe 0.1 1.2 2.2 3.3 (21) Goals - Glencoe: B. Curran, A. Cary, T. Biggins 3; S. Giersch 2; J. Finnis, S. Hentschke, S. Walker, A. Sealey, M. Childs, J. Aston, L. Allison, M. Kasparian, E. Bronca Robe: M. Jess 2; T. Woodward. Best - Glencoe: A. Sealey, S. Walker, L. Allison, S. Gerisch, B. Curran, E. Bronca. Robe: T. Mount, B. McKenny, B. Fennell, T. Woodward, A. Rayner.
MSE Seniors Ladder % 75.62 69.45 67.93 54.37 45.89 50.00 32.64 19.38 34.38
Hatherleigh Glencoe Port MacDonnell Tantanoola Mt Burr Kongorong Kalangadoo Robe Nangwarry
Pts 36 32 28 24 24 20 8 4 0
Left - Kalangadoo A grade wing defender Jenna Pitt on the fly during the Magpies’ huge win over Kongorong at the weekend. Photo courtesy of Andrew Crouch.
Junior Colts Port MacDonnell 3.0 5.4 8.4 13.4 (82) Nangwarry 2.2 2.2 4.3 5.4 (34) Goals - Pt Mac: G. Hutchesson 4; B. Cutting 2; B. Milstead, J. Carrison, J. Feast, T. Zetiz, J. Mudford, M. Feast, R. Walter. Nangwarry: G. Cooper 4; B. McIntosh. Best - Pt Mac: M. Feast, J. Brown, B. Newton, B. McIntosh, W. Bricknell. Nangwarry: B. Rowe, G. Cooper, N. Rowe, B. McIntosh, W. Bricknell. Kongorong 2.2 2.3 4.5 6.8 (44) Kalangadoo 1.1 1.2 2.2 3.3 (21) Goals - Kongorong: B. Mahoney 2; L. Bottomley, T. Modra, J. Robb, R. Vickery. Kalangadoo: S. McManus 3. Best - Kongorong: L. Bottomley, T. Modra, B. Mahony, M. Hein, W. Argoon, R. Vickery. Kalangadoo: C. Vaughan, J. Carlson, L. Ousey, K. Marshall, S. McManus, T. Davies. Hatherleigh 0.0 2.0 2.1 5.2 (32) Mt Burr 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 16) Goals - Hatherleigh: L. Brown 2; H. Coote, L. MacGregor, C. Gibbs. Mt Burr: C. Crescentino, T. Vanderhorst. Best - Hatherleigh: L. MacGregor, J. Jones, B. Poulish, M. Telfer, J. Lang, Mt Burr: L. Collyer, D. Hogan, B. Squire, C. Gamble, E. Ballantyne, J. Watts. Robe 3.4 3.6 4.7 4.8 (32) Glencoe 0.0 1.1 1.1 2.3 (15) Goals - Robe: H. Bigmore 2; J. Kellock, T. Wilfred. Glencoe: D. Cleggett, B. Murphy. Best - Robe: C. Walsh, K. Smith, M. Hansberry, J. Tomlinson, H. Bigmore, A. Weir. Glencoe: D. Mallon, K. Poole, D. Pfitzner, D. Cleggett, B. Murphy, A. Kuhl.
Mid South East Goalkickers Dylan Bromley Jack Skeer Michael McRae Brett Sneath Sam Telfer Joshua Wright Mitchell Reilly John Simkin Mitchell Reilly Rob Versace
Port MacDonnell Hatherleigh Glencoe Hatherleigh Hatherleigh Kongorong Hatherleigh Kongorong Tantanoola Tantanoola
67 43 39 37 35 33 28 28 28 28
PHONE 08 8725 7582 Lifestyle1.net - 036
SWD Seniors Ladder Heywood Coleraine Tyrendarra Dartmoor Sandford Westerns Cavendish Branxholme-Wallacedale Heathmere
% 287.50 219.84 128.70 125.00 81.84 101.22 67.88 39.53 41.82
South West District Football Pts 40 32 32 28 16 12 12 4 0
Hampden Seniors Ladder Koroit Cobden Noth Warrnambool Warrnambool Camperdown Portland Terang Mortlake Hamilton Kangaroos South Warrnambool Port Fairy
% 186.64 142.51 153.95 144.50 108.75 102.09 89.98 51.64 67.76 55.71
Pts 40 30 28 28 20 20 20 8 4 2
A Grade
Dartmoor 7.3 10.6 13.11 17.16 (118) Cavendish 1.2 5.2 11.2 12.5 (77) Goals - Dartmoor: J. Franklin 4; J. Ropitini 3; A. Jones, C. Hatfield, C. Young 2; J. Pridham, S. Jones, J. Polaski, L. Polaski. Cavendish: J. Soawyer 3; S. Hatherell, B. Cooper 2; P. McKellar, C. Walsh, A. Schurrmann, R. McNaughton, T. Duncan. Best - Dartmoor: J. Ropitini, J. Franklin, M. Reid, S. Spencer, L. Polaski, J. Whyte. Cavendish: B. Cameron, A. O’Connor, J. Soawyer, A. Keen, D, Fisher, L. Purcell. Coleraine 2.5 6.7 8.14 15.19 (109) Branx-Wallace 2.1 3.3 5.4 6.4 (40) Goals - Coleraine: S. Duffy, D. Fitzgerald 3; D. Miller, E. Guthrie, J. Brown 2; B. Deutscher, Z. McDonald, K. Scott. Branx-Wallace: A. Cameron 3; M. McLean, E. Manders, P. Downs. Best - Coleraine: T. Hogan, A. Gould, S. Duffy, E. Gutrie, Z. McDonald, S. Jaeschke. Branx-Wallace: T. Hustwayte, L. Cooper, J. Tonissen, M. Monaghan, N. Lester, J. Bradley. Tyrendarra 1.2 3.5 9.8 13.11 (89) Heathmere 1.3 3.5 3.5 5.7 (37) Goals - Tyrendarra: D. Killmister 5; A. Ross 2; M. Peters, S. Byron, D. Polkinghorne, J. Meulendyks, M. Lenehan, B. Menzel. Heathmere: T. Annett 2; P. Young, L. Coffey, H. Sealey. Best - Tyrendarra: J. Clay, B. Menzel, M. Peters, L. Bevan, A. Lipscombe, J. Ward. Heathmere: L. Coffey, K. McQyaltter, M. McKenzie, M. Gore, P. Robins, B. Carter. Heywood 3.4 11.9 17.12 23.16 (154) Sandford 3.1 3.2 5.4 5.4 (34) Goals - Heywood: M. Wilson 12; S. O’Brien, J. Bell 3; J. Vaughan, J. Saunders, P. Roberts, J. Walker, K. Millard. Sandford: M. Kurzman 2; P. Hutchins, S. Thiselton, J. Searle. Best - Heywood: S. O’Brien, J. Walker, P. Roberts, J. Imbi, M. Wilson, R. Bleumink. Sandford: B. Walker, W. Bilney, J. Searle, D. Milera, J. Thorn, N. Heron.
Hampden Football League
A Grade Cobden 3.3 8.6 13.10 20.13 (133) Hamilton Kangaroos 3.0 4.5 6.5 6.7 (43) Goals - Cobden: M. Hickey 10; M. Salmon 3; T. Leishman 2; L. Cahill, D. Delaney, A. Courtney, S. Uwland, B. Richardson, P. Hinkley, D. Beechey. Hamilton: L. Crawford, J. O’Brien, G. Crawford, A. Martin, R. Morris, J. Frost. Best - Cobden: M. Hickey, A. Courtney, S. Uwland, B. Richardson, P. Hinkley, D. Beechey. Hamilton: G. Crawford, L. Pye, L. Crawford, R. Newell, H. Douglas, T. Waters. Portland 4.4 9.6 12.13 20.16 (136) Port Fairy 2.2 4.6 4.7 6.7 (43) Goals - Portland: J. Holt, J. Stiles 5; J. Moody, J. Hayse 3; R. Egan 2; B. bentley, C. Mather. Port Fairy: N. Sheehan, S. McCartney 2; J. Solomon, J. Vickers. Best - Portland: R. Egan, B. Bentley, J. Stiles, M. England, D. Falcone, J. Van Heugten. Port Fairy: I. Martin, A. Farley, D. Gunning, M. Crosier, S. Rudolph, N. Sheehan. Above - Will Gould, from Lucindale, is one of three South East based boys that were selected in the 2013 SAPSSASA State football team, which is heading to Darwin in August. Mulga Street Primary School’s Beau Nunan (East Gambier) and Glenburnie Primary School’s Henri Capewell (South Gambier) are the other two representatives. The full story appeared in issue 484. There will be two South East girls represented at the same carnival in the 16 and under State girls team - Mount Gambier’s Montana Carracher and Penola’s Kelsey Batt,
Left - Kalangadoo A grade coach Jason Dunn addresses his players.
Padthaway 6.3 9.6 14.12 17.17 (119) Kybybolite 2.1 8.3 9.4 9.6 (60) Goals - Padthaway: B. Gunning 6; P. Lindsay 4; T. McLennan 3; W. Verco 2; D. Boyanton, A. Longbottom. Kybybolite: B. Laurie, J. Fitzgerald, S. Carberry 2; J. Steer, C. Hanley, M. Pannell. Best - Padthaway: B. Gunning, D. Boyanton, S. Townsend, W. Verco, H. Treloar, N. Stark. Kybybolite: J. Steer, J. Fitzgerald, D. Ogilvie, R. Jaensch, B. Laurie, M. Slotegraaf. Mundulla 6.5 9.9 15.12 23.15 (153) Kingston 3.2 6.7 11.9 13.12 (90) Goals - Mundulla: J. Mock 5; J. McGrice 4; B. Lehmann 3; T. Ballinger, S. Excell, W. Packer 2; L. Wiese, B. Packer, J. Milligan, R. Braybrook, T. Anderson. Kingston: J. Gould 4; T. Baker, D. Richardson 2; M. Higgs, T. Borrillo, M. Austin, J. Austin, J. Gluyas. Best - Mundulla: J. McGrice, S. Luckett, G. Obst, H. Thorpe, J. Mock, N. Davis. Kingston: B. Warner, J. Brown, J. Austin, J. Gould, S. Braidwood, T. Gardiner. Naracoorte 1.2 7.5 9.9 12.12 (84) Penola 4.6 4.7 10.9 11.14 (80) Goals - Naracoorte: S. Logan, R. Jones, S. Patterson 2; M. Gill, J. Gschwandtner, B. Gould, C. Mifsud, M. Childs, J. Sellars. Penola: A. Merrett, L. Jones, J. Copping 2; B. McIntyre, M. Willson, B. Foster, T. Bailey, S. Jackman. Best - Naracoorte: M. Childs, B. Gould, K. Jacobs, R. Jones, J. Gilbert, J. Bettoncelli. Penola: D. Coxon, S. Jackman, M. Ferguson, M. Merrett, M. Willson, O. March. Keith 6.0 14.4 19.6 24.12 (156) Border Districts 6.4 7.4 13.9 15.10 (100) Goals - J. Snajdar, J. McEntee 5; B. gericke, H. Drogemuller 3; A. Bowley, J. Wilson, N. Hunt 2; A. Wilson, L. Mitchell. Border Districts: C. Barras 5; C. Burr 3; S. Ferenci 2; F. Adams, J. Barras, R. Oliver, D. Hannaford, B. Vallance. Best - Keith: A. Wilson, H. Drogemuller, J. Wilson, J. Graetz, C. McMurray, J. McEntee. Border Districts: J. Hirst, S. Ferenci, J. Barras, C. Barras, T. Wilson, F. Adams. Bordertown 4.5 11.9 18.14 27.16 (178) Lucindale 1.2 2.3 3.3 4.4 (28) Goals - Bordertown: T. Harkness 6; L. Eats 5; N. Frederick 4; J. Jarrett 3; M. Downie, A. Stephens, C. Dahlitz 2; C. Diment, S. Copestick, T. Devitt. Lucindale: B. Kelsh, S. McGurk, M. Snowball, R. Hardy. Best - Bordertown: N. Hewett, D. Feder, T. Harkness, S. Copestick, J. Jarrett, A. Diment. Lucindale: P. Baker, A. Smart, T. Smith, M. Snowball, R. Handbury, J. McRae.
