Issue 3: Dec/Jan 2015-16

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What's your intention worth?


Julianna Suranyi & Nicole Fisher

EVOLVING SOUL TV Mediumship: Willingness & Grief

What is Sexual Potency? Issue 3 Dec/Jan 2015-16

Editor Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Enquiries/Advertising: Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker Cover Photo Julianna Suranyi & Nicole Fisher

rs! e k r o w t h g i ay L d y r e v E y e H I am so willing to continue to raise the vibration of this planet in whatever way I can. I am so glad that we now have a magazine that focuses purely on that. I am not reliant on advertising, or any financial means to support this magazine. I am so glad I proceeded to put this project into electronic print and didn't hold off. I have the time and I have the ability and this is MY CHOICE to forge a new way of living in the light. Thank you for those who have supported this magazine with their amazing honesty and authenticity and willingness to speak out about topical issues and pave the way for the pioneering Spirit that this magazine is creating on the leading edge of thought. We have some wonderful stories on willingness. Our Cover Story on 'Evolving Soul TV' shows us that we need to be willing to back ourselves and our integrity to do the everyday steps required to fulfil the BIG dreams. We have regular and new contributors monthly and this will build and continue over the coming year. Please contribute!

however Spirit has showed me that for rotation of the 12 principles and time off for other projects, the Lightworker Advocate will have a break in the first month of each year. Therefore our first issue for 2016 will be in February. In line with the dedication I have to promoting the principles on TV, film, radio and publishing, I am calling out for any articles for 2016 to be sent to me in advance on any of the 12 principles. That way, I can prepare each magazine ahead of time, when I am graced the space to do so. February - Forgiveness March - Unity April - Discipline May - Faith June - Responsibility July - Love August - Wholeness September - Joy October - Peace November - Honesty December - Open-mindedness Lots of love and blessings for a wonderful 2015 Christmas a magical beginning to 2016. Blessings of abundance to you all!

It wasn't expected or planned,

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Contents Cover Story 4-­‐5 Evolving Soul TV by Michelle Lightworker

24 The Principle Project Willingness with Nicole Taryn

Willingness wisdom 6-­‐7 The Willingness to Change by Jade Renee Banks 8 What's Your Willingness Worth? by Fiona Brown 10 Willingess to Face the Shadow by Candy Bowden 11 Mediumship: Willingness & Grief by Leanne The Barefoot Medium 13 Sexual Potency -­‐ What is that? by Pauline Ryeland 15 Willingness -­‐ How does it effect your Business? by Diana Crosby 16 Are you Willing? by Sue Pluck 17 Willingness and Self Discovery by Christin Ewald 19 Willngness & Energetic Mastery by Michelle Lightworker 20 Willingness by Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk 21 Willingess to Dream Big by Diane Goodchild

26-27 Youth Stuff Daunting Decisions by Ben Smith From Worry to Willingness by Mia Latcham

22 Ethical Businesses

27-28 Yummy & Smelly Edible Stuff Raw Carrot Soup by Tabitha Schutz Raw Chocs by Tabitha Schutz 30 Arty Stuff The Magic of Mandalas by Phyllis Araneo 32 High Vibrational Airwaves A Willing Celestial Musician by Lou Van Stone 34 Ethical Digest Dying Wishes by Sharon Tregoning "Farewell with Grace -­‐ for Loved Ones" 35 Out and About Conscious Life Festival


Evolving Soul TV

- Michelle Lighworker

Julianna Suranyi and Nicole Fisher. Two names that will go down in history and be heralded as pioneers of revolutionising the way we view personal growth and spirituality.

After 5 years of working together in the psychic, corporate and branding arenas, their dream of creating an online holistic educational TV network became a reality. Julianna had been an intuitive forensic profiler for many years and Nicole’s brand/ marketing background and intuitive communication skills cemented the team. This dynamic duo initially birthed Soul Academy. The story doesn't end there. Over the next 18 months the style, studio, experts and structure of the show crystalised and evolved into what is now Soul TV. Nowhere else is there a platform where Soul and Spirit Experts come together to solve problems with a ‘how to’ approach. All issues are addressed with strategies and tips that viewers can apply in their everyday lives. Experts in the arenas of: mediumship, corporate training, sexual intimacy, men’s issues, domestic violence, divorce, martial arts, personal training, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, holistic health, healing, lightworking, mind transformation, life coaching, ancient wisdom, medical intuition, counseling and enlightenment all grace the screen. Since February this year, Soul TV has produced over 300 episodes, which are available 24/7 to download with new shows provided daily for subscribers. Soul TV are now on the radar of major networks. It hasn't come without persistence, grittiness, the ability to say no and the ability to handle the pressure that comes with fine-tuning a well oiled expert team, or as Julianna affectionately calls it, her 'pack'. There have been financial pressures, but the goal is set. Global world domination to encourage soul growth! This is a reality that Julianna, Nicole and her team are committed to and choose to co-create together. I have been blessed enough to work with Soul TV since June this year and can attest to

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their commitment, solidarity, ethical foundations and loyalty to their team. They are here walking their talk to stand in the light of truth, to inspire from a place of transparency and to stand united with a common vision that all deserve access to the priceless information that their team of experts has to offer. I asked them both to share some insight as to how their will has evolved alongside Soul TV. How has the role of intention evolved Soul TV?

Julianna: It has evolved as both Nicole and I are evolving. As Nicole and I shape how and what we want from Soul TV so we give it the scope to grow. Intention to me is direction. Once I set the direction of what is needed we back it with action. Nicole: It has actually been reinforced as it has evolved because the more we have gained in adding great Spirit and Soul experts to our team and increased our reach and subscribers, and the tighter our format has become in order for people to know that they will be given great information about topics to help their soul growth, the intention to maintain high quality and share this as far as possible has intensified. Has your will or resolve been tested at any time? Julianna: My patience has been tested. I am restless by nature with people who are inactive, self indulgent or not genuine and this process has at times been frustrating as people have shown themselves to be less than honest yet wanting all they can get without being collaborative to achieve it. Nicole: Absolutely. There have been times when we have gone through major changes with experts, testing and changing the format and been under huge stress from it financially, as it has been a huge investment for Julianna and I that is a long term return. However, we know the power of what we are creating – not just its intent but its actuality as well – and for me, that is the power behind the resolution to create something that has not been done before.

