Issue 2 11:15

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The Power of Open-mindedness


Using Your Whole Brain to be Mindful & Flexible




Michelle Slayter

The High Class Hippie

Issue 2 11/15

Editor Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Enquiries/Advertising: Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker Cover Photo Michelle Slayter

rs! e k r o w t h g i ay L d y r e v E y e H Okay, well producing 2 editions of a magazine in the one month has certainly been an interesting initiation for me as a brand new Editor. I must admit, I have certainly enjoyed the process and really never imagined in my wildest dreams that this would be a vocation. But here I am!

This month, we focus on the incredible power of open-minded wisdom. We have so many brilliant articles. I feel so incredibly blessed to be the recipient when they come through. I know that Spirit is speaking through each and every writer. Contributors are amazed by how much they have grown through the process of submitting an article or having their business featured. Many are having their own initiations! Our High Class Hippie, Michelle Slayter, lends us a different point of view on spirituality and merging this with our material world. We have an incredible article by Erzsi Suranyi an experienced assessor in HBDI (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument) on how we can become

more mindful and flexible with our brain plasticity. Jo O’Shanesy shares her experience with creating and birthing a new modality the ‘Nth Degree’ with her beloved Pravas. I discuss Spiritual Elitism and restoring equality with others and healing our Solar Plexus through the power of open-mindedness. We have a new section on ‘Youth Stuff’ that was called in by Spirit as well. Sixteen year old Merrin Bowden shares her remarkable recovery from anxiety and ‘cutting’ through the magic of mandala making. And we have a special ‘Out and About’ section on Soul TV adventures, sharing the joy of all the wonders that are occurring in this world. I hope you enjoy reading this edition as much as I enjoyed reading all the amazing articles that came through. Next month we head over to the principle of willingness, so if you have any articles that you feel resonate and a business ethic that empowers others with their free will, we would LOVE to hear from you.


2 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

Contents Cover Story

32 The Principle Project

Open-mindedness wisdom

33 Youth Stuff

5 The High Class Hippie by Michelle Lightworker

6 Certified Lightworker Practitioner Wisdom 7 Spiritual Elitism by Michelle Lightworker 8 Open-­‐mindedness to the Nth Degree by Jo O'Shanesy 10 Using Your Whole Brain to be Mindful and Flexble by Erzsi Suranyi 13 The Calming Effect by Jade Renee Banks 14 Opening the Space by Fiona Brown 15 Open mind, Open doors by Stacy 17 Open-­‐mindedness & Modern Parenting by Katrina Hunter 18 Are you sabotaging your success? By Diane Crosby 20 Doorway to your Mind by Gay Fay 21 You are your shining light by Pixie Fleur 22 An Open-­‐minded Evolution by Linda Willow Roberts 24 Open-­‐mindedness with Self by Diane Goodchild

25 Ethical Businesses - Introducing... 26 Sunshine Coast Pet Resort 28 Bewitched Hair 29 Free Spirit Music & Dance 30 Move with Me

Open-­‐mindedness with Melanie Macer

The Power of Mandalas by Merrin Bowden

34 Smelly Stuff

Open-­‐mindedness is the key to a stress free life by Kirstyn Marriott

35 Yummy Stuff

Cauliflower and Sausage Risotto by Karen Banks

36 Arty Stuff

Lightfilled Painting -­‐ Eggolution by Tony Dowd

36 High Vibrational Airwaves

Trusting the flow of the Divine by Prem

38 Ethical Digest

'Set by the Ancients' 3 part book series by Paul & Phoebe Hoogendyk

40 Out and About

Adventures with Soul TV


The High Class Hippie I just love that open-­‐mindedness invites us to go beyond our concepts of how the spiritual and the material world work together. I had the opportunity to intereview the delightful Michelle Slayter aka High Class Hippie who de@ines this beauitful synthesis seamlessly. What de(ines a High Class Hippie? "I used to be in the fashion industry. I’ve got a Bachelor of Design and I had a well-­‐known fashion brand in New Zealand for 8 years and I was in the fashion industry for over 10 years. And So I was very much interested in the material world. Parts of it I loved and parts of it I didn’t. And after a while I was at this place in my life where I was like, “I don’t think this really serves me anymore and I think there’s so much more to life than what I am doing and I want to support people in a different way to what I am right now”. I started getting into the health industry and learning about organic food and a holistic way of life. But then the more that I built my brand around that I felt there was a part of me that I was hiding. Usually when people get into the holistic and spiritual industry, its kind of like all the material stuff is supposed to go out the window. And I really struggled with that for a long time. I was like, “How

can I be this organic person and telling the people to live a holistic and organic life and then on the other hand I’m having a champagne every now and then or going and having a cocktail or driving a Mercedes?” I felt that I was trying to hide that stuff and then I got to a point in my business where I was really starting to deNine my brand and I really didn’t want to be anything that I wasn’t except myself. And I thought, “Screw it! I’m just going to change my brand to High Class Hippie and I’m going to incorporate those parts of me”. And that’s the part of me that loves beautiful things, that doesn’t mind having a champagne or organic red wine now and then. It loves to do yoga and learn about spirituality and loves to grow myself and support others to do the same. So I’m kind of like a bridge between the two worlds. I think that’s me being the very best version myself and that’s what I try and support other people to do. My best leverage is to be myself, that’s the way I can support more people. That’s how it came about." Do you think that people often de(ine materialism as non-­‐spiritual? DeNinitely. I found that the more people that I work with that are really in touch with themselves and with their spirituality and they kind of vibrate at – not better or worse – but at this higher level, I feel

