Travel and Hospitality (TnH) - July 2015

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Travel Hospitality I s s u e 1 0 | V o l u m e V I | j u ly 2 0 1 5 | ` 5 0


pa g e s 5 2


be a game changer for Incredible India?


Tourism Belongs to the Innovative

Publisher & Editor srishti Rai Director Bharat s. Rai Managing Editor prem Kumar General Manager - Marketing prem sagar (m) +91 99106 81111 Art Director sunny singh Correspondent (Kolkata) swaati Chaudhury Accounts Chander shakher Balodi Administration Executive sarwat jahan IT Executive Naveen manchanda

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Congratulations to Thailand Tourism for successfully concluding another edition of Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+) and unveiling the 12 hidden gems of Thailand! I must share with you; I am not only a huge fan of Thailand’s tourism products but also of Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). It never ceases to amaze me how a country, which is more than 6 times smaller than India, successfully manages to discover and promote one new product after another. Its dominance as a destination is evident from the handsome tourist numbers it receives. Many analysts attribute this popularity to the natural beauty Thailand has been blessed with, but it is equally the work of our friends at TAT that ensures the kingdom remains on the top of the mind of tourists. Of

course, if the product in itself wasn’t world-class all that marketing would be in vain but Thailand’s attractions combined with TAT’s ingenious ideas to develop and promote these attractions is the secret of the booming Thai Tourism Industry. Read our interview with Thailand’s tourism minister on page no. 46 to learn more about Thailand tourism’s latest mantra for success. As all of you know well, in recent times our country too has been focusing on boosting its tourism sector. There is no doubt India has a myriad of incredible sites and activities, and the new government has rolled out several initiatives to attract tourists, but where is it all headed? For a comprehensive look at our country’s performance in the past year, read ‘Declining FTAs…’ on page no. 10. Now, one Indian product that I personally think emphasizes India’s soft power and can be packaged and marketed as the ultimate purely Indian tourism experience is Yoga. Read our cover story on page no. 30 to know more about how we can use Yoga to draw large tourist numbers and promote Indian culture. The world is becoming increasingly smaller and travel has become an inevitable fact of life and a non-negotiable part of modern commerce, I just hope our country will be able to realize its tourism potential and strengthen our presence globally.

printed, published and owned by srishti Rai. printed at somsons printing Works, 1/7, Doctor’s lane, gole market, New Delhi - 110001, and published at p- 23/90, Connaught Circus, New Delhi 110001; editor: sRIsHTI RaI

srishti Rai editor

Take the ‘Dreamliner’ to London Larger, brighter cabins, more spacious seats and innovative new social areas: our 787-9 is now flying Delhi-London. Find out more at


july 2015







25 Guilin: a historical and wonderful city in Guangxi

Can Yoga be a game changer for

30 Incredible India?

36 “We will continue with what we

have strategized for the future.�

Ocean Park Summer Splash 2015 from

40 July 1 to August 30 in Hong Kong





Thailand visitor arrivals surge 25% in Jan-May 2015

45 New Zealand tops ultimate film destination list

46 Amazing Thailand Loves Incredible India


How to Stand-Out! With a lot to offer, Four Points By Sheraton, New Delhi, is carving a niche for itself in the competitive Delhi hotel scene.


IATA pauses rollout of Cabin OK to reassess initiative The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has announced that it was pausing the rollout of its Cabin OK initiative and beginning a comprehensive reassessment in light of concerns expressed, primarily in North America. This will include further engagement with program participants, the IATA membership, and key stakeholders. The Cabin OK initiative was launched on 9

airlines expressing interest in the program, there

June 2015 with the aim of providing passengers

has also been much confusion. “Our focus is on

with greater assurance that their carry-on bags

providing travelers with an option that would lead

will travel with them in the aircraft cabin, even

to a simplified and better experience. While

when the flight is full. The initiative provides con-

many welcomed the Cabin OK initiative, signifi-

sumers with a voluntary option to use a Cabin

cant concerns were expressed in North Amer-

OK labeled bag (with optimally sized dimensions

ica. Cabin OK is a voluntary program for airlines

Kuoni DVMS launches Bahrain Visa and Meet & Greet Services Kuoni DVMS (Distribution, Visa, Marketing, Services) with unveiling of its new brand identity, has now launched Bahrain Visa and Meet & Greet Services as a part of its product and service offerings.

of 55 x 35 x 20 cm or 21.5” x 13.5” x 7.5" inches)

and for consumers. This is clearly an issue that

DVMS customers would now be able to

that would (1) be immediately recognizable as

is close to the heart of travelers. We need to get

avail of Bahrain eVisa for Business as well

complying with the vast majority of airline maxi-

it right. Today we are pausing the rollout and

as Visit purposes by approaching DVMS

mum size requirements for cabin baggage and

launching a comprehensive reassessment of

directly or through its affiliated agents.

(2) be given a priority (determined by airlines in-

the Cabin OK program with plans to further en-

Both Business as well as Visit eVisa would

dividually) to remain in the cabin on full flights

gage program participants, the rest of our mem-

be inclusive of Silver meet and greet serv-

when cabin storage capacity is exceeded.

bers, and other key stakeholders,” said Tom

ices offered by DVMS partner Marhaba at

Windmuller, Senior Vice President, Airport, Pas-

Bahrain International Airport.

Interest in the Cabin OK program has been intense. While the value of this initiative has been

Customers would be able to avail of 14

senger, Cargo and Security.

welcomed by many, including a growing list of


days (multiple re-entry) Business eVisa Service and for Visit eVisa Service they can apply for 7 days (single entry), 14

IRCTC to set up unique tourist facilitation centre

tiple re-entry) for Bahrain visas. Apart from

With setting up of tourist facilitation centre, all tourism products will come under one roof.

Bahrain International Airport for such as

days (multiple re-entry) and 30 days (multhis customers would also be able to book additional meet & greet services at Marhaba/ Awal lounge, Limousine transfers etc.

Setting a new benchmark in the conduct of

“This will be the first of its kind initiative any-

Speaking at the launch, Manoj Chacko,

domestic and international tour packages, In-

where in the country where the entire travel

CEO-Kuoni Business Travel said “DVMS

dian Railway Catering and Tourism Corpora-

needs are taken care of under one roof. This is

as a leader in its segment has always be-

tion (IRCTC) plans to commence a unique

also the only brick and mortar office of the

lieved in adding new products & services

Tourist Facilitation Centre in the national capital

IRCTC where people can walk in to buy a train

offerings for meeting its customer needs.

that will act as a ‘single window shop’ for all

or air travel package and even get a cus-

Offering Bahrain visa is a part of our

tourism products.

tomized trip as per their convenience,” said Dr.

strategic roadmap and we expect to add

A K Manocha, CMD, IRCTC.

more Countries to our DVMS product port-

To be located in Connaught Place, the swanky shopping plaza in the heart of the me-

“The Tourist Facilitation Centre, to be

tropolis, the centre will offer a string of rail, land

launched shortly, will be unique as it would fa-

and air tour packages for domestic and inter-

cilitate a direct public interface,” he added.

folio in the coming months.” Clevio Monteiro, Business Head, DVMS said “With the new visa policy offered by

national travellers, taking care of their itinerary

IRCTC, a 16-year-old ‘mini Ratna’ PSU of In-

Kingdom of Bahrain in 2014 which offers

— from air ticket to visa facilitation and insur-

dian Railways, had introduced e-ticketing in

stress-free access to the country and

ance, from special train packages to cus-

2002 through its digital platform. The average

longer duration for stay, Iexpect more and

tomized tours, from food to accommodation,

daily sale of train tickets through the portal,

more Indians to take advantage of this

from cab and concierge services to sightsee-

which is the world’s second busiest with three

and travel to Bahrain.


crore registered users, is around 5.5 to 6 lakh.




Dr. Mahesh Sharma- Tourism Minister

Suman Billa (IAS) Jt. Secretary, Ministry of Tourism & Chairman- ICPB

Capt. Swadesh Kumar Vice Chairman- ICPB

8th Conventions India Conclave on 7- 9 August 2015 in Greater Noida Eighth Conventions India Conclave (CIC) will be held from 7th to 9th August 2015 at the India Expo Mart Limited, Greater Noida.

The Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhi-

After the success of the Bureau’s seven Preced-

rate, where the companies can display their prod-

bitions (MICE) Market is a fast growing one and

ing Conclaves, the “8th Conventions India – the

ucts & interact with buyers/ customers.Dr. Mahesh

has exhibited huge potential worldwide. It is rec-

Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibition

Sharma- Tourism Minister - “The Indian Economy

ognized that international and regional confer-

Conclave” is being organised from the 7th – 9th

is growing at a phenomenal rate, and along with it

ences & exhibitions contribute greatly towards

August 2015 at The India Expo Mart Limited,

so is the MICE industry. India presents a unique

building up of mutual goodwill and understanding,

Greater Noida, with the support of the Ministry of

and budding opportunity for not just the domestic,

encourage interaction between nations, and bring

Tourism, Govt. of India.

but for the international organisations as well. We

tremendous amounts of knowledge and frontier technologies particularly for the developing countries.

see a bright future for the Indian MICE sector – “Conventions India” – Objectives The Conclave will provide you with an opportu-

There is a growing interest amongst tourists to

nity to interact with the Bureau’s members who

experience the rich culture and heritage of India.

are specialists in the organization of Meetings and

constant improvements in infrastructure and a healthy demand will facilitate the next big steps for India.” Suman Billa (IAS) Jt. Secretary, Ministry of

With increasing opportunities for holidays and

Conventions and also other suppliers who would

Tourism and Chairman- ICPB – “ICPB is the

leisure, India is now becoming one of the leading

show-case their products during the Conclave.

APEX body for the MICE sector in India. Our pur-

venues for MICE in the region. Similary, for the ex-

This Conclave is a unique event for the partici-

pose is to act as a catalyst for the growth and im-

hibition, India is now potential destination in Asia

pants to create an excellent sharing and learning

provement of India’s MICE sector. With each

& more International Exhibition Oragnisers enter-

opportunity. The speakers at the Conclave are ac-

interaction of the Conclave, ICPB takes one giant

tive MICE industry professionals, enjoying high

step towards transforming the MICE sector and

levels of creative experience and would offer par-

making it realise its potential.”

ing & introducing their exhibitions. The MICE infrastructure in the country has been developing rapidly and convention hotels

ticipants a focus on the challenging and changing

and conference & Exhibition venues of interna-


tional standards are being set up in cities across the country & some are under construction.

Capt. Swadesh Kumar- Vice Chairman- ICPB – “The Conventions India Conclave is the perfect

The Conclave will be an opportunity for partici-

opportunity for the participants to network and

pants from many diverse but related disciplines to

share their expertise with one another.It provides

With the corresponding expansion in the net-

interact, seek information and share experiences.

various marketing opportunities for the members

work of airlines operations, new International air-

Also, with the aim of strengthening the brand po-

by meeting buyers who have the potential to bring

ports, various professional service providers for

sitioning of `Incredible India’ as a MICE destina-

large number of Conferences to this country, and

MICE Industry & other facilities, India is ready to

tion, buyers from overseas have also been invited

also Skill development where we are inviting Ex-

position and market itself as an important MICE

to meet with suppliers from India’s MICE industry

perts from national and international level. We look

destination, not only in ASIA but in the WORLD

and experience the products for themselves.

forward to seeing all our buyers and suppliers


Moreover, this year, ICPB has arranged exhibition

under one roof and to showcase India’s MICE

booth/stall of 3x3 sq. mt. at a very concessional


“Conventions India” – 8thICPB MICE Conclave





Declining FTA numbers amidst 1000-1200 % e-Tourist Visa growth! Are the Visa-on-Arrival and ‘e-Tourist Visa’ the same?


According to the latest available Government report a total of 1,10,657 foreign tourists arrived on ‘e-Tourist Visa’ during January-May 2015 as compared to a mere 9,841 foreign tourists during January-May 2014, and thereby registering a growth of an incredible 1024.4 %. It was incredible indeed if only it were as it seems. Consider this vis-a-vis the overall growth in Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTA) which is just about 3.6 per cent for the first five months this year over its correspon-

currently known as Tourist Visa-on-Arrival (TVoA)

Vietnam. Early last year South Korea was added as the 12th country to this list that can avail

ding period the previous year! If this trend con-

enabled by Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA),

tinues India’s FTA growth in 2015 may well be

or as used in simple terms by the Government

Tourist VoA. Now this scheme was as it should

below the world average, which grew by 4.7 in

‘e-Tourist Visa’ that came into existence on No-

be and as the name suggests. And there are

January-May 2014 period was 6.6 per cent over

vember 27, 2014, replacing the earlier existing

scores of countries out there granting similar

the same period the previous year.

‘Tourist Visa-on-Arrival’ scheme for 12 countries.

Visa-on-Arrival in order to attract more tourists.

2014 and is expected to continue this momentum in 2015. FTA grew by a little over 7 per cent last year. More than 1000% growth in e-Tourist Visa and less than 4% growth in overall foreign tourist arrivals! The two are of course different from each other but are nevertheless interdependent statistical figures. A strong growth in one should reflect as strongly in the other. On the contrary, the growth in the first five months this year has almost halved if we consider the first five months’ growth last year over the same period the previous year. Growth in foreign tourist arrivals for the

For the starters, showing a growth of more

As a facilitative measure to attract more inter-

However the current TVoA enabled by ETA or

than 1000 per cent in e Tourist Visa is not only a

national tourists to the country, Government of

‘e Tourist Visa’ scheme when launched in No-

pure hogwash and highly misleading, it tanta-

India had launched Tourist ‘Visa-on-Arrival’ (VoA)

vember last year, replaced the earlier Tourist

mount to deliberately misleading people into a

scheme in January 2010 for the citizens of five

Visa-on-Arrival Scheme. E Tourist Visa mandates

false euphoria that ‘all is well.’ And this primarily

countries namely, Finland, Japan, Luxembourg,

a visitor to apply for ETA at least four days in ad-

stems from still comparing the earlier existing

New Zealand and Singapore. This scheme

vance and is subject to approval scrutiny. Upon

‘Tourist Visa-on-Arrival’ to the current scheme.

(Tourist VoA) was expanded to six more coun-

approval of the application, the applicant is

There has been much debate earlier as well

tries in January 2011, namely, Cambodia, In-

emailed an ETA that he or she needs to visit

about the nomenclature of the prevailing scheme

donesia, Laos, Myanmar, the Philippines and

India with in order to avail Visa-on-Arrival upon arriving into India. Earlier existing Visa-on-Arrival scheme did not have such clauses. E-Tourist Visa is currently available to some 76 countries and will cover about 150-160 countries by 2016. The earlier Tourist VoA was available to just 12 countries. It’s high time for the Government to acknowledge that the two are ‘apples’ and ‘oranges’ to be compared, and dole out ridiculous growth rates of 1200-1300 per cent!




Strong traffic growth continues in May Global domestic travel demand rose 6.6% in May, strongest in India. The International Air Transport Association

nectivity remains robust, but there are possible

compared to May a year ago, which was an

(IATA) recently announced global passenger

storm clouds forming on the horizon. The fi-

improvement on the April rise of 0.7%. Capac-

traffic results for May showing strong demand

nancial crisis in Greece and recent weakness

ity climbed 4.2% and load factor fell 1.7 per-

growth compared to May 2014 for both domes-

in regional trade activity in Asia-Pacific have

centage points to 81.1%. Expectations for

tic and international traffic.

the potential to dampen performance in these

better economic performance in Q2 should

markets in the coming months” said Tony Tyler,

support demand for air travel, but the strength-

IATA’s Director General and CEO.

ening dollar likely will continue to place down-

Domestic travel demand rose 6.6% in May compared to May 2014, with the strongest growth occurring in India and China. Domestic

ward pressure on international leisure travel to

capacity was up 6.2%, and load factor im-

International Passenger Markets

proved 0.3 percentage points to 81.0%.

May international passenger demand rose

India’s domestic demand accelerated 18.2%

7.1% compared to May 2014, with airlines in

in May compared to May 2014 likely owing to

all regions except Africa recording growth.

market stimulation by local carriers as well as

Total capacity climbed 6.7%, pushing load fac-

notable improvements in economic growth.

tor up 0.3 percentage points to 78.4%.

China domestic traffic climbed 12.7% year-

• Asia-Pacific airlines’ May traffic jumped

over-year. Although GDP growth slowed

9.4% compared to the year-ago period. Ca-

slightly in the first quarter compared to the

pacity rose 6.8% and load factor climbed 1.8

fourth quarter of 2014, this does not appear to

percentage points to 76.0%.

have caused a weakening in air travel demand.

