Issue 12: October 2016 Lightworker Advocate Magazine

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Anne Aleckson

Mind Your Own Peaceness

Issue 12 October 2016

Editor & Designer Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Cover Photo - c/-Anne Aleckson

! s r e k r o w t h g i L y a d y r e v Hey E What a wonderful way to spend such a busy September! Focusing on the principle of peace in amidst my booking a trip to USA/Canada for 2017, facing my fears in riding a motor bike, entering the Ms Pride competition and of course being a mum, radio host and mentor to my clients and students. Phew! I felt peace amongst all of it and it is a testament to this powerful energy and vibration. This month we bring you peace. Yes, the absolutely deliciously divine energy and remedy to anxiety, stress and ‘doing’. The energy of be-­‐ingness. Our cover story with Anne Aleckson encapsulates that and I am in awe of the transformation that she presents since reclaiming her soul, spirit and purpose. We had so much in common and as usual I was revelling in the fact Spirit had brought us together for the interview. Listen in for our radio interview on A1R Psychic Radio ( this Wednesday 12-­‐12.30pm 5 October, 2016 AEST to experience more of Anne’s wisdom and peace magic. I'm so blessed to also be interviewing Amanda Hart, author of The Guys Upstairs on 12 October as well (see article on pg 12).

for the magazine from now on that will include all 12 Principles. If you have any c o n t r i b u t i o n s , p l e a s e g o t o o u r Lightworker Advocate facebook page for s u b m i s s i o n g u i d e l i n e s h t t p s : / / w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / lightworkeradvocatemagazine/ We also have a private facebook group for contributors, so if you would like to be a regular contributor, please email me and let me know. I am also interviewing selected contributors regarding their articles and what they do on my radio show each week. For details head to my webiste https://www.lightworkerre\ events.html Peace out -­‐ and in,

Michelle Lightworker

Thank you to all our contributors for your energy, love and peace that you have put into writing your articles. Thank you for sharing this with the world. We all need a little bit of peace. A little bit of peace goes a long way to world peace. We are shifting to a new seasonal format

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30 COVER STORY 4-­‐6 Cover Story Anne Aleckson




7 Silence, by Werner Szendi 8-­‐9 Peace Through Spirit Guides by Deborah Livingston 10 Inner Peace Is The Quest For Life by Tracey Rhodes 11 Finding Peace by Jason Tierney 12 Right Action Towards Peace by Amanda Hart 13 Botswana Agate by Juliette West 14-­‐15 Unraveling The Peace Struggle by Peter Hors\ield 16 Peace From Fear by Joan E Derrick 17 Choose Peace by Lynn Merrin 18 Increase Your Peace by Dawn Karima 19 Peace Tip Offs by Janine Hall 21 Passion For Peace by Michelle Lightworker 22-­‐23 Making Peace with Our Ego by Daniel Pietrzak 24 The Beingness of Peace by Fiona Brown 25 Only RIP? by Sue Pluck 26 Pathway to Peace by Raul 27 Calming the Farm by Christin Ewald 28 Finding Peace with Anxiety by Amy Young 29 Rachel’s Reading for Peace 30-­‐31 Ease Into Peace by Jodi Chapman


THE PRINCIPLE PROJECT 32-­‐33 Peace by Michelle Anne Gould

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Mind Your Own Peaceness Cover Story Anne Aleckson

Anne Aleckson is the Soul Speaker, a contemporary spiritual teacher giving a voice to the power within through direct voice channeling a highly evolved, non-physical stream of consciousness that we call AllThat-Is, providing transformation through the vibrational frequency of the spoken and written word and sharing information on becoming your evolved Super-Self through transcending struggle, activating your innate abilities or spiritual gifts and fulfilling your true potential and purpose. Anne contributes articles to various lifestyle and spiritual publications including Insight Magazine, Holistic Bliss, Lightworkers World, Australian Content Magazine and our very own Lightworker Advocate Magazine. She has been featured in media throughout Australia including Body+Soul, Cleo, Thats Life, and more.

For all of you who can relate to sleep walking through life and the whole eat, sleep, work, repeat cycle – this article is for you.

had an argument with them about it”. “You can’t change your life, it just is what it is”, was my stance. But then I thought, “What if they’re right?”

Many years ago Anne was a Real Estate Property Manager in an environment of intense, \ighting between owners and tenants all the time. In an unhappy and toxic marriage and knowing that there had to be more to the life she was living, she remembers, “I am sure I heard someone say, “You can choose to be happy” and I

So Anne went ahead and set herself the task to research happiness to see if it was true! “I found some books on happiness and decided to commit to what they told me to do. They told me to meditate and I couldn’t, I found it very hard. But at least I made an attempt. And they told me to focus on being happy and joyful, gratitude

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was the term everyone was talking about.” Anne’s enlightened journey started with ‘chasing happiness’. Within a short time she got out of real estate and ended her marriage. From the time I started to meditate, I started to communicate with my guides. I tried to bring the feeling of joy into my heart space and do the whole appreciation thing and I used to call it a joygasm because it felt that good! So I changed my vibration to match that every single day. Now I do more around peace. I have a soul’s mission which is attached to my life’s mission: World peace through inner peace, one person at a time. Why is peace important to you? As I mentioned my soul’s mission is world peace and I think a lot of us are here right now share that and we’re all doing our part as a human being to help others to get to that through whatever we are doing. Some of us have come here to Aight the systems. And some others like myself have come to be that inside and then just simply be that in the world, so that others can start to be that as well and then that of course changes the whole world. That’s why I like the 1 person at a time thing. All I care about is the one person, myself and the one person I’m talking too. If I can do something for them then I know that they will go out and do the thing that they’re here to do which will give them peace and then change the world. How do you attain Peace in your everyday life? You know what is really interesting to me is that I now consider myself to be the energy of peace, to be the essence of peace. I’ve actually become the vibration of peace by

bringing that vibration into me every single morning. Every morning, I sit on my set of stairs for my 10-­‐15 mins and I breath out and say, “Let there be peace”, so that’s like me offering that out into the world. And then I breathe in through my nose and bring my attention through to my heart space and then I say, “Let it begin with me”. So I’m bringing the vibration of peace into me. When I Airst started doing that I was like, “Am I really doing that, or am I just up in my head doing my whole ego thing?” And so then something was sent to show me otherwise. We have a block of units near us 3 levels high. I was in the car one day and I was driving down the street with my 11 year old son and he shouts, “MUM, STOP,

"Some of us have come here to fight the systems. And some others like myself have come to be that inside and then just simply be that in the world" SHE’S GOING TO JUMP”. So, I went up there and when we Ainally got this aboriginal girl who was the same age as my son off the table, I just stood there and held her and I didn’t say a word. At Airst she started screaming that she’s not allowed to see her father and the police were coming to get her to take her away again. And I just stood there and held her and all of a sudden she just stopped and became really peaceful. She waited there with me as I was holding her. The police came and she was Aine and peaceful. Afterward I asked my guides, “What was the purpose of that?” Their answer, “You asked us to show you who you are in the world”. It was a beautiful experience. It feels weird to say that it was

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beautiful, but it was beautiful. Do you know what I mean?

ME: Bingo, Wooh wooh, trick question, haha!

Me: Absolutely, because it felt like she shifted her vibration just by your being in your energy, which is incredible and a te s t a m e n t to wh a t re a l ly we a re advocating.

This is a good time for me to say. The stuff that I’m moving towards now is all around your soul. So I offer the 'What's Your Soul Persona?' quiz to help people to get to know their soul. And then I’ve been doing these 10 minute free sessions where we bring in that vibration back to your soul. So it’s been mind blowing when I’ve been bringing it into sessions and doing a complete activation of a person’s soul blue print. People are texting me every day saying, “OMG, I feel everything is exactly how it is supposed to be and I’ve Ainally Aigured out what I’m going to do with my life. It’s been really phenomenal.

