Issue 7: May 2016 Lightworker Advocate Magazine

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Twist of FAITH


Issue 7 MAY 2016

Editor Michelle Lightworker Enquiries/Advertising: Michelle Lightworker +61433831946 Designer Michelle Lightworker

Cover Photo Jo Lance

kers! r o w t h g i L ay Hey Everyd Faith is without a doubt the most difficult principle that I find my students, clients and the general public struggle with. Ironically it is one of the most rewarding to master. And I am not just talking about believing in something greater than ourselves here. We are taking it a step further. You could say that we have a faith muscle of sorts and it needs to be exercised! In this edition we are inspired to find out the various ways our wonderful contributors have done their own exercising! Our Cover Story (pg 5-8) is an interesting take on how much faith one needs to have as a Psychic Medium and the adventures that Mary Saint Louis experiences in many unorthodox settings and events. Learn how she is changing the face of being a Psychic Medium. One of my favourite articles (pg 31-33) was submitted by A J Millions who shares how her faith was impacted when her mother went missing several years ago. Expect tingles and tears as you read her story and how this contributed to her creating ‘Leading the Way International’ in working with horses to assist people to evolve. We have Anne Aleckson, Soul Speaker from ‘Mind Your Own Vibration’ sharing her journey (pg 10-11) of how a simple quiz tested her faith and may assist you in yours! We have so many regular and new contributors sharing their very personal experiences with their faith being both tested and confirmed. I feel so privileged to have been the first to set eyes on them. Thank you all so much! I share with you my snapshot on how faith can assist us to raise our frequency and restore our faith in the human race! This is often tested isn’t it? But enlightenment is inevitable! (pg 26-27)

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Next month we are onto the principle of Responsibility. We are stepping out of blame, out of our past, into our future and ensuring that we take good care not to carry or enable others along the way. I am hoping that we hear from empaths as to how you manage and take responsibility for your energy – yes you! If you have a story or article you would like to share, please submit it by 15 May. Email articles to Here’s an upcoming snapshot of the 12 principles and the month that they will feature. We do accept articles in advance if you have a favorite principle that you are inspired to share on. We find that our contributors benefit greatly from the submission process. Often the principle that they are working on in their life is the very one they need to write about! See, this magazine is raising vibrations of everyone, contributors, readers and of course those who just haven’t discovered it in its physical form – yet. Please share it around! June - Responsibility July - Love August - Wholeness September - Joy October - Peace November - Honesty Dec '16/Jan '17 - Open-mindedness Feb – Willingness March – Forgiveness April – Discipline May – Unity June - Faith Blessings of abundance to you all!


Contents Cover Story 5-7 Marie Sant Louis - Twist of Faith by Michelle Lightworker Faith wisdom 8-9 Soul Vibrations & Faith with Anne Aleckson 12 Divine Faith Heals with Jessika VidalJohnson 13 Evidence & Faith with Fiona Brown 14 Is There A Wrong Way To Practise Faith? with Katrina Hunter 15 Anxiety Diaries - Managing Anxiety with Faith with Amy Young 17 Keeping the Faith with Stacy Bridge Reeve 18 The Importance of Faith with Megan Freeland

21 Feyth with Lynn Merrin 22 Higher Ordered Faith with Tammy L Majchrzak 24-25 Faith Is My Calling Card with Diane Goodchild 26-27 Let Faith Magic Your Life with Michelle Lighworker 28-29 Soul Surrender with Jade Banks 30 It's the Little Steps That Amount To The Biggest Faith with Candy Bowden 31-33 A Story of Faith with AJ Millions 34-35 Patience & Faith! Mars, Pluto & Mercury in Retro! with Chirone Shakti The Principle Project 36-37 Faith with Amy Young

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Twist of Faith with Michelle Lightworker Gracing our cover this month is the beautiful inside and out Marie Saint Louis. I was blessed to be able to connect with this lovely lady and hear all about how she has strengthened her faith over the years through her work as a Psychic Medium in the most unusual places and events! We love open-­‐mindedness (it is one of the 12 Everyday Lightworker principles after all) and this is no ordinary Psychic Medium. W i t h s w i n g e r s p a r t i e s , H o l ly wo o d Halloween parties and Biker events in her repertoire, we are here to celebrate her wonderful work with everyday people. We love demystifying the Lightworker! So here she is speaking about all things faith and her new book RSVP from Heaven... How did you become a Psychic Medium? Even though I enjoy reading various topics related to spirituality, I have never taken a class or studied to become a Psychic Medium.

awareness fundraiser, several Hollywood Halloween parties, and even an upscale swinger’s New Years Eve party held at an exclusive resort. I Mind every social gathering an optimal time to bring my spiritual gifts to others. How has your faith been tested in doing the work you do? Absolutely. I wasn’t led by spirit down an easy road and am convinced it would be safer and less challenging if I just conducted readings in a quaint book store. I’ve had a tremendous amount of rejection from event coordinators (and the general public) who were not thrilled for me to take part in their events. I believe mainly, many people still believe the dreaded negative stereotypes of

My Mirst experience, was at Mive years old when I began communicating with spirits of the deceased. I began to see dark shadowy Migures in our home and making predictions about my family, friends, and neighbors that soon came to fruition. What kinds of events do you do? I love the thrill of meeting new people at the most amazing social gatherings that range from festivals, charity events, private parties, and a host of others. Each year, I do take part in psychic fairs, but I’ve also have enjoyed sharing guidance at a medical marijuana festival, breast cancer

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It’s common for me to have people smirk, roll their eyes, and sometimes just blatantly tell me they don’t believe in psychics, or that it is sinful and the work of the devil. You have to have a thick skin to share spiritual readings during public events. A few months ago, I was actually followed out to my car by two men after an all night celebration. One man kept yelling at me “Hey, are you the psychic lady?” until I turned around to see what he wanted from me. He was visually agitated ridged body, hands balled up into a Mist, and his eyes were bloodshot. I stepped back because he was only inches away from me and I thought he was going to hit me.

psychics (being fake, con artists, putting curses on people etc.) and I have to dispel this every day. Faith makes it possible for me to continue on my path and minimize any fear that may hinder my progress on reaching my goals. At my Mirst event which was a radio station sponsored swap meet, I was told that “I was going to Hell because God doesn’t like psychics” by a woman identifying herself as a born again Christian. Not an easy situation for any person to be in but it was an incredible learning experience because it assisted me in handling many more people over the years. On the other hand, I’ve met some wonderful people who have embraced that I am unique in my approach. In the long run, my faith teaches me that I’ve touched so many people’s lives in a positive way and will continue on with my journey. How do you bounce back from skeptics at your events?

