LOVE Reconnection
ADVOCATE www.lightworkerreflections.com
Issue 9 JULY 2016
Editor & Designer Michelle Lightworker admin@lightworkerreflections.com +61433831946
Cover Photo - Sarah Campbell, Sarah Campbell Group
! s r e k r o w t h g i L y a d y r Hey Eve I remember when I was 20 I read Marianne Williamson’s A Return To Love and it totally revolutionised the way I saw and defined love. We are all love. Period. That’s it. We can either see from a lens of fear or love. However, seeing from the lens of fear is merely a cry for that which we already are: Love. So this issue of Lightworker Advocate Magazine is very dear to my heart. Love is a topic that not only we can re-conceptualise, it is a vibration we can reconnect with. In this month’s cover story EJ Love shares just how she reconnected with her self-love and how this transformed her whole relationship with herself and others on every level. She is a living and breathing inspiration of how we are only ever one step away from loving ourselves in any given moment. And she shares how. I will also be speaking to EJ live on my radio show on 6 July 12pm AEST. Join in via ask1radio.com I also share on sexuality in my article on ‘Love Makes Making Love Loving’. Apart from being a tongue twister, hopefully it will unravel some of why traditional beliefs around sexuality just no longer work. We have some new writers joining our wonderful everyday lightworker team this month with Jade Herriman sharing her love of all things transformative through art therapy. We also welcome Ariana Ray , Rachel Brand, Pauline Hosie Robinson, Tessa Bernard & Linda Li to the fold. A dear friend and fellow psychic Ann Keightly has contributed a lovely poem to our issue and I am being told some art is coming for future issues! The gorgeous Lynn Merrin also adds her poetic flair to this issue along with an exert from her newly released book Love a Metaphysical Insight.
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I am about to love myself big by taking a trip to Bali this month and filling my cup. Spirit has told me that I have gotten really good at discipline and focus which has strengthened my will and resolve. Now I also need to be in more of a non-thinking/focus head-space to allow my etheric forces to build and ensure I maintain a level of endurance that is required for this next leg of my journey. You will notice that we have live links in place. So to receive discounts from our contributers, just click directly on their ads and you will be directed to their website. All articles for September's Edition on ‘Joy’ will be due by 15 July. Email articles to admin@lightworkerreflections.com. Here’s an upcoming snapshot of the 12 principles and the month that they will feature. August - Wholeness September - Joy October - Peace November - Honesty Dec '16/Jan '17 - Open-mindedness Feb – Willingness March – Forgiveness April – Discipline May – Unity June – Faith July – Responsibility August - Love Blessings of abundance to you all!
Michelle Lightworker
Contents COVER STORY 4-6 EJ Love - EJ's Love Reconnection LOVE WISDOM 7 Love Makes Making Love Loving by Michelle Lightworker
8-9 Embracing The Wobble by Leanne Barefoot Medium 10 A Poem of Love by Ann Sathiavaani Keightley
11 Love & The Anxiety Diaries by Amy Young 12-13 The Art of Loving Our Clients & Ourselves by Jade Herriman
14-15 Love Defined by Lynn Merrin 16 Love - a Poem by Lynn Merrin 18 All You Need is Self-Love by Stacy Bridge
19 Love Your Lips by Janine Hall
20 Love: A Great & Remarkable Thing by Rachel Brand 21 Seeing Through The Eyes of Love by Pauline Hosie Robinson 22 The Clouds Where the Flowers Grow by Tessa Bernard
24 Inspired to Be Fragile by Ariana Ray 26 Message From Mother
Mary by Linda Li THE PRINCIPLE PROJECT 28-29 Love with Stephanie Tannock
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with Michelle Lightworker
EJ's Love Reconnection
Photo by Jack Smith, Mr Smith Photography
June 2016 2016||Lightworker LightworkerAdvocate AdvocateMagazine Magazine 4 | July
EJ Love is the epitome of love incarnate. An open-minded and honest soul who is here to encourage everyone to love themselves in the deepest way possible. From working in the adult entertainment industry to now being a love & intimacy coach, EJ reveals her own experiences for us to share in the glory that encourages us all in our own love reconnection. with Michelle Lightworker Tell us about your journey of self-‐love?
‘stuff’ which only came from outside experiences and it wasn’t real. I was simply numbing my pain, shame and fears. One day aLer feeling hurt for what seemed like the millionth @me by a man I thought was my ‘twin flame’ (who was in fact yet another narcissist). I made a different choice. I chose to look inside of myself instead of seeking outside feel good fixes. Basically, I woke up to my own BULLSHIT!!! I stopped poin@ng fingers at everyone else and I pointed them back at me. Instead of numbing the pain, I chose to bring it all up and I allowed myself to be vulnerable and feel my emo@ons. It was @me for me to heal…finally! Almost overnight, my ea@ng disorder was healed and my whole life s e e h o w a l l m y transformed.
