Unity Edition Into Me I See - Creating Intimacy through Unity Just Be You FAMILY UNITY
Nancy Levin
Is Unity important in business?
Increase Your Self-Worth to Boost Your Net Worth Unity with All
Issue 5 February 2016
Levin Lovin' Unity
Nancy Levin is the bestselling author of Jump … And Your Life Will Appear, Writing For My Life, and the forthcoming Worthy: Boost Your Self-Worth to Grow Your Net Worth (Hay House, August 2016.) She’s a Master Integrative Life Coach and the creator of the Jump Coaching and Worthy Coaching Programs, working with clients – privately and in groups – to live in alignment with their own truth and desires. She was the Event Director at Hay House for 12 years and hosts her own weekly call-in show Jump Start Your Life on Hay House Radio. Nancy received her Masters in Creative Writing and Poetics from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado and she continues to live in the Rocky Mountains. You can visit her online at I spoke with Nancy on the concept of Unity and how it relates to her current work as Hay House Radio host, author, coach and work with the Shadow processes stemming from her time at Debbie Ford's "Ford Institute for Transformational Change". During an interview this gregarious introvert had this to say....
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 3
How did you first come about Shadow work?
How do you incorporate Shadow work with Unity?
So you know I was the event director of Hay House producing all of their events all over the place and through my work there actually before I ever got to Hay House, Debbie Ford and I were friends. And so, I was producing her events “The Shadow Process” and actually it was right now – February 25th 2010, my birthday, that I went to
For me that whole concept is about the way that anyone else is the mirror. Debbie always used to say, “There’s no one else out there” and everyone else is a mirror reflecting me back to me. So the Unity begins within first. I think that it begins with coming into alignment with our own truth and our desires because any time we are pointing the finger outward there’s the 3 fingers pointing back at us. So it’s always an invitation to look within and get back into right alignment because when we are in right alighment with ourselves we’re not in activation. To me before we can even have the ethereal or the global picture of unity, I think it first begins within. Because so many of us are disembodied and disjointed and are at war with ourselves. And so I think it has to begin within, creating that alignment. I really believe and I’ve seen this with our clients. Specifically with my book 'Jump' and the work I do with my clients around making major change. No matter what the change with their external world, the internal change is always a deepening of self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-love, selfforgiveness. So it’s really about first and foremost the relationship between me and me.
San Diego to do the Shadow Process as a participant. Debbie said “You are coming, you are putting your arse in the chair, you are not producing for this event, you are sending your staff to produce it, you are going to do the work that you need to do to be able to move on" and ultimately face the truth of what was going on in my adult life and to be able to file for divorce”. I was at that point separated. And she knew and it was great. She had me come to San Diego, she had me stay with her and she was on me 24/7 and even though there were 112 of us in the room I literally felt like she had created that weekend for me. And from that point on I ended up working with one of her coaches doing the Healing Your Heart Coaching work as a client and that is based on Debbie’s book “Spiritual Divorce” and then I decided to do her year long coaching certification program. I had no desires on being a coach. I had my job at Hay House. It was my dream job, I worked the equivalent of like 3 full time jobs, I worked like a crazy person. I was travelling 200 plus days a year. I never in a million years thought I’d do anything else at all. And I did the certification program really because I wanted to do my own inner exploration and my excavation. I really just wanted to do the deep work and what happened is at the end of that year I was really unrecognisable from the woman who began and I was clear that I was called to help other people get free. So I had my certification in coaching in bridge to Shadow Coaching as well as Healing Your Heart coaching as well as other models of Debbie’s coaching. And then once I wrote my book, “Jump and your life will appear” and my new book “Worthy: Boost your Self-worth to Grow your Net Worth”, I created coaching curriculum’s out of those 2 books as well. So I also coach my own work as well. Who are your mentors that have inspired you over the years? Certainly Debbie was the big mentor especially in terms to be one of the people that I really carrying her work into the world. So many, of course Louise Hay, big time mentor. One of the beautiful side bonuses of my job was that I was really hanging out with and became friends with so many of the people I was touring with around the world. So of course, Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Marianne Williamson. I could literally go on and on! I was and still am very fortunate to have personal relationships with these people. Of course Reid Tracey who is the president and CEO of Hay House. Very, very big mentor. He’s an extraordinary man.