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When I asked him what he wanted he replied “My friend told me were a real psychic and I want you to prove it to me NOW!” The other man stepped in and attempted to calm him down. I handed him my business card and told him to schedule an appointment and walked away. The way I handle skeptics now is completely different then when I began over ten years ago. I used to say nothing and just let the person vent and walk way. Now, when people say or do anything

derogative, I tell them they don’t have to believe and thank them for letting me know how they feel. What I found out about skeptics is they are often too scared to believe but once they sit down for a reading they call me back for a follow up session. What do you do daily to increase your faith? Every night, I light my spiritual candles and recite a series of prayers, novenas to various saints, and recite the rosary. It’s a routine I’ve committed myself to for many years. During this time, I listen to guidance from my angels and spirit guides. I also listen to reiki and guided meditation cd’s to clear and unwind from my day. Faith is much more than reciting prayers or just talking about what goals you want to achieve. It develops by being in situations where you feel like giving up. A person must listen to their inner voice, secondly have patience, and thirdly, take action by working towards that goal in order to increase your faith. What's your book RSVP from Heaven about?

a psychic medium that has spent years sharing guidance and communicating with the deceased for people at the most amazing parties and unique events around. Some of these events may be controversial in the eyes of others. Of course, it wasn’t easy because I battled social anxiety, rejection, and skeptics along the way. Readers will sit tableside with me during readings at an Arizona casino swap meet and have front row seats with costumed guests during three nights of dazzling Hollywood Halloween parties. You never will know where I will show up next! Told in a down to earth and often intimate style, I share true tales of the compelling people I meet who are searching for direction in love, career, family, relocation, and other topics. In the midst of busy fairs and festivals, I pass messages on from deceased loved ones to the individuals seated at my vendor table. RSVP from Heaven is a fresh new approach in spiritual books that will entertain and captivate readers around the world. It is a remarkable timeless tale about the shared emotions we experience as people and our quest to Mind answers while living our personal journeys.

RSVP from Heaven is about my life as

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What's next? I am currently writing book #2 in the RSVP from Heaven series and other creative projects. The second book, will take readers on more exciting journeys. One chapter will be about my experiences sharing readings with guests at a Tattoo and Motorcycle event with over 1,000 bikers in attendance. Everyone was wearing headbands and leather! I gave psychic readings and shared messages from deceased loved ones while tattoo

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artists (who were set up next to me) imbedded colorful ink into the skin of attendees. Well Marie, there is so much to look forward to in the future. As you can see from all the pictures here of the places you have applied your faith, we can understand it would always be interesting. You are certainly paving the way for creative ways unfolding for the Psychic industry. We look forward to seeing and reading your adventures! - Michelle Lightworker

Soul Vibrations &


with Soul Speaker Anne Aleckson

Early last year I set out to start living a truly soul led life, a life of faith and of following the whisperings and the wanderings of my inner guide – my soul self. Little did I know the journey it would take me on. It wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination. Following a soul led life goes against everything that has been driving the human form since the beginning of our existence, therefore it also goes against societal norms and alienating friends and family alike who don’t understand what you are doing. They ask you "Why don't you just get a job?" or "Why can't you just be like a normal person?" and you’re often left slipping in confidence and faith. You may even go through a crisis of faith where your trust in your soul and your self waivers in the presence of another strong connected friend who wants you to follow the path they see before you, but which you know is not your true path, just as I did. There did come a time when I started to find myself obsessed with a new thought around wrapping up the teachings and the work I had been doing for the past 9 years and it started to make sense. For these past 9 years I have been working with a group of non-physical beings around healing emotional trauma and have been channelling the guides, providing spoken guidance to help our friends and clients improve their lives by lifting their vibration and stepping into their rightful position as creator of their own reality. It took a lot of faith on my part to hear them say that it was time to wrap up our work as it had been and to do so through creating something that would carry on the work for 10| May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

those who required it and yet allow myself and the guides to move into the next level of work we were to now step into. I took the leap of faith required and followed my soul guidance, creating the What Is Your Soul Vibration Quiz which comprises all the various elements of the work I’ve been doing for the past 9 years. It took me 5 months of sleepless nights, new realisations, a little madness and obsession as well as complete faith to create the quiz consisting of 6 questions which give you your Soul Vibration Persona, then leading you to a 10 page beautifully designed Persona book which details the vibration of your soul, the challenges you will encounter in this lifetime in the areas of money flow, purpose and self-care and the solution for each of them. It goes into details about the spiritual gifts or innate abilities that you are able to most easily awaken within you. You will find out which ArchAngel and which Master Guide is waiting for your call and suggests the best place for you to travel to on your spiritual quest. Letting my soul lead me through faith to the creation of the quiz allowed it to pour through me during the creation phase, often leaving me shaking my head in wonder and what was being created through me, for me and for you. I'm opening to my next adventure and to new guides coming into my non-physical team and I can't wait to share it with you to add to what you have learned about yourself and your soul vibration through the quiz. Anne Aleckson Take the quiz at www.Mind

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Divine Faith Heals Enlightened Journeys presents Jessika. A talented Psychic Medium, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Paranormal Investigator, Angel Therapist and Psychic Detective.

- Jessika Vidal-Johnson A channeled message from Jesus on Faith By Psychic Medium Jessika Vidal-­‐Johnson "We experience degrees of suffering at different times in our lives. Know beloved children that all suffering is truly only experienced in the present moment and remember that all present moments do pass. When we suffer we render ourselves hopeless to suffering and to all the experiences that we ourselves have manifested in our lives. We are actively choosing in that very moment to live in a state of hopelessness and despair. Yet it is from this state of emotional sterility, it is from this state of hopelessness and despair that inner strength and the purist form of Faith is reborn. For as I said dearest ones that these emotions and all suffering are only temporary no matter the severity. In life we do fall down and each time that we fall we rise again as a more evolved stronger and wiser version of us. So you see that in a sense the challenges and suffering that we endure here in the physical plain are necessary and part of the process for our soul development. It is through this process that we develop and shape our character. I ask you now to have faith in this very necessary process, and know that your degree of suffering is entirely your choice. You get to choose your experience here. You can create a heaven or a hell upon Earth for you are the only one that holds the power to

shape your own reality. You can choose to suffer through life, or you can choose to gently Vlow through the turbulence of life. You can choose to actively live in Faith. When we are living in faith we are untouchable. We are always safe, we are always taken care of and we are consciously opening ourselves up to miracles. How I manifested miracles here on the physical plain was through divine faith. If I had not believed that I could create a miracle, if did not have undoubted faith in myself and the Divine, a miracle would not have been possible. So I say to you healers and Lightworkers of the world if you want to heal others of their ailments you must believe that you can. You must have faith that the healing will take place and to do this you must forget everything that you have ever heard about the disease or ailment that you are trying to heal. Know that all healing must take place in spirit Virst. Once the spirit is healed the physical manifestation which is the ailment or disease will disappear. Also know Dear Ones, that the person you are trying to heal must also have faith that they can be healed but they must want to be healed and their burden lifted more importantly. Faith must be experienced on both ends through the healer and the healee. I am the Ascended Master Jesus Christ and I have undoubted faith in each and every one of you. Namaste."

