Bible Studies for Life: Kids - Preschool Worship Session 1 Preview

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This case includes two DVDs with all of the videos you need for great sessions every week!

JESUS IS POWERFUL Session 1: Jesus Healed the Official’s Son Session 2: Jesus Calmed a Storm Session 3: Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind Session 4: Jesus Walked on Water Se ssion 5: Breakfast with Jesus GOD’S AWESOME PROMISES Se ssion 1: Noah Session 2: Abraham and Sarah Se ssion 3: Moses and the Israelites Session 4: King David


FALL 2019

FALL 2019

THE INCREDIBLE WORD OF GOD Se ssion 1: God Told Jeremiah What to Write Se ssion 2: Ezekiel Offered Hope Se ssion 3: Daniel Chose to Obey Se ssion 4: Prophets Told About Jesus



GOD CREATED THE WORLD Jesus Is Powerful God’s Awesome WORSHIP GOD AT Promises CHURCH The Incredible Word of God LOVING MY FAMILY






Bible Studies For Life: Preschool Worship enables kids toexperience an interactive large-group worship in a kid-friendly setting! The curriculum Worship can be customized to fit the needs of your kids, leaders, and worship environment. Included are Bible stories, worship songs, videos, games, Bible verse activities, and more. There also are ideas for small group activities if you have a drop-off time before the session begins or a pick-up time as parents arrive at the end of the session. In the chart below is a breakdown of a suggested schedule. Adapt it to fit your time and space.

PRODUCTION NOTES Tailor Preschool Worship to your kids and leaders: •• For an easy prep: Enlist a Worship Leader to show the music videos and lead the songs. Prepare the Connection Point Game and Bible Verse activity, and show the videos for the Bible Story and Connection Point Missions. •• Have an additional leader? Enlist that person to lead the Connection Point Game, Bible Verse activity, and missions. Then prepare and tell the Bible story for an interactive experience with your kids. •• Do you have musicians who would like to lead worship songs? Check out the lead sheets on the DVD-ROM or substitute your songs. •• Need easy ideas for decorating your stage area? See “Decorating Tips” in the How-To section on the DVD-ROM.


Optional small group activities for early arrivers and dismissal time.

Small Group Leaders


Signals the end of Huddle Ups and beginning of worship time



Use preselected song or choose one of your own

Video or Worship Leader/Team options


Introduction to the Bible story and Bible Study Leader Bible verse


Reinforces the Life Point



Interactive game to create excitement about the day’s Bible story or Life Point

Connection Point Leader


Use preselected song or choose one of your own

Video or Worship Leader/Team options


Interactive Bible story told by Bible Study Leader or video

Bible Study Leader or video option


Offering; Choose a favorite worship song

Worship Leader/Team


Interactive Bible Verse activity

Connection Point Leader


Missions video and summary

Video and Connection Point Leader


Application of the Life Point to kids’ lives

Bible Study Leader




Build a thematic backdrop to create a fun and exciting worship experience for your kids. Use three 4-foot-by-8-foot-by-2-inch insulation boards to create a simple sky backdrop. Paint each board with blue water-based paint.

Using a jigsaw, cut 2-inch insulation board to form trees and rolling hills. Paint green with a water-base paint.

Cut clouds out of cardboard or halfinch insulation boards. Paint white with water-based paint. Attach to backdrop with T-pins or hook and loop strips.

Create pinwheels by using colorful vinyl placmats. To add interest, vary the colors and patterns. Cut the placemat into a square. Once it is square, cut from each corner towards the center stopping just before the center. Do not cut through the center. Fold each corner in towards the center. Fold them one at a time and stack them on top of each other in the center. Using a upholstery tack or small nail with a large head, firmly attach pinwheel to a 1-inch dowel rod. Leaving room between the nail and dowel rod allows the pinwheel to spin. To create a base for dowel rods to stand by drilling 1-inch holes in a 2-foot-by-4-inch board.


Purchase small pinwheels from your local discount store. Turn a large foam cup upside down and push a pinwheel’s handle through the bottom of the cup. Line your stage area with the pinwheels.

Create large pinwheels from poster board. (See instructions above. Use a paper brad to secure the corners instead of upholstery tacks.) Tape pinwheels to the wall.

Cut poster board into large cloud shapes. Glue batting or cotton balls to cover both sides of the shape. Use fishing line to hang the clouds from the ceiling.