Have you had any challenges with maintaining your inner peace? Well, I’m only human! Absolutely! It’s not so much daily now because I practice it every single day but certainly in the early days. And I think because if you’re focused is on vibrating at peace all the time, anything not resembling that has to come out. So yeah, you’ve got to remind yourself of these things and you’ve got to bring the vibration in enough that you actually become the vibration rather than stepping out of it again. It’s a practice. The whole point of intentional serenity is about what you do everyday, bringing peace to every situation with the i n t e n t i o n . H o w h a s p r a c t i c i n g intentional serenity changed your life? It has changed everything in my life. And the other thing is that I offer peace to any part of my body that’s hurting or that is sick. I had a skin condition, which was a result of adrenal fatigue. All I have to do is offer peace, love and forgiveness to my skin. So when I have a Alare up it’s because my Thyroid is stressed. So what’s an antidote to stress? Peace! I actually bring peace to that body part and it absolutely changes. The itch went out of my skin. The very Airst time I did it I thought I wonder if this is going to work. I sat and I offered peace to my skin and I had no itch. In that moment and for the moments that I sat there with it. The more I practiced of course, the better it got. How does your Higher Self resonate with peace? My Higher Self is Peace!

Me: It’s awesome. It’s like bringing it back in, reclaiming it, activating it, allowing it, being at peace with it and then their vibrating what is authentic. I love that! (I'm so glad I was the Enlightened Moksha on the quiz as I'm all about spreading enlightenment -­‐ phew!) I’m now starting to work towards that we recognise we are all that is. As in everything that has ever existed is a part of me and I’m a part of everything that has ever existed. People will say, “I wish I could go and do that multi-­‐thousand dollar course and I say, “Well you know what, you actually have access to that knowledge, just bring it in, allow it to come in, ask for it to come in because you deserve it. You have to know that you deserve it”. Me: And you are ‘it’ anyway. Yes, seriously that Unity principle is the toughest one for people to really grasp! Do you have a book or program that helps others to achieve more peace? My Unlock your Super-­‐Conscious mind program helps you to transcend struggle and step into your divinely guided life of purpose, peace and prosperity.

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Silence by International Visual Artist Werner Szendi

Acryllic On Canvas 'Silence' by Wener Szendi 100 x 120 cm

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PEACE THROUGH SPIRIT GUIDES with Deborah Livingston Deborah Livingston is an award winning International Psychic Medium, Author of Strand of Pearls and a Shaman. Deborah has been attending the Arthur Findlay College in England annually where she takes mediumship course and is a member of the Spiritualist National Union. Deborah is a member of Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics and listed on Bob Olson’s best psychic medium directory.

Have you ever wondered or believe there are spirit guides with you? We all have spirit guides. In fact, we are spirits in human form experiencing the school of life here on earth. It is the synchronistic moments of our lives that evolve our spirit. While we are here, our spirit has human limitations due to having a temporary physical body that I like to call our human temple that houses our spirit/soul. During this gifted life we have spirit guides that watch us, guide us, provide us with what we need when we need it throughout our lives and love us with the energy. Spirit guides can be loved ones in the spirit world, angels, masters, teachers, animals, spirits in between incarnations that we don’t know OR all of these. They decide when and why and they come and go as needed. According to Reverend Hoyt Z. Robinette, each of us have at least three one of which is a doctor. You may not have the same guides you had ten years ago and/ OR you may have one that is with you life long as others come and go. Have you ever just had a split second moment that you completely change your mind about something? Have you ever had an accident small or large or a near death experience and sense help is there with you? Have you heard, felt or seen a presence that you can’t explain? Here are five signs your guide(s) are with you. 1. Ringing in the ear is the most physical blatant sign and I experience this one frequently. The ringing sensation may occur when you are in moments of high thought, contemplating spiritual questions; or it may occur when you are feeling a strong emotion such as happiness, compassion and love. The ringing will be temporary and will endure for about the amount of time it takes for you to recognize its connection to what you’re experiencing in the moment it occurs. A good example of this is from my own experience,

when I was initially making the decision to serve spirit full time. The ringing in my ear was soo loud but I now know this was one of my guides confirming yes! Yes that it was my destiny to serve others. 2. Light out corner of your eye. You may see an unexpected blue flash of light out of the corner of one eye, or you may see a sphere of spiritual energy, commonly called an ‘orb’. The light or orb may even travel by bobbing about or moving quickly through your space. During meditation, you may actually ‘see’ in your mind’s eye different spheres of light. In time you may recognize the different light energy of each of your guides. I see flashes of white light out of the corner of my eye and often street lights will flash as well. 3. Seeing numbers is also a sign that your guides are communicating with you. For instance, I see ones all the time. Speaking of time I see 1:11 and 11:11 several times a day. This has very high significance and validation for me as it validates that I am still on course. You may see other sequential numbers and they will appear anywhere. You may see them on a sign, TV, license plates etc. Again this is another sign to validate you guides are with you. 4. As one of the questions I asked above about feeling an energetic presence, yes it is a sign your spirit guide is near is that you’ll feel you’re not alone even when you’re alone. Most often, you will experience this sensation when you are engaged in the act of creating or composing something. This is one way in which our spirit guides partner with us: to collaborate in the act of manifesting and sometimes protection. I remember one time I tripped and fell into the water off my boat into one of the most powerful Atlantic currents. I literally felt an extremely powerful energy push me to the surface. Before this experience I did not believe.

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5. The final sign is when you dream. Have you ever had a dream and had someone in your dream that you don’t know and have never met? Yes, so have I. These are guides helping you resolve, problem solve, guide you into your intentions of manifestations and point out wrong doings, deliver your lessons to you, demonstrate actions in that may lead you back to your path when you awake etc. Dreams are the perfect vehicle for your guides as they have your complete attention whether you remember the dreams or not.

guides are with you or not, these signs are a validation that your guides are indeed with you. With an open mind, heart and an awareness to the common thread between your life events/moments and when these signs occur you will know why they are there. They are here for us to accept and receive spiritual, intuitive guidance and protection. You will become familiar with certain energies and how they work with you and form relationships with the ones that are life-long. Your spirit guides are your divine cheerleaders during your human mission and development of eternal wisdom.

Of course there may be other signs that you receive alerting you that your guides are with you but these are the most common. Whether you believe your

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Inner Peace is the Quest for Life with Tracey Rhodes We all strive for peace whether it is in our relationships, home or family life. Of course we love to have fun and enjoy the company of others but it is the blessing of internal peace that calls to our heart, mind and soul. Our aim in life is to be able to walk through the crowded streets and not be corrupted by the distress of others around us. It is a goal to be peaceful no matter what others are vibrating, saying or doing. Sometimes this is really easy and other times it may be a little more difficult. There are many forces at play here. Astrological is one of the influences that have a reaction with our emotional state. You see roughly every two and a half days the moon changes sign, so we get to experience the affect every sign has on us every 2 or so days.

this is showing up for you to deal with, for your own inner growth. Another force at play is each day of the year a particular crystal sings it song through the earth in a cyclic order, for us to work with, to heal or learn from. Knowing the crystal that is your shadow, purpose or higher purpose (your name reading) will determine where your lessons are again and which days of the year may be more testing for you than others. To find out your name reading go to The Liquid Crystal page and type in your first name If you want to go one step further you can make an appointment with a TLC practitioner to take your name trinity as a TLC remedy,

