What's your intention worth?
Julianna Suranyi & Nicole Fisher
What is EVOLVING SOUL TV Sexual Jane Marin The Art of Forgiveness Potency?
Issue 4 February 2016
Editor Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Enquiries/Advertising: Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker Cover Photo Jane Marin
rs! e k r o w t h g i ay L d y r e v E y e H Here we are in 2016! So far, I have learnt a lot this year about the power of forgiveness. It's not surprising that in the lead up to this issue, Spirit had a lot to show me. And after realising this, more space was open for me and my life. Soon after my realisations, I got a call from Hay House LA advising me that I had been selected as one of their World Summit Speakers for 2016! Amazing what happens when we let life in and let go of that which no longer serves!
forgiveness is one of the most liberating experiences ever.
I would like to dedicate this issue to my wonderful mother-in-law Freda who passed away on 5 January. I know for her, it was an incredible life journey spanning 93 years. She had such a determination of Spirit, that her 'will' far exceeded her body's urge to expire. She was such a strong personality and had such a love of family and life. In her final days, my husband and I were privileged to be by her side. We learnt so much about how much letting go is connected to forgiving oneself. I feel that when Freda was able to accept that she had done her very best in this life, she found peace and was able to pass on.
A reminder for all existing or potential contributors, here are the upcoming month's themes. If you have an article, please submit it to us by 15th of the February so we can ensure it makes it into the March Edition. Next month we dive into Unity!
That poses the question, does lack of forgiveness keep us stuck? I know that for me, forgiveness is an energy that exists in the absence of judgement. It is one of the highest vibrations available to us. Usually we find that we are unconscious of what we are judging. Whether that be judgments of ourselves or others. Somehow stepping into 2 | February 16 | Lightworker Advocate
We have such a great variety of articles in this month's issue that will give you such deep food for thought and lift you. Our front Cover by Jane Marin speaks to the Heart Chakra and apt for connecting with forgiveness. We welcome her wonderful artwork in this month's Arty Stuff section.
March - Unity April - Discipline May - Faith June - Responsibility July - Love August - Wholeness September - Joy October - Peace November - Honesty Dec '16/Jan '17 - Open-mindedness
Blessings of abundance to you all!
Contents Cover Story 24-‐29 Arty Stuff -‐ The Art of Forgiveness with Jane Marin Forgiveness wisdom 4 Make Peace with Your Mum by Margaret Sims 5 Live and Let Love by Jade Renee Banks 6 Forgiveness Sets You Free by Bridgette Scalisi 7 Reflections on Forgiveness by Brooke Anne Olive 8 Forgiveness through Time by Fiona Brown 9 The Power of Forgiveness by Lorraine Enright 10 Forgiveness and the Darker Side by Candy Bowden 11 The Heart of Forgiveness by Kerry Kirwan 15 Coming Unstuck by Stacy Bridge Reeve
Smelly Stuff 16 Oil of Forgiveness by Joy Ashton High Vibrational Numerology 17 Forgiveness is '9' by Terrie Hansen Forgiveness and the Chakras 19 The Forgiveness Slingshot by Michelle Lightworker High Vibrational Traveller 20-‐21 Forgiveness and the Wisdom of the Elders by Phoebe Hoogendyk 22-24 The Principle Project Forgiveness with Sky Hayes 31 Out and About
"There is only one person to forgive, and it is me" Ken Stephens
Make Peace with Your Mum - Margaret Sims Some%mes photos lie, even when everyone is smiling. They can tell the truth for one person but the other person may be hiding unresolved emo%ons. In a photo of my mum and me in 2005 that’s the way it was for me – unresolved anger and unforgiveness. My mum passed away in November 2010. This is my legacy from her and a plea to you. Just aFer that photo was taken, a friend and his sister visited our home. I was overwhelmed by the anger she felt for her long-‐deceased mum. In her heart, she felt that her mother had never appreciated her and her talents. It was s%ll consuming her. On that day I thought ‘I don’t want to be angry at my mum aFer she dies.’ That started a journey of which I’ll share a liLle with you. Zena, Warrior Princess – No More I have always been the one my mum turned to, to solve her problems. My dad died 50 years ago. Eldest child! Only daughter! Cultural expecta%ons of women! So Zena, Warrior Princess, champion of the world’s downtrodden (my alter ego) was born. Over %me at the first few words of my mum’s problem, I would drown out the rest of her words and start mentally solving it my way. It got so, that in her later years, I dreaded visi%ng her in the nursing home. ‘Oh no! What’s going to be wrong today?’ would be my over-‐ riding thought.
ques%on was habit, maybe a family phrase from mum’s younger days. They were about her life experiences, not a cri%cism of me. Oh! I didn’t have to change me to please my mum. When I changed my reac%on to that ques%on, I never heard my mum speak those words again. They had taught me the lesson I needed to learn and they leF. Love and Let Love Like my friend’s sister, I longed for my mum’s apprecia%on and acknowledgment. I wanted words of apprecia%on. I rarely heard them. I had read a book on how Introverts and Extroverts act and think differently. It was a talk by Leo Petrik on this topic that triggered the ‘Aha’ moment. Some lessons take longer than others to absorb. Speaking words of praise was not mum’s natural way to show love and it was difficult for her to do. She did appreciate and love me – her way not my way. I suddenly realised that the care she took when choosing cards for those who meant the most to her was her way of saying ‘I love and appreciate you’. From 2006 to 2010, I read every card I received and every old card I had not thrown out with new eyes and a new understanding. Since then I have read ‘The 5 Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman. My main love language is ‘words of affirma%on’. My mum’s main love language was ‘quality %me’. My mum stayed true to herself. I had changed and become wiser. Our last years together were spent joyously.
