Places worth seeing in our area

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Castle in Łapalice Have you ever heard about builiding castle these days? With towers, the courtyard, the gate, many floors and rooms? And what you would say, if to add the swimming pool and concrete wall high 3 metres separating the estate still to this evocation?

Piotr Kazimierczak just had a vision, which already in years 80. commenced the realization of his dream ­ of investment which was supposed to be work of his life. The building had to refer to the magnificence of ancient residences. By hand decorated interiors, wooden figures and the sculpting works of art were supposed to fill every of rooms up. A fountain complemented the vision of the artist on the lowest floor, the swimming pool roofed over, a large ballroom, the gigantic gate and 12 towers which could symbolize 12 apostles.

Unfortunately, it was unlawful project… He also lacked money for completing the castle. His furniture company fell into debt. In the face of the insufficient funds, the lack of building permit and the official building project a district building inspection reminded of its presence issuing an order of the demolition of the lawlessness. In 2013 district authorities forbided to conduct construction works on the castle.

Works officially are suspended, closed front door and a plate is suspended with warning about the ban on the admission and the building site. Voices appear, that the building can at any time collapse, and the part from it now is already settling on the quicksand. However it isn't scaring off lovers of the exploration organising numerous trips around the lock. Karolina

Sopot Pier Sopot Pier is the longest pier at the Baltic seaside. It has around 0,5km length. It’s the biggest attractions in the city. What’s interesting, on this object a lot of popular films has been recorded, for example “Titanic” in 1943.

Monte Cassino Street Monte Cassino Street, also known as Monciak is representative street in Sopot, which leads to Zdrojowski Square. Around Monciak there are mostly restaurants, clubs or hotels and only few residental buildings.

Grand Hotel Grand Hotel in Sopot is known for it’s high luxury. It has been built next to the Baltic Sea and Sopot Pier. What’s interesting a lot of popular people have visited this hotel, for example Jack White, Omar Sharif and even Fidel Castro.

Beacon in Sopot Sopot Beacon is not a beacon anymore, but it has been changed into visitable monument. Anyone can enter here and see it’s structure, rooms, etc.

Forestry Opera Forestry Opera is placed near Threecity Landscape Park. It’s known mostly for it’s very good acoustics and localization. There are around 5579 places in the auditorium and 1000 places on the stage.

What is Kashubian Miniature

Park? Kashubian Miniature Park is a park filled with miniature models of various popular buildings from all over the world. It contains for example Eifell Tower or Big Ben clock.

Other attractions Kashubian Miniature Park doesn’t contain only miniatures of buildings models, but also a lot of other attractions. You can visit here also a mini ZOO, Castle of Fear and if you are hungry - you might eat something in the near restaurant.

Where is it placed? Kashubian Miniature Park is placed in Strysza Buda. What’s convenient, it’s located near three city - Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia. These cities are placed near Baltic Sea so It’s a very good place for holidays with your family.

Interesting facts about Kashubian Miniature Park ● New model of a building appears usually once a month in the Park. ● Models are made of special materials, that protect

them from rain, snow and hard wind. â—? Every model in the Park has 1:25 scale to the original building.


KAMIENNE KREGI in Odry is one of the most interesting places in Poland and Europe. This place is the archaeological reserve sometimes called "Polish Stownhed." Each circle is from 16 to 29 stones rising from the ground to a height of 20 to 70cm. In addition to the circle in the reserve are also barrows. In the circles and barrows were discovered more than 600 graves.

Marta Węcłowska

A House Upside Down In Szymbark

is an interesting building, built ... on the roof. It comes to him through the window peak and strolling through the ceiling moves to a bygone era, because the interior is equipped with furniture from the communist period. Of course, this is not a random procedure, because the whole building is meant to symbolize that time, when everything was the opposite. The funny thing, though, is that the equipment is attached to the ceiling and it is difficult to maintain balance. The biggest sensations await visitors at the top and, in principle, on the ground floor, where everyone gets dizzy and find it difficult to him to maintain an upright position. A visit to the house upside down in the memory for a long time and makes that on the faces of even the most serious people appears wide smile.


Golden Mountian hill a with a hight of 235.1 m asl band moraine Szymbarskie Hills. At the corossroads before Brodnica The top is a statue of Resistance Fighters, as well as the viewpoint Gold Mountain, which crosses the road Kashubian and provincial road No. 228 .


