OR iNllt lHoBEUEn StutlT TldALlAH tLLA,'t 0RTHOSE fi0slWHO
ms LldlNENCE SIIDKH .'llDL1. A:lJI. II~ ABDL1l.11i DIN 8Al
TRA..'I1l:iU.:'\ r!,D D'l:' Dil. SYED MUHAMMAD MUNA~'WAR SA.lNAR
PRL"JUo,:G .J,.ND TRA.~'SU\ no~' RJ YAUH • !G..... aDOM 01' SAL';)I
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theName Naneof Inln the Most of Allah, Nlah,Most MqstGracious, Graclous, MqgtMerciful Merclfut INTRODucnON II{TRODUCnOil
to Allah Allahand Praise Pralsebe beto and Peace Peaceand and Blessings Blessirqsbe be on on the the Prophetof of Allah; Allah;on hisfamily famllymembers; Prophet on his those members;and andon on all allthooe proceedon path. who proceed on his his path. who principleof theprinciple Slne the Since of Allah the basis of Oneness Onenessof Allatrformed formedthe basis d the themission missionof of Muhammad MuhammadIbn of lbnAbdullah (onhim AMullah(on himbe bethe the peace)and bestof of blessings blesslngsand andpeace) best andsince sincethis this mission missionis is in in prophetswho fact aa continuation continuationof of the the missions fact missionsof of the the Prophets who precededhim him as as stated statedby Allah in preceded by Allah ln the the Holy Holy Curan: Quran: "For We We assuredly assuredlysent sent amongst people an "For amongst every every people an (with Apostle, the command), Apostle, (with the command), serve serveAllah Allah and and eschew eschew (16:36), Evil" (16:36), Evil" and since slnce opposition opposilion to to heresy heresy and and and falsehood falsehood in in its its various manifestations, formedthe the core various manifestations, formed this Faith, is a coreof this Faith,it is dutyon on every everyMuslim Muslimto to be be well wellinformed duty informed about about his his religion religion and to to worship worshipAllah as ordained and Allah as ordained by the the lslamic Islamic Sharia. Sharia. The Muslims Muslimsof tho The the previous previous generailons generations had had a clear clear concaptregarding regardingtheir concept their religion religion because because all all their their beliefs, beliefs, actions actions and and dealings dealings were were in accordance accordance with with the the Holy Holy Quran and the Pure Traditions. Curan and the Pure Traditions. Later Later on, on, most most of the the Muslims Muslims deviated deviated from from this this Straight Straight Path Path -- the the path path of the the Book Book and and the the Tradition Tradition -- and and fetl fell apart into factions groups and apart into factions and groups in all matters matters pertaining pertaining to to religion religion as as well well as polilics politics and and the the laws laws regulating regUlating their their
(t) (I)
daily lives. lives. As a result, result, there there came came into existence existence heretical heretical daily innovations, falsehoods, magic and witchcraft. these witchcraft. All these magic and innovations,falsehoods, as easy loopholes for the enemies of Islam things served enemies lslam thingsservedas easy loopholes to Islam and and its followers. followers. attack lslam to attack The (learned scholars) scholars) of lslam Islam have, have, in all all The Ulema Ulema (learned past present, periods past and present, cautioned us through periodsof history, history, and cautioned through their writings against against these these innovations. innovations. This This booklet booklet their writings entlled cc Establishing the the proofs proofs regardlng regarding the the Rule Rule entlled(Establlshlng on other than than Altah Allah or those those those who who seek HelpIn In other on those seekHelp who and FortuneJellersu Fortune.Tellersll by who Believe BelleveIn Soothsayersand In Soothsayers His Abdul Azlz Azlz bln bin Abdulla Abdulla bln bin HIs Eminence EmlnenceSheikh Shelkh Abdul Baz, Baz,consists threeessays: conslstsof three essays: governingthe 1. the S€€king Seeking of Help Help from from 1. The The Regulation Regulationgoverning (peace be the upon him). him). be upon the Prophet Prophet(peace governing 2. The Regulation governing the from Helpfrom the Seeking Seekingof Help 2. The Regulation Jinns vows to them. them. makingvows and making Jinns and and Satan Satan and
Worshipthrough 3. through certain certain regardingWorship The Regulation Regulationregarding 3. The from Heretical Innovations are derived derivedfrom Hereticaland and which are Innovationswhich Polytheistic Polytheisticbeliefs. beliefs. lslamicResearch Research of Islamic The Directoratesof the Directorates of the The Presidency Presidencyof place pleasure to place has the the pleasure to Iftah, and Guidance Guidancehas lftah, Dawah Dawah and the towardsthe as aa contribution contribution towards before thisbooklet bookletas readerthis beforethe thereader against Muslimsagainst enlightenment Englishspeaking speakingMuslims of the the English enlightenmentof generalappreciaappreciathe general that the Heresy -- so Heresy and so that and Superstition Superstition increase. may lslam of Islam may increase. tion and understanding tion and understandingof to all makethis useto all thisbooklet bookletof of use May Almightymake the Almighty MayAllah, Allah,the peaco b€ grants And may suc@ss. Allahgrants success. And may peace be Muslims; VerilyAllah Muslims;Verily his Companions. Companions. Familyand and his upon his Family Muhammad,his uponMuhammad, (ii) (Ii)
Merciful us, Most Most Merciful Gracious, Mosf Gracio Nlah, Most In Nameof Allah, the Name ln the
ESSAY THE FIRST ESSAY fiE FIRST the gs be uponthe be upon peaceand blessings and blessin and peace Allahand to Allah Praise be to Praisebe his and his Family and rs of his his Family Members the Membe t of Allah, the Prophe of Allah, Prophet path' path. his on d proceed his procee on who those who all on those nions and ard on all Compa Companions in had in , had jtama" of Kuwait "Al-Muitama" Kuwait, ine, "AI-Mu magazine, weeklymagaz The The weekly poem ed a poem published 390 A.H., A.H.,publish 19-4-1390 dated19-4-1 15 dated No.15 its its issue issueNo. him) upon be him) (peace (peace be upon t Prophe the Prophet tions to to the ing invoca invocations contain containing n(lslamic commu communc (Islami h Umma the helpthe Ummah s to to help himto to him and appelts andappeal edisagre and disagreedisaccord and mutualdisaccord e itit from from mutual to salvag salvage ity) ity) and andto as ranas Amina, ran ne called calledAmina, by someo someone poemsigned signedby Thepoem ments. ments.The : follows follows: World rescueof a World the rescue to the come to Allah, come t of "O Prophe of Allah, Prophet "0 war, of a war, flames of the flames in the caught caughtin h, the Umma Ummah, of the rescueol the to the rescue to come Allah, Allah, @me t of of Piophet o O Prophe long, long, since since doubts of doubts ss of darkness the darkne plunged in the d in plunge h the Umma Ummah propnet of the rescueof to the the rescue Allah,come cometo t of of Allah, b Prophe of ess wildern in the the wildemess vision in its vision of its lost sight sight of has lost which which has etc." grief... ... etc. etc. etc." grief
lines: follOWing lines: the following with the des with poem conclu @ncludes the poem And the And h, the Umma Ummah' of the rescu€of th€ rescue to the cometo Allah,come of Allah, t of "O Prophe Prophet "0 you! you! Pray Pray long, long, since doubtsince of doubt ss of thedarkne darkness plunged in the d in plunge Badr of Badr battleof the battle you did at the did at as you viclory as speeOyvictory bring bring speedy Defeat And Lo! Lo! Defeat ty, And Atmighty, the Almigh to the you called out to calledout whenyou when hath hath Allah Allah Verily Verily , Victory, Victory s to aa Gloriou Glorious tumed to was turned was se€." not see." do not s you soldiers soldier Youdo 1
Thusthe personwho theperson whowrote poemcries Thus wrotethis thispoem criesout outtoto the the (peacebe Prophet(peace Prophet him beupon uponhim) him)beseeching beseeching himtotorescue rescue theUmmah Ummahby byachieving achievingspeedy the spoedyvictory; victory;she sheforgets forgetsor or ignoresthe the fact fact that that victory ignores victoryisis granted grantedby by Allah, Allah,the tne AlmightyAlone propher Aloneand Almighty andthat thatititisisnot notininthe thehands handsof of Prophet (peacebe beupon uponhim) him)nor (peace norininthe thehands handsof ofany anyother othercreation. creaiion. .Allsh,the th€ Almighty Almightysays .Allah, saysinin the the Holy HolyOuran: euran: "Thereisis no no help helpexcept "There from Allah, the Exalted, the exceptfrom Allah,theElalted, the (3:126). Wiso."(3:126). Wise." "lf Allah Allahhelps you,none helpsyou, nonscan can overcome overcomoyou; you; Iflf He He - "If forgakes you, who ls there, there,after forsakes you, who Is afterthat, that, that thai can can help help you?"(3:160). (3:160). you?" hasbeen beenestablished established ItIthas by bythe theverses versesof theHoly of the HolyOuran euran and by the consensus and by the consensus of of the the Ummah Ummah that that Allah Allah the the Almightycreated created all all human human beings Almighty beings so so that that they they may may worshipHim. Him. He sent the He sent the Messengers worship the Messengersand and revealed revealedthe Booksto to expound expoundthe the manner mannerof worship Books worship and and the the path path of of the mission. mission.In In thi.s this regard, regard,Allah, the Allah, the the Almighty Almighty states states in in the the Holy Ouran: Quran: Holy '""l have have only only created created Jinns Jinns and and men, men, that that They They may may sorue serve Me." Me." (51:56) (51 :56)
"For .•For We We assuredly assuredly sent sent amongst amongst every every people people an an Apostl€, Apostle, (with (with the the command), command), serve serve Allah,and Allah,and eschew eschew Evil." Evil." (16:36). (16:36). "Not "Not aa messenger messenger did did We We sand send before before thee thee wlthout without this by Us Us to to him him that that there there ls is no no this Inspiration inspiration sent sent by god but l; therefore worship god but I; therefore worship and and serve serve Me." Me." (21:25) (21 :25) 2
basic or verses basic with.verses Book with (This is) is) a Book Ra, (This "Alif, "Alif, Lam, Lam, Aa, exr exfurthe g), further meanin ished meanlng)' establ (oi (of esta6lished ental fundam tuniamental Well¡ and Well' Wise Is and Who ls WIse One from One Who d In plaine plalned In detail, detail,from teacheth) that ye (It teacheth) things ): (lt (with all all things): inted (with Acqua Acqualnted am Verily I, am (Say) Verlly Allah (Say) ip none none but Allah should worshlp should worsh glad bring glad and to brlng warn and Him to warn you from from Him (sent) unto you (sent)unto
(" 1 1:1-2) :1'2) tidings t l d l n g." s . (11 Almighty the Almighty Allah the that Allah veniosthat aboveverses from the above ItIt is is clear clearfrom the purpose purpose one for one but for jinns but and and beings humanbeings has iinns createdhuman has created partner partner any e any attribut to attribute not and not Aloneand p Him HimAlone worship only: to worshi only:to ngers Messe Messengers the that the clearly that has said said clearly He has Him. And And He to to itim. call sent to were sent call all) were them all) gs be uponthem bâ‚Ź upon blessings (peace (peaceand and blessin the it: the y to it: is contrar contrary what is forbid what to forbid p and and to worship for this worshi ior this in rical catego categorical and and clear are clear are auran Holy the Holy Quran of the verses veftles of This This pped. worshi be worshipped' to be is is Alone Alone Allah andAllah Allahand stating thatAllah statingthat to nce to obedience Allah obedie of Allah ss of the Onene Oneness inthe faithin p implies impliesfaith worshi worsnip all all trom from tion absten and abstention nds and Hiscomma commands of His ance of Him, compiiance Him,compli has ordained these Allah Him. by en forbidd been has that thathasbeen|orbiddenbyHim.A||ahhasordainedthese : verses verses: us in numerous in numero tenets tenets thanthis: this: to rnorethan no more nded no commanded beencomma havebeen "And "And they theyhave being being on, devoti devotion, e sincer sincere Him Him g offerin ip Allah, Allah,offering worsh worship (98:a) Faith."(98:4) in Faith," True Truein and and Him"' but Him." nonebut ye worshi worship p none thatye d that decreed "ThyLord hathdecree "Thy Lordhath (17:22) (17:22) and and in to thee thee in Bookto the Book d the revealed havereveale Whohave We Who is We "Verily "Verilyitit is on. devotion' devoti sincere him g him sincere offering Allahofferin serveAllah so serve Truth: Truth:so 3
Is ls itit not not to to Allah Allahthat that sincere sinceredevotion devotionis is due?" due?" (39:1421 (39:142) Theverses versesdealing dealingon The onthis thisconcept conceptare areabundant abundantin in the the HolyOuran. point Holy point to the necessity of sincerity Quran.They Theyall all to the necessityof sincerityin in worshipping giveup worshipping Allah of AllahAlone Aloneand andto to give upworshipping worshipping of all all includingthe others othersincluding the Prophets. Prophets.There There is is no no doubt doubt that that "Dua" (Invocation) (lnvocation)is "Dua" form is aa vital vitaland and comprehensive comprehensive formof of worship;itit is isto worship; Alone to be beaddressed addressedin in all allsincerity sincerityto to Allah AllahAlone Allah the as Allah the Almighty Afmightysays as in the the Holy says in Hoty Ouran: Quran: "Callye, "Call ye, then thenupon uponAllah withsincere Allahwith sinceredevotion devotionto Him to Him even even though thoughthe the unbelievers (40:14) unbelieversmay may detest detest it." it." (40:14) and and
"Andthe placesof the places of worShip worshipare "And arefor for Allah (Atone):so A[ah (Alone): so invokenot not anyone anyonealong (72:19). invoke with Allah. " (72:18). along withAilah." prophets Thisapplies appliesto to all all the the creations This creationsinclUding includingthe the Prophets (peacebe be upon uponthem) them)because "Ahad" in (peace becausothe the word word"Ahad" in Arabic Arabic is indefinite noun used is indefinite noun used in total negation. in the the context contextof of total nogation. Therefore,itit applies appliesto to all all except except Allah Therefore, the Almighty. Almighty. Allah the Allah the the Almighty Almightysays: says: Allah "Nor call call on on any, any,other otherthan "Nor than Allah: Allah: -- such such will will neineiprofit ther ther profit thee thee nor nor hurt hurt thee." thee." (10:106) (10:106) This verse verse is is addressed This addressed to the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be upon upon him). him). Needlessto say, Needless say, the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be upon upon him) him) enpys enjoys Divine Divine protection protection from from potytheistic polytheistic beliefs; beliefs; the the purpose purpose of this this verse verse is to caution caution others. others. The The Almighty Almighty says: says: 4
"If thou thou dost, dost, boholdl beholdl thou thou shatt shalt certainly certainly be of tfiose those "lf who do do wrong." wrong." (10:106). (10:106). who Thus, foremost among among the the mankind, mankind, namely namely the the the foremost Thus, the cautioned Prophet him) has has himself himself been been cautioned (peacebe upon him) be upon Prophet(peace he shall if he invokes anyone other than Allah, shall be that thanAllah, other anyone ne invokes il that of other say to deemed as one who does wrong. What other What wrong. does who doemed as one human beings? human beings? ItIt must word "Zulm" "Zulm" (wrong (wrong dcling) doing) is the word that the noted that be noted must be Allah polytheisrn' is used in the sense of major "Shirk" that polytheism. Allah "shirk" that usedin the senseof maior the saYs: AlmightYsays: the Almighty "Those faith -they - they are are the the wrong wrong doers"' doers. " the faith reiectthe "Thosewho whoreject (2:254) Q:2541
and and
