Coming out...
of the Spiritual
SIMPLE steps to building trust with your child
Can honesty SAVE your relationship? Is honesty really such a lonely word?
our ac y p u g n i n STY...Clea
Issue 1 10/15
Editor Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Enquiries/Advertising: lightworkerreflections@gmail.com Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker Ros Jackson (Front Cover)
Hey Everyday Lightworkers! Wow! This magazine certainly has a life of it’s own. When I was informed of its existence, as custodian I was quite happy to muddle along and look at launching it in 2016. It was obvious Spirit wanted it to be earthed sooner. Welcome to the Lightworker Advocate! The magazine that seeks to revolutionise the way we understand the word Lightworker. You see, we have a freaky kind of reality that many may not warm to. But that’s okay. We believe that everyone is a Lightworker. We believe that we all participate in evolving world consciousness and beyond. “Oh, that old chestnut you say!” Well, if that is old news to you, welcome aboard the Everyday Lightworker revolution train! If not and this is new to you, then we welcome your curiosity. This magazine was born from the intention of a high vibrational set of 12 principles. I first discovered the power of these principles when I was asked by Spirit to write and deliver the Lightworker Practitioner Training in 2005. Since then, they have infiltrated my life in a big way. When we tap into these principles, we indeed tap into our light, our purpose and empower ourselves. They are not just concepts, they are vibrations. We aim through the many articles and information in this magazine, to raise the vibration of you the reader and the planet. We even have a project that we have dearly named 'The Principle Project' to do just that in many ways. Turn to page 34 for that one. So what are these principles you ask? They will be the focus each month, commencing with Honesty followed next month by Openmindedness. Then we head on to Willingness, F o r g i v e n e s s , U n i t y, D i s c i p l i n e , F a i t h , Responsibility, Love, Wholeness, Joy and Peace in the following months. These very powerful high frequencies can be accessed at any time. Life is amazingly easy and
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painless when we connect with these principles. This month we focus on the principle as honesty and really calling it into our lives and our vibration. There are many different vantage points on offer throughout this issue. We come out of the Spiritual Closet with our cover story highlighting Maria Elita's passionate views. We have some key contributors from our Certified Lightworker Practitioner and Soul TV Crew base. They are all wonderful lightfilled beings with so much information to share! Next month we are moving into openmindedness, so please let me know if you feel called to contribute, advertise or sponsor this high vibrational magazine geared to raise the planet's frequency! I want to give a big shout out to Vanessa Finnigan of Holistic Bliss for her belief and support in my vision. Thank you soul sister. You are truly a testament of ethical and evolved business practices and I am blessed to have you in my life. Vanessa and I both believe in collaboration rather than competition and we want to encourage more unity in our community. After all, that is one of our principles! Please know that we are starting this magazine with 100% intention of service to Spirit. We are sure that what we lack in experience with putting a magazine together, we gain in vibration for the planet. We will evolve, as we always do. So enjoy, keep honest and please, come out! Love and blessings of abundance,
Contents Cover Story 5 Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet by Michelle Lightworker Lightworker Practitioner's wisdom 6 The Crystalline Truth by Jade Banks 8 Honesty Straight from Spirit by Fiona Brown 10 Honesty in Emotion by Lois Rowley 12 Soft Honesty by Therese Weir 13 Honestly, 'Why' are you in Business? by Diana Crosby 14 Honest Narrative by Bernadine Barnes 16 Is Honesty such a lonely word? by Sue Pluck 17 When the things you own end up owning you by Simon Frazer 18 How real is your honesty? by Hannah Andrews 19 The empowerment of honesty by Christin Ewald 21 Super simple ways to build a trusting relationship with your child by Belinda Connelly 22 Keeping it real baby by Stacy Bridge 24 Five Pointers...Honesty with children in divorce by Nicole O’Gorman 25 Real Marketing by Tracey G Ethical Businesses - Introducing... 26 Kudos Events 27 The Real Food Revolution 30 The Salt Sanctuary 31 Elixir for Life 34 The Principle Project
Soul TV Crew 38 Honestly Speaking with Raelene Byrne 39 100% Honesty by Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk 40 Honesty is such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue! By Kirstyn Marriott 42 Get honest with your energy by Antonella Jakobsen 43 How to ask for what you really want in the bedroom by EJ Love 44 The truth hurst, but… by Jenny Smith Smelly stuff 45 Honesty in Emotional Honesty and the Essential Oils by Zane Appleby Yummy Stuff 49 Cummin Soup by Roe Robertson Lightfilled Painting 52 Stand Your Ground by Tony Dowd High Vibrational Air Waves 53 Listening for truth by Nick Reeve Ethical Digest Book Review 56 Sex, Drugs and Meditation Out and about 58 Not just a festival – honestly with Michelle Lightworker 61 Brutal Unconsciousness by Michelle Lightworker
Certified Lightworker Practitioner Wisdom on....
Honesty Honesty reflected upon and then acted on is my greatest source of peace and growth. - Therese Weir I know how amazing it feels never to have to question myself or remember what I've said so I don't get caught out. I know how relaxing honesty is. - Elizabeth Thomspon
The only person you really got to be honest with is yourself. Magic starts from there. - Christin Ewald
If we are being honest with ourselves we will get a clearer picture of what is 'actually' going on around us and with other people. - Diana Crosby
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of the Spiritual Closet
Coming Out For anyone ever having the pleasure of meeting Maria Elita, you will recognise her honesty straight away. This Earth Angel from Atlantis does not spin any yarn or BS. So, when I 'accidentally' heard her speaking on a panel during the Festival of Dreams in Sydney last month, I was exhilarated. I loved her views on coming out of the Spirit Closet. So much so, that I had to attend her next workshop. I just found her ideas refreshing. Hearing her say that you know you are hiding when you act differently with different people. When the clothes that you wear as a 'spiritual person' differ from the clothes you wear when you get home. Simple things like that, truly matter. If we are not loud and proud about our connection with Spirit,
then on some level, we are still in the closet. I know that there is a lot of judgment around about being spiritual. But the reality is that we are all spiritual beings anyway. So, what are we so afraid of really? When she posed this question to the panel of speakers, I just wanted to get up and go crazy and applaud her. We need people in this industry like Maria who are willing to say it how it is.
wasting our lives? Please take a moment to ask yourself what being in the closet and hiding any or all part of your spirituality is costing you. My wish for you all is true freedom to be who you really are, embracing your light and your humanity all at once. - Michelle Lightworker
We all have our fears about coming out, don't we? Well the principle of honesty helps us to own our spiritual reality. You know, it already exists. We are already in that infinite connection with Spirit. So what are we really waiting for? Are we waiting for spirituality to get so popular that we just go, oh well, okay then? That's inevitable. So in the meantime, are we
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The Crystalline Truth with Jade Renee Banks
Honesty has to start with Self. For how can you be honest with others, if you don’t even know your own Truth? One of the most common delusions of humanity, is living out the emotional reality of another by feeling emotions that are not our own. As a sensitive starbeing, this had me lost most of my life. It served me well in that I was able to quickly assimilate my surroundings in order to “Dit in”, yet it was at the cost of my own true identity. My own true North. As a practitioner, this is now
something I can harness to initiate powerful emotional healing in others. There are many Liquid Crystal remedies that embrace the principle of Honesty. One that stands out for me is Hemimorphite, with the simple purpose for humanity of The Egoless State. It’s crystalline frequency creates a healthy space of honesty with self without Ego and a balanced feeling of self-‐ c o n D i d e n c e a n d s e l f -‐ r e s p e c t . Hemimorphite’s deep powder blue colour relates to the throat chakra and can aid in communication with Spirit to lead us to our highest potential. It’s overall action is summed up in the afDirmation: “I walk the path of Truth to Freedom”.
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We are all unique sparks of the Divine. We all have our own special shade of the rainbow of life. We need each other to express their colour, so we may experience all aspects of the rainbow, know ourselves and know Oneness. The greatest service you can provide to humanity is to Be Yourself.
When someone is being the full expression of their soul, a deep knowing wakes up within us and we remember our own Divine essence, we remember who we are. It’s a catalyst for awakening, a chain reaction of sorts. You light up, then I light up, then the next person I connect with lights up, and so on. Like stars in the night sky, slowly appearing one by one as the sun goes down. So how do we hold our own and discern our truth, in a world where we are constantly being bombarded with different energetic frequencies? How do we stay in alignment with our own true North? Our truth FEELS good. That simple.
Tap into the wisdom of your heart and embrace it with the whole of your being and then take that out into the world for the beneDit of ALL. -‐ Jade Renee Banks, CertiDied Master Lightworker Practitioner
Jade Renee Banks Certified Master Lightworker Practitioner Advanced Liquid Crystals Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner
www.facebook.com/jadereneebanks www.theliquidcrystals.com
c/- facebook.com/theliquidcrystals
Honesty, Straight from Spirit with Fiona Brown
When I sat down to write this article my physical and energetic body immediately sprang into life around my heart and solar plexus chakra's. They filled up with light, colour and a joyous feeling. It was like they wanted me to share something specific, calling me, connecting with me to ensure I was being true to myself ( them and my highest self) right from the start. The first point for Honesty would therefore be "TRUTH". Not any old truth or belief or an intellectualised version of something but the expression of the feeling I have in my physical and energetic body when I absolutely know right down to my toes that something is "true for me". I have learnt, reflected, felt and observed myself over a long period of time so I feel like I am the expert about the messages I receive from my body and Spirit regarding my truth. I even know when someone else is not in their truth. My goal is to be a witness to myself, who is conscious and aware in each moment and can translate how everything outside me is effecting the inside of me and visa versa. If you think about how your body and soul responds to sound/music, colour/pictures, movement, emotions, words, people, food, perfumes, aroma's and all the other information you receive in every moment, you will be able to tell me what your physical body likes and does not like and what makes your heart sing. Then there are the energetic experiences that tell you about how you feel about where you are, who you are with, what your doing and if it is in your highest good. The question arises, How do I communicate my truth to everything and everyone outside of myself? How do I provide feedback so others are aware of my truth in that moment? How do I do this with meaning and awareness of others and make it a positive experience for all? Yes that is my integrity coming to the fore.