What are you passionate about outside of your roles as producers/director of Soul TV? Julianna: Reading. I love to read. I love soccer and I love my charity rescue work with animals. Nicole: I am passionate about my family and friends, I love learning and will watch all sorts of shows on TV as well as read such an eclectic range of books from historical facts and fiction to sci-fi fantasy to soul growth and behavioural works. How can you tell the difference between your will and the will of the universe? Julianna: With my Will I find I debate how to 'achieve' what I need to do but with the Universe 'will' I just think it and doors open. It is seamless and in flow when it is the Universes will. Nicole: When the two are alignment, the steps and results flow. When I am trying to create something that keeps hitting obstacles, it is necessary to assess and review and create another strategy. Where do you see Soul TV in 5 years? 10 years? Julianna: I see Soul TV as a stand alone Network that will have multiple shows showcasing extraordinary conscious talent. Nicole: As an international source of information for soul growth that remains accessible for everyone, extended to learning centres in key parts of the world where people can connect in person as well as online to learn about themselves and their passions related to spirit and soul.

How important is it for people to take action on their intentions? Julianna: If you do not take action to me you cannot direct the flow of the universe. To simply just 'desire' something without strategy and direction will not get that for you. To have sustainable rests in life you need to add strategy and action to get the desire to come to life. Nicole: Without action intentions remain dreams. You can intend to do many things, but without action, timelines, drive and discipline – intentions are intangible. Dr Phil always says that ‘Someday is not a day of the week’ and intentions are an important element in achievement, but they are not the sum total of it – they have to be married with action to become tangible. How important is a 'mutually aligned will' necessary for the co manifestation processs? Julianna: Critical. Whenever you are in a relationship of any kind. You both need to know what is important to the individual to achieve and feel and how you then work together to achieve this as a major part of the overall vision. Nicole: To me, it is the difference between many petals working together to make a beautiful flower bloom and petals working individually and in different directions to slow down the process and create an unknown result. We are very clear when we speak to potential experts and our guests on the intentions and expectations of each show, of the channel, of our operations and of our vision and it is transparency that allows for mutually aligned will to be identified and then harnessed.

Subscribe to Soul TV

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 5

The WILLINGNESS TO with Jade Renee Banks

With Trust comes Willingness. Willingness to show up to what Jade you are Renee being called to do, with Banks and trusting that you will be fully supported in that moment. Trusting that YOU DO have what it takes. That YOU ARE what is needed. That everything is in perfect and divine order and all you need do is choose to participate. Your willingness is a trust in the higher order of things, the bigger picture, the lesson or the growth point. It is the faith to let go and step into the void. With the shifts in consciousness we are experiencing, willingness plays a big role in our evolution and reminds me of a saying I heard recently – “let go or be dragged.” You can either come willingly or kicking and screaming, either way you are coming along for the ride. You can go with the Hlow of life, or you can Hight against change, needing to understand and rationalise every little step. Needing to measure and weigh everything in your mind. Or, you can feel the Hlow of the river of Life, and allow yourself to be carried in the stream. The liquid crystal Zircon is the perfect frequency for the principle of Willingness. It is the stone of “Life Changes” and helps us to move through fears and attachments to our current way of life. It enables a trust in the self that allows forward movement in life and

to embrace that through change we grow. It is also a go-­‐to remedy if you are trapped in the past and Hinding it difHicult to support yourself i n y o u r n e w l i f e c h o i c e s . ( There will always be parts of us that will need a little coaxing, and other parts that will need reigning in, and that’s okay. It’s all part of the process. We are learning to feel our way through life, rather than think our way through life. Some days we can be Hlowing with ease and grace, whilst other days we can feel like everything is an effort, blindly forcing our will. Then we start to recognise the difference, we let go a little and trust when something is in Hlow and when it is not. We choose to stay in the Hlow, follow the energy and let our Heart lead the way. We keep moving, one foot in front of the other, never stopping or stagnating for too long. Just slowing or quickening our pace, based on what our body is communicating to us. We stay when we feel like we want to run away, and we take a courageous step when we feel like we want to hide. Willingness is a balancing act of intuitive communication, bringing our highest guidance down through our heart and our feeling centre. Feeling our way through the wilderness with our higher instincts. Trusting in the unknown and coming home to ourselves within. Grounding our spiritual selves into our physical selves and stepping forward on the path of our enlightenment. Embracing all that we are today, yesterday and tomorrow in a single moment. Knowing ourselves as part of the greater whole, and then stepping back out into the world to shine our unique spark of light for all to see.

Jade Renee Banks CertiHied Master Lightworker Practitioner CertiHied Lightworker Practitioner Facilitator Liquid Crystals Advanced Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner images c/-| 6 | Dec/Jan 2015-16 Lightworker Advocate

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 13


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What's your Willingness Worth?

with Fiona Brown

When I feel into the Principle of Willingness my body loses its resistance, edges, 8ghtness, tension and I begin to feel open, flexible, in mo8on and available to any possibility. The picture that comes to me from spirit is one of a seed under the earth being warmed and fed. It then swells with water and makes a choice to burst forth with energy. It reaches for the place in the earth that parts, as it seeks the warmth of the sun and the freshness of the air. I can intui8vely feel the mo8va8on of the seed is to open and forge ahead with no concern about any barriers, it seeks the warmth of the sun/light and directs its energy in a certain way leading to growth. There is a willingness to experience the environment, to open, to intend to grow and intend to move towards or reach for its highest poten8al. Are we like the seed? We too have inten8on to be in the light, to nurture ourselves with the resources available to us and to reach our poten8al both seen and unseen. We open to new experiences and prac8ce a new way of living in order to allow our life to unfold through Spirit's guidance. We co-­‐ create with Spirit and others in order to b r i n g n e w b e g i n n i n g s , i d e a s a n d opportuni8es into manifesta8on. We connect with the planet in a way that provides a solid founda8on for us to anchor our new crea8ons in this world.