4 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
You've written the books 'Jump and your Life will appear' and 'Writing for my Life..Reclaiming the Lost Pieces of Me: A Poetic Journey'. Can you tell us about how these both encourage readers to embrace the principle of Unity? I think poetry by nature and by definition the concept of unity, because I think that its bringing together what I load in but also what’s being loaded in from somewhere else. So I think that poetry has that intrinsically within it. For me too the way that that book came about is really a unifying principle. Which was that I was already MC'ing and producing Hay House events and when Reid heard a poem of mine at a co-worker’s wedding he said, "OMG you’re a real poet." And I said “Reid I have a Masters in poetry”. And he asked me to start reading poems before the key notes at the ‘I Can Do It’ conferences. So in front of thousands and thousands of people! And ultimately after reading poems he asked me to start telling pieces of my story, I mean all the way up to workshops, key notes that I’m standing on the main stage delivering, my story, delivering my message, my teachings. It was a full circle experience for me . From having been behind the scenes to then shining the light for everyone else. Even my publishing journey and my speaking journey is ultimately one of the unifying principle.
That’s amazing and I mean even the name of the book too you’re bringing back losts pieces of yourself and it’s like coming full circle..what an amazing experience it must have been for you?
It was and it still continues to be because even through the process of writing my book “Jump” which then went to the good stuff which was really the process of leaving my marriage and the process that can be applied to making any major change. Thise identified me leaving my job at Hay House - which again I never thought I would ever do, I had my dream job! I ended up leaving to really launch my own career. And so much of then what followed is what’s in the next book around being worthy. I also see the way that I had to own and claim my worthiness and being able to take that stage alongside Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson etc and being able to know that I am worthy to be here ad that our worthiness is not something that can be given or taken away. I’ve found at the core of our shadow beliefs "I’m not loveable", "I’m not good enough", "I’m not enough", "Something’s wrong with me", at the core wound of them is, "I’m not worthy". That became for me a touch stone and a passion for me to be able to work with people around reclaiming that as well. So the concept of my book “Boost your Self-worth to grow your Net Worth" is that there is this interplay between self worth and net worth. That is what is really standing in the way of our true abundance. And I mean that not just in terms of bank account. I'm talking about the full richness of life. So what’s standing in the way, are the psychological blocks that are really routed back in childhood that haven’t been processed. So the book and the coaching around it is really a pretty deep dive into freeing ourselves and resolving those blocks. It’s really about resolving those blocks. Are there any particular aspects of your own Shadow that you felt you needed to accept to really shift into your Lightworker gear? Ye s t h e b i g o n e w a s a c t u a l l y a r o u n d irresponsibility and laziness. Because they were 2 qualities I really disowned and that I really needed to teach within myself and so that I stopped projecting out and drawing towards me people who were lazy and irresponsible. And then once I was able to reclaim within myself lazy and irresponsible (to stop overcompensating by over achieving, stop chasing all the external validation, stop chasing all the gold stars), then that was a big shift for me to also embrace a gift of irresponsibility and lazy which really for me was rest. So on the dark side, I had to reclaim those pieces and then on the light side I’d say it was the worthiness that I had projected out onto all the others. Especially, it was interesting experience for me because, I sort of had the front row seat and the back stage pass to all the greatest minds in the genre of self empowerment, motivation and , inspiration! There were certainly people upon who I was projecting my light. In your opinion, what are the hardest aspects of the shadow that society finds hard to embrace?