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The 2nd point of Honesty is my INTEGRITY As I use it to ensure I am sharing about me and only me and not comparing or allowing my ego to drive me or motivate me. I honour myself and others in communication, I listen to and share parts of myself as my internal responses dictate. My integrity, in practice, assists me to offer others a contribution from where I stand and it always provides a person with the choice to align and accept or not. I intend my offerings to be guided by Spirit and transported to others with Love. The Third point is Honesty is to be born of LOVE. Love for the self and an honouring of knowing one's own truth as only one does. Love of the other and the reflection they provide me, so that any communication exchange is unconditional and gentle. I want nothing of another if I am in my truth. Love of Spirit so that all messages are heard and transferred to others for their highest good and the highest good of all. I see the 3 elements, truth, integrity and love as combining together to become the principle of Honesty in my life. I hold them in my heart as I use my personal gifts and power to walk this Earth. By being in my HONESTY, all you see and know is ME. For then I AM. - Fiona Brown, Certified Lightworker Practitioner, Soul to Earth Therapies 0438563883
honesty in emotion with Lois Rowley Your consciousness is your direct link to Spirit. Your Spirit, my Spirit, all Spirit -the whole shabang! The Universe, God, the All, Source, you name it, your consciousness will engage it. So where shall we start with this wake up call?
Life is constantly challenging us one way or another. Our relationships with our families and partners may be a challenge. Our workplaces and colleges may be a challenge. Money, sex, the past, present and future may all challenge us to honestly find out what is right for us. Being aware of what is right for us, or what is constructive for our being comes from a diligent showing up of self to travel our emotions consciously, to travel our lives and interactions with others consciously. It is a shift to view ourselves as creator of all of our challenges, and it is this shift that empowers us to go deeper within ourselves and question what is limiting us. Miraculously it is this shift that allows us to give and receive more of what love is. It is this shift that holds the key to creating a life that is authentically in line with what you desire in your soul, for yourself and for the greater good of all beings. How do I do this you may ask, where will I start? Start now and do it consciously.
Lets start with your emotions. We all have emotions, they are what make us human and keep us humble. If you can start by honestly showing up with your emotions to travel them consciously you will find they hold a treasure to reflect on, that if travelled with discipline, will give you the most honest connection with where you are 'really at' in the greater context of your life. They show you how you are really going. Tip!! You are not your emotions, these are merely energies that indicate whether you are trying to control life (to avoid adverse emotions), or LOVE your way through it. Can you be honest in your emotions, be with them consciously and become aware of how you are affected by others; what they are expecting of you, how others may want to limit you, how others are attached to your role in their lives? Can you be honest about how you are affected by the stories that others create about you? Can you be still within yourself so that you might witness the landscape of your expectations, limitations, attachments and stories so that the energy of your emotions might just flow right on through you without being
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locked in by you buying into the reality of it? Arrrrrrrh what a relief! I don't have to buy into any of it, I can just witness instead. If you did not have an emotional response to the world around you, you would not be human, you would be disconnected. Reflecting on how we are affected by others, brings us to the insights of how we learnt to limit and suppress ourselves. Furthermore the conscious travelling of our honest, raw emotions allow us to realise the strategies we have learned to control others and get our needs met from outside of ourselves. This is how we constructed our reality from the start. Many of our challenges we have inherited are from our parents, but inevitably it is up to us to wake up to our blatant and covert controls that limit us from being free. We can be free to expand into our full potential, in whatever direction we might dream or desire. It is as simple as being conscious of the limitations and stories we have learned to tell ourselves, honestly caring for these emotions and letting go of it all, that we have the realisation that they have kept us captive to adverse emotion. When we are disciplined about clearing up our emotions as they happen, space occurs and LOVE floods in.
- Lois Rowley, Certified Lightworker Practitioner You World Orientation yourworldorientation.com
Soft Honesty with Therese Weir
In the safe spaces of your life you can be honest. Honesty is a vulnerable space of complete disclosure. You can practice 'honest selfdisclosure'. Trust yourself as to what your safe spaces are and you will find yourself creating a nourishing practice unwhittingly. If you can let it happen in a natural way, it will feel the most naturally nourishing for your soul. While you can be honest with another person at some point it will be necessary for you to be able to do this with and for yourself as a natural part of the maturing process and building your own independence and capacity for interdependence. Honesty is a gift, responsibility and requirement for a healthy, happy life. Practice it intelligently and mindfully and you will also develop wisdom and discernment, amongst other things. The gift is that it brings clarity. The responsibility is that once you become aware you can't become unaware. The requirement is that you take action on what you know to be true. And this process is ongoing in the same vein as growth and life itself.
One way of doing so includes practicing self-awareness and reflection. Selfawareness is the active role you play in your mind's eye in observing yourself. Reflection is taking time out away from as much as you can to be able to reflect on behaviour. Throughout the day become more aware of your interactions in the world and how they play out in terms of what you are responsible for in your life, as deemed by you. At the end of the day reflect within the quiet space of your mind and/ or with pen and paper after all of your world has gone to sleep and/or left you in peace. This becomes a kind of meditative practice. Be gentle and loving with yourself. It may well be that you acknowledge yourself for being honest with a particular quality that you respect. Or not. It may be that you need to be able to work somehting out for yourself.
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Own all of your truths as they arise. Learn and practice holding yourself to the standards you require or would like of yourself. You will find that such reflection also requires an active level of standing up for what you have realised as you go about your subsequent days. The true outsource of learning is, after all, 'living the learning'. And the more you know, like and love yourself, the more you you will be as life progresses. And that is one of the greatest gifts you could give yourself and the world. -Therese Weir 0402 437 983 4thereseweir@gmail.com
Honestly, "Why" are you in Business? This may sound like a pretty simple question with an obvious answer. How would you answer if someone asked you, is it: * To make a difference in this world * To help people live a richer life * To make money Whatever your response, does it honestly represent the ‘Why’ you are in business? To find out your ‘Why’ requires you to be brutally honest with yourself and it must represent the ‘Authentic You’. Over the years, when I have asked that question to a business owner, more often than not I got “Ummmm, well, ahhh”. Let me ask you, would you want to do business with someone who is that vague about their ‘Why’? What excites you and what are you passionate about? What is it that excites you so much that you jump out of bed every morning and can’t wait to get on with your day? Most likely it will not be ‘what you do’ rather it will be the feelings you generate when you do ‘what you do’.
with Diana Crosby
So, if we are being really honest with ourselves our ‘Why’ will reflect what feelings we have experienced in our own lives that have brought us peace, joy and happiness. Think about people you have done business with recently and asked yourself, ‘How did that make me feel’? I had a recent experience with a picture framer who I had asked to repair a photo of me and my 2 older sisters when we were very young. It is a family heirloom and I wanted it to stay as original as possible. He gave me his professional evaluation of all my options and in the end he did the repairs for a few dollars. So, how did that make me feel? Grateful, listened to, respected, and then excited as I was now able to hang the photo on my wall. In my opinion, his ‘Why’ was to provide peace of mind to his customers, with his honesty. And will I recommend him to everyone I meet who requires a picture framer? Absolutely! So honestly, ‘Why’ are you in Business’?
Diana Crosby, Certified Lightworker Practitioner, oilysolutions@gmail.com +61410775655
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Honest Narrative
with Bernadine Barnes
My love for narrative therapy comes from a strong belief in the magic that lives inside us all and amongst the stories of our successes and our challenges. Since childhood, I re m e m b e r l i s t e n i n g a n d looking for the magical and mystical in life. I loved making up stories filled with adventure and amazing journeys. The characters in my stories were often mystical people, who had overcome many challenges, to become great leaders and role models. My characters entered dark places and worlds, and courageously defeated dark creatures and problems. My stories embraced the magic inside of my characters, and although these characters belonged in my imagination, they became symbols of how I chose to perceive the world. I suppose my characters encouraged me to adopt the problem-solving metaphor coming out of the shadow cast by the problem. My childhood view of the world and its people only strengthened as I journeyed into adulthood, and it ultimately shaped my love and passion for the field of Social Work. I was attracted to the profession’s focus on just values and ethics, and especially the three main values of respect for person; social justice; and professional integrity. I was transported into a professional exploration of ways of practice, which supported the rich, deep and meaningful respect for person.
I strived to practice in ways that explored the deep magic that exists within people, regardless of their present troubles or hardship - a practice that acknowledges the unique experience of people, and listens for the person’s inner knowledge and skills. You might be asking yourself “What is Narrative Counselling”? Narrative Therapy centres people as the experts in their own lives, and views problems as separate from people. Narrative Therapy recognises that people have many skills, strengths, beliefs, values, and abilities that can assist them to reduce the influence of problems in their lives. The word ‘narrative’ refers to the emphasis that is placed upon the stories of people’s lives, and the differences that can be made through particular tellings and retellings of these stories. Narrative Therapy is a mutual engagement between the person, and the therapist, creating a magical space for people to not only understand their stories, but to find the beautiful sparks that allow these stories to be re-authored with healing and wholeness. The Dulwich Centre http:// www.dulwichcentre.com.au Perhaps the greatest insight, which I have gained from my
life experiences and the ongoing training that I have undertaken, is an awareness of the importance of being honest with oneself. The training has provided a safe platform, from which I have been able step out of the shadows of my own problems, and to explore more deeply inside my soul, and to firstly acknowledge and then challenge deep imbedded self lies that had been disempowering me for many years. The journey to the darkest parts of myself was not pain free but it enabled me to bring some light and healing to the darkest places in my soul. More importantly, I have realized that being honest with myself has allowed me to reconnect with my own magic within, and this inner magic has reconnected me to my truth and to others in more meaningful and healthy ways. I will conclude with some simple yet powerful words by Michelle Lightworker. “Being honest and living in truth is living in the light and connects us to the light of the all” - Bernadine Barnes, Certified Lightworker Practitioner Story WIthin Counselling Services
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Honesty such a lonely Word? with Sue Pluck
Honesty, according to Billy Joel’s classic song is, “such a lonely word...everyone is so untrue”. There is some truth to those lyrics because when we are dishonest, we become disengaged with our truth which leads us to become separated from ourselves, others and our Higher Power, and you can’t get lonelier than that. When we are dishonest, others around us will often reflect the same dishonesty back to us forcing us to question our relationships with them. How do we go about maintaining honesty in our everyday lives when the temptation to be dishonest, even in telling little white lies, is often unavoidable? When we are asked for our opinion and we don’t answer honestly we are aware of it even if only on a subconscious level we
are also affected by it on a cellular level. We might even display our dishonesty in our body language or our inability to look someone in the eye. I believe that most people in the majority of situations can sense when someone is dishonest. Energetically speaking, we send out a lot of information and it is not restricted to the spoken or written word. We communicate in many ways and we are becoming much more aware of the vibrations and energy that we also give off and can receive from others. When we are connected to a source of infinite love and support from our angels, god or other Higher Power and living our truth, we will have a ‘knowing’ and innate trust that we are speaking and
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acting with authenticity. We will know, for example, that even though it may be hurtful to tell our best friend we don’t want them consuming alcohol around our young children that our willingness to speak truthfully and with integrity is a vital stitch in the tapestry of all humanity. Finding honesty in relationships with others is much easier when we are honest. Honesty is a beautiful word that not only means speaking truthfully, it sends a message that we are worthy of others trust in us and allows others to be honest in return.
