Issue 6 2016

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ADVOCATE Magazine Anxiety Diaries


BDSM Harmer or Healer?

The Art of Addiction Recovery

Creativity -

The Cradle of Innovation

Scotty Ze's journey A Disciplined Adventure of Love

Issue 6 APRIL 2016

Editor Michelle Lightworker Enquiries/Advertising: Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker Cover Photo Scotty Ze

s! r e k r o w t h g ay Li d y r e v E y e H I've got to laugh at the Universal timing of things. Putting this magazine together around Easter festivities, chocolate and hot cross buns. And the topic is on Discipline! Mmmm, certainly was a great Easter for our household and then again it's a far cry from the perfectionism of my anorexic days where I used food as a way of punishing myself and then dieting as a stick to beat myself up. Nowadays it's just festivities and I am back to the routine that I know keeps me fit, healthy and happy. Green smoothies, regular exercise, and lots of self-care. So yes, we ate, we had fun and we are now not feeling like we have to 'pay' for it. How about that for applying the principle of discipline! Sometimes it takes discipline to have fun and then not go over the top to pull ourselves back into line. This edition is a real eye opener. We can sometimes avoid the topic of discipline and think that it is a way of punishment. However, over and over again the articles rolled in to speak of it as a way of loving ourselves on a deeper level, freeing ourselves to be more of who we are and keeping us on our life path. How can we use this principle in an evolved way so that we feel more liberated and heal from our past? Our Cover Story with Scotty Ze demonstrates just how we can make this more of an adventure and take advantage of turning points in our lives. EJ Love, our Love and Intimacy Coach enlightens our view on BDSM and how we can rework sexual abuse into sexual healing recovery. We address how discipline can help us with addiction and anxiety issues. I've also included a special section in our Arty stuff on how we can use discipline as a way to evolve our

artistic creations. I feel that this magazine is evolving from being disciplined and staying true to the 12 principles as a priority. We have branched out and have many more contributers. But its always going to be principles above personalities. That's how we stay grounded and on purpose. We aim for less fluff and more content. I feel good about that. Keeps it simple. Less is more! We have so very much to cover, so let’s be disciplined, keep this short and get on with it! Just a reminder for all existing or potential contributors, here are the upcoming topics for each month. If you have an article, please submit it to us by 15th of the month prior to publication so we can ensure it makes it into the Edition. Email articles to Next month its all about Faith. What does it mean, how do we work with it, when is it challenged and what proceses do we use to build it? Do you have something you can offer? May - Faith June - Responsibility July - Love August - Wholeness September - Joy October - Peace November - Honesty Dec '16/Jan '17 - Open-mindedness Feb – Willingness March – Forgiveness April - Discipline


2 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Contents Cover Story 3-5 Scotty Ze's Journey - A Disciplined Adventure of Love by Michelle Lightworker Discipline wisdom 8-9 Structure and Flow by Jade Renee Banks 10-11 BDSM - Does it Harm or Heal? by EJ Love 10 Unlocking your Inner Psychic by Jessika Vidal-Johnson 12 Anxiety Diaries - Working with Anxiety through Discipline by Amy Young 15 To know and Experience the Truth - A Sacred Journey by Kerry Kirwan 16 Disciplined Creativity is the Cradle of Innovation by Asoka Jinadasa, PhD 19 Get Discipline before you Open your next

Pack by Barbara Miller 20 The 30 Day Diet of Discipline by Barbara Miller 21 The Art of Addiction Recovery with Michelle Lightworker 22 Check your Soul Bank Balance with Julianna Suranyi 23 Silent but Heavenly by Sharon Tregoning The Principle Project 25 Discipline with Belinda Payne Arty Stuff 26 Discipline for our Creative Process by Michelle Lightworker with Artowrk by Jane Marin

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 3

Scotty Ze's Journey to

A Disciplined Adventure of Love with Michelle Lightworker Scotty Ze is an inspiration of love based discipline. His words in a recent blog say it all. We all have opportunites presented to us along the way, where we are at a cross roads. What does it take to begin to make love based choices and continue to make them consistently? Scotty shares his story. I have a story to share with you all: Today (25 January 2016) is my anniversary. 15 years ago today I decided to find a better way. I had just received 16 criminal convictions after the hardest 2 years of my life. The man who caught me trying to steal his car broke a police restraining order after a week of threatening to kill me. His intent was to kill me this day 15 years ago. I was forced to jump on a plane and flee my home to save my life. Life has never been the same since. I made 2 decisions on this day that have shaped who I am forever. First, that I will never lift my hands in violence again and I never have (I received an assault conviction and was a very violent and angry teenager). Second, I realised part of my anger and depression was that I was doing what everyone else wanted me to do, instead of what I wanted to do. I was living my parents dream and what my teachers thought was best for me. I listened to the mainstream culture and did what they did. I had no idea and no direction. I was following like a sheep. My 4 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

second powerful decision was to never do what anyone else wanted me to do. I will do what I want to do! The question now was: What do I want? I wanted to be happy. It was a simple choice. I was depressed and I wanted to be happy. “So what does happiness mean?” I asked myself. I honestly had no idea back then at the age of 19. I thought though if I do all the things I want to do perhaps I will be happy. And so it was decided. I would learn to follow my heart and do what I wanted, instead of doing what everyone else wanted me to do. The past 15 years have taken me around the world on some amazing adventures. I worked as a professional adventure guide, studied Japanese, travelled into remote jungles and lived with indigenous tribes. I’ve played music on stage, been a stand up comedian, acted in movies and hosted my own TV show. I’ve guided hundreds of people into their own hearts to know themselves more. I have loved and lived my life to the absolute fullest. Knowing that everyday is precious and a gift to be enjoyed. The greatest of my journeys began however when I realised the source of my happiness was inside me. People and nature reflect the beauty of my soul back into me to be witnessed. Taking people into nature and experiencing the joy in their faces totally changed my life. I thought for a long time my happiness was in helping

other people be happy. Instead now I realise my happiness is inside me all the time and people’s smiles just help to reflect and allow me to see the happiness I always possessed. We all have it. Joy, happiness and love are who we really are. So now 15 years later, to the day, I reflect back on all the amazing experiences and all the lives I have been touched by. I made two decisions that I know have catapulted me toward my destiny on this planet. These two choices I must continually make as the world is not always an easy place yet I know very much that it is worth it. Today I celebrate my freedom. And I ask you to find yours. Being committed to happiness is a commitment to being yourself fully and without compromise. Others will say you’re crazy and selfish. I say you are the bravest of them all. Being true to the feelings of our hearts is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. Our feelings are our compass. The greater the joy, the closer we are to our true selves.

