When a Shadow fall upon the Soul

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Book summary Have you ever wondered what the energies of darkness and evil are? How they are created and how they affect and influence people? This book not only provides valuable insights towards understanding how darkness and evil touches everyone, but gives valuable tools to eradicate them. By understanding the nature of darkness and evil, positive steps can be taken individually and collectively to transform the illusions they create. For example fear is an element of darkness, it’s an illusion that is created by the lower nature i.e. the ego, in order to control. Judgment is an example of the ego at work! Judgment separates and divides the individual and groups of people through preferences. Judgment is a tool of darkness as is fear. The knowledge provided within this book will guide you to be more self-realised about darkness and evil. The valuable insight will help transform any negative thoughts and emotions you may be holding by raising your consciousness to eliminate your fears. Any positive step that you take in this direction will awaken the Divine within you i.e. your love and light. Light is expansive and love is healing, unifying whatever they touch. By drawing more light into your being you will create a greater state of inner harmony i.e. peace of mind and a joy of heart. Love and light, Ralph Jenkins

Published by LightSpira, Sweden www.lightspira.com ISBN 978-91-86613-03-7 First issue, 2011 Author: Ralph K. Jenkins www.verusanimus.com Cover design by: Marie Örnesved, LightSpira Graphics and book design by: Recito Förlag / Förlagsservice.se © By Ralph K. Jenkins

Table of content Introduction........................................................................7 Chapter 1 Life Itself..........................................................11 Chapter 2 The Law of Karma and Choice....................37 Chapter 3 Understanding the Emotional Body...........51 Chapter 4 From First to Third Initiation.......................73 Chapter 5 The Misconceptions of Fear and Hope.......81 Chapter 6 Physical Death with Insights.......................95 Chapter 7 The Ego and the Three Planes of Consciousness.................................................................111 Chapter 8 The Underworld..........................................133 Chapter 9 Possession ....................................................148 Chapter 10 The Art of Exorcism & Haunted Places and People . ........................................................173 Chapter 11 Methods of Protection from Dark Forces.....................................................................193 Summary.........................................................................213 Conclusion......................................................................215


Chapter 4

From First to Third Initiation In the first initiation the first or root chakra was fully functional in all human beings. Its purpose was to implant the basic instincts of survival in the consciousness. Now the principle of the first initiation is deeply embedded in the psyche of all humans. Such an instinct can appear in a flash that may even save your life, it is innate. The consciousness then rose from the base chakra through into the second chakra, which was where the second initiation took place. In the second initiation: the consciousness was activated towards the sexual and reproduction process. More souls were required to fulfil the greater universal plan,36 which has led humanity to a critical crossroads which is being witnessed and experienced on the evolutionary path of people today. In many of today’s societies, sexuality is still a major driving force that is has extended itself more towards outer appearances than inner sacredness of sexuality. Until this trend is reversed, the ego will continue to control much of what occurs at present, through second chakra stimulation. The third initiation: humanity is presently working with and passing through a most critical period of self36 Souls demonstrate through the physical experiences how darkness and evil traps and controls through actions and reactions of violence and revenge. The great plan is to break this hold through spiritually awakening every soul on earth, i.e. raising consciousness.


transformation. I call this period the “third initiation”. It chiefly concerns the transformation of the lower personality which is logic, emotional body and the ego-self. The life experiences that each individual attracts are helping to enlighten their 3D consciousness towards 4D awareness.37 For this to occur there must be an effort by all humans to awaken their soul’s consciousness.38 This can be accomplished by turning on the light within those rooms of your temple (the physical self). The switch is already there. By opening your higher mind, greater light (wisdom) can be passed into the logical room of thought. Then you may begin to see where there are shadows, such as negative thought. Or there may be anger stored in the room of your emotions. Prior to the room receiving more light you may have thought that everything was fine, and that all was well in your world. But when the light is switched on, the ego will be seen for what it truly is. You will then begin to understand how it has been keeping you in the dark as you see your past dramas, your victimhood and future fears in another light. This, the third initiation, requires your permission to open your mind towards esoteric science, which will eventually open the door to your higher consciousness and senses therein. This will eventually deliver you to your awakening of super consciousness - your 5D consciousness and beyond. As a point of reference, I call 3D lower and 4D higher consciousnesses personalities. But what is the lower personality? A personality is an identity label that basically illustrates a person’s persona; some would call it the “I.” Every person has a psyche and an awareness of their physical body as well as a subtle awareness of their spirit 37 Energy awareness. A realisation on a deeper level of what energy is and how it impacts everyone’s lives. 38 The divine forces of love, joy and peace.


and soul bodies. Within the psyche, all energy forms are at work, the majority are metaphysical, the likes of which are the aura, etheric body and chakras. Others are your feelings, emotions, temperament of mind, love, joy and peace. These energies provide each person with experience of physical life through the five senses and the three spiritually-orientated senses. The first five senses are governed by physical laws, giving meaning and direction therein. The senses of smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight are well developed within the human psyche. It is in this area that we find one of the strongest human vibrations, that of survival. On the physical plane there can be a weak point where a negative force (evil) may try to dominate the life force of an individual by creating fear. The three higher senses, those of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience give insight to an advanced soul, such as a healer or medium, to make contact with all spiritual forces, such as the light energy of spirit guides, as well as the dark force of a poltergeist. Then the individual will be able to meet all spirit forms on all levels. The spiritually developed individual can then apply their healing gifts (spiritual hands on healing or thought projection) towards transforming what is negative; in this manner they are serving the greater good. The dark force knows that there is no escape from the all seeing light; there is no hiding place in the universe from such an advanced light being. The transformation of the dark force will be completed when applied correctly by a master of light. Humanity on the whole is currently passing through the third initiation - regardless of whether they are conscious of it or not. The transformation of one’s ego, fears, expectations, needs and logical control factors are key 75