• European carriers saw demand increase by 5.9%. Growth has been robust despite Eu-

Globally total revenue passenger kilometers

rope’s economic woes; however a further

(RPKs) rose 6.9%, which was an improvement

worsening of the Greek financial crisis could

on the April year-over-year increase of 5.7%.

bring this positive trend under significant pres-

May capacity (available seat kilometers or

sure. Capacity climbed 4.1% and load factor

ASKs) increased by 6.5%, and load factor rose

rose 1.4 percentage points to 81.6%, highest

0.3 percentage points to 79.3%.

among the regions.

“May results confirm that demand for con-

• North American airlines’ traffic rose 2.0%

the US.

• Domestic RPKs account for about 37% of the total market. • For Asia-Pacific carriers, the large markets in India, China and Japan mean that domestic travel accounts for 44% of the region’s operations. • Passenger traffic market shares by region of carriers in terms of RPK: Asia-Pacific 31.8%, Europe 26.5%, North America 24.7%, Middle East 9.6%, Latin America 5.1%, and Africa 2.1%. • Middle East carriers’ May demand soared 14.0% over the same month in 2014. Markit’s measures of business activity in non-oil sectors continue to show improvement and point to strong growth. The result also could reflect some additional travel prior to the arrival of the month-long Ramadan period that began in June. Capacity rose 19.7% and load factor fell 3.7 percentage points to 74.6%. • Latin American airlines experienced a 7.4% rise in traffic compared to May 2014. Capacity climbed 6.8% and load factor rose 0.4 percentage points to 80.2%. • African airlines’ traffic fell 3.9% in May yearto-year, most likely owing to adverse economic developments in parts of the continent, including Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy, which relies heavily on oil revenues. Capacity dropped faster than demand, slipping 4.9%, with the result that load factor improved 0.7 percentage points to 64.6%.





SriLankan Airline’s new codeshare with Mihin Lanka to boost tourism from Kolkata SriLankan Airlines, the national carrier of Sri Lanka recently announced a code share agreement with Mihin Lanka for the operations of flights between Kolkata and Colombo. A special introductory fare to Colombo

complements existing codeshares to other In-

panding and further diversifying its wide range

marked this agreement beginning from the 17th

dian routes such as Madurai, Varanasi and

of products and services in order to drive the

of June. With the commencement of the new

Gaya. The flights from Kolkata will be operated

country’s ongoing boom in tourism and eco-

codeshare with Mihin Lanka, SriLankan Airlines

thrice weekly by Mihin Lanka every Monday,

nomic development. SriLankan Airlines is a

continues to build seamless connectivity from

Wednesday and Friday.

member of the oneworld alliance, which has

their hub in Colombo across various regions in

The scheduled days of the flights are based

been recognised as the ‘World’s Best Airline

India, expanding on its codeshare and direct op-

on the Kolkata traveller’s convenience, and will

Aliance 2015’ by Skytrax for the third year in

erations to and from 11 cities in India, creating

facilitate greater access to Colombo on Mihin

succession. The airline also celebrated its first

new travel options for the business traveller and

Lanka, and affording seamless connections with

anniversary as a member of oneworld on the 1st

holidaymakers from Kolkata to access Sri Lanka

SriLankan Airline’s convenient schedules to key

of May.

delivering a boost for local tourism.

destinations in Europe, Middle East and the Far

The airlines’ hub is located at Bandaranaike

SriLankan Airlines currently operates 86

East. The promotional introductory offer also ex-

International Airport in Colombo, providing con-

flights per week to India with direct daily fre-

tends to the Maldives, with a stopover in

venient connections to its global route network

quencies to the 07 cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Ban-

Colombo. The aircraft servicing this route will be

of 95 destinations in 44 countries (including

galore, Chennai, Trichy, Trivandrum and Kochi.

Mihin Lanka’s Airbus 319 and A321 that boasts

codeshare operations) in Europe, the Middle

The two state owned airlines of Sri Lanka

of business and economy class service, and

East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Far East,

renowned Sri Lankan hospitality.

North America, Australia and Africa.

namely the national carrier SriLankan Airlines and Mihin Lanka’s latest codeshare agreement

Ashok Gajapathi Raju invites France to invest in India’s Aviation Sector

Launched in 1979, SriLankan is currently ex-


JetPrivilege enters into a frequent flyer programme partnership with Air Serbia JetPrivilege, the award-winning frequent flyer programme of Jet Airways has entered into a frequent flyer programme partnership with Air Serbia, the flag carrier of the Republic of Serbia, effective June 22, 2015. Air Serbia, an Etihad Airways Partner airline becomes the 27th frequent flyer programme partner

Union Minister of Civil Aviation, who led

for JetPrivilege. The partnership between the two carriers will result in seamless travel for JetPrivi-

India’s delegation at the 51st International Air

lege members on flights operated and marketed by Air Serbia, including popular and new destina-

Show in Paris, met the Minister for Transport,

tions in Europe such as Athens, Amsterdam, Budapest, Bucharest, Copenhagen, Dusseldorf,

Marine Affairs and Fisheries of France, Alain

Larnaca, Malta, Munich, Madrid, Vienna, Paris, Rome, Sofia, and Zagreb.

Vidalies. The discussion focused on manufac-

JetPrivilege members will now enjoy JPMiles earnings, greater redemption options and a host of

turing, infrastructure development and invest-

benefits and privileges such as excess baggage allowance, dedicated airport check-in counters, ac-

ment into India’s aviation sector. The

cess to eligible lounges and priority boarding available to elite JetPrivilege members.

delegation also met the senior management personnel of important companies like Bombardier, Boeing and SAFRAN. The Minister informed them about various opportunities in Indian aviation market and ‘Make in India’. He invited them to manufacture their products in India as they already have a large presence in the country. He also invited them for ‘India Aviation 2016’.






Dragonair introduces self-print boarding pass for passengers departing from Bengaluru Dragonair has launched its Self-Print Boarding Pass service in Bengaluru - the latest innovation to help simplify the travel experience for our passengers travelling from this city.

Additional baggage allowance for students in American Airlines American Airlines recently announced an extra piece of baggage for students travelling for higher studies to USA.

Effective 01 July 2015, passengers departing on Dragonair flights, from

The offer is for one extra piece of baggage up to 23 kg, valid for sale

Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru, who have already checked

from April 1st this year to March, 31st next year and applies to out-

in online, can print their boarding pass on A4 (Legal) paper in either black

bound journey only. Students travelling to North America can enjoy

and white or colour with their own printer at home, the office or anywhere

access to its wide network with connections to over 200 cities

with access to the internet. Passengers eligible for lounge access will be able to view their invitations on the boarding pass.

In case of a transfer within USA, bags must be through checked to the final destination to avail the excess baggage. At the first port of

Once at the airport, passengers can proceed directly to the self check-in bag drop counters for a travel documents check.

entry in the USA, bags would need to be re-claimed and not rechecked in. In case there is a stopover in the USA at the first port of

Rajesh Menon, Regional Sales & Marketing Manager, South Asia says,

entry, excess baggage charge for the extra piece would apply.

“At Dragonair, we believe that travelling well is vital to living well. We are


delighted to be able to offer our passengers this innovation, aimed at making their journey more convenient. With this option of self-print boarding pass, passengers can arrive at the airport, just 60 minutes prior to departure. The dedicated self check-in bag drop counters further enables our passengers to avoid long queues and reduces their waiting time.” Dragonair, an affiliate member of oneworld, is a Hong Kong-based international airline, and a member of the Cathay Pacific Group. In India, Dragonair operates daily flights from Bengaluru to Hong Kong and six weekly flights from Kolkata to Hong Kong.


IndiGo pronounced ‘Best Low Cost Airline in Central Asia & India’ for the 6th year, at the 51st World Airline Awards 2015 Award bestowed at the SKYTRAX World Airline Awards hosted at the Paris Air Show 2015

National, June 16, 2015:IndiGo, India’s largest

India & Central Asia, at the awards ceremony.

the airline strives in all its forms and we continue

and fastest growing airline, has once again been

This award is a testimony to IndiGo’s continued

to offer our fliers a courteous and hassle-free

named as the Best Low Cost Airline in Central

success and the consistent strategy that has de-

service, coupled with the best on-time perform-

Asia and India at the 51stSKYTRAX World Air-

fined its unmatched performance, year after

ance in the country, consistently. This recognition

line Awards at the International Paris Air Show.

year. The World Airline Awards are one of the

is a testimony of the trust and faith of the cus-

The award ceremony was held at Le Bourget,

most prestigious accolades in the world airline

tomers who supported us since we started flying

Paris inside the Musee de lai’ret de léspace, one

industry and are a global benchmark of airline

in 2006, and reinforces our commitment to pro-

of the oldest aviation museums in the world

excellence. Travelers from over 160 countries

viding our customers with world class travel ex-

which exhibits 150 aircraft. This is the sixth con-

take part each year in the world’s largest airline


secutive year that the award has been bestowed

passenger satisfaction survey, across 41 key

The World Airline Awards are one of the most

on IndiGo. Mr. Aditya Ghosh, President, In-

performance indicators of airline front-line prod-

prestigious accolades in the world airline indus-

diGoand Mr Sanjay Kumar, Chief Commercial

uct and service, to decide the award winners.

try and are a global benchmark of airline excel-

Officer received the award from Mr Edward-

Delighted on receiving the award, Aditya

lence. The World Airline Survey is conducted by

Plaisted, Chairman of Skytraxat the grand cere-

Ghosh, President, IndiGo said “Winningthis pres-

Skytrax, the UK based aviation research organ-


tigious award for the sixth consecutive year is in-

isation. Travelers from over 160 countries take

Furthermore, IndiGo was also nominated for

deed a great honor for us at IndiGo. This award

part each year in the world’s largest airline pas-

the Best Low Cost Airline in Asia;Best Airline in

is dedicated to all the thousands of men and

senger satisfaction survey to decide the award

India & Central Asia; and Best Airline Staff in

women who push their limits every day to ensure






Charging for check-in baggage could have adversely impacted demand The government has rightly rejected the proposal of airlines to charge for check-in baggage, as it could have adversely impacted demand for air travel. Union Ministry of Civil Aviation recently re-

Commenting on the government’s decision,

jected the demand of budget carriers to charge

Prithviraj Singh Chug, Director, Group Concorde

passengers for check-in baggage. The govern-

said, “We fully support the government’s decision

ment said accepting such demand will put bur-

to reject some airline proposal to charge for

den on the passengers. Speaking to media,

check-in baggage, as air travel in India is likely

Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation Dr. Ma-

to see an increased growth as more and more

hesh Sharma said that low cost airlines had

middle class Indians are expected to take to air

sought permission of the Director General of Civil

travel, especially on the advanced purchases

Aviation (DGCA) to allow them to charge passen-

fares offered by the LCCs.” Chug further said,

gers for their check-in baggage, but the Ministry

“No free baggage policy will help airlines plug

declined to give its permission.

their bleeding finance but would put pressure on

industry growth since it could impact demand.”

air-passengers for their check-in luggage will in-

Chug said that any move that could affect de-

centivize passengers to travel light, but the civil

mand positively should be welcomed especially

aviation ministry differed with the airlines. “We

when the efforts are being made to revive the

don’t want to burden passengers with such

civil aviation industry.

charges,” Sharma said. As per the proposal

Earlier, DGCA had allowed domestic carriers

made by three Indian carriers, reportedly Spice-

to unbundle their services and charge separately

Jet, Indigo and AirAsia, passengers should pay

for facilities such as preferred seats, meals on

for every kilogram of the checked luggage, and

board and use of lounges.

We fully support the government’s decision to reject some airline proposal to charge for check-in baggage, as air travel in India is likely to see an increased growth as more and more middle class Indians are expected to take to air travel.

According to the concerned airlines, charging

Prithviraj Singh Chug Director, Group Concorde

passengers having no check in luggage should

However, airlines feel that they should be al-

be given incentive in the form of discounts on the

lowed to charge for check in luggage to increase

air ticket. At present, passengers can carry up to

their revenues as most of the airlines are bleed-

15 kg check-in luggage without paying any

ing. Airlines also argue that ‘Zero baggage fare’

charge. If airlines’ demand of ‘zero baggage fare’

incentivizes and encourages traveling light,

those who travel with heavy luggage. Current

is accepted, airlines would charge for each kg of

whereas in the existing fare system passengers

system does not offer any incentives to travel

the checked in luggage.

travelling light also have to pay indirectly for


its employees.

next six months are packed with more excitement


Vistara celebrates International Yoga Day with a high five Vistara celebrated the International Day of Yoga on June 21 with a “5@5” pledge to practice Yoga for five minutes every day at 5pm. Vistara employees across stations received an instructional video with a sequence of simple stretching exercises performed by a Vistara cabin crew.

Vistara now offers 237 weekly frequencies to

driven by new aircraft, new routes and new offer-

These exercises can be practiced unobtrusively

10 destinations– Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad,

ings. Vistara has recently announced redemption

at individual workspaces and desks. The initiative

Goa, Hyderabad, Pune, Guwahati, Bagdogra

program for Club Vistara members and has in-

has been greeted with an enthusiastic response

Lucknow and Bengaluru. The steady expansion

troduced a pioneering technology that enables

and is an extension of Vistara’s commitment to

reflects Vistara’s focused strategy to connect a

wireless streaming of inflight entertainment on

provide a wholesome workplace environment to

mix of metros and non-metros across India. The

board. Stay tuned for more!





the Magic of Rain with Monsoon Tour Packages


Tourism Ministry launches new series of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ TV commercials Union Tourism Minister Dr. Mahesh Sharma recently launched new series of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ TV commercials starring Aamir Khan as brand ambassador, at The Ashok, New Delhi. On the occasion the ministry also launched a brochure: “India- The Land of Yoga’, which provides details of Yoga destinations in the country. Dr Mahesh Sharma also announced setting up of a National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board to boost medical tourism. The minister also announced that four new tourist circuits on the themes of Wildlife, Spiritual, Desert and Ramayana will be developed in the coming year. The Minister of State for Tourism and Culture

Dr. Mahesh Sharma thanked the Brand Am-

based circuits under the Swadesh Darshan

(Independent Charge), Dr. Mahesh Sharma

bassador Aamir Khan and Director Prasoon

scheme that will be developed in the next year.

launched the new edition of “Atithi Devo Bhava”

Joshi for making these films and helping in

These four circuits are Wildlife Circuit, Spiritual

television commercials and a brochure titled

boosting the image of tourism in India. He said

Circuit, Desert Circuit and Ramayana Circuit.

“India- The Land of Yoga” at a function organized

that security, hospitality and cleanliness are the

These four circuits will be in addition to the five

in New Delhi today. The four films, made on the

main strengths of tourism in India and the Min-

circuits already being developed by the Ministry

theme of “Atithi Devo Bhava” spread awareness

istry of Tourism is working on a mission mode to

of Tourism.

about ways to extend hospitality to tourists visit-

achieve these objectives.

ing India by adopting an honest and helpful atti-

The Minister said that the Indian Government

Explaining the significance of Tourism, the Minister said that it helps generate employment

tude, as well as maintaining cleanliness and

has launched a Helpline 1363 or 1800-111-363

in addition to earning foreign exchange. It is for

hygiene. Veteran actor Aamir Khan is the brand

to help the foreign tourists and guide them on

this reason, it is important to move beyond the

ambassador for these impressive films and they

their arrival in India. The helpline will be available

concept of ‘tourist season’ and promote India as

have been directed by the eminent ad maker

in twelve foreign languages within a month to fa-

a 365 days tourist destination, he explained. Dr

Shri Prasoon Joshi.

cilitate the foreign tourists. Currently, the Helpline

Sharma further said that this can be done by de-

is available in Hindi and English.

veloping various streams of tourism like medical

While launching the brochure ‘India- The Land of Yoga’ on the occasion of the ‘International Day

The Minister also announced the setting up of

tourism, MICE, spiritual tourism, Yoga etc.

of Yoga’ being celebrated across the world on

s National Medical and Wellness Tourism Board

Lyricist and poet Prasoon Joshi said that ‘Atithi

21st June, 2015, Dr Mahesh Sharma said that

to boost medical tourism in India. The Board will

Devo Bhava’ is the core of our culture and we

the celebration of International Yoga Day is a

help to bring together and showcase on an in-

must promote is as our USP for the purpose of

matter of pride for India and many countries of

ternational platform the various streams of med-


the world are supporting us in this endeavour.

icine available in India including Ayurveda, Yoga,

The four films launched today would be tele-

The brochure on Yoga includes details of Yoga

naturopathy, Unani and low cost allopathic treat-

cast on various television channels to spread the

destinations which will help to promote Yoga as

ments, Dr Sharma added. He said that this will

message of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ across the coun-

a tourism product. Speaking on the occasion, Dr.

give an organized structure to medical tourism

try. The films would go a long way in educating

Lalit Panwar, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism said

in India with participation of various stakeholders

people about the importance of tourism and

that Yoga Day is our unique gift to the world and

including the private ones.

touristic values. This is a further step in augment-

it will help in promotion of Global Tourism in India.


