Lightworker Advocate January 2019

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Out Now!

Melissa Groom The Visibility Mentor! THE HEALING POWER OF SELF FORGIVENESS




FROM THE FOUNDER New year, new beginnings, new expansion...

Welcome to 2019 everyone! I hope that you will all make it your best. By that I really encourage you to ask yourself and weigh all your decisions with the motto of "Will this grow and expand me". That is my wish for you! You simply cannot make a 'wrong' decision. You can make decisions that feel like the right one's using your head, sure. However, if you make decisions using the above motto, I believe it will simplify your choices and make your heart sing. We are collaborating, cross-pollinating, expanding and evolving with big plans for 2019...bring it on!

Michelle Lightworker is an Enlightenment Activist and Executive Producer of FiveD.TV. She is collaborating creatively on a multitude of projects to encourage peace and unity on the planet. Humanitarian TV/Radio Host, Film Producer, Author of 10 books, editor of Lightworker Magazine & creator of the Lightworker Practitioner Training, Michelle role models and encourages illuminated leadership of the highest vibrations. Michelle is the Director of the not-for-profit organisation Lightworker Foundation Ltd aimed at Elevating Enlightened Enterprises. Michelle worked as a Clinical Holistic Counsellor in private practice specialising in multi-addictions & trauma recovery and providing Professional Supervision for Counsellors, from 2001-2007 prior to expanding into Enlightenment Education & Activism. Michelle Lighworker, Founder

FROM THE EDITOR Hello 2019! We made it! And what a fantastic way to start the new year with a new edition of the Lightworker Advocate!

What can you share in 2019?

Someone once described me as effervescent and the word has stuck with me ever since. I have always had a fascination for the written word and its power to convey a message. Reading, writing and editing followed me throughout my careers. From taxation consulting, to event management, marketing and design. I have built my tool chest of resources and experience. Throw in a spiritual awakening from a journey with anxiety which lead me to a new life of enveloping the 12 Everyday Lightworker Principles. I am thankful to be the Editor of the Lightworker Advocate VMag. I feel so honoured to share this creative space with its contributors and readers.

Lots of love, Amy xx

Amy Young, Editor

I love reading all the articles as I place them into the magazine. Reading the journey of the writer as they navigate their way through a principle or write to share their wisdom through our pages is why I love what I do. They truly inspire me and open my mind to new possibilities and insights! To all who write and share, I applaud you. To all who want to write and share, I encourage you! Give it a go. You never know what it could lead to and who needs your wisdom right now.





Becoming Visible Melissa Groom Cover Story


12 Everyday Lightworker Principles




The Best Version Of Me


Aligning with Willingness


My Letter to Spirit






The Healing Power of Self Forgiveness


Unity Earth


The Joy Of Discipline


Planting Seeds of Awakening Without Judgement


Responsibility of Self






Joy is Spirited By Nature


Delayed Peace


Healthy, Wealthy & Wise


Lightworker Practitioner Training


Book Review: Conversations with Ralph



We were so excited when Melissa Groom, the Visability Mentor and Videopreneur agreed to be our cover story of the Lightworker Advocate! This talented and beautiful human being is inspiring individuals and businesses all around the world to become more visible when it comes to sharing their messages with the power of video. Read on to find out more! ML: Describe in a nutshell what a 'visibility mentor' is? MG: I teach you how to grow your profile and a community of your ideal clients online and offline and position yourself as the “Go to” person in your industry. ML: Why is 'being visible' important? MG: There is no point being the world’s best kept secret. It’s not just about standing out online it’s about having your ideal clients seek you out and find you. ML: How can people get over resistance to being on camera? MG: One, they need to realise video is the most powerful and cost effective medium to grow your profile and income, and two, get out of your own way. Think about the people that need your help and the ripple effect in their business, life, health, finances, relationships. It’s huge! One sentence from one video can save someone’s life. In fact, this happened for a client who I did an interview with that shared his story of mental health issues. He had tried to take his own life a few years back but got help and after that he shared this on video. He was messaged by a number of strangers who thanked him for being brave for sharing his story and telling them to never ever give up as they were going to take their own life that night. It was a big realisation for me to know the difference I am making in people's lives and it’s not just helping people get confident on camera.

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ML: How did you evolve into this area of business? MG: Back in 2010 my son had a life saving kidney transplant and I was looking for a way I could stay at home and have an online business. Whilst we were staying at Ronald McDonald House my son asked if he could start a YouTube channel to do toy reviews. In a matter of weeks he was getting shoutouts from kids in the US and the UK and I realised how quickly you could get a global reach. One of his videos now has over 600,000 views! I had done a video marketing course as I was told video was the next big thing but didn’t know what business to start. Whilst we were staying at Ronald McDonald House I saw many parents who were away from their family and support network and I asked myself, “How could I help them?” I thought maybe I could start a parenting TV Show after I stumbled across Gary Vaynerchuck and his Wine Library TV on YouTube. I put together a panel of experts and launched Toddlers To Teens TV and Toddlers To Teens magazine. Within 3 weeks we were being viewed in 78 countries around the world! ML: What's your biggest message for people? MG: If you don’t want to do a video and be of service that’s okay your competitor will. You are so much bigger than you know. It’s not about your wrinkles, trying to look perfect, it’s about your message, being of service and proving a solution. Shine bright. The world needs you!

TIPS FOR VISIBLE VIDEOS Create 12 x 2 minute video tips and schedule into your website, social media, email Re-share existing content Every article, blog post, social media post you have written can be made into a video Post on Instagram and Facebook stories as they sit at the top of people’s newsfeeds Don't be afraid to try filters and learn editing apps to make your videos more appealing Create your signature talk and run these on Zoom fortnightly to then offer your programs. Offer these free trainings to organisations, networking groups, Facebook groups and offer an affiliate fee for any referrals that sign up to work with you If you really want to be top of mind in your industry create your own web tv show Book in your free call with me and quote Lightworker Advocate Editing apps I love - InShot, Perfect Video, Lumen5 turns blog posts into videos

How to Grow your Profile and Income Without Spending 24/7 on Social Media


12 Everyday

LIGHTWORKER PRINCIPLES #1 HONESTY Without it, we live a lie. With it, we can begin to live the truth of why we are here.

#2 OPEN MINDEDNESS Without it, we live in fierce judgement and narrow-mindedness. With it we are open and accepting of all the resources we need to contribute towards our enlightenment and the growing consciousness of a better world.


Wthout it, we are resistant. With a bit of a sprinkle of willingness we can move mountains. We invite Spirit into the very nature and fabric around our every decision.


Without it, we stay stuck in toxic recycled garbage, our hearts clamouring to be let out of their prison. With it, we are free to move on, let go of the past and to love with an open heart.


Without it we feel alone, separate, abandoned & narcissistic. With it we allow ourselves to connect with the infiniteness inside everyone & together we can co-create with harmony. Competition dissolves. Cross pollination emerges.