by the to his his son son by "Behold, the way way ot of "Behold, Luqman Luqman said said to 'O my (others)with with worship(others) '0 join not instruction: notin in worship my son! son!join instruction: Allah: is indeed indeedthe the highest highestwrong wrong falseworship worshipis for false Allah:for doing." (31 :13). ( 3 1 : 1 3 ) . doing." invocationto to ItIt is verses that that invocation is evident from all all these these verses evidentfrom thedead or anyone from the Allah whether whetherthey theybe befrom deador than Allah anyoneother otherthan joining with in others trees or idols, etc.,is an act of joining others with Allah Allahin treesor idols,etc.,isan actof purpose which of worship worshipfor for which worship; the contradicts the purpose of worship;itit contradicts jinnsand had andthe thejinns andhad Allah hascreated humanbeings beingsand Allahhas createdthe thehuman (peacebe revealedthe the them)and andhad hadrevealed sent Prophets(peace beupon uponthem) sentProphets to the the themessages messages Messages thatthey theyconvey conveythe Divine so to DivineMessages sothat peopleand meaningof of it.This Thisis is the themeaning themto to act actupon uponit. people andcall callthem "there phrase"there isis no godexcept Allah;"this thisstatement no god exceptAllah;" statement the thephrase 5
affirms that that there there is nothing nothing to be be worshipped worshipped except except Allah Allah affirms the Alnnighty. Alnnighty. lt It is stated stated in the the Holy Holy Quran: Ouran: the "That is is because because Allah Allah is is the the Truth, Truth, and and because because "That whatever else else they they invoke invoke besides besides Him Him is is Falsehood." Falsehood." whatever (31:30) (31 :310) This is is tlre the essence essence of religion, religion, and and the the basic basic principle principle of This prinolpleis our faith; faith; 110 is truly worship will will be be true true unless this prinoft:>le truly unlessthis our no worsh$p in the Holy Ouran: the Holy accepted. Allah Allah the the Almighty Almighty says says in Quran: accopted. revoaledlo alread)J been to thee, thee, -- As As it was was to "But it has beenrevealed has already "lf thou (gods with those before the6l, -- "If thou were were to ioin join (gods with those beforetheo, (in life), lifa),and truly fruitless fruitless will will be thy work work (in and Allah), truly be thy Allah), ranks who lose thou wilt surely be in the ranks of those who lose of those thou wilt surely be in the (all good)."(39:65) (39:65) (allspiritual splritualgood)." and and
withHim, Him, all all they "lf they Allahs with they did did were to otherAllahs "" join other they were to join (6:88). would them." (6:88). would be vain for be in in vain for them." principles: groat principles: on two two great The lslam is is ba.$ed based on The religion religionof of Islam worshipped. 1. to be be worshipped. Alone is is to 1. That That Allah Allah Alone path to the accordingto the path 2. be according 2. That That the the worship worshipshould should be (peace Muhammad(peace shown of Allah, Allah,Muhammad Prophetof by the the Prophet shownby be be upon upon him). him). "Shahadah"i.e. i.e.the the Statement Statement This of the the "Shahadah" is the meaningof Thisis the meaning god except Muhammad andthat thatMuhammad of Allahand no god excsptAllah is no Faith:Thlsre Thereis ofFaith: contradicwillbe beaa contradicis of Therefore,itit will Allah.Therefore, of Allah. isthe the Mess;enger Mesc;enger including principleifif anyone the dead deadincluding tion invokesthe anyoneinvokes tionof this principle of this 6
gtoneg, the Prophets the Prophetsor or others othersor or invokes invokesidols, ldols,tree, treeaand and stones, galnfavour otc.and helpor etc. andseeks seekstheir thelrhelp lo gain favourfrom fromthem or seeks seeksto them praisefor by.offerlng by offering sacrifices of animals vowsor sacrlflcegof anlmalsor or vows or praise for them them prostratesto be an act of associating others or or prostrates to them. them.Itlt will wlll be an act of associatlngothers as Lords Lordsof as of the the creation creatlonbesides Allahthe Almlghg;Itlt will besldegAllah the Almighty; will also alsoamount to setting rlvalsto to Allah amountto eottlngup up of of rivals Allahthe the Almighty. In Almlghty.In otherwords, words,Itlt will will be other negatlonof thlebasic be a negation of this baslctenet. tenet.Itlt must must alsobe mentionedthat Introducesinto also bâ‚Ź mentioned thatanyone anyonowho whointroduces Intoreligion rellgion Allah the something which has not been Permitted by Allah the Permitted by somethingwhich has not been Almlghtywill wlll be be failing falllngto Almighty to abide abldeby by the the meaning meanlngof the of the "Muhammadis Shahadah of Shahadahthat that "Muhammad is the Messenger the Messenger of Allah." Allah." Allah the Allah the Almighty Almightysays: says: "And We (in this We shall "And lum to to whatever whateverdeeds shalltum deedsthey they did dld (In this llfe),and and We We shall life), shallmake makesuch suchdeeds deedeas as floating floatingdust dust (25:23). scattered about." (25:23). scattoredabout." The deeds The referredto to here. here,are deedsreferred are the the deeds deedsof thosewho who of those polytheisticbeliefs. spent spent their their lives lives in in polytheistic beliefs. In this this category categoryof of deeds deedsare In are also also included includedall all contrived contrived permittedby actionswhich which have have not not been actions been permitted by Allah; Allah; these these will,on be like floating actions actionswill, the Day on the Dayof of JUdgement, like Judgement, be floatingdust dust scatteredabout scattered aboutbecause becausoitit was was not in accordance not in accordancewith withthe the (peacebe Divine Guidance. Divine Guidance.The The Prophet ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(peace be "He who upon him) him) has has said in an upon said in an authentic authenticTradition: Tradition:"He who innovatessomething in this innovates somethingin this matter matterof is not not of of ours oursthat that is of itit ,. The will will have have itit rejected. rejected." The above writerhas abovereferred referredlady lady writer has (peace addressed addressedan invocationto an invocation to the the Prophet Prophet(peace be be upon upon him)and him) andcalls callsfor for his help.She fromthe his help. Shehas hastumed tumedaway the awayfrom Lord of the creations Lord of the in Whose Victoryas creationsin WhoseHand Handthere is Victory as there is 7
lossor well as Defeat, Alonebestows bestowshelp helpor or loss or benefit; wellas Defeat,Who WhoAlone benefit; none other can benefit nor bestow any such thing. No none other can beneftt nor bestow any such thing. No doubt violationand is a donbt such such an an action action is is a serious seriousviolation and itit is (polytheism),the "Shirt" (polytheism), "Shirk" the consequences of which which will will be be consequon@sof gravo. Allah very Allah the to very grave. the Almighty Almighty has has commanded commandedus us to promisedto invoke Him and to invoke Him and to to seek seek His His help; help; He He has has promised respond; and he has also threatened with dire consequhe has also threatened with consequr€spond;ard dire qro6 all "And your yourLord those who ences Hesays: who are are haughty. haughty.He Lord allthooo says:"And 'Call (Prayer)but your(Prayer) says: thosewho who Me,I will willanswer butthose answeryour says:'Call on on Me, are Me will will surely find themselves in anogantto to serve serveMe surelyfind themselvesin are too too arrogant pointsout (40:60)This that out that Hell This verse versepoints in humiliation." Hall-- in humiliation."(40:60) prayerand invocation formof whoeveris is haughty, his is a form of prayer and whoever haughty,his invocationis place is th& ultimate of abode will be be Hell. Hell.Iflf such the C8&e casewith with ultimateplace of abo<lewill suchis prayingto regard the audacity to regardto one who has has had hadthe audacityto avoid avoidpraying one who p€rsonwho invokes Allah, Allah,what what will will be the condition of a person who invokes be the conditionof other Almightyis than Allah Allah while while Allah Allah the the Almighty is Omnipotent Omnipotent other than and The Holy Holy Ouran and Omnipresent? Omnipresent?The Quran says: says: "When My "When Me, I am am My servants servantsask ask thee thee concerning ooncemingMe, prayerof (to them): indeed them):I listen listento to the indeedclose the prayer of every every close (to Me: let suppliant whenhe he calleth on Me: let them themalso, also,with witha suppliantwhen callethon will, listento Me:that theymay may will,listen to My My call call and and believe believein in Me: thatthey (2:186). walk the right right way." way." (2:186). walk on on the ItIt is narratedin in an authenticTradition Traditionthat that the Prophet is narrated an authentic the Prophet (p€acebe (peace AbdullaBin BinAbbas Abbas be upon uponhim) him)advised advisedhis hiscousin cousinAbdulla as as follows: follows:
"Remember you;remember "Remember Allah you; Hewill willremember remember remember Allahand andHe ye shall yourpath; path;Iflf ya ye ask, Allah himin Allahand findhim in your ask,ask ask andye shallfind ye seek from from Allah; Allah;and seek help, help, seek from Allah." Allah." and ifif ye seek from 8
And he he also also saicl, said, And "He, who who dies dies while while praying praying to to someone someone as as rival rival to to "He, person fire the of Allah, the reward such person shall the fire for shall be such a the Allah, reward Hell." (narrated (narrated by lmam Imam Bukhari). Bukhari). Hell." In another another Tradition Tradition the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be be upon upon him) him) said said In an answer answer to a query query as to which which is the the greatest greatest sin: sin: in an make somoone someone as rival rival to Allah, Allah, who who has has created created "To make you." you."
So, anyone anyone who who prays prays to other other than than Allah, Allah, sesks seeks his his help help So, an animal animal or otfers offers a or gives gives offering offering to him him or slaughters slaughters an rival to adopting someone someone as as rival to Allah' Allah, prayer to him will be prayerto be adopting him will pâ&#x201A;Źrsonor a king king or whether he devout person or Prophetor a devout he be be a Prophet whether to a hvocationto jinn or or anything As regards, regards,invocation jinn else.As anythingelse. idolor or an an idol notan an act you,itit is is not act presentbefore person beforeyou, pâ&#x201A;Źrsonwho andpresent who is is alive aliveand quite seek normalto of because is quite normal to seek (associationism) becauseitit is of shirk shirk(associationism) pertainingto to the the you in the in matters matterspertaining aroundyou thosearound helpof ol those the help and possible;itit is normal and is aa normal material the extent extent possible; life to to the materiallife Almighty Allahthe the Almighty sanctioned practiceamong Muslims.Allah amongMuslims. sanctionedpractice says in the Holy Ouran: Quran: HolY in the says "Now the his of his manof the man In pertainingto Moses:"Now to Moses: In the the story storypertaining peopleappealed (28:15). own to his foe." (28:15). himagainst hisfoe." ownpeople appealed tohim against Moses, of Moses, pertainingalso to the thestory storyof and alsoto versepertaining in another anotherverse andin Allah the Almighty says: saYs: AlmightY Allah the in aa got away about,in "He "He therefore, lookingabout, therefrom,looking awaytherefrom, therefore,got state (28:20). fear." (28:20). of fear." stateof beingsat at numanbeings fellownuman Man seeks hisfellow helpof ofhis thehelp seeksthe Mantherefore therefore 9
tlmesof ofwar waror times orat attimes tlmesof that ofdifficulties dlfflcultles thatoccur occurto tohim hlmand and whlchrequire requlrethe which the help others. Allah ordered his Prophet helpof ol otherg.Allahorderedhls prophet (peacebe beupon peoplethat (peace uponhim) hlm)to toconvey (the conveyto tothe thepeople thathe ho(the Prophet)does possossfor doegnot Prophet) not possess for anyone goodnor anyoneany anygood norany any harm.The The Holy HolyOuran harm. Quranstates: statos: "Say: II do dono nomore morethan "Say: join not thaninvoke lnvokemy myLord, Lord,and andIljoin not wlth Him (false god)." Him any god ).,' with any (false "Say: Itlt Is powerto ls not not In In my my power "Say: you harm, to cause causeyou harm,or or to to you bring to right rightconduct." bring you to conduct."(72:20,21). (72:20,211. and and
"Say: II have powerover haveno goodor no power "Say: overany anygood harmto or harm to myself myself exceptas as Allah of Allahwilleth. wllleth.Iflf II had except hadknowledge knowledge of the unseen, unseen,II should the have multiplied all should have mulilplledall good,and and no no evil good, evilshould shouldhave havetouched touchedme: me: I am but but a warner, warner,and and a bringer am glad tid¡ bringerof of glad ildIngsto to those thosewho Ings who have havefaith." faith."(7:188). (7:1gg). The on this this concept concept are are many many in in number. number. The Quranic Ouranic verses verses on The The Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be be upon upon him) him) never never invoked invoked anyone anyone other other than than Allah Allah and and he he never never sought sought help help from from anyone anyone other other than than Him; Him; he he beseeched beseeched Allah Allah the the Almighty Almighty during dUring the the battle battle of Badr Badr and and asked asked Him Him for victory victory against against the the onemy; enemy; he he persistently persistently prayed prayed to Him Him saying saying "O "0 Lord, Lord, fulfill fulfill for for me me your your promise." promise." He He kept kept repeating repeating these these words words to the extent the extent that that his his friend friend and and companion companion Abu Abu Bakr Bakr said: said: "May "May it suffice suffice you, you, O 0 Prophet Prophet of of Allah; Allah; verily verily Allah Allah will will fulfill fulfill His His promise promise to to you." you." In In this this context, context, Allah Allah revealod revealed the the following following verse verse of of the the Holy Holy Quran: Ouran: 10
"Remember "Remember ye ye implored implored the the assistance assistance of of your your Lord, Lord, and He answered answered you: you: "l "I will will assist assist you you with with aa and on ranks." ranks." Allah Allah made made it~ thousand of of the the angels, angels, ranks ranks on thousand your to but a message hope, and assurance your assuranoo hope, and an of but message fromAllah, (in hearts: any case) there is no help except from Allah: helpexcapt case)there heartrs: And Allah Allah is Exalted Exalted in Power Power Wse." Wise." (8:9,10). (8:9,10). And Thus Allah Allah the the Almighty Almighty reminds reminds them them of their their call call for for Thus help and and how how He He responded responded to them them by sending sending reinforcereinforcehelp ments of Angels Angels to them them and and that that victory victory is not not from from the the ments good the to convey Angels, but the Angels were sent only convey the good only were sent Angels Angels,but the news of victory victory and and contentment. contentment. He He says: says: nsws
(3:126) "Victory "Victory is from Allah." Allah." (3:126) is but but from and and
yo were werea concon' you at whenye "Allah Badr,when "Allahhad helpedyou at Sadr, had helped ye show show temptible thus may mayye fearAllah; Allah;thus force;then then fear temptibleforce; your (3:123). (3:123), yourgratitude." gratitude." the Badr; the of Badr; Thus Battle of grantedhelp the Battle help at at the Allah granted Thus Allah the were all all the weapons, Angelswere powerto the Angels fight and and the to fight the power weapons,the were glad They factors that brought victory and glad tidings; They were tidings; victory and brought that factors granted; was granted; victorywas only Divinevictory whichthe the Divine by which meansby the means onlythe lady the lady howcould victory couldthe only.So So how fromAllah Allahonly. is therefore thereforefrom victoryis and help and else seek seek help writer anyoneelse or anyone to above aboveor referredto wriler referred turn him) and and turn victory (peacebe upon him)¡ be upon Prophet(peace the Prophet from the victoryfrom is Omnipresent Omnipresent who is away creationswho of all all creations the Lord Lordof from the awayfrom and Omnipotent? and Omnipotent? worst inits itsworst No ignorancein betraysignorance onlybetrays thisattitude attitudeonly Nodoubt, doubt,this (associationism). forms and indeed it is a major act of Shirk (associationism). Shirk act of is a malor formsand indeedit 11 11