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As a mentor, I see that the students are WILLING to be guided, allow me to support them, follow my guidance, constantly explore and move through their issues to find the light more brightly in themselves. They willingly let go of resistance and dive in to crack open their barriers, to transform their energy and to find freedom for their Spirit. Willingness allows me to touch the core of my soul and remember the inten8ons I came to this life with. I feel the innocence, the brightness and the truth of my own light and am awakened from my earthly slumber again. I feel myself expand and experience the Universe, the galaxies and space. Then I return to this planet and feel her-­‐ really feel her. I anchor my energy to her and give thanks for this secure base. I bring my energy into the human essence on this planet and connect and unify with the ALL. I am willing to experience living on the Earth, I am willing to be in the physical, to connect with the I AM, to experience all that I can be and con8nue to be open and fluid in my daily life. I am Knowing, Trus8ng and loving my light, Spirit and my resources to guide me in every moment and I am willing to expand into my full poten8al with ease and grace. I am worth it. We are worth it. Fiona M Brown, Master Lightworker Prac88oner, Soul to Earth Therapies +61438 563 883

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 9

Willingness to Face the When I first met Candy she was literally afraid of the dark. That was over 12 years ago. Since then she has learnt so much about her calling to work with the shadow in overcoming resistance to the light. I asked her a few questions about how she specifically works with shadow in the arena of willingness. What part does willingness play in working with the shadow? For me in the beginning, it was really hard to even think about working with the shadow, I was worried about what I might find there, and the thought of acknowledging the deepest darkest parts of myself, let alone integrating them, filled me with fear. I was more than willing to look at my light parts and acknowledge those. The principle of willingness became vitally important when I began to work with the shadow. In the beginning, the best I could do, was to be willing to be willing, it became my mantra, "I am willing to be willing". This meant that even if I was experiencing resistance to willingness, I could still say to myself that I was willing to be willing, which would help me to move through my resistance and open up to willingness again. I am still using this mantra and I find it helps me in any situation. How do you deal with resistance and the shadow, can you recommend a good process? Working with the shadow has probably been the thing that has brought up the most resistance for me. When I discover a ‘part’ of myself that is less than appealing, there have been times when my resistance has been so big that I have been unable to address it. This is when willingness (or willing to be willing) comes in. When I encounter resistance these days, it usually indicates that there is a part of me (usually my shadow part) that is in fear, and I have learned that underneath fear, is a cry for love. When I can reframe this for myself, then I become willing to look at the resistance as an opportunity to bring love to that dark part of myself, heal that part of me, and integrate it, so it is an opportunity for me to move closer to 10 | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | Lightworker Advocate

with Candy Bowden

Shadow wholeness. So when I come up against resistance, I really have to check in with myself to see what is at play. To do this, I do a clearing meditation, and then check in with my body to see what part is resisting, I take that part to my sacred space and do a shadow integration meditation with that part of myself. Checking in to see what it is, what it needs, what it's gift is, and integrating that part. I also check in to see if there are any shields or blocks (of the armour kind) or whether there are any chords attached to that part. If I see any of them, I call in Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Raphael and Arch Angel Gabrielle. Gabrielle to open the womb of transformation and provide a light portal for what is cut away, Michael to cut away the shield, block, armour or chord and Raphael to provide healing as soon as the obstruction has been removed/cleared. Once I have done all of this, I check in again to see if my resistance has lifted, moved or changed, and repeat the process if necessary. I always make sure that I have resourced myself and that my part in resistance feels fully resourced. Usually once I have done this, the resistance has cleared, or eased up enough to allow me to continue. Sometimes this is for our own learning, and sometimes this can be for the learning of others, depending on our Soul contracts. How does resistance stop us from being in the flow? When I am in resistance, I am closed off from willingness, which means that I have stepped out of the flow. The great thing is that the flow never stops, and being out of it is only an illusion. As soon as we become aware of this, and address our resistance, we are back in the flow again.

Candy Bowden Certified Lightworker Practitioner Head of Student Services Lightworker Reflections Pty Ltd

Smelly Stuff

Mediumship: Willingess & Grief with Leanne, The Barefoot Medium

At some point in your life, each of you will experience someone very dear to you passing from this physical world to Spirit. When you encounter a great loss such as the death of a loved one, intense emo8ons of sadness, anger, numbness and grief are very common. Even though you may have a knowing that death is not the final des8na8on and that the soul con8nues aXer you leave this world, you may s8ll miss and long to connect with your family member, friend or colleague who has passed, even if it is for just one more moment. I believe that the most significant role that a medium has is to support people through their journey of grief and loss is in a way that allows them the opportunity to connect with their loved one so that they are able to feel their presence, share hearZelt conversa8on, laugh, cry, forgive, gain insight and guidance or to simply come together and feel their love. A mediumship reading can be one of the most profound experiences of healing you can give yourself as it is essen8ally a giX that demonstrates your willingness to experience and move through your grief. While there are many ‘theories’ proposed about how grief works and the stages that most people will go through when experiencing it, in my experience no two people experience the intense emo8ons of grief in the same way. Spirit has taught me that the best way people can help themselves through grief and ensure healthy psychological func8oning in their life is to simply have a willingness to experience whatever emo8on is present in the moment, including the so-­‐called bad feelings, not

judging, simply accep8ng whatever it is that comes up, and allowing it to take as long as it needs to take. By doing this you will be able to respond ac8vely to your feelings of loss, sadness and grief by literally feeling them, rather than swallowing or resis8ng them. In essence, instead of trying to feel be]er, you are giving yourself enough room to breathe and learn, through willingness, how to feel be]er and open yourself up to joy, vitality and peace again. When you encounter the death of a loved one remember to adopt a gentle, loving and kind approach towards yourself, your thoughts, memories, history and rela8onship with your loved one and find a medium who will lovingly hold the space for you to connect with them and support you through your journey of grief. Remember, your loved ones are with you, sharing their love and encouraging you to live your life filled with love, joy and happiness.