In another important step to promote tourism, Dr Mahesh Sharma announced four new theme


ing the efforts made by the Ministry of Tourism for promotion of tourism.


1, 10,657 tourists arrived on e-Tourist Visa during Jan- May 2015

Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) grow by 9.2% in May, 2015 over May, 2014

Total number of 1,10,657 tourist visited India on e-Tourist Visa during January- May 2015 as compared to 9,841 during January- May 2014, registering a growth of 1024.4%.

FEEs from Tourism ( in US$ terms) register a growth of 15% in May 2015 over May 2014 as compared to 0.2% in May 2014 over May 2013

The following are the important highlights of e-Tourist Visa during May, 2015: (i) During the month of May 2015, a total of 15,659 tourist arrived on e-Tourist Visa as compared to 1,833 during the month of May 2014, registering a growth of 754.3%. (ii) During January- May 2015, a total of 1,10,657 tourist arrived on eTourist Visa as compared to 9,841 during January- May 2014, registering a growth of 1024.4% . (iii) This high growth may be attributed to introduction of e-Tourist Visa for 76 countries as against coverage of earlier TVoA scheme for 12 countries. (iv) The percentage shares of top 10 source countries availing e-Tourist Visa facility during May 2015 were as follows: USA (37.82%), Germany (9.35%), Australia (8.95%), Russian Federation (5.85%), Republic of Korea (4.30%), UAE (3.53%), Mexico (3.16%), Ukraine (3.01%), Japan (2.89%) and Singapore (2.43%). (v) The percentage shares of different ports in tourist arrivals on eTourist Visa during May 2015 were as follows: New Delhi (43.65%), Mumbai (22.14%), Bengaluru (9.66%), Chennai (7.25%), Hyderabad (4.55%), Kochi (3.97%) , Goa (3.81%), Kolkata (3.24%) and Trivandrum (1.73%).

Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs): •FTAs during the Month of May 2015 were 5.11 lakh as compared to FTAs of 4.68 lakh during the month of May 2014 and 4.17 lakh in May 2013. There has been a growth of 9.2% in May 2015 over May 2014. •FTAs during the period January- May 2015 were 33.32 lakh with a growth of 3.6%, as compared to the FTAs of 32.15 lakh in January- May 2014 . •The Percentage share of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India during May 2015 among the top 15 source countries was highest from Bangladesh (19.32%), followed by USA (16.99%), UK (7.79%), Malaysia (3.59%), Sri Lanka (3.54%), Japan (2.78%), Australia (2.66%), Canada (2.63%), Germany (2.59%), China (2.56%), Nepal (2.52%), Singapore (2.36%), France (2.16%),Pakistan (1.84%) and Oman (1.66%) . These top 15 countries account for 74.99% of total FTAs during May 2015. •The Percentage share of Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India during May 2015 among the top 15 ports was highest at Delhi Airport (26.06_%) followed by Mumbai Airport (17.88%), Haridaspur Land check post (10.95%), Chennai Airport (9.83%), Bengaluru Airport (7.24%), Cochin Airport (4.06%), Hyderabad Airport (4.05%), Kolkata Airport (3.97%),Gede Rail (2.27%), Trivandrum Airport (1.81%).

Centre to help Assam government expedite the proposal of World Heritage site for Majuli Island The Union Minister of State for Culture & Tourism, Dr. Mahesh Sharma has assured that the Centre will take all possible steps to expedite the proposal of World Heritage site status for Majuli island located in the Brahmaputra River in Assam. Dr Mahesh Sharma held a meeting with the Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation,Sushri Uma Bharti and Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Youth Affairs and Sports , Shri SarbanandaSonowalin this regard in New Delhi today. Dr Mahesh Sharma said that the Ministry of Culture is already working closely with the state of Assam to assist them in finalising the proposal. The state government will be assisted to overcome all roadblocks, he assured. Uma Bharti explained the need to conserve the culturally and historically rich island as it is dramatically shrinking in size due to erosion. ASI must carry out a survey of the ancient artefacts at the island to facilitate the proposal for World Heritage site, she added. Sonowal , who is the MP from the area, explained that the Majuli island is the largest river island in the world and has a population of about two lakh, both tribal as well as non-tribal. He requested Dr Mahesh Sharma to provide tourism infrastructure at Majuli islands like a Guest house, an auditorium and a Museum.



Centre to give Rs.100 Cr for development of tourism at and around Tehri The Minister of State for Tourism, Dr. Mahesh Sharma held a meeting with Chief Minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat in New Delhi recently. They discussed various important issues related to the development of tourism in the state of Uttarakhand. The Minister said that the Government of India has always been committed to the development of the Uttarakhand, especially after the destruction caused by floods. He said that the Government of India and the Government of Uttarakhand will work together to take tourism to the new hights. Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that Rishikesh and Haridwar will be developed under the spiritual tourism scheme of Government of India. Central government is committed to development of Kedarnath and funds have already been sanctioned under PRASAD scheme, in addition to the Rs. 100Cr sanctioned for reconstruction and redevelopment after destruction caused by floods. MoT has already approved for the development of tourism at and around Tehri, Dr. Sharma added. Harish Rawat explained the ambitious project of ropeways being undertaken by the state government to promote tourism. Dr. Sharma said that the Ministry of Tourism is willing to contribute either from the Large Revenue Generating (LRG) or PRASAD schemes to expedite the ropeway project. The Tourism Minister assured that all assistance including technical facilities will be given to increase the hour of operation at Dehradun airport. The issue related to the release of outstanding funds under the ongoing projects earlier sanctioned under PIDDC is being discussed with Ministry of Finance and action in this regard will be taken soon, the Minister said.


Centre to provide financial assistance for developing ropeways to promote tourism in Uttarakhand

Chhattisgarh stresses on eco-ethno tourism Chhattisgarh Tourism Board is determined to make the best use of its plethora of new eco-tourist destinations in the state.


The Union Minister of State for Tourism Dr. Mahesh Sharma held a meeting with Tourism Minister of Uttarakhand, Dinesh Dhanai in New Delhi. The meeting was a follow up of the earlier meeting of Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Harish Rawat with Dr. Mahesh Sharma to seek central assistance for development of tourism in the state. Highlighting the potential of tourism in Uttarakhand state, Dinesh Dhanai said that state government wishes to develop tourism through an ambitious project of ropeways. He sought assistance for development of Kedarnath-Lincholi ropeway and ropeway between Tehri lake and New Tehri which provide a scenic view of the Himalayas. Dr. Mahesh Sharma assured assistance for the Kedarnath ropeway under the PRASAD scheme and assistance for Tehri ropeway under Large Revenue Generating scheme of Ministry of Tourism. Dr. Mahesh Sharma disclosed that the Tehri lake area will be developed as a mega destination under Swadesh Darshan scheme of the Ministry of Tourism. It will also include developing of walkway around the Tehrilake, the Union minister added. Dr. Mahesh Sharma also assured Dhanai that the centre is making all efforts to provide funds for the ongoing tourism related infrastructure projects taken up by the state under PIDDC.

If jungle jaunts and wildlife adventure is something you enjoy, then there’s no better destination than the land of Chhattisagrh offering unique adventure thrills with around 44 per cent of forested land. In its latest initiative, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board has set an agenda to push eco ethno tourism in Bastar district and northern part of the state, water and adventure sports and Dr. Sanjay Singh facilitate interaction with its plethora of General Manager, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board tribes like Baiga and Gond. The tourism board has identified a slew of upcoming destinations to boost tourism activities in the state in the coming months. Dr. Sanjay Singh, General Manager, Chhattisgarh Tourism Board informed, “We are looking to popularize the dam sites of Gangrel in the district of Dhamtari, Tandula in Balaud and Hasdeobango in Korba district. There is Kurdar that forms the new gateway to Achanakmar Tiger Reserve and we have plans to boost the destination for wildlife enthusiasts. We are targeting the tourist markets of Gujarat, Maharashtra and West Bengal to pull tourists into our state. We are also taping global tourists from South-East Asian destinations and European countries.”

Rajasthan Tourism to compile heritage hotels / properties details

MoT to promote Odisha’s Nabakalebar for its international branding

Tehri Lake area will be developed as a mega destination under Swadesh Darshan scheme of Ministry of Tourism: Dr Mahesh Sharma.

In order to attract investment in the state Government of Rajasthan will organize two-day ‘Resurgent Rajasthan Partnership Summit 2015’ on November 19-20 this year. To this effect the State Department of Tourism is compiling information and details relating to Heritage Properties / Hotels. These details will be provided to the investors. The owners of the Heritage Hotels and Properties may fill the requisite proforma which is available on The details may then be emailed to by 20 July, 2015.

Govt of Rajasthan plans a New Tourism Policy, seeks suggestions from stakeholders Department of Tourism, Government of Rajasthan will formulate a New Tourism Policy for promotion of tourism in the State. The New Tourism Policy shall lay guidelines for optimum utilization of rich tourism resources of the State for Socio-economic developments of its people by synergizing Government and private sector resources and efforts. All stakeholders including members of general public are invited to give their valuable suggestions on the same from stakeholders and public in Hindi/ English, latest by 10th July, 2015 on email id: or by post to Deputy Director (Hotels), Room No. 14, Hotel Khasa Kothi Campus, M.I. Road, Jaipur - 302001

Nabakalebar festival will be promoted through Incredible India campaign. The first international flight from the Bhubaneswar international airport likely to take off on the auspicious occasion of Nabakalebar. The Union Minister of State for Tourism and culture, Dr. Mahesh Sharma recently discussed the preparations for the upcoming festival of Nabakalebar in Odisha with the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi. Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that the Union Tourism Ministry will promote the Nabakalebar festival under the Incredible India Campaign for its international branding. The Government of India will release Rs 50 crore for providing infrastructure and facilities for the Nabakalebar festival. The Union Culture Ministry will release a postal stamp & coin to mark the festival, Dr Mahesh Sharma declared. Dr Mahesh Sharma also revealed that the Government of India is making all efforts to start the first International flight from the Bhubaneswar International festival on this auspicious occasion. This first flight is likely to be for Abu Dhabi, he added. The state of Odisha has been demanding an international flight from the Bhubaneswar International airport. Nabakalebar festival will be celebrated on 10th July, 2015 after a gap of 19 years. Secretary, Tourism, Dr Lalit Panwar and other senior officers of the Ministry of Tourism were present at the meeting.




Kerala Tourism charms Chinese tourists Shanghai Roadshow Draws Top Chinese Travel Companies, Media. Kerala Tourism has hit the streets of Shanghai with a first-ever roadshow aimed at attracting high-spending Chinese tourists from the world’s largest outbound tourism market. The road show, which came close on the heels of Kerala Tourism’s first-time participation in the Beijing International Tourism Expo (BITE) 2015 last week, was held on Tuesday with a whopping 70 buyers from the Chinese travel and tourism industry in attendance. The roadshow held at the sprawling Hotel Jinjiang Tower witnessed a huge footfall and a large presence of the mainstream and local Chinese media. “We were encouraged by the warm welcome China has given us,” said Kerala Tourism Minister Shri A P Anilkumar. “The active presence of the Chinese tourism industry leaders and also the media to cover the event shows their interest and eagerness to know more about Kerala,” added the minister. Naveen Srivastava, Consul General of India in Shanghai, was the Chief Guest of the event where the Kerala delegation was headed by Shri G Kamala Vardhana Rao, Secretary, Kerala Tourism. Praising the foray of Kerala Tourism into the Chinese market, Shri Srivastava also extended the Indian consulate’s support to the state‘s efforts to increase foreign tourist arrivals in the coming years.

BSNL Wi-Fi zone goes live at Taj Mahal BSNL launched wi-fi facility at Historical monument Taj Mahal at Agra as part of the government's plan to put such services at major tourist

Places related to Lord Rama & Ramayana to be developed as part of Ramayana circuit

places. The wi-fi hotspot zone was inaugurated by Communications and

Places associated with birth and life of Lord Rama and Ramayana

IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. Now tourists visiting the Taj Mahal

will be developed as part of Ramayana circuit. The Union Government

have access to Wi-Fi facility for free for the first 30 minutes. The facility

has earmarked Rs. 120 crore for development of Ramayana circuit.

has been created by BSNL with the optical fiber backbone using GPON

Speaking at AIR's Public Speak programme recently, Tourism and Cul-

technology which can provide backhaul broadband bandwidth upto 100

ture Minister Dr Mahesh Sharma said Ramayana Circuit will connect

Mbps through BSNLs state of art MPLS network. BSNL would be pro-

people with the historic places related to Lord Rama and Ramayana

viding free Wi-Fi services, for 30 minutes per 24 hrs (three time in a

and facilitate pilgrim tourism. The Minister said that the government

month) which visitors can utilize in multiple sessions.

wants to cover 150 countries under e-visa scheme by this year.




Reed Flute Cave in Guilin

Temple at Yunnan Nationalities Village

Guilin: a historical and wonderful city in Guangxi Guangxi province has many popular tourist destinations. Guilin, a popular destination in Guangxi, is well-known for its natural scenery and historical heritage. v B PREM KUMAR Y

China’s geography, history and culture have

China. Guilin is a historical and beautiful city in

always lured me. I always have been passionate

Guangxi province of China. Located on the west

to visit the country. Finally I was there in China

bank of the Li River, Guilin has many historical,

recently to attend the first China-ASEAN Expo

cultural and natural attractions for tourists.

Tourism Exhibition held in Guilin in Guangxi

Some of them are: Reed Flute Cave, Jingjiang

province. My first stop in the country was Kun-

Princes City, Li River, Yangshuo, Elephant Trunk

ming. I landed at the Kunming Airport in the

Hill, Silver Cave, Seven-Star Cave and Seven

morning. Outside the airport, a very peasant

Star Park. There are many more attractive des-

weather and cool breeze welcomed me in

tinations in Guilin. As per one popular Chinese


saying, ‘Guilin's scenery is best among all under

Kunming is the capital of Yunnan

Province of China. Because of its pleasant weather, the city is also called the Spring City.

heaven.’ In Guilin, I saw the historical Reed Flute Cave.

Jingjiang Princes City

Since I had to fly to Guilin in the evening, I had

Made of natural limestone, the cave is quite an

a brief stopover in the city, but I enjoyed my time

intriguing place to see. It is well-preserved and

one of the oldest Chinese prince cities. Located

in the city, visiting some key attractions. Impor-

maintained tourist site. The cave attracts a large

in the center of Guilin city, Jingjiang Princes City

tant among them was Yunnan Nationalities Vil-

number of tourists every day, and it is so popular

was a royal complex in ancient times. It is his-

lage. Right at the outset, this ethnic village site

that every tourist who visits Guilin goes to see

torically famous for being the imperial examina-

gave me a peek into the ethnic and cultural di-

the cave. The cave houses variety of nature

tion hall in the Qing Dynasty, where Chinese

versity of Yunnan. I was quite impressed by the

made spectacular pillars, rocks, etc. Multicolor

students used to appear in the imperial exami-

cultural diversity at the village. The village gives

lighting inside the cave makes it more fantastic.

nation, and selected students were appointed

insights into the life and culture of different nationalities. It's a must visit place in Kunming. From Kunming, I arrived in Guilin, which is


one of the most popular tourist destinations in


After the Reed Flute Cave, I visited Jingjiang

in court. Now Jingjiang Princes City is the cam-

Princes City, also known as Jingjiang Princes

pus of Guangxi Normal University, and also

Palace, which is a glorious historical site and is

functions as tourist attraction.

DESTINATION Detian Waterfall, Daxin, Guangxi

Li River

Tourists on Boat in The Li River Detian Waterfall

The best experience in Guilin was my cruise

Detian Waterfal

beautiful. The site was so picturesque and

Yangshuo by a luxury cruise boat. Yangshuo is

I must say that I had a great experience dur-

Guilin hosts the first ChinaASEAN Expo Tourism Exhibition

located in the northeast of Guangxi. Picturesque

ing my trip in China. I fully enjoyed the trip. China

The first China-ASEAN Expo Tourism

landscapes of the green mountains on either

as a destination is amazing. Every province and

Exhibition was held on May 29-31, 2015

side of the river were so stunning! The onboard

region of China has a plethora of tourist attrac-

in Guilin. The trade fair was organized to

trip in the Li River. I traveled from Guilin



facilities were also excellent. The boat reached

tions. Infrastructure is not an issue in China.

promote cooperation in tourism sector

Yangshuo in about 4 hours. After a wonderful

People are very friendly and hospitable. Security

between China and ASEAN countries.

cruising experience, I enjoyed colorful musical-

and safety is not a concern. Guangxi province

The exhibition was well-organized and

cultural show: Impression Sanjie Liu show in

has excellent infrastructure such roads, hotels,

saw huge participation. A large number

Yangshuo. The show was amazing. It takes

etc. Tourist attractions are very clean, well-man-

of exhibitors from China and ASEAN

place every night in the Li River in Yangshuo. Im-

aged and maintained. Nanning is the capital of

countries participated in the show.

pression Liu Sanjie show is performed on rafts

Guangxi, also known as ‘Green City’ because of

The event will be held annually and

in the river. A large number of local people per-

its rich lush tropical foliage. The city has many

Guilin will be the permanent host city of

form in the show. Colors, lighting, music, cos-

beautiful tourist attractions. There is a plethora

the annul tourism exhibition. This year

tumes, etc are perfectly combined to produce

of food options for tourists for both vegetarians

the theme of the fair was ‘Tourism Coop-

such a spectacular performance. The Li River

and non-vegetarians in Guangxi.

eration and Development of the 21st

and surrounding hills give it a perfect setting.

