LAM #1 - Number One

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cover..................Anna Téa editor...........Harper Staples design..........Samuel Delesque

issue n#1.............May 2013 Produced By:

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1....................index 3.................number 1 4............Pixyt contest 5-7............Synchrodogs 8-9............Kimdary Yin 11..........Shajjad Shajib 12...........Louise Desnos 13...........Dia Takácsová 14............Andi Schmied 15-16...........Mina Delic 17-21......Casper & Anders 22..............Téo Jaffre 23...........Glorija Lizde 24......Ophélie Longueépée 25............Davy Rigault

Light Architect 99A Boulevard Descat 59200 Tourcoing France all photographs © their respective owners. we respect the copyright of our artists and demand that you do too by never publishing their content without their prior consent and making their name visible next to their images. If you would like to be featured in one of our next issues please send your portfolio to our email (above).

Flavio Montrone, 23, Monaco/Lille


one [wĘŒn] Definition:


Synonyms: alone, definite, different, lone, odd, one and only, only, particular, peculiar, precise, separate, single, singular, sole, solitary, special, specific, uncommon, unique


1. Being a single entity, unit, object, or living being. 2. Characterized by unity; undivided: They spoke with one voice. 3. a. Of the same kind or quality: two animals of one species. b. Forming a single entity of two or more components: three chemicals

combining into one solution.

4. Being a single member or element of a group, category, or kind: I’m just

one player on the team.

5. Being a single thing in contrast with or relation to another or others of its kind: One day is just like the next. 6. Occurring or existing as something indefinite, as in time or position:

He will come one day.

7. Occurring or existing as something particular but unspecified, as in time past: late one evening. 8. Informal Used as an intensive: That is one fine dog. 9. Being the only individual of a specified or implied kind: the one person

I could marry; the one horse that can win this race.




In November 2012, Pixyt announced the opening of its very first annual photography competition, running from the end of the year until February 2013. With a jury consisting of professionals and teachers from the photography industry, we expected some interest, but we were nevertheless thrilled by amount (and standards) of the entries. Over 500 photographers submitting their images, so picking our three winners was never going to be easy. However, despite the quality of the work, there were some series that stood out from the rest. The following images include the three winners of our Jury, Agency and Public prizes, as well as other work we felt to be worthy of mention. Light Architect Agency is proud to present the outstanding images from our inaugural photography competition 2013. En novembre 2012, Pixyt a annoncé la première édition de son concours annuel, ouvert jusqu’en fevrier 2013. Avec un jury de professionels et de professeurs issu du monde de la photo, nous nous attendions un certain interêt, mais nous avons toutefois été agréablement surpris par la nombre et la qualité des soumissions. Avec plus de 500 photographes ayant partagés leurs images, choisir les trois gagnants a été une tâche difficile. Cependant, malgré la qualité de travaux, certaines series se sont distinguées du lot. Les images suivantes sont les images qui ont été choisies par les jury ainsi que les images qui nous ont semblées importantes de mentionner. L’agence Light Architect est fière de pouvoir présenter les images exceptionnelles issues de ce concours 2013.



Synchrodogs , Ukraine “We were all in agreement: the colour, the subject, the originality and the confident handling of symbolic images made this entry fresh and modern. We were left a little confused by the third photograph (p.5), but the work is nontheless very beautiful, and we were very happy to see this crowned the winning entry. Carry on producing images of such high quality.” - Patrick Bockaert, professor of photgraphy , Lille

“Nous étions tous d’accord, la couleur, le propos, l’originalité, tout cela fait de ce travail une démarche réellement contemporaine : le questionnement et l’utilisation claire de symboliques importantes. Seule la troisième image nous a semblé un peu confuse (p.5), mais le travail est très beau et nous sommes heureux de votre candidature. Continuez ce type de production avec autant de qualité.” - Patrick Bockaert, professeur de photographie, Lille


“I felt that the mixture of fashion and artistry was amazing. The synergy between model and artist was both mystical and magical, resulting in some amazing images. The styling of models mixed with the locations was perfect. Well done!” -John Ross , professional photographer and jury member, London