A lovely lady showed me how to look at it differently. Maybe mum had solved her own problems and was only giving me her weekly news report. Oh! I was assuming, not listening to all mum said. Zena laid down her sword and stopped saving my mum and everyone else. Life became more peaceful as I listened to every word and only stepped in when asked.
When my mum died peacefully, I had no tears of anger or regret -‐ simply loving memories, peace and forgiveness for myself for my misunderstandings. My anger has gone and I can now look at photos of us together with love. The photo at the beginning of this ar%cle sits where I can see it most days.
They’re Only Words I will admit to being super-‐sensi%ve. I hated mum asking me ‘Why are you so happy?’ I felt she didn’t like me as I am (an op%mist) and that I was not allowed to be happy if she wasn’t. What stories we weave around other people’s words.
Margaret Sims The Baby Boomer Personal Stylist
The same lovely lady asked me to consider that this
4 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
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Forgive and Let Love with Jade Renee Banks The principle of Forgiveness is exempli3ied in the Liquid Crystal Rose Quartz. It’s healing and soothing qualities make it one of the most well-‐known and popular crystals for Humanity with today. IJade t encompasses all aBanks spects of Renee Forgiveness; forgiveness for ourselves and forgiveness for others. Wouldn’t the world be a different place if we all practiced a little more Forgiveness? It is the human condition to judge, compare and contrast. We all want to know where we 3it in, and we are all so eager to put something in a box. To categorise it, label it and put it on the shelf. Then we feel safe and comfortable, because we know exactly where it 3its in and we ‘understand’ it.
another’s, and if it even matters? We start with Forgiveness. We forgive ourselves for abandoning ourselves for someone else’s Truth. We recognize that we were doing the best we could with the knowledge understanding and awareness we had at that point in time. We make a choice to change it. We make a choice to question what we were so certain about. We choose to let go of everything and press the reset button on our Subconscious.
We choose to connect more with ourselves rather than getting distracted by everything else. We connect with ourselves as we forgive ourselves and we start to build a loving and Forgiveness to me is admitting that you don’t trusting relationship with ourselves. We can understand everything. That you don’t know then feel what is true for us and what is not. why that person looks or acts or thinks they We start to be able to discern between the way they do. You may c h a t t e r o f o u r never know and that’s "Sometimes we only see through the monkey mind and okay. Only they know the Voice of our their story and what lens of illusion, tainted by the Spirit within. We let brought them to where influence of others and clouded by go of what is logical they are now. We can or rational and just only 3ilter it through our judgments that are not even our own" go with what feels o w n e x p e r i e n c e s , good, true and at understanding and belief home within our system. Very often our looking glass is a bit hearts without any question of why that is. grubby. Sometimes we only see through the We just know and that is enough. lens of illusion, tainted by the in3luence of others and clouded by judgments that are not Once we accept the power of our true even our own. knowing, we don’t need the ‘why’. We don’t need to justify it to others. We don’t even We 3ind ourselves thinking something that need to understand it ourselves. We just know was once said to us, and taking that on as our that it is our Truth, it is what feels good within own Truth. Even believing that it originated every cell of our being and we accept it. No with us and that we came up with the idea. judgment, no need to forgive. It just is. More often than not, it came from somewhere else. More often than not we are living under Jade Renee Banks the umbrella of someone else’s thoughts, Certified Master Lightworker Practitioner feelings and reality. This in3luences how we Certified Lightworker Practitioner Facilitator perceive others and ourselves. We compare Liquid Crystals Advanced Practitioner based on what we were told and we decide if Starchild Directives Practitioner it 3its or not. When it doesn’t, we judge. Well, we judge either way. We decide black or white, good or bad, right or wrong and so on and so forth. Tiring stuff right? So how do we remedy this? How do we clear the lens that we see ourselves through and that we perceive our world through? How do we know what is our Truth and what is
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 5
Forgiveness Forgiveness is an act that will set you free. To forgive someone who has wronged you, you are allowing yourself to liberate your soul. You do not have to accept the wrongdoing and it doesn't make it okay but you can definitely let it go. Let go of the feelings of betrayal, resentment, anger, rejection, sadness and all things negative. Once you have felt them and expressed them, let them go. They have served their purpose to you. Your lesson has been taught and you will be stronger for having experienced the ordeal. The concept of forgiveness is not to let the wrongdoing be allowed and deemed as "okay". It is to allow yourself to break free from the chains of pain and to part with the heart break you experienced. The person still can be communicated with about what they did to you and how it made you feel; you can also still stand your ground and hold your boundaries with how you expect to be treated.