You may contact Jessika on Facebook at this link for a personal reading.

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Evidence of Faith with Fiona Brown

Faith has come to me in so many different total trust of the Universe’s design, the ways over the last several weeks. First it has opening of the third eye energy, the been shown in the origina8on of an idea that blossoming of a full loving heart and the has arisen in someone’s mind and they have anchoring of all their individual crea8ve shared this with me. As we verbally process energy in their base chakra. I am struck by emo8ons and ideas -­‐ I have been witness to and in awe of their unwavering FAITH. And as the transforma8on of ideas into the hear?elt each day unfolds, magic moment aJer magic desire – and the birth of a soul purpose. Today moment occurs. Then a miracle and a blessing I share with you how and a fortuitous event such transforma8ons, a n d t h e n s o m e FAITH is a trust in ourselves journeys and desire sy n c h ro n i c i t y a n d have been evidence and our guidance to fully be synergy and then of FAITH for me. vo i l a ! C l o s e r a n d on purpose, in our purpose c l o s e r t o t h e i r I feel and see Faith as purpose. You can feel and fully being our purpose an awakening to the it, taste it and smell it truth of who we are w h e n i t i s s o and then the evolving close……..then it washes over them and of seFng into mo8on the ac8ons to achieve a through them – filling them up so they feel goal, purpose or ideal. I have recently been overwhelmed and almost bought to a climax. mentoring some female students and friends Then it pours out of them from their hearts, in in their quest for their Soul purpose. The their language, through their body in one women on their journey have shown me so form of love aJer another like a giJ to every much and I have been struck by their faith in soul they come into contact with …….. and so themselves and their drive and their ideas. it is that those Souls embrace the love and They have fully trusted the feelings they have shine it back to the giver tenfold. in their body and the pictures they receive from the Universe. They can see ahead for And so it is that FAITH is a trust in ourselves themselves, they can feel the strength and and our guidance to fully be on purpose, in pull of their project, idea, future coming to our purpose and fully being our purpose in frui8on. They all take step aJer step toward each and every moment from the heart of self their future – then they pause – then they to the heart of others. listen – then they have more feelings and then Fiona M Brown, Master Lightworker the mo8on begins again with love and Practitioner, Soul to Earth Therapies devo8on from the heart. +61438 563 883 As I witness their journeys, I observe their

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Is there a


way to practice faith? with Katrina Hunter

When I was a liRle girl I always had faith. I was op8mis8c and always looked at the good and wonder in things and people. I remember having Religious educa8on in school which required a real life nun complete with her habit and all, that came to teach us all about being a Catholic and what that means. This was my introduc8on to Faith. She was so nice that it made me go home at night and pray on my knees by the side of my bed. This Faith stuff is simple, I thought. If you do this every day only good things will happen. Well, so I was programmed to believe. I grew up in a what I later learned in life was an extremely dysfunc8onal household riddled with abuse and I’m not talking of the once in a blue moon abuse. I’m talking of the consistent day to day abuse that seemed like that was my eternal hell never to be released from because I had clearly done so many bad things in this life (even though I was so young) and any previous lives. Yes, this is what I believed. AJer many years I had made up my mind, I will no longer have faith in God or anything else for that maRer. Evil is evil and there’s no geFng around it. No more praying because that was for dreamers. I began to lead a life of bitchy biRerness, secret jealousy’s, sarcasm and the use of alcohol and experimental drugs just added to my already destruc8ve behaviour and thinking paRerns. I found myself in less than posi8ve situa8ons that snowballed into a series of terrible events from more abusive treatment from those I 14 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

believed loved me, to having severe self-­‐ loathing, low self-­‐esteem/respect etc. Thankfully, aJer several years and five children later, somewhere in the darkness of what I thought was my reality, there it was, Faith. Faith came to me in every form. It started with me being pulled to aRend Spiritual Church. From this stemmed medita8on classes then I found that people and books were placed before me as vessels for the true meaning of Faith. That is when I realised, BOOM….I’ve been “Faithing” wrong all these years. Faith isn’t an outside source. It is within you. Faith is all about “LeFng Go”. LeFng go of controlling situa8ons. I always tell people this. “The more you try to control things or people, the more out of control the situa8on becomes”. When we set out to control any person or situa8on then that is our human ego geFng in the way of the divine essence of Faith. Since feeling confident that I’ve been “Faithing” the correct way I have experienced so many amazing changes in myself and my reality for the beRer. Faith is a feeling of, not a doing of. I finally know the true meaningful essence and value of Faith. -­‐ Katrina Hunter.

I will have ongoing Women's Groups on Monday and Thursday mornings on Sunshine Coast soon. For further details contact me either by my mobile 0407 665 654 or email

anxiety diaries

with Amy Young

Managing Anxiety with Faith How does one keep faith when feeling anxious? Not the easiest of tasks when your mind is racing with thoughts and your physical body is responding in ways of different discomforts. It's scary and the last thing on your mind is thoughts of geFng through it with faith. I remember when I first started experiencing anxiety and panic aRacks and I had learnt that these were just that. I was told it was ok and it was simply anxiety. Just change your thoughts! Yeah, right! Easier said then done! But faith for me has been the light at the end of the tunnel. When I really started to prac8ce faith I worked on it when I was not anxious. It started to give me hope. I used to write myself liRle notes to remind myself “Have faith, it will all be ok” and used this as a reminder to focus on the present moment when I was feeling good.

In this moment I am safe. In this moment I can breathe. In this moment my world is perfect. By bringing faith into my daily rou8ne, when I was not anxious, I could then start to use it during feelings of panic. Its like learning a new skill and prac8sing it un8l it becomes second nature. I began to believe that anxiety was teaching me to stop and be in the now, not focusing on every possible scenario that could play out in the future. By prac8sing awareness when feeling good, I was actually crea8ng less 8me and space for anxious thoughts.