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like they do have a stigma around material things and having money and that sort of world. So, as part of what I’m here to do is to actually show them that money is not this evil thing that. That we do need money in this world unfortunately at the moment and money actually equals units of choice. So, the more money that you have, the more good that you can do. Money just ampliNies who you already are. So obviously if you are a good person and you earn well, then you are just going to do more good in the world. And it is ok to reward yourself along the way and empower yourself in a beautiful home environment. The people I work with and the people that I attract have good intentions, they are heart-­‐ centred business owners and they want to make a difference in the world. If someone like that rewards themselves with material things that make them feel good then that’s okay. It is part of the ebb and Nlow of the universe. When we reward ourselves and make ourselves comfortable in our lifestyle, then it opens us up to do more good in the world. As long as we don’t let those material things become us." How do you feel about the principle of open-­‐ mindedness.? "I think my job as a coach is to have an open mind and to be as non-­‐judgmental as possible. If not at all and not let my belief systems, triggers or self sabotage patterns dictate how other people live their life. So if someone comes to me with a challenge that they want to overcome in their life, I don’t tend to tell them how to “Nix it”, this implies that they are broken, and no body needs Nixing. We are all in perfect stages of evolution and it is my job to just ask the right questions so they can come to their own conclusions to move forward at what ever stage they are at. And I think that is the deNinition of open-­‐mindedness, to allow every person to be and

have their own belief without being governed by someone else." What are the best perks of your job? "Seeing other people succeed. Being able to do what I love and get paid for it, so I can have the life that I love and essentially lead by example." What are your goals for yourself and the planet? "I like to call goals excitement targets because I feel like if you set a goal and it’s something that you’re not excited about, then your not set up to achieve it. I call them excitement targets as they’re things that I really want to do in my life. Things that I love doing and look forward to doing when I get up every day. Many people have life goals for their lifetime whereas I like to think of beyond my life, so I’ve actually got a 500 year plan. How is what I am doing now impacting the world and future generations for 500 years from now? Not just my lifetime, but generations to come and also the world as a whole. Part of what I’m here to do is actually support the human race to come back to themselves and start to look for all of the things they seek externally and Nind these within. I think that the human race is actually at a pivotal point at the moment and I heard a lot of people talking about how we need to save the earth and the world, whereas, Mother Earth is Nine she’s been a here a lot longer than the human race. What I’m more interested in is the survival of the human race and how can we come back to ourselves and how can we ensure the survival of ourselves and not only the planet. When we save ourselves we save our planet." -­‐ Michelle Lightworker

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SpiritualElitism - Michelle Lightworker

One of the most interesting phonemes and expressions of an unhealed Solar Plexus is Spiritual Elitism. I view it as a manner in which evolved people apply concepts with a closed mind and judge others. I feel that we all do it from time to time, especially if we offer services in assisting people heal and evolve. Some common distorted thinking examples are: • My therapy is more powerful than yours • My healing modality is by far the best • Because I don’t resonate with your spiritual group, I’ve evolved past you • I don’t want to associate with you if you are not interested in what I have to offer • I don’t want to be friends with a person who socialises with my competition My view on this, applying the principle of open-­‐mindedness, is that we all learn what we are meant to learn, from who we are meant to learn it, when we are meant to learn it. There is no good, bad, right orwrong, it is all just experience that assists us to evolve. I say this because the path to enlightenment is personal. It is a journey that is sometimes messy and even though we look like we’ve gone done the wrong path, it’s the exact path we needed at the time to learn the next thing to help us enlighten. The next time you feel, “I’ve out grown that”, remember that it is serving a perfect purpose for those who are attracted to it and resonate with it. Just because you feel you no longer resonate, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been the perfect path for your learning at the time. I see many of my Lightworker Practitioner Students come and go in between studying the 7 Levels of their training. This is beautiful to watch. They are out busy applying what they have just learnt and then come back when they are ready or guided to do the next step. If not, I am still happy for them because I know that they do not stop evolving just

because they may have discontinued their studies! We often joke how they were out doing a Level of the training even if they didn’t do the ‘of@icial’ level. The journey continues whether or not they are receiving the lessons in the form that Spirit has channelled through me. When we are open-­‐minded, we actually gift people the permission and freedom to learn the way they feel guided. We take ourselves off the ‘better than’ podium and come down into our heart space. Also, it means that we don’t give off an air of b e i n g u n r e a c h a b l e . I k n o w m a n y Lightworkers who are unfortunately very unreachable because of this wound. They look down and avoid others who don’t want what they have to offer. This is such an unnecessary judgment and practising this kind of behaviour, they put themselves in an illusionary Higher Power position. The unfortunate @low on effect is that they are energetically abusing others and they may not even realise it. So, the solution is to get off the preverbal high horse! The next time you @ind yourself thinking that someone needs YOUR service or even should be using the service your are using, catch any judgemental thoughts. Nip them in the bud by calling on Spirit to assist you to open your mind. This will assist you in trusting their relationship with a Higher Power and their individual guidance. This will create a healthy relationship of unconditional love, acceptance and genuine support. This will assist you to open your Crown and Heart Chakra, heal your Solar Plexus and allow your Base Chakra to build a greater trust of your own with Spirit. Keeping an open-­‐mind is by far the most evolved choice you can make. As you allow others to heal, you heal, so it’s win/win for both of you. -­‐ Michelle Lightworker

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safety in the car! I had complete faith in the process and knew that our guides would never place us in any danger. I already knew that faith and open-mindedness go hand in hand. The photo on the previous page is of the two of us eating lunch and writing down all the information channelled during our drive. During the progressive channelling over the coming months, Pravas and I remained honest with each other and our reactions to this channelling. We continued our individual inner work using various modalities to keep our channel clear. This required ongoing discipline and commitment. We knew we needed to remain surrendered and open. The whole business was very unexpected, as both of us are very grounded in our being and had not anticipated ethereal messaging would b e c o m e o u r a c t i v i t y. Remaining willing to participate in the process, being honest with each other at all times and committing to u n i t y, s u p p o r t e d t h e channelling to continue. We knew that any projections could affect the birthing of the modality, so we kept showing up even when our feelings were mixed. Pravas disclosed his envy of my early channelling and his desire to

receive incoming information. Subsequently he 'dreamed in' a vital component of the process and practiced the essence of it with the process’s first subject.

channelled in a modality which dissolves polarity?" Despite this questioning I feel peace in my soul that all is well. And we have continued to bring the Nth Degree to fruition.

