The Light Grey Tarot - Downloadable Guide Book

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T A R OT GUIDEBOOK A com pr ehensi v e com pa n ion t o T he Ligh t Gr e y Ta ro t deck



The Light Grey Tarot is the collaborative artistic work of 78 artists and designers, and was researched, curated and edited by the Light Grey Art Lab Staff (Lindsay Nohl, Francesca Buchko, Chris Hajny, Jenny Bookler and Kelsey Dusenka).

The Tarot is a deck of illustrated cards that has existed since the mid fifteenth century. For hundreds of years, tarot cards have been used for divination and mapping mental and spiritual life paths. While early tarot cards were originally created for medieval card games, the imagery on the cards has since been interpreted by mystics and even psychoanalysts; Carl Jung used the symbols to represent psychological archetypes.

The Light Grey Tarot was born from our collective interest and appreciation of the artwork, symbolism and mysticism behind the Tarot. The result of our combined efforts has created an inspiring, illustratively lush deck that can be appreciated as a work of art in addition to a functional divinatory medium. This 32 page guidebook provides users with a helpful interpretation of each card (both right side up and reversed) as well as information on classic Tarot spreads, suits and the Major Arcana. Light Grey Art Lab is a gallery and art-events organization committed to bringing together creatives of all types, from around the world, by facilitating collaborative, exciting projects, events and opportunities to share creative knowledge.

The Rider-Waite Tarot specifically is comprised of 78 cards and was first published in the early 1900s. This deck was created by Arthur Edward Waite and Pamela Colman Smith and draws symbolism and imagery from early French decks.

M A JOR A RCA NA E H T The Major Arcana Tarot cards (also known as the trump cards) form the foundation of the Tarot deck, consisting of twenty-one numbered cards and one unnumbered card (the Fool). The Major Arcana are the most important and meaningful cards in the Tarot deck, and have symbolic meanings: the world, the mind, and change. They represent an energy that is deep, decisive or long-term; and they represent a path to spiritual self-awareness and depict the various stages encountered while searching for greater meaning and understanding. Unlike The Minor Arcana, these cards are less related to persons and focus more on events or situations. Though they could relate to an individual, it would always be in relation to the individuals character, not the person itself. The Major Arcana meanings illustrate the structure of human consciousness and hold the keys to life lessons passed down through the ages.

T H E F O OL The Spirit of the Card Number: 0 Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, energy, , happiness, optimism. Important decisions to be made; the overtuning of the status quo or existing states by unexpected happenings. Rev ersed

Naivety, foolishness, recklessness, risk-taking, instability. Wasting of creative energy; a bad time for commitments.

T H E H IGH PR IE ST E SS The Priestess of the Silv er Star Card Number: 2 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Intuition, higher powers, duality, mystery, subconscious mind, wisdom, the feminine side of the male personality. Something remains yet to be revealed, but patience must be observed; the influence of women. Rev ersed

Hidden agendas, lack or personal harmony, facile and surface knowledge. Repression and ignorance of true facts and feelings; problems resulting from a lack of foresight; things and circumstances are not what they seem.

T H E M AGICI A N The Magnus of Power Card Number: 1 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Power, skill, concentration, action, resourcefulness, wit. An ability to recognise one’s own potential; the power to initiate. Rev ersed

Manipulation, poor planning, latent talents, hesitation, confusion. Lack of inspiration or energy; inability to properly utilise time or talents.

T H E E M PR E SS The Daughter of the Mighty Ones Card Number: 3 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Fertility, femininity, beauty, nature, abundance, maternal care, domestic stability. Depending on surrounding cards (sometimes marriage and pregnancy); achievement of goals and growth. Rev ersed

Creative block, dependence on others, domestic problems, poverty, lack of affection and achievement. Possible problems with a relationship; infertility, sterility or promiscuity and/or unwanted pregnancy.

T H E E M PEROR Son of Morning: Chief A mong the Mighty Card Number: 4 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Authority, father-figure, structure, competitiveness. Worldly power, self control gained through experience; ability to shoulder responsibility; powerful individuals, ambition together with the possibility of long-term achievement. Rev ersed

Domination, excessive control, inflexibility, immaturity, indecision. Loss or dislike of authority; manipulative friends or colleagues.

T H E L OV ERS The Children of the Voice Card Number: 6 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Love, union, relationships, values alignment, harmony and union. Choices to be made using intuition and not intellect; some form of test and consideration about commitments; possibly a struggle between two paths. Rev ersed

Disharmony, imbalance, contradiction, deception, duality. Infidelity and romantic disturbances; postponing choices and a warning not to make important decisions at this time.

T H E H IEROPH A N T The Magnus of the Eternal Card Number: 5 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Religion, group identification, tradition, conformity, ritual and routine. A seeker after knowledge and wisdom; sound advice, teaching and constructive counsel. Rev ersed

Restriction, misleading or dubious advice, poor counsel, slander and propaganda. Beware of first impressions; distortion of truth and rejection of family values.