Without it we are easily distracted and led astray. With it we are able to listen to our guidance and follow the next step we are guided to do - even if that is all we know to be true.


Without it we don't trust and we are cynical. With it, we are able to take big leaps knowing that we are always safe 100% of the time in the truest sense of the word. Spirit always has our back, even when we feel we have been let down, with faith we are able to see all experiences are in our highest good.


Without it, we blame and obsess about what others have done to us or others. With it we can stop playing the victim card, pick ourselves up and start to create the life we really want to live, free from oppression and start to role model the change we want to see.


Without it, we fear and we hate. With it, we are able to see the cry for love in any given situation and it melts our cold hearts. We are able to love ourselves enough to stand up for what we know we deserve.


Without it we feel broken. With it we feel that anything we perceive is a lack, really holds an unforeseen gift. We are able to practise self-love, self-protection, self-care, self-awareness and self-moderation.

#11 JOYÂ

Without it it we feel depressed and take life too seriously. With it we find meaning in our life purpose and have a lightfilled view of every situation.


Without it we feel unrest, anxiety, we fear boredom and we thrive on drama. With it we know that every decision that comes from a place of peace creates more peace. We become a profound transformational presence of peace.





How often are we truly honest with ourselves? It is so easy to see lack of honesty in others but coming to terms with our own lack of self honesty can be very revealing. Lightworkers are renowned for being amongst the most self honest people on the planet, but does the journey ever end? Does our ego have the power to trick us into believing that we are being honest when we are really pulling the wool over our own eyes? I was born with strong beliefs around honesty and integrity, but there are areas that I am aware of that I cower from, because I know I am lying to myself. The times I check my phone while driving after judging others for doing so. The time that I bought myself a sports bra and told myself I will start fitness bootcamp but never showed up. The little tasks and goals I set myself that don’t get done. All of these indicate a lack of self honesty, and "Honesty" is the first Principle in the Master Lightworker Practitioner Course. Although I have just started studying the course, I have been a BodyTalk Practitioner for many years, and I have well and truly embarked on the process of unravelling and discovering what I AM, and most importantly what I am not. There are a sequence of events that are laid out in the MLP course. The first steps are increasing self awareness around areas where honesty is lacking, and then connecting with spirit to ask for guidance on how to deal with this issue. Once the path of awareness in self honesty has been opened up, the next important step on the journey is to share it with others. This is the process of true spiritual alchemy, what Carl Jung called ‘Finding the gold within the shadows’. In my personal journey I have found true power exists through reclamation, ownership and sharing that which is unpleasant and uncomfortable within. Another integral process in exploring honesty is to ensure that we aren’t using our heightened level of awareness and honesty towards others in unwanted ways, especially when it isn’t asked for. I was recently attending a Holistic Health Wellness Festival, and was chatting to a client who is also a Healer and Lightworker. I remarked that I have been thinking of coming to see him for a session. He then he started tuning in to me and revealing a myriad of problems and issues that needing fixing, and what I needed to do to overcome them. The whole encounter felt like an invasion of my privacy, and it actually changed my mind about booking in to see him. I am sure he was offering this from a place of good intention, but it certainly felt like my boundaries had been crossed. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. This interaction moved me towards an inner reflection of times throughout my life that I may have done anything similar. The big learning from this was to ensure that I always move with respect and observe boundaries when speaking with honesty. What are your reflections on honesty? - Melia Brent-White


We want to share a great documentary about Honesty! Check it out here!

Open-mindedness Tips



What does one do when the best version of oneself is never enough for someone else? This belief pattern started when I was eight years old. My mum met and married a man after a whirlwind romance. My father’s replacement would literally put his hand out and hold me at arm’s length when I went to give him a hug. This rejection caused my little heart to cry with despair. After losing my father to cancer a couple of years prior all I was looking for was his unconditional love and affection. I couldn’t change want I wanted, I was just a kid. I fell in love at twenty and married a man whose attention was anywhere other than the relationship he had committed to. Reinforcing the belief that the best version of me was not worth loving and was never going to be good enough for anyone. My second husband and I met at work. As like attracts like, we were thrown together by the Universe with our pending divorces and emotional distress. After a few false starts we decided to try and make a go of it. Here’s the irony, I thought he was the one that came with baggage! I had cut ties from my ex and saw myself as a childless, free spirit ready to explore the world of the thirty somethings, whereas he came with two young children, parents steeped in tradition and an ex-wife, who for the sake of the children was still very much in the picture. With the addition of two impressionable girls into my life I did not want to repeat the experiences I had as a child. So, I always went over and above to make them feel comfortable, welcome and loved. You could say at that time I had a "Wonder Woman" complex. If I wasn’t organised, then I couldn’t control the outcome. If I couldn’t control the outcome, well that thought was terrifying. I was conscious of needing to feel accepted and I was literally stuck in a pattern of old belief systems that were self-destructive. I was on a collision course heading for disaster. Eleven years into our relationship I was diagnosed with stomach cancer. At the time circumstances would have it that neither of my step daughters wanted a relationship with me. I felt totally and utterly defeated. A crescendo of years’ worth of self-sacrifice and desperation to be loved. The ultra-best version of me was never going to be good enough, ever. So where did this leave me? What lesson was I not learning here? Why did each karmic challenge seem more heart wrenching and harder to pull through? This one contributing to and almost costing me my life. The original wound of my eight-year-old self was still playing out and cancer was my opportunity to fully awaken and see things very clearly. It was never about the people that rejected me, they were just the mirror of what I didn’t want to see in myself. Being brave enough to confront my old beliefs allowed me to understand that I have purpose and no longer needed to look outside of myself for love, acceptance or validation. I love my authentic self and thank my teachers in life for helping me find her. Michelle Potter Visionary Artist




I find it is critical to keep in alignment and to ensure the life we travel is true and straight (without pulling to one side). Primary alignment areas are over willingness and a lack of willingness with you and your higher self. Speaking from my experience, discovering the principle of Willingness, I had realised the effects of misalignment of the willingness wheels in my life. As soon as the awareness came to me, I felt split into two - my past self and current self. My current self can clearly see the blueprint of choices & key life decisions I have made which actually made the gap of alignment even bigger. Now there is no overnight fix for that unfortunately or fortunately. My current self reviewing my past experiences is guided to establish a mental faculty to act as a check point to find out the scale of willingness before making choices, decisions & any action based on alignment with my higher self. Willingness is a double edged sword that could either help or hurt me.