KNT Goalkickers Nathan Frederick Adam Merrett Sam Logan Clint Barras James McEntee Tim Harkness Ben Gunning Tom McLennan
A Grade Cobden 55 d Hamilotn Kangaroos 42 (H. Huf, A. Huf, A. Feely); Port Fairy 48 d Portland 37 (C. Walder, C. McMahon, L. Hockley).
Hampden Football Netball League Round 11 - June 20
MGNA Netball Results Hobitz 40 (L. Humphries, M. Bucik) d Vicis 23 (T. Fleming, C. Jones); Amazons 68 (T. Brooksby, F. Millard) d Zodiacs 35 (M. Phillips, B. Carson); Saints 39 (E. Antic, M. Ridding) d Intruders 38 (K. Grubb, C. Grubb).
Lifestyle1.net - 037
Bordertown Penola Naracoorte Border Districts Keith Bordertown Padthaway Padthaway
58 52 51 46 42 36 28 28
KNT Seniors Ladder Keith Bordertown Naracoorte Penola Mundulla Padthaway Kaniva-Leeor Border Districts Kybybolite Kingston Lucindale
Hampden Netball Results
A Grade Photo courtesy of Andrew Crouch.
Kowree-Naracoorte-Tatiara Football
% 65.35 66.71 66.67 61.00 55.17 47.88 47.36 42.19 37.43 39.75 22.27
Pts 32 32 28 24 24 12 12 12 8 6 2
KNT Netball Results A Grade Bordertown 48 (H. Densley, T. Poulton) d Lucindale 36 (N. Smart, T. Wheaton); Naracoorte 55 (B. Sinclair, K. Mott) d Penola 41 (S. Skeer, K. Nankivell); Kingston 46 (A. Brown, K. Watson) d Mundulla 34 (H. Jeffries, D. Ciampa); Kybybolite 39 (S. Arnold, T. Wakefield) d Padthaway 28 (S. Power, J. Roper).
BASEBALL Masters The Mount Gambier Legends Baseball Club spent the Queen’s Birthday weekend at
baseballers just miss out on gold an invitational baseball masters in Broken Hill. It was the first time in many years that a
masters carnival has been held in Broken Hill and hosted by
the Broken Hill Miners Baseball Club. Unfortunately the Legends could not send a full team to the carnival with only eight players being available for the four day trip and teamed up with the Northern Aces from Adelaide, who could only muster up seven players. Six teams comprised the competition with each team playing four games across the weekend. The combine team went through undefeated but lost the gold medal to the Henley & Grange Rams who had superior percentage and were also undefeated.The invitational masters series will return to Broken Hill during the Queens Birthday weekend next
year. Results Legends/Northern Aces 6 (Safehits - D. Whitwell 3; Ben Green 2; J. Farrington, W. Cooper, W. Mounsey, D. Hosking, B. Pasloe) d Tigers 2. Legends/Northern Aces 11 (Safehits - Dean Lane 4; Darryl Hosking, Wayne Cooper, Richard Wright 2; Brendan Pasloe, Darren Kite, Fred Knight, Damon Whitwell, Ben Greene, Warren Mounsey 1) d Adelaide Aces 5. Legends/Northern Aces 7 (Safehits - Dean Lane 3 (1 HR), John Farrington, David O’Dine 2, Brendan Pasloe, Darryl Hosking, Ben Greene, Wayne
Cooper, Damon Whitwell 1) d Broken Hill Miners 1. Legends/Northern Aces 7 (Safehits - Darryl Hosking 2, Richard Wright, Phillip Mitchell, Wayne Cooper 1) d Adelaide Aces 6. (Below - back row from left) Fred Haligan (umpire), Ben Greene, Fred Knight, Phillip Mitchell, Richard Wright, Judy Krake, Wayne Cooper, Dean Lane. (front row from left) - Darryl Hosking, John Farrington, Warren Mounsey, Brendan Pasloe, David O’Dine, Julie Goulter, Damon Whitwell, Darren Kite and Ryan Whitwell (bat boy).
Millicent bowls action
Lower South East Hockey Association Round 11 Above (left) - Winners of last week’s Mod Cleaning 2-4-2 competition - Phil Ryan and Iain Campbell. Above (right) - It was a family feud at last Thursday’s 2-4-2 competition with Paul (left) and Phil Ryan going toe to toe.
tennis honours its best
Above - South East Seniors Tennis perpetual trophy winners - Alan Rex and Helen Rathjen. Below - Seniors Tennis June event winner - Alan Rex, Helen Rathjen, Tut Agnew and Bronwyn Neil.
The South East Tennis Seniors Club recently wound up its 2012 /13 competition season with the announcement of the major award winners. The perpetual trophy for the most sets won in the men’s division was won by Alan Rex and Helen Rathjen was the winner in the women’s section. The June event also incorporated the AGM, with the 2013/14 committee installed. Tut Agnew (president); Bruce White (vice president); Marg Jude (secretary); Wendy McDonald (assistant secretary); Fay White (publicity officer) and non-executive committee members Bronwyn Neill, Chris Rodda, Trish Douglas and Colin Rex. Bronwyn Neil won the ladies side of the June tournament from Helen Rathjen, while Alan Rex won the men’s event from Tut Agnew. The next event will be held at Active8 Health & Sports Centre, on July 14, at 11am. All players over the age of 35 are welcome.
Division two men - Cavaliers 1 d Strikers 0; Division two women - Redbacks 5 d Drifters 0; Strikers 1 d Cavaliers0; Tigers 6 d West 0; Division three men - West 10 d Tigers 0; Cabaliers 1 drew with Portland 1; Division three women - Strikers 4 d Cavaliers 0; Under 15 boys - Cavaliers 3 d Portland 0; Under 15 girls - West 4 d Cavaliers 1; Under 13 boys - Cavaliers 2 d Strikers 0; Under 13 girls - Cavaliers won on forfeit from Strikers. Above - Matt Zeven (Cavaliers) takes a short corner shot with Dayton Thomas (Portland) looking to defend the ball in the division three men’s game
Above - Grant High School specialist netball students were just one of the many groups of potential and current umpires that received training from Netball SA’s Deanna Stainer on a recent visit to the region.
Lifestyle1.net - 038
Above - Kieren Weistra send this ball forward during Mid South East football at Kalangadoo at the weekend. Photo courtesy of Andrew Crouch.
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Today 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 CBS This Morning 7.00 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 9.00 Mornings 9.00 The Morning Show Wurrawhy 7.30 Totally Wild Business Today 10.00 Being 11.30 Seven Morning News 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 8.30 11.00 National News German 10.35 Behind The 12.00 The Midday Movie OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold & The 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show News 11.00 World’s Greenest Mystery Woman: Oh Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s Kitchen Homes 12.00 Midday Report 1.00 The View Baby (M) 10.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 12.30 My Family 1.00 Twins 2.00 The Block Sky High 2.00 Winners & Losers 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 Master2.30 The New Adventures 2.00 Parl. Question Time 3.00 3.00 The Daily Edition chef Encore 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 Childrens Programs 5.30 ABC of Old Christine 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady 3.00 National News Now News: Early 6.00 Time Team 5.30 Deal Or No Deal Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 4.00 Alive And Cooking 7.00 ABC News 6.00 Seven News Everyday Gourmet 4.00 Scope 4.30 National News 7.30 7:30 (SA) 6.30 Today Tonight 4.30 Bold & The Beautiful 5.00 5.30 Hot Seat 8.00 Catalyst 7.00 2013 AFL Season TEN News 6.00 National News 8:30 Wonders of Life West Coast V 6.30 A Current Affair 6.00 The Simpsons 9.30 Stephen Fry’s 100 Essendon 7.00 The Block Sky High 6.30 The Project Greatest Gadgets 10.30 2013 Wimbledon 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 10.30 Lateline Day 4 10.30 The Footy Show (NRL) 11.05 The Business 8.30 Law & Order: S.V.U. 3.30 Harry’s Practice 10.30 TEN Late News 12.30 National News Late 11.30 Origins of Us 4.00 NBC Today 1.00 A Current Affair 11.15 The Project Encore 12.25 Parl. Question Time 5.00 Sunrise Extra 1.30 The Block Sky High 12.00 The Late Show 1.25 Wonders of Life 5.30 Seven Early News 3.00 Danoz 1.00 Home Shopping 2.30 Football: WAFL 7 MATE 1.00 Motor Mate 4.30 Dream ELEVEN 12.00 Charmed 1.00 Jag ONE HD 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 Fear Car Garage 5.30 Who’s Still Standing 2.00 Judging Amy 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Factor 4.00 Get Smart 4.30 Cops 5.00 I 6.30 Seinfeld 7.30 Swamp People 8.30 Cheers 4.00 The King of Queens 4.30 Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Hardcore Pawn 9.30 Auction Kings 10.30 Laverne & Shirley 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Cops 7.30 Who’s Line Is It Anyway? 8.30 Operation Repo 11.30 Jail 12.00 D.E.A. The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 Fast Forward 9.30 Brand X 10.30 The Neighbours 7.00 Raymond Sketch Show 11.00 Blokesworld
