Multiply with Kodu game
Līga Krūmiņa Aluksne municipality’s secondary school
Multiply with 2 Kodu
Apple and other objects
Game of Kodu Game Lab „Multiplication by 2” Lesson theme: multiplication by 2. Grade: 2nd (including children with special needs) 7 to 10 years Goal of the game: to promote the cooperation of pupils by establishing their abilities to multiply by 2. Tasks of the game: 1. To find an object (the solution) for each apple (multiplication example); 2.a To write the found examples in table and to gain the points by “shooting” the right objects; 2.b To insert the answer cards in table and to gain the points by “shooting” the right objects; 3. The task must be completed as fast as possible; 4. Students must be urged to create their own games. Description of the game Pupils are working in pairs (individually, in groups). Worksheet is needed – table that will be filled with the color of an apple, names of objects, points or the correct cards will be inserted in the right spot of this table. Work environment – field in the game. By touching the apple in Kodu, the player can see a multiplying example. The color of the apple and the points appear, when the apple has been “shoot”. They must be filled in by typing or inserting an answer card. In Kodu the player goes to the other side of the field to find the answer between different objects. When it is found, player „shots” it and gains the points. If the wrong answer has been “shoot”, maximum points cannot be gained and the game will be lost. As the pupils are working at least in pairs, they keep up with each other so the work is done in order, they can also help remembering things and writing everything down and they can switch their positions in game. If pupils find and write down (insert) all the apples, color, points and answers, they finish as winners. After the game pupils give out the table that contains their record of apples, their color, points and names of the objects with the solutions. Their tables are being compared with the original and they can rate their work. In the field there are objects that may disturb the pupil from the task of this game. If the player touches the red coin, hearts will appear, but, if the yellow coins have been touched, they will see stars. It is very important to remember the tasks of the game and do them as fast as possible. There is time control and score in points in
the right corner on the game screen. 50 points I total are needed to win. The maximal time for the game is five minutes. Key „A”- Kodu „shoots” Key „Space” – Kodu jumps Keys with arrows – moving forward, to the right and to the left. Example 2*2 2*3 2*4 2*5 2*6 2*7 2*8 2*9 2*10
Apples Red White Grey Brown Orange Purple Green Black Pink
Answers Tree-black Tree-green Tree-yellow Ball Star Stone-green Air balloon Ship Mine
Results 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Example 2*2 2*3 2*4 2*5 2*6 2*7 2*8 2*9 2*10
Multiply with 3 Octopus
Star fish
Kodu Game Lab Game ‘Multiply by 3’ The Theme of the Lesson- Multiply by 3. Grade: 2nd (also for kids with disabilities), for kids aged 7-11 years old; The objective: to promote student collaboration by strengthening the skills of multiplication by 3. Tasks: 1. To touch the star and to provide an answer to the displayed example of multiplication. 2. To carry out the task within the shortest possible period of time. 3. To encourage the students to develop their own games. Description: The students work out in pairs or in groups. In the table are recorded the names of the students, the time period at which each of the participants performed the task and possible to determine the place between the students according to the completed tasks. Work environment - virtual pool The player Kodu sees a displayed example of multiplication after touches the star which then changes its color. The student must tell the answer. The other student checks whether the answer is correct and gives permission to move on. There is a time control on the right corner of the screen. The maximum time of the game is 90 seconds. Arrow keys- movement forward, to the right, to the left.
Multiply with 4 Kodu
Kodu Game Lab Game „ Multiplying with 4” Theme of the lesson „ Multiplying with 4” . Form. Form 2 ( and children with special needs) 7-10 Aim of the game. To encourage cooperation between pupils, fastening the skills of multiplying with 4. Tasks of the game: 1. Touch the turtle and give the answer to the given multiplying example. 2. To do the exercise as fast as possible. 3. To encourage the pupils to create their own games. Description of the game: The task is done in pairs (groups). The names of pupils, time each pupil needed for completing the task are written in the chart and it is possibly to grade the pupils according to work they have done. Working environment-the world with mountains, lakes and teritorries. Gamer Kodu, when touching the turtle, sees the multiplying example. When Kodu touches the turtle, it changes its colour. The pupil has to say the answer. The second pupil checks if the answer is correct and gives permission to move on. There is a time control on the rght side corner of the screen. Keys with arrows-moving forward, right, left.