So when going about my day, taking a shower, walking the dog, washing the dishes, I would concentrate on what I was doing at that exact moment and nothing else. I would feel the ground beneath me as I walked, felt each drop of water on my skin, no8ced each dish and how beau8fully it was created. It is prac8sing mindfulness without having to be in a sit down quiet medita8on pose and this helped with gaining control of my thoughts. By doing this simple exercise daily it became normal and I could start to bring more faith and mindfulness into my thoughts when I felt anxious. At first I would just sit with my anxiety and feel it rather then think it. Feel where it played out in my body and just concentrate on breathing long, slowly and deliberately. I would imagine myself breathing in to those areas that felt anxious. I would then with great detail l ook at my surroundings, the ground beneath my feet, things on the walls, trees out the windows, clouds in the sky, un8l I became present again and could tell myself that in this very moment I am safe. In this very moment I can breathe. In this very moment my world is perfect. You can have faith in anything you choose, a divine source, yourself, or even that you will be rid of your anxiety! An anxious mind likes to live in the past or future and help you feel out of control. You can change these thoughts but it helps to replace them with something you choose and means more to you. Take steps and ac8on towards having faith by becoming more present. Have faith in the now and have faith you can get through your journey of anxiety by doing so.

For more informa8on, 8ps and guidance with anxiety please check out our website or facebook community at

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Everyday Lightworker Oracle Cards It's a HUGE deck but someone had to do it! * 12 principles * 8 Chakras You do the math. Elite psychic assessment & remedy

Out now 16 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

KEEPING THE FAITH with Stacy Bridge Reeve

Having faith is one thing, keeping your faith is an entirely different thing. I’ve had many moments of losing faith and restoring it over the years. Putting your faith and trust in the universe can be quite a difficult thing to do. You need to believe with EVERYTHING you have. You have to trust that the universe has your back. You have to let go and throw yourself off a cliff (so to speak) and believe they will catch you. I have struggled with this over the years. On one hand I know that I am always protected and looked after by the divine source. On the other hand, I know that my life plan was written by me before I came down to my body and I have no idea what is yet to come. I’ve had times where my faith was unwavering. I quit a good, secure job of eight years and relocated to the Sunshine Coast with no job and no savings. Within a week I had a job and a place to live and have never looked back. Best decision ever. I completely trusted the universe and did not feel nervous or concerned. On the other hand, I have lost my faith when I’ve put my heart and soul into manifesting something I desperately wanted, and did not receive it. My angels have copped some abuse over the years when I haven't received something I believed I was manifesting like crazy! Although I know that it’s not a part of my life plan, it’s still frustrating and annoying. How do you then have faith for the next time you are manifesting? What’s the point of bothering to manifest something if it’s not in the plan and you don’t know the plan! "What’s in the bloody plan angels so I don't waste my precious time manifesting it!! "

When I’m feeling like this, I look to my husband. His faith in God is unwavering. No matter what is thrown at him, no matter how hard he attempted to manifest something (I’m talking fasts that included just drinking water for a week at a time and still not getting what he prayed for!), he does not lose his faith. His faith does not diminish. He never abuses or swears at God for not delivering. He accepts, he moves forward and his faith continues. If God asked him to do something that I opposed or that was frightening for him, he wouldn't question it, he would do it. I asked my husband how he maintains that level of faith. He said that "Patience is a virtue that God has given you. Sometimes there’s lessons to be learnt. And, you have to look at the bigger picture. The expensive car you were trying to manifest is nothing in comparison to what God has in store for you." I’m yet to get to that level of faith. I do have faith in the Universe. Sometimes my ego gets the better of me, like a spoilt child having a tantrum because I didn’t get what I wanted. My Higher Self knows that it’s not a part of the plan and the Universe knows what’s best for me right now. You just gotta keep the faith.

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The Importance of Faith As I walk life’s journey, there are times that I feel so very connected to the Universe. I am overjoyed by the miracle that is my life and my existence. Like everyone, though, I have a story. I have a heartbreaking story about childhood abuse, and how it shaped me into this being that I am today. A lot of that shaping comes in the form on anxiety and depression, lack of self esteem and enormous self doubt. The truth for me, though, is that I have experienced some miraculous things, too. There are moments in my life when I KNOW that the universe speaks to me or through me. These moments are amazing and fill me with awe and wonder. It is because of those moments, those glimpses of things, which has given me a deep faith. My faith was ignited by the synchronicities of life and because of the sense of the profound that I have experienced. In my early twenties, I was blessed to have a spontaneous out of body experience that connected me to the Universe. It was a moment of remembrance. My soul left my body and I entered into a place of light and of timelessness. I instantly experienced myself as a spiritual being and was gifted with a depth of understanding about the Universe. The moment was brief, intense and ultimately changed my life. It was a blessing that sparked my spiritual journey. Faith is hard though sometimes. It implies that we must give away our power to a great mystery that we do not understand; to have confidence, trust and belief in something without proof. It suggests that something will protect us, love us and guide us. And that can be incredibly difficult. Because of that miraculous moment, along with other experiences of synchronicity and encounters with energy, I am able to hold onto my deep faith. Life, though, is not

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Asoka Jinadasa, PhD

always miraculous or profound and one thing I have learned is that life is also about suffering. But it is how we respond to our challenges and sufferings that become the mark of how much we can change. To heal and transform often take a big leap of faith; but those leaps are so very often met with such rewards. They will in turn become strength and resilience which then provide greater peace and joy. We are then inspired to grow into the depth of our humanity. It is within these depths we may discover a sense of meaning and purpose. So faith is necessary, faith is profound and faith leads us ultimately to the experience of divine spirituality we seek. In the Magic and The Mire I lead you through my life journey and share my spiritual insights; From abuse to awakening. Out of the dark mire and into the magical light. Learn about the book, get the introduction for free, read my blog at

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with Lynn Merrin

Faith, or Feyth, is defined as confidence or trust in a person or thing, or a belief that is not based on proof.

I also have Faith that I am guided and connected to my soul group and protected as I navigate and chart my course through life.

To me, Faith is the opposite of Fear and at all times we have a choice as to which we subscribe, the positive, or the negative. Focusing on what we fear, actually manifests that very thing, where focusing on what we wish to create with Faith, will achieve the positive result as, "Energy flows where attention goes", An ancient Huna code to consider.

Without Faith, I personally would have given up long ago. Following the still birth of my baby, subsequent divorce and then discovering that the person I most trusted had run my home and another property into mortgagee possession, as a single parent, I felt very much in a dark place.

When we have a clear picture in our mind as to what we want in our life and take the steps to achieve it, we need to then believe we deserve it and have Faith in our ability to to focus on our desired outcome with Faith. Faith can be determined as using physics of the mind to focus our thoughts, feelings and intention on that which we need to manifest in our life to fulfil our purpose, passion and happiness. Creative visualisation enables us to see the picture of what we want in our career, love life, health, family and all aspects of our life. Affirmation in confirming that we have what we want with gratitude, indicates to the universe that we have Faith. Sometimes we are led by our ego self and find ourselves stripped of all we thought important and treasured in life and when we feel at our lowest ebb and there is nothing else, Faith can be the only resort, the way to move forward in a positive way. I have Faith each day that no matter what I am experiencing, everything is happening for my highest good and for my personal growth in experience, so I have Faith in the process.