T H E CH A R IO T The Child of the Pow ers of the Waters Card Number: 7 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Control, will power, victory, assertion, determination, perseverance. Triumph over adversity; overcoming life’s obstacles; working within the boundaries of one’s life to build up a successful existence. Rev ersed

Lack of control and direction, aggression, envy, imbalance, destruction. A warning against overwhelming ambition and high expectations; the continuation of outdated ideas and traditions.

ST R ENGT H The Daughter of the Fla ming Sword Card Number: 8 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Strength, courage, patient, control, compassion, generosity, optimism. The power of love; control of passion against one’s baser instincts. Rev ersed

Weakness, self-doubt, pessimism, defeat, concession. Lack of willpower; feelings of inadequacy; surrender to unworthy impulses.

W H EEL OF F ORT U N E The Lord of the Forces of Life Card Number: 10 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Good luck, karma, destiny, change, coincidences, effortless success. Beginning of a new cycle; appearance of destiny and Karmic change.

T H E H ER M I T The Prophet of the Eternal Card Number: 9 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Soul-searching, introspection, caution, discretion, assimilation. A need to reach into one’s inner resources; a time reflect upon circumstances. Rev ersed

Isolation, loneliness, withdrawal, immaturity. Refusal of assistance; groundless suspicions about motives of others; continuation of bad

habits or lifestyles.

J UST ICE The Daughter of the Lords of Truth Card Number: 11 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Justice, fairness, truth, law, clarity, cause and effect. Triumph over bigotry and prejudice; amicable and favorable resolution of conflicts. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Bad luck, difficulties, delays, out of control, negative external forces. Resistance to change; warning against gambling.

injustice, unfairness, dishonesty, delay. Inequality and bias; separations not yet ratified or v.

T H E H A NGED M A N The Spirit of the Mighty Waters Card Number: 12 Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Suspension, restriction, letting go, sacrifice, rebirth, transformation. Devotion to a worthwhile cause; sacrifice in the present to reap benefit in the future; flexibility of mind and willingness to adapt to change.

DE AT H The Child of the Great Tr a nsformers Card Number: 13 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Endings, beginnings, major change, transition. Beginning of a new life; end of a phase in life which has served its purpose; abrupt and complete change of circumstances. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Martyrdom, indecision, delay, loss. Preoccupation with selfish and material things; apathy in pursuit of goals; lack of commitment.

T E M PER A NCE The Daughter of the Reconcilers Card Number: 14 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Balance, moderation, patience, purpose, meaning, cooperation, coordination. Innovation through combination; successful negotiations; a placid, balanced temperament and good outlook. Rev ersed

Imbalance, excess, volatility, disagreements. Conflicting interests; poor judgment; restlessness and instability; physical stress.

Unable to move on, inertia, lethargy. Change that’s both painful and unpleasant; refusal to face fear of change or change itself; agonising

periods of transition.

T H E DE V I L The Lord of the Gates of Matter Card Number: 15 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Bondage, addiction, sexuality, materialism, lust. Feeling of frustration and oppression; desire for physical and material things; security versus creative or spiritual fulfillment. Rev ersed

True evil, greed, uncontrolled ambition. Abuse of authority; material success is focus to exclusion of all other things; bondage to a person, situation or thing.

T H E T OW ER The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty Card Number: 16 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Disaster, upheaval, revelation, sudden change, conflict. Disruption of well worn routines; overthrow of an existing way of life; widespread repercussions of actions. Rev ersed

Negativity, fear of change, avoidance of disaster. Restriction of desires and imprisonment; drastic change that may rob individual of freedom of expression.

T H E MO ON The Ruler of the Flux & Reflux Card Number: 18 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Illusion, imagination, v, insecurity, anxiety. Losing control of one’s daily life; the unconscious mind; inability to see things clearly. Rev ersed

Deception; unhappiness, confusion, hidden forces, trickery. Escape into daydreams to avoid dealing with reality; inability to discern reality from illusion.

T H E STA R The Daughter of the Firm a ment Card Number: 17 Numerical Value: 12

U pr ig h t

Hope, spirituality, renewal, inspiration, serenity, promise, fulfillment. Mental and physical broadening of horizons; influence over others; healing of old wounds. Rev ersed

Lack of faith, despair, discouragement, stubbornness, self doubt. Unwillingness to adapt to change and accept opportunities it may bring; inability to freely express oneself.

T H E SU N The Lord of the fire of the World Card Number: 19 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Fun, warmth, success, positivity, approval, happiness. Good health; mental, physical and spiritual vitality; abundance of energy. Rev ersed

Temporary depression, failure, vanity, hypersensitivity, misjudgment. Troubled partnerships and marriages; relationship difficulties.

J U D GE M EN T The Spirit of the Prim al Fire Card Number: 20 Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

T H E WOR L D The Great One of the Night of Time Card Number: 21 Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Judgment, rebirth, absolution, awakening, improvements. Satisfactory outcome to a specific matter or period of life; joy in accomplishment; renewed health, vitality and mental clarity.

Completion, integration, accomplishment, travel, fulfillment, success. Completion of a personal cycle; culmination of events; sense of repleteness.

Rev ersed

Frustration, hesitation, lack of completion, lack of closure. Inability to bring something to a satisfactory end; completion delayed.