Each experience is like developing, growing and expanding inside a cocoon. You are just giving yourself the chance to spread your wings and crack out of your cocoon. Forgiveness is helpful to assist your ability to transition through life and it's stages. You are also allowing the person who made a mistake to obtain the chance to grow from this experience. Inform them of your version of events and fill them in on your perspective. Explain kindly that it was not okay but you forgive them, hopefully next time they will be wiser. Forgiveness teaches them to acknowledge and take responsibility for their actions and to be freed from the grudge. You both can move forward and gain something positive from a perceived negative situation. - Bridgette Scalisi
sets you free 6 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Reflections  on  Forgiveness
with Brooke Anne Olive
In  my  line  of  work,  I  am  oFen  privileged  to  meet  people  who  are  on  the  very  cusp  of  new  beginnings,  shedding  their  past  lives  like  a  skin  and  bravely  star%ng  over  as  a  new  and  improved  version  of  themselves.  They  come  to  me  to  conďŹ rm  what  they  already  intui%vely  know  and Â ďŹ nd  the  conďŹ dence  they  need  to  begin  again.  They  come  to  me  mostly  because  they  have  been  hurt.  They  need  to  forgive  and  move  forward.  They  are  seekers,  ac%vely  searching  for  reasons  to  forgive. It  doesn’t  come  easily  some%mes.  Forgiveness  can  be  like  a  diamond,  it  has  so  many  complicated  facets,  each  reec%ng,  refrac%ng  and  absorbing  so  many  dierent  aspects  of  the  truth.  Yes,  forgiving  is  hard.  It’s  hard  because  forgiving  another  person  means  having  to  forgive  yourself.  For  gefng  involved  in  the  situa%on  in  the Â ďŹ rst  place,  for  not  being  smart  enough  to  see  the  hurt  intended  before  it’s  inicted.  For  trus%ng  somebody  so  willingly,  that  same  somebody  who  would  later  hurt  you.  It  can  force  you  to  re-Ââ€?evaluate  your  en%re  existence  and  how  you  interact  with  the  world  around  you.  The  very  act  of  forgiveness  poses  ques%ons  that  can  plague  a  person.  Will  they  and  should  they  ever  trust  again  so  easily?  Can  they  move  past  the  anger  and  resentment?  What  was  the  point  of  it  all?  These  ques%ons  are  designed  to  enforce  self-Ââ€?reec%on.  Avoiding  answering  them  can  destroy  your  self-Ââ€?conďŹ dence  and  impact  every  area  of  your  life  moving  forward.
vulnerability,  hurt  and  betrayal.  Forgiving  is  a  very  real  acknowledgement  of  what  occurred.  It  means  you  can  no  longer  nonchalantly  shrug  o  the  hurts  and  sweep  the  conict  under  the  carpet.  Perhaps  this  is  why  forgiving  somebody  can  take  %me.  One  client,  a  young  mother,  endured  years  of  humilia%on  in  a  terribly  imbalanced,  compe%%ve  friendship.  Eventually  she  recognised  that  she  herself  allowed  this  friendship  to  con%nue  in  this  vein,  by  allowing  her  insecurity  issues  to  govern  how  they  interacted.  Once  she  forgave  herself  for  her  lack  of  conďŹ dence,  she  could  forgive  her  friend.  She  was  so  thankful  that  this  friend  highlighted  an  aspect  of  herself  that  needed  to  come  to  the  light.  And  although  the  friendship  was  long  over,  the  lessons  she  learnt  rippled  out  to  all  aspects  of  her  life.  She  remains  grateful  that  by  forgiving  both  herself  and  her  friend  meant  that  this  paLern  was Â ďŹ nally  broken. Once  one  is  ready  to  reect  back  on  the  conict,  forgiveness  then  becomes  a  beau%ful  giF.  It  allows  one  the  opportunity  to  see  the  lessons  involved  and  integrate  this  new  knowledge  into  one’s  life.  You  are  then  free  to  move  forward  as  a  stronger,  wiser  and  happier  soul.