I experienced very low self-‐esteem from childhood and I used to tell myself that when I found my soul mate, then I would feel whole and complete, and then I would be truly happy. So at just 17 when I thought I found my soul mate I entered into a marriage that was highly sexual and emo@onally abusive. But I didn’t feel complete…instead I completely LOST myself! I was constantly ignored and felt rejected and unwanted. However, there was always one way I could guarantee to get his aIen@on – with sex and money. It was then that I associated much of my value on this – that it was all that I was worth. ALer " I c o u l d two years and when it got rela:onships were simply a I was commiIed to violent I finally walked away from that rela@onship and reflec:on of that lack of love I had making self-‐love my then my ten year long baIle for myself, of my self-‐abuse and the number one priority. I with an ea@ng disorder s o o n r e a l i s e d h o w began. Subconsciously, I told disempowering beliefs I had about disconnected I was myself that men would only myself.." from my emo@ons and want me if I were skinny and what I wanted and preIy. As I found myself being no@ced by men, needed. My life had always been about pleasing sex became a way for me to be in control and feel others and hence I had become a people pleaser good about myself. For those ten years I numbed and over-‐giver and this dynamic played out in the pain of feeling rejected and not good enough rela@onship as me being the rescuer/fixer and by da@ng and sleeping with a lot of men, partying, enabling the other person’s behaviour and losing smoking, drugs and alcohol. I would seem to be myself in the process! I had to take self-‐ magne@cally aIracted to the same types of men – responsibility for how I had allowed all of it and narcissists, abusers, liars and conmen even – oh been the source of my own suffering! Everyone I yes I had my fair share! ALer their wrath of had aIracted so far had just been a mirror of my destruc@on I would always end up feeling own emo@onal unavailability, my own fears and heartbroken, rejected and unwanted all over beliefs and lack of self-‐worth and self-‐acceptance. again! I was sabotaging my chance for happy, I could see how all my rela@onships were simply a healthy love and unconsciously pushing away all reflec@on of that lack of love I had for myself, of the men who I could actually have a healthy my self-‐abuse and the disempowering beliefs I rela@onship with because underneath I didn’t feel had about myself, men and life such as: "I’m not worthy of it. good enough", "I’m not preIy enough", "There is something wrong with me", and the biggest one In 2008 my social life led me to working in the – "I am worthless". adult and entertainment industry -‐ running sexy par@es and events, modelling and hos@ng an Once I had awareness I was able to shiL them and online TV channel. To the outside world it seemed then start showing up from a new empowered like I had a dream life, travelling the country, going truth rather than from my old belief system. This to sexy par@es and interviewing pornstars! But I is where my self-‐love work and self-‐care prac@ces was only happy when I was ‘busy’ with all this became really grounded and the founda@on of my
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life! I awakened the beau@ful woman within by le_ng go of who I thought I was supposed to be and embraced who I am. Because who I AM is LOVE. I then awakened to my soul purpose as a healer and coach and I now guide others to awaken and heal so they too can transform their lives and feel the love that they already are! In your experience, what stops people from loving themselves? Ul@mately it comes down to our condi@oning mostly from childhood -‐ from our parents, society and media. OLen we are shown that it is selfish to want for ourselves or even to love ourselves. That we should be caring about others and giving to them before ourselves to be lovable or of value and to not be perceived as selfish. As a liIle girl I can remember perceiving people who ‘love themselves’ as arrogant or selfish so of course I thought I must focus on loving others and not myself. We are not taught in schools how to love ourselves, we are taught that there is right and wrong, good and bad and we are so oLen comparing ourselves to other people. We make it all mean something about ourselves such as we are not good enough, not worthy and not lovable. What stops us are these deep beliefs that we have to be a certain way to be loved which is not true at all! Why would we have to be a certain way to be loved when we are already love? We created all these disempowering beliefs based on our experiences that make us think that we are not love and then we numb our pain because we are afraid to feel the parts of us we think are unlovable. The more we choose to numb our pain the less love we can feel for ourselves and then we act from that pain and create shame and more reasons why we think we are not lovable! Yes, it is a vicious shame cycle! Many people don’t even know that they don’t love themselves, in fact, I used to think I loved myself when I was numbing my pain and having unhealthy rela@onships, but I was not being loving to myself at all! What do you find are the most prac2cal ways we can love ourselves in our everyday life? The number one prac@ce I used when I started my self-‐love journey was to consciously ask myself "Is this loving to myself?" It is so simple but can you imagine how much your life would change if you asked yourself this ques@on on every decision you made every day? This ques@on healed my ea@ng disorder and I gave up smoking all because I chose to make a conscious choice to love myself and over @me as my body shiLed to a higher vibra@on of love I didn’t want the feel good fixes anymore. I choose to connect to my emo@ons rather than numb them. The daily prac@ce I use now is one I learned from the Love 6 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
Coach Academy and it is all about connec@ng to myself and to my feelings and needs, this is par@cularly helpful in rela@onships. I a s k : " W h a t i s t h e s t o r y I a m t e l l i n g myself?" (iden@fying the disempowering belief) "What am I feeling?" (really feeling and embracing it) "What am I needing?" (under our feelings are just unmet needs) I find a way to meet my own needs which then allows me to give from an authen@c space if I choose to do so. There are so many prac@ces you can do which is why I created my 7 Steps in 7 Days to Self -‐Love which you can find on my website and also I have a whole sec@on on conscious self-‐love prac@ces in my free 21 day healing program.