"It is a goal to be peaceful no matter what others are vibrating, saying or doing" When the moon is in a watery sign such as Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio it brings out our emotional, watery state of being and we feel more than usual. This is why having an understanding as the ancients did and working with the Moon cycles are an empowering and enlightening gift. This is why I always hold a Full Moon Meditation around a fire because you get to FEEL the different energies and gifts that each Moon brings, and you also get to understand which signs are more compatible or testing for you. Knowledge is power… if you know a particular energy is coming up you can prepare for it, ensure you are grounded, eat grounding foods, stay away from certain people and realize that if you are being tested you need not blame another, it is your opportunity to take responsibility for yourself by realizing

which helps to balance all three aspects within you offering you a deeper peace. Keeping abreast of what is energetically taking place around you, empowers you. Remember the wise words that was written over the entrance of many ancient mystery schools; “Man know thyself and though shall know God and the Universe”, never a truer word was said. It is still as prevalent today as it was then. We need to KNOW ourselves and what energetically triggers us so that we no longer lay fool to the tests, but become empowered with the knowledge that all is well and leading us into more. Tracey Rhodes for Private Sessions, TLC Readings and Remedies

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Finding Peace

with Jason Tierney

Peace is a way of life. We'll find many ways of experiencing that as we follow our own unique paths. Peace is not only something to strive for as a collective but something we can choose to bring into our lives. Most importantly, we can set our differences aside for a minute and be at peace with ourselves right now! If we're at peace with ourselves, that peace we're experiencing will be present in our auric fields, radiating out to others. People pick up on that. Basically it's leading by example. Setting the best example that I possibly can is an ongoing process of selfassessment, something that I have been consciously doing since 1999. My journey over the last year and a half though, is a practical example of how a hobby brought peace into my life. As you may be able to imagine, writing a book is not going to be an entirely stress free experience even though it's lots of fun. Fortunately my partner was an integral part of this process and we had each other’s support along the way. A little background here will be helpful in understanding what I mean. The content of our book presented itself to us through combining my practice of past life regression with my partner’s channeling abilities. Each session we did ended up being a chapter of the book, 34 in total. These sessions spanning 15 months add up to a lot of knowledge being downloaded and a lot of spiritual growth, it was an awesome adventure! We looked forward to the sessions because of the joy of the

experience and the presence of higher spiritual powers. It was a way we could find peace in an otherwise hectic world. Writing this book though, was like being on an emotional roller coaster. It was taking us to highs that we could only dream of and then life would get in the way, as it often does and ‘presented opportunities to put this knowledge into practice’. Sometimes it's just a case of trial and error. We didn't always get it right but we had the tools and determination to give it a go. For me, the constant repetition involved in the editing process, rereading chapter after chapter, over and over again, provided a lot of insight into the spiritual truths that were coming through. It felt so right that it would move me emotionally and it still does today. I find that I attain peace through knowledge and experience. The better I understand how I function spiritually, intuitionally, mentally, emotionally, and physically the better I understand myself and therefore how everyone else functions too. We're all waking up together, we're just on varying paths. My experience of feeling the bliss of unconditional love and peace, something that I've been fortunate enough to have experienced on only three fleeting occasions, is summed up nicely in the quote I'll use to finish up. "It was like looking so deep in and yet being able to see so far out that I could see the whole entire universe!" ~ Malémene

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RIGHT ACTION TOWARDS PEACE with Amanda Hart I’ve spent 46 of the 49 years of my life searching for the true meaning of peace. It was the by-product of being raised in a violent household which resulted in a life blighted by wrong choices. Inevitably the desire for peace became my main goal in life which led me to embrace my intuitive faculty to help others to find theirs. In my youth I sought external sources to find peace which always eluded me and when there was nowhere else to go, I finally undertook the internal work I needed to do to bring it alive in me. Eventually we all come to a point where we find the peace, not in the solutions or the goals that we set ourselves, but in how we deal with life when the chips are down. In my memoirs, ‘The Guys Upstairs,’ it reveals the young, reckless girl I was, trying to escape the conflict, to find eventual peace like it was a pot of gold. It took a life threatening illness though for me to finally surrender and know it was within me all the time. I found my power in that moment and ever since, have helped others to find theirs. Our power to cocreate our existence all rests on the programs and beliefs of our mind. I ‘chose’ to change those beliefs once I realised they were controlling my outcome. It’s not just about ‘thinking positive thoughts.’ With it comes a commitment to one’s self to adjust our daily habits. Surrounding ourselves with an environment, right people and taking part in activities including our work that reflects peace, are the cement that helps construct new foundations. Our thoughts however are the bricks that create the peaceful structure to our existence.

point to noticing where a negative program lurks in our system. Acknowledgement is key. Taking responsibility and right action allows for us to overcome and eliminate that program. If we register that we’re not happy with the behaviour of a loved one for example, it gives us choice. We can choose to talk to that person to resolve the conflict, which honours our power and voice, or we may recognise that the relationship no longer serves us. Taking right action supports our highest good and brings peace to all. We are constantly navigating a path that creates opportunities for us to grow as human beings. Finding peace in any given situation is not just

"Our power to co-create our existence all rests on the programs and beliefs of our mind" about finding the silent times in front of a good book in a tranquil place. Peace comes to us whenever we make that right choice in any given situation to honour our authentic self, to empower us and to learn to use our power and voice for the highest good of all. Peace is our birth right, our navigation tool through the storms and a place of serenity within us where we communicate with our higher selves and that of others, which in turn creates a better world for all.

So, recognising when there’s conflict is a starting

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Botswana Agate

with Juliette West

This painting was inspired by the crystal Botswana Agate. Through meditation, Juliette West connects with the energy of the crystal that she holds in her hands. She felt the energy swirling around her aura like the swirling smoke from a fire releasing repressive feelings and bringing her back to serenity and peace. Botswana Agate helps us to find solutions without dwelling on any problems we may be having, showing us that peace is a state

of mind we can consciously choose in our lives. The dove is a symbol of peace and comes into our life when peaceful times are ahead and all obstacles are about to make way. Juliette is a homeopath, Reiki master and visionary art teacher, working at Life Essence and Your Natural Health Options in Beenleigh.

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by the will of God. My memory scars continue to heal today, however at that time back in mid 2014 I first needed to make a huge leap into the unknown.


Why bother? Why struggle and why strive? In the end one is getting out of here alive. More than this, in three defiantly four generations no one will know or remember us anyway, aside from maybe some old pictures, certificates and titles. Who am I living life for? Myself or the good opinion of others? Invisible bars of expectations and limiting beliefs imprison me from experiencing who I truly may be and become. Not only to myself but to others. The struggle to accumulate wealth and the approval of others leaves me burnt out and cynical. Full of worries and looking forward to embracing death, where dashed hopes and worries would haunt me no longer. Step out in front of that car, jump off that balcony or maybe a quick slash with a sharp knife. It’s so easy to be one moment alive and then next, not! I remember this self-talk starting back in 2010 and it carrying on at least up to mid-2014. Looking back on these the dark years, I was truly broken, by my own doing and I believe

Lost and confused, angry with myself and God and feeling abandoned, shamed, hurt, and estrangement from the pleasure of life. I considered my only remaining option and began my process of making peace with God (the Creator of all life). I remember many times breaking down and crying on this journey of disarmament, acknowledgement and acceptance. The reason I share this with you is to encourage you and that to be alive is to feel pain, sorrow and fear. However if we are to feel truly alive, peace must be our foundation. The fact is God doesn’t need us, but we need God; for both our own peace and an enabler for us to experience a higher quality of life. Regardless of what happens in my future, peace is my constant goal for myself and others, since I would not be where I am today without this experience, nor would I be as at peace with myself and life. In mid-2014 an opportunity to do what I love in a location that inspires me every single day presented itself. The challenge involved a life changing transition, including but not limited to a change of office, new clients, transitioning existing clients, new licences, large sums of money to be borrowed and the unknown. The place was Cairns and the thing I love to do is help people live their ideal life, without financial stress i.e. peace without worries. Change is never easy however finding peace and making choices aligned to what is important to me made my decision all that much easier.