This  is  why  forgiveness  is  such  a  hard  part  of  recovery.  It  opens  one  up  to  fresh  feelings  of Â
Brooke Anne Olive 0406232775 www.psychicbrookeanne.comÂ
Lightworker Lightworker Advocate Advocate | Feb | Feb 2016 16 | 7 5
Forgiveness through Time
with Fiona Brown
When I was a small child, I remember being outdoors a lot and loved the feeling of running and playing and being in the backyard and with other kids. Life had important people and events in it that I could interweave my musings around. My life was often a story about someone else in my life and what I noticed about them. It used to be important to me that my oldest sister worked at a café on Saturdays and Sundays and we would get ‘special’ snacks when she came home. It was important that she became an air hostess and flew all over Australia. It was important to tell people that my 2nd sister was a ballerina with the Queensland Ballet Company. It was important that my 3rd sister was great at make-up, going out with boys and looking beautiful. It was so important that my Dad drove the wedding taxi because I helped him wash it and organise the pillows, ribbon and bride doll. My Mum was important because she was my Mum and made everything right. She always had time for me and made me feel Ok throughout my life. These are the types of memories I have along with weddings, birthdays, marriages, babies, parties, moving house lots of times, going to University more than once and getting the jobs I really wanted. My friends are both old and new and all are loved in my heart. It is interesting to me that most of my memories that I speak of do not have me as the central character and they are mostly funny and lovely stories about something or someone else. However, when I explored my personal and solitary memories where I am the central character, these were are the negative and unpleasant. These were centred on teenage memories where my parent’s alcoholism became a major theme in my life, living with my 2nd sister at a young age was challenging, my struggle to support myself at University, my closest friend dying at a young age, death in the family, grief, separation, divorce, depression, anxiety, loneliness and survival. As I explored my memories of situations, events and circumstances I could see that my
88 || February 2016 | Lightworker Dec/Jan 2015-16 | Lightworker Advocate Advocate
behaviour and emotional reactions could be viewed as an excuse to play the victim, to be belligerent, to blame others, to be in everyone’s business. Generally speaking, I can now see how I did not want to take responsibility for the chaos of feelings in my life. It was always someone else who did something to me and somebody else who hurt me. Yet I have not hung on to those experiences as a negative energy in my life nor do I continue to behave like this. In fact, I look back on my old self with fondness. How did I change and move on to something so very different I hear you ask? Well, I began a journey of self- discovery and personal development that included learning ways to transform old experiences and learn about forgiveness. I have learnt to forgive myself which meant I also had to take responsibility for the decisions I had made, the beliefs and thoughts I had and the actions I had taken in the past. My deepest blocks have always been emotional ones linked to traumatic or highly loaded events, situations, people and experiences. In order to move, shift, change, transform and become light and bright I have continued to learn and develop. I became a Reiki practitioner, Spirit of Light worker, Kinesiology, Body worker, dabbled in Byron Katie’s ‘The Work’ and have spent many moons developing skills and practices as a counsellor and Lightworker Practitioner. I learnt that I could change all my patterns, reintegrate the past into the present, listen to my intuition and communicate with a variety of energies. I now trust the force within me and without me. I have transformed my understanding of SELF, found my truth and spend time supporting others to do the same. Forgiveness is the gateway to understanding self. It is a positive journey to PEACE. Fiona M Brown, Master Lightworker Practitioner, Soul to Earth Therapies +61438 563 883
The power of forgiveness Forgiveness is a state of pure cleansing. It releases the toxic yet at times subtle poison that eats at our soul. The heaviness, tiredness or bitterness that we can hold within our being. We may not even be aware that we have anyone to forgive. We could even believe that being tired and stressed is a normal response that partners our everyday life experiences. A combination of attempting to juggle our family, home and work life. We can believe and accept that this is a normal way to live. We may even be quite adamant that we have no-one or anything to forgive and that we have gotten over it and moved on. This may be the circumstance for some and for others they just may not be aware or want to return to that previous experience. We can be such proud individuals that we can hold onto what seems such a small bit of anger or resentment and believe that we have gotten over whatever the past issue was. Even saying at times “it’s not my fault” or “they did that to me” or “it wasn’t my doing that’s how they responded or reacted” so I have nothing to forgive “not my issue”. Or you can feel a heaviness or something is not just feeling right
and you push it aside thinking that you are stressed and it is just normal. Speaking from my experience, if you can relate to any of the above then it may be the time now for you to think about “Is there anyone that I may need to or be ready to forgive?” It could even be that it is yourself that requires the forgiveness. If you are really ready to choose a change in your life and have the life that you deserve and desire then this may very well be the place that you may need to start. The Power of Forgiveness is amazing, therapeutic and cleansing. The shift that you allow to happen by the Power of Forgiveness could be the change that is required for you to begin truly loving who you are and how you choose to live. Lorraine Enright MechanicalMIND The REAL LIFE Coach™ 0408 827 116
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 9
with Candy Bowden
Forgiveness and the DARKER side My biggest breakthrough would have to be the realisation that I had recently around Spiritual arrogance. I need to backtrack a bit here. When I speak about working with the shadow, this means more to me that just my own shadow parts. For me this also speaks to working with the dark side i.e. entities/ demons. I was once asked what the difference was between shadow parts and entities, my answer is simply, our shadow parts are those deepest darkest parts of ourselves within us. Entities are beings that exist outside of us who have made a choice to serve the light by being the darkness. They have a job to do, and that is to bring confusion or darkness to whatever level necessary for us to shine the light there. Once this is done, they are released and are free to return to the light. (there is so much more to this, but that is another topic for another day :) ) Some entities return straight to the light, but some for whatever reason remain trapped here, this is where my FIRST breakthrough with shadow began. I was asked by Beelzebub to help those entities who's jobs had been completed, but who still lingered here to cross over to the light. When I began that task, it was daily, nowadays, it is much less than that. This is what made me so comfortable about being in the dark. I truly believed that Beelzebub had given me the authority to walk between worlds in order to complete the task that I was given. This is turn made me less aware of the time that I was spending in the darkness. (remember I said earlier that the darkness does it's job very well). It made me lazy I guess, I forgot to do my daily clearing and resourcing, and my attitude became "she'll be right, I have a place here in the darkness, it's all good". What I didn't realise, was that I was spending most of my time in the dark, totally at peace and unaware. My senses had
