Edition # 28

Page 1


Paperless Revolution

CRM for tradies – the review youʼ’ve been waiting for…

TIC Boot Camp

Guess who said ʻ‘YESʼ’ to sharing their knowledge…

Aaron & Dani McGregor

Aaron’s Complete Electrical (ACE) Platinum VIP Members

ʻ‘From a dis-‐‑‒organised business with little direction to a profitable machine with an exciting futureʼ’ Issue #28

Oct-Nov-Dec 2012

Proudly Australian


How To: Create Winning Habits

Cool iPhone apps for tradies

Welcome gang… this is it…the month of the TIC Boot Camp (Friday 26th and Saturday 27th October) and it’s only weeks away. We’re totally pumped and hope you are too… Get ready to be inspired… in fact, you can read about three more of our crazy line-­‐up of special guests speakers that have been hand-­‐picked to present at the event on page 11. From the London Olympic Games and Paralympics straight into the Footy final season…wonder if the sports ever ends? (I’m not complaining…) I must admit, with Manly now out of the Grand Final (totally bummed!) the Sydney Swans game certainly made up for it... We put our new ‘kit’ to work while we sing the red & white anthem… check out the ‘new kit’ on page 21. You might just be inspired to purchase one for yourself… the envy of your mates, guaranteed!

Paperless Revolution. Page 4

The review you’ve been waiting for.. CRM for tradies. Which ones best? You decide.

This month we want to acknowledge another avid footy fan (except he barracks for the Broncos…) Aaron McGregor and his beauWful wife Dani from Aaron’s Complete Electrical (ACE Electrical). The dedicaWon they consistently show in their business is admirable – the vision is painted, weekly targets are set and the profit is regular. You should be excepWonally proud of your achievements. We’re a big fan of your ‘favourite tool’ Aaron, but perhaps not the woollen socks… shameless… Check them out on page 7. From sport to business…the key topic of discussion over the last few months has overwhelmingly been about the ‘paperless revolu<on’. A double topic to include taking on board a CRM so\ware package to capture database and track informaWon on one hand, and cloud accounWng packages on the other . It’s so topical that we’ve developed a CRM Comparison Report (see page 4) and a Financial Package Comparison

3 Easy Ways To Succeed In Sales. Page 6

If you’ve ever asked yourself why you’re so terrible at selling then this article is for you…

ACE Electrical Page 7

VIP Platinum Members Aaron & Dani from ACE Electrical share their top 3 business tips.

TradeTalk 1

Report (on MyWc.com.au). I know you’re going to LOVE this!

Can’t believe I’m saying this already but… hope Santa is good to you (he’s watching!).

Boot Camp couldn’t have come at a be`er Wme for asking others ‘what package they have?’ and ‘how’s it going for you?’. There are many using a varied array of CRM and have chosen a different financial soluWon. Everyone has a different and valid opinion – ask around at the Boot Camp.

Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces at The Vibe Hotel, North Sydney at 8:30am on the Friday 26th October… if not before…where I’ll share with you my latest ‘crazy’ experience with the 21km ‘Tough Mudder’. Check it out on You Tube... Who’s in for next year?

So what’s been happening in your biz? The Dr.DRiP team conWnue to trial the ipad system with 2 members of our team (with posiWve feedback to date – we’ll share more with you at the Boot Camp), plus we’ve been prevenWng a $20K fine while talking to our OWN database (you’re going to want to read this one on page 13), and chahng with our team about the 3 Easy Ways To Succeed in Sales…so we thought we’d share this with you too…(see page 6). And for those that work from home, which is most, there are a few Wps from Ange about how to stay professional – like the tracksuit is completely ‘out of bounds’ (I just saw you look down at your own clothes with a sigh…).

TIC Boot Camp Page 11

To your success, Andy

P.s. A huge congratulations to Brett & Kammi Beuzeville from StepUp Constructions for being nominated as 1 of 5 finalists in the National HIA Awards for their latest completed project, plus Kammi for her nomination as 1 of 4 finalists for Business Partner of the Year. We wish you all the best of luck for the HIA Awards night come the 20th October.

dy n A

How to Prevent a $20K Fine Page 13

Other articles include; • The Big Guns are at it again - page 9 • Working from home can be the biggest challenge - page 15 • How to Create Winning Habits - page 17 • Have a laugh at our expense - page 20

3 more special guest speakers are introduced… get ready to hold your hats!

It’s not something you’d think you have to do before you call someone on your OWN database… but don’t be fooled…

• Be the Envy of your mates. Guaranteed - page 21

TradeTalk 2

Tradesman inner Circle Helping You On The Road To Success MEMBERS – You are never far from help. Unlimited phone support on 1800 704 822.

Lay it on the plate... The biggest buzz phrase at the moment is the ‘paperless revolution’


he movement for many industries

to shi@ from a paper based business to one founded on technology. That said, there are two separate and/or combined discussions at play here; . 1. Moving your business from a simple MYOB form of capturing customer data to a professional CRM system that helps with this About component in addiHon to many more 2. Moving your business from a server based financial package like MYOB (stored on your computer/internal server) to a cloud software solution In any business you can switch JUST between CRM systems or financial soOware soluHons. AlternaHvely you can switch to a CRM System that partners well with a specific financial soOware soluHon of which it is important to consider when reviewing your business overall. OOen number #1 above will come with a move to a tablet of some descripHon such as the iPad. For the trade industry there are a number of different soluHons that can work in both categories of CRM and financial packages. They can vary for small, medium to large sized business.



