FBCG Bulletin 06.01.14

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Welcome to

Weekend of May 31 & June 1, 2014

Our Current Sermon Series:


T he Paradox of Spiritual Greatness

First Baptist Church of Geneva fbcg.com



WE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to those visiting with us today! Please fill out the attached Connection Card so we can provide any information you would like to receive, and drop the card in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. The back of the card also offers a place to share prayer requests. We would love to pray for you over any personal concerns. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Beginning Sunday, June 8 we will go to ONE TRADITIONAL WORSHIP SERVICE

in the East Campus Sanctuary at 10:00 a.m. We will also be combining TREK with the WORSHIP CAFE for a 10 a.m. service in the East Campus Student Center. West Campus hours remain the same.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We are pleased to welcome into membership the following individuals: Dorothy Almen, John and Kathleen Bley, Levi and Leeann Jackson, Michael and Jennifer Renda. If you recognize any of these people, please congratulate them. LIBRARY CATALOG ONLINE Ever wondered if our library had a certain book or DVD? Now you can find out! Our library catalog has gone online! Go to fbcg.com/library. You can even request an item for pick up at either campus. HAND IN HAND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL is accepting preschoolers for the fall of 2014-15. For information please check our website at handinhand-preschool.com.



WE WOULD LOVE TO PRAY FOR YOU! Please share your concerns, requests and praises at fbcg.com/submit-a-request. If you would like to join our iPray team and share in the blessing of praying for others, please go to fbcg.com/iPray. OASIS Grief Support for Bereaved Mothers provides a safe place for emotional support to process grief. Led by women who have experienced the death of a child, come share your heart in an understanding environment. Oasis meets, Sunday, June 1 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the West Campus Glass Room. Contact Kristy at kdesanti@fbcg.com.

SHOWER INFORMATION visit fbcg.com/about-fbcg/fbcg for information on the wedding shower for Nicole Kouri (daughter of David and Donna Kouri) and Barret Von Behren.



CHILDREN Join us at fbcg.com/children for more information on Children’s Ministries at FBCG. JUNGLE SAFARI VBS for children entering grades 1-4 in the Fall is June 23-27. Information is available at the VBS tables in the lower level of each campus and at fbcg.com. Register your children and sign up to serve. Help is needed before VBS and during the week. For information contact csarros@fbcg.com. VBS SUPPER SING for all volunteers is Thursday, June 12, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m., Alpha/Omega West Campus. Come meet your team, receive information, t-shirts, CD’s and learn VBS songs. Bring food to share as follows: A-C - bread; D-H - dessert; I-Q - hot or cold sides; R-Z - main dish; youth - two liters of pop. CHILDREN’S SUMMER PROGRAMMING begins June 8. Child Care through age 4 will be provided for all services. Preschool and elementary programming will be offered Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the East Campus, and at 9:15 a.m. at the West Campus.

STUDENTS Join us at fbcg.com/ministries/students for more information on Student Ministries at FBCG. If you have questions regarding any of our student ministries, please contact Sue Ann Egan at 630.232.7068 x 132 or saegan@fbcg.com.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL begins Sunday, June 8. Grades 5 and 6 will meet at 9:15 a.m. in the West Campus Alpha Room. Grades 7 and 8 will meet at 9:15 a.m. in the West Campus Room 5. TREK (high school) is combined with the Worship Cafe at 10:00 a.m. in the East Campus Student Center.

SOULED OUT ADVENTURE TRIP June 6 - 9 for students entering grades 7 and 8 in September. The trip cost is $210. Registration materials are available in Sunday School and online at fbcg.com.

YOUNG ADULTS SUMMER COLLEGE GROUP Everyone ages 18-24 is invited to the Summer College Group led by Jonathan and Alli Goble starting Thursday, Jun. 5 at 7:00 p.m. The theme for the summer is Abundant Life. For information, visit fbcg.com/college.

MEN Join us at fbcg.com/men for more information on Men’s Ministries at FBCG. MEN’S PRAYER GROUP meets Tuesday mornings, 6:00-7:00 a.m. in East Campus Room 204. We pray for our families, pastors, staff, church mission trips, youth events, our country’s leaders, etc. Come join us! SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets at 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays in West Campus Room 103. Join us anytime

for coffee and Christian fellowship.