Leanne, The Barefoot Medium

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 11

SEXUAL POTENCY WHAT IS THAT? Imagine what it would be like to awaken yourself, to be able to experience sex at a level that is beyond your comprehension. Opening yourself to fully engage with your sexuality so that you can reach the sexual potential that is your birth right as a human being. Would you be willing to do that? When you are doing the same thing over and over it can become boring and your sexual experiences can become limited. Most people tend to put a limit onto how much pleasure they can experience which sounds kind of crazy but is often very true. There are things that run in the background, in the sub-conscious that come from our belief systems that limit us. We don't believe we are worth it, maybe have low self esteem, have shame or guilt running and so we limit what we can experience. Sex has become an action, something that we do and is often very outcome driven. When it's outcome driven we are functioning from our head, our mind is in control and dictating what we should or shouldn't be doing. Sex is an energy that you surrender to, that you open to and allow. So we need to learn how to get into the body more and get out of our head. When you learn to be in your body the possibilities are endless!

When we bring breath in, it helps us to connect to our bodies quickly. People tend to breathe very shallowly, when you take deep breaths, it connects you to yourself, gets you into your body and out of your head. So by bringing in some quick fast breaths as you are pleasuring yourself, it activates your sympathetic nervous system. When that happens, your heart beats faster, your pupils dilate, your internal anal and urethral sphincters constrict and the blood gets pumped to the muscles and organs and excitement and arousal increases. However you also need to balance that with long deep, slow breaths, relaxed breaths by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. When you bring the slower breath in it calms your body and relaxes it. So your pupils constrict, the blood moves to the core of the body, and your internal anal & urethral sphincters relax. At one end of the scale you have excitement and at the other end is joy and bliss. The bits in between is the pleasure and often we miss out on the pleasure because we are too busy chasing the excitement. When you bring the breath into it you can move between each end of the scale and your body will take over and you will find yourself opening up and experiencing more. The breath allows you to surrender to the energy and go with it and the magic happens in those moments. It will feel odd at first, like anything new, but if you want to experience more in your orgasm, more in your pleasure, more in your sexual experience, then it's worth giving it a go. Would you be willing to give it a try?

Would you be willing to do that? Using breath is the quickest way to move your sexual energy. Breath can transform your orgasmic experience and open you to experience more.

Pauline Ryeland Intimacy & Sex Coach & Educator m: 0411 701 594

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16 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

Willingness - how does it affect your Business? with Diana Crosby When I first started thinking about this concept and relating it to having business success my thoughts were, “mmmm, I’m not sure”. I quickly realised that my energies were out of balance and so went directly to my essential oils to bring my balance back and give me the clarity I needed to write about this principal. I believe that your ‘Why’ you are in business is very important here because if you are not 100% sure of your ‘Why’ then willingness could send you off track. You could find yourself too wilful in your ideas and so closed to listening to your clients or you could find yourself too willing, which could steer you off your original course. The key here is to connect to your intuition and totally trust it will keep you on track. This can only happen though if you believe that your intuition is always working for your ‘highest good’. I had an experience several years ago when I developed a health challenge that stopped me from running my business at that time. I had some serious lessons in willingness to ‘accept’, ‘surrender’ and be patient. I eventually mastered the art of willingness in these areas by having faith that the universe was always working for my ‘highest good’. Highest Good doesn’t always mean comfortable. So, getting back to willingness and how you can make it work for you in your business.

‘selling’ your product/service you will definitely turn more people off rather than on. If someone disagrees with you, take a deep breath, smile and say “that’s interesting”, before rushing in to defend yourself. Then ask them about them about their point of view. Listen to what they say and you will probably learn something useful that could turn them into a customer. If you find yourself too willing, then there is a good chance you are trying to get others to like you, no matter what the cost to you. This will come across as a lack of confidence in you which will also deter customers. Remember to stay connected to your passion and belief in yourself. Keep your willingness in balance by:* Trusting your intuition 100% * Developing awesome listening skills * Smile more and take a ‘chill pill’ every now and again. *Remember how awesome YOU are, everyday.

Diana Crosby Certfied Lightworker Practitioner Holistic Business Mentor E: +61410 755 655

If you find yourself too wilful and dogmatic in

18 | November 2015 | Lightworker Advocate

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Are you Willing? with Sue Pluck

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Willingness & Self Discovery

with Christin Ewald

Trusting has always been an issue for me. I have been afraid and scared of myself as well as the rest of the world since I can remember. I never trusted my own voice, w o r d s , t h o u g h t s , i d e a s o r behaviour. Stepping into willingness allows me to trust. It allows me to listen to Spirit and myself. It allows me to feel into who I am and what I want. I finally learn to get to know myself, my truth and the truth about the world. I finally, at the sweet age of 28, get in touch with myself. The one and only thing I was longing for my whole life. The one and only reason I started travelling. I wasn't looking for the right man

to love me, I wasn't looking for a family that would treat me nicer than my own does, I didn't even travel for the pretty countryside. I simply left my country to find myself. Self discovery is the most colourful journey you can take on. Stepping into willingness allows me to trust myself and my inner voice. It helps me to embrace my journey and learn the most about myself. I feel it already. Willingness also allows for more abundance to come into my life. Be it in the form of food, money, wisdom or freetime. If I say yes to willingness I say yes to Spirit and that can only be of benifit for myself and the rest of the world. Christin Ewald Certified Lightworker Practitioner

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 17

Get Michelle Lightworker's latest book!

If you feel the urge to write, draw, paint, dance, sculpt, teach or make movies, you may be in the channel already and not realise it! This book will assist you to unblock writer’s block and get those creative juices >lowing into any projects that you have in mind. Jam-­‐packed with 96 activities to unleash your channelling power, you will be on the road to in>inite creation in no time at all. For those of you who have a well-­‐trodden channelling ability, it will show you how to birth those projects that are calling you and ground your intention. Channelling is the marriage between Spirit and humanity. Calling on 12 high vibrational principles (Spirit) cross sectioned with 8 main Chakras (humanity), it will assist you to evolve your spirit, heal your body, increase your energy and resolve emotional baggage.