Willingness Tips


Over willingness: Because over willing can be dangerous. I was a yes person for everything, as I was over willing and said yes to the first thing that came to be. Not doing any further due diligence on my self-worth with the choice I have made I have entered into various relationships that ended in painful experiences. I was inviting people into my life who didn’t deserve me. At the same time, because of over willingness, I have attracted many great opportunities and have grown in life. Unwillingness: Unwilling to confront and speak my truth has done great damage by letting people be in my life because I was over willing to keep them. By doing that I was allowing people to take me for granted which in turn lead me to feel undervalued and further lead to major self-esteem issues. You can see how over and under willing can become a loop and tangle each other. On the contrary, unwilling to let go of my chosen values even during hard times has actually earned myself more self-respect and built some personnel character. I realised this is the reason for imbalance and that my choices were rooted from the absence of and search for love, acceptance and appreciation from my parents, family, teachers, mentors and husband. Journey into self-discovery has bought light with my own abundant source of self-love, self-acceptance and self-appreciation. This knowledge about the Willingness principle has astonishing revelation of the above information. In a nutshell, identifying areas in life where one is over willing will give the ability to choose to filter out the areas in life where they are burnt out/overdoing. Followed by identifying the areas where one is avoiding those things which are important to one's growth and stability. It is easier said than done. A tool to activate willingness can work miracles "I am willing to be willing to ____" fill in the dash with the change of willingness you would like to bring to your life.



Dear Spirit You know as well as I do what a momentous task it has been these last 18 months and I really do understand why I needed to face ridiculous challenge after challenge and the despair that came with it. I often asked you why and you were trying to help me but I couldn’t hear it. I didn’t want to. I wanted everything my own way and I couldn’t understand why you were doing what you were doing. You see, I’ve finally realised what the gift is, and I totally get it!!! You wanted to me to align with my heart and to live my life without the need of outside influence or approval. You wanted me to realise that I don’t need it and you wanted me to respect myself to say ''NO, sorry, but you can only be with me if you are willing to respect me as much as I respect myself'.' This went for everything and everyone, family included, but this was only the tip of the iceberg of the things that you wanted for me. (I don’t have enough pages to express them and I know there is more coming). For years I searched for things that I thought would make me happy. I wanted to stop that feeling of emptiness, a bareness that I couldn’t figure out. I never understood it. A missing piece. I simply didn’t get it. I felt you had abandoned me and left me sitting on a rock in total confusion, often thinking and yelling at you “are you kidding me, am I supposed to feel like this forever?" Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to sit around, I was a keen searcher but I kept coming up empty handed . What you were showing me, what you wanted me to see was that all I needed to do was look inside. Everything that I could ever want lives in there. It’s not what I thought it was, it isn’t what describes me. You see, I don’t need defining I just have to be willing to show up and live from within. I realise I am not defined by the school work, the family, the friends or the possessions; I don’t need a label to explain myself. I don’t fit in a box, I am unique. I don’t need to hide behind a mask. My raw fresh face is all I need. I don’t need another person to complete me, I am complete! It’s not that complicated. You see, I am a soul searcher. Yes this is a label, but I cannot think of another way to explain it. Passion and essence, these are the things that are me. The physical me aligning with the spirit me, working in harmony together. That is me, the two together connecting with the heart intelligence. I once read that you can make decisions in two ways, one being with head logic and intellect and the other is with emotion, the feeling you get when you're connected to your heart. The heart truly is inspired through emotion of what my inner soul already knows. I must quiet the mind to listen to get the answer. So, thank you spirit. Now I can stop looking outward and start looking inward. That’s where I will finally find that missing piece that I have been looking for my whole life, it is me – she’s been there all along. I’m not completely there, I don’t want to be, I have so much work yet to do on this plane., I realise there is no end game however. It’s a journey without a finish line, an ever-increasing expansion of consciousness. So, for the rest of this incarnation it will be easier, maybe……. AFFIRMATIONS...

I know where to look and I know I’m making progress. When we are born we are born believing in the supreme power of who we are – we don’t even

need to start believing, we already know it. I love you spirit. Love Kate

- Kate Marchington


I have the willingness to believe in myself completely I do not need to strive to be like another – I am perfect in every way just as I am. I am willing to realise that everything that I want I can have I just need to believe it, and I need to understand that it may come in many forms not just how I see it. I am willing to go inside myself and find the answers – my soul already knows them I just need to awaken to them. I am willing to stop and put myself first, not everyone is waiting for me to please them, they are busy doing their own thing.

I am willing to love freely without the need for anyone else to accept or reciprocate it.

FiveD.TV is a worldwide subscription video on demand (SVOD) streaming service that provides curated conscious media in three primary channels— Star Nations, Human Ascension, Earth Revival—to its global subscribers. Many of its growing titles are available for streaming exclusively on FiveD.TV through most devices connected to the Internet and some of the programs are generated by content produced or owned by FiveD.TV. FiveD.TV has for its symbol the “merkabah” also spelled “merkaba” and that represents the divine light vehicle allegedly used by Ascended Masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Welcome home to the Fifth Dimension.




We’re taught at a young age to apologise when we say something mean or “not nice” to someone and hurt their feelings. We’re taught to treat others with love and respect. As we get older, the phrase ‘I’m sorry’ becomes ingrained in our vocabulary and we end up apologising for every little thing, even things which don’t warrant apologies.

The next day I sat back down and had a plan. I asked what area of my life did I want to change and the answer was finances. So I grabbed the journal and wrote down every single limiting belief and BS lie I’d been telling myself for years about money. As I was writing them out, some of them made me laugh as to how ridiculous they truly were, while others felt heavy.

Yet, how often do we stop and apologise to ourselves? How often do we treat ourselves with the same love and respect we give our siblings, partner, and friends? This was a huge eye opener for me when my coach kept telling me do the forgiveness work. I explained to her how I have done the forgiveness work surrounding those who hurt and wronged me during my childhood and college years and then she dropped a bomb on me as she said, “Have you forgiven yourself?”

Once they were written out came the moment of liberation. I went through and forgave myself out loud for each thing I had written. I used principles of the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono (I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You) and then I cleared the energy surrounding my old beliefs and programming.

Have you forgiven yourself... Those words stopped me in my tracks - we are truly harder on ourselves than anyone else. We look in the mirror and see our flaws instead of the beautiful human being looking back at us. We tell ourselves BS lies, use old programming which no longer serves and keeps us in the same patterns, and sell ourselves short on a daily basis. We are our worst critics when we should be our biggest cheerleaders. After this conversation with her, I grabbed my journal to start the process of self-forgiveness and became overwhelmed. I had no clue where or how to begin, so I got up and a walked away. I’m sure most of you would have done the same.


Finally I wrote out a new expansive belief statement for myself. There is power in the spoken word, which is why I spoke each and every apology to myself aloud, saying things such as “I’m sorry I believed if I had money people would take advantage of me. This thought process served me at one point in time; however it no longer does. Thank you for wanting to keep me and my money safe. I love you.” About half way through the tears were streaming down my face.

"I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I love you..."