thereforeaa dUty ItIt is is therefore to repent repentto to Allah Allahin in all dutyon thewriter writerto all on the sincerity and sincerity and to to never never repeat repeat such such aa mistake. mistake. Sincere Sincere repentancerequires requirestotal repentance total conviction convictionand and compliance complianceto to whathas hasbeen by Allah. And if the repentance what ordained beenordainedby Allah.And if the repentanceis is with regard regardto to the with the rights rightsof fellowhuman of any anyfellow humanbeings, beings,such such rightsshould retumedto whomthey theybelong (the rights shouldbe be returned to whom belongor or he he (the repentant)should repentant) should obtain obtain an an acquital acquitalthereof. thereof.Allah Allah has has orderedHis repentand promised His worshippers worshippersto to repent ordered He has and He has promised a@eptanceof repentance.He acceptance of their their repentance. He says in the Holy says in the Holy Quran: Quran: "And 0O ye ye Believers! Believerslturn ye all "And turn ye all together togethertowards towards ye Allah,that thatye may mayattain Allah, attainbliss." (2a:31) bliss."(24:31) and Allah Allah says with regard regardto and says with the Christians: to the Christians: not to "Why "Why turn they not to Allah, Allah,and and seek seekHis His forgiveforgiveturn they ness? Most ness? For is oft-forgiving, oft-forgiving, For Allah Allah is Most Merciful." Merciful." (5:7a) (5:74) and Allah Allah says: and says: otherAllah,nor "Those who AlIah,nor wlthAllah, Allah,any anyother lnvokenot, not,with "ThosewhoInvoke forJust sacred, exceptfor slay except hasmade madesacred, Allahhas suchlife llfeas asAllah slaysuch Just that does does and any any that cause, fornlcatlon;-- and nor commit commltfornication; cause,nor (notonly) (but)the this (but) meetsPunishment Punishment the Penalty Penaltyon this (not only)meets on the Day of Judgementwill will be doubledto to him, him,and he the Day of Judgement be doubled and he will repents, in ignominy. he repents, will dwell dwell therein thereinin ignominy.- Unless Unlesshe for Allah Allahwill wlll believes, and rlghteousdeeds, deeds,for and works worksrighteous belleves, personsinto good,and change Allah is into good, is the evil of such suchpersons andAllah changethe evil of (25:68,69,70) Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful."(25:68,69,70) Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." and Allah Allah says: says: and
"He is repentancefrom the One that accepts accepts repentance from His is the His One that 12 12
Servants and and forgives forgives sins: sins: and and He knows knows all all that that ye ye Servants do." (42:25). (42:25). do." The Prophet Prophet (pe'ace (pe'ace be upon upon him) him) has has said: said: The
"lslam "Islam obliterates obliterates all that that has procooded preceeded it; and and repentance erases erases all all the the earlier earlier (wrong) (wrong) actions." actions." rep€ntance In this this brief brief essay, essay, I have have sought sought to explain explain the the (associationism) magnitude and and danger danger of the the sin sin of Shirk Shirk (associationism) magnitude my earnest earnest desire desire because it is one one of the the major major sins. sins. lt It is my because right in its issue the that the reaqers should understand the issue in its right understand should the readers that writers. by such perspective and should not be misled by such writers. misled be not perspectiveand should
makethese In conclusion, I pray Allah the the Almighty Almighty to make these prayto Allah In conclusion, He reform us alland few words use Muslims and may He reform us all and may Muslims and to of use words few path us and fortify us make us proceed always on the right path and fortify right proceed the alwayson make us in with steadfastnessin and steadfastness of Religion Religion and the knowledge knowledgeof with the protect us the evils of us from from the evils of adhering Atlah protect to it. it. May May Allah adheringto the He is is the Verily He ourselves actions. Verily from our our bad bad actions. and from ourselvesand be of Allah Allahbe Protector blessingsof and blessings Peaceand and Sustainer. Sustainer.Peace Protectorand the and upon His Slave and Messenger Muhammad and the Muhammad upon His Slave and Messenger Members his Companions. Companions. his Family Famityand and his of his Membersof
OOO •••
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In the N81TIe ln the Nane of ol Allah, Nldt, Most MdgtGracious, Graclous,Most MagtMerciful Merclful THE T}IE SECOND SECOI{DESSAY E88AV From FromAbdul AbdulAllz Azlzbin AMullahbin blnAbdullah Bazto to those blnBaz thosoMuslims Muallms -may - may Allah Allahbless blessthem themand and me me-- who who adhere adhereto to the the Religion to Rellglonof of Allah Allahand remalncommitted and remain to It. commltted lt. Amen. Amen.
youall. May of MayPeace, Peace,Mercy Morcyand andBlessings Bleoelnge ol Allah Allahbe boupon uponyou all. Some frlendssought Somefriends soughtto to know knowfrom fromme meabout aboutthe theactions ac'tlong of Brethren of They ofsome eomeuninformed unlnformed Brethren Rellglon. Theystated ofour ourReligion. stated people,at thatthese thegepeople, that at times Umegof of calamities, Invd<ecertain calamliles,Invoke certaln forcesand forces andseek eeektheir thelrhelp; help;they theyInvoke Invokefor for Instance, Ingtence,the the glveofferings Jlnnsand endgive dferlngeand Jlnns of to andsacrifices sacrlficea anlmale of animals to them; them; 'O you you seven theycry eomeof of they cry out some out saying aaylng'0 Seventake take hlml', hlml', meanlngthereby therebyseven meaning SevenChiefs the Jlnns. Theymight Chlefsof of the Jlnng.They mlght 'O you you seven also say, say, '0 SevenInflict Infllc.ton also and sudr such on him hlm such such and thlngs... breakhis hls bones, his blood, things ... break his bones,drink drlnkhis blood,mutilate mutlatehls 'O the gay,'0 body.'Some themmay maysay, body.' time, O 0 Someof of them theJlnn Jlnnof of noon noontme, (evening) prac'ticee the Jinn of Asr him". the Jlnn of Asr (evening) time tme take takehim". Such Suchpractices prevalent areprevalent lnsome someof of the thesouthem southemareas. areas.In In addition are In addition to to those,there thereIs is also alsothe the Invoking Invokingof those, of the the dgad, dead, irrcluding Including the the Propheb,the thenoble noblesouls soulsand andAngels Prophets, Angels and and others. others. They They are are invokedand andtheir theirhelp helpIs is sought, sought,unfortunately, unfortunately, invoked by many many by professthe who profess the Faith Faith of lslam. They of Islam. who They do do so so due due to ignorance anddue dueto thedesire to the imitateard desireto Imitate ignorance and and follow follow what what practisedby was practised by their was their forefathers; forefathers; some some of them them may may theiractions ac'tions by sayrng, justify their by saying, 'this 'this is is something something in in vogue: vogue: Justify we do do not notmean meananything we anything by by it It nor nor do do we we have have any any faith faith in In
1 155
it.' Some it. friends also Some friends atso sought soujnt my my opinion opinion on having on having people known relationshipsof relationships of marriage maniage with with people known for for such such prayers actionsand acceptingtheir actions and on on accepting theirofferings; offerings;offering otferingprayers prayrng behind for them, them, praying behind them for them and and about in about belief belief in magiciansand magicians I was told, claim knowand soothsayers soothsayerswho who I was told, claim knowpersonand ledgeof the sickness ledge of the sicknessof of aa person the reasons reasonsof and the of the the sickness sicknossby by merely merelycasting castingaa look lookat at anything anythingon the body on the bocly patientsuch pyjamas,veil, of the the patient of such as as aa turban, turban,pyjamas, veil, etc. etc. I
In answer answerto the above, In to the above, II wish wish to the following:following:to state stiatethe Praisebe to Allah be to Allahthe the One Praise One and and Only OnlyAllah Allahand and blessings blessings peaceupon and peace and Prophetof uponthe the Prophet Allah,who who was was the of Allah, the last lastof of poacoand Prophets;peace all Prophets; all andblessings blessingsalso family,his his alsoupon uponhis hisfamily, companionsand pathof companions those who abide by and on on all allthose who will willabide by the the path of guidanceuntil right guidance until the the Day right Judgement. Day of of Judgement. Verily,Allah Allahthe the Almighty Verily, Almightyhas humanbeings hascreated createdthe the human beings the Jinns and the in order worshipHim Jinnsin and orderto to worship Himand and to to abstain from abstainfrom worshipping,invoking, giving invoking,seeking worshipping, the help and giving offerseekingthe help and offeringsand and sacrifices ings other worships sacrificesand and to to offer otferall allother worshipsto to none none otherthan other than Him. Him. Allah Allah has guide has sent sent the the Messengers Messengersto to guide people to the people the to this this task task and and He He revealed revealedthe the He\!.venly Heovenly Books,the BoDks, the greatest greatest of which which is the Holy was is the Holy Ouran. Quran. Itlt was revealedin in order preach revealed order to convey this message and to preach conveythis messageand to peopleagainst and and to work work for for it besides the people against besidescautioning cautioningthe "Shirk" (associationism) (associationism) with "Shirk" with Allah Allah and and against against the the worworshipping of anyone anyone other other than than Him. Him. This This is the the purport purport of shipping the the Statement Statement of faith: faith: "There "There is no no god god except except Allah"; Allah"; it clearly clearly sets sets out out the the principle principle that that there there is no no one one else else to be be worshipped worshipped except except Allah; Allah; thus thus it negates negates the the concept concept of 16
Godliness to to anyone anyone other other than than Allah; Allah; itit affirms affirms that that Allah Allah Godliness worshipped' Alone and none other than Allah is to be worshipped. b€ is to Allah than other Alone and non€ There are are ample ample evidences evidences on on this this in in the the Holy Holy Quran Ouran and and There Allah him)' in the Traditions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Allah (peace be upon of the Prophet in theTraditions says in in the the HolY Holy Quran: Ouran: says "I have have only only created created Jinns Jinns and and men, men, that that they they may may serve serve "l Me." (51:56) (51 :56) Me." and and "Thy Lord Lord hath hath decreed decreed that that ye ye worship worship none none but but Him"' Him." "Thy (17:23) (17:23) and and
morethan no more "And no than this: this: To To "Andthey commanded beencommanded havebeen theyhave belng devotlon, worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being slncere Hlm worshlpAllah,offerlng true (98:05) (lnfaith)." lalth)."(98:05) true(In and and
your will answer answeryour "Call on "And Me; II will "And your on Me; yourLord Lordsays: says:"Call Me to serve serveMe arrogantto (Prayer): too arrogant who are aretoo thosewho (Praye$:but butthose humiliation!" in humiliation!" Hell,in in Hell, will in find themselves thems€lves will surely surelyfind (40:60) (a0:60) and and am Me, II am concemingMe, "When "When My thee concerning ask thee servantsask My servants prayerof of every every to the theprayer (tothem): listento indeed them):II listen close(to indeedclose (2:186) Me." (2:186) on Me." suppliant when callethon he calleth whenhe supptiant beings humanbeings thehuman thatthe versesthat ItItisisclear theabove aboveverses fromthe clearfrom 17 17
and andJlnns Jinnehave havebeen beencreated createdby Allahin by Allah in order orderto to worship worship Him none other than Hlm and and He He has has ordained ordainedthat non6 that other than He He be be worshlpped.The worshipped. Divine Commandment has been The Dlvlne Commandmenthas b€€n con· conveyedIn ln the veyed the Holy HolyOuran throughthe Quranthrough the Prophets (peacebe Prophets(peace be peopleshould uponthem) them)that thatpeople upon shouldworship worshtpthe the One Oneand andOnly Only Allahand Allah and that that invoca~on Invocatlonto to Allah Allahis ls an lmportantform an Important form of ot worghlp;whoever worship; offer this worship whoeverIs lstoo tooarrogant arogantto to offerthls worshlpshall shall be doomed doomedto to the be th6fire flre of of Hell. Hell.Allah Altahalso alsosays says in in the the Holy Holy that: Ouran Quranthat:
"When My My servants "When servantsask ask thee thee concerning concemingMe, Me, II am am Indeedclose (to them): close(to them):II listen indeed prayerof llstento to the the prayer of every every suppllantwhen when he he calleth suppliant (2:186) callethon on Me," Me." (2:186) Hence, the worshippers to Hence,Itit Is is aa dUty onall dutyon allthe worshippers invokeAllah to invoke Allah the One Oneand andOnly OnlyGod the form Godbecause becausesuch suchinvocation invocafionIs ls a form of worship worshlpfor forwhich whlchthey theyhave of havebeen beencreated createdand andcommancommanded to to act act upon. upon. The The Holy Holy Ouran ded Quran says: says:
"Say: 'Truly my prayerand my prayer "Say: of sacrifice, sacrifice, my my and my my service serviceol anddeath, (Allah), llfeand death, life are all for (Allah), the Cherlsher of areallfor theCherlsher of 'No the Worlds:' partnerhath Worlds:''No partner the thus am am I hath He; He; thus commanded,and commanded, am the the first first of those those who who bow bow and I am (6:162,163). lo His His Will.' Will.'(6:162,163). to Allah has ordered Allah has ordered His His Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be be upon upon him) him) to people inform inform lhe the people that that his his prayer prayer and and service service of sacrifice sacrifice and life life and and and death death are are afl all for for Allah, Allah, the the Lord Lord of all all creations creations 'service sacrifice' here partner.The who has has no no partner. who The phrase, phrase, 'service of sacrifice'here refers refers to the the offering offering of animal animal as sacrifice; sacrifice; so if anyone anyone offers a to other sacrifice than Allah, he then offers sacrifice other than Allah, he then commits commits an an act act of "Shirk", "Shirk", that that is associating associating someone someone else else with with Allah; Allah; 1 188
would be be like like praying praying to someone someone else else other other than than Allah Allah It would in the because prayer and sacrifice have equal importance the importance prayor equal andsacrificehave because and and they they are to be for Attah Allah the One One and Divine estimation estimation and Divine Only God.:lf God.: If anyone anyone offers offers a sacrifice sacrifice to other other than than Allah Allah Only such as as the the Jinns, Jinns, the the Angels, Angels, and and the the Dead Dead and and others others in such an attompt attempt to seek seek neam€ss nearness to thom, them, thon then he he is like like a an person who prays prays to other other than than Allah. Allah. The The Prophet Prophet (poaco (peace porsonwho be as por per an an authentic authentic Tradition Tradition said: said: has, as him) has, upon him) be upon "Curse Allah be be upon those who who offer offer sacrifice sacrifice to other other "Curseof uponthos€ of Allah than Ahmad has, has, on on the the authority authority of Tariq Tariq bin bin Allah." Imam lmamAhmad thanAllah." Shihab that the the Prophet Prophet (p€ac€ (peace be be upon upon him) him) had had narated that Shihabnarrated peoplewho "Two men passedby said: who had had an an idol idol to by a people men passed said: "Two passed by which an offering had to be made by whoever passed by whoever by to made which an offeringhad be give p€rsons to that idol. The people asked one of the two persons give two people askedone of the that idol.The to offer; offer; they they some nothingto he had had nothing he said, that he said,that offering,he someoffering, told even fly; so th€ the smattfly;so evena small anything, hemay mayoffer offeranything, thathe himthat toldhim pass. wasallowed allowodto man to pass. he was gaveaa fly otferingand and he fly as as an an offering mangave Hell. But was the fire of of Hell. the fire his doom doomwas But his