- Sue Pluck, Certified Lightworker Practitioner
When the things you own end up owning you with Simon Frazer In mid-2010, I was a recent university graduate at the height of the Australian mining boom. I was employed in a well-paying engineering position and for once had the opportunity to buy all the “well deserved” man-toys I could ever want. I thought it would bring me joy and happiness; yet I became overwhelmed, unsatisfied with life and felt dead inside. No matter what I did there was always something else to take my fancy and it was never enough for my insatiable appetite.
Fast forward 5 years later and I’m more at peace and happier with myself than I’ve been in my entire life. I feel more present and everything I own has a purpose and a place. What brought on such a massive shift in perspective? The answer was a dramatic clean out of my internal and external closets. I looked within to find the reasons why I was doing what I was doing; nothing was exempt and everything was laid out on the table. It seemed like all I ever asked at the time was - Why? Why?! WHY?!? Ultimately it came down to this one painful fact:
I wasn’t honouring my inner being and I didn’t even know myself or my own values. For the first time in my life, I honestly looked long and hard at myself to uncover what actually honoured ME. It wasn’t an easy process and I had to let go of everything that offered nothing to my sense of self in order to live again. Today, I honour my inner being by only owning things which are purposeful or sentimental. It’s the very items that we cling to and believe that will make us happy that are destroying our sense of inner peace. I f y o u t o o a re s t ru g g l i n g , a re overwhelmed by your possessions and are searching for inner peace, these points were able to help me find solace and keep moving forward even during the difficult times: - How does this item honour my inner being or my values? - Is my heart genuinely in this hobby or pursuit? - If I lost everything what would happen?
- Would I get the same things again with how I feel about them now? - If everything was taken away, who am I? Who am I really on the inside? This process will take consistent effort and often involves reanalysing the same stuff in order to break through the shell. You’ll have to look long and hard at yourself and that’s scary; you might not like what you find. I empathise that the process isn’t easy but it’s a liberating experience! By committing to this process I found that I felt lighter, freer, happier and more present. My current life is exactly as I have designed it because I wanted to let go of the junk; enough was enough. So just let go of the stuff - after all it’s just stuff. - Simon Frazer, Certified Lightworker Practitioner Mind-Body-Spirit & Life Integration +61438073243
How REAL is your honesty?
with Hannah Andrews
Honesty. May seem like a simple enough concept and I am sure that if someone brought it up in conversation there is probably a part of you that would defend that yes, you are quite Honest in your life. Have you looked deeper though? How many times does someone greet you with ‘How are you?’ and you automatically respond with ‘Good’? How many times are you feeling shit and you’ve had a bad day, yet, you
Well, you can start by being radically honest with yourself and begin to understand why. Perhaps it is that you don’t even need to move home like you thought, perhaps it is that you actually do like doing that thing you thought, but you began to think it isn’t right, but it is actually that when you start to honour yourself – like every little word – you begin to see truth. You begin to live in Honesty.
still say ‘Good’, automatically?
Words create feelings. Every single
Every single time we are dishonest
feeling like crap and have had the
in this way, it creates a discord, it creates disharmony. That seemingly insurmountable little tiny piece of dishonouring how you are really feeling is throwing yourself off course. It may seem like it is nothing – but how many of those little nothings add up in one day? Have you felt out of alignment lately? Wondered what you are doing with your life? Wondering what the point of it is?
time you say Good when you are worst day in the world, you cut yourself off from your Heart. Being Honest, means honouring your Heart. If you feel shit – you need to own it. No more of this hiding behind words that cut you off deeper from your true self – that cut you off from your Heart. I walked into the shop late the other night and the attendant in her ready to go home from work mode, asked me how I was and I
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was actually quite tired and said, ‘Pretty tired actually.’ And she stopped and looked at me and smiled as if in quiet recognition, that I had actually responded with truth. When we live in Honesty, with ourselves, our Heart, with Spirit and other people, we create a new world, a new reality for our dear Planet, which is in dire need of our help. We create a world that lives in alignment of Hear t, that connects us to our values and integrity and we live authentically, each honouring everyone’s else’s Heart. Because when we align with our Heart, we align with our Soul and everyone’s Heart vibrates at the same frequency for which we were put on this planet to experience. Peace. - Hannah Andrews, Certified Lightworker Practitioner, Reality Awareness 0430 563 833 realityawareness1111@gmail.com
The Empowerment of Honesty with Christin Ewald
3 months ago, I felt heart broken thinking of going back to work and sending this precious little boy to day care all week. I did do it anyway, ignoring my honest feelings and not listening to the voice within. I felt scared, I doubted myself and I was afraid not be a good enough mum. Honesty. Honestly? It is so empowering for a lightworker to be honest. Being honest to yourself changes you and the world around you in a way, I would have not expected it. Please, let me explain that on my own experience: Growing up in Germany I believed that it is normal for a mum to go back to work after her child is a year old. Having a child of my own now here in beautiful Australia who turned a year,
Out of my fear I created a job that vibrated on a much lower level than what I wanted to experience. I seeked advice. I found out that I wasn't 100% honest with myself. I did not want to give my child away for such a long time and I did not feel ready yet to go back to work. Acknowledging that to myself and allowing myself to step into that truth I talked to my partner about my feelings and what was going on for me. I was afraid because he used to complain a lot about the
money, that it was too tight and he would feel more relieved if I could work, too. I told him anyway and guess what: with the most caring and loving voice he said, “Christin, that is okay. I don't want you to work at a job that makes you unhappy. We can get by. Don't worry about the money. We are okay. You can stay home if you like and be a mum.� Wow! How wonderful. I did not expect that at all. It was a wonderful experience and taught me that being honest to myself really pays off: I feel more at peace with myself and my life and my light shines brighter than before.
- Christin Ewald, Certified Lightworker Practitioner
Super Simple ways to build a trusting relationship with your child
Be a trustworthy role model We all know the saying that children will do as we do, not as we say. Children learn through imitation, which is why it is so important to be aware of everything we do, say and even feel. Our children are picking up on it all. If we value honesty and an open, trusting relationship with our children as they grow older, then those are the values we need to demonstrate to them right from babyhood. The foundations of the relationship we build in the early years will determine the quality of relationship we have with our teen.
Start as you mean to go on Even though most of us value honesty and openness in a relationship, it can sometimes be a struggle with small children. Many parents fear upsetting their children and causing an outburst or tantrum so they will say things that aren’t true or that they don’t actually intend to follow through with in the hope their child will forget. I’m sure we’ve all been there and done that from time to time but although it avoids the present conflict, it does little to support the trusting relationship that you value and offers them little respect. One of the best pieces of advice given to me when I was studying to become a teacher was, my next point...
with Belinda Connelly
“Say what you mean and mean what you say.” I always aim to follow this, both when teaching classes and in my parenting. With time, children will learn that you don’t say things unless you mean them. They learn to trust you and your word deeply and will mirror that back to you.
Sometimes, this means setting a boundary for your children that they may not be happy about. Even though they protest, boundaries actually do give them a deep sense of security. We can think of them like arms, where your children can be lovingly held. They come to know their place in the world and feel safe in that knowledge. Boundaries can provide a safe place for your children to express themselves and explore their emotions, be those feelings of anger, dismay, frustration or sadness. We can remain true to ourselves and our word whilst gently and lovingly supporting our children’s emotional development. Sometimes, parents get uncomfortable with the big feelings their children have and want distract or suppress them. Often this stems from our own childhood and how our parents, in doing the best they knew, dealt with our emotions. In continuing this pattern though, the feelings will build up and will always resurface at another time, perhaps manifesting as aggression, biting, frequent night waking or anxiety.
We can break the pattern and learn to help our children be open and accepting of their feelings in present time There are many practical ways to support your child in processing their feelings in healthy ways such as such as lovingly listening to their crying or talking; art, sand or water play. It is important to always stay with our children and support them as they deal with these big feelings, and never to leave them alone to cry, shame or ridicule them.
“If you don’t listen eagerly to the little stuff when they’re little, they won’t tell you the big stuff when they’re big, because to them, all of it has all of it has always been big stuff.” Catherine M Wallace The little seeds of respect, honesty and trust that we sow now, in early childhood, will blossom as our children grow, into a healthy, open, trusting and loving relationship throughout the teenage years and beyond.
-Belinda Connelly, Certified L i g h t w o r k e r P r a c t i t i o n e r, belinda@lillypillyplay.com lillypillyplay.com
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 21
Keeping IT Real Baby with Stacy Bridge
When I was pregnant, people often asked me “How are you feeling?”. When I responded that I was fantastic, their response was not what I was expecting. People wanted me to respond with negative answers such as “sick”, “tired” or “terrible”. I was honest with people about my pregnancy. I was feeling fantastic. I knew from the very beginning I was going to have an amazing pregnancy with no sickness, no issues and I would really enjoy being pregnant. What I didn’t expect was that some people would have a problem with this. More often than not, people were negative about my positive attitude and p r e g n a n c y. I c o u l d o n l y assume that these people experienced sickness during pregnancy or experienced a difficult pregnancy and they were unhappy that my pregnancy was wonderful. They were projecting their unhappiness about their pregnancy onto me. I have been through periods of my life where I have projected my unhappiness and jealousy onto others. When friends experienced a great achievement, instead of being genuinely happy for them, I
would be annoyed, jealous and angry. I was annoyed that they had success in areas I wanted to. They always got the guy they wanted, they were fitter than me, they had more money etc etc. I was so bogged down in this jealousy and anger that I could not even be slightly happy for them. As a result, I was not attracting the things I wanted. I was getting further and further away from the life I dreamed of. I would appear happy for my friends with a fake smile and a pathetic attempt at congratulating them, when really inside I was angry, sad and bitter. The final straw was when I was bitching about a friend to another friend in a text message. I accidentally sent the message to the person I was bitching about! When I realised, I was horrified. I had no idea what to do as I could not retrieve the message. I quickly started typing a lie to l a u g h o ff t h e t e x t w h e n suddenly I stopped. Was this the Universe’s way of saying, “Hey that's enough! Look at what you’ve become! You will never attract anything positive behaving like this!”. If so, the universe was right.