Self doubt, guilt, refusal of self-examination. Lack of progress due to lack of important decision making; loss and separation.

Rev ersed

SU IT OF WA NDS The Suit of Wands is representative of the element of Fire and their meanings are associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, and original thought. Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to the questioner at the core of their being. These cards address our personalities, egos, enthusiasms, self-concepts, and personal energy—both internal and external. The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands (when cards appear reversed) include illusion, egotistical behavior, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or feeling meaningless. W A N D s A SS O C I A T I O N S ZODI AC : ARIES, LEO, SAGITTARIUS SYMBOLISM : CREATIVITY, ACTION, PASSION Element : fire REALm : spirit Season : spring Direction : south Color : yellow



The Root of the Powers of Fire

The Lord of Dominion Numerical Value: 2

Numerical Value: 5 Season: Spring Direction: South

U pr ig h t

Inspiration, power, creation, beginnings, potential, ambition. The essence of fire; the aggressive pursuit of new ventures. Rev ersed

Bareness, impotence, sterility, avarice, greed. An over confidence that ends in tears; lack of motivation.

T H R EE OF WA N DS The Lord of Established Strength Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Preparation, foresight, enterprise, expansion. Dreams turned into reality through circumstance and being in the right place at the right time; plans and ventures are moving ahead. Rev ersed

Delays, lack of foresight, obstacles. Failure to put plans into action; a retreat from reality into fantasy; failure of a promising looking enterprise.

U pr ig h t

Future planning, progress, decisions, discover. Success that has been achieved through hard work; responsible use of power and wisdom gained through experience. Rev ersed

Fear of unknown, lack of planning. Attainment of a worthless ambition; riches and fortune obtained illegally, dishonestly or via deception.

F OU R OF WA N DS The Lord of Perfected Work Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Celebration, harmony, marriage, home, community. Fruits of one’s labor; hard work resulting in successful completion of a project. Rev ersed

Transition, breakdown in communication. Happiness that is unorthodox in nature; a life ruled by superfluous and artificial v and rules.



The Lord of Strife Numerical Value: 5

The Lord of V ictory Numerical Value: 6

U pr ig h t

Competition, tests, relentlessness. Problems and possibly upheaval that cannot be avoided; success can be achieved buy only through relentless hard work. Rev ersed

Disagreement, strife, tension, conflict. Spiteful conversation and unnecessary competitiveness.

SE V EN OF WA N DS The Lord of Valour Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Challenge, competition, perseverance, successful advancement. A time of great opportunity requiring much skill, courage and determination in order to succeed; strength of nerve, great fortitude and courage in the face of hardship. Rev ersed

Indecision, overwhelmed, retreat. Lack of decisiveness that causes challenge to be lost; opportunities lost through hesitation.

Upright: Public recognition, victory, progress, self-confidence. Hopefulness and satisfaction in what has been achieved; success and great public acclaim gained through hard work and effort. Reversed: Indecision, egotism, disrepute. Fear about the outcome of a situation; fear that one’s enemies are enraging in surreptitious activity.

EIGH T OF WA N DS The Lord of Swif tness Numerical Value: 8

U pr ig h t

Speed, action, movement, understanding, harmony. Time and conditions are right to facilitate success; a process of speeding up and an end to delays. Rev ersed

Delays, frustration, disputes, disagreements. Great effort and driving force lost through loss of energy; cancelled journeys.

N I N E OF WA N DS The Lord of Great Strength Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Courage, persistence, resilience, order. Discipline in an unassailable position; courage in the face of attack or adversity and stability that cannot be removed. Rev ersed

Defensive, hesitant paranoia, personality flaws. Lack or inability to give and take; a secure position that is no longer.

PAGE OF WA N DS The Princess of the Shining Fla me Elemental Na me: Earth of Fire Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit. Trustworthy, reliable young person with inborn desire to bring happiness; messenger of good news and witty gossip.

T EN OF WA N DS The Lord of Oppression Numerical Value: 10

U pr ig h t

Burden, responsibility, stress, achievement. Great fortune that is now a burden due to demanding nature and demands on time; conduct that is honorable. Rev ersed

Avoiding responsibility, treachery, jealousy. Lies and deceit used to upset others; inability to delegate leading to unnecessary stress.

K N IGH T OF WA N DS The Lord of the Fla me a nd the Lightening Elemental Na me: Fire of Fire Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Energy, passion, lust, adventure, impulsiveness. Lover of action; engaging temperament with swift actions that make sense with hindsight. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Pessimism, setback, lack of direction. Someone who believes to be trustworthy, but remains unfaithful; honest qualities that may turn to petulance.

Haste, scattered energy, delays, frustration. Someone who enjoys discord, arguments, strife and troubles for the sake of it; enthusiasm is so great it becomes at odds with those around.

QU EEN OF WA N DS The Queen of the Thrones of Fla me Elemental Na me: Water of Fire Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Exuberance, warmth, vibrancy, determination. Very generous, capable and fair person, especially in dealings with people; a woman who is fertile in body and mind and is a homemaker. Rev ersed

Aggressive, demanding, overbearing. Person with a tendency to dominate or be bitter; person with a cruel and dry sense of humor; assumes people are out to get her, even though malice was never present.