I read a little story along the lines of a donkey that had fallen down a well and the farmer, who after failing all manner of ways to extricate him, saw no solution other than to bury him. Sadly, the farmer shovelled dirt into the well and the donkey eventually stopped braying. To the farmers amazement, the donkey ultimately stepped out of that well. This as an analogy of the well of life we sometimes find ourselves in, with the "dirt" dumped from a great height and we have a choice to allow it to bury us, or use it as leverage to move up and out of our situation, taking every step with Faith. Faith in knowing that there is a greater force that us and all is happening for a reason and in its right time and space for our highest good. I always guide my clients to know that they manifest their destiny daily and must have Faith in themselves, their skills and experiences in the tapestry of life that  they have woven, their support groups and ability to be and to create whatever they choose. Without Faith, there is Fear. The choice is ours.

Faith in my ability to manifest, to be personally responsible for creating my reality each day. Faith that I am being guided to fulfil my destiny and Faith that I perhaps wrote my script and chose my lessons and experiences in life.

My books self-help, motivational guides for teenagers have been created with all metaphysical tools to inspire young people to have Faith in themselves and dream their dreams.

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 21

Higher Ordered


All my life I have felt this wonderful energy around me. Faith means undoubtable feeling, sensing, awareness and deep knowing of a higher order and presence that is around each and every one of us, 24/7 and stored within our very cells. Faith has always been with me and guided me right up to this day, and it shall ever more be so! Faith brings a new dimension to the often rigid and dense world that we live in. Faith restores belief in the higher dimensions. We inevitably move ourselves into a whole new vibrational place not only within ourselves but within everyday life. I have no challenges faith has no name, it sensing of the higher every human being, below.

within my faith. My is the knowing and order that is part of as above and as

Faith is an integral part of who we are. Faith serves to alert us to the One. The divine Light from what all is created from. Without faith life would be colorless, void, dense, and limited. There exists within each and every divine soul, a light so bright. When we open up to this light we expand ourselves into the All. We are not limited to the carnal and linear structures. We are Beings of Divine light. This light is ever present and is there to serve you as a divine vessel. I am a receptor of the divine light. I am not separate but part of the divine plan and order. Faith opens a gateway and we can expand this faith if we allow the doorway to our heart to be ever open. Meditating, just sitting, light a candle, look at the flame then closing my eyes, just breathing and becoming aware of my physical body. Listening to my heartbeat, the breath and slowly taking my gaze behind closed eyelids up to the Pineal gland /center of the

22 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

with Tammy L Majchrzak

head, just staying there, breathing, sensing and being. Soon being transported to higher vibrational realities that affirm the existence of the higher light order. The place of the Oneness, love and deep connection. In the simplicity, stillness and silence I am at one with the All. I have written a book “The Light Within”, a collection of divine guidance from Archangel Metatron, Jesus and Thoth (Trilogy Masters). This may assist in bringing inner calm, outer expansion into the higher order and how faith can be increased into that deep inner knowing that further opens us up to divine truth. From my faith and knowing is what the work of the Metatronia Foundation of Light is all based upon, including Metatronia Therapy. Divine guidance and trust in the higher order, connection and assurance from Source. Having faith in the higher order, that very much exists, moves and alters our life, into deep transformation often beyond anything we could imagine if we lived without faith, trust, belief. Trust, believe and be open to receive. For we are all divine conduits of the One light. Above all, have faith in you and the magnificent Being that you are, for you were designed and created in the image of Love and divinity. “I am that I am, limitless, beyond measure”. Tammy L Majchrzak

Tammy is a Metatron Channel & Scribe and serves as a link with the Divine Universal Light. She is a Spiritual Teacher, Alchemist, Quantum Healer and the Founder of Metatronia Foundation of Light (MTFOL). Her work at this current time is involved in assisting those who are on their Ascension Journey path of enlightenment and to know for themselves, the divine truth itself through the light of the One Source/ Universal Light Coding. One of Tammy's spiritual gifts is introducing and sharing the latest information of divine truth to all those who seek. She works from a very humble space. Her work has been spreading throughout the Globe and greatly assisting others on their path of light. Tammy works with Source vibration through the Trilogy Masters Archangel Metatron, Jesus and Thoth. Her work, at this time, is to assist Humanity/mankind in the movement to the higher levels of ligh, assisting the Ascension (Light Evolutionary) process.

"My Journey and my discoveries, my passion and my truths are just that. To feel something so powerful and life changing, to know this and feel this is what this work is based on. Divine truth, guidance, experience and knowledge. My work is to assist people in how, they to can connect through this divine energy and can begin to change their lives so dramatically. My soul purpose in this life is as a spiritual teacher/Sacred Light Counselor, Quantum Light Healer, and humanitarian. I work, as a direct link to Source assisting mankind at this time in his light evolutionary process".

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 23

is my calling card

with Diane Goodchild

F a i t h l i k e l o v e c a n b e r e c e i v e d uncondi8onally, and like love, it is the result of life experience. A few years ago, I had an unusual experience with faith while undergoing Journey therapy with a healer while at a health retreat. Like many Catholic kids of my genera8on in the late 60’s I was raised Catholic in the school system but within a non-­‐prac8sing non-­‐spiritual Catholic home. I really tried to embrace it, as a young teen, as I so wanted to believe, I wanted to have FAITH. But the ego self gets in the way and the separa8on from the self takes hold and by the 8me I reached early adulthood I ambivalent. I told myself it was 8me to stop pretending I was something I was not. It turns out that Catholic, agnos8c or atheist was all just lip service – it all lacked authen8city for me. When I had kids, 20 years later, I experienced uncondi8onal love of a kind I could never have imagined, and its sidekick, faith was niggling away at my higher self, seeking recogni8on. And although my spirituality was s8ll ambiguous, it was there in my daily life with gra8tude, manifesta8on and a core belief in a greater meaning in life beyond my physical form. Then whilst undergoing the Journey medita8on I experienced the child me, wounded and alone, seeking trust in the

24 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

universe. When the healer asked what words appeared, to my surprise the word FAITH (in neon light) appeared in big leRers in the sky above the spiritual child me. I would have put money on the fact I would’ve called on TRUST or LOVE in such a moment of clarity. This word FAITH was largely alien to me since my childhood. It was then that I realised that the faith from my child self was calling the adult self who had weathered so many storms, to stand up and take no8ce, to stand in my power. As an adult I had denied that part of me, never reconciled the rigid beginnings of religious faith to the new heart-­‐centred spirituality I now tried to live every day. Wow! It was a revela8on to me and was the catalyst for healing the large brick I always carried around of being alone and different. I had abandoned myself by forgeFng who I was. I was separated. Fast-­‐forward a couple of years. Blissful years filled with healing and a growing awareness of my TRUTH. I went on a quest to living wholeheartedly, not separate from MY SELF, and have a plethora of books, reading and courses under my belt. This is how I found Michelle Lightworker, who helped me integrate my shadow self, part of the self-­‐ awareness I sought out in order to live my life purpose. All of these steps were helpful