I admitted I was not happy when we were told by Spirit, that we were to share the vibrational modality for free. I had visions of making this a new income source. Then I realised that we would be

Our first attunement of others using the Nth Degree occurred at The Joining several weeks ago. We have shared it freely and have asked those involved to pay it forward. Pravas and I know there is more to come. With our minds, hearts and bodies open, we continue to receive all the joys that the universe can pour through us.

poorer for not sharing it with love. As time went on our own personal vibrations shifted. Pravas now experienced higher vibrational energies and appears lighter each month. Ironically I am experiencing the more dense energies and I have been annoyed by the thinking I am doing something wrong. I have kept an open mind about this despite the thought, ‘Why are we displaying polarity so strongly when we have

Each of the 12 Lightworker Principles are d e e p l y e n t w i n e d . Where one principle is embodied, others will come into play. I have spoken here of h o w h o n e s t y, willingness, unity discipline, faith, love, joy and peace are essential in maintaining openmindedness. Pravas and I know that the Nth Degree is our responsibility and as such we experience wholeness and a sense of purpose. We embody forgiveness within ourselves and delight in the fact we are perfectly imperfect. Jo O'Shanesy, Certified Lightworker Practitioner +61417 190 855

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Using YourWhole Brain To Be Mindful & Flexible Today we live in an increasingly competitive and complex environment that requires us to realise our potential in a more mindful and holistic way than ever before. The most powerful resource in our toolkit is our thinking and how we access mindsets, skills and behaviours to perform at our optimum. If we are to release our potential then we need to build flexibility into that thinking so that we can identify opportunities or challenges, imagine new solutions and engage our self and those around us in delivering the outcomes necessary for outstanding personal and organisational performances. The study of neuroscience in today’s quest to better understand human potential has created immense opportunity in better understanding how we engage our natural thinking preferences which in turn influence our behaviour in the way we communicate with our self and others, solve problems and make decisions. And while there is no right way to think, these preferences help form patterns that may prevent us from reaching our full potential. In 1998 I was introduced to a body of work developed by Ned Herrmann and known as Whole Brain Te c h n o l o g y ® ( This model and its tool, the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) provide an elegant, simple and powerful framework for individuals, teams and organisations to understand thinking preferences and their impact on individual and team performances. The Whole Brain Technology® is supported by three decades of research, testing and validation and was evolved from a 10 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

With Erzsi Suranyi physiological understanding of the brain. It uses the brain as a metaphor to cluster thinking preferences into 4 types. They are the Rational, Safekeeping, Feeling and Experimental Selves. Although research now demonstrates that the brain operates in a more complex and integrated way, the Whole Brain Model builds on the concept of the left and right hemispheres; and the upper (A&D) cerebral and lower (B&C) limbic systems. Importantly we do use all 4 thinking quadrants, excepting we have varying degrees of preference for each one. The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) is now the world’s leading Thinking Styles assessment tool and is used by one third of the world’s Fortune 100 companies. Taken by over 2 million people worldwide, the HBDI is a 120 question survey that provides individuals with a map of their personal thinking preferences. It identifies their degree of preferences for analytical, structural, emotional and strategic thinking which gives insights to how they one may prefer to communicate, interact with others, solve problems and make decisions. To demonstrate…let’s consider each preference in their likely style of communication. The Rational A Quadrant Preference will want to communicate logically and factually with minimal detail. They will be direct and prefer to use mediums like email where they can communicate quickly and with minimum interaction. Receiving a single worded response or dot pointed email from someone with a strong A quadrant preference would be normal.

The Safekeeping B Quadrant Preference will want to communicate in a detailed, ordered and sequential way. There will be a clear introduction, body and conclusion to their correspondence and conversation. They will want to have a read receipt or acknowledgment of any communication and may even follow-up with a call to ensure you have received and understood it. It may also be accompanied by a checklist to make your response or action efficient and effective. The Feeling C Quadrant Preference will want to communicate as personally as possible. This may be in person or by telephone. Their communication will often start with pleasantries and an enquiry on what they know is important to you. The interaction is likely to be verbose because they ensure rapport is established or reinforced before getting down to business. In a personal interaction they may be very demonstrative and inclusive making the other person feel valued and important. Written communication will also be verbose with a similar format of personal enquiry, then business and a courteous and considerate sign off. The Experimental D Quadrant Preference will communicate in a more abstract and vague way. They may want to illustrate what they are communicating and use metaphors, stories or symbols to make themselves understood. They typically will want to start with the big picture and if functioning well in this quadrant will get to the details eventually. Sometimes described as day dreamers they often will mix ideas with facts and jump from thought to thought. Written communication may reflect these qualities unless they have developed discipline to be detailed, ordered and sequential in their often expansive and conceptual interpretation of the world. What I have portrayed are the extremities of each quadrant and the likely patterns of behaviour one might experience from someone who holds only one thinking preference. However there is usually diversity even in one’s preferences. Of all those who have undertaken the HBDI profile only 5% have only a single dominance; over 58% have a double and 34% have a triple

dominance, leaving 3% with a whole brain or quadruple preference. This makes for interesting internal processes for individuals and even more for those interacting with others who maybe the opposite of themselves. The power of Whole Brain TechnologyÂŽ and especially the HBDI is in the diversity it reveals within a pairing or group. Imagine the communications and interactions of those with opposite preferences like a strong Rational A Quadrant in comparison with those who have a strong Feeling C Quadrant preference; or alternatively those with a strong Safekeeping B Quadrant in comparison with those of a strong Experimental D Quadrant preference. The Whole Brain model provides a simple, elegant and user friendly framework that provides an explanation of differences in thinking and behavioural patterns. The Whole Brain TechnologyÂŽ has limitless applications. I have used it in the development of leadership styles, building team dynamics, strategic business planning, i n n o v a t i o n a n d c r e a t i v i t y, c a r e e r development, conflict resolution, sales and service generation to name a few. It is as powerful tool in the workplace as it is in other domains such as the family dynamic or the sporting team. Most importantly it provides a language for us to identify diversity in those who we interact with and gives us the tools to become mindfully and consciously flexible in our thinking so that we can harness the potential of ourselves and others in our day to day lives. Reference - Article by Erzsi Suranyi - Soul TV Expert

