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The first woman to serve in
New generation of auctioneers converge on Naracoorte Livestock Exchange
The Naracoorte Livestock Exchange hosted a crop of rising auctioneer talent earlier this month, running an Auctioneers School (pictured above) for the new generation looking to step into the role, followed by hosting the 2022 ALPA SA Young Auctioneers Competition to crown the best of the current emerging bunch in South Australia.
PICK OF THE CROP: (Left) The 2022 ALPA SA Young Auctioneers Competition podium - Angus Widdison, from Green Triangle Livestock & Real Estate P/L; runner up Nathan McCarthy, from Elders Lucindale, winner Jack Guy, from Nutrien Ag Solutions (Bordertown) & Josh Pahl, from Southern Australian Livestock Pty Ltd
Hamilton Market Report SHEEP & LAMBS
Agents yarded 6049head consisting of 3394 lambs and 2655 sheep at Hamilton where the quality was mixed and very plain, with very few good quality lambs on offer. A smaller field of buyers together with store competition was very restricted resulting in a market that was very soft by $30 to $45/head for most categories of lamb. Sheep were also cheaper by $20 to $30/head and more in places.
Lighter Lambs 12kg to 16 kg sold from $32 to $64/head. Light trade lambs to 22kg made from $116 to $159/head averaging between 600 c and 747c/kg cwt. Medium trade lambs 22kg to 26 kg made from $140 to $185/head averaging around 624c to 765c/kg cwt. Heavy lambs sold to $198/head.
The offering of sheep again lacked weight. Heavy cross bred ewes made to $195/head with the well covered Merino ewes making between $96 and $136/head to average 550cto 605c/k cwt. Merino wethers sold from $120 to $156/head to average between 524 c to 629c/kg cwt. General run of mutton averaged between 479c and 560c/kg cwt. Rams, terminal Sires sold to $85 and Merinos to $76/head.
Mount Gambier Market Report CATTLE
Numbers retreated a little as agents yarded 397 head of liveweight and open auction cattle. These sold to the regular field of trade and processor buyers along with feeder and restocker orders. There was more weight available for the buying group this week as a much improved offering of heavy steers and bullocks came forward while the yearling run was very mixed as the market mostly sold to dearer rates this week.
Yearling steers to the trade ranged from 490c to 520c with similar heifers making from 440c to 500c/kg. Feeders operated on steers from 420c to 566c and on the heifers from 405c to 486c/kg. Restocker activity on steers was to 512c and on the heifers to 450c/kg. Grown steers and bullocks were highly sought after this week as they sold from 382c to 465c with a lift of 20c/kg with feeder support from 450c to 510c/kg. Grown heifers to the trade made from 388c to 488c with some feeder activity to 366c/kg.
Strong demand for the cows this week saw a lift of 30c as the heavy pens ranged from 368c to 400c with lighter types returning from 342c to 353c/kg. A small number went to feed on selling up to 374c/kg. Bulls made from 255c to 317c/kg.
Naracoorte Market Report - SHEEP & LAMBS
Numbers lifted a little last week as agents yarded 2287 lambs and 959 sheep to total a combined 3246 head with more lambs and slightly less sheep coming forward. These sold to the usual field of trade and processor buyers along with a small number of active restockers.
Quality continues to be very mixed with something for all orders coming forward as light lambs improved in price with the heavy end ranging from firm to a little softer, while sheep received a boost this week in a mixed market.
Light lambs to the trade made from $72 to $122 with the lightweight trade types making from $121 to $163/ head. Restockers operated from $130 to $158/head. Trade lambs mostly ranged from 750c to 800c/kg cwt with the odd sale above this to return from $173 to $196/head. Heavy lambs made from $197 to $217/head with the extra heavy lots returning from $228 to the market high of $258/head.
Hoggets sold from $105 to $184 with the light sheep making from $65 to $97/head. Medium weighted sheep made from $136 to $162 with the heavy pens making from $160 to the high of $210/head. Wethers sold to $208 as rams ranged from $40 to $140/head.
Naracoorte Market Report - CATTLE
Numbers fell away last week by almost a third as agents yarded 443 head of live-weight and open auction cattle. These sold to a larger field of trade and processor buyers along with feeder and restocker orders. Quality improved last week with more weight and condition in particular over the older cattle while a very mixed offering of yearlings came forward. Pricing was mixed last week in line with the quality in the pen while cows lifted with one buyer being the strength in that section.
A small offering of vealers came forward as steers reached 535c and the heifers 560c/kg. Yearling steers to the trade made from 410c to 586c with similar heifers making from 380c to 496c/kg. Feeders sought steers from 384c to 572c/kg and heifers from 420c to 582c/kg as restockers were active to 586c on steers and to 550c/kg on the heifers.
Grown steers and bullocks lifted on both number and quality as they ranged from 380c to 526c to the trade buyers with feeders operating from 430c to 435c/kg. Grown heifers to the trade made from 370c to 494c/kg. Heavy cows rose in price by 25c as they returned from 345c to 388c/kg as the lighter pens made from 280c to 346c/kg. Bulls made from 290c to 327c/kg.