Finally I understand the Herme8c saying: “As above as below, As within so without.” Paradoxically this hails back to the sign of the cross, which I performed reverently throughout my childhood. The Merkaba in par8cular strengthens my connec8on with the divine, gives me balance and nourishes my crea8vity.

in big ways – it’s a journey I would do again. Then earlier this year, I discover sacred geometry with Jean Sheehan at Millennium Educa8on and the light goes on and will not be denied. I sign up for the medical intui8ve course to learn about this further. It absolutely cracks me open and I ascend. I see the sacred shapes, the five platonic solids: the Merkaba, the Hexahedron or Metatron’s cube (Earth), the Octahedron (Air), the Icosahedron (Water) and the Dodecahedron (Universe), and I cry. Not tears of grief, tears of empowerment! I remember who I am, I am one part of the divine, I am ONE with it.

This realisa8on completes a cycle and I now know why the words FAITH appeared to me like a neon light. It was the path to unity with the universe I was asked to take and I feel so blessed that I understood enough to go on this quest for consciousness. It was a journey to remember DIVINE LOVE, a path to ONENESS. It is by no means over, there is so much to learn and so much to experience. FAITH is me being at home with my higher self in joy not pain. I’m not alone I’m in the warm light of the DIVINE. -­‐ Diane Goodchild

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 25

Let Faith

- Michelle Lightworker

Magic your life Enlightenment is inevitable.

everyday! So here's the snapshot of how faith transforms us...

We can't fight evolution of the mind. That's what fuels my deepest faith in

Crown Chakra - We are mindful that all


is happening for our highest good. We trust the timing, we trust the slow reveal.


happens whether we

want it to or not. But how easy do we

Third Eye Chakra - Whe trust what we are

want to make it? That is the real question

seeing. We know when we are seeing

isn't it?

through distorted lens and this is our calling card back to our Higher Self and

Sometimes I look at my life and I think I

spritiual vision. We trust we will be

have just 'magiced' it. (Magiced is a real

shown what we need to see when we

word, I checked. Not that it matters!).

need to see it.

Like I got a magic wand and somehow turned mud into a crystal flowing river.

Ear Chakras - We have faith that we will

Just like my impossible tree pose in that

hear the deeper messages from Spirit


behind everything that is being said. We have faith Spirit will help us interpret the

I believe that holding faith in our minds

messages and guidance that we hear.

and bodies using our energetic system is like that magic wand. I am providing a

Throat Chakras - We have the faith to

snapshot here of how we can magic our

speak our truth. Faith encouraging our

life using this high vibrational principle

Sigher Self to speak up. We can say

of faith. Of course you can get a more in-

anything from Higher Self as it never

depth look into these principles through

lacks confidence.

'The Everyday Lightworker Bible' or the brand new 'Everyday

Lightworker 101'

Heart Chakra - We trust where our heart

course I have just put together. It

connects us. We follow our hearts and

comprises of 96 video lessons with yours

trust where it will lead us is for our

truly and a mini activity each day. I tried

highest good. We have faith in the

to keep them under 10 mins to make

human race and know that Spirit helps us

them achievable to incorporate into your

all evolve as we are ALL connected.

day. Sprinkle a bit of magic into each and 26 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

Solar plexus - We have faith that we will not abuse or allow ourselves to be abused. We step up and into the next stage of our journey in growing our light. Sacral - We allow ourselves to call on this high vibrational quality of faith to feeds and transforms us. It dissolves our fear and satiates our cravings, emptiness and attachment to addictions, people, places and things. Base - We have faith and trust spirit 100%. We allow our fear of being in this human existence to indicate we need to to call in more faith.

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 27

Soul Surrender

with Jade Renee Banks

28 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

This article has been the most difVicult for me to write. My trust and commitment to my own connection was challenged. I doubted that this article would Vlow from me and I questioned if I was even meant to write it! Each time I sat down to write -­‐ Nothing. Each time I asked, “Am I even meant to write this?” My own fear and self-­‐doubt was blocking my connection. Something had changed within me. My writing wanted to be born from a different place. I was in fear of what really wanted to come through in this article.

You must let go & fall into your Soul It was a true test of my Faith. Would I throw the towel in? Or, would I dive a little deeper? This article was not coming from my “Spiritual Scribes” this time. It was the depths of my Soul that wanted to speak. And it was making me squirm! I could feel the discomfort every time I sat down to write. I had been unknowingly pushing for my writing to continue in a particular form. But my Soul had other ideas of how it was to Vlow. “But I can control this!” I exclaimed. “No you can’t!” responded my Soul. You cannot control what is birthed from your Soul. It is your Soul that you were born to create from. Your Soul is ancient and wise, with lifetimes of experience that you can never contain, control or manipulate for your own purposes. You must let go and fall into your Soul. You must allow it’s sweet, pungent and dusty essence to stir and rise from deep within you. This is real Faith, my friend. For you know not what your Soul has to deliver and be in this world. Yet you must surrender and have Faith.

But you fear that you will be judged, ridiculed and persecuted. You fear that you will be ostracized and shamed. An outcast again, after working so diligently to “Vit in”. It is all an illusion, my friend… this reality of your own creating. Though you have done a commendable job. You have been willing to uncover your “True Self”. Working slowly and methodically to peel back the layers, each time shedding another skin. “How deep does it go?” I asked. “You are InVinite,” my Soul replied. There is always more of your Soul to embrace. There is always more Light to reclaim. It is time to allow the Dragon to stir from deep within. To burn in the Vlames of resurrection and crack through it’s egg of creation. To rebirth the Phoenix and awaken the essence of your Soul Vire. To feel the creative forces moving through all levels of your Self. Transforming you this time from the inside out. This you have allowed, my friend. You have given me a Voice, a pathway of expression. You have trusted and had Faith in your own Soul. You are letting go of limitations that have bound your precious self. The carefully constructed frameworks, reference points and labels now dissolving into the ethers. This embrace, this awakening, this soul remembrance cannot be described through mere words or perceptions of the mind. This is a felt process, a Divine Awakening. It is the pathway of Emotion and the realm of the Shaman, the Sorcerer, the Witch and the Warrior. You have walked this pathway many lifetimes before. There is familiarity here, yet so much hesitation to unleash the Power within. The Soul is a language that is inherent to us all, yet only Vluent to some. Have Faith, my friend. You are exactly where you need to Be.