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12 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

The Calming Effect with Jade Renee Banks The crystal that speaks to me of OpenMindedness is Green Calcite with the simple purpose for humanity of “Letting Go”. This stone soothes the mind and has a potent calming effect on the nervous system. It’s cooling mint-green colour helps you to let go on ALL levels. As a remedy, Green Calcite leads to a “healed and free mind, allowing rebuilding and embrace of new mental patterns”. It also treats conditions that are due to mental stress or rigidity of the mind such as arthritis and digestive issues ( When we relax deeply into our bodies, our energy shifts from a heightened state to a more grounded state. We loosen our grip on worry and fear, and our mind expands and opens up to infinite possibility and potentiality. We let go and we drop into our heart. We open up all our senses and shift into a higher state of receptivity. We open our heart and we open our mind. We connect with all of Life and synchronise with the heartbeat of existence. This brings a profound sense of wellbeing and we release the mind’s need to analyse, categorise and understand every. little.

thing. We let go of that in the softest manner and just allow ourselves to FEEL into that which brings us Joy. We effortlessly let go of our old way of being to embrace a new way of being. The more we do this, the easier it gets. It happens in a fluid and flowing way that is healing of our heart and our mind. The line of communication between our heart and mind gets stronger and we find ourselves judging less and trusting more. We see the Divine dance of life in all its flowing grace and beauty and all it’s perfection, and we begin to sway with it. At first we may feel a bit wobbly, and then, the more we let go, the more we FEEL the music and let it move us. We FEEL it and release the need to understand it. Let your mind speak to your heart and your heart speak to your mind. This paves the way for Open-Mindedness.

Jade Renee Banks Certified Master Lightworker Practitioner Advanced Liquid Crystals Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner images c/-

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Beloved One +61407 665 654

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with Linda WIllow Roberts

An Open-minded Evolution Wow, writing this article got me thinking about the very beginning of my spiritual development. I am the youngest of seven children and was born in 1965, in rural Tasmania, into a family of down-toearth, farming, living off the land sort of people. There isn’t much opportunity for an open minded rebellious child. But, in saying that, if I hadn’t of had the knocks and opportunities that I have had, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I would have not gone through the life lessons to get me where I needed to be - to learn what I needed to learn. My parents have passed, and I miss them terribly. Even though I had experienced them around, I went to see a Medium 9 years ago who brought through a message from my mum: “don’t tell the others what you know, they will think your cuckoo.” Meaning my brothers and sisters, which they did (think I was cuckoo!). Even one of my brothers decided to have an intervention for me, because he didn’t understand this "psycho" stuff! Through time and my persistence, although they may not understand, they all except me as Linda Willow Roberts: Psychic, Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Master, Theta healer, Speaker and Spiritual Teacher etc. They have always loved me. Now they are a little more open to spirit. When I teach, one on one or in a spiritual workshop environment, I talk about open -mindedness in many different forms. I ask my students when they leave, not to think about what I have taught them. Instead to allow their subconscious pick the eyes out of what they need to know and let it morph into what it

needs to be for them. Spirit doesn’t need another me, but they do need their gifts and talents to help other people. So I am open and do not tryto control how it manifests for others. The second message about being open comes under the heading of being judgemental. Being open to other people! A student asked one night: “When am I being judgemental? If I don’t like what someone is doing, or it doesn’t align with me, is that not judgemental?” No, it is ok, to have boundaries, to only do what sits right with you. The openmindedness comes into play with how you do it. So, for instance, if you decide that someone was is being true to how you feel, and you decide to not be a part of it, you have used your free will to make a choice on what you experience in this life and that is healthy. However, if you make a decision, and tell everyone why you are not aligned with a person and start using blame and gossiping about why this person isn’t up to scratch or your level, then I am afraid this is judgemental, and not at all openminded. The third thing I like to talk about in a workshop environment is resistance. Being open to spirit and developing spiritually requires us to be open minded, but our ego steps in every now and again. We are like cases, filled up with our own stories and baggage, so when we want to develop spiritually, we need to empty out some of our case so we can fit new things in. Some of the stories we need to work on and let go of can hurt and it can be hard to deal with. Our resistance/ego, may shut us down and give us a hundred and one reasons why we cannot go to the workshop that night. Or right at the point when we are getting down to the nitty gritty, we have to hop up and go to the toilet. The ego will try all sorts of ways to close us down, and this is when we really need to have a look at the subject matter, and be totally open-minded to releasing what it is we are trying to hold on to. If I hadn’t been open to spirit, all those years ago, when I was struggling with no spiritual people to talk to, to help or to mentor me, my life story would of played out very differently. But then again, I feel this is what I am suppose to do. So maybe along the way, all the people that doubted my abilities, or have been closed minded, are now open a little bit to spirit. That is the best part I think, the more I became open, and shared my stories, the minds of the people around me started to be open. Linda Willow Roberts

22 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

24 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

Ethical Businesses This month in our ethical business section we are focused on services that are not your average services! Open-mindedness expands our view so that the ordinary becomes extraordinary. If you feel that your business resonates with the Lightworker Advocate's principles, please contact us. We are excited to show case your business in assisting the planet to evolve on high vibrational principles. If you see an ad, or a person or a sponsor in this magazine EVER, you can be rest assured it will always be because we feel they resonate with these principles. So let's have a look into expanding our mind to services that are raising the bar....

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 25

INTRODUCING The energy we hold within us flows onto our pets. It's wonderful to see that there are services available now that validate this. Our pets are there for us, sure. But are we there for them? Are we aware of just how much our unresolved emotions and energy are effecting their little physical bodies? Well, Sam Brown of Sunshine Coast Pet Resort sure does! Thank goodness. This Earth Angel is now providing some fantastic healing and services for pets, without forgetting the impact this has on it's owner. Yes, you are thought of too! Here's what Sam has to say about her passion for all things pets.....