10 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
been dulled, and I didn't notice that I was losing time, forgetting conversations that I had had, and forgetting the decisions that I had made while I was in that space. This has gone on for years. I would spend periods of time focusing on my clearing, and then I would forget, then something would happen to bring my attention back to the need for clearing and centring, and I would do it again for a while and then forget. I never meant to develop Spiritual arrogance, and I didn't even realise that I had taken it on board, until my SECOND breakthrough which happened in two parts. 1) I was assisting in a Level 3 Lightworker Practitioner Training class and we were sharing readings with each other which was profound in itself....but I realised in that moment, that I had developed Spiritual arrogance, the 'she'll be right attitude'. It was a wakeup call for me, the message was loud and clear, as they usually are, I was shown that I needed to ground myself in the Light, and that it was ok to look at the darkness, but I needed to do that through the light. In other words, in the future, I am to ask for the information through the light, allowing Arch Angel Michael to take my question there, and bring the answer back. If I choose to continue to go to the darkness for the answer, I will continue to get lost in there. No malicious intent, but simply because that is it's purpose. This was huge for me. My challenge for the next couple of weeks was to purposefully ground myself in the light every day, and choose to stay aware and awake. 2) During the second week of doing this, I had a bizarre dream, I was in a public toilet that was being haunted by the spirit of a child that had been molested and then murdered there. Her spirit was creating havoc and I remember going in to each stall to find her and just kept repeating that she was safe now, and that it was time for her to cross over to the light, the havoc died down.
I then remember going out of the toilet and telling the person that was working in the shop next to the toilets, that if it happened again, he was to go in there and tell her that she was safe now, and that she needed to cross over to the light. The scene changed and I was siting in my car parked outside the shop/toilet. I felt this crushing weight, like the life was being squeezed out of me, the force was huge. I was terrified for a split second, and then I started calling in the light for protection, for safety, for courage, for deliverance. I woke up instantly and could feel the remnants of that crushing, life sucking feeling. I continued to resource myself, and call on the light and Angels for help until the feeling left me. It was the weirdest thing that I have ever experienced. And I realised in that moment, that it is the Light that grants me the authority to walk between worlds, and the Light that gives me permission and protection to do so, and not the darkness.
And I realised in that moment, that it is the Light that grants me the authority to walk between worlds, and the Light that gives me permission and protection to do so, and not the darkness.
This was the full realisation of my arrogance, and the biggest breakthrough in working with the shadow. I still have no fear around the dark side, but I have a very healthy respect now around it's purpose, I appreciate that it does it's job very well, and if/when I need to go there again, I will only ever do it fully resourced and through the Light. - Candy Bowden
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 11
Smelly Stuff The Heart of Forgiveness
Reflecting back on my personal journey I don’t believe forgiveness is something that can be done, its something that happens. Forgiveness happens naturally when your awareness of self and what appear to be others deepens. When you realise all is one, who then is there to forgive? You come to realise that everything that occurred was for the purpose of experiencing the truth of your being.
When you realize the truth, forgiveness happens automatically. Forgiveness can’t be done with your mind, it happens through your heart.
Kerry Kirwan Soulutions ~ Awaken Greatness Wynnum Brisbane, Qld
Everything that occurred was an opportunity, an invitation to wakeup and remember the truth.
"Forgiveness means letting go of all judgment and allowing unconditional love to fill the space left behind". - Diana Crosby 12 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
16 14||November February 2015 2016| |Lightworker Lightworker Advocate Advocate
with Stacy Bridge Reeve
COMING UNSTUCK There was a time in my life when I felt stuck, in a rut and unhappy with many aspects of my life. At the time, I kept hearing or reading about the importance of letting go of past relationships and forgiving people who had hurt you. I felt this was the key to moving forward and getting the life I wanted. I had a few relationships earlier in my life where I was mistreated and cheated on. I dreamt about two ex boyfriends very frequently, almost every night. I felt this was because I hadn't let go of the hurt they caused me. So I decided to give it a go and forgive them. Before I went to bed for two nights in a row (one night for each ex boyfriend), I pictured my higher self going to these exes and telling their higher selves that I forgive them for the hurt they had caused me. I felt good. I felt freed. I thought this was what I needed to do and things would move quickly for me in the right direction. After a month or so, I realised that nothing much had changed and I was still continuing to dream about these males most nights. I couldn’t understand it. I forgave them and I meant it whole heartedly. One night when I was falling asleep, a random thought popped into my mind (thanks angels!). I had forgiven my exes but I didn’t forgive myself for being in
those relationships and staying when I was mistreated and was very unhappy. I was still beating myself up 10 plus years later. That night I lay in bed and pictured my higher self chatting to my physical self. I forgave myself for past behaviours in these relationships, forgave myself for not leaving when I should have and forgave myself for not loving myself throughout that period. I spent quite some time laying there forgiving myself. I had tears streaming down my face. It was a very cleansing and uplifting experience. I felt then I could finally move on and achieve the life I wanted. It was that same year that I met my husband at the age of 38. I don't think the start of this relationship would have been possible without this simple process of forgiving. Not just the people that had hurt me in the past, but more importantly, to forgive myself for allowing them to hurt me. I often now reflect on times of my life that I’m not proud of or times that make me cringe with embarrassment. I now forgive myself. Stacy, I wholeheartedly and with much love, forgive you! - Stacy Bridge Reeve
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 15
Smelly Stuff with Joy Ashton
Thank you Joy Ashton for sharing your smelly stuff wisdom on the Doterra Oil of Forgiveness, it makes perfect sense! It's Lavender and also the Calming/Serenity Blend. It is a synergistic blend containing Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood and Vanilla Bean. "It has a powerful effect on the heart and may calm feelings of hostility, fear, anger, jealousy, rage and resentment."