personwas accordinglybut but The alsoasked askedto to do do accordingly wasalso Thesecond secondperson give as as p€rsonrefused that he he will will not not give that refusedby atfirmingthat by affirming that person those his refusal. refusal,those offering Allah.On otherthan than Allah. On his to anyone anyoneother otferingto abode him,but hisultiamte ultiamteabode peoplecut killedhim, buthis people histhroat throatand andkilled cuthis that this narration noled from was Paradise." It can be noted from this narration that was Paradise."lt can be givesan mightbe be thoughitit might to an an idol, idol, though whoever offeringto whoevergives an offering partnerto to as partner elseas only will be associatingsomeone someoneelse fly, will be associating onlyaa fly, punishment what Hell.So in Hell. So what Allah deserves in therefore dss€rvespunishment Allahand andtherefore the the Angels Angelsand andthe invokethe the Jinns, Jinns,the to thosewho whoinvoke to say sayof of those people,seeking vows thom and piouspeople, help, to their offering pious their help, offering vows to them and seeking givingsacrifices of gainproximity proximitywith by giving sacrificesof withthem themby trying to gain tryingto t9 19
purposefor animals animalsto tothem. them.The Thepurpose forwhich whichone onedoes doesthis is to thisis to protect protect his his wealth wealthor cure his illnessor or cure his illness or the the safety his safetyof of his cattle cattleand fields;he andhis hisfields; he may mayalso alsodo do that thatout outof fearof of fear of the the peoplebecome Jinns. Jinns.Such Suchpeople becomemore more deserving deservingof of torture torturein in personwho the the Hell Hellthan thanthat thatperson whokilled killedaa fly fly as as an an offering offeringto to the idol. idol. The the The Holy Holy Ouran Quran says: says: "Verilyitit is "Verily is We We Who Whohave haverevealed revealedthe the Book Bookto to thee theein in Truth:so Truth: Allah, offering devotion. Is soserve serveAllah, offerlngHim Hlmsincere slnceredevotlon. ls ItItnot to Allah notto Allahthat thatsincere slnceredevotion devotlonIs ls due? due?But Butthose those protectorsothers whotake who (say):"We takefor for protectors thanAllah othersthan Allah(say): "We onlyserve only servethem themIn Inorder orderthat thatthey theymay maybring brlngus usnearer nearer TrulyAllah to Allah to Allah will wlll Judge AllahTruly betweenthem themIn In that that ludgebetween wherelnthey guldes wherein guides not such as theydiffer. dlffer.But ButAllah Allah not suchas are are (39:2,3). falseand andungrateful." ungrateful." false (39:2,3). and and
serve,besides besldesAllah, thlngsthat "They Allah,things that hurt "Theyserve, hurtthem themnot not profltthem,and norprofltthem, andthey theysay: nor are our our Intercessay:"These Interces"Theseare ye Indeed "Do ye wlthAllah." Say:"Do sors Allah of IndeedInform sorswith Allah."Say: InformAllah somethingHe He knows knowsnot, not, in something on garth? earth? in the heavensor on the heavens -- Glory partnersthey to Himl Gloryto Himl and and far far is is He He above the partners they abovethe (to Him)." (10:18). ascribe(to Him)." (10:18). ascribe from the We learn leam from the above abovetwo We two verses verses that that the polytheists polytheists had taken taken in in lieu lieu of Allah. had Allah. some some creations creations as as their their friends friends protectors;they andprotectors; and they worshipped worshipped them them and and invoked invoked them them in awe and and reverance reveranceand and offered awe offered sacrifioe sacrifice and and vows vows under under the assumptionthat the assumption. that those those friends friends and and protectors protectors act as intercessorsand intercessors and take take them them nearer nearer to Allah. Allah. Allah Allah the proved their Almighty has has proved Almighty their falsehood falsehood and and has has described described 20 20
them as as liars, liars, infidels, infidels,and them polytheists;and and polytheists; and Allah Allah has has pre-eminently transcendedabove pre-eminently transcended cult of polytheism. abovethe polytheism. the cuh of The Holy HolyOuran The Quranstates: states: Gloryto to Him! Hlmland "they "- Glory andfar partners farIs lsHe Heabove abovethe thepartners they (to Him)!" ascribe(to Him)|" (10:18). (10:18). ascribe prophetor isthus thusclear clearthat thatwhoever whoevertakes ItItis takesaa king kingor or aa Prophet or Jinnor or aa stone stoneor or aa tree tree for purposeof aa Jinn for the the purpose invocation of invocation with Allah alongwith Allahand along and seeks seekstheir their help help or gain or tries tries to to gain neamessto to them them by by offering otferingvows in nearness vows and and sacrifices sacrificesin the the hopâ&#x201A;Ź that they may intercede hope that they may intercede with withAllah Allahon on his hisbehalf, behalf,or or in in geting cured thehope hopeof of getting curedfrom the fromsome illness,of someillness, of safeguardsafeguardingof wealthor personwho of wealth or safety safetyfor for aa person ing whois is away awayor or for for any any purpose,commits other purpose, commitsthe the major major crime other "Shirk" crime of of "Shirk" (associationism) regardingwhich whichAllah (associationism) regarding Allah states: states: "Allahforgiveth forgivethnot partnersshould not that that partners "Allah set up up shouldbe be set with Him; Him;but but He Heforgiveth forgivethanything whom with anythingelse, else,to whom pleaseth; Hepleaseth; to set partnerswith set up up partners with Allah He to Allah is deis to de. vise a most sin heinous indeed."(4:4g) vise sin most heinous indeed." (4:48) and and "Whoever joins other other gods gods with with Allah, Allah, -- Allah Allah will will "Whoeverloins be his his forbid The Garden, Garden, and and the the Fire Fire will will be him The forbid him for the the wrong-doers, wrong-doers, be be no one one abode. There There will, will, for abode. 5 :72) 721 h e l p . "((5: ttoo help." On On the the Day Day of Judgement JUdgement intercession intercession will will be be granted granted people the only the onâ&#x201A;Źnâ&#x201A;Źss oneness of Allahand Allahand only to the people who who believe believe in the abide abide by by it sincerely; sincerely; it will will not not be be granted granted to the the polytheists polytheists as stated stated by by the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be upon upon him), him), when when he he
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was asked asked about about the the people people who who will will be be fortunate fortunate to to enioy enjoy was his intercession, intercession, he he said, said, "Whoever "Whoever says says with with all all sincerity sincerity his no god god but but Allah Allah only;" only;" The The of his his heart heart that that there there is is no of that an invocation that Prophet also said, "Every Prophet has invocation has "Every Prophet an Prophetalso said, his in hastened in his will be answered; and every Prophet hastened will be answered;and every Prophet may invocation, but but I withheld withheld my invocation invocation so so that that I may invocation, intercede for for my people people on the Day Day of Judgement:Allah JudgementAllah intercede willing, my invocation invocation will will also also include include those those of my nation nation willing, partners Allah." who died without setting partners Allah." to up who died without setting Allah as The polytheists polytheists of the the early early period period believed believed in Allah The on relied they but their Lord, Creator, and Sustainer but they relied Sustainer their Lord, Creator, and and trees protectors, Angels, Prophets friends and and protectors, Angels, trees and and friends Prophetsand gainingtheir their intercession intercession with with stones, of gaining hope of in the the hope etc. in stones,etc. in the the verses verses quoted quoted Allah and nearness said in as said to Him Him as Allahand nearnessto (peace the Prophet Prophet(peace pardonthem above. nor the them nor not pardon Allahdid did not above.Allah has and them renounced be upon him). Indeed Allah has renounced them and has has Allah him). Indeed be upon polytheists. has also Allah described them as infidels and polytheists. Allah has also describedthem as infidelsand gods will for will intercede intercedefor disproved those gods thatthose claim that their claim disprovedtheir Prophet Him:the the Prophet nearerto to Him: them takethem themnearer withAllah Allahand andtake themwith in them in againstthem battlesagainst (peace foughtbattles has fought (peacebe him) has be upon uponhim) Allah. andOnly OnlyAllah. the One Oneand worshipAllah Allahthe order themworship rnakethem to make orderto
acted him) acted (pâ&#x201A;Źace be be upon upon him) In Prophet(peace the Prophet so, the ln doing doing so, Holy Quran: in the the Holy Ouran: according wish stated statedin Divinewish tho Divine acoordingthe or tumult or more tumult no more there isis no "And until there "And fight on until fight them them on justice inAllah prevail faith andfaith inAllah oppression, thereprevail justice and andthere oppression,and (8:39). everywhere."(8:39). altogether and everywhere." altogetherand have hassaid: said:'""l have (peacebe him)has be upon uponhim) And Prophet(peace Andthe the Prophet thereisis thatthere peopleuntil theywitness witnessthat untilthey been tofight fightpeople orderedto beenordered 22
godexcept nogod exoeptAllah Allahand prophetof andthat no isisthe thatMuhammad Muhammad theProphet of ,,Zekat" Allahand performthe prayers,give andperlorm theprayers, glvethe Allah "lakat" (poor the (poortax); tax); theydo doso, so,they theyshall shallenjoy Ifllthey enfoysafety safetyfrom fromme meintntheir itretrJives ilves and wealth excoptIninwhat whatisisdue and wealth except dueto toIslam lslamand andthey thoyshall shallbe bo ,,until answerable to Allah." Allah."The Themeaning answerable to meanlngof phrase"until of the thephrase theywitness witnegsthat thatthere thereisis no godexcept they no god exceptAllah" Allah" In in this thls saylngof of the the Prophet ProphetIsis that saying worship that they theyshould should worshipAllah Ailah Onlyand andexclusively. exclusively.The polytheistswere The polytheists Only were afraid afraidof of the the Jinns and tookrefuge refugein inthem. them.In Jinns and took Inthis thiscontext, context,Allah Allahsays saysin in the Holy HolyOuran: Quran: the "True, there peopleamong there were were people "True, among mankind mankindwho who took took personsamong shelterwith with the the persons shelter amongthe the Jinns, Jinns, but but they they increasedthem them in (72:61. in folly." folly." (72:6). increased The commentators commentators of the the Holy The of HolyOuran euran have have interpreted interpreted "increasedthem thâ&#x201A;Źwords words"increased themin in folly" folly" as the as their theirbeing beingstruck struck panicbecause withfear fearand andpanic becausethe theJinns with feel high and mighty mighty Jinnsfeel highand whenthey they see see human humanbeings beingsseeking them and and when seekingrefuge refugein in them so they they make make themselves (that is the themselves(that so the Jinns) Jinns) a greater greater sourceof of fear fear and and panic source panic so that that these these human human beings beings may may increasinglyworship increasingly worship them them and and seek seek refuge refuge in them. them. But But guided Allah has the Muslims to Allah has guided the Muslims seek seek refuge refuge in Him Him and and in His complete His complete words. words. Allah Allah says: says: "lf "If a a suggestion suggestion from from Satan Satan assail, assail, they they seek seek refuge refuge with with Allah; Allah; for for He He heareth heareth and and knoweth knoweth (ail (all things).', things)." (7:2oo). (7:200). and and "Say: "Say: II seek seek refuge refuge with with the the Lord Lord of of the the Dawn." Dawn." (1 (113:1) 13:1)
and and "Say: II seek seek refuge refuge with with the the Lord Lord and and Cherisher Cherisher of of "Say: Mankind." (114:1) (114:1) Mankind." It is is narrated narrated in in an an authentic authentic tradition tradition that that the the Prophet Prophet It (peace be upon upon him) him) has has said, said, "Whoever "Whoever alights alights at at aa place place (peace 'l'I seek Allah words of and says, seek refuge the complete words of Allah complete in the refuge and says, by be affected not from the evil that He has created' will affected by created'will has from the evil that place." that any harm harm until until his his departure departure from from that place." any
The person person seeking seeking safety safety and and protection protection of his religion religion The (polytheism) "Shirk" (polytheism) in in its its and who who wishes wishes to be be away away from from and major and minor minor forms forms will will understand understand from from the the above above major and quoted from the the Holy Holy Quran Ouran and and Sayings Sayings of the the quotedverses vorsesfrom and dead to the that devotion Prophet (peace be upon him) that devotion the dead and him) (pâ&#x201A;Źace upon be Prophet Angels, them is an an act act of invocationto them and invocation etc. and Jinns, etc. Angels,Jinns, is the polytheists it and pagans and polytheists and is the worst imitation worst the pagans and of the imitationof duty that boundenduty form that they they "shirk". Itlt is is therefore thereforea bounden of "shirk". form of their advise their also advise and also actions and keep such actions from such away from keep away not is not marriageis of marriage brethren Relationshipsof it. Relationships regardingit. brethrenregarding in indulge to people known who are admissible with those people who are known to indulge in those with admissible from permissible to eat not polytheistic it is also not permissible to eat from also polytheisticactions; it is actions; until them until or behind bohindthem pray for them or for them their to pray nor to otferingsnor ttriir offerings worship andworship invokeand andinvoke Almightyand they the Almighty to Allah Allahthe repentto theyrepent the indeedthe is indeed (Dua)is worship;itit is is worship; Allah Invocation(Dua) Atlahonly. only. Invocation has him)has (peacebe beupon uponhim) Prophet(peace essence of TheProphet worship.The essenoe ofworship. version anotherversion to another "Duaisis worship" accordingto andaccording said, worship"and said,"Dua the Allah of worship." essence "Dua isis the and essence of worship." Allah the "Dua core and the core Almighty Almightysays: says:
(idolaters)'until untilthey women(idolaters), unbelieving "00 women they marryunbelieving "Donot notmarry 24 24
believe: aa slave slave woman woman who who believes believes is is better better than than an an believe: unbelieving woman, woman, even even though though she she allures allures yor. you. Nor Nor unbelieving marry (your (your girls) girls) to to unbelievers unbelievers until until they they bolieve: believe: aa marry an unbeliever, man slave who believes better than unbeliever, than an is man slavewho believes better even though though he allures allures you. you. Unbelievers Unbelievers do do (but) (but) even beckon you to the Fire. Fire. But Allah Allah beckons beckons by by His His beckon Grace the Garden (of Bliss) and forgiveness. forglveness' (of and Bliss) Garden the to Grace mankind: that they they and makes makes His His Signs Signs clear clear to manklnd: and may celebrate His His praise." praise." (22221), (2:221). may celebrate Allah has has forbidden forbidden Muslims Muslims from from marrying marrying unbelieving unbelieving Allah women; women who who worship worship idols, idols, Jinns Jinns and and Angels Angels suchwomen womon;such etc.; permissible with with them them only only if they they is permissible marriage is etc.; marriage worship Allah, Allah, the the One One and and Only Only sincerely in and and worship believein sincerelybelieve Allah conveyed by the Prophet Prophet mossageconveyed the message accopt the Allahand and accept proceedon the the path path shown shown by by (peace (peacobe him) and and proceed be upon upon him) Muslim maniage of him. Allah has also forbidden the marriage Muslim the him. Allah has also forbidden in Allah Allah women believein they sincerely sincerelybelieve untilthey to unbelievers unbelieversuntil wornento the message messageconveyed conveyed and Him only and accept acceptthe only and worshipHim and worship The Holy Holy Quran Quran him). The (peacebe by upon him). be upon Prophet(peace the Prophet by the states that: that: states