When did the self-love adventures first spark your interest? The Self Love Adventure program I run is more of a play on words than one might first imagine. The Adventure of knowing Self as Love... now that would be a more accurate title. For me the journey of Self Love is the spiritual path itself. We are Love. We are Divine Self. And this physical life is an Adventure of living Love, of experiencing Divine Self through the body, it's senses, mind and emotions. To answer your question, it was 15 years ago now, at the age of 19 when a man tried to kill me after I received 16 criminal convictions that I made the decision to be happy... Whatever that meant! It's been an Adventure ever since to embody the awareness of Self as Love and live my natural joy in each moment.

6 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

How do you do 'Discipline' in your everyday life? I grew up with a very disciplined marital arts practice. By the age of 16 I was a Black Belt in Karate trained by a SWAT Team Police Officer. I was disciplined enough to train myself almost daily. I had won 6 State and Regional Championships and fought in the National Titles. I lived and breathed discipline. At the age of 20 I was introduced to meditation and knew instantly this was the answer to my prayers. I felt the pain and anger dissolve from my body each time I sat. The same discipline I used to create my Marital Arts success allowed me to meditate consistently for 8 years everyday, at times for hours each day. Discipline however for me is never about pushing myself to do something I don't enjoy. Rather, it's about enjoying so much what I love that I just want to do more of it everyday... regardless of the pain it may bring in the short term.. always feeling the future pulling me forward. Do you see discipline as restrictive or liberating? Discipline can be both of these. Discipline that breaks down my emotions to a numbness that allows me to push through and just 'get shit done' is not healthy. Creating a discipline around what I love is absolutely liberating. Most important for me is to be guided always by Love. We are emotional beings and intuitive beings. Somewhere in the union of these two is my path. To be disciplined enough to follow my heart (the centre of these two energies) is the ultimate spiritual practice for me. What's your favourite pastime? I always love this word: Pass Time. LOL I think it's the funniest thing humans have created. Firstly, this moment is the most joyous occasion in experience so to pass it by would be unthinkable for me. But, I know what you mean. My greatest passions are being with people I love, dancing and being in nature. Laughing at all times is also a must! :)

How do you communicate the benefits of discipline positively to your clients/on your adventures? My Self Love Adventure is the foundational program I guide for people to get back to the knowingness of Self as Love. Each of the 6 modules is a step toward the discipline of being true to oneself and true to the guidance within, plus being able to fully express your Self (love and joy) with the world and the others in your life. I'm committed to having fun and taking massive action and make sure each of my fellow Adventurers is doing the same. The real discipline comes in expressing oneself without self criticism or judgement, and this is exactly what the Self Love Adventure guides you to. When do you see people using Discipline negatively? I see this every time someone stops speaking their truth. Or holds back from living their dreams.. instead, staying 'disciplined' to work they hate or the partner that treats them poorly.. because they are 'committed'. What

bollocks! To ignore the truth of who you are for even a moment is a death to Love and a denial of God/Source. My mission is to empower every one who works with me to open themselves fully and let the love and joy of who they really are shine through. With this we will have the world we truly love. What kinds of services do you offer to help people develop more Discipline? My Self Love Adventure is the first program I recommend everyone to begin at. Develop the discipline of loving yourself first.. knowing yourself as love and sharing this love with others. The simple daily practices I guide you through on the Self Love Adventure must be used regularly to have any benefit. If after these 6 modules you are ready to take the next step I will be happy to work with you in coaching or my other programs. If there is anything at all that the past 15 years of living my dreams, travelling the world and guiding thousands of people to happiness has taught me is that to be true to ones own heart is the greatest discipline of all.

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Structure & with Jade Renee Banks

8 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 7


Discipline gets things done.

of the brow.

Discipline is showing up even when we feel devoid of inspiration.

So whilst we need discipline, we also need flexibility. Think of the practice of Yoga, it has poses and technique (structure) to enable us to develop our spiritual connection and flexibility (flow). Balancing our spiritual selves with our physical selves. Weaving the divine with the mundane.

It is showing up anyway and patiently waiting for the Muse to appear. We need to consistently show up for our creativity and our purpose in this world. Discipline is commitment day after day after day. Discipline is not about hard work. Discipline is about focus. Honing your craft and actually doing it, step by step by step. When you have some discipline and structure in your life, freedom flows from it. But freedom needs an anchor, just like water needs a riverbed and blood needs a vein. Flow needs structure. The world is made up of these opposing forces to give balance. Think of the infinity symbol. Its flow goes on forever, and it is infinite, yet it still has the structure of the figure eight. In this way it can keep moving, keep flowing, keep refreshing it’s energy, just like the river and just like our blood. Life is movement, ever expanding and ever contracting, breathing in and breathing out. The Liquid Crystal that feels most aligned with the principle of Discipline is Azurite. Whilst the frequency of Azurite is Focus, it still holds within it creativity and flow, connecting the third eye to the sacral chakra via the heart in a figure eight motion. Blending the warming creative energies of the womb with the wise, perceptive energies

This practice of yoga requires discipline to show up to the mat. Yet once we do, it opens us up and stretches us into new ways of thinking, feeling and being in the world. We feel expanded, relaxed and at peace within our physical reality. We feel stronger, more confident and comfortable within our bodies. We have participated in an act of self-love, self-growth and self-nurturing. The energy of this is one of the most abundant feelings available, beyond anything of monetary or material value. We have made a dedicated commitment to our souls, and the rewards are endless, our abundance is infinite. If you are interested in working with The Liquid Crystals, I offer personalised mentoring programs that are deeply transformative. A journey into your chakra consciousness to heal, balance, awaken and align with your True Self. - Jade Renee Banks Certified Master Lightworker Practitioner Certified Lightworker Practitioner Facilitator Liquid Crystals Advanced Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner Yoga Teacher-in-training Ph: 0450 582 586


Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 9

BDSM: Does it harm

or heal?

