Teacher's Guide
Lighthouse Math
Program Directors
Mrs. Zehava Kraitenberg, M.S. Curriculum Advisor, Elementary School Principal
Jane Chamberlain Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum Writers
Jane Chamberlain Middle School Math
Instructor M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Susannah Maria Malarkey 4th Grade Instructor
M.A. in Teaching K-8
Karen Williams 5th Grade Instructor
PhD of Education in Curriculum and Instruction
Karen Legreid Math Interventionist K-5
M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction
Mizuho Shiomi 3rd Grade Instructor
M.A. of Arts in Education K-8
Joy Aragones 4th Grade Instructor
M.A. in Education Technology
Chelsea Ruocco 6th Grade Instructor
M.A. in Childhood Education 1-6
Kelly Boehme 1st Grade Instructor
M.Ed. in Elementary Education K-6
Jennifer Ramos-Martinez Curriculum Specialist
M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction
Rebecca Kay-Lewis 5th Grade Instructor
M.Ed. in Elementary Education K-6, 5-8 Math
Sarah Thorman 2nd/3rd Grade Instructor
B.S. Liberal Arts and Sciences (Psychology) Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification (Grades K-6)
Francine S. Foote 5th and 6th Grade Instructor
M.A. in Instruction and Curriculum
Review Team
Zehava Kraitenberg M.S. Curriculum Advisor
Elementary School Principal
Layout & Design
Akiva Leitner Project Manager Kevanyc.com
Jane Chamberlain Middle School Math Instructor M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Elizabeth Szoc 4th Grade Instructor
B.A. in Elementary Education
Luke Bote K-12 Instructor
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Molly Fernholz
K-6 Instructor
B.A. in Education
Joanna Bell 7th - 12th Grade Instructor
B.S. in Integrated Math Education
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©Copyright 2023 Lighthouse Curriculum Inc. All rights reserved.
Distributed by Leren Curriculum Inc. T: 718-.834.1231 E: lerenec@gmail.com
Lighthouse Math Teacher's Guide level A • ISBN 978-1-955773-07-2
Issac Flores Illustration Director
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Content developed in collaboration with The Reimagined Classroom
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Introduction and overview of skills at the beginning of each chapter
Vocabulary words with checkboxes students can check off as they go through the lessons
Clearly coded lessons: blue for the lesson page, red for the exercise page
Let’s learn! helps introduce the concept
Try it together! provides guided practice as a class
Practice provides plenty of problems to practice the skill
Tabs on the top of each page allow you to find chapters and lessons easily
Teacher notes give tips and ideas to guide teachers during the lesson
Icons provide clear, visual instructions to help students understand the directions The Microphone directs the teacher to say a specific instruction
About the Curriculum
The program builds in review and new concepts throughout each level as students step up through mastery of skills. By providing foundational skills and practice, students retain information. The stepwise approach is consistent as students work through 14 chapters comprising 8 lessons of review, new skills, guided practice and problem-solving. All lessons include step-by-step instructions for clarity, giving all teachers the tools for success.
Custom illustrations provide a vibrant learning experience. Illustrations complement math questions by including information directly tied to and used to solve the problem. The books are formatted in a way that each grade level can be completed successfully by the culmination of the school year. Lighthouse Math gives teachers the tools they need to teach and gives students everything they need to learn.
Teacher Notes
Explain to students that they can use base-ten blocks to subtract double-digit numbers. Remind students that to subtract means to take away. When solving subtraction with base-ten blocks, tell students to make the
number with their base-ten blocks and to take away, or remove, the second number. After subtracting the blocks, count the value of the blocks out loud with students. Encourage students to skip count by
by ones for the unit cubes.
Table of Contents. A quick reference for skills and topics found in each chapter
How to use the student book
y The book is “all in one” and can easily be used without extra resources
y Easy to read numbers and spaces for student writing
y Custom images to assist in learning concepts
Each chapter has 8 lessons made up of 2 color-coded pages: (See page inserts for each left and right)
y Learning page (blue) provides daily review, guided lesson, and problems to complete together as a class
y Exercise page (red) provides practice problems for students to do independently or in groups, for class discussion, daily work or homework
Intro to the chapter
y Provides an overview of skills covered in the chapter with images and easy to read bullet points
y Vocabulary
Listed with checkboxes on the chapter intro page
Students and teachers can check off the vocabulary as they learn and use it
Chapter Assessments
are provided after 8 lessons at the end of each chapter.
y 1 blackline page with problems that cover each lesson from the chapter.
Levels A & B have 8 and 2 bonus problems.
Level C has 8 computation problems plus 2 problem-solving applications.
Lesson 8 review lesson prepares students for the chapter assessment.
About the Program
Direct Instruction (Let’s learn)
y Custom made visuals and images directly linked to content.
y Students are immediately engaged with a problem-solving task that promotes mathematical reasoning skills. These tasks allow for multiple points of entry, varied solution strategies, and provide opportunities for meaningful mathematical discussions.
Guided Practice
(Try it together/ Learn and Connect)
y Provides for a gradual release of responsibility in solving the problems from the teacher onto the students.
Hands-on partner and group activities
y Engages students in a productive struggle with the lesson concepts.
y Provides students with an opportunity to construct arguments and critique the reasoning of their peers.
Independent Practice (Daily review, Practice)
y Provides students with plenty of opportunities for repetition which builds fluency and helps them relate mathematical procedures to conceptual understanding. The teacher is able to differentiate to meet the needs of the class and of individual students.
Problem Solving Skills (Challenge, Word problems)
y Students apply skills to real-world problem-solving situations.
y Allows for extensions of learning and applications opportunities.
y Provides students opportunities to engage in mathematical discussion and sharing.
Game-Based Learning
y Allows for students to learn and connect in a different way which leads to further retention.
y Research shows that games provide an environment for learning and engaging with the concepts in multiple ways.
y Games can provide a mind-body connection, reach students at all levels, open up conversations and communication about mathematics and keep students motivated.
Formative Assessment
y Quick assessments at the end of each lesson allow teachers to see evidence of student thinking, evaluate progress toward the learning goals and adjust their instruction accordingly.
Summative Assessment
y Chapter assessments directly linked to the lessons to test mastery of skills.
y Consistent in length and format that includes a variety of problems.
y Teacher notes and sample problems to help guide students through instructions.
Common Errors
y Notes and examples for teachers about common errors or what to look for when guiding students through a lesson.
Differentiated Instruction
y Extra practice and support to help both struggling learners and early finishers.
Spiral Review
y Daily review and warm-up activities provide a quick check of skills.
y Important arithmetic skills are reinforced and reviewed throughout the levels.
y All levels begin with a comprehensive review of foundational skills.
Begin the lesson with direct instruction.
Read the problem together and discuss the model or image provided.
Let’s learn!
My minute hand is pointing to the 6. My hour hand is pointing between the 5 and 6. Draw the time. What time is it?
Story Problems with Time
5 30 I can solve time story problems.
Use icons to assist with learning how to follow instructions independently.
Interact with the visual model to find important information and apply it to the lesson or problem.
Use Try it Together as a guided practice to help students try the problems on their own or with the class. Use this section to work together and discuss questions and answers. It provides gradual release to help guide teachers and students through the process in a stepwise fashion. Evaluate student understanding and add clarity before continuing with independent work
My hour hand is pointing to the 8. My minute hand is pointing to the 12. Draw the time. What time is it?
My minute hand is pointing to the 6. My hour hand is pointing between the 12 and 1. Draw the time. What time is it?
1. 2. 3.
Teacher Notes
Direct instruction for teachers to read to assist with pre-readers or guided practice
Sarah takes a nap at 4 o’clock. She sleeps for 1 hour. What time does she wake up? Draw and write the time.
Help Flash and figure out problems together
Use Step-byStep guides to learn how to solve the problem
Refer to notes to find tips and lesson ideas for teacher guidance
Use sample problems to review steps and directions and complete answers by tracing along the dashed outline
Continue practice or assign problems for independent work
A large number of problems to allow for differentiated instruction and practice. Choose odd number problems to complete first or choose some problems to assign
How to use the Teacher Guide
y Use the teacher guide to complement the student workbook.
y The exact version of student pages is shown with a green answer key.
y Easy to use, consistent and color-coded sections
y Guide students through the workbook with extra activities, pre-requisite skills and game-based learning.
y Differentiate with additional tips for both struggling learners and early finishers.
Start off the class with review, mental math, or short activity so students can practice some math skills right away. A quick set of independent or class problems that include pre-requisite skills or warm-up activity
Use these questions to start the class, or ask them after the learning activity. Write the questions on the board to help guide the lesson for the day, so students can contemplate the answer and understand the big picture
Prepare your lesson.
y Use objectives to guide you through the main idea.
y Quick reference and extra tips for vocabulary covered in the lesson.
y Materials list helps you be prepared to lead activities and be ready with resources.
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
the students: How many bean bags are inside the circle? How many are outside the circle? What is the sum? Record the number sentence and the sum on chart paper.
Guiding Questions
1. Why does counting on help?
[It helps to add quickly, because you do not have to count all the numbers.]
2. Is it better to start counting up from the smaller number or the bigger number? Why?
[It is better to count up from the bigger number so that you have less to count.]
3. How does the sum change when the numbers added together get bigger?
[The sum also gets bigger.
Use an activity or teacher prompts to get your students reading the book and answering questions together. Questions and dialogue for discussions are provided with answers to help guide the lesson. Prepare and lead group or partner activities to help reinforce the concepts
Copy of the student book pages with answers available for quick answer checks and corrections
Easy to find references to help differentiate your class.
Tips and ideas to assist learners who may need more support
Struggling Learners
Do you have students who complete the work more quickly? Find activities or ideas to provide these students with useful work or sharing to reinforce concepts without just adding extra problems.
Early Finishers
Challenge and Explore
Guide students to work in their student books Start with a problem together or help with another step-by-step guide. Find examples of work or tips for reading directions, showing work and labeling answers correctly.
Be on the lookout for common errors to help prevent mistakes or point out best practices.
Help guide students through problemsolving or challenge questions Extend the thought process by providing discussion points or writing about math so you can learn about how your students are thinking. Share and present ideas to hit upon performance learning and communication. This can also be used as a formative assessment for some of your advanced learners.
Find a game to help practice or learn the skill. Play and replay games to learn and review skills. Game-based learning has been shown to increase participation and communication. It increases problem-solving skills, provides students opportunities to explore concepts, fosters logic and decision making skills and helps make learning more contextual and relevant.
Every lesson comes with a quick assessment This can be an exit ticket or quick check to see what your students learned that day. It can even be used as a short quiz or recorded to help you show progress and understanding. This allows you to determine whether your students are ready to move on or need more review. It can also help you determine homework or classwork assignments.
Math Scope and Sequence
y Use the scope and sequence to see the main skills that are covered in each level.
y Skills are organized through standards and grouped in an easy to read color-coded format.
y The standards reference list is also included for details on standards and descriptions.
y Both New York State Next Generation (NYS NG) and Common Core (CC) Standards are provided for each chapter.
y The first chapters of the book cover arithmetic skills, practice and computation review to allow teachers to get a sense of student retention and skills at the beginning of each school year.
Counting and Cardinality Number Sense
Number names
Count to tell the number of objects
Count in sequence
Compare numbers
Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s and 100s
Numbers and Operations in Base Ten Place Value
Groups of ten, understand place value
Use place value to add and subtract within 100
Use place value for multi-digit operations - > than 1000
Explain patterns of 0 and powers of 10
Recognize that a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left
Round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
Compare and order numbers
Round numbers to given place value
Read, write and compare decimals
Add within 100
10 more 10 less
Add more than 2 numbers
Math Scope and Sequence
Add within 1000 using models
Add multi-digit numbers using standard algortithm with and without regrouping
Addition Properties
Understand and apply words used to describe addition, word problems
Add Money
Subtract within 100
Subtract within 1000 using models
Subtract multi-digit numbers using standard algortithm with and without regrouping
Understand and apply words used to describe subtraction, word problems
Subtract Money
Multiply 1-digit whole numbers
Multiply 1-digit by multiples of 10
Multiply with strategies such as partial products, area models, arrays
Multipy by two 2-digit numbers
Estimate with multiplication
Multiply decimals
Multiplication Properties
Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers
Multiply multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm
Division facts: Understand division as an unknown-factor problem.
Divide by 1 digit, no remainders
Find whole number quotients with dividends up to 4 digits and 1 digit divisors with and without remainders
Find whole number quotients with multi-digit dividends and 2 digit divisors with and without remainders
Divide decimals by whole numbers
Divide by a decimal
Divide and make the remainder a decimal or fraction
Interpret remainders
Whole numbers
Distinguish and use factors and multiples
Order of Operations
Find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12
Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers 1–100 with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor
Math Scope and Sequence
Use positive and negative numbers to represent quantities in real-world contexts
Absolute value
Integers on a number line, compare and order
Addition of integers, understand and apply patterns
Subtraction of integers
Multiply and divide integers
Coordinate points
Number and Operations
Partition circles and rectangles into two, three or four equal shares, describe the shares using the words halves, thirds, half of, a third of, etc.
Understand and represent a fraction as a number on the number line
Fractions of a shape, fractions of a group
Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size
Compare two fractions with different numerators and different denominators
Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators
Add and subtract with unlike denominators
Multiply a fraction or whole number by a fraction.
Multiply and divide mixed numbers
Divide unit fractions by whole numbers and whole numbers by unit fractions
Divide fraction by fractions
Fluently add, subtract, multiply, divide fractions and mixed numbers
Compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning about their size
Read, write and compare decimals to thousandths
Add and subtract decimals
Add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals to thousandths
Divide to get decimals
Convert between fractions, decimals and percents
Use and apply decimals in all operations
Percent as out of 100
Compare and order percents, fractions and decimals
Percent Proportion
Percent equation
Simple Interest
Percent increase/decrease
Taxes, tips, commission, discounts
Math Scope and Sequence
Rational Numbers
Understand a rational number as a point on the number line
a/b where b ≠ 0
Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers
Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers
Ratios and Proportional Relationships
Ratios and Rates
Identify, write and use ratios
Unit Rate, Unit Pricing
and rate
Proportional Relationships Set up and Solve proportions
with Tables and Graphs
Algebra and Functions
Algebraic Relationships
Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule
Graph points on the coordinate plane
Write, read and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers
Equations and Inequalitities
Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities
Recognize that inequalities of the form x > c or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line diagrams
Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions
Solve multi-step real-life and mathematical problems posed with positive and negative rational numbers in any form (whole numbers, fractions and decimals), using tools strategically
Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables
Create graphs from tables and interpret graphs of linear equations
Slope, direct variation
Math Scope and Sequence
Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks
Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m. and p.m.
Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes
Elapsed Time
Recognize and identify coins, their names, and their value
Count coins and make change
Operations with money, use the $ and .00
Linear Measurement
Measure and estimate the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks and measuring tapes
Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system
Liquid, mass and weight
Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units
Add, subtract, multiply or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units
Perimeter and Area
Measure areas by counting unit squares and square units
Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition
Perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters
Apply, use and interpret formulas for perimeter and area of different shapes and figures
2D and 3D shapes
Defining attributes (number of sides, angles) and non defining attributes (color, size, orientation)
Composite shapes
Describe and name shapes, color, relative position
Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and cubes
Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry
Parts of a circle x
Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines. Identify these in two-dimensional figures
Math Scope and Sequence
Classify two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties
Identify 3D figures
Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor; sketch angles of specified measure
Transversals and properties
Angle sums and applications
Triangles, Circles, Quadrilaterals
Find area of triangles
Name and identify triangles by side lengths and angles
Area and circumference of circle
Area, perimeter, formulas of rectangle
Special triangles
Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points
Slides, Rotations, Reflections
Volume and Surface Area
Apply the formulas V = lwh and V = bh to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems
Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures
Statistics and Probability
Data Sets
Represent Data: Organize, represent and interpret data with up to three categories
Measures of Center
and average
mode, range
Understand that a set of data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution which can be described by its center, spread and overall shape
Investigate chance processes and develop, use and evaluate probability models
Likely and unlikely events
Probability model
Sample spaces
Theoretical and experimental probability
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
Review 1
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
Review 1, we will practice counting, adding and subtracting with numbers 0 to 5.
• Sort and count 0 to 10
• Add 0 to 5 with pictures and number lines
• Subtract 0 to 5 with pictures and number lines
• Solve vertical and horizontal addition and subtraction with numbers 0 to 5
• Count on to add
• Hop along a number line to count on or count back
• Understand numbers 0 to 5
• Subtract by crossing out pictures
• Draw to solve
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify and count objects 0-10.
y Sort objects into groups.
y Write numbers from 0-10.
y Count - list or name one by one in order to the total
y Tape or construction paper
y 10 Plates (or small objects)
y Assortment of shapes (no more than 10 of each shape)
y Ten frames
y Crayons
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students take off one of their shoes. Place the shoes in the middle in a pile. Tell students you will sort the shoes by similarities. Choose the category. Sample categories include by color, by type of shoe, etc. After sorting the shoes, count the shoes in each group. Model how to pick up the shoe and move it as you count on.
Guiding Questions
1. Why was it important to sort the shoes in groups before counting them? [to keep track]
2. Why did I move the shoe away as I was counting? [to know that you already counted that shoe]
6 3
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be sorting and counting objects. Direct students to look at the circles and triangles. Tell students that when counting mixed objects, it is important to sort and then count. Direct students to cross off the like shapes as they count in order to sort.
Pass out a ten frame and a mixed assortment of shape manipulatives. Make sure each shape has no more than 10 in all. First, tell students to sort the shapes into groups. Then, direct students to place the like shapes in the ten frame to count them.
For example, students may sort shapes into the groups: triangle, squares, and circles. Then, students place all of the triangles in the ten frame and count them.
Repeat for a new assortment of shapes.
8 4 6
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, have students sort objects in their desk and count them. For example, have students sort and count their pencils, crayons and erasers.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with different colored crayons to circle each shape on Try it Together and independent practice. Direct students to circle each like image or shape with one color. For example, direct students to circle the octopus with yellow. Then tell students to count the octopuses. This will help students to clearly see each shape or image sorted.
Early Finishers
Students can draw a picture of mixed images or shapes. Then, students can trade pictures with a partner and have them sort and count each shape.
Challenge and Explore
Provide students with a bag and go on a hunt outside for different things like leaves and sticks. Come back as a group and sort the objects students find. Have students write the amount of each object on their dry-erase boards.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Why did we sort them first? [to make it easier to count]
2. Which object had the most amount? [answers may vary]
3. Which object had the least amount? [answers may vary]
Play Number Bingo to practice counting and recognizing numbers. p. 308
Common Errors
Students may cross off objects or shapes without counting. Remind students to count on as they cross each object or shape off. Students may cross off all the objects instead of like objects. Students may also count without crossing off objects or count them more than once.
Pass out mixed shapes to students. Have students sort and count the shapes. Then tell students to draw and write the amount of each shape on a piece of paper.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify and write the addends in an addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Solve for the sum in an addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Addend - any number added to another number
y Sum - the answer to an addition problem
y Bears (in two colors)
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Linking cubes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have 2 students stand on one side of the room and 3 students stand on the other side of the room. Tell students that you want to find how many students are standing up in all. Ask students: How can we find how many in all? [answers may vary]. Share the method of counting up as an easy and quick strategy. Ask students: How many students are standing in my first group? [2]. Tell students that they can start with 2 and count up from there. As a class, say 2 and then count up as you point to each student in the next group. (2…3…4…5).
Guiding Questions
1. Why is counting up a quick and easy strategy? [Because you do not have to count every student]
2. What does it mean to add? [To find how many in all]
2 3 3 4 1 1
3 4 5 5 2 1
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will review adding numbers from 0 to 5. Look at the picture of turtles and crab in Let’s Learn. Count the turtles. Ask students: How many turtles are there? [3] Tell students this is the first addend, or number being added. Trace the 3. Ask students: How many crabs are there? [1] Tell students this is the second addend. Trace the 1. Now, tell students to count up to find the sum, or the answer to the addition problem. Start with 3 and count up with students (3…4). Ask students: What is the sum? [4]
Gather a cup and a set of small math manipulatives like bears. Provide students with dry-erase boards and markers. Explain to students that you have 2 yellow bears and 3 more blue bears in your cup and it is a mystery how many there are in all. Direct students to write the addition sentence and to solve for the sum on their boards. Dump your cup of bears out and have students check to see if they have the correct sum. Repeat for other combinations of bears with a sum from 1 to 5.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can discuss other ways to solve addition problems from independent practice. Students can work with a partner to explain and share the other methods. Examples may include using fingers, a number line, a hundreds chart, or manipulatives.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes in two different colors to solve their addition problems. Direct students to connect the same color linking cubes for the first addend. Then, direct students to count up as they add the next color linking cube for the second addend. This will help students to reinforce the idea of addends and counting up.
Early Finishers
Students can play the mystery bear game with a partner. One student puts bears in a cup and tells their partner the addends. The partner must write the addition sentence on their dryerase boards and solve for the mystery sum. Students then switch roles. For an additional challenge, students can tell their partner the total amount of bears in the cup, and their partner must guess the addends.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to write the two addends to complete the addition sentence.
____ + _____ = 5
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Can there be more than one correct solution? Why or why not? [Yes; because different addends can be added to equal 5] 2. What patterns do you notice about all of the different addends? [answers may vary; answers may include: the addends are the same numbers but in switched places]
Play Addition Tic Tac Toe to practice adding with sums from 0 to 5 p. 308
Level A Chapter R1-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to show the solution to an addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Solve for the sum in an addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Addend - any number added to another number
y Sum - the answer to an addition problem
y Number line - helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
y Chalk (or construction paper if inside)
y Number line
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Counters
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Go outside as a class. Create a number line on ground with chalk. (If inside, gather 6 pieces of construction paper, numbered 0 to 5, and line them up in a row). Have a student stand on a the number 2. Ask students: What happens if (student name) hops 3 times? [They land on 5] Call on other students to model different numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. How does hopping on a number line relate to addition? [The first number and the hops are the addends. The number that you land on is the sum.]
2. How many hops does it take to get from 1 to 4? [3] What would the addition sentence look like for this? [1+3=4]
4 3 5
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be using a number line to find the sum. Have students point to the number 1 on the number line. Tell students this is the first addend (1). Next, tell students they will hop 4 times to add. Direct students to trace the hops as they count on. Ask students: What number did you stop on? [5]. The sum of 1+4 is 5.
Go outside and have each student draw a number line with chalk from 0 to 5 (or have students write the numbers 0 to 5 on construction paper and lay them in a line on the floor). Alternatively, students can use a number line at their desks and a counter to hop. Call out an addition problem and have students model hopping on the number line and landing on the sum. For example, call out 2+3. Students start on 2 and hop 3 times. Ask students: What is the sum? [5]. Repeat for other addition problems. Check students as they begin on the first addend and hop to the sum.
Solve for the missing addends. Draw to explain on the number line.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice prompt the students to find the different ways to add up to 5. Students can use a number line to help them find the combinations of addends. For example, students can start on 0 and count the amount of hops it takes to get to 5. Students can then write 0+5=5 down as one solution.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with two counters, a dry-erase marker and a dry-erase number line. Students place one counter on the first addend. Then, students draw their hops on the number line. Then, students place the second counter on the sum. This will allow students to see all parts of the addition sentence.
Early Finishers
Students gather a number line, a counter and a dice. Students roll the dice, find the number on the number line and place a counter on it. Next, students roll the dice again and hop that many times on the number line. Students then write their addition problem down on a dryerase boards.
Challenge and Explore
Have partners play clap a sum. One partner claps (or taps) an amount for the first addend. The other student marks this number on the number line. Then, the first partner claps the second addend. The other student hops and solves for the sum. Students then switch roles.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Would your sum be the same if you switched the order of your addends? [yes] 2. How can you check to see if your sum is correct on the number line? [Start on the sum. Hop backwards the amount of an addend. If it is correct, you’ll land on the remaining addend.]
Students may lose track of how many hops to make on the number
Pass out a number line to each student. Write an addition problem on the board. Direct students to use their number line to find the sum. Then ask students to hold up the amount of fingers to represent the sum. Repeat.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve for the sum in a horizontal addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Solve for the sum in a vertical addition problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Addend - any number added to another number
y Sum - the answer to an addition problem
y Paper
y Dominos
y Linking cubes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Gather 5 pieces of paper. Write a number from 0 through 5 on each paper. Use each number only once. Grab a handful of dominos (dots should total no more than 5). Place the 6 pieces of paper on the ground, spread out. Have students sit around all the papers. Pick up a domino and show students. Ask students: What is the sum of the dots on this domino? [answers may vary]. Sort the domino on the paper based on its sum.
Guiding Questions
1. How did you find the sum of the dots? Did you use any strategies? If so, what strategy? [Answers may vary. Sample answers may be: add the dots together, count them all, count up]
2. Look at the dominos on the numbered piece of paper. What do they all have in common? How are they all different? [They have the same sum. Some have different addends.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will practice writing addition problems horizontally (make a hand movement to show across) and vertically (make a hand movement to show up and down). Have students point to the first domino. Ask students: How many dots are on the first side? [1] Tell students this is the first addend. Trace the 1. Ask students: How many dots are on the second side? [3] Tell students this is the second addend. Trace the 3. Ask students: How many dots are there in all? [4] Tell students this is the sum. Trace the 4. Now have students point to the next domino. Ask students: How many dots are on top? [1] Tell students the first addend goes on top. Trace the 1. Ask students: How many dots are on bottom? [3] Tell students the second addend goes underneath the 1. Trace the 3. Point to the line and tell students this is the equal sign in a vertical addition problem. Ask students: How many dots are there in all ? [4] Tell students the sum goes on the bottom. Ask students: What do you notice about the two dominos and their addition problems? [They have the same addends and sums]. Repeat for the Try it Together section.
Pass out a handful of dominos to each student pair. Make sure the dominos have dots that have no more than 5 in total. Students place all the dominos face down on the ground and spread out. One student flips over a domino. Students write the corresponding addition sentence both vertical and horizontal and find the sum. Students check each other’s work. If both students get it correct, they place the domino in a shared keep pile. If not, they flip it back over.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice have students pick a domino and write as many different addition problems they can for each domino. Remind students to spin and flip the domino in different ways and write the addition problems they find. (Prompt students to see how the addends can flip in different orders as well.)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes in two different colors. Students connect the same color cubes for the first addend. Then, students connect the next color cubes for the second addend. Students combine both stacks and place it horizontal. Students solve for the sum. Then, turn the same stack vertically. Ask students: Did the stack change? [no] Did the addends change? [no] Did the sum change? [no]
Early Finishers
Students can continue to play the domino game. This time, students can race using a timer to see how quickly they can get through all of their dominos.
Challenge and Explore
Write the missing number:
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
3. How did you solve for the missing number? [answers may vary]
4. Which type of problem is easier to solve? Why? [answers may vary]
Play Addition Grab Bag to practice adding numbers from 0 to 5. p. 309
Common Errors
Students may not understand the placement of the plus and equal sign in a vertical addition problem. Students may also place the sum next to the addends in the vertical addition problem instead of underneath the equal sign. Students may miscount the dots for the addends or the sum.
Hold up a domino. Students write the horizontal and vertical addition problems on their dry-erase boards. Students solve for the sum. Check student work.
Repeat for 3 dominos.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw to explain a subtraction problem.
y Identify and write the numbers for a subtraction sentence.
y Solve for the difference in a subtraction problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Difference - the answer to a subtraction problem
y 5 stuffed animals (or small objects)
y Index cards (at least 1 per student)
y Ten frames
y 2-color counters
y Dice
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Gather together 5 stuffed animals and place them in the center of the room. Have students sit around the stuffed animals. Direct 4 different students to take away a stuffed animal. Ask students: How many stuffed animals did we start with? [5] How many did we take away? [4] How many are left? [1] What type of math problem did we just solve? [subtraction] Repeat for other amounts of stuffed animals.
Guiding Questions
1. How do you find the difference when subtracting? [count the amount leftover] 2. Why do we begin a subtraction problem with the amount of animals in all? [Answers may vary. Sample answer may be: So you have enough to take away]
4 5 2 3 2 2
2 3 2 1 0 2
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that they will practice subtraction with pictures. Guide students to look at the cupcakes. Ask students: How many cupcakes were there at first? [4] Trace the 4. Explain to students that their subtraction sentences will begin with the largest valued number. Next, ask students: Why are 2 cupcakes crossed out? [because they are taken away] Trace the 2. Finally, ask students how many are left over, or what is the difference? [2] Trace the 2. Repeat for the Try it Together section.
Pass out an index card to students. On the card, direct students to write a subtraction sentence using the numbers 0 to 5. Remind students that their subtraction sentence should start with the largest value number. Tell students to leave the difference blank. Next, divide the amount of students in half and direct them to stand on either side of the room. Tell students to crumble their cards and toss them to the other side of the room when they hear the word go. After throwing the cards, direct students to pick up a card close to them. Then, direct students to return to their seats to draw and solve the subtraction problem on the card. Repeat with new index cards.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice students can discuss other ways to solve their subtraction problems from independent practice. Students can work with a partner to explain and share the other methods. Examples may include using fingers, a number line, a hundreds chart, or manipulatives.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a ten frame and twocolor counters. Have students count out and place the red counters on the ten frame for the starting number. Then, have students flip over the red counters on the ten frame for the value of the second number. Ask students: How many red are left? [students count the red counters]
Early Finishers
Students write the numbers 0 through 5 on their dry-erase boards. Students roll two dice and subtract the dots to find the difference. Students erase the difference on their boards. Students continue to roll and subtract until all of the numbers on their boards have been erased.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to write down subtraction sentences with a difference of one. Tell students their first number can be 5 or less. Provide an example: 5 - 4 = 1.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How can you check to see if your subtraction sentence is correct? [answers may vary]
2. How many subtraction sentences can equal 1 with a starting number of 5 or less? [4]
Play Subtraction
Hopscotch to practice subtracting numbers 0 to 5. p. 309
Common Errors
Students may add more pictures instead of crossing off or taking them away. Students may count on instead of counting what is left over.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to solve for the difference in a subtraction problem with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Difference - the answer to a subtraction problem
y Frog stuffed animals (or drawn picture of a frog)
y Tape
y Number line (1 per student)
y Small green paper (1 per student)
y Two-color counters
y Dice
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Gather a stuffed animal frog or draw and cut out a large picture of a frog on paper. Use tape to create a number line from 0 to 5. Place the frog on the number 5. Then tell students that the frog is hopping on lily pads (numbers) to find a fly. Pretend to have the frog hop backwards on the number line 4 times. Ask students: What number did the frog land on? [1] Tell students that the frog started on 5, hopped back 4 and landed on one. Call on students to come up to act out being the frog.
Guiding Questions
1. What type of math problem did we solve? [subtraction]
2. How do you know? [answers may vary]
3. Why is it important to hop to every number? [to count and keep track of the amount we are subtracting]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be using a number line to find the difference. Have students point to the number 3 on the number line. Next, tell students they will hop backwards 2 times to subtract. Direct students to trace the hops as they count back. Ask students: What number did you stop on? [1]. So, the difference is 1.
Pass out a small green paper to each student. Tell students to draw a picture of a frog and to cut it out. Pass out a number line to each student. Write a subtraction sentence on the board (using numbers 0 to 5). Direct students to solve for the difference using their frogs and the number lines. Tell students to begin on the first number and to hop backwards. Ask students: Why does your frog have to hop backwards? [because we are taking away. The numbers need to get smaller or less]. Repeat for multiple subtraction sentences.
Play Subtraction
Hopscotch to practice subtracting numbers 0 to 5. p. 309
Write the subtraction sentence and the di erence.
Use the number line. Solve for the mystery number. Start on 3 Hop back 2 You’ve landed on me! What number am I?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with two counters, a dry-erase marker and a dry-erase number line. Students place one counter on the first number. Then, students draw their hops on the number line. Remind students to draw their hops backwards for subtraction. Then, students place the second counter on the difference. This will allow students to see all parts of the subtraction sentence.
Early Finishers
Students gather a number line, a counter and a die. Students roll the die, find the number on the number line and place a counter on it. Next, students roll the die again. If the number is smaller than the first roll, students will hop the counter that many times backwards on the number line. If the number is larger, move the counter to the larger number and hop back the number from the first roll. Students then write their subtraction problem down on a dry-erase boards.
Challenge and Explore
Partners can play a number line subtraction game. Students get two dice, one number line and two-color counters. Students take turns rolling the dice, solving the subtraction problem shown, and covering the difference on the number line with a counter. If there is already a counter on the difference, students lose their turn. Students play until all numbers have a counter. The player with the most counters on the numberline wins.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, prompt the students to find the different ways to get to a difference of 0 (using numbers 0 to 5). Students can use a number line to help them find the different combinations. For example, students can start on 2 and count the amount of hops it takes to get to 0 Students can then write 2-2=0 down as one solution. Prompt students to discover that any number minus itself is equal to 0.
Common Errors
Students may hop forwards instead of backwards on the numberline. Students may lose track of the amount of hops to take backwards. Students may count the number they start on as a hop.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Does it matter which number dice you start with when subtracting? [yes]
2. Which number do you start with? [you have to start with the number that has a greater value]
Pass out a number line and a counter to each student. Write a subtraction sentence on the board using numbers 0 to 5. Have students use their number line to solve the subtraction sentence. Tell students to leave their counter on the difference. Walk around to check their answers. Repeat for 3 subtraction sentences.
Level A Chapter R1-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve vertical and horizontal subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 5.
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Difference - the answer to a subtraction problem
y Sticky notes
y Anchor charts
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Tape or chalk
y Bears or small manipulative
y Linking cubes
y Number lines
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write different horizontal subtraction sentences on sticky notes (one per student). Use numbers 0 to 5 for each subtraction sentence. Write a number, 0 to 5, on different anchor charts to represent the answer to the subtraction sentences. For example, one anchor chart has the number 3 on it. Place anchor charts up around the room.
Pass out a sticky note with a horizontal subtraction sentence to each student. Tell students to solve the subtraction sentence and to place their sticky note on the anchor chart with the number that matches their answer. For example, if a student solves 3-1=2, then they should place their sticky note on the number 2 anchor chart.
Guiding Questions
1. What strategy did you use to solve your subtraction problem? [answers may vary; examples: counted back, drew a picture, used a number line]
2. What does it mean to subtract? [To take away]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be writing vertical and horizontal subtraction sentences. Show students the two images of the ice cream. Explain that subtraction sentences can be written vertical, like ice cream stacked on a cone, or horizontal, like ice cream in a cup. Look at the vertical subtraction sentence. Ask students: How many chocolate chips are there to start? [3]. How many are crossed off? [1] How many are left? [2] Now look at the horizontal subtraction sentence. Ask students: Is this subtraction sentence the same or different than the vertical one? [the same] How do you know? [the numbers in the subtraction sentence are the same and the differences are the same]
Use tape to draw a boat on the floor or draw a boat on the ground outside with chalk. Direct students to sit in a circle around the boat. Have 5 students stand in the boat. Then, tell students in the boat to pretend as if they are sailing to a destination. Tell students when they have arrived. Direct 3 students to get off the boat and sit down at their destination. Then, tell students to write the vertical subtraction sentence to match the boat problem on their dry-erase boards. Walk around to check student work. Ask students: How many people were on the boat at first? [5] How many got off? [3] How many are left? [2] Repeat with various amounts of students in the boat ranging from 0 to 5. Alternate having students write the subtraction sentence in vertical and horizontal form.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes. Tell students to connect the linking cubes for the first number in the subtraction sentence. Have them place the linking cube stack horizontally. Then, tell students to take away the amount show, keeping the linking cube stack horizontal. Ask students: What is the difference? Repeat this process for the same subtraction problem but direct students to put their linking cube stack vertically. Ask students: Did anything change besides the direction of the cubes? [no]
Early Finishers
Provide students with a number line, linking cubes and two dice. Students roll their two dice, subtract the two numbers, find the difference on their number line and cover it with a linking cube. Students repeat the process. If they solve for a difference that already has a linking cube, then they add a linking cube on top to make a stack. Students continue playing to see which number can get the tallest stack.
Challenge and Explore
Read the word problem to students and tell them to write the number sentence on their dry-erase boards and to solve:
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice have students work with a partner to act out subtraction scenarios. One student can use math manipulatives, like bears, to act out a subtraction problem with numbers from 0 to 5. Their partner then writes the subtraction sentence and difference down on a dryerase board. Students then switch roles.
Common Errors
Students may add instead of subtract. Students may also write the difference for the subtraction problem next to the numbers instead of below them. Students may also think they have to solve both the vertical and horizontal subtraction problems even though they are the same. Remind them that if the two numbers being subtracted are the same, then so is the difference.
Play Subtraction Hopscotch to practice subtracting numbers 0 to 5. p. 309
Exit Ticket: Draw a line to match the subtraction sentences. Solve for the difference.
Tim has 5 baseballs. He hits 2 baseballs out of the park and can’t find them. How many baseballs does he have left?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What is the number sentence for this problem? [5-2=__]
2. How did you know to subtract? [because he lost the baseballs which means take away]
3. What is the difference? [3]
4. Is your difference the same if your subtraction sentence was written vertically or horizontally? [yes]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify if a story problem is addition or subtraction.
y Solve addition story problems with numbers 0 to 5.
y Solve subtraction story problems with numbers 0 to 5.
y Word problem or Story problem - a few sentences describing a “real-life” scenario where a problem needs to be solved with math sentences (addition, subtraction, etc.)
y Index cards
y Pretend insects (plastic figures, stuffed animals, or print outs)
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Counters or beans
y Highlighters
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out an index card to each student. Direct students to write a plus sign on one side of the index card and a minus sign on the other side of the index card.
Read off a story problem to students. Tell students to picture the problem in their mind. Then, tell students to hold up the plus sign if its an addition problem or minus sign if its a subtraction problem.
Example story problems:
Sam had 2 balloons. He popped 1 balloon. How many are left?
Guiding Questions
Tim has 3 cookies. He baked 2 more cookies. How many cookies does he have in all?
1. How did you know what type of problem it was? [answers may vary; example: he had some taken away; he got more, etc. ]
2. Why is it important to know if it is addition or subtraction? [to solve the problem correctly]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will solve addition and subtraction story problems. Explain to students that it is important to follow some steps to solve story problems: imagine, plan, then solve. Read the story problem to students. Direct students to imagine, or picture, the problem in their minds. Ask students: What do you picture happening? [answers may vary; example: Jack had balloons in his hand and he is sad because some are gone] Next, direct students to plan by deciding if it is addition or subtraction. Ask students: Is this an addition or subtraction problem? [subtraction] How do you know? [They are taking away the balloons] Trace the circle around the minus sign. Finally, tell students to solve by writing the subtraction sentence and drawing a picture. Ask students: What is our subtraction sentence? [4-2=2] Trace the subtraction sentence.
Gather some pretend insects (plastic, stuffed animals or print out copies). Act out story problems with the insects. Have students stop to plan if the problem is addition or subtraction. Direct student to show if it’s addition or subtraction with their arm motions. For example, students put their arms straight for a minus sign and two arms crossed for a plus sign. Next, direct students to solve on their dryerase boards by drawing and writing the number sentence.
Example insect story problem scenarios: I see 3 butterflies. 2 butterflies fly away. How many are left? I collected 2 ladybugs. I collected 2 ants. How many bugs do I have in all?
Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice have students work in pairs to find clue words in the story problems. Direct students to highlight or circle the words in the problems that gave them clues about whether the problem was addition or subtraction. For example, students may circle ‘left over’ to signify subtraction.
Struggling Learners
Allow struggling learners to use counters or beans to act out each problem. For example, in Try it Together, direct students to take out 5 counters and to take away 2. Ask students: How many are left? [3] Direct students to draw their counters and to write their subtraction sentence.
Early Finishers
Students can be the teacher and write their own story problems with numbers from 0 to 5 on index cards. Then, students can switch story problems with a partner and solve the problems on their dry-erase boards.
Challenge and Explore
A final step to story problems is to check to see if your answer is correct. Solve this word problem and explain how you check your answer.
There are 3 horses. 2 more horses gallop to join them. How many are there in all?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you solve this problem? [added 3+2] What is the sum? [5 horses in all] 2. How did you check to see if your answer was correct? [answers may vary; example: took away 5-2 to get 3] Games
Play Word Problems Around the Room to practice solving word problems. p. 310
Read a story problem to students. Have them draw to solve and write the appropriate number sentence on their paper.
Story problem: There are 4 frogs in the pond. 3 hop away. How many are left? [4-3=1]
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
Review 2
In Review 2, we will learn about sequencing, counting, and patterns with numbers 0 to 10.
• Put things in order
• Count 0 to 10 on a number line
• Count backward on a number line
• Understand numerical sequence
• Look for patterns
• Fill in missing numbers
• Understand 1 more and 1 less
• Skip count
• Patterns help us with ordering and sequences
• Numbers have a sequence
• Number lines help compare and order numbers
• Number lines help us count forward and backward
• We can hop to skip count on a number line
Level A Chapter R2-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Put 3 pictures in the correct sequence.
y Draw or complete the final part of a sequence.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last Materials
y Sequence picture cards
y Paper
y Crayons
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Print out three pictures - one of the morning, afternoon and night time. Talk about how a sequence is when things go in a certain order. Show the three printed pictures to students (in random order) Ask students: What picture goes first? [morning] What comes next? [afternoon] What comes last? [night] As students tell you the order, tape your pictures to a chart or the board.
Tell students they will now practice putting themselves in sequence. Tell them that you will set a timer for 1 minute. Without talking, they have to get in a height order line, from shortest to tallest. Show students where the shortest student should start the line.
Guiding Questions
1. How did you figure out the height order without talking?
[Answers may vary. A sample answer may include: Measuring our heights back to back]
2. What other things go in a sequence?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: numbers; plants growing, getting ready for bed; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the different sequences in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What is happening in the first sequence? [The times of the day] What does it start with? [morning] What does it end with? [night] Next, look at the dogs. Ask students: What is happening in this sequence? [dogs growing up] What does it start with [a puppy] and what does it end with? [an adult dog] Keep repeating for the rest of the sequences.
Look at number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: What is the first part of the sequence? [a baby] What is the next part? [a child] So, what picture should we circle for the last part of the sequence? [adult] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Print out or draw 10 sequence cards (3 pictures per sequence). Examples of sequence cards can be times of the day, lifecycle of a butterfly, lifecycle of a frog, lifecycle of a human, height order, size order, growth of a plant or animal, steps for bed, etc. Place these cards in random order around the classroom. Tell students that they will walk around to music. When the music stops, they will go to the closest set of cards (that does not have more than 2 students at it) and put the cards in order with their friends. Walk around to check student work and remix or turn over the cards. Then, play the music again for students to go to the next sequence card set.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to look at the pictures and determine the sequence first.
Struggling Learners
Have the students do the sequencing card activity with you. Describe each card with the students. Make sure to discuss what they see in the image and what type of sequence it is. Then, ask which would go first, next, and last. Continue on until all of the cards are in order.
Early Finishers
Students draw and color their own sequence cards (with 3 pictures per sequence). Once other students are finished, they can swap sequence cards to put them in order.
Challenge and Explore
Read this sequence to students and tell them to draw the middle of the sequence.
First is the egg.
Next is ______ [a baby chick]
Last is the chicken.
Share student results and discuss the similarities and differences.
Play Roll a Sequence to practice putting numbers from 0 to 10 in order. p. 310
Common Errors
Students may work in reverse order for the sequence.
Draw two size sequences on a note card and have students draw the last shape.
Small triangle, medium triangle, _____ Small star, medium star, _____
Level A Chapter R2-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Fill in numbers from 0 to 10 on a number line.
y Use a number line to count from 0 to 10.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
y Number line - helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
y Paper
y Marker
y Painter’s tape
y Chalk
y Number lines from 0 to 10
y Beans
y Sticky notes
y Blank number lines
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write the numbers 0 through 10 on pieces of paper. Make sure the numbers are large. Put a piece of painter’s tape on the floor to represent the line of a number line. (If tape isn’t available, use chalk outside.) Start with the number 0. Hold up the 0 card. Ask students: Where does this number go? [first] Place this card in the beginning of the painter’s tape line on the floor. Hold up the 3 card. Ask students: Is this card more or less than 0? [more] Is it the number right after 0? [no] Tell students you’ll leave some room after the zero and then place the 3. Students can help you estimate where to put it. Place the number 3 card down. Next, grab the number 2 card. Ask students: Is it more or less than 0? [more] Is it more or less than 3? [less] Ask a student to come and place the number card on the line. Keep repeating these types of questions with the rest of the numbers in random order.
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
1. What is it called when we put the numbers in a specific order? [sequence]
2. What patterns do you notice on the number line?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: the numbers get bigger or more when you go forward; the numbers get smaller when you go backwards]
3. How can the number sequence we made help you?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: helps us to see which numbers are more or less; helps to add or subtract; etc.]
Look at the train number sequence in Let’s Learn. With students, point to each number and count out loud. Tell students they will need to use this number line to help them fill in the missing numbers for the rest of the lesson.
Look at number 1 in Try it Together. Point to the number one with students. Tell students to count out loud as you point to each number (0…1…2…). Stop at the blank spot. Ask students: What number comes next? [3] Continue counting until the end of the train (3…4…5). Repeat with the rest of Try it Together
Go outside and pass out chalk to all students. Have each student draw a large number line on the ground from 0 to 10. Walk around to help students draw their number lines. Then, have all students stand at the zero on their number line. Call out a number and tell students directions to go to that number. For example “hop to the number 4.” Students then hop to the number 4. Other directions can include: “Run to the number 3, skip to the number 9.” etc. If you can’t go outside, have students draw a number line on a blank piece of paper. You can invite students to hop along the number line you made with tape on the floor, while each student draws his own number line and labels it at his desk. They can draw ‘hops’ with different colors.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the completed number line to help find the missing numbers in the sequence.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a number line from 0 to 10 and two beans for Try it Together. Look at number 1 and have students place their bean on the 0. Have students put their other bean on their completed number line. Tell students to move both beans to the next number. Ask students: What numbers are the beans both on? [1] Move the beans to the next number. Ask students again: What number are the beans both on now? [2] Move the beans to the next spot. Ask students: What number should the beans both be on? [3] Tell students to write in the missing number. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together, moving beans on both number lines to find the missing numbers.
Early Finishers
Students draw 5 of their own number lines with missing numbers on a piece of paper. When another student is finished, they can trade papers and fill in the number lines.
Challenge and Explore
Draw a large number line on the board. Give students clues like the ones below, to find a number on the number line. Select a student to put a sticky note above the number on the number line. Repeat until all numbers have a sticky note above them.
Example clues:
The mystery number is less than 5. It is next to the 4 on the number line. It is more than 2. What is the mystery number?
Play Roll a Sequence to practice putting numbers from 0 to 10 in order. p. 310
Common Errors
Students may repeat previous numbers when counting to find the missing number in a sequence. For example, if the 3 is missing, students may count 1..2..2.
Pass out a blank number line and have students fill in the numbers from 0 to 10.
Level A Chapter R2-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Fill in numbers from 0 to 10 on a number line.
y Recognize and describe patterns in a number line.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
y Number line - helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
y Painter’s Tape
y Paper
y Markers
y Paint (or stickers, crayons, etc.)
y Q-tips
y Number line from 0 to 10
y Linking cubes (or anything that can stack like blocks, legos, etc.)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Make a large number line on the floor with painter’s tape and numbers on paper from 0 to 5. Tell students you will build the numbers on the number line with shoes to find patterns. Tell students to take off their shoes.
Ask one student to come up to the number line and put 1 shoe above the number one. Next, ask another student to come up and put 2 shoes above the number 2 (stacked). Ask students: How many shoes do we need for the next number? [3] Keep having students put their shoes above each number until all 5 numbers are complete.
Guiding Questions
1. Why are there no shoes on the number 0?
[0 means nothing]
2. What patterns do you notice with the shoes? [the stack keeps getting bigger] How much bigger is each stack? [1]
3. What does this mean about the numbers on a number line?
[the numbers get bigger by 1 as you go forward on the number line]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Tell students to count the circles to fill in the missing numbers. Ask students: How many circles are there for 0? [none] Then, how many circles are there? [1] Next, how many circles are there? [2] Tell students to trace the 2. Keep going to fill in the rest of the number line.
Look at the number line in Try it Together. Tell students to draw stacked squares to help find the missing numbers. Start by tracing the 5 squares. Ask students: How many squares did you trace? [5] Tell students to trace the number 5. Next, tell students to draw 5 squares and 1 more on a stack. As you all draw, count out loud. Ask students: How many squares did we draw to make the stack 1 more than 5? [6] Write in the number 6 on the number line. Keep going for the rest of the missing numbers.
Pass out a number line from 0 to 10 for each student. Pass out paint and a Q-tips. (If paint is unavailable, use sticker dots or crayons to make circles). Students will dip their Q-tip in the paint and stamp dots above each number on the number line, in a stack. For example, they will put 1 dot above the number 1, 2 dots above the number 2, 3 dots above the number 3, and so on.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles to build each number in order to find out the missing numbers.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes for Try it Together. Start with the number 0. Ask students: How many cubes do we need? [0]. Move to the next number. Now tell students to add one to their linking cube stack. Ask students: How many cubes are there now? [1] Tell students to add one more to their linking cube stack. Ask students: How many cubes are there now? [2]. Keep going and having students write in the missing number. Ask students at the end: Why did we add one each time? [because the number line grows by 1 each time]
Early Finishers
Students can use blocks, legos, linking cubes, or anything that can stack, to show the growth of number lines, just like with the shoe example in the pre-lesson warm-up.
Challenge and Explore
On the board, draw a blank number line and stacks of circles to represent each number. Start with 10 circles in a stack, then 9 circles in a stack, then 8 circles, and so on. Tell students to draw the number line and write the corresponding numbers on their dry-erase board.
Ask students: What is the sequence? [reverse number order] How is this similar to the number lines we used before? [it is a difference of one each time] How is it different? [it starts at 10 instead of 0; it decreases by 1 instead of increases by 1]
Play Roll a Sequence to practice putting numbers from 0 to 10 in order. p. 310
Students may draw too many circles for each number. Remind them that it should be one more circle than the previous number. Common Errors
Pass out a number line from 0 to 10. Tell students to draw circles to show how the number line grows. Assess
Objective and Learning Goals
y Skip count by 2s starting at different numbers.
y Fill in a number line by skip counting.
y Skip count - counting forward by a certain number; keep adding the same number each time to the previous number
y Chalk
y Small rocks or balls
y Timer
y Beans or beads
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students you were curious how many students are in the class today. Tell all students to stand up and pick one student to count all of the students. The student is more than likely going to count by ones to see how many are in the class. Ask the students: What is another way to count all the students in the class?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: in groups; skip counting; etc.] Tell all students to stand with a partner. Now, show the class that you can count by twos (or by groups of 2) to see how many students are there. Have students count along with you as you point to each group (2…4…6…etc.)
Guiding Questions
1. What method was faster and why?
[Counting by 2s because there were less groups and numbers to count.]
2. What other things could you count by 2s? [Answers may vary. Sample answers include: counting toys; counting money; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What are the red hops showing on the number line? [skipping by 2] Tell students that a number line can show how to skip count. Skip counting by 2 on a number line means you start at the first number and skip over two hops. Ask students to start on the 4. Now ask students: Skip count by 2 to the next number. What is it? [6]
Look at the number line in Try it Together. Tell students to trace the hops with their finger while skip counting by 2s. Start at 0 and all together skip count by 2s (0...2…4). Ask students: What number comes next? [6] Keep repeating for the rest of Try it Together.
Go outside and pass out chalk. Tell student pairs to draw a hopscotch from 0 to 10 with chalk (or use paper inside the classroom). Students take turns tossing a small rock or ball to a number. Students stand on that number and then hop while skip counting by 2s to the end. For example, students toss the ball to a 3 and skip count by 2s until the end (3..5..7..9).
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles to build each number in order to find out the missing numbers.
Struggling Learners
Pass out 10 beans or beads to each student and then tell students to make groups of 2 with them. Then, students can count each group of 2 in order to find the missing numbers on the number lines in Try it Together
Early Finishers
Students can continue playing hopscotch once completed. Students can race a timer or a partner to see who can skip count and hop faster.
Challenge and Explore
Draw circles on the board (like below) and ask students what the pattern is with the circles.
Ask students: How many does the pattern start with? [1] How many does it end with? [7] How much does it grow each time? [2]
Play Skip Count to Catch to practice skip counting by different numbers. p. 311
Common Errors
Students may count up by 1s instead of by 2s. Students may not realize they can skip count by 2s starting at any number. They may think they can only skip count by 2s by starting at 0.
Pass out a number line with all numbers filled in except the number 9. Tell students to draw the hops to show skip counting by 2s starting at 1. Tell students to fill in the missing number on the number line.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write missing numbers in reverse order from 10 to 0.
y Count back from 10 to 0.
y Reverse counting - counting backwards
y Anchor chart
y Sticky notes
y Number line (0 to 10)
y Dice
y Timer
y Beans or beads
y Dry-erase board
y Blank number line
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw a ten frame on an anchor chart or on the board. Put 10 sticky notes in the spaces of the ten frame while students count out loud (Starting with 0 sticky notes…1…2…etc). Next, call on a student to take off one sticky note. Ask students: How many sticky notes are there now? [9]. Call on a new student to take off one sticky note. Ask students: How many sticky notes are there now? [8]. Keep repeating until there are no sticky notes left.
Guiding Questions
1. When we first started putting in the sticky notes, did your numbers increase or decrease (get more or less)? [more]
2. When we took sticky notes off, what happened to our numbers?
[they decreased or got less] 3. How are counting forwards and backwards similar?
[they both increase or decrease by 1]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Remind students that you will decrease by 1 to count backwards. Point to each number and count backwards together. Ask students: What is the missing number? [6] Trace the 6.
Look at the number line in Try it Together. Tell students the first rocket ship has the number line written from 10 to 0. Count down together as you all point to each number. Now, tell students you will do the same thing (counting down). This time, when you get to a number that is blank, fill it in. All together, count down as you point to the numbers. Fill in the missing numbers when you come to them.
Put students into groups of two. Pass out a number line (from 0 to 10) to each student pair. Tell students that they will take turns rolling their dice and hopping back that many spaces on their number line (starting at 10). The first person to get to zero wins.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles to build each number in order to find out the missing numbers.
Struggling Learners
Pass out 2 beans or beads to each student and a completed number line to use for Try it Together. Tell students to place one bean or bead on the completed number line starting at 10. Place the other bean or bead on the number line with missing numbers, also starting at 10. Move both beans down, one number at a time. When the bean stops at a missing number, check to see where the bean is on the completed number line. Keep going until all missing numbers are discovered. Use the number line and beans for the rest of the lesson as well.
Early Finishers
Students can continue playing the game from the activity (rolling the dice and hopping back on the number line) by themselves, by racing a timer, or with a partner.
Challenge and Explore
Draw circles on the board (like below) and ask students to continue the pattern on their dry-erase boards.
Ask students: How many does the pattern start with? [6] How many does it end with? [3] How much does it decrease each time? [1]
Play Skip Count to Catch to practice counting from various numbers. p. 311
Common Errors
Students may start counting at 1 every time. Students may count up from 10 instead of back.
Pass out a blank number line. Tell students to start with 10 and write the numbers down to 0.
Level A Chapter R2-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find one more and one less on a number line.
y Write one more and one less than a given number from 0 to 10.
y More - a bigger number or greater amount; a term used to compare number values
y Less - not as many; a smaller number or amount; a term used to compare number values
y Number line
y Anchor chart
y Blue, green and red marker (teacher)
y Blue, green and red crayons (students)
y Blank 5x5 bingo grid
y Counters, beans, or beads
y Laminated number line (or a number line with clear packing tape on top)
y Dry-erase marker
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Draw 3 number lines on a chart (from 0 to 10). Tell students you will use the number line to find one more than a number and one less than a number.
Start with the number 4. Circle the number 4 with a red marker. While pointing to the 4, ask students: What is one more than 4? [5] Circle the 5 with a green marker. Next, while pointing to the 4 again, ask students: What is one less than 4? [3] Circle the 3 with a red marker. Repeat for the numbers 7 (on a new number line) and 2 (on the third number line).
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the first number line in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What is happening with the hop on this number line? [it is adding one more] What is one more than 5? [6] Look at the second number line with students. Ask students: What is happening with the hop on the second number line? [it is moving one less] What is one less than 5? [4]
1. Looking at the three number lines, what patterns do you notice with one more for each number?
[they are one over to the right of the original number]
2. Looking at the three number lines, what patterns do you notice with one less for each number?
[they are one over to the left of the original number]
3. When you move one more are you adding or subtracting? How do you know? [adding because the numbers get bigger]
4. When you move one less, are you adding or subtracting? How do you know? [subtracting because the numbers get smaller]
Look at number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to find the number 7 on the number line. Next, tell students to hop up one to find one more. Ask students: What is one more than 7? [8] Write down answers for one more. Now tell students to go back to 7 again and hop back to find one less. Ask students: What is one less than 7? [6] Write down answers for one less. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out a blank 5x5 bingo grid. Tell students to write the numbers from 0 to 10 in random order on their bingo grid. Remind students to only put one number in each box. Pass out a number line to each student (from 0 to 10) and beans or some type of counter. Call out a one more or one less clue and students will cover up the correct number on their bingo cards. Play until a student gets 5 in a row. Students can use their number lines to help figure out the correct number to cover based on the clues.
Clue examples: The number is one more than 5. The number is one less than 4. The number is one more 8. The number is one less than 1.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the number line to find one more and one less.
Struggling Learners
Laminate a number line (or put clear packing tape over a number line) so students can draw the hops on the number line when solving for one more and one less. This helps them to visualize the hops rather than just using their fingers.
Early Finishers
Students need dice, paper, and a pencil. Students roll the dice and write the number down. Then they will write one more than the number and one less than the number. Keep rolling to play.
Challenge and Explore
Have students work through the problem on their number lines as you read it out loud. Start at 6. Move one more than 6. Move one more again. Move one less. Move one less again. What number did you stop on?
Ask students: What is the number? [6] Why did you land at the same spot? [because you moved up two and then back 2]
Common Errors
Students may start at one every time. Make sure they find the correct number to start on. Students may also find one more and then forget to return to the original number to find one less.
Play Race Car Number line to practice moving more and less on the number line. p. 311
Pass out a number line. Tell students to circle the number 8 in a blue crayon. Tell students to circle one more in green and one less in red.
Level A Chapter R2-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use the number line from 0 to 10 to draw more and less.
y Write how many more and how many less.
y More - a bigger number or greater amount; a term used to compare number values
y Less - not as many; a smaller number or amount; a term used to compare number values
y Painter’s tape
y Paper
y Number line from 0 to 10
y Clothespin or paper clip
y Dice
y Bears or beans
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Make a life-sized number line on the floor using painter’s tape and papers with the numbers 0 through 10 written on them. Have a student stand on the number 5. Now, tell the students that you want to find out what is 3 more than 5. Ask students: Should we move forward or backward on the number line? Why? [forward because it is more] Tell the student to hop forward 3 times (count out loud as the student hops). Ask students: What is 3 more than 5? [8]
Repeat with new students hopping for 2 less than 7; 4 more than 6; 3 less than 3 If you can’t do a large line on the floor, have students “hop” with beans or bear counters at their desks.
Guiding Questions
1. Every time we hop more on the number line, what is happening to the number on the number line?
[it is increasing] Why?
[because we are adding more]
2. Every time we hop less on the number line, what is happening to the number on the number line?
[it is decreasing]
[because we are taking away]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Tell students the bunny is showing 3 more than 4. Ask students: How do I know it is showing 3 more than 4? [because the bunny started on the 4 and is hopping forward 3 times] What is 3 more than 4? [7] Write in 7 on the lines.
Look at number 1 in Try it Together. Tell the students to circle the number that is 4 more than 2. Ask the students: What number should you start on? [2] How many hops should you take? [4] Tell students to draw their 4 hops. Now ask students: What is 4 more than 2? [6] Tell students to circle the 6. Follow the blue microphone prompts in the book to complete the rest of Try it Together Number 2 - 3 less than 8; Number 3 - 6 less than 7; Number 4 - 6 more than 1.
Pass out a number line from 0 to 10 to each student. Pass out a clothespin (or paper clip) to each student. Students roll the dice and put their clothespin on that number. Students roll the dice again and move their clothespin that many spaces. Students alternate between moving forward and backward on the number line. For example, if the student moved forward 4 spaces last turn, then this turn they will move backward the amount on the dice.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the number line to find more and less.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with 2 bears or beans and a number line. Have the student put the first bear on the number given. Then tell the student to take the second bear and move the hops forwards or backward. This allows the student to see how far the bear moved from the original bear and it helps them check their answers.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards and write their own clues on each card. Answers should be numbers between 0-10. For example, students can write 2 more than 5. 1 less than 9. Once done, students can trade cards with another student and use a number line to solve for each card. Students can also race to see who solves the set of cards first.
Challenge and Explore
Have students work through the problem on their number lines as you read it out loud. Start at 3.
Move 2 more than 3.
Move 1 less.
Move 4 more.
Move 3 less.
Move 5 less.
What number did you stop on?
Ask students: What is the number? [0] Is your number more or less than the original number (3)? How do you know? [less because 0 is backward on the number line from 3]
Play Race Car Number line to practice moving more and less on the number line. p. 311
Students may lose track of their hops. Students may hop the amount of the starting number. Students may start on the number they should be hopping. Common Errors
Pass out a piece of paper to each student. Tell students to draw two number lines from 0 to 10. Tell students to draw the hops and circle the answers.
y 4 more than 6 y 3 less than 10 Assess
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use the number line from 0 to 10 to draw skip counting.
y Use the number line from 0 to 10 to determine and write the skip counting rule.
y Skip count - count forward by a certain number; add the same number each time to the previous number
y Painter’s tape
y Paper
y Number line from 0 to 10
y Chalk
y Dry-erase marker
y Dry-erase board
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Make a lifesize number line on the floor using painter’s tape and papers with the numbers 0 through 10 written on them. Tell students you are going to use the number line to skip count. Tell students to watch your hops in order to see what number you’re skip counting by. Stand on the number 0. Hop to the number 2. Then hop to the number 4..6..8..10. Ask students: What am I skip counting by? [2] Go back to the 0 and count out loud with students as you skip on the number line (2…4…6…8…10).