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 CBS This Morning 7.00 6.00 Today 4.00 FIFA Confederations 9.00 The Morning Show Wurrawhy 7.30 Totally Wild 9.00 Mornings Cup: Semi-final 1 11.30 Seven Morning News 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 8.30 11.00 National News 6.30 World Watch 12.00 The Midday Movie OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold & The 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 3.00 France 24 News Mystery Woman: Oh Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s Kitchen 1.00 The View 3.30 Al Jazeera News Baby (M) 10.00 Good Chef Bad Chef 2.00 The Block Sky High 4.00 The Journal 2.00 Winners & Losers 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 Master2.30 The New Adventures 4.30 PBS Newshour 3.00 The Daily Edition chef Encore 12.00 Dr Phil 1.00 of Old Christine 5.30 Global Village 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 The Doctors 2.00 Ready Steady 3.00 National News Now 6.00 Tracks And Trails 5.30 Deal Or No Deal Cook 3.00 Judge Judy 3.30 4.00 Alive And Cooking 6.30 World News Australia 6.00 Seven News Everyday Gourmet 4.00 Scope 4.30 National News 7.30 Shane Delia’s 6.30 Today Tonight 4.30 Bold & The Beautiful 5.00 5.30 Hot Seat Spice Journey 7.00 Home And Away TEN News 6.00 The WIN News Hour 8.00 The Little Paris 7.30 2013 AFL Season 7.00 The Block Sky High 6.00 The Simpsons Kitchen West Coast V 8.30 The Mentalist (M) 6.30 The Project 8.35 Heston’s Feasts Essendon 10.30 The Footy Show (NRL) 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 9.30 One Born Every 11.00 2013 Wimbledon 8.30 Law & Order: S.V.U. 12.30 WIN News Late Minute Day 4 10.30 TEN Late News 1.30 The Block Sky High 10.30 World News Australia 4.00 Home Shopping 3.00 Danoz 11.15 The Project Encore 11.00 The Story of Playboy 5.30 Seven Early News 3.30 Good Morning 12.00 The Late Show 12.10 The Observer Effect with Natalie Barr America 1.00 Infomercial 1.10 Curiosity Kills The Cat GO 1.00 Bachelor Pad 3.00 Power GEM 12.00 Movie: Oh, God! (PG) 2.00 7 TWO 12.00 Hart To Hart 1.00 Rangers Samurai 3.30 Monsuno Combat Longmire 3.00 Alive & Cooking 3.30 RPA Seachange 2.00 Movie: The Swan Chaos 4.00 Ben 10 4.30 Young Justice 4.30 Customs 5.30 Ellen Degeneres Princess (G) 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 5.00 Max Steel 5.30 The Block Sky High Show 6.30 Friends 7.00 A Current Homes Under the Hammer 5.30 Bargain 6.00 Two And A Half Men 6.30 The Middle Affair 7.30 Where Are They Now? 8.30 Hunt 6.30 Movie: Weekend At Bernie’s 7.00 The Big Bang Theory (PG) 8.30 Wimbledon 2013 (Live) Embarrassing Bodies
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 CBS This Morning 7.00 6.00 Today 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 The Morning Show Wurrawhy 7.30 Totally Wild 9.00 Mornings 9.30 Business Today 10.00 My 11.30 Seven Morning News 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 8.30 11.00 National News Place 10.20 What I Wrote 10.30 12.00 Winners & Losers OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold & The 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show Designers 10.45 Music Moves 3.00 The Daily Edition Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s Kitchen 11.00 Kitchen Cabinet 11.30 1.00 The View 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 10.00 The Living Room Encore 2.00 The Block Sky High One Plus One 12.00 Midday 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 11.00 Masterchef Encore 12.00 3.00 National News Now Report 12.30 Last Of The 6.00 Seven News Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Summer Wine 1.00 Poirot 2.00 4.00 Alive And Cooking 6.30 Today Tonight Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.30 National News Bed of Roses 3.00 Children’s 7.00 2013 AFL Season Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet Programs 5.30 Hot Seat Sydney V Carlton 4.00 Lightning Point 4.30 Bold & 6.00 National News 5.30 ABC News The Blues took the The Beautiful 5.00 TEN News 6.30 A Current Affair 6.00 Time Team chocolates against the 6.00 The Simpsons 7.00 The Block Sky High 7.00 ABC News Swans in their last Unlocked 7.30 7.30 (SA) 6.30 The Project encounter at the SCG, 7.30 The Living Room 7.30 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Wild Life At The Zoo so it promises to be 8.30 Friday Night Movie 8.30 Doc Martin 8.30 NCIS (M) a huge clash. The Nanny Diaries (M) 9.20 The Bletchley Circle 9.30 T.B.A. 10.30 2013 Wimbledon 10.45 Person of Interest 10.05 Would I Lie To You? 10.30 TEN Late News Day 5 11.45 Extra 10.35 Lateline 11.15 The Project Encore 3.30 Harry’s Practice 12.15 National News Late 11.10 Getting on 12.00 The Late Show 12.45 A Current Affair 11.45 rage 1.00 Home Shopping 4.00 NBC Today 7 MATE 1.00 Motor Mate 4.30 Dream ELEVEN 12.00 Charmed 1.00 Jag ONE HD 1.30 Fear Factor 4.00 Car Garage 5.30 Movie: Smokey And 2.00 Judging Amy 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Get Smart 4.30 Cops 5.00 I Fish 6.00 The Bandit II (PG) 7.30 Mythbusters Cheers 4.00 The King of Queens 4.30 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 8.30 Movie: The Scorpion King (M) 10.30 Laverne & Shirley 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 Undercover Boss 8.30 Law & Order: SVU Movie: Nowhere To Run (M) 12.30 30 The Brady Bunch 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 9.30 MotoGP 2013: R7, Netherlands Rock 1.00 Unsolved Mysteries Neighbours 7.00 Raymond (qual.) 11.00 Fast Forward
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 4.00 FIFA Confederations 6.00 Sunrise 6.00 CBS This Morning 7.00 6.00 Today Cup: Semi-final 2 9.00 The Morning Show Wurrawhy 7.30 Totally Wild 9.00 Mornings 6.30 World Watch 11.30 Seven Morning News 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 8.30 11.00 National News 3.00 France 24 News 12.00 Winners & Losers OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold & The 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 3.30 Al Jazeera News 3.00 The Daily Edition Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s Kitchen 1.00 The View 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 10.00 The Living Room Encore 2.00 The Block Sky High 4.30 PBS Newshour 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 11.00 Masterchef Encore 12.00 3.00 National News Now 5.30 Global Village 6.00 Seven News Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 4.00 Alive And Cooking 6.00 Tracks And Trails 6.30 Today Tonight Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.30 National News 6.30 World News Australia 7.00 Better Homes & Gardens Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet 5.30 Hot Seat 7.30 Coast 4.00 Lightning Point 4.30 Bold & 6.00 The WIN News Hour 7.30 2013 AFL Season 8.35 Tour de France: The The Beautiful 5.00 TEN News 7.00 The Block Sky High Sydney V Carlton Story Unlocked The Blues took the 6.00 The Simpsons 9.30 Tour de France: The 7.30 The Big Bang Theory chocolates against the 6.30 The Project Story 8.30 Friday Night Movie Swans in their last 7.30 The Living Room 10.35 World News Australia The Nanny Diaries (M) encounter at the SCG, 8.30 NCIS (M) 11.10 Film: DarkBlueAlmost10.45 Person of Interest so it promises to be 9.30 Reef Doctors Black (MA) 11.45 Extra a huge clash. 10.30 TEN Late News 1.00 Hot Cities 12.15 WIN News Late 11.00 2013 Wimbledon 11.15 The Project Encore 1.55 Hot Cities 1.00 Friday Night Rugby Day 5 12.00 The Late Show 2.50 Weatherwatch Rabbitohs V Raiders 4.00 Home Shopping 1.00 Infomercial GO 1.00 Bachelor Pad 3.00 Power GEM 12.00 Movie: The Man Who 7 TWO 1.00 Seachange 2.00 Movie: Rangers Samurai 3.30 Monsuno Combat Haunted Himself (PG) 2.00 Dallas 3.00 The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland Chaos 4.00 Ben 10 4.30 Young Justice Alive & Cooking 3.30 Super Nanny USA (G) 3.30 Who’s The Boss? 4.00 Mad 5.00 Max Steel 5.30 Movie: Hoodwinked! 4.30 RPA Where Are They Now? 5.30 About You 4.30 Perfect Strangers 5.00 (G) 7.10 Movie: Harry Potter And The Ellen Degeneres Show 6.30 Friends 7.00 The Hogan Family 5.30 Homes Under Philosopher’s Stone (PG) A Current Affair 7.30 Rugby The Hammer 6.30 Bargain Hunt
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Saturday Disney 6.00 Totally Wild 7.00 Paradise 6.00 Bubble Guppies 6.30 Dora 6.00 rage 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.30 rage Guest Cafe 7.30 Shezow 8.00 H2O The Explorer 7.00 Weekend 10.00 The Morning Show Programmer - Just Add Water 8.30 Totally Today 10.00 Mornings 12.00 12.00 The Daily Edition 11.30 7.30 (SA) Wild 9.00 Scope 9.30 Good The Bottom Line Icon Series Weekend 12.00 Australian Story Chef Bad Chef 10.00 Forest 12.30 The Middle 1.00 2013 AFL Season Designs 11.00 The Living Room 1.00 The Afternoon Movie 12.30 Catalyst Gold Coast V Adelaide Encore 12.00 Ironman: Cairns 1.00 Three Men Go To Ocean’s Eleven (PG) 4.00 Highway Patrol Ireland Adventure Festival 2013 2.00 3.30 Anthony Bourdain: 4.30 2013 AFL Season 2.00 SANFL: Round 13 The Doctors 3.00 Athletes of No Reservations Port Adelaide V Central District V The Wild 4.00 What’s Up Down 4.30 Discover Downunder Collingwood Norwood Under 4.30 Everyday Gourmet 5.00 News: First At Five from AAMI Stadium 5.00 Agatha Christie’s 5.30 Getaway 5.00 TEN News at Five 7.30 Family Movie Special Miss Marple: The 6.00 National Nine News 6.00 David Attenborough’s T.B.A. Body In The Library 6.30 The Saturday Movie The Life of Mammals 10.30 2013 Wimbledon 6.30 Gardening Australia 7.00 Qantas Wallabies V 17 Again (PG) Day 6 7.00 ABC News British and Irish Lions 8.30 The Saturday Movie 3.30 Harry’s Practice 7.30 Death In Paradise 2013 2nd Test (Live) The Sentinel (M) 4.00 Home Shoppng 8.30 Midsomer Murders 10.00 T.B.A. 10.45 The Late Movie 4.30 Home Shopping 10.00 Adam Hills Tonight 11.00 MotoGP: Race 3, Blindness (AV) 5.00 That ‘70’s Show Netherlands 1.15 Movie: Westworld (M) 11.00 rage Guest 5.30 That ‘70’s Show Programmer 2.30 British F1 GP: Qual. 3.15 Extra 7 MATE 1.00 Treasure Divers 2.00 ELEVEN 1.00 Star Trek: Deep Space ONE HD 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 Big! 3.00 Project Xtreme 3.30 Wild Nine 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Megafactories 3.00 71 Degrees North Justice 5.30 Mythbusters 6.30 Movie: Britain & Irelands Next Top Model 5.00 4.00 The WWE Experience 5.00 Escape Pirates of The Caribbean: The Curse of America’s Next Top Model 6.00 Sabrina With ET 6.00 Get Smart 6.30 Monster The Black Pearl (PG) 11.30 Movie: Wild 6.30 Masterchef 10.30 The Graham Jam 7.30 M*A*S*H 8.00 MotoGP: R7, Things: Diamonds In The Rough (MA) Norton Show Netherlands (Live) 9.15 British GP: Qual.