Package Sizes


Prices (as at 220812)


Ques<on: So where do I start? The starWng point here is understanding exactly what requirements you have in your business. Write them down. With this in hand it is easy to review the CRM Comparison Report and immediately rule in or out a

Customer Service Relationship Manage FieldOne

The FieldOne field management software is designed to run and manage your day to day operations. FieldOne is designed to grow and expand with the augmentation of your business meeting your unique demands while providing software that is user friendly and specific to your area of expertise.

Windows, Web Based

Service Sidekick

Easy-to-use online software for the service industry. Ideal for Plumbers, Landscapers, Computer Service, Electricians, Handyman, Pest Control, and much much more.

Web Based



Connect2Field is a cloud based field service job management solution for your service business. It allows you to schedule work to your fieldworkers & dispatch jobs to their mobile device such as iPhone, iPad or BlackBerry. Users have been able to throw away their diaries & paper job sheets by moving to an electronic system.

simPRO comes loade features that make ru business a breeze. Understanding how b works in the trade co industry. So in consu hundreds of contracto developed and refine to make every step in process simple. And k business profitable.

Web Based

Windows, Mac and

Not Provided

Basic Lite - 2 employees, Basic - 5 employees, Basic Pro - 10 employees, Pro - 15 employees and Enterprise - unlimited employees

One Size (pay per user). Over 1000 users permitted.

SimPro Streamline every aspect of the from estimating t management and delivery), Simpro En busy owners who a still be on the tools function). Both have of the addon of SimP allow you to access w road.


14 day free trial period

14 day free trial period

Free 30 day trial per SimPro Enterprise a Streamlin

Based on needs and size of business on consultation.

$19/month (Basic Lite), $49/month(Basic), $99/month(Basic Pro), $65 per admin user $149/month(Pro) and price for $10 per field worker Enterprise is determined on size of business.

$39/month (Stream price for Enterprise is request.




 Quickbooks

 Quickbooks

 Quickbooks, MYOB and Xero

                  

 

              

              

  

  


Features Accounting Integration Appointment management Billing and Invoicing Call Centre Management CRM Integration Custom User Interface Customer Accounts and Database Customisable functionality Customisable Reporting Data Import/Export Dispatch Integration Expense Tracking Industry Specific Configuration Job In Progress Tracking Location Service History Mobile Access Payroll Integration Reporting Scheduling Service History Software Development Kit Work Order Management Defining Features

 No Defining Feature

               Dashboard is clean and simple, easy to navigate

Uncluttered interface, great visual displays, simple, easy to navigate

TradeTalk 4

 Quickbooks, MYOB, and Xero

Straight forward an navigate

number of the companies we have reviewed. The same can be done with the financial package solutions. This can be found on myWc.com.au under the Training Centre/Paperless RevoluWon. When you have your short list the real research begins… Watching the video we have provided (on mytic.com.au as above) to quickly help you understand exactly what soluWons each program provides. Remember: when looking at the CRM systems, give thought to the financial package soluHon that they recommend, in light with your business needs.

PLEASE NOTE: This informaHon is provided to allow you a one-­‐stop-­‐ locaHon to review the most recent ‘talked about’ CRM systems and their compaHble financial packages today. That said, this does not rule out other alternaHves on the market. With this knowledge you will have a beYer base on which to consider your business, your needs, your plans for the future and hence make a decision about ‘which one is right for you’.

rvice Relationship Management System (CRM) Comparison simPro


simPRO comes loaded with features that make running your business a breeze. Understanding how business works in the trade contracting industry. So in consultation with hundreds of contractors, thry’ve developed and refined modules to make every step in the process simple. And keep your business profitable.

I-Man is a web based service software solution designed specifically for the service based industry. With a powerful suite of products, I-Man features an easy to use console allowing instant access between offices and remote staff. I-Man works just as well on a smart phone as it does with a tablet.

Windows, Mac and Web Based

Web Based

Web Based, Mac and Windows

Windows, Mac and Web based

Web, Android, iPad, iPhone

Mac and PC

ze (pay per user). 00 users permitted.

SimPro Streamline (covering every aspect of the business from estimating to project management and service delivery), Simpro Enterprise (for busy owners who are likely to still be on the tools - no tablet function). Both have the option of the addon of SimPro mobile to allow you to access while on the road.

Not Provided

Dispatcher - Job Dispatch Management, Office Manager - Sales and Job Management, CEO - Total service business management

Various options to suit your needs

GeoOp is designed to pay by the job. The more jobs you do, the cheaper each individual price becomes.

Not Provided

y free trial period

Free 30 day trial period for both SimPro Enterprise and SimPro Streamline


Free 15 day trial period


Free 30 day trial period


$39/month (Streamline), and price for Enterprise is given upon request.

Based on needs and size of business on consultation.