K I NG OF WA N DS The Prince of the Ch ariot of Fire Elemental Na me: Air of Fire Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Natural-born leader, vision, honor, generous, loyal, charming. Lover of home and family life; very passionate and virile man who is good at moral support and encouragement. Rev ersed

Impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. Inability to understand or appreciate another’s point of view; intolerant, narrow-minded and a bigot with deep prejudices; cares little for feelings of others.

SUIT OF CUPS The Suit of Cups is representative of the element of water and their meanings deal with the emotional level of consciousness and are associated with love, feelings, relationships and connections. Cups are about displays of emotion, expression of feelings and the role of emotions in relation to others. These cards indicate that the questioner is thinking with their heart rather than their head, and thus reflect their spontaneous responses and their habitual reactions to situations. Cups are also linked to creativity, romanticism, fantasy and imagination. The negative aspects of the Suit of Cups (when cards appear reversed) include being overly emotional or completely disengaged and dispassionate, having unrealistic expectations and fantasizing about what could be. There may be repressed emotions, an inability to truly express oneself and a lack of creativity. C U P S A SS O C I A T I O N S ZODI AC : CA NCER, SCORPIO, PISCES SYMBOLISM : LOVE, EMOTION, EMPATHY Element : WATER REALm : HEART Season : SUMMER Direction : WEST Color : RED



The Root of the Powers of Water

The Lord of Lov e Numerical Value: 2

Numerical Value: 5 Season: Summer Direction: West

U pr ig h t

Love, compassion, creativity, faithfulness, fertility. The commencement of creative or artistic projects; all the positive powers of the unconscious mind. Rev ersed

Despair, blocked or repressed emotions, stagnation. Symbolic of changes for the worst; physical or mental barrenness.

T H R EE OF CU P S The Lord of A bunda nce Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Celebration, friendship, creativity, community, fertility. A fortunate end to a valued project or venture; something coming to fruition that was conceived out of love. Rev ersed

Selfishness, sensuality, famine, promiscuity, obesity. Loss of happiness; loveless sex.

U pr ig h t

Affection, love, partnership, attraction, relationships, sympathy. Beginnings of a new romance or friendship; reconciliation of opposites in mutual trust. Rev ersed

Separation, dissent, divorce, deceit, lack of harmony. Misunderstandings and quarrels; love not returned.

F OU R OF CU P S The Lord of Blended Pleasure Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Meditation, contemplation, apathy, reevaluation. The need to search for more stimulating way of life; love that turns to familiarity; happiness that has reached its peak. Rev ersed

Boredom, missed opportunity, aloofness. The overturning of a way of life; rapid change resulting in new anxieties; low boredom threshold.

F I V E OF CU P S The Lord of Loss in Pleasure Numerical Value: 5

U pr ig h t

Loss, regret, disappointment, despair, bereavement. The need to reorder and reevaluate priorities; broken engagements and emotional letdowns; dishonor that cannot be overcome.

SI X OF CU P S The Lord of Pleasure Numerical Value: 6

U pr ig h t

Harmony, reunion, nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence. Happiness that results from past efforts; pleasant memories and the realization of a dream; past associations have brought present relationships.

Rev ersed

Acceptance, forgiveness, worries, anxieties. The overturning of a way of life; worries which arrive both unexpectedly and from an unexpected source.

SE V EN OF CU P S The Lord of Illusionary Success Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Fantasy, illusion, imagination, wishful thinking. A need to reflect upon choices; several choices are presented for one exceptional promise but great perception is needed.

Rev ersed

Na誰vety, unrealistic, exaggerated nostalgia. Vanity and pride in past success creating a barrier for future success; clinging to past habits and customs.

EIGH T OF CU P S The Lord of Aba ndoned Success Numerical Value: 8

U pr ig h t

Escapism, disappointment, abandonment, withdrawal. Severing of links with the past; change of perspective and viewpoint. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Temptation, diversionary tactics, indecision, self-delusion. Reliance upon false hopes; inaction causing loss of opportunity; fear of success.

Hopelessness, aimless drifting, fantasy, risk. Abandonment of which has been well founded to pursue impossible ideal; restlessness and recklessness.

N I N E OF CU P S The Lord of Materi al Happiness Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Satisfaction, contentment, comfort, happiness. Overcoming difficulty; physical well-being; inner security; generosity of spirit.

T EN OF CU P S The Lord of Perfected Success Numerical Value: 10

U pr ig h t

Harmony, marriage, happiness, alignment, security. Perfect love and concord between people; search for fulfillment marked with success; peaceful and secure environment.

Rev ersed

Greed, dissatisfaction, materialism, complacency, vanity, self-indulgence. Sentimentality and overlooking of faults in others which can lead to abuse of hospitality.

PAGE OF CU P S The Princess of the Waters Elemental Na me: Earth of Water Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Messenger, synchronicity, imagination, creative beginnings. Person with wealth of knowledge, giving advice freely; gifted with foresight; may indicate time for quiet reflection.