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 5.00 World Watch 6.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Totally Wild 7.00 Paradise 6.00 Bubble Guppies 6.30 Dora 1.00 Peter grimes 7.00 Weekend Sunrise Cafe 7.30 Shezow 8.00 H2O The Explorer 7.00 Weekend 3.40 Piano Notes 10.00 The Morning Show - Just Add Water 8.30 Totally Today 10.00 Mornings 12.00 3.55 Tim Marlow’s Virtual 12.00 Man Up! Wild 9.00 Scope 9.30 Good The Bottom Line Icon Series Gallery 12.30 The Afternoon Movie Chef Bad Chef 10.00 Bump TV 12.30 The Middle 4.00 Photo: New Vision Lemonade Mouth (G) 1.00 Ironman: Cairns Adventure 1.00 The Afternoon Movie 4.30 PBS Newshour 2.30 Possum’s Club Festival 2013 3.00 Athletes of Ocean’s Eleven (PG) 5.30 Who Do You Think 3.00 Beyond Tomorrow The Wild 4.00 What’s Up Down 3.30 Anthony Bourdain: You Are? 4.00 Off The Bench Under 4.30 Everyday Gourmet No Reservations 6.30 World News Australia 4.30 The Daily Edition 4.30 Discover Downunder 5.00 TEN News at Five 7.30 Empire: Playing The Weekend 5.00 News: First At Five 6.00 The Simpsons Game 5.30 T.B.A. 5.30 Getaway 6.30 Before The Game 8.30 RocKwiz 6.00 Seven News 6.00 National Nine News 7.30 Qantas Wallabies V Adalita/J Mascis/ 6.30 2013 AFL Season 6.30 The Saturday Movie British and Irish Lions Sarah Lee Guthrie/ Geelong V Fremantle 2013 2nd Test (Live) 17 Again (PG) Johnny Irion 11.00 2013 Wimbledon 10.30 T.B.A. 8.30 The Saturday Movie 9.30 Tour de France 2013 Day 6: Live coverage 11.30 MotoGP: Race 3, The Sentinel (M) Stage 1 (Live) of the oldest and most Netherlands 10.45 The Late Movie Porto-Vecchio to prestigious tennis 3.00 2013 F1 British Grand Blindness (AV) Bastia (212 km) tournament in the Prix: Qualifying 1.15 Movie: Westworld (M) 1.30 Weatherwatch world 5.00 Hour of Power 3.15 Extra GO 10.30 Ben 10 11.00 Flea Bitten GEM 11.25 Movie: The Long & The 7 TWO 1.00 Sydney Weekender 1.30 Short & The Tall (PG) 1.35 Postcards Coxy’s Big Break 2.00 Movie: Murphy’s 12.00 Dennis & Gnasher 12.30 Romance (PG) 4.30 Treks in a Wild Adventure Time 1.30 TV Home 2.05 Movie: Marriage On The Rocks World 5.00 Globe Guides 5.30 No Going Shopping 2.00 The Block Sky High 5.00 (G) 4.20 Movie: Bombers B-52 (G) Back 6.30 Heartbeat 8.30 Wimbledon Scooby Doo! In Where’s My Mummy? 6.30 Secret Dealers 7.30 Antiques 2013 (Live) 11.00 Movie: Mask (M) G) 6.30 Suburgatory Roadshow 8.30 CSI: NY 9.30 CSI
Lifestyle1.net - 039
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Fish Hooks 6.00 Bubble Guppies 6.00 Life Today With James 6.00 rage 6.30 Children’s 6.30 Jake And The Never Robinson 6.30 Hillsong 7.00 6.30 Dora The Explorer Programs 9.00 Insiders 10.00 Land Pirates 7.00 Weekend Today Totally Wild 8.00 Call Of The Inside Business 10.30 Offsiders 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 10.00 Financial Review Sunday 11.00 Asia Pacific Focus 11.30 Whale 9.00 Good Chef Bad 10.00 AFL Game Day Chef 10.00 The Bolt Report 10.30 Wide World of Sports Songs of Praise 12.00 Landline 11.30 T.B.A. 10.30 Meet The Press 11.30 11.30 The Footy Show (AFL) 1.00 Gardening Australia 1.30 12.30 Parking Wars The Doctors 12.30 Everyday Annabel Langbein 2.00 Sham1.00 The Wildlife Man 1.00 Footy Flashbacks Gourmet 1.00 T.B.A. 3.00 Broad 2.00 Celebrity Apprentice wari: A Wild Life 2.30 Meerkat 2.30 2013 AFL Season Horizons: Australia’s Icons 4.00 3.30 House Husbands Manor 3.00 La Boheme 4.55 North Melbourne V The Bolt Report 4.30 Meet The Wallace And Gromit’s World of 4.30 Building Ideas GWS Press 5.00 TEN News Invention 5.25 Deadly 60 6.00 5.00 News: First At Five 5.30 SA Life 5.30 South Aussie With Cosi Australia’s Remote Islands 6.00 The Simpsons 6.00 Seven News 6.30 Compass 7.00 ABC 6.30 Modern Family 6.00 National News 6.30 Sunday Night News 7.30 Grand Designs 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 6.30 The Block Sky High 7.30 T.B.A. 8.20 Dream Build 8.30 The 8.30 Elementary (M) 7.30 60 Minutes 8.45 A Place To Call Home 9.30 Graham Norton Show 8.30 House Husbands (PG) Time Of Our Lives 9.25 The 9.45 Endeavour (M) Years That Made Us 10.25 10.30 Last Man Standing 9.30 CSI (M) 11.45 Fairly Legal Chopin Saved My Life 11.20 11.30 2013 F1 Grand Prix: 10.30 CSI: Miami (M) Set The Piano Stool on Fire British Grand Prix 11.30 The Block Sky High 12.45 I Just Want My Pants Back 12.20 Shine 2.00 Order In 2.00 Home Shopping 1.15 Harry’s Practice 12.30 Rugby: Warriors V the House 5.00 Life Today 2.00 Home Shopping Brisbane Broncos 7 MATE 1.00 Big! 2.00 Wild Justice ELEVEN 12.30 So You Think You ONE HD 1.00 Golf Getaway 1.30 3.00 Style In Steel 3.30 Monster Nation Can Dance - Encore 2.30 Neighbours Omnisport 2.00 Lions Tour of Australia 4.30 America’s Toughest Jobs 5.30 - Special Encore Presentation 5.00 4.00 Black Gold 5.00 What’s Up Down Mythbusters 6.30 Movie: Big Daddy (PG) Merlin 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 Everybody Under 5.30 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 8.30 Movie: Anchorman: The Legend of Loves Raymond 7.30 The Simpsons Megafactories 7.30 Extreme Fishing 8.30 Ron Burgundy (M) 10.30 Movie: 8 Mile 8.00 Futurama 8.30 Movie: A Very Brady Movie: GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra (M) (MA) 12.50 The Take Sequel (PG) 10.30 Wilfred 10.55 Coal 11.55 Persons Unknown
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 5.00 World Watch 6.00 Home Shopping 6.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries 6.00 Bubble Guppies 7.30 Tour de France Update 7.00 Weekend Sunrise 6.30 Hillsong 7.00 Totally Wild 6.30 Dora The Explorer 10.00 AFL Game Day 8.00 Call Of The Whale 9.00 8.05 World Watch 7.00 Weekend Today 11.30 T.B.A. Good Chef Bad Chef 10.00 1.00 Speedweek 10.00 Financial Review Sunday 12.30 Wild Boys The Bolt Report 10.30 Meet 4.00 Cycling: National 10.30 Wide World of Sports 1.30 Footy Flashbacks The Press 11.30 The Living Road Series 2013 11.30 The Footy Show (AFL) 3.00 2013 AFL Season Room encore 12.30 Everyday 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 1.00 TAC Cup: Future Stars North Melbourne V Gourmet 1.00 T.B.A. 3.00 Broad 2.00 Gilligan’s Island 5.00 Bigger Better Faster GWS Horizons: Australia’s Icons 4.00 2.30 Celebrity Apprentice Stronger The Kangaroos won’t The Bolt Report 4.30 Meet The 6.00 Tour de France H/Lights 4.00 House Husbands want to let their guard Press 5.00 TEN News 6.30 World News Australia 5.00 News: First At Five down against the 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 Lost Worlds: A History 5.30 Customs young Giants at 6.30 Modern Family of Celtic Britain: Age 6.00 National News Etihad Stadium 7.30 MasterChef Aust. of Warriors 6.30 The Block Sky High 6.00 Seven News 8.30 Elementary (M) 8.30 The Observer Effect 7.30 60 Minutes 6.30 Sunday Night 9.30 2013 F1 Grand Prix: 9.30 Tour de France 2013 8.30 House Husbands (PG) 7.30 T.B.A. British Grand Prix Stage 2 (Live) 9.30 CSI (M) 8.45 A Place To Call Home 12.00 48 Hours Bastia to Ajaccio 10.30 CSI: Miami (M) 9.45 Endeavour (M) 1.00 Infomercial (154 km) 11.30 The Block Sky High 11.45 Fairly Legal 4.30 Destined To Reign 12.30 Rugby: Warriors V 1.30 Weatherwatch 12.45 Home Shopping 5.00 James Robison Brisbane Broncos Overnight GO 12.00 Winx Club 12.30 Power GEM 11.30 Movie: The Ice Pirates (PG) 7 TWO 1.10 Chefs: Put Your Money Rangers Super Samurai 1.30 TV Home 1.30 Getaway 2.00 Sunday Footy Show Where Your Mouth Is 2.10 Home And Shopping 2.00 Happiness Is A Warm (NRL) 4.00 NRL: Warriors V Broncos Away Catch-Up 4.30 Movie: Carry On... Blanket Charlie Brown (G) 4.00 The 6.00 Send In The Dogs 6.30 Antiques Follow That Camel! (PG) 6.30 The Vicar Block Sky High 5.30 T.B.A. 7.30 The Roadshow 7.30 Journey To The Bottom of Dibley 7.10 Fawlty Towers 7.45 Homes Middle 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.00 Of The Ocean 8.30 Movie: Contact (M) Under The Hammer 9.00 Escape To The T.B.A. 12.00 Conan 4.50 Extra 11.30 The Closer Country 11.00 Neighbours At War 12.00
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Today 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 Mornings 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold 9.30 Business Today 10.00 11.00 National News 11.30 Seven News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s Architects of Change 11.00 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show Landline 12.00 Midday Report 12.00 The Midday Movie Kitchen 10.00 Reef Doctors To Love, Honor and 11.00 Masterchef Encore 12.00 1.00 Sea Patrol 12.30 Midsomer Murders 2.00 Deceive (M) Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Chopin Saved My Life 3.00 2.00 The Block Sky High 2.00 Dr Oz Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 3.00 National News Now Children’s Programs 5.30 ABC 3.00 The Daily Edition Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet News: Early 4.00 Alive And Cooking 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & 4.30 National News 6.00 Time Team 5.30 Deal Or No Deal The Beautiful 5.30 Hot Seat 7.00 ABC News 6.00 Seven News 6.00 National News 7.30 7.30 (SA) 5.00 TEN News 6.30 Today Tonight 6.30 A Current Affair 8.00 Australian Story 6.00 The Simpsons 7.00 T.B.A. 7.00 The Block Sky High 8.30 Four Corners 6.30 The Project 8.30 T.B.A. 8.00 T.B.A. 9.20 Media Watch 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 9.30 T.B.A. 10.30 Footy Classified 9.35 Q&A 8.30 The Biggest Loser’s 11.30 2013 Wimbledon 10.35 Lateline Biggest Ever Makeovers 11.30 Extra Day 8 12.00 National News Late 11.10 The Business 9.30 The Americans 3.30 Sons & Daughters 12.30 A Current Affair 11.35 Dalziel And Pascoe 10.30 TEN Late News 4.00 NBC Today 1.00 The Block Sky High 1.10 Movie: The Private 11.15 The Project Encore 5.00 Sunrise Extra 2.00 The Avengers Affairs of Bel Ami (PG) 12.00 The Late Show 5.30 Seven Early News 3.00 Danoz 2.55 rage 1.00 Home Shopping 7 MATE 1.00 Motor Mate 4.30 Dream ELEVEN 1.00 JAG 2.00 Judging ONE HD 1.00 Bondi Boys Big Car Garage 5.30 Who’s Still Standing Amy 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Cheers 4.00 Adventure in the Tropics 1.30 Omnisport 6.30 Seinfeld 7.30 Ultimate Factories The King of Queens 4.30 Laverne & 2.00 Fear Factor 4.00 Megafactories 8.30 Pawn Stars 9.30 American Shirley 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady 5.00 ET’s Fishing Classics 5.30 I Fish Restoration 10.30 American Pickers Bunch 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 Neighbours 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 11.30 Bid America 12.00 30 Rock 12.30 7.00 Raymond 8.00 Raising Hope 8.30 7.30 Diamond Divers 8.30 Movie: The Chappelle’s Show Torchwood 9.30 Dexter Wrestler (M) 10.45 F1 British GP
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 5.00 World Watch 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 Today 6.30 Tour de France Update 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold 9.00 Mornings 11.30 Seven News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s 11.00 National News 7.00 2013 FIFA 12.00 The Midday Movie Kitchen 10.00 Reef Doctors 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show Confederations Cup Geek Charming (G) 11.00 Masterchef Encore 12.00 1.00 Sea Patrol Final 2.00 Dr Oz Dr Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 10.00 World Watch 2.00 The Block Sky High 3.00 The Daily Edition Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 3.00 National News Now 1.50 Sunday Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet 2.00 Did Cooking Make Us 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 4.00 Alive And Cooking 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & Human? 4.30 National News 6.00 Seven News The Beautiful 3.00 France 24 News 5.30 Hot Seat 6.30 Today Tonight 3.30 Al Jazeera News 6.00 The WIN News Hour 5.00 TEN News 7.00 Home And Away 4.00 The Journal 7.00 The Block Sky High 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 T.B.A. 4.30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 8.00 T.B.A. 6.30 The Project 12.00 2013 Wimbledon 5.00 Cycling: National 10.30 Footy Classified 7.30 MasterChef Aust. Day 8: Live coverage Road Series 2013 11.30 Extra 8.30 The Biggest Loser’s of the oldest and most 5.30 Global Village Biggest Ever Makeovers 12.00 WIN News Late prestigious tennis 6.00 Tour de France H/Lights 1.00 The Block Sky High 9.30 The Americans tournament in the 2.00 The Avengers 10.30 TEN Late News 6.30 World News Australia world 3.00 Danoz 11.15 The Project Encore 7.30 Mythbusters 4.00 Home Shopping 3.30 Good Morning 12.00 The Late Show 8.30 Make Me: Smart 5.30 Seven Early News America 1.00 Infomercial 9.30 2013 Tour de France GO 1.00 Bachelor Pad 2.30 T.B.A. 3.00 GEM 12.00 Movie: Our Man In 7 TWO 12.00 Hart To Hart 1.00 Power Rangers Samurai 3.30 Monsuno Marrakesh (G) 2.00 Secret Dealers 3.00 SeaChange 2.00 Movie: Running Free 4.05 Ben 10: Alien Force 4.30 Young Alive & Cooking 3.30 Antiques Roadshow (PG) 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Perfect Justice 5.00 Max Steel 5.30 The Block 4.30 Journey To The Botton Of The Strangers 5.00 The Hogan Family 5.30 Sky High 6.30 The Middle 7.00 The Big Ocean 5.30 Ellen Degeneres Show 6.30 Homes Under The Hammer 6.30 Bargain Bang Theory 7.30 Two And A Half Men Friends 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Animal Hunt 7.30 Mighty Ships 8.30 2013 8.00 Top Gear 9.30 T.B.A 12.00 Conan Emergency Wimbledon - Day 8 (Live)
Person Of Interest
The Americans
Modern Family
Friday, 10.30pm Reese and Finch visit Atlantic City to investigate an elderly gambler who’s number has come up.