"Why would we have to be a certain way to be loved when we are already love?" How can self-‐love improve our sex life? Sex is one of the greatest ways we connect with another, so how can we connect fully with another if we are not connected with ourselves? Self-‐ connec@on will create much deeper connec@on in in@mate rela@onships. Just by connec@ng to your own emo@ons you will no@ce how sex becomes more soulful and heart connected. We are also so disconnected from our bodies but when you start to love your body more and do the physical self-‐love prac@ces then you will come back into your body and feel deeper pleasure and stronger, fuller orgasms! I highly recommend conscious self-‐pleasure as an act of self-‐love which helps awaken our sexual energy, our life force energy -‐ the greatest energy we have! Working with sexual energy helps us to heal shame and shame is oLen what stops us from feeling like we can love ourselves and from fully expressing ourselves sexually and our desires. There is so much shame around sex, start with conscious self-‐pleasure to drop into receiving and surrendering to pleasure! What's next for you? I have recently launched my free 21 Day Heal Your Love Wounds Program -‐ www.@nyurl.com/heallove2 and my I AM Love 6 week intensive program which is all about feeling yourself as love and le_ng go of painful emo@ons and disempowering beliefs that have been keeping you stuck and not allowing you to feel the love that you truly are! This is my main focus at the moment as well as launching a podcast – The Vulnerability Show, wri@ng a book and some sexual healing programs and workshops are coming very soon!! www.ejlove.com
Love Makes Making Love Loving
with Michelle Lightworker
There is so much judgment around being gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual. However, if we take a deeper look metaphysical aspects of arousal, we will understand that who we love and who we are attracted to stem from not only this life but also past lives. Arousal is created in the brain – via brain mapping through our experiences. Our experiences are not only based on this lifetime. Therefore, arousal is subjective. It changes via experience and is also something carried from lifetimes beyond. Once we understand this, the whole idea of gay, lesbian, straight, bi, whatever, whatever, really ceases to exist. The higher truth is, that we are all everything and probably have been everything in the past or will be everything in future lives. So when we put the whole notion that 'sexuality de,ines us' out of the way, we come back to love. We get closer to the truth that we are all innately love. Therefore when we make love, we
"Sexuality can be a prison whether you’ve come out or not!" are far more 'in' our experience and 'in' love. Love makes making love more loving!
Some lesbians think bi-‐sexual woman are in denial of being lesbian! It’s easy for anyone, of any sexual orientation to get into a close-‐minded frame of reference. We can’t get to the deepest depths of love, if we have closed our minds in any way to the notion that we are and always have been everything. This is the fundamental connection between Spirit (higher Love) and matter (our physicality and sexuality). This whole concept of loving holistically assists us to really take a step back from ballooning sexuality into more than what it is. We stop it from deOining us. We stop it from shaping our lives around it. We stop making it a prison. Sexuality can be a prison whether you’ve come out or not! Then we can step into really honouring sexuality as being more of who we are at any given time. We give ourselves the freedom and permission to be the expression of who we are. We come back to making love loving and we can truly allow ourselves to make love. We build a bridge from love to sexuality and we get over it!
The only thing stopping us from celebrating all of who anyone else is; is the acceptance of all of who we are. Who do we love? Why do we love them? What really attracts that to us? Do we love that in ourselves yet? Are we open and accepting of everyone else wherever they are at in any given moment? We are all well aware and seasoned regarding judgments towards what some of society deems inappropriately as ‘freaks’. However, sometimes even gay people can be critical of heterosexuals.