WE LOVE DOGS and all of our furry and feathered friends! As an established business of over 17 years, we are now aiming to raise the bar. We are not your average pet minding service! We have such an open mind when it comes to restoring your pet's balance. Some of our wonderful services include angel healing on your pet, massage, pendulum testing, energy reading and chakra balancing. We offer distance healing as well. We can communicate with deceased pets and offer dignified farewells for your pets leaving this earthly plane. We provide you with feedback and strategies to assist your pet in happiness and health. Drop off your pet with complete peace of mind. Our mission is to help every pet feel LOVED and a healthy, happy integrated part of the family.

26 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

INTRODUCING..... The wonderful white witchy Tabitha and I met afoot a pedestrian crossing in Caloundra and not by chance either. We had been observing eachother (facebook stalking no less) for a little while and it seemed that Spirit had interwoven our paths for more than one reason! So what magical ways does Tabitha weave in her business? Everything hair! But not just any hair products. Tabitha is BIG on keeping that open-mind on how the ripple effect of chemicals impede our energy. I remember back in the day, that I left school to do an apprenticeship in hairdressing and I simply couldn't stand it! The chemicals literally made me dizzy and the skin on my hands began to peel. I love what youare doing with Bewitched Hair Tabitha. Thank you! Here's to a hair raising planetary vibration.....

I created Bewitched Hair because it's so obvious to me just how much chemicals and fumes can effect our vibration. I use only natural and organic hair colours. They are free from harsh bleach, chemicals and fumes. I use natural Clay lighteners as well. If you are after waxing or beauty, I ensure that your exposure to chemicals is minimized in the process. I aim to increase the physical and spiritual health for peace and harmony on this amazing earth in which we live upon. So come in, relax and in every sense of the word, keep an open mind to how your hair feels and effects your energy.

I Am Fabulous Clinic Shop 11/354 Mons Rd, Forest Glen 4556 0419260313

INTRODUCING .... Nina Van Der Plas LOVES that she gets to share what she does with so many amazing people "The creativity, flare, colour and of course joy that comes from expressing yourself in an un-inhibited way is just so liberating. It simply makes your soul sing." Free Spirit Dance and Music is an open-minded business because of its inclusivity, anyone can do it and everyone is welcome. Although they primarily teach women to dance and share that with many who come and watch them perform, they have also run workshops that do include men. It is an absolute burst of joy to be in their classes.

The love and support we provide our students encourages them to go beyond who they think they are and what they think they can achieve. As a result everyone who attends our classes walk away feeling empowered. WHY THE FREE SPIRIT EXPERIENCE? Join us in an adventure of the heart! Meet and connect with new people; nourish and strengthen your body to a new a level of health, fitness and vitality; have great fun! What we offer here at Free Spirit is unique, there is nothing else quite like it. Students are respectful, encouraging, kind and loving to one another, teachers care and are passionate about the wellbeing, as well as skill development, of their students. There is an essence of co-operation rather than competition. By coming to our classes, you will find and grow the confidence to be who you are, to move and dance to your unique flavour embracing the unique qualities that you bring, and be able to shine so bright that everyone celebrates with you! Invite the joy into your life on a weekly basis and see what incredible things will unfold in your life!!! WHAT IS OUR MESSAGE? Our intention is to bring a healthy, conscious approach to dance and music. We achieve this through teaching our students to honour themselves and their body and to show the same respect to all others. This is done in a variety of ways, however, encouragement is the main key. We teach acceptance and celebration of your body and the way your body feels when you dance, so that when you express yourself, artistically or not, you are FREE!!! We liberate dance from "sexualisation" and bring it back to art and expression. We stand for change for the way in which people relate to dance and music for men, women, boys and girls. Free Spirit Dance and Music 0423 333 280 Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 29


Move With Me Many years ago I was introduced to the value of movement and how it is connected to

"Movement and learning go


together - you cannot learn

brain development. Since then I

have studied Brain Gym, attended many inservices and training days and read as much literature as humanly possible.

without movement"

It enhanced

When many movement opportunities are

my passion of working with children my love

provided to children, this leads to a well

of music and dance and thus Move With Me

organised nervous system. This equates to

was born.


Move With Me is a simple and fun perceptual

When children have limited opportunities to

movement program for children aged 0-8

move, this can lead to a disorganised nervous

years and facilitated by me‌.an Early

system resulting in DIFFICULTY IN

Childhood teacher.


30 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

Move With Me aims to increase children's

left and right side of the brain to create

physical, personal, emotional, and academic

pathways for future learning.

development through physical movements which incorporates the use of the left and right sides of the brain.

There are many

reports which show that there is a significant decrease in exercise and movement amongst children due to the busy lifestyles of western culture and the increase in technology and sedentary leisure. Children experience activities for balance, position and body awareness, coordination and the ability to cross the mid line plus many, many more….!!!! These activities are designed to integrate the

All important movement to develop the BRAIN WOW can you imagine our children operating from an integrated and OPEN-MINDED brain…???? This program also enhances the child's concentration, builds their self esteem and confidence…..laying a solid foundation to build upon for their schooling years. Children need to have as many tools in their tool box as possible. It would make my heart sing to send them out into the education system with

Bridget Summerell

Move With Me­‐

confidence, a feeling of self worth, an OPENMIND and a Can Do attitude. We balance, hop, jump, roll, crawl and do things that we didn’t even know that our body could do!!!!

