Get to Know Your Camera: From Shutter Speed to Aperture PowerPoint

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From shutter speed to aperture to ISO Photo 101: Get to know your camera Presented by Laura Laura.Schaub@Shutterfly.comSchaub

Cameras come in all types ● From DSLRs to smart phones, cameras come in all shapes and sizes ● Which one is the best one to use?

Cameras come in all types ● The one you have with you!

Let’s start with the digital single lens reflex camera and understand how it works ● Automatic mode ● Manual mode ● “Camera assistance” mode (shutter priority, aperture priority, sports mode, landscape mode, close-up mode) Nighttime LandscapeSportsmodesmodeMacromodemodePortraitmode Automatic mode Program mode Shutter ManualAperturepriorityprioritymode

Manual mode: Aperture ● It’s one way of allowing light into your camera and works much like the pupil of your eye

Manual mode: Aperture ● It allows you to use shallow… or greater depth of field fShallowDepthoField peaeGrtrDethofField

Manual mode: Aperture ● You set it with f-stops

Manual mode: Aperture

● The smallest number = the widest opening and creates shallow depth of field

Manual mode: Aperture

● The largest number = the smallest opening and creates the longest depth of field

● Lens opening (FStop) ● Determines Depth of Field ○ AV mode – Aperture priority f/2.8f/22 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f Aperture - Depth of Field

● The smallest number = the widest opening and creates shallow depth of field

Manual mode: Aperture

● The smallest number = the largest opening and creates shallow depth of field

Manual mode: Aperture

Manual mode: Aperture ● The larger the number, the more “field” will be in focus

Manual mode: Shutter speed ● It’s another way of allowing light into your camera and works much like your eyelid ● Opens and closes in a fraction of a second ● Used to purposely stop or blur action

Manual mode: Fast shutter speed ● A fast shutter speed (1/250, 1/500, 1/1000) allows us to stop action

Manual mode: Fast shutter speed ● A fast shutter speed (1/250, 1/500, 1/1000) allows us to stop action

Manual mode: Slow shutter speed ● A slow shutter speed (1/15, 1/30, 1/60) allows us to purposely blur action

Manual mode: ISO setting ● Camera’s sensitivity to light – ranges from 100 and up More light available Less light available ISO 100 ISO 400 ISO 800 ISO 1600 ISO 6400 Less noise in photo More noise in photo Bright sunshine Cloudy day – diffused light Candlelight

Manual mode: setting Camera’s

sensitivity to light – ranges from 100 and up The higher the ISO number, the more noise that appears in the picture


Manual mode: ISO setting – low number – bright light ● ISO between100-300

Manual mode: ISO setting – medium number – diffused light ● ISO between 400-800

Manual mode: ISO setting – high number – low light ● ISO between 900 and up

Manual mode: ISO setting – high number – low light ● ISO between 900 and up

Manual mode: To gain greater understanding… Go Andhttp://to:canonoutsideofauto.calearn,playandchallenge yourself against the clock

Thank you For attending today’s session For more information, contact Laura Laura.Schaub@Shutterfly.comSchaub

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