Guiding Questions
1. How can you tell I was skip counting? [Because you hopped over numbers] 2. How do you know I was skip counting by 2? [Because you jumped two spaces each time]
3. Can I start on any number and skip count or do I have to start on 0? Why or why not? [you can skip count from any number as long as you always skip the same amount of spaces]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Explain and show students that the first number line shows skip counting by two. While counting to two, trace your finger from the 0 to 1 and then the 1 to 2 to show students that it hopped two numbers. Move to the next number line. Tell students to count the hops in between each skip counting with you by tracing their finger (1…2…3). Ask students: What is this number line skip counting by? [3]
Look at number 1 in Try it Together. Trace the skip counting hops to show skip counting by two. Remind students to hop over two numbers each time. What comes after the 6? [8] How do you know? [it is 2 away from 6] Move to problem number 2. Tell students to skip count by 3. Tell students to make a big hop from 0 to 3. Ask students: What comes next? [6] How do you know? [It is 3 away from 3] Keep repeating these questions until you’ve reached the end of the number line for number 2. Repeat the same type of questions and continue drawing hops for the problem 3 number line (skip count by 4s).
Students get into pairs. Each pair gets a piece of chalk and draws a number line from 0 to 10 outside (or use paper inside). One student skip counts on the number line by hopping to different numbers. The partner must guess the skip counting rule. Students take turns being the skipper and the guesser.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count hops to find out the skip counting rules.
Struggling Learners
For Try it Together, tell students to circle the numbers they will hop to. For example, on problem 2, tell students to count every third number and circle it to show skip counting by 3. Count with students while they point to each number on the number line (1…2…3). Ask students: What is the first number to circle? [3] Tell students to count 3 more. Ask students: What number do you circle next? [6] After circling numbers, go back and draw hops to the circled numbers to show the skip counting rule.
Early Finishers
Students draw a number line on a dry-erase board. Roll the dice and draw skip counting by the number they rolled. If students roll a 5 or a 6, roll again. Students can also play with a partner. The two students roll one dice and race to see who can draw the skip counting rule on the number line first.
Challenge and Explore
Draw a number line on the board or anchor chart. Draw skip counting by 2 on the number line starting at 10 and going back to 0.
Ask students: What is my skip counting rule? [skip counting by 2] How is it different from our previous skip counting rules? [Going backward instead of forwards] Does this show adding or subtracting by 2? [subtracting]
Play Race Car Number line to practice moving on the number line. p. 311
Common Errors
Students may miscount the hops. Students may think the rule is the number each hop lands on.
Pass out a piece of paper. Tell students to draw a number line from 0 to 10. Next, tell students to show hops for skip counting by 3, starting at 0.
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
Chapter 1
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
Counting from 0 to 10 with pennies
In Chapter 1, we will learn about adding within 10.
Adding means to combine two or more amounts to find the sum or total.
• Add through 10 using objects, drawings and ten frames
• Find patterns by adding by 1, 2, 3 and 4
• Make sums within 10 using 2 numbers
• Make sums within 10 using 3 numbers
• We can use our fingers to help us add
Chapter 1
• We can add by drawing and counting
• We can change the order of addends, but the total stays the same
• Using ten frames can help us add and notice patterns
Level A Chapter 1-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use pictures or objects to add on numbers from 0 to 4.
y Add to make sums up to 10.
y Addition - finding the total amount of two or more numbers; 2+3=5
y Sum - the answer to an addition problem
y Equal - the same amount
y Hula hoop, 10 Bean bags or soft balls
y Counters (2 sided), Cups, Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Ten frame (for struggling learners)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students sit in a circle on the floor. Once seated, tell the students that they are all going to play a game called toss to add. Grab a hula hoop or make a large circle on the floor in the middle of the students. Grab 10 bean bags or soft balls.
Take only 6 of the bean bags and toss them towards the circle. Try to have some land in the circle and some outside of the circle. Ask the students: How many bean bags are inside the circle? How many bean bags are outside of the circle? Record their answer as a number sentence on the board or chart paper # in the circle +# out of the circle = ___.
Tell students to count out loud from the circle number to add. To do so, tell students to put the circle number in their head and to count up from there. For example, if 4 are inside the circle and 2 are outside of the circle, tell students to put 4 in their head and to count up. Count out loud together while pointing to the outside bean bags...5..6. Record the sum on the anchor chart. Explain to students that they just added the two numbers to find the sum.
Start again by throwing 8 bean bags towards the circle. Ask the students: How many bean bags are inside the circle? How many are outside the circle? What is the sum? Record the number sentence and the sum on chart paper.
Guiding Questions
1. Why does counting on help?
[It helps to add quickly, because you do not have to count all the numbers.]
2. Is it better to start counting up from the smaller number or the bigger number? Why?
[It is better to count up from the bigger number so that you have less to count.]
3. How does the sum change when the numbers added together get bigger?
[The sum also gets bigger. Show examples of this on the board: 1 + 2 = 3, 1 + 3 = 4]
Tell students to put their finger on the strawberries. Ask the students: How many strawberries are there? [2] Now, tell students to count up as you point to the lemon, starting at 2 for the strawberries. [2..3..] The sum of 2 + 1 more equals 3. Have students trace the 3. Tell students to do it again for the next problem. Point to the strawberries. Ask the students: How many strawberries are there? [2]
Now, tell students to count up as you point to the next set of strawberries, starting at 2. [2..3..4] The sum of 2 + 2 more equals 4. Have students trace the 4. Repeat for the next two problems with oranges and bananas. As students add the fruit, make sure they say the first fruit amount out loud and then point to each fruit as they count up. If students need help, have them circle the first amount, and count up from there. Ask the students: What patterns do you notice with the sum? [The sum gets bigger by 1 each time.] Tell the students that the sum gets bigger by 1 each time
because our addend, or the number we added together, got bigger by one each time. Patterns can help us to add quickly.
1. Pass out 10 two-sided counters (or any small objects with two sides, like quarters), a cup, a dry-erase board and a dry-erase marker to each student. Use paper and pencil if dry-erase boards and markers are not available.
2. Tell the students to shake their cup with the counters inside and then turn it over on their boards.
3. Tell students to count their yellow counters and write the amount on their boards.
4. Now, tell students to add their red counters to their yellow ones by counting up. As you walk around make sure students are pointing and counting up by 1 for each red counter they have.
5. Tell students to write their sum, or total, on their boards.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Work through the Try it Together problems and go over the answers. Look for patterns as you go through.
Struggling Learners
Some students could benefit from using a ten frame as they play the shake your cup game. Tell students to place their yellow counters in the ten frame first. Tell them to say the number of yellow counters out loud. Then, have students place their red counters in the ten frame and count up as they place each red counter. This will help them to visualize and to count as they move the counters into the frame. Allow struggling learners to use the ten frame and counters as they do the Try it Together problems.
Early Finishers
Challenge students to play the shake your cup game and see how many different ways they can add up to 10. Tell them to record their number sentences and put a checkmark or an X for each time they repeat a number sentence.
Challenge and Explore
Show the following problems on the board:
y 1+2=3
y 1+4=5
y 1+6=7
y 1+8=9
Ask the students the following questions:
1. What patterns do you notice?
2. How would you solve these problems? Why did you chose to solve it that way?
3. Which number would you start on to add? Do you have to start with the 1? Why or why not?
Play Roll an Addition
Sentence to practice adding two numbers by counting up. p. 312
Common Errors
Students may still want to count each individual number. Make sure they are only counting up from the first number to increase fluency and speed.
Students may also count backwards. Remind students that adding means combining or putting things together. When putting numbers together, the amount gets bigger which is why you count up. Use a number line to show why adding two numbers and counting up results in a bigger number.
Write the problems on the board:
y 2+2=4
y 1+4=5
y 3+2=1
y 5+3=8
y 9+1=9
y 4+2=6
y 1+4=7
Ask students to give a thumbs up or thumbs down to show if the problem is right or wrong. If wrong, have the students show you the correct sum with their fingers.
Level A Chapter 1-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use addition strategies like counting up, fingers, or drawings, to add two numbers.
y Add two numbers together with sums up to 10.
y Addend - numbers being added together
y Playing cards
y Chart paper
y Monster stuffed animal
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase Marker
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
y Linking cubes
y Sticky notes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Take out a stack of playing cards but only keep the cards with numbers 1-9. Get a monster stuffed animal or draw a monster on chart paper. Tell students that the monster only wants to eat the cards with a sum of ten.
Pass out dry-erase boards and markers or pencil and paper. Flip two cards over, show the two cards to all of the students and tell students to find the sum of these two addends. If the sum is ten, have the students pretend to “feed” the addend cards to the monster. Keep flipping two cards over to practice finding sums of ten.
If students need help with adding the two addends on the cards, then draw circles on the board or chart paper to represent the numbers on the cards you flipped. Tell students to count the circles all together to find the sum.
Guiding Questions
1. What are two addends that make 10? [0+10, 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5, 6+4, 7+3, 8+2, 9+1, 10+0]
2. Show students a number 9 card. Ask students, what other addend would I need to make a ten? How do you know? [1. I can count up from 9 to 10 and it only takes 1 more.]
3. Show students a number card 7 and 1. Tell them to find the sum. Does it equal 10? [No]
4. How can I make it equal ten? [Add 3 instead of 1 OR Add 9 instead of 7]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. Ask students: How many dolphins are all together? [6]. Ask students how they figured out that there were 6 in all? [counted all of the dolphin pictures]
Tell students to put their finger on the first problem in Try it Together. Tell them that they are going to practice drawing to solve for each sum. Tell students to draw 9 small circles above the number 9 in the problem 9+1. Then, tell students to draw 1 small circle above the number 1. Model drawing both numbers and counting out loud as you draw on chart paper or the board. After drawing, ask students to count all the circles together as you point to them. Ask students: How many circles are there in all? [10] Repeat for the second problem in Try it Together, 7+2.
Ask students after doing the second problem: Instead of counting each circle, how could we count our drawing faster? [Draw only the second number and count up from the first number]
Model counting up for 7+2 so students can see how to count up the drawings quickly. Say 7 and count up 8, 9 while pointing to the 2 circles above the number 2.
Direct students to finish the Try it Together page by drawing or counting up. Pass out 2 dice to each student, a piece of paper and a pencil. Tell the students to draw a line down the middle of the paper to make two columns. At the top of one column, tell students to write “Equals 10.” At the top of the second column, tell students to write “Does NOT equal 10.”
Equals 10 Does NOT Equal 10
Tell the students they will play “Roll to make 10.” Tell students to roll the two dice. Add the dots together by counting the dots in all. Write the number sentence for the two dice under the column “Equals 10” if the two dice add up to 10. Write the number sentence for the two dice under the column “Does NOT Equal 10” if the two dice add up to anything else. Keep rolling the dice and see how many number sentences equal 10.
Equals 10 Does NOT Equal 10 4+6 2+3
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with 2 different colored sets of linking cubes with 10 cubes per set. Start by working through number 2 in Try it Together, 2+3=__. Tell students to count 2 linking cubes all in one color. Tell them to make this a stack. Next, tell students to count 3 linking cubes all in the second color. Tell them to make these cubes a stack. Now, tell students to combine their two color stacks. Ask the students: How many cubes are there in all? [5].
Direct the students to count the cubes all together while pointing to the cubes. Explain to students that adding is combining just like they combined their stacks.
Early Finishers
Challenge students to make a ten by using a die. Tell students to roll a die. Write that number down for the number sentence on a piece of paper. Next, count up to determine how many more dots are needed to make a ten. Write down that number in the number sentence. Repeat.
For example, if the die rolls a 4 then it would take 6 more to make a ten. So, the number sentence would be 4+6.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems numbers 2 through 4. As you go through, encourage students that show understanding to count up instead of drawing all the circles. Remind students that the + means to add or combine.
Common Errors
Students may draw too many circles for each number. Make sure students draw small circles directly over the number leaving space before their next group of circles. Also, students may count too many as they determine how many in all. To prevent this, make sure students are touching each circle as they count.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students you are thinking of a mystery number. Write the following clues on the board or chart paper and read them out loud:
y I can be added to 6 to make 8.
y I can be added to 3 to make 5.
y I can be added to 1 to make 3.
Ask students:
1. What is the number? [2]
2. What number can be added to the mystery number to make 10? [8]
3. What strategy did you use to find the mystery number? [answers will vary]
4. What strategy did you use to find the number to make 10? [answers will vary]
Have students write 3 different number sentences with a sum of 10 on a sticky note. Have students put these sticky notes on a chart with the title “Ways to Make 10.”
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a ten frame to add two numbers with sums up to 10.
y Ten frame - a counting tool with 10 equal spaces.
y Tape
y 10 yellow paper plates [or yellow paper circles]
y 10 red paper plates [or red paper circles]
y Chart paper
y Ten frames [1 per student]
y 10 Counters, beans, or pennies
y Cards with the numbers 1-10
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Make a life-sized ten frame on the floor using tape or large construction paper. Spaces should be big enough for paper plates to fit inside. Grab 10 yellow paper plates or yellow paper circles and 10 red paper plates or red paper circles.
Have students sit on the floor to see the lifesized ten frame. Point to the empty spaces of the ten frame and tell students to count them out loud all together. [1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10]
Tell students that you will use the ten frame to help add two addends.
Write the problem 2+8=___ on the board or chart paper. Place 2 yellow paper plates in the ten frame while counting out loud. Next, place 8 red paper plates in the ten frame while counting out loud.
Guiding Questions
1. How many plates are there in all? [10]
2. How do you know?
[I know because the ten frame is full and there are 10 spaces.]
3. How does the ten frame help you to add instead of counting?
[It shows me so I can add quickly]
Play Addition Duel to practice adding to sums of 10. Allow students to use a tens frame to help. p. 312
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. Tell students that there are 6 pennies in the ten frame at first. Then 2 more are added. Ask students: How many pennies are in the ten frame in all? [8]
Tell students to put their finger on the first problem in Try it Together. Explain that this ten frame has 7 pennies. Direct students to trace 3 more pennies in the ten frame. Ask students: How many pennies are there now that we added 3? [10] Ask students: What is our number sentence? [7+3=10]. Remind students that you added 7 pennies and 3 more to get to 10 when writing the number sentence on the lines. Tell students to put their finger on number 2. Explain that this time you are going to start with 5 pennies. How many pennies are there in all if we add 1? [6] What is the number sentence for this problem? [5+1=6] Tell students to write the number sentence next to the ten frame. Repeat for adding 2 pennies and 3 pennies. Direct students to finish the Try it Together page by drawing in the pennies and writing the number sentences for adding 4 and 5 pennies.
Pass out 1 ten frame and 10 counters, beans or pennies to each student. Write the problem 4+5=___ on the board.
Tell students to move 4 counters into the ten frame. Then move 5 more counters in the ten frame.
Tell students to show how many counters there are in all on their fingers. [9] Repeat for the following problems:
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problem number 2 and the rest of the independent practice. Encourage students to draw or use counters in the ten frame to add.
Struggling Learners
Before adding two numbers, practice putting counters in the ten frame and asking students to quickly say how many counters are in the frame.
Place 8 counters in the ten frame. Ask students: How many counters are there? [8] How do you know? [answers will vary]. Place 5 counters in the ten frame and ask students again: How many counters are there? [5] How do you know? [answers will vary] Once students can quickly identify a number in the ten frame, then start putting two different colored or types of counters in the ten frame to show two addends. Allow students to use their counters and ten frame to complete the Try it Together section.
Early Finishers
Provide students with a stack of cards with the numbers from 1 to 10 written on them. Students will flip a card over. This number will be the sum and they must use the ten frame to find the two addends to equal that sum. Tell them to write a list of their number sentences on a piece of paper.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students you are thinking of a mystery number. Write the following clues on the board or chart paper and read them out loud: - I can be added to 5 to make 8. - I can be added to 2 to make 5. - I can be added to 4 to make 7.
Common Errors
Students may fill up the entire ten frame regardless of the two addends. Make sure the student counts the circles or counters for each addend as they place them in the ten frame.
Students may also count the empty spaces in the ten frame for the sum. Remind students that the counters placed in the ten frame are the numbers added together to count for the sum.
Ask students:
1. What is the number? [3]
2. What number can be added to the mystery number to make 10? [7]
3. What strategy did you use to find the mystery number? [answers will vary]
4. What strategy did you use to find the number to make 10? [answers will vary]
Write 5 different number sentences on the board. Have students show how to solve with counters on a ten frame and write the 5 answers on a piece of paper. Walk around to see if students mastered adding while using a ten frame.
Have students write 3 different number sentences with a sum of 10 on a sticky note. Have students put these sticky notes on a chart with the title “Ways to Make 10.”
Level A Chapter 1-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Add two numbers together with sums up to 10.
y Add two numbers together with vertical addition.
y Vertical addition - a number sentence with the numbers stacked going up and down
y Number Sentence - a math sentence using numbers and signs; 4+2=6 or 6-4=2
y Dominoes
y Linking cubes
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a domino with the numbers 5 and 1 or draw the domino on the board. Place the domino horizontaly. Write the corresponding number sentence horizontaly, 5+1=___. Ask the students: How many dots are there in all? [6]
Now, turn the domino vertically so the 5 is on top. Write the corresponding number sentence, but this time write it vertically. Explain to students that this is a different way to write a number sentence. Show students that it still says “5 plus 1 equals blank.” Show students that the long line is the same thing as the equal sign, =, in a horizontal addition sentence. How many dots are there in all? [6]
Guiding Questions
1. Did the amount of dots change when we wrote it vertically, or up and down? [no]
2. Why or why not?
[because the sum is still 6 no matter which way you write it]
3. Why would you want to write an addition problem vertically?
[answers may vary. Possible answers include: to save space or to add bigger numbers]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. Ask students: How many cupcakes are all together? [3]. If I wrote this problem horizontally, like 2+1=__, would it still equal 3? [yes]
Tell students to put their finger on the first problem in Try it Together. Tell them that they are going to practice drawing to solve for each sum in vertical addition. Read the problem out loud all together [1 plus 1 equals]. Ask the students: How many are there in all? [2]
Instruct students to finish doing the problems in Try it Together
Hold up or draw a domino with 3 dots on top and 2 dots on the bottom. Tell students to write the addition number sentence on a dry-erase board vertically and solve. Remind students to draw circles to help count how many in all if they need support. Ask students: How many dots in all? [5] Check student number sentences by having students hold up their boards to show their work.
Repeat for 4 more dominoes with any amount of dots, as long as their sum is less than 10.
Look for the horizontal line to show equal and make sure students are lining up their numbers one above the other.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Have students work on number 2 in the Try it Together section. Start with 2 + 2 = __. Make a stack of 2 linking cubes and a different stack of 2 linking cubes. Now, show students how they can put the linking cube stack horizontal or vertical and still get the same amount of cubes. How many cubes are there in all? [4]. Did moving the cubes change the sum? [No]
Give students their own sets of linking cubes to solve the rest of the Try it Together problems.
Early Finishers
Provide students with two dice. Students will roll the dice and write the vertical addition problem that matches the dice on a piece of paper. Repeat.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to find as many ways to make the sum of 8. Remind them to show both horizontal and vertical addition as well as use pictures or domino dots. Students can explore further by showing other sums up to ten. [students should show 1+7, 0+8, 2+6, 3+5, 4+4 - vertically and horizontally and in different order]
Before continuing the rest of the Try it Together practice, write the vertical number sentence for 8 plus 2 equals 10 on the board incorrectly like below: 2 + 8 = 10
Common Errors
Ask students:
1. Is this the correct way to write the problem? [no]
2. If it is incorrect, how we can fix it? [move the plus sign in front of the 8 and draw a line underneath the 8 instead of an = sign]
Encourage students to read the vertical sentence aloud so they can recognize that it is the same as the horizontal sentence. The horizontal line is the same as the equal sign.
Students may think the line is a subtraction sign. Make sure they are adding the two numbers together and reading the problem out loud. To ensure this, have students circle the addition sign before starting to solve. Students may not line up numbers correctly, because they don’t have a good concept of place value. Make sure students draw a long line underneath the whole problem after they line up the vertical numbers.
Play Addition Hunt to practice adding to sums of 10 with vertical addition. p. 313
Have students pick one domino from a pile. Have the students write both the vertical and horizontal addition sentence on a sticky note with the sums.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Add three numbers together with sums up to 10.
y Addend - numbers being added together
y 5 red linking cubes/student
y 5 yellow linking cubes/student
y 5 blue linking cubes/student
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Write the number sentence, 4+1+3=_____ on the board. Ask students: How many plus signs do you see? [2]. How many addends do you see? [3] Explain to students that this number sentence is asking to add 3 numbers together.
Show students 3 separate linking cube stacks to match the number sentence: 4 blue cubes, 1 yellow cube and 3 red cubes. Explain that you will start by adding two stacks together. Circle the 4 and 1 in the number sentence and combine your 4 blue cubes and 1 yellow cube. Tell students that you just added the addends, 4 and 1 first. Ask students: What is the sum of these two addends? [5]. Write this sum above the 4 and 1 on the number sentence.
Now, tell students you have one more stack to add, 3 red cubes. Explain that you have a new stack of 5 cubes and you are adding 3 red cubes on top. Place the red cubes on top of the blue and yellow stack. How many cubes are there in all? [8]
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. Count all of the flowers together as a class. How many flowers are there in all? [10]. Trace the number 10.
1. If I added the addends 1 and 3 together first, would my sum still be 8?
[Yes, because 3+1 =4 and 4+4=8]
2. What are some things to look for when picking two numbers to add together first? [Numbers that are easier to add together quickly, like adding 1].
Now, tell students to put their finger on the first problem in Try it Together. Tell students to circle the number 3 and 1 together. Then explain that you will add these two addends first. Ask students What is 3+1? [4]. Write the number 4 above the 3 and the 1. Now, tell students there is one more addend left to add. Ask students: What number is left to add? [2] Tell students they will add the 2 with the previous sum, 4. Ask students: What is 4+2? [6]. Tell students the total sum of all three numbers is 6.
Repeat this process of circling two addends, finding their sum, and adding the remaining addend for the rest of the problems in Try it Together. If students need assistance adding, allow them to draw circles or use their fingers to add.
Pass out 3 different colored linking cube stacks to each student [5 per stack]. Write the number sentence 2+3+5=___ on the board. Have students use their 3 different colored linking cubes to solve for the sum. Ask students: What is the sum? [8] Which two numbers did you add together first? [answers may vary]
Repeat for the following problems:
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Encourage students to circle two addends, find the sum, and add the remaining addend.
Struggling Learners
Start by working through the second part of number 1 in Try it Together, 4+2+1=__. Allow these students to draw 4 circles, 2 circles, and then 1 circle on a piece of paper. Next, instruct these students to count all the circles in all. Ask students: What is the sum? [7]. Repeat for the rest of the Try it Together problems.
Early Finishers
Give students a die and have them roll three numbers and add them together. Students should write their number sentences and sums on a piece of paper.
Challenge and Explore
Read the following story problem to students: Josh has 3 pencils and 2 erasers. How many school supplies does he have in all?
Tell students to write the number sentence and solve for the sum. [5] Then, tell students Josh found 1 more pencil.
Ask students:
1. How many tools does he have in all? [6] 2. Ask students how they solved for the new sum when adding an extra addend. [By adding 1 more to the other sum]
Play Roll an Addition Sentence to practice adding three addends. Remind students to roll three times, instead of 2, for the three addends. p. 312
Students may think that the third addend is the sum. Remind students to read the problem out loud while pointing to each number and sign before solving. Common Errors
Give each student an exit ticket with the following problems:
Level A Chapter 1-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find corresponding number sentences using the commutative property.
y Find the sum of two addends using the commutative property strategy.
y Commutative property - numbers can be added in any order and still have the same sum
y Dry-erase boards
y 10 pieces of paper or cards
y Linking cubes
y 10 small pieces of paper or note cards for early finishers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students practice switching the order of the addends by becoming part of a number sentence themselves. Have 4 students stand up to become the number sentence 3+7=. One student holds out a dry-erase board with the number 3. The second student holds a dry-erase board with a plus sign (+). The third student holds a dry-erase board with the number 7. The last student holds a dry-erase board with an = sign. Place these students in a line to resemble a number sentence. Ask the other students: What is the sum of your classmates’ number sentence, 3+7=__? [10]. Write it down.
Now, have the students each holding the number 3 and 7 change spots. Read the new problem to students. 7+3=__. What is the sum? [10]. Write it down. Ask the students what they notice about the 2 number sentences. Tell students that when the addends switched places, the sum still stays the same. This is called the commutative property. Have the students repeat the term. If you want, you can have the 7 and 3 switch places again, and then back to show that the sum stays the same. Also this shows that the + sign and = sign don’t move.
Guiding Questions
1. What did I change?
[I switched the order, or flipped, the addends 3 and 7]
2. What stayed the same?
[The = and + sign stayed in the same spot]
3. Is the sum the same when my addends switch places? Why?
[The sum is the same because the addend amounts are the same.]
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. Read the number sentence 4+2=6 and 2+4=6. Ask the students: What is the same? [The sum is the same. The plus sign and equal sign are the same] What is different? [the addends flipped]
Now, tell students to put their finger on the first problem in Try it Together, 5+4 and 4+5. First, ask students: What do you notice about these two problems? [their addends are the same but flipped] Tell students this means their sums will be the same. Tell students to draw, count up, or use their fingers to solve for the sum of 5+4. Ask students: What is the sum of 5+4? [9] Now, tell students that since they know the sum of 5+4 is 9, then they also know the sum of 4+5 is also 9. Write in 9 for both sums on the page.
Repeat for numbers 2 and 3 of Try it Together
On 10 different pieces of paper (or cards if working with a small group) write the following number sentences y 1+2= y 2+1= y 5+2= y 2+5= y 8+2= y 4+6= y 6+4= y 3+4= y 4+3= y 2+8=
Flip the cards upside down on a table, if working in a small group, or tape the cards upside down on the board so all students can see. Ask students to come up one at a time to flip over two cards in order to find a match. A match is two number sentences with the same addends but flipped. Once a match is found, ask students to show you the sum of both equations on their fingers. Play until all matches have been found.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Encourage students to use the commutative property to solve the second number sentence.
Struggling Learners
Start by working through number 2 in Try it Together, 8+2=_ and 2+8=__. Show the students 8 blue linking cubes and then 2 yellow linking cubes stacked together. This is a model of 8+2. Ask students: What is the sum? [10] Write the answer down in Try it Together. Now, flip over the linking cube stack so the 2 yellow cubes are first. Explain to students that now the problem is read 2+8. Ask students: Did the amount of cubes change? [No]. Did I add any other cubes [No]. Tell students that this means the sum stayed the same because the addends stayed the same. The addends just moved or flipped spots. Flip the stack over and back again to demonstrate that with the cubes, you didn’t even pull them apart, just switched the order. Ask students: What is the sum? [10]
Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Early Finishers
These students will make and play their own flipped addend matching game. Give students 10 blank note cards. Have them write 5 number sentences and their flipped addend number sentences. One number sentence per card. Students will then flip over all of their cards and find the matches. Once all matches are found, students can play again.
Play Roll an Addition Sentence to practice adding number sentences. Tell students to look for the commutative property. p. 312
Challenge and Explore
Read this story problem to students: Joe’s mom told him to buy 9 pieces of fruit. He buys 4 strawberries and 5 bananas. Could he have bought 5 strawberries and 4 bananas instead?
Tell students to write both number sentences and solve for the sum. [9]
Ask students:
1. Does it matter if he gets 4 strawberries and 5 bananas, or 5 strawberries and 4 bananas? [No]
2. Why? [Because they both equal 9 pieces of fruit. They just flipped the addends]
Common Errors
Students may think that the sum should switch places, too. Remind students that the sum remains in the same spot and only the addends switch places.
Tell students to write their own addition number sentence and the sum. Then, tell them to write the flipped addend number sentence and the sum. Assess
Level A Chapter 1-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use vertical addition to find sums up to 10.
y Vertical addition - a number sentence with the numbers stacked going up and down
y Number Sentence - a math sentence using numbers and signs; 4+2=6 or 6-4=2
y Dry-erase boards/per student
y Dry-erase markers/per student
y Red/yellow counters or 2-sided counters
y Cups
Write how many.
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write the horizontal number sentence, 4+6=, on the board. Tell students to write this number sentence but vertically on paper or a dry-erase board. Ask students: Which number goes on top? [4] Where does the plus sign go? [On the left, next to the 6] What does the equal sign look like? [A line]. Draw the vertical number sentence for 4+6 on the board as well so students can check their answer.
Repeat for 3+7= and 2+1=.
Guiding Questions
1. What does it mean to make a vertical addition problem?
[To write the addends stacked]
2. When would you want to write a number sentence vertically?
[When you don’t have a lot of room; to draw pictures side by side, to show place value, etc.]
3. Why is it important to line up the numbers on top of each other?
[So that it is clear which numbers are being added together and their values.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problem. As a class, read the number sentence out loud. [5 plus 4 equals 9] Tell the students that today you will review and practice adding two addends in a vertical number sentence.
Now, tell students to put their finger on 1+1 in Try it Together. Tell the students to draw circles for each addend. Remind students that the circles should be small and directly next to the addend. Ask students: How many circles are there in all? [2]
Repeat for the remaining number sentences in number 1 of Try it Together.
Pair students together. Pass out a dry-erase board and marker for each student. Show the students the vertical problem for 3+7=__ on the board. Tell the students to write the problem on their boards and to find the sum. Once all students have found the sum, tell them to switch boards with their partner. Partners must check each other’s sums. If incorrect, the partner must explain how to solve for the sum. (Always remind students to give their partners praise for trying their best. Also, walk around while students solve and check their partner’s work).
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Encourage students to draw circles to find each sum.
Struggling Learners
Start by working through number 2 in Try it Together, 3+2=_. Get out 3 red counters. Underneath the 3 red counters, put 2 yellow counters. Explain to students that the numbers are stacked but can still be counted to find out how many in all. Ask the students: What is the sum, or how many counters are there? [5]
Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Early Finishers
Provide students with a cup and 10 counters that have a red and yellow side. Students will shake the counters in the cup and flip the cup over. Students then count the red counters and the yellow counters. They will write a vertical number sentence for the red counters and the yellow counters, then find the sum.
Challenge and Explore
Write the both vertical and horizontal number sentences for 3 plus 5 equals blank on the board. Tell students to show the sum on their fingers for both number sentences.
Ask the students:
1. How are these problems alike? [both have the same addends]
2. How are these problems different? [one is going side to side and the other is going up and down; one has an = and the other has a line]
3. Could you write these problems any other way? [with words]
Play Addition Hunt to practice adding vertical number sentences. p. 313
Students may write the answer next to the second addend. Remind students that the sum goes underneath the equal sign (or line). Common Errors
Write the horizontal number sentence 9+1=__ on the board. Tell students to write the vertical problem on their dry-erase boards and solve for the sum. Repeat with the problem 2+7=__.
Level A Chapter 1-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use mental math to find sums up to 10 with two and three addends.
y Find sums of horizontal number sentences.
y Find sums of vertical number sentences.
y Vertical addition - a number sentence with the numbers stacked going up and down
y Number Sentence - a math sentence using numbers and signs; 4+2=6 or 6-4=2
y Dry-erase boards/per student
y Dry-erase markers/per student
y Red/yellow counters
y Cups
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On the board or chart paper make two columns of number sentences like below.
Have a student come up to draw a line from a vertical number sentence to its matching horizontal number sentence. Once all matches have been found, ask students to write the sum for each problem on a dry-erase board.
Guiding Questions
1. Is the sum the same or different for the horizontal and vertical number sentences? [same]
2. Why are they the same? [because the addends are the same]
3. What strategy did you use to find the sum? [answers may include: count up, fingers, drawing, etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Tell students to look at the Let’s Learn problems. Count the number of dolphins in the first problem. Point out that the problem has 2 addends. Write the answer. Then count the number of penguins in the next problem. Point out it has 3 addends. Write the answer.
Now, tell students to put their finger on 1+1 in Try it Together. Explain to students that it’s time to start adding mentally, or in their head. To add mentally, tell students to put one addend in their head and count up the amount of the second addend. Have students repeat after you: “1 is in my head.” [1 is in my head]
“I count up 1 more to get 2.” [I count up 1 more to get 2]
“The sum is 2.” [the sum is 2]
Now, practice the second number sentence, 5+1. Tell students to put 5 in their head and count up 1 out loud. [5 is in my head. I count up 1 more to get 6. The sum is 6]
Repeat for the remaining number sentences in number 1 of Try it Together.
Play speed addition with dry-erase boards. Show students a vertical number sentence on the board. Set a timer for 1 minute. Tell students to race the timer and write the sum on their own dry-erase boards, solving mentally. Repeat for a new horizontal number sentence. (If students solve the first few problems with plenty of time to spare, lower the timer to 45 seconds or 30 seconds.) Continue playing, alternating between horizontal and vertical number sentences.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Encourage students to solve problems mentally.
Struggling Learners
In the Try it Together section, allow students to draw the second addend and count up from the first addend. This will encourage the student to start mentally solving addition problems. For example, in the problem 2+3, have students only draw 3 circles. Tell the student to hold 2 in their head, and then count up from 2 as they point to each circle. [3, 4, 5]
Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Early Finishers
Give students a timer and set it to 1 minute. Students will roll 2 or 3 dice, write the number sentence on a piece of paper and find the sum. Students will repeat these steps until the timer is done. Students can see how many number sentences they can solve in 1 minute. Repeat to break their record.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students the word problem below and have them solve mentally.
John has 4 baseballs. He gets 5 more baseballs at the sports store. How many baseballs does he have in all?
Ask students:
1. What is the sum? [9]
2. How did you know to add? [he gets more]
3. Explain how you solved mentally. [Put 4 in my head and count up 5 more to get to 9]
Play Addition Duel to practice adding vertical and horizontal number sentences mentally. p. 312
Common Errors
Students may lose track of their counting while mentally adding. Allow students to use fingers or drawings if they continually lose track of their counting.
Say the number sentence 4+3 = ___ and have students show you how many in all on their fingers. Repeat for 2+7=__, 1+1=___, 1 + 3 + 4=___, and 6 + 2 + 2=___.
Chapter 2
In Chapter 2, we will learn about subtracting within 10.
• Subtraction means to take away
• Find di erences within 10 using 2 numbers
• Subtract within 10 using objects, ten frames, and number lines
• Use vertically written subtraction problems to solve for di erences within 10
• Use subtraction patterns to solve for di erences within 10
Chapter 2
• Cross out objects as we subtract to show our work and subtract accurately
• Use a ten frame to subtract
Vocabulary Words
Level A Chapter 2-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw to show taking away with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Solve for the difference in subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Take away - the amount being subtracted in a subtraction problem
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Bears or beans
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students you will practice taking away and solving problems to see how many are left over. Have 6 students stand up in front and tap 4 of their shoulders to instruct them to sit down on the ground. Ask students: How many students did I start with? [6] Now, count out loud together as you tap 4 students on the shoulder. Ask students: How many students sat down? [4] How many students are left standing? [2] On an anchor chart, draw stick figures to show this previous student example. Draw 4 students sitting down in green (with the words “take away” under it). Draw 2 students standing in blue (with the words “left” under it). Circle all the students in red and write “start with” in red.
Repeat with new students standing for: 5 standing, 2 sit down; 3 standing, 1 sit down; 4 standing, 4 sit down
Guiding Questions
1. How is this different from adding?
[we take away and get less whereas adding gets more]
2. How can we show taking away in picture form?
[Answers may vary. Answers may include: crossing off; erasing; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the squares in Let’s Learn. Count the squares with students while pointing. Ask students: How many squares are there to start with? [3] Ask students: How many did Flash take away? [1] How do you know? [1 is crossed off] Finally, point and count how many squares are left with students. How many are left? [2]
Move to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask the students: How many circles are there to start with? [5] How many are taken away? [2] How many are left? [3] Tell students to circle the number 3. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Pass out 6 bears or beans to each student. Tell students to put 6 bears in the middle of their desks. Now, tell students to take away (or move) 4 bears to the side. Ask students: How many bears are left in the middle? [2] Write the problem 6-4=2 on the board. While pointing to each part of the subtraction sentence, tell students you started with 6, took away 4, and are left with 2.
Repeat with starting with 4 bears and taking away 3, starting with 3 bears and taking away 1, and starting with 6 bears and taking away 5.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles and cross them off to solve for the subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use bears or beans for independent practice. Tell students to count out bears for the first number. Next, take away the second number. Finally, write the answer. Then, tell students to draw what they did with bears or beans. For example, for 6-2=__, students take out 6 bears, move 2 away and are left with 4. After using bears, the student would draw 6 circles, cross off 2 and be left with 4.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. They draw subtraction problems with circles on 5 cards (only using a maximum of 6 circles to start each problem). On the 5 remaining cards, students write the difference. Students mix cards and put them all face down and spread out. Students pick two cards to find a match.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to be the teacher and correct the problem. Draw the problem on the board for students to see. = 5
Ask students: What is wrong with the problem? [It equals 3 not 5] How could you make this problem equal to 5? [Answer may vary. An answer may include: Draw 6 squares and take away 1]
Common Errors
Students may add instead of subtract. Students may draw circles for both numbers instead of crossing off circles.
Play What’s the Difference to practice subtracting. p. 313
Write 6-3=__ on the board. Tell students to draw circles to show how to take away on their dry-erase boards. Tell students to hold up their boards when they have finished drawing. Repeat for 5-2=___ and 2-2=___. Check each student’s drawings.
Level A Chapter 2-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw to show taking away with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Solve for the difference in subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Recognize patterns in subtraction sentences and use the patterns to solve for the difference.
y Take away - the amount being subtracted in a subtraction problem
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Chart paper
y Sticky notes
y Note cards
y Crayons
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students that they are going to use their bodies to show take away. To do so, they will stand up in groups to show the starting number. Then, they will sit down to show the number being taken away. (For example, for 2-1=___, students will stand in groups of 2 and 1 student will sit down.)
Write the problem 4-4=__ on the board. Tell students to silently get into groups of 4 for the starting number. (If your students do not divide evenly into groups of 4, use stuffed animals as props for pretend students). Now, tell students to show that they are subtracting four by having 4 students in each group sit down. Ask students: How many students are left standing in your group? [0] Now, write the problem 2-0=___ on the board. Tell students to get into groups of 2. Tell students to take away 0 in their group. Ask students: How many students are left standing? Repeat with 5-5=__, 1-0=__, 3-3=___, and 4-0=___.
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
1. What happened when you took away zero each time?
[the starting number stayed the same; we all stayed standing up]
2. What happened when you took away the same amount as the starting number? [there were none left; we all sat down]
Look at the fruit in Let’s Learn. Show students that Flash is looking at two subtraction sentence patterns. Tell students that the first subtraction sentence pattern is when the starting number is the same as the second number. For example, 3 apples is the starting amount and 3 apples are being taken away. When these two numbers are the same, the difference is zero because the whole amount is being taken away. Ask students: So, what is 2-2=? [0] How do you know? [because the two numbers in the subtraction sentence are the same] Then, point to the next set of subtraction sentence patterns. Tell students this pattern is when the amount being subtracted is zero. For example, 3 bananas is the starting amount and 0 bananas are being taken away. When subtracting zero, the difference is always the same as the starting number. Ask students: So, what is 2-0=? [2] How do you know? [because nothing was taken away so the starting number does not change] Move to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to draw the starting number and take away all 5 circles. Ask students: What is
left over? [0] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together. Remind students to look for the subtraction patterns when drawing and solving each problem.
Pass out a piece of paper to students and have them draw a jungle scene on it with crayons. Pass out 5 note cards to students and have them draw a jungle animal on each card (1 animal per card). Tell students to place their animals in the jungle to help solve for subtraction problems. Write the problem 3-3=__ on chart paper. Tell students there are 3 animals in the jungle and 3 run away. Tell students to act out the problem on their jungle scene with 3 animal note cards. Ask students: How many animals are left in the jungle? [0] So 3-3=__? [0] Repeat with 4-0=__, 1-1=__, 2-2=___, 5-0=__ and so on. Each time, have students act out the scene on their jungle picture. Write down all of the subtraction sentences and differences on the chart paper and ask students what patterns they notice in the subtraction sentences. (Patterns include subtracting zero and subtracting a number from itself.)
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to look for patterns to solve each subtraction sentence.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use their jungle picture and note cards to act out the rest of the problems in Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students use their jungle picture and animal cards to solve their own subtraction problems. Students roll a dice to get a starting number. Students chose to either take away all of the animals or to take away none of the animals. Then, students write their subtraction sentences down on a piece of paper. Finally, students act out their subtraction sentences on their jungle pictures and write the difference.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem.
William knows there are 5 animals in their habitat at the zoo. None of them leave. How many are left?
Ask students: What is the subtraction sentence? [5-0=__] How do you know the subtracting number is 0? [because he takes none away] What is the difference? [5]
Students may not think zero is a possible answer or number. Students may add instead of subtract.
Write the following problems on a sticky note and have students answer them. Then have students place their sticky notes on the anchor chart from the activity.
Level A Chapter 2-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw to show taking away with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Solve for the difference in subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Take away - the amount being subtracted in a subtraction problem
y Left over - the amount you have after you take away
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Chart paper
y 10 Empty water bottles, toilet paper rolls or linking cube stacks (per student group)
y Counters
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students you will practice taking away and solving problems to see how many are left over. Write the problem 9-6=___ on an anchor chart. Tell students that the first number is the amount to start with. Under the subtraction sentence draw 9 circles (count out loud with students while drawing). Next, point to the subtraction symbol and tell students that this is a subtraction sign which means to take away. Cross off 6 circles (count out loud while crossing off). Ask students: How many circles are left? [3]
On dry-erase boards, have students draw circles and cross them off with you for the problem 4-2=__.
Guiding Questions
1. Why did I cross off circles?
[because it told you to subtract which means to take away]
2. Why didn’t I draw circles for the second number too?
[because that would be adding more]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the boats in Let’s Learn. There are 10 boats to start with. Ask students: How many did Flash take away? [4] How many are left over? [6]
Move to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask the students: How many cars are there? [10] How many are taken away? [2] How many are left? [8] Tell students to circle the 8. Move to number 2 and tell students this time they will draw. Ask students: How many circles should we draw first? [8] (Count out loud while drawing circles). How many should we cross out? [3] (Count out loud while crossing off) How many are left over? [5] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together. (If students need more space for drawing, allow them to use dry-erase boards and markers.)
Students get in pairs or groups (depending on the number of students in the class). Each group of students gets 10 empty water bottles (toilet paper rolls or linking cubes stacked). Students set up the water bottles in triangle form to look like bowling pins. Students take turns rolling a ball towards the “pins” to knock them down. On a dry-erase board, students draw the “pins” with circles and cross off how many fell. Students then write the subtraction sentence to match. For example, if a student knocked over 3 pins, they would draw 10 circles and cross off 3. They would then write 10-3=7. Students take turns rolling the ball to knock over the pins.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles and cross them off to solve for the subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use counters for Try it Together instead of drawing. For example, for number 1, tell students to take out 10 counters. Then, tell them to move or take away 2. Ask students: Why did we move the 4 counters? [To show that they are taken away or being subtracted] Finally, ask students: How many counters are left? [8] Keep repeating for the remainder of Try it Together.
Early Finishers
Early finishers can continue playing the bowling activity. Encourage students to try starting with different amounts of pins each time and in different configurations.
Challenge and Explore
Draw the circles for subtraction on the board or anchor chart. Tell students to write the subtraction sentence to match. [8-3=5]
Ask students: Does it matter what order the circles are crossed off? Why or why not? [No, because it just shows them being taken away. However, it is easier to count when they are all grouped together]
Level A Chapter 2-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a ten frame to solve subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Write the difference for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Difference - the answer to a subtraction problem
y Ten frame -a grid with 2 rows of 5 to make 10 boxes to aid in counting
y Magnets (or dry-erase marker to draw circles)
y Ten frames
y Modeling clay (or counters)
y Counters (or beads)
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw a ten frame on the board and grab 10 magnets. If magnets are unavailable, use a dry-erase marker to draw circles instead. Tell students you will use the ten frame to solve the problem 10-4=___. Ask students: How many counters (magnets) should I start with? [10] Count out loud as you place 10 magnets in the ten frame, 1 per space. Next, ask students: Should I take counters (magnets) away or add more? [take away] How do you know? [because the sentence has a subtraction sign] How many does it say to take away? [4] Take off 4 magnets. Ask students: How many are left? [6]. Repeat with 8-4=__ and 5-2=___
Guiding Questions
1. How does moving the magnets show subtraction?
[We took them away from the group]
2. How could you check your answer? [put the counters back to make sure there are still the same amount in all]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the ten frame and pennies in Let’s Learn. Ask students: How many pennies did Flash start with? [7] How many did he take away? [2] How many are left over? [5]
Tell students that you will use counters or beads to solve different subtraction sentences on the ten frame. Tell students to write the problem 5-3=__ above the ten frame. Ask students: How many counters should we put in the ten frame first? [5] How many should we subtract? [3] How should we show subtraction with the ten frame? [move the 3 pieces off the ten frame] How many are left? [2] So what is the difference of five minus three? [2] Tell students to write the difference, 2, in their subtraction sentence. Repeat for 10-2=___[8] and 4-1=__[3]
Pass out a blank ten frame to students. Pass out modeling clay or playdough. If clay is unavailable, pass out two-sided counters (like red and yellow). Write the subtraction sentence 7-4=___ on the board. Tell students to make 7 clay balls and place them in the ten frame. Next, tell students they will take away 4 by mashing 4 clay balls with their fingers. Ask students: How many clay balls are left? [3]
After doing the example above together, pair students up. One student is the teacher and writes a subtraction sentence on a dry-erase board. The other student solves it with their ten frame and clay. Students then switch roles. Make sure students are only using numbers from 0 to 10.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the ten frame to solve for the differences.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use a ten frame and counters or beads for the remainder of independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write down the subtraction sentence on a dry-erase board. Remind students that the larger number is first in the subtraction problem. Students then use their clay (or counters) and ten frames to solve for the difference.
Challenge and Explore
Read the story problem to students. Have students use their ten frames and clay (or counters) to solve for the difference.
John has 9 toys. 4 toys were lost. How many toys does he have left?
Ask students: How did you know how many to start with? [He had 9 toys in the beginning] How did you know to subtract? [The toys broke, so he had to take them away or subtract] How many are left? [5 toys]
Common Errors
Students may add counters or circles to the ten frames instead of taking them away. Students may count the counters or circles in the ten frames “in all” instead counting only the ones that are “left over”.
Have students show you how to solve the following problems on their ten frames with counters or beads.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to solve subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Number line - helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Number line from 0 to 10
y Frog print out (or blank card for students to draw a frog)
y Crayons
y Scissors
y Number cards from 0 to 10
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Draw a number line on the board from 0 to 10. Have students draw a number line on their dry-erase boards as well. Tell students to circle the number 5. Then tell students to circle the number 3. Ask students: How many hops back does it take to get from 5 to 3? [2] Draw with students on the board while they draw on their own boards. Repeat for 10 to 1, 9 to 6, and 7 to 4.
Guiding Questions
1. When hopping backward, are you adding or subtracting? How do you know?
[subtracting because the numbers are getting smaller]
2. Why do you hop to each number instead of skipping?
[to keep track of how many numbers are in between]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Tell students they will use the number line to subtract by hopping backward. First, tell students to circle the starting number. Ask students: What number should we circle? [10]
Next, tell students they will hop back 7 times. Ask students: Why do we hop 7 times? [because that is the amount being taken away]
Count with students as you trace the hops on the number line (1…2…3…4…5…6…7). Ask students: What number did we land on after hopping 7 times? [3] Write the number 3 for the difference to the subtraction sentence.
Move on to Try it Together. Remind students to circle the starting number and to draw hops backward for the number being taken away.
Pass out a number line from 0 to 10 to each student, a small printed-out frog, and number cards from 0 to 10. Have students color and cut the frog out. To play, students will place their number cards in a deck, face down. Next, students will flip over two cards. Then, students will place the frog on the greater number and hop the frog backward the amount of the second number. Finally, students will write the subtraction sentence and the difference (the number the frog landed on) on a piece of paper. For example, if students flip over a 2 and a 5, students will place the frog on the 5. Then, students will hop the frog back 2 spaces. Finally, students will 5-2=3 on their paper.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to find the starting number on the number line and hop back while counting for the second number.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use their frog and number line to act out each problem in Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Allow students to continue playing the deck of cards and frog activity game on their number line. Students can also use a timer to see how quickly they can finish solving 10 problems with their frog and number line in 1 minute.
Challenge and Explore
Draw the problem below on the board. Tell students to write the subtraction sentence to match the number line problem:
Ask students: How do you know it is subtraction? [because the hops are going backwards from the starting number] How many hops are there? [3] What is the subtraction sentence? [10-3=7]
Common Errors
Students may lose track of how many hops they take. Students may hop forwards instead of backwards.
Have students write their own subtraction sentence with numbers from 0 to 10 on a piece of paper. Then, tell students to draw a number line on their paper and to use it to solve for their subtraction sentence.
Level A Chapter 2-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the difference for vertical subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Sticky notes
y Chart paper
y Dominoes (or note cards with dominoes drawn on them)
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
On sticky notes, write the number sentence 5 - 2 = 3 (one number or symbol per sticky note). On one other sticky note draw a line for a vertical subtraction sentence. Draw a mixing bowl on an anchor chart, put the sticky notes “in” the mixing bowl in random order, and ask students to help make the subtraction sentence. Tell the students that you have all of the “ingredients” in the bowl. Explain that the ingredients are the numbers and symbols. Ask students: Which number should I start with and why? [5 because it is worth the most] Put the five down first. Ask students: What comes next? (subtraction sign) Move the subtraction sign and the number 2 in order on the chart. Tell students that you want to subtract 2 and so far the subtraction sentence says 5 minus 2. Ask students: How do I complete the subtraction sentence? [put the equal sign and the difference, 3] Move the final sticky notes in order. Now tell students you can use the same subtraction sentence “ingredients” to make a vertical number sentence. Move the numbers and symbols to be stacked for a vertical subtraction sentence. Then tell students that you just have to switch out the equal sign with a line to be done “baking” the vertical subtraction sentence.
Guiding Questions
1. How are the subtraction sentences the same?
[they have all of the same numbers]
2. How are the subtraction sentences different?
[they have different equal signs]
3. Why does the number worth the most go first or on top in these problems?
[The number worth the most goes first because it has the most to take away from]
Look at the drawing in Let’s Learn. Explain to students that drawings can still help to solve vertical subtraction just like horizontal subtraction. Ask students: How many cows did Flash start with? [10] How do you know? [counted them all or the first number in the subtraction sentence is 10] How many did he take away? [3] How many are left over? [7] Refer to the vertical subtraction sentence. Tell students to “read” the subtraction sentence with you while you point to each number and symbol (10 minus 3 equals 7). Remind students that subtraction sentences can be written both horizontally and vertically. Tell students to draw circles to solve each subtraction problem. Start with number 1 together. Ask students: How many circles should we start with? [9] How many should we take away or cross off? [8] How many are left? [1] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Pass out dominoes or draw dominoes on note cards. Students grab a domino, place it up and down with the larger amount of dots on top and write the vertical subtraction problem to match on a dry-erase board. Students solve for the difference. Repeat with a new domino. See the example below:
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw and take away circles to solve the vertical subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use a ten frame and counters or beads for the remainder of independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. Students write 5 vertical subtraction sentences and 5 matching horizontal subtraction sentences. Students mix the cards, flip them over face down and spread them out. Students flip two cards over at a time to find a matching horizontal and vertical subtraction sentence. Once they find a match, they solve for the difference.
Challenge and Explore
Write the subtraction sentence on the board and have the students fix it.
Ask students: What is wrong with this vertical number sentence? [the equal sign is in the wrong spot] Where does the equal sign need to go? [above the 6] Does 10 minus 4 equal 6? [yes] How do you know? [because 6 left over and 4 more equals 10] Games
Play Tic Tac Toe Subtraction to practice writing and solving subtraction sentences. p. 314
Students may write the difference next to the
Level A Chapter 2-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the difference for vertical subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Painter’s tape
y Chart paper
y Paper
y Crayons
y Bears (or other counters)
y Ten frame
y Note cards
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Using painter’s tape, make a big boat on the floor (for students to stand in). Ask for 5 students to stand on the boat. Count them out loud with the students. Write the number 5 on an anchor chart. Now, pretend to yell that there is a leak on the boat and 3 friends must get off the boat (go sit in their seats). Ask students: Did I add more people to my boat or subtract? [subtract] How do you know? [because they went away and there are less on the boat now] Write a subtraction sign and the number 3 under the 5 (vertical subtraction format). Now ask students: How many people are still on the boat? [2] Write an equal sign line and the number 2 (vertical subtraction format). Read the vertical subtraction problem while pointing to each part: There were 5 people on the boat. We subtracted 3 people when they got off the boat. Now there are 2 on the boat. 5 minus 3 equals 2.
Repeat for more subtraction problems with new student volunteers to go on the boat.
Guiding Questions
1. How can you solve vertical subtraction problems?
[Answers may vary. Answers may include: just like horizontal subtraction problems; with our fingers; counting back; drawing circles; ten frames; etc.]
2. Why do we write subtraction sentences vertically?
[Answers may vary. Answers may include: to save room; to solve problems with larger numbers; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Ask students: What are some strategies we have used to take away or subtract? [Answers may include: counting back, number line, pictures, ten frames, etc.]
Look at the drawing in Let’s Learn. Explain to students that drawings can still help to solve vertical subtraction just like horizontal subtraction. Ask students: How many paintbrushes are there at first? [8] How do you know? [counted them all or the first number in the subtraction sentence is 8] How many did she take away? [5] How many are left over? [3]
Tell students to draw circles for the first number in the subtraction problem and then cross off to take away.
Have students draw their own boats using their crayons on a piece of paper. Pass out bears or other counters to students. Tell students scenarios that they act out on their boats. Then, students write the vertical subtraction sentence to match their boat problem.
Example problem: There are 9 bears on the boat. 5 bears have to get off the boat. How many are left on the boat?
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw and take away circles to solve the vertical subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use a ten frame and counters or beads for the remainder of Try it Together and independent practice. A ten frame allows students to keep track of their counting while subtracting.
Early Finishers
Students write 5 of their own boat story problems on note cards. They switch note cards with other students, act the problem out on their boats with bears, and write the vertical subtraction sentences down on their dry-erase boards. (Example: There are 7 bears. 3 bears get off. There are ___ bears left on the boat.
Challenge and Explore
Have students spot the differences between the 2 problems:
10 - 6 = 4
Ask students: Are these problems addition or subtraction? [subtraction] What numbers do these subtraction sentences start with? [10] Do they both have the same difference? [no] Why? [because they are subtracting different amounts]
Students may write the difference next to the subtraction sign instead of underneath the equal line. Students may add the two numbers instead of subtracting them.
and have students draw
Level A Chapter 2-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the differences for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Use a number line to solve for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Draw to solve for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Use a ten frame to solve for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students that you are going to review different ways to solve subtraction sentences. Draw a ten frame on the board with 10 circles inside and 4 crossed off. Tell students to write the subtraction sentence for the ten frame on their dry-erase boards. Ask students: What is the subtraction sentence? [10-4=6] Next, draw a number line from 0 to 10 with the number 5 circled and two hops backward. Tell students to write the subtraction sentence on their boards. Ask students: What is the subtraction sentence? [5-2=3] Repeat for other subtraction problems with a number line and a ten frame.
Guiding Questions
1. Which strategy do you prefer and why? [answers may vary]
2. Which strategy helps you to visually see and count quickly? Why? [answers may vary]
Look at the different strategies in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What do all of these strategies show? [subtraction] What is the subtraction sentence for each strategy? [6-4] What is the difference for each strategy? [2] Explain to students that different strategies can be used for the same subtraction problem. Each strategy is helpful!
Tell students to draw a line to match the subtraction sentence to the strategy. Remind students to look for the starting number first - either on the number line or how many shapes there are to start with in the ten frame or in the drawing.
Pass out 10 note cards to each student. On 5 note cards, tell students to write their own subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10. On the other 5 note cards, tell students to draw a strategy that matches each of their note cards. Tell students they have to use each strategy (drawing, ten frame and number line) at least 1 time. Finally, students will then shuffle all of their cards, flip them over face down and spread them out. Students then flip over two cards at a time to find a match. Once students find a match, they keep the cards. Students can keep playing until they find all of their matches. Students can then trade cards with a partner to play the game again.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use one of the 3 strategies, drawing, number line or ten frames, to help solve for each subtraction sentence.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, allow them to use a ten frame and counters delete or a number line to help solve each problem.
Early Finishers
Students can play their matching game from the activity independently and race a timer or they can combine their cards with a partner and play together.
Challenge and Explore
Draw the two strategies on the board and ask students which one shows 7-3=4.
Ask students: Which strategy shows 7-3=4? [the drawing] How do you know? [because there are 4 squares left over; the number line hops forward to 10 which is addition]
Play Find the Difference Face Off to practice solving subtraction sentences with three numbers. p. 314
Students may add for each of the strategies.
Write the three subtraction sentences on a piece of paper. Next to each subtraction sentence, tell students to draw one of the three strategies they used to solve the problem. The students must use each strategy one time. 5-2=__ [3] 10-8=__ [2] 6-1=__ [5]
Chapter 3
In Chapter 3, we will learn to count, compare and add numbers 0 to 20.
• Understand and write numbers 11 to 20 using shapes and objects
• Count 0 to 20 using shapes, objects and pennies
• Compare within 0 to 20 using shapes, objects and pennies
• We can count all kinds of objects
• The color, size and shape of the objects does not a ect the total number (e.g. 15 objects is always 15 objects, regardless of their shape, color and/or size)
• We can use our fingers to help us count
Chapter 3
• We can see that each number represents an amount of something when we compare (e.g. 17 pennies is clearly more than 9 pennies)
• A number line can help us understand numbers, count and notice number patterns
• Ten frames can help us understand numbers, count, notice patterns, compare numbers and add on to ten
Vocabulary Words
Level A Chapter 3-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Count groups of objects from 11 to 15.
y Write the numbers 11 to 15.
y Count - list or name one by one in order to find total
y Beach ball
y Permanent marker
y Bowls
y Buttons (beans or small objects)
y Spoon or shovel
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Draw groups of shapes on a beach ball. There should be between 11 to 15 shapes in each group. For example, use 11 stars, 12 squares, 13 circles, 14 hearts, and 15 rectangles. Students all stand in a circle and toss the ball to a friend. The catcher looks at where their right thumb landed on the beach ball. The student then counts the shapes their right thumb is touching or is closest to and says the number out loud. That student then tosses the ball to a new friend. Keep repeating until all students have had at least 1 turn.
Guiding Questions
1. How can you keep track of counting with larger numbers?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: cross the shapes off; point to each shape; organize the shapes]
2. Why is it important to practice counting?
[answers may vary. A sample answer is: to understand numbers for other math problems]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the drawing in Let’s Learn. Tell students to count each animal with you while crossing them off. Next, have the student trace the number underneath each animal for practice after crossing the animals off.
Repeat counting and crossing off the pictures for Try it Together. Tell students to trace the number of objects.
Pass out a bowl of 15 buttons (or beans) to each student and a medium-sized spoon or shovel. Students scoop out some buttons and count them. Students write the number of buttons they counted on their dry-erase boards. Students then put their buttons back and scoop a new amount of buttons. Walk around to make sure students are pointing to or moving buttons as they count.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to cross off pictures while counting. Remind students that in numbers 1 and 2 to practice tracing the correct answer provided once they have crossed off the pictures while counting. In numbers 3 -10, students must provide their own answers.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, print out a hundreds chart. Students scoop their buttons and place them, one by one, on each number of the hundred chart. This will help students to keep track of how many they are counting.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. On 5 note cards, they draw shapes for each number from 11 to 15. On the 5 other cards, students write the numbers 11 through 15. Students shuffle the cards, flip them over face down, and spread them out. Students then flip over 2 cards to find a match.
Challenge and Explore
Draw shapes in groups on the board. Ask students to find which groups have the same amount.
Students may write numbers in the wrong order. For example, for the number 12, students may write 21. Students may start counting back at 1 once they get to 10 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2…). Common Errors
Play Race to 20 to practice counting numbers from 0 to 20. p. 315
Have students draw shapes on paper for each number: 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Level A Chapter 3-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Count groups of objects from 16 to 20.
y Write the numbers 16 to 20.
y Count - list or name one by one in order to find total
y Chalk
y Paper
y Pencil
y Hundreds chart
y Counters
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Go outside and have students use chalk to draw 5 groups of shapes (16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 shapes in the five different groups). Then, call out a number and have students run and stand on the group they drew with that amount. Keep calling out numbers to get students familiar with counting from 16 to 20. If you can’t go outside, set up desks around the room with sets of objects. These can be cards, pencils, counters, paper cutouts, and drawings of sets of shapes. Just make sure you have a set of 16,17,18,19 or 20 objects in different places of the room.
Guiding Questions
1. What is a good way to draw your shapes to keep track of the amount? [Answers may vary. Sample answers include: In groups of 2 to skip count; on a ten frame; etc.]
2. Which of these numbers is worth the most? [20] the least? [16]
Look at the drawing in Let’s Learn. Tell students to count each animal with you while crossing them off. Students should trace the number of animals under each number to practice writing the numbers.
Repeat counting and crossing off the pictures for Try it Together. Tell students to trace the correct number of animals in each picture.
Students get 10 note cards. On 5 note cards they draw shapes for each number from 16 to 20. On the 5 other cards, students write the numbers 16 through 20. Students shuffle the cards, flip them over face down, and spread them out. Students then flip over 2 cards to find a match. Students can play with a partner as well, taking turns trying to find matches.
Struggling Learners
16 18 17 20 17 16 18 19
16 18 17
For struggling learners, print out a hundreds chart. Students can place counters on each number to gain one-to-one correspondence.
Early Finishers
Students play the memory game again. This time, when students find a match, they must write down the number that comes before it and after it on a piece of paper.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve for your mystery number.
The mystery number is more than 18. It can fill up two ten frames. What is the mystery number? [20]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to cross off pictures while counting.
Play Race to 20 to practice counting numbers from 0 to 20. p. 315
Common Errors
Students may write numbers in the wrong order. For example, for the number 16, students may write 61. Students may start counting back at 1 once they get to 10 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2…). Students may think 10 comes after 19 instead of 20.