Maritime Silk Road’.

The show is a must see event for tourists in

Tourism Administration,


China National the Guangxi

Zhuang Autonomous Region Govern-

The Detian Waterfall is another beautiful at-

ment, Guangxi Tourism Administration,

traction that I visited in Guangxi. The waterfall is

CAEXPO Secretariat and Guilin Municipal

located at Shuolong Town in Daxin County bor-

government , all came together to suc-

dering Vietnam, in southern China. From Nan-

cessfully organize the event. The trade

ning it took around 5 hours by bus to reach

show is expected to boost tourism in

there. I boarded a bamboo raft to see the wa-

Guangxi province and Guilin city.

terfall closely. The waterfall was stunningly

The Li River




Umang Narula appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of ITDC Umang Narula has been appointed as the Chairman and Managing Director (C&MD) of India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC). Narula succeeds Girish Shankar, Additional

Deputy Commissioner in Kargil and later shifted

Secretary, Ministry of Tourism who was also hold-

to Anantnag district. The other departments he

ing additional charge of Managing Director,

served in the State include Industry & Com-


merce, Rural Development and Election depart-

Umang Narula, 49, an IAS officer of 1989

ment among others.

batch, Jammu and Kashmir cadre, was the Chief

For his outstanding contribution, Narula re-

Electoral Officer (CEO) of Jammu & Kashmir

ceived the Best State Award from the Election

prior to this role. As CEO of Jammu & Kashmir,

Commission of India for conducting the elections

he successfully conducted the Lok Sabha Elec-

in 2014 and taking innovative steps to increase

Umang Narula C&MD, ITDC

tions and the J&K State Assembly elections in

voter turnout (Jan 2015). He was awarded the

conducted by the Indian Institute of Public Ad-

2014. He was also Deputy Secretary in the De-

“Chief Ministers Gold Medal for Honesty, Integrity

ministration, New Delhi, India (2002-03). Also for

partment of Culture under the Union Ministry of

and Meritorious Public Service” in 2012. Narula

successful conduction of the Parliament and As-

Tourism and Culture in 1998-2002. He also

was also awarded the Late V.K.N. Menon Gold

sembly elections in Jammu & Kashmir Narula

worked as a Director in the Ministry of Home Af-

medal for obtaining First position in the Advanced

was awarded Silver medal by the Government of

fairs (MHA). In Jammu and Kashmir, he was

Professional Programme in Public Administration

Jammu & Kashmir.


RAHUL PANDIT APPOINTED AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF ROOTS CORPORATION LIMITED Roots Corporation Limited (RCL) which operates 'Ginger' chain of hotels, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Indian Hotels Company Limited, announced the appointment of Rahul Pandit as Chief Executive Officer, an industry veteran with over two decades of experience in the hospitality and travel industry. "We are delighted to welcome Rahul back to the Taj family. He will be a valuable addition to the Indian Hotels Company Limited and contribute significantly by realizing the future strategic vision for Ginger hotels.” said Rakesh Sarna, Managing Director & CEO, Indian Hotels Company Limited. Rahul first started his career with Taj, where he always stood out as a high potential due to the accolades he received from his colleagues for his keenness to improve practices and processes. After spending six years at Indian Hotels Company Limited, Rahul’s experience as an entrepreneur during his time outside the Taj, has made

and grow into three distinct Lemon Tree brands

gapore, IIM, Ahmedabad and ISB, Hyderabad.

him one of the country's leading experts on the

with 27 hotels across 16 cities in India. His knowl-

He serves on the National Tourism Committee at CII.

budget sector of hospitality. He is one of the

edge of this sector will prove invaluable to Roots

founding members of Lemon Tree Hotels Ltd

Corporation, where he will be taking the helm to

where he played a multi-faceted role in develop-

boost the company's performance and growth.

ing diverse aspects of new business including

Rahul holds a Diploma in Hotel Management

Operations, Human Resources, Technology and

from IHM, Pusa, New Delhi and has undergone

Sales. He spearheaded the company to develop

training sessions at Cornell, New York, NTU, Sin-



Deepika Rao, the current interim CEO, will be joining the Finance Department of Taj Hotels to head Asset Management, reporting to the CFO, Anil Goel. by T NH DESK


Marriott all set to debut in

Taiwan Taipei Marriott Hotel is scheduled to open in July 2015. Marriott International is all set to expand its global portfolio with the anticipated July opening of the Taipei Marriott Hotel, the first Marriott Hotel in Taiwan. The largest integrated destinational complex in Taipei, the Taipei Marriott Hotel offers a wide range of travel and leisure experiences for locals and visitors alike, including a five-star 320-room luxury hotel, modern convention center, high-end shopping mall and luxury apartments. Moreover, with a lush, green landscape that envelopes much of the hotel’s property, the Taipei Marriott Hotel is a serene and tranquil oasis of luxury within the bustling city. The contemporary Taipei Marriott Hotel offers 320 well-appointed guest rooms and suites as well as four distinct restaurants and a lounge with a stylish, sophisticated design that reflects the local culture and tradition while also showcasing technology and creativity. With a prime location on the north bank of the Keelung River, the Taipei Marriott Hotel offers unobscured panoramic views of Taipei City from each guest

temporary design that is softened by a lush,

Manolo Valdes, which is inspired by the nearby


green landscape. Modern glass structural walls

butterfly biosphere reserve on Mt. Jiannan. The

Perfect for business and leisure travelers, the

are offset with earth tone palates and natural

sculpture is the artist’s tribute to Taiwan, known

Taipei Marriott Hotel is conveniently located in

materials, creating expansive areas that cap-

as “The Butterfly Kingdom,” and serves as a

the booming Dazhi District, the capital’s new

ture the sunlight. At the heart of the hotel is the

tribute to nature and the arts.

commercial hub, just 10 minutes from Song-

ground floor lobby, where tall, arched doorways

shan International Airport and five minutes from

with brass linings create a dynamic, yet inviting

the Neihu Technology Park. In addition, the

atmosphere and modern and traditional ele-

MRT Jiannan Rd. station, the beautiful Mt. Jian-

ments are skillfully fused.

nan Trail and the Miramar Shopping Center are

Inspirational Meetings & Special Events The Taipei Marriott Hotel offers the largest state-of-the-art convention center in Taipei, with

One of the most striking elements of the

3,000 square meters of pillarless, flexible space

short walks from the hotel. Finally, the Taipei

Taipei Marriott Hotel is the pervasive use of lush

that can be transformed into up to 12 meeting

Marriott also enjoys the distinction of being the

greenery, part of Marriott’s “Green Hotel Devel-

spaces, as well as an elegant 1,260 square-

closest five-star hotel to the National Palace

opment” initiative. Indigenous shrubbery and

meter Grand Ballroom – the largest at a Taiwan

Museum, a favorite cultural attraction.

flowering plants are found throughout the hotel

hotel. From large conferences to intimate board

grounds and, like a botanical garden, are inter-

meetings, Taipei Marriott is the ideal locale, of-

A Modern, Green Oasis in the Heart of Taipei City Taipei Marriott Hotel features a striking, con-

spersed with pieces of art and sitting areas. In

fering the latest audio-visual innovations and

the center of the landscape is “Butterflies,” a

access to gourmet catering and expert event

monumental aluminum sculpture by Spainaird






CG Hotels & Resorts expands its footprints in India Launches two properties this month in Amritsar and Mundra under The Fern brand.

Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, Vayalaris now LEED - Silver Certified

CG Hotels and Resorts, a leading hospitality management company launches two business hotels under their The Fern Hotels & Resorts portfolio ( The new properties are being launched in Mundra, in the Kutch district of Gujarat and the temple town of Amritsar in Punjab. The two mid-scale hotels under The Fern ResidencyMundra and The Fern Residency- Amritsar banner cater to the growing need of tourist and business travelers to the thriving cities. The Fern Residency-Mundra offers 74 exquisitely designed guest rooms with three types of rooms, Winter Green Room, Fern Club & Hazel Suites. Here, food is an experience too, with a wide selection of local and international cuisines available at Laziz all day dining, along with a 24 hours Cafe Rolling Beans at Lobby level and 24 hours in-room dining. The Fern Residency is the only branded chain of hotel in the vicinity of Mundra Port. The Fern Residency-Amritsar offers 48 exquisitely designed guest rooms with five types of rooms, Winter Green, Winter Green Club, Fern Club, Hazel Suites & Presidential Suite. Accompanied with multiple dining options through ‘Flavour’ all day dining, 18 hours Cafe Velvette at Lobby level and 24 hours in-room dining, the Hotel is located in close proximity to famous Golden temple, Jallianwala Bagh and the international border between India and Pakistan. Adding to its existing widespread portfolio, CG Hotels & Resorts will also be launching two more hotels in Mumbai and Pune under the brand, T2 Beacon ( CG Hotels and Resorts is a global player in the hospitality industry, with an umbrella of more than 120 hotels under 8 brands in 11 countries. The 8 hotel brands under the group range from Upper-upscale to Budget Segment. CG Hotels & Resorts investment wing partners with and owns some of the most iconic properties globally with leading hospitality brands such as Taj, Alila, Jetwing, Radisson, The Farm and The Fern to name a few. The group’s home grown brands come under Zinc Hospitality ( CG Hotels and Resorts is a result-driven management group made up of specialists with over 200 combined years in hospitality experience. CG Hotels and Resorts brings to the table extensive hospitality knowhow and proven formulas for success in the competitive industry. CG Hotels and Resorts brings cutting edge concepts to life in hotels, resorts, residences and spas across Asia, Middle East and Africa with a portfolio of bold, desired and innovative products that cross all frontiers and redefine standards. CG Hotels and Resorts has an array of profitable brands specific to the markets it operates in:- The Zinc, The Fern Hotels and Resorts, Zinc Journey, Zinc City, The Fern Residency, Glow, Beacon and Zinc Living.

Olympic Park. This is the first joint hotel project of MEININGER and Foncière


des Régions, who announced a strategic investment partnership in Decem-

Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere, the ultimate luxury backwaters resort in Vayalar-Kerala, has been has been conferred the Silver LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Rating by the Indian Green Building Council’s (IGBC) LEED India for New Construction Rating system. The LEED Silver rating has been conferred for Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere’s








management.The LEEDGreen Building Rating System is a feature-oriented rating system that awards buildings points for satisfying specified green building criteria. Since its inception in 2012, this is the seventh award Vasundhara Sarovar Premiere has received in addition to two architecture awards. Last year, it was recognized as the Luxury Spa Resort by the World Luxury Hotel Awards 2014. Earlierthis resort was recognized as the ‘Most promising luxury resort in Kerala’ by World Travel Brands. The resort was recognized as the ‘Best Upcoming Spa Resort in Kerala’ by World Travel Brands and was ranked as the 9th best hotel in India by Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice Award in 2013.

Cox & Kings’ Meininger Hotels & Foncière des Régions sign agreement for a new hotel in Munich near the Olympic Park Cox & Kings owned MEININGER Hotels and Foncière des Régions, through its subsidiary Foncière des Murs, signed an agreement for a new MEININGER Hotel in Munich located on Landshuter Allee, close to the

ber 2014. The MEININGER Hotel Munich Olympic Park is going to be the second MEININGER hotel in Munich and is scheduled to open by the end of 2017. Located in a former office building, the property will be converted into a hotel. MEININGER will lease the premises from Foncière des Régions for an initial term of 20 years. The vendor of the property is the alstria office REIT-AG. The new hotel will feature 173 rooms and 820 beds on seven floors; wellequipped with TV, free wifi and en-suite bathrooms all to a high specification. The basement area will offer underground parking. All public areas will be located on the ground floor, including a lobby, lounge and breakfast area. Exceptional for a hotel but standard and typical for a MEININGER hotel are the guest kitchen and the games zone, which are also part of the public areas.




“Yoga Chakra: Tradition & Modernity – a Multi-media encounter with Intangible Culture” exhibition held on the occasion of International Day of Yoga The Minister of State for Tourism and Culture Dr. Mahesh Sharma inaugurated the exhibition “Yoga Chakra, Tradition & Modernity – a Multi-media encounter with Intangible Culture” on the occasion of International Yoga Day, at the Rabindra Bhawan in New Delhi recently. The exhibition was a part of the larger endeavour of the Ministry of

semble features 370 works by over 150 artists from across India, in-

Culture, to present Yog Parv, a festival of Yoga in the context of per-

cluding historic masterpieces sourced from museums and institutions

forming and visual arts as well as workshops and interactive session

as well as several fresh new age creations by contemporary artists. It

in three interlinked segments. The Yog Parv has been organised by the

showcases the all inclusive multicultural multimedia Indian creativity

autonomous organisation of Ministry of Culture, Sangeet Natak

through a convergence of illustrated manuscripts, paintings, photo-

Akademi, in association with sister organizations and museums

graphs, books, interactive installations, digital work, and films for health, happiness and healing. Displayed in three interlinked

from across the country. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Mahesh Sharma said the fact

thematic segments - Gyana, Dhyana and Karma – the exhi-

that the International Yoga Day was celebrated across the world

bition relooks at the ancient Indian traditions and tenets, from

today is a matter of great pride for India. The celebration of Yoga

a modern perspective through a convergence of visual and

Day today has given India a unique recognition in the world, the

performing arts, science and life styles, as well as faithsHindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, Zorashrian, Sufi and other sacred

Minister said. The Minister highlighted the significance of Yoga


depicted through various forms of cultural activities. Yoga is a part of our culture and our ancient culture has found a place worldwide

The other aspects of the festival integral to the concept of yoga include dance performances, music concerts, theatre, lecture

with the celebration of Yoga Day today, the Minister added. Dr

demonstrations, discourses, talks, workshops, medi-

Sharma said that177 different countries from across continents and cultures have adopted the idea and

tation sessions, and consultations with Yoga ex-

have joined India in this initiative to celebrate yoga

perts as well as an interactive arena to experience


a host of herbal remedies and organic cuisine from

The exhibition ‘Yoga Chakra’, curated by Sushma K Bahl and

across the country.

Archana B Sapra with support from Sangeet Natak Akademi highlights

The ‘Yog Parva’ was organized to celebrate the International Day of

the all encompassing philosophy of life sustaining practices across

Yoga from 21st to 27th June 2015 at Rabindra Bhavan premises, New

ages, cultures and continents for meditation and stress relief. The en-


Jaypee Hotels celebrated International Yoga Day The first International Yoga Day was


enthusiastically all over the world. Jaypee


also paid tribute to this ancient art of India, which is not only practiced

Shubhum Barthwal

Halasana, Padangushanashasparshasana, Sir-

in India but is now widely practiced and acknowl-

wal conducted an interactive session on the

sasana etc. The session was conducted from

edged religiously worldwide.

practices of yoga and how it revitalizes and rein-

11:00 AM at the world renowned Spa and well-

Jaypee Greens Golf and Spa Resort offered

forces your mind, senses and body. Shubhum

ness Centre, Six Senses Spa at Jaypee Greens

complimentary yoga sessions to all the guests

specializes in Hatha Yoga, Asthanga Yoga, Ghi-

Golf & Spa Resort.

and employees on the International Yoga Day.

rand Yoga and Patanjali Yoga and has also mas-

Yoga and meditation specialist Shubhum Karth-

tered the art of postures like Chakrasana,




Ever since the declaration of International Yoga Day, it’s getting more highlighted and thus people across the Globe coming to India to study and practice yoga and thus cordially increasing the Tourism sector and in coming years we will see more of it.

Sunil Sikka Head – Marketing & Business Development WelcomHeritage Hotels

Similar to the marketing campaigns ‘Incredible India’ and ‘Make in India’, there could be another campaign to promote India as a destination for Yoga.

Abhilash K Ramesh Director Kairali Ayurvedic Group



be a game changer for Incredible India?