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And with this confidence I stepped forward into the unknown, without any guarantees and holding true to my core values. Here are some tips I apply to my own life: • Be true to yourself. Do it for you. • Exercise, get out and amongst nature and be no place else! • Meditate, reflect, and find your own peace. • Find a non-judgement environment and talk (especially men).

• Sometimes medication can help. Seek medical advice. • Change your physical environment to one that inspires you. • Discover what’s important to you and do these things daily. • Get you financial house in order as this underpins greater confidence.

About Peter Horsfield Peter Horsfield in an Authorised Representative and Investsure Holdings Pty Ltd ABN 16 050 286 630 as trustee for Horsfield Family Trust ABN 55 609 068 513 is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence No. 236523.

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Peace From Fear with Joan E Derrick Author of The Spiritual Heritage for Children Series

I started this article by looking up my Pocket Oxford Dictionary for the accepted definition of peace, and I quote: peace n. freedom from or cessation of war; treaty securing this; civil order as secured by law; prevent or refrain from strife; quiet, calm, harmonious relations. I felt this was a very inadequate definition. Does freedom from war mean there is peace within the world, nation, community, family or individual? Does a cessation of war bring peace to a population? Did the cessation of war address the cause of the hostilities in the first place? I feel that war is an end result of having no peace within a society or a nation. I believe the opposite of peace, in the form of fear, is the real cause of all hostilities. Civil order secured by law seems to be a shallow description of peace. In peaceful nations there are undercurrents of a lack of peace, particularly in cultures where discrimination is practiced, either overt or covert. Laws may be passed to outlaw discrimination, however the law is often not enforced in a fair and just way. Through a perception of fear, mistakenly held in the minds of a people fearful of change, a society can erupt into civil disorder. Fear creates a lack of peace for all. Civil disorder can be most powerful when a majority of the minority - or the discriminated against - take a non-violent, stubborn and uncompromising approach to get its message across. Does prevention from strife mean there is peace? Our jails are filled with more people who disrupt our peace, than people who are a danger to us as individuals. When individuals refrain from causing strife we

have a more peaceful community, nation and world. Quiet, calm, harmonious relations: Do these words adequately describe peace? I feel they barely scratch the surface of the meaning of peace. I would define peace as being attained when there is love, trust, truth and honesty, kindness, tolerance, consideration, compassion and forgiveness. I would go as far as to say, there cannot be peace in the world, nation, community, family or within oneself, until we live in harmony with these attributes, deep within the essence of our being. The first place we have to start is within ourselves; loving who we are in the perfection of our Divinity. Then loving unconditionally and non-judgementally everyone as we do a new born baby, for their Divinity within; knowing we exist in an energy field of unlimited potential with infinite possibilities, freely available to all. I believe when we do this, it leads to peace in: - trusting ourselves - knowing we can reach our fullest potential - trusting our intuition to protect, and keep us safe - being honest and truthful with ourselves and others - being kind to ourselves and others by believing we all do the best we can - tolerance of differences in everyone - not expecting or desiring all to perceive the world as we see it - having consideration, compassion and forgiveness for all.

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with Lynn Merrin Metaphysical Counsellor/Healer

The definition of Peace is freedom from disturbance; tranquility. There is disturbance in us and around us perpetually, and our choice is always to decide what we want to identify with, chaos or order, disturbance, or peace and tranquility. Throughout history there have been constant examples of lack of peace in countries, societies, neighbourhoods, families and individuals as wars have been waged in the name of one purpose or another, and peace has been lost to turmoil, devastation, destruction and death or permanent disability, poverty and homelessness. Peace, rarely found unless one is a monk, isolated in a tranquil environment, meditating or in fact in control of their emotions, thoughts, words and actions to the degree that they are creating, Peace as a way of being. I choose Peace in my life after many turbulent years playing the victim, reacting to situations, or subscribing to others' dramas. Peace is my choice and once decided, Peace is a simple mode of living and my daily practice to achieve. Our chosen environment, work, friends, partners, lifestyle, hobbies, may be all on the basis of Peace and the eradication of any negative elements that deny and deprive us of a peaceful life. I choose to live twenty kilometres from my city, on a

peninsular between a boating harbour and beaches, with a local quiet village nearby. I am surrounded by water and tall gum trees, and lulled by the sounds of native birds. My work is that of a counsellor and author, where I choose to help people, and while there are difficult days, I choose my hours and balance my life with everything I need, to enjoy Peace in every day. I start each day with my short meditation to balance all aspects and quietly plan my day to incorporate all commitments and allow for my quiet time, but I am aware that Peace is a state of mind, and I strive to be Peaceful within myself as a daily practice. It is being proven by quantum physics that all lies within and what we experience in life is a direct reflection of our inner state of being. When we are not at Peace, it will surely be evident in our environment. With choice, determination, deliberation and practice, we can all become the Peace we seek in our world and our lives and be an example to others. Peace is sadly lacking in our world and has been for many centuries. It is time for each of us to reclaim our power and create our reality as master of our destiny. Choose Peace and Peace will be the experience. If Peace is your choice, start now to claim it as your reality. Breath in Peace and breath out anything unlike Peace. Think Peace, feel Peace, be Peace. That is how it works. We amplify what we focus on. We resonate and attract to our vibration. Be an example of Peace and others will follow, as we all make a change in energy and vibration to be the change we want to see and experience in our lives and the world, for all to experience. Imagine a world where there was no war, no conflict, lack and loss, only Peace, prosperity, abundance and love. Wouldn't that be wonderful! Peace is a great place to start and Peace is free and attainable. If we choose to be, live, share and enjoy Peace in our life we will make a difference, the choice is ours. I choose Peace.

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 17

INCREASE YOUR PEACE By Dr Dawn Karima, Global Music Award Winner, Indigenous Theologian & Na5ve American Music Award Winner Peace. It’s more than just the ‘Peace on Earth’ gree5ng cards that fill certain holiday seasons with gauzy images of doves and starlight. It’s more than a nice way to tell folks to “Have a nice day.” It’s more than bland sen5ments to accompany two fingers or a word to mean “hello” or “goodbye” or a dreamy goal for mental health. Peace is a powerful force, whose balance represents a way of walking in wholeness. Peace is more than the opposite of war or the absence of strife. Tribal tradi5ons teach us that Peace is the natural state of balance in the soul, the spirit, the environment and in the human heart. A loss of peace represents a warning sign that something is out of balance. Prayer, Songs, Dances, and Ceremony provide processes for restoring Peace between people, with Nature, and within our own hearts. When you’re not feeling well in your physical body, you may go to a doctor. You may describe a cough or an ache or pain that’s troubling you, but the doctor knows that those are simply symptoms of a deeper ailment. A doctor may only take your physical temperature, but becoming aware of the presence of peace proffers a wonderful way to access Divine Protec5on, Divine Provision and Divine Presence. Ever met someone and immediately felt uneasy about them? Losing your Peace may signal that you need to proceed with cau5on. Recognizing a loss of Peace as a signal from the Spirit may be a method of Divine Protec5on. Making an important decision? Learn to perceive when a specific op5on fills you with Peace. Spirit oSen guides us into Divine Provision by leading us with feelings of Peace, even if the circumstances around us seem stormy. Peace filling our souls oSen lets us know that we are on a good path and walking in a good way. In direct contrast to mainstream culture, which views a busy chao5c life that is punctuated by bursts of Peace as normal, many Indigenous perspec5ves view Peace as the normal condi5on of humanity, which must be restored