10 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

with Love and Intimacy Coach

EJ Love I have never considered BDSM (BDSM is a variety of ero6c prac6ces or roleplaying i n v o l v i n g b o n d a g e , d o m i n a n c e a n d submission, sadomasochism) to be my ‘thing’. I have aBended kink par6es in the past with really no understanding of what ‘kink’ even really meant. I could never really understand why people would want to be inflicted with pain or play out a trauma from their past. This was un6l I aBended Barbara Carrella’s Urban Tantra Prac66oner’s training program where she brings together Tantra and BDSM as a form of sexual healing. I think many people believe that BDSM is just about people being 6ed up, whipped and hurt but there is so much more to it than that. I can only speak from very liBle experience, but I can see how a dominate is in fact honouring the submissive and what they have asked for and in doing this they are offering them a powerful form of healing. Heading into one of the prac6ces in the Urban Tantra program, I was able to play the role of the submissive (a role I am definitely not used to in my personal life!). I decided I would give it a go and see what this was really all about. I wanted to try to re-­‐live a trauma from a past abusive rela6onship and in this par6cular trauma he had strangled me and ripped my necklaces off my neck on repeated occasions. In this exercise I was partnered with a woman who would take on the role of the dominate. I explained to her exactly what I wanted her to do to me and we discussed code words that I could use when it was becoming too much and when I wanted her to stop. She ini6ally 6ed me up around my chest and waist with rope and then blindfolded me whilst she led me around the room by the rope. It is quite a thrilling experience to be able to let go and be led without knowing what to expect next

and I had to drop into trust which for me was really quite a challenge. She lay me down on some pillows and used different types touch with her hands and props to awaken my body and senses. Eventually she moved her hands to around my neck and her grip became 6ghter and 6ghter, un6l I knew it was breaking point for me and I spoke the code word. She slowly liSed her hands away from around my neck and ever so gently she slid her hands down to my necklace and she picked up the pendant and moved it slowly around my neck before gently placing it back down onto my chest as though she was trea6ng it like a precious jewel, as though that is how I should have been treated. That’s how it felt to me anyway. In the moment she did that, I took my power back. I took my power back from my ex-­‐partner who had strangled me and for the first 6me I really got the healing power that this prac6ce can have. I could see how the neurological pathways of the brain can be rewired through reliving trauma in this space where the submissive gets to take their power back. Before this experience, I could have remained scared and become triggered when anyone was to touch my neck again, but this gave me a new imprint, one where I had was empowered and honoured. It was an amazing feeling. If you are interested to try BDSM as a tool for healing I would ini6ally seek out a professional who prac6ces in a safe environment and they will discuss your needs, boundaries and consent with you. I also recommend to read Barbara Carrella’s Urban Tantra book and to look up online Dr BeBy Mar6n’s Wheel of Consent which is a tool I use in all of my tantra sessions. hBp://

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 11

Unlocking your Inner Psychic Enlightened Journeys presents Jessika. A talented Psychic Medium, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Paranormal Investigator, Angel Therapist and Psychic Detective.

- Jessika Vidal-Johnson A channelled message for you from Jessika on how we can evolve our psychic abilities through discipline. "Many of you are coming into alignment with your higher selves at this time. As this happens you are awakening to the spiritual gifts that you were given prior to your incarnation here on Earth. Do not be afraid of your spiritual gifts Dearest Ones. For many of you they come in the form of psychic, healing, or empathic abilities. You will gain control over your spiritual gifts through using them. Which in turn will help you in understanding them. Through self dicipline and practice you will be able to master these abilities. Know that with all spiritual gifts and power come a greater responsibility. To help stay disciplined, and in alignment we encourage you to practice meditation and grounding daily. In the morning ground higher dimensional light energy to the earth. At night, clear, cleanse and balance your chakra's. If you are just beginning meditation and are having a hard time quieting the mind then start with guided angel meditations. We your Angels are eager to bond with you and to guide you through this. We ask that you trust your intuition and the information that you receive from us even if it doesn't seem to make sense to you right now. For those of you who are channeling and working with higher

dimensional light energy we ask you do the following. Drink plenty of water, practice daily meditation, eat organic pure foods, reduce the amount of meat in your diet, exercise regularly and spend plenty of time outdoors in nature. By doing all of these things, you will be bringing spiritual dicipline into your lives while raising your vibration. In turn you will receive our divine guidance clearly and with ease. Know that there is no one way to use your abilites and no right or wrong way to go about developing them. You will all be guided to heal and help uniquely and differently from one another. We want you to have fun with your abilites, experiment and play with them. Use them for what they were inteded for. To enlighten, to heal, and to help others on your planet for the highest good of all. You have all of the training, knowledge and experience that you need locked away inside of you. Through higher self realization and complete and total oneness with self you will find that you have a path laid out for yourself to follow. This path exists within the divinity of your soul. You must go within Dearest Ones and make the conscious intention to take the first step forward with faith. Once this is done all furthur steps on your path shall be revealed in divine right timing. We want to see you fulfill your soul contracts and missions here. So let us guide you, empower you, and support you in reclaiming your spiritual gifts and divine power. Remember this is your birthright. Namaste"

You may contact Jessika on Facebook at this link for a personal reading.