This is what true healing and forgiveness is all about, releasing it from your mind, body and soul. It isn’t pretty. At times it’s down right ugly. However, it’s through forgiving myself I was able to grow, expand and look at my finances with a different point of view. So the next time you want to apologise to your boss for being 10 minutes late because you were stuck in traffic, stop and instead forgive yourself for being so hard on yourself.

- Michelle A. Burke .............................................................................................................. Michelle A. Burke, the Mentoring Medium, is a transformational mentor, energy work, psychic medium, and channel who takes a spiritual and scientific approach to working with heartcentered women entrepreneurs and women reclaiming who they are.

She blends her background in science and education with her psychic-mediumship to create a unique approach towards healing, growth, and self-discovery. Her areas of specialty are energy healing & clearing, providing intuitive insight, connecting with spirit, helping people transform their mindset, beliefs, and patterns, and guiding women on their spiritual awakening. It’s her passion and mission to empower, enlighten and encourage women to break free of all the BS holding them back, so they can expand, create, trust their intuition, and have deeper connection with their soul, allowing them to enjoy the hell out life.

5 Tools For Self-Forgiveness 1. Ask “What area of my life do I want to change?” then write out all the ways you’ve be harsh on yourself in that area of your life. To amplify it write an expansive statement afterwards.

2. Practice Ho’oponopono (I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You, I Love You) 3. Emotional Freedom Technique/Tapping 4. Guided Meditations 5. Journaling

More Forgiveness Tools

Exclusive through FiveD.TV subscribe for only $9.99US for a month! Michelle Lightworker journeys you through how the vibration of forgiveness can transform your energy centres. A short activity is provided for each of the 8 main chakras to assist you with your spiritual practice.



Watch the 2020 Caravan of Unity here

Watching a video recently I was so moved by the work of Unity Earth, that I have to include this transcribe from a video they posted on Youtube. There’s more in the video, however, here’s a snippet of their message and what they have planned for their inspirational Road to 2020 Caravan of Unity…. ''Ultimately the belief is that peace is possible on this planet and more equality is possible on this planet. And it’s really a vision that we want to communicate to the world. The old vision is more of a ‘division’, a sense of scarcity of lack of survival of the fittest of taking care of yourself first. We don’t believe that’s the way that the universe works. And we’ve been working with evolutionary biologists who have proven that what makes evolution move forward is cooperation and inclusivity. So, this is what’s driving us. We know that this is not driven by us as individuals. It’s a collective thing. And for those who see it spiritually, it's inspiration coming through. And for others who may it in a more secular form, it's evolution fulfilling itself. And so we are at a time now where we can consciously take our evolution and move it forward and have a new narrative - have a new way of seeing ourselves as a race that can achieve peace and that can live in unity in diversity. Sure, it may sound really idealistic, but that’s how anything has ever come to be. It’s been an idea and then there have been enough people who work for it and then, wow, there’s a huge shift.

So, what Unity Earth is all about is, is serving the Earth. We’re not just focused on inter-religious work, but on social activists, on eco-spirituality, on ecology, and what we are trying to do is just bring together people who see the Earth as one. It doesn’t matter what their narrative is. It doesn’t matter what their beliefs systems are. But what matters is, is that they want to work together to bring the Earth together, to bring the people together.

"...what we are trying to do is just bring together people who see the Earth as one..." So, we provide opportunities for people to come together - people who would never maybe look at each other or think of working together - and work together to create a world that works for everyone. And to see really that what matters is, what our goal is, and not what our beliefs are.''

The Road to 2020

See more on Unity Earth

“The Road to 2020 is a container, it’s an opportunity for many different organisations to collaborate. You know, really by doing what they are already doing but in a way that’s connected.” Says Ben Fowler, Director of Unity Earth. “So, the Road to 2020 has got different points along the road. In Ethiopia it was a big one, the Uday Festival. And the next big stop for us was in November 2018 in Toronto at the Parliament of World’s Religions. And then a really large festival in India in late 2019 for Uday Festival in India. We see the Uday India is going to be a real coming together of so many different groups of organisations across the country celebrating spirituality in a way that only India can do. And then from there going to Jerusalem and back into World Interfaith Harmony week in 2020. And all of that is then building up to this Caravan of Unity across America. And again we’ve got musicians, artists, visionaries, spiritual leaders, religious leaders, social leaders, activists, really all coming together literally on the same buses moving from the West coast to the East coast across America. This highly visible caravan that’s captivating – the mythic and the real coming together of people at this time. And really it’s all about timing. People have been talking about the coming together of things and humanity coming together for so long and it’s in all of our traditions in one way or another. So many prophecies and so much music and art is about that hope of peace of Earth and the vision of a united human family. But it just feels now driven by technology and by communication and by travel and by so many things there’s just a tremendous opportunity for this to be realised now and to be manifested now.

And so the Road to 2020 it’s a caravan of these events across the planet and it is really a container that invites all different organisations that are working in this space to come and collaborate and to get involved.” In the first week of February 2018 Unity Earth brought together 65 religious representatives of many faith and musical artists from all over the world. Together we celebrated UN Interfaith Harmony Week and the U Day Festival in the Land of Origins, Ethiopia.

Australian Ben Bowler, also Executive Director for Unity Earth, speaks to us from the Parliament for World Religions held in Toronto, Canada in November 2018 about the Great Awakening for Humanity and his 2020 world peace caravan driven to unite all spiritual traditions on the planet so that we can all live in harmony with the Cosmos and realize our spiritual potentials. Exclusive to FiveD.TV

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“This trip which was organised in the celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week with U Day Festival and in partner with the other organisations, it has Buddhists, Muslims, Christians from different denominations, the Sufi’s, Sikhs, the Indigenous, the Aborigines, peace activists, musicians, spiritual leaders, people from different walks of life marching together in unity, praying together for peace to prevail throughout the world. Honouring the differences we have, but knowing our destiny is one.” H.E. Amb. Mussie Hailu, Regional Director of United Religions Initiative-Africa and Representative of URI to the AUC & the UN Office in Mairobi and Geneva, shares more on the U Day Festival . “U Day Festival means to me something very special because it mixes things that are very special. It mixes things that are very important. It mixes art, spirituality and music and interspirituality or interfaith, it’s like an orchestra. You have many different kinds of instruments and each instrument plays a tune. Nowadays, each instrument believes that he’s the best instrument, but we would like human kind to play all their tunes and their instruments together because the harmony of the symphonic orchestra is because of diversity. So, each and every one of the spiritual traditions is welcome. I think U Day is a way of showing how we can play together and out of the cacophony bring symphony.” Rabbi Gabriel Hagai, Orthadox Jewish Leader


THE JOY OF DISCIPLINE Many people have a visceral reaction to the word “discipline”. There’s an immediate contraction and resistance to the thought of having to “apply oneself” or get focused and “buckle down”. It implies that we are essentially forcing ourselves to do something we would rather not do. The morning meditation, the 20 minutes on the exercise bike, washing the dishes… all of these are things we think we have to “make ourselves do”. Hmmmm… (Take a deep breath with me here.) What if discipline were a joy? What if those things that you force yourself to do for the sake of being disciplined were fun? Could it be possible? Think about the benefits of setting up a routine or structure that leads to your health, your spiritual growth, your expansion. You have more energy, you feel more grounded, you maintain your focus (which leads to better results), you gain self-confidence, and the list goes on. When you turn the discipline into a habit with the end objective being a better version of you, add a dash of gratitude, and find ways to make it fun, suddenly discipline can be joyous! See where I’m going with this? Let’s say you want to grow your spiritual business, but you feel stagnant or stuck. In order to move through that stagnation and restart your flow, a discipline to remain focused is required. Even the process of getting clear asks of you to bring an approach of perseverance to the situation. The joy comes when you envision, feel, sense, and know what you are up to with your mission. This opens the doorway to your inspirational flow. Even if you haven’t yet moved through the stagnation, you can rejoice that you are in the process of opening your flow.