Jade Renee Banks CertiVied Master Lightworker Practitioner CertiVied Lightworker Practitioner Facilitator Liquid Crystals Advanced Practitioner Starchild Directives Practitioner Yoga Teacher-­‐in-­‐training Ph: 0450 582 586 Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 29

It's the little steps that amount to the BIGGEST Faith

with Candy Bowden

What a difference 10 years makes đ&#x;˜Š If you had told me back then I'd be leaner, fitter, stronger and more emotionally balanced in my latish forties than in my latish thirties, even in my latish teens, I would have probably laughed. But what I have learned is that small steps no matter how long it takes, will get you there in

30 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

the end, provided you never give up. So if you are struggling it's ok, you are exactly where you are meant to be at this exact moment in time. Just remember, where you are now does not have to be where your story ends. Love yourself, forgive yourself and keep stepping no matter how small those steps seem to beđ&#x;˜˜

A story of

with AJ Millions

Faith Leading the Way International is an experiential, educational organization where people are supported to expand the quality of their lives by learning about themselves through the horse's non-predatory, authentic ways. Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 31

April 19 is a hard day for me, it has been 20 years since my mum, Mary, left this earthly plane. Her story is my story of finding faith, joy and evolving as a person. I was 30 when my mum and her little white dog Pookie went missing, she was travelling home late one night from visiting her mother, a two hour drive on dark dirt country roads. She didn’t arrive back home and once the obvious options were cancelled out, panic set in. It was springtime on the prairies, the grass had not started to green and the nights were still very cold. The cows had started calving and being a ranch owner, Mary never stayed away from home for very long. Trying to explain this to city police was useless, they had their protocol, she had to be missing 48 hours before any search could be started. So I did the only thing I could, got my friends together and started looking. To no avail, nothing, it was like she had vanished. Driving the two hours to the city, retracing her tracks to the best of my ability, revealed nothing. Stopping in at service stations where she might have refueled produced no insights. I felt like my world was spinning out of control and I couldn’t stop it. I would travel that road, the four hour round trip everyday, and everyday I would say to my friends, “I feel like I am driving past her but I can’t find her.” I have never felt so helpless and hopeless. The small community was amazing, organizing searches via horse back, quad bike and vehicles. Everyone was looking. The local RCMP and support people searched every conceivable road, abandoned building in that 200 kilometers. Still nothing. After the first few days, the reality of the situation had set in. It was becoming very clear that she was not coming home. A small part of me wanted to believe the city police’s theory that she went to visit a friend for a few days and she would make contact or just come home. I knew this was not the truth, however, in a small part of my heart, I hoped. Even though I felt so strongly I was driving past her everyday, I was unable to find her. The days started to blur together, we all continued to do what we could. The air searches were commencing and the media was involved, her disappearance was getting wide spread publicity. People now had a face to go with the name and a photo of the vehicle, surely this would yield some results. Alas, still nothing. By the tenth day, spirits were wavering. It was taking its toll on everyone and a dark cloud had taken hold of the usually happy community. The police were now looking closely at the possibility of foul play, interviewing those closest to her, yes, that included me. The idea of being a person

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of interest crushed any optimism I had left, I felt defeated and raw. Day after day we all went through the same routine and no one had any useful information. It all seemed so futile, where on God’s green earth was she??? Had she fallen prey to unsavory people? Is it possible she just left? If someone took her, why were there no traces of anything, no bits of the puzzle to put together? The dark pit of despair was getting deeper by the day. On the thirteenth day of the search the police announced that they had done everything that they could and they would be calling off the search and taking it to the next level. They never really explained what the next level meant but it felt like they were putting it in the too hard basket and moving on. I was gutted, if they couldn’t find her, now what? Feeling the lowest I have ever in my life, questioning everything I had ever said to my mum, remembering I had not hugged her when we last said goodbye, not remembering the last time I told her I loved her and realizing that I may never get to tell her that ever again was soul destroying. This was the longest night of my life. When the sun rose, warming up the frozen hills everything felt the same. Usually one stretches your face up to the sun to feel the warm glow saying good morning, there was no good in that morning. I went into town with a friend, he was going to check in with the search headquarters to see if there had been any developments over night. I couldn’t face people that day, so I stayed at the school playground and sat on the swings waiting. The moment I saw him come around the corner of the school I knew. As I collapsed into his arms, he told me that I needed to go to the police station and the local RCMP would explain. The evening before, the constable had received a fax from a women who lived another two hours east. She had heard about Mary on the television and immediately felt a connection to her. They were the same age and so she listened intently to the story. That night, she “had a dream” about mum, information came to her in a cryptic nature and she wrote everything down. In the morning she got out a map of the area. Not being familiar with that part of the province she copied the map and took her pen circling an area where she felt the police should go look. That map and the “cryptic” information, led the RCMP officer to mum’s exact location. The information that made no sense to her made perfect sense to the locals who knew the area well. Somehow, mum had missed her turn and the road she was travelling on ended with no warning. The vehicle flew off the end of the road, landing upside down in a ravine, she was killed instantly. Being that it was early spring, and no new grass was growing, the bottom of the vehicle was camouflaged. It could not be detected by air and the locals could not see it at the bottom of the

ravine. There was however a distinguishing path, the width of a vehicle, broken through the willow trees. This road had been searched by the police and locals drove it daily and yet no one saw anything out of the ordinary. When I asked about the wide path of destruction and why no one had noticed it, I was told that yes they saw the broken branches however they assumed that it was a porcupine that had done all the damage. My response to this comment with a little bite of sarcasm was, “that is a fucking big porcupine!” Pookie, mum’s faithful companion, was still alive, and had not left her side. My world had just ended as I knew it, and yet there was a certain taint of relief that she had not fallen prey to unsavoury people and that there were answers to all the questions. Over the next few months as I grieved and got on with life, raising two young boys and taking over the responsibility of the ranch, I questioned the way that mum was found. Why had the obvious signs of tree damage not been noticed? Why had the local ranchers living on both sides of the ravine not noticed the tracks? Why had their dogs not heard Pookie and gone to explore? Why did the grader operator who turned around at the very spot not look down and see the vehicle there? Well, it is my belief that despite the public

attention mum received which she would have hated, it was her way of waking me up, showing me through experience, that there is so much more to this world than we perceive and to open up my eyes and my heart. I was lucky enough to chat to the lady who had the dream. She told me she had dreams like this before, and if she did not follow up on them the dream would return. She had this ability for as long as she could remember and she trusted it explicitly. I had read of things like this happening but perceived it to be a con. When it came to believing in a Higher Power, I wasn’t a good believer. I never saw where a Higher Power was ever there for me and never felt connected to such a thing. Well now I had to really reassess my faith and beliefs in divination, I had no choice, I had first hand experience that told me in no uncertain terms, a Higher Power exists. That you must have faith, especially when times are tough and to keep an open mind to anything people have the courage to share with you. 20 years on, my life has led me on an unbelievable journey of joy, faith and magic and I use my experience and passion for horses that I got from my mum, to support others to expand the quality of their lives. I am grateful for every morning that I wake up in paradise, look out my window to the paddock of horses and know that my mum supported me from another realm to discover all this.