Rev ersed

Misalignment, manipulation, loss of friendship. Sudden violent disruption of an ordered environment and ordered routine; manipulation of society for personal gain.

K N IGH T OF CU P S The Lord of the Wav es a nd the Waters Elemental Na me: Fire of Water Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Romance, charm, imagination. Change and new excitements, particularly of romantic nature; a bringer of ideas, opportunities and offers. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Emotional immaturity, creative block, selfishness. Failure to make meaningful commitments and shallow self-indulgence; person with much surface and shallow knowledge.

Unrealistic, unreliability, jealousy, moodiness, fraud. A congenital liar; has trouble discerning end of truth and beginning of falsehood.

QU EEN OF CU P S Queen of the Thrones of the Waters Elemental Na me: Water of Water Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Calm, intuitive, compassionate, emotional security. High achievements made possible by use of imagination; lacks common sense but is highly intuitive; other people and events can easily have influence. Rev ersed

Codependency, emotional insecurity, fecklessness. Cannot be trusted or depended upon; swift to change opinions without good reason or cause; can be given to hysteria.

K I NG OF CU P S The Prince of the Ch ariot of the Waters Elemental Na me: Air of Water Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Generosity, emotional balance and control, considerate, responsible. Commands respect, but not love; ambitious and skilled negotiator; avoids taking people into confidence and often works in secret; seeker of power with hidden motives. Rev ersed

Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility. Has no moral sense; only responsibilities are to self; likely involved in double dealing.

S F W O ORDS T I U S The Suit of Swords is representative of the element of Air and their meanings are associated with action, change, force, power, oppression, ambition, courage and conflict. Action can be both constructive and/or destructive, sometimes resulting in violence. This suit can also mean hatred, battle, and enemies, and of all the suits, this one is considered to be the most powerful and dangerous. The negative aspects of the Suit of Swords (when cards appear reversed) include anger, guilt, harsh judgement, a lack of compassion and verbal and mental abuse. S W O R D S A SS O C I A T I O N S ZODI AC : GEMINI, LIBR A, AQUARIUS SYMBOLISM : THOUGHT, CH ALLENGE, OBSERVATION Element : AIR REALm : MIND Season : WINTER Direction : NORTH Color : BLUE

ACE OF SWOR DS The Root of the Powers of Air Numerical Value: 5 Season: Autumn Direction: East

U pr ig h t

Victory, mental clarity, triumph, success. Complete change of mind; strongly constituted authority; pursuit of ultimate truth; a new beginning. Rev ersed

T WO OF SWOR DS The Lord of Peace Restored Numerical Value: 2

U pr ig h t

Indecision, choices, truce, stalemate. Differences resolved; restoration of peace; weight off the mind. Rev ersed

Confusion, information, overload, treachery, betrayal, trickery. Willful misguidance and misleading advice.

Confusion, chaos, lack of clarity, violence. Exaggeration in though; destruction and misuse of power.

T H R EE OF SWOR DS The Lord of Sorrow Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Painful separation, sorrow heartbreak, grief, rejection, heartbreak. Clearing of obsolete to make way for things to come; establishment of something better.

F OU R OF SWOR DS The Lord of Rest from Strife Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Retreat, withdrawal, recovery, contemplation, passivity. Recuperation and relief from anxiety; peace established. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Optimism, forgiveness, releasing pain. Breaking of a truce; physical or mental disorder.

Restlessness, lack of progress, banishment, seclusion. Enforced isolation; depression and failure of nerve.

F I V E OF SWOR DS The Lord of Defeat Numerical Value: 5

U pr ig h t

Conflict, tension, loss, defeat, betrayal, failure. Accept the inevitable and swallow pride; negative thoughts and attitudes. Rev ersed

Paranoia, indecision, malice. Past resentment; someone interfering with affairs.

SE V EN OF SWOR DS The Lord of Unstable Effort Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Betrayal, deception, stealth, impulse. Indication of triumph in face of adversity; no real progress, lack of purpose. Rev ersed

Mental challenges, counsel and specific advice. Surrender when victory is almost in sight; failure of nerve and indecision; inability and reluctance to complete what has been started.

SI X OF SWOR DS The Lord of Earned Success Numerical Value: 6

U pr ig h t

Gradual change, transition, rite of passage. Solution of current problems; long journeys and passage from pain; obstacles are overcome. Rev ersed

Unable to move on, unexpected developments. Temporary relief from difficulties; need for continuing effort and strength.

EIGH T OF SWOR DS The Lord of Shortened Force Numerical Value: 8

U pr ig h t

Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment, illness, oppression. Jealousy often from colleagues or family; major difficulties and adverse circumstances dictated by fate. Rev ersed

Release, change, liberation, frustration, despair, depression. Effort being exercised in wrong place; moving away from problem rather than finding solution.

N I N E OF SWOR DS The Lord of Despair a nd Cruelty Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Depression, nightmares, intense anxiety, despair, deception. Premonitions and bad dreams; card of the martyr and brings new life out of suffering.