Jesus Healed the Official’s Son



John 4:46-54



Jesus can heal people. CHRIST FOCUS


Jesus helped people because He loved them.


BIBLE VERSE Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22 (Paraphrase) This Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (CSB) Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you. Acts 2:22 (KJV)

Huddle Ups (optional) (time varies) Supplies (for each small group): •“Stick • the Bandage”–adhesive bandages (2 per child), poster board, scarf, red marker •“Jesus • Healed the Official’s Son”–coloring supplies and coloring sheets •“Make • Trail Mix”–Allergy alert; bowls of ingredients (marshmallows, cereals, chocolate chips, pretzels, crackers); spoons (1 per bowl); sandwich bags (1 per child) Countdown Video (3 minutes) Props: none Worship Song (3 minutes) Props: none Welcome and Prayer (5 minutes) Props: none Miss Lindy’s Library (3-5 minutes) Props: none

•• Countdown: Countdown video

Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (ESV)

•• Miss Lindy’s Library: Miss Lindy’s Library video


Worship Song (3 minutes) Props: none Bible Story (10 minutes) Props: Bible, small laundry basket, unfolded towels and washcloths inside the basket Worship Song and Offering (3 minutes) Props: none Connection Point Bible Verse (5-8 minutes) Props: none Connection Point Missions (5-8 minutes) Props: none Real Life Connections (3-5 minutes) Props: none


Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (NIV)

Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (NKJV)

Connection Point Game (10 minutes) Props: masking tape, small gift bag, 6 index cards, marker

•• Worship Song: “Mighty Is He” •• Welcome and Prayer: Life Point and Bible Verse slides

•• Connection Point Game: Connection Point Game slide •• Worship Song: “There Is Only One” •• Bible Story: Bible Story and Christ Focus slides; Bible Story Time video (optional)

•• Worship Song and Offering: Worship song of your choice •• Connection Point Bible Verse: Connection Point Bible Verse and Bible Verse slides •• Connection Point Missions: Connection Point Missions slide; “Being Bold” missions video •• Real Life Connections: Real Life Connections and Life Point slides




HUDDLE UPS (OPTIONAL) Huddle Ups are for churches that have a drop-off time before the session begins or a pick-up time as parents arrive at the end of the session. It’s a great time for interaction with a small group leader through games, conversations, or review questions. Play the countdown video to signal the end of Huddle Ups and the beginning of the session. ➡➡ Estimated time: varies according to schedule ➡➡ Tech: none ➡➡ People: Small Group Leaders ➡➡ Supplies (for each small group):

“Stick the Bandage”–adhesive bandages (2 per child), poster board, scarf, red marker “Jesus Healed the Official’s Son”–coloring supplies and coloring sheets “Make Trail Mix”–Allergy alert; bowls of ingredients (marshmallows, cereals, chocolate chips, pretzels, crackers); spoons (1 per bowl); sandwich bags (1 per child) STICK THE BANDAGE Prep: Draw several red spots and lines on a poster board to represent sores and cuts. Display the poster at child-height. •• Unwrap two adhesive bandages per child. Leader note: Look for inexpensive bandages at discount stores or use pieces of masking tape. •• Gather children near the poster and blindfold a volunteer. •• Give the volunteer a bandage, turn him around twice, and guide him toward the poster. Challenge him to place the bandage on a “sore.” (If a child does not want to be blindfolded, allow him to shut his eyes.) •• Encourage kids to cheer for friends who successfully place a bandage on a red mark. •• Play as your time allows or until each child takes two turns. •• Mention that doctors and nurses often use bandages to help people. Invite a child to tell about a time when she needed a bandage.


JESUS HEALED THE OFFICIAL’S SON •• Tell preschoolers that today they will hear about a father who asked Jesus to make his son well.

•• Distribute coloring supplies and coloring sheets to the preschoolers. •• Invite preschoolers to color on their pages while they wait for the session to begin. •• Suggest kids color on the backs of the pages if they prefer to use blank paper. MAKE TRAIL MIX Prep: Post an allergy alert and check for known allergies. Pour each ingredient into a bowl. •• Place the bowls of ingredients on a table. Put a spoon in each bowl. •• Give each child a sandwich bag. •• Stand behind the table to serve the ingredients. •• Invite a child to ask for an ingredient she wants. •• Say: “Thank you for asking. Yes, you may have some marshmallows.” Serve a spoonful of the ingredient into her sandwich bag. •• Serve the child a spoonful of each item she requests. •• Continue until you serve each child. •• Remind kids that the father in today’s Bible story asked Jesus to help his sick son. Jesus made the boy well! •• Comment that people can pray and ask Jesus to help when someone is sick.