I would say the question that people are asking, especially with how many people are moving into entrepreneurship is around how they are defining work a different way. I see that people seem to be struggling with, “who am I to bring my gifts to the world?”, “who am I to be listened to?”, because their so afraid to be tipped over into being seen as a narcissist. So I think it’s that fine line, between standing in our worth, standing in our confidence, standing in our in our courage and not tipping over to the place where we think that we are the only one who knows. What do you feel is required to shift this and come back to a feeling of Unity? I think it’s really about remembering about being of service because I think that’s what helps us not step over the line into narcissim. "Who am I to teach this to other people?", "Who am I to write about this?", "Who am I to coach others about this?", comes from my own experience. It comes from anyone’s experience. That’s what gives them the right. It’s when we stay in the service of our life experience to help someone else that we stay on this side of the net. And we tip over into the narcissism when we believe our way is the only way or that we know best or that we know 'all'. So I’d say that it all comes down to me being of service which is the unifying principle. If I can use something in my life, if I can offer something from my own experience, to you, to help you to process or understand in a different way so that you can see things from a different vantage point that may help you heal, then it’s likely that you will be able to do the same for others. It might be that you might be able to do the same for your daughter. I’m really interested in, especially when I look at a lot of women around empty nest and this whole thing of like “Who am I if I am not someone’s mum?” That gives women the opportunity do the work on themselves and they can pass the it down generationally down their daughters. It’s miraculous. How has being involved with Hay House inspired you to walk a path of Unity? By nature of being part of a movement. It’s not even a company - it’s a family - but it’s a movement. Louise herself is still a voice of equality, of togetherness, of collaboration, of connection. Especially in this day and age with the internet, I wouldn’t be able to do what I do in the world without technology. I love the technology, I’m all about the technology. I love my Hay House radio show and couldn't do it without it. But I think one of the reasons I loved my job was that nothing ever will ever take the place of warm bodies in a room sharing an experience. So when I came to Hay House to build the event division, it was really my passion to get warm bodies together to share an experience because that’s where the magic happens and nothing will ever change that. So that was really a big part for me to create that community. - Michelle Lightworker
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 5
Just Be You with Jade Renee Banks
with Renee Banks The Liquid Crystal Jade that relates to the p rinciple of Unity is Herkimer Diamond, the stone of Oneness. It is the closest representation of that idea of Unity Consciousness. The funny thing is, we are already uniAied, whether we are conscious of it or not. We are already connected energetically. There is nothing we need to do to be in Unity except to know it, realize it and be at peace with it. When we are not at peace with this principle of Unity, we are in perceived disconnection from each other and essentially from ourselves. We perceive that you are separate to me and I am separate to you. We are all a unique spark of Divine Consciousness. We all have our own hue, yet we are colours of the same rainbow. Who is to say where one colour ends and another begins? They blend perfectly with each other. There are no rigid lines between red and blue and yellow and purple. They all know themselves yet are connected to each other in the uniAied purpose of being a rainbow. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if life were like that too? If our human relationships were the same. Self-‐ awareness and individuality, yet connection and oneness, no matter what colour. The Liquid Crystal, Herkimer Diamond, can help with this. Part of its action is to unify all parts of Self, and this is key to feeling Unity with others. If we are feeling in love and acceptance of all parts of ourselves, then we are feeling more whole as a person. This Ailters out into our relationships with others, we can recognize the wholeness in diversity,
and appreciate each unique being for who they are. Because really, it would be pretty boring if we were all the same! This doesn’t mean that we have to like everyone. However, we can acknowledge that they serve a purpose in our evolution and may have a gift for our soul growth. Another attribute of Herkimer Diamond is that it imbues a sense of self-‐conAidence that allows us to surrender and just be ourselves. This surrender brings down our “walls” and opens us up to relating and connecting with others from a place of genuine love. It also opens up the doorways to our life purpose. Which is simply being your true self and all that you are, wherever you are and whomever you are with. Once again, Unity comes to mind. We have such a true understanding and conAidence within ourselves, that we have no need to play roles around different people. We are who we are, and we have no need to take responsibility for those around us. We are a representation of self-‐responsibility. You be you and I’ll be me, and in Unity we are Oneness. Jade Renee Banks CertiAied Master Lightworker Practitioner CertiAied Lightworker Practitioner Facilitator Liquid Crystals Advanced Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner Ph: 0450 582 586
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 7
Elemental Unity
with Fiona Brown
Here I sit pondering the principle of Unity. I am si7ng on the earth and grounded. I am so close to the ocean water that I can hear the pounding vibrancy of the waves. I sit beneath a tree that provides me with shade from the fire and heat of the sun. I can also hear the windy air noisily playing with and dancing among the leaves, moving the flat water and holding birds alo>. Here in this place I am connected to the elements and Spirit. The air then brings me the sounds of children playing and calling, laughter, play and movement of people and their lives come into my awareness. I am able to connect energeAcally with people and find I can sense mood, feelings and have a knowing about many. I can sense and feel their joyful hearts meet mine – right now – today – here where I sit. I can touch their light in this moment. In some other place and Ame in the world, space or other realms it would be different in environment and people yet we are connected. For me UNITY is all about the light, the Spirit and the