an than an â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘A is better better than "A slave woman who who believes believes is slave woman yotr." alluresyou." she allures unbelieving tho.rghshe wotran, even even though unbelievingwoman, than an an is better better than and who believes believes is slave who man slave that aa man and that you,with hiseloquence withhis eloquence heallures unbeliever, even thoughhe alluresyou, eventhough unbeliever, has then then Allah has etc. Allah of and chivalry, chivalry,etc. courageand of speech, speech,courage preference by them over for this explained this preference over them by the causes causes for explainedthe they you to Fire because becausethey the Fire to the saying beckon you that they they beckon saying that manners, actions,manners, words,actions, belong Firethrough throughtheir theirwords, to the the Fire belongto 25 25
conductand and character. character.As conduct As regards rogardsthe belleven-- men men the believers ard women women- they you to they are are the and the ones onegwho who beckon beckonyou to the the Paradlgethrough through their thelr character, Paradise character,conduct, conduc,t,words worda and and deeds.So, deeds. So, how howcould couldthe the former lormerbe be equal the latter? egualto to the latter? Andwith regardto withregard And to the thehypocrites hypocrltesAllah Allahthe thoAlmighty Almightysays: sap: "Nor do pray for do thou thou ever "Nor evgr pray for any any of them that of them that dies, nor dles, nor grave;for standat hls gravej at his 8tand for they they rejected relectedAllah Allahand andHis Hts gtate of Messanger,and perversereo and died dled In In aa state Me88enger, of perverse re. (9:84) belllon."(9:84) belllon." In the vorsâ&#x201A;Ź, Allah In the above aboveverse, Alfah the the Almighty Almightyhas has stated statod that that prayere to one should not offer one should not offer prayers to the the hypocrite hypocrlte and and the the unbelieverbecause unbeliever becauseof of their their disbelief disbeliefIn In Allah Aflahand and in in His His Proph4.One praybehind Proph~. One should shouldalso alsonot not pray behindthem themnor make nor make them as as the the Imams lmamsof them of Muslims Musllmsdue due to thoir disbelief to their dlsbeliefand and untrustworthiness and untnrstworthiness great animosity and also also due due to to the the great animosity yet another themand betweenthem andthe between the Muslims; Muslims;yet anotherreason reaEonis is that that peoplewho prayand they are not from from the are not the people they who pray and worshipAllah; worshipAllah; polytheismobliterate heresy and and polytheism heresy obliterateall all actions. ac{ions.May Allah May Allah guard from guard us us from such suchactions. Allah,the actions.Allah, the Almighty Almightysays saysin in the the contextof forbidding forbiddingMuslims Muslimsfrom context from eating eatingthe the offerings offeringsof of the unbelieversand the unbelievers and dead dead animals, animals, "Eat not (meats)on not of (meats) on whlch which Allah's Allah's name "Eat namehath hath not not pronounced:that been pronounced: been that would would be Impiety. But the lmplety. be But the evil evil ones ones ever ever inspire their frlends friends to contend contend with with inspiretheir you you lf If ye ye were were to obey obey them them ye ye would would Indeed Indeed be be P a g a n s .((6:121). "6 : 1 2 1 ) . Pagans." Allah, Allah, the the Almighty Almighty has has forbiddon forbidden the the Muslims Muslims from from eating eating dead dead animals animals and and the the animals animals sacrificed sacrificed by by the the unbelievers unbelievers because because the the sacrifices sacrifices given given by them them are are in in 26
the the name name of Allah Allah of dead deadanimals, animals,although althoughthe the category categoryof may will have have no no effeci effect mentioned;but but such mentioningwill maybe be mentioned; suchmentioning marred by belief belief in for ihat it is an reascn that invocationmaned for the the reascn an invocation until the polytheist polytheist polytheism; po$heism; so cannot be be accepted so it cannot accepteduntil repents the consumption consumption of permittedthe Allah has Allah.Allah has permitted ropentsto to Allah. people of the food the Book; Book; the people food offered by the offered by "The the Book Book is lawful lawful unto unto yot you "The food food of of the the People Peopleof the (5:5). yours is and lawful unto and yours is lawful unto them." them." (5:5). to a ItIt is the People Peopleof the the Book Book belong belonglo is lawful lawfulbecause becausethe heavenly the followers lollowers of Moses Moees heavenlyreligion religionand and claim claim to be be the and Allah has has this is is a false false claim. claim. Allah ahhoughthis and Jesus Jesus although abrogated religionand andannulled annulledit by by sending-Muhamsendirâ&#x201A;Ź{tluhamabrogatedtheir thoirreligion peoples. the peoples. mad (peacebe him)as as Messenger Messengerto all allthe mad(peace be upon uponhim) permittedus accept the the However, Allah haspermitted us to accept Horvever, Allahthe theAlmighty Almightyhas of the Book and to marry their women. food of the People food of the People the Book and many their women. certain The regard is due in this this regard due to csrtain The divine divine sanction sanction in considerations that the SCholars. Scholars. that have havebeen beenexplained explainedby by the considerations grantedwith But with regard regardto has not not been But such sanctionhas been granted such aa sanction polytheistswho idols, worship idots, the unbelieversand and the the polytheists who worship the unbelievers protectors people, othors and others dead people, Prophets, friends and protectors Prophets, friends and and dead professis not based any faith they is not based on on any because becausewhatever whateverfaith they profess profes.sionsof faith principle. In faith are total fact, all their professions are total principle. In fact, all their them by them falsehoods; falsehoods;therefore, therefore,the the animals animalsslaughtered slaughteredby permissible. rtot permissible. are is not are dead dead animals animals and ard eating eating of ol it is
phrasesused people at As regards regardsphrases at times times of anger anger As used by by people "May the you"; "May taka "May the the Jinn Jinn take tho Jinn Jinn strike such such as as "May strike you"; "Maythe phrasesof yorl"; and you" are theJinn withyou" arophrases you"; and"May Jinnfly fly away awaywith permissiblefor all other other for the likeall abusethat thatare arenot notpermissible the Muslims Muslimslike abuse phrases This is not etc. This is not connected connected phrases of of abuse abuse and and curse, curse, etc. 27
with po$heism. polytheism. However, However, if the p€rson person uttering uttering such such with words believes believes that the Jinns Jinns have have a s:way sway over the affairs affairs trror& of the people people without without the the permission permission of Allah Allah and and His His will' will, is tho Almighty he will be an unbeliever because Allah the Almighty the the Allah ho will be an unbelieverbecause is He it Supreme Possessor Possessor and and Disposer Disposer ol of everything; everything; He Supreme who bestows bestows good good or Gaus€s causes harm; harm; nothing nothing exists exists withoul without who His permission, permission, His His will will and and His His pre'destined pre-destined plan; plan; Allah Allah His people: the has ordered His Prophet convey people: to to convey His Prophet has ordered polfor ovor "Say: over any any good good or harm "say: 'I'l have myself haveno no power harmto myself except as as Allah Allah wllleth. wllleth. If lf I had knowledgeof the the had knowledge except no evif unseen, should have all good, good, and and no evil have multiplied multipliedall unsoen,I should should have touched me: am but warner, and have touched me: I am but a wamer, and a should glad bringer faith."' tidings to to those thce who who have have faith.'" bringer of of glad tidings (7:188). (7:188). Iflf the leader of all mankind mankindand and the the best them, our our the leader of all b€st of of them, good possess (peace Prophet be upon him) does does not not possess any Prophet(peace be upon him) any good willed by Allah, nor nor any harm for for himself himselfexcept exceptwhat what is is willed by Allah, any harm There are how how could could any any other other human human being being do do so? so? There are numerous verses in Holy Curan numerousverses in the the Holy Quran in in this this context. context.
As regards, consulting consultingthe the Soothsayers, Soothsayers,Magicians, As regards, Magicians, predictthe the tribewho whotry try to to predict Astrologers theirtribe otharsof of their Astrologersand and others is in them them is unknown, to believe act; to believein reprehensibleact; is aa reprehensible unknown,itit is of is form more reprehensible and objectionable and it is a form of it a objectionable and reprehensible and more (peacebe has blasphemy him)has Prophet(peace be upon uponhim) the Prophet becausethe blasphemybecause prayersof personwho said, "The prayers who consults Soothsayer consultsaa Soothsayer of aa person said,"The for forty forty days" days" about not be acceptedfor will not be accepted about anything, anything,will onthe th€ (narrated it is (nanatedin nanatedon Muslim);it is also alsonarrated in the theSahih Sahihof of Muslim); the authority that the ibn AI-Hakam Al-HakamAs-Salami As-Salamithat of Muawiyah Muawiyahibn authorityof
28 28
Prophet (p€ace (peace be be upon upon him) him) prohibited prohibited consultation consultation with with Prophet Soothsayers. lt It is narrated narrated - as transmitted transmitted by the compilcompilSoothsayers. ers of Al-Sunan AI-Sunan - that that the Prophel Prophet (peace (peace be upon upon him) him) ers what Soothsayer says said, who believes says "He in what a Soothsayer who believes said, becomes an unbeliever unbeliever in what what has has been been revealed revealed to becomes an Muhammad (peace be be uport upon him)." him)." There There are are several several Muhammad(peace Sayings the Prophet Prophet in this this context. context. Muslims Muslims therefore, therefore, Sayingsof the their guard guard against against Soothsayers, Soothsayers, Sorcerers Sorcerers should on their be on shouldbe and Witchdoctors who claim knowledge the unseen and the and of unseen knowledge who and Witchdoctors claim pretext on the pretext of medical treatment any deceive Muslims or medicaltreatment any deceiveMuslimsonthe people su~h people as other should beware beware ol of sueh excuse.Muslims Muslimsshould other excuse. forbidden the Prophet (peace be be upon upon Prophet(peace by the and cautioned cautionedby forbiddenand the claims claims of some some him). includedlhe is also also includec In this category,is this category, him).In people the unseen the name name of p€ople of of the unseen in the knowledgeof of knowledge medicine; they claim knowledge of the condition sick the condition of a sick of they knowledge claim medicine; a veil in case of in case person by smelling his tu!'ban or the veil the p€rson by smellinghis tuban or people only to to woman fact, such se€k only In fact, such people seek on. In and so so on. woman and peopleso the innocent innocentpeople so deceive mindsof the minds of the and confuse confusethe deceiveand person well-informed in well-informedin that him as as a person describe him that they they describe personmay may such a person medicine of illnesses; illnesses;such in treating treatingof and in medicineand perhapscure curethe the sick sick dispense whichmay mayperhaps medicinewhich somemedicine dispensesome the Allah but sidy'person p€rson;the isby theWill Willof of Allah - but the Sick'Person person; bythe thecure cureis is medicine.Itlt is that medicine. ol that believes wascured curedbecause becausoof he was thathe believesthat of the the by some possiblethat is caused causedby some of quite possible the illness illnessis quite that the person of that thatperson inthe employof Jinns whichare arein theemploy andevil evilspirits spiritswhich Jinnsand ard they they medicine,and knowledgeof of medicine, who the knowledge himselfthe whoclaims claimshimself which they are of tho uns€€n provide with knowledge of the unseen which they are providehim knowledge him wilh knowledge the percaive.On that knowledge the ol that On the the basis basis of able to perceive. able to please the to please the performscertain in order orderto worshipsin impostor certainworships impostorperforms from withdrawfrom thatthey they may maywithdraw so that Jinns the evil evil spirits spiritsso andthe Jinnsand
29 29
persons. the But leave thosick sickpersons. Butthey theyinvariably invariably leavebehind behindcertain certain harmfuleffects. harmful well about effects.This Thisisis something something wellknown knownaboutthe the Jinnsand and evil Jinns spirits and those who employ evil spirits and those who employthem. them. therefore, ItIt isis therefore, the the duty dutyof of the the Muslims Muslimsto to be be on on fleir t|leir guardagainst againstthe the above guard advise aboveand and they they should should adviseeach each otherto toabstain abstainfrom fromsuch other suchbeliefs practicesand beliefsand andpractices andto to rely rely and depend on Allahonly and depend on Allah onlyon onall allmatters. matters.However, However,itit is is not not "ruqya" (recitation objectionable (recitationof objectionable to to use use "ruqya" ol some some Divine Divine vgrsesas as aa treatment treatmentfor for aa disease) verses permissible disease)and and the the permissible medicinesand givenby andtreatment treatmenlgiven medicines doctors on the by doctorson the basis basisof ol physical examinationand physical examination and ascertainment ascertainmentof physical the physical ol the prophet(peace andmental mentalcauses causosof and of the the illness. illness.The The Prophet (peacebe be "Allah has upon him) him) has has said: upon said: "Allah has created createdno no disease diseasefor for whichthere there is is no no treatment; treatrnent;those which those who who have have studied it, studiedit, knowitit and andthose thosewho who have haveignored know it." He ignoreditit do do not not know it." know He "Every disease has also also said: has the said: ..Every diseasehas has a medicine medicineand and if the right medicine is chosen chosenfor for the right medicine is sick person person the disease, disease,the the sick "O Servants willbe cured,Allahwilling." will be cured, Allah willing. " and of Allah, Allah, take take and "0 Servantsof medicinesbut but do do not not take take medicines medicinesthat medicines forbidden." that are are forbidden." There are are many many such such sayings sayings of the There the Prophet Prophet on on this this prayto subject.We We pray to Allah, subject. AUah, the the Almighty Almighty to to reform reform all all of us us Muslims and to Muslims and to cure cure our our minds minds and and bodies bodies from from all all evils. evils. MayHe He guide May guide us us afl all to thâ&#x201A;Ź the right right path path and and protecl protect us us from from eviltemptations and from obedienco evil temptations and from obedience to the the Satan Satan and and its frionds has supreme supreme power power friends and and protectors. protectors. Verily, Verily, Atlah Allah has over over everything; everything; there there is no no power power nor nor any any strength strength except except with with Allah, Allah, the the All All Knowing; Knowing; and and peace peace and and blessings blessings be upon upon the the Prophet Prophet of Allah Allah and and his his family family members members and and Companions. Companions. 30
In ln the the Name Nameof Nlah, Most MostGracious, MostMerciful Merciful ol Allah, Gracious,Most THE THETHIRD THIRDESSAY ESSAY From |aiz bin From Abdul Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Abdullah bin bin Baz Baz to Mr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. granl good. Amen. May Amen. him success in everything May Allah Allah grant him su@essin everythinggood. May you. Blessingsof Allah be May Peace, Peace,Mercy Mercyand and Blessings of Allah be upon upon you.