Monday, 9.30pm A mole hunt within the KGB causes suspicion amongst allies and shatters trust within the Jenning’s marriage. Meanwhile, Stan’s plan to keep his mole safe puts her at even greater risk of discovery.
Journey To The Bottom of The Ocean
Saturday, 6.30pm When George agrees to participate in the “Dads of Chatswin” calendar, he becomes obsessed with his body image, alienating Dallas. Dalia buddies up to Tessa, and Lisa finds out why.
Sunday, 6.30pm Claire & Cam want to try their hand at flipping a house & Phil & Mitch fight over who will tell them no; Jay has planned for the whole family to celebrate New Years together at a great hotel.
Monday, 9.30pm Dexter tries to stay ahead of the Homicide Division concerning the Doomsday killers and he finds help from an unlikely source; Debra uncovers something unexpected about herself during therapy.
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Sunday, 7.30pm Hidden beneath the oceans are the longest mountain ranges, the tallest volcanoes and the deepest canyons. Richard Hammond reveals all this and more in a way never seen before.
ELEC-AIR Lifestyle1.net - 040
Sunday, 8.30pm San Diego’s top rated newsman’s life is about to change when a new female employee with ambition to burn arrives in his office.
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 Today 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold 9.00 Mornings 9.30 Business Today 10.00 11.30 Seven Morning News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s 11.00 National Morning News Architects of Change 11.00 Big 12.00 The Midday Movie Kitchen 10.00 Good Chef Bad 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show Ideas 12.00 Midday Report Blood Crime (M) Chef 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 12.30 Compass 1.00 Q&A 2.00 1.00 Sea Patrol 2.00 Dr Oz MasterChef Encore 12.00 Dr The Matilda Candidate 3.00 2.00 The Block Sky High 3.00 The Daily Edition Phil. 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Children’s Programs 3.00 National News Now 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.00 Alive And Cooking 5.30 ABC News: Early 5.30 Deal or No Deal Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 National News 6.00 Time Team 6.00 Seven News 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & 5.30 Hot Seat 7.00 ABC News 6.30 Today Tonight The Beautiful 6.00 National news 7.30 7.30 (SA) 7.00 Home And Away 5.00 TEN News 6.30 A Current Affair 8.00 Kitchen Cabinet 7.30 T.B.A. 7.00 The Block Sky High 8.30 New Tricks 6.00 The Simpsons 8.45 Packed To The Rafters 6.30 The Project 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 At The Movies 8.30 T.B.A. 10.00 The Book Club: July 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 10.45 Border Security: 11.30 Extra 10.30 Lateline 8.30 Under The Dome International 12.00 National News Late 11.05 The Business 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.45 2013 Wimbledon 12.30 A Current Affair 11.30 Four Corners 10.30 TEN Late News Day 9 1.00 The Block Sky High 12.20 Media Watch 11.15 The Project Encore 3.30 Harry’s Practice 2.00 Seaway 12.35 Movie: Underworld 12.00 The Late Show 4.00 NBC Today 3.00 Danoz USA (PG) 1.00 Home Shopping 5.00 Sunrise Extra 7 MATE 1.00 Motor Mate 4.30 Dream ELEVEN 1.00 JAG 2.00 Judging Amy ONE HD 1.30 Omnisport 2.00 Fear Car Garage 5.30 Take It All 6.30 Seinfield 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Cheers 4.00 The Factor 4.00 Get Smart 4.30 Cops 5.00 7.30 Mythbusters 8.30 Family Guy 10.00 King of Queens 4.30 Laverne & Shirley ET’s Fishing Classics 5.30 I Fish 6.00 American Dad 10.30 Family Guy 11.30 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 Scare Tactics 12.00 Crank Yankers 12.30 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Frontiers of Construction 8.30 Cops: Chappelle’s Show 1.30 The Chaser’s Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 Rules Adults Only 9.30 Mafia’s Greatest Hits War On Everything of Engagement 8.00 New Normal 10.40 Super Rugby Extra Time
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 5.00 World Watch 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 Today 7.30 Tour de France Update 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold 9.00 Mornings 11.30 Seven Morning News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s 11.00 National Morning News 8.05 World Watch Kitchen 10.00 Good Chef Bad 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 1.00 2013 Confederations 12.00 The Midday Movie Hannah Montana: Chef 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 Cup Final 1.00 Sea Patrol The Movie (G) MasterChef Encore 12.00 Dr 3.00 France 24 News 2.00 The Block Sky High 2.00 Dr Oz Phil. 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 3.30 Al Jazeera News 3.00 National News Now 3.00 The Daily Edition Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.00 Alive And Cooking 4.00 The Journal 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 PBS Newshour 4.30 National News 5.30 Deal or No Deal 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & 5.30 Global Village 5.30 Hot Seat The Beautiful 6.00 Tour de France H/Lights 6.00 Seven News 6.00 The WIN News Hour 6.30 Today Tonight 5.00 TEN News 7.00 The Block Sky High 6.30 World News Australia 7.00 Home And Away 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 7.30 Who Do You Think 6.00 The Simpsons 7.30 T.B.A. 8.30 T.B.A. You Are? 6.30 The Project 8.45 Packed To The Rafters 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 11.30 Extra 8.30 Insight 12.00 WIN News Late 9.30 Tour de France 2013 10.45 Border Security: 8.30 Under The Dome 1.00 The Block Sky High Review 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles International 2.00 Seaway 10.30 Tour de France 2013 11.15 2013 Wimbledon 10.30 TEN Late News 3.00 Danoz Stage 4 (Live): Team 11.15 The Project Encore Day 9 3.30 Good Morning America time-trial - 25 km 12.00 The Late Show 4.00 Home Shopping 1.30 Weatherwatch 1.00 Infomercial 5.30 Seven Early News 5.00 Early Morning News GO 12.30 Bachelor Pad 3.00 Power GEM 12.00 Movie: On The Buses 7 TWO 1.00 SeaChange 2.00 Movie: Rangers Samurai 3.30 Monsuno 4.05 (PG) 2.00 Baboon Bandits 3.00 Alive & 3 Ninjas Knuckle Up (PG) 4.00 Mad Ben 10 4.30 Young Justice 5.00 Max Cooking 3.30 Super Nanny USA 4.30 About You 4.30 Perfect Strangers 5.00 Steel 5.30 The Block Sky High 6.30 The Animal Emergency 5.30 Ellen Degeneres The Hogan Family 5.30 Homes Under Middle 7.00 The Big Bang Theory 8.00 Show 6.30 Friends 7.00 A Current Affair The Hammer 6.30 Bargain Hunt 7.30 Come Fly With Me 8.30 2 Broke Girls 7.30 Planet Earth 8.40 The Mentalist Highway Patrol 8.00 Motorway Patrol 9.40 Person of Interest 11.30 The Closer 8.30 Air Crash Investigations 9.30 T.B.A. 12.00 Conan 1.00 TMZ
SEVEN SA TEN SA WIN SA ABC 1 6.00 Today 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 ABC News Breakfast 9.30 9.00 Mornings 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold Business Today 10.00 Cooking 11.00 National Morning News The World 11.00 Big Ideas 11.30 Seven Morning News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s 12.00 The Midday Movie Kitchen 10.00 Good Chef Bad 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 12.00 Midday Report 12.30 Nat. Sex And The Single Chef 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 Press Club Address 1.30 At 1.00 Sea Patrol Mom (M) MasterChef Encore 12.00 Dr The Movies 2.00 The Jonathon 2.00 The Block Sky High 2.00 Dr Oz Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 Ross Show 3.00 Children’s 3.00 National News Now 3.00 The Daily Edition Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.00 Alive And Cooking Programs 5.30 ABC News: 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet Early 6.00 Time Team 4.30 National News 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & 5.30 Hot Seat 7.00 ABC News 6.00 Seven News The Beautiful 6.00 National News 7.30 7.30 (SA) 6.30 Today Tonight 5.00 TEN News 6.30 A Current Affair 8.00 QI 7.00 Home And Away 7.00 The Block Sky High 8.30 Adam Hills Tonight 6.00 The Simpsons 8.00 T.B.A. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory 9.30 Wednesday Night 6.30 The Project 9.15 Criminal Minds (M) 8.30 Arrow (M) Fever 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 11.15 Hannibal 9.30 What’s Your Emergency? 10.00 The Hollowmen 8.30 Offspring (M) 12.15 2013 Wimbledon 10.30 Lateline 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 10.30 The Block Sky High Day 10 11.05 The Business 10.30 TEN Late News 11.30 Extra 3.30 Sons & Daughters 11.30 Spooks (M) 11.15 The Project Encore 12.00 National News Late 4.00 NBC Today 12.35 Movie: The Ugly 12.00 The Late Show 12.30 A Current Affair 5.00 Sunrise Extra American (M) 1.00 Home Shopping 1.00 20/20 7 MATE 1.00 Motor Mate 4.30 Dream ELEVEN 1.00 JAG 2.00 Judging Amy ONE HD 12.30 Isle Of Man TT 2013 Car Garage 5.00 Zoom TV 5.30 Take It 3.00 Infomercial 3.30 Cheers 4.00 The 1.30 Fear Factor 4.00 Get Smart 4.30 All 6.30 Seinfeld 7.30 Pawn Stars 8.30 King of Queens 4.30 Laverne & Shirley Cops 5.00 I Fish 6.00 M*A*S*H 6.30 Get Hardcore Pawn 9.30 American Pickers 5.00 Happy Days 5.30 The Brady Bunch Smart 7.00 Cops 7.30 White Collar 8.30 11.30 Rude Tube 12.00 Chappelle’s 6.00 Sabrina 6.30 Neighbours 7.00 Burn Notice 9.30 Blue Bloods 10.30 Lie Show 12.30 Crank Yankers 1.00 30 Rock Everybody Loves Raymond 7.30 The To Me 11.30 Persons Unknown 12.30 Simpsons Fast Forward 1.30 Monster Jam