$99/month (job dispatch management), $159/month (Sales and Job Management), $199/month (Toal service business management)

Prices starting from $239 for software or $25/month for MYOB Live Accounts

35c per job. 100 jobs - $33 (33c each), 500 jobs - $143 (29c each), 1000 jobs - $266 (27c each), 2500 jobs - $615 (25c each)

Based on needs and size of business on consultation.








 oks, MYOB and Xero

 Quickbooks, MYOB, MYOB EXO and Xero

 Quickbooks, MYOB and Xero

 Quickbooks


 Xero, Fresh Books

   

     


eld is a cloud based e job management your service t allows you to ork to your s & dispatch jobs to e device such as d or BlackBerry. Users able to throw away s & paper job sheets to an electronic

Web Based

min user d worker


ServiceCEO makes it easier for field service companies to get customers, schedule jobs, dispatch work crews and bill customers.

              

 

  

  

  

No Defining Feature

Dispatch Board clearly displayed, extensive detail per customer allowed, easy to navigate

For basic CRM, mainly an accounting program, easy to navigate through software

red interface, great plays, simple, easy to navigate

Straight forward and easy to navigate

5 TradeTalk


GeoOp is an award winning cloud solution for managing jobs, quoting, time, materials, MYOB accounting software has invoicing through to Xero and made business life easier for now inventory control together over one million Aussie and Kiwi with Unleashed. Its combination businesses. Manage your of online job management and invoicing, expenses, GST, industry leading mobile cashflow and inventory all in the applications for iPhone, iPad and one place. Android provides a paperless platform to transform the efficiency of your mobile employees.

              

         

              - Service Bridge    


   

 - MYOB Live  

             Clear undestandable display, list and grid view of jobs side by side, signatures drawn onto touch screen.


With Finga, they equip you with all the tools to take your business to the next level. They provide an easy to use set of software tools that runs on any Mac or PC. It lets business that are constantly on the go to operate efficiently and allows managers & supervisors to monitor what is happening out in the field.

             Dashboard display clear and detailed.

Shut Up and Listen…

3 Easy Ways to Succeed in Sales

Have you ever really asked yourself why you are so terrible at selling? The answer is very simple… because you’re selling. There’s a big difference between buying and selling. Buying is a happy exchange of money for something I need or want. Selling, however, is generally a process of trying to convince someone that they want or need what you have. It involves coercion, at Wmes manipulaWon, and it paints a pre`y ugly picture of the sales person. Selling is a tough gig. An uphill battle and not pleasurable at all. Likewise, being sold to as a customer is not fun either. It probably explains the reason we all have inbuilt sales resistance that’s automatically and unconsciously triggered when being sold too. Here’s the thing…It won’t matter how good your product /service is, at a great price, or that you offer an exceptional service to your customers, if you’re selling them, you won’t get anywhere.

The critical key here is to create the right circumstance for buying to take place, then sit back and let your prospect buy. Now there’s a little bit of science to this. In fact, 3 easy steps need to be followed if you want to create the right buying circumstance. Over the phone or face-­‐to-­‐face, the lesson is the same. Let’s take a look at them.

1. Ask Ques<ons

The only way to find out what your customers problems are is to ask a few quesWons. To begin it’s important to make them feel comfortable so that they feel like they’ve contacted the right person for the job. Nothing works better than a friendly smiling voice/face. Friendly banter (like commenHng on the dog that greeted you at the door) will always start you off on the right foot. That said, if they treat you in a casual manner and want a chat, then chat (but not forever!). If they treat you with a very ma`er-­‐of-­‐fact manner, then you do the same. You need to mirror the type of person they are (anyone channelling Judeth Wilson’s presentaHon from TIC Boot Camp 2011 about now?).

From there you can switch gear to the issue at hand: ➡ So, <Mrs. Jones>, what seems to be the problem? ➡ Can you talk me through/show me ……..? ➡ QuesBon… ➡ QuesBon.… ➡ QuesBon…

Once you ask each quesWon there is only one thing you should be doing… you need to -­‐

2. Shut Up & Listen

Listen to their problems, listen to what their needs are and while you are listening formulate a soluWon in your head. Remember to repeat back to them what they’ve said in your own words so they know you are thinking about everything they are saying. There is a rule of thumb that needs to be followed here: the customer needs to talk for 60% to 70% of the Wme. That said, if the customer controls the discussion, usually it produces an unsaWsfactory result for you. So, you sWll need to steer the discussion through your quesWons. And finally – step 3…

3. Give them a Solu<on

They’ve called for your professional advice on the problem at hand, so give them exactly that…your advice. Of course, you might want to do that face-­‐to-­‐ face so that you can provide one or mulWple soluWons that come with a quote! This is all about helping them come to the decision all by themselves. Arm them with the right informaWon that set the scene for buying to take place. And the killer line “Where do you want to go from here?”. Leave the decision in the hand of the customer, that way they feel like they’re in complete control and NOT being sold too. So, next <me you find yourself launching into a sales spiel, quickly shut your mouth and smile… take a deep breathe and start crea<ng the right circumstance for buying to take place so that you can sit back and let it happen! TradeTalk 6

Tradesman Inner Circle Member Profile “From a disorganised business with little direction to a profitable machine with an exciting future”

Aaron & Dani McGregor Aaron’s Complete Electrical (ACE Electrical) Platinum VIP Member www.myelectrician.net.au

Aaron featuring on A Current Affair as their ‘professional’ electrician

1. Tell us a bit about your situation, your business and family etc.

reader. We also have a book keeper one day a week and a part time office junior to help Dani out.