Ostrzyce is a​ ​ village​ in the administrative district of​ ​ Gmina Somonino​ , within​ ​ Kartuzy County​ ,​ ​ Pomeranian Voivodeship​ , in northern Poland. Interesting facts: At Ostrzyca until recently, their only position in Poland was stiff garlic (Allium strictum), a relic of the Ice Age, now considered extinct in the area of Polish. In 1926, the then German authorities haircut recognized as protected area. In 1944, the German army was the rise of strategic importance. The slopes of the hills strengthened line trenches and gun emplacements, and to expose the foreground cut out part of the stand of the reserve. In 1959, archaeological work carried out on Ostrzyca stated the existence of traces of early medieval settlement. In the forests around Ostrzyca, in the late 40s stationed partisan, commanded by John Bogdziewicz ps. "Black Jack", who fought with the power of folk PRL.

*Town hall of the Principal City in Gdańsk* Town hall of the Principal City in Gdańsk - historic town hall on the Principal City in Gdańsk. The exact date of construction of the town hall isn't known The town hall was destroyed by Teutonic Knights in 1308 r (thousand three hundred eighth) 3 October (of October the third) 1556 (thousand five hundred fiftieth sixth). in the town hall a dangerous fire broke out ­ then the building underwent the

reconstruction Wiktor

WIEŻYCA Wieżyca is a hill located on the heights of 328.7 m above the sea level. At Wieżyca is a ski slope and lift because Wieżyca is a popular place for cross­country skiing. The apex is covered with beech forest. Wieżyca is popular in winter and summer. You'll find plenty of attractions for everyone.

Kashubian Museum in Kartuzy Kashubian Museum (Kashubian Switzerland) is in the region of mountains, forests and water. The building stands on a side street, thanks to its location so interested in him every tourist. The charm of this beautiful place, enchantment commoners and material culture influenced once on a young teacher from the village of Kashubian Borzestowo wheel Kartuz ­ Franciszek Treder ­ known writer and activist of Kashubian, which started collecting ethnographic objects in their own home in Brzestowie.

Today the museum exhibits are presented in seven exhibition halls of the main building. On the ground floor are exposed to the public visitors basic objects related to the activities of the local population on the floor while they are folk art Kashubians. The main activities of the population Kashubian were agriculture and fisheries. This fact was therefore reflected on exhibitions presented by us. We collect objects come overwhelmingly from the nineteenth century. Ground floor: Hall 1 – Agriculture In this hall we present the basic tools associated with farming. They are therefore ramowate listers, plows dwurękojeściowe, roller ring, trabecular harrow, cultivators, one of which is presented in the exhibition was made from debarked korzenaia and then endorsed by three iron nails.


Hall 2 ­ Household The hall presented a tool used to measure agricultural produce, storage, food processing and basic kitchen equipment. It is therefore barrel grain, hollow in the trunk, a bushel and a mace made of pine roots. Visible they are also devices used for grain processing ­ Step Manual flaking grain groats and rotary millstones.

x Sala 3 – Fishing Fishing ­ apart from agriculture ­ the leading occupation of the Kashubian population. Numerous occurring in the area of the lake rich in fish populations provide rich food. Fishermen sailed to fish in canoes. At the exhibition you will find two types of canoes used for fishing. Originally used canoe made from a single piece of wood (dugout). Later they began to use a canoe holding the bottom of the log, and the sides were made of horizontal planks. Hall 4 ­ Pottery With the development of industry and market saturation cheap industrial products ancient Kashubian workshops folk began to undergo liquidation. Renaissance art pottery occurred in the early twentieth century, inspired

by the famous ethnographers (the founders of Poland's first open­air museum) with Wdzydze ­ Teodora and Izydor Gulgowski.

Floor and hallway We display here the objects related to the annual rites and customs, musical instruments and folk toys. Particularly exposed are the attributes of costumed Christmas period so. gwiżdżów. There are objects such as sheepskin and star of the crown made of straw, maszkary horse, stork, a goat and a goat, devil masks, grandfather, chimney sweep and a soldier made of fur and cardboard. Floor: Hall 1 ­ Folk Art We present in this hall examples of traditional and contemporary folk art Kaszub. Exposed are very richly done embroidery. Especially interesting to present two most interesting, unique collections, which has our museum, namely: 0 a collection of seventeenth ­ century women's bonnets (cloth of gold) and a collection of nineteenth ­ century paintings on glass.

Hall 2 ­ Dowry Bride In the hall of exposed subjects were included in the dowry the bride. At kaszubach because the tradition was that the girl outgoing husband received a dowry from their parents. In it were several boxes wianowych linen, underwear, consumer goods, including the drum for roasting coffee, ijanki laundry, washboard, weight, churns.

Hall 3 ­ Chamber Kashubian Equipment in this room reflects the configuration of traditional Kashubian chambers century ago. The equipment here is primarily gathered folk furniture everyday. A characteristic feature of this equipment is its functionality. Most beds gathered here could be extendible, depending on the situation and needs (eg. At night). When an unexpected guest arrived and there was a need for overnight used for this purpose dresser. Highlights of furniture represented a bed for young people, that if necessary, sliding. It grew with the child.

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