16 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
High Vibrational Numerology with Terrie Hansen Forgiveness is
Out of all the numerological numbers 1 to 9,
Forgiveness features
in “The Number Nine”, as it is a completion number which stands for Compassion and Forgiveness. People with the Number Nine are known as Humanitarians on the Numerology Chart. The Major Arcana Tarot Card “The World” is their card and represents Universal Healing and Forgiveness. People with the Number Nine especially as their Life Path or Ruling Number (being the sum of their Birthdate), have a great passion for wanting to make the world a better place. The 9 is a highly spiritual and intuitive number, and Forgiveness is the key, so therefore it is their life’s lesson to forgive all wrongdoing and intolerance. The goal for 9's to achieve is to live with compassion and purpose.
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 17
Everyday Lightworker Oracle Cards
Out now $55.55 + shipping 18 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
The Forgiveness Sling Shot
- Michelle Lightworker
Forgiveness is like a sling shot into our future. Once we let go of the unforgiveness of the past, its like letting go of a heavy weight. Once we do, we are propelled into our future. I was guided by Spirit to give you all a quick run down on how the principle of forgiveness affects our 8 main Chakras. Crown- When we are able to hold a mind free of blame, judgment or polarized/victim thinking, we have already reached a place of acceptance akin to forgiveness. Third Eye - When we are able to see the truth of someone's journey we are able to see how everything helps us evovle. We step out of seeing things as right or wrong. Ears - When we are able to listen with our Higher Self we are not looking for blame with what others are saying; we are looking for the healing. We reflective listen. Throat - We are able to apologise when we have overstepped our own or another's boundaries and integrity and forgive ourselves for doing so. Heart - Forgiveness frees our heart to love others and ourselves in the deepest possible away devoid of conditions and expectations of perfectionism. Solar Plexus - We forgive ourselves for holding ourselves back from our inner power. Our enlightened Solar Plexus assist us
to feel our Higher Self connection without a need to apologise. However, it always has the humility to know we are never above others or our human imperfections. Sacral - We forgive ourselves for abandoning our inner child. We make an active amends by planning more self care and nurturing activities. Base - We forgive ourselves for any previous distrust in Spirit and we make action plans that reflect this in everyday life.
Do you trust Spirit 100%? The following exercise is an Activity from "The Everyday Lightworker Bible". Where could you trust Spirit more in your life? Have a think about your work, relationships, kids, hobbies, projects and material needs. Your fear of trust is highlighted by what you are most afraid to let go of. You can ask yourself, "What am I most afraid to let go of?" Then you can ask your Spiritual helpers for specific steps in helping you let go and trust. The Base Chakra assists us in implementing specific changes in our life. It grounds our decisions. Ensure that you have a good stepby-step action plan to move forward with 100% trust. Love to you all, Michelle Lightworker
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 19
with Phoebe Hoogendyk
“Upon suffering beyond suffering: the Red Na7on shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with b r o k e n p r o m i s e s , s e l fi s h n e s s a n d separa7ons. A world longing for the light again. I see a 7me of seven genera7ons when all the colours of mankind will gather under the Sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those among the Lakota w h o w i l l c a r r y k n o w l e d g e a n d understanding of unity among all living things and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that centre within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one.” Crazy Horse. And so it is with all the ancient tribes we have encountered on our sacred greenstone journeys. From the Anagnu of Central Australia, the Tsaatan of Mongolia, the Q’ero of Peru, the Inuit of Labrador, the Lacandon Maya of Chiapas Mexico, the Waitaha of Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Dogon of Africa…..they all extended the hand of friendship and sharing of ancient wisdom for none of them hold grudges against the white people and any others who have wronged them so much. They know now is the Nme for us all to come together to repair the “sacred hoop.” They said, that our journeys with the sacred greenstone carvings that the Ancients set us out on so many years ago were part of repairing the grid of love that surrounds the planet. The Original custodians of the Earth have been holding it in place. Barely hanging
on with their bleeding finger Nps and open hearts. Now they need all of us to help them to do so by going to them, learning the ancient ways of the world, the Universe/ M u l N v e r s e . B y p e r f o r m i n g s a c r e d ceremonies that hold the elementals/spirit beings in a healthy place along with the four leggeds, the winged ones, the standing people, the stone people and the creepy crawlies…..together as one with us all: bringing us all back into balance with the deepest respect for all life and living things even those we have not perhaps considered are living because they don’t move or breathe the way we do. We have heard Uluru breathe. We have laid our bellies against her red stone and heard her breathe. I, Phoebe thought at first it was me. Then I held my breath and I heard her breathe deeply in and out as she held me in her heart. We have heard the great river gums drinking water from deep underneath the dry river beds. We have cried for all who have suffered under beings so disconnected from their hearts. They hold out their hands for us to come and learn. So if you are called we urge you to go, your life will change in the most beauNfully profound way. You can read all about Paul and Phoebe’s journeys in the first two of their books “Set By The Ancients” Book 1 & 2. Book 3 will be published in a few months. -‐ Phoebe Hoogendyk Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk Ancient Wisdom Mentors and Natural Therapist; Hypnotherapy and Acupuncture.