Willingness & Energetic Mastery

- Michelle Lightworker

I was guided by Spirit to give you all a quick run down on how the principle of willingness affects our 8 main Chakras. Crown- We are willing to follow through with what we are guided to do. This is where enlightenment meets empowerment. We make wise decisions.

Do you have an important decision to make? The following exercise is an Activity from "The Everyday Lightworker Bible". Take a moment to breathe right down to your Base Chakra.

Third Eye - We are willing to see the consequences of our past, present and future actions. This opens and engages our Third eye.

Feel the energy coming in through the top of your head and right down inot your Base Chakra.

Ears - We choose to listen to our spiritual guidance. We become more open channels of receptivity.

Imgine that your Higher sitting there peacefully. yourself to align enlightenment with empowerment.

Throat - We choose to express our Higher Self. We are also able to contain aspects of our personality that are immoderate. Heart - Our loving choices create healthy connections. We choose heart centred activities. Solar Plexus - We allow higher vibrations to spiritualise our will. We know the value of our intentions. We release our biggest fears around rejection/abusing others so that we reclaim our will. Sacral - We embrace our inner Goddess to supply our will with the nourishment we need for endurance. Base - We make grounded decisions. I have included an activity specifically on this one.

Self is Allow your your

Listen for any guidance regarding this deciion, and then make it. Ask for the details and power to carry out this decision. Affirm to yourself "I make grounded decisions" So enjoy this Christmas and festive period ensuring you are coming from a place of clear intention. Learn to mastery your energy with this powerful principle of willingness. You can read more on each othe the principles and chakras in the Everyday Lightworker Bible. A great gift for yourself and others this Christmas. Love to you all, Michelle Lightworker

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 19


With Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk: Ancient Wisdom Mentors as seen on Soul TV.

We , l i ke e ve r yo n e e l s e k n o w w h at “willingness” means to us personally. Being curious about almost everything in life we decided to look up the actual dic8onary meaning of the word to see if it matched:

absolutely walk our talk and are who we say we are! We are never willing to compromise who we are to make someone else happy or for something to work out. It is just not worth the backlash on all levels seen and unseen.

Willingness: noun, the quality or state of being prepared to do something; readiness.

It is one thing to have desires, inclina8ons and wishes but it is something en8rely different to be willing to apply them or follow them. That requires will…if you have the will (willingness) then you will find a way.

sy n o ny m s : r e a d i n e s s , p r e p a r e d n e s s , disposi:on, inclina:on, will, wish, desire;

Yep! Pre]y much matched what we thought if we had to describe to someone what the word meant. Yet how is willingness applied to everyday life especially ours which is one based on spirituality and working at always being in service to and in balance with the Universe? Just what is it that we are willing to do to be who we are? Firstly we are more than willing to be in service to those who come to us for help but not beyond the point where they are no longer willing to help themselves. We set boundaries in our lives and especially with our work. Although we are willing to expand on those boundaries if it is going to help all concerned, we are not if it means that the only person willing is us. Secondly we are more than ready and do so, to be completely engaged in life and living it as fully as we possibly can. Thirdly we would never ask another person to do something we are not willing to do or have not already done ourselves. In other words we are willing to be real and who we are! We

20 | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | Lightworker Advocate

A wish will always be just that un8l you find the will to bring it into your reality. You will prepare and be ready to go when life’s traffic lights turn green, stop when the lights turn red and pause when the lights are amber for however long it takes to contemplate, heal, gather informa8on, whatever it is you need to do to be ready and willing to go again. Remember to always follow your heart and live your dreams. Blessings, Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk

Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk Ancient Wisdom Mentors and Natural Therapist; Hypnotherapy and Acupuncture.

Willingness to Dream BIG with Diane Goodchild We are told if our dreams are to become a reality we need just manifest them into our lives. We just simply allow it! There are a plethora of sources and techniques to adopt this law of attraction principle and other variations based on cognitive behaviour awareness. That is, to be aware of our thoughts to solve our current problems, and change unhelpful thinking or behaviour. I have seen it in my own life. When I have been willing to listen and learn, and to let the dreams flow big. It promotes a selfknowledge that opens us up to receiving the gift of abundance in many areas of my life. Huge life gifts such as feeling love, finding grace, acting with compassion, seeing with clarity, attracting wealth and living in freedom… it goes on and so it should because these are the treasures that give life meaning. One of the unique and wonderful gifts of the human mind is that we can imagine. We sometimes take our imaginations for granted, but unlike animals, humans can play out scenarios and likely outcomes in our heads. We can almost guarantee the consequences of a certain course of action by pre-acting it with our imaginations. With this amazing skill surely we can imagine the best life for us and go about creating it? If that is the case, and it is that easy,

we should all be living perfect lives. Of course this is not always true. So what is the catch? The reality for most of us is that we don’t wake up one day to a transformed life. We may see big improvements to love and career; proof that what you focus on will grow. And many of us ‘lucky’ ones get to tick off items on the bucket list. But many of us don’t. Recently a friend of mine looked at all the abundance in my life and said “You are just lucky, aren’t you? Yes, you are lucky and you were in the right place at the right time?” I replied without thinking that I don’t really believe in luck. I understand now she was trying to work out why life is not fair. Some people win the life lottery and others miss out and are seemingly caught in a perpetual storm. When I delved into this idea further, I realised that the old adage that says, you create your own luck, is really another way of saying you manifest what you want in your life. The good, the bad, the ugly, you create it. Being willing to see the contrast between your dream and the reality takes honesty and courage. It usually means you have to face a fear and break the pattern of a lack cycle around this issue. Perhaps you feel unworthy and undeserving of happiness as

your parents taught you that life is meant to be hard. Or are you frightened of success and of being in the limelight because of what people will think? Some of us are raised with the idea that money is related to greed and you only get what you work for. In answer to this, tell yourself, "I will allow abundance to flow in my life." Not because I deserve it, or that I worked hard for it. It is mine because it fits my life purpose and there must be big plans for me. Bring it on! It is the willingness to have faith, surrender and in some ways to do less, but feel more, that we find the space to create our big dreams. We may have to be cracked wide open in order to be ready, willing and able to receive it. This willingness to accept, learn and grow into our best selves is a key to manifesting all that we want to attract in our lives. Like the Chinese proverb that says: “Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.” Willingness is the start of the path to all the treasures life has to offer. Diane Goodchild Writer/Blogger