22 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
I wrote the friend an honest text saying I was sorry for my behaviour and that I was jealous of her and why. I really opened myself up in that text and her response was nothing but positive and caring. I felt free for hours. My honesty had freed me. I decided to text my close friends a similar text, admitting that I had not been honest with them. I told them I had been jealous and bitter of their achievements and not the genuine friend I should have been. It was very difficult for me to open myself up and I felt ashamed and embarrassed as I hit the send button each time. Luckily the reaction from each person was very positive. I freed myself when I was honest with not only my friends, but with myself. The process allowed me to start attracting what I wanted in my life. It was like starting anew. It was a valuable lesson I had to learn and I’m grateful I did.
- Stacy Bridge, Certified Lightworker Practitioner lightworkerreflections.com
5 pointers..... Honesty with children with Nicole O'Gorman in Divorce
Children are wise. What do we say when they ask us questions about our divorce? As a mum I have supported my own children through divorce. As a professional working with children I see that honesty alongside these guidelines, can support children affected by divorce: 1.Your response can hold the kernel of truth whilst never being derogatory to your ex. A child's self esteem is broken any time we refer to our ex in a derogatory way. If you need to vent talk to a trusted friend or a professional.
2. Display honesty with your child. Let them know you are having feelings about the changes in the family too but that there are many friends supporting you and that it's never a child's job to do that. Support your child to identify their own feelings about the changes that divorce brings for them. Art therapy can be a useful medium for this. 3. Make your responses age appropriate and be led by your child's questions rather than what you think they should know. Get the support of a professional to check in with your child's development and age appropriate responses if you are unsure. 4. Have honesty in your responses and if in doubt don't answer till you have clarity for yourself. Let your child know what they have asked is really
important and that you want to think about it carefully and get back to them. Be aware that it is common for children to believe that the divorce was somehow their fault. Assure them that this is never the case. 5. Leave the story out. Put the values in. Let your child know the values that guided you to know divorce was following your truth. In this way you pass on your spiritual gift(s) from the divorce which supports them in finding theirs in this process. Honesty gives us a sense of internal, inner congruence. As everyday lightworkers we can give our children this gift so that they can maintain their own inner peace within a divorce. - Nicole O'Gorman Everyday Lightworker, Teacher, Counsellor
Counselling for Women Nicole O'Gorman B. Ed., Dip Ed. Dip. Couns nicole789789@hotmail.com Ph: 0419 620 575
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 23
Real Marketing with Tracey G We all want to find the best ways to connect with our customers, increasing our audience, creating our community and building that list - that’s how we spread our message and make the difference that we are here for - right? Technically it’s important to understand some of the fundamentals and get a handle on the strategies and tactics that will help to build your community, this must be appropriate for your ideal customers. The most effective way to succeed longterm is to ensure your marketing is real, serves others and adds genuine value. We are never right for everyone No matter how good the offer you will not be a good fit for all. Focus on the people who get you - be confident and trust that you will serve those you need to and let the others go. Avoid instant solutions With so much marketing information freely available it’s tempting to follow the advice available blindly. I am a huge fan of profound knowledge. If I can find a way that can help me achieve what I need and save me learning by trial and error - I'm in. Saving time, effort and helping you get clear is invaluable. This can create a temptation to try to “fit” into what everyone is doing. If this happens - STOP! It’s perfect to be you! The real you - embrace what is different about you and be proud of who you are and what you have to offer.
There a people in greater numbers that ever before on a journey, looking for answers and looking for the person that they resonate with. Your story and your 'why' is what sets you apart. The opportunities to let your uniqueness of you shine through are huge. Share your gift authentically I believe that when you are real the right customer will resonate with you and be interested to find out more about what you have to offer. When people feel that genuine connection and you give amazing value they will become raving fans. Be honest If there’s something that you have not mastered yet, embrace it, be transparent. The truth beats excuses every time. Remember if your customers thought they had all the answers they probably would not be looking for you - You can still be the expert without knowing absolutely everything. “People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” — Simon Sinek.
Simon has an amazing explanation of how to get clarity and authentically engage your customers to believe what you believe - I highly recommend watching the Ted Talk. - Tracey G - http://ymarketing.com.au/
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 25
Ethical Businesses Lightworker Advocate supports and show cases new and ongoing ethical businesses that we feel operate on high vibrational principles. We are not interested in advertisers, writers or sponsors who don't believe in or uphold the 12 principles that we live by. We know that we are not perfect, however, we also know that without a set of principles or guidelines, we can all become ungrounded, money hungry and fear-based business operators. This is not the kind of energy that we want the world to vibrate on or encourage in our world! If you see an ad, or a person or a sponsor in this magazine EVER, you can be rest assured it will always be because we feel they resonate with these principles. This month we showcase a few businesses that we have come upon and ask them how they practice honesty in their business. This is what they had to say.....
26 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
INTRODUCING .... My wonderful student graduate Amy Young stepped out recently and created her own event planning business. What a wonderful way to weave magic through to the very last Lightworker detail! In Amy's words.... Kudos Events are an event planning, styling and equipment hire company on the Sunshine Coast. From fesHvals, expos, galleries, weddings to private celebraHons we help you make a statement at your event with our creaHve style and love for planning events. Honesty is very important to us as we are working with people who are celebraHng some of the most special moments of their lives and we are honoured to be a part of that! Our aim is to help our clients bring to life their visions, their dreams, and there is no greater joy then seeing smiles of the faces on those we get to work with. This is us being honest, we are passionate about what we do and we treat every event like a privilege to be a part of! Kudos to you and your dreams because every good moment should be celebrated! -‐ Amy Young CerHfied Lightworker PracHHoner Founder Kudos Events kudosevents.com.au
INTRODUCING.... The REAL Food Revolution - Transformational Events I first met Kristie Ord when I was invited to participate as a Spiritual Nourishment presence at the 'Real Food Revolution' on the Gold Coast in June this year. The calibre of the stallholders and speakers was absolutely brass and tacs heart centred and higher consciousness thinking. I could tell from the get go, this was no ordinary event. They had honesty oozing out of them in spades. Here's a bit about this wonderful revolution that Kristie is advocating.
Are you ready to kick-start your health and wellness journey in a fun environment? The Real Food Revolution will help you be prepared and ready to discover the truths around real food. If you want to understand the fundamentals of how food can be your natural alternative medicine for longevity of life, increased energy levels and have a more confident body, this event is for you. “We need to change our psychology around food. We seem to have forgotten the function that food plays”, states Kristie the host of The Real Food Revolution. Food is required to
nourish our bodies in order for our cells to regenerate and for our bodies to function as they were designed to. Somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten this very basic principle”. After all, let’s face it - We all want to be a better, healthier, happier version of ourselves don’t we? This 2.5 day health and wellness conference has one purpose – to transform the way we eat and live as a country so we can live a life rich in health and happiness. Past delegates say “it’s like getting a bachelor’s degree in one weekend”. It gives you a full immersion into
weekend”. It gives you a full immersion into living a real food lifestyle and then being able to apply the principles. The team take you through blending, juicing, detoxing, tonic herbs, raw food, paleo, chiropractic care, love, stress, wholefoods, doctrine of signatures, alkalising, water and so much more. The Revolution kicked off in 2014 / 2015 with Australia’s top health and wellness speakers such as Pete Evans, Dr Libby, Adele ‘Vegie Head’ McConnell, The Wellness Guys, Jason Shon Bennet, Kale Brock, Jo Whitton, Therese Kerr and many more. Kristie Ord, The host of The Real Food Revolution has a strong message that involves changing the way we think about health as a nation. When asked by others for advice on changing their diet she advises, “consider if what you’re about to eat is a healing food. Does It have the properties to nourish your cells and heal your body” if not, then don’t eat it. If you’re unsure, then find out. These events are to be continued in early 2016 with events in Melbourne, Perth, Cairns and Brisbane. What’s different about The Real Food Revolution? The host and speakers ensure this
is a high energy, high vibrational and FUN weekend for all involved! The team are dedicated to giving delegates real transformation. PLUS you are given a bag full of the teams favourite real food products for you to start changing straight away. What do others say? I put myself under a lot of stress physically, emotionally and mentally. The real food revolution through its speakers and com-munity has helped me change my diet, relationships and understanding of myself. This has benefited not just myself but my business.—Roger Bright I’ve been to many conferences & conventions over the years and can’t think of one that I’ve enjoyed more than the Real Food Revolution. I’ve got my own health reasons for trying to manage my own healing process and have to say that after 4 weeks now I am now starting to reap some benefits “hallelujah” – Jonathan Fulton
Reader discount! To grab a $30 discount on single and 3 day passes head over to www.therealfoodrevolution.com.au and type in the discount code Lightworker.
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 29
INTRODUCING.... I had the privilege of meeting the lovely creator of Salt Sanctuary, Jenny Allwell, when facilitating and conducting enlightenment readings for the recent Paleo Retreat through Inspired Living Retreats. Not only is Jenny the wonderful mum of the creator of Inspired Living Events, Kristen Ottaway, but Jenny and I made an instant connection. Jenny's heart is well and truly in the right place and her passion for helping this planet is immeasurable. She's salt of the earth (pun intended). Here's a bit about what Jenny does....
INTRODUCING.... Julie attended a few of my Enlightenment Evenings and it was obvious to me just how dedicated she is in assisting with raising the vibration of the planet. Her committment to honesty and the other Everyday Lightworker Principles was evident from the get go. When Julie wanted to be a contributor to this magazine, well it literally made my heart sing. She does indeed embody the dedication that which we all want in this journey of enlightenment.