COUNTDOWN VIDEO ➡➡ Estimated time: 3 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Countdown video ➡➡ People: none ➡➡ Props: none

(Play countdown video to signal the beginning of worship time. Kids will count aloud as they join the large group.)

•• Comment that today’s Bible story is about a time when Jesus helped a sick boy.





WORSHIP SONG ➡➡ Estimated time: 3 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Music video, mics for

singers, lights (optional) ➡➡ Music: “Mighty Is He” (lead sheet available

on DVD-ROM) or download a worship song of your choice ➡➡ People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team ➡➡ Props: none

WORSHIP LEADER Today’s Bible story is about a royal official. He worked for the king! What kind of jobs do you think he did for the king? (Allow kids to respond.) Maybe the official was in charge of the king’s soldiers. Let’s pretend to be soldiers. (Lead kids to respond to each of the following instructions.) •Stand • and march in place. •Salute. • (demonstrate) •Say: • “Yes, sir!” •Let’s • march again! The officer we will hear about today walked a long way to see Someone special. Can you guess who the official wanted to see? (Allow for responses.) The royal official wanted to see Jesus! That sounds exciting! Let’s sing a song together about Jesus! (Show the music video. Kids stand to sing.)

WELCOME AND PRAYER ➡➡ Estimated time: 5 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Life Point and Bible Verse slides ➡➡ People: Bible Study Leader ➡➡ Props: none

BIBLE STUDY LEADER Each week we learn a new Bible verse. It is important to learn Bible verses because they help us learn more about Jesus and teach us how to make good choices. We can remember Bible verses when we are sad, lonely, or afraid. Today’s Bible verse tells us that Jesus loves and helps people. Jesus is God’s Son, and He can do BIBLE STUDIES FOR LIFE | PRESCHOOL WORSHIP

miracles! A miracle is “something only God or Jesus can do.” Listen as I say the verse, and then we will say it together.


(Show Bible Verse slide—select preferred version.) (Say the verse. Lead kids to repeat it after you.) BIBLE VERSE (SELECT PREFERRED VERSION): •• Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22 (Paraphrase) •• This Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (CSB) •• Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you. Acts 2:22 (KJV) •• Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (NIV) •• Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (ESV) •• Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (NKJV) I’m glad that Jesus loves people and wants to help them. Jesus can do things that no one else can do! (Show Life Point Slide.) The Bible tells us that Jesus can heal people. Let’s say that together: “Jesus can heal people.” To heal means “to make someone well.” We can read in the Bible about many sick people whom Jesus made well. Jesus healed them! Let’s pray and thank God that Jesus loves and helps people. God, thank You for the Bible and for sending Your Son, Jesus. Thank You that Jesus did miracles and helped people. Thank You for loving us and helping us when we are sick or hurt. We love You! In Jesus’ name, amen. We have a new friend to meet today. Her name is Miss Lindy, and she works at the library. Miss Lindy likes books! Let’s watch Miss Lindy, right now!




MISS LINDY’S LIBRARY ➡➡ Estimated time: 3-5 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Miss Lindy’s Library video (optional) ➡➡ People: none ➡➡ Props: none

(Play the video.)

CONNECTION POINT GAME ➡➡ Estimated time: 10 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Connection Point Game slide ➡➡ People: Connection Point Leader, 5 kids ➡➡ Props: masking tape, small gift bag,


hops. You will draw a card from the bag to find out how many steps you get to take. The first player to move all the way to the tape line will be the winner!

Does everyone understand how to play? (Answer any questions and play the game. Lead the group to cheer for the winner.) Good job, everyone! It was a long way to cross the tape line! Today we will hear a Bible story about a man who walked a long way. The man’s son was sick, and he wanted to ask Jesus for help. Do you think Jesus can help the man’s son? (Allow for responses.) We will find out after we sing!