yourletter II am worships at regardingcertain letterregarding certainworship of your in receipt receiptof amin practisedprivately privately by specified of the nighl practised by speciliedtimes times of the day day or or night yourcountry. prayersto which Muslims which Allah Allah country.These Theseare Muslimsof ol your are prayers prayera are powoq among granted any has are these prayers has not not granted any power, among these introducedas those those thosethat havebeen beenintroduced innovationsand and thoso that have as innovations prayors to the polytheistac;they that the that are they attribute attdbule such are polytheistic; suci prayers ibn Abi commander Talib and commanderof Faithful,Ali Ali ibn AbiTalib and to others. others. of the the Faithful, 'Akr' prayers in They in congregations They recite congregations of ol 'Zikr' recite these these prayers (remembrance (remembrance ofAllah) in the or in theMosques Mosquesafterthe'Magrib' altertha'Magdb' ofAllah)or prayerswill (sunset)prayers prayersin (sunset) will take take in the the belief beliefthat that such sucfi prayers prayers,they them nearer nearer to to Allah. Allah. During they utter utter them During these theso prayers, 'O men phrasessuch menof Allah,Help Helpus withthe the Help Helpof phrases suchas, as, '0 of Allah, us with "O you Allah and to us.' us.' They They also also say, Allah you and be be of of succour succourto say, "0 you masters. pleaserespond respondto our leadersof maslers,please leaders our of authority, authority,0O you pleaseintercede prayers,0O you youwho possessall who possess help;please intercedewith prayers, with all help; pleadingto you at your Allahon thisslave whois is pleading to you Allah your on behalf behalfof of this slavewho Prophet of fear his failings; help us door,seized by the of O door, by the fear of his failings; help us 0 Prophet seized plead; Allah;Ildo haveanyone whomI can can plead; it is not have anyoneelse elsâ&#x201A;Źto whom Allah; do not you are youthrough whomour fullilled;you are the throughwhom our wishes wishescan can be be fulfilled; you the leaderof all all Peopleof like Hamza, Hamza,the the leader the People of Allah Allah like best best of of the you can Prophetof thanyou helpus; us;O martyrs;no no one one other otherthan can help martyrs; 0 Prophet 31
Allah, Allah,come cometotoour ourhelp. help.They Theyalso alsosay, say,0OAllah, Allah,bless the blessthe youhave one your oneyou havemade madeas asaameans meansfor forrevealing revealing yourmighty mighty yourdivine socrotsand secrets andyour divinelight; light;he hebecame becameaatrue truevicegerent vicegerent andinheritor inheritorof and of all all Your YourTruth. Truth.
Youhad You hadalso alsodesired desiredto yourletter to know knowinin your letterregarding regarding 'Bid'ah' (lnnovation)and polytheism. you polytheism. 'Bid'ah' (Innovation) You had and hadwanted wantedto to knowwhether whetheritit will will be know praybehind be correct oorreclto to pray behindthe the Imam lmam who makes makessuch such invocations. who invocations. In this this connection, connection, In II would wouldlike like to to state statethe the following:following:Praisebe toAllah peaceand Praise beto AllahAlone Aloneand andpeace andblessings blessingson on the the Prophet thâ&#x201A;Źlast lastof of all Prophet - the all Prophets Prophets- and andon on the theMembers Membersof of hisFamily, Family,his his Companions Companions his and and all thosewho all those who shall shalluntil until theDay Dayof proceedon of Judgement, Judgement,proceed the pathshown on the the right rightpath shownby by him. him. Verily,Allah, Allah,the Verily, the mankind mankind and and sent sent the Almighty Almightycreated createdthe the Messengers Messengers(peace (peacebe the them) in in order order that that He He be upon uponthem) Alone be worshipped. Alone be worshipped. Allah Allah states states in in the the Holy Holy euran: Quran: "l have haveonfy "I only created created Jinns Jinns and and men, men, that that they they may may serve serve (51:56) Me." Me." (51 :56) To To worship worship means means to obey obey the the Almighty Almighty and and the the prophet Prophet (p6ace carryingout (peace be upon upon him) him) by carrying out what what Allah Allah and and His His Prophet have Prophet have ordered ordered us to to do do and and by by abstaining abstaining from from what what they they have have forbidden forbidden us to to do. do. We We carry carry out out these these aqtions actions with with faith, faith, humility humility and and sincere sincere devotion devotion to to Allah Allah and and His His Prophei Prophet (peace (peace be be upon upon him). him). The The Holy Holy euran Quran states: states: 32 32
"Thy Lord lord hath hath decreed decreed that that ye worship worship none none but but Him." Him." "Thy (17:23) (17:23) In words, He has He has In other other words, worshipped. Allah says in worshipped.Allah says in
ordained that that He He alone alone be be ordained the Holy Ouran: the Holy Quran:
"Praise Allah, the the Gherlsher Cherlsher and and Sustalner Sustalner of "Pralssbe bs to Allah, the Gracious, Most Most Merclful; Merciful; Master Master Most Graclous, Worlds;Most the Worlds; of the Thee do we we worshlp worship Day of the the Day tho Judgement. Judgemont.Thes and :2-5). (1:2-5). Thlneaid aldwe we seek." seek."(1 andThine These that Allah Allah Alone Alone is lo to be be amplyclear clearthat Theseverses versesmake makeit amply worshipped and to b€ be sought. sought. Allah Allah also also is to Hishelp helpalone aloneis and His worshipped says: says: "So "So serve servsAllah, Allah,offering offerlngHim slnceredevotion. lt Hlmsincere devotlon.Is ls It (39:2-3) not not to Allahthat devotlonIs ls due?" to Allah thatsincere slnceredevotion due?" (39:2-3) and and "Call ye, then, devotion to "Callye, then,upon uponAllah Allahwith devotlon to Him, wlthsincere slncere Hlm, (40:14). even may theUnbelievers lt." (40:14). eventhough thoughthe Unbellevers maydetest detestIt." and and
placesof of worship worshlpare arafor lor Allah Allah(Alone): (Alone):so "And theplaces so "Andthe Allah;" (72:18). (72:18). withAllah;" invoke not anyone anyonealong alongwith invokenot this in this verses in in the Holy Ouran There There are the Holy Quran in are several severalverses pointing worship to the the duty and the duty to worship context pointing out the necessity out necessity and cont€xt youall is, in in all all its itsforms, forms, know,is, Allah as lnvocation, allknow, alone.Invocation, as you Allahalone. permissible for not permissible for is therefore thereforenot aa manner of worship; worship;itit is mannerof anyone helpof of anyone to seek the help andto seekthe anybody invokeanyone anyoneand to invoke anybodyto as exept Allah, Allah, as pleadfor from anyone anyon€except nor for assistance assistancefrom nor plead 33 33
stated portaining in the the above versos.However, statedin aboveverses. However,in in matters matterspertaining to the daily routine of life and in connection with to the daily routineof life and in connectionwith material material things ponion whichevery thingson humanbeing on which everyhuman beinghas has control, control,a person person;this may worship; a the help is not mayseek seekthe helpof anotherperson; thisis notworship; of another personmay person order mayfor for example, example,seek the help in order seekthe helpof anotherin of another to servant wardoff to ward off some that may mayoccur someevil evil that o@urto to his his son son or sorvant or for help from to his his dog dog etc.; may for for example helpfrom or to etc.;one one may exampleask ask for his his colleague colleagueeither either directly directly or or by corresponden@to by correspondence attend to the the building buildingof of his his house houseor repairingof his motor attendto or repairing of his motor nanating car. while narrating sayswhile Allafr,the Almightysays ln this ths Almighty car.In thiscontext, context,Allah, (peacebe the him), Moses(peace be upon uponhim), of the ProphetMoses the story storyof the Prophet
peopleappealed "Now to hIm "Now the man of hlm the man of his hls own own people appealedto (28:15). against againsthis his foe." foe." (28:15).
The fellow The help help and and aid whicha man man seeks from his his fellow aid which seeksfrom (fighting human beings at times of Jihad (fighting the non-believers) humanbeingsat timesof Jihad the non-believers) and help conflictis is like likethe help.But But seeking and conflict the above abovesaid said help. seekinghelp and the trees trees and and aid from fromthe Jinns,the the Angels, Angelg the andaid the dead, theJinns, dead,the polytheism;it is the the the stones stonesis is an an act of major majorpolytheism; is similar act of similarto the practicesof polytheistsof of the the polytheists of the the early practices with their their early ages ages with gods such Al-Uzzaand Al-Laat,etc. gods an suchas as AI-Uzza and AI-Last, etc.Similarly, Similarly,itit is is an polytheismto acl of of polytheism to believe believothat that certain human beings act câ&#x201A;Źrtain human beings possess certain powers which enjoy or certain super enjoy which or possess super natural natural powers Allah the Almighty. to Allah the Almighty. Itlt is is believed belong that such such belongonly onlyto bâ&#x201A;Źlievedthat peoplecan in curing pathof right helpin thesick, canhelp curingthe sick,showing showingthe the path right people go astray. guidanceto paradise who go to those those who astray,attaining attainingthe guidance the paradise quotedabove fromthe the Hell. Hell.The The verses versesquoted andsalvation salvationfrom and and aboveand the Prophet Prophelreferred refarredto, thesayings sayingsof of the to, emphasize emphasizathe need the the need pathof guideall peopleto thepath to the in all to guide allpeople of Allah Allahin mattersand to and to to all matters worshipping Allah be in and Allah sincerein worshipping Allah and Allah Only be sincere all Onlybecause becauseall
human purpose and human beings beings have have been been created created for for that that purpose and have have been thus ordained been thus ordainedas as mentioned mentionedin vemos in the the verses quotedabove. quoted above. Allah Allah the the Almighty Almighg also also says: says:
joinnot partnerswith "Serve any partners with Him;" (4:36). Him;"(4:36). Allah,and notany andjoin "ServeAllah, "Andthey and: this: and:"And theyhave havebeen beencommanded commandedno no more morethan thanthis: to offering Him true Allah,offering to worship worshipAllah, Him sincere devotion,being sinceredevotion, beingtrue (in faith)" (peacebe (in faith)" and Prophet(peace and the the Prophet be upon him) has has said uponhim) said "lt is as the nenated by as narrated Muaadh: "It is Allah's by Muaadh: Allah's right right over over the worshippers worshippersthat that they they worship Him and worship only not only Him and do do not (peace be associate associateanyone with Him." anyonewith Him." and and the the Prophet Prophet(peace be upon uponhim) him)has hassaid in another saidin anothertradition nanatedby Masud: traditionnarrated by Masud: "Wh@verdies "Whoever Allah while invoking invokingsomeone rival to dies while someoneas as rival to Allah willbe will to Hell;" this tradition has been narrated bodoomed Hell;" doomedto thistraditionhasbeennanatedby by (poacobe lmamAI-Bukhari. Imam Al-Bukhari.When Whenthe the Prophet Prophet(peace be upon him) uponhim) tho Companion sent sont the CompanionMuaadh Muaadhto to Varnen, Yamen,he he said him, said to him, "you shall peoplewho proless faith "you shall be be meeting meetingaa people who profess in a faith in yourplea pleato Revealed to RevealedBook; Book;therefore, therefore,your to them themshould shouldbe be to "There is professthe god except Faith:"There the Statement Statementof is no profess of Faith: no god except (Muhammadam Allahand thatI (Muhammad) andthat amthe theMessenger Messenger Allah of Allah;" of Allah;" "plead in the narrationof lmamBukhari in the narration of Imam Bukhariitit is is mentioned mentionedas as "plead them until Allah." Itlt is to them until they they accept is to accoptthe the Oneness Onenessof of Allah." nanatedin in the the collection collec'tion of Traditions Traditionscompiled narrated of compiledby by Imam lmam Muslimthat that according accordingto to aa saying narratedby ibn Muslim sayingnarrated by Tariq Tariq ibn (peacebe AshyamAI-Ashjayi Al-Ashjayithat Prophet(peace that the the Prophet be upon him) Ashyam upon him) "Whoeveraccepts said "Whoever Allah and acceptsthe the Oneness Onenessof of Allah and disbedisbesaid lieveswhatever whateveris worshippedother than Allah Allahenjoys is worshipped otherthan lieves the enirys the protectionof his wealth, his reward is Allah in in his wealth,blood and his rewardis protection of Allah bloodand traditionson thissubject. numerous on this subject. Thereare arenumerous with traditions Atlahi'There withAllah." The faith faith in in the the Oneness is the and Onenessof of Allah Allah is the sum sum and The 35 35
substance principle is the basicprinciple of the the religion religionof of Islam; lslam;it is the basic substanceof and the most important of all the duties. And it is for this this And for the most important of all the duties. and purposo that purpose were that the the human human beings and the the Jinns beings and Jinns were created. lor the thatthe Messengersof wasfor the same objectthat the Messengers created.Itlt was sameobject earlier Allah (peacebe were sent. We had Allah(peace be upon uponthem themall) all) were sent.We had earlier quotedseveral quoted this versosfrom from the the Holy Holy Ouran severalverses Quranaffirming affirmingthis fact. Among such verses are: verses are: fact. Among such
mays€rve "I serve thatthey they may menthat "l have andmen createdJinns Jinnsand haveonly onlycreated (51:56) Me." (51 :56) Me." and and
peoplea mes"We amongstevery every people mes"We assuredly assuredlysent sent amongst senger, 'Serve Allah eschew (withthe command),'Serve Allahand andeschew senger,(with thecommand), (16:36) evil." evll."(16:36) and and "Not did wIthout messenger "Not aa messenger dld We Wesend sendbefore beforethee theewlthout there Is no the sent the InspIration Insplratlon sentby by Us to him: hlm: that that there ls no Us to god but (21:25) but I;l; therefore thereforeworshIp worshlpand god andserve serveMe." Me."(21:25)
ProphetsNoah, Noah,Hud, Hud,Saleh Referring Shoaib to the the Prophets Salehand and Shoaib Referringto Almightysays Allah, the the Almighty (peacebe (peace says that: that: all) Allah, be upon upon them them all) peoples: their peoples: these Prophetsadvised advisedtheir these Prophets peopleworship "O my my people worshipAllah, ye have Allah,ye haveno no other "0 god othergod (7:59) butHim." Hlm."(7:59) but Prophets. Allthose of all allthe messageof the Prophets. All those who who This themessage wasthe Thiswas th€ Prophets Prophetshave have themselves themselvesconfessed confessedthat oppose that the the oppos€the worship Prophetshad hadcommanded commandedthem themto to worshi p Allah Allah only only and and Prophets give up gods.The worshipof to give up the the worship of all all other other gods. FfolyQuran The Holy Ouran to 36 36
says in in this this context, context, refening referring to to the the story story of of Aad Aad that that they they says be upon upon him). him). They They said: said: told the the Prophet Prophet Hud Hud (peae (peace be told •'Comest thou thou to to us, us, thatwe that we maY may worshipAltahalone, worship Allah alone, "Comest and give give up up that that which which our our fathers fathers used used to to worship?" worship?" and ((7: 7 : 70) 701 tribe people of the And Allah, the Almighty says about the people of the tribe the And Allah,the Almightysaysabout Prophet by our of Quraish Ouraish when when they they were were call€d called upon upon by our Prophet of Muhammad (peace (peace be upon upon him), him), to to worship worship Allah Allah only only Muhammad and the friends and give worshipping Angels, friends and Angels, the give worshipping up to and guides, idols and trees, etc.; tre€s, etc.; guides, idols and "Has he he made gods (All) (All) into into one one God? God? Truly Truly this this is "Has made gods a thing!" (38:5) (38:5) a strange strangethlngl" As-Saaffaat, Allah Allah says' says, And (Chapter)A.s-Saaffaat, Surah (Chapter) the Surah in the And in "For that there there is is no no god god told that were told "For they, they were when they they, when pride, up with except with pride, and and puffthemselves themsalvesup wouldpuff Allah,would exceptAllah, 'Whatshallwe thesak€ godsforthe giveup say, sake of of a our godsfor up our we give say,'What shall (37:35-36) Poet "" (37:35-36) possessed?' Poetpossessed?'