Hi, my name is Julie Latcham & I run my own Health & Wellbeing Space, called Elixir For Life. I have been a Personal Trainer for 9 years & a Yoga Teacher for 6 years. I have been Psychic since a child, as long as I can remember, always connected to Spirit Guides. Elixir For Life encompasses your very own formula to a happy, healthy, full & abundant life. I can help you do this through my biggest passion which is running my ‘Women’s Wellness Retreat Weekends’ or through personal appointments with me. I feel very connected to helping people find themselves, love themselves and accept themselves. Yoga is a big part of my life and I feel that Yoga changes people’s lives. If you haven’t tried a class, then please feel free to come along & try one, you won’t regret it. I also believe that through the power of MeditaOon, you can achieve anything you wish in life. My Yoga classes include a short card reading & guided MeditaOon. At ELIXIR FOR LIFE, you can come to me in my studio, or I can come to you mobile. I offer my services to corporate businesses as well as personal one on one, to groups or families. Start living the life of your DREAMS. I am a qualified Personal Trainer, Group Instructor, Yoga Teacher, Psychic Reader, Healing with Aroma Touch Therapy Treatment with doTerra Oils, Crystal Healing, MeditaOons, Boxing Fitness, Bootcamps, EmoOonal Release techniques, goal seXng & vision board planning.
Hope to see you at my upcoming Women’s Wellness Retreat, Montville Sunshine Coast on Friday 23[\ to Sunday 25^_ October 2015. Visit my Website or my Facebook Page to contact me, love to hear from you. Website:-‐ www.elixirforlife.com.au Facebook Page:-‐ www.facebook.com.au/ elixir4life Email:-‐ julie@elixirforlife.com.au Mobile:-‐ 0411 441 688 BE BRAVE.. BELIEVE… Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 31
2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life?
The Principle Project:
My best experience with honesty, was by far one of my most difficult. It was in making the decision to leave my marriage. I accepted my honesty with Self and honoured it. Through doing that I have brought to the fore many qualities I have now embraced such as courage, self respect and resilience. My confidence and self esteem has soared. 3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? A clear sparkling feeling, and open flow. I feel clarity and flow within the interaction. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? White
If being creator of Lightworker Advocate Magazine wasn't enough, well I felt called to create a project to assist in raising the vibration of the planet.
5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Tasteless 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? Odourless
The Principle Project is aimed at raising the vibration of both the participant and the receiver of the answers.
7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? A tone.
Those interested were given a set of 12 questions to answer. I will use these responses in as many ways possible from creating video clips for each principle, to publishing them here, to announcing them to the world through my radio show "Everyday Lightworker Enlightenment Radio" on A1R Psychic Radio weekly Wednesdays 12pm AEST or Tuesdays US EST 10pm.
8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? An orb or sphere.
If you would like to be involved, please contact me or email me your answers to any of the 12 principles. As a reminder for you, I list them here: Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness, Forgiveness, Unity, Discipline, Faith, Responsibility, Love, Wholeness, Joy and Peace. Thanks to both Deniece and Tanya for their participation for this issue. We hope it raised your vibrations! 1. Why is this principle important in your life? Honesty allows for clarity. It dispels mixed signals which allows for flow. I move through situations, experiences and interaction quicker.
34 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? A white cockatoo. 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? Clear Water 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? My heart opens in the strength and the truth that I am and my vibration stays elevated, clear and strong. 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? Definitely, because Honesty is Love. Deniece Smith Soul Earth Essence
1. Why is honesty important in your life? Honesty is a very important part of who we are as people. Honesty is needed so it can form with the foundation of trust. 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? The worst experience of honesty in my life turned out to be the best part of my valued honesty. I fought with my family for over 30 yrs for just that one thing - honesty. I may not have any immediate family that share the same value that honesty holds but I, myself have grown within just through having honesty all my life. 3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? Honesty to me is apart of who I am and what I stand for in a person. I have a sixth sense for people that practice the same values as my alignment. People that consider their word and then follow with actions practise it probably without giving it a second thought that it's true honesty. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? If honesty was a colour I would have to say it should be a very bright shade of red. 5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? If honesty was a taste it should have a bitter sweet taste to it. As honesty can also come and shown in the form of bitter sweet. 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? If honesty had a smell it would be a very difficult smell to pinpoint as depending who's on the other end of honesty, it either stinks or will smell sweet. 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? If I could sing honesty it would be a little ditty in a strong powerful voice. 8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be?
9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? If honesty was an animal, it could be something big and bold and proud like a lion or it can be as small as a meerkat with the strength. We don't all practice honesty in bold form, some keep it low like they are frightened by it, but each and every person whether it's a big or small amount of honesty will stand their ground regardless with the belief that they are honest - which both the lion and meerkat do well and proud. 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? I don't know my spiritual guides and I'm never sure which guides help me, however what I do know is I allow my heart felt feelings guide me. Honesty comes from within me that's all I use as a guide. 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? Honesty has always been in my vibration even when I was a child. I wasn't perfect by any means, I sometimes told a white lie and that was only to protect all my siblings. I don't vibrate with my siblings and I haven't done for many many years. To be who they want me to be, I have to lose everything that I am, including my honesty of who I am and that will never happen. 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? Honesty has so much potential to change the world. Imagine if all the government bodies in every country were honest! The world would change dramatically. Then people would follow the honesty policy. It's always our choice to be honest. In a good way, it rubs off onto the next person and so on, until our circle is complete. No more shape shifting. - Tania Eslick
If you would like to participate in The Principle Project please contact me at lightworkerrefletions@gmail.com - Michelle Lightworker
If honesty was a shape it would have to be a shape shifter. Honesty like all things come in many different shapes even for me. Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 35
Honestly Speaking.... Where on the scale of honesty in all of life do you sit? We can ‘think’ we are being truthful in our way of being, we can assert that we speak honestly in life, we can even ‘demand’ that people be honest with us, however how many lies are you really living and telling yourself? Oh yes!!! Lies we live and tell ourselves every single day, they may be running in the back of our mind, but they do indeed influence our behaviours. By the age of 6-7, we have already embedded 85% of the beliefs that will run our subconscious for the rest of our lives. We inherit them from parents, we have to learn how to live them from rules and guidelines set by society, we hear the ‘lies’ that are around us, we hear the embellishments of truth, and we observe the dishonest behaviours of life. Yet we think, with all of that running the back of our minds, that we are honest!!! Even the term in modern times, "Fake it till you make it”, is supporting a way of being dishonest. Sure, we may aspire to be something, but the whole 'fake it' scenario, is requiring a level of dishonesty of self and soul that we justify with a smile, a giggle, yet deep within, we absolutely know it is not honest or truthful. So how do you find out what the honest truth of self is, so you can align with it constantly, have a higher
bench mark and reside in a space of integrity that affects every part of your life? Easy peasy.... There is a process I offer to all my clients when they are ready to step through the illusion of ‘honesty’ to address the TRUTH and to be that. It is confronting, it is revealing, it takes commitment, it takes courage. Once you begin this 6 week process, you open up the ‘pathways’ from your subconscious mind, to deliver into your daily consciousness all the ‘lies’ well some of them. I prefer people to take baby steps with this as your life will totally change. Some lies, the ones that you are ready to face and deal with, will come up. As they do, your awareness of them will govern your actions. You can observe and choose to let it go. You can choose to change the belief, the lie, the pattern, by implementing a new way of being. You can say goodbye to the lie, and be shown your own inner truth. The process…take a breath, centre yourself in your heart, bow your head to your own inner teacher, and ask out loud, “What am I lying to myself about?” sit in that space for a few moments. As your day unfolds awareness’s will be delivered. Do this for 6 weeks, every morning.
38 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
with Raelene Byrne
Then you will know what living honestly is really about. Namaste Raelene Byrne www.raelenebyrne.com
What is honesty and can anyone be 100% honest? Firstly for us, honesty, whether it be in a relaOonship of any kind or in business, is all about trust and integrity. The first person you must be honest with is yourself. If you do not have the courage to face yourself and be honest then you will never be able to be fully honest or as honest as one can possibly be with anyone else. Nor will you or anyone else be able to trust you. We believe that it is intrinsically impossible for everyone and anyone to be 100% honest. Open and clear, Yes! But because we all see the world through or own eyes, filters etc and every one of us is different, by nature we cannot be 100% honest. Within that we are also taught from a very young age to “colour” the truth for a variety of reasons e.g. we don’t want to get into trouble or someone else into trouble. Also we may not want to hurt someone else or we do! We want to be seen in a more favourable light. So many other situaOons and reasons why. Also whilst we cannot always be completely honest we can always work with integrity. An example would be telling a white lie or colouring the truth to save someone from being more deeply hurt. So where does that leave us all? For us, honesty is paramount and that means living all aspects of your life as honestly and with as much openness and integrity that is humanly possible. Especially if you are in the business of helping others. The businesses of the future that will do well are the ones that work with honesty and
with honesty and i n t e g r i t y. A s t h e v i b r a O o n o f t h e p l a n e t a n d t h e p e o p l e i n c re a s e s then it will be harder for people to be mislead or be lied to. W e c a n s e e i t happening in a big way on the planet today especially with those who proclaim to be leading us. The one thing with being honest is that it will never come back to h a u n t y o u t h e s a m e w a y dishonesty will. On a lighter side if you are honest then you don’t need to have as good a memory, as you will know what you have told people. You don’t have to keep track of the lies and where all the tangled webs have led you. Just ends up geXng very messy not only for you but all connected and concerned with you. Stay clear in your energy and vibraOon, where you are coming from and going to. Be honest with yourself and all you meet to the best of your ability and most importantly, always work with integrity.
100% Honesty with Paul & Phoebe Hoogendyk
Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk Ancient Wisdom Mentors. www.ancientpathways.com.au ANCIENT AND MODERN TOOLS FOR CHANGE www.maurinaturaltherapy.com
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 39
Honesty, Is Such a Lonely Word, Everyone is So with Kirstyn Marriott Untrue! Wow what a song! That has been playing since 1978 on our airwaves and pops up from time to time. What message is it sending us? "Honesty Is such a lonely word, Everyone is so untrue. Honesty, Is hardly ever heard and mostly what I need from you." When I stop and actually listen to a song and tune into the words that are being said, it is often that I will pull myself back from singing it because the message that it brings I don't want to bring into my subconscious mind. What this song is actually setting a generation who does not trust anyone else, so it brings us into a vibration of distrust. Have we become a society where we have exactly that? We don't trust each other; there is disharmony and tension. Could it possibly be that this song and others like it have created this without us realizing, subtly creeping in with its message of suspicion, doubt and distrust. Creating a dishonest generation?