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 21

Ethical Businesses This month in we are gifting all our the businesses who have financially supported our magazine's conception. You get a free advert. So no write ups, just a BIG thank you! Merry Xmas

22 | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | Lightworker Advocate

I Am Fabulous Clinic Shop 11/354 Mons Rd, Forest Glen 4556 0419260313

The Principle Project: Willingness

12 Magical ques8ons to generate willingness in both the reader and the writer. Thanks Nicole Taryn for your wisdom and contribu8on in raising this planet's vibra8on. Get involved and email us your answers to these ques8ons on any of our 12 principles: honesty, open-­‐mindedness, willingness, forgiveness, unity, discipline, faith, responsibility, love, wholeness, joy and peace. we will use them anyway we can to improve the consciousness of the human race and beyond.

1. Why is this principle important in your life? I believe that willingness allows us to put all of the other principles into ac8on. It is an earnest, whole-­‐ hearted desire, and it determines our level of commitment to waking up to greater consciousness. I have a very dis8nct memory, as a 15 year old looking myself in the mirror and promising that young, fresh face looking back at me, that I would always strive to be the best human being I could be. I didn’t know it at the 8me, but the giX I was giving myself was the willingness to change and grow. During the 8mes in my life that I have experienced great struggle, It has always been that promise and whole-­‐hearted desire to grow that gave me the tenacity to ride the waves, always knowing that I would be a greater version of me because of it. Without the willingness to grow spiritually, all of the personal development and spiritual prac8ces that I’ve explored would remain nothing more than idealis8c, vague ideas. Once you are willing, everything you need to facilitate growth begins to show up. The right books, just fall off the shelf and the right people and experiences show up.

“I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be” ~ Albert Einstein

2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? I have so many! Perhaps the most profound was when I embarked on a massive weight loss journey. I used the above Albert Einstein quote as a mantra and I transformed not just my outer appearance, but also my en8re inner world, my en8re universe began to shiX and change. I thought I was going to lose weight, however I could never have imagined that with the willingness to change, I would receive so much growth. It was a catalyst for so much more and I became very aware of the value of willingness.

3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are prac@cing this principle? When I’m func8oning from the willingness to grow and change, I have an eagerness to experience life. I feel courageous, in the face of fear and I func8on from a place of ques8on and curiosity. Having willingness, actually gives me more choice in life. If I am open and willing to receive all of life, then I get to truly choose. If I’m unwilling to grow and change, then I’m limited to choosing only that which will maintain the status quo. I remain stuck. When I work with clients who have the willingness to surrender and change old pa]erns and old beliefs, there is a sense of wonder and excitement, even in difficult 8mes. Willingness provides a sense of hope.

4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? Green Heart Chakra -­‐ An open heart is willing

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5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Tantalizing with lots of flavour. A blend of flavours. Not sweet nor savoury.

6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? The sweet smell of nature, wherever you are. The smell of sweet flowers comes into my awareness with this ques8on. Willingness allows you to receive all of your surroundings. Without willingness, a walk through the forest or a walk along the beach would not excite the senses. Without willingness, we would be less likely to become of aware of new smells too. We wouldn’t even no8ce them.

in8midated me, however now I have even more willingness to transform and she has been answering my call.

11. How does this principle change you and your vibra@on? My heart opens with this principle. My en8re being expands and I a]ract and manifest quickly when I am most willing to receive and change.

12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? ABSOLUTELY!! It can’t NOT!

7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? “I lived” by One Republic h]ps://

8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? The star of David Symbolising as above, so below. Man looking into his own nature and the willingness to experience all that is.

If more people were to have the willingness to change and the willingness to grow spiritually, then we would not get stuck in old ways of thinking. There would be less judgment and more curiosity. There would be less blame and more acceptance, kindness and allowance. There would be less “I’m right, you’re wrong” – less separa8on and more oneness. Another one of my mantra’s to strengthen my willingness to change is:

“By the light of the God that I AM, I surrender my beikng to


releasing all fears and resistance. Accepting divine love and Grace. “ 9. If this principle was an animal, what animal would it be? A Cat. Cats are curious and they are willing to trust themselves, willing to take risks in their pursuit of sa8sfying their curiosity.

10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? Early on, I received guidance from White Tara in this area. She guided me many years ago to look within as she held my hand. That was my first baby steps towards the willingness to change. More recently as I’ve demanded more and more spiritual growth, I’ve been aware of the presence of the Goddess Kali. I believe that years ago her energy would have

Nicole Taryn Freelance Writer and Personal Profiler Counsellor (Dip.) Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator Zrii Indpendent Execu@ve Mobile: 0411 522 334

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 25

Youth Stuff

Daunting Decisions! with Ben Smith Countless, seemingly life determining, decisions are constantly faced by teenagers who often have very little knowledge of what to do. Many people assume their indecisiveness is a result of laziness due to modern technology but it’s actually the possible restrictions and limitations that come as a result of the decisions they have to make which triggers their resistance. Teenagers of today are able to explore many different forms of lifestyles and easily communicate with anyone who lives an alternate lifestyle to them. They are exposed to the many teenage idols such as musicians, athletes, actors, etc. who constantly tell them they are able to do anything they want. I believe this abundance and diversity of choice contributes towards resistance in a teenagers decision making. Witnessing all of the possible lifestyles and being told constantly they are able to reach any goal can be the cause of fear of limitations and restrictions that can come with any decision. Not knowing what they want or how to get what they want, teenagers need the appropriate help and support for proper guidance. For a teenager to feel as if they are making the right decision, it can become very daunting. There is the consideration of the many variables with each decision such as their social life, personal satisfaction, finance, family and independence. There are also a large variety of responsibilities that the majority of teenagers either haven’t had or will have even more than what they are used to.