I finished my electrical apprenticeship in 1996 and did the travelling thing in between jobs. I quit the trade in 2001 to day trade the stock market where I made a bit of money before losing it all in 2002. The last thing I wanted was to go back as an employee so decided to start my own business. ACE was born in 2002.

I love all sports. I play golf and surf regularly. I am a passionate NRL footy fan following the Broncos and of course QLD! I also like any team that is playing against Manly!

In the past we’ve had up to 6 guys on the tools, but I wasn’t organised enough and had very little business skills. I took a step back, changed a few things, realised I needed to learn more about management, business and marketing to give me the skills I needed. Currently, we operate a much better business. I have 2 trucks on the road with a 3rd ready to go. We’re searching for the right guy as we speak. My family includes me plus 3 gorgeous girls Ella(4yrs) and Chloe(2yrs) and my beautiful wife Dani. After having our 2nd child, Dani decided it was time to wind up her Personal Training Business and help me with ACE. She works in the office 3 days per week as an office manager/office octopus/mind 7 TradeTalk

A big highlight was a long trip to the Kimberly's last year where we hired a camper trailer. Now we can't camp any other way, so much so we’ve just bought a Camper Trailer of our own. We’re currently planning a trip to Cape York next year and our first weekend away to test it out in a few weeks time. 2. What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in the last 12 months? Our biggest challenge has been getting over a client who went into liquidation at the start of the year who owed us $16,000. 3. How have you tackled that challenge? How do you feel about it? This year has been up and down for us. Luckily we are doing solid numbers each week to keep the ball rolling. That 16K basically came off our profit which

translates to about $200K worth of work. I’ve had to put my head down and work my butt off to try to make up for it. It has been tough!! I don't think I'll ever get over it personally simply because it was a low blow... Luckily we had personal signatures on our documents and currently it is in my solicitor’s hands to try to get some money back! We’ve had a quiet start to the year so invested extra money in marketing our business which we are now starting to reap the rewards from.

Dani and I love property and have always wanted to start a Development Company so maybe working on that. Another option is to start up another division of ACE in QLD. We’ve always wanted to live there closer to our families. I can't wait to see what the future brings!!! 6. What are the top 3 things you have learnt about business that you would recommend to others, and WHY? Tip 1 Systems and Delegate. Once you have clear written systems it's easy for employees to replicate what you do. It takes away the pressure of feeling like I have to "do it all myself to get it done right." Tip 2 Schedule Regular Team Meetings to discuss and get feedback on the past week. It helps to keep us connected and motivate us all. Share client feedback because positive feedback from a raving fan makes a happy team member. Get everyone to set their own goals and reward them when they achieve them.

4. How have you and your business changed since joining TIC? What has been your biggest achievement? Since joining TIC we have clear direction and focus. I know my numbers, we set weekly targets and now make a profit (something we have never really done before). We’ve spent a lot of time getting all our systems down into Manuals/ Work Books which are really easy to follow for any staff member and are continually making changes to improve them. We are ready to grow and I know 100% we’ll be able to cope with a bigger team again and multiply our profit instead of our headaches. Our biggest achievement has been changing from hourly to flat rate pricing. I am really comfortable with where we sit in the market place. Our prices are great value and our clients love it. Justifying the cost to whinging clients is almost a thing of the past and we have a profitable business that will be around for years to come. 5. Where do you see your business in 5 years? In 5 years I see ACE virtually running itself with 5 trucks, 5 tradies and a great team on board. I may even be able to cope with an apprentice again…

Tip 3 Not everyone is our ideal client. I have learnt that you can't be everything to everyone. It’s best to stick to what you’re good at. 7. My Favorite Tool: My favourite part of the job is showing our clients the final results. Flicking the switch to see it all working and making sure they’re happy. Then using the EFTPOS machine to immediately get paid. So... my favourite tools is definitely the EFTPOS Machine, it brings in the money! 8. Tell us something quirky about yourself that your buddies don’t know. I love and own a pair of those knitted woollen socks that Grandmas make. I sit on my recliner at night with my dressing gown and those socks on, happy as a pig in mud...much to my wife's disgust! Also I don't know why, but I am really into that Lara Bingle Show!!! 9. Who would you most like to have lunch with and why? Darren Lockyer or Tony Robbins, but I'd want to say so much in that hour that I wouldn't know where to start and would be too nervous to talk. I'd be happiest out to lunch with my wife, selection of seafood, a few drinks and no kids!

TradeTalk 8


The Big Guns are at it again…

Apple iTunes Match versus Amazon Cloud Player

With technology moving at lightening speed, it is often difficult to stay ‘in touch’ with the latest happenings… That said, the ‘Big Guns’ are always ones to keep an eye on as yet again they never fail to disappoint. Head to head fighting for market share in the online music market, but which is better? Amazon has recently updated its music service to rival Apple’s iTunes Match. iTunes Match is a version of iTunes in which the music is stored in the clouds as opposed to on your hard drive, making it accessible from almost anywhere. Both Amazon’s Cloud Player and Apple’s iTunes Match have the same primary function, to store your music collection in the clouds and make it easily accessible, however there are several key differences which should be considered when making your decision.

