In the far east of NĂŠpal, far from Katmandu, legend and history join together to recount how five centuries ago women of royal blood immigrated from Rajasth (India) with their children and servants. Here it is the women who rise up as guardians of the traditions and combat assimilation into an Indo-Nepalese culture. Contrary to other ethnic groups of Nepal, they themselves make their exceptional costume. At a time when the Indian sari triumphs amongst most of the tribes, here, the clothing tradition continues. The design of their very colourful costume, adorned with embroidery and little mirrors, as well as their silver jewelry is very close to the dress style adopted in Rajasthan. Of course, the fabrics and colours change according to current fashions.
Rana Tharu: life in colour. Photos and text ŠBruno Morandi/Lightmediation Contact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21