heart energy that connects us all together. As I sat and expanded out to feel the Unity with the world, I experienced some ancestors who touched me gently on the shoulder to remind me not to exclude their wish to give guidance, strength and support to us all. The gentleness is so subtle someAmes that in our busy lives we o>en do not noAce or pretend they are not real messages. Here again we have UNITY with the spirit world. We are all unified by our human-‐ness and our Spirit. In the stars and the Universe our Soul Families can be called on to impart their knowing to an earth Soul, as can Angels, Ascended Masters and other energies. SomeAmes, I feel as if I am part of the ALL, the everything, in all dimensions of Ame and space – I feel this, I know this and my heart tells me the truth of this. Right now, You and I are choosing to be all of that in this human vessel and I feel blessed to be able to connect with those who cross my path. Remember, we are all connected as one through heart, soul and Universal spirit. -‐ Fiona Brown, CerAfied Master Lightworker PraciAAoner
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 9
TRIBAL UNITY I recently aSended Jean Sheehans Millennium EducaAon course at Noosa and whilst there we did a lot of MeditaAons and Crystal Gridding. Some of the meditaAons we did had very ancient music where I really resonated with toning, the tone of the music made you feel very United, together. Some of the tribal music was from Islam, Aboriginal Australian history, etc.. during these meditaAons I felt a profound shi> of Unity with the Women I was meditaAng with as well as I saw unity in the world and how important it really is to live a happy joyous life. We all live in the illusion of separaAon, that if we stay separate from one another that we will be happier, when really every individual person on this Earth is craving Unity with someone -‐ someone to love them, someone to want them, someone to listen to them. In these moments of meditaAon, I saw lots of tribal women dancing around me and protecAng me, helping me and loving me just for who I am. I felt a profound love and connecAon to all the women in the room as well meditaAng with me. There were approximately 15 ladies. I saw deep inside every woman in that room, beyond everyday western society's false illusions, judgements and separate ideals based on looks, clothes, what we have, makeup, personality and how much money we have etc I saw how they all have such a pure beauAful heart and we all want the same thing, love and to be loved. This comes from being United together. I felt sad for the modern western countries such as Australia, America and the UK, as there is such a separate way of living. Some of the countries like New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji, Hawaii, wherever these more tribal Islander type places are, sAll seem to have a sense of Unity with their community and
10 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
with Julie Latcham
friends & family, sAll carrying out ancient rituals from ancestors past where they come together united in peace and dance & wear their tribal clothing and do their tribal dancing or singing. They also allow their young ones a right of passage to move to the next stage of their life, which I think helps a lot for teenagers to feel accepted and move on to adulthood knowing they are supported and loved and not just in a monetary way like the western world. Even in Ames of growing up myself in the 70’s and 80’s, we were certainly more united with family, helping out if our parents asked, or gathering with your whole family for special events and celebraAng everyone’s successes in the family. Nowadays it seems more isolated and families don’t unite like they used to anymore, teenagers lock themselves in their rooms and don’t even communicate with the family, especially with social media. I feel these experiences of my meditaAons around the crystal grid were for me to deliver the message of staying United with anyone that you love or loves you or needs help or feels lost. Get out in your community, help the people that need help, allow yourself to feel worthy of helping others and in return you will get so much more back. We are one, we are whole, we are not separate, we are all UNITED and once you master the true HEART ESSENCE & DESIRE FOR UNITY, you will be truly HAPPY & JOYOUS from the inside out.
Julie Latcham Elixir For Life 041144168
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 13
UNITY IN BUSINESS – IS IT IMPORTANT? When I first started thinking about how the principal of Unity would apply to a business I was focussing on the relationships between business owner and client and trying to see the connection. It was then, when I used the word ‘connection’ I suddenly realised it was all about the business owner being ‘connected’ or ‘disconnected’ to the ‘ALL’. Having an awareness about this is what is important. I have been on a spiritual journey for many years now and when I started my own business ‘Dare to Dream’ 15 years ago, I was suddenly confronted with a realisation that running a
business is not just about following your passion. There are specific things that must be put in place if your business is going to succeed. The most important of these is to learn ‘HOW’ to run a business and put those processes into practice. If you don’t, your passion will always remain a ‘hobby’ which may bring in a bit of money. Having an awareness of ‘connection’ to ALL can get a bit tricky at times. There are times when I feel so different to others that I think I don’t belong on this planet or I have come from a different time. Having said that, I do believe we are all ‘ONE’ and there is no real separation so I sometimes have trouble reconciling both these statements.
The good thing about having this knowledge and understanding is that it helps us to be more empathetic with our clients, without taking on any of their emotions. It also helps us ‘hear’ what they are really saying and not just listening to their words. Remember, you need to find out what your client really needs BEFORE you can find ways to help them with those needs. It’s all about Them NOT You. There will always be times in your business when you will get frustrated that people out there just don’t GET what you are offering but you need to remember, humans have to see and/or hear things 7 times before they get what you are
with Joy saying.