Have students draw shapes on paper for each number: 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20. Assess
Objective and Learning Goals
y Count groups of objects from 0 to 20.
y Write the numbers 0 to 20.
y Draw numbers 0 to 20.
y Digit - any of the numbers from 0 to 9
y Chart paper
y Scissors
y Construction paper
y Note cards
y 5x5 Blank bingo grids
y Counters
y Two ten frames
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Draw a monster on an anchor chart. Cut a hole out for the monster’s mouth. Write the numbers 1 to 20 on separate note cards and mix them up. Pass out paper to students and tell them to cut it into 20 pieces.
Put up a hundreds chart and point to each number while counting out loud with students. Then, tell students that the monster is hungry for snacks. Each student takes a turn picking out a number card. The student “feeds” the monster the amount of “snacks” on the note card. For example, if a student picks a 7, they put 7 pieces of paper in the cut out mouth to “feed the monster.”
Guiding Questions
1. What patterns do you notice with the numbers 0 to 20?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: the numbers 0 through 9 repeat; The number 1 keeps repeating at the beginning of numbers 11 to 19; etc.]
2. How can you tell the numbers are growing by just looking at the written form of the number?
[Answers may vary. A sample answer includes: It starts with 0 in the tens place, then 1 in the tens place, and then 2 in the tens place]
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Point to each number with the students and count out loud. Then, call out the number 5 and tell students to count up to the number 5 and put their finger on it. Repeat for other numbers in a random order like 12, 18, 19, etc.
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to find the matching numbers. Start with the first box of purple circles. Tell students to cross off the shape while counting in order to keep track. Ask students: How many purple circles are there? [10] Tell students to draw a line to the number 10. Repeat with the rest of Try it Together
Pass out a blank 5x5 bingo grid. Students fill their bingo grid with numbers from 0 to 20, in random order. Pass out counters or beans to each student.
Draw a number of circles on the board (like 14 circles). While drawing, have students count out loud with you. Then, students look for the number on their bingo board and cover it. Keep playing until a student gets 5 numbers in a row.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to cross off pictures while counting.
Struggling Learners
For struggling learners, give students two ten frames. Tell students a number and have them use counters to make the number in the ten frames. Keep repeating with different numbers so students get comfortable counting out the number. Next, you put counters in the ten frames and have students write the matching number on a dry-erase board.
Early Finishers
Students play the bingo activity alone or with a partner. Students write numbers 1 through 20 on note cards. They shuffle the cards and put them face down in a pile. Students pick a card and put a counter on their bingo boards. If students get through all of the cards without getting five in a row, students shuffle the cards again and put them face down in a pile. Students keep drawing cards until they get 5 in a row.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve for your mystery number.
My number is more than 7 but less than 20. My number has 2 digits that are the same. My number fills 1 ten frame and one 1 box on a second frame.
What is my number? [11]
Play Race to 20 to practice counting numbers from 0 to 20. p. 315
Common Errors
Students may write numbers in the wrong order. For example, for the number 16, students may write 61. Students may start counting back at 1 once they get to 10 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2…). Students may think 10 comes after 19 instead of 20.
Have students draw shapes on paper for each number: 4, 13, 7, and 20.
Level A Chapter 3-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compare numbers from 0 to 20 to find which are less.
y Compare numbers from 0 to 20 to find which are more.
y Less - not as many; a smaller number or amount; a term used to compare number values
y More - a bigger number or greater amount; a term used to compare number values
y Chalk or chart paper
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Look at a number line from 0 to 20 that you draw on the ground outside with chalk or on an anchor chart. Tell students you will find numbers that are worth less and numbers that are worth more on the number line. Remind students that less means not as many and more means a bigger amount.
Call out the number 14. Have a student come up and stand on the 14 or point to the 14. Then, tell students to write a number that is less than 14 on the board. Share student answers and point to them on the board. Repeat with other numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. Where were all of the numbers that you found that were less than my number? [behind your number or towards the 0 of the number line]
2. Where were all of the numbers that you found that were more than my number? [in front of your number or towards the 20 of the number line]
3. How can you tell if a number is more or less without a number line?
[draw a picture of each number to see which has more or less]
Look at Flash’s shapes in Let’s Learn. Tell students that drawing a picture helps to show which is less. Count how many blue triangles Flash drew with students (1…2…3…) Ask students: How many triangles are there? [12] Next count how many red circles flash drew with students (1..2…3...) Ask students: How many circles are there? [15] Does Flash have less triangles or less circles? [triangles] How do you know? [because he doesn’t have as many triangles as circles]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to count the blue circles in number 1. Ask students: How many blue circles are there? [16] Write the number on the line next to the blue circles. Next, tell students to count the purple squares. Ask students: How many purple squares are there? [11] Write the number on the line next to the purple squares. Ask students: Which shape has less, or not as many? [purple squares] Tell students to circle the purple squares. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Students write the numbers 0 through 20 on separate note cards. Students mix up the cards and place them in a pile, face down. Students get with a partner. Each student flips over a card at the same time. The student with the number that is less keeps both cards. The student with all of the cards at the end of the game wins.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students that pictures help to determine if a number is less or more.
Struggling Learners
For the card game activity, give students a dry-erase board and a marker to draw circles in order to determine which number is less.
Early Finishers
Students get a blank 5x5 grid. Students write any numbers from 0 to 20 in the blank spaces. Numbers can only be repeated 1 time. Students use their 0 to 20 number cards. Students shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile. The student picks up a card and colors in a number that is less than their card on their number grid. Students keep picking a card and coloring a number less than the number card until the board is full.
Challenge and Explore
Call out a number and tell students to find objects in their desk that are less than your number. Tell students to put the objects on their desk. (Numbers to call: 8, 14, 3)
Play More or Less Dice Game to practice finding numbers that are more or less. p. 315
Level A Chapter 3-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compare numbers 0-20 to find out which is equal.
y Compare numbers 0-20 to find out which is more.
y More - bigger number or greater amount; a term used to compare number values
y Equal - exactly the same value or amount
y Note cards with numbers 0-20 from lesson 3.4
y Linking cubes
y Paper bags per student with 0-20 linking cubes inside with some bags having the same amount of linking cubes
y Dry-erase boards for each student
y Dry-erase markers for each student
y 4 x 4 grids for early finishers
y Number line for each student 0-20
y Beans for markers on the number line
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out a paper bag with linking cubes (0-20) to each student. Call on two students. Have them take out their cubes, count them and say the number. Ask who has more? How do we know? Have the two students build a tower with their set of cubes. Who’s tower is taller? That person has MORE cubes. MORE is a bigger number, or a greater amount. Ask who has LESS? (review LESS from the previous lesson).Choose two new students to count their cubes and see who has more. If the two students have the same amount, say they have an EQUAL amount. The towers are the same height, so the numbers are equal. After everyone has shared their cubes, have them partner up with a neighbor with a different number. Have each student write the number of cubes they have on their dry-erase board. Have the students practice saying the number and more. For example, if a partner group has 7 and 13 cubes, they practice saying 13 IS MORE THAN 7. If time permits, they can say the reverse for review, 7 IS LESS THAN 13.
Guiding Questions
Let’s try it together. Put your finger on number 1. Use your pencil to count each strawberry. How many are there? [18]. Write the number on the line. Now count each cherry. How many are there? [14]. Note to count each cherry, not each pair of cherries. This may need some guidance or discussion as a class. Write the number on the line. Which group has MORE? [18]. Circle the strawberries. Eighteen is more than fourteen. Continue working through the next two problems in the same way.
1. How can building towers show which number is more? [the tower that is taller has more cubes]
2. Where else have you heard the word MORE? [ex. he has more chips than I do] How does it connect to math? [ex. He has a greater amount or number of chips]
We can use a number line to show MORE. Have students put the number line on their desk. Write the number 11 on the board. Have students count on the number line to 11 and place a bean on that number. Then write the number 4 on the board. Have students count on the number line and put a bean on 4. Ask students, which number is more? [11] Which number is less? [4] Have them circle 11. Choose two more numbers and have students place beans on those numbers. Ask which number is more and which is less. What do you notice about the numbers that are more? Where are they on the number line? [they are closer to 20] The closer we get to 20, the bigger our numbers get. Bigger numbers have MORE. The closer they are to 0, the smaller the number.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Have students refer to their number line. Continue to place beans on the numbers they count to see which number is closer to 20. If the number is the same, the numbers are equal. Have students touch each object they count with their pencil, and do the same for each circle they draw to be sure they are equal.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with 40 linking cubes. As they count the shapes on the page, have them build towers with the same amount of cubes. Ask them which tower is taller. How many cubes are in the tallest tower? That tower has MORE.
Early Finishers
Students take a 4 x 4 grid and fill the squares with numbers from 1-20. They can use a number only one time. Using the cards they made in the previous lesson, have them shuffle the cards and place them in a pile face down. The student takes a card and colors in a number on their grid that is MORE than the number on the card. Students keep choosing cards until their grid is filled up.
Challenge and Explore
Give students a paper bag filled with 0-20 linking cubes. Have them partner with another student. Have students see how many different ways they can make two numbers and show which is MORE. For example, if one student has five cubes, and another student has twelve cubes, they could make a tower of eight cubes, and a tower of nine cubes. Have them write out the two numbers and circle the number that is MORE. Ask students how they can make two towers of EQUAL numbers. Can they make more than two towers with EQUAL numbers.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How many cubes do you and your partner have in all? [answers may vary]
2. Share some ways you can make two numbers, and say which number is more. [answers may vary]
Play More or Less Challenge. Use student number cards 0-20. p. 316
Students may circle numbers that are less. In the EQUAL questions, be sure they are drawing the same amount of circles. Common Errors
Give students 3 numbers between 0-19. Have them write a number that is more than each number. Have them say the sentence: ___ IS MORE THAN ___.
Level A Chapter 3-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to determine the missing number in a sequence.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
y Chalk
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Note cards
y Pencil
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students draw a number line outside from 0 to 20. Have students practice skip counting on their number line. Call out a number and tell students to skip count by that amount. For example, tell students to skip count by twos starting at 0. Next, tell students to skip count by threes starting at 6.
Guiding Questions
1. What pattern do you notice when you skip count by twos?
[skip over a number] threes?
[skip over 2 numbers]
2. Why is it important to skip count? [to count faster]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that they will use a number line to find missing numbers in a sequence. Ask students: What is Flash skip counting by on his number line? [twos]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to draw a number line from 0 to 20 on their dry-erase boards. Next, tell students to circle the numbers given - 1, 3, 5. Then, tell students to draw hops to each number starting at 1. Do this along with students. Ask students: How many numbers did you skip over when you drew each hop? [one] Tell students to draw a hop to the next missing number in the sequence after 5. Remind students to skip over one number for the hop. Ask students: What number did you hop to? [7] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Choose either the number lines that students drew outside with chalk, taped number lines on the floor, or individual number lines at the students desks. Tell students they will continue your sequence. Show them the numbers 2, 4, and 6. Tell students to circle 2, 4, and 6 and draw hops to connect those numbers. Then, tell students to find the next number in the sequence. Students can hop on the number line to help determine the next number in the sequence, too. Ask students: What is the next number in this sequence? [8] Repeat for the sequences: 1, 3, 5 and 9, 12, 15.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the number line to determine the sequence and the next number.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their dry-erase board to draw a number line for the rest of Try it Together and independent practice. Drawing the hops helps students to see the pattern for the sequence.
Early Finishers
Students write their own sequences on 10 note cards. Then, they pass their note cards to a partner and they each have to figure out the next missing number in the sequence.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the missing number. Mike has 4 balloons. Then he gets 2 more and has 6 in all. Finally, he gets 2 more. How many does he have in all now?
Ask students: What is the sequence? [4…6…] What is Mike skip counting by? [twos] What is the next number in the sequence? [8] How many does he have in all? [8]
Common Errors
Play Number Line Charades to practice finding the next number in a sequence. p. 316
Tell students to write the next number in the following sequences: 6, 8, 10 [12] 5, 7, 9 [11] 10, 13, 16 [19]
Level A Chapter 3-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to determine the missing number in a sequence.
y Find the pattern when adding in a sequence.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last Materials
y Chalk
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase marker
y Pencil
y Paper
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students draw a number line outside from 0 to 20 with chalk or on a dry-erase board and marker inside. Call out a sequence (like 2, 4, 6). Students race to hop the sequence on the number line and stand on the next number in the sequence (like 2..4..6..and stop on 8). If using a dry-erase board, have students use a bear or counter to race on the number line drawn. Repeat for multiple sequences.
Guiding Questions
1. If you skip count by twos, how many are you adding each time you hop?
2. How many are you adding each time you skip count by threes?
3. How does skip counting help to add? [the pattern helps you to add quickly]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash is using his skip counting patterns to help him add. This table asks Flash to add 2 each time. Draw a number line on the board or chart paper. Start at the 1 and hop 2. Ask students: What number did I land on? [3] Repeat for 2, 3, and 4. Ask students: What do you notice about the sums each time? [they are one more than the previous sum] What is the pattern of the sums? [they go in order by one]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Have students draw a number line from 0 to 20 on a dry-erase board. Have them solve for each missing number as they hop 3 each time. Ask students: What pattern do you notice with the sums? [they are increasing by 1] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Tell students to draw a blank t-chart on a piece of paper. Next, have students write a rule at the top (like add 2, add 3, etc). Then, tell students to write 5 numbers in sequential order (counting by 1’s) in the left-hand column. Students can choose which number to start with, but numbers cannot exceed 20. See t-chart examples in Let’s Learn and Try it Together. After students finish their t-chart (with an empty right-hand column) tell them to leave it out on their desk.
Now, play music and tell students to stand up and walk around. When the music stops, students will freeze at a desk close to them and write the first sum in the right column. Repeat until the t-charts are completed.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the number line to determine the sequence and the next number.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their dry-erase board to draw a number line for the rest of Try it Together and independent practice. Drawing the hops helps students to see the pattern for the sequence.
Early Finishers
Students write their own sequences in t-charts on 10 note cards. Then, they pass their note cards to a partner and they each have to figure out the next missing number in the sequence.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the missing number. Mark has 5 balloons. Then he gets 3 more. Finally, he gets 3 more again. How many does he have in all now?
Ask students: What is the sequence? [5…8…11] What is Mark skip counting by? [threes] What is the next number in the sequence? [11] How many does he have in all? [11]
Line Charades to practice finding the next number in a sequence. p. 316
Level A Chapter 3-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use objects or drawings to solve addition sentences with sums from 0 to 20.
y Addition sentence - numbers, a plus sign and an equal sign used together to show addition
y Dry-erase boards
y Dried pasta or beads
y Blank 5x5 bingo grids
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Go on a hunt outside or inside the classroom. Tell students to collect two groups of objects (like leaves and sticks or erasers and pencils). Next, tell students to count up each object and then to find the sum of all of their objects.
Guiding Questions
1. How many of each object did you find? [answers will vary]
2. How did you figure out how many objects you had in all? [counted them all; added]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that they will find out how many objects or pictures in all. Ask students? How many ladybugs are there in all? [13] How do you know? [counted them all or added the two addends]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: What addition sentence is this picture showing? [6+6] How many crickets are there in all? [12] How do you know? [counted them all] So, what is the sum of 6+6? [12] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together making sure students are pointing to each object while counting them to determine how many there are in all.
Write an addition sentence on the board with numbers adding up to no more than 20 (like 4+12; 6+8; 9+9; etc). Students then use dry pasta or beads to represent each addend. Students then count how many pasta pieces or beads they have in all and write the sum on their boards. Check student work. Repeat for different addition sentences.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles for the addends to help with finding the sums.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use objects like dry pasta, beads, or beans to represent each addend and to count how many in all for Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students get a blank 5x5 bingo grid. In each grid space, the student writes a number from 2 to 12. Students roll two dice and add the numbers together. Then, they use a counter or bead to cover that space on their bingo grid. The student must get 5 squares in a row to win.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the sum.. Jim has 9 balloons. He gets 8 more. How many does he have in all?
Ask students: What are the addends? [8 and 9] What is the sum? [17] How did you solve for the sum? [drew pictures; counted up; doubles plus one; etc]
Play Bowling for Addends or Differences to practice adding numbers from 0 to 20. p. 317
Common Errors
Students may lose track of counting. Students may draw too many circles.
Tell students to draw and solve for the following problems:
Chapter 4
In Chapter 4, we will learn various addition strategies to solve equations with numbers from 0 to 20.
• Solve addition problems within 0 to 20 with addition strategies
• Counting on a number line to solve addition problems
• Use ten frames to recognize doubles facts and add
• Use a ten frame to make a ten and add on
• Use the doubles plus one strategy to add numbers within 0 to 20
• Understand that equal means the same
• Determine if an equation is true or false
• Balance addition equations
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a number line to solve addition sentences with sums from 0 to 20.
y Number line - helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
y Dry-erase boards
y Chart paper
y Markers (blue, green, red)
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Try it together!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw a number line from 0 to 20 on a chart paper. Circle the number 4 in blue. Draw 9 hops in green starting at the 4 (one number per hop). Circle the number 13 in red. Tell students that this number line shows an addition sentence. Ask students: What addition sentence does it show? [4+9=13]
Guiding Questions
1. What is the first addend? [4]
How do you know? [that is where the hops start]
2. What is the second addend? [9]
How do you know? [that is how many hops you added or jumped]
3. What is the sum? [13]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
How do you know? [that is where you stopped hopping]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that they will find use the number line to add numbers. Ask students: What number did Flash start on and why? [8 because that is his first addend] Tell students to trace the hops with their finger as they count out loud (count with them 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8). How many hops did Flash take? [8] Why did he hop 8 times? [because that is the amount of the second addend] Which direction did he hop and why? [he hopped forward because he is adding] What is the sum or where did he stop hopping? [16]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: How many red tulips are there? [5] Tell students to circle the number 5 on the number line since that is the first addend and to write it in the addition sentence. Next ask students: How many more red tulips are there? [9] Tell students to write the number 9 in the addition sentence and to draw 9 hops starting at 5. Ask students: What number did you stop on? [14] So, what is the sum of 5+9? [14] Tell students to write the sum. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Write an addition sentence on the board with numbers adding up to no more than 20 (like 4+12; 6+8; 9+9; etc). Students draw a number line from 0 to 20 on their dry-erase boards. Students circle the first addend, draw hops for the second addend and write their sum on their boards. Repeat for multiple addition sentences.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to circle the first addend and to count their hops for the second addend.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their dry-erase board number lines to finish the independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. On 5 note cards, students write addition sentences with sums no greater than 20. On the other 5 note cards, students draw number lines and the corresponding addend hops for each of the addition sentence cards. Students shuffle the cards, flip them over face down, and spread them out. Then, students flip over two cards to find an addition sentence that matches the number line solution.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the sum using a number line on their dry-erase boards. Jim has 17 books. He gets 3 more. How many does he have in all?
Ask students: What are the addends? [17 and 3] What number do you start with on the number line? [17] Could you start with 3? Yes] Why is it better to start on 17 instead of 3? [because if you start on 3 you have to hop more and it takes longer] What is the sum?
Play Bowling for Addends or Differences to practice adding numbers from 0 to 20. p. 317
Common Errors
Students may lose track of counting. Students may hop backward on the number line.
Tell students to draw and solve for the following problems by drawing a number line on their paper.
10+5=___ [15]
13+4=___ [17]
5+8=___ [13]
Level A Chapter 4-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify missing addends of doubles facts.
y Solve doubles facts addition sentences with sums from 0-20.
y Doubles - an addition fact where both addends are the same
y Chart paper
y 20 two-color counters
y 2 ten frames
y Linking cubes
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
y Blank paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
At the top of a piece of chart paper write out the phrase “Doubles Facts”. Have students hold up two fingers on one hand. Then have them hold up the SAME AMOUNT of fingers on the other hand. Say “I have two fingers up on one hand, and the SAME number of fingers on my other hand. How many fingers do I have total? [4] This is a double. 2 + 2 =4. (write the number sentence on the chart paper). A doubles fact is when the two addends are the same. Give another example. Have students hold up one hand and then the other. Say 5 fingers plus 5 fingers equals 10 fingers. What other examples of doubles can you think of? Turn and talk with a neighbor. Draw out your examples. After a few minutes, have students share their examples. Put examples on the chart paper. [answers will vary. Sample answers include: egg carton 6 + 6= 12, eyes 1 + 1 =2, spider legs 4 + 4 = 8]
Guiding Questions
1. Where do we see doubles in our everyday life? [items with pairs, shoes, gloves; egg cartons, wheels on a car or truck]
2. Why is it important to learn our doubles? [learning doubles can help with patterns, it can be applied to other addition strategies]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Pass out 20 two-colored counters to students and 2 ten frames. Look at the Let’s Learn section and have students build the first problem on their ten frame. Ask students: How many red circles are there? [2]. How many yellow circles are there? [2]. There are the same amount of red and yellow circles. This is an example of DOUBLES. 2 + 2 = 4. Trace the answer on the blank. Do the same for the second problem.
Have students point to the first practice problem set. Ask students to build the the first problem (students will put 7 red counters on the ten frame). Guide students to line up the counters along the top row so they can match or make doubles in the second row. Ask students: How many red counters are there? [7]. How many yellow counters do we need to make a double? [7]. How many counters do we have all? [14]. Great! Repeat after me 7 + 7 =14 [7 + 7 = 14]. Draw in the 7 counters and fill in the number sentence. Do the same with the rest of the problem set.
Tell students to look at the second set of problems. Ask students: What is the difference between these two problems? [there are sums but no addends] Tell students to count out 18 counters. This is the TOTAL, or the SUM. Remember, our addends are DOUBLES, so there has to be the SAME NUMBER of RED counters and YELLOW counters. Have students place the counters on their ten frames. How many red counters are there? [9]. How many yellow counters? [9]. What is the sum? [18]. Great! Repeat after me. 9 + 9 = 18. [9 + 9 =18]. Continue this method of solving for the next problems.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use their ten-frames and counters to help them build problems to solve. Guide students yo make even rows or equal rows. This helps students see the doubles.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with 20 linking cubes. Have them build the problems. They can build one addend, then make the other addend that is the same height. Then count the cubes for an answer.
Early Finishers
Give students a die. Have them roll the die then write an addition sentence with the number, its double, and the sum.
Challenge and Explore
Challenge students to find real world examples for all the doubles up to a sum of 20. Have them make classroom posters of the examples and the matching number sentence. An example could be a drawing of an egg carton. 6 + 6 =12.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Where do we see doubles every day? 2. How can doubles help us with our math? In our lives?
Assess Common Errors
Students may fill out the top row of the ten frames first, or use only one color of counters. Encourage students to use the same amount of red and yellow counters, and to place them in separate rows of the ten frames.
Play a modified version of Doubles Plus One Duel. Make a number line with even numbers to 20. Have students only double the number they draw. p. 317
On paper, have students solve 4 +4 and 7 + 7.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve doubles fact addition sentences with sums from 0 to 20.
y Solve doubles plus one addition sentences with sums from 0 to 20.
y Match doubles facts and doubles plus one facts.
y Doubles - an addition fact where both addends are the same Materials
y Chart paper
y Sticky notes
y Linking cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
On chart paper, write the phrase “Doubles Facts” on top. Tell students that a doubles fact is when the two addends are the same or repeated. Give the example of spider legs and tell students there are 4 legs on each side of the spider. This is a double fact: 4 legs and 4 more legs is 8 legs in all: 4+4=8. Write and draw the spider example on the chart. Next, tell students to write and draw their own doubles fact example on a sticky note and add it to the chart. Ask students: What examples did you write and draw? [Answers may vary. Sample answers include: egg carton 6+6=12; eyes 1+1=2; dog legs 2+2=4; etc.]
Guiding Questions
1. Why are doubles facts important to learn? [they help to add quickly]
2. How can doubles facts help to solve other addition problems?
[Answers may vary. A sample answer is: If the addends are close to a doubles fact, you can double the number first and then add whatever is left]
Put a number line from 0 to 20 on the board. Explain to students that doubles facts can help to solve doubles + 1 facts. A doubles plus 1 fact is when the two addends are neighbors on the number line. They are neighbors because they are one away from each other. So, in a doubles + 1 fact, you double the first addend and add 1 more. Tell students to look at Flash’s example in Let’s Learn. Tell students, Flash knows 4+4=8. So he can solve the doubles +1 problem, 4+5. Ask students: Why can Flash use 4+4 to solve 4+5? [because 4 and 5 are neighbors on the number line, or are 1 away from a doubles fact] What number should flash double? [4] After he doubles 4, why does he add one? [because 5 is the other addend and it is 1 more than 4] Tell students that 4+4+1 is the same as 4+5. Ask students: So, what does 4+5 equal? [9] Look at Try it Together. Tell students that they will match the doubles fact to the doubles plus one fact. Remind students that a doubles plus one fact is one more than a doubles fact (they are neighbors on the number line). Ask students: What is the doubles plus one fact for 6+6? [6+7] Why? [because 7 is one more than 6 and they are neighbors on the number line] Draw a line from 6+6 to 6+7. Now, tell students to solve for 6+6. Ask
students: What is the sum of 6+6? [12] Tell students that they can now solve 6+7 since it is only 1 more than 6+6. Ask students: So, if 6+6=12, then what does 6+7 equal? [13] Tell students to write the sums on the lines. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out 2 linking cube stacks of 10 to each student. Write the addition sentences 5+5=___ and 5+6=___ on the board. Tell students they will use their linking cubes to solve both problems, doubles, and doubles plus one. First, tell students to make two stacks of 5 cubes and put them side by side. Ask students: What do you notice about your two linking cube stacks? [they are the same size; they are the same amount] What is the sum, or total, of 5 linking cubes plus 5 linking cubes (5+5)? [10] Now, tell students that they will solve 5+6. Tell students to make one of their linking cube stacks a stack of 6. Ask students: How many cubes did you add to make the stack 6? [1] Tell students that all they did to 5+5 is add one. So 5+6 is really 5+5+1. This means that all you have to do is add one more to the sum of 5+5. Ask students: What is 5+5+1=? [11] Repeat for more doubles and doubles plus one problems like 2+2 and 2+3; 8+8 and 8+9; etc.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to add one more to the double’s sum if the addition sentence is a doubles plus one fact.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use linking cubes to solve problems in Try it Together. Students will make the doubles problem fact, add one to the tower, and find its matching doubles plus one fact. Then, students can solve for both sums.
Early Finishers
Students roll a die. They double the number on the dice and write the doubles fact on a piece of paper. Then, the student writes the doubles plus one fact next to it. Students solve both problems using their linking cubes.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve the story problem: Tom has 6 cookies and finds 6 more. John has 1 more cookie than Tom. How many cookies does John have? [12] How many cookies does Tom have? [13]
Ask students: What is the addition sentence for Tom’s cookies? [6+6=12] What kind of math problem is that? [doubles] What is the addition sentence for John’s cookies? [6+7=13] What kind of math problem is that? [doubles plus one]
Play Doubles Plus One Duel to practice adding doubles plus one facts. p.
Level A Chapter 4-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve counting on from 10 addition sentences.
y Ten - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Chart paper
y Ten frame
y Beans (or small counters)
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On chart paper, write the numbers 11 to 20 in a column. On the other side of the column, draw circles for each number (in random order). Tell students to help you match the number to its picture. Count each group of circles out loud with students. Call on a student to draw a line to match the circle amount to its number in written form.
Guiding Questions
1. Counting each circle took a lot of time. What is an easier way to draw that helps to count quickly?
[Answers may vary. Sample answers include: ten frames; counting by 2’s; etc.]
2. Are these numbers more or less than 10? [more]
3. If these numbers are more than 10, do we have to count up to 10 each time? Why or why not?
[no, we can make a group of ten and count up from there]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn together. Tell students Flash solved 10+4 by counting up from 10. Ask students: Why did Flash circle the whole ten frame and write 10? [because the ten frame is filled so he doesn’t have to count each circle] Tell students to put their hand on the ten frame and say 10, then count up from 10 as you point to each extra circle (10…11…12…13…14). Ask students: What does 10+4 equal? [14] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out one ten frame to each student. Write the problem 10+2 on the board. Have students place beans or small counters in the ten frame to show a group of 10. Then have students put 2 extra beans to the side of the ten frame. As a class, count up from ten while pointing to each bean (10…11…12). Ask students: What is 10+2? [12] Repeat for 10+9, 10+3; 10+8; 10+7; etc.
and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count on from ten instead.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use a ten frame and counters to solve the rest of Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Pass out 20 note cards. Students write a number from 11 to 20 on 10 note cards. On the other 10 note cards, students write counting on from 10 addition sentences (like 10+1, 10+2), etc. Students shuffle the cards, place them face down and spread out. Students pick over two cards. They match a counting on from 10 addition sentence to its sum.
Challenge and Explore
Read the problem below and discuss the possible answers with students.
Mark has 10 toys. He gets 7 more. He wants to count them all but does not have a lot of time. How can Mark count his toys quickly?
Ask students: What can Mark do to count quickly? [answers may vary. Sample answers include: Make a group of ten and count on; count by 2’s etc.] If Mark counts on from 10, how many toys does he have? [17]
Students may count all ten circles in the ten frame and the extras as well. Common Errors
Play Doubles Plus One Duel to practice adding numbers with patterns. p. 317
Tell students to draw a ten frame on a piece of paper. Tell them to draw to find the sum of 10+9. Tell students to write the addition sentence and the sum as well.
Level A Chapter 4-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Make a ten and count on to add numbers with sums up to 20.
y Ten frame - a grid with 2 rows of 5 to make 10 boxes to aid in counting
y Tape
y 12 Paper plates
y Ten frames
y Counters
y Math cubes
y Index cards
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Gather tape and 12 paper plates. Create a lifesized ten frame on the floor. Invite students to sit around the ten frame. Explain to students that they will practice making a ten and counting on.
Place 6 plates in the ten frame and 6 plates outside of the ten frame. Ask students: How many more plates do I need to get to 10? [4] Place 4 plates in the ten frame. How many plates are left over? [2] Count on from 10 as a class. How many plates do I have in all? [12] Repeat for various amounts in the ten frame.
1. How did you make a ten? [filled in the missing spaces of the ten frame]
2. How did you find the total number of the plates? [count on from ten]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be making a ten to add for 8+3. Ask students: How many pennies can we move into the ten frame to fill it up, or make a ten? [2] Direct students to cross out two pennies and to trace the two circles in the ten frame. Walk around to check student work. Ask students: How many pennies are left over? [1] Explain to students that they broke apart the addend, 3, to make a ten. The new problem is 10+1. Tell students to count on from ten to solve. Ask students: What is the sum of 10+1? [11] So, the sum of 8+3 is also 11! Repeat for the Try it Together section.
Pass out a ten frame and counters to students. Write the problem 9+5 on the board. Have students place 9 counters in the ten frame and 5 counters outside of the ten frame. Ask students: How can I use these counters to make a ten? [Move 1 counter into the ten frame from the group of 5 counters] Direct students to make a ten. Ask students: How many are left over? [4] Explain to students that they made an easier problem to solve. Ask students: What is our new problem instead of 9+5? [10+4] Write the new problem on the board. Ask students: What is the sum of 10+4? [14] Write the sum down on the board. Explain that the sum of 9+5 and 10+4 will be the same because the amount of counters never changed. They were just moved around. Ask students: So what is the sum of 9+5? [14]. Repeat with the problems 8+7, 6+5, and 7+4.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Give students two different colored sets of math cubes. Direct students to use the colored cubes to make a ten and count on. For example, guide students to solve 8+3. Tell students to make a stack of 8 blue cubes. Then, ask students to place 3 yellow cubes on the side. Direct students to connect those yellow cubes to the blue cubes until they have ten in all. Show students that the amount of cubes never changed but they made the problem easier. Instead of 8+3, now they have 10+1 because they made a stack of 10 and 1 more.
Early Finishers
Students can continue using their counters and ten frames to solve addition problems with numbers from 0 to 20. They can write down their own problems on a dry-erase board to solve.
Challenge and Explore
Students can work with a partner to solve addition problems by making a ten. Student partners each write down addition problems with sums up to 20 on five different index cards. The students shuffle their cards together and place them in a pile, face down. Students flip over 1 card. Then, students will solve that problem by making a ten with their counters and ten frames. Students will write the sum on their dry-erase board. Students can check each other’s solutions.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Additionally, students can practice ways to make a ten with a partner. One student can say a number between 0 to 10. The other student can respond with the number that will make a ten. For example, a student says 2 and the other student responds with 8.
Common Errors
Students may add on additional counters to make a ten instead of moving or manipulating the existing counters. Removing the extra counters that are not a part of the problem will be helpful for students when moving their counters. Students may also forget to add on the leftover counters from ten. In this case, students may think the sum is 10 for the original addition problem.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Which problems were easier to solve? [answers may vary]
2. How did making a ten help you to solve the problem quickly? [answers may vary]
Play Race to 20 to practice adding on with quick math strategies like make a ten. p. 318
Pass out dry-erase boards and markers to each student. Write an addition sentence on the board and direct students to write the matching make a ten to add addition sentence. Walk around to check student work. Provide students with counters and ten frame if needed.
Level A Chapter 4-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve for a missing addend to balance two addition problems.
y Understand the meaning of the equal sign.
y Equal - exactly the same value or amount
y Balances
y Math cubes of various colors
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Index cards
y Pocket chart
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Gather a balance and small math manipulatives like math linking cubes. Manipulatives should all be the same size in order to model a balanced scale. Write the two addition problems on the board: 8+2 and 9+1.
Explain to students that they are going to see if these two addition problems equal the same amount, or are balanced. Place 8 blue math cubes and 2 yellow math cubes on one side of the balance. As a class, count the cubes together. Ask students: How many cubes are on this side? [10]. Repeat for 9 red cubes and 1 more green cube on the other side of the balance. Ask students: How many cubes are on this side? [10]
Explain that the addition problems are balanced because they both equal the same amount, 10!
Guiding Questions
1. What do you notice about the balance? [it is even or the same level]
2. What do you think the equal sign means? [the same]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that you will be balancing addition problems. Explain that the equal sign means the same. So, addition problems are balanced when they equal the same sum. Balanced is when the scale is flat or one side is not heavier than the other. Have students point to the ten frames. Ask students: What is the sum of 6 bananas and 2 pumpkins? [8] What is the sum of 1 banana and 7 pumpkins? [8] Explain that both problems are equal or balanced. Both addition problems are equal to 8.
Pass out a dry-erase board and dry-erase marker to each student. Tell students to write down the problem 6+1=4+___ at the top of their board. Next, tell students to draw circles under 6+1 to solve for the sum. Ask students: What is the sum of 6+1? [7] Explain to students that, in order to balance the addition problems, both sides of the equal sign have to be the same. So, both sides have to equal 7. Tell students to draw 4 circles under 4+___. Tell students that they already have 4 circles. Ask students: How many more circles do you need to draw in order to have 7 in all? [3]. Direct students to draw these circles as they count on to 7. Ask students: What is the missing addend to balance the problems? [3] Repeat for 2+___=4+4. [6]
Circle the number to balance the addition
Use the ten frames to help.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a balance and math cubes. Tell students to use two different colored math cubes for each addend. Tell students to count on to solve for the missing addend until the balance is level or equal. For example, when solving 1+3=2+__, students can put 1 blue cube and 3 yellow cubes on one side of the balance. On the other side of the balance, students can put 2 blue cubes and count on 2 more red cubes to find the missing addend.
Early Finishers
Students can get 10 index cards. On a pair of cards, students can write 2 different addition sentences with the same sum. After making 5 pairs of addition sentences, students can shuffle the cards, place them face down and spread them out. Then, students can flip over two cards at a time. If the cards are balanced, they keep the match. If they are not balanced, they flip the cards back over. Students can play with a partner as well.
Circle the number that is wrong. Write the correct number to balance the problems.
Challenge and Explore
Use a pocket chart to create a “Balanced” or “Not Balanced” t-chart. Show students a card with two addition problems. For example, show 5+5=7+2. Have students give a thumbs up for balanced and a thumbs down for not balanced. Sort the card under the correct column.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Remind them that each side of the equal sign should be the same sum. Encourage students to draw circles for each addend under the addition problem and to count on to solve.For additional practice, have students work with a partner. Partners will write an addition problem on their dry-erase boards. Then, students will switch boards and write another addition problem with the same sum.
Play Doubles Plus One Duel to practice recognizing sums from 0 to 20. p. 319 Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you know the problems were balanced? Or not balanced? [answers may vary]
2. How can you make the problems balanced? [answers may vary]
Students may treat the equal sign as a plus sign when it is placed in different locations. Students may think the equal sign should always go after the addition problem.
Write an addition problem on the board. Have students write another addition problem on their dry-erase boards with the same sum.
Level A Chapter 4-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify an addition problem as true or false.
y Change a false addition problem to make it true.
y Sum - the answer to an addition problem
y Addend - a number that is added to another number
y Green paper
y Red paper
y Index cards
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Write the problem 5+3=9 on the board. Tell students the problem is false, or wrong. Tell the students to turn to a partner to explain why this addition problem is false. [it has the wrong sum, 5+3=8 or it has the wrong addend 5+4=9]. Repeat for 4+7=10.
Guiding Questions
1. How did I know the problem was wrong? [When you solved the problem, it was not the right sum]
2. Do you change the addend or the sum to make a problem true? [You can change either the addend of the sum to make it true]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that they will be deciding if an addition problem is true (correct) or false (wrong). Look at the first problem, 7=6+1. Explain to students that this problem is true. 6+1 is equal to, or the same as, 7. Repeat for the other examples. Then, explain that when a problem is false, it can be fixed. Ask students: What is wrong with 4+4=9? [the sum is wrong] How can we make it correct? [change the sum to 8]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Model how to draw to circles to check if a problem is true or false. Draw 3 circles and 2 more circles. Ask students: How many circles are there in all? [5] What is the sum written in the problem? [6] Is the problem true or false? [false] Then, show students how to make the addition problem true by crossing out the incorrect sum and writing 5.
Pass out a green piece of paper and a red piece of paper. Write an addition problem on the board. If the problem is true (correct), students will hold up the green paper. If the problem is false (incorrect), students will hold up the red paper. Repeat for multiple addition problems like 5+5=10, 6+7=12, 19=10+10, etc.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with counters or linking cubes to help solve each addition problem. If they determine that the problem is false, ask prompting questions such as: Is your sum the same or different? Can you change the addend to make the problem correct? Can you change the sum to make the problem correct?
Early Finishers
Students can use their green and red paper to play true or false with a partner. One partner will say an addition sentence. The other partner will hold up their green card for true or their red card for false. Students will then switch roles.
Challenge and Explore
11. John saw 5 . He saw 2 . How many bugs did he see in all? Henry saw 8 He saw 8 How many did he see in all?
Pass out 10 blank index cards to student partners. Together, students will write 10 addition problems on each card. Students can write true or false problems on the cards. Then, students will mix up their cards and place them in a pile face down. Students will take turns picking up a card and sorting it into a “True” or “False” group.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you know the addition problem was false? [answers may vary]
2. How did you make a false addition problem?[answers may vary]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles to determine if a problem is true or false. For additional practice, have students solve five different addition problems on paper. Then, have students switch their work with a partner. Partners will check to see if their addition problem sums are true or false.
Common Errors
Students may assume that addition problems are false when the equal sign is used in the beginning, like in 6 = 5+1. Students may also assume that the sum must always change in order to correct an addition problem. Demonstrate that addends can be changed in order to make an addition problem correct as well.
Play Domino Fact Check to recognize if problems are true or false. p. 318
Hold up a true or false addition problem. Students will write the problem down on their paper. Students will then draw a check mark next to the problem if it is true or an x next to the problem if it is false. If false, students will correct the problem. Students will repeat this for all 3 problems.
Level A Chapter 4-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve counting on from 10 addition sentences.
y Solve doubles addition sentences.
y Solve doubles plus one addition sentences.
y Determine if an addition sentence is a doubles, doubles plus one or counting on from ten addition sentence.
y Doubles - an addition fact where both addends are the same
y Ten - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Sticky note
y Chart paper
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencil
y Linking cubes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
On sticky notes, write 5 doubles addition sentences, 5 doubles plus one addition sentences and 5 counting on from ten addition sentences. (For example, write 4+4 on a sticky note, 5+6 on a sticky note, and 10+4 on a sticky note). On an anchor chart write the titles: doubles, doubles plus one, and counting on from ten at the top (this will make 3 columns). Hold up a sticky note with the addition sentence 4+4. Ask students: Which column does this addition sentence go under? [doubles] Next, tell students to solve for the sum on a dry-erase board. Ask students: What does 4+4 equal? [8] Write the sum on the sticky note. Repeat for the rest of the sticky notes.
Guiding Questions
Counting On from Ten Counting On from Ten Counting On from Ten Counting On from Ten
1. How do you know if a problem is a doubles fact?
[the addends are the same]
2. How do you know if a problem is a doubles plus one fact?
[the addends are neighbors or one away from each other on the number line]
3. How do you know if a problem is a counting on from ten?
[one addend is ten]
Look at Let’s Learn. Ask students what each type of problem is. Match the problems to its title. Ask students: Why is it important to know what kind of addition sentences these are before solving? [it helps to add quickly with a strategy]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: What type of problem is 6+7? [doubles plus one] Tell students to solve this problem they are going to double a number and add one. Ask students: What number do we double? [6] What is 6+6+1? [13] Tell students 6+6+1 is the same as 6+7 so their sums are the same. Tell students to write the sum. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Write 12 addition sentences on note cards and hang them around the classroom. Make sure there are 4 doubles addition sentences, 4 doubles plus one addition sentences and 4 counting on from ten addition sentences. Students walk around the classroom to find a note card. Once they find a note card, they will write the addition sentence and solve it. Next to the sum, they will write how they solved it - doubles, doubles plus 1, or counting on from ten (write these 3 solutions on the board for students to reference). Students keep hunting for note cards until they have found all 12.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to determine the type of addition sentence first in order to know which strategy to use to solve for the sum.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use linking cubes to solve the problems in Try it Together and independent practice. Students can use their cubes to make doubles facts, doubles plus one, and groups of ten.
Early Finishers
Students write doubles, doubles plus 1, and counting on from ten on three note cards. They flip the note cards over face down and spread them out. Students roll one die and pick up a card. They write and solve an addition sentence to match their card and their number rolled. For example, if they roll a 4 and pick counting on from ten-card, they will write 10+4=___. If they roll a 5 and pick a doubles card, they will write 5+5=___. If they roll a 6 and pick a doubles plus one fact, they will write 6+7=___.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to write a doubles, doubles plus one, or counting on from ten addition sentence on a piece of paper and to leave it on their desk. Tell students to leave the sum blank. Students will walk around to music and freeze when the music stops. They will go to the closest desk to solve the problem written down. After solving, students will write a new problem underneath the one they solved, leaving the sum blank. Keep repeating and playing music.
Students may just add with their fingers or draw all circles instead of using a strategy. Common Errors
Tell students to write and solve their own doubles addition sentence, doubles plus one addition sentence, and counting on from ten addition sentences on a piece of paper.
Chapter 5
In Chapter 5, we will learn about the relationship between addition and subtraction with numbers from 0 to 20.
• Understand how to solve for an unknown or missing part
• Use a bar model to determine missing parts
• Relate addition and subtraction problems to solve for missing parts
• Notice how numbers relate in fact family number sentences
• Model di erent ways to make ten
Chapter 5
• Show how to make a ten first in order to subtract numbers 0 to 20
• Use doubles facts to help subtract quickly Whole Part Part
Vocabulary Words
Level A Chapter 5-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve for missing parts in a subtraction sentence with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Use a bar model to solve for missing parts in a subtraction sentence.
y Bar model - a rectangle cut into the number of pieces in the whole; part-part-whole visual model to represent the parts of a number sentence
y Linking cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencils
the part. Write the missing number.
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students use their linking cubes to show how to solve different subtraction problems. Make sure to emphasize that they are taking their whole amount and breaking into two separate groups.
Problems to write on the board for students to solve with linking cubes: 12-4=___; 16-3=___; 9-8=___
Guiding Questions
1. When you take away, what happens to your linking cube stack? Why?
[It gets smaller because your break it apart]
2. How many groups of linking cubes do you have when you subtract?
[two different groups. One for the amount you took away and one left over]
3. If you put those two groups back together, what would your linking cube stack look like?
[It would be the original number of cubes]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash has a bar model. The top green amount represents the total or the whole. The blue and orange are the two parts that combine to make the whole. Ask students: If Flash takes away 6, how many are left? [2] If Flash takes away 2, how many are left? [6] What is the whole? [8]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students they will use linking cube pictures to find the parts. Ask students: What is the whole? [7] Tell students they know one part is 3. Ask students: What is the missing part? [4] Move to number 2 in Try it Together. Tell students to color in the part they know. Ask students: We know the whole is 9. What is the part we know? [5] So, what is the missing part? [4] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Write the subtraction problem 8-___=2 on the board. Pass out linking cubes to students. Ask students: What is the whole (or how many are there to start)? [8] Tell students to make a linking cube stack of 8. Ask students: What part do we know? [2] Tell students to break off this part from the whole. Now ask students: What part is left? [6] Repeat with more problems: 10-3=__; 15-__=9; etc.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to make the whole first and then break it into the two parts.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes to solve the Try it Together problems and the rest of the independent practice. Remind students to make the whole number first with the cubes and then break it into parts.
Early Finishers
Students get two dice, linking cubes, a dry-erase board and a dry-erase marker. They roll the dice and write a missing part subtraction sentence (making sure the larger number is the whole). Then, students use their linking cubes to solve for the missing part. For example, if a student rolls a 5 and a 6, they will write 6-__=5 and solve.
Challenge and Explore
Read the story problem to students: Tim has 4 pencils. He breaks some. He has 1 left. How many did he break?
Ask students: What information do we know? [we know the whole; 4] What is missing? [How many broke; a part] What is the subtraction sentence? [4-___=1] How many did he break? [3]
Play Eye Spy to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Common Errors
Students may combine the whole and part to find the sum.
Tell students to solve the missing part subtraction sentences on paper:
Level A Chapter 5-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use related facts to solve for addition and subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Related facts - the addition and subtraction facts that have the same whole and parts
y Paper
y Pencil
y Linking cubes
y Dice
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Write the problems listed below on the board. Play music and have students walk around. When the music stops, have students freeze. Then, have students share how the problems are alike with the person standing closest to them. (Students then share answers with the whole class by raising their hands.) Repeat but this time have students share how the problems are different. 6-2=4; 6-4=2; 4+2=6; 2+4=6
Guiding Questions
1. How are these problems alike? [they all have the numbers 2, 4, and 6; two of them are addition; two of them are subtraction; the whole always stays the same; etc.]
2. How are these problems different? [The subtraction problems flipped their two parts; The addition problems switched the addends; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash has a related fact problem. This means that he has addition and subtraction problems that all use the same whole and parts. The numbers are all “family” or related. When solving related fact problems, you can use the other problems to help solve for the missing parts. Ask students: What does 12-5 equal? [7] (Write the answer.) How do you know? [because it is the missing number from the related facts] Go through the rest of the problems asking students what the missing number is based on the related fact numbers. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students to use the related fact numbers to write the missing parts. For example, for 9-5, ask students: What is missing? [4] and so on.
Put students into groups of 5. Gather 5 pieces of paper per group. Have students write the numbers 10, 2 and 8 on 3 separate construction papers. Then have
students write a subtraction sign on a piece of paper and an addition sign on the back side of that same paper. Finally, tell students to write an equal sign on the last piece of paper. Tell students to each hold up one piece of paper (either with the 10, 2, 8, - or =). Next, tell them to stand in a row to make the subtraction sentence 102=8. Once students are in order, tell them to rearrange to make a new subtraction problem. Ask students: What changed? [only the 2 and the 8] Now, tell students to make an addition problem. Ask students: What changed? [the 8 is the last number instead of the first; the plus and minus sign changed; the two parts are in the beginning; etc] Tell students to change to make a different addition sentence. Ask students: What changed? [the addends flipped] Explain to students that they created fact families or related facts by using the same 3 numbers for different problems. Repeat with more numbers: 5, 3, and 2; 6, 1 and 5; 20, 2 and 18.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use their related fact numbers to help solve for the rest of the related fact addition and subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes to solve the Try it Together problems and the rest of the independent practice. Tell students to use their linking cubes to build each problem so that they can see the numbers never change.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice. On a dry-erase board, students add the two numbers to find the 3 numbers for their related facts. Then, students write the remaining addition sentence and 2 subtraction sentences to complete the related facts. Keep rolling to solve for more related fact sentences.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to create a fact family with the numbers 5 and 8.
Ask students: How can you solve for the missing number? [add the two numbers or subtract]
Common Errors
Students may add all three numbers. Students may write the numbers in the same order every time.
Play Eye Spy to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
[5+6=11, 6+5=11, 11-6=5, 11-5=6] Assess
Tell students to write the related fact addition and subtraction sentences for the numbers 5, 6 and 11 on a piece of paper.
Level A Chapter 5-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use related facts to solve for addition and subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Related facts - the addition and subtraction facts that have the same whole and parts
y Paper
y Pencil
y Linking cubes
y Dice
y Dry-erase markers
y Dry-erase boards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write the problem 10 - 4 = ___ . Tell students to solve on it their dry-erase boards. Ask students: What is the difference? [6] Next, tell students to solve for 4+__=10. Ask students: What is the missing addend? [6]
Guiding Questions
1. What do these problems have in common?
[They have the same numbers]
2. How can 10-4 help you to solve 4+__=10?
[They are both missing the same number, 6]
3. Why can you use the subtraction problem to help solve for the missing addend?
[Because it is a related fact and they have the same numbers]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash has a related fact problem. Solve for the subtraction problem and then it will help to solve for the missing addend. Ask students: What is 7-4? [3] So, what is the missing addend in 4+__=7 if it is a related fact to 7-4=3? [3]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to color 1 rectangle blue and the rest orange. This shows 10 rectangles minus 1 rectangle. Ask students: How many rectangles are orange? [9] Write the number 9. Next, tell students that these two are related facts so what is the missing number in 1+___=10? [9] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
On 10 separate pieces of paper, write the addition and subtraction problems below. Shuffle them, flip them over face down and spread them out. Have students take turns flipping two over at a time to match the related facts. Once they find a match, have students use their linking cubes to solve for the missing number. Repeat until all cards have their match.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use their related fact numbers to help solve for the rest of the related fact addition and subtraction sentences.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with linking cubes to solve the Try it Together problems and the rest of the independent practice. Tell students to use their linking cubes to build each problem so that they can see the numbers never change.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice. On a dry-erase board, students add the two numbers to find the 3 numbers for their related facts. Then, students write the remaining addition sentence and 2 subtraction sentences to complete the related facts. Keep rolling to solve for more related fact sentences.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem:
Matt has 8 pencils. He gets some more. He has 10 in all. How many pencils did he get?
Ask students to solve using a subtraction sentence. What subtraction sentence do you use? [10-8=__] How are these two problems similar? [they are related facts]
Common Errors
Students may add all three numbers. Students may write the numbers in the same order every time.
Play Eye Spy to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use ten frames with related facts to solve for subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 10.
y Related facts - the addition and subtraction facts that have the same whole and parts
y Chart paper
y Markers
y Sticky notes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Beans or bears
y Play cards with numbers from 1 to 10
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw a ten frame on the board or anchor chart. Write the problem 10-2=__. Use sticky notes in the ten frame to solve the subtraction sentence. Ask students: What is the difference? [8]
Guiding Questions
1. What is the whole amount? [10]
How do you know?
[Because the whole number is the first number in subtraction. It is the number you break apart]
2. What is the part? [2]
How do you know? [it is the number being subtracted or the amount left over after breaking the whole apart]
3. How can you subtract from ten without starting with 10 sticky notes? [start with 2 sticky notes and count up to ten]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash has a related fact problem for subtraction. He uses the ten frame to help him solve for the missing part. Ask students: How many pennies does Flash start with? [10] Why does he start with that many? [that is the whole] How many pennies does he take away? [3] Why does he take 3 away? [because the other part is 7] Tell students that the missing part is 3 because 7 and 3 make the whole number 10. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students that the whole number is 10 again. Ask students: What is the part we know in these subtraction sentences? [6] Tell students to look at the ten frame. Tell them there are 6 pennies. Ask students: How many spaces are missing to get to 10 from 6? [4] So, what is the missing part? [4] Tell students 4 is missing in both number sentences because they are related facts. Ask students: Why are they related facts? [because both subtraction sentences have the same whole number and parts] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Draw a ten frame on the board or anchor chart. Write 10-4=__ and 10 - __=4 on the chart or board. Ask students: What is the whole amount in these subtraction sentences? [10] What is the part we know in both? [4] In the ten frame, have a student put in 4 sticky notes (one per square). Explain to students that you know the whole is ten and a ten frame has ten spaces. Next, show students that the part we know is the 4 sticky notes in the spaces. Tell students, the missing part is shown by the empty spaces. As you point to each space, have students count with you (1…2…3…4…5…6). Ask students: How many spaces are empty? [6] So, what is the missing part? [6] Next, have students draw a ten frame on their dry-erase boards. Pass out beans, bears, or counters. Write 10-3=__ and 10-___=3 on the board. Ask students: What is the part? [3] Instruct students to put 3 beans in their ten frame. Next, tell students to count up the empty spaces to find the missing part. How many spaces are empty? [7] So what does 10-3 equal? [7] What is the missing part in 10-___=3? [7] Repeat for 10-5=___ and 10-__=5. Allow students to do this example independently. Continue with more practice problems until students have mastered the concept.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their dry-erase board ten frames and beans for the rest of Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students get a stack of playing cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Students flip over one card and write two related fact subtraction sentences with the whole number 10. Then, they will solve for the missing part. Students may write their subtraction sentences on a piece of paper. For example, if a student flips over a 4, students will write 10-4=__ and 10___=4. Then, they will solve for the missing part.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem:
Mack has 10 pennies. He loses some. He has 2 left.
Jim also has 10 pennies. He loses 8. How many does he have left?
Ask students: How are these problems similar? [they are related facts] How can you use Mack’s problem to help solve Jim’s problem? [They both are missing the same part] What is the missing part? [8]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use their related fact numbers to help solve for the rest of the related fact subtraction sentences.
Play Pinching Missing Parts to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Common Errors
Students may add the two numbers or count how many in all.
Tell students to solve the following problems on paper by drawing a ten frame, circles and writing the missing part:
Level A Chapter 5-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use the make a ten strategy to solve subtraction problems with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Whole - when a number is broken into pieces, all of the pieces together
y Chalk
y Two ten frames
y Red and yellow counters (or linking cubes)
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Playing cards (numbers 1 to 10)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students go outside and draw two ten frames with chalk, or inside on a dry-erase board or paper. Students can also use printed ten frames and counters. Write the number 16 on the board. Tell students to draw 16 circles in their ten frames. Ask students: How many circles do you have to take away to get to 10? [6] How do you know? [I can cross off circles until there are 10 left]
Repeat for new numbers. Ask students to give you a number more than 10 but less than 20.
Guiding Questions
1. When subtracting to ten each time, what do you notice about the ten frames?
[1 is always full and one is always empty]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
2. Instead of crossing off each circle, how else could you figure out how to reach ten from my number?
[count up from ten to your number]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash is using his ten frames to solve for subtraction problems. Flash’s whole number is greater than 10. Ask students: What is Flash’s whole number? [15] Tell students that Flash is going to use a quick subtraction strategy to help take away 8. His first step is to make a ten. Ask students: How many butterflies does Flash take away to have 10 left? [5] Tell students, 15-5=10, but Flash doesn’t want to just take away 5, he wants to take away 8. So, he needs to take away 3 more. Ask students: What does 10-3 equal? [7] Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students they will make a ten first to subtract. Ask students: What is the whole number? [13] Tell students to cross off bees to make a ten. Ask students: How many bees did you cross off? [3] So 13-3=10. Tell students that now they have to subtract the rest from ten. They’ve already taken away 3, so now they need to take away more until they’ve taken away 7 in all. Tell students to count up from 3 as they cross off bees. Stop when they’ve counted up to 7 (4…5…6…7). How many more bees did you take away? [4] How many are left? [6] So, 10-4=6. Which means, 13=7=6. Tell students to fill in the blanks.
Pass out two ten frames to each student and 20 yellow and red counters. Write the problem 18-9 on the board. Tell students they will make a ten to solve for 18-9. First, ask students: What is the whole number? [18] Tell students to put 18 red counters in their ten frames for the whole number. Next, tell students to flip over 9 of the counters to be yellow. Now, tell students they will make a ten to subtract. Tell students to take counters off the ten frame until there are 10 counters remaining. Tell students to count out loud while taking the counters off the frames. How many counters did you take away? [8] Write 18-8=10. Ask students: Are we done subtracting? [no] How do you know? [because the problem wants us to take away 9, not just 8. There is still a yellow counter to take away] How many more do we need to take away? [1 more yellow counter] Write the problem that is left on the board: 10-1=__. Ask students: What is 10-1? [9] So, what is 18-9? [9] Repeat for 15-8=___; 16-9=___; 13-5=___. With each subtraction problem, allow students to get more independent. Tell students to write their steps on a dry-erase board as well.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the ten frames to solve by making a ten first.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use the red and yellow counters and ten frames to solve the Try it Together problem and independent practice problems.
Early Finishers
Students practice making a ten with cards. Students get a deck of playing cards with numbers from 1 to 10. Students flip over 4 cards at a time and place the remaining cards in a pile face down. Students look at the 4 cards and see if any 2 cards can add up to 10. If there aren’t any 2 cards that add up to 10, then the student picks one card and puts it on the bottom of the face-down pile of extra cards, and draws a new card. If there are 2 cards that add up to ten, then the student keeps that match. Students see how many pairs of cards they can find that make a 10.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem using the make a ten strategy.
Tim has 12 balls. He loses 9. How many does he have left?
Ask students: What is the whole number? [12] How do you know you can use make a ten to solve? [because the whole number is greater than 10 and the part is big enough to have a difference less than 10]
Play Pinching Missing Parts to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Common Errors
Students may forget to subtract the remaining amount. They may only subtract to find a difference of 10.
Tell students to solve for 15-7 on paper. Tell students to draw ten frames and circles to show how they made a ten to subtract. Assess
Level A Chapter 5-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use doubles facts to solve related subtraction problems with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Doubles - an addition fact where both addends are the same
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Note cards
y Linking cubes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students play Around the World with different addition doubles facts. All students have a dry-erase board and marker. One student stands up next to a student that is seated. Say a doubles fact to the students (like 4+4). Students then quickly write the sum and show you their boards. Whichever of the two students (the one standing and one seated) shows the correct sum first wins and moves on to the next seated student. (Even though only two students are competing at a time, all students write the sum on their dry-erase boards to practice.)
Guiding Questions
1. What is the related addition fact for a doubles problem like 2+2=4?
[it is the same, 2+2=4]
2. Why is there only 1 related addition fact for a doubles problem?
[because the addends are the same and don’t change when they flip]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that doubles facts can help to solve related subtraction problems. Ask students: How are 3+3 = 6 and 6-3=3 similar? [They are related facts because they have the same whole number and parts] Tell students they can solve for 6-3 if they recognize that the whole 6 and the part 3 is a related fact for the double 3+3=6.
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students they will use doubles facts to solve for related subtraction facts. Ask students: What is 5+5? [10] So, since 10-5 also has the whole number (10) and part (5), then what is the missing difference? [5] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out a note card to each student. Have them write a doubles addition fact on one side and the matching related fact on the back. Tell students to walk around to music. When the music stops, students freeze and become partners with the closest student. One student at a time shows their partner their related subtraction fact and their partner must say the addition doubles fact that helps them solve it. The students then switch note cards and walk around to music again. Keep playing at least 3 times.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use doubles addition facts to solve for the missing number.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use linking cubes to build the doubles fact with two different colored cubes for Try it Together. This will show students the two parts and whole for the subtraction sentences and doubles facts.
Early Finishers
Students get 20 blank note cards. Students write their doubles facts on 10 note cards (1+1=2, 2+2=4, etc.). On the other 10 note cards, students write the matching subtraction related fact (2-1=1; 4-2=2; etc.). Students shuffle the cards, place them face down, and spread out. Students then flip over two cards at a time to find the matching related facts.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem using related facts.
Jack has 10 pencils. He loses 5. How many does he have left?
Ask students: What is the related addition fact? [5+5=10] What type of problem is the related addition fact? [doubles fact] So, how many does he have left? [5]
Common Errors
Students may forget their doubles facts. Students should have doubles addition facts memorized.
Play Pinching Missing Parts to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Tell students to write 3 of their doubles addition facts on a piece of paper. Next to each addition sentence, tell students to write the matching subtraction related fact. Assess
Level A Chapter 5-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve for missing parts in a subtraction sentence with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Use a number line to solve for missing parts in a subtraction sentence.
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with
y Painter’s tape or chalk
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Crayons
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On a number line on the floor (with painter’s tape inside or chalk outside), have students hop to show subtraction. Write the problem 102=___ on the board. Have a student come up to start on the 10 and hop backward 2 on the line. Ask students: What is the difference? [8]
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know how many hops to take? [You hop the second number. That’s how many to take away]
2. Which way do we hop? [Hop backward]
3. Why do we hop that way? [Hop backward because it is subtraction so you take away numbers to get less]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash has a missing number in his subtraction sentence. Ask students: Does Flash know which number to start on? [yes] What number does he start on? [9] Does Flash know how many hops to take? [no] Does Flash know where his hops end, or the answer? [yes] What is the difference or answer he stops on? [3] Tell students that Flash circles where he started and ended and then counted his hops in between to find the missing number. Have students trace their fingers on the hops as you all count them out loud. Ask students: How many hops did Flash take? [6] So the missing part is 6. Trace the 6.
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to circle the starting number. Ask students: What number did you circle? [18] Next, tell students to circle the ending number. Ask students: What number did you circle? [10] Last, tell students to draw hops as they count. Ask students: How many hops did you draw to make it from 18 down to 10? [8] Write the number 8 in the missing part of the subtraction sentence. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Tell students to draw a number line from 0 to 20 on a dry-erase board. Write a missing part subtraction sentence on the board: 16-__=5. Have students circle the starting number and answer on their number lines. Next, tell students to start at the 16 and hop back until the 5 while counting their hops. Ask students: How many hops did you take? [11] The missing part is 11. Repeat with more missing part subtraction sentences having students become more independent as you go along.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count their hops to determine the missing part.