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 31

The Principle Project: Open-mindednesss

of alternate health, wellness and living in general. It's in the media in all forms. It's in cafes and health food shops, retreats, it's everywhere. I hope people continue to awaken and keep up the open-­‐mindedness, there is still so much more out there. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it b e ? 1 0 0 % R A I N B O W I k n o w t h a t ' s n o t a ‘colour’ specifically but that's what it is. It's all colours. Colourful, fun, happy, excitement! 5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Coconut Bliss Balls :D

The principle project aims to find magical ways to raise the vibration of the planet. Asking these 12 questions on each of our 12 principles is a great start. The way we share this wisdom will evolve and grow. Do I see movies in the making? Hmmm.....This month we are speaking to the lovely Melanie Macer from Healing, Happiness and Rainbows on her views on open-­‐mindedness. I particularly like number 7. If you want to be involved please email 1. Why is this principle important in your life? Being Open-­‐minded is something I am grateful to have been brought up with thanks to my amazing parents. With out being open-­‐minded I believe you miss out on life. There is SO much out there to learn, explore, experience and embrace into our lives as humans on this Earth in this Dimension as we know it. An open mind leads to infinite knowledge and experience. Its a MUST. 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? Becoming who I am today and discovering my life path as a Lightworker. With out being open-­‐minded I would have never been open to ‘the what else is out there’. I have to say also, another great experience with being open-­‐minded is connecting to other people, yes the others who are open-­‐ minded. You can have some amazing conversations with them. Also, when you have that moment with someone ‘not as open-­‐minded’ as you and you see a light turn on in them, the beginning of their awakening. Thats Life changing, for them. 3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? For me, it's a feeling of excitement and joy. It's wonderful to see just how many people are becoming more and more open-­‐minded these days. It's incredible. Everyone can see it even those who are not open-­‐minded. It's a new age wave

32 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? The smell of Nature deep into the forest 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? It would be the songs of the plants, flowers and trees. I'd like to particularity select sunflowers. I learnt down at the Crystal Castle that plants can sing and when connected to some special radio vibrational receiving box, it converts the plants vibration into sounds, therefore turning the plant's vibrations into music. It's truly amazing! And I think because Sunflowers are the happiest of flowers always smiling up at the sun I think they would make beautiful music! 8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? Small like a little pine cone shape as our pineal glad is described. 9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? A Seahorse 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? All of the Angels 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? I believe the more open-­‐minded you are, the more you open your self up to the Devine possibilities and further awakening, the more you awaken the higher frequency you will vibrate at. 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? YES! And Its Already Happening! :D


Youth Stuff Merrin Bowden gives an openminded voice to the younger generation through the magic of madala making.

M y nam e is Mer r i n My name Iis Merrin Bowden, I am Bowden, am a 16 year old girl who a h16 as year old girl who has suffered from suffered from anxiety and depression anxiety and depression for the most of for the most of my life. This is my story my life. is my story of how I have of how This I have overcome my struggles overcome m y s truggles f rom t he p ast. from the past. Last Last year, year, I I suffered from the worst depression depression and and anxiety. anxiety. It was like a never ended roller never ended roller coaster of constant pain. pain; The the only thing I thought of doing was sending was sending the the pain somewhere else, whether that whether that was was cutting my arms or legs on a daily basis. I felt so alone on a legs on a daily basis. I felt so alone on a planet f ull o f p eople. planet full of people. People kept telling me to stop the anxiety, stop the People kept but telling to on "stop depression there me is no and the off anxiety", "stop the depression", but switch for this. Every day I woke up there is no on and off switch for this. with a constant reminder that someone People always ay, school, "hope ywork ou’re or okay r I will judge me sat at othe know how you feel" but in all honesty; shops because I thought I wasn’t good I’m sorry but they don’t. enough to be seen by others because of my weight or what I looked like. I use to Every day early I woke up school with a because constant go home from I reminder that someone will judge me at would walk into a classroom full of school, work or at the shops. I thought I strangers who judged me the moment I wasn’t good enough to be seen by others entered. I use to focus on what others because weight or what I looked thought of of my me, I forgot to care for like. I used to go home early from school myself. People always say ‘hope you’re because would how walk you into a classroom okay or I know feel’ but in all full of strangers who I felt were judging honesty; I’m sorry but you don’t. I went me t he m oment I e ntered. on a journey by myself facing struggles that prevented me from moving on. My I room was like my cave and every time I used to focus on what others thought of me, I forgot to care for myself. I went on had a shower I would scream and cry a because lonely journey to fthe ace only the struggles that that was place where were preventing me from moving on. My my family couldn’t hear my constant room was W like my cave our and every suffering. e’re living lives but time what I had a shower I would scream and are we actually living for? The pain? Tcry he because that the only place it where suffering? Or was for love? Whatever is we my family couldn’t the hear constant make it through day my hitting the suffering. I thought that if I pushed my checkpoint. No one can change what’s friends and family away, life would up in our heads except for our selves. become much easier for pain me. It took No one so understands what we go me forever to realise the damage that through because they can’t read our I in@licted on others while hurting myself minds. The worst thoughts popped into mentally. I learnt how to mask my face, I my head every know and again; ‘if I use to say I was @ine but in all honesty I can’t except myself—who can?” I was crying, l"earnt Someone help e." I eventually how ptlease o mask my mface, use to say I was @ine but in all honesty I I was never appreciated good things crying ‘someone the please help me.” in I life b ecause I w as t oo f ocused o n t he bad. found out last year I had pyrole My head was louded like condition a whole bunch disorder, a clong life that of scribbles drawn onto a piece of paper,