Embrace the concept of Unity and maintain the awareness of it in your own personal life and you will find it will automatically transfer to the business relationships that you develop. There is no separation after all. Diana Crosby Certified Lightworker Practitioner 0410775655
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 17
Unity - a step further Unity, well it’s a concept I actually take a step further. Last year I had an epiphany. We are not separate souls stemming from the one source – we ARE the source. We are all just experiencing a different expression through the life we see ourselves living. Take this further again… time is an illusion locked into our human experience, in reality everything happens at once. So, WE are all the source, all ONE soul, not reincarnated as we have concluded from our explorations but ONE soul experiencing many different lives concurrently. I am a Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Therapist, Clairvoyant & Spirit Release Facilitator. I still work a regular day job dealing with the general public & I put Unity into practice here as well as in my spiritual work. I live a spiritual life, I don’t just do spiritual work – there is no line in the sand! If you’ve ever worked in a retail
with Oceana
business you’ll know sometimes people can be very unreasonable & occasionally even rude or aggressive. I am always given the difficult customers because I can almost instantly calm them. I find the knowledge of Unity allows me to see these people as me on another day. With this thought instantly I feel caring & compassion for this person & people can feel this immediately. I see their whole demeanour, change. Often, and this is the wonderful part, they give me a big hug when they leave! Many of them return again & again. The staff don’t understand how I do it, I have explained my understanding but it is a big concept and we are not all ready for it and that’s OK too! The experiences of the source are supposed to be diverse! Unity is not something to be utilised in a healing practice only, if you comprehend it, it will become the way you live. You may still experience anger or disappointment at someone else’s behaviour for a moment but it quickly dissipates when the compassion & knowledge of Unity enters your mind. Could you maintain anger at yourself? How can you be anything less than compassionate with anyone once you realise they are actually YOU. When you really GET this, it is life-changing, for you and for everyone you come into contact with. I would say I’ve been a spiritual seeker. However, I have always demanded evidence and I have always received it. This one piece of knowledge though, overtakes everything else, it breaks through so much illusion to get to the very core.
Oceana soon to move to 18 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Smelly Stuff "Marjoram is the Oil of ConnecAon, it teaches trust as the basis for all human relaAonships." Joy Ashton Also known as “wintersweet” or “joy of the mountains,” Marjoram was known to the Greeks and Romans as a symbol of happiness. Marjoram has been used in culinary dishes, imparAng a unique flavor to soups, stews, dressings, and sauces: in Germany, this herb is known as the “Goose Herb” for its tradiAonal use in roasAng geese. In modern applicaAons, Marjoram is valued for its calming properAes and its posiAve effect on the nervous system.* It also supports both healthy cardiovascular and immune systems.* USES • • • • • • • • • •
Apply to the back of the neck to lessen feelings of stress.* Apply to a fussy child’s feet prior to a nap. Replace Marjoram essenAal oil in your next recipe that calls for dried Marjoram. Usually 1 drop of essenAal oil is equivalent to 2 tsp. of dried herbs. Apply to muscles before and a>er exercising. Valued for its calming properAes and posiAve effect on the nervous system.* Add to a soothing massage blend for targeAng Ared, stressed muscles. Promotes healthy immune funcAon.* May promote healthy cardiovascular system funcAon.* Blends with lavender and rosemary. Apply to a fussy child’s feet prior to a nap.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with dōTERRA FracAonated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensiAvity. See addiAonal precauAons below. CAUTIONS Possible skin sensiAvity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensiAve areas.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 19
Unity with All
- Michelle Lightworker
The principle of Unity is one of the most transformational ones in the set of 12 principles. It assists us to come back into connection which is the opposite of the Ego or lower self that is self serving and has a tendency to be narcissistic. It connects us back to Spirit and back to the 'All' as we see ourselves as a mirror of everyone and everything.
just an intellectual concept.
Again I am guided by Spirit to give you all a quick run down on how the principle of Unity affects our 8 main Chakras.
Sacral - We naturally unify with higher vibrations. I have provided an exercise on this below.
Crown- We realise we are connected to the consciousness of the Divine. We are able to look for similarities rather than differences when relating to others.
Solar plexus - We realise our imperfections are our greatest gift as they bring us into a space of equality with others. We are able to tap into infinite potential of ourselves and see this in others. As we raise our vibration we raise everyone's vibration.
Base - We treat our possessions the way we would treat ourselves. We become co-creators with Spirit. The following exercise is an Activity from "The Everyday Lightworker Bible".
