Scissor lift adjustable height and motorized workstation

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Scissor Lift

Scissor Lift: Adjustable Height and Motorized Workstation

Scissor Lift Do you have an old drive motor from the lift chair and you want to rescue or salvage it into a useful thing? You can transform it into a Scissor Lift that can help you for your work. If you have a chair lift at home, the drive was still okay, you can use it for this project. From this drive motor, you can make it in ideal scroll saw bench that could straightforwardly change stature for someone else to agreeably utilization. In fact, you can also use this project in many different applications. You can create this one with all different construction materials and Woodworking Tools to avoid spend a lot of money. For the pivot points, this project used an old window washing or it can be paint extension stick. Understand and follow the step by step instruction listed below: Step 1 o Start this adjustable height and motorized workstation scissor lifts with a sketch on paper collecting measurements from the scroll saw. It is important to figure out the footprint for the scroll saw. After you gather now, measure how much you want to travel distance the actuator needs to eat. For the lastly, estimate the standard chair so you can sit comfortably when you are using it.

Step 2 o For this step, if you have an old window washing stick it is good because you can already use it. Take note, if you are using that; make sure it has a think of 1 to 1/8 inches and work perfected. In case that you don't have, you can create your own better quality material. Step 3 o Now, crosscut the material for simple taking care of in my cramped shop first. And then, eliminate the blunt edge via ripping 1/8 inches of the materials off of one side only. For the accurate results, you can cut all them and then ripped the boards at the wife of 3 to 1/2 inches. Step 4 o In the scissor legs, it consists of four lengths of 2X4s with three gaps in every one just equally separated. In case that your gaps or holes are not aligned well, you have a problem with it. Drilled the first scissor leg, every one of the three gaps, then clipped it into

Scissor Lift the following board and drilled the holes utilizing the first as a "key" for each one board after. Step 5 o To form the frames, it has four boards on edge, screwed and glues. In the longer side of the box, you need a single hole and use a jigsaw or drill press and router. Step 6 o Make ten washers with a hole-saw and 1/8 inches MDF hardboard. The 1 to 1/8 inches is in the center hole and the 2 inch hole-saw is to make the larger washer. Glued and screwed some to support for every set of scissor legs. Eliminate the old bricks from the chair frame. Use grinder to grind off any and all the sharp edges. Clean them Step 7 o Use a plywood that has a size of 3/4" for the top and cut it to fit and then eliminate all the sanded and dowels for all the pieces.

Sources: The Green Book (

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