when it is interrupted by imbalance. Divine Presence should be a constant, according to numerous Na5ve viewpoints, which is nurtured by par5cipa5ng in prayers, songs, dances and ceremonies. Yet, every culture has rituals and beliefs that encourage introspec5on, enlighten insights and upliS spirits. “Alright,” you may be thinking, “That’s great. But you don’t know the stress I’m under and you haven’t met my spouse/ kids/boss/neighbor or seen how much I need to do. No wonder I’m low on Peace right now.” Sound familiar? Well, your current lack of Peace may be a symptom that there’s a lack of balance in your spiritual life right now. Want to Jump Start your Peace? Take a minute and a deep breath and concentrate on the last 5me that you remember feeling Peace, even if it seems like a long 5me ago. Feel the feelings that you felt at that 5me, especially the sense of Peace. Let that Peace surround your Spirit. Now make your decision, or proceed with your day and increase your Peace as you go! A final, and my favorite, way to increase your Peace is to pray. Prayers of thanksgiving and praise can refresh your internal environment, regardless of external events. Pausing throughout your day to pray can create an oasis of Peace amidst the movements of daily life. Giving thanks reminds us of the precious blessings we have already received and magnifies the mercy of Creator instead of the mayhem of everyday life. Peace ushers in Divine Protec5on, Divine Provision, and Divine Presence. As you seek Peace and pursue it, you may enjoy reading my new Kindle book, WHAT TO DO IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, which illustrates ways to increase your peace during troubling 5mes. Peace is more than a great slogan for a t-­‐shirt or a way to depict boring or mundane days. This amazing spiritual force is the reward for balance, the way to reap blessings and a dynamic manner of living! h_p:// onversa5onwithdawnkarima.html

18 Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016

PEACE TIP OFFS with Janine Hall Face & Body Language reading Expert Alchemist & lifestyle Coach Sunshine Coast Business Women Network Product & Sustainability Finalist

O0en we give ourselves an excuse not to take care of ourselves because we’re too busy; does this sound familiar? I know myself when my world is balanced with equal opportuniBes of peace, fun and creaBvity I’m a far beDer balanced person. I’m happier and a feel more at peace with myself. However, I didn’t always think this way. Today I don’t suffer from overwhelm and if on the occasion that I do I give myself these 3 really easy Bps to simply stop! And BE at Peace.

This is why its important to find Peace in your everyday life and not feel guilty for wanBng it. Make peace a part of your day, like brushing your hair.

A quesBon you may wish to ask yourself; how o0en do you feel guilty for wanBng to be peaceful? Some how we feel neglecOul of ourselves if we think of ‘ME’ first -­‐ that it’s not the right thing to do and we are being selfish if we consider our selves ahead of others.

2. Sit with a Herbal Tea: do this in your own backyard and look at your surroundings. Once again if you have to get up early before anyone else wakes up. And be at peace in your own backyard. Make a space just for you.

In my experience those who care for others can o0en be the most neglecOul towards themselves for finding peace within. A bit like a mechanics’ car, he’ll fix everyone else’s but doesn’t allow Bme for his own. I was helping a client the other day around understanding giving and receiving, as she admits to struggling with receiving but loves to give. And I used the analogy of a sea-­‐saw, as it ebbs and flows with the pushing /gliding of your feet. If all you ever did was push up and not allow yourself the ride down, it would be a preDy lonely place to be.

Here are my 3 Bps to becoming an at Peace expert in your daily life. 1. Take a walk in nature: if you have to wake up 30 minutes early to fit it. But don’t listen to music or wear headphone. Simply be at peace with surroundings.

3. It’s ok to say NO: Don’t feel guilty for puZng your Bme ahead of others. If it doesn’t feel right or encroaches your at “peace” Bme, say, “NO I’m not available”. I hope these peaceful Bps can help you find more Bme for you, and if you’re worried about feeling guilty about creaBng space for peace or need at advice on how to do this Janine is available for a lifestyle discovery coaching session. hDp://

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 19

What Is Intentional Serenity? with Michelle Lightworker I felt called to include this excerpt out of my book The Everyday Lightworker Bible as it is such a wonderful snapshot of how all of the 12 Everyday Lightworker Principles bring us peace. We also delve more into just what intentional serenity is and how it serves us in our everyday lives. We feel a sense of peace when we practice all other principles. Their wisdom streams through our Crown consciousness, affecting our thinking and thereby our level of peace. The principles become our value system; they imbue a high degree of peace into our lives. Our value system creates our internal connection and forms boundaries around our spiritual thoughts. We literally create a new reality for ourselves to live by. The principles assist us to hit the reset button and reprogram ourselves. This reprogramming creates a new more peaceful reality. For example: 1. Honesty gives us clarity on how peaceful we really feel. 2. Open-­‐mindedness gives us peace in knowing that solutions will arise at the right time. 3. Willingness gives us the peace to know

all we have to do is turn up to our guidance. 4. When we forgive ourselves for perceived mistakes, we feel an inner peace. 5. Practicing the principle of unity assists us to feel a deep-­‐seated peace in our connection with everyone and everything. 6. When we discipline ourselves to act in line with the principles, we simplify our life, and it becomes more grounded and peaceful. 7. When we have faith that all is well and we will get the support we need when we need it, we feel peace. 8. When we take responsibility for our own stuff, we feel peace because we know that our own choices are all we are ever in control of. 9. Peace arises when we love others and ourselves equally, so power struggles dissipate. 10. When we practice wholeness in our relationship with self and others, it brings peace by loving, caring, protecting, moderating, and being aware of ourselves and knowing others can choose to do the same for themselves.

20 Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016

11. When we experience our authentic Higher Self and connection with Spirit, we feel joy and peace simultaneously. All the principles bring forth peace. Peace is a natural by-­‐product of each and every one. However, we can also choose peace intentionally. We call this intentional serenity. It is not peace at the cost of avoiding the truth. That’s denial. Intentional serenity is knowing the truth and choosing to be peaceful about it. This is the essence of freedom. Freedom is knowing the truth on all sides and having acceptance in our hearts. Rather than judging situations in our heads, we make peace with them. We

whatever we have chosen to go through. Do you think that they are unpeaceful about our journey? Not at all. Knowing that we need to walk through every experience we’ve had in order to attain a certain level of consciousness in this lifetime, they are extending love and compassion to us in \inding our way back to peace. For example, we lose all our money and the possessions that we have spent our whole lives building up. The gift that situation brings us is the realization of what we really value. We discover what truly matters. We realize a deep inner peace when we get the message that our true fortune is our consciousness. We take this with us when we go, and we also pass it on to our families, friends, and loved ones.

"Intentional serenity is knowing the truth and choosing to be peaceful about it. This is the essence of freedom." feel free and not chained to events, outcomes, goals, or expectations of other people. We let go of the past and do not fear the future. The peace becomes our present. Whatever happens, we are okay with that and feel serenity as we go through each and every process. Imagine our spiritual helpers watching on as we live our lives and go through

The gift of the unknown is peace. Allowing our mind to be free of having to know is one of the greatest gifts we give ourselves. It is also one of the quickest ways to peace. The greatest sense of peace can be found in the unknown because we're not in a fear-­‐ based thinking space. We have let go, and we know that our higher guidance will come through when we need it.