12 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

anxiety diaries

with Amy Young

Working with Anxiety through Discipline

Telling someone with anxiety to be disciplined is like telling them not to be anxious! It can be overwhelming to hear the word and even create more feelings of anxiety, but that is until we actually understand how empowering discipline can be when managing these feelings. Discipline to me is making the commitment to manage anxiety by putting into action the tasks we can do to help ourselves on a day to day basis. It is taking action to breathe, rest, eat a healthy diet, exercise or meditate. It is about putting yourself first and this to me is one of the reasons why I had experienced anxiety - to teach me self-love and self-care. It is discipline that gives us permission to care for ourself and our own anxiety. I know that when I start to feel anxious it is because I am not putting my needs first. Growing up I formed the belief that the needs and thoughts of others were more important then my own, and many years of these beliefs caused anxiety to over take my thoughts and physical body. I became run-down, ill and lived in a constant nervous state. I lost complete confidence in myself. But then I chose to see anxiety in a different way. I began to fall in love with it and it showed me that when I was feeling this way it was my body trying to tell me I was not putting my needs first. I was not looking after myself physically, mentally or spiritually. So I disciplined myself into taking action to not only manage my anxiety but to change the way I do things day to day so I could stop it before it even had time to take complete control.

So if you are feeing anxious use this as a reminder to stop, breathe and think about what you can do to help yourself in this very moment. It may be as simple as just slowing down what you are doing, take a walk around the house, get some fresh air or focus on your breathing. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself when feeling anxious even if it is only for one minute. I understand that our lives can be extremely busy but we can all find 30 seconds to just breathe. Discipline yourself to think about you for a moment, especially when feeling anxious, and practice being ok with that. Simply just stopping, breathing and taking time to show myself some self-care helped me get my anxiety under control before it turned into a full on panic attack. You may have heard the saying “you can't pour from an empty glass”, well we cannot give fully if we are empty ourselves. Give yourself permission to fill yourself up first. This is discipline. Teaching yourself to care for you. Schedule in some time each day to care for you or if you don’t have time commit to just breathing consciously for 30 seconds to one minute before starting any new task. These little changes can go a long way to help in learning to manage anxiety. For more information and tips about anxiety you can contact myself or my colleague Kate at our website or facebook community – or m/Anxiety-Diaries

"It is discipline that gives us permission to care for ourself and own our anxiety"

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 13

14 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

To know & experience the truth


A SACRED JOURNEY with Kerry Kirwan Knowing what you want and what you don’t is the first step upon the path of inner growth and expansion. It takes great courage to pursue a path of self-­‐awareness, it’s not for the faint of heart. You must be strong enough to withstand the unrelen@ng urge that s@rs from within and consumes everything. You must possess a high level of self-­‐discipline to walk this path, to listen intui@vely and follow ins@nc@vely what emerges from within. Your discipline will be tested, do not allow yourself to be lead astray by external tempta@on. You must remain eternally focused, aBen@ve and alert, you must be vigilant in your pursuit to know and experience the truth, to realize your greatest inner desire, and fulfil life’s highest purpose. Being disciplined in your approach is the fastest route; it cuts a direct path that may have otherwise had many unnecessary twists and turns, and therefore delay. Being disciplined means you stay, when all you want to do is run, and run when all you want to do is stay. Its being comfortable in uncomfortable. A path that reveals the truth requires discipline, you must remain true to yourself and what your deepest desire is. You must have a one pointed focus toward what is real, and you must have a willingness to let go and surrender what isn’t.

It takes enormous discipline to remain centered, s@ll and accep@ng. Par@cularly when every fibre of your being that has woven you into existence and condi@oned you to be who and what you are is seen to be false. Slowly through transforma@on the false is dismantled to reveal the truth. Your limited condi@oned self is much like a log with its many gathered layers; the rings of growth have formed during its life@me and given it form and purpose. Pursuing a path of self-­‐awareness is transforming, like a log that is placed in the belly of a deep dark fire pit and enveloped by an all-­‐consuming flame. Its intense, its painful, its purifying, there are moments of ecstasy. It takes discipline to endure the process, there is no escape from what is the inevitable. You are the deep dark belly of the fire pit, you are the flames, you are the log, you place yourself within its all-­‐consuming belly un@l nothing remains and everything is realized, truth, a Phoenix emerges from the ashes. Kerry Kirwan Soulu@ons Awaken Greatness

Lightworker LightworkerAdvocate Advocate| |April Feb 2016 | 15

disciplined creativity is the cradle of innovation

Asoka Jinadasa, PhD

Creativity produces original concepts or combines existing ideas to yield new concepts. Innovation deploys such new concepts within a disciplined framework to reach a strategic objective. Success thus requires a delicate balance between unbridled creativity and the discipline needed to achieve complex goals. We were all born with vast inborn creativity. We learned to walk and talk without a teacher and could use a smartphone long before we could read. As we grew older, parents and elders became increasingly critical of our instinctive efforts to learn about life by trying out new things. That’s when they started disciplining us to make us conform to various rules intended to give us a cultural identity with behavioral guidelines. Instead of helping little children develop their vast inborn abilities, parents and elders use discipline to discourage and even punish them when they try to be too smart or do new things deemed risky. Studies show that the very high levels of creativity possessed by preschool children come down drastically as they become older and more disciplined. This is caused by the misconception that leaders must make their followers disciplined. Most organizations and their leaders are struggling to understand the relationship between discipline and team performance. Teams are composed of individuals with diverse motivations, mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors, all of which lead to varying degrees of performance. Good leaders maximize the individual and collective

16 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

performances of diverse groups of people. They use subtle forms of discipline that don’t destroy individuality and creativity. Every human activity has boundaries that determine what is acceptable and what is not. This applies to every field of human endeavor ranging from science and technology to sports and performing arts. These boundaries change with time. The role of discipline is to make people understand existing boundaries without limiting their ability to stretch such boundaries through new thinking and concepts. Misguided notions of discipline can drastically reduce human creativity that can find solutions to even the most complex problems. Conventional discipline forces children and adults to adopt restrictive attitudes and behaviors that obstruct their inborn creative ability to overcome complex problems in the challenging years ahead. For example,