Struggling Learners
Have students get out 3 colored crayons - red, blue, and green. On Number 2 of Try it Together, tell students to circle the starting number with green. Ask students: What number did you circle? [13] Next, tell students to circle this number in green on the number line. Now, tell students to circle the answer with red in the number sentence. Ask students: What number did you circle? [10] Then tell students to circle this number in red on the number line. Finally, tell students to use their blue crayon to hop from the green circle to the red circle. Ask students: How many hops did you draw? [3] So, the missing part is 3. Have students write the answer in with a pencil. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Early Finishers
Students can roll two dice. Then, on a piece of paper, students write the missing part subtraction sentence (the larger number first) and solve. They can draw a number line on their paper as well to solve. For example, students may roll a 4 and a 6. Students will write 6-___=4 and solve.
Challenge and Explore
Read the story problem to students:
John has 9 balls. Some go missing. He has 4 left. How many did he lose?
Ask students: What information do we know? [we know how many John started with and ended with] What is missing? [We don’t know how many he lost] What is the subtraction sentence? [9-___=4] How many did he lose? [5]
Play Eye Spy to practice finding missing parts. p. 319
Common Errors
Students may hop forward from the start number and add on the difference.
Tell students to solve the missing part subtraction sentence on their dry-erase board: 10 - __ = 2 [8]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw to solve subtraction problems with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Write subtraction sentences for story problems.
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Paper
y Crayons
y Scissors
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Bears or beads
y Dice
y Paper
y Pencil
has 18 . Then 3 melt. How many does Sam have left?
has 10 . He eats 4 . How many are left?
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students draw with crayons and cut out 2 flowers on paper. Put students in partners and tell them to use their flowers to act out the following word problem:
Max has 4 flowers. He gives 2 to his friend. How many does he have left?
Guiding Questions
1. What type of math problem is this, addition or subtraction? How do you know?
[subtraction because he gives it away and has less]
2. What is the whole number and the part you know?
[4 and 2]
3. What is the subtraction sentence for this word problem?
What is the difference? [2]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash drew a picture to represent the subtraction word problem. Ask students: How many cookies did Flash start with? [12] How many did he take away? [5] Why did he take away 5? [because it said he ate 5] How many are left over? [7] How can you tell? [because he crossed off 5 and have 7 left]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Read the story problem to students. Ask students to circle the whole amount in the word problem. Ask students: How many circles should we draw first for Sam’s ice cream cones? [18] Draw 18 circles. Next, ask students to circle the amount of ice cream cones that melt. Ask students: How many circles should we cross off? [3] With students, cross off 3 circles while counting out loud. Ask students: How many circles are left? [15] So how many ice cream cones does Sam have left? [15] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Put students into partners. Pass out dry-erase boards and markers. One student makes up a subtraction story problem with numbers from 0 to 20 and tells their partner. The other partner writes the matching subtraction sentence and difference on their dry-erase boards. Students then switch roles. For example, student 1 says “Tim has 14 crayons. He loses 4. How many are left?” and student 2 writes 14-4=10.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to draw circles and cross them off to solve for subtraction story problems.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use bears or beads to act out the story problems first. Then tell students to draw circles to match what they did with their bears for the subtraction story problem.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice. Then, on a piece of paper, students write a subtraction story problem for the two numbers they rolled. Keep repeating. Then, students can switch papers with a partner to solve the word problems.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to use the numbers 4 and 19 to write their own story problems.
Students may add instead of subtract. Students may start with the part instead of the whole number. Common Errors
Play Story Problem Hunt to practice solving word problems. p. 320
Tell students to write the subtraction sentence and solve for the difference for the following story problem:
James has 18 cookies. He eats 8. How many does he have left?
In Chapter 6, we will learn about putting numbers 0 to 200 in sequence, using patterns on the hundreds chart, making numbers with base ten blocks and comparing 2-digit numbers.
• Use number lines and hundreds charts to sequence numbers
• Find patterns in the hundreds chart
• Calculate 10 more and 10 less
• Make groups of tens and ones
• Compare 2-digit numbers using base ten blocks
• Compare 2-digit numbers using <, >, =
• We can compare 2-digit numbers by understanding how many tens and how many ones
• Base ten blocks help us count, write and compare numbers
• The hundreds chart is set up to help us find ten more and ten less
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find numbers from 0 to 100 on the hundreds chart.
y Identify patterns and skip count on the hundreds chart (2s, 5s, and 10s).
y Use the hundreds chart to find numbers greater than and less than a given number.
y Hundreds chart - a 10 by 10 grid with all of the numbers from 1 to 100
y Skip count - counting forward by a certain number; keep adding the same number each time to the previous number
y Hundreds chart
y Chips or counters
y Crayons
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Give each student a hundreds chart and two chips or counters. Tell students to find the number 6 and to put a counter on it. Next, tell students to find the number 20 and to put a counter on it. Ask students, how far apart are 6 and 20? [14 numbers apart] Count from 6 to 20 out loud with students as you all point to each number. Repeat for other numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. How did you find the number 20 quickly? [Answers may vary. Example answerlooked at the column with all the tens and skip counted]
2. When you count from 6 to 20 which direction did you move on the hundreds chart? [left to right or across]
3. What happened when you got to the end of the row when counting? [moved down to the start of the next row]
Level A Chapter 6-1 Games
Play Hundreds Chart Battleship to practice recognizing numbers and patterns.
p. 320
Look at Let’s Learn and explain to students that the hundreds chart helps us to recognize number patterns and to skip count. Tell students to say the green square numbers out loud (1…2…3) Tell students that this is counting by 1s. Ask students: What comes next? [4] Next, tell students to count the red circle numbers out loud (10…20…30). Tell students this is skip counting by 10s. What comes next? [40] Continue finding the rest of the missing numbers. Finally, tell students to circle the number 50 and to count out loud as they underline the numbers until they reach 59. Ask students: What do you notice about all of the numbers from 50 to 59? [They are all in the same row; they all have a 5].
Pass out a hundreds chart and clear chips to each student. If clear chips aren’t available, have students take out crayons to circle numbers on the hundreds chart. Tell students to place a chip (or circle) the following numbers: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Ask students: What patterns do you notice? [answers may vary. Example answers: each number ends with a 0 or 5; the numbers are 5 spaces away; the numbers are in 2 columns; etc] Tell students to place a chip on the next number in the pattern (or circle it) [35]. Repeat with more patterns.
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Struggling Learners
4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57
65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 84, 85, 86, 87, 95, 96
25, 26, 35, 36
Use the hundreds chart to find each number. Circle the greater number.
Struggling students can use a hundreds chart and counters to locate each number provided in Try it Together and independent practice. Encourage students to look for patterns when finding numbers instead of counting up from 1 each time. For example, when students look for the number 22, direct students’ attention to the row with all the 20s.
Early Finishers
Provide students with a hundreds chart and counters. Students work with a partner to give each other clues about a mystery number. Students place a counter on the mystery number their partner describes. For example, student clues could be: My number is more than 12. It is less than 20. It is in same column as the number 5. What’s my number? [15].
Challenge and Explore
Use the hundreds chart to find the mystery number. Write it down.
8. I am 1 more than 29. I am 1 less than 31. If you skip count by 10, you land on me. I am 30
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Pass out a blank hundreds chart and different colored crayons to each student. Direct students to draw their own picture on their hundreds chart (like number 1 in independent practice). Then, tell students to make a color key for their picture. For example, numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8 are blue.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can ask a partner less than questions based on the hundreds chart. For example, a student can ask “what number is less than 65, 33 or 66?” Students can use the hundreds chart to find the answer. Students can also think of a mystery number on the hundreds chart and other students can try to guess it by asking questions and using clues. For example: “Does the number end with a 5? Is it greater than 75?” [85, 95]
Common Errors
Students may count up from 1 each time they are looking for a number. Students may think they can only skip count by tens by starting at 10. At the end of a row, when counting by 1s, students may not know to return to the start of the next row in order to keep counting on.
Exit Ticket:
After making their picture and color key, tell students to switch their color keys with another student. Then, students must color their blank hundreds chart to make the picture.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you color or group your numbers? [answers may vary]
2. How did number patterns help you to color and make your key? [answers may vary]
Write what comes next: 54, 55, 56, ___ [57] 2, 4, 6, ___ [8] 32, 42, 52, ___ [62] 67, 68, 69, ___ [70]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find patterns in a sequence with numbers from 0 to 200.
y Find missing numbers in a sequence.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
y Hundreds chart
y Small snack, a bead, or a bean
y Crayons
y Pencil
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have students stand up and do various physical movements while skip counting.
Do jumping jacks while skip counting by 2s from 0 to 100.
Skip in place while skip counting by 3s from 0 to 100.
Hop on one foot while skip counting by 5s from 0 to 100.
Guiding Questions
1. Which exercise took longer to finish? Why? [Jumping jacks because skip counting by 2s takes longer to get to 100 than skip counting by 3s and 5s]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn and remind students of a hundreds chart from the previous lesson. Ask students: How is this chart different than the hundreds chart? [it goes to 200]. Tell students that you will use this chart to explore numbers and counting from 0 to 200. Ask students: What do you notice about the numbers after 100? [the tens and ones repeat again] Read the mystery word problem to students. Tell students to find the number 192 and circle it. Next, tell students that the number is less than 200. So circle 200. Finally, tell students that you will skip count by 2s to get to the mystery number. Count by 2s as a class and circle each number you say (circle 194, 196, 198). Ask students: Which number is 2 less than 200 that we circled? [198]. Write the answer in the box. Try it Together
Play Hundreds Chart Battleship to practice recognizing patterns on a hundreds chart and sequencing numbers. p. 320
Pass out a hundreds chart (that goes to 120) to each student. Pass out a small snack, a bead, or a bean. Call out the sequence 4, 8, 10, 12, ____. Tell students to put their snack on the next number in the sequence. Check students’ answers. Repeat for 99, 100, 101,___. 77, 78, 79___ and so on.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can create their own mystery number riddles and share them with a partner.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use a completed hundreds chart for Try it Together and independent practice. This will help them to find and recognize the numbers until they can recognize numbers on the number line or hundreds chart independently.
Early Finishers
Pass out a hundreds chart. Tell students to color the hundreds chart using 5 different colors. Students will color groups of numbers with each color. The numbers must touch each other on a side, not a corner. Then, students will cut up the hundreds chart by color groups (all of the red numbers stay connected, all of the blue numbers stay connected, etc). This will create a hundreds chart puzzle. Students then can put their puzzle back together or switch puzzles with a partner. Similar to this -
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to find the mystery number on their hundreds chart. Place a snack or bean on the number.
Mystery Number:
I am greater than 99. I am less than 110. The number before me is 104. The number below me is 115. What number am I?
Ask students: Why can’t the number be 85? [Because it is less than 99] What is the mystery number? [105] 115 is how many more spaces than 105? [10]
Students may write the previous number instead of the missing number. For example, if the sequence is 82, 84, __, students may write 84 again. Common Errors
Tell students to write the missing numbers in the sequences: 55, 60, 65, ____, 75, ____ [70,80] 12, 14, ___, 18, ____ [16,20] ____, 88, 89, ____, 91 [87,90]
Level A Chapter 6-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find patterns in a sequence with numbers from 0 to 200.
y Find ten more and ten less than a number using the hundreds chart.
y Hundreds chart - a 10 by 10 grid with all of the numbers from 1-100
y Hundreds charts
y Red, blue and green crayons
y Dice
y Blank 5x5 bingo grid
y Counters
y Paper
y Pencil
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students stand up and do various physical movements while skip counting by 10s. Start at different numbers each time. For example - do jumping jacks while skip counting by 10 starting at 55. Jog in place while skip counting by 10 starting at 12.
Guiding Questions
1. When skip counting by 10s, what do all of the numbers have in common?
[the numbers all have the same second number (ones)]
2. When skip counting by 10s, what is different about all of the numbers?
[the first number always changes]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash wants to use the hundreds chart to find numbers that are ten more and ten less. Tell students to find the number 34 on the hundreds chart and to circle it. Now, tell students to find ten less than 34. Ask students: Which way will we move to find 10 less – forward or backward? [backward] Count back 10 spaces with students. Ask students: What do you notice about the number that is 10 less than 34? [answers may vary. Answers may include: they both have a 4; the number is right above 34; etc.] Now, return to 34 and count 10 more than 34. Ask students: What way will we move to find 10 more? [forward] Count forward 10 spaces with students. Ask students: What do you notice about the number that is 10 more than 34? [Answers may vary. Answers may include: They both have a 4; it is right below 34; etc.] Tell students that ten more than a number is always right below it on the hundreds chart. Ten less than a number is always right above it on the hundreds chart.
Pass out a hundreds chart to each student. Tell students to get out a red, green, and blue crayon. Tell students to find the number 47 on the hundreds chart and color it blue. Next, tell students to count back 10 spaces to find 10 less than 47 (count with students while pointing to each number). Ask students: What number is ten less than 47? [37]. Color this number red. Now, tell students to count ten spaces up from 47 to find ten more than 10 (count with students while pointing to each number). Ask students: What number is ten more than 47? [57]. Color this number green. Repeat for the numbers 89, 12, and 20. After finding ten more and ten less than these numbers, ask students: What do you notice about ten less? [it is always above the number. It always has the same second number (ones) but the first number (tens) is one less] What do you notice about ten more? [it is always below the number. It always has the same second number (ones) but the first number (tens) is one more]
Skip count by 10’s. Write in the missing numbers.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use a completed hundreds chart for Try it Together and independent practice. This will help them to find and recognize the numbers until they can recognize numbers on the hundreds chart independently.
Early Finishers
Students get two dice and a blank 5x5 bingo grid and write any number from 0 to 66 on the board, 1 number per space. Students roll the two dice to make a two-digit number (For example, if they roll a 4 or 5, the number is 45.) Students find ten less than the number rolled and put a counter on this number on their bingo board (if they have the number). Students keep rolling until they have 5 numbers in a row on their boards. Students play again, this time finding ten more than the number.
Circle the mystery number on the hundreds chart. Circle or . The mystery number is 10 more than 56 Is the mystery number same as 10 less than 76?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to look for previous numbers on the hundreds chart and to recognize patterns.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to find the mystery number on their hundreds chart. Place a snack or bean on the number.
Mystery Number:
My number shares a number with 78. My number shares a number with 94. My number is 10 less than 84 My number is 10 more than 64.
Ask students: What is the mystery number? [74] What number do 78 and 74 have in common? [7] What number do 74 and 94 have in common? [4]
Play Hundreds Chart Battleship to practice recognizing patterns on a hundreds chart and sequencing numbers. p. 320
Common Errors
Level A Chapter 6-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to understand the concept of making bundles of ones to make ten.
y Students will make groups of tens and ones to find the total.
y Bundle - groupings of numbers by putting the smaller units together to make a larger one
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Beans
y Counting blocks
y Pennies
y Base-ten rods
y Number cards
y Unit cubes
y Linking cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Give each student 10 objects (beans, counting cubes, pennies etc.) and have them count out their ten objects and place them in front of them. Tell students they can count by one to get to ten. Next, give students a base-ten rod. Tell students the base-ten rod represents the 10 objects. Then, give students two more objects and ask them, “how many objects do you have now?” [12]. Repeat this process by adding two more objects every round until you get to 20. Now, replace the 10 added objects with another base-ten rod and repeat the process by adding different “ones” to their base-ten rods (e.g. add 3, then 5, then 2). Tell students instead of counting each individual object, we can use base-ten rods. Explain to students, that ten ones is the same as one ten. Which is why we can trade 10 objects for 1 base-ten rod. Therefore, students can count by ten using the rods, and then count the “ones” remaining to get our total. [e.g. 10 + 10 + 3 = 23]
Guiding Questions
many apples? Circle the group of ten. How many ones are left?
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students we will be counting the number of blocks shown. First, count ten blocks, and identify that as a “bundle of ten” by circling ten blocks. Tell students, “this is one group of ten identified by a baseten rod.” Ask students: “How many blocks are left?” They will count seven. Tell students, “the number 7 is represented by 7 ‘one’ blocks.” Next, explain that one group of ten represents “one” in the “tens” place, and the number 7 represents the remaining objects in the “ones” place. Reiterate that ten ones is the same as one ten. You can show students that is you line up ten blocks it will match 1 base-ten rod. Tell students, “when you identify a group of ten, you can count up from ten to identify the “ones” remaining.” This will give you a total of 17 blocks [10 + 7 = 17]
1. How can we make the number 10 using ones? [by counting by one ]
2. How can we use base-ten rods to show ten? [each rod represents 10 objects]
Pass out dry-erase boards, markers, blocks, and base-ten rods. Write on the board the number 15. Ask students to count out 15 blocks. Then replace 10 of those blocks with a base-ten rod, and leave 5 blocks remaining. Ask students to draw the base-ten rod and the five blocks remaining on their dry-erase boards to represent the total number of objects. Repeat this process with a variety of numbers (e.g. 27, 13, 22 etc.).
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Break down the process by providing students with 10 counting blocks. Identify that counting up to 10 blocks represent a base-ten rod. Then, add one more block and ask, how many blocks do you have? [11] Show students that when you have a base-ten rod you can start at 10 and count up by one to get the total.
Early Finishers
Provide each student with a set of base-ten rods and blocks. Then, give them number cards with numbers from 11-20. Challenge students to use the base-ten rods and blocks to create bundles that represent the number on the cards. For example, for the number 14, the student could use one base-ten rod and four blocks. Once they finish creating the bundles, have them draw the base-ten rod and 4 blocks on a piece of paper and place it next to the corresponding bundle.
Challenge and Explore
Provide each student with a set of base-ten rods and blocks. Then, give them number cards with numbers from 20-100. Challenge students to use the base-ten rods and blocks to create bundles that represent the number on the cards. For example, for the number 57, the student could use 5 base-ten rods and 7 blocks. Once they finish creating the bundles, have them draw the five base-ten rods and 7 blocks on a piece of paper and place it next to the corresponding bundle.
Number Scavenger Hunt: Hide cards with numbers written on them around the classroom, and have students search for them. Once they find a card, have them use base-ten rods and blocks to build the number and then check it with you. Guide students to record how many objects they see. Remind students they are finding groups of ten and then identifying how many ones are left.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Can you think of another way to represent the number 10 other than using base-ten rods? [writing the number 10, or using fingers to show 10]
Play Number Building to practice using base-ten rods and blocks to build numbers. p. 321
Students may not understand that a group of ten represents a “one” in the tens place, or two groups of ten represents a “two” and so forth. Be sure to explain the significance of place values.
2. Can you give an example of a real-life situation where you might use the concept of bundling ones to make ten? [counting money, we bundle 10 ones to make a ten dollar bill]
Ask the following questions at the end of class and have students write their answers on their dry-erase boards: How many ones are needed to make the number 10? [10 ones are needed]
If you have 7 ones, how many more do you need to make 10? [three more ones]
Represent the number 16 by drawing base-ten rods and blocks. [1 base-ten rod and 6 blocks]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Draw the amount of tens and ones in a twodigit number.
y Write the amount of tens and ones in a twodigit number.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Ten rods
y Unit cubes
y Linking cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Tell students to stand up and get into groups of ten without talking. If students do not fit into a group of ten (as in there are too many for that group) then, tell the students to sit down.
Guiding Questions
1. How many groups of ten are there? [answers may vary]
2. How many left over students are there that did not fit in a group of ten? [answers may vary]
3. If we were to count the number of kids in our class, would we have to count each student now that we made groups? [no] How would you count?
[count by tens and then count on]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash is making numbers using base-ten rods and cubes. A rod is the same thing as ten individual cubes. When counting rods and cubes, you start by counting the rods by tens and then add on the ones. Count out loud with the students while pointing to each rod (10...20...30). Trace the 30. Then, count out loud with students while pointing to each cube (1...2...3...4...5...6...7). Trace the 7. Say to students, 30 + 7 = 37. Trace the 37. Let’s check by counting on. Count out loud with students while pointing to each rod or cube. Remind students to skip count by tens for the rods and count by ones for the unit cubes... (10…20…30…31…32…33…34…35…36…37).
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to count the value of the tens rods (10...20). Trace the 20. Next, tell the students to count the ones (1...2...3...4...5...6...7). Trace the 7. Ask students: What is the value of the number? [27] Check your work by skip counting the rods and counting on by ones (10...20...21..22...23...24...25...26...27)
Pass out cubes and rods. If cubes and rods aren’t available, use beans and pretzel sticks or something similar. Write the number 24 on the board. Tell students to put out 24 cubes. Next, tell students to make groups of ten with their 24 cubes. Ask students: How many groups of 10 did you make? [2] How many left over are there? [4]. Now, tell students that they can switch out a group of 10 cubes for 1 stick. Tell them to switch out the 2 groups of 10 for 2 sticks. Now, count the number together while pointing to the sticks first and then the cubes (10…20…21…22…23…24). Repeat for the numbers 41, 18, 32, and 50.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to skip count by tens for the rods and count on by ones for the cubes.
Struggling Learners
Show students how to build a number using linking cubes. Tell students to get out 37 linking cubes. Next, tell students to make stacks of ten. Ask students: How many stacks of 10 do you have? [3] How many left over cubes do you have? [7]. Explain to students that a stack of ten is the same as 1 rod.
Early Finishers
Students grab a handful of linking cubes from a paper bag. They build the cubes into groups of tens and ones and write the number on their dry-erase board. Repeat with a new handful of linking cubes.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem:
Mark has three groups of ten pencils. He has 3 extra pencils. How many pencils does he have?
Ask students: How many groups of ten does Mark have? [3] How do you count his 3 groups? [skip count by 10] How many does he have in all? [30 and 3 more is 33]
Common Errors
Students may think the first number in a two-digit number is the ones and the second number is the tens. For example, for the number 37, students may think 3 is the ones and 7 is the tens.
Play Hundreds Chart Battleship to practice recognizing patterns on a hundreds chart and sequencing numbers. p. 321
Tell students to draw the tens rods and cubes for each number. Tell them that a line can be used for a rod and circles can be used for the cubes.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compare two-digit numbers using base-ten rods and cubes.
y Identify which number is greater.
y Identify which number is less.
y Greater - a number is bigger or greater than another number
y Less - a number is smaller or less than another number
y Compare - the process of determining which number is smaller, greater, or equal to another number according to their values
y Base-ten rods
y Cubes
y Beans
y Paper clips
y Cups
y Dry-erase boards
y Markers
y Worksheet (list of two-digit numbers randomly selected from 10-90 that the students need to find and record)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Review how to count by 10 from 10-100.
Ask students: If Johnny has $53 and Alex has $71. Who has more money? [Alex has more money] Direct students to use tens rods and unit cubes to explain their answer. Explain to students that Alex has 7 “tens” and 1 “one” and Johnny has 5 “tens” and 3 “ones” and because Alex has more tens he has more money. Repeat with other examples like “Tim has 12 cupcakes and Samuel has 18 cupcakes. Who has more cupcakes? How do you know? [Samuel because he has more unit cubes]
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
1. Which number has more rods/cubes? 53 or 71? [71 has more rods]
2. Which number is greater/more? Why? [71 is greater because it has more total rods and cubes and has a bigger numerical value]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and explain to students that each digit has a value, or amount it is worth. Point to the number 37. Tell students the value of the 3 in 37 is 30 because it is in the tens place. Skip count the tens rods to further explain the value of the 3 (10..20...30). Then, tell students the value of the 7 in 37 is just 7 because it is in the ones place. Count the unit cubes by ones to further explain the value of the 7 (1...2...3...4...5...6...7). Ask students: What is the value of the 4 in 41? [40] What is the value of the 1 in 41? [1]. Tell students to compare 37 to 41. Ask students: Which worth more? [41] Circle 41. Why? [because the tens place value is worth more].
Pass out dry-erase boards and markers. Give each student a cup or small container and a specific number of beans or paper clips (any two-digit value). Students will work in pairs to compare the number of beans or paper clips they have in their cups. Each pair will use the dry-erase board provided to record the number of beans or paper clips they have, and then compare with their partner’s cup to determine which person has more and which person has less. Students should be encouraged to group their beans or paper clips into groups of ten and then count how many “ones” they have left. After one round of comparison, have students switch their cups with another person in the class and then find another partner. Repeat the process. Encourage students to share their results with the class by saying, “I have 25 beans. My partner has 17 beans. I have more beans than my partner.”
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a number line or number chart (see resources) to help them visualize the numbers and understand the concept of more and less. Provide students with extra manipulatives (e.g. blocks, pencils, beans) to help them understand the numbers they are comparing.
Early Finishers
Have students create their own number line or number chart with numbers between 10 and 90. They can use it to practice comparing numbers and to see the relationships between them.
Challenge and Explore
Give students a pile of two-digit number cards. Tell students to arrange their pile in order from least to greatest. This can be done individually, as partners, or as a group. Set up a competition and a timer and have students race to see who can arrange their two-digit number cards in the correct order the fastest.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
Prepare your worksheet with two-digit numbers. Each page should have a variety of random two-digit numbers that students can identify. Using the worksheet (in Materials), divide the class into small groups and tell them they will be going on a Scavenger Hunt. Hide number cards around the room or write numbers on the dryerase board for the students to find. Once students find a number, they will circle the number on their worksheet. The group that finds and records all the numbers on their list first, wins the scavenger hunt.
Common Errors
Students may confuse “more” with “less” and may confuse the two concepts. Students may not know which number they are supposed to circle. Be clear when you are identifying numbers that are “greater” and numbers that are “less” in the lesson.
1. What strategies did you use to compare the two-digit numbers during the lesson? [Counting rods/cubes, using a number line or chart, or using place value to determine which number has more tens or more ones]
2. How can you use your understanding of comparing two-digit numbers in your everyday life? [Comparing prices when shopping, comparing ages of people or animals, comparing the number of objects or people in a group]
Play Number Building to reinforce two-digit numbers. p. 321
Create a 3 question assessment for the end of the lesson:
1. What is the greater number between 42 and 29. Circle the correct number: 42 / 29 [42]
2. Using base-ten rods, compare the number 67 and 89. Which number has more? Circle the correct number 67 / 89 [89]
3. Compare the numbers 58 and 75. Which number has less? Why? Circle the correct number 58 / 75 [58 has less because it has less ten rods. Even though it has 8 “ones”, 5 ten rods are less than 7 ten rods. ]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compare two-digit numbers using base-ten blocks.
y Write comparison symbols for double-digit numbers with and without base-ten blocks.
y Compare two-digit numbers with terms greater than, less than, and equal.
y Greater than - indicates a number is more than another number
y Less than - indicates a number is smaller than another number
y Equal to - indicates a number is the same or of equal value as another number
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Base-ten rods
y Unit cubes
y Index cards
y Paper
y Pencil
y Hundreds chart
y Playing cards (numbers only)
y Markers
y Number cards (two-digit numbers)
y Symbol cards (>, <, =)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Review the numbers 1-100 with the students and have them count by tens and ones.
Have students work in pairs and give each pair a set of base-ten rods and cubes. Tell students to create a two-digit number using the rods and cubes. For example, one student may create the number 43 [4 base-ten rods and 3 cubes]. The other student may create the number 27 [2 base-ten rods and 7 cubes]. Then, tell students to compare the two numbers created. Direct students to use the phrases less than, greater than or equal to. For example, students may say 43 is greater than 27 or 27 is less than 43.
Guiding Questions
1. How can we use base-ten rods and cubes to create two-digit numbers? [the base-ten rods represent the tens place the cubes represent the ones place]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will be using symbols to compare two numbers. Point to the greater than, less than, and equal to symbol. Explain to students that the symbol is always open and facing the greater number. Next, tell students that when comparing a double-digit number, they begin by comparing the tens place value since it is worth more. If the tens place value is the same, then they look at the ones place value. Look at the number 26 and 14. Ask students: How many tens are in 26? [2] How many tens are in 14? [1]. Which has more tens? [26] Explain that 26 is greater because it has more tens. Tell students to show the direction of the symbol with their arms. Color in the circle for the greater than symbol.
Repeat this process for the Try it Together section. Remind students to look at the tens place value first to determine if a number is greater than or less than. If the digit in the tens place value are the same, then move to the ones place value.
2. How can we compare two-digit numbers using base-ten rods and cubes? [We can create two different numbers using the rods and cubes and compare which is greater than, less than, or equal to]
Write double-digit numbers on 20 index cards. Hide the two-digit number cards around the classroom. Hand out a piece of paper and a pencil to each student. Direct students to letter their paper from A to J with space in between. Explain to students that they will go around and find double digit number cards. They will write down two double-digit numbers for each letter on their paper. Then, they will write a comparison symbol for each pair of numbers. For example, if students find the number 45 and 28 on two different number cards, they will write them down for letter A. Then they will draw the > symbol in between the numbers.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a hundreds chart to help them compare the numbers. Direct students to find each number on the hundreds chart and to place counters on them. Ask students: Which number is greater? How do you know? [answers may vary; example answer - it is further down or over on the hundreds chart].
Early Finishers
Provide students with a set of playing cards (only numbers). Students work with a partner to compare double-digit numbers. Students begin by flipping over two cards at the same time. The two cards become their double-digit number. Students compare their double-digit numbers to see which is greater. The student with the greater double-digit number keeps all 4 cards. Remind students to compare the tens place value first. If the digit is the same in the tens place, then compare ones.
Challenge and Explore
Read the problem to students. Direct them to use their dry-erase boards to draw their responses.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can go back to independent practice and circle the place value in each double-digit number that helped them determine which number was greater. For example, number 1 has the double-digit numbers 27 and 30. Students will circle the 2 and 3 in the tens place to signify that the tens place value determined which was greater.
Common Errors
Students may confuse the symbols >, <, and = when comparing numbers. Be sure to identify the open part of the symbol always goes towards the bigger number.
Samuel had 52 cupcakes. Tim had 25 cupcakes. Tim said they both have the same amount because they both have a 2 and a 5 in their double-digit numbers. Is he correct?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Is Tim correct? Why or why not? [Tim is not correct because Samuel has more tens than Tim]
2. Why is it important to look at the tens and ones place value separately when comparing numbers? [Because the tens place value is worth more than the ones place value]
Play Number Building to help reinforce creating two-digit numbers.
Level A Chapter 6-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write ten more and ten less using a hundreds chart.
y Compare two-digit numbers using base-ten rods and cubes, symbols, and the terms. greater than, less than, and equal to
y Use the hundreds chart to locate and compare numbers.
y Hundreds chart - a 10 by 10 grid with all of the numbers from 1 to 100
y Greater than - indicates a number is more than another number
y Less than - indicates a number is smaller than another number
y Hundreds chart
y Base-ten rods
y Cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Pass out a hundreds chart to students and counters. Ask students questions based on the hundreds chart. Students can share their answer with the closest partner. Then, call on students to share out their answers with the class.
1. Find the number 54. What’s ten more than 54? [64]
2. Find the number 23 and 81. Which number is greater? [81]
3. Find the number 2. Find the number 12. Which number is less? [2]
4. Find the numbers 2, 4, 6. What number comes next in the sequence? [8]
Guiding Questions
5. What are some ways can we compare numbers? [answers may vary. Example answers - finding them on the hundreds chart, looking at their place value]
6. How do you know if a number is greater or less than on the hundreds chart? [if a number is greater, it is further across or down on the hundreds chart]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will be reviewing how to count base-ten rods cubes and then compare two numbers using the greater than, less than, or equal to symbol. With every base-ten rod you count by ten and with every cube you count by one. After they count the rods and cubes, encourage students to ask themselves, “is 66 greater than, less than, or equal to 70?” [66 is less than 70]. Which place value helped you to determine the greater number? [tens place value] Then have them draw the correct symbol [<] and then circle the correct symbol on the page.
Divide the class into groups of 3-4 students. Give each student a dry-erase board and marker to write down their answers. Play a game where students will be asked to find ten more or ten less of a number, count with tens and ones, and compare two-digit numbers using symbols. If each member of the group gets the correct answer, their team gets a point. Play to 7 points. Some example questions are: 1. What is ten more than the number 50? [60] 2. What is the symbol for less than? [<]. Draw base-ten rods and cubes and compare the numbers 26 and 15. [2 tens and 6 ones is greater than 1 ten and 5 ones]. Ask the class more review questions until one team wins.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a number line, hundreds chart, number cards, or other manipulatives. Show students three numbers (e.g. 40, 50, 60) and ask them, “which number is ten less than 50 or ten more than 50?” Then, provide additional support by reminding students how to count by tens and ones. Remind students that in order to identify a number that is greater than, the alligator mouth opens to the bigger number.
Early Finishers
Have students build and create their own comparison problems using base-ten rods and cubes. Tell the students to create at least 2 greater than problems, 2 less than problems, and 2 equal to problems. Students can record their work on a piece of paper or a whiteboard.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to go around the class and collect and count as many of the same objects as they can (i.e. pencils, erasers, blocks, books, beans, etc.). Then on a dry-erase board or piece of paper, have them write the number of objects they found. After counting and writing down 3-5 objects, tell students to compare their results by asking, “is the number of pencils greater than, less than, or equal to the number of erasers?” Or, “is the number of books greater than, less than, or equal to the number of blocks?”
Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, provide students with two dice, a dryerase board and a dry-erase marker. Students roll the die and write the doubledigit number down on their dry-erase boards. Students roll the two dice again and write the next double-digit number down on their dry-erase boards. Then, students write the comparison symbol in between these two numbers. Students roll again to make new double-digit numbers. Students can use a hundreds chart or base-ten blocks to help them compare.
Common Errors
Students may not remember how to count up and down by ten. Remind students of each definition of the comparison symbols and how they should always read the comparison from left to right.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How do we count with tens and ones using base-ten rods and cubes? [Count by ten using the rods and count by one using the cubes]
Play Number Building to review two-digit number concepts p. 321
2. Which numbers are easier for you to compare? More difficult? Why? [answers may vary]
Exit Ticket: Ask the following questions as an assessment of the student’s learning.
1. Give an example of a number that is ten less than 82. [72]
2. Compare the two numbers, 39 and 51, using base-ten rods and cubes, and the proper symbol. [39 < 51]
3. What do the three symbols <, >, and = mean? [less than, greater than, equal to]
In Chapter 7, we will learn to add multi-digit numbers using base-ten blocks and place value.
• Use base-ten blocks to add a double-digit and a single-digit number
• Use base-ten blocks to add double-digit numbers with a multiple of ten
• Draw base-ten blocks to solve double-digit addition problems
• Solve addition sentences with multi-digit numbers using place value
• Add fluently within 200 using place value
• Solve vertical and horizontal addition sentences for numbers within 200
• Draw base-ten blocks to represent addition story problems
• Write multi-digit addition sentences based on story problems of numbers within 0 to 200
Vocabulary Words
Level A Chapter 7-1
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to use unit cubes to add double-digit and single-digit numbers with fluency and understanding.
y Addition - Combining two or more numbers
y Sum - The final answer process we get after doing the process of addition
y Unit Cubes - A cube that represents “one” unit
y Unit cubes (at least 100)
y Dry-erase board
y Dry-erase markers
y Base-ten rods y
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Begin the lesson with a quick review of basic addition facts (e.g. 2+3=5). Have students work in pairs to practice solving basic addition problems using unit cubes. Then, hand out base-ten rods and cubes to all students. Show students a double-digit number (e.g. 25) and ask them to represent it using base-ten rods and cubes [2 base-ten rods and 5 cubes]. Next, show students a single-digit number (e.g. 4) and ask them to represent it using unit cubes [4 unit cubes]. Finally, with both numbers represented by ten rods and cubes. Ask students: How many do you have in all?” [29]. Represent this on the board as an addition problem 25 + 4 = 29. Remind students that you add the “tens” together and the “ones” together. Repeat this process several times, increasing the difficulty by using larger numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. What is the sum of the double-digit number and the single-digit number? [The total number of base-ten rods and cubes]
2. Why do you add the “ones” place numbers together, and then the “tens” place numbers together. [Because you are finding the sum, and can only add “ones” together, and only add “tens” together.]
3. What are other ways to say “in all”? [altogether, sum, added, combined, etc]
4. Which number is easier to add on to? 25 and then add 4 or 4 and then add 25? Discuss and explain why [It is easier to add 25 and then 4 because you can just combine the “ones” together and keep the “tens”]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will be finding how many cubes in all. Students will identify the first double-digit number [23] by counting two “tens” and 3 “ones” and trace it in place-value chart. Then students will count the single-digit number [4] and place that number in the “ones” section of the place-value chart. Tell students to add the “ones” numbers together [3+4 = 7] and then the “tens” numbers [2+0=2]. This gives you an equation and total of [23+4=27]. Ask students: If you start with 23 and add 4 more, how many do you have in all?” Repeat this process in the Try it Together section. For problems 3-4, be sure to tell students that they will be drawing base-ten rods and cubes for the numbers given and then finding how many they have in all.
Divide the class into partners or groups. Give each group a set of unit cubes, base-ten rods, and number cards. Set the timer for two-minutes. When you say “go,” the first member of each group will pick a number card, create the number using either base-ten rods or unit cubes, and place it on the table. The next member of the group will then pick another number card and add it to the first number. The team who reaches the sum first, writes the equation and answer on the dry-erase board, gets 1 point. Continue this process until the timer goes off. Record the points for each group on the board. Repeat the activity with new numbers and a new set of teams to reinforce understanding.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Instruct students to find the total on the practice page. Encourage students to count the base-ten blocks carefully and record the values. Make sure they are lining up their numbers correctly before they add them together. Then, for numbers 5-8 tell them to find the missing number by asking, “33 plus how many “ones” equals 37?” And “81 plus how many “ones” equals 88?
Struggling Learners
Provide students with simpler addition problems at first. Then, place unit cubes and base-ten rods in a box. Give the box and number cards to the student and have them build two-digit numbers. Then, have them build a single-digit number, and count the total.
Early Finishers
Mental Math: Provide early finishers with mental math problems to solve (e.g. 24+5), encouraging them to visualize and manipulate unit cubes and base-ten rods in their mind to find the total.
Challenge and Explore
Build a Tower: Encourage students to build a tower or structure using unit cubes and baseten rods. Give them dimensions (e.g. 4 baseten rods long and 15 cubes high). Have them count the total number of rods and cubes they used. Next, give them more rods and blocks to add on to their structure. Have students explain how they used addition to build it. For example, one student may have added 3 base-ten rods and 10 cubes [40 total]. While another may have used 2 base-ten rods and 20 cubes.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
Continue to provide practice for students by having them group classroom objects (e.g. pencils, erasers, markers, etc.) and then counting how many they have in all. For example, if you have 11 pencils and 7 markers, how many objects do you have in all?
Common Errors
Students might not understand the value of each digit in a number and might place the units in the wrong place. Use words and phrases such as, “how many more ones do you have?” or “25 plus 3 more ones is how many in all?”
1. Can you explain how you used unit cubes and base-ten rods to find the sum? [First, create the numbers, then placed the numbers side by side, and regrouped them according to the “ones” and “tens”]
2. What is the importance of place value in addition? Why? [Place value is important in addition because it helps us understand the value of each digit and how to regroup numbers when adding]
Play Race to the Finish to reinforce understanding of adding doubledigit and single-digit numbers. p. 322
Exit Ticket: Ask the following questions to assess the student’s learning:
What is 46 + 3? [49]
Build the numbers 51 and 7 using base-ten rods and cubes. How many tens do you have? How many ones? What is the total? [5 ten rods and 8 total unit cubes = 58]
Level A Chapter 7-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve double-digit and single-digit addition problems with fluency.
y Tens - group of ten units. The 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit. The digit on the far right in a whole number
y Sum - The final answer process we get after doing the process of addition
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
y Pieces of small paper
y Bags or jars
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Show students an addition problem on the board (e.g. 14 + 5). Students draw the amount of tens and ones on their dry-erase board with base-ten blocks, count them in all, and write the sum. Start with the equation 14 + 5 = __. Ask students: What is the sum? [19]. Repeat this process with a few different addition equations.
Guiding Questions
1. What is the “sum” in an addition problem? [The total number after adding]
2. How could you add these numbers without drawing? [add the tens and ones separately]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that we can add without drawing tens and ones. We do this by stacking the numbers and making columns for each place value (tens and ones). Then, we add the the numbers together in each place value column. Ask students: Let’s look at the ones place column, what is 3 + 3? [6] Tell students to write 6 for the amount of ones. Next, tell students, there is 2 and 0 in the tens place column. So 2 tens + 0 tens = 2 tens. Ask students: What is the sum? [26] Move on to the Try it Together section. Tell students to add by place value columns and to write the amount for each place value. You can ask different questions such as, “if you have 12, and add 7 more, how many in all?” [19]. Repeat this process through the rest of the section.
Write double-digit numbers on small pieces of paper. Crumble them up and place them in a bag or a jar. Have a student come and pick out a number from the bag. Open up the paper and show students the number. Students will then write the number on their dry-erase board. Then, with each student having their own single die (or working in groups, or with a partner), have students roll the die to give them a single digit number. Tell students to write the number they rolled on their dryerase board. Remind students to write the problem vertically and line up the tens and ones place value. Finally, tell students to find the sum. Example: Students pull out the number 61 and roll the number 3. Students write on their dry-erase board: 6 1
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Allow students to draw tens and ones next to each problem on the Try it Together section and independent practice to check their adding.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write the twodigit number down on their dry-erase board. For example, if students roll a 2 and a 6, the number is 26. Tell students to roll one of the dice again and write the one-digit number down on their dry-erase board. Students then add these two numbers together by writing the vertical addition sentence and lining up the place values.
Challenge and Explore
Encourage students to create addition problems of their own. Give students a jar or bag full of pieces of paper with two-digit numbers written on it. Tell students to write an addition problem that has a sum of the number they draw. For example, if they select the number 46, they create an addition problem using a two-digit number [41] and a single-digit number [5]. Then, they write the equation [41 + 5 = 46]. Repeat this process and have students exchange papers with a partner to check each other’s work.
Encourage students to use the same strategies they used in the Try it Together section for the practice page. For number 7, tell students there is a mistake in the adding! Can you fix it? Have students correct the equations. You can continue working with the class by writing incorrect addition equations on the board (e.g. 42 + 5 = 44) and have students figure out the correct answer. Or, you can write equations such as 82 + __ = 85 and see if students can find the missing number.
Common Errors
Students may not line up the numbers correctly according to the place value. Encourage students to think, “how many ones do I have?” And “how many tens do I have?” And then find the sum.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What strategies did you use to solve the double-digit and single-digit addition problems? [answers may vary, counting on their fingers, using mental math, using a number line, using rods and cubes]
2. What are some challenges you faced when solving these addition problems? [answers may vary, understanding place value, confusing the order of numbers, using mental math]
Tell students to solve the following addition sentences. Tell students to write the problems vertically and line up the place values before solving.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to add double-digit numbers and multiples of ten.
y Use base-ten rods and understand the place value of each digit.
y Addition – combining two or more numbers to find the sum
y Double-digit number - a number with two place values, the ones place, and the tens place
y Multiple of ten - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc..
y Place value - the value represented by a digit in a number based on its position in the number
y Base-ten rods
y Cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
y Number lines
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw a number line on the board, and have students use multiples of ten to jump from one number to the next. For example, start at 12 and tell students to jump ten more [22]. Then, jump ten more from 22 to get to 32. Ask students: How many tens did we jump from 12 to 32? [2 tens]. Tell students this is just like adding 20 (2 tens). When you start at 12 and add 20, you “jump ten” twice to get to 32 because there are two tens in 20. If the number line gets too long, you can repeat this process and show students how to “jump ten” using a number chart.
Write the equation vertically and show students how to solve with place value. [12 + 20 = 32]. When you add place value, you add the ones together [2 + 0 = 2] and the tens [1 + 2 = 3]. This is how you solve vertically using place value. Repeat this process adding multiples of ten (e.g. 40, 60, 30 etc.) with different twodigit starting numbers (e.g. 41, 36, 72 etc.)
Guiding Questions
1. How do we add double-digit numbers and multiples of ten using a number line? [start with the double-digit number and jump by ten]
2. What is the place value of the following numbers 62, 19, 27? [6 tens 2 ones, 1 ten 9 ones, 2 tens 7 ones]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will be adding multiples of tens to double-digit numbers. When adding multiples of tens, we rewrite the equation vertically, placing the numbers in the correct place value columns. Ask students: When you start with 44 and add 10 more, how many do you have in all? What is the sum?” [54] Repeat this process for the Try it Together section. Tell students when you are adding multiples of ten, you are changing the value of the tens place. When you add 30, you are adding 3 tens to the original doubledigit number.
Play “Around the World.” Have one student stand next to another student sitting in their desk. Tell students in round one, they will only be adding ten more to the number. Hold double digit number cards in your hand and flash a card to the two students competing. Let’s say the card flashed is 42. The first student to respond with the correct answer [52] moves on to play against the next student. If the student sitting wins, they stand up and moves to the next seated student, and the student standing takes a seat. The round continues until all students have participated. Round two, could be adding twenty more. Round three can be adding thirty more, etc. For a final round or bonus round, feel free mix it up by adding different multiples of ten by saying the equation out loud [61 + 20] or holding up a number card and a different amount of base-ten rods to represent the multiples of ten being added. For example, the number card is 51 and the base-ten rods held up are 4. [51 + 40 = 91]
Write how many in all. Draw and solve.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a number line so they can visually see how adding ten more changes the number in the tens place. You can show them how to count by ones to get to ten more, or how to “jump by ten.” Explain when you “jump” three times by ten, that is the same as adding by 30.
Early Finishers
Give students a pile of double-digit number cards, a box of ten rods and a die. Tell students to draw a card (e.g. 48). Then roll the die. (e.g. the number rolled is 4). Tell students the number rolled is the amount of tens that must be added to the number card (e.g. the number 4 represents adding 4 tens). Have students write down their equations [48 + 40 = 88] and use base-ten rods to help them build their number. Repeat this process in partners, or individually.
Find the missing number. Draw and solve.
Challenge and Explore
Base-ten drawing: Ask students to draw a picture of an animal using base-ten rods and cubes. Students must use place value to determine how many rods they need to represent each part of the animal (e.g. the body (65 total cubes), legs (17 cubes each), tail (14 cubes).
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Tell students to find the sums in numbers 1-6 on the practice page. Encourage students to rewrite the equations vertically in order to align the place values correctly. For numbers 7 and 8 tell students to find the missing multiple of ten that completes the addition problem. If you start with 56, how many tens do you add to get to 96? [4 tens or 40]
Common Errors
Students may struggle to understand the place value of each digit in the problem. Encourage students to line up the tens and ones place correctly.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. If you start at 13 and jump by ten 5 times, where do you end up? Write the equation [13 + 50 = 63]
2. How does understanding place value help us when adding double-digit numbers and multiples of ten? [lining up the numbers correctly allows us to add the ones together, and then the tens together]
Play Race to the Finish to reinforce understanding of adding doubledigit and single-digit numbers. p. 322
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the place value of the tens digit in the number 63? [6]
2. Use base-ten rods to solve the problem 42 + 30. Show your work. [72 - 7 base-ten rods and two cubes]
3. Explain the process of adding double-digit numbers and multiples of ten. [start with the double digit number, identify how many tens we are adding, line up the place values correctly, and solve]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find the sum of a double-digit number and a multiple of ten.
y Solve for missing addends with sums less than 99.
y Multiple of ten - 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, etc.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Hundreds chart
y Counters or beans
y Index cards
y Sticky notes
y Chart paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out a hundreds chart to each student. Have students stand in a circle. Tell students that they will start at different numbers and skip count by tens. To do so, guide students to find the first number on their hundreds chart. Then, tell students to follow the column down in order to skip count by tens. Tell one student to begin at the number 22. Students will take turns around the circle counting up by ten more (or skip counting by 10). For example, the first student says 42, the second student says 52, and the third student will say 62. Stop once students have reached 100 (or close to 100, like 102). Repeat with a new number and a new starting student. Emphasize to students that they are adding multiples of ten, or groups of ten!
Guiding Questions
1. When we skip count by ten, what happens to the ones? [They stay the same]
2. When we skip count up by ten, what type of math sentence are we solving? [adding ten]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students they will be adding double-digit numbers with multiples of ten. Emphasize that this time, they will practice without base-ten blocks. Have students point to the Flash’s problem 44 + 10. Point out that you always begin by adding the ones place value first, even if there is a zero. Ask students: What is 4 and 0 more? [4]. Trace the 4. Move over to the tens column. Ask students: What is 4 tens and 1 more ten? [5 tens]. Trace the 5. Ask students: What is the sum? [54] Tell students there are 5 tens and 4 ones. This makes the number 54.
Have students draw a t-chart on their dry-erase board. Have them label the left side “tens” and the right side “ones.” Next, tell students to write the addition sentence 51+20 in the chart. After students wrote the vertical addition sentence, guide them to add the ones place value and then the tens place value. Ask students: What is the sum of 51+20? [71]
After practicing as a class, have students work with a partner. Each partner takes a turn coming up with an addition problem. Remind students to add multiples of ten (10, 20, 30, etc.). Both students write the addition problem on their boards and solve. Then, students switch boards and check each other’s work.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, tell students to find different combinations of addends with a sum of 99. Tell students to write their addition sentences on sticky notes and to place them on a chart paper titled “Ways to Add to 99.”
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a hundreds chart and small counters or beans. Look at the first problem in Try it Together. Tell students to put their counter or bean on the first addend, 13. Next, tell students to count up 30 spaces and place another counter wherever they stop landing. Ask students: What number did you land on? [43] Ask students: What do you notice about the number you landed on? [it is 3 spaces down from 13] Emphasize to students that it is 3 spaces down because there are 3 tens and 0 ones. Repeat with other problems in Try it Together
Early Finishers
Pass out 20 index cards to the students. On each card, students write an addition sentence with a double-digit number and a multiple of ten. Students work with a partner to play double-digit addition war. Students put their cards in a pile face down. Students flip over a card at the same time. The student with the greater sum keeps both cards. Students keep playing until one student collects all of the cards.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve for the missing addend on their dry-erase boards:
___ + 30 = 42 [12]
___ + 50 = 78 [28]
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you solve for the missing addend? [answers may vary; draw tens and ones and subtract the addend given]
2. What do these problems have in common? [answers may vary; the addends are multiples of ten]
Level A Chapter 7-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve multi-digit addition problems without regrouping.
y Draw tens and ones to solve for multi-digit addition problems.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Digit - any of the numbers from 0 to 9
y Ten rods
y Unit cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a two-digit number on the board. Students draw the amount of tens and ones on their dry-erase boards. Start with the number 28. Students should draw two tens rods and 8 circles for unit cubes.
Guiding Questions
1. How can you tell the amount of tens in a number by just looking at it?
[the first digit in a two-digit number is the amount of tens]
2. How can you tell the amount of ones in a number by just looking at it?
[the last number is the amount of ones]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash can add numbers with multiple digits by drawing tens rods and unit cubes. Ask students: How many tens did Flash draw for 150? [15] How many tens and ones did Flash draw for 22? [2 tens and 2 ones]. Tell students that in order to add these two multi-digit numbers, Flash has to skip count by tens while counting all of the rods. Then, he counts on by ones while pointing to each unit cube. With students, point to each ten rod while skip counting by tens (10…20…30……170). Next, point to the unit cubes and count on by ones (171…172). Ask students: How many does Flash have in all? [172]. What is 150+22? [172].
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Remind students to count by tens first and then count on by the remaining ones. With students, point to the tens rods and skip count by tens (10…20….30…….110). Next, point to the units and count on by ones (111…112……119). Ask students: What is 93+26? [119]
Pass out rods and unit cubes to each student. Write the problem 53+14 on the board. Tell the students to build each number using their rods and cubes. Ask students: How many tens are there in 53? [5] How many ones? [3] How many tens are in 14? [1] How many ones? [4] (Walk around to make sure students built each number correctly.) Next, tell students to skip count by tens while counting the rods and count on by ones when they are counting the cubes. Ask students: How many are there in all? [67]. Repeat for the problems 49+20; 72+27; 63+35
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count the tens first and then add on by ones
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their rods and cubes for the rest of Try it Together and independent practice. After building each number with rods and cubes, tell students to group their tens and ones together to make it easier to keep track while skip counting.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write the two-digit number down on their dry-erase boards. For example, if students roll a 1 and 4, the number is 14. Tell students to roll the two dice again and write the second two-digit number down on their dry-erase board. Students then add these two numbers together by drawing tens rods and unit cubes. Students roll again for a new addition problem.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to be the teacher and correct the addition problem: 42+24=84
Ask students: Why is this problem incorrect? [because 42+24 does not equal 82] How did this student get the answer 84? [they drew 4 tens and 2 ones for the second number. They should have drawn 2 tens and 4 ones] What is the sum of 42+24? [66]
Play Race to 99 to practice adding two-digit numbers. p. 322
Common Errors
Students may draw rods for the ones place and cubes for the tens place. Students may count by ones for the rods and units. Students may count by tens for the rods and units.
Tell students to solve for the following addition sentences. Tell them to draw tens and ones next to the addition sentence to show their work.
23+65 = ___ [88]
28+11=___ [39]
10+59=___ [69]
Level A Chapter 7-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve multi-digit addition problems without regrouping.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Digit - any of the numbers from 0 to 9
y Dry-erase markers
y Dry-erase boards
y Dice
y 10 pieces of small paper
y Bag or hat
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a multi-digit addition problem on the board. Students draw the amount of tens and ones on their dry-erase boards, count them in all, and write the sum. Start with the addition sentence 23+54=__. Ask students: What is the sum? [77]
Guiding Questions
1. Why do we count the tens and ones separately when adding?
[Because the tens are worth more than the ones]
2. How could you add the double-digit numbers without drawing?
[add the tens and ones separately like 2+5=7 tens and 3+4=7 ones]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that you will practice both horizontal and vertical addition with multi-digit numbers. Remind students to always start with the ones place value. Look at the vertical problem, 143+26=__. Direct students to point to the ones place value. Ask students: What is the sum of the ones? [9] Next, direct students to point to the tens place value. Ask students: What is the sum of the tens? [6] Finally, direct students to point to the hundreds place value. Ask students: What is the sum of 1 and 0 more? [1] Trace these numbers. Ask students: What is the total sum of 143+26? [169] Tell students that 169 is the sum of the vertical addition sentence and the horizontal addition sentence since they have the same addends.
Gather 8 sheets of chart paper. On each chart paper, write a different doubledigit addition problem (like 45+20). Make sure each problem does not require regrouping. Place the 10 pieces of chart paper on the ground, spread out and around the room.
Tell students to walk around to music. When the music stops, tell students to find the closest chart paper. Then, direct students to solve the addition problem on the chart paper. Tell students to write their addition sentence and sum directly on the chart paper. Play the music again and have students find a different chart paper. Walk around to check students work and to guide them to line up the place value to add. Allow students to draw base-ten blocks if needed.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can explain how they solved for the missing digit in problem 5 of the independent practice. Students can discuss similarities and differences they notice regarding their methods for solving.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to draw tens and ones next to each problem on Try it Together and independent practice to check their adding.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write the two-digit number down on their dry-erase boards. For example, if students roll a 1 and 4, the number is 14. Tell students to roll the two dice again and write the second two-digit number down on their dry-erase board. Students then add these two numbers together by writing the vertical addition sentence and lining up the place values.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to be the teacher and correct the addition problem:
Ask students: Why is this incorrect if the sum is 69? [because the numbers are not in the correct place value columns. This would show that there is a zero in the ones column, meaning it would be 690.]
Common Errors
Students may add up all of the numbers together instead of separating them by place value.
Tell students to solve for the following addition sentences. Tell them to write the problems vertically and line up the place values before solving.
Level A Chapter 7-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve multi-digit vertical and horizontal addition problems.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Base-ten blocks
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Chart paper (8 pieces)
y Hundreds chart
y Timer
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Gather base-ten blocks. Place a set amount of base-ten blocks out for students to see. Explain that “I have (amount of base-ten blocks shown) and I get more (add some tens rods). What number do I have? Then ask students students to write the corresponding addition sentence on their dry-erase boards. For example say “I have 57 here (5 tens rods and 7 unit cubes). I get 21 more (add 2 rods and 1 cubes).” Skip count by tens and add on the ones while pointing to the base-ten blocks. Ask students: How many are there in all? [78] Tell students to write the problem on their boards. Remind them to include the amount you started with, the amount you added and the amount in all.
Guiding Questions
1. Which is easier to write and solve: horizontal addition problems or vertical addition problems? Why? [answers may vary, vertical may help them see place values more clearly]
2. Why do we line up the place value? [answers may vary; to help add tens to tens and ones to ones]
3. Why do we skip count by tens and then count on by ones? [answers may vary; example: because rods are worth 10 and unit cubes are worth 1]
4. What does it mean to add? [to get more, to combine]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash can add multi-digit numbers without drawing. He does so by stacking his multi-digit number and making columns for each place value (like tens, ones, etc). He then adds the numbers together in each place value column. Ask students: Look at the one’s place value column - what is 7 plus 2? [9] Tell students to write the 9 for the amount of ones. Next, ask students: Look at the tens place value column - what is 3 plus 2? [5] Tell students to write the 5 for the amount of tens. Finally, tell students there is only 1 in the hundreds column, so that remains 1 for the amount of hundreds. Ask students: What is the sum? [159]. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together Tell students to add up by place value columns and to write the amount for each place value. Ask students: What is the amount of ones? [2] What is the amount of tens? [4] What is the amount of hundreds? [1] What is the sum of 131
and 11? [142]. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Write double-digit numbers on 10 small pieces of paper. Crumble them up and place them in a bag or hat. Have a student come up and pick out two numbers from the bag. Open them up and show students the two numbers. Students will then write the numbers on their dry-erase boards. Remind students to write the problem vertically and to line up the tens and ones place value. Next, tell students to draw a line down their addition problem to separate their tens and ones. Finally, tell students to solve for the sum.
Example: Students pull out the numbers 42 and 15. Students write on their dry-erase boards:
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count the amount for each place value separately
Struggling Learners
Allow students to draw their base-ten blocks, to use base-ten blocks or to use a hundreds chart to solve each problem in Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Provide students with a timer. Students create their own addition problem race. Students write 10 multi-digit addition problems on a dry-erase board. Guide students to add multiples of ten to each number. Students set a timer for 1 minute and see how many problems they can solve.
Challenge and Explore
On a dry-erase board, tell students to write the missing numbers in the addition problem:
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Can there be more than one correct addition problem? [answers may vary]
2. How did you know which number to start with? [answers may vary; example: the addends have to be less than the sum]
Students may subtract instead of add. Additionally, students may misalign their numbers when solving a vertical addition problem. Remind students to align the place value to help them add multi-digit numbers. Students may also forget to add 0. Common Errors
Play Race to 99 to practice adding double digit numbers. p. 322
Level A Chapter 7-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve story problems with multi-digit addition.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Story problem or Word problem - word problems or problems that use stories to indicate mathematical application and thinking
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Index cards
y Chart paper
y Base-ten blocks
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Read a story problem to students. Direct students to draw base-ten blocks, step by step, as you read the word problem. Remind students to look for key words and numbers. Then, direct students to solve for the sum.
For example, tell students you have 13 brownies. Direct students to draw 13 with baseten blocks. Next, tell students you make 15 more. Direct students to draw 15 with base-ten blocks. Ask students: How many brownies do I have in all? [28] Guide students to count the base-ten blocks in all.
Guiding Questions
1. Why did we draw both amounts of brownies? [because we were adding them together]
2. How would you write this addition sentence? [13+15=28]
Flash baked 12 on Monday. He baked 34 on Tuesday. How many did he bake in all?
Abraham picked 13
He picked 41 more. How many total did Abraham pick?
Sam has 26 He got 23 more. How many does he have all together?
Mark picked 24 He picked 15 more. How many did he pick all together?
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be solving story problems with double-digit addition. Ask students: How do we know if a story problem is addition? [answers may vary; example: The problem describes getting more of something] Read the story problem in Let’s Learn to students. Ask students: How many did Flash start with? [12]. How many more did he make? [34] Explain that these are the two addends. Trace these two numbers in the addition sentence. Tell students to find the sum. Use the tens rods and unit cubes to count by tens and ones. Ask students: How many cookies did Flash bake in all? [46]
On separate index cards, write double-digit addition story problems. On a chart paper, write the solution (sum) to each story problem. Place the index cards in a hat or bag. Call on a student to pull out a story problem. Read the story problem. Direct students to solve the problem on their dry-erase boards. Have a student tape the story problem to the matching solution on the chart paper.
Story problems:
Tim has 12 shells. He finds 35 more shells. How many shells does he have in all? [47]
Gary has 54 leaves. He finds 22 more leaves. How many leaves does he have in all? [76]
Josh has 48 coins. He gets 41 more coins. How many coins does he have in all? [89]
Mike has 55 stickers. He gets 14 more stickers. How many stickers does he have in all? [69]
Tim saw 48
He saw 51 more
How many are there all together?
Sam saw 3
He saw 21 more
How many are there in all?
John saw 62 in the river. He saw 13 in the pond. In total, how many did he see?
Ezrah planted 31 . He planted 17 more. How many did he plant? I had I made more . How many do I have in all?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can take turns telling a partner an addition story problem. Then, their partner can solve the addition problem on their dry-erase board. Students then switch roles.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with base-ten blocks to help solve each problem. As you read the story problems, stop and direct students to use their base-ten blocks to create each number. After solving with base-ten blocks, tell students to draw their work and write their addition sentence.
Early Finishers
Students can draw a picture to show a doubledigit addition problem. For example, students can draw a picture of themselves finding 12 leaves and 18 sticks. Students then write their addition sentence on the bottom of the paper.
Challenge and Explore
What are two ways to make the sum of 48?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What addition sentences did you write to make the sum 48? [answers may vary; example: 40+8=48, 28+20=48, etc.]
2. How did you figure out the addends? [answers may vary; example: the addends both had to be less than 48]
3. How can you check to make sure your addends equal 48? [answers may vary; example: draw tens and ones]
Play Race to 99 to practice adding double digit numbers. p. 322
Students may read the story problem and subtract instead of add. Students may misalign their numbers when writing and solving their vertical addition problem.
Read the story problem to students and have them write the addition sentence and sum on a piece of paper.
Story problem: Thomas has 74 balloons. He gets 23 more. How many does he have in all?[97]
Chapter 8
In Chapter 8, we will learn to subtract multi-digit numbers using base-ten blocks and place value.
• Use base-ten blocks to subtract a double-digit and a single-digit number
• Use base-ten blocks to subtract a double-digit and a multiple of ten
• Draw base-ten blocks to solve double-digit subtraction problems
Chapter 8
• Solve subtraction sentences with multi-digit numbers using place value
• Subtract fluently within 200 using place value without regrouping
• Solve vertical and horizontal subtraction sentences for numbers within 200
• Draw base-ten blocks to represent subtraction story problems
• Write multi-digit addition and subtraction sentences based on story problems of numbers within 0 to 200
• Determine if a word problem is an addition or subtraction problem
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify the tens and ones place value.
y Subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number using base-ten blocks.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Base-ten blocks for each student (tens rods and unit cubes)
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Explain to students that they will practice subtracting with double-digits. Before subtracting, they need to review place value.