Considering the health benefit of Yoga, its growing recognition across the world, and above all India being the land of Yoga, Yoga as an important tourism product can be a game changer for tourism industry in India provided a systematic and planned approach is adopted to promote it.


Recently India and the world came together to

nered worldwide recognition. The International

great opportunity for the Indian tourism industry

celebrate the first International Yoga Day on June

Yoga Day is another big milestone which received

in the country. The industry hopes that celebrating

21. India being the land of Yoga can rightly be de-

tremendous publicity and has cemented Yoga on

June 21 as International Yoga Day will boost in-

scribed as Mecca of Yoga. Image of India as a

an international stage.” According to Sunil Sikka,

bound tourists to the country. “June 21 being cel-

land of Yoga has further got a boost with celebra-

Head – Marketing & Business Development, Wel-

ebrated as International Yoga Day across the

tion of International Yoga Day across the world.

comHeritage Hotels, the celebration of Interna-

world has put India on spotlight, considering India

Aashica Khanna, VP – Operations, IHHR Hospi-

tional Yoga Day has brought awareness about

is the birth place of Yoga, thus it will improve the

tality Pvt. Ltd. said, “Yoga is an integral part of the

yoga and increased the recognition of the tradi-

inbound movement of tourists and health seeker,”

culture and history of India and it is a matter of

tion of India across the world.

says Abhilash K Ramesh, Director Kairali

great pride for every Indian that Yoga has gar-



As the recognition of Yoga grows, it opens a

Ayurvedic Group, underling significance of Yoga

COVER STORY for tourism. “Yoga being originated in India can play a significant role in the tourism industry. People across the world are now aware about the benefits of yoga and India being the land of it will attract a large number of tourists in coming years,” said Sikka, adding that Foreign Tourists Arrivals in the country is expected to grow post the celebration of International Yoga Day, as tourists are expected to be interested in knowing more about Yoga. As the place of origin is always believed to be the best place for learning the art, this will act as a major source for attracting tourists to India. According to Ramesh, the significance of growing popularity of Yoga for Indian

compulsory in the Central schools. This is good

Sikka, the government should take certain initia-

tourism is that number of tourists that will

decision. This will not only improve students’

tives in order to promote Yoga in the Indian

come to India will increase and also will

health but this also caters to future requirement

tourism industry. Similar to ‘Incredible India’ and

boost Ayurveda with Yoga.

of skilled manpower for yoga.

‘Make in India’ campaigns, there should be an-

and tourism industry of India if holistic and planned approach is adopted to promote it. The government has to play a key role in this. There are many issues that required to be addressed to promote yoga tourism. Khanna added that wellness tourism is a growing industry worldwide as well as in India and Ayurveda and Yoga are two of the most important aspects of India's brand of holistic wellness. She expects this popularity will continue to grow. There is huge lake of skilled manpower for yoga. Quacks are working as yoga instructors, doing great disservice to practice and purpose of yoga. There is an urgent need of standardization in yoga sector. Insti-

According to Khanna, the obvious issues are

If the government can tackle some of these, it will help the industry as a whole. Yoga being a time tested ancient Indian discipline is infallible and is bound to grow provided the basics is taken care of

Yoga can be game changer for travel

Aashica Khanna VP – Operations, IHHR Hospitality Pvt. Ltd

tutions imparting Yoga education and training

other campaign to promote India as a destination for Yoga. This will inspire people around the world to learn the art of Yoga and will take the drive further. Sikka added that the government should also ensure that India has educated and fluent English speaking trainers that can deal well with the foreigners. Yoga has all attributes to become a key tourism product in the country. “Yoga is booming and ever since the declaration of International Yoga Day, it’s getting more highlighted and thus people across the Globe coming to India to study and practice yoga and thus cordially increasing the Tourism sector and in coming years we will see more of it,” said Ramesh. Sikka also agrees that that Yoga can emerge as an important niche product for the Indian tourism sector as Yoga is considered to be an integral part of India’s ancient tradition and culture.

must be regulated. Centre conducting yoga

lack of proper infrastructure, safety, regulatory is-

It is practiced not only as an exercise but for the

session should also be regulated. “There is

sues among many others. “If the government can

unity of mind & soul, harmony of human & nature

no standardized Government institute for

tackle some of these, it will help the industry as a

and inner peace. The trend in the tourism industry

Yoga. Government should create a body for

whole. Yoga being a time tested ancient Indian

is also changing as travellers now look forward to

Yoga, so that in affiliation with the body certifi-

discipline is infallible and is bound to grow pro-

unique experiences and Yoga can surely be po-

cation provided to the practitioner is internation-

vided the basics is taken care of,” said Khanna.

sitioned as a niche product to attract the foreign

ally recognized,” said Ramesh. The central government recently made Yoga

The government’s role in promotion of yoga as


a tourism product is very crucial. According to




Globalization of yoga offers huge opportunity, but challenges remain Globalization of Yoga offers a huge opportunity for Indian tourism sector, but there are many challenges that required to be addressed to leverage the potential of Yoga as tourism product and tap the opportunities that the Globalization of Yoga offers to the tourism sector. Globalization of yoga has been going on for

brand India, the other three are talent, trade and

decades, but the United Nations adopting June

technology. The Government’s focus on promo-

21 as International Yoga day and subsequently

tion of Yoga is part of Modi’s grand vision to pro-

the first International Yoga Day being celebrated

mote soft power of India. It is he who mooted

across the world, process of Globalization of

the idea of International Yoga day and because

Yoga has come a long way. With Yoga getting

of his leadership that in a very short span of time

global recognition, and the government focusing

the UN adopted a resolution to celebrate 21

on its promotion, its popularity is bound to grow

June as International Yoga Day. As India is the

further in future. Global-

birth place of Yoga, the

ization of yoga at such as

country should have at-

large scale offers huge

tracted a lot of people



who are interested in

tourism sector. Consider-


spirituality and wellness;

ing that India is the birth

but most of tourists come

place of Yoga, it should be

to India for reasons other

positioned as Mecca of

than Yoga. Except in few



pockets of the country,

tourists can avail authen-


Yoga’s presence as a

tic experience of yoga.

tourism segment across

“Events such as International Yoga Day give people an opportunity to

the country is negligible. Karan Anand Head—Relationships, Cox & Kings Ltd

discuss the benefits of yoga. Various professional yoga practitioners educate people on the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of yoga. We also believe World Yoga Day initiative will further help to promote India as a tourism destination,” said Karan Anand, Head—Re-

Uttarakhand and Kerala are among the few states where Yoga is promoted

“Events such as international Yoga Day give people an opportunity to discuss the benefits of yoga. Various professional yoga practitioners educate people on the spiritual, mental and physical aspects of yoga. We also believe World Yoga Day initiative will further help to promote India as a tourism destination.”

lationships, Cox & Kings

as tourism product. Now it is opportune time that

Steps required for boosting Yoga tourism: • Coordination between yoga schools and ashrams should be encouraged. • There should be coordination between tour operators and yoga ashrams • Regulation and standardization in yoga sector is required • government of India should frame new guidelines on yoga • The government should certify yoga centre and institutes • a exclusive marketing campaign should be launched to promote yoga • accreditation of yoga ashrams and institutions should be encouraged • government should set up an independent body of yoga experts to provide accreditation • a comprehensive database of yoga teachers or institutes should be developed

the Indian tourism industry



should promote Yoga as

tourism product? “Yoga as we all know is popular

spiritual/wellness tourism

the world over and though people do visit India


to learn and experience yoga, we have to pro-



Ayurveda. “The globalization of yoga has created large

mote the various schools of yoga. This would require coordination with various Yoga schools and ashrams,” said Anand.

internal markets in the

Although the popularity of yoga and yoga

Ltd. Explaining the growing popularity of Yoga,

western countries like USA, Canada etc. and we

tourism is growing, there is lack of proper guide-

Anand said, “Life today has become very hectic

need to use aggressive promotion tactics to at-

lines, standardization and regulations for yoga

and full of stress. Yoga is a way to restore bal-

tract that market. There is a large internal market

institutions and yoga professionals. Anand sug-

ance and help in rejuvenation. People are dis-

in India too that remains untapped. For example,

gested that the government should certify yoga

covering that these very simple exercises can

16-30 age segment in India is relatively neg-

institutes and emulate the example of Kerala

create a positive impact on their everyday lives

lected in promotion of yoga. Getting their share

where yoga centres have to confirm to guide-

with sustained practice and ward off diseases.

will create a large domestic market for tourism

lines in order to promote it. “We are very poor in

This is the reason why yoga is getting popular

industry,” said Anand, explaining the opportuni-

branding what we have and I feel this is the op-

across the world.”

ties Yoga offers to the India’s tourism sector as

portune time to promote yoga”.

Tradition & Tourism are two important Ts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 5Ts to build



a key tourism product segment. So what should be done to promote Yoga as a


Radisson Blu Hotel Ghaziabad opens Lust by Poolside Bar & Barbeque Radisson





fresco dining and herbal sheeshas.

A huge range of beverages including Mar-

launched Lust by the Pool, the Hotel’s Pool-

Spend an enjoyable evening with a sump-

tinis, Classics , Signatures and Liquors at

side Bar & Barbeque. The hotel has become

tuous culinary treat of , to name a few from

Lust add a delightful flavor to a fun evening

a name to reckon with, for revelers, as the ul-

Grills & Tandoor—Barbecued Piri Piri Prawns,

along with popular intriguingly named ‘Shee-

timate destination for great food and enter-

Citrus grilled Basa, Harissa marinated Lamb

sha Cocktails ‘ -Double Apple, Watermelon

Chops, Corn on the Cob, Barbecued Cottage

and Mint, Aks, Nawabi Darbar And Lust on

Lust by the Pool beckons all to an extraor-

cheese steaks, Marinated and Grilled Zuc-


dinary dining experience amidst luxurious

chini and Peppers, Vegetable Shashlik Za-

and scenic Poolside. Lust by Poolside has a

itooni Fish Tikka, Brie Chicken Tangri, Imli

Bar, Live Barbeque, refreshing salads and Al-

wale Tandoori Aloo, Tandoori Phaldari Chat.


Lust by Poolside is an ideal hangout to unwind after a hectic long day. by T NH DESK

StayWell Signs Second Park Regis Hotel in India StayWell Hospitality Group will open Park Regis Jaipur in July 2015 Australian-based StayWell Hospitality Group has announced the expansion of its international network of hotels in India with the signing of the

says this expansion into the Indian market is a

tor of StayWell Hospitality Group in India says,

Groups’ second Park Regis property in the coun-

sign of the future for the brand which has con-

“The new Park Regis, located close to Amer

try; Park Regis Jaipur.

crete plans of growth within the region.

The re-launch of the property, currently known

Fort, is home to a number of the regions tourist

“The opening of the Park Regis Jaipur is the

attractions, has 72 rooms, on-site gym, pool,

as the Holiday Inn Jaipur, is scheduled to oper-

first of up to eleven hotels scheduled to open

multi-cuisine dining options, meeting spaces and

ate under the Park Regis banner from 2nd July

under the StayWell Hospitality Group banner in

a pool-side banquet area for the extensive Indian

and follows a refurbishment and renovation up-

2015,” Wan said, “While our international growth

Weddings. We are excited about this new part-

grade which has elevated its offering in-line with

strategy is multi-faceted, we are actively looking

nership with Dinesh Abbi and his family as they

the Park Regis’ internationally renowned upscale

at refurbishing and re-branding existing hotels to

are one of the oldest hoteliers in the country with

decrease the time and resources needed to

a rich experience in owning and operating hotels

enter new markets.” Rohit Vig, Managing Direc-

in multiple locations.

brand offering. StayWell Hospitality Group CEO Simon Wan





Hotel Tracker for Summer 2015 indicates flatter tariffs, falling Advance Purchase period Mobile share of Hotel-booking grows to nearly half of all online bookings. Chandigarh, Nagpur and Vishakhapatnam show highest YoY growth in bookings. MakeMyTrip, India’s leading online travel company released Hotelbooking trends in its 2015 Summer Hotel Tracker. This is the second edition of the tracker, an annual property analyzing trends in the dynamic Hospitality sector, which has seen a boom this year with heavy adoption of mobile bookings by travellers from Tier 2 centres. In good news for travellers, hotel tariffs remain flat compared to this period last year. However the Advance Purchase period has also reduced from last year. The tariff range for summer season across top destinations is:

the online hotel-booking segment, we have seen the market explode thanks to increasing mobile penetration and adoption, especially for last-minute hotel bookings. We offer the largest domestic hotel inventory with over 25000 properties in India, across categories, including homestays and service apartments. Whatever be the customer need, they can find a hotel online – quicker and cheaper. Due to relatively flat tariffs and lower advance purchase cycles, travellers who have not booked their summer holidays can still get great deals online and via mobile.” Commenting on customers’ hotel-booking behavior, Mohit added, “Hotel-booking on the move via mobile devices is really popular this season. We have seen the share of (domestic) hotel bookings on mobile grow to 41% of online bookings (compared to 29% last year). This has also promoted the trend of last-minute bookings, with nearly 70% of bookings made within a week of travel. Of this, nearly 50% is made in the last three days of travel. This trend is especially visible for nearby and drivable destinations compared to those that take 9-10 hours to reach. Interestingly, check-ins over long weekends see a 2x spike, showing how the last-minute bookings are also fueling weekend getaways.” Destination trends: Mohit highlighted, “Goa, Ooty and Jaipur continue to be topsellers for Hotels this summer season, but smaller destinations such as Landsdowne, Khajjiar, Yelagiri and Ganpatiphule have gained the highest thanks to the reach of online listings. Customers and Hoteliers are finding value in utilizing web and mobile-based interactions.” • Goa and Ooty continue to be * The Hotel Tariff Tracker data is based on check-ins among the top summer destifrom April 1st2015 – May 10th 2015 nations • Pondicherry, Shimla, Manali, Jaipur, Coorg, Gangtok and Darjeeling are the other top-sellers • Highest gainers of Online Hotel Bookings (Top 10 metros & non-emtro cities): Chandigarh, Nagpur, Vishakhapatnam, Amritsar, Ahmedabad, by TNH DESK Vadodara, Hyderabad, Varanasi and Lucknow. launches special yoga packages to celebrate International Yoga Day joins the yoga movement by bringing special wellness packages from June 20, 2015 Celebrating the first International Yoga Day,, amongst India’s leading online travel portals, announced special yoga packages for its customers today. The packages became available on Yatra’s website from June 20, 2015, the eve of International Yoga Day. is launching their first packages in Hrishikesh in the North and Kovalam in the South of India. They would like travelers to have a choice in terms of the places they want to travel to while experiencing the yoga process. The itineraries are prepared in such a way that they will have a complete focus on wellness programmes and Yoga in particular being a critical component. The packages have been designed in order to provide a rejuvenating experience for the customers’ and drive overall positivity and well-being. Commenting on the new offerings, Sunny Sodhi, Chief Operating Officer, Corporate Travel and Head Industry Relations, said, “As more



people embrace healthier lifestyles, we are now seeing their behaviour translate and integrate into their travel and vacation habits. Many people are committing their vacation time to wellness travel, as exhibited by increased spending on fitness, diets, destination choices and to take a break from the rigours of city life. We are happy to be a part of the International Yoga Day and hope that this will be well received by our consumers.” The packages on offer are designed between 3 to 10 days and range from Rs.30,000 to Rs.96,500. Besides, accommodation, this package would include sessions by instructors in the morning and evening along with walking trails and relaxation therapy amongst others. A typical day in the package would start with sunrise meditation sessions along with Surya Namaskar. People can also look forward to Yoga sessions and practice various assanas in the lap of nature during the course of the day. In addition, special diets for every individual will be planned and administered. Customers who are looking for a healthy and revitalising experience combined with a good relaxing holiday can opt for these products. Sunny Sodhi further added, “The initiative announced by our Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi on commemorating June 21st as the International Yoga Day resulted in a lot of enquiries at Yatra about wellness/yoga retreats. Yatra has always believed in understanding their customers and we felt this was the right time to develop new products in line with market needs and we foresee a positive response.” by TNH DESK


Travel agents gain new level of airline fares information with Travelport Smartpoint 6.0 Travelport empowering agents to be better informed and sell more effectively. InterGlobe Technology Quotient

Amadeus to Acquire Navitaire from Accenture for US$830 Million Amadeus and Accenture will form alliance to focus on digital services for airline passengers.

recently announced the latest version of Travelport Smartpoint, its innovative point of sale product for corporate and leisure travel agencies which has now won awards for innovation across four continents. Travel-

Amadeus has agreed to ac-

ence, industry know-how, client

port Smartpoint 6.0, provides travel

quire Navitaire, a wholly owned

base and strong product portfolio

consultants with further capabilities

subsidiary of Accenture that pro-

is a significant step for Amadeus

vides technology and business

in the low-cost and hybrid-carrier

solutions to the airline industry,

segments,” said Luis Maroto,

for US$830 million.