“J’ai ressenti un superbe mélange de mode et d’art. La synergie entre modèle et artiste était à la fois mystique et magique, produisant des images sublimes. La scenographie des modèles dans l’environnement est parfaite. Félicitations!“ -John Ross, photographe professionel et membre du jury, Londres

More on

Kimdary Yin , 22, Lyon/Paris Agency prize // Prix de l’agence Kimdary Yin is a fashion and editorial photographer based in Lyon and Paris. We liked the continuity of Kimdary’s work, which always has a light, colorful, lively and fashionorientated ambiance. The lighting

and image quality is always great, and her direction of her models always keeps us in her universe. We believe her career is about to take off, which is why we are honoured to produce her portfolio (


Kimdary Yin est une photographe de mode et éditorial basée à Lyon et Paris. Nous avons aimé la continuité dans le travail de Kimdary, qui exprime toujours un ambiance lumineuse, colorée, pleine de vie et de mode. L’éclairage


et la qualité d’image sont toujours au rendez-vous, et la direction des modèles nous figent dans son univers. Nous croyons que sa carrière est sur le point de décoller, et sommes honoré d’avoir à produire son portfolio (

S.M. Shajjad Hossain Shajib , 22, Dhaka, Bangladesh Winner of the public prize // Prix du public 10


Louise Desnos , 21, Paris

Dia Takácsová , 20, Slovakia

“A coherent ensemble which reflects a poetic mood and a world in harmony with nature and the elements. These images are beautifully composed in a simple yet effective way. Although unanimously praised by the jury, it was felt perhaps the use of black and white lacked a certain “contemporality”. However it is clearly impressive work, continue taking images of such a high quality.” “Un ensemble cohérent reflétant une ambiance poétique et un monde en relation avec la nature et les éléments. De très belles compositions simples et efficaces. Le jury a beaucoup aimé mais le choix du noir et blanc manque un peu de « comtemporalité ». Bon travail, continuez à faire des images de cette qualité…” - Patrick Bockaert, professeur de photographie 12

Andi Schmied , 26, London Asger Mortensen (Copenhagen-based editorial photographer and member of the Jury) likened the women in these photographs to “young fashion ladies from a few years past. In these photographs they acquire a symbolic status in a humorous way. In these ‘post-fashion’ stories, they are rendered forever young. ” Asger Mortensen (photographe basé à Copenhague et membre du Jury) a qualifié ses femmes de “jeunes dames de mode du passé. Dans ces photos elles acquiert un statut symbolique de manière drôle. Dans ces image ‘post-mode’, elle sont rendues jeunes éternellement.”



Asger Mortensen praised the strength portrayed in these images and the way in which the photographer combined a political perspective with her own, very personal vision. The cropping of the above image emphasizes the child’s role in the story. He is clearly a young boy, yet his expression and direct stare into the lens suggests an age much, much older. The viewer is made uneasy: this is a enfant that should no longer be nursing in his mother’s lap in the way that he is. On the left, it is the very essence of life being expressed. A lifetime of stories is held in every wrinkle on the women’s faces, as well as in the logs of wood behind. So too, the old man is opening both his heart and his story to us. But it is a last meeting: he is almost gone, through the last doorway between life and death. Asger offered congratulations to Mina “for creating so much trust with her subjects” and for fully involving herself in their story. Asger Mortensen a félicité la force exprimée par ces images, et la maniere dan laquelle la photographe a combiné un point de vue politique et photographique. Le cadrage de l’image ci-dessus renforce le rôle de l’enfant. Il est clairement jeune, et pourtant l’expression de son visage et son regard camera suggère un âge plus important. Le spectateur est rendu mal a l’aise: cet enfant ne devrait plus têter dans les bras de sa mère, comme il le fait. À gauche, c’est l’essence même de la vie qui est exprimée. Des histoires sont gravées dans les rides des personnages et dans les ces buches au centre. Le vieil homme nous ouvre une porte vers son passé, partageant avec nous son histoire. Mais c’est aussi un dernier rendez-vous. Bientôt il partira, de l’autre coté et le portail se refermera. Asger offre ses félicitations à Mina pour avoir “créer un liens de confiance avec le sujet” - entrant dans leur vie.