Write a double-digit number on the board. Circle either the number in the tens place or ones place. Direct students to show you a fist (or unit cube) for the ones place and to stand like a stick (or tens rod) for the tens place. For example, write the number 73. Circle the number 7. Ask students: Which place value is the 7 in? Show me! [Students stand like a stick]
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know if the number is a ten or a one? [the ten is the number on the left and the amount of ones is the number on the right; or because 7 is worth 70 and 3 is worth 3]
2. What is the value of (insert number in place value, like 7 tens)? [answers will vary, example answer 70]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be subtracting a single-digit number (just the ones) from a double-digit number (with tens and ones). Have the students point to the tens rods and unit cubes. Explain to the students that there are 5 tens rods and 6 unit cubes drawn for the number 56. Ask students: How many do we subtract? [4] Point to the ones place and show students that we take away 4 unit cubes. Count the value of the remaining tens rods and unit cubes with the students (10..20..30..40..50..51..52). Ask students: What is the difference of 56-4? [52]
Pass out a set of tens rods and unit cubes to each student. Write the subtraction problem 68-2= ___ on the board. Direct students to use their base-ten blocks to make the number 68. Ask students: How many rods did you use? [6] How many unit cubes did you use? [8] Walk around to check each student’s work. Direct students to subtract 2. Ask students: Do you take away 2 tens rods or 2 unit cubes? [2 unit cubes] How do you know? [because 2 is in the ones place] Walk around to check each student’s work. Tell students to count the value of what is left over. Ask students: What is the difference of 68-2? [66] Repeat for more subtraction problems like 73-1, 29-8, etc.
Check the subtraction problem. Circle the wrong part. Fix it.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a blue crayon, a yellow crayon, tens rods and unit cubes to use for the rest of try it together and independent practice. Direct students to circle the tens place value with their blue crayon and the ones place value with the yellow crayon. Tell students to make the double-digit number with their base-ten blocks. Then, direct students to take away the unit cubes for the single-digit number. Remind students that they are taking away the yellow unit cubes because they circled the number yellow for ones. Count the value of the base-ten blocks with the students as they point to each one.
Early Finishers
Students can continue to use their base-ten blocks to practice double-digit subtraction. Students can write their own subtraction problem on the board and use their base-ten blocks to solve. Remind students to subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number. Provide students with examples.
Challenge and Explore
Pass out a pair of dice, a dry-erase board and a dry-erase marker to each student. Students roll the pair of dice and write down the two numbers as their double-digit number. Next, students pick a single-digit number to subtract. Students must select a number that is equal to or less than the value of their ones place. For example, a student may roll and write down the number 53. Then, they can pick a number from 0 to 3 to subtract. Students use base-ten blocks to solve.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. Students can work with a partner to practice more subtraction problems. Each student can draw base-ten blocks to show a double-digit and single-digit subtraction problem. Students can switch boards with a partner. Then, partners can write the matching subtraction problem and difference on the boards.
Common Errors
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting from a double digit number. p. 323
Students may cross out the tens rods instead of the unit cubes when subtracting a single-digit from a double-digit number. Remind students to look for the place value before subtracting. Additionally, students may count the amount of base-ten blocks instead of the value of them. For example, students may count 3 tens rods and 2 unit cubes as 5 in all instead of counting the value of 30 and 2 more ones. Encourage students to point to their base-ten blocks and count the value out loud.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you pick which number to subtract? [it is equal to or less than the ones in the double digit number]
2. Which place value stays the same after finding the difference in these subtraction problems? Why? [the tens place because there are no tens to subtract]
Pass out an exit ticket to each student.
Directions: Draw and solve each subtraction problem.
Level A Chapter 8-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write a subtraction problem horizontal and vertical.
y Subtract a single-digit number from a double-digit number.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Paper
y Markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write the problem 39-4=__ (horizontal) on the board. Have students draw their tens and ones on a dry-erase board to solve the problem. Ask students: What is the difference of 39-4? [5] Next, write the problem 39-4=___ (vertical) on the board. Have students draw tens and ones on a dry-erase board to solve the problem. Ask students: What is the difference? [5] Show students that the subtraction problem is the same regardless if it is vertical or horizontal.
Guiding Questions
1. Why did we get the same solution? [it is the same subtraction problem]
2. Which subtraction problem is easier to recognize place value? Why? [vertical because the place value numbers line up]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be subtracting a one digit number from a double-digit number. This time, you will practice without base-ten blocks. Show students the problem 39-3. Point out how to write the problem in vertical form. Emphasize that the tens and ones place are lined up. Tell students to begin by subtracting from the ones place. Ask students: What is 9 ones minus 3 ones? [6 ones]. Trace the 6. Ask students: What is 3 tens minus 0 tens? [3 tens] Trace the 3. Ask students: What is our total left over? [36]
Have students draw a t-chart on their dry-erase board. Have them label the left side “tens” and the right side “ones.” Next, write a horizontal subtraction problem on the board like 19-6=___. Guide students to write the problem in their t-chart to make a vertical subtraction problem. Ask students: How many tens are in the number 19? [1] How many ones are in 19? [9] Direct students to fill in their t-chart under the correct place value columns. Repeat for the number 6. After students wrote the vertical problem, guide them to subtract the ones place value and then the tens place value. Ask students: What is the difference of 19-6? [13]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a hundreds chart to count back. Ask prompting questions like: Which direction do you move to take away? How many ones are left? How many tens are left?
Early Finishers
Students can write horizontal subtraction problems on their dry-erase board. Then, they can switch their boards with a partner. Partners can write the matching vertical subtraction problem and solve.
Challenge and Explore
Create a life-size memory game on plain paper. On 5 sheets of paper, write the difference. On the other 5 sheets of paper, write the corresponding vertical subtraction problems. Mix up the papers, flip them over and spread them out on the ground. Have students sit around the life-size matching game. Students take turns flipping over two cards. If the subtraction problem matches the difference, keep the cards. If not, flip the cards back over. Students can use a dry-erase board and marker to help solve each problem.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, show students a vertical subtraction problem on the board. Tell students to show how many ones are left over by holding up the appropriate amount of fingers. Tell students to show how many tens are left over by holding up the appropriate amount of fingers. Write the difference. Repeat for multiple subtraction problems.
1. How do you know it’s a match? [answers may vary; when I subtract correctly, the answer matches]
2. Is there a quick way to tell if the difference and subtraction problem match? [answers may vary; sometimes I can just find the ones place and look at the tens place]
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting from a double-digit number. p. 323
left over. Common Errors Exit ticket: Students must draw a line to match the vertical and horizontal subtraction problems. The students must solve.
Students may subtract the ones from the tens. Encourage students to line up their place value. Students may also forget to take away 0 tens when there are no tens. Therefore, students may forget to write the amount of
Level A Chapter 8-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify the tens and ones place value.
y Subtract a multiple of ten from a doubledigit number using base-ten blocks.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Base-ten blocks for each student (tens rods and unit cubes)
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Sticky notes
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students model as tens rods and unit cubes. Tell 4 students to stand straight and tall like a rod and tell 3 students to sit in a ball like a unit cube. As a class, count the value of the 4 rods and 3 unit cubes (10…20…30…40…41…42…43). Take away one student “rod” and have students count the new value. Repeat for other double-digit numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. Why do we skip count by tens for the rods? [because a rod is worth 10]
2. When I took away 1 tens rod, what happened to the ones? [it stayed the same]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be subtracting from the tens in a double-digit number. Have the students point to the tens rods and unit cubes. Explain to the students that there are 5 tens rods and 4 unit cubes drawn for the number 54. Explain that when subtracting, always start with the ones place value. Ask students: How many ones are in 30? [0] Show how none of the ones are crossed off. Ask students: How many tens are in 30? [3] Show how 3 tens are crossed off. Count the value of the remaining tens rods and unit cubes with the students (10..20..21…22..23..24). Ask students: What is the difference of 54-30? [24]
Pass out a set of tens rods and unit cubes to each student. Write the subtraction problem 75-20= ___ on the board. Direct students to use their base-ten blocks to make the number 75. Ask students: How many rods did you use? [7] How many unit cubes did you use? [5] Walk around to check each student’s work. Ask students: How many unit cubes do we take away? [0] How many tens rods do we take away? [2] Direct students to leave the unit cubes. Direct students to take away 2 tens rods. Walk around to check each student’s work. Tell students to count the value of what is left over. Ask students: What is the difference of 75-20? [55]. Repeat for more subtraction problems like 23-10, 89-20, etc.
Find the missing number in the subtraction problem. Show your thinking with the base-ten blocks.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with base-ten blocks to solve each problem. Tell students to make the double-digit number with their base-ten blocks. Then, direct students to take away the tens rods away as the skip count. For example, when solving 49-30, students begin by putting out 4 tens rods and 9 unit cubes. Next, guide students to take away rods as they skip count by tens (10…20…30). Ask students: How many rods did you take away? [3] Emphasize how there are 3 tens in the place value as well.
Early Finishers
Students can continue to use their base-ten blocks to practice double-digit subtraction. Students can write their own subtraction problem on the board and use their base-ten blocks to solve. Remind students to subtract a multiple of ten (10, 20, 30, 40, etc.) from a double-digit number. Provide students with examples.
Challenge and Explore
On 10 sticky notes, draw base-ten blocks to represent subtraction problems. Make sure the subtraction problems include a doubledigit number and a multiple of ten, like 67-20. Students can walk around to hunt for the sticky notes and write the corresponding subtraction problem on a piece of paper.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For more practice, students can create a dry-erase tic-tac-toe board with subtraction problems. Inside each space, students can draw base-ten blocks to represent a double-digit subtraction problem. Then, student partners can take turn solving and writing the difference in the tic-tac-toe space. If they get the correct difference, they write their name in the space.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did you determine each double-digit number in the subtraction problem? [answers may vary ]
2. What do all of the problems have in common? [the ones place always stayed the same]
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting from a double digit number. p. 323
Students may cross out the unit cubes instead of the tens rods when subtracting a multiple of ten. Additionally, students may forget to count the remaining ones when subtracting.
Pass out an exit ticket to each student.
Directions: Draw and solve each subtraction problem.
Level A Chapter 8-4
Objective and Learning Goals
y Subtract a multiple of ten from a doubledigit number.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Hundreds chart
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Pass out a hundreds chart to each student. Write the problem 87-10 on the board. Have students begin by circling the number 87. Next, tell students to subtract 10. Ask students: What number did you stop on? [77]. What is the difference? [77]. Repeat for more subtraction problems like 89-20, 48-30, etc.
Guiding Questions
1. When you look at the hundreds chart, what do you notice about the numbers going down the columns? What do you notice about the numbers going across the rows? [The numbers skip count by tens down the columns; The numbers count by ones going across the rows]
2. What pattern do you notice when you compare the original number and the difference? [it is in the same column]
3. What pattern do you notice about the ones place? [it stayed the same]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be subtracting a multiple of ten from a double-digit number. This time, you will practice without base-ten blocks. Show students the problem 54 - 30. Point out that you always begin by subtracting from the ones place first, even if there are zero ones. Ask students: What is 4 ones minus 0 ones? [4 ones]. Trace the 4. Ask students: What is 5 tens minus 3 tens? [2 tens] Trace the 2. Ask students: What is our total left over? [24]
Have students draw a t-chart on their dry-erase board. Have them label the left side “tens” and the right side “ones.” Next, tell students to write the problem 37-20. After students write the vertical problem, guide them to subtract the ones place value and then the tens place value. [17] Ask students: What is the difference of 19-6? [13] Check student work.
After practicing as a class, have students work with a partner. Each partner takes a turn coming up with a subtraction problem. Both students write the subtraction problem on their boards and solve. Then, students switch boards and check each other’s work.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a hundreds chart and an index card with a square hole cut out. (Make sure the hole is the size of the numbers on the hundreds chart). Guide students to place their index card hole on the first number. Then, tell students they will move their index card to subtract the ones and then the tens. Guide students to count back by ones and move their card on the row. Next, guide students to count back by tens and move their index card up the column. Ask prompting questions like: Which direction do you move to take away ones? Which direction do you move to take away tens? How many ones are left? How many tens are left? Do you have to count back each individual space?
Early Finishers
Students work with a partner to recognize subtraction patterns on their hundreds chart. One partner calls out a number. Both students place counters on that number on the hundred charts. Students then subtract 10, 20 and 30 from the original number. Students place a counter on each difference. Partners then discuss what they notice about the difference and where it is on their hundreds chart. Repeat with other starting numbers.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice students can roll two dice and cover the number on their hundreds chart with a counter. The roll on the dice represents the digits in the number. For example, you roll a 5 and a 2. Students can choose whether to make the number 25 or 52. Then, students practice taking away ten from that number and covering it with a counter as well. Students repeat this to see how many spaces they can cover.
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting from a double-digit number. p. 323
Common Errors
Students may forget to subtract the ones place first. Students may also subtract the tens from the ones place. Make sure students line up their place value prior to subtracting. Provide students with an index card to cover up the place values on the vertical subtraction problems. For example, students begin by covering up the tens column when subtracting the ones. Then, guide students to
the ones column when subtracting the tens.
Challenge and Explore
Read a story problem to students. Ask them to write the subtraction problem and the difference. Example story problems:
Mark has 85 balloons. 30 balloons pop. How many balloons does he have left?
Jim found 28 flowers. He gave away 10 flowers. How many does he have left?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What is the easiest way to write this subtraction problem? Why? [vertical because the place value lines up]
2. Did you have to take away the tens and or ones in this problem? [take away the tens]
Call out a subtraction problem. Direct students to write the subtraction problem on their boards and solve. Walk around to check student work.
Level A Chapter 8-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve multi-digit subtraction problems without regrouping.
y Draw tens and ones to solve for multi-digit subtraction problems.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Digit - any of the numbers from 0 to 9
y Ten rods
y Unit cubes
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Dice
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write the problem 9-7=___ on the board. Have students solve it on their dry-erase boards by drawing circles.
Guiding Questions
1. When solving, how many circles did you draw?
[because it was the whole number]
2. How many circles did you cross off? [7]
[because it was the part to remove or take away]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash can subtract multi-digit numbers by drawing tens and ones for the whole number and crossing off the correct amount of tens and ones for the part. Ask students: In the problem 92-51= , how many rods does Flash take away? [5] Why? [because there are 5 tens in 51] How many units does Flash take away? [1] Why? [because there is 1 one in 51]. Tell students to skip count by tens and then count on by ones to find the difference. Ask students: What is left? [41]. Tell students to trace the answer. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together Tell students to cross off the amount of tens and ones to find the sum. Ask students: How many rods do you need to cross off? [1] Why? [because the second number, 12, has 1 ten]. Tell students to cross off one rod. Ask students: How many units do you need to cross off? [2] Why? [Because the number 12 has 2 ones]. Tell students to count with you as you point to the tens and ones. Remind them to skip count by tens for the rods and count on by ones for the unit cubes. (10…20…30…31…32…33). Ask students: What is the difference? [33] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Pass out rods and unit cubes to each student. Write the problem 56-23 on the board. Tell the students to build the whole number using their rods and cubes. Ask students: How many tens are there in 56? [5] How many ones? [6] (Walk around to make sure students built the whole number correctly.) Next, tell students to take away or move off the tens and ones for the second digit. Ask students: How many tens do you take away for 23? [2]. Tell students to move off 2 rods. Ask students: How many cubes do you take away for 23? [3] Tell students to move off 3 unit cubes. Next, count the remaining rods and cubes. Remind students to skip count by tens when counting rods and count up by ones when counting the unit cubes. Count out loud with students while pointing to each
(10…20…30..31…32…33). Repeat for the problems 76-21; 89-40; and 99-75.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students draw the whole number and take away the part.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their rods and cubes for the rest of Try it Together and independent practice. After building the whole number with rods and cubes, tell students to move the rods and cubes away to find the difference.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write the two-digit number down on their dry-erase boards. For example, if students roll a 1 and 4, the number is 14. Tell students to roll the two dice again and write the second two-digit number down on their dry-erase board. Students then subtract these two numbers by drawing tens rods and unit cubes. (Remind students to start with the larger number as the whole.) Students roll again for a new addition problem.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to be the teacher and correct the addition problem: 44-30=84
Ask students: Why is this problem incorrect? [the student added the two numbers] How did this student get the answer 84? [They drew tens and ones for both the whole and the part instead of taking away the part.] What is the correct difference? [14]
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting two-digit numbers. p. 323
Level A Chapter 8-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Subtract multi-digit numbers, with differences less than 200, fluently.
y Tens - group of ten units; the second digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Paper
y Timer (one per student)
y Set of playing cards (Activity)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Gather base-ten blocks. Place a set amount of base-ten blocks out for students to see. Explain that “I have (amount of base-ten blocks shown) and I take away (move some tens rods). What number do I have?” Then ask students to write the corresponding subtraction sentence. For example say, “I have 23 here (2 tens rods and 3 unit cubes). I take away 12 (take away 1 rod and 2 cubes).” Ask students: How many are left? [11] Tell students to write the problem on their boards. Remind them to write the amount they start with, then subtract the amount that is taken away. When we subtract, we find the amount that is left.
Guiding Questions
1. Which is easier to write and solve: horizontal subtraction problems or vertical subtraction problems? Why? [answers may vary]
2. Why do we line up the place value? [answers may vary, example: so we subtract the tens from the tens and the ones from the ones]
3. What does it mean to subtract? [to take away; to get less]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Ask students to say the subtraction problem given. Ask: “What number do we start with?” [138]. “The number we start with is written first in the horizontal equation. Put your finger on 138. Now, find the 138 in the vertical equation. Where is 138?” [on the top]. Read the vertical equation together. Ask students to identify the ones place, the tens place and the hundreds place of the numbers provided. Remind students that in order to subtract, the place values should be lined up. Then explain that we always start with the ones place. If we make the numbers with base-ten blocks, we can see the blocks that represent the different place values. When we line up the numbers, we want to start with the ones in case we need to regroup. Don’t go into regrouping yet, but make it a habit to start with the ones. Guide students to subtract 8 - 4 and trace over the 4 in the ones place. Then students can subtract and trace the 1 in the tens. When students get to the hundreds place, point out that we are subtracting no hundred, or taking 0 away from 1. Review the importance of lining up places and carefully subtracting in each column. The answer is written under the answer line. The first number is what we start with, then the second number is what we take away. The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference and is what is left.
Gather a set of playing cards. Guide students to draw a place value chart for subtraction (like in the Let’s Learn section) on their dry-erase boards. Flip over two playing cards and direct students to write this number in their place value chart. For example, if you flip over two playing cards and the number is 39, tell students to write a 3 in the tens place value and a 9 in the ones place value. Ask students: What is a number less than our playing cards number? [answers may vary] Select a student response as the second number in the subtraction sentence. Tell students to write this number in their place value subtraction chart as well. Then, direct students to find the difference. Remind students to start at the ones place value column and to move left. Repeat with a new playing card number.
Rewrite the problem. Subtract. Write the di erence.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together problems and independent practice. For additional practice, students can explain how they solved for the missing digit in problems 7 through 9 of independent practice. Students can discuss similarities and differences they notice regarding their methods for solving.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to draw their base-ten blocks, to use base-ten blocks or to use a hundreds chart to solve each problem in Try it Together and independent practice.
Early Finishers
Provide students with a timer. Students create their own subtraction problem race. Students write 10 multi-digit subtraction problems on a dry-erase board. Guide students to subtract multiples of ten from each number. Students set a timer for 1 minute and see how many problems they can solve.
Challenge and Explore
On a dry-erase board, tell students to write the missing numbers in the subtraction problem:
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Can there be more than one correct subtraction problem? [answers may vary]
2. How did you know which number to start with? [answers may vary; example: The first number had to be greater than 32]
Common Errors
Students may add instead of subtract. Additionally, students may misalign their numbers when solving a vertical subtraction problem. Remind students to align the place value to help them subtract multi-digit numbers. Students may also forget to subtract all of the place values.
Exit ticket: Students
Play Double-Digit Subtraction Bingo to practice fluently subtracting. p. 323
Level A Chapter 8-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve multi-digit subtraction problems without regrouping.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Digit - any of the numbers from 0 to 9
y Dry-erase markers
y Dry-erase boards
y Dice
y 10 pieces of small paper
y Bag or hat
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a multi-digit subtraction problem on the board. Students draw the amount of tens and ones on their dry-erase boards, take away the tens and ones for the part and write the difference. Start with the subtraction sentence 86-52=__. Ask students: What is the difference? [34]
Guiding Questions
1. Why is it important to take away the tens and ones separately? [they have different values]
2. When counting to find the amount left, why do you count up the tens first? [because it is worth more]
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that Flash can subtract multi-digit numbers without drawing. He does so by stacking his multi-digit number and making columns for each place value (like tens, ones, etc). He then subtracts the numbers in each place value column. He starts with the ones and moves over to the tens, then hundreds, and so on. Ask students: Look at the one’s place value column - what is 4 minus 1? [3] Tell students to write the 3 for the number of ones. Next, ask students: Look at the tens place value column - what is 8 minus 3? [5] Tell students to write the 6 for the number of tens. Finally, tell students there is only 1 in the hundreds column, so that remains 1 for the number of hundreds. Ask students: What is the difference? [153]. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Tell students to subtract by place value columns and to write the amount for each place value. Ask students: What is the amount of ones left over? [0] What is the amount of tens left over? [1] What is the amount of hundreds? [1] What does 131-21 equal? [110]. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together) 9 - 1 8 3 2 1
Write double-digit numbers on 10 small pieces of paper. Crumble them up and place them in a bag or hat. Have a student come up and pick out two numbers from the bag. Open them up and show students the two numbers. Students will then write the numbers on their dryerase boards. Remind students to write the problem vertically, with the larger number on top (as the whole), and to line up the tens and ones place value. Next, tell students to draw a line down their addition problem to separate their tens and ones. Finally, tell students to solve for the difference.
Example: Students pull out the numbers 93 and 12. Students write on their dry-erase boards:
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count the amount for each place value separately.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to draw tens and ones next to each problem on Try it Together and independent practice to check their subtracting.
Early Finishers
Students roll two dice and write the two-digit number down on their dry-erase boards. For example, if students roll a 1 and 4, the number is 14. Tell students to roll the two dice again and write the second two-digit number down on their dry-erase board. Students then subtract these two numbers by writing the vertical addition sentence and lining up the place values. Make sure students write the larger number on top as the whole number.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to be the teacher and correct the addition problem:
5 - 4 9 7 2 9
Ask students: Why is this incorrect? [The difference is 15] What did the student do wrong? [they added in each place value column instead of subtracting]
Play Race to 0 to practice subtracting two-digit numbers. p. 323
Common Errors
Students may add instead of subtract.
Tell students to solve for the following subtraction sentences. Tell them to write the problems vertically and line up the place values before solving. 94-52=___ [42] 81-20=___ [61] 38-17=___ [21]
Level A Chapter 8-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve two-digit addition story problems.
y Solve two-digit subtraction story problems.
y Determine if a story problem requires addition or subtraction.
y Story problems - word problems or problems that use stories to indicate mathematical application and thinking
y Chart paper
y Sticky notes
y Paper
y Pencils
y Tens rods
y Unit cubes
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Make a T-chart on chart paper by drawing a line down the middle. On either side of the t-chart write the titles “Addition” and “Subtraction.” Next, on 6 sticky notes, write the story problems below. Read through each story problem with students and have them sort the sticky notes as either an addition or subtraction problem.
Jim has 45 marbles. He loses 22. How many are left?
Sam has 14 crayons. He breaks 3. How many does he have now?
John has 19 cookies. He eats 4. How many does he have left?
Guiding Questions
Tim has 29 flowers. He finds 20 more. How many does he have in all?
Tom has 55 toys. He gets 31 more. How many does he have now?
Carl has 67 stamps. He finds 3 more. How many does he have in all?
1. How do you know if it is an addition problem?
Abraham had 15 . Then he gave 4 to his brother. How many does Abraham have left over?
Isaac had 26 . Then his dad handed him 31 more . How many does Isaac have now?
Ezekiel had 22 . Then his friend gave him 7 more . How many does Ezekiel have in all?
Jill picked 35 She gave her sister 13 . How many does Jill have left?
[when I picture it, or visualize it, the amount is growing bigger because more is being included.]
2. How do you know if it is a subtraction problem?
[when I picture it, or visualize it, the amount is getting smaller because it is being taken away or broken into parts]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students that it is important to visualize, or picture, the story in your mind to figure out if it is addition or subtraction. Ask students: What type of problem is this story? [subtraction] How do you know? [He gave away cupcakes, which means he has less now] Tell students the next step is to write the number sentence. Ask students: What is the subtraction sentence for this story? [15-4] Finally, tell students to solve for the answer. Ask students: What is the difference? [11 cupcakes]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Read the story problem to students and tell them to visualize it in their minds. Ask students: Is this addition or subtraction and why? [Addition because he is getting more carrots] What is the addition sentence? [26+31=__] Tell students to write the addition sentence and to draw tens and ones to solve for the sum. Ask students: How many carrots does Isaac have? [57 carrots] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out a piece of paper to each student. Students write their name on it and their own word problem (call them the “writers”). Make sure students use only doubledigit numbers. Next, students turn their piece of paper with the story problem on it into a paper airplane. Students separate into two groups and stand on opposite sides of the room. Students fly their paper airplanes across the room. Students pick up a paper airplane, bring it to their desk and solve for the answer on the paper. Then, students return the story problem to the writer (names should already be on the paper). The writer then checks the other student’s answer. Repeat as many times as necessary to practice solving double-digit story problems.
Dillon had 19 . Then his dog ate 3 of the How many does Dillon have left over?
Bobby bought 46
Then he gave 6 to his neighbor. How many does Bobby have now?
Cal had 35 . Then his friend ate 12 of the . How many does Cal have left?
Garrison had 27
Then his brother took 15 of the . Now how many does Garrison have?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to picture what is happening in their mind first.
Struggling Learners
Read the story problems to students allowing them to picture the problem in their mind. Discuss if it is addition or subtraction with students and how they know. Then, allow students to use ten rods and unit cubes to solve the story problems.
Early Finishers
Students write double-digit addition or subtraction sentences on 10 note cards. Then, they switch note cards with a partner. Students then write story problems to match their partner’s addition and subtraction sentences. Students write the word problems on the back of the matching note cards.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem: Martin has 30 pencils. He gets 4 more. 22 break that day. How many unbroken pencils does he have left?
Ask students: What type of number sentence do you need to use? [both] why? [because he adds some pencils first and then takes some away when they break] What is the first number sentence? [30+4=34] What is the second number sentence? [34-22=12] How many pencils are left? [12 pencils]
Common Errors
Students may want to add every time. Students may memorize key words instead of visualizing the problem which can lead to misunderstanding the problem or what is being solved.
Play Race to 0 to practice number sentences for two-digit numbers. p. 323
Tell students to solve the story problem on a dry-erase board. Sam has 94 balls. 42 of them fly over the fence and go missing. How many are left? [52 balls]
:00 Chapter 9
In Chapter 9, we will learn to tell time to the hour and half hour, understand ordinal numbers, and answer questions about dates on a calendar.
• Understand the di erence between a digital and analog clock
07 :00 Chapter 9
• Use the minute hand to determine the time to the hour and half hour
• Use the hour hand to determine the time to the hour and half hour
• Write the time to the hour and half hour given an analog clock
• Draw the time to the hour or half hour on an analog clock
• Solve story problems regarding elapsed time
• Answer questions about a calendar
• Locate specific days or dates on a calendar
• Learn ordinal numbers
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Read the time to the hour on digital and analog clocks.
y Write the time to the hour from a digital and analog clock.
y Digital clock – a display of the time in numbers only, no hands
y Face clock – a circle with 12 numbers around it with two hands that are used to tell time
y Hour hand – the short hand on the clock that points to and indicates the hour
y Minute hand – the long hand on the clock that points to and indicates the minute
y Cardstock clock faces for each student
y Cardstock hour and minute hand for each student
y Digital time cards for every hour for each student
y Examples of clocks with missing numbers for early finishers
y Paper fasteners
y Hole punch
y Dry-erase markers
y Dry-erase boards
y Teacher demonstration clock
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Make a clock together! Introduce the clock face to students. Have them put the clock face on their desk with the number 12 at the top. Point to each number and say the numbers together, starting and ending at 12. Say that each number represents ONE HOUR. We say the number and o’clock. Have students point to number 3. Repeat after me: Three o’clock [three o’clock]. Have them look at the two hands. Pick up the shorter of the two. This is the HOUR HAND. It points to the HOUR. Color the hour hand red. Now pick up the longer hand. This is the minute hand. It tells us how many minutes have gone by. Color the minute hand blue. Help students attach both hands to their clock with a paper fastener. It will be best if you pre-punch the clock in the middle and the hands at one end. Instruct students to put the minute hand pointing to the 12. When the minute hand is on the 12, we say o’clock. Show them how to move the hour hand. Have students move their hour hand to point to a number. Call on students to say the time on their clock. [answers will vary. Example 5 o’clock]
Guiding Questions
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Have students move the hour hand on their clock to the one and the minute hand to the twelve. What is the hour? [one o’clock] Tell students there are two ways to write the time. Write the number 1 on the board followed by O’CLOCK. Have students say the time and trace the words in their book. This is how we say the time. Look below. What do you see? Tell students this is another way to write the time. It is digital. Write 1:00 on the board and have students trace the numbers in their book. Say: when we see the time written like this, it means the hour hand is on the one and the minute hand is at the twelve.
Let’s try it together. Put your finger on the first clock in row 1. Which hand shows the hour? [the red one or the short one] Circle the hour hand and read the time below the clock out loud. Circle the hour hand in the next two clocks and say the time out loud.
1. How many number are on the clock? [12] What do these numbers tell us? [the hour]
2. What do we call the short hand? [hour hand]
3. How does the hour hand help us tell the time? [it points to the hour]
4. What do we call the long hand? [minute hand]
5. How does the minute hand help us tell time. [it tells us how many minutes have gone by]
Now put your finger on row 2. Where is the minute hand pointing? [12] Where is the hour hand pointing? [9] What time is it? [9 o’clock] Circle the answer that shows 9 o’clock.
Partner students up with their clocks. Give each partnership a set of digital time cards. Students will choose a digital time card. Each student makes the correct time on their clock and checks with each other to see if they have the same the time. Practice saying the time out loud. When they are finished making the times, place the digital time cards around the clock at the correct hour.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Point out that sometimes we have digital clocks to read instead of face clocks. Digital clocks show the hour in the first part, and the minutes in the second part. The first clock reads 12 o’clock. How do I know? [the hour hand is on 12 and the minute hand is on 12]
Struggling Learners
Pass out digital time cards and have students place the matching digital time on the clock face. For example, by the 1, place the card 01:00. Do this for every hour and tape them by the correct hour number on the face. Practice pointing to the digital time and the clock face hour and saying ONE O’CLOCK.
Early Finishers
Pass out examples of clock faces with missing numbers. For example, some clocks only have a 12, 3, 6 and 9. Have students fill in the missing numbers. You can also give just a few hours, such as a 1, 4, 10, and have students fill in the missing numbers. Give them one blank face to fill in.
Challenge and Explore
Have students look at the analog clock in the classroom, or in another other room. Have them point out the hour hand and the minute hand. Have them move the hands on their own clock to look like the hands on the classroom clock. How can they tell the minute hand from the hour hand if they are not blue and red?
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
On a digital clock here will be a 12, then two dots, then two 0s. Find the digital clock that says 12 o’clock and draw a line. Some digital clocks will put a zero in front of a single digit hour. Have students point to the digital clock that reads 03:00. Say that the first 0 is a placeholder. We still say the time 3 o’clock.
Some face clocks don’t have all of the numbers. Have examples of face clocks that only have 12, 3, 6,9 on them and ones with no numbers. Have students fill in the missing numbers.
1. What do you notice about the hands?[answers will vary: the minute hand is pointing to a different number, the hour hand is between two numbers]
2. How can you tell the minute hand from the hour hand if they are not blue and red?[the hour hand is shorter. The minute hand is longer]
3. What do you notice about where the hands are pointing on the clock? [answers will vary]
4. What do you think this means? [the hands are moving]
Play Hour-Time Match with cards to the half-hour p. 324
Student may mix up the hour and minute hand. Be sure the minute hand in on the twelve, and that students are reading the number the hour hand is pointing to. Refer to the color of the hands and the length of the hands as you say which is which and have students point to the correct hands. Some
Write out the digital time 6:00. Have students show the time on their face clock and say 6 o’clock. Then show 9 o’clock on the face clock and have students write the digital time and say 9 o’clock.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Read the time to the half hour on digital and analog clocks.
y Write the time to the half hour from a digital and analog clock.
y Digital clock – a display of the time in numbers only, no hands
y Face clock – a circle with 12 numbers around it with two hands that are used to tell time
y Hour hand – the short hand on the clock that points to and indicates the hour
y Minute Hand – the long hand on the clock that points to and indicates the minute
y Clock from lesson 9.1
y Poster paper of clock face divided into 12 sections
y Clock face divided into 12 sections for each student
y Crayons/markers/colored pencils
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Teacher demonstration clock
y Practice clocks (or drawn clocks)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students take out their clock from lesson 9.1. Review the names of the hands and show 12 o’clock on their clock. Say: the hour hand doesn’t always point directly to the hour. It moves as the minute hand moves. (Demonstrate on the demonstration clock). When the hour hand is between two numbers how do we know the hour? Have students turn to a partner to share their thoughts. Pass out the clock face that is divided into twelve parts and hang up the poster paper clock. Have students point to the section between 12 and 1. Say: anytime the hour hand is in this section, it is the 12 o’clock hour. Color this section and write the number 12. Move your hour hand so it points at 1. What is the hour? [1] Now move your hour hand between the 1 and the 2. What hour is it? [still 1]. Color this section a different color and write the number 1. Continue to color and write the corresponding number in the section.
Guiding Questions
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Put your finger on the hour hand. Say: the hour hand is halfway between the three and four. What is the hour? [3] How do we know the hour is 3? [the hand is past the three and not to the four yet]. What number is the minute hand pointing to? [6]. This hand tells us the minutes. When the minute hand is at the 6, thirty minutes have gone by, or a half-hour. We write the time as 3:30 and say the time three thirty or half-past three. Repeat after me [three thirty, half-past three]. Let’s try it together. Put your finger on the first clock in row 1. Where is the hour hand pointing? [between the 7 and 8] What hour is it? [7] Color in the the hour 7 section and say the time; seven-thirty or half-past seven. Continue with the rest of the problems. Put your finger on row two. The minute hand is on the 6, so what is the minute? [30]. Where is the hour hand? [between the 3 and 4]. The time is 3:30. Circle 3:30. Continue to work through the problems.
1. Where is the minute hand when the hour hand is half-way? [at the 6. Half way around the clock face]
2. Why is the hour hand half way between the two numbers? [the minute hand is halfway around the clock.]
3. Why does the hour hand move if the hour stays the same? [the hour is the same for 60 minutes and the hour hand moves slowly to the next number as the minute hand ticks around the clock]
Have students take out their clocks and set the time to 8:00. Ask: where is the hour hand? [at the 8] Where is the minute hand? [at the 12]. Say and demonstrate, when the minute hand moves from the 12 all the way around the whole clock back to 12, an hour has gone by and now it is 9:00. Have students change their clock to 9:00. Encourage students to move the minute hand all the way around. Ask and demonstrate, if I move the minute hand to the 6, how far around the clock have I gone? [half way]. This is called a half-hour. There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so there are 30 minutes in a half hour. The time now is 9:30, (Write the digital time on the board) and the hour hand is HALFWAY between the 9 and the 10. Move the hands on your clock to 9:30 and write the time on your whiteboard. Let’s say the time together. [9:30]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Remind students that the hour hand moves a little bit as the minute hand moves around the clock. Each hour has a section. As students draw in their own times, check that they are drawing the hour hand in the middle of the two numbers.
Struggling Learners
Have students add minute and hour hands to their sectioned clock. Tape the minute hand to the six to show thirty minutes. Have students move the hour hand between two numbers. What hour section is the hand on? What is the time?
Early Finishers
Thirty minutes is half of one hour. Another way to say 30 minutes is HALF-PAST. When the time reads four-thirty, we can also say it is HALF-PAST FOUR. Write the time 4:30, then write the words half-past four. Have students practice saying the times on their assignment as HALF-PAST.
Challenge and Explore
Play I SPY TIME. Pass out a paper with two columns, headed WHAT TIME IS IT? And WHAT WILL THE TIME BE IN 30 MINUTES?
Student put a time on their clock (either an hour, or a half-hour) and place their clock around the room. With a partner, walk around the room and write the time the clock says in the first column. Then have them write the time it will be in 30 minutes.
Extend: Have students practice skip counting by 5s. Tell them that each number on the clock represents 5 minutes. The 12 is zero, 1 is five minutes, 2 is ten minutes, and so on. Have students write the multiples of 5 next to the hour number all the way around the clock. How many minutes are on the 6? [thirty]Practice putting the minute hand at each number and saying the minutes.
Common Errors
Students may keep the hour hand directly on the hour. Be sure to have them move the hour hand between the hour and the next one.
It is also common to say or write the next hour. For example, if the hour hand is between 3 and 4, students may say it is 4:30 instead of 3:30.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. When the time is at an hour, such as 1:00, what time will it be in 30 minutes? [1:30] 2. When a time is already at 30 minutes, such as 4:30, what time will it be in 30 minutes? [5:00]
Play Hour-Time Match with cards to the half-hour (new game) p. 324
Write the time 5:30. Have students say the time and show the time on their face clock. Be sure the hour hand is between the 5 and the 6. Show 8:30 on the face clock. Have students say the time and write the digital time.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the time to the hour and half hour from a digital and analog clock.
y Read time to the hour and half hour on digital and analog clocks.
y Digital clock - a display of the time in numbers only, no hands
y Face clock - a circle with 12 numbers around it with 2 hands that are used to tell time
y Hour hand - the short hand on the clock that points to and indicates the hour
y Minute hand - the long hand on the clock that points to the minute
y Note cards
y Brad/paper fastener (or tape)
y Clock (analog)
y Construction paper circles
y Construction paper minute and hour hands
y Markers
y Practice clocks (or drawn clocks)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Write the numbers 1 through 12 on individual note cards. Line up the note cards from 1 to 12 and connect each note card to the next with brads. If this is unavailable, use tape. Show students the number line and then make the number line (note cards) form into a circle. Put the note card number ring next to an analog clock and discuss their similarities.
Guiding Questions
1. How is the number line similar to the clock? [answers may vary. Answers may include: they have the same numbers. The numbers are in the same order]
2. Why is the clock in a circle? [because the numbers repeat]
Let’s learn!
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students there are two hands (or arrows) that point to numbers on a clock. The short hand tells how many hours have passed. The hours are the big numbers 1 through 12. The long hand tells how many minutes have passed. The minutes are the tiny lines on the clock. There are 60 lines in all. Tell students that when the minute hand is pointing to the 12, this means 0 minutes. When the minute hand is pointing to the 6, this means 30 minutes. Ask students: What is the hour (short) hand pointing to? [4] What is the minute (long) hand pointing to? [0 minutes] Tell students this means the time is 4:00, 4 hours and “00” for 0 minutes. Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: What is the time on the first digital clock? [three thirty] What is the time on the next analog clock? [five o’clock] How do you know? [the hour hand is pointing to the five and the minute hand is pointing to the 12 which means 0 minutes] (Guide students to write 5:00]. Continue for the rest of Try it Together
Pass out a circle on construction paper, a long arrow, a short arrow, glue, and a marker. Tell students to make their own clock. Write the numbers 1 through 12 around the clock. Tell students to make sure the 12 is at the very top and the 6 is at the very bottom. Show students examples of analog clocks for reference. Next, tell students to glue their short and long arrows to make a time. Tell students their minute hand has to point to either 0 minutes or 30 minutes. After students have made their clocks, students will walk around to music holding their clocks. When the music stops, they will find a partner and show each other their clocks. Students
read the
on their partner’s clock. Keep playing music and repeating
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students that the hour hand is short and the minute hand is long.
Struggling Learners
Pass out practice clocks to students and allow them to explore what happens when the minute hand moves on the clock. Ask students: What happens to the hour hand? [it moves towards the next number] Show students a time on the clock and have them write it down on their dry-erase boards. (If clocks aren’t available, draw a clock on a dryerase board to show students what happens to the hour hand.)
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. On 5 note cards they write the digital time. On the other 5 note cards, students draw the matching analog (clock) time. Students shuffle the cards, flip them over face down, and spread them out. Students flip over two cards at a time to find a match.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem: Jim went to school at 7:00. He stayed there for 2 hours. Then, he went to a doctor’s appointment. What time did he leave school?
Ask students: If he left after 2 hours, how many times did the hour hand go around the clock? [2] What is the time? [9:00]
Play Telling Time Bingo to practice digital and analog time. p. 324
Common Errors
Students may think the minutes read 6 minutes instead of 30 minutes when the minute hand is pointing at the 6. They may think the minutes read 12 minutes instead of 0 minutes when the minute hand is pointing at the 12.
Tell students to draw a picture of the analog clock and write draw the time for 7:30.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve story problems about time.
y Write both analog and digital time.
y Story problems – word problems or problems that use stories to indicate mathematical application and thinking
y Hour hand – the short hand on the clock that points to and indicates the hour
y Minute hand – the long hand on the clock that points to and indicates the minute
y Student clocks from previous lessons
y Teacher demonstration clock
y Highlighters for struggling students
y Chart paper with sentence starters:
- The minute hand points to the (12 or 6)
- The hour points to the ____
- The hour hand is between the ___ and __
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Have students take out their clocks. Say to them: I have a riddle for you. Show me the time on your clock.
My hour hand is on the 5. My minute hand is on the 12. What time is it? Hold up your clock when you have it! Call on a student to read their time. [5 o’clock]
Ask students: What happens when the minute hand goes all away around the clock? Demonstrate with the teacher demonstration clock. One hour has gone by. The hour hand moves one number to the 6. Now it is 6 o’clock. What happens if I move the minute hand around 2 times? [2 hours go by]. Now what time is it? [8 o’clock]
Guiding Questions
1. What does it mean when the minute hand goes all the way around the clock? [one hour has gone by]
2. If it is 4:30, what time will it be in 2 hours? [6:30]
3. Does the minute hand have to be on the 12 for an hour to go by? [No. The minute hand just needs to move a full circle]
Play I Spy Time game. p. 325
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Say: today we will be reading and solving story problems about time. Your clock can help you solve. First let’s read the whole problem together. Now look at each part to see what it is saying. Read the first line. Which hand is the minute hand? [the long one] Where is it pointing? [to the 6]. Move your minute hand to point at the 6. Read the next line. Which hand is the hour hand? [the short one] Where should we point it? [between the 5 and the 6]. Move the hour hand on your clock. Now draw the hands on the clock in your workbook. Do the clocks look the same? What time is it? [5:30]. Write the digital time, too.
Let’s Try it Together. Say: put your pencil on the first problem. Read the problem together first. Then break apart each line and have students move the hands on their clock to the correct places. Have students check with a neighbor to see if they are the same. Draw the clock hands, then write the digital time. Then say: put your pencil on problem 3. Let’s read it together. How is this problem different? [it gives the time
and then wants us to find a later time] What time is given? [4 o’clock] Make your clock say that time. Now the important part says that she sleeps for one hour. How do we know when one hour has gone by? [the minute hand moves all the way around]. So if the minute hand moves all the way around from 12 to 12, what happens to the hour hand? [it moves one place]. Move your hour hand one spot. What time is it? [5 o’clock]
Partner up students with their clocks. The first person makes a time on their clock. Then they give a word problem to their partner. Use the sentence starters to help guide their instructions. The first student will say: the minute hand is pointing to the (12 or 6). The hour hand is pointing to the___, or the hour hand is between the ___ and ___. What time is it? The partner will create the time on their clock and say the time. Students will check their clocks to see that they have the same time. Now the second person has a turn to create a time.
Solve the story problems. Use your clock to help you.
My minute hand is pointing to the 6 My hour hand is pointing between the 9 and 10 Draw the time. What time is it?
My hour hand is pointing to the 6. My minute hand is pointing the 12. Draw the time. What time is it?
It is 7:30. Rebecca reads for 30 minutes. What time does she stop reading? Draw and write the time.
Joshua gets on the train at 9:30. He rides the train for 2 hours. What time does he get o the train? Draw and write the time.
Jonah leaves school at 3:00. It takes him 30 minutes to get home. What time will Jonah get home? Draw and write the time.
Miriam goes to the party at 4:00. She stays for 3 hours and 30 minutes. What time does she leave? Draw and write the time. : : : : : :
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the independent practice. Encourage students to use their own clocks to help them solve problems. The last problem is the most challenging, as the start time is 7:30. Remind students that one full circle means an hour has past, not just by pointing to the 12.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a highlighter. Have them highlight each sentence and then move their clock to what the sentence is saying. Do this one sentence at a time to help students keep track of the parts of the story problem. Have students check or work with a partner. If they are still struggling, have students practice showing a time and then the next half hour, and one hour later.
Early Finishers
Students can continue to give a partner story problems to solve. Have them refer to the sentence starters on the chart paper. Tell them to mix up when they say the hour hand and when they say the minute hand.
Challenge and Explore
Give the students the following story problem. Isaac leaves for his grandma’s house at 4 o’clock. It takes him 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there. What time will he arrive at his grandma’s? Have students work with a partner to figure out how to solve the problem. Remind students to use their clock, and then look at each part of the problem to solve and check their answer.
Extend: Set your clock to 3 o’clock. Let’s move ahead one hour. What time is it now? [4 o’clock]. What did you notice? [answers will vary, but one possible is that 3 + 1 =4] Sometimes you can add the time and hours that pass by. But what happens when we set our clock to 12 o’clock and move ahead 1 hour? Does it become 13 o’clock? No. It is one o’clock. Why? [the clock face only goes to 12, then it starts again at 1]
Common Errors
Students may mix up the minute and hour hand. Refer to those hands by length first, and then by color if they need more support. The minute hand is the long hand and is blue. The hour hand is the short hand and is red. When moving ahead 30 minutes, remind students that if we are at an hour and move 30 minutes, the hour stays the same, just the minutes change from :00 to :30. However, if we are already at a halfhour and move ahead 30 minutes, the hour changes as well. So 2:30 moves to 3:00. If the minute hand makes a full circle around the clock, an hour has gone by. It doesn’t just have to go to the 12. For example, if it is 4:30, one hour later will be 5:30.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What time does Isaac leave? [4 o’clock]
2. How does the minute hand move to show one hour has passed? [one full circle]
3. How many full circles will the minute hand move to show 2 hours? [2]
4. How will the hour hand move to show 2 hours have passed? [to the 6]
5. How does the minute hand move to show 30 minutes have passed? [it will move to the 6]
6. What time will it be when we move the minute hand to the 6? [6:30]
Give the story problem: My minute hand is pointing to 12 and my hour hand is pointing to 8. What time is it? Show the time on your clock, say it and write the digital time. What time will it be in 30 minutes? Show the time on your clock, say it and write the digital time. [8:00; 8:30]
Level A Chapter 9-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a calendar to write the date.
y Month - groups of 28-31 days, there are 12 months in a year
y Week - a group of 7 days; 52 weeks in a year
y Calendars (or printed calendar pages)
y Blank calendar pages
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Say the months of the year in order with students repeating them. Then, say them again along with students, but this time add movement. For every other song students sit on the floor and then jump up. For example, students sit for January and then jump up for February.
Guiding Questions
1. How many months are there? [12]
2. What happens after December? [The months start over again]
3. Are all months the same amount of days? [no]
What month is this?
How many days are in this month?
How many days are in a week?
On what day is August 15?
How many Fridays are there? August
Look at Let’s Learn. Tell students to find and point to Monday, May 3rd, 2021. Next, tell students to find and point to Wednesday, May 26th, 2021. Tell students to point to the number 7. Ask students: What date is this? [Friday, May 7th, 2021] Ask students: How many days are there in all in May? [31]
Move on to number 1 in Try it Together. Ask students: What month is it? [August] How many days are in August? [31] How do you know? [There are 31 numbers on the calendar] How many days are in a week? [7] How does the calendar show this? [the days repeat Sunday through Saturday] What day is August 15? [Thursday] How many Fridays are there? [5] What dates are the Fridays? [2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th]
Pass out calendars to students (either printed or real calendars). Tell students to find September 21st. Ask students: What day is September 21st on? [answers may vary depending on the year of the calendar] Repeat for various days, dates, and months. Then, have students get together with a partner and take turns asking their partner to find various days, dates, and months.
Draw a circle around the name of the month.
Draw a triangle on the 15th.
Draw a square on the 21st.
Draw an on the first Sunday.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to look carefully at the calendar because each month is different.
Struggling Learners
Read the directions to students for independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students create their own month calendars on a blank calendar page. Students can choose the month and can add special events and holidays to their calendar page.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the mystery date:
My date is the day after Thursday. It is in the month of April. Yesterday was the 14th. Tomorrow is the 16th. What is my date?
Friday, April 15th.
Students may mix up the order of their days of the week. Students may think all months have 31 days. Common Errors
Play Date Bingo to practice digital and analog time. p. 324
Show students the number 4 on the calendar for the month of June. Tell students to write the day of the week and the date on their dry-erase boards.
Level A Chapter 9-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a calendar to find specific events or important dates.
y Use a calendar to answer questions about dates or days of the month.
y Month - groups of 28-31 days, there are 12 months in a year
y Week - a group of 7 days; 52 weeks in a year
y Chart paper
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Sticky notes
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Draw a blank calendar on chart paper. Have students help you pick which month to write at the top of the calendar. Have students say the days of the week as you write them across the top of the calendar, starting on Sunday. Fill in the numbers for the days of the month while students count out loud.
Guiding Questions
1. Why do we use calendars?
[to keep track of dates]
2. What important dates do you have for a calendar?
[Answers may vary. Answers may include: first day of school; doctor appointment; etc.]
Sunday, August 22 Tuesday, August 17 Monday, March 29 Friday, March 12 Thursday, March 25 Tuesday, March 2
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the calendar in Let’s Learn. Explain to students that symbols help to put important dates or information on a calendar. Have students put their fingers on the book symbol. Show students that the book symbol is on Sunday, August 22nd. Show students how to trace their fingers up to the day of the week to see that it is Sunday. Next, explain to students that the number before the books is the 21st, which makes the books on the 22nd. Ask students: What date is the dog symbol on? [Tuesday, August 17th] How do you know? [The number before is the 16th and the day at the top of the column is Tuesday]
Move on to the calendar in Try it Together. Remind students to use their fingers to help find what date the symbols are on.
Use your calendar from the pre-lesson warm-up. Place a sticky note over a random day. Have students write the date on a dry-erase board for the covered number. Repeat for various dates covered with a sticky note.
What is the first day of this month?
How many days are in 1 week?
How many days are in November?
On what day is November 19th?
What will Josh do on November 11th?
Josh will play ball
If today is the 2nd, what will Josh do tomorrow?
If today is the 23rd, what did Josh do yesterday?
Which day comes after the 7th?
Which day comes before the 17th?
If yesterday was the 7th, what is tomorrow?
If tomorrow is the 25th, what is today?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Go to the dentist
Josh didn’t write
Struggling Learners
Read the directions to students for independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students create mystery date word problems on a piece of paper using the pre-warm-up anchor chart. They switch papers with another student and look for the answers on the class chart calendar (used in the pre-warm-up). Example: My date is after the 21st. It is before the 23rd. What is my date?
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the mystery date:
My date is the day after Monday. It is in the month of March. Yesterday was the 10th. Tomorrow is the 12th. What is my date?
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students look carefully at the calendar because each month is different.
Tuesday, March 11th. Games
Play Date Bingo to practice digital and analog time. p. 324
Students may mix up the order of their days of the week. Students may think all months have 31 days.
Cover up 3 dates on the calendar with a sticky note. On pieces of paper, have students write the full date for each of the sticky notes.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use ordinal numbers to find objects or images.
y Ordinal number - numbers used to show order - first, second, third, etc.
y Numbered note cards
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Paper
y Crayons
y Pencils
Let’s learn!
Try it together!
Draw in order. First: draw a , second: draw a , third: draw a
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out a numbered note card randomly to each student. Students all stay sitting down in their seats or on the floor. Starting at one, call out each number. When you call out a number, that student must stand up and hold up their number and then sit right back down. Repeat this same process, but with ordinal numbers.
Guiding Questions
1. How are numbers and ordinal numbers alike? [the same order; used to count]
2. What is the difference between numbers and ordinal numbers? [numbers can be used for quantity or how many; ordinal numbers are for putting things in order]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the ordinal numbers chart in Let’s Learn. Read through each number with students out loud.
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to draw a sun first. Ask students: What does first mean? [first means the number 1 spot] Next, tell students to draw a person second. Ask students to show you the number that is the same as the ordinal number “second” on their fingers. [Students hold up 2 fingers] Finally, tell students to draw a ball third. Ask students: What does third mean? [the number 3 spot] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Tell students to draw 10 circles on their dry-erase boards. Next, tell students to color in the fourth circle. Students show a partner their board to check their work. Repeat for drawing 11 circles and coloring the 9th; drawing 20 circles and coloring the 14th; drawing 15 circles and coloring the first.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use the ordinal number chart for reference.
Struggling Learners
Read the directions to students for independent practice. Allow students to reference the ordinal numbers chart in Let’s Learn for additional support.
Early Finishers
Students use crayons to draw a picture of any object they want in rows (like 10 flowers in a row, 20 balls in a row, etc.). Next, students write 5 questions for their picture related to ordinal numbers. For example, students can write “circle the 5th flower” or “put an x on the 10th flower.” Then, students trade pictures with a partner and answer their partner’s questions.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the mystery ordinal number:
There are 20 strawberries in a row. My strawberry is after the 13th strawberry. It is before the 16th strawberry. It is not the 15th strawberry. What number is my strawberry?
Ask students: Why do ordinal numbers help in this problem? [because the strawberries are in a certain order not just counting how many there are in all] What number is the strawberry? [14th]
Common Errors
Students may think that ordinal number names can be in place of numbers.
Play Ordinal Number Bump to practice ordinal numbers. p. 323
Tell students to draw 9 squares in a row on a piece of paper. Then, tell students to circle the 1st square, put an X on the 5th square, and color in the 8th square.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use digital and analog clocks to write the time.
y Use a calendar to find and write important dates.
y Write ordinal numbers.
y Face clock – a circle with 12 numbers around it with two hands that are used to tell time
y Digital clock – a display of the time in numbers only, no hands
y Calendar - tells time by giving the month, day, and year; a chart or system that organizes days, weeks, months and year
y Ordinal number – numbers used to show order – first, second, third, etc.
y Student clocks from previous lessons
y Demonstration clock
y Calendar
y Poster from lesson 9.4 with story problem sentence starters. Add the these sentence:
- What time will it be in 30 minutes?
- What time will it be in ___ hour(s)?
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Have everyone look at the classroom calendar. Review the months of the year and days of the week. Ask students what month is it? [current month]. Ask students what day is it? [current day]. Have students say the full date [today is current day, current month and ordinal date, current year]. Continue to ask students questions about the calendar such as:
Today is ____, what is tomorrow? What was yesterday?
How many days are in this month? What day(s) do we have art/music/PE/ Library?
What month is next?
Guiding Questions
1. How does a calendar help us organize our time? [It tells us days and dates. We can add our important events to it]
2. What information does a calendar tell us? [month, year, day, date, holidays, etc]
3. Which days of the week are weekdays?[Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday]
4. Which days are weekends? [Saturday and Sunday]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students we will be reviewing how to read a calendar and how to read a clock. Have students point to the calendar. What month is it? [August]. Circle the month and write the name of the month under the calendar. Now put your finger on the clock. Which hand points to the hour? [the short hand/red hand] The hour hand is not pointing directly at an hour, it is in between. What hour section is it in? [9 o’clock] Which hand points to the minutes? [the long hand/blue hand] When the minute hand is at the 6 it is 30 minutes. The time is 9:30. Write the time below the clock.
Let’s Try it Together. Put your finger on number 1. It says to draw the clock hands and write the time. For the first two problems you need to read time on the digital clock, and draw the minute and hour hands. Use your own clock to help you. In the last two problems, you need to read the face clock and write the time on the digital clocks. Give students a few minutes to complete the problems with a neighbor. Now put your finger on number 2. This is a story problem. Let’s read it together to find all the information we need to solve.
Have students pair up with their clocks. Have one student make a time on their clock, and using the story problem prompts, say where the minute hand and hour hand are pointing. The other student will make the time on their clock. Students will compare clocks to see that the time is correct. Then have students add on to the question with the new prompts. What time will it be in 30 minutes? What time will it be in ____ hour(s).
What month is it?
How many days are in this month?
What day of the week is the 4th?
When does Joe go to the dentist?
What will Joe do on Friday, June 5th?
What day is June 14?
If today is the 17th, what day is tomorrow?
If yesterday was the 28th, what day is today?
Which days does Joe have music class?
How many Mondays are there?
When is Joe’s birthday?
Color all the weekends blue.
Draw an on the first Wednesday.
Draw a on the fourth Sunday.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Read aloud calendar questions to students. As you read each question to students, have them point to place where they can find the answer. For example, when asking for the month, have students point to the top of the calendar where the month name is. When asking how many days, have them point to the last box with a number in it. What is that number? [30]
Early Finishers
Students will create their own calendar! Give students a calendar template. Write the current month, days of the week, and the current month dates. Have them draw different pictures/symbols for their own activities and holidays.
Challenge and Explore
Create a class schedule. Divide students into five groups. Each group makes a schedule for one day of the week. Students will write or draw the times different classes and school activities start. They can either make up a brand new schedule, or they can write the real class schedule. An example: Monday: 8:00 – Math class 9:30 – Recess 10:00 – Silent read 10:30 – Art 11:00 - Science 12:00 - Lunch and so on Have students display their daily schedules.
Students will begin the calendar activities by filling in the missing dates. Put your pencil on each square and say the number as you touch the square. Write in the missing numbers. Note that June only has 30 days, so stop the numbers at 30 even though there are more boxes. Ask students which days are weekdays and which days are weekends. Have students look at the pictures on the calendar to determine what the different symbols (tooth, music note, baseball, cake) mean. Students can work with a partner or in a small group to answer the questions.
Common Errors
With time, students may mix up the hour and minute hand. Remind them the hour hand is the short hand and the minute hand is the long hand. If there is still confusion, use the colors of the hands.
On the calendar, be sure students aren’t skipping dates when filling in the missing dates. Double check that numbers are sequential.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Why is having a daily schedule important? [tells us where we need to be and when] 2. If science is at 11 o’clock, and lunch is at 12 o’clock, how long is science class? [one hour]
Give a date: If today is Wednesday, September 13th. What is tomorrow? [Thursday, September 14th]
Give the time 7 o’clock. Have students move their clock to this time. Then ask what time will it be in 30 minutes? Have students move their clock hands to show 7:30. Then have them write the digital time.
Chapter 10
In Chapter 10, we will learn about length, measurement, weight and temperature.
• Measure length with non-standard objects
• Order lengths from least to greatest
• Learn about the ruler and how to use it
• Compare lengths and weights
• Measure weight
• Use and read a thermometer
• Compare lengths using non-standard tools
Chapter 10
• Rulers help us find the length of objects
• Thermometers measure temperature
• Scales show us how heavy an object is
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Measure objects with non-standard tools.
y Measurement - a process of determining how large or small a physical quantity is as compared to a basic reference quantity of the same kind
y Non-standard tools - tools that do not have any fixed measurement in numbers; the measurements vary from person to person and object to object
y Objects of different lengths (e.g. pencils, books, blocks)
y Non-standard measuring tools (e.g. paper clips, unifix cubes, base-ten cubes, links from a chain, pennies, bean, and beads)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out a variety of objects to each students, such as pencils, rulers, blocks, and other objects of different lengths. Ask the students to hold up their objects and compare the lengths of their objects to those of their classmates.
Encourage the students to describe the lengths (number of objects moving from left to right) of their objects using non-standard terms, such as “longer than” or “shorter than” the other objects. As a class, discuss the results and any observations the students made about the lengths of the objects.
This warm-up activity will help introduce the concept of measurement and get students thinking about comparing the lengths of different objects. It will also give them practice using non-standard terms to describe length.
Guiding Questions
1. What is measurement?
[length of an object]
2. Can you think of any tools we use to measure length?
[rulers, strings, blocks]
3. What are some non-standard tools we can use to measure length?
[pennies, paper clips, string]
4. How do we measure length using nonstandard tools?
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be using paper clips to measure the length of a pencil. Ask students: Which end of the pencil do we start on? Does it matter? Count the number of paper clips it takes to measure the length of the pencil. Start on the left side of the pencil and place the paper clips horizontal. Make sure the paper clips are touching each other, in a straight line, and not overlapping. Count how many paper clips it takes to measure the pencil. Walk around to check student work. Repeat for the Try it Together section using other objects (blocks, train cars, and puzzle pieces) to measure the length of the pencil. Be sure to label your units of measurement by identifying how many blocks, paper clips, or train cars it takes to measure the pencil.
[start on the left and place tools underneath the object, counting from left to right until the entire object is measured]
Give each student a set of paper clips and a variety of objects of different lengths. Have the students use the paper clips to measure the lengths of the objects and record the results on a worksheet or in a notebook. Be sure to have the students measure by placing the paper clips in the same direction. First, horizontally, and then vertically, and then compare the results.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Provide additional support to struggling learners by breaking the lesson down into smaller, more manageable steps. You could provide extra manipulatives, such as counters or linking cubes, as they practice measuring lengths. Or limit students to only using cubes first, and then paper clips. Have students mark the start and the end of the object before measuring in order to properly align their measurement.
Early Finishers
Have the students use their non-standard measuring tools to measure the lengths of different objects around the classroom, such as the door, the windows, or the desks. Have the students record their measurements and compare the sizes of the objects.
Challenge and Explore
Have the students work in small groups to create their own non-standard measuring tool, such as a chain made of construction paper links or a string with knots tied at regular intervals. For larger items, students can use their shoe or hand. Have the students use their new measuring tools to measure the lengths of a variety of objects and compare the results.