Exercise Let’s practice some intentional serenity. Allow yourself to conjure up a situation that may be irritating you at this time. Call in your spiritual helpers to open your Crown Chakra and to let go of any thoughts associated with it. Now ask them to \ill your mind with the vibration of peace. Feel this peace really create expansion in your mind. Feel fear-­‐based thoughts being transformed as peace touches them. Ask your spiritual helpers to \ill your mind with peaceful thoughts about this situation. Create a peaceful space for your inner guidance to stream through. AfGirmation I choose peace to \ill my mind. Purchase The Everyday Lightwroker Bible through SKU-­‐000935094/The-­‐Everyday-­‐Lightworker-­‐Bible.aspx

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 21

PREM RAWAT A Passion for Peace With Michelle Lightworker

Spirit presented me with an opportunity to include this Divine man's life's work in this edition of Lightworker Advocate Magazine on Peace as it is specific to his purpose. Whilst facing my own fears in persevering with motorbike lessons, my instructor Dianne had just come back from one of his retreats and when she mentioned him to me, I knew it was synchronicity. On July 31, 1966, when he was only eight years old, Prem Rawat publicly expressed his determination to present the opportunity for personal peace to everyone in the world who wanted it. Fifty years later, his commitment is unwavering. Born in Northern India in 1957, renowned Ambassador of Peace Prem Rawat has addressed over 40 million people worldwide, at live events as well as on TV and radio. His talks have been translated into more than 75 languages, and he is regularly invited to speak at universities and prestigious international forums and events. He has accepted invitations from global business leaders, prison inmates, remote villagers in developing countries—whoever is eager to hear his message.

In 2001 he established The Prem Rawat Foundation to promote an understanding of individual peace as the basis of world peace, and to help people meet their fundamental needs for food, water—and peace. At present the foundation has programs and initiatives in 70 countries. On July 31, 2016, the 50th anniversary of his lifelong efforts for peace, Prem Rawat launches TimelessToday as a vehicle to reach even more people around the world. “For 50 years, I’ve been dedicated to bringing peace to those who want it. The world doesn’t need peace; people do. And the peace we want is within us. It’s that simple.” – Prem Rawat

22 Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016

Ambassador for Peace •

Honors from cities

2006: Title first conferred by Pierre Weil, rector of the International University of Peace, UNIPAZ Florianopolis, Brazil 2007: Designated Ambassador of Peace for the Basilicata Region of Italy by the governor, and the City of Sondrio, Italy 2011: Appointed by Gianni Pittella MEP, 1st Vice President of the European Parliament, as “Ambassador for Peace” on behalf of the Brussels Declaration Pledge to Peace, signed at the European Parliament in 2011 2012: Acknowledgement as Brussels Declaration Ambassador of Peace, Italian Senate 2013: Acknowledgement as Ambassador of Peace, National Agrarian University, La Molina, Peru

• •

2006: Distinguished International Humanitarian Achievement Award by Mary Singletary, President of the National Council of Women, New York, New York 2012: Lifetime Achievement Award granted by Asia Pacific Brands Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2013: Bharat Gaurav Award and Certificate awarded by India International Friendship Society, New Delhi, India 2015: Order for International Merit of Blood from International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations

Governors of Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and New York. General Assembly of the State of Connecticut; Court of Common Council, Hartford, Connecticut; Pennsylvania House of Representatives; Rhode Island General Assembly; Wisconsin Legislature. Mayors of Boston, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Buffalo, New York; Boulder, Colorado; Miami, Florida; Fort Lee, New Jersey; San Francisco, California

City of Atlanta, Georgia; United States Library of Congress; National Geographic Society; Vermont Historical Society; and from Franco Marini, President of the Italian Senate

Special honors given by government officials •

Resolutions, proclamations •

Keys to cities: New York City, New York; New Orleans, Louisiana; Oakland, California; Kyoto, Japan; Detroit, Michigan; Miami, Florida; Miami Beach, Florida; Tainan, Taiwan; Corleone, Agrigento, Padova, Palermo, Mazara del Vallo, and Segesta, Sicily, Italy. Freedom of the City of London Honorary citizenship of the city of São Paulo, Brazil 2013 The Staffs of Power and Distinguished Guest Diplomas from the cities of Otavalo, Ecuador, and Cusco, Peru 2013 Honorary Diploma and Medal from the University of San Antonio, Cusco, Peru 2013

Letters of appreciation and honors •

International Achievement Awards •

Augusta, Maine; Denver, Colorado; Los Angeles, California; Portland, Oregon; Quito, Ecuador; San Francisco, California; Trieste, Italy; Province of Potenza, Italy; Regional Council of Basilicata and Region of Basilicata, Italy; Province of Padua, Italy. Honorary citizenship granted by mayors of Agrigento, Corleone, and Mazarro del Vallo, Italy. Honorary Mayoralty of the City granted by the mayor of San Antonio, Texas

Words of Peace TV Program •

• •

Awarded twice by the Brazilian Association of Community Television Channels for Words of Peace, a weekly series featuring my message of peace. Chosen by Promovision Viewers as Favorite TV Program in Mexico Won first place honors in the 2007 Community Access Magic (CAM) Awards, sponsored by CTV, USA

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 23

Making Peace with Our Ego

with Artist Daniel Pietrzak

Let me begin from the official definition of ego.

1. Get to know your ego as a living thing within you.

Your ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your “self.” If you say someone has “a big ego,” then you are saying he is too full of himself.

When you feel superior over other people, ask yourself, “Why am I feeling this way”? Try to see beyond the emotions driven by your ego. The more you question yourself the more aware you become of the presence of ego and how it’s manipulating you. This will allow you to gain certain clarity about your real self and will give you a choice between feeling superior above others and feeling united with others. A huge difference, isn’t it? Once you start practicing the opposites of ego, you will begin gaining clarity of who you are and your ego will have much less influence over you.

This is a very poor definition as ego is much more than this, it is a built in mechanism without which you wouldn’t be able to experience duality on this planet at this stage of our evolution. Ego is responsible for all the immoderate emotions which we feel and it is NOT the real you. The real you is the one that understands all the aspects of life and has a full manageability over it. Ego is the biggest challenge to transform on your journey towards spiritual ascension, towards clarity and towards knowing yourself. Ego simply creates powerful blocks in your mind and prevents you from seeing the full picture of yourself. Therefore for many people it is easier to stay in comfort of their ego and see only one side of life rather than take on the challenge and practice the opposite side of it. If you really want to experience a balanced life and take the lead of your ego, here are some tips for you:

2. Clearly identify what role your ego plays in your life. In many situations ego will push in its opinion before you may even think of how to react towards some circumstances, therefore it’s good to take even extra few seconds to think before reacting. Say to yourself, “There you go again, telling me what to do”. Once you are aware of the voice of your ego, in most cases you will make your decision based on your higher self. Ego wants to be always right and will often put you in trouble for nothing. There is no need to be upset with it as that’s not the point, the whole challenge is for you to manage your life and being upset will not help you at all.

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Focus on what you want (your higher self) rather than on what you don’t want (your ego) this way you will create the energy required to experience the good things in life and your ego will not play a dominant role in your life anymore. 3 Observe yourself  from perspective of the witness. Think of those things that offend you and see how you react to them, then detach yourself from those things and see how you feel. You may realize that whatever offends you is

simply your own judgement (ego) of yourself as well as your judgement (ego) towards other people how they should be behaving. Your ego will do its best to tell you that you should be feeling offended or hurt. I really wish you to experience your higher self in action more often as this is the REAL you, this is when you will realize that the whole ego entity that used to tell you how to feel and act is just an illusion of a small part of yourself.

Green Parrot Mandala by Artist Daniel Pietrzak

Green offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony. This art represents safety and it will help in alleviating stress, depression and anxiety. This replica of nature will open you to abundant health and wealth.