"I naturally unify with higher vibrations" Third Eye - We see the connection of everyone and everything. As we see everyone as a reflection, we are able to face this truth with love and acceptance of ourselves and others more easily. Ears - We are able to 'detach with love' when another is voicing their opinion. The irony of Unity helps us to not take other's opinions personally. We know we are another's mirror too. Throat - We are able to speak words that connect rather than divide. Our words reflect a greater understanding of how we are ALL always connected. Heart - We are able to connect from our own Higher Self to another's Higher Self. We feel more connected to the planet and the Universe from a feeling space, not
Choose from one of the principles in this book: honesty, openmindedness, willingness, forgiveness, unity, discipline, faith, responsibility, love, wholeness, joy, and peace. When you read these, do you feel a resistance to any of them in particular? Ask your spiritual helpers to remove the resistance that is telling you that this is a separate vibration from you. In a meditation, see the part of yourself that embodies this principle. Ask this part how it can help you in your life. See and feel it step into your body and become one with you. Sit with this united feeling for a few minutes and take it into your day. Love and abundant blessings, Michelle Lightorker
20 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 21
Unity and the
Anxiety Diaries With Amy Young
My name is Amy and I am one half of the partnership that makes up the Anxiety Diaries with my colleague Kate. Anxiety is a feeling that many people are experiencing and we like to call on the 12 Principles to help manage anxiety in our day-to-day lives. I would like to share with you my experience and thoughts on Unity and how it influences my feelings of anxiety. Unity, to me, has always been about being united with our fellow person, animal, plant, earth - basically anything made of energy. It is understanding that we are all one, we are all made of energy and we are all connected.
are connected. Like me, each person has thoughts, feelings, the need to breathe, eat and sleep. In this way we are similar however it is our basic human gift of freedom of thought that can set us apart, but more importantly, unite us. If we are all human beings living a human experience with freedom of thought, we can then choose to be united. We often do this unconsciously with our families, friends, colleagues but when you choose to go deeper and do so consciously, we really begin to feel a deep sense of unity for all energies. A deep sense of belonging, wholeness and peace.
....anxiety is a Super Power
Sounds simple and it can be if it is understood that way. I often hear people say they "don’t understand how people can all be connected" or similar phrases like, “I am nothing like that person” “I don’t want to be like them”, “They do things I would never do” and most commonly “How can we be connected if humans want to harm other humans?” And this is my reply. Look at it from a different perspective. Take an open minded approach to “humans” and consider this - We are human beings having a human experience. That is how we
22 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
When it comes to using the Principle of Unity in managing anxiety I simply remind myself to breathe and start to feel the unity around me. Notice my body, feel the ground beneath me and stretch out to the trees, the other homes in my street, the people in those homes going about their lives. I start to think about the animals on the ground, in the ocean, stretch out to the sky, the birds, and beyond until I can see the whole planet Earth as one big ball of energy that I am apart of. I don't just visualise it, I feel it too. This simple process begins to calm the mind and feel more at peace so I can let go of what had me so stressed.
Another great technique I use is to remember that people are just that, people. Living like I am, breathing like I am, and just like me they have thoughts and just like me some have thoughts of anxiety, stress and worry. I am not alone in feeling anxiety. Millions of people have anxious thoughts around the world at any one time. To me anxiety is a superpower. Not a term most people may use when describing anxiety but if our thoughts are so powerful they can cause anxiety and anxiety can make our bodies react to it in often extreme ways, imagine what we could do if we flipped it over to positive thoughts? So next time you are feeling stressed or anxious begin to think about unity with the energy around you and honour the super power in you and others. You are not alone in anxiety. - Amy Young
For more information on the Anxiety Diaries please feel free to contact Amy or Kate through our very new and developing Facebook Community to help people unite with anxiety.
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 23
The Principle Project: Unity
Thanks Julie Latcham for your insightful wisdom on unity. This is a woman who walks her talk. 1. Why is this principle important in your life? Unity is a coming together, an acceptance of all people, animals, living things, the planet. I believe we can all live a wonderful happy life if we are all on the same united front for the good & love & compassion of each other.
2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? For me Unity with myself, an acceptance of my true inner self & my values around loving & uniting the Universe. Not allowing judgment from others to change my soul purpose of wanting to Unite everyone - no matter how much I sometimes feel different. Allowing myself to Unite lovingly with myself, allows me to Unite everyone around me.