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Embracing the Wobble: Divine Love, Path & Purpose with Leanne Barefoot Medium This morning as I sit here with Spirit, I am asked to bring through insight and guidance for you around what is oLen referred to as your ‘Divine Life Path’ or ‘Divine Purpose’. What does ‘Divine Life Path’ or ‘Divine Purpose’ even m e a n y o u a s k ? W e understand that you may have heard others talk about being on their path or even giving you guidance and advice about which path you are meant or supposed to take along your journey. Today we would like to share with you all from our deepest heart space of Divine Love, our perspec@ve and to offer you some sugges@ons …. We would like to suggest that as you clarify your iden2ty, who you are at your very core, your essence, your personality and what it is that you truly value in life, you will begin to embrace the Divine Love that is already within you. As you do this you will begin connec@ng with what is oLen referred to as your authen2c self, the parts of you that are open, honest, accep@ng and apprecia@ng of who you are. Once you allow all of you to shine, love all aspects of who you are, you will be able to iden@fy and start using your natural talents and skills, which you and only you were given from Divine Love, in order to walk your path and align with your Divine purpose in this life@me. When you embrace these three aspects of yourself, this is when you will begin to no@ce life beginning to flow, you will begin aIrac@ng more abundance (in all of its forms) more inner and outer wealth, joy, happiness
8 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
and love. You will then r a d i a t e y o u r t r u t h , authen@city and Divine Light out from your being to all those around you who will also know and f e e l t h a t y o u a r e opera@ng from your Divine Path and Purpose and be drawn to you to support them in opening to their own light. Now we understand that some of you may have in f a c t e x p e r i e n c e d challenges throughout your life@me where you learnt about fear, doubt, judgement, cri@cism and guilt. Where you had low self-‐esteem and liIle confidence, perhaps you were not a risk-‐taker. You may have even experienced the constant duality of good-‐bad, right-‐wrong, light-‐dark, posi@ve-‐nega@ve etc. These experiences may have created a paIern of circular, nega@ve thinking, where you slip easily into doubt and fear, slipping into old habits of failure and lack, crea@ng what we refer to as a “wobble” or “detour” from your path and purpose. It is @mes like these that many of you may feel hopeless, like you are repea@ng old stories, a lack of direc@on and focus, like you have lost connec@on with your true authen@c self and like you are unable to find way back to love! Trust that all of these experiences, @mes of significant change, challenges or where you begin to ‘wobble’, you are in fact s@ll on your path and following your purpose, you may just be taking the longer road to your des@na@on, going on a detour to collect more knowledge, wisdom or understanding, may need to learn
to jump over obstacles, take @me out to sit and observe what is at play or perhaps experience what feeling ‘stuck’ feels like. The best way for you to navigate these experiences is to keep asking your higher self for help, for guidance, for direc@on – ask "How can I find success again?", "How can I embrace and anchor in new paIerns and habits around success which are securely ingrained in my be-‐ ing?". Then simply, open your heart and allow the inner guidance to flow freely to you, where you are able to find love again, find your true iden@ty, your authen@c divine self and walk your path and purpose with confidence and integrity so that everything else simply falls into place and you will know and feel like you have come home. So, from this moment forward we ask that you simply allow Divine Love to shine through you, to embrace your authen2c self and then simply allow us to show you your Divine Path and Divine Purpose along the way. Remember, it is all about your journey!!! Author: Leanne The Barefoot Medium from the Temple of Love, Soul & Spirit Website: www.thebarefootmedium.com.au
9 | June 2016 | Lightworker Advocate
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A poem of.....
Love has no boundaries for its sublime and ethereal Love gives and takes and looks not with eyes but with heart Love sometimes gets burnt but Love also rises from the ashes Love is abundant if we open our eyes and see into our hearts Love tells you to love thy self and once you do all is balanced Love is important for it feeds the body, mind, spirit and soul Love deserves respect, compassion and kindness and TRUST Ann  Sathiavaani  Keightley www.psychicannie.com.au
10 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
with Amy Young
love AND THE
anxiety diaries What if I told you that you can fall in love with your anxiety? Would you believe me? Would you even want to try? When I first started feeling the effects of anxiety and panic attacks, love was the last feeling I thought I could feel. Little did I know at the time that this is what my whole being was crying out for. Love. More importantly, love from myself. Having anxiety taught me to look at my life from a different perspective. The 12 Lightworker Reflection Principles helped me understand how to do this. At first I thought the Principle of Love was just simply to love. But I quickly realised it was so much more then that and definitely no easy task to just love yourself. I needed to break down my own barriers that I had put up against me. One day I was so angry with myself for having anxiety and decided that I had had enough. I sat down and made the decision to talk to my anxiety one on one. I gave the anxious part of myself a face. A body. A voice. And I let myself have it. The biggest argument with myself I had ever had. Then after all the words, the tears, the tantrums I actually gave it permission to speak
back. What I learnt was that I had been ignoring my own needs for so long and anxiety was the part of me jumping up and down trying to bring this to my attention. It actually loved me so much and its purpose was to teach me self-love, confidence and self-respect. It wasn’t trying to ruin my life, stop me from living or embarrass me. It wanted to show me how much more wonderful my life can be if I focused on getting to know myself, caring for myself and most of all breaking down my barriers to receiving love. Love from others and more importantly, from myself. If you do experience anxiety I ask you to give this a try. Find some time to yourself and give your anxiety a voice. It helped me to give it a face so I could speak to it directly like I would a person. You will be surprised what images first come to mind. Don’t try to give it too much detail, just go with what ever comes up for you. Speak all your thoughts, feelings and get them out but most importantly after you have spoken, listen. Listen to what that part of you has to say. It is ok if the exercise does not work at first. Just try again another time. For me it was like 'the last straw' and I was so full of mixed feelings it developed into this but it was a big turning point in working towards my recovery. I learnt the only way to recover was to work with myself. All of myself. Now when I feel anxious I know that it is this part of myself reminding me to show some self love, self care and to not fall in to old thought patterns. I know to listen and take action. I say thank you to my anxiety and smile knowing that this part of myself loves me, all of me, and that feels wonderful. I feel loved. For more information, advice and help with managing anxiety please keep in touch with us at the www.anxietydiaries.com.au and share any tips that you have for helping with anxiety. Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 | 11
The Art of
Loving Our Clients & Ourselves
I once worked with a facilita@on trainer who said, "I try to love all my par@cipants by the end of the training". At the @me, working in a professional role at a university, I was almost shocked. Love? No one talked about love in my field. It was hardly professional or appropriate. Was it?