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Searching for advice and guidance, teens will often turn to those with experience such as their parents or their teachers. Wanting to do what is best for them these adults will often tell them what to do and where to go for a secure position in a job or career. These directives can both confine and restrict the amount of possibilities teenagers feel like they have. Rather than telling these young adults what they should be doing for a stable future, I recommend that you listen to what they want and why they want it, discuss the consequences, the positive outcomes and what they could do when they find themselves with an intimidating problem that comes with each decision they could make. Admittedly it’s a lot to ask of someone to have all the answers but encouraging them to have an open mind, you’re giving them control over themselves and their future. Advising instead of controlling opens the mind of the teenager and will lead to not only them knowing what they want but you having an understanding of their intentions. Help them reach out to individuals with experience in what they want for more guidance and they will gain knowledge, confidence and motivation. You may disagree and have concerns with their final decision but a teenager is more than willing to take their chances. Even if at times it will come at a cost, at what cost is it for them to never be willing at all? - Ben Smith

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 5

From Worry to Willingness with Mia Latcham

Hi my name is Mia Latcham. I’m a 14-year-old high school student living in Australia. Here is my story on willingness as a teenager. Sometimes society thinks we are too ‘young’ to worry about real life yet. I think that’s what teenagers mostly do though; well in my case you never stop worrying about what’s going to happen. We worry about school, what our parents think of us, if we’re smart enough, if we will get invited to events with friends, what everyone at school thinks of us or if they are talking about us behind our backs etc. I think that’s what this generation cares about and that’s why we worry so much. These days not many teenagers care about their goals in life and achieving things we want to achieve.

My parents and grandparents encourage me to go for my life dreams and passions as they tell me this is what makes a happy life, not just what people want you to conform to. Even though I have a really supportive family I still feel like I can’t open up to any of them completely sometimes. This is because of my shyness. I feel I’ve been talked over throughout my life. I strongly suggest you don’t isolate yourself though as it only makes it worse. I recently I found 2 amazing people in my life who I care so much about. They care about me and how I feel. My willingness to literally tell them everything has helped me through so much. I feel so happy and good about myself. There’s always going to be someone to open up to. It doesn’t matter who it is; your best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend or family members.

"Just remember who you are" I find it sad that some teenagers feel they have to talk constantly about alcohol, drugs and smoking, like that is what you have to do to be cool in life. I feel it just makes them look like they have no direction or guidance in life especially from their parents. I feel my parents always put in the effort to guide us and talk to us about real issues and we can go to them about anything at all. Their willingness to be open with my brother Jayden and I about real life problems has helped us a lot to cope with teenage pressures. Sadly a lot of teenagers don’t have that, their parents shut them down at the drop of a hat.

Just remember who you are and that you are a good person. You can achieve any goal in life. Don’t listen or hang around anyone who tells you different. You don’t have to worry if you’re not the coolest or best looking or if your body isn’t perfect because really no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s about being strong enough to learn from those mistakes and willingness to keep moving forward. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share this with you. I hope this has helped some of you who may be feeling the same way. - Mia Latcham

My grandparents are a massive support too and I love them dearly. They help encourage me with my music to be a singer so much without a goal of just for money. They see it’s my real passion. It's the same with my brother, he is encouraged with his acting for his passion of it.

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with Tabitha Schutz

Raw Carrot Cashew Soup Method: Ingredients: 3 Raw Carrots 1/2 Cup Raw Cashews 1 Teaspoon Garlic Chives 1/4-­‐1/2 Cup of Water Salt Pepper

In a Vitamix only blend 3 large raw carrots, 1/2 cup raw cashews. Sprinkle fresh garlic chives herbs, salt and pepper to liking and 1/4 to 1/2 cup water depending on desired thickness. Can add sprinkle of nutritional yeast or other spices to get creative. Can also make it a cooked version by just replacing raw carrots with cooked. Blend all for 2 mins. Sprinkle extra nuts on top and enjoy xx

28 | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | Lightworker Advocate

Lightworker Advocate | November 2015 | 35

Smelly Edible STUFF

with Tabitha Schutz

Raw Chocs

Method: Ingredients: 1/2 cup raw cacao butter melted, 1/2 cup raw cacao powder 2 TBS coconut oil melted Sprinkle sea salt Dash of vanilla 3 TBS organic maple

Melt cacao butter. Add melted coconut oil. Combine well. Add raw cacao powder sifted. Mix well and until VERY smooth. Add maple, sea salt and vanilla. Stir well. Pour into mould or small patty cases and refrigerate. Store in fridge. Enjoy! Smelly Hint: You can also add Doterra oil such as Orange or Peppermint to make a jaffa flavour or choc mint.

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 29


ff u t S rt y

The Magic of Mandalas

I am delighted to have been invited to be part of opening this exhibition. I will be speaking about the importance of mandala making with regards to youth, meditation, grounding ourselves, building resilience and focusing. The wonderful Phyllis Araneo is launching her "Light Bright Exhibition: Modern Mandalas for the Busy 21st Century Mind" on 12th December. I asked Phllis to share some of her wisdom for us on how we can use the process of Mandala making to strengthen our will. "I believe mandala aided meditation strengthens an individual's will through

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visual reinforcement of purpose. This has potential to work in two ways, firstly; a will, a resolve or an intention could be established prior to meditating. Gazing at the mandala with the purpose in back of mind helps to maintain focus during meditation. This works well for seemingly simple purposes, such I begin my exercise routine, or I will not smoke, etc. Secondly, and this is how I use mine; the look, design, colours and forms of my personal mandala are so calming to me that I only need to recollect its image in my minds' eye to relax, which is the purpose of my morning meditation. I relax and receive it's lovely." - Phyllis Araneo