Author Dr. Asoka Jinadasa (right) presenting his book 'Flying Penguin' to Chief Guest Prof. Ajantha Dharmasiri at the launch ceremony For example, enforcing the conventional 8hour workday doesn’t work, because the brain naturally functions in spurts of high energy (roughly an hour) followed by spurts of low energy (15-20 minutes). By allowing its engineers to spend 20% of their work week on projects that interest them, Google taps into the diverse talents of its employees. Several famous companies (Microsoft, Dell, etc.) are abandoning one of the most loathed traditions in management discipline: the

performance review. However, a total lack of discipline can produce unruly and disruptive behaviors that are counterproductive. Therefore, discipline has to steer a delicate course to prevent anarchy while nurturing creativity and innovation. Asoka Jinadasa Ph.D. is the author of Flying Penguin: How to create miracles in your life using the six dimensions of success. He can be contacted through

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18 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Get Discipline Before You Open with Barbara Miller Your Last Pack So you are thinking about quiXng smoking? There are five keys and three phases to unlock this mystery of how to quit without all the drama and suffering. Use the BMP Method and you will have success! Many 6mes I hear people say I can’t quit smoking because I lack discipline and willpower. Here you will learn about how to develop this crucial component of quiXng cigareBes. ONE of the five keys is to interrupt the rituals; the morning smoke, aSer meals, geXng in the car. You get the picture. The list goes on. It takes discipline to do this. Discipline can be obtained in small increments. So you need to start by not smoking for twenty minutes in the MORNING. Then get to forty minutes then one hour. You goal is to get up to four hours with no smoking. This part is an exercise in discipline and yes, it takes 6me to do but this 6me you will be ready when you decide to go for it and open your last pack. An addi6onal benefit from developing this discipline is the feeling of success you will feel when you are at the two hour mark. Many of my clients have said “Wow! I never thought I could do that!” You need to cherish this feeling. It will create will power and you will want to go father and hit your four hour goal. Crea6ng this discipline this way and your will power also grows. To create even more discipline what you also want to do is give up your brand of smokes. You will need to alternate with various brands. Each 6me you buy a pack you must change it. So no you cannot buy a carton of smokes. If you are doing that to save money then think about how much you will save when you quit. Spending the extra money must be viewed as an investment in your health and future funds saved by quiXng. It might even make you angry. This is what it takes to quit so keep doing

these steps no maBer how you feel. Get mad at smoking. Not when you're quiXng. There are several reasons for this step but a very important component of this is to build discipline. It takes discipline to quit smoking. Trying to quit without it is what makes the process of quiXng so hard. This step requires some mental strength. It is the exact same strength you need to break the addic6on. When you put the anxiety here while you smoke you will find it won’t be there when you quit. You are more prepared for quiXng and success. This is only one part of many that comes from the book How to Quit Smoking Even If You Don’t Want To. It is also a three day bootcamp. TAKE ACTION on these two steps simultaneously and you will be more equipped to quit successfully. You can do it! For more info please join me on Facebook BMP Method.

Next up The 30 day Challenge The 30 Day Diet of Discipline I think discipline is fun! It lets me know I am in charge of my life. I developed a 30 day diet of discipline. I don’t do it to loose weight but more of a way to stay healthy when I get off track. My first challenge was to cut back on coffee. I figured the way to do that was to quit the sugar! I said to myself I can do that for just thirty days and if I don’t like it I can go back to using sugar. It worked! I cut my coffee intake by 75%. I didn’t like it at first but I kept on as that is the nature of discipline. It’s been eight years since then and I s6ll do not buy sugar. Next on my hit list of things to give up for 30 days was cheese. Then I did no popcorn, years later I would do coffee and that lasted six years!

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Next up.... The 30 Day Diet of Discipline with Barbara Miller I think discipline is fun! It lets me know I am in charge of my life. I developed a 30 day diet of discipline. I don’t do it to lose weight but more of a way to stay healthy when I get off track. My first challenge was to cut back on coffee. I figured the way to do that was to quit the sugar! I said to myself I can do that for just thirty days and if I don’t like it I can go back to using sugar. It worked! I cut my coffee intake by 75%. I didn’t like it at first but I kept on as that is the nature of discipline. It’s been eight years since then and I s6ll do not buy sugar. Next on my hit list of things to give up for 30 days was cheese. Then I did no popcorn, years later I would do coffee and that lasted six years! I had a girlfriend say she wanted to lose just five more pounds. I told her she had to quit the soda, she said, “I can never do that!” I explained my 30 day diet of discipline to her and challenged her to do JUST 30 days. She accepted. She was successful and did not have one can of pop she said, “Not even one sip!” She then liked the coun6ng of 6me and went on to do eight months! She did lose the five pounds! It’s fun when you share this with a friend and pick your weak spot and do the 6me. Don’t worry if you fail. The aBempt is what maBers. Pick another weakness. The only one I failed was meat. I laughed at myself.

20 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

The Art of Addiction Recovery

- Michelle Lightworker

Here's some tips in using the 12 Everyday Lightworker principles to do an inventory to assist you in your addiction recovery. After being a counsellor for a wide variety of addictions for over 8 years, I then embarked on channelling through the Lightworker Practitioner Training in 2005. I had been in recovery from a food and dieting addiction for 15 years at the time. Upon recognising the 12 principles as a reHlection of the Steps of 12 Step programs, I began to use them in Level 2 of the training to support addiction recovery for clients. Here is a snapshot on how you can create your own awareness and recovery strategies using these principles. They are an art to master, but pure gold. If you are working these principles you are on track. #1 Honesty – Get out of denial about the addiction. What is it costing you? Write it down. #2 Open-­‐mindedness – Be open to spiritual support turning up in ways that may make you feel confronted. Sometimes tough love is necessary. Spirit speaks through people ALL the time. Listen. #3 Willingness – You know it costs you but do you really want to quit? How willing are you to turn EVERYTHING over to Universe -­‐ not just the addiction?

"Be clear & accountable for your bottom lines" #4 Forgiveness – Forgive and make amends to yourself for unconscious behaviour regarding your addictiove behaviour by not doing it again. Don't blame others for your addiction. Own it.