Participants drawing together in our Women'ʹs Wellbing Group
with Jade Herriman
situa@ons my capacity to do this is stretched or challenged, but that's the ongoing journey for us as prac@@oners. We aim for kindness and compassion, uncondi@onally, while also having firm boundaries and modelling self-‐respect. One foot in the world of our clients, one foot in the world of our own perspec@ve, we experience connec@on and separateness. That's why I love this work -‐ because it calls on me to be grounded in self-‐care and to work authen@cally from the heart as best I can. Being compassionate to myself and others is a core skill to prac@ce and a big part of my job -‐ I love that! And part of the work is to help clients come back to a place of loving themselves. Of understanding why they have responded to their world in certain ways, or why they feel stuck. We delve in with curiosity, we untangle things, we look from different angles and we ask the subconscious its thoughts on the maIer. And we do this with curiosity and acceptance. Over @me the acceptance grows; we accept and celebrate ourselves, and all our parts.
Fast forward a bunch of years, and here I am wri@ng to you about love, and how it is a central part of my work. As an art therapist and coach I see a big part of my role is loving my clients. We might call it 'uncondi@onal posi@ve regard' – the ability to accept and value someone no maIer what his or her views or life choices – but in essence it's love. The kind where you see and delight in someone’s strength, their resilience, their humour, their insight, their big heart and their vulnerability... And you have utmost faith that they are wise and capable and can make change and find answers for themselves. It's not always easy, some days or in some 12 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
Love Heart Mandala -‐‑ we learn that wonky art is beautiful as is our perfect imperfect selves
Painting Intuitively -‐‑ Women'ʹs Wellbeing Group
Art Making in a safe environment builds confidence & helps us navigate our inner critic
Making art is challenging for many, it triggers our inner cri@c who has a lot to say about the idea that we might express ourselves just for ourselves. It takes courage to make a mark. In my own self-‐care as a therapist I use many methods that help grow my feelings of love and connec@on. I enjoy making artworks to give away anonymously as part of the interna@onal Art Abandonment movement, I write leIers to people having a hard @me through 'More Love LeIers', and I work on mail art projects. The act of giLing art and wri@ng is a really joyous one for me and helps me focus on living in a more loving way when I'm feeling overwhelmed or @red myself.
Jade Herriman, Art therapy, Coaching and Crea2ve Play 0420 980 178 info@jadeherriman.com www.jadeherriman.com
Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 | 13
Love Defined The definition of love is: A great interest and pleasure in something. Love seems to be different things to different people through conditioning, expectation, experience, or belief. Animals seem to encompass the true essence of the meaning of love, as they love unconditionally. We appear to be conditioned from an early age to have particular conditions around love. To bargain and barter, manipulate and negotiate in exchange for what is deemed to be love in a society of varying control. My grandparents and aunt and uncle loved unconditionally and I was very lucky to be adopted into that special family, where I was accepted and loved for who I was, no matter what. That time of love represented a shining light in otherwise dark times of lack of love in my life, as I negotiated the emotional ravine of discovering who I was through the mire of environmental conditioning and expectations. It has taken many, many years for me personally to determine that what others think of me, or how they may perceive me, doesn’t define me, and nothing changed until I finally came to love myself for who I am. In a world of God first, others second and self last in which I was raised, the concept of loving self was never contemplated. My childhood was lonely and I spent countless hours isolated for one reason or another. With negative self image imposed, I had a long road to travel back to a positive self-image, as many people do. Early environmental tapes play on into our adult lives until we find love.
14 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
by Lynn Merrin
The labelling of disparaging terminology against us as children, can drive us deeper within ourselves and strip us bare and only love can enable us to see the light and to ultimately believe in our own worth. There is usually at least one person along the way, who will cross our path at any given time, to remind us of that. I believe that we choose our lessons and experiences to progress our soul in our personal growth and nothing is by chance. I believe that we choose our family to play their roles in our personal development and I always reflect on that donkey in the well and know that I have a choice to be buried by the “dirt” of life, or use it to leverage my way out of any dark “well”. To me, all starts from within and until I accepted myself with self-love, there was little love in my life. A reflection. A labyrinth of navigation through relationships, where anyone who was abusive, ultimately was challenging me to decide that I deserved more. Nothing changed until I did. We have a choice. Do we start each day in a state of mindful love and appreciate what we have with gratitude, no matter what that is, knowing there is always someone worse off? Do we consider the people in our life with love, no matter where they are on their path in life and how they reflect on us? Do we love ourselves enough to cherish the body that houses our soul and keep it in good order with daily nourishment, cleanliness and movement? To be mindful in thinking loving thoughts, having loving feelings and loving actions?
