Weekly Bulletin 12.28.14

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Welcome to

Weekend of December 27 & 28, 2014

Our Current Sermon Series:

the power of remembering First Baptist Church of Geneva fbcg.com



WE EXTEND A WARM WELCOME to those visiting with us today! Please fill out the attached Connection Card so we can provide any information you would like to receive, and drop the card in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. The back of the card also offers a place to share prayer requests. We would love to pray for you over any personal concerns. THE FBCG OFFICES will be closed Thursday, Jan. 1. FBCG LIBRARY WINTER READ-A-THON Our second annual library read-a-thon for adults (ages 18 and older) and youth (ages 12-17) begins Jan. 1. Prizes will be awarded! Pick up a book log and entry forms at either campus or online. For more details, go to fbcg.com/library or facebook.com/firstbaptistlibrary.

THE ALL-TIME BEST-SELLER BOOK CLUB launches the week of Jan. 25. Check out our website at fbcg.com/bookclub to

learn more about our New Testament reading campaign, view video testimonials of how God has transformed lives through this program, and register for a group.

SAVE THE DATE: Honey Rock Family Camp near Eagle River, WI will be Feb. 13-16. This is a weekend of fellowship, worship and outdoor activities. Contact Joe Guevara at joelsaguevara@comcast.net for details.



WE WOULD LOVE TO PRAY FOR YOU! Share your concerns, requests and praises with us at fbcg.com/submit-a-request or call Kristy at 630.232.7068 x 151. Join our iPray team and share in the blessing of praying for others, go to fbcg.com/iPray. FACING A CHALLENGING CIRCUMSTANCE If you are having relational difficulties, parenting challenges, or some personal difficulties and would like some direction, contact Kristy at kdesanti@fbccg.com or 630.232.7038 x 151 for a confidential referral to a prescreened Christian counselor. SPIRITUAL JOURNEY GROUP Join us to use biblical principles to map out a journey of healing and wholeness from issues in your past. Release issues of fear, low self-control and other challenges. Space is limited. Begins Friday, Jan. 9 from 9-11 a.m. Register to Kristy at kdesanti@fbcg.com. SEXUAL ABUSE RECOVERY The trauma of sexual abuse continually haunts those who have suffered it. The shame and pain can be overwhelming. In the Wildflowers is a DVD-curriculum that gives you the tools to be lead out of isolation to find hope and healing. Begins: Wednesday, Jan. 14 at 9:00 a.m. Register to Cindy at cynthiaprost@aol.com. BOUNDARIES GROUP Do you have trouble saying no? Do you feel that your life is out of balance? Take a positive step forward and discover how you can create a healthy, balanced life. Begins Jan. 26 from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Krista Brennfoerder, a licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, will be your guide. Register to Kristy at kdesanti@fbcg.com. THANK YOU FBCG for the beautiful plant sent to us following the death of our wonderful daughter, Susan Jackson. We are blessed to be a part of a wonderful church family. Richard and Elsie Lindholm THANK YOU FBCG for all the sweet ways you ministered to our family during the last days and at the time of my mom’s passing. Many who don’t know the Hope saw Him in and through you. Don Jarka and family THANK YOU FBCG for your many gestures of love extended to me during my mother’s illness and home-going. I appreciate your prayers and the flowers sent for her funeral. We felt loved and blessed. Jackie Ragains and family



CHILDREN Join us at fbcg.com/children for more information on Children’s Ministries at FBCG. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES PROGRAMMING There will be no children’s programming Dec. 27 & 28. Child Care will be

provided for children ages 3 and under.

PARENTING SPIRITUAL PARENTING for parents with children of all ages, will be held in West Campus Room 103 on Wednesdays, Jan. 7 - Mar. 5, from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. The class shows how parenting as God intends is much more than behavior management; it’s all about setting an environment in your home where God can work. Register at fbcg.com/spiritualparenting.

STUDENTS Join us at fbcg.com/ministries/students for more information on Student Ministries at FBCG. If you have questions regarding any of our student ministries, please contact Sue Ann Egan at 630.232.7068 x 132 or saegan@fbcg.com.

56 MINISTRIES (Grades 5 & 6) meets Sunday at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in the West Campus Alpha Room and at 10:45 a.m. in East Campus Room L37. Club 56 will not meet on Wednesday Dec. 31.

SOULED OUT (Grades 7 & 8) meets Sunday at 9:15 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in West Campus Room L05 and at 10:45 a.m. in East Campus Room L37. D.T.P. will not meet Dec. 28.