#7 Faith – Ensure that you put 100% trust in Spirit to help you every step of the way with your addiction recovery and evolving into a more solid connection with your Higher Self. #8 Responsibility – Become aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours from the past and any addiction fall out. This will develop your emotional intelligence and understand the impact the addictive role has had on yourself and other people. #9 Love – Make love-­‐based decisions for your recovery and in making amends to people that you have harmed through your addiction. Restore your heart connection so that your self love grows as you are in your recovery. #10 Wholeness – You are not and never were broken by the addiction. The addiction is serving you to return to the remembrance of your wholeness. Be grateful. Reclaiming yourself is part of enlightenment. #11 Joy – RedeHine joy so that you know it is authentic, not just addictive pleasure seeking. Pure joy comes through a connection with our Higher Selves and in the knowledge we are always in the divine connection. Practise this through asking and listening or aka prayer and meditation. #12 Peace – Continue a life of consciousness and service towards the bigger picture rather than self seeking. This will ensure all your decisions are for the highest good of all and with it, it will bring the deepest sense of peace imaginable. Learn more about the 12 principles in the Everyday Lightworker Bible.

#5 Unity – Embrace the mirror of all the roles you’ve played in your life. Addiction being a role, you are so much more. Admit this to yourself. This will allow you to step out of shame and into your Higher Self . #6 Discipline – Be clear and accountable for your bottom lines. Share this with a supportive friend and network of people and Spirit. Don’t isolate. Continue to share honestly. Stay out of grey areas that you know are relapse indicators.

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 21

Check your Soul Bank Balance I constantly hear people say how much they want to start or continue their personal, spiritual and intuitive development and I fully understand why people wish to do this. Yet I cannot understand why people fail to put checks and balances in place in order to determine where their development currently sits; how far or little their development has come; how much those around them have interacted with their development; and how often or not they actually implement this development. So, based on the theory that most of us know exactly where our finances sit but rarely stop to see where our personal checks and balances are, I offer you this simple questionnaire to test your current soul bank balance. The intention of sending this to people is for you to notice the common values within their observations – not for you to take the observations as criticisms. I suggest that you send this questionnaire to 10 people who are from a mix of your career sphere, friendship sphere, personal /spiritual development groups, professional development groups, a few family members and even people who have met you socially. You will soon see your personal / soul investment attributes and where you are in deficit! Why do it this way? Because it allows you to get a broad view of how people in very different areas of your life spectrum observe you to be and it will point out the commonalities that you may need to work on. I did the questionnaire this week as I am increasingly frustrated at wanting to achieve a few things that are within touching distance and yet I just want them NOW! So, in the spirit of checking that I have continued my soul development and to ensure that in the pursuit of these goals I have not fallen into soul deficit, I sent this to six mentors from every possible sphere in my life and to a few family members.

with Julianna Suranyi

Here are the questions: 1. When I am in your presence do you feel you have 100% of my attention? How much percentage do you think you have? How much do you think you should have? (I have said think you ‘should have’ as some people actually expect you to be busy and therefore not giving of all your attention when they are with you. I believe it should be close to 100%.) 2. How do you rate our relationship? 3. When we are together what more would you like to share? (Do you feel our relationship is restricted due to its nature of development or my personal affability?) 4. Do you feel there is anything I could improve upon for my type of relationship with you? (deficit still needs attention) 5. Are there any changes about me you think could be improved or extended upon? (deficit still needs attention) 6. What have you noticed I have grown in, in respect to my capacities? (investment returns) 7. Would you relationship?




8. Why would you like to continue this relationship? So where is does your soul bank balance sit? Is it full and flush, just breaking even or in deficit?

22 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate


Silent but


with Sharon Tregoning

How comfortable are you with silence? If you’re like a lot of people these days it’s not something we are really comfortable with. We are so skilled at the busyness in our life and always having external s6mula6on coming at us whether it be TV, radio, Facebook., computers, iPads anything and everything there’s always this s6mula6on coming at us. So experiencing silence is not something we are accustomed to these days. And then when it comes to being with someone who is dying silence feels even more uncomfortable because we feel we need to be doing or saying things. Truly don’t be afraid of silence. When you are siXng in silence with someone on their end journey there is communion, there is healing there

is connec6on. One of the best giSs is siXng in silence and touching. It might be a hand, might be a foot, depending on what’s going on for the person, it might be a shoulder. Might not even be touching if it’s too painful it’s just being energe6cally present. So I just want to encourage you to not be afraid of silence, get a liBle bit more comfortable with silence because its actually a preBy powerful place for us individually on our own journeys but par6cularly as it relates to the dying – don’t be afraid of silence. Silence is a healer and it’s a place where love Sharon Tregoning

Sharing the end journey of a treasured love one in your world can leave you feeling alone and powerless in how to help them. 'Farewell with Grace - For Loved Ones' will assist you in honouring your loved one's wishes, knowing where your limits are and respecting the integrity of the situation and choices at hand.

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 23

Lightworker Advocate | March 2016 | 21

The Principle Project: Discipline

with Belinda Payne

Thanks so much Belinda Payne from Bellamore Spa, Beauty & Personal Care in Buderim for providing us with how much discipline helps you run your business, love yourself and evolve your soul. 1. Why is this principle important in your life? I most definitely have an issue with self discipline and at this point in time I really need it as I have so many responsibilities that are related to self-care, study & business. 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? Achieving massive things in my life like gaining my black belt in martial arts at a young age & completing courses/study. I have learnt that when I put my mind to something I am extremely disciplined. 3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? Sometimes it feels hard or heavy for me to be disciplined, but when I am it also feels very rewarding & satisfying. In others, I find discipline incredibly inspiring. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? Rose pink like a quartz crystal – discipline in my life is really self love. 5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Green foods – a refreshing green juice

6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? Freshness, natural fresh air, the smell of home made healthy foods cooking away in my kitchen 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? Meditative music, monks toning, drumming, enya 8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? A circle 9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? An owl or an eagle – discipline is actually freedom 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? Angels, animal guides, Goddess 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? Keeps me focused and helps me to achieve goals which helps to raise my vibration 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? Yes absolutely. I have a lot of work to do in this world and when I am in the space of being disciplined I kick massive goals that in turn help others in amazing ways.