Idealistic maybe, but perhaps just a daily habit to replace the habits of negativity about ourselves, our family, work, or life. Whilst genetics and our childhood environment largely shape us, we are ever changing and growing and have a choice to represent love in our life daily. It has been said that there are two basic energies around us that we can choose to live with. Those energies are love and fear. Fear leaves us in a negative state of doubt, remorse, guilt, hurt, anger and sometimes worse emotions. Love on the other hand is the positive energy that enables us to be happy regardless of circumstance. To see the best in ourselves, others and the world around us. The choice is ours and it is really that simple. What we think, feel and speak, we manifest as quantum physics teaches us. The ancients knew this and they lived in unison with natural law, mindful of the fact that energy flows where attention goes and what we focus on, we manifest. In modern times, we have bought into the falsehood of modern society and all it represents. There is not much love in consumerism, control and enslavement of the mind as we face each robotic day, conditioned by our education, religious and political systems.
power into our world, to make the changes and not perpetuate the mistakes and misgivings of our generations past. We need to take back control and live from a base of love. There is much documented evidence of people dying and experiencing the energy of love, from which they were loath to return. It is suggested that love is the energy of the soul. Where we are from and who we are as energy forms in a physical body. We must remember and live love every day with loving thoughts, loving words and loving acts. Once this habit is engaged, everything changes in our life and as the pebble in the pond, others are affected and our world changes. Love or fear, that is the choice in any given moment. The outcome of each is evident and the choice is ours. Love is the light and the essence of who we really are. Live as Love, see the love and love will grow. “How To Have More Love In Your Life- A Metaphysical Insight� by Lynn Merrin will be available in EBook format through Amazon in July.
The sins of the fathers have unfortunately been perpetuated in each generation, as the emotionally wounded pass their wounding to their children, in a vicious cycle of less than ideal conditions for love to exist. Fortunately, the children born since the 1980’s have progressively brought an element of enlightenment and personal
Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 | 15
As I gaze into my eyes I see my heart I see my size, I see the light, within my soul The infinite reflection, of the whole The soul of eternity, in physical form Consciousness experiencing, life re-born I ask for guidance, on my chosen way Each step as I grow, from day to day In this world, of many choices Many challenges, many voices May I hear the voice, that really matters, And not the idle, mental chatters That of the infinite, one "above" Through intuition, with love, as I'm loved I see within, your soul, so near A reflection of myself, so clear As we are units, of the whole, not just a body & mind, but a soul Reflecting the light, of the infinite power Experiencing & learning, hour by hour As we spend each moment, of each day Let us reflect & ponder, come what may On the love we consider, in each smiling face The open hearts, waiting to experience the grace Of the purity, of the light of love The gentleness & softness, of the pure white dove It's there for the asking, nothing to prove All we have to do, is share our love Love is everywhere, we just need to look, Reflected in nature, people, animals, a book A painting, a photograph, a poem a word An expression, a sign, hug, a kiss, assured Love is intangible, but the expression is clear Love is positive, trust & faith, eliminating fear Compassion, generosity, understanding & grace The truth & empathy, in a loving face The choice is there, to use each day Love or hate, black, white or gray Love comes easily, when we remember to choose To give a hug and not abuse Those whom we love, with whom we share Our days and lives, with thought and care Love costs nothing, it's there, it's free Love is all that is, all we need to be Share your love Lynn Merrin 2005
16 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
Amazon Top Charts Sound Therapy Ted Winslow
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All You Need is...
Self-Love - Stacey Bridge Reeve
When I was a child I wrote a list of the things I wanted to achieve in my life. I remember one of the top points of that list was “To be beautiful”. I’ve always had issues with receiving compliments and felt the need to talk people out of them. I’m not sure why this started. As I got older, my love for myself became less and less. Mostly due to relationships where I was treated badly and cheated on which significantly affected my self love. I attracted partners that did not love me as much as I loved them and partners that were disrespectful and did not put me first. But how could I expect them to love me when I didn’t love me? Self-love is the most important form of love. How can we expect others to love us unconditionally when we don’t? Over the years I kept hearing and seeing information about the importance of self-love and I just brushed it off. I didn’t see the need for it or realise the importance of it until I found myself in a bad place. I was feeling stuck, frustrated and unhappy with all aspects of my life and didn’t know what to do. During that bad period, I got a free email psychic reading which stressed the importance of working on developing my self-love to heal emotional and physical pain I was experiencing. Not long after that reading, during my regular ocean swim one morning, I was thinking about a photo of me I had changed my facebook profile to. For once I actually really liked the photo and thought I looked quite attractive. As I was swimming, I heard an angel ask me If I showed that photo to yourself as a child and said, “This is what you will look as an adult”. How do you think she would react? I didn’t have to think about the answer it just came straight into my head, “She would say that adult Stacy is beautiful. She would be so excited that she was going to look like that”. That moment was a significant shift for me. I may not have immediately practiced self-love, but it did spark a change towards the way I viewed myself.