TREK (Grades 9 - 12) meets Sunday at 10:45 a.m. in the East Campus Student Center. STUDENT MINISTRIES There will be no programming for students (Grades 5-12) on Dec. 27 & 28.

MEN Join us at fbcg.com/men for more information on Men’s Ministries at FBCG. SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S BIBLE STUDY meets at 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays in West Campus Room 103. Join us for coffee and Christian fellowship!

WOMEN Join us at fbcg.com/women for information on Women’s Ministries at FBCG. KNIT TOGETHER will not meet on Monday, Dec. 29 but will resume on Jan. 5. WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY registration for the winter/spring session is now open and studies resume Jan. 6 & 7. We will host four different areas of study to accommodate a variety of Bible study backgrounds. Information is available at the Women’s Ministries kiosk or at fbcg.com/womens-bible-study. Payment is due at the time of registration. MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN are invited to Moms Together as Pastor Brian Coffey will present What Husbands Wish

Their Wives Knew About Men. Join us on Thursday, Jan. 8 or 22 from 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. at the West Campus. To register, visit fbcg.com/mt or stop by the Women's Ministries kiosk.

STAMPERS, SCRAPPERS & CRAFTERS! Join us on Friday, Jan. 9, 6:00-11:30 p.m., East Campus Chapel. Enjoy an evening

of fellowship, fun and uninterrupted work time. Bring your supplies and a friend; snacks and beverages will be provided. Contact Nancy O’Connor at 630.992.1213 or fbcgscrap@comcast.net to RSVP.

NEWER TO FBCG? We invite you to a Newcomer Brunch where you’ll meet Women’s Ministry staff, learn of opportunities to connect and get a sneak peek at upcoming special events. Join us at 10:45 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 11 in the Mini-Alpha Room (lower level), West Campus. RSVP to Jackie at 630.232.7068 x 111 or jragains@fbcg.com by Jan. 8. THE DEEP WATERS BOOK GROUP invites women to read and discuss The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson on Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the East Campus, Fireside Room. Batterson teaches how to pray bold prayers that honor God. Go to fbcg.com/deep-waters-book-club/ for more information.

ADULT Join us at fbcg.com/adult for more information on Adult Ministries at FBCG. SENIOR ADULT BIBLE STUDY will not meet on Wednesday, Dec. 31. ALL ADULT LEARNING COMMUNITIES except Seekers will be off Sunday, Dec. 28 for Christmas and New Year’s break. SOLA SCRIPTURA Join us on Sunday, Jan. 11, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the East Campus Student Center as Pastor Jeff Frazier continues our study in Romans 8. Bring your Bible, a friend, and an open heart to hear from God's Word. No registration is required. First-time guests are always welcome! PREMARITAL CLASS is a Christ-centered community committed to supporting and encouraging strong, God-honoring marriages before they start. It is an opportunity to be involved in community with other engaged couples, learn from mentor couples, and enter marriage better prepared. Thursdays, Jan. 15 – Mar. 5 at 7:00 p.m. Register to Kristy at kdesanti@fbcg.com. THROUGH THE WORD a new intergenerational Adult Learning Community, meets Sundays at 9:15 a.m. in the East Campus Chapel beginning Jan. 18. The class will provide an overview of the Bible from Genesis through Revelation, and is intended for those new to studying the Bible and seasoned readers alike.



MISSIONARY OF THE WEEK: Michele Munoz works in a ministry to prevent sexual trafficking and is based in Portland, OR. Pray for effectiveness in meetings with groups of young people at risk for trafficking and for the individual mentoring she does. She was here in her home area to visit her ill father (Larry Gould) before returning to Portland, and asks prayer for his health. 2015 STUDENT MISSION TRIP The dates, online application links, and downloadable forms are available at fbcg.com. All applications will be linked to Managed Missions for completion. Please plan to attend the Parent Informational Meeting on Sunday, Jan. 11 in the East Campus Student Center at noon. Questions? Contact Shayna at sduncan@fbcg.com. UNDERSTANDING AND ANSWERING ISLAM Mark your calendars for a conference sponsored by Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and simulcast live at FBCG on Jan. 16 and 17. This event will help you understand the nature of Islam and provide you with practical tools for lovingly speaking, and defending, the Gospel to your Muslim neighbors.