WOMEN Join us at fbcg.com/women for information on Women’s Ministries at FBCG. SINGLE MOMS are invited to brunch on Sunday, June 1, 10:45 a.m., West Campus, Room 8 with Joan Hopley, who spent 19 years as a single mom before remarrying. Join us as Joan presents on The Five Most Important Lessons I learned as a Single Mom. SENIOR SINGLE LADIES are invited to join the Forget-Me-Nots for lunch on Wed., June 4 at noon in the East Campus Canteen. Our program will feature the benefits of laughter in our lives. RSVP to Barb Harris at 630.710.4652 by Mon., June 2. PATCHWORKS Quilting Ministry will meet on Wednesday, June 11, 9:00 a.m. to noon in the West Campus, Room 103. We make baby quilts for the Crisis Pregnancy Center, Elgin. A straight stitch sewing machine and basic sewing supplies are needed. Fabric kits will be provided. Questions? Call Jolene at 630.430.2294 or Betty Lou at 630.377.0884.

ADULT Join us at fbcg.com/adult for more information on Adult Ministries at FBCG. ADULT LEARNING COMMUNITIES will have new times and/or new locations beginning Sunday, June 8. In the East Campus Chapel are the Seekers at 8:45 a.m. and the Life Builders at 11:15 a.m. In West Campus Room 103 are the Early Risers at 8:00 a.m., Pathfinders at 9:15 a.m. and Built to Last at 10:45 a.m. EARLY RISERS Are you waking with the sunshine? Join the Early Risers on Sundays, 8:00 a.m. in West Campus Room 103. The class will continue to meet through July as they study about serving others. LIFE BUILDERS Are you looking for a class to plug into this summer? Life Builders is going inter-generational expanding to all ages for the summer. If you are in high school or college, we would love for you to attend! Life Builders meets in the East Campus Chapel at 11:15. Questions? E-mail keith.duncan@sbcglobal.net.



MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK: Gideon and Funmi Para-Mallam, IFES (Intervarsity), Nigeria. Pray for safety as we live and do

God's work in Nigeria.

RIVERWOODS CAMP donate snacks for the under-resourced kids attending camp. Needed are individual servings of granola bars, cookies, candy and gum. Also needed are small prizes for the carnival store. Bring donations marked Riverwoods to either campus donation bins by June 15. Questions, contact Cheryl at cpacilio@fbcg.com.

SWIM WEAR collection for kids. New or gently used kids swimsuits needed for World Relief Aurora. Place your donation in the general collection bins at either campus. cpacilio@fbcg.com. ROYAL FAMILY KIDS is a camp for children from Kane County who have been abused or neglected. The camp currently has the following needs and opportunities:

WWFUNDRAISER Royal Family Kids will have a fund raiser at Chick-Fil-A, 185 N. Randall Rd in Batavia on Mon., June 2, WWfrom 5:00-8:00 p.m. WWSPA DAY. Volunteers are needed for Spa Day on Tuesday, June 10. Volunteers arrive around noon and stay through the WWafternoon. It is a great way to serve these young ladies by giving them the royal treatment. If you are interested in helping WWcontact Leanne Gramley at leannegramley@gmail.com. WWHELPERS NEEDED. Royal Family Kids needs lots of hands to help with the laundry after camp. If you are willing to wash WWand dry a bag of bedding over the weekend of June 14, please contact Ellen Patton at patton5763@sbcglobal.net WWRECRUITING PURPLE PRAYER PARTNERS!. Would you be willing to write a note to and pray for one of these children? WWPlease contact Chris Anthony at Cantstc@aol.com

FAMILY MISSION TRIP TO MEXICO will be Saturday, Nov. 22 to Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014. For information or to sign up email Mike Renda at michaelrenda1214@gmail.com or Alex Carley at acarley@fbcg.com.

THE FOOD PANTRY is in need of pasta sauce and laundry soap. Keep our general stock items filled by picking up a labeled grocery bag located at the donation bins, in the East Campus lobby, or the West Campus north exit. Drop off donations anytime the church campus is open.