Students can measure the the length of the same objects with different tools. Students can measure lengths in the classroom and real-world settings. Students can use their non-standard measuring tools to measure the lengths of different objects around the classroom or in real-world settings, such as at home or in the playground. This will help them apply their understanding of measuring lengths to real-life situations and develop their observation and critical thinking skills.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What are some standard and non-standard tools we can use to measure lengths? [ruler, paperclips, coins yardstick, fingers] 2. How do you describe the lengths of objects using non-standard terms? [answers may vary]
Play Race to Measure to practice measuring. p. 324
Some students may have difficulty understanding that non-standard units, such as paper clips, are not the same size as standard units, like inches or centimeters.
Some students may have difficulty measuring the lengths of different objects and may not accurately use their measuring tools. They may start in the middle of an object and not the far left as they measure. They may also inaccurately line-up their measuring tools and therefore not measure the object correctly.
Students measure the lengths of the objects: pencil, book, and block using non-standard tools. Record your measurements in the table. Then, compare the lengths of the objects and describe them using nonstandard terms (e.g. “longer than,” “shorter than,” etc.). Check students’ measurements for accuracy and their use on non-standard terms to describe the lengths of the objects.
Level A Chapter 10-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to order lengths from least to greatest.
y Least - smallest in size, amount, degree, etc.; slightest
y Greatest - Largest in size, amount, degree, etc.; biggest
y Measure - the concept of a measure is a generalization and formalization of geometrical measures (length, area, volume) and other common notions, such as mass and probability of events
y Blocks (e.g. base-ten cubes, unifix cubes, wood blocks, etc)
y Balls (marbles, beans, etc.)
y Paper clips
y Several objects of different lengths (e.g. pencil, book, toy car)
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Review the concept of length and how to measure it with blocks.
Have students brainstorm a list of objects that they can find and measure length. Split the class into pairs. Have each pair choose on object from the list and measure its length using the blocks. Have them record the length in the number of blocks. Be sure to walk around and make sure students are measuring correctly. Are students lining up the units in a straight line? Are they starting at the end of the object? Check their work as they explore the concept of measurement.
Have each pair share their object and length measurement with the class. Ask students, “Which object in the class is the shortest/ longest? How do you know?” Have students discuss in their pairs why it is important to be able to order lengths from least to greatest.
Guiding Questions:
1. What does it mean to order lengths from least to greatest?
[the smallest to the biggest]
2. How can you check to make sure that you have ordered the lengths correctly from least to greatest?
[making sure the numbers are arranged from least to greatest]
the measurement by counting from one end of the object to the other. Students can draw lines to “bookend” the objects to help them understand where the object begins and ends and how many units they have to measure.
Provide students with a set of lengths (eg. 5 blocks, 3 blocks, 7 blocks) written on cards. These can be pictures of blocks, words, or both. Have them arrange the lengths in order from least to greatest.
Have students use blocks to measure the lengths of various objects (books, desk, pencil, eraser, foot, etc.) in the classroom and order them from least to greatest.
Give students a worksheet with a variety of lengths of different objects and pictures on it (e.g. 3 blocks, 2 race cars, 4 desks). Have them cut out the lengths and glue them in order from least to greatest.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
1. Students can use blocks to measure the lengths of various objects in the classroom and order them from least to greatest.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with more blocks or linking cubes to physically arrange lengths from shortest to longest. Provide additional support during independent practice by providing a list of lengths for them to order rather than having them measure lengths on their own.
Early Finishers
Students can gather 5-10 objects, measure them with cubes, and place them in order from least to greatest, showing the lengths of various objects in the classroom. They can then answer question about the data collected, such as which object is the longest or shortest, which objects are the same length, and how the lengths compare to one another. (e.g. the pencil is smaller than the desk, etc.)
Challenge and Explore
Have students create their own set of measuring tools using rulers and other objects from around the classroom (e.g. one student uses a ruler, another creates a tool of 5 blocks, another student uses 10 beans or paper clips). Then, students can go around and measure objects in the classroom. They can then order the lengths from least to greatest and present their finding to the class.
2. Use blocks to measure and compare the lengths of different body parts. (e.g. arm, leg, foot)
3. Design and conduct a survey to gather data on the lengths of various objects at home. (e.g. favorite toys, books)
Common Errors
Play Measure Me to measuring and ordering objects of different lengths. p. 326
Students may not properly use blocks to measure lengths. They may not align the blocks correctly, or they may not start measuring at the beginning of each object. Some students may not understand the concept of ordering lengths from least to greatest. They may struggle to determine which length is the shortest or longest and may have difficulty arranging the lengths in the correct order.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What did you learn about ordering lengths from least to greatest?
[answers may vary]
2. What challenges did you face when ordering lengths from least to greatest? How did you overcome them?
[answers may vary]
3. Why do we compare lengths by measure with the same units?
[if we use different units, then we can’t compare]
4. Why is it important to measure carefully? [two pencils might be 4 blocks and 5 blocks respectively, but if the units are not lined up correctly, students might say the pencils are both 4 blocks long, when in fact, one is longer]
Exit ticket: At the end of the lesson, have students complete an exit ticket that asks them to demonstrate their understanding of ordering lengths from least to greatest. Give students a small piece of paper and ask them to do the following: “Draw 3 lines of different lengths on your paper in order from least to greatest. Measure each line with your blocks and write the length of each line. Which line has the greatest length?”
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a ruler to measure the length of different objects.
y Write the length, in inches of different objects or pictures.
y Inches - a unit of length
y Length - how long or short something is
y Ruler - a tool used to measure length
y Crayons
y Rulers
y Pencil
y Paper
y Scissors
y Glue
y Magazines
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Tell students that you want to measure the length of their desks. Tell students to use their hands to measure their desk. (Model using your hands to measure your desk. Count out loud while putting your hands end to end and moving each hand in front of the other one at a time.) Ask students: How long is your desk? [answers will vary depending on student desk size and hand size] Ask students to use crayons to measure their desk. Ask students: How long is your desk? [answers will vary depending on student desk size and crayon size]
Guiding Questions
1. Why were our desks different lengths when we measured with our hands and with the crayon?
[Because the crayon and our hands are different sizes]
2. Why weren’t our desks all the same size when we measured with our crayons? [because our crayons were all different sizes]
3. Can we compare lengths without measuring the same way? How? [yes; if you put the objects next to each other]
4. If you can’t put objects next to each other, how do you compare lengths? [measure with the same tool like a ruler]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the rulers in Let’s Learn. Tell students that a ruler has numbers that measure length in inches. When measuring an object, it is important to put one end of the object at the zero (or edge) of the ruler. Ask students: How long is the worm? [10 inches] How long is the pencil? [5 inches]
Move on to Try it Together. Work together to see the length of each object. Remind students to find where the object ends on the ruler to find its length in inches.
Pass out a ruler to all students. Allow them to hunt the room to measure different objects with their ruler. Tell students to write the object they are measuring and how many inches long it is. Walk around helping students to line up their ruler to the object - making sure it starts at the zero.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to line objects up with the zero when measuring length.
Struggling Learners
Give students a small strip of paper to put at the end of each object so they can see which number it lines up with on the ruler.
Early Finishers
Students get a ruler, magazine, a piece of paper, scissors and glue. Students cut out an object from the magazine and glue it to their paper. Then, students measure the length of the cut out picture with their ruler and write the length (in inches) next to the picture. Repeat with more pictures from the magazine.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to make a T-chart on paper for objects smaller than 1 inch and objects bigger than 1 inch. Students can use a ruler to help them get ideas.
Common Errors
Students may think that the end of a ruler is always the zero. Make sure students are lining the object up with the zero and not necessarily the end of the ruler.
Play Race to Measure to practice
Tell students to draw a long line in purple and a short line in red on a piece of paper. Tell students to measure their lines with a ruler and to write the length (in inches) of each line. Assess
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to use a ruler to compare the length of different objects and correctly identify which objects are longer and which are shorter.
y Length - the term used for identifying the size of an object
y Shorter - the term used to describe an object that is smaller in length
y Longer - the term used to describe an object that is greater in length
y Various objects of different lengths (e.g. pencil, ruler, book, toy car, etc.)
y Construction paper
y Rulers
y Recording sheet for students to record their answers. Could be as simple as a piece of paper with a table on it, with columns for the object names and space to write the measurement (add rows for “longer,” “shorter,” and “same size” for the bonus).
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Ask students if they have ever compared the length of two objects before (e.g. “Which of these two blocks is longer or shorter?”)
Introduce the concept of length and explain that today, students will be comparing the length of different objects.
Hold up two objects (e.g. pencil and a book) and have students predict which one is longer. Have them explain their reasoning. [one looks longer than the other, etc.] Then measure the objects using a ruler or other measuring tool (blocks, paper clips, etc.) to determine the correct answer.
Repeat this process with several more pairs of objects (e.g. dry-erase, blocks, paper, etc.). You can compare two of the same objects as well (e.g. two arms, two books, two markers, etc.) and review the concept of length and the fact that objects can be compared by their length.
Guiding Questions
1. What is length? [length is a measure of how long something is]
2. Can you think of any of the same objects that are different lengths? [desk, book, arm, pencils, etc.]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be comparing different lengths of objects. Show the students how to line up an object with the “0” on the ruler and then read the measurement on the ruler. Demonstrate how to compare the length of the objects by lining them up and seeing which one extends further than the other. Then, from the end of the shorter object, count up until you reach the end of the longer object. This is how you find how many inches longer or shorter when you compare objects with measurement.
Divide the class into teams and give each team a set of objects to measure (e.g. book, pencil, string, and a water bottle). Set a timer for a certain amount of time (e.g. 5 minutes) and have the teams race to measure and record the lengths of all the objects. The team with the most accurately measured objects at the end of the time wins.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Break down the task of measuring and comparing lengths into smaller, more manageable steps. For example, first have students practice measuring the length of an object, then have them practice comparing the length of two objects, and finally have them practice measuring two objects, and then counting from the end of the shortest object to the end of the longest object.
Early Finishers
Students can create their own list of object pairs to compare and record their answers (e.g. wood blocks, different colored crayons, water bottles, desks, chairs, etc). Ask them to find and compare the length of these objects (e.g. comparing the length of their desk to the length of their chair). Encourage students to come up with their own questions to ask their peers about length and size comparison (e.g. “Is a pencil longer or shorter than a pen?”).
Challenge and Explore
“Length Match-Up” - Cut out a set of objects from construction paper (e.g. square, star, circle) and write the measurement of the length of each object on another piece of construction paper (e.g. 3 in. square, 5 in. star). Mix up the cards and have the students match up the objects with the correct length. As an extension, students can sort the objects in order from shortest to longest.
Set up different stations around the room each containing a different set of objects (e.g. Station 1: blocks, Station 2: pencils, Station 3: books) Have the students work in small groups to visit each station and measure the length of the objects with a ruler. After measuring, the group should record their answers. Discuss their accuracy as a group. Walk around and make sure students are being accurate. Remind students to carefully line up the 0 on the ruler with the end of the object.
Common Errors
Students may struggle with accurately reading measurements on the ruler. They may also have difficulty lining up the “0” on the ruler with the start of the object being measured. Be sure to use the “inches” side of the ruler in order to avoid misunderstanding the units of measurement. Remind students to always measure from the far end of an object on the left to the far end of the object on the right. Draw lines to help find the end of the objects.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How do we use a ruler to compare the length of different object? [We use a ruler to measure the length of an object, and compare the length of that object to another object by lining them up and seeing which one extends further.]
2. Why is it important to be precise when measuring the length of an object? [Being precise when measuring is important because we can get an inaccurate measurement which leads to incorrect conclusions about the length of different objects]
Provide each student with the recording sheet (in materials) and several objects (e.g. blocks, cars, pencils,) and ask them to use a ruler to measure the length of each object. Then have them write the measurement next to each object. Have them arrange the objects in order from shortest to longest. Bonus: For each object, have them write whether the object is “longer” or “shorter” or “same size,” than another one from the worksheet.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to compare the weight of different objects and identify which is heavier.
y Weight - the measure of how heavy an object is
y Heavier - having a weight that is greater than that of another object
y Lighter - having a weight that is less than that of another object
y Balance scale - a device for weighing
y Toy ball
y Book
y Apple
y Block
y Water bottle
y Beans
y Pencil
y Balance scale(s)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Show students a balance scale and ask them if they have ever seen one before. Ask them what they think it is used for [measuring weight] and what they think will happen when they put something heavier on one side of the scale and something lighter on the other side [it will show which item is heavier by moving down].
Hold up a ball and a bean. Ask students which one they think is heavier and why [ball because it is bigger]. Have the students lift the ball in one hand and the bean in the other to compare the weight. Repeat this process with other objects. (e.g. book and block, pencil and eraser, apple and water bottle, etc.)
After having students measure the weight with their hands, place the objects on the scale and compare results. You can chart the results on the board identifying which object is heavier or lighter.
Remind students that just because an object is bigger does not mean it is always heavier.
Guiding Questions
1. How can we compare the weight of different objects? [using a balance scale, or lifting the object ourselves]
2. Can you think of any other objects that might be heavier or lighter than the toy ball? [heavier than the toy ball: book, desk, board, lighter than the toy ball: pencil, feather]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be identifying which objects are heavier/lighter by circling the object with the heavier/lighter weight. Explain we use numbers and pounds (lbs) to identify the weight of objects. The bigger number means that this object is heavier and the smaller number means that this object is lighter. Ask students, “is 20 pounds heavier than 2 pounds?” [yes, because 20 is greater than 2]. Repeat the process for the first two problems in “Try it Together.” Then, for questions 3-4 explain to students they will be identifying the lighter object. Ask students, “Is 5 pounds lighter than 1 pound?” [No, because 5 is greater than 1]. Explain to students, when two objects are put on the scale, the heavier object makes the scale tilt down and the lighter object is up. If the objects are the same weight, the the scale will balance and be flat.
Object race: Students will work in teams to race to see which team can find and weigh the most objects that are lighter than a chosen object (e.g. a book) within a given time limit. First, weigh the book as a class and say, “The book weighs 5 pounds” (or however much it weighs). Then say to your students, “You have two minutes to find as many objects that are lighter than the book.” Repeat the process with a different chosen object (e.g. three blocks, water bottle, pillow). You can also modify the activity by finding objects that are heavier than the chosen object.
Which is heavier? Circle the correct answer.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with smaller objects (e.g. blocks, cubes) and have them use their hands to measure the weight of the different objects. Ask them: What is heavier, the toy ball or the blocks? This will help students understand the concept of weight and make it more concrete.
Early Finishers
Which is lighter? Circle the correct answer.
Order the objects from lightest to heaviest.
Object sorting: Students will work alone or in small groups to sort a variety of classroom objects (e.g. pencil, notebook, book, ruler, eraser) into two groups: heavier and lighter. Use an object like a block to compare the weight (e.g. the pencil is lighter than the block, etc). Students will use measuring scales to determine the weight of each object and place it in the correct group.
Challenge and Explore
Provide students with a variety of objects (e.g. pencil, notebook, toy ball, apple, etc.) and a measuring scale. Students will work in small groups to explore the weight of different objects and record their findings on another piece of paper. Challenge the students to identify the heaviest and lightest object in the group of objects they were given to explore. Challenge the students to identify the object with the most unusual weight (e.g. an empty water bottle is lighter than a toy ball even though the water bottle is bigger).
Provide students with a variety of objects (e.g. pencil, water bottle, crayon, toy ball etc.) Students will use the measuring scale to determine the weight of each object and record it on a piece of paper. Students will also record the context in which the object is used or found. [a pencil in a student’s backpack, a book in a library, etc.] As a class, students can share their findings and discuss how weight affects the way we use or interact with different objects in real-world scenarios.
Play Match My Weight to improve understanding of weight concepts.
Students may have difficulty understanding that weight is not the same as size. Remind them that a bigger object is not always heavier.
Exit Ticket:
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What did you notice about the objects that were heavier than others?
[they felt heavier, they were bigger *but not always*]
2. Can you give an example of an object that you found to be heavier or lighter than you expected?
[an apple might be heavier than expected. Answers may vary]
1. Draw a picture of an object that is heavier than a pencil.
2. Draw a picture of an object that is lighter than a book.
3. Draw a picture of an object that you think is the heaviest in your classroom.
4. Draw a picture of an object that you think is lightest in your classroom.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compare weights of objects by saying it is heavier or lighter.
y Find objects heavier than 1 pound.
y Find objects lighter than 1 pound.
y Estimate the weight of objects.
y Scale - a tool used to measure weight
y Weight - a measure of how heavy something is
y Pounds - a unit of measuring weight; 16 oz = 1 lb
y Balance
y Snap cube
y Bean
y Football
y Scissors
y Pencil
y Box of crayons
y Paper
y Pencil
y Magazines
y Glue
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Get a balance, 1 snap cube, 1 bean, a football, scissors, a pencil, and a box of crayons. Show students the football and the bean. Ask students: Which do you think is going to be heavier? [football] Why? [it’s bigger] Pass the football and the bean around so students can feel the difference. Put the football and the bean on opposite sides of the balance. Ask students: What happened? [the football is down lower because it is heavier] Repeat for any other combination of the items.
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
1. Do you think you are lighter or heavier than these objects? [heavier]
2. If we aren’t comparing objects, how do we measure weight? [with pounds]
Look at the images of balances in Let’s Learn. Tell students that 1 pound is equal to about one football or one shoe. Tell students to look at the first balance. This balance shows objects that are heavier than 1 pound. Look at the pictures of objects heavier than a pound and label them with students (bus, chair…etc.) Ask students: What is another example of an object heavier than 1 pound? [answers may vary] Next, tell students to look at the second balance. Tell students this balance shows objects that are lighter than 1 pound. Look at the pictures of objects lighter than a pound and label them with students (pencil, feather… etc.) Ask students: What is another example of an object lighter than 1 pound? [answers may vary]
3. What’s an example of something being measured in pounds? [answers may vary. The answer may include: people getting weighed at the doctor]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to circle all of the objects that are heavier than 1 pound. Go through each object asking students if it is heavier or lighter than 1 pound. Ask students: Is a bus heavier or lighter than 1 pound? [heavier] Circle the bus. Ask students: Is a suitcase heavier or lighter than 1 pound? [heavier] Circle the suitcase. Continue with the rest of Try it Together.
Pass out a balance for each student partnership. Allow students to weigh different objects from their desks (or objects they find outside) to compare weight. Tell students to predict which object is heavier and discuss their ideas with their partners. Then, tell students to weigh both objects on the scale to see if their prediction was correct or incorrect. Repeat for different object comparisons.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students that a pound is about the same weight as 1 football or 1 shoe.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to compare objects’ weight to a football (or shoe) on the balance to get an idea of 1 pound. Work with students to show that most small objects are lighter than 1 pound.
Early Finishers
Students get a magazine, a piece of paper, scissors, and glue. Students draw a t-chart on their paper. On either side of the t-chart, students write the titles “Heavier than 1 pound” and “Lighter than 1 pound.” Students go through a magazine, cut out pictures, and glue them under either heavier or lighter than 1 pound.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem. One football weighs about 1 pound on the scale. If there are 8 footballs on the scale, how much do they all weigh together?
Ask students: What number will you count up by to find out how much 8 footballs weigh? [by ones] Why? [because each football weighs 1 pound] How much do they weigh in all? [8 pounds]
Play Race to Measure to practice measuring. p. 326
Students may think that all small objects are less than 1 pound even if they are heavy. For example, a bowling ball is small but weighs a lot. Common Errors
Tell students to draw 3 pictures of items lighter than 1 pound and 3 objects heavier than 1 pound.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a thermometer to measure temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
y Write the temperature measured on a thermometer.
y Temperature - how hot or cold something is; measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C)
y Thermometer - a tool used to measure temperature
y Fahrenheit - unit used to measure temperature
y Thermometer
y 3 cups / student group
y Ice water
y Warm water
y Chart paper
y Sticky notes
y Pencil
y Paper
y Scissors
y Glue
y Magazines
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Make a t-chart on chart paper. On either side write “Cold” and “Hot” as the titles. Tell students to write or draw an example of something hot on a sticky note and an example of something cold on a different sticky note. Have students put their sticky notes on the chart paper under the correct heading. Discuss student examples.
Guiding Questions
Let’s learn!
1. Which of your five senses do you use to tell if something is hot or cold? [sense of touch]
2. What is a way to measure temperature? [a thermometer]
3. If something is hot, is the temperature higher or lower? [higher]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the thermometers in Let’s Learn. Explain to students that we measure temperature with the unit Fahrenheit. The red line in the thermometer shows how many degrees Fahrenheit the temperature is. Ask students: What number is the red line closest to? [48 degrees Fahrenheit] Tell students to practice writing their degree and Fahrenheit symbols on the lines.
Move on to Try it Together. Look at the thermometer in number 1. Ask students: What number is the red line closest to? [50 degrees Fahrenheit] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Pass out a thermometer, a cup of ice water and a cup of warm water to student groups. If only 1 thermometer is available, do this with the whole class. Tell students to put the thermometer in the ice water and write down the temperature on their dry-erase board. Then, put the thermometer in the warm water and write down the temperature on their dry-erase boards. Ask students: How are the numbers different? [the ice water’s number is lower] Which is colder? [the ice water] Pass out an empty cup and tell students to pour in different amounts of ice water and warm water. Then, tell students to check the temperature of their new water. Students can continue experimenting with the water and thermometer to find different temperatures.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students that the thermometer is measured in degrees Fahrenheit and the red line tells how many degrees.
Struggling Learners
Give students a small strip of paper to put on the top of the red line on the thermometer. This will allow students to see which number it lines up with closely.
Early Finishers
Students get a magazine, a piece of paper, scissors and glue. Students draw a t-chart on their paper. On either side of the t-chart students write the titles “Hot” and “Cold.” Students go through a magazine, cut out pictures, and glue them under either title - hot or cold.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to come up with a list of items hotter than 80 degrees Fahrenheit (or an average spring day outside). Games
Play Race to Measure to practice measuring. p. 326
Students may think that
Tell students to draw 3 pictures of cold items and 3 pictures of hot items.
Level A Chapter 10-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve word problems about measurement.
y Measure temperature on thermometers.
y Weight - a measure of how heavy something is
y Length - how long or short something is
y Temperature - how hot or cold something is; measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C)
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencil
y Crayons
Let’s learn!
Josh had a basket of that weighed 5 lbs. Sam’s weighed 2 lbs. How much did they weigh all together?
Cory’s blue bat is 10 in long. His red bat is 8 in long. How long are they all together?
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out 3 note cards to each student. Students draw a picture of a ruler on one note card, a scale on the second note card, and a thermometer on the last note card. Tell students a clue and have them hold up a card to show how they would measure the object from the clue.
Clue 1: I have a pencil and want to know how long it is. How do I measure it? [ruler]
Clue 2: I have a fever. I feel sick. How do I measure how hot I am? [thermometer]
Clue 3: I have a bag of apples. How do I measure how heavy the bag is? [scale]
Guiding Questions
1. Can you use a scale to measure temperature? [no]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
2. Can you use a ruler to measure weight? [no]
3. How are the scale, thermometer and ruler similar?
[they all measure; they all are standard units of measurement; they all help to compare measurements]
Tell students that you can add the weight, length, or temperature of objects together as long as it is the same unit. Read the first word problem to students in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What unit of measurement is being used in this problem? [pounds] How many pounds in all do the objects weigh? 7 pounds. Read the second word problem to students. Ask students: What unit of measurement is being used in this problem? [inches] How many inches long are the two objects together? [18 inches] How do you know? [add together 10 inches and 8 inches] Repeat for Try it Together
On 10 different note cards draw different images with rulers, thermometers, and objects on scales (see below). Students walk around with paper and pencil writing the length in inches, temperature in Fahrenheit and weight in pounds of each object on the note cards.
Thermometer reading 80 degrees
Thermometer reading 30 degrees
Thermometer reading 50 degrees
A car and the question: “heavier or lighter than 1 pound?”
Line with a ruler under it measuring 4 inches
A penny and the question: “heavier or lighter than 1 pound?”
Line with a ruler under it measuring 7 inches
A person and the question: “heavier or lighter than 1 pound?”
Line with a ruler under it measure 10 inches
A bus and question: “heavier or lighter than 1 pound?”
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students that inches are for length, degrees are for temperature and pounds are for weight.
Struggling Learners
Work with students to help them read through each problem.
Early Finishers
Students make up their own story problems about measurement. Students write their story problems on a piece of paper and trade papers with a partner. Students answer their partner’s story problems.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to correct the mistakes in the story.
I went to the doctor. They measured my height with a thermometer. I was 42 degrees tall. Then, they measured my weight. I weighed 33 inches on the ruler. Finally, they took my temperature with a scale. I had a 100 degree fever.
Ask students: How could the doctor measure my height? [with a ruler] What unit of measurement do we measure length with? [inches - 42 inches tall] How do you measure weight? [with a scale] What unit do we use to measure weight? [pounds - 33 pounds] Do we use a scale to measure temperature? [no] What tool do we use to measure temperature? [thermometer]
Students may mix up their units of measurement. For example, they may think length is for weight and pounds are for length.
Tell students to draw an example of when they would use a thermometer, a scale, and a ruler.
Chapter 11
In Chapter 11, we will learn to recognize, compose and decompose two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes and divide shapes into equal parts or fractions.
• Classify shapes as open or closed
• Label two-dimensional shapes
• Count and write the number of vertices for a given two-dimensional shape
• Count and write the number of sides for a given two-dimensional shape
• Determine if a two-dimensional shape attribute is defining or non-defining
• Compose and decompose two-dimensional shapes
• Divide shapes into two equal parts or halves
• Divide shapes into four equal parts or fourths
• Label three-dimensional shapes
• Count and write the number of vertices for a given three-dimensional shape
• Count and write the number of edges for a given three-dimensional shape
• Compose and decompose three-dimensional shapes
• Count and write the number of faces for a given three-dimensional shape
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify 2D polygons.
y Identify open shapes and closed polygons.
y Identify real world examples of polygons.
y Triangle - polygon with 3 sides
y Square - polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 right angles
y Rectangle - polygon with 4 sides. Two pairs of parallel sides and 4 right angles
y Trapezoid - polygon with 4 sides. One pair of parallel sides
y Closed polygon - Has at least 3 sides, all sides are straight lines, lines connect to form a complete polygon
y Open shape - A shape with 3 or more sides but the sides do not connect to form a closed polygon
y Squares, rectangles, triangles and trapezoids cut from paper- enough for each student to have one of every polygon.
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Provide paper triangles, squares, rectangles and trapezoids for each student. Explain that these shapes are all examples of polygons. Polygon means “many sides”. Hold up a triangle. Ask the students to identify how many sides are on that polygon. [3] Introduce each shape by name and count the sides together. Discuss characteristics of the polygons and allow students to explore the shapes. Then describe a characteristic and have the student hold up a shape to match. If students hold up different shapes, take time to describe characteristics that are similar and different. Use this time to go over student questions and ideas about shapes and polygons. Explain that these polygons are all examples of closed polygons. Have students trace their fingers around the outside edge of each of their shapes. Point out that there are no gaps or breaks. On the board, draw an example of an open shape. Trace along the sides of the open shape. Show how in an open shape, the sides do not connect and there is an opening.
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be matching their paper shapes to each of the shapes on the page. Ask students to match their square with the square on the page. Walk around to check student work. Repeat for other shapes. Encourage students to say the shape names and trace their finger or pencil along the sides as they count.
1. How are squares and rectangles similar? How are they different? [They are the same because they have 4 sides, 4 corners, 4 angles. They are different because squares have 4 equal sides, rectangles don’t have to have 4 equal sides.]
2. What is the difference between and open shape and a closed polygon? [In a closed polygon, all sides are connected, there are no openings. In an open shape, there is an opening, all sides are not connected.]
3. How many more sides does a trapezoid have than a triangle? [4-3=1]
Pass out additional shapes to students. Students can use the shapes to make a picture or a design. Students can glue their shapes on paper to make their picture or design. Students can rearrange the shapes on their desk to make different pictures or designs. Encourage students to describe their picture and practice naming the different types of polygons.
Draw a line to match the polygon name to the real
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Go over the directions together as a class. Remind students to think about the number of sides and how the sides connect. In exercise 2, go through the images together, to help students understand what each one is. Encourage students to think about the outside border to determine the shape of these real-world objects. They may want to draw lines along the outside of the images to help them see the shape.
Struggling Learners
Some students might get squares and rectangles mixed up. You may need to spend some additional time working with the models of each polygon. Provide pattern blocks as well as paper templates. Students can draw or trace a shape to match each polygon. Encourage students to identify shapes by name first and then one characteristic. Practice matching characteristics to each polygon name.
Early Finishers
Students can find additional examples of the polygons in the classroom. Have students find an example of a polygon, draw a picture of it and write the name. Students can then explain how they know which polygon it is. This can be done out loud, with a partner or in writing.
Challenge and Explore
Students can play an “I Spy” type game where they describe their polygon using the characteristics of that polygon. For example: “I spy something red. It has 4 equal sides and is on the wall at the back of the classroom”. Then students must find “it” and say the polygon name. “I found a red square on the calendar.”
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What polygon did you find the most of in our classroom?
[answers may vary]
2. Which polygon was the hardest to find? Why do you think it was so hard to find? [answers may vary]
Play Shape Bingo to practice identifying 2D shapes. p. 327
Common Errors
Student may mix up the polygons with 4 sides- trapezoids, squares and rectangles.
Open shapes may be a new concept for students. More examples may be needed.
Watch and listen as students name polygons around the classroom or as they play “I Spy.” Give additional support to students who struggle with identifying characteristics or naming the polygons.
Level A Chapter 11-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify and count the number of vertices and sides of a 2D shape.
y Identify characteristics of defining and nondefining shapes.
y Sides - straight lines that form shapes
y Vertex - where 2 straight lines meet to form a corner (vertices - plural)
y Defining shape - traits that are always true for the shape (number of sides, number of vertices, closed, and 2D)
y Non-defining shape - traits that could be true for any shape (color, size, pattern, direction of the shape)
y Triangles/squares -variety of color/size
y Crayons
y 2 white pieces paper per student
y 12 white pre-cut triangles per student
y Index cards (Memory game) 6 pairs of 2 images
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On the whiteboard have 3 triangles and 3 squares in different sizes, patterns and color randomly placed in different directions. Create a T-chart with title: Sorting Shapes in Different Ways. Tell students to watch what you are going to do. Sort into 2 groups: Triangles and Squares. Let students know that we are going to learn how to sort these 2 shapes in other ways called Defining Attributes or ways to identify sides and corners/vertices. We will be learning the new term vertices in today’s lesson. Vertices are the plural form of vertex meaning one corner.
Guiding Questions
Non-defining Attributes
1. How are the shapes sorted? [They are sorted into triangles and squares.]
2. How do we know the difference between triangles and squares? [We count the number of sides and corners. Triangles have 3 sides/corners and squares have 4 equal sides and corners.]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students you will be learning more about shapes. How many sides does a square have? [4] All 4 sides are equal. How many vertices does a square have? [4] How many sides does the triangle have? [3] How many corners or vertices do triangles definitely have? [3] The black dot on the vertices is where the 2 sides meet. The number of sides and vertices never change for a given shape. Theses are called Defining Attributes. Read the Defining Attributes chart.These are qualities that are always true for a square and triangle or even some other shapes. On the next page, complete #1-#4 and go back and read/refer to the non-defining attributes chart. Now, let’s follow along as I read the Non-defining Attributes chart aloud. Let’s practice how to identify Nondefining Attributes. What do you notice about #1? The squares all are different sizes which is a non-defining attribute. Circle the word size. The sizes of the square are different. Some are big and small. We have to remember that we are looking at attributes that are NOT always the same for the shape. On #2, what is true is that they are all triangles, but each are a different color, so circle color.
Practice non-defining attributes using 12 pre-cut index card squares and provide 1 blank paper. Students will make 4 groups of 3 squares. Each group will be assigned an attribute from the chart. Using crayons, design and sort the squares. While working on the size attribute, students may have to cut 2 out of the 3 squares into smaller sizes. When working on the color attribute, keep all of the squares the same size, but color each square a different color. Once all attributes have been completed, fold the white paper into 4 parts, label each attribute at the top of each square and glue squares into the appropriate places.
I am small and blue. I have 4 sides that are the same length. I have 4 vertices that look like corners.
I see 2 shapes. One is big and yellow. It has 3 sides and 3 vertices. The other shape is green and small. It also has 3 sides and 3 vertices. Circle the Non-defining attribute of each shape.
There are 3 red shapes. All have 4 sides and 4 vertices, but they look di erent. How are they di erent?
Answers will vary, but maybe a rectangle, square, rhombus, di erent sized vertices, open vs closed or di erent sizes
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Give shape cards that have images of different size squares (3) and triangles (3). One shape per card is needed. Sort shapes into 2 groups: triangles and squares. Ask students to count the number of sides on each triangle. No matter how big or small the triangle is, there are 3 sides. Group triangles. Have students count the number of sides of the squares. Ask students: Should the squares be grouped with triangles? [no, because the squares have 4 sides]
Mix up cards again and sort by the number of vertices. Ask students: Do the number of sides match the number of vertices? [yes]
Early Finishers
Mini Dialogue Comic Strip
Students will draw 2 character shapes using a triangle and/or a square. Give the character shapes arms/ legs/ face. Design each character using non-defining attributes. Have the 2 characters have a short 2-4 sentence conversation. For example, “Hi, my name is Teddy, the Tiny triangle. People call me Blue for short because of my color.” “Hi, my name is Sam, the small square. I always feel happy so that is why I am yellow.” Dialogue must match the attributes of the character shapes.
Prior to working on #3, ask students what they notice about the triangles. Students may answer that they are all triangles, but the points are in different directions. Model by drawing 3 triangles on the whiteboard of the same size and color. Rotate each triangle so it is in a different direction. This is an example of direction when identifying non-defining attributes. Now continue with #3 and #4.The word problem section may be a challenge for the group, so work as a whole class for #5 and work with a partner in #6.
Common Errors
Students may have difficulty saying and remembering the term vertex and vertices. Remind students that another term for corner is vertex. The plural of vertex is vertices. Attributes is a another vocabulary word most likely students are unfamiliar with. Traits might be a better way to explain the term attribute. Remind students that defining attributes are always definitely true. The attributes never change. Non-defining attributes change and are not always true for each shape. Directional attributes may be difficult for some children to identify if they have difficulties with perception. Providing a hands-on opportunity to manipulate 3 of the same-sized shapes with similar color into different directions will assist in understanding the concept.
Challenge and Explore
Give students other 2D shape cards like a circle, oval, pentagon, hexagon, etc. Label each card with shape name. Review pronunciation of shape name. Discuss the number of sides and vertices of these 2D shapes.
1. Which 2D shapes have no sides and vertices? [circle, oval]
2. Are there any 2D shapes that have the same number of sides and vertices as a square? [rhombus]
Provide each individual student with an image of a triangle and a square. Have them label the sides and vertices. Sides can be labeled with one color and vertices can be labeled in another color. Ask students to draw one of these shapes in a different way referencing the non-defining attributes. (Example: Given the white triangle from the teacher, now re-draw the triangle in a different size, color it a new shade of color, change its direction, make a pattern on the new triangle, etc.)
Level A Chapter 11-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compose new shapes using basic 2D shapes.
y Decompose new shapes into their basic 2D shapes.
y Compose - to put together
y Decompose - to take apart
y Pattern blocks for each student
y Templates of composite shapes made from pattern blocks
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Give a handful of pattern blocks to each student. Ask students to name some of the shapes on their desk. [triangle, square, trapezoid]. (Rhombus and hexagon are shapes they may or may not know. Tell them the names, or use the term POLYGON). Then tell them to create a new shape using the blocks on their desk. Give students time to play around with their shapes and the new shapes they create.
After students have created a new shape, have them name the basic shapes they used and how many of each shape.
[Examples may include a triangle and a square to make a pentagon or house shape, 2 trapezoids together can make a hexagon.] Some students may make more elaborate shapes, such as a train or rocket, or even an animal. Let them use this time to explore, and practice naming the pattern block shapes.
Guiding Questions
1. What shapes did you use to compose your new shape? [answers will vary, triangle, square, trapezoid, rhombus, hexagon]
2. How many shapes did you use?
3. How many of each different shape did you use?
4. What did you discover about the different ways the shapes fit together?
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Tell students that today we will be composing and decomposing shapes. Write the words compose and decompose on the board. Tell students to take out two squares from their pattern blocks. Put them together. Ask students which shape they have now. [rectangle] Tell students when we put shapes together we compose a new shape. Compose means to put together. Tell students to take a square and a triangle and compose the purple shape in the second example. Now take it apart. When we take a shape apart into its smaller pieces we decompose the shape. What shapes did we decompose the original shape into? [square and triangle]. Let’s continue composing and decomposing shapes. Work through the Try it Together problems using pattern blocks.
Have students continue to explore with pattern blocks. Have them take the hexagon. Ask them, how else can you make this same shape using other blocks? [answer will vary. Some examples: two trapezoids; three rhombuses; one trapezoid, one triangle, one rhombus etc]. Continue with other shapes.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Have students use shapes from the pattern blocks to try to recreate the composite shapes. For example, take three squares, when you put them together, what shape do you get? Draw a line to the shape it makes. Then have them take one trapezoid and three triangles. What shape can you make that looks like one of the purple shapes?
Early Finishers
Compose a shape in a new way with pattern blocks. Tell students: Take out the hexagon. Can you compose this same shapes using other shapes? Have students create templates/posters of the different ways they can compose each shape.
Compose a new shape with different pattern blocks. Trace the new shape. Give it to a neighbor and see if they can build the same shape.
Challenge and Explore
Go on a shape hunt around the classroom or outside. Look for different shapes and name them. Look for composed shapes. An example could be a paned window, a door, the sidewalk etc.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and the practice problems. Encourage students to use their pattern blocks to help create the shapes in the practice problems. For additional practice, ask students to compose two different shapes using four triangles. Then ask them to compose a shape using two triangles and two squares. For the last problem have them choose at least three shapes. Have them trace each shape in the first box. In the second box, have students compose a new shape and trace it.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What shapes do you see?
[answers may vary; examples: an L shape, a house shape, a rectangle, a diamond shape]
2. Do you see any composed shapes? What shapes are those shapes made of? [answers may vary; examples; a shape made of a rectangle and a square, 3 triangles, 2 squares]
3. How else could we make that shape? [answers may vary]
Play Shape Bingo. Game can be modified to use composed shapes. p. 327
Students might think there is only one way to compose a shape. Encourage them to try different ways
Give students a template of a composite shape. (Use different pattern blocks to compose a shape and trace around it) Have the students divide the composite shape into smaller shapes. Let them use pattern blocks if they need support.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify equal and not equal parts.
y Divide shapes into 2 equal parts.
y Identify half of a shape.
y Equal - exactly the same value or amount
y Half - one part on an object or group that is cut into 2 equal parts
y Whole – when a number or an object is broken into pieces, all of the pieces
y T-chart on chart paper
y 2 pictures of a cookie, or 2 real cookies
y 6 pictures/shapes cut in 2 parts:
- 3 pictures in equal parts
- 3 pictures in unequal parts
y Pre-cut shapes: squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, hearts, stars, etc
y 1 sheet of paper for each student with multiple circles and squares on it
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Make a large T-chart on chart paper. Label one side EQUAL and the other side NOT EQUAL. Show students the picture of a cookie. Tell students you want to share this cookie with your friend. How should you cut the cookie to share it? Let students give some examples. You might hear “equal” or “in two”, or “in half”. Cut the cookie in two unequal parts. Ask, should I give the small part to my friend and the big part to myself? No. These parts are NOT EQUAL. They are not THE SAME. One piece is small, the other is big. Tape the cookie on the the NOT EQUAL side of the T-chart. Cut the next cookie picture in two equal parts. Ask the students: Should I share this cookie? [Yes]. The cookie is in two EQUAL parts. The parts are the SAME. Overlay the two halves so students can see they are the same size and shape. When we divide or cut something into two EQUAL parts, we say we cut it in HALF. Have students repeat the word HALF.
Show a few more pictures/shapes. Tell students to give a thumbs up if they are cut in EQUAL parts, and a thumbs down if they are in UNEQUAL parts. Tape the pictures to the T-chart.
Guiding Questions:
1. Are the parts the same? Or is one part big and the other part small?
2. Which pictures are cut or divided in HALF?
3. How do we know the two parts are in half? [they are equal in size]
Divide the shape in 2 equal parts. Color in one half.
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Tell students we will be sharing objects equally by dividing them in half. Put your finger on the cookies. Each cookie is divided into two parts. Which picture is divided EQUALLY? Circle the picture. When something is divided in two equal parts, we say it is in HALF, or HALVES. Look at the next picture. The red part is HALF of the circle. The white part is also HALF. Trace the letters. H-A-L-F. Two halves equal a WHOLE. The red and white halves make a WHOLE circle.
Let’s Try it Together! Look at the first row of problems. How many parts are each of the shapes divided into? [two] Circle the shapes that are divided into two EQUAL parts.
Continue working through problems together. Be sure to use words such as EQUAL and HALF.
Pass out pre-cut shapes to students. Tell them to hold up a square. Check to see that each student is holding a square. Say: fold the square to get two equal parts. Hold up your square when you have it folded. How do we know the parts are equal? [they are the same size] The equal parts are called HALVES. Can you fold the square a different way and still get two halves? Have students fold their square in other ways to get halves. Give them time to fold the rest of the shapes to find HALVES. Ask: do some shapes have different ways to get two equal parts? Are they still halves? How do we know?
Draw 2 objects you can share equally with a friend. Draw a line to show half of each object.
Answers will vary: examples could be an apple, cookie, cake, candy bar, sandwich
and Develop Skills (Practice)
As students continue the independent work, tell students to be careful when they draw the line to make half. Encourage them to fold a similar shape first to see where the line goes and to check that the halves are equal. Remind them there may be more than one way to divide a shape in half.
Struggling Learners
Give students shapes that are already divided or cut into two parts. These should be both equal and unequal parts. Have students sort the shapes into two piles. Which shapes are in equal parts, which shapes are in unequal parts?
Early Finishers
Students can continue exploring with pre-cut shapes. Have them cut or draw lines dividing their shape in two parts. Decide if they are EQUAL or UNEQUAL. Tape the shapes onto the T-chart that was started in class.
Challenge and Explore
Hand out paper with multiple circles, squares, and rectangles. Challenge students to find different ways to divide the shapes in two equal parts.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Were you able to find more than one way to divide the shapes? [circles have infinite ways, squares and rectangles have 4 ; 1 vertical, 1 horizontal, and 2 diagonal]
2. Do all shapes have more than one way to divide it? Try other shapes like moons, hearts, etc. What do you notice? [answers will vary]
Common Errors
Students may not realize that shapes can be divided in half in different ways. Lines can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal for many shapes, but not all shapes.
Check that students are dividing the shapes into EQUAL parts. They may just draw a line anywhere. Emphasize the EQUAL parts.
Ask students what it means to divide something in half. [two equal parts] Assess
Level A Chapter 11-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify equal and unequal parts.
y Divide shapes into 4 equal parts.
y Identify 1, 2, 3 and 4 fourths of a shape.
y Equal – exactly the same value or amount
y Fourth – one part of an object or group that is cut into 4 equal parts
y Whole – when a number or an object is broken into pieces, all of the pieces
y Equal/Not Equal T-chart from 11.4 HALVES
y Pre-cut circles and squares–one for each group of 4 students
y One piece of rectangular paper for each student
y Scissors for each student
y Different colored pre-cut shapes, cut into fourths and shape templates. (Struggling Learners)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Look at the T-Chart EQUAL/NOT EQUAL from lesson 11.4. Ask students to tell what it means for something to be cut or divided into EQUAL PARTS. How do we know if parts are equal? How many parts did we divide shapes into? [two] What to we call those parts? [halves]
Group students into groups of 4. If you have a group with 3 or 2, you can include yourself and an imaginary person. Pass out a pre-cut square to each group. Tell the group to divide/ cut the shape so each person gets the SAME AMOUNT. Let students work for a few minutes. Then ask them what their strategies were for cutting the paper into four equal parts. Have students share their ideas. How do they know the parts are equal? Give them the circle next. Do the same. Cut the circle into four equal parts.
When students are done, have them hold up their parts. Ask: how many parts did you cut your shape into? [four]. When we cut or divide something into four parts, we say we have FOURTHS. Each part is called ONE FOURTH. Hold up your part and repeat after me ONE FOURTH [one fourth]
Guiding Questions
1. What are some ways we can cut the shapes into four equal parts? [example; cut in in half, then each half in half]
2. How do we know the parts are equal? [they are the same size]
3. How many parts do we have? [four]
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Tell students: We will be sharing pizza equally by dividing them in fourths, or four equal parts. Put your finger on the pizza. Each pizza is divided into four parts. Which picture is divided EQUALLY? Circle the picture. When something is divided in four equal parts, we say it is in FOURTHS. Look at the next picture. The blue part is ONE FOURTH of the circle. Trace the letters. F-O-U-R-T-H. Four fourths is equal to one whole. Let’s Try it Together! Look at the first row of problems. How many parts are each of the shapes divided into? [four] Circle the shapes that are divided into four EQUAL parts. Continue working through problems together. Be sure to use words such as EQUAL and FOURTH.
Pass out a rectangle to each person. Say: Today we are going to cut a rectangle into four equal parts. What do we call four equal parts? [fourths]. First, fold
your paper in HALF. Show how with your own paper, then watch them fold their paper in half. Help them line up edges and corners. Tell students: Now, cut on the folded line. How many parts do I have? [two] Correct! We have halves. How many parts to we need to make fourths? [four]. How can I get four parts instead of two? Have students give some examples of their thinking. Show how to fold each half in half again and cut apart. Now how many parts do we have? Check that they are equal. Have students put the parts in front of them. Say: You cut your rectangle into FOURTHS. Hold up one part. This is called ONE FOURTH. (students repeat) Now hold up two parts. This is called TWO FOURTHS. (students repeat). Hold up three parts. What is this called? [ THREE FOURTHS] How about if we hold up four parts? [FOUR FOURTHS] If we put all four parts back together, we get ONE WHOLE. Four fourths is the same as ONE WHOLE.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
As students continue the independent work, tell students to be careful when they draw the lines to make fourths. Encourage them to fold a similar shape first to see where the lines go and to check that the fourths are equal. Remind them there may be more than one way to divide a shape in fourths.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with shapes already cut into fourths and whole shape templates. Have them build the whole shape using four equal pieces. Encourage students to check that the four pieces are equal. Have them count each piece. One, two, three, four. Have them remove one piece. Ask now how many fourths are there? Continue to remove or add pieces and count the fourths.
Early Finishers
Allow students to continue to explore ways to divide shapes into four parts. They can fold shapes in different ways to find all the ways a shape can be divided into four equal parts. Ask them if they notice relationships between halves and fourths. Have them explore with shapes like hearts and stars. Can they divide these shapes into four equal parts?
Challenge and Explore
Go on a shape hunt in the classroom. Bring chalk or masking tape. Can the shapes be divided into four equal parts? Use chalk or masking tape to draw lines on the shapes. Encourage students to use the names of shapes they recognize. Show how they know the shapes are in fourths.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What different shapes have we found in the classroom?
2. Which shapes can we divide into fourths?
3. How can we show that the shape is in four equal parts?
4. Can we also divide the shape in half?
Games Play Fraction Sort p. 329
Common Errors
Students may not realize that shapes can be divided in fourths in different ways. Lines can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal for many shapes. In a circle be mindful that lines meet or cross in the middle and are in equal parts (perpendicular lines). Not all shapes can be divided into fourths.
Check that students are dividing the shapes into EQUAL parts. They may just draw lines anywhere. Emphasize the EQUAL parts.
Have each student divide a circle or square in four equal parts. Have them color one fourth red. Have them color two fourths blue. Ask them how many fourths are colored.
Level A Chapter 11-6
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify and name 3D shapes.
y Identify real world examples of threedimensional or 3D shapes.
y 3D shapes - shapes that take up space
y Rectangular prism - a type of 3D shape with 6 flat rectangular sides
y Cube - a 3D shape that has 6 equal square sides
y Cylinder - a 3D shape that is a round object with a circle on each end
y Cone - a 3D shape with a circular base; there is a point at the opposite end.
y 3D real world objects (ex: stacking cube, tissue box, box of crayons, pair of dice)
y Large paper bag
y Large 3D drawings of each of the above mentioned 3D shapes (Will be displayed on classroom whiteboard.)
y Paper plates - 5-10 approximately
y Small items that are 3D - (ex: battery, marker cap)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Gather 3D or three-dimensional real world objects. Keep items hidden from students. Put each object in a large paper bag. Line paper bags up in the front of the room and have students describe what it is in the bag using the sense of touch. Model for the students how you expect them to describe the 3D object using a stacking cube.“The object in this bag feels like it has square, flat sides, there are many sides, all the sides feel like they are the same shape and size. The object has edges and sharp corners. What 3D object could this be? It is a cube.” Take the cube out of the bag and show the sides and lengths are all equal. The sides look like squares. The squares are all equal. Rotate the cube to show this. Define the edges by running a finger down the edges of the cube. Ask a student to feel with their finger across the edges. What do they notice about the edges? The edges in a cube are a straight line. The edges meet to form corners. How many corners are there? [8]
Guess other objects. Write the 3D shape name on the whiteboard (cube, rectangular prism, cylinder and cone) after guessing shape. Do you feel any points or corners? How many flat sides do you see? What shapes are the flat sides? Do you feel any curves or see any round sides?
Guiding Questions
What are some 3D shapes? [cube, cone, rectangular prism, cylinder] How do we identify 3D shapes? [We look at the shapes, edges, length and size of the shapes.]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and learn about 3D shapes. Do you remember when you learned about 2D shapes? What were some 2D shapes? [squares, circles, rectangles]. These shapes had length and width. Draw a rectangle on the whiteboard and point out the length and width. Today we are going to learn about depth, too. These are called 3D shapes. These types of shapes are not flat shapes on a page with length and width, but the shapes also have depth. Show the cube pulled from the paper bag and point out the length, width and depth. Refer back to the real world objects that were in the bag. All of these shapes have a length, width and a depth. The 3D shapes are hard to draw on paper, but seem to pop off of the page when drawn correctly. They take up more space than a 2D shape. Hold up the 3D objects one at a time and ask students to name the object. The box
of tissues is a rectangular prism. Place your 3D drawing of each object on the dry-erase board under the appropriate name.The can of soup is a cylinder, waffle cone is a cone, base-ten block is a cube. What do you notice about the shapes? The cube is made up of squares. The rectangular prism has different size rectangles. The cylinder has 2 circle shapes. The cone has one circle shape with a point. Have students circle the correct answer in Try it Together.
Sort 3D real world examples. In groups of four students, place a paper plate filled with 3D real world examples. Sort items into “Cylinder, Rectangular Prism, Cube or Cone” categories. Students may say: “We should put the battery in the cylinder group, because it has 2 round ends that are shaped like circles.”
Match the 3D shape with the correct real world object.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a bag of 3D real world objects like dice, dominoes, hand held pencil eraser, markers, party hat and have the students sort them into groups. Have them label verbally what each item actually is. “This is a cube.” They could also have a T-chart with the 3D shape and its name along with a realworld example.
Early Finishers
Students can create their own 3D cube using toothpicks or Q-tips and modeling clay.
Challenge and Explore
Circle the name that matches the real world object.
Have students think about how many 3D shapes they use on a daily basis in their classroom, home or even in the outdoors. Have students fold a white piece of paper in 4 parts. Label each box of the folded paper: cube, cylinder, cone, rectangular prism. In partners, have students walk around the room and explore the what 3D shapes they can find. For example, they may see a whiteboard eraser, so they write eraser in the box that says rectangular prism. They see a coffee mug, so they write mug in the cylinder column. Challenge students to find at least 3 examples of each 3D shape in the classroom. Cone may be the most challenging. If they can’t find a cone, have them make one. (Hint: Look out the classroom window, to find additional 3D shapes. Ex: construction cone)
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
After students have completed the independent practice, create a class T-chart of items on their student desks that may be considered 3D shapes. One side of the T-chart will name object and the other side will be 3D shape name. For example, students may list: pencil = cylinder, textbook = rectangular prism, notebook = rectangular prism, eraser head on pencil = cylinder.
Play SWAT- IT!
• 2 fly swatters
• Images of real world objects printed on large paper p. 329
Students may confuse the names of the 3D shapes. Some students may have difficulty seeing whether a shape is 3D when drawn a piece of paper. Students may confuse a cube and a rectangular prism. Hint: The sides of the cube are all squares of the same size. Rectangular prism has sides that are all made of rectangles but are not all the same size. Common Errors
Students should be able to identify a cube, rectangular prism, cylinder and cone if drawn on a piece of paper or if seen in the real world. Place a group of 4 different real world items in the front of the class (battery, wooden block, paper cone, cube). Ask students to come up and identify correct 3D shape name.
Level A Chapter 11-7
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify faces, vertices and edges of 3D shapes.
y Identify Defining and Non-defining attributes of 3D shapes.
y Faces - the shape’s flat surfaces
y Edges - line segments where two faces meet
y Vertices - the places where edges meet
y Popsicle sticks
y Pipe cleaners
y Dry-erase markers
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase erasers
y Real world 3D items (cube, wooden block cereal box, soup can, etc.)
y Painter’s tape (struggling learners)
y Modeling clay (struggling learners)
y Colored construction paper (early finishers)
y Scissors
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Today, we will learn about faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes. Three-dimensional or 3D shapes are solid figures that have 3 dimensions - length, width and height. Say: Let’s take a look a the image I am going to draw on the dry-erase board.
First, I will draw a square. Next, I will draw 3 short lines for edges. Then, I will connect the edges. This is a drawing of a 3D shape called a cube. Draw a cylinder shape next. Today we are going to learn about the faces of this shape and other shapes, too. We will also learn about the edges and vertices. Use different colors of dry-erase markers to identify the faces, vertices and edges on the cube.
Guiding Questions
1. What shape are the faces on this drawing? [square]
2. If we know the faces are the flat surfaces on a 3D shape, what shape are the faces of a cylinder? [circle]
How to draw a 3D cube
In the Let’s Learn section look at the blue shapes. Create a dry-erase chart with shape name, # of faces, # of edges, # of vertices. Fill in chart during the lesson. Blue shapes have one or more faces. Ask students point to the blue cube. Find the red line that is drawn on the blue cube. That is a face of the cube. What shape is the face? [square] Are there more faces/flat surfaces on the cube? [Yes] How many do we see? [3] Yes, but there are faces that we can’t see when a 3D shape is drawn on paper. Provide students with plastic cubes. Looking at the cube, count the faces together. How many faces are there? [6] Where do we see the red line drawn on the cylinder? [at the top]. What shape is this face? [circle] Hold up a real life example of a cylinder (ex: can of soup) and ask how many faces are in a cylinder? [2] Make reference that both top and bottom of can/ cylinder have circle faces. Note the curved surface of the can is not a face. Look at the cone. How many flat faces does a cone have? [1] What shape is the face? [circle] Note just like the cylinder has a curved surface, so does a cone. Focus on edges of the green shapes. They are marked in red. More edges are hidden when drawn on paper. How many edges do you think are in a cube? Use a plastic cube to count. [12] Is that the same amount for a rectangular prism? Model counting the edges of a wooden block [Yes, 12]. Look at the purple shapes to find vertices. They are labeled with a red dot. Not all vertices are visible on paper. Model with real life examples. Cubes and rectangular prisms have 8. A cone has 1. Complete Try it Together #1-4 only finding faces.
Display a 3D object and provide students with popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners. Ask students to make one of the faces on these 3D objects. If you display a can of soup, all students should use their pipe cleaners to make a circle. If you display a
students should make a rectangle with their
Count the number of vertices. Write the
Count the number of edges. Write the number.
Circle Defining or Non-defining Attribute.
Circle which 3D shape does NOT have a hidden vertex when drawn on paper.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a physical cube or rectangular prism they can touch. A box of tissues or a cereal box would be good options. With the use of Painter’s Tape, have students mark each edge with tape or small sticker and count the labeled edges. Use modeling clay to attach to vertices. Use of a whiteboard marker may help with labeling the face of the cube. Partner with another student so one student counts and the other student attaches the materials.
Early Finishers
Students independently will create a geometric FACE pie. All toppings should be faces of geometric shapes. Crust is the large face of a cylinder, pepperoni are the faces of cylinders or cones, cheese is made up of the faces of a rectangular prism. Faces of the cube can be another special topping like peppers. Use construction paper, scissors and glue.
Challenge and Explore
Provide students will images of 3D shapes such as: Square Pyramid, Triangular Prism, Sphere, Pentagonal Prism, Hexagonal Prism, etc. Have them label and and count the faces, vertices and edges of each.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Students will practice writing the number of vertices and edges. Remind the students that not all vertices and edges can be seen in 3D shapes when drawn on paper. Offer hands-on objects for students to better visualize these defining attributes. When completing the defining and non-defining attributes section, create a chart with defining and non-defining attribute examples. Defining attributes never change. There will always be faces, edges and vertices. Non-defining attributes can change like in size, color, pattern and shape direction.
Common Errors
Students may confuse the terms vertices, edges, and faces when counting. Students may incorrectly count the vertices and call them edges. When counting these attributes, students must be systematic and count slowly. Don’t count the same attribute (ex: vertex or face) twice. Another error students may make is when they are looking at the drawing of 3D shape, faces may be hidden in the drawing like the face of a cylinder. Also when counting edges, they are not always a straight line like in a cone or cylinder. Talk about flat faces and curved surfaces, such as the side of a cylinder.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What is different about the sphere compared to all of the other 3d shapes? [It has no edges or vertices.]
2. How do you think 3D shapes get their names? [Names come from what 2D shape makes up the base or bottom of the 3D shape.]
Make the Face Game
Materials: 3D real world items, whiteboard, whiteboard marker. p. 330
Give students drawings of the 3D shapes: Cube, Rectangular Prism, Cone or Cylinder. Ask students to create a list of number of faces, vertices and edges of each of the shapes.
Shape # of faces # of vertices # edges
8 12
Level A Chapter 11-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Compose new 3D shapes.
y Decompose 3D shapes.
y Use defining attributes to assist in identifying 3D shapes.
y Composite 3D shape - a three dimensional shape made of smaller three dimensional shapes such as cubes, cylinders, cones, etc.
y Decompose - to take apart
y Linking cubes (10 per student)
y White paper (1 per student)
y Plastic ball / sphere
y Wooden block / rectangular prism
y Soup can / cylinder
y Party hat / cone
y Anchor chart of 3D shape attributes
y Premade cards with 3D composite shapes (game)
y Paper towel roll (struggling learners)
y Empty box of pasta (struggling learners)
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
We can use 3D shapes to make or compose other 3D shapes. Compose is just a fancy word for put together. Remember, we talked about 3D shapes in the last lesson that pop up off your paper. Quickly we are going to review some 3D shapes. Let’s look at the sphere (which was not discussed last lesson but students should be familiar with). Hold up a ball and have students note there are no faces, edges or vertices. Hold up a cube and review the square faces, the corners or vertices and edges or sides. Today, we are going to build bigger 3D shapes with some of the shapes we just discussed. Hold up a cylinder or can. Remind students that we know it is a cylinder based on its defining attributes, which are the shapes of the circle faces. Look for edges or any vertices. Let’s add a cone on top. We have now composed a new 3D shape made up of a cylinder and a cone. So, ask what are some ways to look for 3D shapes within a larger shape? [Look at faces, vertices and edges.] Make a snowman with 3 different size spheres. Ask students to decompose the shape into 3 parts.
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
1 . How do we know that we added a cone to the top of the cylinder? [It has one circle face and one vertex]
2. What does the new shape look like? [It looks like a little house or hut.]
3. What are the 3 parts of the decomposed snowman? [They are spheres, because they have no faces, no vertices and no edges]
Make a 3D shape attribute anchor chart for reference that lists a variety of 3D shapes and their attributes (ex: Cube has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices). Refer to the anchor chart to assist in naming the 3D shapes that make up a composite 3D shape. List the 2 words: Compose and Decompose on the dryerase board. Remind students that they are fancy words for putting together and taking apart. Have students look at the 2 red shapes in the Let’s Learn section. What shapes are these? Use the anchor chart. What new shape was composed by putting together the cone and cylinder? [crayon] How many 3D shapes did it take to compose the crayon? [2] The opposite of compose is decompose. Hold up a pencil and refer to the pencil image on the right side of the page. If we take apart or decompose this 3D composite shape, what new shapes do we find? [2 different size cylinders and one cone] Reinforce that even though the cylinders are different sizes or have different non-defining
attributes (discussed in previous lesson) they are still cylinders. Work on the try it together section finding the composite shape. Note that sometimes you find the same shape, but with different sizes, colors or directions. In numbers 2 and 3, remind students that they should count the number of shapes it takes to make the composite shape before they color the individual shapes.
Provide 10 plastic cubes per student. Have students “build” a new shape with cubes in any shape. This is composing a shape. Next take it apart again and refer to this process as decomposing a shape. Now, add a new shape such as a wooden block to each student pile and add this block to the new composite shape. Discuss how each block or cube is part of the whole new composite shape. Discuss what new 3D shapes we could add to our new composite shapes to make them different. Adding a cylinder or sphere can completely change the shape.
the 3D shapes with a new composite shape.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a 3D paper cone, 3D paper cylinder (empty paper towel roll), small rectangular box (pasta box), and small plastic ball/sphere. Have them compose new 3D shapes with these 4 items. Move the items around into different positions to create new models. Draw 1 new model.
Early Finishers
Decompose the shape. Circle its parts.
Solve the Riddle. Circle the composite shape.
My bottom shape has 6 faces. Each flat face is a square. I have no curved surfaces. My top shape has one curved surface with one circle face and one vertex. What do I look like?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Students can continue exploring composing new 3D shapes by drawing a building on paper. The building should incorporate cubes, rectangular prisms, cylinders, cones and spheres. Use different designated colors for different parts of the building when illustrating the building. For example, when drawing a cylinder, all cylinders should be colored red. Another option for extending the learning is providing a 2 column list of color words and shape names for writing practice. Students would pair color with shape and write new combination on paper (ex: red + cylinder = red cylinder or green + cube = green cube).
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to look around the room for composite shapes. Make a list of at least 10 composite shapes. Fold a piece of white paper into 2 columns. Label left column: Composite shape and label right column: Decomposed shapes. Draw each composite shape in the left column and decompose the composite shape next to the drawing in the right column. For example, draw a pencil in the left column and directly across in the right column, draw 2 cylinders in different sizes and one cone.