“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7

Last Week’s Giving

Dec. to Date Giving

vs. Budget

Year to Date Giving*

vs. Budget

General Fund †






Benevolent Fund ¥






Serve the World






GENEROSITY UPDATE The President has signed an extension to Dec. 31 of the law allowing direct charitable IRA distributions by taxpayers at least 70-1/2 years old. Under this law, a contribution to FBCG can be excluded from income. Please contact Fred Morris on fmorris@fbcg.com if such a gift may be appropriate for you.

Sermon Notes

Upcoming Sermons Date

Sat. Night/West

Worship Café

East Sanctuary

West Campus

Dec. 27-28

The Power of Remembering Pastor Jonathan Goble

The Power of Remembering Pastor Jonathan Goble - video

The Power of Remembering Pastor Jeff Frazier

The Power of Remembering Pastor Jonathan Goble

Jan. 3-4

Breaking Barriers Blindsided: Conversion of Saul Pastor Sterling Moore

Breaking Barriers Blindsided: Conversion of Saul Pastor Sterling Moore- video

Breaking Barriers You Talkin’ to Me? Pastor Jeff Frazier

Breaking Barriers Blindsided: Conversion of Saul Pastor Sterling Moore

Jan. 10-11

You Talkin’ to Me? Philip and the Ethiopian Pastor Jeff Frazier

You Talkin’ to Me? Philip and the Ethiopian Pastor Jeff Frazier - video

Blindsided: The Conversion of Saul Pastor Brian Coffey

You Talkin’ to Me? Philip and the Ethiopian Pastor Jeff Frazier

Missed a sermon? You can view any of our past sermons on-line at fbcg.com Worship Times Saturdays at West Campus, 5:00 p.m. Sundays at East Campus, 9:15 a.m. - Traditional or Worship Café; 10:45 a.m. - Word & Table Sundays at West Campus, 9:15 & 10:45 a.m. - Contemporary East Campus 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134 West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134 Church Office 232.7068 Fax 232.7092 Hand in Hand Preschool 208.4903 fbcg.com Affiliated with Converge Midwest and Converge Worldwide

/Fbcgeneva @Fbcgeneva


o Children’s Ministry - csarros@fbcg.com o 5-12 Grades - smoore@fbcg.com o Women’s Ministry - lcoffey@fbcg.com o Welcome Team - jgomoll@fbcg.com o Short Term Missions - sduncan@fbcg.com o Global Missions - bmcevoy@fbcg.com o Local Serving - cpacilio@fbcg.com o Worship Ministries - dcompton@fbcg.com jnewhouse@fbcg.com o Audio/Visual Ministries - jkruse@fbcg.com o Masters Hands - ewise@fbcg.com o Royal Family Kids Camp - royalfamilykids@fbcg.com o Masterpiece (disabilities) - andrea@firststepstherapy.com


o Confidential/Pastors Only o For the Prayer Team & FBCG Staff o I’d like to speak to a Pastor

___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

FINALLY.... o My contact information has changed o Please add me to the weekly email newsletter o I would like giving envelopes (you can pick up

temporary envelopes at the Welcome Center)

FBCG CONNECTION CARD Date _______________________________________ o East Campus o 9:15 a.m. (Traditional) o 10:45 a.m. (Word & Table) o 9:15 a.m. (Worship Café) o West Campus o Sat., 5:00 p.m. o 9:15 a.m. o 10:45 a.m.

ABOUT YOU Your Name___________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day_______Year_______ Spouse’s Name________________________________ Birth date: Month_________Day________Year______ Address______________________________________ City, State, Zip________________________________ His Phone _____________________ o Cell o Home His Email ____________________________________ Her Phone_____________________ o Cell o Home Her Email ___________________________________ o Single o Married o Divorced o Widowed


(PLEASE GIVE BIRTH DATES OF THOSE 18 AND UNDER) Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name ___________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Date of Birth______________________________________

I AM A: (CHECK APPLICABLE) o First Time Guest o Regular Attender

o Returning Guest o FBCG Member

RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS: o I made a first-time decision for Christ today. o I would like to talk to a pastor about becoming

a Christian.

I WOULD LIKE MORE INFO (CHECK APPLICABLE) o What This Church Believes o Membership o Baptism o Children’s Ministries

o Infant-K

o 1st -4th Grade

o Student Ministries

Grade: o_ 5th-6th

o 7th-8th o 9th-12th

o Adult Ministries o College o Women o Men o Senior Adult

o Small Groups

o Adult Sunday Classes

o Support and Recovery


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