and Holy Ouran Quranand the Holy There in the versesin moreverses manymore are many Thereare which him) upon (peace be sayings of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) which Prophet Sayingsof the Holy in all in to us us all grantsuccess succossto expound Allahgrant MayAllah concept.May thisconcept. eaornO this ourselves in educating educatingourselves and in understanding Religionand our Religion understandingour regarding of Allah. Allah. the true true path regardingthe Pathof seeking expressions All and seeking and different ditferentexpressions invocations the invocations All the polytheism because ofpolytheism because formsof help variousforms arevarious su@ourare helpand andsuccour Allah;and and thanAllah; otherthan to other they as worshipto as worship areaddressed addressed theyare the dead and the through things they seek to achieve things through the dead and the to achieve they seek things' those achieve can departed whereas Allah alone can achieve those things. departedwhereasAllahalone
invocationsare Such Snci invocations are more more worse worse forms polytheism forms of of polytheism when compared polytheismof when comparedto to the the polytheism of the the early early ages ages peopleof because becausethe thepeople of the theearly earlyages indulgedin polytheagesindulged in polytheismonly ism onlywhen whenthey theyenjoyed enjoyedmaterial materialcomfort, peaceand comfort,peace and luxury.But Butat timesof lUxury. crisis and hardships they at times of crisis and hardshipstheyworshipworshippedAllah Allahalone ped alonebecause becausethey theyknew knewthat thatAllah Allahalone alonecan can bring bringsalvation salvationto to them them from from their their hardships. hardships.The Holy The Holy polytheistsand refersto Quranrefers to those auran those polytheists and says, says, "Now,ififthey theyembark "Now, on ernbark onaa boat boatthey theycall callonAllah,making onAllah,making theirdevotion (andexclusively) their to devotionsincerely sincerely(and exclusively) to Him; Him;but but when He He has has delivered when deliveredthem them safely (dry) land, safely to to (dry) land, giveaa share behold,they (oftheir theygive behold, share(of theirworship worshipto to others)I" others)1" (29:65) (29:65) Allah says and Allah says in in another and anotherverse, verse, "Whendistress youat distressseizes ye call "When seizesyou at sea thosâ&#x201A;Źthat soathose thatye callupon upon you in besidesHimself Himself-- leave -- besides when leaveyou in the the lurchl lurchlBut But when you back He brings bringsyou ye tum back safe He tum away away (from (from safe to to land, land, ye Him).Most Most ungrateful ungratefulis (17:62) is man!" man!" (17:67) Him). polytheistswere lf the the later laterday daypolytheists were to say, say, "We do not not mean mean If thatthose thosewhose whosehelp helpwe that we seek seek can can by by themselves themselves benefit benefit usand andcure curethe us the sick sick among among us us or be be of use use to us us or hurt hurt us; us; we only only mean meanto we to seek seek their their intercedence intercedence with with Allah Allah for for us, us, the the answer answer to such such an an observation observation should should be as follows: follows: Verily, Verily, the the unbelievers unbelievers of the the early early period period also also had had the same same purpose purpose and and desire; desire; they they too did did not not believe believe that that their their gods gods creatâ&#x201A;Ź create or give give livelihood livelihood or do good good or or harm. harm. Such Such a statement statement will will negate negate whal what Allah Allah has has mentionod mentioned 38 38
about them them in in the the Holy Holy Quran. Ouran. Thce Those unbelievers unbelievers also also about claimed that that they they only only sought, sought. through through such such worship, worship, the the claimed intercession and and good good offtces offices of thoso those whom whom they they worship worshipintercession ped so so that that they they may may take take them them nearer nearer to Allah. Allah. Allah Allah says says ped in the Holy Ouran: in the context the story the Prophet the Prophet the story of of tho in conteril Holy Quran: inthe be uPon upon him): him): Yunus (peace (peace be Yunus "They serye, serve, besldes besides Allah, Allah, thlngs things that that hurt hurt them them "They not nor protlt profit them, them, and and they they say: say: 'these 'these are are our Ininnot nor 'Do ye tercessors with Allah.' Say: 'Do ye Indeed Inform lnform Indeed tercessorswlth Allah.'Say: Allah He knows knows not, not, In In the the Heavens Heavens somethlngHe Allahof of something or Hlml and and far far ls Is He He above above the the or on on earth? earth?- Glory Gloryto Hlml partners they ascrlbe ascribe (to (to Hlm)1" Hlm)I" (10:18) (10:18) partnersthey Thus words that that He He has has no no words unmistakable in unmistakable Atlahstates statesin ThusAllah Heavensor from knowledge from the the Heavens from intercossorfrom any intercessor of any knowledgeof existence the existence the So, So,the by the the unbelievers. unbelievers. claimedby Earthas as claimed the Earth fact in exist not of anything not known to Allah does not in fact exist Allah does of anything not known to Allah says because HisKnowledge. Knowledge.Allah says fromHis is hidden hiddenfrom nothingis becausenothing in Holy Ouran: Quran: in the the Holy
Exls from Allah,The The Ex"The of BookIs from Allah, thls Book revelatlon of this "Therevelation ls We We Wlsdom.Verily, Verlly,Itlt Is alted Power,Full Full of of Wisdom. altedIn In Power, so In Truth; Truth;so Bookto theeIn Who the to thee Who have have revealed revealed the Book not devotlon. ls Itlt not serve Is slnceredevotion. Hlmsincere Allahoffering offerlngHim serveAllah (39:1'3). ls due?" due?"(39:1-3). to devotlonIs slnceredevotion Allahthat thatsincere to Allah Allahalone is to to be be aloneis that Allah versâ&#x201A;Źsthat ItIt is fromthese theseverses is evident evidentfrom in all sincerity be wcrship should worshipped and such worship should be in all sincerity and such worshipped (peacebe be Prophet(peace the Prophet because commandedthe has commanded Allah has becauseAllah applies commandapplies Thiscommand inworship. worship'This upon besincere sincerein him)to to be uponhim) quotedverse, word versâ&#x201A;Ź,the the word to the above abovequoted the believers. believers.InIn the to all allthe 39 39
"Ad-Deen"meaning meaningreligion religioninin Arabic "Ad-Deen" Arabichas hasbeen beeninterinterpreted asworship; worship;worship preted as worship means to meansobedience obedience toAllah Allahand and His Prophet (peacebe Prophet(peace His be upon uponhim) him)as as stated statedearlier; earlier;itit includesinvocation, inv@ation,seeking includes seekinghelp, help,fear, fear,hope, hope,vows vowsand and sacrifices prayersand besidesprayers sacrifices besides other andfasting fastingand and otherduties dutiesas as prophet(peace ordainedby byAllah Allahand andHis ordained HisProphet (peacebe beupon uponhim). him). Latoron, on, Allah Allahsays saysinin the Later the Holy HolyOuran: euran: "Butthose thosewho whotake protectorsother takefor "But for protectors otherthan thanAllah Allah 'We only (say): servethem (say): 'We only serve themIn In order orderthat thatthey theymay may brlngus usnearer nearerto bring toAllah." Allah."(39:3) (39:3) ln other otherwords, words,they theysought In soughtto to say saythat thattheir purpose theironly onlypurpose wasto to achieve achievenearness neamessto was to Allah. Allah.In ln answer answerto to this, this,Allah Allah says: says: "TrulyAllah Allahwill willjudge "Truly jUdge between them between themIn ln that thatwherein whereln they differ. dtffer.But But Allah Allahguides guidesnot they are not such suchas as are false false andungratefuL" ungrateful.,, (39:3). and (39:3). Thus the the falsehood falsehoodof Thus gods take of their their claim ctaimthat thattheir their gods take them them nearer nearer to Allah Allah has has been been exposed exposed and and the the worship worship they they perform perform has has been been described described as as blasphemy. blasphemy. lt It should should therefore therefore be be clear clear to any any pâ&#x201A;Źrc;on person who who has has even even a a minimum minimum of intelligence intelligence that that the the source source of blasphemy blasphemy and and polythepolytheism ism in the earlier earlier ages ages was was because because prophets, Prophets, friends friends and and advisors advisors besides besides trees trees and and stones stones and and other other creations creations wsre were considered considered intercessors intercessors between between the the worshippers worshippers and and Allah Allah and and they they believed believed that that such such intercessors intercessors achieve achieve for them their hopâ&#x201A;Źs for them their hopes and and aspirations, aspirations, needs needs and and ambitions ambitions without without the the permission permission nor nor the the con6ent consent of of Allah Allah the the Almighty. Almighty. ltIt was was considered considered to to be be like like the the recommendation recommendation 40
of they (such (such worshippers) worshippers) the ministers ministersto to the the kings kingsand and they of the presumed to be equal to to kings kings and and presumedAllah, Allah, the the Almighty Almightyto be equal leaders words which which one one may may leadersand therefore,they utteredwords they uttered and therefore, leader. This This is utter pâ&#x201A;Źtitionto a king makinga petition king or a leader. utterwhen whenmaking the worst form of falsehood because Allah, the Almighty form falsehood Allah, Almighty worst of because the the has cannot be be compared compared with with hasnone to Him Him and He cannot nonesimilar and He similarto His no one with Him Him without without His His intercedeswith HisOwn one intercedes Orn creations; creations;no permission;intercession grantedonly permission; is the believers believers in in intercession is granted onlyto the the Oneness of Allah; Allah Is Omnipotent and Omniscient and ls Omnlpotent Omnlsclent Allah; Allah of theOneness and and fear anyone Most Merciful; Merciful;He He does does not not fear anyoneand and He He is is Most power neither over has power over neithercan frightenHim Himsince He has anyonefrighten sinceHe can anyone all as He theiraffairs He He Alone Alonedisposes disposestheir affairsas all His Hisservants and He servantsand wills. cannot have have wills. On contrary,kings kings and and leaders leaders cannot On the thâ&#x201A;Ź contrary, power over have knowledge power they do not have knowledge anythingand and they do not over anything peopleto assist assist about need to have people So they they need to have abouteverything. evefihing. So to achieve or them which they they are achieve or them in in matters matters which are unable unable to implement. an Hence, they are always by an implement.Hence, they are always surrounded sunoundedby entourage etc. ministers,advisers advisers and and bodyguards, bo<lyguards,etc. entourageof of ministers, in They those who who are They also need to to be informedabout about those are in also need be informed yet another for their beingsurrounded surrounded want; this is want;this is yet anothsrreason reasonfor theirbeing is above Almlghtyis above ButAllah, Allah,the theAlmighty by andadvisers. advisers.But byministers ministersand is assistance. Heis more moremerciful merciful all such needs such assistance. He allsuch needsand andall allsuch Rulerwho as mothers;and Heis is the JustRuler whoas to tothem themthan thantheir theirmothers; andHe theJust per His Wisdomand Abilityassigns per HisSupreme Knowledge,Wisdom assigns SupremeKnowledge, and Ability properplace; permissible place;itit is notpermissible itsproper is therefore everythingto to its thereforenot everything is for for this reason Himwith withHis Hisown thisreason to tocompare compareHim ownCreations. Creations.Itlt is that HolyQuran in the the Holy Quranthat statedin that Almightyhas hasstated the Almighty Allah,the thatAllah, Hewho whoresponds responds andthe Sustainer;it is He He it is Heis is the theCreator the Sustainer; Creatorand in distress exposesthe the evil, to the of one one who who is is in distressand and exposes evil, to the call callof gives life many other and does so many other life and takes itit away; away; and does so gives and takes
41 41
actions.The actions. The dispute disputebetween polytheistsand betweenthe the polytheists and the the Messengersof Messengers of Allah Allah isis inin fact fact about about the the sincerity sincerityinin worshipping worshipping Allah Ouran says: AllahAlone. Alone.The The Holy Holy euran says: "lf thou thouask "If askthem, them,who whocreated createdthem, them,they theywill willcertainly certainly say,Allah." Allah." (a3:87), say, (43:87). "Whoisis itit that Say: "Who Say: you(in thatsustains (inlife) sustainsyou life)from fromthe the sky sky andfrom fromthe and who is it that has thoearth? earth?Or who Or power is it that haspower overhearing over hearingand andsight? Andwho sight?And whois is itit that thatbrings brings outthe theliving out livingfrom fromthe thedead deadand andthe thedead deadfrom fromthe the living?And living? Andwho whois is itit that thatrules rulesand and regulates regulatesall all ,Allah'. ,wfllyou attalrs? affairs? They Say, Theywill willsoon soonsay, say,'Allah'. you Say,'will notthen pity(to thenshow (toHim)'?" not (10:31). showpity Hlm),?" (10:31). Thereare are several severalverses versâ&#x201A;Źsin There in this this context contextin in the the Holy Holy Quran. We had Ouran. We had earlier earlierreferred referredto to the pointout theverses vorsesthat thatpoint out thatthe the dispute disputebetween betweenthe the Messengers that Allah and and the the Messengersof ol Allah natonswas was regarding regardingsincerity nations alone, We sincerityin in worshipping worshipping alone,We quote another may quote anotherverse: verse: may "Forwe we assuredly assuredly sent sent amongst amongst overy every people people a mes. mes"For ,Servo $ongsr (with senger (with the the Command;, Command), 'Serve Allah Allah and and eschew eschew e v l l . ((16:36) "1 6 : 3 6 ) evil." fiegardingintercession, Regarding intercession, Allah Allah the the Almighty Almighty has has menmentioned tioned in in several several places places in in the the Holy Holy Quran Ouran the the real real meaning meaning of of lntorcession. intercession. We We may may for for example example quote: quote: "Who "Who is is there there who who can can intercsda intercede in His His Pressnce Presence gxceot except as as He He permitteth." permitteth." (2:255). (2:255).