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 31

High Vibrational Air Waves

with Lou Van Stone

A Willing Celestial Musician I first me Lou at the Festival of Dreams in Sydney in September and then our stall was immersed in her magical music for 2 days at the Conscious Life Festival on the Sunshine Coast last month. Blessed! I felt a real resonance with Lou straight off the bat and am so glad that she has been willing to share her process with us as the amazing Celestial Musician she is. How does willingness assist you to be open to channelling through higher vibrations I have a very high level of willingness to receive and channel whatever needs to come in through my music. When I am in a state of channel, I completely trust that only energy of the highest good will be brought forth in the music. I open myself right up and become the vessel for the sound, whether it be through my voice, or the notes and chords I am instructed to play. This can also happen in an existing song, which although channeled originally, has been crafted into a solid form. There will be certain sections, much like an instrumental break, where I will channel through

light language and sound. Whether I am singing a structured song, or conducting a sound healing journey or session, I will be in a state of channel. When this first started to happen to me, I didn’t realise what was going on. I had no idea that the free flowing nature of the notes and sounds I was receiving was a form of channeling. I feel so grateful now that I am able to be a vessel to bring through healing energies that benefit others as well as myself. Do you ever feel resistance to the energy that? I have never at any point felt any resistance to this energy. It has only ever flowed freely and has never had a negative flavour. My mind will occasionally attempt to be involved in the process, but the mind is not needed here. To be in a state of pure channel does not require the intellect. Occasionally the ego will wonder what some people would think of the sounds I am making and the languages that I am singing in, whether I would be judged, but that is just the ego. I thank it and come back into the breath and back into the sound.

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How do you deal with or prevent this resistance? I have a daily meditation practice and I see this as the gymnasium for the work that I do. It is essential that I am constantly working on myself, so that I am completely walking the walk every day. I live in a beautiful sanctuary in nature and whilst I travel to perform my music, I am constantly returning to refuel and nourish myself in this place, my energy centre. I harvest the powerful energy here, bottle it in a song and then bring it to others wherever I travel. If I am in a strong place spiritually, then I am much more able to just be the conduit for the energy. How did you evovle into doing what you do musically? I have always been musical, but for a time in my life it was repressed. In my previous life, I worked as a creative in advertising agencies. It was a very male dominated and high pressure job. Most unsuitable for the person I now realise I am. At the time I was desensitised, I was just trying to be like a man and beat the men at their own

game. There were no real female role models in that industry who were working more from their feminine energy. During this time, I began to connect with music again and began singing lessons. Gradually the pull of music took over. Eventually I became so ill, I was unable to work and was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Long story short, I moved to Northern New South Wales and ended up completing a Degree in Music. Just before I became ill and left the world of advertising, I went to India on a four week spiritual tour. This opened me up to the world of spiritual music and mantra. I believe at some point during this time, I was tuned up ready to receive celestial music. I’m so pleased that I had formal musical training, because if only helps to strengthen the music that comes through and gives me confidence and the ability to craft songs and bring them into existence. I have been described as a Celestial Musician, I’m very happy with that title, because it describes the ease with which the music flows. The music also really helps me to tap into the more feminine side of myself, that goddess energy that is so potent and was so repressed all those years ago. What's your favourite part of what you do? I love many aspects of the work that I do now. It’s

wonderful to travel all over Australia and the world and see that there are so many amazing people. I am blessed to meet incredible beings who share their gifts. People are so generous and it’s great when I get feedback that what I’m doing is working for people. A lady told me the other day that she listened to my song ‘My Soul Keeps Singing Its Song’ in the car and she cried all the way home. She didn’t know what the tears were about, just that she’d had a very deep healing and clearing. It’s moments

like these that let me know I’m on the right track. I also love receiving songs as they come through and seeing how they evolve, right from their conception, through to the recording process. It's wonderful to share the music with my audience and I'm over the moon when I know people are really listening, receiving and feeling the energy. I am truly blessed to be now living my purpose.

Lou Van Stone

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 33

Ethical Digest

Dying wishes with Sharon Tregoning

I am going to approach this great topic of willingness from the perspective of us who are sharing or witnessing the end journey of another. And most speci:ically the aspect of judgement that comes into play. The challenge is that in this day and age, in all contexts, judgement of the experiences or desires of others is not just actively encouraged, it is essentially almost mandatory, especially in the social media arena. In fact, it’s almost akin to a blood sport.

Sharing the end journey of a treasured love one in your world can leave you feeling alone and powerless in how to help them. 'Farewell with Grace - For Loved Ones' will assist you in honouring your loved one's wishes, knowing where your limits are and respecting the integrity of the situation and choices at hand.

We need to ask ourselves, is it appropriate for us who are external to this person’s dying and death experience to judge that which they wish to have, even if we are part of that person’s inner circle? What gives us the right to determine what is and isn’t appropriate? We are sovereign beings with the right to choose what is and isn’t appropriate for our end journey, our dying and death experience. Let us consider the person who wishes to have no treatment at all. They can face much judgement around their choice and often lack of support from b o t h w i t h i n t h e m e d i c a l profession and those around them. Let’s also think about the person who wishes to undergo medically unproven modalities or techniques that they believe are the right courses of action for them, irrespective of the

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outcome. Are they applauded for courage? No. Are they supported by those around them? Not always. If they have any sort of public pro:ile, are they subject to mass judgement wh i c h i s o f te n i n te n s e ly personally attacking? Yes. Is this fair that this person is so maligned because of their personal choice for their personal journey? I don’t believe so. There are many who will argue that there are absolutes in terms of treatment options and that it is sel:ish of someone to not choose traditional options and to want to explore new horizons. For that I have two r e s p o n s e s . . . t r a d i t i o n a l t re a t m e n t i s n o t a lway s successful and the world was once believed to be :lat. Our u n d e r s t a n d i n g s , o u r k n o w l e d g e , a r e a l w a y s c h a n g i n g b a s e d o n n e w discoveries and only by new options being tried can we discover if there are other o p t i o n s t h a t m a y p r o v e bene:icial. Let us allow our dying the right to choose what is and isn’t right for themselves; let’s allow our dying to de:ine a good death on their own terms. And that may need some open mindedness and willingness from us who bear witness to their journey. Peace and blessings, Sharon Tregoning

Out And About.....

Conscious Life Festival

Incredible resoance and energy with Lou Van Stone. We interview her in this month's edition in "High Vibrational Airwaves"

Met the delightful Fiona Hardy from Amara Charka Mists. Divinely and intuitively blended pure essential oils, purified water and specifically chosen crystal chips infuse these beautiful vibrational mists.

Can't wait to have some of Jane Martin's artwork gracing our pages

Lightworker Advocate | Dec/Jan 2015-16 | 35

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