T EN OF SWOR DS The Lord of Ruin Numerical Value: 10

U pr ig h t

Defeat, crisis, betrayal, endings, loss, disruption. The lowest point in the cycle; cause for optimism. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Hopelessness, torment, distrust, despair, misery, malice. Total isolation from comfort and help.

PAGE OF SWOR DS The Princess of the Rushing Winds Elemental Na me: Earth of Air Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Talkative, curious, mentally restless, energetic, detachment. Person of grace and dexterity; skilled in ability to work out true nature of things. Rev ersed

Haste, cunning, undeliverable promises. Seeker of hidden weaknesses in enemies; devious and given to snooping in other’s affairs.

Recovery, regeneration, inevitable end. Illusionary lifting of burdens or release from afflictions; temporary good fortune.

K N IGH T OF SWOR DS Lord of the Winds a nd the Breezes Elemental Na me: Fire of Air Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Opinionated, hasty, communicative, skillful, clever. Tendency to dominate; archetypal warrior; at best in difficult situations. Rev ersed

Scattered thought, sly, deceitful. Starter but not finisher of things; fierce in action with little staying power; disregard for consequences.

QU EEN OF SWOR DS The Queen of the Thrones of Air Elemental Na me: Water of Air Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Quick thinker, organized, perceptive, independent, complex, courageous. May have suffered deep sorrow or loss; concerned with attention to accuracy and detail; attained inner wisdom and sense of truth.

K I NG OF SWOR DS The Prince of the Ch ariots of the Winds Elemental Na me: Air of Air Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Intellectual power, authority, truth, rational, alert. Advocate of law and order and modernity to expense of tradition; tendency to be overcautious; independent judgement and achiever. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Overly-emotional, cold-hearted, deceitful, intolerant. Sorrow for the sake of sorrow; expert in use of half-truths and quiet slander.

Manipulative, tyrannical, abusive. Abuse of power and authority; capable of evil to achieve aims and desires.

E P N TACLES F O T I U S The Suit of Pentacles (also known as Coins or Disks) is representative of the element of Earth and their meanings cover material aspects of life including work, business, trade, property, money and other material possessions. The positive aspects of the Suit of Pentacles include manifestation, realization, proof and prosperity. The negative aspects of the Suit of Pentacles (when cards appear reversed) include being possessive, greedy and overly materialistic, over-indulging and not exercising, not effectively managing one’s finances, and being overly focused on career to the detriment of other life priorities. P E N T A C L E S A SS O C I A T I O N S ZODI AC : TAURUS, VIRGO, CAPRICORN SYMBOLISM : HEALTH, WEALTH, PHYSICAL Element : EARTH REALm : HOME Season : FALL Direction : EAST Color : GREEN

ACE OF PEN TACL E S The Root of the Powers of Earth Numerical Value: 5 Season: Winter Direction: North

U pr ig h t

Manifestation, prosperity, wealth, appreciation. Financial change for better; material comfort; physical well-being; essence and luxury. Rev ersed

Greed, lost opportunity, materialism. Dependence upon physical pleasures for happiness; lack of planning and foresight.

T H R EE OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Materi al Works Numerical Value: 3

U pr ig h t

Teamwork, collaboration, learning, initial fulfillment. Success gained through hard work and effort; gain in commerce and increase in material things; skillful work is both awarded and appreciated.

T WO OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Harmonious Ch a nge Numerical Value: 2

U pr ig h t

Balance, adaptability, prioritization, fluctuations. Imminent changes and movement; change must be skillfully navigated with knowledgeable manipulation of life’s rules. Rev ersed

Disorganization, fecklessness, reckless elation, debt. Discounting warnings of impending trouble; over-indulgence in physical pleasures; inability to complete a project.

F OU R OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Earthly Pow er Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Control, stability, security, possession, conservatism. Increase in power and authority in business through influence and wealth; financial and material security. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Miserliness, disregarded skill, lack of teamwork. Missed opportunities through fear of loss; inability to benefit from advice of others as result of obstinacy or prejudice.

Greed, materialism, self-protection. Lack of ability to delegate work; bureaucracy that destroys individual initiative; fear of losing familiar and established.

F I V E OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Materi al Trouble Numerical Value: 5

U pr ig h t

Isolation, insecurity, worry, poverty, redundancy. Warning of money troubles ahead; loss of financial stability.

SI X OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Materi al Success Numerical Value: 6

U pr ig h t

Generosity, charity, giving, prosperity, patronage. Solvency in material affairs; clearance of debts and use of good fortune to benefit others; repayment of favors.

Rev ersed

Spiritual poverty, destitution, lack of success. Long-term unemployment; adversity not overcome due to lack of imagination.

SE V EN OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Success Unfulfilled Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Vision, perseverance, profit, reward, investment. Previous past effort wasted through inertia in present; reaping no reward from charitable work.

Rev ersed

Debt, selfishness, extravagance. Reckless and careless behavior with money; loss of money through deceit or theft.

EIGH T OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Prudence Numerical Value: 8

U pr ig h t

Apprenticeship, education, quality, engagement, thriftiness. Use of skills and personal interests to rewarding and profitable ends; efforts should be continuous to enjoy lasting success.

Rev ersed

Bankruptcy, financial insecurity. Self-induced money worries; limited success or reward.