Students will compose and decompose 3D shapes. Note when each of the 3D shapes are given a color, it is easier to see the differences in the shapes. When all of the shapes are one color, it may be difficult to see where one shape ends and another shape begins. If there are no colors to identify the shape, students pay better attention to the shapes’ defining attributes. Discuss with the students that if the color was removed, what specifics would be looked at (ex: shape of the face). Have student pairs create a riddle of their own after completing the riddle question. Use of blocks, cones, cylinders in hand may assist in writing a riddle.
Common Errors
Students who have problems with spatial relations may have difficulty seeing where one shape ends and another shape begins when decomposing shapes. Offer these students physical objects to manipulate to help reinforce the edges and faces of the individual 3D shapes. Have students put together and take a part colored cubes or blocks to help better visualize the process of decomposing and composing shapes.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What 3D shapes appeared most often when decomposed? [answers may vary]
Play Race to Decompose 3D Composite Shapes. p. 330
2. Which item on your list had the most decomposed shapes? [answers may vary]
Provide students with an image or set of decomposed shapes. Ask students to create a new shape incorporating all of the decomposed shapes into a composite shape. Draw the new image. Use a simple image such as a decomposed pencil and/ or crayon and have the student compose the pencil and crayon. Alternately, have images of a few composite shapes and have students write how many shapes make up the composite shape.
Chapter 12
In Chapter 12, we will learn how to make and use tally charts, picture graphs and bar graphs to compare data.
• Learn how to read and count with tally marks
• Make a tally chart and compare data
• Use pictures to make a graph
• Understand how to use a key
• Interpret data within and across graphs
• Present data in a bar graph
• Tally marks help us count
• Use graphs to show and compare data
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Organize data using a tally chart.
y Tally mark - Form of numeral used for counting
y No additional materials are needed, unless students are making their own tally chart. If you plan on doing that, you may want to make a blank tally chart so students can just fill in their choices.
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Ask students to choose their favorite fruit out of the following list. Give students a choice of banana, strawberry, and pineapple. Call on each student and ask them to tell their favorite fruit. Teacher should pretend to think hard and try to keep track in her/his head. Teacher may need to stop midway to try to “remember everyone’s response”. After all students have shared, explain that you wish there was a way to record everyone’s favorite fruit so you didn’t have to remember what everyone says.
After getting some ideas from students, explain that there is a quick way to keep track of information like this. A tally chart is one way to collect and organize information when we collect data or count objects.
Save the Guiding Questions until you’ve completed the Try it Together tally chart.
Guiding Questions
1. Why would we group tally marks in groups of 5? [They are easier to count, it’s easy to count by 5’s]
2. Which fruit had the most votes? [strawberry]
3. Which fruit had the least number of votes? [pineapple]
4. How many students voted for bananas or strawberries? [ 6 + 4 =10]
This is a tally mark.
A tally mark is used to help us count.
A tally chart is one way to organize
We use one tally mark for each thing we count. If we count 3 items we would show
We group our tally marks in groups of 5 like this
Show everyone’s favorite fruit in a tally chart. Cross out each fruit as you add a tally mark to the
Look at the Let’s Learn section and explain that we use a tally mark to represent “one”. Draw a tally mark on the board. Explain that this is one tally mark. We use it to represent one. Repeat the process by drawing 3 tally marks on the board. Explain that we would use this if we counted 3 items. Do the same as you show 4 tally marks. Now draw 5 tally marks. Show students how the fifth tally mark bundles the tally marks into a group.
Move on to the Try it Together section. Look at the pictures of the fruits. Explain that the pictures represent the choices of another class of students who chose a favorite fruit. To keep track of the fruits, we should cross them off as we count and add tally marks to the chart. Model how to cross off each fruit and add a tally mark to the chart. Work with students to complete the “Favorite Fruit” tally chart. Walk around to make sure students are crossing off fruits and adding tally marks. After completing the tally chart, ask the Guiding Questions.
Students could create their own class survey. Students come up with 3 choices and ask their classmates to choose one (Survey examples: favorite colors, favorite activity, favorite food, etc.). Students record each person’s choice with a tally mark.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Students may need reminders to make a tally mark for each item. Students may benefit from a visual tally mark = 1; = 2; = 3; = 4; = 5.
Early Finishers
Students can create their own tally chart. Students develop their own choices, then survey their classmates and record their results using tally marks.
Challenge and Explore
For an added challenge, students can survey other classes in the school and collect the results in their tally chart. Students can share their results with their classmates.
Students could also create a tally chart where they count furniture in the classroom (desks, chairs, tables). Another idea would be to have students take a handful of pattern blocks and make a tally chart showing the pattern block colors they picked. They could compare their results with the results of their classmates.
1. Have students share the most popular results and least popular results. [Answers will vary]
Talk with students about what’s being counted in this tally chart - pretzel, cupcake, and candy. See how the candy and the cupcake have been crossed off? Let’s trace the dotted lines and add the tally marks for those items. Work together with students to finish the tally chart. For the last tally chart, explain that students were asked what animal the class should get for a pet. The animals they picked are shown below. Tell students to cross off each animal and add a tally to the chart. Students should complete this chart on their own.Walk around while students are working to make sure they are crossing off animals and adding tally marks to the chart.
Choose a game to practice a previously learned skill such as Shape Bingo. p. 327
Students don’t always carefully count all of the items or collect survey results carefully. Remind students to cross out images and check their work by counting their tally marks. Common Errors
Independent completion of the tally chart can be used as a formative assessment. Teacher should look for students who put the correct number of tally marks to represent the data.
Level A Chapter 12-2
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to interpret data from a tally chart.
y Students will be able to add numbers within 20.
y Students will be able to subtract numbers within 20.
y Tally mark - form of numeral used for counting Materials
y Handfuls of crayons, for the Challenge and Explore activity
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Teacher should review tally marks from the previous day. Review with students the meaning of one tally mark by drawing one tally mark on the board and asking students what the tally mark represents. Repeat the same process with 2 tally marks, 3, 4 and 5. Remind students that we bundle 5 tally marks in a group. Then, for a challenge, draw 7 tally marks and ask students what number that represents. Ask students to draw 10 tally marks. Observe to see that students make 2 bundles of 5.
Guiding Questions
1. How many tally marks would summer have if two more students voted for summer? [10]
2. How many total students voted for their favorite season? [23]
3. Which season is your favorite? How many tally marks would that season have if you voted? [ answers will vary]
4. Why do we add tally marks together when the question asks for who voted for spring or summer? [the “or” means that we must include the people who voted for spring and the people who voted for summer]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and review what we learned about tally marks in Lesson 12.1. Tell students that when we look at tally marks we need to pay attention to the bundles of 5. This makes it easier to count them! Now, have students look at the tally chart in Try it Together. Ask students what the tally chart shows [Favorite season]. With students, practice counting tally marks. Students should touch their pencil to each tally mark as they count it. You can model writing the number of tally marks next to each season. Now, discuss the questions listed below the tally chart. Read the question together and have students recount the tally marks. Walk around as you teach to make sure students are writing in the correct answers. After answering the questions under the tally chart, ask the Guiding Questions and discuss the tally chart.
As an additional activity, students can take a handful of crayons and make a tally chart showing the colors of crayons. After creating the tally chart, students can write 2-3 questions under their tally chart. Students can either answer the questions or they can give their tally chart to a classmate and have the classmate answer their questions.
Which treat has the most votes?
Which treat has the least votes?
How many kids voted for or ? 15 12
How many more kids voted for than ? 2 3
Struggling Learners
Struggling learners may need to revisit the chart from the previous lesson showing the value of tally marks. Have them create a chart of tally marks and the correct values. Encourage students to circle the bundles of 5 and then count. You could also have students cross out the tally marks as they count to help with their accuracy.
Early Finishers
Students can write their own questions using one of the tally charts on the page. Students can either answer their own questions or students could ask a classmate to answer their question(s).
Challenge and Explore
How many kids voted for the ?
Which piece of equipment got the most votes?
How many more kids like the than the ?
How many total kids voted for the best playground equipment?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Students could combine the previous lesson and today’s lesson. Give students a handful of crayons. Student can create a tally chart showing the number of each color of crayon they received. After creating their tally chart, students can write questions to accompany their tally chart.
Remind students to use put their pencil on each tally mark as they count in the Favorite Birthday Treat tally table. Tell students to write the number of tally marks next to each treat. Walk around to make sure students have counted correctly. Do the first two questions with students together or students can complete with partners. Have students try questions 3 and 4 on their own. Walk around while students work on the questions so you can assist with reading and questions. Before having students work on the final tally chart, review the steps- Count tally marks by putting your pencil on each tally mark. Write the number of tally marks next to each item. Then, have students work on the Favorite Playground Equipment tally chart on their own. Walk around while students are working. Depending on reading levels, teacher may need to read questions with the class.
Common Errors
If you see that students are counting each tally mark in a bundle of 5, remind students that when they see a bundle, it’s always 5 tally marks. Another error may be that students are miscounting tally marks. You can have students cross out each tally mark as they count, instead of just pointing to the tally mark with their pencil.
Students can play Skip Count to Catch. Students should focus on skip counting by 5’s to help with counting tally marks. p. 272
As students are working, be sure to walk around and make sure students are counting the tally marks correctly. Remind students to write the number of tally marks.
Level A Chapter 12-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will explain the purpose of a key in a picture graph.
y Students will collect data and make a picture graph.
y Key - tells what the symbols in a picture graph represent
y Large piece of paper
y Markers
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On a large sheet of paper, draw an empty picture graph that just lists 3 choices. For example, the title could be Favorite Subject and choices could be math, reading and science. At the bottom of your graph, make sure you put a key showing what your symbols stand for. Go around and ask each student which subject is their favorite. After each student gives their answer, draw a smiley face or star or heart, whatever symbol you chose next to their choice. Explain to students that each symbol represents one child. As you add each symbol, explain to students that picture graphs show data, just like tally charts. When everyone has shared their responses and the picture graph is complete, ask students a few questions about the class picture graph. Ask students: Which subject do the most students like? How many students like math or reading? [answers to questions will vary.] Keep this picture graph to be used for tomorrow’s lesson.
Guiding Questions
1. What does the bus stand for? [ 5 children]
2. What does the car stand for? [5 children]
3. How many kids take the bus? [25]
4. How many kids take a car to school? [20]
5. How many kids like bagels? [6]
6. How many kids told what they ate for lunch? [18]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and tell students that this graph is a picture graph. A picture graph is similar to a tally chart except that a picture graph uses pictures to show the information, not tally marks. When you look at a picture graph, you have to look at the key to know what each symbol stands for. Have students point to the key. Point out that in this graph, each symbol represents 5 children. A tally is always one per mark, in a picture graph, you can change the value of the symbols but you must indicate it in the key. Ask Guiding Questions 1-6.
Now, in Try it Together students will make their own picture graph showing what students eat for lunch. Read each lunch choice and have students share the symbol that represents the choice. For example, a sandwich is a square. Now show students how to cross off each square under the picture graph as they draw a square next to sandwich. Walk around and make sure students are crossing off the squares at the bottom as they add squares to the first row of the picture graph. Ask students, how many squares did you draw? [8]. So, how many students eat sandwiches? [8]. Repeat the same steps for bagel and chicken.
Students should survey their classmates about their favorite (food, sport, season, etc). Students should first collect the survey results in a tally chart. After creating the tally chart, students should create a picture graph of the data. Walk around and help students with their keys. Some students may be able to try different values for their symbols. For example, each symbol could represent 2 votes. Just be prepared to discuss and explore how to draw a symbol to represent 1 vote. Students may be able to draw half a star to show 1 if a full star equals 2.
2. Favorite Pictures Favorite Place to Go
See animals at the farm
Play at the park
Walk in the woods
Favorite Place to Go
Teacher Notes Tell
Symbols will vary
Struggling Learners
Students may need reminders to cross off pictures as they add them to the picture graph. Struggling learners may need you to choose the symbol for them when they work to make their own picture graph. You could give students colored dot stickers or pattern blocks to lay out on their picture graph.
Early Finishers
Students can use a tally chart from the previous day’s lesson to create a picture graph of the data.
Challenge and Explore
For one of the picture graphs on this page, change the key so that each symbol represents 2 students. Have the students use the new key to find the number of students who chose each answer. For example, if the triangle now equals 2, then instead of 4 students, there would be 8 students who chose chicken for lunch. You could also make each symbol stand for 5 or 10 students as well.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. How did the results change when the key change? [answers will vary but should include that the results increased.]
2. Why would we want to have a symbol that stands for more than one child? [we use a symbol that stands for more than one child when we’ve surveyed a lot of people and so we don’t have to draw as many pictures.]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
For question 1, discuss the title of the picture graph as well as the symbols used. Remind students to cross off each symbol as they add the symbol to the picture graph. Tell students their symbols don’t have to be drawn exactly the same as the picture, their symbols should look similar to the pictures. Walk around to make sure students are crossing off the pictures and drawing the symbols in. For question 2, take time to look at the tally chart with students. You may need to review from the previous day. After discussing the tally chart, tell students they get to choose the symbols for the picture graph. Tell students to choose symbols that are easy to draw (circle, star, heart, square, etc.). Walk around as students work on the picture graph. Make sure students draw the correct number of symbols to match the tally chart.
Common Errors
If students are having difficulty counting the pictures, have students cross out the pictures or tap the pictures with their pencils while they count. Some students may also struggle when they have to come up with their own symbol in question 2. For these students, you may want to just give students the symbols to use.
Students can play Number Hunt in the Room. It can be played the way it’s written, or students can turn the numbers in the game into a picture graph. p. 331
As students create their picture graph, make sure students are putting the correct number of symbols into each graph.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to count symbols on a picture graph.
y Students will interpret a picture graph.
y Students will be able to add and subtract data on a picture graph.
y Key - Tells what each symbol in the picture graph stands for
y Post it notes in 3 different colors if you plan to do the Activity
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Practice skip counting by 2s. Practice together as a class and then have students stand up and skip count by 2s one at a time. For example, all students can stand up, start at 2 and point to the next student who says 4 and sits down, then the next student says 6 and sits down. Continue until all students are sitting. Explain that skip counting is a skill that can help them count by twos. Point out that the key in the first graph indicates that each sun and each moon stands for 2 votes or people who answered the question “What is the best time of day?” Skip count together to see how many students chose daytime. [2,4,6,8]
Guiding Questions
1. What do you drink with breakfast? [Answers will vary.]
2. Look at the picture graph. What drink do the most kids drink? [milk]
3. What drink do the kids drink the least? [water]
4. How does a picture graph show data? [each symbol stands for a number of votes or people surveyed]
Remember that the key tells us what each symbol stands for.
How many students drink with breakfast?
How many students drink or with breakfast?
How many more students drink than ?
5. Why do symbols help show value? [We can count and compare easily]
Ask students to look at the Let’s Learn section. Ask students: What the picture graph shows? [favorite time of day]. Remind the students that the key tells what the symbols in a picture graph mean. Ask students: How many kids like the daytime? [8]. How many kids like nighttime? [6]
Now, ask students to look at the picture graph in Try it Together! Tell students that this picture graph shows what kids drink for breakfast. Ask students: What each symbol stands for? [1 child]. Work together with students as you ask the questions under the picture graph. You could also ask how many total students were in the survey? [21]
For an additional activity, students can survey their classmates and create their own picture graph. After making their picture graph, students can write their own questions to go with their graph.
Class could also create their own picture graph. Teacher chooses a survey question with 3 choices and puts the question and survey choices on the board. Examples are favorite sport, color, game, subject, etc. Assign each choice a specific colored sticky note. For example, yellow note stands for Math, blue note stands for Science, green note stands for Reading. Explain that the colored sticky notes are the pictures on a picture graph. Ask each student to choose their favorite subject and put the corresponding sticky note on the chart. Discuss how we can see which subject was the most popular because there are more notes/pictures next stuck on the chart. The teacher can ask additional questions such as: What subject was the most popular? Least popular? How many students like math or reading? [Answers will vary for all questions.]
How many students like or ?
How many more students like than ?
How many kids voted for their favorite color?
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Students may struggle with counting the pictures carefully. Remind students to touch each picture with their pencil as they count. Provide students with a number line or hundreds chart to help them count and skip count.
Early Finishers
Students can take a survey and create a picture graph of the results. Some suggestions for survey ideas are favorite sport, dessert or food. Students can draw their own pictures to represent their survey results and come up with questions to go with their survey. Just change the key. Keep the same number of symbols provided, but skip count to see how much the graphs show with the new value for each symbol.
Challenge and Explore
Students can look at the picture graphs on this page and explore how the picture graph would change if they key was changed. Ask students to change the key so each symbol represents 2 students or 5 students.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
Look at the “Favorite Vegetables” picture graph with students. Ask students: What information is shown in the picture graph? [Favorite vegetables of students]. Teacher can have students work with a partner to answer the questions under the “Favorite Vegetables” picture graph. If partners don’t work for your class, teacher can work together with the class to answer the questions. Students should work independently to answer the “Favorite Color” picture graph.
1. How did your answers change when the key was changed? [answers may vary]
2. How many students like broccoli or blue? [the original graph shows 7 children liked broccoli, but if each broccoli symbol means 2, then 14 students would like broccoli]
Students can play More or Less Dice game to practice addition and subtraction skills. p. 315
Common Errors
Students may have difficulty counting and remembering how many pictures for each item. You can have students write the number they count next to the pictures. You also can remind students to touch their pencil to each picture as they count. Students can also cross off each picture as they count it. Teacher may need to ask students to recount the pictures to check their work.
Teacher needs to walk around while students are working in partnerships for “Favorite Vegetables” or independently for “Favorite Colors” to make sure students are counting correctly.
Level A Chapter 12-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Identify the parts of a bar graph.
y Create a bar graph using data.
y Horizontal - parallel to the horizon
y Vertical - upright, perpendicular to the horizon
y For the Warm Up, teacher needs to make a blank bar graph (it can be vertical or horizontal) drawn on a large sheet of paper labeled with the title, “Favorite Winter Activity”. Teacher should list 3 choices (sledding, snowball fight, making a snowman) either on the side (horizontal bar graph) or bottom (vertical bar graph). Teacher should number along the bottom (horizontal) or along the side (vertical) and label that side with the word “kids”
y Crayons
y Blank tally charts and bar graphs if you’re going to do the activity
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Ask students to recall the two types of graphs we’ve learned about so far. [tally charts and picture graphs]. Today, we are going to learn about another way to show data - a bar graph.
Teacher puts up the blank bar graph that was created prior to the lesson. Then, the teacher asks each student their favorite winter activity. As each student answers, teacher shades in one square on the bar graph. When all students have responded teacher should ask the guiding questions to discuss the graph. *Teacher should save this graph to use in the next lesson.
Guiding Questions
1. What activity do kids like the most? [answer will vary]
2. What is the title of the bar graph? [Favorite Winter Activities]
3. How many kids like to make a snowman? [answer will vary]
4. How does a bar graph help to show data?[ a bar graph shows data using colored bars.]
5. What do we put on the horizontal axis? [categories].
6. What do we put on the vertical axis? [number of students]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and ask students to look at the bar graph titled, “Favorite Sea Animal.” Have students count the number of octopus pictures. Explain that since there are 5 octopus pictures there are 5 squares shaded on the bar graph. Repeat the same process for the whale and seal pictures. Before starting the Try it Together section, teacher needs to decide if they want students to use 4 different colors (one for each special) or if you want students to use the same color for all 4 bars. In the Try it Together section first note with students that this bar graph looks a little different. It is vertical- it goes up and down. Now, have students point to the music note that’s crossed off. Now, tell students to look at the bar graph and see that the bottom bar is shaded red. This shaded bar represents one person who likes music. Tell students to cross off one paint brush. Now students should use one of their crayons to color in one bar above the paintbrush on the bar graph. Walk around to make sure students crossed off the paintbrush and that they colored the correct bar. Repeat this same process for the other pictures. Walk around to make sure each student is crossing off a picture and coloring a rectangle in the correct bar of the bar graph.
Students can make their own bar graphs. One idea would be to have students create a bar graph with the data from the “Favorite Subject” picture graph you made as a warm up for lesson 12.3. Students could also survey their classmates about a topic, such as Favorite Food. Students can come up with 3 choices (ex: pizza, chicken nuggets, or tacos). Then, students ask their classmates their question and use a tally chart to collect their data and then put it into a bar graph. Finally, students could also use the data from the picture graphs they made in lesson 12.3 and turn that data into a bar graph.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Struggling learners may benefit from only using one color to fill in the bars on the bar graph. Remind students to cross off each picture or tally mark before adding it to the bar graph. Make sure students are coloring the squares in each bar graph in the correct sequence.
Early Finishers
Early finishers could try to write questions to go with one of the bar graphs on this page. They could look back at lesson 12.4 and 12.2 for question ideas. They could give their questions to a classmate to answer.
Challenge and Explore
Students could take two dice and roll them 10 ten times. After each roll, students should record the numbers they rolled on a tally chart. After doing all 10 rolls, students can turn their data into a bar graph.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What number was rolled the most? [answers may vary]
2. Which number was rolled the least? [answers may vary]
Depending on the level of your students, you may want to work together to complete part of the “Insects We Saw on our Walk” bar graph. Another option would be to have students work with a partner or their table to complete the bar graph. As students work, walk around to make sure students are crossing off each picture and coloring the bar graph square in the correct bar. For the “Favorite Time of Day,” you may need to review how to read a tally chart from a previous lesson. As students work independently to complete the bar graph, continue to walk around to make sure students are filling it in correctly.
3. Why do you think some numbers were rolled more than other numbers? [answers will vary]
To assess a student’s ability to make a bar graph, watch as they complete the “Favorite Time of Day”
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will interpret data from a bar graph.
y Students will add and subtract within 20.
y Scale - shows what you’re counting by on the bar graph
y “Favorite Winter Activity” class bar graph that was created in Lesson 12.5
y Paper for students to write questions if you plan to do the activity
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Teacher should put up the “Favorite Winter Activity” bar graph made during the Warm Up in lesson 12.5. Give students a minute to look at the bar graph. Ask students: How did we make this graph? [Students should respond that each student shared their favorite thing to do in the winter. As each student shared, the teacher colored one square on the bar graph] Today, we are going to look at bar graphs to get information. Ask questions about your class bar graph such as “Which winter activity is the most popular? Which activity is the least popular? How many students like sledding or snowball fights?” [answers will vary for all questions] After you’ve finished discussing this bar graph, move on to Introduce the Lesson.
Guiding Questions
1. How many students like the penguin the best? [4]
2. How many students like the tigers or the zebra [8]
3. Why is it important to look at the scale of a bar graph? [So we know what the bar graph is counting by; so we know what each box on the bar graph stands for.]
4. How many more students like zebras than penguins? [1]
Look at the Let’s Learn section. Have students look at the “Favorite Zoo Animals” bar graph. Point to the scale in the graph and tell students that the scale shows what the bar graph is counting by. In this bar graph, we are counting by 1s so each box represents one student. Ask the Guiding Questions as you discuss the bar graph.
In Try it Together ask students how this bar graph is different than the “Favorite Zoo Animals” graph? [in the Favorite Fruit bar graph the bars are vertical, they go up and down. In the Favorite Zoo animals graph, the bars go horizontally, they go across.] Ask students to point to the scale of this graph. Walk around to make sure students are pointing to the scale. What does the scale on this bar graph count by? [1]. Ask students: What fruits are shown in the graph? [strawberries, apples, banana, grapes] Have students work with a partner to answer the questions on the bar graph. Walk around to make sure students are on the right track.
Students can look back at the “Favorite Time of Day” bar graph from lesson 12.5. Students can write 3-4 questions that can be answered using that graph on a separate sheet of paper. Then, students can have a classmate answer their questions.
Another option is to have students survey their classmates in lesson 12.5 and make a bar graph with the data. Students could write questions to go with the bar graph they created. Then, students could trade papers with a classmate and the classmate can answer their questions.
Students should work on the “Favorite Weather” bar graph and “Favorite Dessert” bar graphs. Depending on your class, you may want to have students work in partnerships or independently. As students work, walk around to assist and make sure students are answering the questions correctly.
Struggling Learners
Students may need to be reminded to touch their pencil point to each individual rectangle in the bars as they count. One suggestion would be to have students write the number they count above or next to each bar.
Early Finishers
Early finishers can take a handful or two of crayons. Students should make a tally chart showing the crayon colors. Then, students can make a bar graph to show their results. Finally, students can write 2-3 questions to go with their bar graph. Then students can trade papers with a partner to have their questions answered.
Challenge and Explore
Students can explore what happens to the data in a bar graph if the scale is changed. Using the bar graph titled, “ Favorite Dessert” change the scale to 2, 5, or even 10. Choose the scale that makes the most sense for the group of students you’re working with. Have students change the numbers on the vertical axis to represent the new scale. After changing the scale, students should work together to answer the questions again. They can write their answers on a dry-erase board or on a separate sheet of paper.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. What happened to the answers to the questions when the scale was changed? [Answers will vary but should mention that all of the answers increased when the scale was increased.]
2. Can you think of a time when we would make a bar graph with a scale that counts by 10’s? [Answers will vary but answers should have a larger number of people. For example, if we surveyed all first graders or the entire school.]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will compare data between graphs.
y Students will add and subtract within 20.
y Students will interpret data from graphs.
y Tally chart
y Tally mark
y Picture graph
y Key
y Bar graph
y Scale
y Blank tally chart for each student if you’re doing the Activity
y Blank bar graph or picture graph for students to choose from if you’re doing the activity
y Crayons
y Dice- one per student for activity
y Dry-erase boards
y Coins
y Blank tally charts, bar graphs
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Ask students: What are the 3 types of graphs we’ve been working with?[tally chart, picture graph, bar graph]. Ask students: What is a tally chart?[Answers will vary but should include tally marks are used, tally marks are bundled in groups of 5] “What is a picture graph?”[Answers will vary but should include this graph uses pictures. There is a key to tell what the symbols stand for.] “What is a bar graph?” [Answers will vary but should include that this graph uses bars to show the data. There’s a scale to tell what you’re counting by on the graph.]
Guiding Questions
1. How many students like markers in Ms. Jones and Ms. Smith’s class? [10]
2. How many more students like crayons in Ms. Smith’s class than in Ms. Jones’ class? [2]
3. How many students in Ms. Jones’ class like markers or paints? [12]
4. Which graph is easier for you to read the information- the picture graph or the tally chart? [any answer is correct as long as students support their choice with a valid reason.]
Look at the two graphs in the Let’s Learn section. Ask students: What type of graphs do you see?” [a tally chart and a picture graph.]Discuss the graphs with students. Start by discussing the titles. Model how you notice the titles are different. The tally chart was made by Ms. Smith’s Class and the picture graph was made by Ms. Jones’ class. Then notice with the class that the art supplies are the same in both graphs- crayons, paints and markers. Now, begin to discuss the information in the two graphs. Start with questions such as “How many students in Ms. Jones’ class like crayons? How many students in Ms. Smith’s class like paints and markers? Then move into the Guiding Questions. Now, move into the Try it Together! Section. Begin by asking students to read the titles of each graph. Depending on the level of your students, you may need to read the titles aloud. Ask students what types of graphs they see. [bar graph and picture graph] Work together as a class to use the graphs to answer the questions.
Give students a single die. Tell students to roll their die 15 times. Students should record the results of each roll in their tally chart. One suggestion would be to have students compare the data in their tally chart with a classmate. They can ask questions such as, “Who rolled more 3’s?” “Who rolled the most even numbers?” Another suggestion would be to have students show their data from their tally chart in either a picture graph or bar graph before sharing the graph with a classmate. Then, when students finish their graphs, students can compare the results in their graph with the results of another classmate.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Struggling learners may need to be reminded to touch their pencil to each tally mark, picture or rectangle on the bar graph to help with accurate counting. Students may also benefit from writing the number represented next to the tally marks, pictures or bars. Struggling learners may need reminders to be sure they are looking at the correct graph to answer each question.
Early Finishers
Students can choose a pair of graphs on this page and write 2 or 3 additional questions on their dry-erase board that could be answered using one or both of the graphs. Students can give their dry-erase board to a classmate to answer the questions.
Challenge and Explore
Students take a large handful or two of coins and make a tally chart showing how many of each type of coin they have. Then students create either a bar graph or a picture graph using the information in their tally chart. Then, students compare their results with a classmate.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
Depending on the level of your class you may want to work through the “Recess Games”questions as a whole class. Another option would be to have students work in partners or small groups to complete the questions that go with the “Recess Games” graphs. Discuss the answers. Students should try to complete the questions for “Animals We Saw” graphs on their own. Teacher should walk around while students are working. When students have finished, teacher should review and discuss the answers.
1. Who had the most nickels? How many more nickels do they have? [answers will vary]
2. How many dimes and quarters do you have altogether? [answers will vary]
3. Who has the most pennies? How many more pennies do they have? [answers will vary]
4. How much money do you have in dimes? [answers will vary]
Play Number Challenge to practice comparing numbers.
p. 331
Students may forget that tally marks are bundled in groups of 5. Students may also need reminders to count the amounts shown in each graph carefully. Students may also look at the wrong graphs when answering questions. Some students may need reminders about the “and” and “or” questions and that both of those question types are asking students to add the amounts. Common Errors
Use student’s work on the “Animals We Saw at the Park” graphs to assess students’ understanding of comparing information between graphs.
Level A Chapter 12-8
Objective and Learning Goals
y Students will be able to interpret data on tally charts, bar graphs and picture graphs.
y Students will create tally charts, bar graphs and picture graphs.
y Students will add and subtract within 20.
y Tally chart
y Tally mark
y Picture graph
y Key y Bar graph
y Horizontal
y Vertical
y Scale
y For Warm Up prior to the lesson create a blank “Favorite Picture Book” tally chart using 3-4 picture books you’ve read this year.
y Blank tally charts, picture graphs and bar graphs
y Coins
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Prior to the lesson, create a “Favorite Picture Book” tally chart. Choose 3-4 picture books you’ve read with your class this year. Either write the titles on the side of a tally chart or print out pictures of the book covers. Post the empty tally chart on the board to begin the lesson. Survey your students about their favorite book. Record each student’s response in the tally chart. Discuss the class results with Guiding Questions 1-3.
Guiding Questions
1. What book was the most popular? [answer will vary]
2. Why do we bundle tally marks in groups of 5? [to make them easier to count]
3. What is the difference between the most popular and least popular book? [answer will vary]
4. Which graph do you think is the easiest to understand? Why? [answers will vary but students should support their choice with a reasonable detail.]
5. Which insect was the scariest? [bee]
6. How many more kids were scared of a bee than a spider? [1]
Look at the Let’s Learn section and ask students: What graphs do you see?” [tally chart, picture graph, bar graph]. Ask students to find the key in the picture graph. Walk around to make sure students point to the key. Ask students: What does each symbol represent? [1 child]. Ask students to point to the bar graph. “Is this a horizontal or vertical bar graph?” [horizontal]. Now, have students point to the scale of the bar graph. Walk around to make sure students are pointing to the scale. Ask students: What is the scale of this graph? [The scale is counting by 1’s.] Now, ask Guiding Questions 4-6.
Look at Try it Together! Discuss the information in the tally chart with questions such as “What drinks do kids drink at lunch?” [milk, water, juice] How many tally marks make up a bundle? [5]. Model with the class how you count the tally marks for milk and then shade in the same number of squares on the bar graph. Walk around to make sure students are shading the bar graph correctly. Repeat the same process for milk and juice. Then, work together with students to answer the questions.
One option for the activity would be to have students create a bar graph and a picture graph of the “Favorite Picture Book” tally chart that was created in the warm up.
Another option would be for students to survey their classmates about the number of letters in their first name. After collecting the data, students can create a tally chart, picture graph and bar graph of the information.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Struggling Learners
Remind struggling learners to touch their pencil to or to cross out each item they count. Students may also want to write the number they count next to each row so it’s easier to remember.
Early Finishers
Students who finish early can make a different graph with the data shown. For example, students could create a bar graph showing “Favorite Numbers” or a tally chart showing “What We Ate For Breakfast.”
Challenge and Explore
Give students a coin and a blank tally chart, bar graph and picture graph. Have the student flip the coin at least 20 times. (You can choose a larger number, depending on the group of students you’re working with.) Have students record the number of times the coin lands on heads and tails first on their tally chart. Then students should record their results in a picture graph and bar graph. Students should compare their results with their classmates.
Discuss the results by asking the following questions:
1. Whose coin landed on tails the most? [answers will vary]
Have students point to the title of the graph. Discuss with students the 3 food choices. Then, depending on the level of your students, you may choose to complete the “What We Ate For Breakfast” as a whole class, small groups, partners or independently. As students work, you should monitor to make sure students are drawing the correct number of pictures for each option. Students should work independently to complete the tally chart and answer the questions for “Favorite Numbers”.
2. Whose coin landed on heads the most? [answers will vary]
3. How would the results change if you flipped the coin 20 more times. [answers will vary but should include that the number of heads and tails will increase.]
4. If time allows, teacher could have students flip the coin 20 more times to see if their predictions were correct.
Play Magazine Hunt. You should choose what students are hunting for (shapes, numbers, colors). At the end of the “hunt” make a class tally chart of what students’ found. p. 332
Students may need to be reminded to count the tallies, pictures, and rectangles in the bar
and carefully. Some students may need reminders that “or” means to add.
Since today is a review lesson, you should be assessing students throughout the lesson. Pay attention to students who struggle to make their own tally chart, picture graph or bar graph. Provide extra support for students who struggle to answer the questions.
Chapter 13
In Chapter 13, we will be learning about coins and dollars, the values of coins, how to count them and how to compare money amounts.
• Understand that money is used to buy and sell things
• See how each piece of coin money has a certain value
• Find monetary values, including the combination of coins
• Add, subtract and compare monetary values, including the combination of coins
• Recognize that the dollar is worth 100 cents
• Find, add and subtract monetary values, including the combination of a dollar and coins
• When finding the total value, we don’t look at the number of coins, but the value of the coins
• Represent a given monetary value in more than one way
• Acting out story problems can help us understand what we need to figure out
• Noticing number sequences can help us count money
Vocabulary Words
Objective and Learning Goals
y Recognize and write the value of each coin (penny, nickel, dime and quarter).
y Write the value of groups of like coins.
y Penny - a coin worth 1 cent
y Nickel - a coin worth 5 cents
y Dime- a coin worth 10 cents
y Quarter - a coin worth 25 cents
y Pocket chart or chart paper
y Demonstration coins (or print outs/ drawings of coins)
y Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
y Cups
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Print out or use large demonstration coins (penny, nickel, dime and quarter). Use at least 4 of each type of coin. Place the coins in random order on a pocket chart (or using tape on chart paper). Discuss the similarities and differences amongst the coins. Tell students that you will sort the coins by any rule they come up with. Ask students: What is a sorting rule I can use? [Answers may vary. Answers may include: color, size, pictures on the coins, etc.] Move the coins to match the sorting rule provided by students. Keep repeating different ways of sorting. Finally, after discussing the coins, put them in order from least value (penny) to greatest value (quarter). Tell students the name of the coin and their value (penny - 1 cent; nickel - 5 cents; dime - 10 cents; quarter - 25 cents).
Guiding Questions
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the coins in Let’s Learn. Point to each coin and have students repeat after you as you say the name of the coin and value.
1. Where have you seen coins before? [shopping or buying things]
2. How are these coins similar? [3 of them are silver; they have heads on them; etc.]
3. How are these coins different? [different sizes; different values]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students that when adding the same coins together, they can skip count by the coin’s value. Look at number 1 and have students point to the coin. Ask students: What coin is this? [nickel] What is the value of a nickel? [5 cents] Tell students to point to each nickel while skip counting by fives. Count along with students (5…10…15…20…25…30). Ask students: How much money is there in all? [30 cents] Tell students to trace the 30 cents. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Student pairs get 4 different cups. Each cup is filled with a different coin (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters). One student dumps out a certain amount of coins and the other student skip counts to determine the total amount of cents and writes the amount on their dry-erase boards. For example, student 1 dumps out 5 of the dimes (leaving some still in the cup). Student 2 recognizes that the coins are dimes and skip counts by 10s. Then, student 2 writes 50 cents on their dry-erase boards. Students take turns dumping and counting.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to reference the coin chart in Let’s Learn to determine the coin’s value.
Struggling Learners
Provide students with a hundreds chart or number line to help with skip counting.
Early Finishers
Students get 12 note cards. On 4 separate note cards, students draw each coin. On the next 4 separate note cards, students write the value of each coin. On the final 4 separate note cards, students write the name of each coin. Students shuffle the cards, flip them over, place them face down and spread out. Students flip over 3 cards to see if they match.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve the story problem: Ben has 4 coins. The value of each coin is 1. How much money does he have?
Ask students: What type of coins does Ben have? [pennies] What do you skip count by for pennies? [ones] What is the value of 4 pennies? [4 cents]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Recognize and write the value of each coin (penny, nickel, dime and quarter).
y Write the value of groups of different coins.
y Penny - a coin worth 1 cent
y Nickel - a coin worth 5 cents
y Dime- a coin worth 10 cents
y Quarter - a coin worth 25 cents
y Chart paper
y Demonstration coins (or printouts/drawings of coins)
y Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
y Bags
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
On chart paper, draw or print out and glue 4 pennies in a row, 5 dimes in a row, 2 quarters in a row, and 3 nickels in a row. Ask students while pointing to the penny: What coins are these? [pennies] How much are they worth? [1 cent] How much money do you have if you have 4 pennies? [4 cents] Repeat for the dimes, quarters, and nickels.
Guiding Questions
1. How can you tell a penny from a dime? [a penny is a copper color and a dime is silver; a penny is bigger]
2. How can you tell a nickel from a quarter? [a quarter is bigger]
3. How can you tell a dime from a nickel? Which is worth more?
[a dime is smaller but is worth more]
Let’s learn!
Try it together!
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the coins in Let’s Learn. Tell students that you can add multiple types of coins together by counting on. The important way to count on coins is to start with the coin with the greatest value. Ask students: Which coin has the greatest value in this example? [dime] How much is it worth? [10 cents] Tell students to skip count with you. After saying the value, write it under the coin. Start with 10 cents under the dime. Next, tell students you will add on 5 for the nickel to get 15. Write 15 under the nickel. Then, tell students you will add on another 5 for the next nickel to get 20. Write 20 under the second nickel. Keep going until you’ve counted all of the coins. Ask students: How many cents are there? [23]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to write the total value under each coin as they count on. Then, find the matching value in the left column.
Put students in pairs and give them a paper bag filled with mixed coins. Students grab a handful of coins and organize them from greatest value to least value on their dry-erase boards. Then, students count on to find the total value of all of the coins on their boards. While counting on, students write the total value they have counted under each coin. For example, if students have 2 dimes and a penny, they will write 10…20…21 under the coins. Students then trade boards and check their partner’s work. Repeat with new coins.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to start with the coin with the greatest value.
Struggling Learners
Work with students to help them count on for each coin. First, have students grab a handful of coins and organize them from greatest value to least. Next, have students write the value of each coin under it (to remind them how many more to count on). Finally, have students count on by using their fingers to represent the next value being added.
Early Finishers
Students do the mixed coin bag activity again independently.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve the story problem:
Marty has 6 coins. He has 2 pennies, 3 dimes and 1 quarter. How much money does he have?
Ask students: What coin will you start with? [quarter] Why? [it is worth the most] What is the total value of all of the coins? [57 cents]
Common Errors
Students may start by counting from the coin with the least value. This can be more challenging in certain scenarios that include a penny since a penny is the only coin that is not a multiple of five.
Tell students to write the value of the following coins on a piece of paper: 1 quarter, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, 1 penny ______ [66
Objective and Learning Goals
y Recognize and write the value of each coin (penny, nickel, dime and quarter).
y Write the value of groups of different coins.
y Cents - the smallest unit of money; a penny is worth one cent; there are 100 cents in 1 dollar
y Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
y Bags
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Put students into pairs. Each partner takes a turn being the “teacher.” The “teacher” tells the other student 4 different coins. The student must write the total value of the 4 coins on the dry-erase board. The “teacher” checks the answer. Students switch roles.
Guiding Questions
1. What strategy did you use to count the coins?
[counted on starting at the greatest value coin]
2. What made it challenging to coin the value of the coins?
[not seeing the coin made it challenging]
Look at the word problem in Let’s Learn. Read the problem to the students. Ask students: How did Flash make it easier to find the total value of the coins? [He drew the coins to help add the values] Count on together while pointing to the coins (25…50…60…70). Tell students to draw coins whenever or use real coins to help add the values together. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together, making sure to write the total value counted under each coin.
Pass out a handful of coins to each student. Read the below story problems to students. Students should pick out the coins from the problem, put the coins in order from greatest value to least on their dry-erase boards and write the total value as they count on.
Story Problems:
Adam has 1 penny and 2 dimes. Then he finds 1 quarter. How much money does he have?
Caleb has 3 nickels and 1 quarter. Then he finds 8 pennies. How much money does he have?
Martin has 5 pennies and 5 dimes. Then he gets 3 nickels. How much money does he have?
Struggling Learners
Work with students to help them count on each coin. First, have students grab a handful of coins and organize them from greatest value to least. Next, have students write the value of each coin under it (to remind them how many more to count on). Finally, have students count on by using their fingers to represent the next value being added.
Early Finishers
Students write 5 of their own coin word problems on paper. Students switch papers with a partner and solve their partner’s word problems by drawing the coins and writing the total value.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve the story problem: Adam has 2 coins. He gets 1 more. He has 60 cents in all. What coins does Adam have?
Ask students: If it adds up to 60 cents, could any of the coins be pennies? [no] why not? [you could need a lot of pennies to get to 60 cents] What two coins are the largest value? [2 quarters] What is the value of 2 quarters? [50 cents] How far is 50 from 60 cents? [10 cents] What coin is worth 10 cents? [dime]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to start with the coin with the greatest value.
Play Coin Bingo to practice coin
Common Errors
Students may start by counting from the coin with the least value. This can be more challenging in certain scenarios that include a penny since a penny is the only coin that is not a multiple of five.
Tell students to write the total coin value for the story problem below:
Tim has 3 pennies, 1 dime, and 1 nickel. He gets 3 more dimes. How much money does he have? [48 cents]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the value of groups of different coins.
y Subtract coins from a total amount of coins to find the value left over.
y Cents - the smallest unit of money; a penny is worth one cent; there are 100 cents in 1 dollar
y Coins - round metal objects, money; each type of coin represents a value
y Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters)
y Bags
y Sticky notes
y Paper
y Pencils
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Write 45 cents, 28 cents, 12 cents, and 65 on different pieces of paper. Show students the 45 cent paper. Tell students to show you a way to make 45 cents with their coins. Walk around to check student work. Repeat for the rest of the papers.
Guiding Questions
1. Was there only one way to make my total each time?
[because there are a lot of ways to add up coins. For example, two nickels is the same as 1 dime]
2. How did you find the right coins each time?
[Answers may vary. Answers may include: trial and error, started with the largest coin each time; etc.]
Tell students that Flash is explaining that sometimes you can “make change” with coins. Sometimes, you have more coins than you need. After spending money, it is important to see how much money you have left over.
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to count the total value of the coins. How much money is there to start with? [28 cents] Tell students that you spent 1 nickel and 1 penny. Tell students to cross off a nickel and a penny and to count up the total value of the coins again. Ask students: How much money is left over? [22 cents] Why did we cross off the coins? [because we spent them so we subtract]
Students pick out 3 objects from their desks. For each item, students write how much it costs (no more than $0.99) on a sticky note and put it on the item. Students then get a handful of coins in a bag. Students get a partner and take turns “buying” items from their partner. Students practice counting coins to give to their partner for the item and counting how much money they have left.
Struggling Learners
Have students use coins to count the total and then to take away certain coins. This will allow students to see what is being taken away when they physically move it and to count what is left over.
Early Finishers
Students continue playing “shopping” with a partner from the activity.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to write their own coin shopping story problem on a piece of paper. Tell students to include how much money to start with and how much money was spent in the problem. For example, “Jim has 4 dimes. He spends 1 dime. How much money does he have left?” Then, have students trade problems with a partner to solve.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to cross off the coins being spent to find what is left over.
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the value of groups of different coins.
y Compare different groups of coins or cents to find which is worth more.
y Compare - check to see which number is bigger, smaller, or the same
y Cents - the smallest unit of money; a penny is worth one cent; there are 100 cents in 1 dollar
y Coins - round metal objects, money; each type of coin represents a value
y Balls (or other small items)
y Sticky notes
y Dry-erase boards
y Fake coins
y Chart paper
y Hundreds chart
y Bag
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Hold up and show 25 pennies (or draw them on a chart) and 1 quarter (or draw it on a chart). Ask students: Which is worth more (25 pennies or 1 quarter) and why? [they are both the same because they are both equal to 25 cents] Ask students: Which which is more: 3 dimes or 3 nickels? [3 dimes because it is worth 30 cents and 3 nickels are only worth 15 cents]
y Pencils Introduce
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know which amount of coins is more?
[find the value of each set of coins]
2. Does the amount of coins matter in deciding which is more or less? Why or why not? [no, the value of the coins matters]
Tell students that Flash is trying to find out which candy costs more. Look at the candy price tags in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What does the candy bar cost? [85 cents] What does the lollipop cost? [15 cents] Which is worth more in value? [the candy bar] Why? [because 85 is more than 15] Circle the candy bar.
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to circle which value is worth more. Remind students to find the value of each set first and then find which is worth more.
Get 3 different balls and place 3 different sticky notes on each ball. On one sticky note write “50 cents.” On the second sticky note draw 7 dimes. On the third sticky note write “3 quarters and 1 penny.” Ask students: How much does ball 1 cost? [50 cents] How much does ball 2 cost? [70 cents] How much does ball 3 cost? [76 cents] (Allow students to use dry-erase boards to solve for how much each ball costs.) Ask students, which ball is worth the most money and why? [Ball 3 because it is 76 cents] Repeat for new items with new sticky note values.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to find the total value of each group first before comparing the values.
Struggling Learners
Have students find the values for each problem on a hundreds chart. This will help them to see which value is worth more.
Early Finishers
Students get a bag of mixed coins. Students get with a partner. Students grab a handful of coins and count the total value of their coins. The student with the greater value of coins gets to keep all of the coins. Repeat for a new handful of coins.
Challenge and Explore
Read the following story problem to students and have them write the answer on their dry-erase boards.
James has 5 dimes. He wants to buy a painting that costs 50 cents. Does he have enough money?
Ask students: How much money does James have? [50 cents] How much is the painting? [50 cents] Is the painting greater than, less than, or equal to the amount of money James has? [equal to]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find different groups of coins to equal $1.00.
y Count on to make 100 cents.
y Dollar - value equal to 100 cents; can be made up of coins or a one-dollar bill
y Count on - a beginning mental math addition strategy; start with the biggest number and then count up from there
y Dollar example
y Coins
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Bags
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a dollar (either a printout, fake copy, or drawn) next to the quarter, penny, dime and nickel. Discuss how the dollar is similar to and different from the penny. Tell students that a dollar is equal to 100 cents.
Guiding Questions
1. How are the coins and dollar alike? [they are all money; they all have a value; they all have faces; etc.]
2. How are the coins and dollars different? [the dollar is paper, not metal; the dollar is bigger; the dollar can bend; the dollar is worth more]
Let’s learn!
Try it together! Trace and draw.
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the dollar and pennies in Let’s Learn. Explain to students that 1 dollar is the same thing as 100 cents. Ask students: How many pennies are there? [100] Why are there 100 pennies next to the dollar? [Because 100 pennies is the same thing as 100 cents. That’s the same value as 1 dollar]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to practice drawing the dollar sign and cent sign. Ask students: How many dimes does it take to equal 100 cents or 1 dollar? [10] Skip count with students by 10’s to check their answers. Repeat for nickels and quarters.
Tell students to get out 3 dimes from their bags and to place them on their dry-erase boards. Ask students: How much money do you have? [30 cents] Now, tell students you want to get to 100 cents or $1.00. To do so, students have to count on from 30 until they get to 100. Ask students: What coins can we use to get to 100 cents? [dimes] Have students put out more dimes while skip counting by 10’s from 30 to 100 (40…50…60…70…80…90…100) How many dimes did we use? [7] What is the value of 7 coins? [70 cents] How many cents did we add on to get to 100 cents in all? [70 cents] Repeat for 8 dimes, 99 pennies, and 3 quarters.
Joshua had 50¢. How many more does he need to make $1?
David had 70¢. How many more does he need to make $1?
Nathaniel had 89¢. How many more does he need to make $1?
Jackson had 96¢. How many more does he need to make $1?
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count on from their original value until they get to 100 cents.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use coins for independent practice. Tell students to make the amount of cents with their coins. Then, tell students to get more coins until it equals 100 cents in all. Ask students to count the value of the coins they added.
Early Finishers
Students get a bag of mixed coins. Students grab a handful of coins and count the value. Then students have to determine how many more coins they need to get to $1.00. Students repeat with new handfuls.
Challenge and Explore
Read the following story problem to students and have them write the answer on their dry-erase boards.
James has 75 cents. He asked his friend for more money to get to $1.00. His friend only gave him 1 coin. What coin did James need to get to $1.00?
Ask students: How many more cents did James need to get to $1.00? [25 cents] Are there any coins equal to 25 cents? [yes] Which coin is equal to 25 cents? [quarter] What coin did James get? [a quarter]
Play Race to $1.00 to practice adding up coins. p. 333
Objective and Learning Goals
y Add up dollars and coins to find the total amount of money.
y Dollar - value equal to 100 cents; can be made up of coins or a one-dollar bill
y Count on - a beginning mental math addition strategy; start with the biggest number and then count up from there
y Coin and dollar pictures
y Note cards
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Place a picture of each coin and the dollar around the room (5 spots in all). One student is the “teacher” and skip counts by 10 from 0 to 100 cents with their eyes closed. All the other students walk to a coin or dollar of their choice and stay there. The “teacher” then calls out a coin name or value. All students standing by that coin or dollar name or value must sit down. The students then move to a new spot while the “teacher” counts. Repeat until there is 1 student standing. The last student to be standing becomes the new teacher.
Guiding Questions
1. What is 100 cents equal to? [$1.00]
2. Can there be more than 100 cents? [yes] How do you know? [because there are items that cost more than $1.00]
3. How would you add coins more than $1.00? [count on; add; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the money in the Let’s Learn example. Tell students that you can add up dollars and coins to find how much money in all. Ask students: How many dollars are there? [1 dollar] How many cents? [20cents] Show students how to write $1.20 on the board. Point to each number and read it as one dollar and twenty cents. Tell students that the decimal separates the dollar from the cents.
Move on to Try it Together. Ask students: How many dollars are there? [1 dollar] How many cents? [25 cents] Tell students to write the total for each on the lines. Ask students: How much money is there in all? [$1.25 or one dollar and twentyfive cents] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Draw different combinations of dollars and cents on 10 different note cards. Hang the note cards around the room. Tell students to walk around to the different note cards and write down the total amount of money on each card. Remind students to write the total amount with a dollar sign first. Write the template on the board for students to reference - $___.____.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to count how much money in all.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use coins and dollars for independent practice.
Early Finishers
Students get a bag of mixed coins and dollars. Students grab a handful of coins and dollars and count the value. Students write the total on their paper.
Challenge and Explore
Read the following story problem to students and have them write the answer on their dry-erase boards.
Tim has one dollar, 4 pennies, and 3 dimes. How much money does he have?
Ask students: How many cents does Tim have? [34 cents] How do you know? [3 dimes is equal to 30 cents and 4 more pennies makes 34 cents] How much money does he have in all? [$1.34]
Common Errors
Students may think that you can add coins and dollars together like $1 is
Play Money Matching to practice adding up coins. p. 333
Tell students to find the total of 1 dollar, 4 nickels, and 1 dime. [$1.30]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Add up coins to find the total amount of money.
y Show 2 or more combinations of coins to equal the same value.
y Count on - a beginning mental math addition strategy; start with the biggest number and then count up from there
y Coins - round metal objects, money; each type of coin represents a value
y Chart paper
y Coins
y Bag
y Paper
y Pencils
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Draw 25 pennies in a group and 5 nickels in a group on chart paper. Ask students: What is the value of the pennies? [25 cents] What is the value of the nickels? [25 cents] Discuss with students how the two groups of coins are similar and different.
Guiding Questions
1. How are these coin groups similar? [they are both equal to the same amount of money - 25 cents]
2. How are these coin groups different? [they have different amount of coins; they are different coins]
Look at the money in the Let’s Learn example. Ask students: How many dimes are there? [5 dimes] How many nickels are there? [10 nickels] What is the value of the dimes? [50 cents] What is the value of the nickels? [50 cents] Explain to students that different amounts of coins can equal the same value.
Move on to Try it Together. Ask students: What is the value of 2 quarters? [50 cents] Tell students to count up the dimes and while they count, write the total value under each coin. How many cents are there in dimes? [50 cents] Tell students they will continue by finding different ways to reach the same value.
Tell students to put out a certain amount of coins on their desk. Next, tell students to walk around to music. When the music stops, students freeze by the closest desk. Students count the value of the coins and make that same value using different coins. Students leave these coins on the desk too (Make sure the coins are in two separate piles). Students keep playing until there are 4 different ways to make the same value on each student’s desk. Students return to their desk to see how many ways they can make the same value.
Solve the story problem. Write how much money there is now.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use coins for independent practice. Show students how to trade in a coin for other coins with the same total value. For example, show students how to trade in a dime for 2 nickels or for 10 pennies.
Asher had 3 25¢ . Then he spent 2 25¢ buying candy. How much money does Asher have left?
Show how much money. Show it in 2 ways!
Early Finishers
Students get a bag of mixed coins and dollars. Students grab a handful of coins and dollars and count the value. Students write the total on their paper. Then, students have to get out a combination of coins from the bag that makes the same total value.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to make $0.58 in 2 different ways. [2 quarters and 8 pennies; 5 dimes and 8 pennies; 11 nickels and 3 pennies; etc.]
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to trade out coins for the same total value.
Play Money Matching to practice adding up coins. p. 333
Students may think that the total amount of coins needs to remain the same not the total value of
Tell students to find the total value of 1 quarter and 5 pennies and 2 nickels. Then tell students to draw a different combination of coins that equals the same value on a piece of paper.
In Chapter 14, we will be reviewing content we have learned throughout the book.
• Count and write 0-200
• Identify sequences using objects and numbers
• Add and subtract 0-200
• Review time and calendar
• Review the measurement of weight, length and temperature
• To sequence means to put things in a certain order
• A number line can help us count and notice number sequences
• Adding means to combine two or more amounts to find the total
• Subtracting means to take away one or more amounts from what we started with
• Use our fingers, objects and tens and ones to help us add and subtract
• Use addition to check our subtraction and subtraction to check our addition
• Acting out story problems can help us understand what we need to figure out
• Use the hour and minute hand to tell time
• Keep track of events by using a calendar
• Measure weight, length and temperature using tools
Objective and Learning Goals
y Group shapes by their attributes and properties including the number of sides.
y Write the number of sides for each shape.
y Continue the pattern using shapes.
y Square - shape with 4 equal sides, 4 right angles
y Triangle - shape with 3 sides, 3 angles
y Rectangle - shape with 4 sides and 4 right angles
y Pattern - things that repeat in a logical way; AB patterns, ABC Materials
y Paper
y Pencils
y Blue square
y Yellow rectangle
y Light blue pentagon
y Green hexagon
y Dark pink circle
y Bright pink triangle
y Pocket chart (or chart paper and tape)
y Pattern blocks
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Go on a shape hunt outside or in the classroom. Students look for shapes while walking around. When students find a shape, they will draw the real-world object and label it with the twodimensional shape name.
Guiding Questions
1. What shapes did you find? [answers may vary]
2. Which shapes did you find the most of? [answers may vary]
3. What helped you to find each shape? [Counting the sides of the object; counting the corners; etc.]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the shape in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What shape is this? [triangle] Tell students to point to each side (straight lines connected by a corner or vertex) while you all count out loud (1…2…3). Ask students: How many sides are there on a triangle? [3]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to point to each side while you count out loud. Ask students: What is the first shape? [square] How many sides are there? [4] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Cut out or print a blue square, yellow rectangle, light blue pentagon, green hexagon, dark pink circle and the bright pink triangle. Randomly place the shapes on a pocket chart (or use tape on chart paper). Tell students to come up with a way to sort the shapes. Students may select to sort by size, color, shape, and so on. Move the shapes in the pocket chart to match the student groupings. After sorting the shapes with the students’ suggestions, tell students to sort the shapes by the number of sides. Ask students: How many sides does a rectangle have? [4] Point to the sides while counting. Continue for the rest of the shapes. Ask students: Which shapes can be grouped together by sides? [square and rectangle] Why? [they both have 4 sides] Which shape does not have any sides? [circle] Repeat for corners or vertices. Pass out pattern blocks to students. Tell them clues and have students hold up the shape that matches your clues.
Clue 1: My shape has 4 sides. 2 sides are long and 2 sides are short. What is my shape? [rectangle]
Clue 2: My shape has no sides. It is curved and has no corners. What is my shape? [circle]
Clue 3: My shape has 6 sides and 6 corners. What is my shape? [hexagon]
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to look for similarities when using shapes and making patterns.
Struggling Learners
Tell students to cross off the sides while counting them to keep track. Allow students to use the pattern blocks to interact with the shapes to feel the sides and corners or vertices.
Early Finishers
Students write their own clues for shapes on 10 note cards. Once done, students get into pairs. Students read their note cards to a partner. That partner must hold up the correct pattern block shape. The students switch roles.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for the riddle:
My shapes are similar. They both have the same amount of sides. They both have the same amount of vertices or corners. One of the shapes has short and long sides. What are my two shapes?
Ask students: What shapes have the same amount of sides? [square and rectangle] How many sides do they have? [4] A square is considered a rectangle, but a rectangle is not considered a square. Why? [a square has to have 4 equal sides but a rectangle can have either]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Write the two-digit number by counting tens rods and unit cubes.
y Find which two-digit number is worth more.
y Tens - groups of 10 units, the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
y Ones - a single unit, the digit on the far right in a whole number
y Chart paper
y Marker
y Dice
y Tens rods
y Unit cubes
y Deck of cards numbers 1 through 9
y Paper
y Pencils
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
On chart paper, draw two columns. In the left column, draw tens rods and unit cubes for 5 different numbers. In the right column, write the matching numbers for the place value drawings but in random order. Have students find the matching number for each image. Call on a student to draw the line to match the picture to the number. Example chart:
Let’s learn!
Guiding Questions
1. Which number has the most tens? [80]
2. Which number has the least amount of tens? [13]
3. Which number is worth the most? [80] How do you know? [it is worth the most; it has more tens; etc]
Look at the image in Let’s Learn. Remind students that 1 ten rod is equal to 10 unit cubes. So the more tens a number has, the more it is worth.
Move on to Try it Together and look at the tens rods and unit cubes. Skip count by tens for the rods and count on by ones for the cubes with students (10… 20... 30…. 40… 50…60…61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68). Ask students: What is the number shown? [68] Ask students: Is 68 more or less than 58? [more] Why? [because it has more tens] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together.
Roll a die once for the tens place value. Have students take out that many rods. Next, roll the die for the ones place value. Have students take out that many cubes. Ask students: What is my number? [answers depend on the dice numbers] Roll two times again and have students build the next number. Have students compare the two numbers they built. Ask students: Which one is worth more? [answers depend on the numbers rolled] Which one is worth less? [answers depend on the numbers rolled] How do you know? [answers depend on the numbers rolled]
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to skip count by tens for the tens rods and count on by ones for the unit cubes.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to build each number with rods and cubes.
Early Finishers
Students flip over two cards from a deck. On a piece of paper, students draw rods and cubes for the two-digit number. Then, students add ten more and write their new number.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve for which is more: 68 or 86.
Ask students: How many tens are in 68? [6] How many tens are in 86? [8] Which has more tens? [86] So, which is worth more? [86]
Play Place Value Competition to practice comparing two-digit numbers. p. 334
Level A Chapter 14-3
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve addition and subtraction sentences with numbers from 0 to 20.
y Add - to bring two or more numbers together to make a total; counting up to make more
y Subtract - take away from the amount you start with Materials
y Note cards
y Pencil
y Paper
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase makers
y Number lines
y Ten frames
y Counters
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Students get a note card and draw a plus sign on one side of the card and a subtraction sign on the other side of the card. Next, draw 5 circles and 4 more circles on the board. Students hold up their note card to show either the addition or subtraction symbol to match the drawing. Students hold up their note cards to show whether the drawing is addition or subtraction (students should hold up the addition symbol). Next, draw 10 circles and cross off 2. Students hold up their note cards to show whether the drawing is addition or subtraction (students should hold up the subtraction symbol).
Guiding Questions
1. Why is this problem addition (5 and 4 more)?
[because you added or drew more circles]
2. How do you know it is subtraction (10 take away 2)?
[because you took away or crossed off circles to have less]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Look at the ten frames in Let’s Learn. Ask students: How are these two problems similar? [They have the same whole; they have the same parts; etc.] How are they different? [one is addition and the other is subtraction] How do you know which one is subtraction? [it starts with the whole and takes away a part]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to first circle the symbol to determine if it is addition or subtraction. Look at number 1. Ask students: What type of number sentence is this? [addition] Tell students to trace the circles to solve for the sum. Ask students: What is 7+7? [14] Tell students to write the sum. Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Put students into pairs. Each student writes either an addition sentence or a subtraction sentence on their dry-erase boards. Students switch boards and solve their partner’s number sentence (students may draw circles to help solve or use any strategy they prefer). Students continue writing number sentences and trading boards to solve.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to circle the number sentence symbol first to see if it is addition or subtraction.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use a number line, ten frames and/or counters to help them solve the addition and subtraction problems. Ask students their preference of tools or strategies to help solve the problems.
Early Finishers
Students write 20 addition sentences on a piece of paper (with the sum blank). Then, students set a timer for 1 minute and see how many of their addition sentences they can solve in one minute. Repeat for subtraction sentences. Then, repeat for mixed addition and subtraction sentences.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem.
Jim has 19 umbrellas. 6 umbrellas break. How many are left?
Ask students: What type of number sentence should we write for this problem? [subtraction] How do you know? [the umbrellas break so they are taken away] What is the subtraction sentence? [19-6=__] What is the difference? [13]
Common Errors
Students may add for all of the problems or subtract for all of the problems.