Allah Allah wiil will not not accafrt accept frorn from His His wr:rshippers worshippers hrlasphemy blasphemy 42 42
heathenism; He He will will accâ&#x201A;Źpt accept only only gratitude gratitude expressed expressed by by the the heathenism; is belief in the Oneness of Allah and obedience to Him. It Him. lt beliefin the Oneness Allahand obedienceto stated in in the the Holy Holy Quran: Ouran: stated "lf ye ye relect reject (Allah), (Allah), truly truly Allah Allah hath hath no no need need ol of you; you; but but "ll ye He not Ingratltude ingratitude from from Hls His servants: servants: lf If ye are are llkethnot He IIketh grateful, He He is is pleased pleased with with you," you." (39:7) (39:7) grateful, It is narrated narrated in in the the Collections Collections of Traditions Traditions (Hadith) (Hadith) It is compiled that Abu Abu Hurayra Hurayra said said that that Bukharithat lmam Bukhari by Imam compiledby the Prophet (peace be be upon upon him), him), "Who "Who when Prophet(peace he asked when he askedthe shall people with with your your intercession, intercession, O 0 happypeople most happy be the the most shall be "He that who says Prophet of Allah?" The Prophet said, who says that Prophetof Allah?" The Prophetsaid, there Allah, and and says says so so with with all all the the god except no god exceptAllah, there is is no sincerity self)." (or of his self)." of his his heart heart (or of his sincerityof
(May Allah Anas (May ItIt is Allah be be of Anas the authority authorityof on the narratedon is narrated (pâ&#x201A;Źacabe upon him) pleased be upon him) Prophet(peace pleasedwith the Prophet him) that that the with him) "EveryProphet plearesponded to;and said, to; and every every has a plea responded Prophethas said,"Every mine, pleawhile withheldmine, whileI withheld Prophet makehis hisplea Prophethastened hastenedto to make (nation) the Day on so that I may intercede for my Ummah (nation) on the Day for my Ummah so that I may intercede intercession my intercession of and Allahmy by the theWill Willof of Allah theJudgement; Judgement; andby ol the fromthis this will havedeparted departedfrom Ummahwho whohave willinclude allof myUmmah includeall of my partnersto worship"' in worship." to Allah Allah in world up partners worldwithout withoutsetting settingup several andseveral in the the Holy HolyOuran Quranand There versesin Thereare areseveral severalverses fact that that the fact Traditions whichemphasize emphasizethe Prophetwhich Traditionsof of the the Prophet is not not and itit is preservedfor Aloneand AllahAlone worship for Allah is aa right rightpreserved worshipis than other permissible perform to anyone permissible to perform any worship to anyone other than worship any to person. otherperson. Prophetsor or any anyother the Prophets Allah, Allah,whether whetherthey theybe be the with is with intercessionis that intercession tact that the fact They also emphasize emphasizethe They also HolyQuran: Quran: in the the Holy as said saidin Allah, Aloneas AlmightyAlone the Almighty Allah,the 43
"Say:'To Allah Allahbelongs belongsexclusively "Say: (the (theright exclusively grant) rightto to grant) Intercession." (39:rl4). Intercession." (39:44). No one one shall shalldeserve No except deservethe the intercession intercession exceptby by His His permission. permission. And will permit for AndHe, He,the theAlmighty, Almighty, willpermit forintercesintercespersons sionto topersons whoonly of as sion who onlybelieve believeininthe theOneness Oneness ofAllah Allahas statedearlier. earlier.Therefore, polytheists Therefore, be granted stated the will not thepolytheists granted willnotbe intercession. The Holy intercession. The HolyOuran Quransays: says: "Then will will no (any)intercessors no intercession intercessionof "Then profit of (any) intercessorsprofit (74:81 them."(74:48) them." "No intimate intimatefriend friendnor norintercessor "No will the wrong-doers intercessor willthe wrong-doers have,who who could couldbe have, (40:18) be listened listenedto." (40:1g) to." "wrong-doers"in The expression expression"wrong-doers" The in this verse is this verse is interinterpretedas polytheists; the polytheists; as the preted this this is is stated statedin in another verse: anotherverse: "Thosewho who reject rejectFaith "Those Faith-- they they are are the the wrong-doers." wrong-doâ&#x201A;Źrs." (2:254) (2:254) "For false falseworship worshipis is indeed indeedthe "For the highest highestwrong-doing." wrong-doing." ( 3 1:13) :13) (31 With regardto With regard to your your question question concerning concerning some some of of the the Sufis(mystics) Sufis (mystics) who who utter utter in the mosques mosques and and in in some some other other inthe placas as "O "0 Lord, Lord, grant grant peace peace and and places phrases phrases such such as blessings blessings on on the the one one whom whom you you have have ordained ordained to to be be instrumental instrumental in in the the unfolding unfolding of your your mighty mighty secrets secrets and and in in opening opening the the doors doors to to the the sublime sublime lights lights of your Your Mercy Mercy and and who who has has thus thus beo:me be<):'Jme Your Your vicegerent vicegerent and and who who has has inherited inherited Your Your Hidden Hidden Secrets Secrets ... ... etc." etc." The The answer answer to this this would would be be as follows: follows:
44 44
All such such utterances utterances are are nothing nothing but but pedantry pedantry and and empty empty All talk against against which which our our Prophet Prophet Muhammad Muhammad (peace (peace be talk upon him) has warned us. It is narrated Collection of of in the Collection uponhim)haswamedus. lt nanated Traditions (Hadith) (Hadith) by lmam Imam Muslim Muslim on the authority authority of of Traditions Abdulla ibn ibn Masud Masud that that the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be upon upon him) him) AMulla said: "The "The Pedants Pedants shall shall be be doomed doomed to destruction." destruction." (The (The said: Prophet repeated this this mark mark three three times). times). lmam Imam Al-Khattabi AI-Khattabi Prophetrepeated (May soul) has has defined defined a pedant pedant as one one (May Allah his soul) Allah bless bless his who and issues issues which which are are beyond beyond his his problemsand intoproblems whodelves delvesinto intellectual as was was indulged indulged by by the the scholastic scholastic abilities,as intelleclualabilities, theologians. theologians. Abus-Sadaat Athir has said that that the the pedants pedants are are has said lbnul Athir Abus-SadaatIbnul those their speech speech and and try try to in their extravagancoin those who who show show extravagance speak expression for this this expression word for The Arabic Arabic word loudly. The too loudly. speak too "Mutanafti"'is "Mutanatti'" forepart of the the meaningforepart Nat"' meaning fromNat''' is derived derivedfrom for every extravagant palate. the word was used for every extravagant was used palate.Later, Later, the word either or action. aclion. in speech either in speechor
will person,even Any will intelligence, with aa minimum minimumof of intelligence, Any person, evenwith refened understand that such utterancosreferred such utterances from the the above abovethat understandfrom form him)is is a form (peacebe uponhim) praisâ&#x201A;Źof to, be upon Prophet(peace in praise of our our Prophet to, in The pedantryforbidden in our our religion. religion.The forbiddenin of and pedantry of affectation atfeclationand lo be to shouldbe Muslimin in this this context contoxtshould correct for aa Muslim approachfor conectapproach praying Prophet the on method of learn the Traditional method of praying on the Prophet leam the Traditional Muslim lmam Muslim and Imam (peacebe lmam Bukhari Bukhariand (peace him).Imam uponhim). be upon Kaab of Kaab the authority authorityof on the have in their theirCollections Collectionson nanatedin havenarrated of pleasedwith the Companions Companionsof (mayAllah him)that that the (may with him) be pleased Allahbe to pleasedwith saidto themall) all) said (mayAllah with them the Allahbe be pleased Prophet(may the Prophet to "O Prophet orderedto we have havebeen beenordered Allah,we of Allah, the Prophetof theProphet Prophet"0 you?" Prophet said, pray The you; prayon on pray you; how shall we pray on you?" The Prophet said, how shallwe on 45
"S"y, 0O Lord, "Say, Lord,bless bloss Muhammad Muhammadand and the the family family of ol Muhammad you blessed Muhammad as as you blessedIbrahim lbrahimand and the the family familyof of lbrahim;Verily Ibrahim; and Verilythou thouart artPraiseworthy Praiseworthy andGlorious; Glorious;and and0O grantyour yourbenedictions Lord,grant Lord, to and the family benedictions toMuhammad Muhammad andthefamily yougranted grantedto ofMuhammad Muhammad of as asyou to Ibrahim lbrahimand andthe thefamily familyof of lbrahim;Verily Verilythou Ibrahim; and thouart art Praiseworthy Praiseworthy and Glorious." Glorious." alsonarrated nanatedin ItItisisalso of inthe theCollections Collections ofImam lmamBukhari Bukhariand and lmamMuslim Muslimon Imam on the the authority authorityof of Abi Abi Humayd HumaydAs-Sa'idi As-Sa'idi (mayAllah pleasedwith Allahbe (may be pleased withhim) hirn)that peopleasked thatsome somepeople asked prophetof "How shall the Prophet: Prophet:"How pray on the you, 0O Prophet shall we we pray on you, of Allah?"The TheProphet Prophetsaid: "Say0O Lord, Allah?" said:"Say Lord,bless blessMuhammad, Muhammad, his wives wivesand you blessed and his his children his childrenas as you blessedthe the family family of of lbrahimand grantyour your benedictions and grant Ibrahim benedictionson on Muhammad, Muhammad,his his wives and and his his children you granted grantedto wives childrenas as you to the the family family of of lbrahim;Verily you are Verily you Ibrahim; ars Praiseworthy Praiseworthyand and Glorious." Glorious." is narrated nanatedin in the the Collection Collectionof ItIt is on the the of Imam lmam Muslim Muslimon authorityof of Abi Abi Mas'ud Mas'udAI-Ansari At-Ansari(may (may Ailah authority Allah be be ptea3ed pleaSed withhim) him)that thatBasheer Basheâ&#x201A;Źribn ibnSa'ad with said: "O "0 propher Prophet of Allah, Allah, Sa'adsaid: Allahhas hasordered orderedus us to pray Allah pray on on you; you; so so how how shallwe shall we pray pray you?" on The Prophet on you?" The Prophet remained remained silent silent for for a few few moments moments and then and then said: said: "Say, "Say, O 0 Lord, Lord, bless bless Muhammad Muhammad and and the the family family of Muhammad Muhammad as as you you blessed blessed lbrahim Ibrahim and and bestow bestow Your Your benediction benediction on on Muhammad Muhammad and and the the family family of MuhamMuhammad mad as as you you bestowed bestowed on lbrahim Ibrahim ln in the the two two worlds; worlds; Verily Verily Thou Thou art Praiseworthy Praiseworthy and and Glerious. Glorious. This This is the the prayer prayer taught taught to you." you." All All such such utterances utterances that that are are authentically authentically attributed attributed to to the the Prophet Prophet (peace (peace be be upon upon hirn) him) shoutd should be be the the only only rt6 46
utterances used by by a Muslim Muslim whenever whenever he he seeks seeks to pray pray utt€ran@sused for the the Prophet Prophet and and ask ask for for Allah's Allah's benediction benediction lor for himhim. A for Muslim should abide abide only only by by these these authentic authentic words words Muslim should because (peace be be upon upon him) him) knows knows best best Prophet(peace the Prophet becausethe regarding the words that are to be used for him and he also he also for him and to used words are be that regardingthe be used tor his knows best regarding the words that are to for knowsbest regardingth€ wordsthat are be used his all the the innovated innovated and and atfecled affected words words and and Lord. As regards, regards,all Lord.As phrases the words words which which are are loaded loaded with with the the phrases besides besidesthe such as as the the words words possibility possibilityof inconect connotations connotationssuch of incorrect mentioned words should should not not be used used your query; query;such in your suchwords mentionedin because forms of speech speech and and because because they are are affected affectedforms becaus€they they with false false meanings meanings and and also also for can be be interpreted interpretedwith they can the from the the words words selected selected by reasonthey they are are different differentfrom the reason (peace be He has the has him). He upon him). Allah (peace be upon Prophet of of Allah the Prophet informed instructed the best is the (nation)and he is bestinformed and he inslructedhis his Ummah Ummah(nation) he is the among the righteous;he the most mostrighteous; andthe humanbeings beingsand amongall all human peace and least May the best of peace and the best inclinedto to affectations. affectations.May least inclined hope that blessings that the the be on him. I hope our Lord Lord be on him. from our blessingsfrom pages,supported by presentedin supportedby discussion in these thesepages, discussionII have havepresented proofs,shall truthof the the the truth adequate in explaining explainingthe shallsuffice sufficein adequateproofs, polythein exposing doctrine Allahand exposingpolytheOnenessof ofAllah and in of the the Oneness doctrineof the between the ism the differences ditferencesbetween explaining the ism besides besides explaining agesin in polytheistsof of the the later laterages polytheists theearly andthose thoseof earlyages agesand of the this regard. this regard.
person who the truth truth should should be be to know know the A who seeks A person seeks to permissigivenregarding thepermissiconvinced by given the theexplanation regarding explanation bythe convinced (peacebe him).But But prayeron Prophet(peace beupon uponhim). ble onthe theProphet formof ofprayer bleform indulge truth,he hecan canindUlge personhas to know knowthe thetruth, nodesire ifif aa person hasno desireto th€min in referredto to them hasreferred Allahhas thoughts.Allah in hisown fancifulthoughts. ownfanciful in his and said: said: the HolyQuran the Holy Quranand
"But thee, know know that that they they only only "But ifif they not to thee, hearkennot they hearken follow own lusts; and who is more astray than one who lusts;and is more astray than one followtheir own their guidance who follows his own lusts, devoid of guidance from from who follows his own lusts, devoid guldesnot Allah? people glven given to to wrong wrong dodonotpeople Allahguides Allah?For ForAllah Ing." (28:50) lng,"(28:50) In Allah, the the Almighty Almighty has has classified classified the the verseAllah, ln the the above aboveverse with regard their attitude attitude to our our people peoplein groupswith regardto their in two two groups Prophet mission; (peacebe uponhim) and his his mission; be upon him)and ProphetMuhammad Muhammad(peace group responds One Allah and His Messenger to Allah and to to His Messenger respondsto One group group follows whereas and Allah Allah lusts and followsits its own own lusts other group whereasthe the other says deprived of qll ~II who follow followtheir their lusts lusts are are deprived that those thoso who says that guidancefrom guidance Him. from Him.
prayto We that we may safe from from theAlmighty, Almighty, thatwe maybe be safe Wepray to Allah, Allah,the becoming Allah make you lustsand makeyou followersof and May May Allah the followers of lusts becomingthe by the and the path path of thosewho whoalways alwaysabide abideby all of amongthose andall of us us among (peace be him) and Allah and by by upon him) His Messenger Messenger(peace be upon Allah and and His (Sharia) his and those DivineLaw Law (Sharia) and whoenlighten us about abouthis Divine thosewho enlightenus caution is in in violation of it, it, such as whateveris violationof such as againstwhatever cautionus us against isMagnaniAllahis Magnaniinnovations and opinions. Verily, fancifulopinions. Verily,Allah innovations andfanciful be on on His Hisslave mous Peaceand andblessings blessingsbe slave mousand andGenerous. Generous.Peace his ProphetMuhammad Muhammadand and on on his and Messenger,Our Our Prophet and Messenger, followers Day of his untilthe Family, Companions and his followers until the Day of Family,his and his Gompanions Judgement. Judgement.
It8 48
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