WORDS BY SUSIE BEILER PRINCIPLE - DISCIPLINE This discipline of focusing on your heart’s desires and knowing they are coming to fruition is joyful! Anahata Ananda alludes to the discipline of discernment in our conversation about integrity. Developing discernment about what is in your highest alignments for your life or business does require self-awareness, self-regulation, selfmastery, and honouring yourself. In the end, honouring yourself is the objective of practising discipline. If you love and cherish yourself, you want to take the actions that lead to your joy. When you celebrate your purpose on this planet, there is great joy in being committed and persevering to your goal. How can you incorporate a more joyous attitude towards the stuff that “has to get done”? Take a deep breath and feel into this possibility. By Susie Beiler Guest SpiritPreneur Anahata Ananda

Watch Susie Beiler in the SpiritPreneur Symposium Episode with guest Anahata Ananda here

D O N ' T








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PLANTING SEEDS OF AWAKENING WITHOUT JUDGEMENT WRITTEN BY HELENE XING PEI BURNS PRINCIPLE - FAITH Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” When I read this quote, I shivered all the way to my toes, you know those ‘knowing bumps’ you get when inspiration hits and you know you need to follow that line of thinking. So, I asked myself, “What seeds am I planting?” With those I help as a Consciousness & Divinity Coach, with my family, friends and those I randomly pass on the street and something about them crosses my mind? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that question? If so, what was your response, and if not, why not? As practitioners, healers and consciousness leaders who are aware of humanity’s awakening, global ascension and the dissolving of the 3D matrix ‘mind machinery’, it is our responsibility to plant seeds for the future we wish to see created. More importantly, it is essential that we are planting these seeds of potentiality without assigning an agenda as to how that future ‘grows’. We need to have FAITH that each ‘organism’ will grow and develop as it is supposed to, in a future where our minds are more aware of humanity’s true purpose and potential.


We are beings that are capable of internal and external transformation, manifestation and transmutation of the reality we perceive ourselves to be bound by, and as we grow in our mastery of the above, we are able to share that reality with others. But we must accept that if we do share our perception of reality with others, or explain to them ways in which they are able to create a reality that WE feel would improve their life experience, then their acceptance of that is ultimately their decision.


If we develop the following: - A deep understanding of Self and our own filters; - A high level of discernment and acceptance that we will be required to use it; and - Trust in our craft and skills as practitioners; Then accepting that another may or may not utilise the knowledge & insight we have shared should be a relatively simple and uncomplicated matter. Any other experience we have outside of acceptance would reflect a sense of entitlement and judgement that we are the expert and they are not. When in fact both parties are exactly who and what they need to be in that exact moment, which translates to every individual having their own expertise in knowing who they are – despite any perceived issues or problems on they may be experiencing as part of their reality. If those who claim to understand the ins and outs of ascension and awakening are going to put forward particular points of view then we must be prepared to be challenged on it. When we are responding, to be positively assisting in the raising of Human Consciousness and vibration then we must by default, be compassionate, loving and kind. I am always reminded of the tiny acorn seed that grows in to the mighty oak tree. That acorn has every detail about itself implanted within it, and it will grow, or perish, as it is supposed to.

People are the same, we have within us all we need to grow and develop to our full potential. As beings that have also been gifted with free will we must understand what that means and how we are able to have our lives reflect the best of that gift, and as practitioners it is our sacred duty to listen deeply to those that come to us, and not attach ourselves to the outcome of how that person does or does not utilise our guidance. - Helene

InspireFlix short film Watch free!

........................................................................................................... Imara Pei is a 32nd generation Lay Cha’n Buddhist Disciple, Deliberate Joy Facilitator, Divinity Coach & Higher Consciousness Alchemist, Alphanumeric Analyst, Mental Medium and Psychic Intuitive. Helene can be contacted via email: for a consultation, and you can also find her on Facebook. - Soul Wisdom from Within with Imara Pei - Incouragemeant (spelled that way FOR purpose) - Life with SPoT (AKA – Spirit on Tap)






Responsibility can mean a myriad of things and there are many different types of responsibilities we feel we have to take on during our lifetime. However, there is one type of responsibility that I wanted to explore and that is the "Responsibility of Self" I used to think that responsibility meant only being responsible for others, our work, our children, partners, pets etc but I never truly understood what it meant to be responsible for myself. Sure, I would try my best to act responsible, be punctual, dress appropriately and speak politely when it came to dealing with people, but once again I am being responsible to the outside of me and not the responsibility of self that I am wanting to know. Maybe I need to go deeper to truly understand this. I brainstormed a few ideas of what responsibility meant to me with a friend and we talked for over an hour about what it meant to one another. She picked up that I was starting to feel agitated and she suggested we feel into these feelings. Doing this felt strange at first but if I wanted to know what responsibility for self was, then this was it! Slowly feeling into these feelings of agitation and anger we found the root cause. We had hit an old belief paradigm for me. I believed that responsibility was serious and there was no joy in this. It felt like a heavy weight to me and I felt I had no choice and these responsibilities were a chore. I felt trapped by my responsibilities. How I had created this belief I'm not sure, but I could see the moments in my past where this belief had controlled my focus and I had either succumbed to it or run from it.