3.How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? Unity for me is felt in my heart space, I feel a very warm, loving open heart when everyone is united. I know myself & others are practicing Unity when I see people come together to help others in times of tragedy or grief. Also even with my own clients, just seeing them attend one of my Yoga classes & practising Meditation, I know they are raising the vibration of the Universe and their ultimate happiness lies in Unity with all living things, helping each
24 | February 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
other out, giving someone a hand, volunteering or just even showing interest & happiness in making someone else’s life happy too. Loving each and every nationality in the World too, we are all United as One.
4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be?
For me, I see Unity as PURPLE. A beautiful open, spiritual, soft but also strong colour. A colour of connection to your psychic self which is very Uniting on all fronts.
5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Sweet Apples. Apples are everywhere and grow on Trees from the Earth. Apples are in our history and also used to give Teachers as a gift, there are usually plenty to go around. We can Unite with this beautiful fruit of abundance.
6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? The smell of Unity for me would be probably a fruity sweet Lotus Flower scent mixed with some other flowers like Jasmine & Geranium.
7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? A song, a beautiful emotional heartfelt song.
8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? A CIRCLE.
9. If this principle was an animal what animal would it be? An Owl. Full of beauty, wisdom & a guide & protector to all.
10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? My amazing spirit guides that I see daily that help me to deliver this message of Unity are Archangel Michael, my guide Samuel Demetrius who is a Hungarian & Atlantean from my past life, and God. Also Sheena Athena the Forest Warrior. I also often see a Lion & Owl animal guides too & sometimes a Snake and of more late the Atlantean Sea Animals as guides – Dolphins, Whales, Sea horses & Mermaids.
11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? The Unity Principle makes me realise that when we have our Chakras closed off it is hard for us to unite & connect with other people. We tend to stay closed off to ourselves which won’t vibrate a loving connection to others. We need to deal with our own issues & release them for a clear chakra system & in turn always connecting and uniting with others with love & compassion.
12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? YES in Unity we all stand united together. If we can all connect & help each other then the grief, sufferings, loss, destruction will be a lot less. The pain, the poverty, the sadness, the lonliness can all be gone. No more disconnection from our true selves and the world and people and animals around us. If we are all connected, involved and helping each other out, our WORLD will be a much happier more wonderful United place.
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 25
High  Vibrational  Traveller Unity:  or  the  Tao  of  Oneness
with Paul & Phoebe Hoogendyk
The  one  thing  that  we  have  found  in  all  our  travels  to  the  ancient  cultures  is  how  vital  unity  or  oneness  is  to  the  integrity  and  survival  of  the  tribes.  From  belief  systems  to  support  and  family  it  is  all  so  important  for  keeping  the  tribe  intact  and  funcAoning  strongly  as  a  unit  and  as  separate  individuals.   Sadly  this  is  something  we  in  the  West  have  lost  and  are  now  seeing  our  systems  falling  apart  due  to  the  separaAon  of  self  and  ideals  from  each  other.  We  have  lost  the  art  of  belonging  to  a  community,  to  a  land,  to  the  Earth  and  ulAmately  to  the  Universe‌  each  other.  We  see  ourselves  as  a  single  unit  that  needs  to Â ďŹ ght  for  its  own  survival  rather  than  being  part  of  a  larger  whole,  supported/ supporAng  and  help  up  in  Ames  of  need. Yes  we  do  need  to  go  out  into  the  world  and Â ďŹ nd  ourselves  but  as  in  the  Maori  culture,  the  elders  wait  for  the  return  of  the  young  ones  as  they  know  that  “Unityâ€?  is  missing  in  the  outside  today.  We  build  fences  around  ourselves  metaphorically  and  physically.  Not  only  does  it  keep  others  out,  it  keeps  us  separated  and  trapped  inside  a  lonely  prison  of  our  own  making.  Our  leaders  purposely  keep  us  separated  because  they  know  and  understand  completely  the  strength  and  power  of  us  when  we  do  come  together.  Together  in  unity  we  can  overcome  just  about  everything.  Firstly  though  we  need  to  step  out  of  fear  and  realise  the  world  is  not  the  dangerous  place  portrayed  in  the  media.  We  have  travelled  through  so  called  areas  of  danger  and  unrest  Phoebe  and  Paul  Hoogendyk  Ancient  Wisdom  Mentors  and  Conscious  and  Spiritual  travel  guides. hSps://
26 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