President and CEO of Amadeus.

to advise their customers about the

Sandeep Dwivedi Chief Commercial Officer, ITQ

entire range of products, optional services and offers available from

Travelport Smartpoint 6.0 is the

the airlines that Travelport distributes,

latest showcase for Travelport Rich

Navitaire, which focuses on the

“Airlines of all shapes and sizes


Content and Branding, our industry-

low-cost and hybrid-carrier seg-

face an increasingly competitive




screen displays and real time book-

leading airline merchandising solu-

ments of the airline industry and

market for an increasingly de-


tion which takes branded fares,

has a global customer base of

manding traveler, and this trans-

product attribute selling, comparison

more than 50 operators, provides

action will give us the ability to

Travelport Smartpoint 6.0 is available now either as a simple down-

shopping and ancillary service at-

revenue-generation and cost-

serve all airlines with technology

load to desktop app or an automated

tachments to a unique and innova-

streamlining solutions in the

that can enable them to drive



tive level in the travel industry. Over

areas of reservations, ancillary

new revenues and contain their

browser version. Using this latest it-

100 airlines have now signed up with

sales, loyalty, revenue manage-


eration of this product, travel agents

over 70 airlines already live with en-

ment, revenue accounting and

can now access an airline’ branded

riched product content, enabling

business intelligence.

fares and ancillaries at the availabil-

them to put across their full value,




Navitaire has a strong track record of revenue growth, prof-

The addition of Navitaire’s

itability and cash generation.

ity, fare quote and fare shop stages

content and offers to travel agencies

portfolio of products and solu-

As part of the acquisition, ap-

of the booking process, providing a

when they search, sell and book

tions for the low-cost segment

proximately 550 Navitaire em-

new level of product insight and in-

flight options for hundreds of millions

will complement Amadeus’ Altéa

ployees, including the company’s

formation at more of the key stages

of corporate and leisure travelers

suite of offerings for its largely

senior management team, are

in the customer buying experience.

around the world.


expected to transfer to Amadeus.




base, giving the company the

Amadeus and Accenture ex-

formed of the products available to

Dwivedi, Chief Commercial Officer,

ability to serve a wider group of

pect to close the Navitaire acqui-

them, the options that might exist,

InterGlobe Technology Quotient,


sition in the fourth quarter of

the cost of the next product up and

said “This latest version allows travel

market and sell the two product

calendar 2015, following regula-

the ancillary products available to

agents to sell more effectively and

portfolios separately and will con-

tory approvals.

buy, to tailor their journey to their

efficiently, increase revenues and

tinue to invest in both platforms,

pects the acquisition to have

specific requirements.

grow their businesses. We are com-

enhancing the services and func-

minimal impact on its financial

Further enhancements also in-

mitted to deliver solutions to our cus-

tionality availability to all types of

performance in 2015.

In turn, travelers can be better in-

Speaking on this,

Amadeus intends to

Amadeus ex-

clude reducing the number of clicks

tomers what they exactly want from

carriers. Amadeus believes that

In a separate agreement, Ac-

required to access important infor-

our products and services. We have

the acquisition will enable it to im-

centure and Amadeus have

mation and the ability for agents to

received extremely positive feedback

prove the connectivity between

agreed to form an alliance to help

book and pay for the wide portfolio of

from the agents who have been test-

different carriers in the same air-

lead airlines through the digital

low cost carriers Travelport has inte-

ing this for us and we are excited to

line groups or alliances and that

transformation taking place in the

grated into its platform, using debit

be rolling it out so all of our cus-

the functionality from each plat-

industry and drive efficiency in

cards (in addition to credit cards)

tomers can benefit.”

form will enhance the other.

the global operations of airlines’

within the same booking workflow.


“Bringing Navitaire’s experi-






“We will continue with what we have strategized for the future.” In an exclusive interview with TnH, Jaal Shah, Group Managing Director of Travel Designer Group, talked about his remarkable entrepreneurial journey and his future initiatives.

brand now in Asia Pacific and Middle East and everyone would like to get associated with it in some way or the other. Enumerating key achievements of his organization, Shah said, “Key achievements of our company are that we are a global brand with presence in 17 countries and one of the top global wholesaler companies in the

There are many feathers in his cap. Jaal Shah,


who is held in high esteem by his peers and the

As regards the challenges he faced in the early

industry leaders, has achieved many milestones

days of his company, Shah says, “When we

in his entrepreneur career. Speaking about the in-

started off, the biggest challenge was our ideol-

ception of his company, Shah says, “A small dy-

ogy as we wanted to serve our travel partners by

namic team had started Travel Designer Group

providing them innovative products, cutting edge

way back in 1999, and I was the part of the group

technology, the best in class customer support,

as its managing director. We started as a small

and best net rates.”

tour operator offering short-haul destinations to

Shah adds, “Fortunately, we made a great en-

our travel partners.” Going forward, Shah slowly

thusiastic team who was and is passionate about

and steadily diversified the group activity with the

their work and who believed in what we are trying

launch of products like Designer Packages (Of-

to do. It is all because of these individuals we are

fline outbound), Designer Indya (Offline Inbound)

what and where we are today, a pioneer in the in-

and the Award winning global reservation system i.e. Launched in 2007, RezLive has

Jaal Shah GMD of Travel Designer Group

brought the entire world at the doorsteps of the On being asked about the motivation behind thing that motivated me to come up with a product like was to make the life of our travel

Key feats of Travel Designer Group • A global brand with presence in 17 countries • One of the top global wholesaler companies in the world • got 13 awards in last three years. • Maintained double digit growth. • Global team of more than 250 employees • 24*7 support service • Offering innovative products

About the USP of his company, Shah says, “We are a 100 per cent B2B Company which pro-

travel agents. the launch of, Shah says, “One


vides our travel partners the option to book ho-

“The primary vision with which the organization started was to be one of the key Global Wholesalers offering innovative products with excellent services to our travel partner’s at best net rates.”

tels, sightseeing and transfers under one interface. When travel agents connect with us they get access to mapped inventory around the world. This is important and is one of our many USPs.” He further says, “We are a very highly focused organization and as a result of which, we need to be extremely good with our offering be it inven-

start it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic

tory, user friendly interface or rates. We also have

in it. So, once the idea to start up something on

a dedicated 24*7 service support team that work

my own hit my mind, I was ready for it and was

round the clock to offer post booking services to

also prepared to face all the challenges related to

our travel partners.” Shah continues, “Our great-

it. Success is something that doesn’t come easily;

est achievement is in our product development

you need to sweat hard to earn that.”

and service standards.”

Elaborating on his vision and objectives for his

When TnH asked him about his satisfaction

organization, Shah said, “The primary vision with

with his entrepreneurial success, Shah said, “The

which the organization started was to be one of

best entrepreneurs are never satisfied with what

the key global wholesalers offering innovative

they’ve already achieved. They’re innovators

partners easy.” He adds, “As the traditional way

products with excellent services to our travel part-

through and through, which is why you won’t see

of making booking was lengthy and required lots

ners at best net rates.”

them stop and rest on their laurels. Even if they

of man-hours, came as a solution

When asked how successful he has been in re-

experience what the rest of the people in the

and provided travel agents, the much required ac-

alizing his founding goals, Shah says, “Our

world would consider to be ‘success,’ entrepre-

cess to make bookings on their own by getting

growth story and profitability chart of the organi-

neurs are already scheming away over how much

regular support from our team.”

zation depicts that we are able to adhere to what

bigger and better their next projects will be. As a

Shah firmly believes that taking initiative is the

we thought when we started the organization and

result of which, I am also trying to be in same

first step toward fulfillment of one’s dream. He

we will continue with what we have strategized for

league i.e. not being satisfied as I have much

says, “I have always believed in one thing - what-

the future.”

more to explore and innovate.”

ever you can do or whatever you dream to do, just



Travel Designer Group has become a valuable



SBI and MakeMyTrip sign strategic alliance to unlock the synergy between banking and tourism State Bank of India, the country’s largest Bank and, India’s leading Online Travel Company has signed a Memorandum of Understanding, identifying areas of cooperation to expand the market for online travel services in India. ings and technology innovations of mobile bookings in local languages will further aid our adoption in Tier 2 markets.” The levers of this alliance include: • Partnership with Personal Banking Unit for consumer facing propositions – including EMIs on purchase of holidays &international travel, customized travel products like Forex cards and travel products that inspire SBI customers to travel. • Partnership with SME & Acquiring Business: MMT suppliers, such as 2-3 star hotels, franchisees, Trade & Travel partners will get access to SBI products, loans, bank guarantees, PoS payment instruments at preferentialrates. This strategic association will enable both

tire value chain of travel and tourism business,

• Partnership with Cards for promoting card

partners to capitalize on the opportunity pre-

starting from hotels, travel agents, tour opera-

usage which will help in pushing the agenda

sented by India’s burgeoning internet econ-

tors besides the end-consumers and our cus-

of a “less cash economy”

omy that is driven by boost in adoption of

tomer-base. SBI aims at becoming a “One

With increasing disposable household in-

e-commerce and m-commerce. The two part-

Stop” solution provider for the entire range of

comes, consumers are undertaking more fre-

ners seek to unlock the array of business op-

financial needs of e-Commerce players as well

quent travels and vacations. In addition, with

portunities available in this segment across

as our customers in the market. In the digital

growth in e-commerce and smartphones, the

various spheres, by becoming integral to all

era, it is very important that the Bank stays

online travel segment is expected to grow at a

the segments of the consumers’ lifecycle. SBI

ahead of the curve and such strategic al-

much faster rate. According to PhocusWright,

is aiming towards driving synergies between

liances are the steps towards the right direc-

India is forecasted to have 1 billion online

banking and various other aspects of a cus-


users by 2030. This growth, led by one of the

tomer’s lifecycle including the travel segment

Deep Kalra, Chairman & Group CEO –

and positioning SBI as the “go-to” bank for all

MakeMyTrip, elaborated, “The overall macro

smartphones, is expected to add 300 million

of customers’ needs. MakeMyTrip is focused

sentiments are positive and we believe this is

new online shoppers in the same time frame.

youngest global populations who love their

on expanding the travel market opportunity by

the right time to identify and execute opportu-

At the same time, India’s travel market is fore-

driving the offline-to-online adoption in the Ho-

nities to unlock the market potential. We al-

casted to grow to US$ 27.5 Bn by 2016 (at a

tels & Packages business, and meeting the

ready command nearly 50% of the online

CAGR of 12% from 2014-2016), with growth

travel aspirations of Indian customers.

travel market-share in India. The key lever of

of online markets at 1.5x the total market. Pho-

Speaking on the association, Smt. Arundhati

future growth will be offline-to-online, or rather,

cusWright also estimates MakeMyTrip’s mar-

Bhattacharya, Chairman, SBI highlighted,

offline-to-mobile shift. We believe our associ-

ket-share at 47%. Domestic travellers are

“Travel forms an integral part of a customer’s

ation with SBI, the trusted banker for millions

expected to contribute around 84.7% of total

lifecycle and comprises almost 65% of the

of Indians, will help catalyse this shift and bring

tourism revenue by 2024 according to a report

total e-Commerce market today. Our alliance

us closer to our target set of consumers. Our

by Corporate Catalyst (India) Pvt. Ltd.

with MakeMyTrip will work towards providing

network of over 24,000 hotels, expanded serv-

value to each of the stakeholder along the en-

ice and product portfolio of Rail & Bus book-





HolidayIQ com. launches India’s first Mobile-only Holidays marketplace HolidayIQ has launched India’s first ever mobile-only vacations marketplace ‘Holidays’, dedicated to activity based leisure travel. The marketplace, incorporated within the Hol-

led ones. And so, we have aggregated the first

travel community; enabling travellers to first dis-

idayIQ android mobile app, showcases 1000

ever mobile-only activity-led vacations market-

cover numerous vacation choices, then plan hol-

plus activity based packages and allows trav-

place. We have associated with some of the best

iday trips in full detail and finally, share holiday

ellers to customize their holiday using various fil-

players in the industry including Giftxoxo, Tushky,

experiences with millions of other travelers. One

ters including: budget, duration, vacation type

Exploita & Padharo to provide a vast range of ex-

can download the app using <>

and activity. The app also provides comprehen-

periential holidays for Indian travellers. People

sive itinerary details within each listed holiday

can also review all these holidays individually on

package. The feature has various options rang-

the app helping other travellers plan better.”

ing from day-activities of just 1 hour to offbeat,

These vacations include over 1000 activities

all-inclusive holiday packages of up to 15 days,

ranging from cycling to hiking, zorbing to river

with prices from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1.6 lakhs.

rafting, Bollywood inspired walks to culinary

Commenting on India’s first ever mobile-only

trails. They can suit varied budgets starting with

holidays market place, Hari Nair, Founder &

holidays such as ‘6-hour Vineyard trail at Grover

CEO, HolidayIQ, said, “There are two major

Zampa Vineyards in Nasik for Rs. 400’ to a ‘9-

shifts in the way Indians plan holidays today.

day holiday in the Andamans including swim-

Over 70% of holidays planned on HolidayIQ are

ming with elephants at Rs.1.6 lakh’.

through mobile devices. Secondly, we are mov- is a premier holiday informa-

ing from destination-led holidays to experience-

tion portal powered by India's first & biggest



Highlights of Mobile-only vacations marketplace: • Over 1000+ curated activity-based travel packages listed, across all regions of India • Activities starting from 1 hour to 14 days, ranging from Rs. 100 to Rs 1.6 lakh • Partners with over 100 carefully selected aggregators & agents to create the market place • Holidays evolving from destination led to experience led by TNH DESK


Record Indian Travel Trade participation at ATE 15 in Melbourne The Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) 2015 recently concluded in Melbourne with 25 companies representing India at ATE 2015. The euphoria amongst the Indian travel fraternity around increasing visitor numbers to Australia was demonstrated by a record number of Indian participants at the Australian Tourism Exchange (ATE) 2015, which recently concluded in Melbourne. A total of 25 companies including Thomas Cook India, SOTC-Kuoni, MakeMyTrip, Yatra, Abercrombie & Kent, Chariot World Tours, Fountainhead, amongst others represented India at ATE 2015, in a bid to further promote Australia as a travel destination. Organized by Tourism Australia, with Tourism Victoria, ATE is Australia’s annual business-to-business tourism travel trade event, which brings together travel whole-

who sell Australian holidays in India, are es-

Tourism Australia is the Australian Govern-

salers and agents from 30 countries to meet

sential for creating long term tourism growth.

ment agency responsible for promoting Aus-

and do business with 1,500 Australian

Arrivals into Australia from India have seen a

tralia to the world as a destination for

tourism seller delegates from 500 compa-

significant rise and initiatives like the ATE

business and leisure travel.

nies. In addition to fixed business appoint-

provide a wonderful platform for the trade to

Tourism Australia’s purpose is to increase

ments, ATE offered participating delegates

understand the destination better which in

the economic benefits to Australia of tourism,

the opportunity to be part of a selection of fa-

turn helps them to sell it to their consumers.”

supporting the industry’s Tourism 2020 strat-

miliarisation programs to deepen their expe-

India has seen a fantastic increase in visi-

egy, which aims to grow the overnight annual

rience and understanding of the destination.

tor arrival numbers to Australia in the recent

expenditure generated by tourism to as much as A$140 billion by 2020.

Nishant Kashikar, Country Manager India

past. For the calendar year 2014, there were

& Gulf, Tourism Australia, “The relationships

197,000 visitors from India, an increase of

developed at ATE, between Australian

17% over the same period of the previous

tourism product suppliers and the travel trade



Australia welcomes International Yoga Day celebration Australia welcomes the celebration of yoga on 21 June, which has been declared by the United Nations as International Yoga Day. Along with India and the rest of the world, Australians too celebrated the day. In Mel-

Minister Narendra Modi’s belief in yoga," said

and fulfilment; harmony between man and na-

Mr Suckling.

ture; a holistic approach to health and well

bourne, Yoga Australia jointly hosted with the

During his visit to Australia in November

Indian Consulate the 8th Annual International

2014, Modi, a keen yoga practitioner, pre-

“ The fact that the United Nations General

Yoga Conference on the theme ‘Yoga for Health

sented a book on yoga to the Australian Prime

Assembly resolution on the commemoration of

– Physical, Mental, Social and Spiritual’.

Minister, Tony Abbott. Modi said he was aware

International Yoga Day was co-sponsored by

Australia’s High Commissioner to India, Patrick Suckling, said the celebration was an


that yoga was “enormously popular” in Aus-

177 member nations and did not have to be


voted upon, is testament to the universal

affirmation of the universal acceptance of yoga

Making the call to recognise yoga’s contribu-

as a practice for mental and physical well-

tions at the UN General Assembly on 27 Sep-

text of the health challenges of the 21st cen-


tember 2014, Modi said "yoga embodies unity

tury,” added the High Commissioner.