No wonder I couldn't attract certain situations using the laws of attraction when I had an old belief at my very core telling me that responsibility was not fun and a job that had to be done! We came to the following conclusion: Responsibility of self is being responsible to our highest truth. There are core beliefs we create over the years from different situations, learnings, role models, relationships and usually out of fear. But then there is our highest truth that our soul/higherself knows and wants to help us to remember. These highest truths come back to love. The highest form of love. They are not made from ego or fear. When we break down what our old beliefs are we can change them to those of our highest truth! And then when we are living to those highest truths we are truly being responsible for ourselves. Next time something upsets, angers or scares you, sit with your feelings and try to go as deep as you can to see where the hurt is really coming from. What core belief is the hurt coming up against? Is it an old belief that you now have the power to change or maybe a highest truth you can tune in to and be back in flow. When we are truly responsible to our self, our highest truth, magic happens. - Amy Young InspireFlix Short Film "Sound of My Soul" featuring The Voice's Candice Skjonnemand




The whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself’ (Gal. 5:14). I am not a born Christian but I always love Jesus and I can't resist my feelings to quote his words first and foremost when I decided to write an article about Love. Love is divine. Love is God. Love is unconditional. Simply, to say Love is ALL. Anything done with higher purpose is only the true love, though there exists many forms of love. Let's have a look into this divine love as it is very much needed now in this kaliyuga and most importantly to us who are making light work! Within love all the higher attributes and vibrations exist. We are aware of the 12 principles of a Lightworker Practitioner and I personally feel love as the hallmark sign of a Lightworker. I strongly believe that the quality of love is to attract the remaining principles and other higher, healthy attitudes.

As said by Swami Vivekananda "purity, perseverance and patience are the essential steps to success but above all it is love" .


Yes it's love which connects all and it's above all. That's why I would like to throw some light on the divine aspects of love in this article. In our Tamil Hindu culture, there is a saying regarding Lord Siva and love which goes like this:

Anbe sivam-lord Siva (the supreme Hindu deity) is love. Sivamillayel Savam-One is considered as corpse without siva (love) in his heart.

So, the ultimate meaning of Sivan is love and one has to embrace this God (love) with oneself and others, if not the physical body is merely a corpse even though one is alive for namesake. Hence love is the light that makes a person truly alive. All is well with love. I know many online courses provided by many lightworkers but what do you think makes Michelle Lightworker give these courses for free? I feel it comes from her heart and we all know that heart is super famous for love. So the core nature of love which is to love for the sake of love, giving for the sake of giving, serving with no expectations on returns, is what makes it unique and divine. Amazing!! We are light souls in human form and it's not always a piece of cake to walk in the path of love, forgive or pray for the peace and higher consciousness.

I intuitively feel it's the weapon of love we can strongly adhere to in times of hardships and darkness that pays off in releasing karma. Whether it's a small gesture or a big action it's worth to be loved and to love. The universal divine poet Thiruvalluvar in his Thirukural portrays the significance of living a life of love as follows: English Couplet 75: Sweetness on Earth and rarest bliss above, These are the fruits of tranquil life of love. Yes, we all want to live a heavenly life and it's possible even while living in this physical realm and also after the liberation of soul only if we put our faith in the higher aspect of a love filled life. However, in order to love others unconditionally and make lightworking a real success, we have to start with ourselves first. I remember from the teachings of Buddha that it's our self which deserves more love as much as needed by anyone else. The commitment to love and accept yourself is the very important decision that totally shifts the perception on all aspects of our life and how we see others. Each and every being is unique and special in it's own way so don't expect yourself to be different than others to feel worthy, because you are already in your truest nature. It's just buried by cultural, societal influences and family backgrounds but can never be destroyed, magnificent souls!! Our fellow brethren are awakening gracefully yet, many of our tribes are ignorant of their divine nature and resistant to light. Instead they are longing to manifest money and surrender their entire lives in reaching a single goal - a wealthier life. Money has become the new age light for our poor fellow souls. Be gentle with them. Of course money and wealth is a beautiful energy and a mandatory virtue to survive in this world. The twist is it's one among the many kind of energy forms necessary for humans to live on earth, but the ultimate goal to take care of ourselves and fulfil our needs is to help us to remember the forgotten consciousness.


To raise our vibrations, and of course as that of the entire planet, we must embrace the ever living glorious love light in the footsteps of ascended masters. I from the heart thank all of my wonderful guardian angels and the supreme source who initiated and guided me through out writing this article. I just write for the sake of writing and love you all spiritual souls. Last but not least I extend my heartfelt sincere gratitude towards Michelle for making this lightworker course available to me freely and for her service on higher purpose.

Love and light.




Nicole is a woman who has lived through and is learning from her cancer experience. She had gone from being in a complete and happy existence to having everything she deemed to be important changed. She had to adapt to achieve a good outcome for her and her family.

This is a part of her story... In 2010, I was happily living the life that I had made for myself and my three daughters. I liked where I lived, was in a profession that I enjoyed, was working for kind and compassionate people and had generally happy children. I thought this was all that mattered to me. I felt in control of my life. I was living a life of wholeness the best way I knew how to with what I had. Before the year would end however, my life changed completely. I started having strange neurological symptoms. I didn’t understand what was happening and neither did anybody else. The changes weren’t sneaky but they were subtle. Before long my entire way of being had changed and I had hardly noticed. During the first months of dealing with these unexplained symptoms, I couldn’t find a way to control everything that was suddenly changing, and this loss of control would change not only my life but my perception of wholeness as well. When I was finally given my diagnosis my first thoughts were about me, my children and my relatives; how much I loved them and how sad I would be if we never saw each other again. This was something I held onto when others were telling me “no matter what happens we’ll look after your girls.” I knew I still had so much to offer my children, so much that I felt they wouldn’t be able to get from someone else, as well as so much to give to the world. I knew it wasn’t my time to go just yet. So although everything had changed and everything that I once thought helped to make me whole had been taken away from me; I chose to re-group. I called up all the strong parts of me that I had been nurturing throughout my life. The parts that helped me through my first years of school; the parts that had helped me when I was told how my father had died, and helped me when my mother decided to marry again; those that helped me to deal with the loss of people I had loved. All of these showed me pieces of the person that I am. These pieces are what helped me to begin to feel whole again after my life had been changed so drastically. They reminded me that the person I am cannot be broken easily, and that whether life is in my control or not, I will always have that whole person inside of me. Ready to be called upon whenever they are needed.

- Nicole Verwey-Baker

Nicole also studied art therapy because it was a major part of her recovery. "It helped to reconnect me with the person that I am." - Nicole

We love this film which fits with the principle of Wholeness! Check out the trailer here!

JOY IS SPIRITED BY NATURE BY MARC BRIGHT PRINCIPLE - JOY As a joyologist, joy and the intimate experience of the deepest understanding of the true nature of joy within my sovereign being has been at the centre of my personal life journey for many years. Most every opportunity I take to check into my inner feelings, there is a reference to the layers and levels of experiencing joy. In my early years as a joyologist my focus was entirely on the kind of joy I call Emotional Highlight Excite Joy. As an entertainer I found if I focused on this highlight excite joy I was able to serve the development of my career as an expressive and exuberant show time joyologist. At one time I was delivering 50 shows a year as an event specialist for children and families. As a metaphysical person I was studying and developing the understanding of my inner self and spending much time in nature on my own or with like minded friends and mentors. Often these places were rain forests, creeks, waterways, mountains, Cultural Sacred places or secluded beach locations where I could feel and connect with Earth without being disturbed by any of my fellow ''busy minded humans''. These journeys and adventures into nature allowed for deeper experiences with joy as I began to recognise the powerful value of allowing myself to make intimate contact with my non-joy.