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 33

Patience & Faith!!! Mars, Pluto & Mercury with Chirone Shakti retro There’s a lot happening this month as we move into the Mars retro period. Many of you have probably been feeling the effects of Mars slowing down, ready to turn retro in April - if so, you’ll already be familiar with those feelings of frustration as the simplest things seem to require more effort! Truly a time to practice the principle of faith & virtue of Patience :) Last month the New Moon in Aries on Thurs 7 April brought the opportunity for a bold new start. Aries’ natural approach to life is to take action, breaking new ground in a pioneering or even crusading venture, or taking up a cause that’s worth fighting for. Mars went retrograde on Sun 17 April for about two and a half months. The Mars retrograde period can be a time of considerable frustration when projects and actions need to be reviewed and revised. Certain aspects of your life may seem to be ‘on hold’ during this period (check where this Mars falls in your chart), and you’re likely to feel that you’re getting nowhere fast (or even slowly), giving rise to anger and frustration at the apparent lack of progress. This time can be used wisely to review and improve on your plans - things won’t be moving ahead until the beginning of July at the earliest, so there’s no point trying to force things to happen. Trust that there is a reason and purpose for the delay, which you can then turn to your advantage. Any new ventures that Mars may have prompted may not forge ahead exactly as hoped. You’ll need to exercise patience (not easy for Aries!) and be prepared to revise 34 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

your original plans. This doesn’t mean you can’t start new ventures now, just that you’ll need to take your time, revising your plans and fine-tuning the details over the next few months. Mars turned retrograde at 8 degrees Sagittarius (almost at 9 degrees). Be careful to channel any anger positively and don’t take risks driving. For everyone, the whole retrograde period is a challenging time where patience will definitely be a virtue. Mars will retrograde back to 23 degrees Scorpio before turning direct again on 30 June 2016 (the previous day in Europe and the Americas). Pluto slowed to a halt the very next day Mon 18 April, to begin his retrograde journey. If anything in your life has been going through symbolic death throes in the last six months, this is a time when you are likely to revisit the whole process, perhaps at an even deeper level as you search for the hidden truths and the soul essence of who you are, the alchemist’s gold that can eventually emerge from the blackness. Pluto is stationary at 17 degrees of Capricorn. If your birthday falls around 8 Jan you are likely to be experiencing a very intense time while personal transformation goes on at a deep core level – the eventual outcome is empowerment, the ability to stand comfortably in your own power, but it’s a long drawn-out process which won’t be complete until the end of 2017. This will also be true for anyone with personal planets at this degree, or at 17 degrees of the other cardinal signs: Aries, Libra and Cancer. Pluto will retrograde back to 14 degrees Capricorn before turning direct again on 27 Sept 2016.

As if Mars retrograde wasn’t enough, Mercury went retrograde on Fri 29 April (the previous day in Europe & the Americas). Mercury retrograde is a period when communications can get problematic, and a time to be wary of making major purchases or signing contracts. Try to avoid signing contracts in this period if you can, but if you really can’t avoid it, then doublecheck everything and read the fine print very carefully. As always with Mercury retrograde, be prepared to revise anything you agree to during this time. Double-check dates, times, addresses, phone numbers … and also that any messages you leave actually get through OK. The positive side of this

retrograde period is that it is a great time to go through correspondence and sort out your paperwork. Mercury is retrograde for 3 weeks until Sun 22 May. Looking ahead to this lunar month The next New Moon falls in Taurus, exact on Sat 7 May 2016 at 5.29am AEST (the previous day in Europe & the Americas) at 16 degrees Taurus. For more updates go to

Sat 14 May 2016, 10am – 4pm Atlantean Earth Centre, Yandina, Sunshine Coast Come on a journey of exploration into the deepest and most hidden part of your psyche. Your 12th House reveals the innermost workings of your psyche, your “secret self”. Come and discover what you keep hidden, below the surface – maybe even unknown to yourself … Discover your hidden weakness, your inner conflicts, your patterns of sabotage; and then also discover the hidden strength of your 12th House, your precious, amazing – and probably untapped – hidden wisdom. Come and transform these old subconscious patterns, and be empowered by a new understanding of yourself. Suitable for Foundation level upwards. Energy exchange: $135 includes notes and a copy of your birth chart. REGISTER http://

Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 35

The Principle Project:

Faith with Amy Young from Anxiety Diaries

Thanks Amy for your extra contribution with this month on this amazing topic of Faith. We know of the good work that you do helping others with anxiety and it's nice to get a look in to how Faith works for you!

1. Why is this principle important in your life? I always struggled with FAITH as I was so scared to just let go and hand over control - so I have been working on it for a long time! 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? When we follow our guidance and just have complete FAITH that we will be looked after and supported amazing things happen! Everything flows and the rewards are so exciting! I have made very big life changing decisions, scared of not knowing what the outcome will be, but having FAITH that I was guided to do so and that I will be supported no matter what I am now living a happier lifestyle with so much freedom to be me. Take a Leap of Faith!

36 | May 2016 | Lightworker Advocate

3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are practicing this principle? I feel complete support from the universe and it is like my whole heart centre opens and jumps for joy! I see others using the principle when they are taking risks and living in the present without a worry of tomorrow. Not trying to live in the future and worrying about what is coming or trying to be in control of it. 4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? I feel yellow. Sunshine was my first thought - even though I feel heart centred (green) I also feel it works with our Solar Plexus and feeling supported. But Faith makes me feel so energised and excited like I do on a warm sunny day! So yellow makes me happy!

5.If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Vanilla makes me always think happy thoughts (this was my first thought)but I also feel that citrus tastes are FAITH - like orange, mandarin, pineapple yum!! 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? Mmmmmm the smell of oranges freshly peeled! 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? Somewhere Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole 8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be? I got pentagon - the one with 5 sides that looks like a house Safe and supported! 9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? Dolphin carefree 10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? Archangel Michael, Archangel Ariel 11. How does this principle change you and your vibration? Very lifting very quickly now that I have complete trust in faith! 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? Absolutely! If more tuned into Faith that everything will happen for our highest good the levels of stress, anxiety and the need for control will be lowered. More JOY and LOVE and living in the present would begin to occur! What a beautiful thing that would be! Lightworker Advocate | May 2016 | 37

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