“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Last Week’s Giving

May to Date Giving

vs. Budget

Year to Date Giving*

vs. Budget

General Fund †






Benevolent Fund ¥






Serve the World






*FBCG fiscal year ends 8/31

† General Fund - unrestricted gifts to support our on-going ministries, staff and facilities

¥ Benevolent Fund - gifts restricted for the use of those in need in the church and community For more financial information or alternative ways to give, see our website at fbcg.com/giving

For quick online giving through our website, please feel free to use this QR code

FBCG CONNECTION CARD Date _______________________________________ o East Campus o 9:15 am (Traditional) o 9:15 am (Worship Café) o 10:45 am o West Campus o Sat. Evening o 9:15 am o 10:45 am

ABOUT YOU Name________________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day_______Year_______ Spouse’s Name________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day________Year______ Address______________________________________ City, State, Zip________________________________ His Phone _____________________ o Cell o Home His Email ____________________________________ Her Phone_____________________ o Cell o Home Her Email ___________________________________ o Single o Married o Divorced o Widowed


(PLEASE GIVE BIRTH DATES OF THOSE 18 AND UNDER) Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________

I AM A: (CHECK APPLICABLE) o First Time Guest o Regular Attender

o Returning Guest o FBCG Member

RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: o I made a first-time decision for Christ today. o I re-committed my life to Christ today. o I would like to talk to a pastor about becoming

a Christian.

I WOULD LIKE MORE INFO (CHECK APPLICABLE) o What This Church Believes o Membership o Baptism o Children’s Ministries

o Infant-K

o 1st -4th Grade

o Student Ministries

Grade: o_ 5th-6th

o 7th-8th o 9th-12th

o Adult Ministries o College o Women o Men o Senior Adult

o Small Groups

o Adult Sunday Classes

o Support and Recovery



o Children’s Ministry - csarros@fbcg.com o 5-12 Grades - smoore@fbcg.com o Women’s Ministry - lcoffey@fbcg.com o Welcome Team - jgomoll@fbcg.com o Short Term Missions - kmccart@fbcg.com o Global Missions - bmcevoy@fbcg.com o Local Serving - cpacilio@fbcg.com o Worship Ministries - athomas@fbcg.com o Audio/Visual Ministries - jkruse@fbcg.com o Masters Hands - ewise@fbcg.com o Royal Family Kids Camp - royalfamilykids@fbcg.com o Masterpiece (disabilities) - andrea@firststepstherapy.com


o Confidential/Pastors Only o For the Prayer Team & FBCG Staff o I’d like to speak to a Pastor

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

FINALLY.... o My contact information has changed o Please add me to the weekly email newsletter o I would like giving envelopes (you can pick up

temporary envelopes at the Welcome Center)

Sermon Notes

Upcoming Sermons Date

Sat. Night/West

Worship Café

East Sanctuary

West Campus

May 31-June 1

Unstoppable Influence: Growing Smaller in the World Pastor Brian Coffey

Unstoppable Influence: Growing Smaller in the World Pastor Brian Coffey - Video

Body Building: Growing Smaller in the Church Pastor Jeff Frazier

Unstoppable Influence: Growing Smaller in the World Pastor Brian Coffey

June 7-8

Heartbreaking News: The Walls are Broken Down Pastor Brian Coffey

A Cry to the God of Heaven: Nehemiah’s Prayer Pastor Jeff Frazier

Heartbreaking News: The Walls are Broken Down Pastor Brian Coffey

Heartbreaking News: The Walls are Broken Down Pastor Brian Coffey

June 14-15

A Cry to the God of Heaven: Nehemiah’s Prayer Pastor Jeff Frazier

Heartbreaking News: The Walls are Broken Down Pastor Brian Coffey

A Cry to the God of Heaven: Nehemiah’s Prayer Pastor Jeff Frazier

A Cry to the God of Heaven: Nehemiah’s Prayer Pastor Jeff Frazier

Missed a sermon? You can view any of our past sermons on-line at fbcg.com Regular Worship Times: Saturdays at West Campus, 5:00 p.m. Sundays at East Campus, 9:15 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. (Traditional); 9:15 a.m. (Worship Café) Sundays at West Campus, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. (Contemporary) Summer Worship Times ( June 8 - September 7): Saturdays at West Campus, 5:00 p.m. Sundays at East Campus, 10:00 a.m. (Traditional); 10:00 a.m. (Trek/Worship Café) Sundays at West Campus, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. (Contemporary) East Campus 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134 West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134 Church Office 232.7068 Fax 232.7092 Hand in Hand Preschool 208.4903 fbcg.com Affiliated with Converge Midwest and Converge Worldwide

/Fbcgeneva @Fbcgeneva

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