“The celebration is also a success of Prime

of mind and body; thought and action; restraint

recognition of the benefits of yoga in the con-





Mr. Tom Mehrmann, Chief Executive of Ocean Park; Mr. Hyun-Bin Kang, Head of Business Development Division at LINE; celebrities Ms. Eliza Sam and Ms. Jacqueline Wong officiated the opening of LINE Summer Fever, Asia’s first LINE-themed Water Party presented by Ocean Park Summer Splash.

Ocean Park Summer Splash 2015 from July 1 to August 30 in Hong Kong Ocean Park Summer Splash headlined by Asia’s First LINE-themed Water Party will be held from July 1 to August 30 in Hong Kong. This year 10 COOL attractions at Summer Splash will transform Waterfront Plaza into Fun World of Water. Over 60 LINE Merchandises Debut in HK Exclusively at LINE FRIENDS Pop-up Store. With the mercury on the rise, Ocean Park

Park, said, “Ocean Park has been keeping our

Summer Splash 2015 will help everyone quench

guests up to date with our latest offerings

the summer heat from 1 July to 30 August. In ad-

through social media. Following the success of

dition to the Park’s over 80 attractions, this year’s

our earlier collaboration on a special edition of

Summer Splash will feature 10 COOL attrac-

LINE stickersduring Halloween Fest, the Park

tions, to rock the summer with every guest! Col-

has been actively exploring further opportunities

laborating with the widely popular messenger

to cooperate with LINE. As a signature summer

app LINE, Ocean Park is presenting the LINE

event in Hong Kong that attracts a large number

Summer Fever, Asia’s first LINE-themed Water

of guests every year, Ocean Park’s Summer

Party, where guests can experience Soaker

Splash presents a perfect collaboration opportu-

Celebrities Ms. Eliza Sam and Ms. Jacqueline Wongwere ecstatic to see the lovely BROWN. They thus snappedand shared their fun summer memories in Ocean Park.

Swings, a brand new summer attraction; Mega

nity as Summer Splash is particularly popular

miss this chance to enjoy Summer Splash at-

Bucket, a must-visit photo opportunity; the ever-

among young people, which are also the target

tractions and the over 80 in-park facilities with

popular, 3-storey high Slide Racer; Wild Foam

users of LINE. A series of special edition LINE

one admission ticket!”

Party; Water War and Dancing Fountain. Guests

sound stickers were launched just a week ago,

Hyun-Bin Kang, Head of Business Develop-

can also snap fun summer memories with

our LINE corporate account followers have in-

ment Division at LINE, said, “We are delighted

Brown, Cony, Moon, as well as James, who will

creased over 160,000, from 710,000 to more

to collaborate with Ocean Park on this talk-of-

make his debut appearance in Hong Kong at

than 860,000 in total.”

the-town Water Party. To give our LINE fans an

LINE FRIENDS Snapshots and LINE Play Zone.

Mehrmann added, “Our collaboration has in-

unforgettably exciting summer, we have specifi-

LINE fans will also have a choice of over 60 mer-

jected loads of new excitement into our summer

cally arranged for James, who is making his

chandise items, all available in Hong Kong for

event, including a series of LINE-themed attrac-

debut appearance in Hong Kong, to join Brown,

the first time, at the LINE FRIENDS Pop-Up

tions and delicacies, as well as the LINE

Cony and Moon to meet and greet the fans at

Store near the Ocean Express Waterfront Sta-

FRIENDS Pop-up Store. Riding on the trend of

Ocean Park. In addition to all the fun attractions,

tion. On top of the LINE-themed attractions, the

instant photo sharing, we will offer numerous

we will hold a lucky draw through LINE to

kid-limited attraction Happy Splash Time and the

photo and video opportunities throughout the

broaden awareness of our messaging app.

energetic dance show Summer Rhythm are set

Park for guests to capture, they can also watch

There are a lot of fantastic prizes, so everyone

the video and share with friends right away via

should stay tuned for details.”

to offer guests a galore of cool grooves. Tom Mehrmann, Chief Executive of Ocean



LINE. Fans of LINE and Ocean Park can never



VITO sets sights on big-spending Indian tourists Indonesia has plenty of marvels to offer to the delight of travellers and VITO is making a major headway to entice the big-spending travellers and corporate groups from India.


There is a significant growth in travel among

A South-East Asian destination that pro-

free individual travellers, leisure, adventure,

vides the thrill of multi-destination itinerary

honeymoon, wedding and MICE segments.

with a bag full of varied attractions is Indone-

We are making our presence at travel fairs

sia. Indian travellers holidaying in Indonesia can get to experience adventure, pristine beaches, nightlife, casinos et al in a single tour. With the growing willingness of Indians to travel abroad, Visit Indonesia Tourism Office (VITO) is doing its best to tap the wellheeled class of Indian travellers and plans to

The current targets of VITO are : • Eyeing tier-II and tier-III cities of India. • Luring Indian wedding planners. • Attracting free individual travellers, leisure, honeymoon couples, adventure and MICE groups. • Enticing big-spending travellers.

flaunt the best of Indonesia to corporate-decision makers.

Shelly Chandhok Country Manager, VITO-India

“With the tremendous success of recently concluded TAAI Convention, we are hopeful that India would attain the status of primary source market,” outbound market across the globe next to

and hosting road shows in various Indian

China and it is expected that the tourism fig-

According to Shelly Chandhok, Country

cities in order to lure the free individual trav-

ures from India would rise up steadily in the

Manager, VITO-India, “The rise in disposable

ellers, honeymoon couples, wedding and

coming years. Chandhok said, “There would

income of middle-class Indians has made

MICE groups.”

be an increase in the number of Indian

them to spend a fortune on foreign travel.

India today figures as the fastest growing

tourists from 15 million to 50 million by 2020.

Tourism New Zealand announces Kiwi Link India 2015 Tourism New Zealand’s annual travel trade event, Kiwi Link India, is scheduled to take place from July 13 to July 16, 2015 in Mumbai and Delhi. The event serves as a platform for New

neys Limited, the Rees Hotel Queenstown,

Zealand operators to interact with Indian

JUCY Cruise, and familiar faces include Hob-

tourism product managers, planners and own-

biton Movie Set, NZONE Skydive (Queen-

ers through full day workshops and frontline

stown), the Helicopter Line and AJ Hackett


Bungy, who consider India as one of their key

Kiwi Link India 2015 will be seeing partici-

Steven Dixon Tourism New Zealand’s Regional Manager – South and South East Asia


pation from 36 operators from New Zealand

Through Kiwi Link India 2015, Tourism New

Bowler, Chief Executive, Tourism New

as well asfourairlines and 80 Indian delegates.

Zealand aims to highlight the destination’s

Zealand said, “Kiwi Link India is one of

Following a new format this year, Tourism New

unique range of offerings to all the various

Tourism New Zealand’s biggest trade shows

Zealand will also be hosting key buyers from

segments of Indian travellers. The event also

and is very important to us as India continues

around India in Mumbai for the first three days

serves as an opportunity for operators from

to be one of our priority emerging markets.

of the event.

New Zealand to educate their travel and trade

The trade event serves as an ideal platform for

New tourism operators attending this year’s

partners in India about the new products and

us to strengthen relations with our stakehold-

event include XperieNZ Limited, Wai-O-Tapu,

services that are available at the destination.

ers in the Indian travel trade industry.”

NTB TRAVEL, Hassle-free Tours, Vyom Jour-

Speaking about the trade event, Kevin





Kenya bags nine awards at World Travel Awards Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) bagged nine awards in various categories at the 22nd World Travel Awards (WTA) held in Seychelles. Kenya Tourism Board (KTB) led the pack by


Ibrahim Mohammed said, "The sterling performances by the industry will go a long way in building the country's brand equity and called on the players in the sector to continuously improve on their service delivery." "Hospitality industry has to keep pace with the changing needs of clientele and therefore a need for constant improvement of product

Naivaisha- based Spa Resort, Enashipai

and services. These awards Kenyan travel

the fourth time in a row. Maasai Mara Game

won as Kenya's leading spa while Nairobi Ser-

trade has received today are demonstration of

Reserve was voted Africa's leading National

ena triumphed as Kenya's leading business

services improvement" said the PS.

retaining the Africa's leading tourism board for

KTB Managing Director, Muriithi Ndegwa welcomed the award for the best tourism board and attributed the success to the dedicated staff and support from the parent Ministry as well as the private sector. Overwhelmed by the success, Mr. Ndegwa said, "We are honoured to win the title of the Leading Tourism Board for the fourth time running and this will add impetus to our marketing strategies despite the challenges that have bePark with Diani beach clinching Africa's leading beach destination. Twiga Tours was ranked Africa's leading lux-

hotel. It was also crowned Kenya's green hotel.

deviled the sector in the recent past".

The 22nd 'Oscars' of the travel industry'

He said the voting of Maasai Mara Game

awards were held at Kempinski resort in Sey-

Reserve as Africa's leading National Park and

ury safari destination as well as Africa's re-

chelles and attended by players of the tourism

Diani as Africa's leading beach destination was

sponsible tourism company. Carlson Wagonlit

industry from across the globe.

an indication of Kenya's unbeatable position as

topped as Kenya's leading travel Management

Speaking after receiving the awards, Com-

Company as well as Kenya's leading travel

merce and Tourism Principal Secretary Dr

Taste of Flemish culture Visit Flanders is making a relentless effort to tap the Indian FIT and MICE segments with its exotic Flemish culture and a plethora of new destinations steeped in art.

a safari and beach destination. by T NH DESK

nelize our initiatives to raise awareness about the Flemish destinations of Brussels, Bruges, Ghent and Antwerp. At the same time, we intend to promote interesting itineraries for the Flemish Art Cities.”


For those high on wanderlust waiting to ex-

Antwerp but is yet to discover the attractions

Besides, Flemish Art Cities, Flanders has

plore new global destination, hold your

of other tourist destinations of Flanders. Sunil

other great attractions for tourists including

breath. There is Flanders in the heart of Eu-

Puri, Director, India- Representative Office,

Flemish cuisine, art and culture, shopping, di-

rope that offers plenty of choices for discern-

Visit Flanders and Brussels explained, “Flan-

amonds and fashion. Puri said, “India is one

ing travellers. These days, Indian travellers

ders is an upcoming tourist destination for In-

of the fastest growing outbound tourist mar-

are looking for new destinations that would

dian tourists and our primary aim is to pull

kets across the globe that is experiencing

offer them incredible experiences. Visit Flan-

free individual travellers from India who are

substantial growth every year. Our significant

ders intends to lure free individual travellers

looking for niche experiences. Music enthu-

four-year project – The Great War Centenary

from India to showcase the best of Brussels

siasts can head to Ghent while Stella Artois

took off last year on the occasion of the First

and Antwerp and to discover the art cities of

brewery in Leuven is the place to go for wine

World War centenary.

Bruges, Ghent, Mechelen and Leuven.

We are targeting

lovers. For those in search of romantic get-

around two million tourists to visit sites and

An average Indian outbound traveller is

aways, Bruges needs to be included in the

cultural events in memory of the Great War

aware about the attractions of Brussels and

travel itineraries. We are bent upon to chan-

in the future period.”




Festive splendour at Visit Maldives Year 2016 With a host of festivals lined up in Maldives in the coming period, the island nation is making an earnest attempt to flaunt its varied attractions to travellers.

port. Hussein Lirar, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Maldives explained, “India is a premier and a significant tourist market for the island country. The flow of Indian tourists has remained at an all-time high during the current period and has shot up by 17 per cent during the




first quarter of 2014. Around 45,587 Indians

fascinating island nation of Maldives. In a

flew down to the island destination last year

bid to bring a surge in the tourist footfall to the

recording a growth of 19.9 per cent as com-

island nation to 1.5 million next year, Mal-

pared to 2013. We are eyeing the honeymoon

dives Marketing and Public Relations Corpo-

couples and family leisure tourists from

ration (MMPRC) has begun a campaign

India.” The island nation also offers free visa-

themed “Visit Maldives Year 2016” starting

on-arrival to all global tourists that forms an

from the period of June 2015 to June 2016.

added advantage for Indian travellers.

The period of the campaign will mark a

“The highest number of global tourists tour-

plethora of exhibitions, festivals and compe-

ing Maldives is from China,” added Lirar.

titions like Maldives Marine Expo 2016, Inter-

MMRPC is making an honest effort to spruce

national Surf Event, Whale Shark Day,

up the flight connectivity with Indian metros.

Maldives International Travel Exhibition,

Hussein Lirar Deputy Minister of Tourism, Maldives

As of now, Maldivian Airlines flies out from Chennai to Male while Spice Jet and Sri

World Travel Awards Gala Event 2016, New Year Show 2015, Maldives Marathon, mega

fessional photo contest for locals, grand raffle

Lankan Airways provide the best connectivity

wedding event, free diving at underwater fes-

prize, countdown clock at airport and launch

from New Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata to

tival, buy and win at airport raffle draw, pro-

of the timeline of Maldives history at the air-


Singapore Tourism Board partners with more than 40 stakeholders for the S$20 million Golden Jubilee campaign launch In order to mark Singapore’s 50th anniversary this year, STB has launched the ‘Golden Jubilee’ campaign worldwide. The campaign offers visitors a plethora of spe-

gapore Airlines bundled with complimentary

cial experiences to join in the celebrations with

attraction passes for Indians travelling to Sin-

unbeatable deals in airfares, hotel stays, shop-

gapore. To further stretch the dollar a 2 nights

ping offers and privileges galore making 2015

stay with the 3rd night free promotion is being

a perfect time to visit the country. The $20 mil-

offered across five hotel groups which include

lion Golden Jubilee Campaign deals span

the Pan Pacific and Sheraton. Moreover, daily

across five categories - fly, stay, shop, eat and

rewards, Pedestrian Night on Orchard Road

play. These deals are offered by more than 40

activities, SG50 collectibles, and ‘Kids play for

tourism stakeholders and can be enjoyed by

free’ specials and so on are also a part of

visitors from India.

these promotions. For instance, a child gets

Fly with Singapore Airlines and enjoy at-

free entry to both conservatories at Gardens

tractive offers

by the Bay with 2 Full-priced Adult Standard

The offers encompass special airfares by Sin-

Double Conservatories Ticket.

Chee Pey Chang Executive Director (South Asia, Middle East, Africa





Thailand visitor arrivals surge 25% in Jan-May 2015 Total visitor arrivals to Thailand reached 12.4 million between January-May 2015, up by 25% over the same period of 2014, and are on track to cross the estimated 28-million projection for the entire year. tourism to hit the 2015 target of 2.2 trillion Baht,

The top-spending per trip were tourists from

comprising of 1.4 trillion Baht from international

Israel, who spent an average of 84,995 Baht/per-

tourism and 800 billion Baht from domestic

son/trip, followed by Sweden (78,177 Baht/per-


son/trip), Canada (78,010 Baht/person/trip),

In May alone, Thailand welcomed 2,309,250 tourists, an increase of 38.21% over May 2014,

According to the latest figures released by the

Switzerland (75,893 Baht/person/trip), and Brazil (75,533 Baht/person/trip).

and 18.79% over May 2013. It was also the high-

It indicated that the policy to better promote

est monthly growth for that month, as compared

dispersal of visitor arrivals was also producing


results, thanks to the promotion of the “12 Hid-






(1,943,968), and May 2012 (1,546,888).

Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and

By region, strong growth was reported in ar-

Sports, the top five source markets in January-

rivals from East Asia, South Asia, the Middle

den Gems” (12 provinces that tourists should not miss). Of these 12 provinces, the highest hotel occu-

May 2015 were China (3,273,695), Malaysia

East and America. Only the European market

pancy rate in April 2015 was recorded by

(1,397,241), Japan (575,186) Korea (546,520),

showed a decline, primarily because of the de-

Nakhon Si Thammarat (59.19%) in South Thai-

and Lao PDR. (459,225).

cline in arrivals from Russia.



by Trang, Trat,


The Ministry of Tourism and Sports reported

Analysis of visitor expenditure in the January-

Chumphon, Samut Songkram, Chanthaburi,

that the total arrivals of 12,448,641 were an in-

May 2015 period indicated that the top spenders

Nan, Buri Ram, Ratchaburi, Phetchabun and

crease of 24.72% over January-May 2014. They

were Chinese tourists (156.839 billion Baht), fol-

Loei provinces. The top 3 provinces with the

generated 592.9 billion Baht in tourism income,

lowed by Malaysian tourists (33.092 billion Baht),

highest occupancy growth were Lampang,

up 25.13% over the same period.