Mina Delic , 25, Serbia

LAM portrait: Anders & Casper Need an insider view of the Copenhagen music scene? Casper Milton and Anders Myrup share their thoughts about music, schnapps and their collaboration as Gürdetgodt. You may not know their names yet, but we think you’ll definitely want to... Photos by Samuel Delesque Text by Harper Staples



a nasty break up. Playing an instrument is an excellent way to spend time when you want to think about something else. I’ve always been into music but never took the time to properly learn an instrument before. I played piano but I was never really into it like I was with the guitar. I blame my mom for not letting me play the drums as a kid! That’s all I ever really wanted. But she thought classical piano suited me What inspires you? Is there a place that usually helps (and her ears) better! you get inspired? C: I get inspiration anywhere, which is the inter- Schnapps or sild after a night out? esting part. It’s really difficult to sit down and C: Schnapps, definitely. I hate sild! “get creative”. The song “Synsbedrag”, for exam- A: Schnapps. Wait, does bitter count? If I get a ple, came out of a collaboration with another choice I go for Fernet Branca. But please not in musician. We were talking about images and the morning. the idea of looking into a mirror. That concept really inspired me, the possibility that you can be What’s your plan for the next 5 years? looking at something and seeing an illusion but C: I have a two-year plan. Right now I’m finabsolutely believing that it’s reality. After that ishing up my BA. I want the next two years to first idea the song really wrote itself. I spent may- be focused on music. I would like to find more producers, and it would be great to get signed. be just 15 minutes noting it down. A: I always feel inspired by decoding some sort I have my first concert coming up in May (25th, of atmosphere out of a melody. For me, the mel- at Adia Festival, Copenhagen) and I just want to play more music and feel more confident ody always comes first. doing it. Anders and I also need fuse both our So does the title of your songs ever come before own projects together as Gårdetgodt, and figure out how the two sounds can fit. you’ve started writing it? A: It’s always the melody first. The title is the last A: To have fun playing my music, get rich, work less in the office. thing you come up with. C: Yeah, it never comes before. Of course, you C: Our plan of attack is to find a plan of attack! want it to be important, but it tends to just come naturally. The song “Vi Drømmer, Vi Lever”, for And finally…how do you eat your carrots? example, is a kind of word play, and it also is in- C: Raw, peeled. Orange is always better than cluded in the lyrics so that seemed right as the green. A: Raw. Maybe with tapenade. But I hate ‘em title. boiled. Boiled carrots should be outlawed! The best place to listen to music in Copenhagen? C: I saw James Blake recently at Vega (, which had a great atmosphere. It was quite a small place, but it was completely packed with Quel est ton dernier rêve? C: J’étais en retard pour un examen.. chiant people. comme d’hab! Mes rêves étaient plus beaux quand j’étais jeune. Favourite artist? A: John Mayer. Loving his bluesy stuff right now. A: Je me souviens rarement des rêves, mais ils sont souvent très banal. Mon entreprise a eu Rhye is good too. des nouveaux locaux - c’est le dernier dont je C: James Blake, Radiohead, John Mayer. me souviens. Can you recommend a Danish artist? C: Marie Key. I think her music is really interest- Qu’est-ce qui t’inspire, y a -t’il des lieux? ing, in the way she writes sound. It’s more main- C: Je trouve mon inspiration un peu partout, stream now because everyone listens to it, but et c’est sa qui est intéressant. C’est très difficile d’être créatif à un bureau. La chanson “Synsher older stuff is really worth a listen. A: When Saints Go Machine. Spleen United. And bedrag” par exemple est née d’une collaboration avec un autre musicien. Nous parlions Efterklang. d’images et de l’idée de se regarder dans un miroir et y voir la réalité. Être convaincu que When and why did you start playing? A: I started playing about four years ago after cette image est égale à la réalité, c’est sa qui The last dream you can remember? C: l was late for an exam...boring as always! My dreams were always more beautiful when was I younger. A: I rarely remember dreams, but they’re usually about practical things. My business got a new office downtown is the last thing I can remember.