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 25

The Beingness Of Peace with Fiona Brown

Consider for one moment the place in you that relaxes as you sink into your beingness…

When a voice of an ancestor whispers through my mind to remind me of my calling.

The place that connects with the Earth and the Universe that surrounds you…

It is also in the space between – the place where silence and relaxation meet and encourage my mind to plateau into the light.

And then links with your heart as it fills up, expands and bursts with joy and happiness. This for me is my place of PEACE. It is my connection with Spirit, a physiological feeling and a light of love that fills me so completely.

I feel tears of love come to my eyes when I touch the Peace inside me…. And I drift into the space and light that is my PEACE.

It is when I feel and hear the plants, animals and the Earth speak to me.

26 Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016



with Sue Pluck

When my dear friend Deanne passed away, after having been diagnosed with cancer a few months earlier, many of her friends and family said the words "now she is at peace". This got me thinking what a strange thing it was to say those words about anyone because I believe we all experience peace while we are alive but perhaps more often if we choose to make peace. I was honoured to have sat with Deanne most days during her last months in fact it was the most time I had ever spent with her in the nine years we had known each other. Such is the way with a lot of friendships, that because of their strength, time or distance never dulls them. But one day in particular will stay with me forever. It was in fact a 'not so hot' day for her, as she liked to describe the good and not so good days. She was propped up in bed and struggling to reach for a pen as I walked into her room. She had been writing letters to loved ones overseas, those she knew she would not have the chance to say goodbye to, but today she wanted to write a list of songs along with a poem to

be read at her service. We talked as she compiled her list and I learned many things about my friend that day, it was as if she felt free to share secrets that before this day she felt I might judge her for. Deanne shared memories that she had not shared with anyone before; she had given up her first child for adoption, been to jail for petty crimes in her 20's and been a prostitute to help put herself through university. She talked of having gone through personal torment and guilt over those and other choices but also added that for many years she had accepted all of herself and was at peace with all the life she had lived. We didn't talk of peace specifically however we shared in the delicious feeling of it that wove between our reflections on life. Deanne gave me an enduring gift that day, one that allowed me to feel at peace with all of my life choices and to really appreciate that everything is and always will be, the way it is meant to be. A deep sense of peace comes to me whenever I remember that day.

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 27

Become a Certified Lightworker Practitioner


Pathway To Peace with your Angelic Messenger, Raul Angelic message To everyone around the world!! Feel peace deep inside us and then send it out to everyone, everything and to every situation we would like resolved! The Love we all have is our pathway to Peace! We must understand that we are souls living a human experience and as such, we will have our own set of values, belief plus likes and dislikes, this does not mean these are here to separate us but most importantly, they are here to connect us, we are all one! Once we understand that by embracing our differences (beliefs, value, culture, sexual orientation and LOVE) then and only then we will find peace in our hearts, but most importantly the peace that our souls have carried from life time to life time!! Today I call upon everyone to embrace our

differences and create a new world where Love, Equality and PEACE are at the center of all our discussion!! We are all EVOLing through LOVE, this Unconditional LOVE will be the stepping stone to peace within ourselves, our family, our suburb, our city, our country, the world and why not let's send Love & Peace to the Universe!!! Remember believe in Angels because they do believe in you! Let Peace be the main thought that guides you!

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Calming The Farm with Christin Ewald Peace is incredibly helpful in dealing with emotions. There is a wide range of emotions out there we can feel. If it gets scary or unbearable simply call up on and bring in peace. It gave me the ability to accept, feel and let go of even the most unpleasant emotions. Once you are at peace with the feeling, or more with the fact that this is a feeling and only a feeling and needs to be dealt with, you are able to express them in healthy ways like drawing, dancing, singing or writing. Sometimes we can feel as if we are not capable of dealing with a certain emotion, we can get scared. That's okay. Bring in peace and it will help release all sorts of emotions, even the really scary dark ones. Don't let fear get in the way and block emotions from arising. It's important for your emotional well being to feel it and let it go. After all who wants to feel all bottled up and live a life stuck with an unpleasant emotion?

for yourself. Have you tried it? Sit or lie down comfortably, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths. Now imagine peace surrounding you. Breathe it in. Breathe peace in and everything else out. Peace in and everything else out. Feel it filling you up. Sit in it. Let it surround you, let it fill you up. Notice what happens to your emotion. Does it shift? Does it change? How does peace make you feel? Do that as long as you wish, as long as feels right, as long as it takes. Take a pen and piece of paper and write down your experiences. I love working with peace. The affirmation my son learned is 'I am peaceful.' Love to you, Christin Ewald Certified Lightworker Practitioner 0455 657 628

Bring in peace and experience the shift

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 31

Finding Peace with Anxiety

with Amy Young

When I think about Peace as a Principle and apply it to anxiety I find it is much more then just being at peace in that moment. To me it means finally coming to an agreement with the anxious part of myself. It is accepting my anxiety for what it is and working with it when it pops up in life. For me anxiety comes into my life when I am not meeting my needs physically, mentally or spiritually. Sometimes all three! I find when I am tired, burnt out or overwhelmed the anxious part of myself holds up the red flag to make me notice that I need to look after myself, to breathe, to become present. I see it as my little ‘peacemaker’ who is called in when I need it the most. Very different to what most people think of anxiety but for me I truly believe that my anxiety is truly looking out for me. I have learnt to accept it as an important feeling that is only there to help me live my best life. A complete blessing in disguise. I have worked through all 12 Lightworker Principles and Peace to me is like the final step in managing anxiety. It is the full circle, the complete understanding. Finding peace with my anxiety was the ultimate goal. For a long time I thought I had to be cured of it completely but the Principles have helped me to embrace it. These days I hardly experience anxiety but occasionally it is known to give me a tap on the shoulder or a whisper in my ear when I am in need of some self-care. It is never as scary as it used to be and I am no longer afraid of it. A practice I used to come to Peace with my anxiety was to write down why I was grateful for it! Yes it may sound like a strange thing to do but when I started to list the reasons why, I realised how truly grateful I was that I had experienced anxiety.

I was thankful for how it taught me self-care and self-acceptance. I learnt how to open my mind, change my thought patterns and to truly understand what it is to relax. It helped me to make the major changes in my life that I was in the past afraid too, thanks to the panic attacks and the desperate need for change! I had a better understanding of fear and how to truly care for my mind, body and soul. Anxiety helped me to discover my passions – photography and writing, two things I never would have really worked with if I didn't experience anxiety! But most of all I was thankful that it taught me that I could finally be me. I am finally at Peace with being myself and for the first time in my life I understand who I am. I had finally found Peace with the most important person in my life – me! And I have anxiety to thank for that. You can read more about anxiety and find extra tips to help manage anxiety at our website and facebook page. Find us at anxietydiaries or We would love to hear from you! Until then, may peace be with you!