The first basic difference is the storage capabilities of both clouds. The iTunes match is only capable of storing 25,000 songs whereas the Amazon Cloud Player is capable of storing 250, 000 songs. The second major difference is the type of platform each cloud uses. iTunes Match only has an iOS platform (the software all Apple devices are formatted with). Amazon Cloud Player is more versatile, having both an iOS platform and an android platform. With this said both systems support Mac and PC computers, iPhones, IPads, iPod touch and Apple TV so you can play your music

9 TradeTalk

on any device (streaming from the cloud). Amazon offers multiple platforms and is also able to support android devices, Kindle Fire, Roku and Sonos. For both music storage options you will need a specific iTunes account or a specific Amazon account for whichever option you proceed with. Both options are $24.99 a year, which just includes the use of the program and the storage of your music. Any purchases you make through out the year will be paid for at the time of purchase. Another difference is the size of the music catalogue to choose from. ITunes Match has a bigger music catalogue with 28 million songs to choose from where as Amazon Cloud Player has 20 million.

a free option where you can store up to 250 songs. iTunes Match does not have a free option. So which one’s the best? It depends how obsessed you are with your music collection (clearly Amazon holds more), yet give your entire entertainment a thought (music, movies, books social calendar). In short I’d say the answer to this one will come down to personal preference. www.amazon.com www.apple.com

Both programs scan and match all songs before purchasing, however iTunes Match has the capabilities to let you as the user know that there are duplicates of songs before purchase. Amazon Cloud Player also offers

TradeTalk 10

Tradesman Inner Circle Boot Camp A


return on investment for websites that sell. Greg has plenty of ‘insider knowledge’ direct from the closed doors of Google themselves. His insights and information about trends originate from the coal face of the technology revolution.

n exclusive members ONLY event.

Have you secured your seat? Introducing more of our very Special Guest Speakers – These highly successful business owners have been personally handpicked and invited to our Boot Camp based on their wealth of hands-on knowledge and personal formula for success. Their achievements are nothing short of captivating! You won’t want to miss these three phenomenal entrepreneurs…

Friday 26th October and Saturday 27th October 2012

If you wanted to stay ahead of the pack, this is one presentation you don’t want to miss…

Tony Gattari Greg Cassar Internet Master

Greg Cassar is an Internet Marketing Strategist, Entrepreneur and Speaker based in Sydney, Australia. He is the leading Internet Marketing Strategist behind the scenes of many of the biggest Internet marketers in Australia and abroad. His company, The Web Marketing Center Pty Ltd has been mastering Internet Marketing since 2005, specifically traffic and conversion of leads and sales. The team’s main focus is

11 TradeTalk

Sales Guru Author, sales guru and now inspirational business speaker Tony Gattari will be hitting the TIC Boot Camp stage to provide advice for today’s increasingly challenging business environment. Tony’s previous hands on sales experience includes the challenging role as general manager of Harvey Norman’s computer and communications division in the height of the internet boom. This position laid the foundation for his ‘guru status’ when he

increased the divisions turnover from a healthy $12 million to a staggering $565 million. His story shows the importance to ‘think outside the box’ and lead through unchartered waters in the pursuit of success. Tony’s high energy and passion for business is certainly contagious, and his ‘real world’ experience and tips for real sales results is transferable to any industry. Get ready to be moved to take action!

Dale Beaumont Australia’s Next Generation Business Strategist Back by popular demand, Dale Beaumont’s cutting edge business advice never seems to fail… If you were looking for some traction to gain back an hour every day (at least) then make sure you’re listening up for this one. Dale’s step-by-step know how on productive tools for improved efficiency are not only simple to follow, quick to implement but work in every trade.

His the author and publisher of 16 bestselling books which have collectively sold over a quarter of a million copies. Incredibly, 11 of those 16 books were published in a single year, a feat that earned him the title ‘Australia Most Prolific Author’. As a result of Dale’s success, he has been interviewed on Sunrise, Today Show, Mornings with Kerri-Anne, Ten News, ABC Radio, Radio

Dale is the Founder and Managing Director of Business Blueprint – Australia’s fastest

2UE as well as being featured in over 100

growing business education and mastermind

newspapers and magazines including Wealth Creator, My Business Magazine, AFR Boss and


Virgin’s In-flight Magazine.

BOOK NOW! See MyTIC for more details under Events/Next TIC Boot Camp

Tradesman Inner Circle Boot Camp

TradeTalk 12



If you want to prevent a $20K fine ‘talking’ to your database, then you better read this… I

t’s a quiet Tuesday so we get this bright idea to individually call our database in one specific locaWon to let them know ‘we’re working in the area’ and ask if they need us to have a look at any dripping taps etc. The girls are Wcking through the calls with one booked job and then another, unWl….