Rev ersed

Perfectionism, lacking focus and ambition. Inappropriate use of energy and skills for unsuitable ends; short-term gain at expense of long-term profit.

N I N E OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Materi al Gain Numerical Value: 9

U pr ig h t

Gratitude, luxury, self-sufficiency, culmination. Enjoyment of hard-earned success; financial gains made from unexpected sources; common sense and order arising out of chaos.

T EN OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of Wealth Numerical Value: 10

U pr ig h t

Wealth, inheritance, family, establishment, retirement. Formation of family tradition; emotional and financial stability. Rev ersed

Rev ersed

Financial setbacks; over-investment, theft, swindling. Affluence obtained via deception; success earned from misfortune of others.

PAGE OF PEN TACL E S The Princess of the Echoing Hills Elemental Na me: Earth of Earth Numerical Value: 7

U pr ig h t

Manifestation, meticulous, financial opportunity. Proud of responsibilities; honorable and good administrator. Rev ersed

Short-term focus, lack of progress and planning. No sense of humor and full of own importance; enjoys power wielded over those below.

Loneliness, loss, financial failure. Negative effects of vast wealth and restrictive effects of long tradition; family arguments about money.

K N IGH T OF PEN TACL E S The Lord of the Wild a nd Fertile L a nd Elemental Na me: Fire of Earth Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Efficiency, routine, conservatism, methodical, indifferent, tradition. Does not always appreciate feelings of others; traditional person who is clever in monetary affairs. Rev ersed

Laziness, boredom, self-satisfied, greedy. Finances have reached break point or standstill.

QU EEN OF PEN TACL E S The Queen of the Thrones of Earth Elemental Na me: Water of Earth Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Practical, homely, motherly, down-to-earth, security. Capable and practical businesswoman; neither particularly bright nor insightful but has depth of feeling with appreciation of life’s pleasures. Rev ersed

Imbalance, shallow, changeable, suspicious. Enjoys company of sycophants by using wealth; unable to see beyond material possessions or rise above them.

K I NG OF PEN TACL E S The King of the Thrones of Earth Elemental Na me: Air of Earth Numerical Value: 4

U pr ig h t

Security, cautious, control, power, discipline, abundance. Loyal and dependable leader who is neither particularly intelligent or imaginative; slow to lose temper but stands rigid once angered. Rev ersed

Authoritative, domineering, controlling. Easily bought, very materialist; hates change and finds it hard to adapt.


Tarot Birth Cards reveal the querent’s innermost self and lifelong personal identity. These cards also signify the querent’s potential in this lifetime, along with the strengths and challenges that come along with it.



Add each number of your birthdate individually

Add the numbers of your birthdate (substitute 20 for 19 if born after 2000)


DD + MM + 19 + Y Y

(April 7, 1969 : 7 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 36)

(April 7, 1969 : 7 + 4 + 19 + 69 = 99)

Any number higher than 21 must be reduced by adding the two digits together

Add those two digits, resulting in Birth Card #1

(3 + 6 = 9; The Hermit)

(9 + 9 = 18 ; The Moon)

Reduce this to one digit, resulting in Birth Card #2 (1 + 8 = 9 ; The Hermit)

M E U ROLOGY N T O R A T It's easy to overlook the numerological meaning of a Tarot card, but its numbers serve a much greater purpose than merely a cataloguing device. A card's numerological correspondent helps to clarify its very essence. At its simplest, number meaning of Tarot cards can provide additional light to a tricky spread. These number meanings may also lend a different point of view when seeking solutions with the cards. Tarot numerology only uses numbers 1-9; numbers beyond 9 are reduced to a single digit (for example, Temperance is 14, and would reduce by 1 + 4 = 5).







Beginning & Ending Alpha & Omega Limitless Infinite Unity Pure Potential

Independence Action Motivation Singleness of Purpose Driven Positivity Will

Balance Contrast Opposites Partnership Communication Negotiation Choice

Time Creativity Versatility Mystery Intuition Fecundity Advancement

Stability Endurance Practicality Physicality Achievement Humility Simplicity






Motion Erratic Adventure Passion Expansion Travel Unpredictably

Sincerity Unfoldment Protection Sensitivity Dependability Growth Nurturing

Perfection Imagination Awareness Mysticism Understanding Healing

Opportunity Observation Intention Abundance Repetition Infinity

Vision Invention Influence Intellectual Power Attainment Anticipation

HE TA ROT T G N I S U Before each tarot reading, remove the significator card representing the querent from the deck and place it on the table. QU EENS : u su a lly fem a le K I NGS : u su a lly m a le CU PS : f a ir c omple x ion , lig ht brow n h a ir, blue or h a z el e ye s WA N DS : lig ht or red h a ir, blue e ye s S WORDS : olive c omple x ion; d a rk brow n h a ir ; d a rk , h a z el or gre y e ye s PEN TACL ES : d a rk c omple x ion , d a rk h a ir


SIGNIFICATOR CARD 1 Present present general environment 2 past past influences that are affecting the situation 3 future what will come 4 reason reasons for the question in relation to revealing potential obstacles 5 outcome possible outcome(s) from the querent’s actions