m’a inspiré pour la chanson - que j’ai écrite en peut être 15 minutes après ces réflections. Est-ce que les titres te viennent avant les chansons? A: C’est toujours la mélodie d’abord. Le titre est la dernière chose que je trouve. C: Oui le titre ne viens jamais avant. Bien sur tu cherche à lui donner un sens, mais sa viens juste naturelement en général. La chanson “Vi drømmer, vi Lever” par exemple est un jeux de mots et semblait s’imposer naturellement. Le meilleur lieux pour un concert à CPH? C: J’ai vu James Blake récemment à Vega (, il y avait un superbe ambiance. C’était une petite salle mais bondée. Artiste favori? A: John Mayer. J’adore son blues. J’aime Rhye aussi. C: James Blake, Radiohead, John Mayer Artiste Danois? C: Marie Key. Je pense que sa music est vraiment intéréssente, dans la manière qu’elle écrit le son. Surtout ses anciens morceaux. A: When Saints Go Machine. Spleen United. et Efterklang. Quand et pourquoi as tu commencé à jouer? A: J’ai commencé à jouer il y a 4 ans après une séparation dure. Jouer un instrument est un bon moyen de se distraire les pensées. J’ai toujours aimé la musique mais je n’avais pas pris le temps d’appendre à jouer un instrument avant. J’ai fait du piano, mais c’était jamais le même amour qu’avec la guitare. J’aurais voulu faire de la batterie étant enfant, mais ma mère préférait le classique. Schnapps ou hareng un lendemain de cuite? C: Schnapps. Je déteste le hareng. A: Schnapps. Fernet Branca si sa compte. Et finalement... Comment mangez vous vos carottes? C: Crues, épluchées. Oranges - c’est toujours meilleur que vert. A: Crues. Peut être avec de la tapenade. Mais je les déteste cuites. Les carottes cuites devraient être interdites!




Want to know more? Details about Aida Festival:


Téo Jaffre , 20, Annecy (France) “A very good entry praised by the jury. The derisive humour portrayed in these images makes a comment on the clichéd symbols of our society. It also shows a very advanced use of lighting...carry on.” -Patrick Bockaert, professor of photography, Lille . “Bon travail apprécié par le jury, l’humour, la dérision et l’ambiance qui se dégage des images prouve une maîtrise des clichés et des symboles de nos sociétés. Il se dégage aussi un sens poussé de l’observation de la lumière...Continuez” - Patrick Bockaert, professeur de photographie, Lille


Glorija Lizde , 21, Croatia


Ophélie Longuépée , 23, Strasbourg

“Très beau travail bien pensé avec une grande harmonie entre les deux images (couleur, fumé, personnage « figé »). Continuez vos recherches.” - Patrick Bockaert, professeur de photographie


“Simple, elegant and clean...Beautiful work. Try some colour!” “Simplicité, élégance et épuration… Beau travail. Essayez la couleur !” - Patrick Bockaert, professeur de photographie


Davy Rigault , 23, Lille

soundtracks of the issue #1: “One Love” Bob Marley #2: “Synsbedrag” Casper Milton #3: “Limit To Your Love” James Blake #4: “Transition” Birdy Nam Nam #5: “Down The Road” C2C #6: “Sedulous” Sebastien Tellier #7: “Blue” Calvin Harris #8: “Køb Bananer” Kim Larsen #9: “Apples” Efterklang 26


Mary Jeanne , 21, Lille

Credits: jury members

John Ross, Advertising photographer, London Dominique Coulon, Gallery owner, Lille Patrick Boackaert, Teacher, Belgium Dara Mon, Advertising photographer, Lille Asger Mortensen, Portrait/editorial photographer, Copenhagen

May 09 May 30

Galerie Quai26 62 Rue Angleterre, Lille, France free entry // entrée gratuite

dictionary entry

May 25

Shajjad Hossain Shajib Louise Desnos

Dia Takácsová

Andi Schmied Mina Delic Téo Jaffre Glorija Lizde Ophélie Longuépée Davy Rigault Mary Jeanne

editorial team

Harper Staples, editor Samuel Delesque, designer

Adia Festival Nordhavn - Copenhagen 90DKK pre/150DKK


Anna Téa Samuel Delesque Flavio Montrone Synchrodogs Kimdary Yin

Synchrodogs Exhibition

Jerry Berndt The Combat Zone

Mar 28 May 11

IN CAMERA Galerie 21 rue Las Case, Paris

Mar 07 Jun 01

Rinko Kawauchi Illuminance Christophe Guye Galerie Zurich


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