SBS ONE PRIME SC TEN WIN VIC 5.00 World Watch 6.00 Sunrise 8.00 Entertainment Tonight 6.00 Today 1.00 Insight 9.00 The Morning Show 8.30 OMG! Insider 9.00 Bold 9.00 Mornings 2.00 Neil Morrissey’s Risky 11.30 Seven Morning News & The Beautiful 9.30 Huey’s 11.00 National Morning News Business 12.00 The Midday Movie Kitchen 10.00 Good Chef Bad 12.00 Ellen Degeneres Show 3.00 France 24 News Wizards of Waverly Chef 10.30 Bondi Vet 11.00 1.00 Sea Patrol 3.30 Al Jazeera News Place (G) MasterChef Encore 12.00 Dr 2.00 The Block Sky High 4.00 The Journal 2.00 Dr Oz Phil 1.00 The Doctors 2.00 3.00 National News Now 4.30 PBS Newshour 3.00 The Daily Edition Ready Steady Cook 3.00 Judge 4.00 Alive And Cooking 5.30 Global Village 4.30 Seven News at 4.30 Judy 3.30 Everyday Gourmet 4.30 National News 6.00 Tour de France H/Lights 5.30 Deal Or No Deal 4.00 Totally Wild 4.30 Bold & 5.30 Hot Seat 6.00 Seven News The Beautiful 6.00 The WIN News Hour 6.30 World News Australia 6.30 Today Tonight 5.00 TEN News 7.00 The Block Sky High 7.30 Bears of The Last 7.00 Home And Away 8.00 The Big Bang Theory Frontier 6.00 The Simpsons 8.30 Arrow (M) 8.30 Toughest Place To Be 7.30 T.B.A. 6.30 The Project 8.45 Criminal Minds (M) 9.30 What’s Your Emergency? A... Binman 7.30 MasterChef Aust. 9.30 Tour de France 2013 10.45 Hannibal 8.30 Offspring (M) 10.30 The Block Sky High 11.45 2013 Wimbledon Stage 5 (Live) 9.30 NCIS: Los Angeles 11.30 Extra Day 10 Cagnes-sur-mer to 10.30 TEN Late News 12.00 WIN News Hour Late 4.00 Home Shopping Marseille (219 km) 11.15 The Project Encore 1.00 20/20 5.30 Seven Early News 1.30 Weatherwatch 12.00 The Late Show 2.00 Gideon’s Way with Natalie Barr Overnight 1.00 Infomercial 3.00 Danoz GO 1.00 The Bachelorette 2.30 T.B.A. GEM 12.00 Movie: Tonight’s The Night 7 TWO 1.00 SeaChange 2.00 Movie: 3.00 Power Rangers Samurai 3.30 (G) 2.00 The Avengers 3.00 Alive & 3 Ninjas: High Noon At Mega Mountain Monsuno 4.05 Ben 10 4.30 Young Cooking 3.30 Lion Country 4.30 Planet (PG) 4.00 Mad About You 4.30 Perfect Justice 5.00 Max Steel 5.30 The Block Earth 5.30 Ellen Degeneres Show Strangers 5.00 The Hogan Family 5.30 Sky High 6.30 The Middle 7.00 The Big 6.30 Friends 7.00 A Current Affair 7.30 Homes Under The Hammer 6.30 Bargain Bang Theory 7.30 Auction Hunters 8.30 Customs 8.30 RPA 9.30 Longmire 10.30 Hunt 7.30 Border Security USA 8.00 Cold Case 11.30 The Closer SCU: Serious Crash Unit Two And Half Men 9.30 Chopper
Fawlty Towers
Wednesday Night Fever
Tour de France
Major League Baseball
Packed To The Rafters
Wednesday, 8.30pm Oliver trains the huntress to be his ally, but Diggle disapproves and believes she can’t be trusted. Later, Helena’s thirst for revenge leads her to kill the head of the Triad.
Sunday, 7.10pm The Germans Sybil is in hospital for her ingrown toenail and Basil is left in charge of the hotel with a concussion.
Wednesday, 9.30pm Who needs the news when there’s ABC1’s new Wednesday Night Fever - 30 minutes of topical live sketch comedy based wholly and solely on the past 7 days’ events.
Daily, 9.30pm Following the withdrawal of defending champion Bradley Wiggins, Australia’s Cadel Evans will battle it out for the famed Yellow Jersey with last year’s runner-up Chris Froome and two time winner Alberto Contador.
Saturday, 6.30pm Round 14 Geelong V Fremantle
Wednesday, 9.00am (Live) Boston Red Sox V San Diego Padres The Boston Red Sox host the San Diego Padres at their home ground, Fenway Park.
Tuesday, 8.45pm The return of Ben rattles Emma as she worries that seeing Ben will stir up old feelings. When it becomes apparent that Ben still holds a candle for Emma, could the old flames of romance be rekindled?
Lifestyle1.net - 041
classifieds ACCOMODATION
Free to homes in South East SA & South West Victoria Online Classifieds www.lifestyle1.net Phone 08 8724 7111 or 03 5561 3141 ACCOMODATION
BAYSIDE HOLIDAY COTTAGES – Port MacDonnell. Fully furnished. $130. Pets negotiable. Available now. 0400 391 712 or 08 8725 7952. 487 ------------------------------------------
MOUNT GAMBIER - Premium 2 and 3 bedroom apartments centrally located in the heart of city. Ph 0438 224 626. www.precinctonjardine.com.au F ------------------------------------------
PORT FAIRY BEACHFRONT - Luxury house with fantastic ocean views. 3 bedroom, spa, Austar. Ph 0448 652 586. www.alohaholiday.net F ------------------------------------------
ROBE BEACHFRONT - Brand new two storey home on main beach. 4 bedrooms, amazing views. Ph 0448 652 586. www.alohaholiday.net F -----------------------------------------
MAZDA T3500 CAMPERVAN - 3 way Fridge, H.W.S., shower, TV, 2 Burner stove. SSN-070. $19,000. Ph 03 5572 2949. OL-486 -----------------------------------------ROAD MASTER 14FT Pop-Top. Full annexe, twin beds, stove oven, microwave. Reg Oct 7,500 neg. Ph 0429 698 614. 486 ------------------------------------------
Phone 08 8725 4933 1 Anthony Street, Mount Gambier
CARAVAN ROMA 1994 12 months rego, excellent condition, 3 way fridge, electric brakes. $14,700. Ph 0438 234 484. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
COLLECTORMANIAC - Buying and selling rare ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES including Militaria, Kitchenalia, Tin & Diecast toys, Live steam Toys, Garagenalia, Enamel & Tin signs, Vintage electrical, Pottery, Porcelain and Jewellery. Open everyday 12-4pm, 4.5km south of the Blue lake, 21684 Riddoch Highway (Bay Road). Look for signs on right at the old “Hills Blue Lake Plant Nursery”. Ph 08 8726 8340, email goodpig@bigpond.com, facebook page Collectormaniac for map. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
STAR DRESSING ROOM - Wide range of quality hire costumes for men & women. Noon - 7pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. 23014 Bay Road (Riddoch Highway). Outskirts of Allendale East approaching from Mount Gambier. 0438 466 342. On Facebook. 488 ------------------------------------------
ANGLICAN CHURCH HALL - Bay Road, Mount Gambier. Every Thursday 10am - 4 pm. Winter stock out now. We’ve shorn our sheep for this seasons winter woolies, come on in and browse at what we have available. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
Ladies & Mens Shoes 80 Smith Street, Naracoorte SA 5271 Ph 08 8762 3726
KASZAZZ – Stamp, Scrap, Embellish will be at Craft Alive Warrnambool from the 5th-7th of July. Come and see our amazing scrapbooking, card making and stamping products. Ph Pam 0414 836 852. OL-488 -----------------------------------------MILLICENT LEGACY MARKET – Saturday, June 29. 9am – 12.30pm. RSL Hall, North Terrace, stalls include produce, cards, jewellery, homebaked cakes, biscuits etc, plants, jams, chutneys and crafts, bric-a-brac, and lots more. Sausage sizzle, Devonshire teas. Enquiries Ph 08 8733 3304. NOTE No Market In July. 486 ------------------------------------------
3/2A Mitchell Street, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Ph 08 8725 2574
FOR PROBLEM septics, leachfields, greasetraps and drains, Use FLUSH-IT(R) and let nature do the work. Ph 1300 657 570 or 03 5158 1248. W -----------------------------------------MICHAEL’S WINDOWS. Professional window cleaning service. All windows, all areas. Ph Michael Baker 0434 463 975. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
BOOKKEEPER - Get all your bookkeeping needs up to date. No computer or office needed. Will enter all receipts etc. onto MYOB. Ph A.T.Bookkeeping on 0422 545 575. OL-486 -----------------------------------------
SILK & FRESH Boxed $13 - $60. Bunches $6 - $35. $13 floral pots. $6 gift wrapped plants. Novelty baby born boxes. Wreaths. Orders welcome. Lennon’s On Lake Terrace. Orders welcome. 487 ------------------------------------------
FOR LEASE MOUNT GAMBIER Workshops/ undercover storage areas/ business & commercial depots etc... Large choice of multiple areas, fully self contained, individual and shared, big or small. – ideally centrally located at Mount Gambier woollen mills complex with easy access & ample parking. Flexible rates and terms. Ph 08 8725 3617 or 08 8723 8802. C&G-489 -----------------------------------------SHORT OR LONG TERM. 2 story heritage, centrally located Mount Gambier venue, for weddings, functions, seminars. 0418 838 684. 487 ------------------------------------------
“The Western Tavern is committed to ensuring responsible service and promotion of alcohol & gambling in our venue”
$9.90 MEALS EVERY DAY - 12.00 - 2.00pm & 6.00 8.00pm. In Sportsbar and now available in bistro. Monthly beer & premix specials. 178 Jubilee Highway West, Mount Gambier. Ph 08 8723 1200. 486 -----------------------------------------
PHILLIP M JOHNSON Available for weddings, parties, birthday’s, functions. Music of your choice, laser lights, fog machine, bubbles. Ph 0427 398 087. 486 -----------------------------------------
100% Lo d cally Owned & Operate
Adelaide to South East Daily Phone 08 8762 0018
3 SEATER LOUNGE excellent condition hardly use $200. O.N.O. Ph 0427 957 965 or 08 8723 2 765. 488 -----------------------------------------10FT FARM GATES $95ea, 6 rail sheep panels $100ea. Echo Farm, 249 Tollner Road, Mount Gambier. Ph 08 8725 1482. OL-486 -----------------------------------------AIRCRAFT HANGERS AT ROBE - 12m x12m $30,000. Many to choose from. Ph Ross 0419 009 442. OL-486 -----------------------------------------DEUTSCHER 22’’ grasscutter $450, Guarany knapsack spray $80, Bosch LPG HWS 13l/min $550, Infiniti Q21 cross trainer $1,250, Fender acoustic guitar $120. For further info Ph Doug 0407 422 827. OL-487 -----------------------------------------DISCOUNTED EXHAUST SYSTEMS to suit most vehicles. Ph 08 8724 9273. W -----------------------------------------FABRICS – Large variety. Fabric pieces from $5 per piece. Ph 0400 555 330. 486 -----------------------------------------GO KART MONARCO 32mm chassis, 50mm axel, 125 Leopard. Ready to race. Excellent condition. Comes with trolley and spares. $3,300 O.N.O. Ph 0438 331 226. NC-487 -----------------------------------------FIREWOOD REDGUM $125 per cubic meter delivered. Ph Barry 0487 517 699. OL-488 -----------------------------------------FIREWOOD - mixed Gum ute load delivered to Mount Gambier. $110. Ph 0408 258 209. OL-486 -----------------------------------------MUSSO POLISHED ALUMINIUM bullbar. ECB model BSM30SYP. Brand new. Never fitted. Half new price. Ph 0466 978 244. OL-487 -----------------------------------------QS BED BASE cream with gold trims $80. Deb frock, size 20, white $150. Ph 08 8725 9714. 488 ------------------------------------------