So where does the honesty and trust begin if we are to build a strong foundation? It starts within! I have found that first we must be honest with ourselves. If something isn’t working in our l i v e s w e n e e d t o c re a t e awareness around it, as the awareness builds healing the particular issue can begin. People come into our lives that can help us on our journey, guide us through to our true self, help us to uncover the many layers we have built up by not being honest with ourselves. If we want those around us to bring honesty into our relationships on all levels, we need to step up and be honest with ourselves first. Unmask and allow ourselves to step up and be who we are. Look for the belief systems that have kept us in the place of not loving ourselves enough to be honest. We could be in a job we don’t like or a relationship that isn’t bringing the best out in us leaving us feeling unfulfilled, and we look for ways to show ourselves some comfort and we often reach for food of some description to fill our mouth so we are unable to speak. (you shouldn’t speak with your mouth full!) Power lies in being honest within, self loving, listening to our inner wisdom. We are a power source that has be running on fear and now is time to get
real and honest and begin to do what we have come onto this earth to do. I love using dōTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils in supporting this process, especially when working through emotional issues, for both my clients and myself. It is extremely important that you use the purest oil in the process, as the last thing you need is extra for your body and mind to filter out. It does m a t t e r w h e re t h e y a re sourced and where they are harvested and tested for purity and efficiency. In addition, the quality of these oils is second to none. The CPTG oils that are great for restoring Honesty are as follows, Black Pepper- This is know as the oil of unmasking, a powerful friend in the process of releasing the distrust. Individuals learn at an early age that to be loved and accepted they must hide undesirable aspects of themselves behind a mask or a façade.
Geranium – This one is know as the oil of love and trust. It restores confidence in the innate goodness of others. It encourages emotional honesty, love and forgiveness. Lavender – It is know as the oil of Communication, this aids in verbal communication. Lavender addresses a deep fear of being seen and heard. In addition, assists in unblocking all forms of true self-expression. - Kirstyn Marriott
About Kirstyn... Kirstyn Marriott is the Mind Transformation Catalyst. As an Author, Speaker and Energy Psychology Practitioner, a passionate essential oil Wellness Advocate, Kirstyn is a master of freeing people from mental, emotional and physical stress and blocks. Working with clients who are experiencing disharmony in their lives or seek clarity and direction, Kirstyn integrates powerful healing methods to see her clients manifesting meaningful changes in their lives – both personally, financially and professionally. Focusing on holistic transformation on all levels and in all areas, Kirstyn has powerfully impacted the lives of many people. Believing deeply in people’s right to relieve stress and live an abundant and happy life, Kirstyn delivers one-on-one consultations, workshops and webinars to assist people to release buried feelings, clear emotions and dissolve stress in their daily lives. Kirstyn shows clients how emotions drive their mental and physical state. Should you wish to learn more about how the essential oils can assist your emotional mastery, Kirstyn would be pleased to show you and guide you through the process of sourcing your own. No obligation. Email Kirstyn@kirstynmarriott.com with your best contact number. www.kirstynmarriott.com https://www.facebook.com/mindtransformation www.mydoterra.com/transformyounow
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 41
Get Honest with your Energy with Antonella Jakobsen
If you are honest with yourself the world will be a kinder place to be in. You are a reflection of your external world. If you see everyone as a threat, ask yourself in which ways are you feeling threatening to yourself? Students in my class face their fears in an empowered and safe space. By being honest with themselves they allow me as their teacher to guide them through exercises which in the past has have stopped them from facing the truth of the matter. Your core can only see pure love and intentions. When we are honest we are more forgiving and nonjudgmental of others. We have grace and compassion for others and ourselves.
www.antonellajakobsen.com.au F: Intuitive Wing Chun 0423310471
Certified Kung Fu Instructor Self-Defense - Confidence - Respect Discipline - Focus - Balance Private Tuition Workshops Adult & kids classes Mentor
42 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
How to ask for what you REALLY want in the bedroom with EJ Love Open I hear the complaint that someone’s partner just doesn’t know how to touch or please them in the bedroom, so I ask them, ‘Well, have you asked for what it is that you really want? And open they will say ‘Oh no, I don’t how to tell them without offending them and we have done it this way for so long’ or ‘I have tried but they are sOll not doing it right’. The first thing I want to suggest is to look at why are you feeling that you can’t ask for what you want? Is it because you are afraid of hurOng your partner’s feelings or are you afraid they might say no? Secondly, is if you have tried asking and are sOll not geXng what you want is to look at the way you might be asking and try a new approach. Also ask yourself ‘do I really know what is that I want and am I allowing myself to receive it?’. Fortunately, there is a great tool I use with my clients that covers both of these which you can use over and over again with your partner. This is going to help you both to know exactly what you want, be able to ask for what you want and allow yourself to want it! This is takes you out of any stories such as offending your partner
or thinking it is selfish to receive. It is called the ‘Three Minute Game’ which I learned from training with Dr Beqy MarOn. How the game works is that you set aside some one-‐on-‐one Ome with your partner where you ask each other two quesOons and then perform the acOons that the other has requested. QuesOon one is: "How would you like to touch me for just a few minutes?" Your partner then answers how they would like to touch you and then with your consent they go ahead with that touch for a few minutes. Now this is where they get to touch you how they want to touch you. Open when we think we are giving to someone we are actually taking. When we give, we give the person the touch they want to receive which is where the next quesOon comes in. "How would you like to be t o u c h e d f o r j u s t a f e w minutes" They will describe to you how they want to be touched. Get them to be quite descripOve with how and where. As you are giving to them you need to check in with them throughout the touching to make sure it is
what they actually want. Asking quesOons such as, "Is this how you like it? Is there anything I could be doing differently or beqer?" This allows them to feel comfortable to speak up for what they actually really do want at this Ome. Once you have done this then you swap and your partner asks you the quesOons and you both get a chance to give, receive, take and allow. The idea is to really get to know what each other likes and feel comfortable to really get what you want and explore, explore, explore! I have developed a ritual for couples that includes this game and if pracOced for at least 2 hours a week will reignite and creaOng last inOmacy in your relaOonship. This can be downloaded for free here -‐ hqp://ejlove.leadpages.co/ 7stepsinOmacy/. -‐ EJ Love If you are interested in finding out more or would like to book a session please go to www.ejlove.com and you can also reach out to me on facebook at www.facebook.com/
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 43
The truth may hurt, but..... What role does honesty or lack thereof play in the demise of relationships and more particularly for most couples as they struggle to find some sort of solid ground to manage the process of separation and eventual divorce? Many people find themselves living a lie in their relationship, the love and connection they felt for their partner is no longer there, some choose to go outside of the relationship in search for what is missing for them and some choose to ‘suck it up,’ and do the best they can often with the intention to keep the family together for the sake
with Jenny Smith
What if the communication was so cl e a r a n d h o n e st a n d delivered with love and respect for the other person that it opened up a very different level of communication?
Be aware of your own intentions behind being honest, are you making judgments about someone else’s actions, beliefs or values based on your own beliefs and values.
What if it was OK to always speak your mind and tell your truth?
When you are not aware of all the facts associated with a particular situation.
What if both parties started out a relationship in agreement about being totally honest with one another?
Finally, be very clear about your intentions behind sharing some truths and always take some time to consider the impact being totally honest may have on the people involved.
What if being fully committed and emotionally transparent with each other was the place from which all communication
-Jenny Smith
No matter how much the truth hurts, it will never hurt as bad as the betrayal that comes with living a lie. of the children. Fear can be the silent driver behind these decisions, fear of an unknown future, fear of being alone, fear of having to financially support themselves, fear of hurting someone, fear of breaking vows and betraying values. What if people were able to be totally honest with themselves and with other people? What if in relationships both parties were able to be completely honest with each other without fear of the other person taking things personally?
transpired? What if we knew how to ask better questions to facilitate an honest open conversation? Questions like ‘would you like some feedback about that?’ Or ‘I have some thoughts about this which may be helpful, would you like to hear them?’ When is honesty definitely not the best policy? Honesty without compassion is just plain cruel and sometimes being compassionate rules over the need to be honest.
www.divorcedwomensclub.com.au www.facebook.com/DivorcedWomensClub jenny@divorcedwomensclub.com.au +61 425 210 064
44 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
with Zane
Emotional Honesty and the Supporting Essentional Oils
What is honesty? It’s simple right; honesty, is when you speak the truth and act truthfully! However, it’s important that in our honesty, we are conscious about how we share what we are feeling with others and support ourselves
This is where essential oils can start providing
emotionally through what can sometimes be a
help. The Essential Life book (2015, Total
vulnerable position, and yes, essential oils can
Wellness Publishing), shares with us some great
definitely make this easier.
information about the significant connection between emotional and physical health. It
Emotional Honesty
discusses in detail, various unbalanced emotions and which essential oils we could use to shift
It isn’t always easy to express our emotions.
right back into balance. The great news about
Many of us have picked up the idea that some of
this, is that it is super easy to apply in our
our feelings are not acceptable and should be shut
everyday life.
away. But the problem with trying to deny our feelings is that they don’t really go away but
Black pepper essential oil can be used topically,
continue to work on us from inside. In short, we
aromatically and internally for a variety of
are not being honest with ourselves and this does
wellness drainage,
seasonal threats, opening up the airways, and of Unexpressed feelings can be a source of great
course it tastes great in food! However, in line
suffering, sometimes on an emotional level and
with our discussion today it can be used in the
other times by creating illness and dis-ease in the body. On the other hand, getting those feelings out in the open can be a great relief. If you accept your feelings and then express them, you will be better able to address them, but what about those times when you are feeling repressed and can’t get the words out in a positive way?
treatment and support of anxiety and for
NB: Citrus oils can increase photosensitivity, so
emotional balance to move from feeling
be cautious with direct sunlight for the next few
HONESTY… Internally: Check out Chef Roe’s article on How would I use Black Pepper?
YUMMY THINGS for a great black pepper essential oil recipe. We all have a right to our
Aromatically: Simply add 3 drops of black
emotions. It is alright to feel angry or feel like
pepper essential oil along with 3 drops of your
crying, and it’s all right to say you’re angry and
favourite citrus oil to your diffuser, top it up
to cry. Your emotions need to be respected. Just
with filtered water and infuse the room with
remember that it’s a two-way street: the
feelings of goodness. Citrus oils are uplifting to
emotions of those around you need to be
the mood and combined with black pepper
respected too.
provide emotional balance and smell simply divine.