Multiply with 5 Rover
Kodu Game Lab game „Multiplying with 5” Theme of the lesson.Multiplying with 5. Form. Form 2 (and children with special needs)7-10 Aim of the game. To encourage cooperation between pupils, fastening the skills of multiplying with 5. Tasks of the game: 1.Move along the squares of different colours, give the answer to the given example of multiplying and touch the coin. 2.Complete the task as fast as possible. 3.To encourage pupils to create their own games. Description of the game. The task is done in pairs (groups). The names of pupils, time each pupil needed for completing the task are written in the chart and it is possibly to grade pupils in a class according to work they have done. Working environment – teritorry with colourful rooms. A gamer moving into one of the rooms can see the example of multiplying. When a gamer sees the the example of multiplying he has to say the answer. The second pupil checks if the answer is correct and gives permission to move on. There is a time control on the right corner. Maximum is 90 seconds. Keys with arrows-moving forward, right, left.
Multiply with 6 Kodu
Code Game Lab game „Multiplying with 6” Lessons topic. Multiplying with 6. Class. 2. grade (even handicapped kids) age 7 to 10 Games goal. Develop pupils’ cooperation, strengthen multiplying skill with 6. Games tasks. 1. Travel on a checkers field, touch tower and answer to visible multiplying example. 2.Task must be done as fast as possible. 3. Encourage pupils to develop their own games. Games description. Pupils are grouped. In table there’s written pupils names, time which every pupil has done his task and there’s a possibility to see which place he’s in. Working environment – checkers field Player Code touches tower, sees multiplying example. Pupil answers the multiplying example, tower changes its color. Second pupil checks, if the answer is correct and gives permission to move on. There’s a time control in the right corner of the screen. Maximum time is 60 seconds. Moving is controlled with arrows – forward, to left, to right.
Multiply with 7 Kodu
Kodu Game Lab: game " Multiplication by 7" Course theme. Multiplication by 7
Second grade class (including children with special needs ) 7- 10 years old Goal of the game . Encourage student cooperation, strengthen the skills to multiply by 7. Game tasks: 1.Move along the way, touch the objects which are encountered on the way and respond to the displayed multiplication example. 2. Complete the task as fast as possible 3.Stimulate the students to develop their own games.
Game description : Students work in pairs ( groups). In the table are listed: the names of the students, the time in which each task was carried out and it is possible to determine the rank in the class based on the completed tasks. Operating environment : a world of trees and a road. The Kodu player touches various objects and sees the multiplication example. One student tells the answer. Another student checks whether the answer is correct and gives permission to move on. On the right corner of the screen there is a time control. Buttons with pointers: move forward , right, left.
Multiply with 8 Red Kodu
Yellow Kodu
Kodu Game lab „Multiplying by 8” The topic of the lesson – Multiplying by 8 Form 2( 7-10 years old children with special needs) The aim of the game . To promote cooperation and to improve the skill of multiplying by 8 The tasks of the game: 1. Move on the platforms by touching the coins and saying the result of multiplying. 2. To motivate students to make their own games. The description of the game. Students work in pairs ori n groups. The environment of the work – the space with platforms.The Kodu player jumping on the platform and touching the object „the coin” finds an example of multiplying.The object diappears after touching it. One of the students says the result. If the result is right the second student lets Kodu player to move on. Students put down the result and the color of the coin( platform). The game is over when there is no any „ coin” left. The players- two pairs of students, each pair has got own Kodu. The red Kodo. The keys with arrows-moving forward, right, left.Space-jump. The yellow Kodu. The keys with letters- moving forward, right, left.Shift-jump. The winner is the student with more positive answers. Students score 8 points for each right answers.Stundents can solve how many positive answers they have and try to improve their results.
The color of the coin
The color of the coin
8*1 8*2 8*3 8*4 8*5 8*6 8*7 8*8 8*9 8*10
Multiply with 9 Kodu
Kodu Game „Multiplying by 9” The topic of the lesson „Multiplying by 9” Form.2(including students with special needs)7-10 years old students. The aim of the game: To promote the cooperations among stundents, to improve the multiplying by 9. The tasks of the game : 1.To move in the maze and find the right tower( answer) to each apple( multiplying task). 2. a. To put down the result into the table. 2. b. Insert the answer cards into the table. 3. To do the task as quickly as possible. 4. To promote the students to make their own tasks. The description of the game: Students work in pairs (individually, in groups).They need worksheet-the table, where to put down the colours of the apples and towers or they have to use the answer cards, they have to put down the right result. The work space-maze. Player Kodu, touching the apple sees the the multiplying task, after the touching the apple or the tower it diappears.The colour of the the apple( right result )or the resylt cadr is inserted just opposite the task.Kodu player goes to the towers.The colour of the tower is being put into the table. After the game students hand in the table with the colours of the apples and towers.Students compare their tabeles with the originals and estimate their work. There is a time limiti n right corner of the screen, the maximum is 5 minutes. The cursors are used to move forward, right, left.
9*2 9*3 9*4 9*5 9*6 9*7 9*8 9*9 9*10