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 25


ff u t S rt y

Discipline for our

Creative process with Michelle Lightworker

I recently published my 10th book very quickly after writing The Everyday Lightworker Bible. I feel it was partly because I had integrated the 12 principles so well that it gave birth to another book that was specific to how we can evolve our writing and artistic creations through channelling. I felt guided to include the principle of Discipline in this issue to enlighten you all on how this works in with our chakras and assists us to birth our creations with more ease. I have supplied excerpts from my book 'Penning Spirit's Message' and you can do the activities suggested as action steps to applying this principle in a concrete way. Let's begin from the Base Chakra and work our way up to the Crown Chakra. Each chakra is graced with a beautiful picture from Jane Marin. If you feel the urge to write, draw, paint, dance, sculpt, teach or make movies, you may be in the channel already and not realise it! This book will assist you to unblock writer’s block and get those creative juices Hlowing into any projects that you have in mind. Jam-­‐packed with 96 activities to unleash your channelling power, you will be on the road to inHinite creation in no time at all. For those of you who have a well-­‐trodden channelling ability, it will show you how to birth those projects that are calling you and ground your intention. Channelling is the marriage between Spirit and humanity. Calling on 12 high vibrational principles (Spirit) cross sectioned with 8 main Chakras (humanity), it will assist you to evolve your spirit, heal your body, increase your energy and resolve emotional baggage.

Available through

26 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Base Chakra & Discipline Much like willingness, we need to acknowledge when it’s a good time to pause and when it’s a


good time to push to complete our projects. However, the structure required to earth our

Pick a time and space to channel. Turn up. If

creations is important. And it is important to ask

there is resistance and disturbances may

Spirit to help us create an environment where

occur, have a back up plan. Make it fool proof.

we are able to make it easy for ourselves.

Some examples. If there is noise, have a set of

Discipline offers us freedom if we let it. If we

earplugs. If you can’t get access to your

plan and make it easy, supportive, fun and

computer, have a back up journal. If you have

enjoyable, then the channelling is something

visitors come to stay, let them know you have a

we look forward to rather than avoid. This

personal appointment with Spirit at whatever

includes our attitude. If we feel our channelling

time and that you will be unavailable for that

needs to be clear, perfect and understood from

hour or 2. If you are feeling tired, still turn up

the start, we set ourselves up for being critical,

and simply ask, “What do I need to do for

perfectionistic parentals about our project

myself?” Write that down so that you have still

rather than peaceful guardians. When you see

followed through with action. Then do what

that the project has a life of its own and you are

Spirit asks of you. Value yourself and value

its wingman, you are able to release the

your time, your space and your connection. Get

expectations and allow a more organic

disciplined at trusting that you will back

unfoldment. This actually takes discipline

yourself. Have that back up plan. Have that

because it is all too easy to step into a

schedule. Turn up and channel. See it as

judgmental space when our projects are

turning up for yourself. When you get good at

unfinished. Expectations prevent us from

turning up for yourself, you create major

earthing and beginning our projects too.

transformation because the trust you have

Release them and we are not only in the Spirit

extended to Spirit now begins to extend to

of discipline, we are also in non-attachment.

trusting your relationship with yourself. This is gold. Intention I release expectations and allow the channelling process


tworker Advocate | April 2016 | 27

Sacral Chakra & Discipline Discipline assists us to focus on the higher

for inclusion, we can ask Spirit to assist us

vibrational nourishment coming through

and show us different aspects or characters

Spirit rather than indulging in the lower

to include to assist us to lift. Our writing or

vibrational aspects of energy. How does this

creations will stir the pot for ourselves and

affect our finished product that we channel?

others. Discipline assists us by working as a

It helps us communicate that light at the end

catalyst to refocus on the lighter aspects

of the tunnel and the inbuilt solution or

that nourish and balance the story as a

transformation in our creations.




If we are feeling downtrodden by certain

I awaken the darker aspects with Lightfilled

aspects of our message that is necessary


28 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Solar Plexus Chakra & Discipline We walk a fine line when it comes to owning


our power and the follow through with keeping it in balance. There is a time to shine and a time

If you are allowing space for your channelling

to allow others to shine and to make room for

abilities, remind yourself that we are all a

them to shine too. Discipline helps us to make

channel and that whether other’s realise it or

room. It prepares a space for our shine. We

not, they are channelling or resisting

turn up, we follow through with our channelling

channelling all the time too. This will assist you

and allow Spirit’s message to shine through us.

in moderating your energy and ensure that your

Then we also share this and acknowledge the

channelling leaves room and space to

shine in others too. It helps us to focus on the

acknowledge others too. Ask Spirit how you can

shine in others. We don’t put ourselves on a

make more room for the shine of one or more

pedestal and get ‘hooked’ on our own power.

people in your life at this time. Channel this

We don’t turn into narcissistic megalomaniacs. We see in others that which exists in ourselves.



We make room for that. If others don’t see it, then that is okay, however we make room for it. We speak to that. We channel to that.

I allow space for others to shine

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 29

Heart Chakra & Discipline We are invited to become disciplined at allowing


space for the heart to speak and influence our channelling connection. Instead of pushing for a

Tune into your heart space and listen to what it

higher channelling connection, we can allow

has to say, what it feels and what it needs at this

ourselves free space to write or express any

time. Have a conversation with it in words or

emotions that are coming up for us in our life.

pictures. Ask Spirit to assist you with how you

Especially if we feel that our heart has a lot to

can support your emotional reality. See this

say. We develop the discipline to relate to our

process as relevant to your own healing journey

heart, as it's own entity. Through the principle of

through channelling.

Discipline we treat it with the respect and integrity it deserves. Our Heart will always find its


way back to connection with Spirit, as that’s its job. Discipline helps us to remember the Heart and bring our attention back to whether we feel connected to it or not.