STOP We realise we haven’t ‘washed’ our database through the ‘Do Not Call Register’. Don’t want to risk a $20K fine from a measly 60cent call.

while you are currently working for them. Once you have completed the job, even if they are a member with your business (and signed documentation to agree to contact), they are no longer considered a customer.

So, if they are a member, why would I get in trouble?

Great quesWon, but the simple fact is, if they have registered on the Do Not Call Register, they could get nasty and complain about you, and we wouldn’t want that! The possibility of a serious fine and an upset customer is really not worth the 60cent call.

Think it won’t happen to you?

Think again… there are a number of small businesses listed on the ‘Enforcement Outcomes’ page that received a serious slap on the wrist.

Have you heard of it?

The public can access the site www.donotcallregister.gov.au and list their home, personal mobile or fax number to reduce telemarkeWng calls. RegistraWon is free. Once your numbers are listed on the register, telemarketers and fax marketers must not contact you. The only groups legally allowed to contact you a\er you register are chariWes, research companies, poliWcal parWes and educaWonal insWtuWons. You can register yourself too. But what does this mean as a business? In short, if you want to tele-­‐market or fax broadcast your database you need to acWon this simple step BEFORE you make any calls. The law clearly states that you are only allowed to call a customer about work 13 TradeTalk

ACMA cautions Duct Masters for Do Not Call breaches 5 June 2012 Duct Masters Vic Pty Ltd has been given a formal warning following an inves?ga?on by the Australian Communica?ons and Media Authority that found the duct cleaning company had breached the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (the Act) by making nine telemarke?ng calls to numbers listed on the register. The ACMA found Duct Masters had failed to check its call lists against the register and was unable to produce records showing that it had the consent of customers on the register to make the telemarke?ng calls. The ACMA will be monitoring Duct Masters for ongoing compliance with the Act. The Formal Warning serves to remind businesses using telemarke?ng to check their call lists against the register every 30 days, as required.

Don’t let this be you….

So where to from here? The simple steps include; 1. Work out what you want to do with your database specifically – what is the strategy? (call every member to offer special Spring offer? Fax all the nursing homes in the area) a. because when you ‘wash’ your database it is only available for use for 30 days, then you have to repeat the process 2. Cut the database to smaller chunks that are manageable to complete the above strategy a. We cut ours to 1000 at a Wme. A manageable number to get through within the month. b. Needs to be prepared in a specific format eg. 02 before every Sydney number. 3. Go to the ‘ Telemarketer Access Portal’ at h`ps://www.donotcall.gov.au/dncrtelem/ Telemarketers and/or fax marketers can use this website to:

• register to create an account to 'wash' numbers • select a subscripWon • ‘wash’ contact lists • check or update account • make an inquiry • find relevant informaWon about an industry 4. Then get busy using your 30days to contact everyone that was NOT on the list… For a measly AU$79 you can ‘wash’ a 20,000 database. I think it’s worth the investment… what do you think? The law is fierce on this one, make sure you comply.

The Do Not Call Register is managed by the Australian CommunicaBons and Media Authority (ACMA) on behalf of the Australian Government.

‘Best Of’ Video You have 2 choices in life... which do you decide? There are only 2 choices in life…to survive or succeed. The choice is up to you, but if you take a chance with success, this video shows you the endless opportunities this path provides. Nothing like a great motivational video in only 2:47 minutes. Go to MyTIC for You Tube ‘Best of’ Videos. Check it out and let me know what you think.

TradeTalk 14

How to maintain a professional image while working at home

Working from home can be your biggest challenge and at times your greatest joy, the important part about calling it ‘your office’ is how to stay professional at all times.


think it would be fair to say that all trade business owners have claimed ‘home’ as their primary base when they first started out. Many have continued to do so although their business has grown considerably, while others have chosen to move locations to an office/ warehouse for a multitude of reasons. What ever works best for you – from location, cost, mindset to name a few – if you call ‘home’ your ‘office’ then you might be like many other solo-­‐preneurs that struggle keeping time in the office ‘professional’. Let me share with you my thoughts on this one seeing I too am a ‘home’ based professional. Although we have an office in Artarmon, I have done a complete flip and prefer to work from our home office. There is nothing more liberaWng than wearing my ‘training gear’ to work for the day instead of a suit & heels (as fun as it was at 15 TradeTalk

+mes). I just kept thinking about the ‘wasted hours’ I spent in a car travelling to and fro that could be put to good use… but are they? I will be honest and say I struggle at times to separate the ‘home’ from the ‘business’. Doing a load of washing, channel surfing and time on facebook does not constitute ‘good use of your time’ between writing a new ad, reviewing your P&L and business calls. In fact, it is often harder to put yourself ‘back in business mode’ after a walk through the house to hang out the washing. The floors are often screaming ‘sweep me!’… it kills me to turn a blind eye…

Understanding the internal struggle at Bmes, I penned a few guidelines to help maintain a professional image while working at home. I hope they work for you…

Get out of your pajamas and into your work wear. It is o\en said that ‘sloth clothes’ equal a ‘sloth mentality’, so perhaps even a tracksuit is considered out of bounds… The effort it takes to change your clothes could provide a huge return if your mindset switches with it.