20 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
The Principle Project: Forgiveness
Thanks Skye Hayes for these wonderful reflections on Forgiveness. 1. Why is this principle important in your life?
Forgiveness is an important aspect in life that ties in with many other principles. Forgiveness requires a willingness to love and the discipline to forgive someone or even yourself. It's no easy task. In order to forgive you have to be open-minded, honest and have faith in its healing power. We are responsible for our own happiness and in the wake of forgiving an air of peace, joy, unity and wholeness exists within and around you. 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life?
I've had many experiences where forgiveness was the key to happiness for myself and others. I've had to battle with my own emotions toward something another person had done to me. It truly was a struggle to overcome. The only way I could move past this was to rise above those dense, negative, low energy vibrations of hate and anger by forgiving. Not only did I forgive the other person for what they did, but I also forgave myself for being hurt and angry. This changed my outlook drastically and I was able to move on in life.
you know you or others are prac7cing this principle?
When I feel I should be angry or mad at my own or others actions, a wave of calm comes over me that is hard to explain. Intuitively I get the feeling to forgive and let it go, to move past those bad vibes of being hurt to a feeling of knowingness and peace. You can tell when someone is practicing this principle when they react with love instead of hate toward something that would "normally" cause friction. It can be quite surprising when someone forgives you! You can feel overwhelmed, feel a release and perhaps cry or even laugh.
4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be?
Forgiveness is the calming colour of blue accompanied with fluffy white tufts and wisps, like looking up into the sky and watching the clouds slowly flow by. 5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be?
Forgiveness tastes like sweet refreshing fruits, freshly picked in the summer afternoons. Strawberries, lychees, mangoes and bananas. 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be?
3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do
22 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Forgiveness smells like the smoke of an open fire, welcoming and warm, inviting you
to sit and join in its loving glow. 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone?
Forgiveness sounds like the laughter of family and friends, like a nostalgic voice or tune from your childhood, helping you to remember times of joy and happiness.
9. If this principle was an animal, what animal would it be?
If forgiveness was an animal, it would be best represented as a dog, all it needs is a little love, it will follow you forever, be loyal to you and comfort you when in need. The dog always forgives you, the dog just wants your company and joy. 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle?
Forgiveness is a circle that takes us on a journey all the way around our human emotions, starting and ending at the same place we began, love.
The spirit of the earth helps manifest the energy of forgiveness, Mother Earth is the definition of forgiveness. She keeps us grounded, channels our negativity and recycles it into a positive, she keeps us safe and protected, fed and loved regardless of the damage we do to her. She forgives our
destructive path and continues to love us as we journey to better ourselves.
12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world?
8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be?
11. How does this principle change you and your vibra7on?
Forgiveness helps us to evolve. It shakes up the lower emotions that we have become accustomed to and teaches us to try and exist in a love vibration. It shares understanding and knowledge that helps us relate to others. It accelerates our vibration to help heighten our frequencies, making us feel lighter and less dense and weighed down.
Forgiveness is the key to changing the world, one person at a time, through love and understanding. Take the time to forgive yourself and forgive those around you for none of us are perfect. Feel the freedom of letting go of hate and anger. By all means feel those negative emotions and work through them, but don't hold on to them. Let forgiveness change and brighten your world. - Sky Hayes
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 23
ff u t S rt y
The Art of Forgiveness with Jane Marin
Thanks so much Jane Marin for your wonderful front Cover. I first met Jane at the Conscious Life Festival and now we are lucky enough to have a selection of her high vibrational mandalas to meditate on and absorb in assisting us move to a place of forgiveness. Jane shares her process with us so that we gain a more indepth connection to her divinely inspired and channeled work...