QUALITY TRAILERS GALVENISED & PAINTED - Tandem. Car Trailers.Trades man.Crates. Motorbike & More. Prices starting from $650. Barclays Tyre & Battery Centre 23 Hunter Street, Heywood Vic. Ph 03 5527 1622. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
Lifestyle1.net - 042
classifieds EMPLOYMENT classifieds
STORMY INFLATABLE P.F.D. type 1 life jacket - only warn once, excellent condition, cost $250, as new. $100. Ph 0427 957 965. 489 ------------------------------------------
Waste Transport & Recycling
BIN IT - Free drop off disposal of All metals, Vehicle batteries & White Goods. Not accepted, televisions, computers, fluro globes, office equipement, fridges or freezers. Air conditioner De-Gas fee $22. Monday - Friday 7.45am 12.15pm & 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Ph. 08 87248121. 235 Lake Tce East, Mt Gambier. www.binitwasterecycling.com.a u. EPA Lic 23063. 491 ------------------------------------------
HAIRDRESSERS - Rent a chair for only $25 per day. Private and confidential. Ph 0466 340 877. 486 ------------------------------------------
MARINE NOW STOCKING - Extreme Kayaks, limited offer only $399. Includes seat & paddle. Ph 08 8726 5200 or visit 349 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier. W ------------------------------------------
WEDDINGS YOUR WAY - Ph Elizabeth Lill CMC 08 8738 7275 for marriage and other ceremonies. 488 -----------------------------------------CEREMONIES TO SUIT YOU Anywhere in the South East. Ph Shayne McLean CMC 0457 168 324.488 ------------------------------------------
1988 BMW K100LT - 134,958 kms, good condition. 1000cc, extras, garaged, runs well. $4,700. Ph 08 8723 6480. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
YAMAHA WR450F 2007 Model, good condition + runs great, 3 months rego, comes with a few extra’s. $5,000 O.N.O. Ph 0407 787 451. ------------------------------------------
r r r
FOR ALL YOUR HOUSE and Garden needs. We specialise in the small jobs and work to your budget. Ph Tony on 0429 590 626. OL-488 -----------------------------------------MOWING, general gardening and handyman service. It’s time to prune your roses and fruit trees again. Phil and Deb’s Garden Care Plus. Ph 0429 012 990. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
1999 MAZDA BRAVO, T/ diesel, D/cab, canopy, 4x4, v/ tidy, service history. WJO-912. $7,500. Ph 0429 662 193. OL-486 -----------------------------------------2000 FORD LASER HATCHBACK - Gold, manual, air conditioning, CD player, power steering. Excellent condition. Great 1st car. 164,000kms. WME-191. $5,650 O.N.O. Ph 0407 171 263. Available for viewing at www.carsales.com.au - ID Number: SSE-AD-948967. DE ------------------------------------------
1997 TOYOTA PRADO RV6 Wagon, 8 seater. AJJ11L. $6,990 2001 MITSUBISHI CHALLENGER 4X4. QKL-704. $6,400 1999 LANDROVER DISCOVERY TDS Wagon, turbo diesel. S708-APT. $8,500 2001 NISSAN NAVARA Dual cab, 4x4. WUN-111. $7,900 1999 NISSAN PATROL Wagon 4.5L, automatic, 7 seater. S321-AUO. $11,300 2004 MITSUBISHI PAJERO Wagon, 7 seats. $14,990 2010 GREAT WALL 4X4 Wagon. 34,000kms. $14,500 2006 NISSAN PATHFINDER ST-L, auto, 79,000kms. $23,500.SSE-AD-948967. DE
VT COMMODORE SEDAN – Auto, air conditioning, new tyres, regularly serviced, well kept, been garaged, excellent condition. WHB-298. $4,000. O.N.O. Ph 08/ 8738 7294. OL-486 -----------------------------------------XW XY ZC ZD FALCONS, Fairmonts, Fairlanes wanted to wreck or restore. Complete cars or parts, private buyer. Ph 0409 838 048. LINC ------------------------------------------
0419 031 883 / 08 8725 8913 168 Jubilee Highway West, Mount Gambier. LVD 194576 E&EO -----------------------------------------2003 CREWMAN HOLDEN VY II SS Ute, immaculate condition, black, 6 speed manual, air conditioner, cruise control. WYV-900. $16,000 O.N.O. Ph 0428 239 071. OL-486 -----------------------------------------2005 FORD F250 - 58,000 kms, very good condition, red, black interior, automatic, 4-door, air conditioner, cruise control, nav system, power locks, power steering, power windows, driver airbag, passenger airbag, CD changer, AM/FM radio. Runs on LPG & unleaded. S662AMV. $48,000 O.N.O. Ph Rob 0414 917 782. OL-486 -----------------------------------------2006 FORD TERRITORY, Silver, 4X4 with heavy duty springs and cargo barrier. 280,000kms. XJU-648. $10,500 Ph 0438 643 543. OL-487 -----------------------------------------COMMODORE WAGON ‘03 VY. 147,500kms, auto, ABS, IRS alloys. S407-AWB. $6,500 O.N.O. Ph 0413 134 834. OL-487 ------------------------------------------
YOUNGEST LOOKING 50 year old in the world. Non smoker, non drinker, very genuine person and humble guy. Wants a serious relationship and a caring lady, reasonable looking, 25 – 50. Write to me Ronald Cuffe, 93 Gray Street, Mount Gambier, SA 5290. Leave your phone number so I can reply quickly. 485 ------------------------------------------
YOUR LOCAL EXPERTS. For All Your Sporting Needs Ph 08 8725 1004 42 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier. 492 ------------------------------------------
TV ANTENNA INSTALL & TUNING, Free-to-air TV, home theatre installations, TV wall mounting, prompt service, quality work, free quotes. Call Ben 0417 670 362. tuneinow@yahoo.com.au. 478 -----------------------------------------DRESS MAKING – Mending, hemming, zip replacements, alterations, patches, individual classes, make on patterns, measurements, finished sewing for beginners. Ph 0405 259 933. OL-486 ------------------------------------------
BUFFALO RIVERINEX cows and calves for breeding, pets or meat. Western Victoria. Ph 0466 978 244. OL-489 -----------------------------------------BLACK SILKIE PAIR, 2 gray ganders, pair brown ducks $8ea. Ph 08 8725 1482. OL-486 -----------------------------------------CURLY COATED Retriever pups. 1 male $400, 1 female $500. Ph 08 8733 1182 or 0438 831 182. 483 ------------------------------------------
MORE THAN JUST GOOD SPORTS. Ph 08 8725 7582. 16 Commercial Street West, Mount Gambier. 492 ------------------------------------------
SE Battery Service Pty Ltd South East Mobility Equipment South East Sustainable Energy Call into your licorice all sorts store We have it all! 120 Penola Road, Mount Gambier Ph 08 8725 9911 W -----------------------------------------PAUL’S LAWN MOWING SERVICE Cheap Rates! Free Quotes Honest & Reliable Pensioner Discount Call Paul 0437 812 115. -----------------------------------------ANTIQUE BUYER - Paying cash, oil bottles, tins, enamel signs, dingo traps, english china. Ph 0419 250 801. OL-487 ------------------------------------------
STAR DRESSING ROOM - Stylish garments for men and women you can buy or hire. Noon - 7pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. 23014 Bay Road (Riddoch Highway). Outskirts of Allendale East approaching from Mount Gambier. 0438 466 342. On Facebook. 488 ------------------------------------------
LOOKING FOR BRICKWORK - Brick, stone & paving work wanted. Small or large jobs. Will travel. BLD 231035. Ph 0418 838 684. 487 ------------------------------------------
Buy 1, get 2 FREE On-line only at www.lifestyle1.net
only $6
RAINWATER TANK CLEANING - Discounts for multiple tanks and group enquiries. Call for a quote. Ph 0429 518 169. OL-489 ------------------------------------------
TRACTOR BRANSON 4720 45Hp. Four wheel assist. 4.1 bucket also forks. Done 105 Hours. Ph Jason 0418 532 935. 490 ------------------------------------------
OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR SALE: Honda 2hp 4S $550, Yamaha 25hp 4S tiller $2200, Evinrude 9.9hp $895, Evinrude 25hp L/S E/Start tiller $500,Yamaha L/S 2002 controls & guages $3700, Mercury 150hp L/S EFI needs rebuild on P/head $1500, Mercury 75hp with PTT E/Start controls $2850, Johnson25hp 3cyl L/S tiller $750. All been checked ready to go. Swampys Leisure Sales. Ph 08 8762 2344 or 0427 797 177. OL-487 ------------------------------------------
Expression Of Interest Case Manager to work with young people • Limestone Coast • Full time contract position until December 2013 SYC is a community organisation centred on employment, training and youth services. With a core purpose to positively affect the lives of young people in Australia, each year SYC helps more than 40,000 people of all ages in the areas of Home, Wellbeing, Learning and Working. HYPA, standing for Helping Young People Achieve, a division of SYC is seeking expressions of interest for a Case Manager to join their innovative Flexible Learning Options (FLO) team based at Mt Gambier. The FLO program is for young people aged 10-19 years who are disengaged or at risk of disengaging from school. The successful applicant will hold or be working towards a degree in social work (or similar). A keen interest in working with young people to achieve outcomes is essential. Experience in working with young people and knowledge of the education sector are desirable.