6 index cards, marker GAME INSTRUCTIONS: •• Tape 2 lines to the floor approximately 10 feet apart. •• Write a number on each index card, 1-6. Put the cards in a bag. •• Choose 5 kids to play. Guide kids to form a line behind 1 of the tape lines. •• Name a way for the first player to move forward (baby step, hop, jump, giant step, and so on) and guide him to draw a card from the bag. •• Ask: “(Player name), would you please take 4 giant steps?” •• Guide the child to answer: “Yes, I will.” Invite the child to move forward accordingly and place the number card back in the bag. •• Invite the next player to take a turn.

WORSHIP SONG ➡➡ Estimated time: 3 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Music video, mics for singers,

lights (optional) ➡➡ Music: “There Is Only One” (lead sheet

available on DVD-ROM) or download a worship song of your choice ➡➡ People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team ➡➡ Props: none

WORSHIP LEADER Remember, the man in our Bible story walked a long way to see Jesus. Let’s walk in a circle as we sing and pretend we are on our way to see Jesus! (Show the music video.)

•• Continue the game until a player crosses the second tape line.

(Lead kids to sit as song ends.)

CONNECTION POINT LEADER (Show Connection Point Game slide.)


Today’s game is all about walking! I need five kids to walk from this line to that line. (Choose five kids to play. Guide kids to form a line behind one of the tape lines.) Players, when it is your turn, I will tell you a way to walk. I might say to take baby steps, giant steps, or


➡➡ Estimated time: 10 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Christ Focus, and Bible Story slides;

Bible Story Time video (optional) ➡➡ People: Bible Story Leader ➡➡ Props: Bible, small laundry basket, unfolded

towels and washcloths inside the basket




Option 1: Show the Bible Story Time video and conclude with a short prayer. God, thank You for doing miracles and making sick people well. Thank You that we can tell You about our sick family members and friends. Thank You for loving us and taking care of us. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen. Option 2: Tell the following Bible story. BIBLE STUDY LEADER (Show Bible Story slide.) (Begin folding the laundry. Continue folding as you speak.) Do you ever help your mom do jobs at home? Kids can be great helpers. One way kids can help is to fold laundry. Can you think of other ways kids help? (Allow for responses.) I’m glad when I can be a helper. (Set laundry basket aside). Jesus loves people and wants to help, too. One day Jesus went to the town of Cana. A man who lived near Cana was one of the king’s officials. An official is “someone who worked for the king.” The official’s son was very sick, so the official decided to go to Jesus and ask Him for help. (Open Bible and read John 4:49.) “Sir,” the official said to Jesus, “come down before my boy dies.” The official had probably tried to take care of his son and make him feel better, but nothing worked. His son was getting worse, and soon the boy would die. The official had heard that Jesus made sick people well. He wanted Jesus to make his son well, too.


The official must have been so excited! He probably hurried home to see his son! The official believed that Jesus is God’s Son. The other people in the official’s family believed in Jesus, too. (Show Christ Focus slide.) Jesus did miracles. A miracle is “something that only God or Jesus can do.” When Jesus made the official’s son well, it was a miracle. I love to hear about the amazing things Jesus did!

(Fold another washcloth.) Jesus helped people because He loved them! I can help at home because I love my family. I can’t do miracles, but I can show my love for others by helping them and praying for them. If I know someone who is sick, I can pray and ask Jesus to make her better. I’m glad that Jesus helps me and loves me. Jesus loves you, too! Let’s pray together and thank Jesus for loving us. God, thank You for doing miracles and making sick people well. Thank You that we can tell You about our sick family members and friends. Thank You for loving us and taking care of us. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

WORSHIP SONG AND OFFERING ➡➡ Estimated time: 3 minutes ➡➡ Tech: mics for singers, lights (optional) ➡➡ Music: Use a favorite song or download

a worship song of your choice.

Jesus listened to the official and said,

➡➡ People: Worship Leader and/or Worship Team

(Open Bible and read John 4:50.) “Go,” Jesus told him, “your son will live.” The man believed what Jesus said to him and left.

➡➡ Props: none

The official started the journey back home. The next day he met his servants along the road. The servants were looking for the official because they had good news. The official’s son was well! He was not sick anymore! The official asked when his son had gotten better. When the servants told him, the official knew it was the same time that He had spoken to Jesus.