Stick to a schedule. True, working from home allows you to set your own schedule and gives you the flexibility to prepare dinner early, take care of children, or otherwise tend to your personal life. But if you’ve allocated ‘Wmes’ to work on the business, then do it! For tradies, your customers need to be able to reach you at all Wmes, so a late night watching movies does not allow a sleep in Wll noon. You can’t jeopardise your professional reputaWon. For the adminstraWve tasks that do not require direct contact with customers, you may decide you work best a\er dinner and set a weekly Wme-­‐slot of Tuesday nights between 7-­‐9pm. That said, depending on the nature of your business and when you work best, once you get into a schedule, try to sWck to it. This is all about self-­‐discipline and gehng the work done.

Discuss and agree your schedule with your partner. If your schedule consumes some of the ‘us Wme’, make sure your partner is in agreeance. They need to know that your plan is to work every Tuesday night so that perhaps that’s the perfect night for them to hang out with their friends. Be`er sWll, it’s their night to listen to an audio, read an arWcle, conduct some research all for the be`er of the business!

Manage your incoming phone calls.

personal calls, remember to answer calls from unfamiliar numbers in a professional manner. Resist the urge to answer a\er consuming a few too many drinks or if you’re in a noisy locaWon. Be`er to have a professional message on the phone than for the caller to hear you struggle to chat to them… terrible first impressions. If you can, walk away to answer calls in a quieter locaWon to ‘focus’ on the caller.

Set up a separate workspace. If you don’t have a spare room and you’ve been working from the kitchen table for years, perhaps it’s Wme to convert a corner of your living room or closet. A devoted work space will not only help you ‘flick the switch’ on the business mindset, you’ll save hours now that you are organised and you can finally separate work/life. Sihng at your desk is ‘work Wme’ and the couch or the kitchen bench is now Wme to ‘relax’.

Get out of the house when you have to. Sometimes it’s hard to feel like a professional when you’re surrounded by laundry that needs to be folded or last nights dishes stacked on the kitchen sink. In those cases, it makes sense to work somewhere else, at least part of the time. It’s also smart to have a place outside of your home for business meetings with external people, even if that is the local coffee shop. An opWon is always coworking spaces which o\en let you rent conference space by the hour or the day.

The bottom line? Maintain a professional mindset and create some separa:on (physically and mentally) between your business and your personal life.

If you use your mobile phone for business and TradeTalk 16

Automatic Success

How To Create Winning Habits

Derived from:

The Power of Habits, Charles Duhigg

‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit’ Aristotle id you know around 40% of D our decisions are not decisions at all? They are basically a habit. A habit that we can control… Let me explain what I mean… The author of ‘The Power of Habits’, Charles Duhigg, explains a habit as a reaction where we don’t actively think about the decision, we just respond automatically. As activity becomes more automatic, more routine, a habit is formed. That said, they are not our destiny. The clue to creating winning habits lies in the simple formula: cue, routine and reward. When we experiment with these we alter our behaviours and ultimately our results. Let me explain how it works: There is often a ‘cue’ or ‘trigger’ that sets off a

TradeTalk 17


! Routine

! Cue

! Reward

‘routine’, an automated response conducted literally without thinking, that provides a specific ‘result’. As an example: the cue could be boredom or procrastination or even low blood sugar levels (cue) that trigger you to head to the fridge/ pantry for some food (routine), that once consumed provides the feeling of ‘gratified delay’ (reward).

Think about what ‘routines’ you have in your day. Is it something you want to change? If so, the first step is to acknowledge and work out what triggers the ‘action’ you want to change and the reward provided. Notice the pattern – the when, where and with whom it occurs. What is the reward? The physical sensation linked to the cue?

Only armed with this ‘truth’ can you set yourself up to create winning habits.

The trick now is set yourself up for success by following the 3 Rules of Winning Habits. 1. Plan ahead. Now armed with the knowledge of what the ‘triggers’ are that set off your actions (like heading to the pantry), you can set yourself a new course of action. Next time you consciously say to yourself ‘I’m hungry’, ask yourself ‘am I really?’. You clearly need a ‘fresh start’ and no better time to take a quick 20 min jog around the block.

2. Total belief in yourself. You need to believe you can do this. That you can change your habit. This is the most powerful tool you have.

3. Support Network. Immerse yourself in a group that already possess the desired habits you wish to achieve. They will spur you on in your moments of doubt. Why do you think support groups such as Weight Watchers are popular?

It is proven that if are you are held accountable then you are more likely to succeed. The reverse is also true, if you continue to be surrounded by people who do not support your goals it is more likely you will not succeed. Who you hang out with makes more of a impact on us than you realise! CHALLENGE:

What habits do you want to kick? And which do you want to grow? Now’s your chance. Pick one today to create automatic success. Time to use the power of our TIC Group Facebook page peoples. Share with us your goals and be held accountable by the group! Nothing more frightening and motivational than that! To read the entire Book Summary from Book Rapper – Log into MyTIC, Training Centre, Book Rapper. The full downloadable file can be found here. Resource: Book Rapper

TradeTalk 18

Tradesman Inner Circle Helping Tradesman Australia Wide Since 2008 To our Members, You are never far from help. Unlimited Phone Support

Call us whenever you need us on 1800 704 822

19 TradeTalk

Just for Laughs… or not……..