Using essential oils for mood management and support can open a new and magical way of
Topically: Don’t have a diffuser on hand, simply open the bottle and put 1 drop of black pepper and 1 drop of wild orange essential oil into your palm. Gently rub the hands together, cup them over the nose and mouth and inhale deeply. Any excess can be gently massaged into
lifting our moods, balancing our emotions and more
communications. There are essential oils or blends for nearly every emotion and situation, so watch this space for more tips & tricks and feel free to reach out to us with specific questions.
the back of the neck. Love Zane xx
Oil Info Online: www.RealisticallyRAWessence.co m Emai: info@realisticallyrawyou.com Phone: 0405 079 677
46 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
YUMMY STUFF with Roe I first met the wonderful Roe Robertson at the Real Food Revolution this year. In my humble opinion, she is one of the most genuine, heart-centred people you will ever meet. Imagine all that energy going into the food! Nowadays Roe is a dedicated Lightwoker Advocate and begins each morning opening up her Everyday Lightworker Bible to start her day. I feel so chuffed about that! Roe is on the passionate path of holistic health and spreading her knowledge with the world, but she wasn’t always on the passionate path of holistic health and living. Roe was battling several health issues that came with the poor lifestyle she was living as a Police Officer at a maximum security facility for the criminally insane. These health issues lead her to a whole foods diet and ultimately studying to change her life and the lives of others. An injury in 2006 and some health concerns changed her direction and shortly after, her career. It literally took a hit over the head, a concussion to be exact, as well as a hysterectomy, asthma, severe seasonal allergies, three back surgeries and a daily regimen of medications for her to finally realize, she was sick and tired of being sick and tired. The good news is that these health issues led her to the path out of a miserable lifestyle into the realization of her life purpose, and began her journey of studying and sharing with the world.
Not only has Roe gone from copper to chopper studying at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute, she has completed the following courses: Associate Chef & Instructor, Gourmet Raw Food Chef, Ethnic and Spa Cuisine, Pastry Arts UNbaked, Advanced Pastry Arts UNbaked, Science of Raw Food Nutrition I. She also has studied Advanced Pranic Healing, Psychosomatic Pranic Healing, Hatha Yoga Teacher Training and looks forward to studying Psychosomatic Therapy. Roe’s passion and life purpose is to help people find their joy through taking the steps to improve and change their health and lifestyle so they feel empowered to live their life to their fullest and feel amazing while doing it! With her colorful background, she brings an impressive skill set, paired with her obvious passions for food, meditation, energy healing and empowering people while exuding her sense of humor and calming energy. This month Roe shares with us a great recipe for Cummin Pea Soup using black pepper essential oil to keep us, well, honest.
Roe attended the only post secondary certified raw vegan culinary school in the world, Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in Fort Bragg, California. She studied under, taught with and worked side by side with world renowned Chefs, Authors, Speakers. Roe has taught and inspired hundreds of students from all over the world to create delicious raw food, encouraging them to take the steps in changing their lifestyle and to teach others to do the same. Some other projects Roe has worked on, were consulting in England at a very posh weight loss and detox spa, writing menus for several cafes including Press’d Brisbane, catered elite parties, as well as retreats and now works side by side with partner Zane Appleby at Realistically Raw You and the Secret to Living Raw. 48 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
Contact Details: Roe@RealisticallyRAWyou.com www.RealitiscallyRAWyou.com www.facebook.com/RealisticallyRAWyou www.SecretToLivingRaw.com
Your Food & Your Mood “What you put in your mouth has a direct impact on your emotions. Nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, blood sugar imbalances, substance abuse, and stimulants (like caffeine), affect biochemistry and contribute to mood fluctuations and compromised emotional states.” (The Essential Life, Total Wellness Publishing, 2015). Black pepper essential oil can be used to support breaking addictions, as easily as it can be added to this super delicious fully RAW recipe. IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to always choose Certified Pure Therapeutic grade essential oils. Contact us to find out which essential oils we use & recommend, why we choose them, how you can get yours and let us know what recipes you would like to see in future. Free Recipes Online: www.RealisticallyRAWyou.com OR
Cumin Pea Soup Serves 2
Ingredients 3-4 cups frozen peas 1 cup boiled filtered water 1-2 tsp light miso paste 2 tsp lemon juice ⅓ teaspoon garlic powder Dash of Himalayan rock salt 1 drop cumin essential oil (or ¼ tsp ground cumin) 1 drop black pepper essential oil 1 tbs fresh mint, optional ‘To Serve’ 1 tsp nutritional yeast
Olive oil to drizzle Fresh herbs or micro-sprouts
Emai: info@realisticallyrawyou.com Phone: 0449770832
Method Place all of the soup ingredients in your Froothie Optimum high speed blender. Start blending on low, quickly increasing speed to high. Blend until smooth and creamy. Split into two large bowls, top with with nutritional yeast, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with fresh herbs or micro-sprouts. Serve immediately. Can be stored in the refrigerator in a sealed airtight container for 3 days.
Try it out, we’d love to hear what you think. Love Chef Roe xx
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 49
From the depths Unheard whisperings Calling my name Fruition is its only desire In its purest form I cannot lie For only faith is the window In which it rears Before thine eye It does only appear The light, our shield from where did it come? It has always been Need not trouble Your fears desire for unlike a book It does not begin and will never end Therefore I can only be I AM - Poem and artwork by Michael John Baty Certified Lightworker Practitioner
Lightfilled Painting I painted this back in 2012, not purposely aligned with the principle of Honesty but more about standing in our integrity during times and situations that challenge us. Nowadays after being exposed and living life aligned with the Everyday Lightworker 12 Principles, I think this is a great representation of Honesty.
When we are Honest we are exposing what we know to be true. We are not hiding information, misleading or being deceptive. Much like the subject of this painting we are being open to all possibilities when we live in honesty. Stand Your Ground‌ (By Tony Dowd)
High Vibrational Air Waves
Listening for Truth with Nick Reeve
Delivering a message in the form of music, or any other form for that matter, is bound to be a lot more convincing for the listener if it comes across as being genuine - from the heart. Audiences and people in everyday life situations are on the most part reasonably clever at detecting verbal and nonverbal cues and undertones in order to come to a quick judgement (within seconds) about whether they’re going to tune in and listen, or switch off. In regards to music, the listener usually wants to be taken on a journey, similar to watching a great movie. If the journey is not a believable one, the listener will be keen to bail well before it is over, or barely begun. Music can be a beautiful escape from a not so great reality, or a validation of the listener’s feelings or experiences. So for the listener to believe the artist delivering the content is qualified to do so, effectively gives that artist credibility to continue taking the listener on the journey. Of course the usual sure fire way to achieve this is through openness and honesty. A heart worn on a sleeve can go a long way to getting others to open up also. The ‘Pratfall Effect’ is a name given to the process of showing others through your
own personal life experience that you are just as human as them. That is usually rewarded with a reciprocated connection, which is when the journey starts to get real. Music is a beautiful medium for a clever artist to use to combine several skills in order to create a memorable experience for listeners. These in-exclusively include: crafting lyrics into a story that the listener can picture and almost smell; using those lyrics, intonation and body language to demonstrate honesty, passion and genuineness; demonstrating performance skill in using their voice or instrument; use of rhythm and melody to elicit the intended emotion to match the lyrical content; and engaging with the audience to make them feel involved in the performance somehow. Successful combination of such skills is truly an art form mastered by few. Of course not all music must comply with such a demanding criteria in order to be enjoyed. An alluring melody and rhythm or catchy chorus line alone can well be enough to bait a listener into wanting more. Also, a listener may idolise an artist believing they are immune to the everyday issues and woes that affect them. However, a
song without a deeper spiritual element or ‘something’ to shift emotion is likely to have a short shelf life and be quite disposable. On the other hand, music with potential for emotional shifts and to elicit deep thought processes can have such power to help individuals in their personal growth. It is those shifts in thought and emotion that have the potential to become major milestones in deeper thought processes, getting us closer to the person we want to be. Of course then, if this occurs based on a foundation of dishonesty or pretence, then any shift made will lack integrity and possibly lead us down the wrong path. - N i c k R e e v e , C e r t i fi e d Lightworker Practitioner, Musician, https://www.facebook.com/ nickreevechristianrock
Introducing Ourselves..... Are you a spiritual seeker interested in the mysteries of life? We may be the next step in your journey. Shanti Mission is a mystical school for the soul. A registered charity, we offer seminars, spiritual retreats and help for those challenged by ill health, relationship problems, and for those who know in their hearts that there has to be more to life! Shanti means peace, and all of o u r b o o k s , s e m i n a r s , meditations and healing sessions are designed to take us to inner peace, peace in our relationships and peace in our world. Founded by former lawyer Kim Fraser, now called Shakti Durga (a name that means Holy spirit that gives us strength and courage) our seminars called the Path of Ease and Grace are now taught by more than 40 teachers throughout Australia and in many other countries of the world.
Lots of people are searching for answers, and Shanti Mission attracts people from all walks of life and from all faiths, who are interested in discovering the core essence of love that dwells within. We are interested in experiential spirituality, cultivating virtues, deep healing and joy through service to others. We value the good things that we have in common and respect those whose views are different from our own. You are warmly invited to attend our Ignite Your Spirit energetic healing seminar c o m i n g u p o n 2 1 & 2 2 November. You will learn how to get more grounded when you feel spacy or anxious, how t o r e l e a s e s t r e s s a n d experience spiritual practices that make meditation easy. See how prayer and meditation beneDit your energy Dield instantly, how forgiveness and compassion makes us stronger a n d h o w d r a i n i n g a n d debilitating constant criticism or judgment can be and what to do about it. Learn to feel
54 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
subtle spiritual energy with your hands and experience light pouring in through your whole being, as well as simple practical tools for healing the physical body. When you Ignite Your Spirit, life has more freshness and vitality than before. If you have been unwell, maybe you h a v e h a d b a c k p a i n , headaches, tension, stress, d e p r e s s i o n , d i g e s t i v e p r o b l e m s f a t i g u e , P M S , Anxiety, high blood pressure, cancer or heart problems. Energy healing can help relieve and manage these conditions and is also very helpful for nurses, or anyone who looks after the public or ill relatives so as to avoid burn out. We run healing meditations d u r i n g t h e w e e k , o n Wednesdays at 10.30am and other times. Our common room is open six days per week (closed Mondays) and is a g r e a t p l a c e f o r q u i e t contemplation, to sit in front
subtle spiritual energy with your hands and experience light pouring in through your whole being, as well as simple practical tools for healing the physical body. When you Ignite Your S p i r i t , l i f e h a s m o r e freshness and vitality than before. If you have been unwell, maybe you have had back pain, headaches,
tension, stress, depression, digestive problems fatigue, PMS, Anxiety, high blood pressure, cancer or heart problems. Energy healing c a n h e l p r e l i e v e a n d manage these conditions and is also very helpful for nurses, or anyone who looks after the public or ill relatives so as to avoid burn out.