and  seen  and  experienced  none  of  it  and  neither  have  the  people  we  have  spoken  to  who  live  there.  Yes  there  are  areas  we  would  not  go  to,  ones  of  genuine  troubles‌but  have  a  good  long  look  and  think  about  when,  why  and  where  the  trouble  actually  started  and  who  and  why  the  “unrestâ€?  is  being  perpetuated  by.  Mostly  it  i s  b y  t h o s e  w h o  w i l l  g a i n  b y  o u r  separateness‌..our  fear. We  have  spent  Ame  with  tribes  who  sAll  live  in  the  old  ways  and  they  may  not  be  wealthy  in  the  things  we  may  class  as  signs  of  wealth  but  they  are  rich  beyond  compare  in  their  lore,  family  and  community  bonds,  understanding  of  the  world  and  nature  and  where  and  how  we  all Â ďŹ t  in  with  “all  there  is.â€? If  we  as  a  species  want  to  survive  and  yes  we  are  in  survival  mode  right  now‌.then  we  need  to  come  together,  work  together,  realise  we  are  all  one  and  family  members,  we  are  all  brothers  and  sisters,  aunts  and  uncles,  mothers  and  fathers  to  each  other.  We  share  the  planet  and  the  same  ancestors  if  you  trace  the  line  back  far  enough.  We  are  seeing  the  turning  of  the  Ade  now  as  more  and  more  people  are  stepping  into  their  power  and  realising  the  strength  in  coming  together,  in  unity.  Now  is  the  Ame  of  great  change  and  if  we  come  together  we  can  and  will  create  a  world  where  all  have  a  chance  to  not  only  survive  but  thrive.  Remember  the  lone  wolf  will  never  be  as  strong  as  the  pack!
High Vibrational Numerology Unity  is  2 with Terrie Hansen
The Number Two brings with it Peacemaking, Balance, Intuition, Diplomacy, Kindness, Sensitivity and Co-operation. Spiritually it is the Number of Unity, Harmony, Balance, Cooperation and Companionship.
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 27
28 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 21
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 29
ff u t S rt y
Painting in Unison with Tony Dowd
I paint in unison with my subject. Mostly my Subject is water in one form or another. Of late I have been drawn to paint a series of painAngs depicAng water droplets as seen through a glass window. Each droplet is unique in shape, form, size, colour etc but we recognise them all as droplets. Water is a great metaphor for Unity. All water on the planet is part of a never
30 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
ending cycle. Water always comes into unity with itself.EG, If we pour 3 cups of water into a bowl we do not end up with 3 cups of water, we end up with 1 body of water. Each drop comes from one source and as it moves through its cycle it may exist separately at Ames but some way or another always becomes 1 again. I love painAng this series and intend to conAnue painAng this series for some Ame in Unison with my subject.
"Sunset Bliss Blombs" by Tony Dowd
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 31
" Bliss Blombs" by Tony Dowd
32 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
"Window Dreaming" by Tony Dowd
Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 33
"Rainy Day in Bed" by Tony Dowd
34 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Everyday Lightworker Oracle Cards
Out now $55.55 + shipping Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 35
Get Michelle Lightworker's latest book!
If you feel the urge to write, draw, paint, dance, sculpt, teach or make movies, you may be in the channel already and not realise it! This book will assist you to unblock writer’s block and get those creative juices Alowing into any projects that you have in mind. Jam-‐packed with 96 activities to unleash your channelling power, you will be on the road to inAinite creation in no time at all. For those of you who have a well-‐trodden channelling ability, it will show you how to birth those projects that are calling you and ground your intention. Channelling is the marriage between Spirit and humanity. Calling on 12 high vibrational principles (Spirit) cross sectioned with 8 main Chakras (humanity), it will assist you to evolve your spirit, heal your body, increase your energy and resolve emotional baggage. 36 | March 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
Out And About.....
2016 Stargazer Astrology Had a wonderful time listening to Chirone Shakti's key dates for 2016. One thing that we could have on our radar this year for the Everyday Lightworker is Saturn squaring Neptune. Neptune is about our dreams, spirituality and visions for the future. Saturn is about getting real or bringing dreams into reality. We all have real potentiality for us to manifest our dreams this year. It ususally takes an effort for us to ground ourselves when we are under the influence of Neptune. So when working with the principle of Unity, and all the other Everyday Lightworker Principles, Saturn will help us to find ways to integrate these higher vibrations into our everyday lives in practical ways. The following dates are when Saturn is squaring Neptune and making it a ripe time to ground your dreams - especially the ones for the highest good of all. Thank you for Conscious Life Events for organsing this very informative and inspirational event.
18 June 2016 10 September 2016 We also just had one on 26 November 2015. Interestingly, this was my Lightworker Practitioner Student's graduation ceremony! We were grounding our dreams right there! Contact Chirone for your own personal key dates and astrological chart for 2016.
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