30 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

I commit to communicating from the heart

Throat Chakra & Discipline Discipline helps us to stop and start. It helps us

expressive part of ourselves.

to know when. It gives us a framework to work

4. On the right side of the brain in our Cerebral

with on this earthly plane. We are able to

Cortex we have aspects of our personality that is

acknowledge that other activities exist and

the Strategiser. It is imaginative, has big picture

although with channelling we can lose time, we

thinking and is good at conceptualising

still abide by the earthly laws. So we get good at managing our time frames and how much we

These four different parts of ourselves work as a

can channel within that. This gives us a reality

team. Like any team, they can work together to

on how long it may take to pen our book or

help bring the form of our channelling together or

project. We get used to knowing how we

they are suppressed. Perhaps other parts of the

transcribe our messages whether it be by hand,

personality take up more room. All 4 need to

body, typing, voice, audio recording or videoing.

work together to get a book or project to fully

Then how long it takes to get from there to the

materialise in a format that the audience can

first draft, then from there, to edited version. This


discipline aligns with our Throat Chakra because it is our Throat Chakra that assists us to call on


all aspects of the psyche to help our body of work come into form in a balanced and timely

Request Spirit to channel through a message for

way. When we engage all of our brain and come

each of these aspects of yourself to support

from a whole-brained thinking approach, we are

them in helping you to get your channelled

able to access the 4 main parts of our brain to

messages into form in a more timely, intuitive,

help us express. When these are integrated, we

organised and imaginative way.

are less caught up in stumbling blocks and can access our channelling abilities as well. We don’t


have one speaking over the other so loudly that we cannot hear Spirit’s messages.

My channelled messages come into form with balance

1. On the left side of the brain in our cerebral cortex we have the aspect of ourselves that is the Analyzer. It helps us with logical thinking, analysis of facts and processing numbers. 2. On the left side of the brain in our Limbic system we have the aspect of ourselves that is the Organiser. It helps us with planning approaches, organising facts, detailed review. 3. On the right side of our brain in our Limbic system we have the interpersonal, intuitive and

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 31

Ear Chakras & Discipline Sometimes we don’t have the strength to

Time to process, time to go, time to stop

listen for too long. However, if we know this,

and time to rest. That sometimes happens.

then we can plan our time effectively. When

When it does, it’s time to seize the moment.

I was writing ‘The Everyday Lightworker Bible’ I knew I could only channel for 2


hours maximum at a time. Then I really needed a break. It took a lot of energy to focus and listen for that long. However coming to this book and I could write all day long. Perhaps it was because many of the processes and vibrations from that previous book had integrated in my being and it didn’t take so much out of me. I wasn’t processing as I was going. I was through the other side

Work out the rhythm that your book or project wants from you. How much do you need to listen? How much time will this require? How regularly do you need to turn up? Do you need to stop and put it aside while you integrate a recent learning? Are you feeling a huge nudge to proceed now? Take a moment to channel through from Spirit what is requested of you.

and now I was freer in my abilities. Perhaps too it was because I had strengthened my


abilities to turn up regularly and listen. It does take practise. It does also take equal amounts of understanding to remain disciplined. We need to support the parts of us that are finding it hard to hear or need more time to integrate what we are hearing. Hearing and being receptive is all about ‘letting things in’. So when we do, when we really let things in, we begin to integrate the concepts on a cellular level. This really does change our vibration. We need patience sometimes. Sometimes we need the discipline to devote more time to channelling and put other tasks aside. Not so much because it is easy, although it is, but because it is time. Discipline is always about acknowledging and honouring time.

32 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Listening gives me deliverance precision

Third Eye Chakra & Discipline The more we become familiar with our Third

Third Eye is tired and needs a rest. Zip it up

Eye, the more we are able to zone in on that

before bed and let it have a good rest. Trust

which we are called to focus on. When we

and know that the information will still be

feel that we have a number of ideas being

there after your rest if it is the priority of

shown to us and we feel ‘all over the place’

what you need to channel. If not, it will

as it were, we can request that Spirit shows

return exactly when you need it. Make sure

us the most important thing to focus on. This

that your channelling feels fun! Penning

trains us to ground the information in our

Spirit’s message is a serious business in its

sight. This is where Spirit and Earth collide.

nature but can be a lot of fun if we let it.

We are the seers, but also the bringers of sight to earth. Sometimes we have many


ideas floating around all at once and it is not easy, in fact, once the shower is turned on

Time to focus on focus! How is your

with our connection, it can be hard to

channelling lately? Is it scattered, all over

moderate. We need to ensure that we

the place or random? If so, ask Spirit to

dedicate a certain amount of time to channel

channel through a regular rhythm of time for

what we are called to and also balance it

you to turn up, what your intention will be to

with down time, so that we can rest. We

channel, for how long and the support you

need to honour the process of the amount of

need to ensure that this happens. If your

energy it takes for our Third Eye to focus. If

channelling has been too focused lately, is it

you are getting tired up top and have frontal

burning you out ? Is it out of balance? Are

lob headaches, then it may well be that your

you having fun with your channelling or is it a chore? Ask Spirit to show you how you can be disciplined with bringing more fun and balance into the channelling process.


Discipline makes my channelling focused and fun

Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 33

Crown Chakra & Discipline It is important to keep a clear head when

show you what is getting in the way. If you

turning up to write Spirit’s messages.

feel that you are not quite anchored in your

Acknowledge that which is creating

body, this could be a symptom that you

cloudiness and stay clear of it when you are

need to ground. If you feel heavy, you may

preparing to write or channel. If you are

be required to release or integrate new

finding that you are creating cloudiness as

information. If you feel some pull towards

an avoidance of connecting, you can write

addictions, then this can also be a symptom

about that as a start. This is powerful. All

that you need to prioritise your self care and

blocks that are written about are part of

get back to centre. If you are aware of any

creating sacred space to channel. In order

presences other than Spirit that are

to remember, we need to acknowledge that

interfering with your connection, now is the

which creates the forgetting.

time to deal with them. Request Spirit’s help and gain all the support in human form that


you can to address any and all of these issues as a priority.

Ask Spirit what is getting in the way of your connection. Take a deep breath and allow


the images or messages to come through clearly. If you still feel cloudy, ask Spirit to

34 | April 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

I create a clear space to channel

Everyday Lightworker Oracle Cards

Out now $55.55 + shipping Lightworker Advocate | April 2016 | 35

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