SOCIAL SKI - Velocity V5 300 Verodo 156HRS. Full fit out, carbon fibre seats, carbon fibre side pockets, infloor balast, infloor fuel tank. Fuel filter system, full race view dash, carbon fibre trim tabs, hydrolic 4” jacking plate, full boat covers, under boat cover, welded nose cone, rear lounge, bimy cover, full vinyl rapp graphic paint, plus more. Fully enclosed trailer. $59,800. Ph Andrew 0408 528 040. w-488 ------------------------------------------
To apply for this position please send a letter addressing the Job and Competency Profile (available via the Careers link at www.syc.net.au) and a copy of your resume to careers@syc.net.au. Further enquiries can be directed to Natalie Linegar on 0427 677 409 or email nlinegar@hypa.net.au. Applications in Word format please by COB Friday 5th July 2013. SYC is a Child Safe organisation and will require the successful applicant to complete pre-employment checks including a national criminal history record check and a psychological assessment. SYC is an equal opportunity employer and proud of our diverse workforce. We encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with disabilities to apply.
Lifestyle1.net - 043
changing of the guard as OGR launches new Australian built Commodore
It was arguably the biggest vehicle launch Mount Gambier’s OGR has ever enjoyed and it certainly contained the biggest news in some
time of the iconic local business. More than 220 valued clients, friends and Holden lovers were greeted with not just five new
VF Commdores at Mount Gambier’s Main Corner Complex but also the news that Peter Roberts, so long the face of the OGR
brand was handing the reins of the Holden car dealership to son Bryce, effective July 1, and he will keep himself busy with the
OGR trucks division. Bryce is now the dealer principal for Holden, Nissan and Mazda - so basically the OGR Group. “Dad (Peter)
Above - New OGR dealer principal Bryce Roberts at the Mount Gambier launch of the new VF Holden.
will only be a kilometre down the road so he’ll still be keeping an eye on me I imagine,” Bryce said, following the news. It has shored up the long term future of the family owned and operated dealership that has serviced this region and beyond for more than 50 years. “It’s an honour to be entrusted with the business that my grandfather built and my father grew and developed and that now had I have my chance to play a role in a business that has been such a huge part of our family,” Bryce said. Peter Roberts’ announcement was not the only surprise of the VF Commodore launch - the appearance of the Black Stig was also an unexpected treat for guests. Bryce said the trend of offsite launches would no doubt continue as people seemed to respond better to the events when held at a neutral venue. cont. opp. page“
MOUNT GAMBIER’S CHEAPEST CARS! 168 Jubilee Highway West, Mount Gambier. Phone/ Fax 08 8725 8913
0419 031 883 $4300
1995 MAZDA 323 SEDAN
235,000kms, cargo barrier, ABS brakes, cruise control.
Only 115,000kms, airconditioning, power steering, tidy 4 cylinder. S198AKD
Only 105,000kms, airbags, power windows. S198ACD
183,000kms, ABS, very clean car, climate control. RMV-589
5 door auto, a/c, power steering, 177,000km. Choice of 2. UUU-767
167,000kms, airconditioning, power steering.
Auto, 4 cylinder, airconditioning, power steering.
170,000kms, 1.5 litre EFI, manual. XFG-662
4 cylinder, tidy car, airconditioning, power windows. ZUI-414
16” alloys, 5.0 litre V8, climate control, cruise. VTX-667
Auto, leather, cruise, ABS, dual airbags, 235,000kms. RCH-374
3.8 litre V6, power windows, 4 airbags. Choice of 4 Statesmans.
Lifestyle1.net - 044
LVD 194576 E&EO
the new VF Holden Commodore Techoloigcally advanced The new VF Commodore is all about Australian made advanced technology firsts for Commodore. Auto Park Assist, which takes the guesswork out of reversing into tight spots or on busy thoroughfares, is just one of the many new features making driving safer and easier for Commodore drivers. There is also front and rear ultrasonic park assist. Another breakthrough feature is the HeadUp Display, which projects crucial information from the driver on the windscreen rather than averting their eyes to the dashboard. It is basically technology that has been in military aircrafts for many years. There is also a forward collision alert, lane departure warning, blind spot alert and reverse traffic alert. The new VF Commodore is also “keyless”, allowing drivers to unlock, start and lock the car simply by carrying a sensor key with them, as well as boasting a remote start system that operates from 100metres away and starts up the last known heating and cooling systems in the vehicle as well. There is also a rear seat belt reminder, power heated seats, reverse tilt mirrors, daytime running lamps and a reversing camera.
changing of the guard as OGR launches new Australian built Commodore Left (from top) - The Black Stig (centre) oversees the changing of the guard at Mount Gambier’s OGR as Peter Roberts (left) handed over the reins of the Holden dealership to son Bryce Roberts (right); The Black Stig made a guest appearance at the Mount Gambier launch; the
Just 20,000km, retro styling with all mod cons, this current model FJ features auto trans, cruise, ABS, alloys, tow pack, set covers, 6 stack CD, air, rear camera, diff locks, Sat Nav and much much more. ZFA-589.
$27,990 GST Incl
People could just enjoy themselves and relax and being a nonsales environment, the pressure is off and it is just about enjoying what the car has to offer,” Bryce said. “We’ve found the offsite launches are the most successful and this one was huge for us - normally we get around 100 to 150 so to almost double that was amazing.” He said it showed people were genuinely interested in Australian manufactured vehicles. “There was genuine interest and excitement around an Australian built car,” he said. Think Holden is the car manufacturer’s new catchcry and the new VF Commodore has certainly got the motoring public talking. “It is a very exciting time for Holden with two of the most popular cars sold in this country being manufactured in
Adelaide - the Holden Commodore and the Cruze,” Bryce said. “The investment that has gone into the new VF Commodore goes past the billion dollar mark and when you consider that Australia is only one of 15 countries around the world that can build a car from a sketch to what you have seen here this evening you begin to understand why this car is so special.” He said the new Commodore had undergone 3.3 million kilometres of testing already taken place to ensure Holden had the right ingredients to supply a car that would deliver. He also revealed a new pricing policy by the Aussie car giant. “Holden has restructured its pricing policy and all of the Commodore range has seen pricing reductions in the range of $5-7000 dollars and when you consider that over an extra $5000.00 worth of value has been added into this car you realise the true value our Aussie born and breed car now brings to the world stage,” Bryce said. “The list of changes in this new car is too long to list, all I can say it is like nothing you have seen before from these shores. “ Call into OGR’s Penola Road site to experience the new VF Holden Commodore yourself. Lifestyle1.net - 045
1 local owner. This Hilux is in beautiful condition, with alloy wheels, flares, brand new heavy duty alloy tray, alloy bullbar, full service history, tow pack, dual airbags, air, steer & much more. Huge saving on new price. WJC-214.
Ex local govt, cruise, 6 airbags, reverse camera, alloys, 6 stack CD, climate control and more. YCG-154.
Driver’s airbag, CD, auto, air conditioning, power steering, remote locking, 12 months reg, only 75,000kms. SNF-189.
Sunroof, 6 airbags, 18” alloys, ABS, cruise, May 2014 reg, 6-speed auto, 200kW of power, 1 owner. UUJ-049.
8 seater, 5-speed turbo diesel, dual batteries, bull bar, winch & tow bar, very good tyres, great conditon. UWI-706.
Top of the range model with leather, sat nav, 6 airbags, 6-speed gears, 2.5L EFi motor, 17” alloys, locally owned. XBC-429.
1 local owner has really looked after this turbo diesel automatic. Has only done 109,000kms and has 6 airbags, ABS, A/C, alloys, bull bar - the lot. WYG-010.
It’s nice to go to someone who
2011 HYUNDAI i30 FD SX
Automatic, 32,185km, 18” alloy wheels, anti lock brakes, air conditioning, 4 airbags, bluetooth, body kit, CD player, central locking, cruise control, power windows. WJB-308. WAS $24,990.
Automatic, anti lock brakes, dual airbags, CD player, central locking, power steering. XHB-810.
Automatic, anti lock brakes, air conditioning, 8 airbags, bluetooth, CD player, central locking, power windows. 090-RRG. WAS $16,990
Internet ID: 20611
Internet ID: 20495
Internet ID: 20469
Automatic turbo diesel, 1 owner, full log book records, bluetooth, climate control, 17” alloy wheels, 7 airbags, CD player, central locking, cruise control, power windows. MCL-617.
Automatic, 1 owner, full service history, dual airbags, air conditioning, central locking, anti lock brakes, CD player, front power windows. AO8537. WAS $16,990
Automatic, 17” alloy wheels, anti lock brakes, climate control, 7 airbags, bluetooth, CD player, cruise control, power windows. YUG-752.
Internet ID: 20564
Internet ID: 20498
2009 HYUNDAI i30 FD SX CW WAGON > Automatic > New Car Warranty > New Alloys, > Anti Lock Brakes > Air Conditioning > 8 Airbags,
> CD player > Central Locking, > Power Windows > XNO-860 > WAS $10,990. > Internet ID: 20462
Internet ID: 20638
5 speed manual turbo diesel 4x4, 1 owner, full logbook records, heavy duty tow bar, tinted windows, power windows, air conditioning, dual airbags, CD player, central locking. A13VC. Was $25,990.
Automatic, tow bar, smart bar, dual airbag package, third row seats, side steps, cruise control. XET-003
5 speed manual, 68,800km, dual airbags, cd player, central locking, power steering. SVL-354.
Automatic, 1 owner, iPod connectivity, 16” alloy wheels, climate control, 4 airbags, CD player, central locking, cruise control, power windows. XRP-645. WAS $15,990
Automatic, turbo diesel, 7 seats, 17” alloy wheels, climate control, 8 airbags, bluetooth, CD player, central locking, cruise control, power windows, window tint. CJE-66W
Internet ID: 20555
Internet ID: 20546
Internet ID: 20468
Internet ID: 20526
Internet ID: 20524
2010 MAZDA BT-50 B2500 BOSS DX
Automatic, 1 year left of NCW, 18” alloy wheels, mobile phone connectivity, bluetooth, climate control, CD player, cruise control, power windows. CJE-61J.
Automatic, 18” alloy wheels, climate control, cruise control, tow pack, body kit, CD player. S267ALK.
Automatic, 16” alloy wheels, air conditioning, 4 airbags, CD player, central locking, cruise control, power windows. WNT-345
Internet ID: 20571
Internet ID: 20596
Automatic, 16” alloy wheels, anti lock brakes, climate control, 4 airbags, CD stacker, central locking, cruise control, leather seats, power steering, power windows. XCG-608.
5 speed manual turbo diesel, 15” alloy wheels, air conditioning, dual airbags, CD player, central locking, power steering, power windows, tinted windows. IPHQ086.
Internet ID: 20490
Internet ID: 20593
Internet ID: 20525
John Richter (Sales Manager) 0402 315 481 johnr@barrymaney.com.au
Warren Munro 0417 861 199 warrenm@barrymaney.com.au
John Ellis 0428 003 351 johne@barrymaney.com.au
Richard Copeland 0431 928 277 richardc@barrymaney.com.au
Tim Pietsch (Finance) 08 8721 3400 timp@barrymaney.com.au
113 Commercial Street East, MOUNT GAMBIER web: www.barrymaney.com.au
*Conditions Apply
LVD 2545 Prices exclude Government charges
SALES HOTLINE 08 8721 3400 OR TOLL FREE 1800 042 270
Lifestyle1.net - 047