Watch Me On...

If you are attracted to Spirited by Nature Tours please contact: Marc Bright e fb mob 0402447317


The decision to stop, breathe, step back and sit in nature as I experienced feelings of non-joy was terrifying. On one particular journey I decided to allow a deeper emotional courageousness to open up and allow feelings of vulnerability to be my own internal showtime reel. As I entered into the inner space, a small magpie messenger bird landed on a branch two meters from my sitting space. I closed my eyes and entered into my challenging places intending to connect with my authentic self. After what seemed like a good 20 minutes I was startled by the magpie call that went through my being. I opened up and the magpie bird eyeballed me and literally flew directly over my head. An Aboriginal elder friend Mr Eugene Bargo (Goreng Kabi man) makes mention of the magpie bird and its ability to bring messages from the old people. Non-joy experiences in nature and at sacred sites have provided another layer of "Joy Value'' for me and my tour clients. I have found this kind of inner work with joy and non-joy has provided a deeper and transformational quality that can and has proven to enhance a greater sense of life wealth. Joy is Spirited by Nature ... - Marc Bright

DELAYED PEACE WORDS BY MICHELLE LIGHTWORKER PRINCIPLE - PEACE Is it possible to feel peace with delays? Well that just depends on what filter you are viewing life through.

Often when we experience delays, we can judge them as: - We are being directed elsewhere - We are not on track - We are not in flow What if the delays were part of it all? There are often situations where applying peace consciously to a situation that is causing frustration, disappointment, delays and barriers, is actually what is called for – for our own spiritual development. Interestingly, we cannot not benefit from applying peace to a situation that is being delayed. Firstly, we will calm down. Our stress response physically will change from flight or fight mode. It will bounce back quicker to a normal biometric chemical balance. Our mind returns to a calm state. We can see the bigger picture with our third eye reengaged to a broader universal picture. We can often see or realise the solutions to why the delay may be happening on a much bigger scale. The thing about feeling disappointed is that we often revert to our inner child response. We want what we want and we want it now! However, when we are coming from that vibrational frequency, our demands vibrationally say, “I don’t have enough”. So, the universe matches that belief with more delays. You can turn the ship around and quicken delays sometimes, by changing your frequency and saying, “This perceived delay is serving me. This perceived delay is in perfect order”. We can also view delays from a less childlike narcissistic perspective and see that it may also be serving us by allowing others to catch up, learn lessons and experience what they need to experience. Perhaps the the end result will mean so much more to us in that case? Perhaps we are the catalyst here for another’s learning and our patience is serving more powerfully than we can imagine. After all, patience is a co-habitor of acceptance. When we are in acceptance which is part of unconditional love, we really do raise the vibration of everything and everyone around us. Everything is in perfect order, right here, right now. Step into acceptance and peace right now and be the vibrational frequency flow that will manifest exactly what you want for the good of all.

- Michelle Lightworker




Lightfilled Business Special

I am often asked for the secret in getting money organised and creating wealth, people feel it must be a secret because it seems to come so easily to some and yet so elusive to most. As with most things, the real secret comes from the part you can’t see. The foundations. As with any tall building, the strength in its stability comes from the foundations. The beauty of an iceberg that is seen serenely floating in the ocean is dwarfed by the ice floating under the water which is often 4 or 5 times the size of what is on top. It is the same with wealth and money management. The end result that can be seen comes from massive foundations that once built, will support and help build a solid financial platform that will last often from generation to generation.


The very first part of that foundation comes from the power of mind. Having total faith in yourself and your plan, and working each and every-day in building a strong ‘Healthy Wealthy and Wise’ mindset. I believe to become wealthy you need to get organised, the more organised you are the more money you have, sounds strange but true.

Here are my top 5 Tips to becoming Healthy, Wealthy and Wise that you could implement to make your next year amazingly successful.


5 Tips to becoming Healthy, Wealthy & Wise 1. Organise Your Mind We are always crazy busy, often too busy to get anything of importance done. The first and possibly most important tip is to take some time out to refresh and renew. Things like having a morning ritual. A morning ritual is a group of things that you do every single morning, to help your mindset and improve the start of your day. It works so well and the flow on effect to your overall long-term plan is amazing. Meditation, planning your day, reviewing your goals, reading good positive and motivational books, and writing are just a few of the things you could add to your morning ritual. 2. Organise your Goals. Goal setting is vital if you want to get ahead. It is amazing once we stop and set goals just how quickly they come. We hear about this all the time, and often we are just busy, busy, busy and put it off. Writing down your goals will make a difference to your bank account – a DRASTIC difference! Most of us are so busy with life we don’t give any time to setting and following through on our goals. We just stay on the mouse wheel! Time goes so quickly, when we finally take a breath, we often realise it has been months since we reviewed our goals. Goals should be set and reviewed regularly and read every day! 3. Organise your Life The more organised you are with your money the more there is. The more organised you get with your life the more time you have. The more organised you get in the house with decluttering and being organised in the kitchen with meal plans and shopping lists, the more time and money you will have! The more organised you get with your time, the more time you have to do exercise and improve your mind which gives you more health and wisdom. And finally, by making the time to get organised with your work and your life in general the happier and healthier you are! And that’s a FACT! Mixing with the right people is also important in every area of your life. They say you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. If you want to improve your life, your wealth and your health, start mixing with people who are happy and motivated and have what you want, and you will be pulled up by them. If you mix with negative people with low self-esteem and bad habits -they will pull you into their ‘norm’. Be careful who you have in your ‘herd’. 4. Organise your Money Find the leakage and wastage in your budgeting, most people try to reduce debt by tightening their belt on their fun spending. This fails because we can’t sustain working hard when there is no fun or rewards. We then blow the budget with break outs. Our program is designed to find the leakage and wastage of where your money is going that is giving you no pleasure such as fees and charges, unused subscriptions, excessive wastage of food, money spent because of disorganisation and lack of time. It is like finding magic money! 5. MAKE IT A HABIT, REVIEW & REPEAT! Once you get started this plan just gets better and better. Goals are reached and new ones need to be set. We review the money and make any adjustments and repeat. The money goals like paying out credit card debt, reducing your mortgage, having money saved for holidays and Christmas come thick and fast. The secret to making this happen is faith, consistency and courage. It takes courage to change. Old habits creep back in easily and pull you off track. New habits take time to become cemented. If you follow these simple steps, you can make this year your best year ever. Chris Childs is passionate about Investment Property and teaching people to take control of their finances by giving them the tools to achieve both debt reduction and wealth creation through better money management.

Lightworker Practitioner Training The Art of Mentoring WRITTEN BY LPT MENTOR FIONA BROWN There are some things in life I take pretty seriously and guiding or teaching others is one of them. I especially have a passion to support a person diving deep into their own experience and understanding to a point their integration of the material is meaningful.