ampli@ies my emotions, my depression, anxiety m anger and stress. I never appreciated the good things in life because I was too focused on the "We’re but like what are we bad. My living head our was lives clouded a whole actually living for? The pain? bunch of scribbles drawn onto a piece The of suffering? Or for love? Whatever it is we paper. I always thought that if I push my make it and through the day life hitting the friends family away would checkpoint." T he w orst t houghts p opped become so much easier for me. It took into forever my head again; "If I I me to every realize now the and damage that can’t except myself—who can?” No one in@licted on others while hurting myself can change what’s up in our heads mentally. I eventually realized that I do e x c e p t f o r o u r s e l v e s . N o o n e have friends and I do have a family who understands what pain we go through cares for me so much. We’re all unique because t hey c an’t r ead o ur m inds. in our own way. It was only recently that someone told me to draw out my I found I out year dark I had pyrole feelings. use last to draw clouds or disorder, a condition that ampli@ies my paint grey all over a page. But I then emotions, my depression, anxiety realized my passion for mandalas. m I anger and focused on stress. drawing my mandalas on a constant basis. I would draw my I eventually realized that each I do line have emotions onto the page; friends and I do have a family who cares represents the pain and struggle I have for me so much. We’re all unique in our been through. I draw until my emotions own been way. wiped It was only recently that have out. When I draw my someone told me to draw out my mandalas it’s like my meditation time, feelings. it’s where I can be at peace and only concentrate on the beautiful life that I I used to draw dark clouds or paint grey am giving onto the piece of paper in all over realized my front of ma e. page. I love But how I cthen omplicated they passion for mandalas. I focused look but how easy they can be if I set mon y drawing my mandalas on a constant mind to it. I have been clean from cuts basis. I would draw my emotions onto for several months and yes it has taken the time page; but each the pain its it line was represents so worth it. After and struggle I have been through. I draw creating my mandalas I wipe my until my emotions have been wiped out. feelings from them with the help of arc After creating mandalas my angel Raphael my and replace I wipe it with feelings from them with the help of Arch happier light emotions. There is always Angel Raphael it kwith a light at the end oand f the treplace unnel. Just eep happier l ight e motions. travelling down that tunnel because I know that one day you will face that When I draw beautiful light. my mandalas it’s like my meditation time, it’s where I can be at peace and only concentrate on the beautiful life that I am giving onto the piece of paper in front of me. I love how complicated they look but how easy they can be if I set my mind to it. I have been clean from 'cuts' for several months and yes, it has taken its time, but it was so worth it. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Just keep travelling down that tunnel because I know that one day you will face that beautiful light. -­‐ Merrin Bowden

Lightworker LightworkerAdvocate Advocate| |November November2015 2015| | 33 5

Smelly Stuff

with Kirstyn Marriott

Open-mindedness is the Key to a stress free life Our mind works much like a parachute, if it is not open life can become very difficult and stressful. To me, open-mindedness creates great opportunity because we are looking at the world around us with more of a solution focus than a judgment focus. This is also key in business when we have a closed mind and 'our way is the only way'. We may miss so many opportunities. We may also burn out and become overwhelmed. Our passion for what we do dulls, and stress, anxiety and overwhelm reign. This makes our life more of a struggle than one of ease and flow. Stress is the basic cause of more than 60% of all human illness and disease. “Stress is the trash of modern day life, we all generated but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” - Terri Guillemets. When we operate with a closed mind this raises our stress levels, we are disconnected from our heart space, and we work more from our headspace becoming more analytical and judgemental. When we are operating with an open mind and connected to our heart space, we are more in flow and adaptable to what life throws at us. As we take on the belief that life happens for us, and not to us, we can cope with much more and not blame others for our circumstances. “The power behind taking responsibility for your actions lie in putting an end to negative thought patterns. You no longer want to dwell on what went wrong or focus on whom you are going to blame. You don't waste time building roadblocks to your success. Instead, you are set free and can now focus on succeeding.” - Lorii Myers

With an open mind one finds it easier to engage positive emotions. We can see in our physiology the impact that negative emotions have on our heart rhythm compared to that of positive emotions. When our emotional state is that of frustration and anger, our heart rates is rapid and jagged. When our emotional state is more of a calm nature, like appreciation and joy, our heart rate becomes more smooth and calm. There are nonphysical issues that control the physiology of your body. They are memories, belief, actions, and thoughts. These kick the bodies stress response into action when it should not be kicked in. Over time it causes almost all illness and disease that we know of. It shuts off our souls, causes the immune system to be turned off, and we end up with every kind of health problem we can imagine. Both physical problems and nonphysical problems all originate from heart issues, or cellular memories. These create destructive energy frequencies that send our body into a stress response when it should not. When you decide to deal with stress caused by your heart issues and cellular memories you will have the ability to do all things you have dreamed of fulfilling such as positive relationships, career, peak performance, preventative health, healing a health problem, and relationships with your family members. Anything in your life can be greatly enhanced with an understanding of the importance of healing the source of all your problems, which are often painful cellular memories of your heart that contain false beliefs. With an open mind one can truly find the answers that they are searching for. Just like the parachute, for a comfortable landing it needs to be open, so to for healing and a stress free life our mind needs to be open. To support you through this process the following essential oils can be of great assistance Wild Orange – The Oil of Abundance, Massage Blend – The Oil of Relaxation, Clary Sage- The Oil of Clarity & Vision. My supplier of choice is dōTERRA CTPG essential oils. Every batch of oils undergoes stringent third-party testing to ensure its safety, efficiency, and purity. If you would like to know more simply fill in your details and I will get back to you


with Karen Banks

Cauliflower and Sausage Risotto In keeping with an open mind, Karen is introducing us to the concept of replacing rice with cauliflower to make an interesting risotto. For all you vegan's you can add your tofu or other vegan friendly alternatives. Smells divine....

Ingredients: 1 cauli:lower, cut into rough :lorets 2 – 3 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 brown onion, :inely diced 2 garlics cloves, peeled and :inely chopped 300g of organic turkey sausages or sausages of your choice

Method: Place sausages into a non-­‐stick pan and cook on medium heat, once cooked slice into bite size pieces. While sausages are cooking, place cauli:lower into food processor and process until it resembles rice. Set aside. Melt coconut oil in wok or deep frying pan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring regularly, for 3 -­‐ 4 minutes or until transparent. Reduce heat to low. Add the cauli:lower and cook for 2 – 3 minutes or until desired texture is reached. The longer you cook it the softer it will be become. Add tin tomatoes (add a little water at this point if the mixture is too dry). Add peas and cook 3-­‐ 4 minutes or until peas are cooked. Add cooked sausages and gently stir through cauli:lower mixture, season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with fresh herbs, quartered tomatoes and serve.