1 Past past events that are affecting the situation 2 Present present situation 3 Hidden Influences things the querent may not be or is barely be aware of on a conscious level 4 Obstacle immediate challenge(s) 5 External Influences surrounding environment, people and events regarding the situation 6 SuggestionS path to take in the querent’s best interest 7 FUTURE what will come

SIGN IFIC AT OR C A R D 1 “ this covers him” present general environment 2 “ this represents his obstacles” immediate challenge(s)


3 “ this crowns him” a) goal or ideal in the matter; b) best that can be achieved under circumstance but hasn’t come to pass 4 “ THIS IS BEN E ATH HI M” immediate past or the things the person has (to use). 5 “ THIS IS BEHI N D HI M” things have come to pass 6 “ THIS IS BEF OR E HI M”   things that are coming to pass  7


YOU RSELF   attitude, feelings and   inner thoughts regard  ing the situation EX TER N A L   I N F LU ENCES   surrounding environment,   people and events regarding   the situation

9 HOPES & FE A RS 10 F U T U R E what will come

A RTIST INDEX gu id e b o ok d e si g n by K el s e y D u s e n k a k el s e y du s e n k a .com The Magician Andrea Kalfas The High Priestess Karl Kwasny The Empress Soliel lgnacio The Emperor Rodrigo AvilĂŠs The Hierophant Curtis Square-Briggs The Lovers Angela Rizza The Chariot Lillian Joan Duermeier Strength Maike Plenzke maikeplenske

The Hermit Matt Hansen Wheel of Fortune Andres Guzman Justice Richie Pope The Hanged Man Mike Puncekar Death Sachin Teng Temperance Felipe Vargas LĂźbbert The Devil Nic Skrade The Tower Thomas Scholes crayonboxofdoom. The Star Ashley Mackenzie

The Moon Romain Mennetrier lantredebrutalmoineau.

Page of Wands Allegra Lockstadt allegralockstadt. com

The Sun Ricardo Bessa

Ten of Wands Roxy Polk roxyssketches.

The Last Judgement Jeff Langevin

Nine of Wands Tim Durning

The Fool Bill Rebholz

Eight of Wands Trevor Basset

The World Manuel Kilger

Seven of Wands Maumont savonsavon.

King of Wands Heather Danforth hdanforthillustration.

Six of Wands Cheyenne Curtis lespapierperdus.

Queen of Wands Francesca Buchko francescabuchko. com

Five of Wands Ryan Andrews

Knight of Wands Mikkel Sommer mikkelsommer.

Four of Wands Emma Trithart emmatritahart. com

Three of Wands Elena Boils Two of Wands B. Paul Patterson bpaulpatterson. com Ace of Wands Jay Rogers King of Cups Mildred Louis mlouisportfolio. Queen of Cups Jen Mundy Knight of Cups Natalie Hall n-hall.blogspot. com Page of Cups Jesse Riggle Ten of Cups Trung Le Nguyen

Nine of Cups Seo Kim

Knight of Swords Meg Park

Eight of Cups Daniel Fishel

Page of Swords Nadia Alenov

Seven of Cups Amy Schmitt amyschmitt

Ten of Swords Chris Hajny

Six of Cups Erik Krenz Five of Cups Katy Farina Four of Cups Llew Mejia Three of Cups Melissa Ling Two of Cups Kyla Vanderklugt

Nine of Swords Alyssa Nassner Eight of Swords Chole Chan Seven of Swords Annie Wu Six of Swords Courtney Cashon Five of Swords Joanna Barnum

Ace of Cups Ulana Zahajkewycz

Four of Swords Nick Stokes http://nickstokesdesign. com/

King of Swords Abby Boeh

Three of Swords Michelle Mishka Colombo

Queen of Swords Meg Hunt

Two of Swords Amber Seegmiller Ace of Swords Lindsay Nohl King of Pentacles Stacey Lee Queen of Pentacles Teagan White Knight of Pentacles Aleks Sennwald Page of Pentacles Evan Palmer

Five of Pentacles Ricardo Lopez Ortiz Four of Pentacles Chris Cheetham Three of Pentacles Jenny Bookler Two of Pentacles Corina Lupp Ace of Pentacles Amélie Fléchais amelieflechais.ultra-book. com/portfolio

Ten of Pentacles Sam Schechter Nine of Pentacles Carly Monardo Eight of Pentacles Nicole Miles Seven of Pentacles JP -Fresh Doodle Six of Pentacles Jacqueline Lang

SOURCES Biddy Tarot. “Tarot Card Meanings.” 2012. Bunning, Joan. “Learning the Tarot.” 2007. Waite, Arthur Edward, Pamela Colman Smith. The Rider Tarot Deck. Stamford: U.S. Games Systems, Inc., 1971. Watters, Joanna. Tarot For Today. Reader’s Digest. 2004.

All artwork is copyright of the artists Reproduced with permission by Light Grey Art Lab All rights reserved. Published by LIGHT GREY ART LAB 118 E 26TH STREET SUITE 101 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55404 U.S.A. 1.612.239.2047

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