BOOM… and there is was…. an unsavoury gift from the NSW Of=ice of State Revenue. All we saw was the value. It was CRAZY big. $2,085 to be precise, and immediately my mind was working overtime as to HOW anyone could receive a Fine so large. What did one of our team do? Drive 60kms over the speed limit in a school zone? I really hope not…. In reading the Fine print it was produced because DRIP4 (who will remain nameless..) was driving 68km in a 40km zone through the Cross City Tunnel.

3. and because I am sure your team will think the same way ours do, and will enjoy the laugh and lesson at our expense!

Why do we always think ‘it won’t happen to me?’.

This is proof that it does…

As the story goes, they were conducting ‘work’ and hence had a ‘slow down sign’ with a ‘new speed limit’ in one tiny 200metre stretch. Funny enough, the automatic cameras were set perfectly to capture those unsuspecting travellers that didn’t comply.

Can you even imagine the revenue they made just from that one section of road? And yes, they caught one unsuspecting driver. Ours. And yes, it’s real. I have it in my hand and wanted to share it with you for a number of reasons. 1. because we laughed based on the complete absurdity of a Fine so BIG and thought you would too… 2. because we thought we could all use a little reminder to stick to the speed limit on the road because, as surprising as it is, we are not the ‘Ruler of the Road’… TradeTalk 20



MAN CAVE? This is where we talk about all cool things that should or could be in the man cave. Gadgets, new tech, cool tools, new inventions or big boys toys, if it’s cool and With footy season at its end and my beloved ‘Sea Eagles’ falling short of a Grand Final position, I hope you were as prepared as I in case we made it to the big one! We were ready!

So to get you into the groove and enhance your ‘Game Day’ experience, whether it be AFL or NRL, there are a couple of quirky gadgets that will set you up nicely… If you’re heading out to the game with a few mates but don’t want to miss half the action by standing in the ‘beer queue’, then the beer belly is just the answer… there’s one for the ladies too, the wine rack… hilarious to say the least, but I guarantee you’ll be the envy of all your mates! This masterful invention will only set you back a mere $30 +postage and handling from www.thebeerbelly.com If staying home relaxing around the pool with mates to watch the action is more your thing, then we’ve even found a gadget for you. No need to move yourself from the lilo in the pool, or even get off your chair to fetch a refill. Send for the remote controlled armored drink carrier.

21 TradeTalk

If you notice someone trying to thieve your beverage delivery whilst on the move, you can fend them off with a quick squirt of water from its cannon. It caters for you and 3 friends (carrying 4 cans) and can sail to and from any location at your command from up to 250’ away. Just to keep things interesting, when it’s not doing it’s ‘beverage duty’ the wheels retract and its twin propellers can push the carrier across calm water and launch a waterborne assault on an unsuspecting sunbather! Oh what fun a $99.95 price tag can bring you… Catch this one on www.hammacher.com 9" L x 9" W x 7" H. (2 1/4 lbs.)

Cool iPhone Apps for Tradies Shazam Price: FREE FEATURES:

✓ Save & listen again (30 sec preview) ✓ Buy tracks easily on iTunes & find more by tagged arWsts ✓ Share on Facebook, Twi`er & email ✓ See streaming lyrics in Wme to the music ✓ Discover new music in Shazam Friends & Charts How o\en have you been sihng in the car on the way to a job and heard a new song you love but missed the name and arWst? No longer will this remain a mystery! Shazam is able to scan the song and idenWfy exactly what song it is and who the arWst is, making it easy for you to add it to your music collecWon! With direct links to the iTunes store what more could you ask for? TradeTalk 22

NEXT ISSUE NEXT ISSUE: No more excuses NOT to delegate a task… this software will not only send you to lunch but pay for it too… “NO” doesn’t necessarily mean ‘no’… not in the case of a ‘question asking’ prospect…

We share the fun from the TIC Boot Camp and get geared up for 2013. See you on the other side… ith ge Sm n A & Andy

Don't forget, we would love to share your learnings, hot tips, recommended s uppliers a nd a ny other information t hat w ill benefit the TIC m embers. D rop us a line to info@tradesmaninenrcircle.com.au

CHANGING ADDRESS? Don’t miss out on a single issue! If you’re changing contact details then ensure to let us know -- simply give us a call or send an email. This way we’ll keep you plugged into a world of knowledge, tips, news and views. TradeTalk is published by and © copyright by Andrew & Angela Smith, Tradesman Inner Circle Pty Ltd 2012. All Rights Reserved. This newsleVer and any accompanying material are for general informa?on purposes only. It is the responsibility of the reader to comply with any local, state or federal laws. S?ck with me here while I con?nue with this legal blah-­‐blah. The Publisher has taken all reasonable measures to ensure that the material contained within this newsleVer is correct. The Publisher provides no representa?on and gives no warranty as to the accuracy of the informa?on and does not accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in the informa?on contained herein and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising as a result of any person ac?ng in reliance on informa?on contained herein. All done!

For more information, contact: Tradesman Inner Circle Pty Limited Ph: +61 1800 704 822

Email: info@tradesmaninnercircle.com.au Web: www.tradesmaninnercircle.com.au

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