1 x 400g tin tomatoes 1 cup of peas ½ a cup of chopped parsley ½ a cup of chopped mint 2 – 3 tomatoes quartered Salt and Pepper

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 35


ff u t S rt y

Lightfilled Painting - Eggolution When I was still in high school and studying art, I had a fascination with Salvador Dali. His outside of the box thinking was so mind expansive. It wasn't until I was in my mid-forties that I picked up the paintbrush again and commenced to paint. This particular painting was one of the first to be born. It reminded me so much of the works of Dali combined with my love of the Glasshouse Mountain

sunsets here in my own backyard on the Sunshine Coast. This particular painting is called "Eggolution" and speaks to the ways in which we all blossom and grow amidst uncertainty, lack of resources and the impending dark night of the soul. This rose will still be there in the morning to greet the morning sun. By Tony Dowd

High Vibrational Air Waves

with Prem

Trusting the Flow of the Divine My journey into trusting and ultimately allowing the Grace of the Divine to flow in my life began when I chose to ignore the self critic living inside my head; my mind. This trickster wanted me to believe that I wasn’t good enough to sing, did not deserve to live my dreams, was nothing, was nobody. Ye t w h e n I made that s i m p l e decision, to trust what was wanting to flow through my voice, my life changed f o r e v e r . Initially I just sang the sounds sitting in my heart, no words could convey the feelings that were wanting to be expressed from my being. The more I trusted the process of just allowing the songs that wanted to flow from my heart the more visions I began to experience. I began to see visions of the Divine Mother and I would be knelt at her feet whilst I sang. She would

open her arms and blessings would pour forth from her being upon the people that stood in front of me. It was then I realised that my body temple was simply a vessel for God,

the Great Spirit that dwells in everything, to express infinite divine love. I found that people would spontaneously cry whilst I was singing and talk of deep inner healing’s that were taking place. I knew this was the work of the Divine. If my ego ever I tried to claim this work as my own, inevitably I would sing out of key or my voice would crack. This

would remind me to ask Spirit to help my ego step out of the way so that the Divine Consciousness could do the work that was needed in that time. The flow of Grace in my life has just continued to deepen and grow. I have dedicated my life’s work to singing the healing song of the Divine into people's hearts and lives. The key for me has been in recognising the incredible gift that I have received and never taking that for granted. Each day I pray to be a clear and focused channel for Divine love. I call on the Saints and sentient beings that are present in my life to sing through me and remind the listener that they are a Divine being of light, truth & love. May we all remember, may we all awaken. Blessings & Love from Prem: Sacred Earth Music Australia

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 37

Ethical Digest

Open-­‐mindedness is essen+al for all who wish to evolve or move forward with any part of their lives.

painted our world on all levels with so much colour that we can never close that door again. Not that we would want to.

For us personally being open to what the Universe had in store for us led us on 12 different journeys to 11 of the most ancient tribes on the planet, to the spirit keeper of the tribes and to many remote des+na+ons that many people will never see or experience in their life+mes.

The Universe, your higher self and all your guides can only work with you if your mind is open. Once you open that door your life takes on a whole new meaning, new paths, new friendships and your heart expands to open to all there is.

It became our whole lives! Work, play, rela+onships, health and so much more. And it s+ll is. In effect, it changed our lives because we were open to the experience and open to facing our fears and having our beliefs of what was possible altered beyond our imagina+ons. Out of that has come 3 books “Set By The Ancient” Books 1, 2 and 3 and 8 Self-­‐ help CDs based on the ancient wisdom we gathered on our journeys. We added into the mix our 30 plus years of clinical work as healers and being in a rela+onship. We had to be open minded with each other and what came to us in visions, intui+on and guidance from other realms as well as this one. It didn’t make logical sense and some thoughts us crazy but we kept our minds and hearts open, trusted that our guides and the ancient ones of the planet were leading us somewhere and thank goodness we did because the rest as they say “ is history.” We were led on the most amazing adventure over 8 years that opened our minds even further. It

38 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

You are constantly guided and prompted in certain direc+ons every day. These ideas don’t come to you for no reason. The difference in your life will be when you are open to follow through on some of those ideas. When you think of something write it down and be open to researching and working with that idea. When you step out you give those around you permission to do the same. Always remember that it is never too late to be the person you may have been and to follow your heart and live your dreams. Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk Ancient Wisdom Mentors. ANCIENT AND MODERN TOOLS FOR CHANGE Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk: Ancient Wisdom Mentors and Natural Therapist; Hypnotherapy and Acupuncture.

Out And About..... Adventures with Soul TV


Rozina's Inspiration Nation store at our Soul Fridays events - stunning gifts and products for Spirit and Soul Growth.

Psychic Julianna Suranyi commencing Soul Friday with a blessing and channelled message for everyone attending.

Great turn outs. Soul Friday community is growing stronger every week.

YOUR SOUL 40 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

Guilty! Yes, that's me hamming it up for the camera on Platform.

THE LORD MAYOR'S CHARITABLE TRUST Thanks Nathalie Ford for holding this great fundraiser for the Lord Mayor's Charitable Trust at the Riverview Hotel in Brisbane on 22 October 2015. Our Soul TV crew were so happy to support and take part in platform readings for the guests. Raising $8,155 for underprivileged children this Christmas. Here I am joined by (back row from left) Jenny Smith, Anne Aleckson, Kirstyn Marriott, Nicole Fisher, Julianna Suranyi, Les PIckup (front row from left (Leanne Barefoot Medium Jo Robertson, Phoebe Hoogendyk and Antonella Jakobsen.

Heart of GOLD International Film Festival What an amazing line up of heart growing short films I experienced at the Heart of Gold International Film Festival in Gympie. I even managed to score a photo with the amazing Mandy Lake. Mandy and her lovely partner Margie Brown both held the honour of being the festival's Artistic Directors. Their business Flickchicks, which aims to crack open minds to a different point of view, has obviously been great for their resume.

Domestic Violence Forum

Fantastic news that there was a Forum to assist real change in Domestic Violence. Our very own Soul TV Expert Jane SleightLeach from The Life 2 Project so passionately supports DV causes through her work and vision. This month she attended the Domestic Violence Forum at Griffith University. The subject - "Survivors, perpetrators and how to make change." It was hosted by Steve Austin and recorded live, by ABC Radio Brisbane. If you want to take a listen to mind expanding views on the subject pop over to ABC website http://

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 41

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