We run healing meditations d u r i n g t h e w e e k , o n Wednesdays at 10.30am a n d o t h e r t i m e s . O u r common room is open six days per week (closed Mondays) and is a great p l a c e f o r q u i e t contemplation, to sit in front of the Dire or have a coffee at our tuck shop. Our spiritual bookshop and gift store is also open Wed to Sunday. See you soon!
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 55
Ethical Digest Book Review
The answer was yes and the result was Sex, Drugs and Meditation.
Did you feel the book helped you get honest with yourself?
Sex, Drugs and Meditation was one of THE most honest reads I have ever had the pleasure of being confronted by! Thank you Mary-Lou! So when it came to reviewing a book for the honesty edition, it was a no-brainer. I took a moment to ask Mary-Lou her reflections on how this book has impacted and influenced her own life since it's birthing back in 2013. As usual, Mary-Lou is true to her honest style and responded candidly. What inspired you to write the book? I’ve always loved the case studies in self-help books. I think human beings are hard wired for story. We look for stories in every aspect of our lives. We tell stories about ourselves and our lives everyday and we seek out other people’s stories. Case studies in self-help books are usually in the form of the Hero’s Journey. Struggle, obstacles, transformation, freedom, joy. When it became clear that my struggles had been overcome and that my life had been transformed through the power of meditation and self-reflection I wondered if perhaps other people might be interested in what is, in it’s most basic form, a case study, a story, the Hero’s Journey.
56 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
In it’s original form Sex, Drugs and Meditation was a very different book. It was flippant, stylised and I kept myself at a distance. A literary agent saw the first chapter and was interested but when she read the rest of what I’d written she suggested that I rethink the manuscript. She told me in order to write this book I had to get really, really honest. At that stage the thought of doing so freaked me out. I wasn’t ready. I tucked the book away and wrote a novel instead. A few years later, with a lot more meditation under my belt, I revisited the manuscript. Time and meditation gave me the objectivity I needed. I rewrote the book and held nothing back. Whenever I got frightened about the level of honesty I was digging into I would watch the fear, with the witness self that meditators develop over time, and know that I wasn’t the fear. I could move on without becoming overwhelmed. Working through the editing process was an illuminating experience. Each time I found new layers of pain and truth. The final edit fine-tuned what was really at the heart of the book and the realisation had me howling with anguish. But it was liberating to finally unlock that last dark little door to my soul. One that I’d kept hidden even from myself.
How did the book create more honesty in your life in general? Many of the events in Sex, Drugs and Meditation happened a long time ago. Most of the people in my life today had no idea of the the things I’d done and the life I’d led. Before the book was released I tested the water by letting little snippets of my past drop into conversations. Other times I wasn’t so subtle. At work someone asked me if I’d ever smoked. I answered yes, but only when I was doing heroin. There was a collective gasp, a few questions and then everyone got back to work. Once I’d got honest about my past and put it out there for everyone to read there was a certain freedom. All my skeletons were free to do a happy dance and then take off to wherever skeletons go once they're released from the closet. They weren’t mine to worry about anymore. Without the weight of a closet full of skeletons dragging behind me I felt lighter but also raw. Those skeletons had been part of me for so long. It took
some getting used to. I was tempted to put some back just for the familiarity of it. But it was impossible. I couldn’t go back. I couldn’t unwrite those words. I’m not advocating total honesty. Some privacy is necessary, indeed vital. But life is a lot easier without the weight of secrets.
Did the honesty in your book encourage more honesty with others? For and about myself, yes. But I never expect more than people are capable of when to comes to their own level of honesty. The older I get the more I realise that most people are doing the best they can. We all have our own issues that colour the way we think and respond. Being aware of this means I think deeply before I respond to others. Everything comes through my own prism, I can’t change that, but I can be aware and thoughtful and most of all, respectful. I do have a lot less patience for absolute bullshit though. If someone tries to shove their beliefs down my throat, or tells me what I should be doing because they know better, I’ll tell them to back off in no uncertain terms. We are all on our own journeys. We all have the right to take whatever path we choose, even if that path leads to disaster.
Was there any fall out from being honest with your story? When I was offered a publishing deal my husband and I had to sit down and have a serious conversation about the consequences of having this book out in the world. I might have been sued and lost the house, I might have been fired, my family and friends might have disowned me. We decided that the book was worth it. That the energy around having Sex, Drugs and Meditation out in the world was much greater than keeping it under wraps. The response from some of my friends was interesting and varied. Some needed to rethink their relationship with me because I wasn’t the person they thought I was. Others were deeply apologetic because they had no idea what I’d gone through and thought that they should have been able to help me in some way. Because the book is so emotional the response from people who care about me was emotional as well.
My work was fully supportive. My manager read it and loved it. I kept my job. My husband and I still have our house. Most of my friends and family have given me nothing but praise and understanding. There is one person who hasn’t spoken to me since the book was released and I’m not sure if they’ve even read it. I think it was the idea of the book rather than the book itself that they found threatening.
What positives did you gain from sharing your story honestly? Honestly? A publishing deal! I did what was suggested, I got totally honest and I wrote the book people wanted to read. I had been writing for many years, honing my skills, and this book alone was many years in the making. To have the validation that my writing was good, that my story was compelling and that a major publishing house wanted to pay me for it was a big positive. Apart from that, it’s been the connection and understanding I’ve gained from so many people all over the world. I have shown myself at my most vulnerable and that vulnerability has not been abused. Quite the opposite. There’s a level of mutual respect. And I’m free of my past. In so many ways. If you read the book you’ll discover how my whole approach to relationships changed. How my entrenched negative beliefs about myself were overcome. There are so many positives. I was approached this year by a small production company who want to turn Sex, Drugs and Meditation into a television series. I was honoured that they thought so highly of the book. I also laughed because it never occurred to me that it might make a great TV series. I had to reread Sex, Drugs and Meditation in order to write the television treatment. I was relieved to discover that it is a great book. And yes I’m being honest here. I loved reading it. I was thoroughly engrossed by the story. And to know it was all true was a great big beautiful bonus. I wanted to be the girl in that book. I wanted to have all those amazing revelations and breakthroughs. And then to realise that I am that girl….that was the biggest positive of them all. -Mary-Lou Stephens, Amazon link http://www.amazon.com.au/Sex-Drugs-MeditationChanged-Husband-ebook/dp/B00T4ZFHXW/ ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1443321474&sr=8-1&keywords=mary -lou+stephens
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 57
Out And About.....
Not just a Festival Honestly
I have never attended such an open-hearted and genuine event in all my years! My hat goes off to Rosie Shalhoub from Embrace Australia for the amazing vibration that she attracted to her event. What a wonderful lightfilled and lovefilled being that you are. I was invited to a book signing as Rosie's guest and spoke on the 12 Powerhouse Principles of the Everyday Lightworker in the Heart Chakra Room. It was an amazing blessing to witness. I played on the Saturday and some of Sunday and then did my book signing at the end. I felt such gratitdue to the wonderful contributors to this event. Some that I felt a genuine connection with on a heart space level I took some photos of here. Many I did not but feel grateful anyway. Thank you wonderful beings!
Cuddlies with Tania Allison from Sage Magazine. We finally met. Soul sisters!
Got the wonderful Lucy Cavendish's new book, "A Magical Apothecary' signed for my daughter
Saginaw Grant (the voice of the past) and Rick Mora (the voice of the future) Opening Ceremony. We danced after this, but hey, I was too busy to take a snap.
Totally transported to the heart space with Jai-Jagdeesh. Thanks so much Soul Travellor Radio for organising this amazing being to bless us. 58 | October 2015 | Lightworker Advocate
Where else are you greeted by an Angel in a tutu? My aunty Dor had told me that she had always wanted one, so I took this pic for her.
I was gifted this gorgeous tatto from Sacred Mysteries, plus wonderful dose of beautiful energy. Love your work Katrina Loukas.
My book signing at the wonderful Embrace Stall. Thanks again Rosie Shalhoub and the Embrace team for making me feel so welcome!
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 59
Brutal Unconsciousness
As most of you know I am an advocate for honesty, hence launching this magazine, but I do believe we need equal parts compassion when we are sizing up the unconsciousness of others.
that we temper our honesty with a somewhat loving vibration too. We can call on Archangel Raphael for help in this area and really feel our energy shift our words to resonate with love.
It may be that we are aware of the lesson that is at hand for another. Perhaps we have grown through this experience in the past. A part of us just wants to ‘tell’ them just how they need to ‘fix’ it. We may feel the compulsion to just blurt out the solution in our frustration with their unconsciousness.
Don’t worry; I too have been the bearer of harsh words that I thought were ‘for a person’s good’. But tough love doesn’t need to be intentionally tough. That can often be an excuse to hide our inability to engage in our own Heart Chakra. Our Heart Chakra helps us to feel connected to ourselves and others.
Words can and do cut like a knife if not tempered with loving intentions. I know that wielding the God almighty sword of truth can be brutal. My right hand man Archangel Michael is a complete advocate and guider for the truth of which I speak. However, I also must not forget, we are after all dealing with humans. We have hearts, feelings, sensitivities, triggers and vulnerabilities. So, my guidance is to ensure that we
Often if we have come from a background where we were care-taking others too much, we can close off the inflow of our heart and be great givers. Unfortunately, this inflow blockage can create a harshness in our ability to empathise with others over time. Any blockage creates a wall between ourselves and others. We can become too critical and judgemental of others and impatient with their unconscious behaviour.
The solution is to soften our words. Check in with your guidance before you share and know that you will be given the right words. Perhaps you are not meant to say anything at all. Perhaps it is just a time to close your mouth, breath, love the perfect imperfection of another and do some inner work of your own. When we are at peace with the mirror before us, we can truly step into unity with others. This is when we master our enlightenment and are able to imbue our knowledge with an awakened heart of wisdom. - Michelle Lightworker lightworkerrefletions.com Tune into my new 'Everyday Lightworker Enlightenment Radio' show every Wednesday 12pm AEST or 10pm Tues US EST through A1R Psychic Radio. I am also on weekly episodes of Soul TV soultv.com.au
Lightworker Advocate | October 2015 | 61