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Here is your card read for October. This card is taken from The Spirit Messages by John Holland. This month is all about finding your internal peace. The most important relationship you will ever have will be with yourself. So the time has come to allow the negatives from the past hurts to surface and for them now to be released. Time to let go of these emotions so that they don't affect the now for you. You are a totally different person now as you were then so please release these hurts and gently allow the positive in because you are so deserving of this. Recognise, also, how truly amazing you are and how much you have grown emotionally and spiritually in your life and by doing so you will find the internal serenity that you have been seeking. Have a very peaceful October. Love, light and sparkles to you all, Rachel, Rachel's Readings

Lightworker Advocate Magazine October 2016 33

Ease Into Peace

with Soulful co-author of 365 days book series, blogger and publisher Jodi Chapman

For years, I’ve been searching for peace – the kind of peace that warms you up on the inside and lets you know in a huge way that everything – absolutely everything – is right in your world. The kind of peace that feels like a warm blanket wrapped around you or the hot sun shining on your face and making its way through your entire body. The kind of peace that feels like a deep, deep exhale. The kind of peace that feels grounded and solid and wise and loving all at the same time. The kind of peace that feels like heaven on earth. That kind. I’m not completely immune to peace. I’ve had moments of it. But the moments were usually fleeting, where it seemed that I couldn’t sustain the calm that washed over me – and I was always sad when I felt it slipping through my fingers. I’ve also had moments where I knew that peace was available to me, but it seemed to be just beyond my reach. I’ll admit that I have wished (more than once!) that I could go out and buy a bottle of “peace” – that I could just take something to make me feel at ease with myself and with the world. But I quickly realized that these wishes were just silly and that the kind of peace that I was looking for – the longterm, sustainable kind of peace that I knew was out there – wouldn’t come from a bottle – it had to come from within. So I tried meditation and breathwork and slowing down and silence and all sorts of things with the hopes of finding this peace that I so desperately wanted. I knew that it had to come from inside of me, but I wasn’t sure how to find it. I thought that if I worked at it enough, I would be able to crack the code on peace once and for all. So I continued my search, which honestly just exhausted me and

moved me further away from peace. All the while, my soul kept asking me to get to the beach – to move there. It said that this was where I would heal, that this was where I would find peace. I fought it for a long time. I told myself that it wasn’t practical to move there. I said that it was a lot of work to move, and I just wasn’t feeling up for it. I worried that since I hadn’t ever been there before, I may not like it. I questioned whether my soul really knew what it was talking about. What if it was leading me to a place that was a nightmare and that would take me even further away from peace? But the voice inside was strong and persistent.

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And, even with all of this questioning, I knew that I would be okay – better than okay. I knew in some deep place within me that the beach is where I would find peace, which is exactly what happened. It’s hard for me to admit that finding peace was this easy. Somewhere inside of me, I have this belief that all things that are worthwhile can only be achieved with hard-earned effort. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that I could immediately feel at peace – a peace unlike anything I’d ever known – simply by being at the beach. How is that even possible? Don’t you have to journal about it or go within and introspect about it and get to the core of where your lack of peace is coming from so that you can discover how to invite peace in? Don’t you have to struggle for a long while and exhaust yourself and your efforts in order to make the sweetness of peace be more appreciated? Don’t you? No. For me, I found peace at the beach. It’s honestly as simple as that. I can be completely stressed out and angry and exhausted and worn down and strung out and ready to just crawl somewhere and curl up into myself… and then I get to the beach and within minutes, I can feel myself coming back to me. I can feel the stress and tension start to dissipate and float away. I can feel myself breathe deeply again. I can feel myself smile from within – a wholebody smile that makes me feel about a thousand

pounds lighter. Some people find peace in meditation. Some people find it during yoga. Some find it while creating. Some even find it while washing dishes. I find it at the beach. What these things have in common is presence. That’s where peace can be found. In the present moment – in the now. And if the now is a beautiful ocean where the waves are crashing and the seagulls are flying overhead and the sand is warm on my feet and the sun shines on my face, then it’s hard (next to impossible) not to be present. The ocean envelops me and wraps me in its powerful energy. I don’t have room for anything in that moment other than it. That is peace for me. Being there. Being present. And feeling at one with everything. I’m starting to see that it really is that easy, which is such a relief. No more struggling to find it. No more longing for it. Simply making the time to go and be there and allowing myself to feel what I’ve always wanted to feel: peace. Pure peace. What I wish for all of us is to ease into peace – to allow ourselves to not try so hard to find it, but to instead go where we’re being led and trust that it will be exactly where we need to be. And when we’re there, to allow ourselves to be completely present, which will lead us to being completely at peace. And that’s such a magical place to be.

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The Principle Project:

vibration they live. This includes finding peace within, in the stillness. There are so many tools available to use and if everyone has a ‘go-to’ practice to find balance, this planet would be heaven.


2. What's your best experience with this principle changing your life?

with Michelle Anne Gould I would like to thank Michelle for contributing to the Principle Project. Michelle is from Sydney Australia and is owner of Abundant Spirit Education, Transformational Coaching & Energy work and Co-author of several books including: 365 days of Connecting with your Soul; 365 Moments of Grace; 365 Life Shifts and forthcoming 'Creating The Life You Want' by Anthea Publishing . 1. Why is this principle important in your life? I'm a mother of three young children and a Soulprenuer. Personally part of my sacred role as parent is to help these children connect within. As a Mother, I know the struggles to remain calm and grounded. My personal Mantra is, “Peace begins with me" and I count on my fingers as I say the words. I also work with subtle energies where peace and harmony are essential. The world at this time can feel chaotic and unrestful, part of my p u r p o s e i s t o h e l p p e o p l e g o w i t h i n , take responsibility for their lives and the

Children can be very loud and busy. As a p e r s o n w h o w o r k s b e s t i n a c a l m environment; I have self-taught myself to search for peace within myself to be able to parent as best I can. My best experience starts a bit dramatic. I had a scooter accident with my youngest and hit my head hard on the c o n c r e t e . I s p e n t t h e n e x t f e w days recuperating. I was just looking after myself and my needs and yet I was surrounded by a bubble of Divine peaceful energies during that time. 3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? It is a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. I know others are practicing this principle because I can sense or feel the vibration, they send out love and serenity. Whatever is going on around them they stay balanced and centred i n t h e m s e l v e s , n o t r e a c t i n g t o their environment. Smiles and sparkly eyes also are indicators for me. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? I p e r s o n a l l y l o v e t h e A n g e l i c a n d mystical realms. I picture this as sparkles of white light, with lots of star shapes.

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5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? The taste of freedom. A large assortment platter of berries 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? Following on from the ’taste question, I'm going to answer Mango or coconut. 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? Taking a deep breath from the stomach right up up to above your head, releasing and letting out your own unique tone, or ‘arrr’ sound. 8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? Pentagram - A 5 pointed star representing the spark of Life descending from God, the divine source of life (earth), rising to flow (water and air), the fire of purification before again rising as a divine spark to find again his spiritual source. 9. If this principle was an animal what animal would it be? A turtle. I was on a nature walk and came across a beautiful yellow/gold eyed turtle far from the river. I spent sometime observing him and as some animal lovers do, connecting and talking. I had already been on a spiritual journey for a while and felt like things weren't happening fast enough. After our encounter I research the symbolism of the turtle and it was spot on for what i needed at that time. Turtle: The turtle teaches us about determination and staying strong despite obstacles or distractions, encouraging us to listen deeply to guidance and trust their path no matter what. Turtle anchors

our personal unfolding in a slow, more grounded series of steps and longer cycles of transformation. The turtle represents the way of peace – whether it's external or internal. The Peace-Maker in Native American traditions. Turtle is also often associated with feminine energy fostering peace and harmony with all things. 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? I have been blessed to have two wonderful dogs in my life and take recharge breaks to play and hug them. My guides are very much around when I’m with the dogs and we seem to be able to connect easily. I get little nudges to take timeouts and have time to go within. I get reminders to have faith and am guided to answer this question with, the heart. Hand on your heartsymbolises sacred peace. 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? It is easy to get caught up in everyday life, other people and work. My personal value for peace and harmony come from my own nature, and I make this a priority in my life. Peace brings me back to more authenticity and helps me remain in a higher vibration in denser or lower energies. 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? It has been quoted many times.“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation". - Dalai Lama. I envision a world where beyond eliminating the violence and chaos, we all become aligned with our Divine essence, as our own individual expression and as collective one. Ultimately Earth will be inhabited by unconditionally loving Souls.

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