Tell students to solve the problems on their dry-erase boards
6+7=__ [13] 9-1=___ [8] 10+8=___ [18] 20-5=___ [15]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Count on for the skip counting rule and extend the sequence.
y Recognize and describe patterns on the hundreds chart.
y Use the hundreds chart to find missing numbers.
y Sequence - when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
y Hundreds chart
y Blue, green and red crayons
y Note cards
y Pencils
y Paper
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Pass out hundreds charts to students (display your own hundreds chart as well for students to follow along). Tell students to take out a green, blue, and red crayon. With students, skip count by 2’s out loud while pointing to the numbers on the hundreds chart. Tell students to color each number they say while skip counting by 2. (For example, color 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12…etc in green.) Next, tell students to skip count by 5’s, coloring each number they say with a blue crayon (for example, color 5, 10, 15, 20…etc. in blue). Finally, tell students to skip count by 10’s, coloring each number they say with a red crayon (for example, color 10, 20, 30, 40…etc. in red).
Guiding Questions
1. What patterns do you see on the hundreds chart when we skip counted by twos?
[The numbers are all in 5 rows]
2. What patterns do you see on the hundreds chart when we skip counted by fives?
[The numbers are in the 5 column and 10 column]
3. What patterns do you see on the hundreds chart when we skip counted by tens?
[The numbers are all in the 10 column]
4. What do the 3 skip counting patterns have in common?
[They all share numbers in the 10 column]
Look at the number line in Let’s Learn. Tell students that you are going to figure out Flash’s skip counting rule by counting up between each number. With students, start at 84 and put up a finger for each number you count up. Stop counting when you reach the number 86 (85…86). Ask students: How many fingers are you holding up? [2] Repeat for 86 to 88. Ask students: How many fingers are you holding up? [2] What is the skip counting rule? [skip count by 2] Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to first figure out the skip counting rule by finding two numbers that are next to each other on the number line. Ask students: What two numbers on the number line can we use to help us figure out the skip counting rule for number 1? [28 and 30] Tell students to count up from 28 to 30 while putting a finger up for each number they say. Ask students: How many fingers did you put up? [2] What is the skip counting rule? [skip count by 2] Now tell students to return to the beginning of the number line and skip count by 2, filling in missing numbers as they count (20..22…24…26…etc.). Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Students use their hundreds chart (used in pre-warm up) to find the mystery number based on the clues you provide.
Clue 1: You say my number when you skip count by fives. My number is more than 8 but less than 12. Draw a circle on my number. [10]
Clue 2: You say my number when you skip count by twos. My number is more than 22 but less than 26. Draw a star on my number. [24]
Clue 3: You say my number when you skip count by tens. 49 is one less than my number. 51 is one more than my number. Draw a triangle on my number. [50]
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to use their hundreds chart patterns to help them solve for missing numbers.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use a completed hundreds chart for independent practice. This will allow them to reference the completed hundreds chart to find the missing numbers.
Early Finishers
Students get 10 note cards. On the note cards, students write their own clues to find mystery numbers on the hundreds chart. For example, students write “You say my number when you skip count by twos. It is more than 63 but less than 65. What is my number?” After writing clues, students trade cards with a partner and find their numbers on their hundreds chart. Students write the answers on the back of their partner’s note cards.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to find the missing numbers on the number line.
Ask students: What is the skip counting rule? [skip count by tens] How do you know? [the last three numbers count up by 10] What are the missing numbers? [0, 10, 20] How do you know it starts at 0? [work backwards from 30. 10 less than 30 is 20. 10 less than 20 is 10. 10 less than 10 is 0]
Play Roll and Race to number recognition. p. 335
When looking for a missing number on the hundreds chart, students may write the number next to it. For example, if 9 is missing, students may write 8 (7…8…8...10 instead of 7…8…9..10).
Tell students to draw the number line on their paper and to fill in the missing numbers.
[14, 16, 22]
Level A Chapter 14-5
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve double-digit subtraction story problems.
y Solve double-digit addition story problems.
y Addition sentence - numbers, a plus sign and an equal sign used together to show addition
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Tens rods
y Unit cubes
y Paper
Let’s learn!
Joshua grew 67
Then he ate 15 of the How many does Joshua have left over?
Timothy picked 25
Then he picked 24 more . How many did Timothy pick in all?
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Read double-digit story problems to students. Tell students to visualize or picture what is happening. Then, tell students to think about which operation, addition or subtraction, they would use to solve the story problem. Finally, tell students to show you a plus sign (with their arms crossed) or a subtraction sign (with one arm horizontal) to show which operation they would use.
Story problem #1: Mark has 38 butterflies. 12 fly away. How many butterflies are left over? [subtraction]
y Pencils Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Ezra saw 16
Then he saw 23 more . How many did Ezra see?
Story problem #2: The farmers have 95 strawberries. They find 2 more. How many strawberries do they have in all? [addition]
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know that story problem #1 is a subtraction problem?
[This shows subtraction, because there is a whole amount of butterflies and a part of them fly away or are taken away]
2. How do you know that story problem #2 is an addition problem?
[This shows addition, because there are two smaller parts of strawberries that can be combined to find the whole amount]
Read the story problem to students in Let’s Learn. Ask students: What do you picture happening in this problem? [There are 67 carrots and a part of them are taken away because they are eaten] What type of operation do we use to solve this problem? [subtraction] Tell students that the picture of carrots shows groups (or rows) of ten carrots like ten rods and then single carrots like unit cubes. This represents 6 tens and 7 ones for the number 67. Then, it shows 1 group of ten and 5 single carrots being crossed off for the number 15. Ask students: How many are left over? [52 carrots] Check the answer by skip counting by tens and counting on by ones (10…20…30…40…50…51…52). Move on to Try it Together. Read the story problem to students. Ask students: What do you picture happening in this problem? [There are 25 blueberries and more are put into the basket] What type of operation do we use to solve this problem? [addition] Tell students that the image shows 25+24 by showing groups of tens and ones. Count
the groups of ten with students and then count on the remaining blueberries (10 …20…30…40…41…42…43…44…45… 46…47…48…49]. Ask students: How many blueberries are there in all? [49 blueberries] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Read a story problem to students. Tell students to picture the story problem, decide the operation (addition or subtraction), write the number sentence on their dry-erase boards and solve. Remind students to draw tens rods and unit cubes to help solve the double-digit number sentences.
Story problem #1: Matthew has 24 apples. He eats 3. How many does he have left? [21 apples]
Story problem #2: Mark has 85 crayons. He buys 10 more. How many does he have in all? [95 crayons]
Story problem #3: John saw 36 animals. He finds 12 more. How many animals did he see? [48 animals]
Kaiden had 25 . Then his friend gave him 13 more . How many does Kaiden have now?
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use ten rods and unit cubes to solve problems in Try it Together, the activity and independent practice. Tell students to act out the problem using their ten rods and unit cubes.
Early Finishers
Ezekiel had 35 . Then his friend ate 20 of the . How many does Ezekiel have left?
Garrison had 17 . Then his brother gave him 12 more . Now how many does Garrison have?
Students write 3 of their own double-digit story problems on a piece of paper. Students trade their papers with a partner to solve. Students draw a picture to represent their partner’s story problems, write number sentences and solve for the answers.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to solve the story problem. Jim has 19 marbles. 7 roll away. How many does Jim still have? [12]
Ask students: What type of operation would you use to solve this problem? [subtraction] What is the subtraction sentence for the problem? [19-7=12]
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to picture the problem first and to then decide if its addition or subtraction.
Students may automatically add the two numbers seen in the story problems without reading and visualizing the problem.
Tell students to read the story problem, write the number sentence and solve.
Tim has 47 pencils. 22 of them break. How many are left? [47-22=25]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Solve double-digit subtraction problems.
y Solve double-digit addition problems.
y Use addition to check subtraction.
y Use subtraction to check addition.
y Addition sentence - numbers, a plus sign, and an equal sign used together to show addition
y Subtraction sentence - numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction
y Dry-erase boards
y Dry-erase markers
y Tens rods
y Unit cubes
y Paper
y Pencils
y Note cards
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Write the problem 9-4=__ on the board. Tell students to solve for the difference. Ask students: What is 9-4 equal to? [5] Next, tell students to check the subtraction problem with a related fact addition sentence. Ask students: What is the related fact addition sentence? [4+5=9] Is the answer correct to 9-4? [yes]
Guiding Questions
1. How do you know what the addition sentence would be to check the subtraction sentence?
[Use the whole and parts from the subtraction sentence. The whole is the larger number, and the parts are the two smaller numbers.]
2. How do you know if the answer to the subtraction problem is correct by using addition?
[If the two parts add up to the whole from the subtraction problem, then the subtraction problem is correct.]
Look at the subtraction sentence in Let’s Learn. Tell students to count the remaining tens and ones in the image. Ask students: What is 38-13 equal to? [25] Ask students: What are the two parts for this subtraction sentence? [13 and 25] What is the whole? [38] Tell students that they can check their answers by making sure their parts combine to make the same whole. Ask students: Do 13 and 25 equal the whole, 28? [yes] Move on to Try it Together. Tell students to find the subtraction problem’s matching tens and ones image. Next, write the difference. Finally, tell students to check their work by making sure the parts combine to make the correct whole. Start with number one and have students point to the matching tens and ones image. Ask students: What is the difference for 55-23? [32] Do the parts combine to make the same whole (55)? [yes] How do you know? [Look at the image and count the tens and ones left over and the tens and ones taken away to find the whole amount of tens and ones] Repeat for the rest of Try it Together
Write the addition sentence 31+12=__ vertically on the board. Tell students to solve by drawing tens and ones on their dry-erase boards. Ask students: What is the sum? [43] Now, tell students to check their work by looking at the parts and whole. Ask students: What is the whole? [43] What are the parts? [31 and 12] If you take away a part from the whole, does it equal the other part? [yes] Repeat with the addition sentence 42+27 and the subtraction problem 59-18. For each problem, make sure students think about whether the whole and parts make sense when subtracting them from each other and adding them together.
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to check that their two parts are equal to the same whole.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use ten rods and unit cubes to solve problems in Try it Together and independent practice. Once students have solved the addition or subtraction problem with their ten rods and unit cubes, have them do the reverse operation. For example, in number 1 of Try it Together, students solved 55-23=32. With their tens rods and unit cubes, tell students to put back the part (2 tens rods and 3 unit cubes) to see if it still equals the whole (55).
Early Finishers
Students write 5 double-digit addition sentences on note cards. On 5 other note cards, students write 5 related double-digit subtraction sentences. Students mix the cards up, flip them over face down and spread them out. Students flip over two cards at a time to find a matching addition and subtraction sentence. Once students have found a match, they solve for both the sum and difference.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to check the subtraction problem to see if it is correct.
Ask students: Is the difference correct? [no] Why not? [The difference should be 33] How do you know it is incorrect? [Because 13+36= 49 which is not the same whole number as the subtraction problem has (46)]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Use a calendar to write the date.
y Use a calendar to find and write important dates.
y Use a digital and analog clock to write the time.
y Digital clock - a display of the time in numbers only, no hands
y Calendar - tells time by giving the month, day and year; a chart or system that organizes days, weeks, months and year
y Clock
y Calendar
y Picture of a clock
y Picture of a calendar
y Construction paper
y Paper fasteners
y Markers
y Blank 6x7 grid
y Paper
y Pencil
Let’s learn!
Pre-Lesson Warm-up Guiding Questions
Show students a clock and a calendar. Remind students that both the clock and the calendar show time in different ways. Place a picture of a clock on one side of the classroom and a picture of a clock on the other side of the classroom. Tell students a scenario about time. Tell students to walk to the side of the classroom with the tool that was used to help in the scenario.
Scenario #1: Bob had to be at school at 7:30am. How does he know how much time he has left to get to school? [clock]
Scenario #2: The sports game is on the first Tuesday in May. How does the team know the date of the game? [calendar]
Guiding Questions
1. How are these two tools similar? [they both help to measure time]
2. How are these two tools different? [A clock measures time to the second, minute and hour. A calendar measures time to the day, week and month]
Look at the image of the clock and calendar in Let’s Learn. Flash is using his clock to determine what time Joshua has his appointment. Flash is using the calendar to see the day and date of Joshua’s appointment.
Look at Try it Together with students. Go through the prompts in the Teacher’s Notes section with students and continually reference the calendar.
Have students create their own clock and calendar.
For the clock, pass out a circle (cut from construction paper), a long arrow (cut from construction paper), a short arrow (cut from construction paper), a paper fastener and a marker to each student. Tell students to write their numbers from 1 to 12 around the clock. Then, tell students to line up their two arrows and to connect the arrows in the center of the clock with the paper fastener. Students can then use their clocks with a partner by telling each other a time and showing it on their clocks.
For the calendar, pass out a blank 6x7 grid paper. Students can choose the month and which day the 1st of the month begins on. Students fill in the days of the week and the dates on the calendar. Students can then add their own important dates to the calendar.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to reference their clocks they made for help.
Struggling Learners
Allow students to use their clocks to help with independent practice. Allow students to use a ruler to help them line up their hour hands and short hands while drawing the clocks.
Early Finishers
Students use their clocks that they made, dice, paper and pencils. Students roll the dice and use that number as the hour hand. Students then decide if they want the time to be to the hour or the half hour. Students finally write down their time on a piece of paper. Students roll again.
Challenge and Explore
Tell students to write the date:
I am the day after Wednesday. I am on the 7th day of the month. I am in the month after April. I am in the month before June. What’s my date?
Ask students: What is the date? [Thursday, May 7th]
Objective and Learning Goals
y Find the length of an object using a ruler.
y Find the weight of an object using a scale.
y Find the temperature of an object using a thermometer.
y Weight - a measure of how heavy something is
y Length - how long or short something is
y Temperature - how hot or cold something is; measured in degrees Fahrenheit (OF) or Celsius (OC)
y Note cards
y Crayons
y 10 different (small) objects
y Rulers
y Scales
y Thermometers
y Pencil
y Paper
Pre-Lesson Warm-up
Guiding Questions
Students draw a picture of a scale, a ruler, and a thermometer on 3 different note cards. Read a scenario to students and ask them to hold up the tool picture they would use for the situation. Scenario #1: I want to measure the length of my foot to see which shoe to buy. What tool do I need? [ruler]
Scenario #2: A veterinarian wants to see how much a dog weighs to see if he is healthy. What tool does the vet need? [scale]
Scenario #3: I need to know the temperature outside so I can pick the right clothes for the day. What tool do I need? [thermometer]
Guiding Questions
1. Why are these tools important? [they help to measure different things]
2. What unit do rulers measure? [inches]
3. What unit does a scale measure? [pounds]
4. What unit does a thermometer measure? [degrees Fahrenheit]
Introduce the Lesson (Try it Together)
Ask students: What are the two measuring tools Flash is using in Let’s Learn? [A scale and a ruler] Remind students that a scale measures weight in pounds and a ruler measures length in inches. Ask students: How much does the bag of apples weigh? [13 pounds] How long is the apple? [4 inches] What did Flash remember to do when he placed his ruler next to his object? [he put the end of the object at the zero marking on the ruler]
Move on to Try it Together. Tell students they will continue finding the measurements of different objects using either a ruler, scale or thermometer.
Set up 10 (or more) different stations around the classroom. At each station put an item and a measuring tool. Students will walk around with a partner to each station and measure the item there. They will write the object and its measurement down on their paper. For example, put a ruler and a marker at station 1. Students go to station 1, measure the length of the marker and write the object and its length (in inches) down on their paper. Then, students go to station 2.
Apply and Develop Skills (Practice)
Continue working through the rest of the Try it Together and independent practice. Remind students to line up the ruler or the red line on the thermometer to find the correct measurement.
Struggling Learners
Work with students to help them line up the ruler and the thermometer.
Early Finishers
Students get a ruler and go on a hunt around the room. They measure various items they find and write the object and its measurement down on a piece of paper.
Challenge and Explore
Ask students to solve the story problem.
The veterinarian measured a kitten’s weight on Monday. The kitten weighed 14 pounds. The next week, the kitten grew more and weighed 16 pounds. How many pounds did the kitten grow?
Ask students: What tool did the vet use to measure the kitten’s weight? [scale] How will you solve for the number of pounds the kitten grew? [Subtract the kitten’s two weights to find the difference] How many pounds did the kitten grow? [2 pounds]
Play Guess My Sorting to practice recognizing how objects or things are sorted by measurement. p. 334
Common Errors
Students may not align the zero on the ruler with the end of the object.
Tell students to draw a line to match the measurement to the appropriate tool.
Chapter assessments cover skills learned throughout the chapter. Use lesson 8 to help students review and prepare for the assessment and go over questions students might have. Review the previous lessons and help students practice skills covered in the chapter.
Tips for administering the assessment
y Read the Teacher Notes at the bottom of the page.
y Make sure you have enough copies for each student.
y Be prepared with sharpened pencils and other tools if needed.
y Have students clear their desk and wait quietly. When passing out the tests, remind students not to begin until you tell them to.
y Tell students to write their name and date on the test and put their pencils down.
y Help students understand the reasons for assessments or tests. An assessment is a way to show what you know. The test helps both the student and the teacher see what skills they know and what skills they may need to review.
y Read the instructions out loud with the students and work through example problems; point out which problems may take longer or include more than one step. For example, some problems may need a picture and an answer.
y Remind students to take their time and show their work as they work independently to complete the assessment.
y Tell students that when they are finished, they should look over their work and then turn their paper over.
y It’s a good idea to have students check back over their work one more time before turning it in.
y If a student gets stuck, you can have them reread the problem or read the problem with you. Tell them to try their best, find important information in the problem, and come up with an answer. Remind them to think about what the chapter was about. All assessments were designed and derived from the lessons of that chapter.
Level A assessments are scored out of 4 points.
4 out of 4 Student demonstrates a strong understanding of the chapter skills
3 out of 4 Student has a solid understanding of skills in the chapter and may need review of a specific skill or made a mistake in calculations
2 out of 4 Student has a basic understanding of most skills but may need assistance or rushed through the work
1 out of 4 Student is missing skills from the chapter and needs assistance or extra review
0 out of 4 Student does not have an understanding of the skills covered in the chapter and will need review
Level A I Chapter 1 ASSESSMENT
1.OA.5: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.1)
1.OA.6: Sums through 10 using 2 numbers (Lesson 1.1/1.2)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.4)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.6)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.3)
1.OA.5: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.1/1.2)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.3)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.5)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.7)
1.OA.6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 1.5)
Total students assessed Teacher's notes
Level A I Chapter 2 ASSESSMENT
Fluently add and subtract within 5. (Lesson 2.1)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.3)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.5)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.7)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20.
1.OA.3/6: Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. (Lesson 2.2)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.4)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.6)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 2.8)
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20.
Total students assessed
Teacher's notes
Level A I Chapter 3 ASSESSMENT
Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 3.1)
Add and subtract within 20 (Lesson 3.3)
Comparing Numbers 0 to 20 More Than and Equal To (Lesson 3.5)
Extend the counting sequence. (Lesson 3.7)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
1.OA.5/6: Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 3.2)
Comparing within 0 to 20 Using Objects and Shapes (Lesson 3.4)
Extend the counting sequence. (Lesson 3.6)
Addition within 0 to 15 Using Objects and Shapes (Lesson 3.8)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Level A I Chapter 4
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 4.1)
Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 4.3)
Understand place value. (Lesson 4.5)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 4.7)
Add and subtract within 20.
Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 4.2)
1.NBT.3/4 Adding Ten and Some More (Lesson 4.4)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 4.6)
Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 4.8)
Add and subtract within 20.
Level A I Chapter 5 ASSESSMENT
Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction. (Lesson 5.1)
Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction (Lesson 5.3)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 5.5)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 5.7)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction (Lesson 5.2)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 5.4)
Work with addition and subtraction equations. (Lesson 5.6)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (Lesson 5.8)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Total students assessed
Teacher's notes
Level A I Chapter 6 ASSESSMENT
Extend the
(Lesson 6.1)
Use place value understanding
Understand place
Understand place value. (Lesson 6.7)
Understand place value.
Extend the counting sequence. (Lesson 6.1)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 6.4)
Understand place value. (Lesson 6.6)
Understand place value. (Lesson 6.8)
Understand place value. (Lesson 6.5)
Level A I Chapter 7 ASSESSMENT
Use Place Value
Understanding to Add (Lesson
Use Place Value
Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.3)
Use Place Value Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.5)
Use Place Value Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.7)
Represent and solve problems involving addition. (Lesson 7.8)
Use Place Value Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.2)
1.NBT.4/5 Use Place Value Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.4)
Use Place Value Understanding to Add (Lesson 7.6)
Represent and solve problems involving addition. (Lesson 7.8)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (Lesson 7.8)
Level A I Chapter 8 ASSESSMENT
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.1)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.3)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.5)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.7)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.8)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.2)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.4)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.6)
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.8)
Solve problems involving addition and subtraction.
Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 8.8)
Level A I Chapter 9 ASSESSMENT
Tell and write time. (Lesson 9.1)
Tell and write time. (Lesson 9.3)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 9.5)
Know number names and the count sequence. (Lesson 9.7)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 9.6)
Tell and write time. (Lesson 9.2)
Tell and write time. (Lesson 9.4)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 9.6)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 9.8)
Tell and write time. (Lesson 9.4)
Level A I Chapter 10 ASSESSMENT
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.1)
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.3)
3.MD.2 Solve problems involving measurement and estimation. (Lesson 10.5)
Introducing and Understanding Temperature (Lesson 10.7)
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.8)
Determine the length of the object below using pennies
Teacher's notes
Determine the length below.
Choose the option that represents the order of the objects from lightest to heaviest.
Choose the temperature that is the coldest.
Determine the length below.
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.2)
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.4)
3.MD.2 Solve problems involving measurement and estimation. (Lesson 10.6)
Measuring lengths. (Lesson 10.8)
Introducing and Understanding Temperature (Lesson 10.7)
Level A I Chapter 11 ASSESSMENT
Reason with shapes and their attributes (Lesson 11.1)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.3)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.5)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.7)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.7)
Total students assessed
Teacher's notes
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.2)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.4)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.6)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.8)
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 11.1)
Level A I Chapter 12 ASSESSMENT
1.MD.4 Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.3)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.5)
1.MD.4 Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.7)
1.MD.4 Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.8)
1.MD.4 Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.6)
1.MD.4 Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 12.6)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.1)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.3)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.5)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.7)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.2)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.4)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.6)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.8)
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.7) Bonus problem:
Work with time and money. (Lesson 13.7)
Level A I Chapter 14 ASSESSMENT
Reason with shapes and their attributes. (Lesson 14.1)
Add and subtract within 20. (Lesson 14.3)
Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction. (Lesson 14.5)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 14.7)
Represent and interpret data. (Lesson 9.6)
Understand place value. (Lesson 14.2)
1.NBT.1 Extend the counting sequence. 1.NBT.5 Use place value understanding to add and subtract. (Lesson 14.4)
Use place value understanding to
and subtract. (Lesson 14.6)
1.NBT.6 Use
and subtract. (Lesson 8.2)
Game resources
Blank Bingo Grid (5x5)
Number Cards 0-9 (to cut out)
Number Cards 11-20
Symbol cards + - =
Blank Number Line 0-10
5 frames
10 frames
Domino cards, with dots and blanks
Hundreds Chart
Pattern blocks
Construction paper
Note cards
Beach balls or other large ball to toss back and forth
Number line 0-20
Clothes pins or tongs
Number line with only the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 written
Demonstration clock
Circle divided into 4 parts to make a spinner
Game resources
Number Bingo
Material Bingo grid (5x5) with the numbers 0 to 5 drawn or written in different forms (pictures, words, numbers, tallies, etc). (Possible Printable) Counters
Instructions Provide each student with a bingo grid (make sure there are different versions of the grids) and counters. Call out a number (from 0 to 5). Students find the number, picture, tallies, etc. for the number called on their board and cover it up with a counter on their bingo grids. They should only cover up one space even though there may be multiple spaces with the number called. The teacher can call out the same number multiple times. The first student to get 5 numbers in a row wins.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to make sure students are covering up the number called.
Skills Number Recognition Counting
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R1_L1-4
Addition Tic-Tac-Toe
Material Tic-Tac-Toe grid (drawn on paper) Pencil Crayons
Instructions Each student gets a blank tic-tac-toe grid. Students write addition sentences in each blank spot of the tic-tac-toe grid. (Make sure students leave the sum blank and are adding numbers that equal no more than 5.) Students get with a partner and play tic-tactoe with their two boards. In order to draw an X or an O with their crayon, the student must solve for the sum in the spot first.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students write appropriate addition sentences in the grids. Make sure students are solving for the sum prior to writing and X or O.
Skills Addition Up to 5
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R1_L2-6
Addition Grab Bag
Material 2 brown paper bags / student 1 bag full of bears 1 bag full of linking cubes
Instructions Put students in partners. Each student grabs as many bears and linking cubes from their bags. Each student adds their bears and linking cubes together. Whichever student has a larger total or sum gets to keep all the bears and cubes.The winning student puts the bears and cubes in their bags to play again. Students play until one student has all of the bears and cubes. If time runs out before 1 student has all of the bears and cubes, the student with the most bears and cubes when time is up wins.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to make sure students are finding the correct sums.
Skills Adding
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R1_L3-8 LA_R1_L4-10
Subtraction Hopscotch
Material Chalk Dice
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students draw a hopscotch with the numbers 0 through 5 written in the separate boxes. One student rolls the dice two times. The other student subtracts the two dice numbers and puts a ball on hopscotch number. The student then hops on the hopscotch board (skipping over the number with the ball). Switch roles.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are starting with the larger number when subtracting. Allow students to use chalk to draw circles in order to find the difference.
Skills Subtraction Up to 5
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R1_L5-12 LA_R1_L6-14 LA_R1_L7-16
Story Problems Around the Room
Material 10 note cards with addition story problems or subtraction word problems written on them Paper Pencil
Instructions Hang up the story problem note cards around the room (with tape). Students walk around with paper and pencil. Students stop at a story problem, write the addition sentence or subtraction sentence, and solve for the sum or difference.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to make sure students are writing the addition or subtraction sentences correctly.
Skills Story Problems
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R1_L8-18
Roll a Sequence
Material Number line 0 - 10 Counters (2 different colors) Dice (2/group)
Instructions Students get into pairs and share a number line. Students take turns rolling two dice. They count up the number of dots on both dice and place a counter on that number on the number line (the two students should each have a different color of counters). If a student rolls a number that is already covered, they lose their turn. If they roll and get 11 or 12 they also lose their turn. The game ends when all numbers on the number line are covered. The winner is whoever has more counters of their color on the number line.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are covering the correct numbers.
Skills Sequence Number Order Numbers 0 to 10
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R2_L1-23 LA_R2_L2-25 LA_R2_L3-27
Skip Count to Catch
Material Beach ball or large ball
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students decide what number they'll use to skip count by (2's, 5's, 10's, etc.). Students toss the ball back and forth. As they toss the ball, they say the next number in their skip counting sequence (2, toss ball. 4, toss ball, etc.). If a student says the wrong number in their skip counting sequence, the students start over and the other students gets to choose which number they skip count by. Students skip count until someone messes up or they reach 100. If they make it to 100, they start over, skip counting by a different number and take turns choosing what to skip count by.
Teacher Guidance Students can choose any number to start with. Make sure students are saying their numbers out loud.
Skills Skip Counting
Race Car Number line
Material Note cards with more and less written on them (10) Dice Number Line (0 to 20) Toy car
Instructions Students get into pairs. Give student pairs one set of more or less note cards (face down), 1 dice, 2 cars, and 1 number line. Students take turns picking up a card and rolling the dice. The student moves their car the amount of spaces they rolled. But, if they pick up a card that says less, they move their car backwards on the number line. If they pick up a card that says more, they move forward on the number line. The first student that gets their car to the 20 is the winner. If time is up before either student reaches 20, the winner is whoever is at the highest number on the number line.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are moving forwards for more and backwards for less.
Skills Number line Adding Number line Subtracting One more/one less
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_R2_L6-33 LA_R2_L7-35 LA_R2_L8-37
Roll an Addition Sentence
Material Two dice Paper Pencil
Instructions Roll both dice. Write the two numbers in an addition sentence. Count up to solve. Write the sum.
Teacher Guidance Team play: See which student can get more number sentences in a set amount of time. Walk around monitoring student recorded answers. Make sure students aren't counting all of the dots. Make sure they are counting up to add.
Skills Fact practice Addition
Addition Duel
Material Deck of playing cards with only number cards from 1-9
Instructions Divide students into partners. Give the partners 1 deck of cards with only the number cards from 1-9. Divide the deck into two piles (one pile for each student in the partnership). Put the pile of cards face down on the floor or table. Tell students they will flip two cards over and find the sum of their two cards. Whichever student says the correct sum faster gets to take all of the cards and add them to their pile. Repeat until one student has all of the cards or until time is up. If time is up before 1 student has all of the cards, the student with the most cards wins.
Teacher Guidance As you walk around, make sure students are saying the correct sums for their cards. If a student struggles, provide them with pencil and paper to draw circles in order to find the sum.
Skills Fact practice Addition Sums to 10
Addition Hunt
Material 10 cards or sticky notes with vertical addition problems (sums up to 10) Paper Pencil
Instructions Hide vertical addition problem cards around the room (tape them on walls, on bookshelves, etc.) Give students a piece of paper and a pencil. Students go hunt for vertical addition problems around the room. Once they find a problem, students will write the vertical addition sentence on their paper and solve. Continue until all 10 problems have been found.
Teacher Guidance As students walk around solving problems, make sure they are writing the number sentences vertically and getting the correct sum.
Skills Vertical Addition Sums to 10
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C1-L4-47 LA_C1-L7-53
What's the Difference
Material Playing Cards (1 to 10)
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students split the deck of cards in half and put all of their cards in a pile face down. Students flip over a card at the same time. Students subtract the smaller number from the larger number and call out the difference. The student that calls out the correct difference first, keeps both playing cards. The student with all of the cards at the end, wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are solving the subtraction problem correctly (the larger number first). Students may need dry-erase boards and markers to draw their subtraction problems.
Skills Subtraction Differences with Numbers from 0 to 10
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C2_L1-59 LA_C2_L2-61 LA_C2_L3-63
Tic-Tac-Toe Subtraction
Material Blank tic-tac-toe board
Instructions Pass out a tic-tac-toe board to each student. Students fill in the blank spaces with subtraction sentences (using numbers 0 to 10). Students do not write in the difference yet. In partners, students play tic-tac-toe with their two boards. In order to draw a circle or x, students must solve the subtraction problem in the space first.
Teacher Guidance Allow students to use dry-erase boards, ten frames, linking cubes to solve for the difference.
Skills Subtraction Differences with Numbers from 0 to 10 Subtraction Sentences
Find the Difference Face Off
Material Dice Linking cubes
Instructions Students get into groups of 2. Each student rolls a dice. The students build a linking cube tower for the number they rolled on the dice. Students then compare their towers and find the difference. The student who had a bigger tower gets to keep the linking cubes. When time is up, the student with the most linking cubes wins.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to ask students what the difference would be if you subtracted another number.
Skills Subtraction Subtracting three Numbers
Race to 20
Material Chalk
Instructions Draw a number line on the playground from 0 to 20 with sidewalk chalk. Split the students into two teams and have each team stand in a line. The teacher calls out a number and the student at the front of the line for each team must race to that number. The student that reaches the number first gets a point for their team. Keep playing until a team reaches 15 points.
Skills Counting from 0 to 20
More or Less Dice Game
Material 10 note cards with more written on them
10 note cards with less written on them Number cards from 0 to 20
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students shuffle their number cards and place them in a pile face down. Students shuffle their more and less cards together and place them in a pile face down. Students take turns flipping over a more/less card and a number card. On dry-erase boards, students both write a number that is more or less (depending on what the card says) than the number card shown. The student with the quickest correct answer gets to keep the number card. The student with the most number cards when time is up wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students do not write 0 or 20 for each card. Their answers must vary between each turn.
Skills Comparing numbers from 0 to 20 Less than More than
More or Less Challenge
Material Deck of cards (numbers 1 through 10)
Instructions Students each split a deck of cards (with only numbers 1 through 10). Students place their own deck of cards face down in a pile in front of them. The students each flip over a card from their pile at the same time. The student with the card worth more gets to keep both cards. Students play until one player has all of the cards. If time runs out before 1 player has all cards, the student with the most cards when time is up wins.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to make sure students are comparing numbers accurately and finding which is more.
Skills Comparing Numbers
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C3_L5-85
Number Line Charades
Material Note cards with a skip counting rule Chalk Bucket
Instructions Students get in pairs and draw a number line from 0 to 20. Students put the note card rules in a bucket. Teachers put skip counting rules on the cards like Start at _____, skip count by _____ . One student takes out a skip counting rule and acts it out on the number line. (Stand on the starting number and then leap or hop along the line in to the skip counts.) The second student has to guess the skip counting rule. Switch roles.
Teacher Guidance Ask students follow up questions like: What number would come next in this sequence?
Skills Number lines Skip Counting Sequencing
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C3_L6-87 LA_C3_L7-89
Bowling for Addends or Differences
Material 10 empty water bottles or empty paper towel rolls Ball
Instructions On the bottles or rolls, write the numbers 1 through 10. Students set the bottles up like bowling pins. Students then roll the ball to knock down pins. Students add up the numbers on the pins to find their sum. Students get to rethrow if they do not knock over any pins. Students that knock over all of the pins can pick 3 of the highest numbers to add together. The student with the higher sum wins. If playing for differences, students subtract the highest number knocked down and the smallest number knocked down. The student with the greatest difference wins.
Teacher Guidance Students can use a dry-erase board to help them add or a number line.
Skills Adding Subtracting
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C3_L8-91 LA_C4_L1-95
Doubles Plus One Duel
Material Number line with only the numbers
3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 written / student Number cards 1-9 Counters
Instructions Students take turns picking a number card, doubling the number and adding one. Students cover the result of doubling and adding one on their number line with a counter. The first student to cover every number on the number line wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are doubling and adding 1. Provide students with linking cubes to help with the doubles plus one strategy.
Skills Doubles Doubles plus 1 Addition Strategies
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C4_L2-97 LA_C4_L3-99 LA_C4_L4-101 LA_C4_L6-105 LA_C4_L8-109
Race to 20
Material Chalk
Instructions Draw a number line on the playground from 0 to 20 with sidewalk chalk. Split the students into two teams and have each team stand in a line. The teacher calls out a number and the student at the front of the line for each team must race to that number. The student that reaches the number first gets a point for their team. Keep playing until a team reaches 15 points.
Skills Counting from 0 to 20
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C4_L5-103
Domino Fact check
Material Stack of dominoes Dry-erase boards Dry-erase markers
Instructions Students get into pairs and place all of their dominoes face down and spread out. Students flip over a domino. Student 1 writes the addition sentence and student 2 writes the subtraction sentence on their dry-erase boards. For example: If a student turned over a domino with 6 on one side and 4 on the other, the addition fact could be 4 + 6 = 10 or 6 + 4 = 10 and the subtraction fact could be 10 - 4 = 6 or 10 - 6 = 4. Students check to see if their sentences match. Students then reverse roles.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are using the same numbers as the domino. Make sure students are putting the numbers in the correct spots in their addition and subtraction sentences.
Skills Addition Subtraction Related Facts
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C4_L7-107
Eye Spy
Material 20 Googly Eyes (or other small objects) Dry-erase boards Dry-erase markers
Instructions Student 1 lays out as many eyes as they want. Student 2 counts them and writes that number on their dry-erase boards for their subtraction sentence. Students 2 closes their eyes. Student 1 hides some of the eyes behind their back. Student 2 opens their eyes, counts, and writes how many eyes are left as their answer to the subtraction sentence. This student then has to figure out how many were taken away (or the missing part). Switch rolls and keep playing.
Teacher Guidance Check to make sure students are writing the subtraction sentences correctly (#-___=#).
Skills Missing Part Subtraction
Pinching Missing Parts
Material Cotton balls Ten frames Clothespins or tongs Dice Dry-erase boards Dry-erase markers
Instructions Students get into partners. Students take turns rolling a dice. Students write the related fact subtraction sentences for the number they rolled always starting with 10 as the whole number. (For example, students roll a 4 so they write 10-4=__ and 10-__=4).
Students then have to use their clothes pins or tongs to fill in their ten frame with the cotton balls to show the missing part. Then, they write the missing part on their dry-erase board. The first student to finish, wins. Repeat and roll again.
Teacher Guidance Check to make sure students are using the clothes pins or tongs to pinch the cotton balls and place them in the squares. Make sure students are finding the missing parts using their ten frame.
Skills Missing Part Subtraction
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C5_L4-119 LA_C5_L5-121 LA_C5_L6-123
Story problems Hunt
Material 10 note cards with addition story problems or subtraction word problems written on them Paper Pencil
Instructions Hang up the story problem note cards around the room (with tape). Students walk around with paper and pencil. Students stop at a word problem, write the addition sentence or subtraction sentence, and solve for the sum or difference.
Teacher Guidance Walk around to make sure students are writing the addition or subtraction sentences correctly.
Skills Word Problems
Hundreds Chart Battleship
Material Hundreds chart Small counters Pencil
Instructions Students get into pairs facing away from each other. Each student has a hundreds chart in front of them. Students place 12 small counters of their hundreds chart in the groups of 2, 3 or 4. The counters must be in a row or column without skipping numbers. Students take turns guessing on which numbers their partner placed a counter. If the student hits a counter (or guesses a number where the counter is), the other partner says hit and gives the partner that counter. If the student misses a counter, then the other partner says miss. Students want to get all of the counters from their partner's hundreds chart.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are keeping track of hits to recognize patterns. Are the numbers increasing or decreasing by 10s? Are they going side to side by 1s?
Skills Number Patterns Sequencing Counting
Number Building
Material Base ten rods, blocks, dice, paper
Instructions Provide each student with a set of base ten rods and blocks/cubes. Give them two dice to roll the number they need to create. Challenge students to use the base ten rods and blocks to create bundles that represent the numbers they rolled. For example, if the first number rolled is 4, the student would use 4 base ten rods to represent the tens place. Then, if the second number is 2, the student would use 2 blocks to represent the one's place. The number is 42 represented by 4 base ten rods and two blocks. Once they finish creating the bundles, have them write the numbers on a piece of paper.
Variation You can also use cards with numbers instead of rolling the numbers and have students draw the card and build the number on it. You can also have students race against each other to build a specific number, for example, the first student who builds the number 14 wins.
Teacher Guidance And count! You can provide base ten rods and blocks in the center of a table and students can count out the blocks they need them. Make sure students are rolling a number and counting out the tens rods first. Then, they collect the unit blocks for the second roll. Watch for students to set up their rods and blocks next to each other to show tens and ones. Practice skip counting by tens.
Skills Place value Skip counting by tens Counting
Race to the Finish
Material Whiteboard and markers, dice, base ten rods and unit cubes (optional)
Instructions Divide the class into two teams. Have each team line up at the front of the room on one side of the whiteboard. Draw a finish line on the whiteboard, about 10 feet from the teams. Roll the dice to determine the first player for each team. The first player from each team will come to the front of the room and roll the dice. The number that is rolled represents the single-digit number in an addition problem. The teacher will then write the second number on the whiteboard (this should be a double-digit number). The first player will then use base ten rods and unit cubes (if desired) to find the sum of the two numbers. Once the player has found the sum, they will run to the finish line and write the answer on the whiteboard. The next player from their team will then repeat the process, rolling the dice and finding the sum of the two numbers. The first team to get all their players to the finish line and write the correct answer wins the round. Play multiple rounds, rotating the first player for each team each time.
Teacher Guidance Explain to the students that they need to work as a team, but students should be quiet while their teammate is completing the problem. Depending your class dynamics, you may want students to walk or tiptoe to the finish line. Encourage students to be supportive of one another and pay attention to every problem, even when it is not their turn.
Skills Counting Addition of 2-digit by 1-digit with and without regrouping
Race to 99
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students each get a deck of cards and place them in a pile face down. Students flip over a card and add it to their total value. The first student to get to 99 wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are adding correctly. If students need help, guide them to draw tens and ones to help add.
Skills Two-Digit Addition
Race to 0
Material Number cards 0-9 Dry-erase board Dry-erase markers
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students each get a deck of cards and place them in a pile face down. Students flip over a card and subtract it from the previous difference (start with the whole number 99). The first student to get to 0 wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are subtracting correctly. If students need help, guide them to draw tens and ones to help subtract.
Skills Two-Digit subtraction
Double Digit Subtraction Bingo
Material Bingo Grid Pencil
Instructions Provide each student with a blank bingo board (with a free space written). Tell students 25 differences (numbers) to fill in the blank spaces of the board at random. After filling out their boards, pass out counters to each student. Write a subtraction problem on the board. Students must solve the problem and search for the number on their BINGO board. Students cover the number once they find it. Repeat with more subtraction problems until someone covers 5 spaces in a row.
Skills Subtraction problems with differences less than 200 to increase fluency
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C8_L6-177
Hour-Time Match
Material a set of analog clocks showing each hour, and a set of digital times of each hour for each partner or group of three.
* Add a set of analog clocks and digital clocks showing time to the half hour for lesson 9.2
Instructions Get the two sets of cards to each group. Mix up the cards, and place them face down. The person with the next birthday goes first. The person turns over two cards. If they match (one analog and digital) they keep the cards and go again. If it is not a match, turn the cards back over and the next person goes. Winner has the most matches at the end.
Teacher Guidance Explain that the game is a memory game. Make sure students turn the cards back over in the place where they found them. If students have trouble making a match, remind them to keep track of where they saw each card even if it isn't their turn.
Skills Telling time on analog and digital clocks
Telling Time Bingo or Date Bingo
Instructions Students get a blank bingo grid and fill it in with times to the hour or half hour (with a free bingo space in the middle). Show students a time on the clock and if students have the time, they cover it on their bingo cards. Repeat until students have 5 times in a row. To play with Date Bingo, show students a calendar with one month (like just December or just May). Students select dates from the month and write them in random order in the bingo grid spaces (For example, students may write Monday, May 7th). Show students a date on the calendar and have them cover it on their bingo cards.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students write the times correctly in their bingo grids.
Skills Time to the Hour and Half Hour
I Spy Time
Material student clocks, record sheet with 4 columns
What is the time?
What was the time 30 minutes ago? What will the time be in 30 minutes? What will the time be in 1 hour?
Instructions Each student takes their clock and creates a time. They can make a time to the hour or to the half hour. Set the clocks around the room. Student partners walk around the room, look at the clocks, and write the answer to the questions. Encourage partners to find as many clocks as they can.
Teacher Guidance Help students create a time to the hour or half hour. Make sure students are walking, reading each time shown and answering all 4 questions for that clock. Tell students not to disturb or move the hands on the clocks that they visit.
Skills Time to the hour and half hour Elapsed time
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C9_L4-190
Ordinal Number Bump
Material 6 x 2 grid counters (two different colors) Dice
Instructions Students each write the ordinal numbers first through sixth on one side of the grid. Students take turns rolling the dice. Students place a counter on the ordinal number on their side of the grid that matches the dice number. For example, if a student rolls a 4, they would place a counter over the word fourth that they wrote on their side of the grid. If the student rolls a number that's already covered, they skip their turn. The first student to cover up all of their six ordinal numbers, wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students say the ordinal numbers out loud as they match them.
Skills Ordinal Numbers
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C9_L7-197
Race to measure
Material Rulers Scales Thermometers Cups Ice Water
Instructions Students get with a partner and find the same object to measure (both of their pencils, both of their crayons, etc.). Students race to measure the object and write the length on their dry-erase boards. The first student to finish writing the length wins. (Can be changed to play with thermometers or scales.) To play with thermometers, students race to test different cups of water (some water, some ice, etc.).
Teacher Guidance Students need to make sure they are properly measuring their items. Make sure students are placing their objects at the zero on the ruler first.
Skills Measurement Length Weight Temperature
Measure Me
Material Rulers, blocks, several objects of different lengths (e.g. pencil, book, toy car), dice, game board
Instructions Divide the class into pairs. Set up the game board by placing the objects and rulers in the center of the board. Each pair will take turns rolling the dice and moving their game piece the number of spaces indicated on the dice. When a player lands on a space, they must measure the length of the object on that space using a ruler or blocks. The player must then correctly order the lengths of all the objects on the board from least to greatest. If they are correct, they get a point. If they are incorrect, the next team can steal, and roll for their turn. The team with the most points at the end of the game, wins.
Variation For a more advanced version, have students order lengths in both inches and centimeters. For a more challenging version, have students order lengths with a variety of measuring objects.
Teacher Guidance You can set up the game board by laying objects out in a line or circle. Your game board can include any number of objects. When a player rolls, go the number of spaces indicated. On the next turn, if they are already on object 3, they can count on from 3, and circle back to 1 when they reach the last object. Make sure students are lining up the blocks carefully and starting at the 0 on the ruler.
Skills Standard and nonstandard measurement Using a ruler Length
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C10_L2-205
Match My Weight
Material Object pictures (e.g. toy ball, stuffed animal, apple, book, etc.) measuring scale, weight matching cards (can be made by hand or found online)
Instructions Print or make weight matching cards with pictures of different objects on one side and their corresponding weight (e.g. light, medium, heavy) on the other side. Cut out the cards and mix them up. Provide each student with a set of object pictures and a measuring scale. Students will use the scale to weigh each object and find the matching weight card. Students will then match the object picture to the corresponding weight card. As a class, students can share their findings and discuss the weight of each object.
Modifications Provide students with a smaller set of objects to match. (e.g. 2-3 objects)
Assessment Observe students during the activity and provide feedback on their understanding of weight concepts and ability to match objects to their corresponding weight.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are trying to make the scale balance. If you don't have actual objects or scales, students can match or compare cards and discuss which object is lighter or heavier and why.
Skills Measurement Weight
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C10_L5-211
Shape Bingo
Material Pattern blocks 5 rows x 5 column bingo grid with squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles drawn randomly in each space. (one bingo grid per student)
Instructions Provide each student with a bingo grid. Place rectangle, square, circle and triangle shapes (pattern blocks) in a brown paper bag. Pull a shape out and ask students the name of the shape. Students then mark off that shape on their bingo grid. The first student to get 5 shapes in a row wins.
Teacher Guidance After students have successfully labeled the shapes, start asking students to describe the sides and vertices before marking it on their bingo sheets.
Skills Shape Identification Shape Properties
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L1-221 LA_C11_L3-225 LA_C12_L1-239
Shape Memory Game
Material 12 Teacher created shape index cards (2 matching shape cards with a total of 6 sets)
Instructions In partners, students place all 12 cards facing down in a random order. They can create a group of 4 across and 3 down of the cards. One student flips over 2 cards at a time to see if they have a match. If they have a match, they keep the matching pair. If no pair is found, turn back over the cards, and let the other student have a turn. Students are looking for similarities in colors, pattern, size, etc.
Teacher Guidance Remind students to place cards back where they found them. Ask them to remember attributes such as number of sides. You can change up the matches and have students match shapes by size, shape or color. Students can also make their own cards for a matching game.
Skills: Pattern, Color, and Shape Identification
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L2-223
Equal or Unequal
Material T-chart labeled EQUAL and UNEQUAL, sticky notes (or construction paper) with different shapes drawn on each one, markers, paper bag, tape
Instructions Give each student a sticky note (or construction paper) with a shape already drawn on it. Have students draw a line to divide the shape into two parts (it can be in equal parts or not equal parts). When they are done have the students put the sticky notes in a paper bag. One at a time, students will draw a note from the bag and decide if the shape is divided into EQUAL or UNEQUAL halves. Have them explain their reasoning. (The halves are the same size, one part is bigger, one part is smaller, etc). Have them place it on the correct side of the t-chart.
Teacher Guidance Make sure there are shapes that are cut into equal halves and other shapes that are divided into unequal parts. You can show students how to fold the shapes to make parts. Walk around and listen as students articulate how the shapes are divided into parts.
Skills Equal and unequal parts Fractions Halves
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L4-227
Fraction Sort
Material Three column chart with headings HALVES, FOURTHS, UNEQUAL PARTS, many cut out shapes divided into 2 or 4 parts, equally and unequally, paper bag, tape
Instructions Have one student come up and draw a shape out of the bag. Have them decide if the shape is divided in halves, fourths, or unequal parts. Tape the shape in the column under the correct heading. If a student makes a mistake, or is unsure, they can ask a classmate for help.
Teacher Guidance You can start the game by giving students shapes to fold or divide into halves and fourths. Guide students to carefully make equal parts. Then give students shapes to fold or divide into unequal parts. This will help students understand equal and unequal before the game begins.
Skills Fractions Halves Fourths Equal and unequal parts
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L5-229
Swat it
Material 2 Fly swatters, classroom whiteboard, printable images of real world examples of 3D shapes (battery, block, garbage can, party hat, ice cream waffle cone, sports puck, marker, ruler, present, etc.) Print as many images as there are students.
Instructions Teacher will place 2 different images on the whiteboard next to each other. For example, the teacher may place printable images of a birthday present and a garbage can. Have 2 volunteers come up to the whiteboard and give each volunteer a fly swatter. Teacher will then say the name of a 3D shape like cylinder or rectangular prism. The student who swats and holds their fly swatter in place first over the correct real world example is the winner of the round. If there is a tie, ask each student to give another example of a real world item off the top of their head within a short amount of time. The teacher should change to a different 2 images on the whiteboard and have a new set of volunteers until all students have had a chance to participate.
Teacher Guidance Make sure all students are paying attention even if it is not their turn. Encourage students to think quickly, but swat carefully. If you do not have fly swatters, you can attach an index card to the end of a ruler. It is important to have something similar, because the game is quick and it is easy to determine who swats first.
Skills 3D shapes Attributes Geometry
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L6-231
Make the Face
Material Whiteboard, whiteboard marker, whiteboard eraser, variety of 3D real world items (Pencil cap, can of soup, domino, deck of cards, ice cream cone, party hat, tissue box, stack of napkins, etc.)
Instructions With a partner, each student needs their own whiteboard. Teacher assigns each student a number. Teacher writes student numbers on the classroom whiteboard and uses this as a scoreboard during the game. Teacher has all the 3D real world items hidden. Teacher brings out one item for the whole class to see. As quickly as possible, the students draw one of the face shapes of the item on their whiteboard and place the whiteboard in front of their own face. Teacher awards a point to whomever’s partner finishes first and is correct when drawing the face. If no one gets it correct, no point is awarded. If both students get it correct at the same exact time, both get a point. At the end of the game, whichever partner has the most points, wins the game.
Teacher Guidance Remind students about what a face is on a 3D shape. Make sure students hold up their boards so you can see the shape. Remind students to draw the shape large enough for you to see. Discuss times when students draw different face shapes but they are both correct.
Skills 3D shapes Faces 2D shapes
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L7-233
Race to Decompose 3D Shapes
Material Teacher prepared 3D composite images printed/drawn in advance, whiteboard, whiteboard markers
Instructions Teacher divides the class into 2 equal numbered teams (Team A and Team B). Each player from each team gets a number and a whiteboard.. Team A Player 1 competes with Team B Player 1 and so on. Teacher presents a 3D composite image to the student pair (Team A Player 1 vs. Team B Player 1). Each pair of students has to guess the number of shapes it takes to make the composite shape and write the number as quickly as they can on the whiteboard. The winner of each pair is the student who guesses the correct answer first. Winner of that pair gets a point for their team. Team with the most points wins the game.
Teacher Guidance You can prepare for this game by having composite shapes already printed or you can build shapes from blocks. If you don't have shapes prepared, you can roll a dice and challenge the players to build or draw a shape made up of that many shapes.
Skills 3D shapes Composite shapes
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C11_L8-235
Number Hunt the Room
Material Note cards
Instructions Draw different amounts of shapes or pictures on each note card (0 to 10). Students go around the room and find a note card. Students stop at a note card and write the number to match the amount drawn. Keep playing until all note cards are found.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are counting correctly and writing their numbers correctly.
Skills Counting Numbers 0 to 10 Writing Numbers
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C12_L3-243
Number Challenge
Material Playing cards with only numbers 1 to 5 (1 deck / student)
Instructions Put students in pairs. Students put all of their own cards face down in a pile in front of them. Students flip over a card with their partner at the same time. Whoever's card has a number worth more gets to keep both cards and puts them in the bottom of their pile. If students both pull the same number, they put the cards back in the bottom of their pile and draw again. Students play until one partner has all of the cards. If time runs out before 1 student has all of the cards, the students with the most cards when time is up, wins.
Teacher Guidance Walk around making sure students are finding the number that is more. Provide students with a dry-erase marker and board to draw both numbers if they are struggling to determine which is more.
Skills Comparing numbers More or Less
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C12_L7-251
Magazine Hunt
Material Magazines Scissors Construction paper
Instructions Provide students with a magazine and scissors. Provide them with a construction paper of a certain color. Direct students to hunt in the magazine for their given color. Once they find a picture, tell students to cut the picture out and glue it on their piece of paper. If playing with numbers, direct students to find pictures for their given number (a picture of the given number of objects) instead of color.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are matching colors correctly.
Skills Color Identification Number Identification
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C12_L8-253
Coin Bingo
Material Blank 5x5 Bingo grid Counters Coins
Instructions Students get a blank bingo grid and fill it in with coin values. Show students a coin or group of coins. If students have that total value of coins on their board, they cover it with a counter. The first student to get 5 in a row, wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are counting the coins correctly.
Skills Coins Counting Coins
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C13_L1-257
Race to $1.00
Material Circle divided into 4 equal pieces (penny, nickel, dime and quarter drawn in each spot) Pencil Paper clip Coins Paper
Instructions Students take turns using the paper clip and pencil to spin the circle. Put the pencil point in the center of the circle with a paper clip around it. Flick the paper clip so it spins around the pencil point. Whichever coin the spinner (paper clip) lands on, is the coin the student gets. Students take turns spinning the paper clip and getting coins to add to their previous total. The student to get to $1.00 first, wins.
Teacher Guidance Students have to keep track of their total value as they spin. Students cannot go over $1.00.
Skills Coins Counting Adding Different Coins
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C13_L4-263 LA_C13_L5-265 LA_C13_L6-267
Money Matching
Material 20 note cards (10 note cards have coins drawn on them. The other 10 note cards have the same values as their matching card but a different grouping of coins.)
Instructions Students shuffle the cards and flip them over face down and spread out. Students pick up two cards to see if their values match. If they have a match, they keep the cards. If not, they flip them back over. When all cards have been matched and picked up, the player with the most cards wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students count the coins' total value on each card to see if they match.
Skills Coins Counting Up
Level_Chapter_Lesson LA_C13_L7-269 LA_C13_L8-271
Guess My Sorting
Material Pattern blocks
Instructions Students group pattern blocks together and their partner has to guess what their sorting rule is. For example, students sort all of the shapes with 4 corners together. Students switch roles.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are using accurate vocabulary (like shape names, vertices, sides, etc.) to describe the objects.
Skills Shapes Properties
Place Value Competition
Material Deck of cards (numbers 1 through 9)
Instructions Students get into pairs. Students flip over two cards from their deck to make a double-digit number. They must put the digits down in the order that they drew them. The student with the greater double-digit number gets to keep all 4 cards and puts them on the bottom of their deck (face down). Students keep flipping cards until one student has collected all of the cards. If time runs out before one student has collected all of the cards, the student who has the most cards when time is up wins.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are finding the greater number (which is more). Allow students to use ten rods and unit cubes to help build their numbers to compare.
Skills Comparing Double Digits
Roll and Race
Material Dice Dry-erase boards
Instructions Students roll two numbers to make a double-digit number. They write their number down. Then, they roll two dice again to make a second double-digit number. Students add their two numbers together. The first student to find the correct sum wins that round. Keep track of how many rounds each student wins. The first to 10 wins is the champion.
Teacher Guidance Make sure students are adding correctly and using place value to help.
Skills Place Value Addition
Add to bring two or more numbers together to make a total; counting up to make more 3 R1-2
Addend any number added to another number 6 R1-2
Addition sentence numbers, a plus sign and an equal sign used together to show addition 10 R1-4
Bar model
Part Part Part Part
a rectangle cut into the number of pieces in the whole; part-part-whole visual model to represent the parts of a number sentence 112 5-1
Bar Graph
a graph using rectangular bars that can compare amounts
246 12-5
Calendar tells time by giving the month, day and year; a chart or system that organizes days, weeks, months and year 192 9-5
the smallest unit of money; penny is worth one cent; there are 100 cents in 1 dollar
a tool or table to organize data
256 13-1
238 12-1
Closed polygon has at least 3 sides, all sides are straight lines, lines connect to form a complete polygon. 220 11-1
Check work
use the opposite operation within the same fact family to be sure your answer is correct 106 4-7
round metal objects, money; di erent coins represent di erent values
256 13-1
Combine to put together or add in all 112 5-1
Compare check to see which number is bigger, smaller, or the same 140 6-6
Compose to put together
224 11-3
a 3D shape with a circular base that come to a point at the opposite end 230 11-6
Count list or name one by one in order to find total 4 R1-1
Count on
a beginning mental math addition strategy; start with the biggest number and then count up from there 4 R1-1
Cross out
a way to show how many we take away by drawing an X through an object 58 2-1
a 3D shape that has 6 square sides that are equal in size 230 11-6
a 3D shape that is a round object with a circle on each end 230 11-6
Data a collection of information
238 12-1
Date a specific day on the calendar; month/day/year to represent that point in time
287 14-7
24 hours; there are 7 days in a week 192 9-5
Decompose to take apart 224 11-3
Defining attributes of shape traits that are always true for the shape (number of sides, number of vertices, closed, and 2D)
Degree a unit used to measure temperature 214 10-7
Di erence the answer to a subtraction problem 168 8-2
Digital clock
04 : 00 a display of the time in numbers only, no hands 185 9-1
Dime (10¢) a coin worth 10 cents 256 13-1
Dollar value equal to 100 cents; can be made up of coins or a one-dollar bill 266 13-6
Fourth one part of an object or group that is cut into 4 equal parts
Graph a way to organize and represent data using pictures or bars 242 12-3
Greater than > Indicates a number is more than another number 142 6-7
Greatest largest in size, amount, degree, etc.; biggest 204 10-2
Hop a forward or backward movement on a number line to the next or previous number 8 R1-3
Horizontal a straight line, from left to right
Hour hand the short hand on the clock that points to and indicates the hour 184 9-1
Hundreds chart a 10 by 10 grid with all of the numbers from 1-100
Doubles fact 4 + 4 = 8 an addition fact where both addends are the same
= Equal exactly the same value or amount
Face clock a circle with 12 numbers around it with 2 hands that are used to tell time
Fahrenheit unit used to measure temperature
In all total, all together, sum; words to show addition 6 R1-2
Inches (in) a unit of length 206 10-3
Interpret to review data and use it to inform you 244 12-4
Key tell what the symbols in a picture graph represent 242 12-3
Least smallest size, amount, degree, etc.; slightest
Left over the amount you have after you take away
Length how long or short something is
204 10-2
12 R1-5
202 10-1
Less not as many; a smaller number or amount; a term used to compare number values
32 R2-6
Less than (<)
Indicates a number is less than another number
Minute hand the long hand on the clock that points to the minute
Month groups of 28-31 days; there are 12 months in a year
142 6-7
184 9-1
192 9-5
More a bigger number or greater amount; a term used to compare number values
Nickel (5¢) a coin worth 5 cents
Non-defining shape
26 R2-3
256 13-1
traits that could be true for any shape (color, size, pattern, direction of the shape) 222 11-2
Number line
helps put numbers in order; a tool to help with counting
8 R1-3
Number sentence 3 + 5 = 8 numbers and symbols used together to show a math problem
19 R1-8
Digits; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 set into place values 4 R1-1
O’clock 3:00 = 3 o 'clock what we say after the numbers when telling time to the hour
Ones a single unit; the digit on the far right in a whole number
184 9-1
136 6-4
Order 2, 4, 6, 8... the arrangement of things
22 R2-1
Open shape a shape with 3 or more sides but the sides do not connect to form a closed polygon.
Ordinal numbers
numbers used to show order - first, second, third, etc.
Part when a number is broken into pieces, one piece
things that repeat in a logical way
Penny (1¢) a coin worth 1 cent
Place Value
220 11-1
196 9-7
112 5-1
28 R2-4
256 13-1
the value represented by a digit in a number based on its position in the number
+ Plus sign
math symbol to show addition
148 7-1
6 R1-2
Pounds (lbs)
a unit used to measure measuring weight; 16 oz = 1 lb
Quarter (25¢)
a coin worth 25 cents 4 quarters = 1 dollar
Rectangle shape with 4 sides and 4 right angles
Rectangular prism
a 3D shape with 6 flat rectangular sides
Related facts the addition and subtraction facts that have the same whole and parts
Ruler a tool used to measure length
a tool used to measure weight 210 10-5
Sequence when things are put in a certain order: first, next, last
Sides straight lines that form shapes
Skip count counting forward by a certain number; keep adding the same number each time to the previous number.
Start with the amount you take away from in a subtraction problem
Story problems
word problems or problems that use stories to indicate mathematical application and thinking
Subtract take away from the amount you start with
Subtraction sentence 5 - 3 = 2 numbers, a subtraction sign, and an equal sign used together to show subtraction.
Take away the amount being subtracted in a subtraction
Tally Mark form of numeral used for counting ; bundled in groups of 5.
Temperature 32ºF how hot or cold something is; measured in degrees Fahrenheit (F)
Ten frame
a grid with 2 rows of 5 to make 10 boxes; aids in counting 44 1-3
Tens groups of 10 units; the 2nd digit from the right in a whole number
136 6-4
Tens Rod represents ten unit cubes or objects 136 6-4
Thermometer a tool used to measure
214 10-7
Time is the sequence of events-past, present and future.; the basic unit of time is the second, then minute, hours, days, weeks, months, years 184 9-1
Total the amount all together, in all, the sum; answer to an addition equation
Triangle shape with 3 sides, 3 angles
40 1-1
Unit Cubes
Vertical addition method of adding where numbers are lined up, in columns one above the other; a number sentence with the numbers stacked going up and down
Vertex where 2 straight lines meet to form a corner (vertices - plural)
Week a group of 7 days; 52 weeks in a year 192 9-5
Weight a measure of how heavy something is 210 10-5
Whole when a number is broken into parts, all of the parts make a whole together
220 11-1
Turn around facts when adding, you can ‘turn around’ or switch the order of the addends and get the same sum
114 5-2
Trapezoid polygon with 4 sides; one pair of parallel sides 220 11-1