The Mandala Oracle was inspired by a series of dreams in which I was instructed to create these mandalas. All of the mandalas are channelled and illustrated with layer upon layer of pieces cut from my own photographs. Being a photographer as well as an artist and healer, I have folders and folders containing thousands of photographs, and I appeared to be divinely guided to the ones which contained the right colours and light for each individual mandala. I never seemed to have to search. The Oracle contains four sets of 12 Mandala illustrations including the Chakras, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and 72 Names of God. The text is a collaboration with my dear friend Vikstar!
24 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
The first 12 to come through were the Chakras, so I have included here the Heart Chakra and the Higher Heart Chakra. Both of these Mandalas can be focussed on to assist with issues of forgiveness and compassion for oneself and for others. The readings are as follows. Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra appears to remind you that love truly heals all. Love is the only way. It is love that will see you through this experience. Free yourself and all others from your need. The connection you are seeking lies not in another but within yourself. See yourself for who you truly are. You are everything you need to live a rich and wonder-full life. You are light. You are life. You are love. Practice compassion and forgiveness for self and others. Let go of your ego. Understand that all are on their own path, the behaviours of others is not about you. Give love freely to others without condition or expectation of return; you are honouring the highest part of yourself by doing so.
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 25
Higher Heart Your Higher Heart has been activated. The love that you are and that you radiate into this world has reached new heights. There is a great sense of peace and comfort knowing you are connected to the love that is all. You have the ability to love beyond the bounds of conformity and constraint. You are immune to the conditions that have defined love in the past. You begin to see past the demonstration of pain in others 26 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
behaviour and instead, you see the innocence of the true spirit within. Recognise the beauty and magnificence that is the essence of you. Celebrate the wonder of this revelation by radiating unconditional love and kindness towards the self at all times. You may have noticed that your sensitivities and feelings have heightened. Know that your innermost feelings are here to guide you. Trust your empathic abilities and they will serve you well.
Archangel Zadkiel You are experiencing a phase of empowerment. Free yourself from the attachments that keep you from your higher purpose. Detach and move freely into the space of oneness. I am setting you free from self inflicted habits and limitations. Allow me to purify your mind so that your thought patterns become more positive and light filled. Anything is possible, your being is unlimited; I am making you aware of your exponential potential. The light of creation resides within you; see light, know
light, be light. I am here to help you see this experience from a higher perspective. I am showing you the path to the gateway of forgiveness. I will reveal the whole truth. The truth will set you free. It’s time to make amends with self and all others. Free yourself from judgements. Understand all are in their perfect place, just as you are now. Know that I bring the creative resolve that will enable you to move forward at this time.
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 27
Quan Yin Give thanks for your current phase of enlightenment. Celebrate all that you are in spontaneous delight. I enable in you the ability to see the blessings in all experience and interaction. Whether real or perceived I transmute all wrongs so that you are free to let go of the past. I will protect you as this new Earth is birthed within and around you. As humankind ascends beyond oppression and abuse I am calling many to share their 28 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
experience of love’s light. Your light is called for in these times of great suffering. Know that your healing of the divine feminine within also empowers others. All that was wounded is healed. You ascend from strong foundations. Your Earth connection is strong. Now is the time to open up and let the world see the power of your love in action. You have mastered the fire that burns within, use it now as the fuel to ignite loves spark within others.
The final set of mandalas are from the Kabala - the 72 Names of God. I had never heard of this when I began creating the oracle but another series of dreams pointed me in the right direction. Here I am sharing Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love Angels are comforting you at this time. You are relieved of all anger and resentment. You are filled with compassion, mercy and forgiveness. You see all as equally deserving of love. You love yourself unconditionally. You teach others how to love by the way you love yourself. Your relationships are strengthening. Know that love and light will lead the way.
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 29
Get Michelle Lightworker's latest book!
If you feel the urge to write, draw, paint, dance, sculpt, teach or make movies, you may be in the channel already and not realise it! This book will assist you to unblock writer’s block and get those creative juices 3lowing into any projects that you have in mind. Jam-‐packed with 96 activities to unleash your channelling power, you will be on the road to in3inite creation in no time at all. For those of you who have a well-‐trodden channelling ability, it will show you how to birth those projects that are calling you and ground your intention. Channelling is the marriage between Spirit and humanity. Calling on 12 high vibrational principles (Spirit) cross sectioned with 8 main Chakras (humanity), it will assist you to evolve your spirit, heal your body, increase your energy and resolve emotional baggage.
Out And About.....
No boring stuff for us!
Life is fun at our Lightworker Practitioner's graduating ceremony. No boring stuff for us Super Hero grad party all the way! That's my husband Tony aka Green Lantern and I (aka Poison Ivy - hey who said she was a villain, she loved mother earth's plants) on the left. Our wonderful Master Lightworker Practitioner Lois Rowley is there with me on the right. Okay, okay I took off my wig for the student photos! Life's too short not to make it a joy!
Opened my first ever Art Exhibition. The delightful Phyllis Araneo show cased her Light Bright Exhibition: Modern Mandalas for the Busy 21st Century Mind at the Arts & Ecology Centre, Botanic Gardens, Maroochydore. So yummy you could taste the high vibrational nourishment!
Lightworker Advocate | Feb 2016 | 31