areas that are now being addressed from a higher-mind principle. The vibrations of the lower mind and ego-self are the chief dominating force that is blocking, or at the very least, seeking ways to impair, the transformational process from 3D rising into 4D consciousness. The forces of lower consciousness are locked into the dense physical senses to help give perspective to physical experiences, but they can also recreate the illusions that fear manifests. Fear continually seeks to dominate the physical psyche through the choices one makes and the action or reactions that follow. The lower personality (ego) requires its identity to be seen and recognised in all aspects of life. These rise out of the lower plane of consciousness like a wave in the ocean that seeks the shore. The emotional body and its responses - right down to its identity - are prime factors that must be mastered in order to transform 3D consciousness. Do you feel that you are entering higher consciousness and the third initiation of spiritual development? One sure sign is that you begin to question your own set of values, such as judgements or doubts. Another is that you begin to feel dismayed about your life because you feel empty, not fulfilled, even when you have achieved something on the material level. As you start to question your core values you may have a feeling that there is no going back, the drive to move onwards and upwards is too great. Identity change then occurs as the lower personality loses control over its physical apparatus and the higher consciousness seeks deeper meanings to truth and peace. A key word to consider here is “control�. Ask yourself this basic question: what control issues do you have in your life at present and why do you have them? For example: when you hear someone, your boss perhaps, 76

say that they need to make people feel guilty to get them motivated, to do better than they have tried to do, what are your thoughts about this? This is an egotistical abuse of power. Such a person is basically playing with people’s emotions and this is a negative game that has a dark side. Making the person feel that they are not worthy can touch upon a fear that lies deep in the heart and body of the individual. This is a misuse of consciousness. There are mental and emotional dark forces that are often used by those who hold deep fear in themselves. An individual making another feel guilty is the mirror effect of fear attracting fear. For example, the sender of fear may be fearful of losing something but this case does not believe that the emotion will come back to him/her. This is why the attacker always sends the message away from themselves. In this situation guilt is secondary; fear is the prime motivator, even though it is unconscious. Whenever anyone’s control is mentally-based, it is more dangerous than emotionally-based control. Mental control can often be cold and calculating. Emotionally-based control often succumbs to its own emotional responses and will collapse under its own impulses or pressure. The true and often hidden force behind any form of control is fear. You may now begin to see more clearly how the ego is connected to fear (often through the emotions) as a means of controlling its own environment, which can include other people. The physical body can bring you neither peace nor turmoil, neither joy nor pain. It is a means, and not an end, to life itself. The physical body has no purpose by itself, only to what is given to it, in other words, your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Guilt and fear are both conditions of the mind to be obtained. And these conditions are the home of the emotion that calls them forth and therefore becomes compatible with


them. But ask yourself which is it that is compatible with you: guilt, fear or peace? Everything (material and non material) is connected in one form or another to the creator’s universal consciousness, God. This is a fact that is of great importance for all to recognise. Everyone is being touched by God consciousness, i.e. light. God is not an identity to which one holds onto in the belief that your God is your truth, the truth is in your heart where God rests. There is no right or wrong, the experiences you have demonstrate the values you hold. You have drawn those experiences towards you in an effort to perceive your oneness with all things; this is where you will find the meaning in God. God is not in a singular thing or person, God is in all things at all times. If the butterfly flaps its wings in Australia, you will feel its vibration wherever you may be in the world. Likewise, all of our senses, thoughts and energies are connected to the collective consciousness of the world and universal consciousness, Godliness. This force is sometimes referred to as “oneness�. All human beings are wired up to universal consciousness because the human being is a living body of universal energy. You and I, individually and collectively, are a universe within a universe. The human form is like the cells in the universal body of life. Each cell is a body of energy that collectively makes up the body of the universe through the consciousness held within each cell. The universe is a matrix, a numerically coded structure that is created through our thoughts. It continues to expand because individuals choose or decide what to experience. This is what has collectively created the world you live in and what is to come from our lines of thought.


The universe is a multidimensional body of energy that holds infinite possibilities. It could be said that we are a matrix within a matrix; this is how I see the reality of our creation in the created universe. Unimaginable explorations lay before humanity, but for this to truly flourish humanity must learn to truly communicate with each other through mutual respect in order to awaken those possibilities. But as you observe the world’s level of consciousness that is dominant, you may realise that the human being has as yet not fulfilled even one of the basic universal laws, the law of unconditional love. Humanity has not yet learned to get on with one another - as Christ said, “Love thy neighbour”. Without this principle truly being brought to life, there will remain separation. By embracing each other, not separating; loving not hating; accepting not judging - true harmony and joy will follow. The ego and the darkness it contains continually try to control the human psyche by helping you to forget. An obvious example of how this has impregnated and continues to manipulate the consciousness of many is in how much time is spent focusing on the negative! The Aquarian age is upon us. These are times for greater openness; sharing and mutual respect to flourish, but it must of course start within you, me and all other beings. Princess Diana was once asked, “Why do you share so much love with everyone?” Her answer was simple but powerful: “Someone has to.” This begs another question: “Where does anything start?” The answer is - within you, by remembering that you are a divine source of light, truth, love and joy.


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