WORSHIP LEADER Show me how you think the official felt when his son got sick. (Guide kids to respond.) Yes, he was probably sad and worried. Show me how you think the official felt when his servants said his son was well. (Guide kids to respond.) The man was probably very happy! Jesus made the boy well! Jesus can heal people. Jesus can do things no one else can do! UNIT 1 | SESSION 1



Let’s sing and be happy that Jesus loves and helps us, too! Optional Giving Segment: One way we can show our love for Jesus is to give an offering. The money people give at church helps others hear that Jesus healed sick people. If you would like to give an offering today, … . (Give your own directions for how the kids can give their offerings. After collecting the offering, guide kids to stand for the remainder of the worship song.)

CONNECTION POINT BIBLE VERSE ➡➡ Estimated time: 5-8 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Connection Point Bible Verse and

Bible Verse slides ➡➡ People: Connection Point leader, all kids ➡➡ Props: none


•• Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (ESV)

•• Jesus of Nazareth, a Man attested by God to you by miracles, wonders, and signs which God did through Him in your midst. Acts 2:22 (NKJV) CONNECTION POINT LEADER (Show Connection Point Bible Verse slide.) Do you remember today’s Bible verse? Listen as I say the verse, and then we will say it together. (Say the Bible verse and lead kids to repeat it after you.) Great job, everyone! (Ask the following questions and allow kids to respond.) •What • did Jesus do in the Bible story that no one else could do? (Jesus healed the sick boy.) •Who • in today’s Bible story asked Jesus for help? (the official or the boy’s father)

ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS: •• Select your preferred version of the Bible verse.

•Why • did the official need help? (His son was sick. He wanted Jesus to make the boy well.)

•• Invite kids to say the verse with you.

•What • good news did the official’s servants tell him as he traveled home? (His son was well.)

•• Ask questions to briefly review the Bible story. •• Lead kids to say the Bible verse as different people in today’s story: •The • sick boy •The • sad father

Nice remembering, kids! Let practice saying the Bible verse. We can say the verse like the sick boy, the sad father, and the happy servants. (Invite kids to stand. Lead the activity.)

•The • happy servants •• Continue the activity as your time allows.


BIBLE VERSE (SELECT PREFERRED VERSION): •• Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22 (Paraphrase)

➡➡ Estimated time: 5-8 minutes

•• This Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested to you by God with miracles, wonders, and signs that God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (CSB)

➡➡ People: Connection Point leader

•• Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you. Acts 2:22 (KJV) •• Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him. Acts 2:22 (NIV)


➡➡ Tech: Connection Point Missions slide,

“Being Bold” missions video ➡➡ Props: none

CONNECTION POINT LEADER (Show Connection Point Missions slide and play the “Being Bold” missions video immediately following the Connection Point Bible Verse activity.) The missionaries we saw in the video tell people about Jesus in a place called Uganda. The missionaries live in the villages with the people and UNIT 1 | SESSION 1



are their friends. They learn special dances, and they eat beans and rice with their hands. The missionaries tell the people Bible stories and teach them about Jesus. Let’s pray for the people who live in Uganda. We can pray that they will learn about Jesus.


(Show Life Point Slide.) Jesus can heal people. Let’s say that together: “Jesus can heal people.”

God, thank You for the missionaries and people in Uganda. Please help many people hear Bible stories and learn about Jesus. Help the missionaries to meet new people and tell them about Your love. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Sometimes people get hurt or don’t feel well. The boy in today’s Bible story didn’t feel well. He was very sick and had a fever! Jesus made the boy well. Jesus can heal people and make them better. When you or someone you know is sick, pray and ask Jesus to help. Jesus is powerful! He can do things that no one else can do!


I’m glad you came to church today. Come back next time, and we will hear more about the powerful things that Jesus did!

➡➡ Estimated time: 3-5 minutes ➡➡ Tech: Real Life Connections and Life Point

slides, microphone to take to individuals in group

Leader note: If you plan to utilize the after-session Huddle Up, dismiss kids to their small groups.

➡➡ People: Bible Study Leader ➡➡ Props: none

BIBLE STUDY LEADER (Show Real Life Connections slide.) Today we heard about a time when Jesus healed an official’s son. Jesus loves people, and He wants to help them. Have any of you ever been sick or hurt? (Allow kids to respond.) Let’s pretend we don’t feel well. I’ll say something that hurts, and you pat that part of your body. Ready? (Say each of the following statements and lead kids to respond.) •“I • ate too much candy. My tummy hurts!” •“I • played with the kitten, and it scratched my hand.” •“I • have a temperature, and my head hurts.” •“I • am coughing, and my throat hurts.” •“I • fell while playing outside and hurt my knee.” Great job, everyone! I’m glad we were pretending. I would be sad if you REALLY didn’t feel well! It’s no fun to be hurt or sick!








