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No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9

Created for More Our teens are growing up in a world very different from what we experienced. The pressure to achieve, the multiple social media outlets, and the high demands on their time and schedules can be overwhelming. As parents we struggle to help our adolescents navigate this world that puts increasing expectations on them. The idea of MORE is all around. As moms we know that what the world is telling our teens is not necessarily what is best for them. They ARE created for more. But it’s not the more that the world tells them – rather, it is a unique calling. They are created by a God who loves them and wants them – and us! – to know Him. We can look to a Heavenly Father for wisdom and guidance for our teens and ourselves because each of us is Created for More.


Beth Racine

Getting Out of the Power Struggle with Your Teen


Dave Veerman

Building Into Our Teens: Limits, Discipline, Service and Love


Dr. Kathy Koch

The ‘Tech-Savvy’ Generation: Understanding How Technology is Influencing Future Generations


Sharon Clausen

#teenager #parent #grace needed: Avoiding the Parenting Comparison Trap


Jennifer Stenzel

How to Effectively Communicate with my Adolescent and Receive more than One-Word Answers in Return

DATES & TIMES Moms Connected meets five times a year with an occasional special event. Meetings are typically the last Thursday of the month from 9:15-11:15 a.m.

CHILD CARE Child care is offered on a first-come, firstserve basis. To secure a spot we request the child be pre-registered one week in advance.

REGISTRATION To register, simply fill out the registration form online at or call 630.232.7068 ext. 138. Registration for each month is required.

COST Payable at the door: $6 for mom only, $4 for the first child, $2 for each additional child. Cash, check or credit card payments are accepted.

LOCATION All programs will be held at First Baptist Church of Geneva’s West Campus 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva (the northeast corner of Peck and Keslinger roads).

For Mothers of Tweens and Teens

LEADERSHIP TEAM 2014-2015 Coordinator Heidi Doncel Table Leader Coordinator Stacie Maranhas Newcomer Coordinator Christy Hahn Publicity/Giveaways Laura Valente Registration Coordinator Tammie Skala Food Coordinator Kelly Settle Speaker Host Carolyn Clausen Newsletter Kimberly Schoepke Director of Women’s Outreach Kim Ericson

Cover art by

Catherine Tilly

WELCOME TO MOMS CONNECTED a program for mothers of tweens and teens. We serve as a ministry to encourage, support and build connections with other women also in the stage of teenage parenting. Our Moms Connected morning includes informal social time, breakfast, an informative speaker and discussion groups. Join us for a relaxing morning and insightful wisdom on guiding your teen during this important stage of parenting!

First Baptist Church of Geneva Phone: 630.232.7068 East Campus - 2300 South Street, Geneva, IL 60134 West Campus - 3435 Keslinger Road, Geneva, IL 60134

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