Connect with the LPT Mentors here...

Being a mentor for LPT taught me so much about myself, others and the genuine richness of the material written by Michelle Lightworker. Even though I was a mentor I learnt from the students every time. I learnt to be flexible, creative, responsive, brave, curious, non-judgemental and open to possibilities. I also found that I deepened my trust in myself and the connection with my guides, the Universe and all that is. As I had challenged myself through the 7 levels of LPT training I knew the places where triggers had occurred. I knew the exercises and processes that helped me get through each level then (and now) and I was really drawn to support others through their process of self-awareness. I am lighter and yet more solid because of LPT. The 12 Principles are my guiding lights when I speak with mentees. At check in there are the principles, when a barrier or trigger pops up the principles assist to uncover specific elements and when used in certain ways they become embedded in one’s daily thinking, doing and being. The tools, available to all doing the training, are easy to action and they work almost subtly at times while at other times huge shifts occur. For me it is at these times when being a mentor and guide is important. I am responsible to hold the space for an individual to dive deep in their selflearning and transformation in that moment. I value the trust and connection I have with a mentee where I may both be helping and challenging at the same time so that the mentee can flow through their own resistance and triggers to meet themselves on the other side of transformation. I am a trusted guide, friend, confidant and coach who knows when to nudge and when to be compassionate. I am totally with the mentee every step and energetic shift of their journey.

Watch an intro to the course here...

Lightworker Practitioner Training is a journey of the self and your relationship with your spiritual supports and the Universe. I am willing to support your development, transformation and integration at any point. I have found that having a guide deepens the experience and maintains my commitment to the principles. As a mentor I am like a a kaleidoscope reflecting your beautiful light back to you in various different ways so YOU can see every perspective of yourself and love every element of the colours, depth and patterns that make you who you are. Fiona Brown Lightworker Practitioner Mentor




CONVERSATIONS WITH RALPH Book Author Michelle Lightworker What if you awoke one morning to discover yourself having a chat to a humble intergalactic being? Not only that, what if this being was from a completely different universe and they had led you there to show you the answers to life’s most profound and mysterious questions? What if this were all a true story? In Conversations with Ralph, author Michelle Lightworker shares the true-life story of her meetings and conversations with Ralph, an intergalactic being who provided her with information about how to shortcut humanity to the highest vibrational levels. As Ralph guided Michelle to another universe, he unveiled the path to healing and peace for us all, and their conversations were revealing, engaging, and incredibly insightful. Even more, Michelle was able to get a whole new take on the relevance of some major taboos here on Earth, like suicide and depression. In the end, Michelle’s Conversations with Ralph illuminates why we are here and where we are going—and why. In just three and a half weeks, Michelle was able to learn about the whole meaning of life, the universe, and everything—and luckily for you, you can probably read all these conversations in a day! So strap in! Here’s a little bit of an excerpt from Michelle’s book!

For the first time, I was in another Universe consciously. I turned around of course expecting to see stars, however I did not. I did not see planets. I wondered “Where are they?”. I saw a whole heap of what looked like Spiritual beings like droplets of ink in water. A variety of colours. The occasional face, like a torch was lighting up a part of it. No body, just face. This didn’t make any sense at the time, but there was a big reason why, which I later discovered. And then not really knowing what to do next, I asked the question, “What is the highest vibration here?” I heard a response, “Peace”. I immediately felt that this was a safe place to be. I was then curious as to finding out what the lowest vibration was in this new universe. “Depression” was the answer. I was shown this in the form of a downward flow of energy into a dark void. I did not understand why depression was the lowest vibration that existed here, but I soon found out how important it was and why. Then I noticed a Being before me – it had no body, face or colour, but I knew it was there. I later found out his name was Ralph and we formally introduced ourselves, but this was not my first experience at all. My first experience with Ralph was him commencing telling me all about the Universe I was in. And it became a back and forth conversation that flowed effortlessly. I can only summarise here what was discussed as I did not capture the order of things transpiring. It was completely unexpected. However, as I write this, I endeavour to capture future conversations real time whether by a voice recording or typing, I know not which at this point, but I will go in prepared. As I know after this first conversation, I have many questions. I learned that I was in a Universe full of contradictions, which I plan to explain. Beings here were human but did not look human at all. This universe had no physical existence, yet it was not a place ‘beyond’ life. There was no place to go yet all could be found right here before one left. There was nothing to see, yet everything was capable of being seen at all times. I debriefed with my husband straight after my experience. As you can imagine I was still half asleep. I decided to record our discussion and capture any questions that arose. This was a really good idea. I had questions and I knew he would too. And he did…


Me: Just had this experience and I woke up and I saw the Flower of Life and it was pulling me forward again not pulling, but I could tell it was calling me to go down, so I was like “Okay”. It was really different this time. It had purple flashes and stuff along the way. And I got to the end of it and I didn’t know I was out the other side. Because I was seeing a lot of almost like flying spirits of different sorts and the occasional face and it was almost like a torch was shined on the face. It was weird. It was like all different kinds of spirits everywhere and all things everywhere flying. You know if you put a piece of dye in water, that’s how they looked. And I was like, ok and I basically asked the question, “What’s the highest vibration here?”. I got shown that as I came out the other side, I was looking back towards the tunnel. So I was there but I didn’t know I’d gone through because you don’t have that sensation of flying. You’re there but you don’t know you’re moving. You know what I mean? So, it was hard for me to realise I was on the other side. I had to be told that I am on the other side. Then I was shown that that I had gone through. Then I asked, well I didn’t know what to do really, and I just sort of said, “What’s the highest vibration here?” and I got “Peace”. That’s what I was told. And then I said, “Okay well what’s the lowest vibration here?” and I got “Depression”. And I was like, “really depression?”. And then I realised there was a ‘Being’ in front of me. And I started talking to them and I found out that their name was Ralph and they were helping me to understand their universe. I was told that this was not a parallel Universe, it was its own thing. I was told this very clearly. I was told that that they had evolved past each incarnation that they had, and this was their last incarnation and this was like they were still spirits. It was not like they had died. It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s really important to get this bit. He said, “It’s not like everybody just died and we’re all just here experiencing our last incarnation, it was more we have lived through the human experience”. A lot of them had experienced what we had experienced, like experiencing the Christ coming, even though it was not a parallel universe. They had created and done similar things we’d done because it was part of the human process and part of the human evolution of consciousness. They had now gotten to this point where they didn’t have the physical anymore. So, it wasn’t like there were planets and stuff. It was just them. He said, “You might find this really difficult to understand but we are not dead, we are still alive”. And I said, “Yes, this is really difficult to understand”. And he said, “We’ve evolved past the body, but we haven’t quite transitioned to the other side completely not needing to have this experience. We are still souls”.

You can purchase a copy of Conversations With Ralph here



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