Jesus Healed the Official’s Son


John 4:46-54

Print a copy of this page for each small group leader.

STICK THE BANDAGE ➡➡ Supplies: adhesive bandages (2 per child), poster board, scarf, red marker ➡➡ Prep: Draw several red spots and lines

on a poster board to represent sores and cuts. Display the poster at child-height. •• Unwrap two adhesive bandages per child. Leader note: Look for inexpensive bandages at discount stores or use pieces of masking tape. •• Gather children near the poster and blindfold a volunteer. •• Give the volunteer a bandage, turn him around twice, and guide him toward the poster. Challenge him to place the bandage on a “sore.” (If a child does not want to be blindfolded, allow him to shut his eyes.) •• Encourage kids to cheer for friends who successfully place a bandage on a red mark. •• Play as your time allows or until each child takes two turns. •• Mention that doctors and nurses often use bandages to help people. Invite a child to tell about a time when she needed a bandage.


Jesus has power over sickness.


MAKE TRAIL MIX ➡➡ Supplies: Allergy alert; bowls of ingredients (marshmallows, cereals, chocolate chips, pretzels, crackers); spoons (1 per bowl); sandwich bags (1 per child) ➡➡ Prep: Post an allergy alert and check for known

allergies. Pour each ingredient into a bowl. •• Place the bowls of ingredients on a table. Put a spoon in each bowl. •• Give each child a sandwich bag. •• Stand behind the table to serve the ingredients. •• Invite a child to ask for an ingredient she wants. •• Say: “Thank you for asking. Yes, you may have some marshmallows.” Serve a spoonful of the ingredient into her sandwich bag. •• Serve the child a spoonful of each item she requests. •• Continue until you serve each child. •• Remind kids that the father in today’s Bible story asked Jesus to help his sick son. Jesus made the boy well! •• Comment that people can pray and ask Jesus to help when someone is sick.

•• Comment that today’s Bible story is about a time when Jesus helped a sick boy. JESUS HEALED THE OFFICIAL’S SON ➡➡ Supplies: coloring supplies and coloring sheets ➡➡ Prep: none

•• Tell preschoolers that today they will hear about a father who asked Jesus to make his son well. •• Distribute coloring supplies and coloring sheets to the preschoolers. •• Invite preschoolers to color on their pages while they wait for the session to begin. •• Suggest kids color on the backs of the pages if they prefer to use blank paper. Suggested date of use: September 1

Jesus Healed the Official’s Son Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22

Š 2019 LifeWay. Printed in the United States of America. This item may be reproduced.




Jesus Healed the Official’s Son JOHN 4:46-54

T HE BIBLE MEETS LIFE Parents, today your child learned that Jesus can heal people. Jesus used the power of God to help people who were sick, just as He healed a Roman official’s son.

LIVE IT OUT Fold a sheet of cardstock or construction paper in half to make a card. Give your child stickers and crayons or markers to decorate the card. Inside the card print Jesus heals people. Pray for someone you know who is ill and deliver the card to that person.

LEVEL OF BIBLICAL LEARNING Jesus performed miracles.

Jesus and His disciples were in the town of Cana. An official, a man who worked for the king, came from another town. He wanted to talk to Jesus. The man’s son was sick and about to die. The man asked Jesus to come and heal his son. “Come before he dies,” the man said. Jesus said, “Go home. Your son will live.” The man believed what Jesus said. He started to walk home. On the way home, he saw some of his workers. They told him that his boy was alive. The man asked when his son got better. “He began to get better at one o’clock in the afternoon yesterday,” the workers said. The man thought about the words Jesus said. The boy began to get better at the same time Jesus spoke to him. The man knew that Jesus was God’s Son. Jesus spoke the words, and the boy was healed.

WEEKLY BIBLE VERSE: Jesus did things no one else could do. Acts 2:22 LIFE POINT: Jesus can heal people.

DAILY BIBLE READING Sunday: Acts 2:22 Monday: Philippians 4:19 Tuesday: Revelation 21:4 Wednesday: Psalm 30:2 Thursday: Isaiah 40:29 Friday: Matthew 10:1 Saturday: Psalm 147:3

TAKE IT FURTHER: Check out the Jesus Healed the Official's Son section of the Bible Studies for Life: Kids Family App.


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