Russians (29.021 billion Baht), the UK (27.949

Nakhon Si Thammarat and Nan.

The Ministry is projecting total earnings from

billion Baht) and the U.S. (25.047 billion Baht).


Bangkok remains 2nd top global city destination, 1st in Asia-Pacific, says MasterCard index For the second year in a row, Bangkok is pre-

Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) said, “This is

Index provides a ranking of the 132 most visited

dicted to be the world’s second top destination,

absolutely great news, which could not come at

cities from around the world in terms of interna-

and the number one in Asia-Pacific, with 18.24

any better time than now that Thailand is seeing

tional overnight visitor arrivals and spending. On

million visitors expected to spend time in the

a strong recovery in all tourist markets. I’d like to

the global scale for 2015, Paris ranked third with

Thai capital in 2015, according to the newly-re-

thank all concerned parties and stakeholders for

16.06 million visitors, Dubai came fourth with

leased MasterCard Global Destinations Cities

their tireless efforts in building and reiterating the

14.26 million visitors, and Istanbul was in fifth

Index. London ranked top city for the world with

image of Bangkok, Thailand’s main gateway, as

place with 12.56 million visitors.

18.82 million visitors. Juthaporn Rerngronasa, Acting Governor and Deputy Governor for International Marketing – Europe, Africa, Middle East and Americas, the



one of the world’s most popular tourist cities that

When comparing among destination cities in

is complete with both modern conveniences and

the Asia-Pacific, Bangkok retained its position at

old charms.”

number one, followed by Singapore, Kuala

The MasterCard Global Destinations Cities

Lumpur, Seoul, and Hong Kong.



NEW ZEALAND Tops ultimate film destination list New Zealand is the top film destination people most want to visit in the world - thanks to its lead role in 'The Lord of the Rings' Trilogy, according to a new British survey. New Zealand is the top film destination people

tor in choosing New Zealand as their holiday des-

such a variety of places nowadays it allowed peo-

most want to visit in the world - thanks to its lead

tination. And Hobbiton, which acted as the Shire

ple to get a glimpse of places they might never

role in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy – according

for the movies and is now a permanent movie set,

have considered as a holiday destination.

to a new British survey.

"Some shows are introducing us to coun-

The study by HBO television network,

tries or cities away from the beaten track,

which looked at holiday destinations made

and are helping to broaden our horizons

famous by TV and film, found these places

when it comes to our travel plans."

are booming in popularity with New

Tourism New Zealand CEO Kevin Bowler

Zealand topping the list of places viewers

agrees and says New Zealand - the real Mid-

most want to travel to.

dle-earth - is seeing an ongoing benefit from

New York rated second for the Sex and

the cinematic exposure in the blockbuster

the City fan trail, and Game of Throneslo-


cations featured three times in the Top 10.

“There’s no doubt these movies have

The popularity of Broadchurchalso saw

given us a very successful platform on which

West Bay in Dorset, England feature at

to promote New Zealand as a great place to

number five in the list.

visit and experience a real movie set and we

One in five people surveyed admitted

have been reaping the benefits of this for

they dreamed of visiting the locations used

some time now.

in their favourite TV show or film so they

“Visitor arrivals to New Zealand nearly hit

could take a selfie next to a famous spot.

the 3 million mark for the year ending May

New Zealand has already seen evidence

2015, up 6.9% on a year ago. We have con-

of that with a rise in the number of visitors

tinuing interest from film makers wanting to

claiming the country’s role as Middle-earth and

is New Zealand’s fastest growing tourist attrac-

use New Zealand as their backdrop and we are

the filming locations of The Lord of the Rings and


confident our role in film tourism is going to keep

The Hobbit Trilogies influencing their visit.

Colin Smith, Director of HBO Home Entertain-

In the year ending March 2015, more than

ment UK, which commissioned the research, said

80,000 visitors said The HobbitTrilogy was a fac-

that because films and TV shows were filmed in

us top of mind for those people wanting to live the dream and visit their favourite film locations.” by T NH DESK




Hon’ble Minister of Sports & Tourism of Thailand, H.E Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul at the launch of Discover Thainess in Mumbai

Amazing Thailand Loves Incredible India v B SRISHTI RAI Y

Thailand as a destination has always impressed me. I have had the

exclusive interview.

chance to visit the country on several occasions and at each and every one of them the plethora of attractions, the excellent hotels and of course

What were your expectations from TTM 2015?Are you happy with the

the hospitable service providers have dazzled me. I recently attended


Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+), Thailand’s largest annual B2B tourism

The main purpose of TTM is to assist small and medium-sized organiza-

and travel trade event that is now in its 14th year. 378 buyers from 52

tion get cost-effective marketing exposure in the highly competitive global

countries attended the event. The Thai Hon’ble Minister of Sports and

travel trade market. I think every year the performance of TTM is improv-

Tourism, H.E Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul was also present at TTM+. In her

ing. This year the response has exceeded previous years. Moreover, this

opening statement at the welcome dinner itself, she acknowledged the

year our primary focus has been to attract quality visitors and I think we

importance of India as a source market. She announced: “The Thai

have achieved that.

tourism industry is set for a promising future thanks to increased arrivals

We have also unveiled the twelve hidden gems of Thailand. Indian

projected from China, India and the ASEAN countries, all of which are

tourists have always been loyal visitors of Thailand and we want to give

our immediate neighbors.” During the event she welcomed me for an

them and other repeat tourists new places to visit. We are now showcas-




Runjuan Tongrut, Director, TAT New Delhi Office & H.E Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul

ing our inventory of beautiful tier two cities to buyers from Thailand and across the globe. What are you doing to promote bilateral tourism to India? We have so many beautiful things to share with India. We can do so much together. Our respective countries have so much to offer and we can promote them together. Even something as simple as Henna, I know it is a part of Indian heritage and even Thai people love Henna. We can mix and match so many things. Cross-cultural exchange is important and we welcome it. TTM is the time we do some activities to promote bilateral tourism. Like TAT and the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office have been jointly promoting destinations linking Thailand’s bordering provinces to three countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region. India and Thailand need to form an alliance and do joint promotions for tourism. I believe, currently the eyes of the world are on this region, not only in terms of business but also art, culture and history. Tourism is growing according to UNWTO, which forecasts a growth of between 3% and 4% in international tourist arrivals in 2015 itself. I want that when they think of this part of the world, they think of us and if we work together we can accomplish this more easily. You had come to launch the ‘Discover Thainess’ campaign in Mumbai. What is the goal of this campaign? How has the response been so far, particularly from the Indian market? I would like to begin by thanking my Indian friends. You have proven to be very good friends of Thailand. You are kind enough to always come to us and we love to welcome you. You already know Thailand well and you enjoy so many things about it. You chose it as a wedding destination, a family destination, a leisure destination; you enjoy the culinary experiences and so much more. The primary idea behind the ‘Discover Thainess’ campaign has been to bring out more of us that you already know and highlight our culture. Of course, we have also introduced some new activities and new destinations so even when you keep coming back there are always more and more things for you to do. We want you to always be intrigued. The campaign has been very promising within Thailand and amongst international travellers. There is so much to attract tourists from Thai food, Thai culture and Thai massage to Thai boxing and Thai dance. Thailand has

Hon’ble Minister of Sports & Tourism H.E Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul with TnH magazine at Thailand Travel Mart Plus (TTM+)

everything for everyone and we are ready and eager to cater to you.




Rohit Bajpai General Manager, Radisson Blu Hotel, New Delhi, Paschim Vihar A seasoned hospitality professional with a career spanning over 16 years, Rohit Bajpai, has been appointed as the General Manager for Radisson Blu Hotel, New Delhi, Paschim Vihar. Rohit has served various prominent hotel companies all over the country. Starting his professional career with ITC hotels in 1999, Rohit left an indelible mark with the launch of Peshawri at the iconic Grand Maratha Mumbai. He has had a great run with the multi-faceted teams at Kakatiya Sheraton (Hyderabad), Shangri- La (New Delhi), Royal Orchid Hotel (Bengaluru/Jaipur), Doubletree by Hilton (Goa), and Hilton & Doubletree Hotel (New Delhi). Prior to this, Rohit was serving as the General Manager at Radisson Blu Hotel, New Delhi Dwarka.

Srinivas Srirangam General Manager, Novotel Imagica Khopoli Srinivas Srirangam has been appointed as the General Manager of the soon to be launched Novotel Imagica Khopoli. The property is scheduled to open its doors in July 2015 and is located adjacent to India’s only International Theme Park - Adlabs Imagica and Aquamagica. With an extensive 20 year experience of working in hospitality, Srinivas will be spearheading the operations of Novotel Imagica Khopoli. Srinivas’s rich international experience of handling leading MICE, Leisure and Wedding properties is the biggest asset for Novotel Imagica Khopoli. He has extensively work experience in countries like Dubai, Egypt, Abu Dhabi, Canada, Bermuda and the Caribbean. Within the country too he has successfully opened Novotel Hyderabad Airport and Launched Novotel Kolkata Hotel & Residences.

Somusundaram Thevar Keys Hotel Nestor, Mumbai Keys Hotels has appointed Somusundaram Thevar as the GM of its property in Mumbai: Keys Hotel Nestor. Somusundaram holds an MBA degree from the Institute of Technology and Management in Thane has spent over 15 years in the industry. He began his career as a trainee cook with the Oberoi and has since worked with some of the most renowned names in the hospitality space such as the Taj and the Royal Caribbean, gaining experience in all aspects of Food & Beverage, hotel operations, administration, budgeting and statutory compliance processes. He joins Keys Hotels from Royal Palms.

Ajit Abraham General Manager, Keys Hotel Ludhiana, Ludhiana

Keys Hotels has appointed Ajit Abraham as General Managers to head its hotel in Ludhiana. Ajit’s perience in the hospitality space spans thirteen years in which he has fulfilled several roles like front office operations, Business Development, operations management, customer relationship management and excellence in Guest Satisfaction. He began his career at the Pride Hotel, Ahmedabad and has since

Suveer Sodhi Director of Food & Beverage, Shangri - La’s - Eros Hotel, New Delhi Shangri - La’s - Eros Hotel, New Delhi has appointed Suveer Sodhi as the new Director of Food and Beverage. He has been appointed to head the opening of five new food and beverage concepts at the hotel, starting with the newly launched all day dining restaurant “Tamra”. His last assignment was in a similar role at Dusit Devrana and he has previously worked for hospitality brands such as The Lodhi and Hyatt Regency in New Delhi. In his current role, Suveer shall be responsible for managing the food and beverage operations at the hotel.




Pryank Sharma Head of Sales for Northern India, Empire Aviation India Empire Aviation India, a division of Air Works India and Sister Company to Dubai-based Empire Aviation Group (EAG), has appointed Pryank Sharma as new Head of Sales for Northern India. Pryank has previously been with Air Works India. In his new role, Pryank will lead the development of new relationships with private aircraft owners looking for professional aircraft management services. Pryank brings with him more than 14 years’ successful experience and achievement in leadership roles in managing airline and general aviation sales, in India. He was previously with Air Works India (a partner of Empire Aviation Group) and has also held senior positions with major commercial airlines, leading large teams and building national businesses and substantial corporate accounts.

Puneet Sharma F& B Manager, Courtyard by Marriott, Gurgaon Courtyard by Marriott Gurgaon has appointed Puneet Sharma as the new Food & Beverage Manager for the hotel. Puneet Sharma will be responsible for the day to day operations of the F&B unit, achieving revenue targets and driving strategic food and beverage promotions in the hotel. Puneet comes with over a decade of experience in the hospitality industry. He joins Courtyard by Marriott Gurgaon from Bengaluru Marriott Hotel Whitefield where he was a part of the pre-opening team and operated as a Director of Events. Puneet holds a Diploma in Hotel Management from Institute of Hotel Management, Gwalior and has worked with hotels like the Sheraton Bangalore, JW Marriott, Mumbai, JP Palace Hotel and Convention Centre, Agra, Olive Beach Bar and Restaurant, Bangalore and Graviss Foods Pvt. Ltd. (Baskin Robbins).

Gregory Ugrin Director of Spa Training, Ananda in the Himalayas Gregory Ugrin has been appointed as Director of Spa Training at Ananda in the Himalayas. Ananda in the Himalayas is a leading destination spa in the world. Gregory comes with rich spa expertise and a career that spans 18 years, which includes a deep foundation in neuromuscular therapy, luxury body treatments, and subtle energy work such as Reiki. A licensed massage therapist, Ugrin joins Ananda after 17 years of continuous service as a trainer and practitioner for Las Vegas’ premier spa retreat, Qua Baths & Spa inside Caesar’s Palace. Prior to entering the spa industry, Ugrin, a classically trained dancer, held a 15-year career in dance and choreography. He is passionate about integrating the best of modern therapeutic bodywork with ancient and holistic wellness sciences like Ayurveda, yoga and energy work.

Nitin Gosain Director of Sales, Courtyard by Marriott Pune Chakan Nitin Gosain has recently joined Courtyard by Marriott Pune Chakan as the Director of Sales. With a rich 11 years of hospitality experience under his belt and he will surely prove to be an invaluable asset to the property. Prior to joining Courtyard by Marriott Chakan Pune, he was a key member of The Leela Global Team. Nitin is a Hotel Management Graduate from Welcomgroup Graduate school of Hotel Administration, Manipal Karnataka. He has had successful innings with many hotels such as The Leela Palace, Bangalore, Hyatt Services India Private Limited and Radisson, New Delhi. Persuasive skills and innovative thinking have been the pillars of his illustrious sales career.

Karthik Ramdas Complex Director of Sales and Marketing, The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi and The Westin Sohna Resort and Spa The Westin Gurgaon, New Delhi and The Westin Sohna, Resort and Spa, has appointed Karthik Ramdas as Complex Director of Sales and Marketing. Karthik joins the properties with a vast experience in the hospitality industry, spanning over 14 years. He was previously associated with key brands such as Hyatt, Anya Hotels and Resorts, Tident and Oberoi Hotels and Resorts, Starwood Hotels and Resorts and Hilton. Prior to joining The Westin Gurgaon and The Westin Sohna, Karthik was Director of Sales at The Hilton Garden Inn, Gurgaon. In his current role, he will be spearheading Sales and Marketing operations for both properties and reporting the same to Sanjay Sharma, Area General Manager, India. Karthik holds a Degree in Hospitality Management.




How to Stand-Out! With a lot to offer, Four Points By Sheraton, New Delhi, is carving a niche for itself in the competitive Delhi hotel scene. Q

What amenities are available to busi-

cilities with indoor

basics such as cleanliness, safety, hygiene and

ness and leisure travellers staying at

and outdoor ven-

service. IT enabled applications shall become

Four Points by Sheraton New Delhi?

ues. Having ex-

and form the back bone of customer value propo-

Apart from the contemporary amenities of a Four


sitions offerings.

Points by Sheraton, and standards which aim at

delivering bespoke

safety, security and efficiency. We differentiate


ourselves by having a highly trained team that

menus, which has

delivers the service promised effectively and ef-

earned the hotel a

A quiet escape from the hustle and bustle, with


great reputation in

easy access to the business district, every detail

a short span of

taken care of by ourreceptive service interwoven

time and we take

with endless comfort.


Tell our readers about the hotel’s guestrooms.

Ashwin Handa Vice – President Operations, Nidra Hospitality Private Limited

in and

successfully handled high end luxury events,

state of the art equipment powered with high

celebrity weddings and international conferences

speed internet access. Security being an impor-

to name a few.

tant aspect, we the have a wing dedicated to sineither lush green lawns or the swimming pool.


What do you think sets your property apart from other similar hotels?

pride in having repeat clientele. The hotel has

Our guest rooms are cotemporary in design, with

gle lady travelers. All our rooms have a viewof



What do you think has been the biggest challenge for the hotel so far?

Do you foresee any other challenges in the near future?


What’s on the horizon for the property

The biggest challenge for the hotel and common

in 2015? Are any special events or

to all hotels around airport is the growing room

programs planned for the hotel this year?

inventory. Acquisition and retention of skill will al-

We understand your hotel caters to a

The shift in focus from luxury hotels to mid-mar-

ways remain a key challenge.

lot of weddings and events. Tell us a

ket hotels in the last few years brings a lot of op-

little about your banqueting facilities and

portunity, though narrowing the gap in services

MICE capacity.

offered, moving away from luxury products to ef-

The hotel comprises of extensive banqueting fa-

ficient working designs, yet no compromise on


What goals have you set for yourself in terms of the success of this

property? To be known as the best in class and the market we operate in by delivering superior value to our stakeholders.


What is your management mantra? Our management mantra emerges from

our values – Respect, Integrity, Growth, Honesty and Team Work. This translates into meeting and exceeding guest expectations, through training, growth and genuine care of our people.



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