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I believe this change led me to my husband. I needed to practice self-love before I could commence our relationship. His love for me is unconditional. Until I met him, I’d never experienced a partner that loved the real me, saw no flaws and never put me down. There’s nothing but compliments and praise. He challenges me when I talk him out of his compliments or I make negative comments about myself. He once told me that if I continued that behaviour I might convince him to believe the negative comments. He wanted me to see myself the way he sees me, prefect as I am. Fifteen months ago, I discovered the feeling of unconditional love for a child and his unconditional love for me. I’ve never experienced anything more intoxicating and overwhelming than our love for each other. It’s like a strong, primal, almost magical love that I have been missing all my life. Our love for each other as a family has increased my love for myself and others. It’s ignited something in me. I didn’t know I had the capacity to love someone so much and how it could heighten my love for others. This increased feelings of love has also triggered stronger empathy in me for others. And I’m an empath so that’s saying something! I’m two weeks away from having baby two and already feeling immense love for this child. Life is better with love in it. And all I had to do was love myself.
LOVE YOUR LIPS On July 6qr it’s interna@onal Kissing day and it’s a perfect @me to celebrate all things about your lips. Did you know your lips are the most sensi@ve part of your en@re body with an average of 10 000 nerve endings? Perhaps that’s why kissing is one of the most loving things we can do. Whether it’s a friendly kiss on the cheek with a friend or heart warming expression of your love with someone special. We’ve all had a memorable kiss that can “literally take your breath away” with tenderness, in@macy and love.
The 3 Top Different Styles of KISSING The Friendship Kiss: Or the gree@ng hello kiss. Generally, on either side of your face and rarely on your lips. The touching of the cheeks pays reference to trust and self worth and the cheeks are connected to your Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra’s. The Forehead Kiss: Depp connec@on with who you are. Gentle, kind and loving. You have a more in@mate connec@on with this person. OLen a sign of inner wisdom and healing. The forehead kiss is related to the Third Eye Chakra. The French Kiss: An in@mate event shared between two people who have loving and deep affec@onate feelings towards each other. This is the most in@mate way to express your feelings to someone you care about. Slow rhythmical and lovingly passionate. The lips are connected to every chakra point par@cularly the Heart Chakra. For more details on loving your lips www.organiclipbalm.com.au With Skin Care & Facial Reading expert Janine Hall Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 |19
Love: A Great and Remarkable Thing
- Rachel Brand
“I know!” said Harry impatiently, “I can love!” It was only with difficulty that he stopped himself adding, “Big deal!” “Yes, Harry, you can love,” said Dumbledore, who looked as though he knew perfectly well what Harry had just refrained from saying. “Which given everything that has happened to you, is a great and remarkable thing. You are still too young to understand how unusual you are, Harry.”–Harry Potter
Ben Wheeler
I wrote a draft for this article months ago, but I couldn’t find the right words to express how I felt so I moved on. On the third anniversary of the Newtown shootings I was thinking about David and Francine Wheeler and remembered I’d never posted it. I’m sharing it today as a prayer that in this sometimes harsh and ugly world we can find a way to choose love.
Not long ago they sat down for an interview with Oprah and they talked about their memories, struggles, and triumphs.
Francine: "Somebody said to us at one point, you can’t ever fill that hole in your heart, but what you can do is cover your heart with love to protect that sacred hole."
The enduring power and saving grace of love is the primary theme of Harry Potter. We want to believe if we were faced with heartbreak and tragedy that we could eventually emerge to live in a place of love, but would you? Could you? Could you live up to those ideals? For David and Francine Wheeler these questions are not hypotheticals. Their 6 yearold son, Ben, was one of the children who was murdered in the Sandy Hook massacre. It’s all well and good to preach about love but when your innocent child has been taken from you in the most unimaginably cruel way it would be easy, dare I say natural, to lose faith in the goodness of the world.
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David: "Right. Because man’s salvation— and he means that not only in the religious sense, but actual survival—is found in and through love. So that’s how this has changed me; I’m much more open to these thoughts now."
David: "So our job now is to make our hearts bigger than the loss. And there is only one way to do that: We have to make our decisions out of love." Francine: "When we make decisions out of fear, that’s when we have problems." “We have to make decisions out of love”…… That’s the stuff of heroes right there. I’m sure J.K. Rowling would agree.
Seeing Through
The Eyes of Love with P. Hosie Robinson Once we begin to follow our heart's wisdom, we come to understand that the power of love gives meaning to our life. When we struggle with pain our world may shrink to accommodate that pain. Often we withdraw into ourselves and our self belief evaporates. We begin to feel alone as we disconnect with the world around us and with our true self. The veils between our heart and soul begin to block the beauty and wonder of everyday life. The magic and mystery are still there, as we view our life from the shadows, yet our pain prevents us from feeling the warmth of love’s embrace.
Learning to be kind to ourselves enables us to reconnect to who we are. It may be that we need to reach out for help, and in doing so find a way to open the door on our pain. When we are able to make peace with what troubles us and seek a way to focus on what makes us happy, those veils begin to lift again. Gratitude is a powerful healing tool. At times just a simple thing like a stranger's smile, a walk in nature or speaking to a friend can shift our focus and help us to find a way of feeling better. As we find a space to feel better, our heart opens increasingly to the endless ocean of love that is in us and surrounds us.
Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 |21
the clouds where the flowers grow with Tessa Bernard
‘Who am I and where am I going?’ are questions as old as mankind itself. When you are a baby, the question does not arise, because the answer is obvious: You are the arms that hold you, the smile that blesses you, the song that lulls you to sleep, the milk that feeds you, the breath that kisses you. You are everything - and everything is a part of you. Until you get older and discover that the corner of the table brings pain, the dog's biscuits taste odd and pinching someone else will bring tears - but not to you. With that our journey begins, for if we are not everything as our conclusions led us to believe, who are we? Many years, decades and lifetimes can go by until we are graced with answers that bring us peace. And we find that we have come full circle back to where we started and come to understand from a different angle - that indeed we are everything. Yet sometimes we choose to go to places that contradict that knowledge - every emotion we experience is a place we go to, not a feeling descending upon us, that may well disconnect us from that knowledge. The feeling of loss is one of them that clearly denies a greater truth of
"You are everything - and everything is a part of you" 22 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
connection. And it is a place where guilt often rules in a relentless and unforgiving way. But how to forgive - above all yourself? The answer lies in love as always. Love yourself and guilt will vanish, it is a law equal to any law of physics - you can not love and condemn yourself at the same time. When you feel overwhelmed by a feeling of loss and just want to cry your heart out, know that ‘the wound is the place where the light enters you.’ And that light will take you home, where once again you will know that you are everything and ‘the other’ ceases to exist. A place where you are safe to follow the sacred whisper of your heart and express the inner world in you – your inspiration. When we do what we love, what makes our hearts sing and dance with joy, it fills every single, little thing we touch with that essence and shines the light of our souls into the world. Where there is love, we will always be protected and safe. Because love and fear can never inhabit the same space where ever there is love, there will only be love. Nothing else. Tessa Bernard Das Paradies im Augenblick available on Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle, Tolino, Google Play The cloud where flowers grow https:// thecloudwhereflowersgrow.wordpress.com Facebook: connect to Tessa Bernard, Vienna, Austria
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Inspired to be with Ariana Ray
A point of inspiration I noticed a couple interact together when I was travelling recently, what struck me most of all was how delicate and fragile their interactions were. From the way she touched her hair, adjusted her clothing presented such a strong feeling of a form of delicacy that was fragility personified and yet strong and sound. Her partner touched her as gently and respectfully as he would touch a new born baby, honouring her with his every move. How they spoke to their neighboring travelers, to how they were with each other was the same. There was no difference in the delicacy and strength with which they interacted together than the respectful way they spoke to their neighbor. There was none of the usual shift in intimacy when we stop talking to our loved one to the way we relate to the world. All too often we reserve intimacy for our families, we treat them one way and everyone else gets a whole different side to us. Being fragile? I thought as I grew up that trusting others was not always a wise thing to do, as I got hurt in the process. My hurt’s then ordered how I related to people. I would shut down and go into protection when ever I was with people, My shoulders would hunch forward and I became hard in my body to protect myself. Even when it seemed that I didn’t have anything to defend myself from, I was so used to being in protection, it became a way of life. I would not have known how it was to be fragile from a tree trunk. I knew everything that fragility was not, but not what is is. When I first encountered fragility It was only when I met a man called Serge Benhayon, from Universal Medicine that I realised just how shut down and protected I was. This man, presenter and healer, was so open and undefended that I could see
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for the first time in my life that protection is not all it was cut out to be. I started to feel there was more to life than sitting in my own hurt. Gradually, through attending workshops and presentations and having sessions with Serge and the Universal Medicine practitioners, I began to develop a relationship with myself and the stillness and Divinity that lives within me and each and every one of us. Understanding that men and women are equally sensitive, equally fragile and delicate, has changed how I relate, not just to myself, but to everyone I meet. I no longer see men as hard and tough, yes they may come across like that sometimes, but I can also feel the fragility and sensitivity within the toughness. Men and women The delicacy of women is also well hidden, just as I buried my own sense of this, so do far too many men and women. How we relate to each other is highlighted by the fact that two women die from domestic abuse every week in the UK alone and hundreds of thousand of families and children live with domestic abuse as a daily reality. Where ever we go we meet abuse as a reality, it has become normal. Fragility, delicateness, along with respect and honouring each other’s sensitivity is a rare thing to see. Yet it is ours to choose. An inspiration for walking in the world We can choose to be inspired by how others are choosing a different path and leading the way with a different quality of life. There is another way to live, I have discovered this for myself. Living from hurts never supported me - I am giving it up as a bad job. Give me the intimacy of fragility any day.
This article was inspired by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. Serge Benhayon is a remarkable man who is showing the world another way of living.
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Message From Mother Mary By Linda LI Mother Mary says, Dear heart, I love you. I know it is a challenging time, and you feel that you have been tried to the limit. The fact of the matter is that you all have been challenged to the limit over and over, and it is Divine's way of training, so called "training wheels," so that you will be fully prepared when time comes. Now that time has come dear heart, yes, it is time for you to come down from the training wheels and utlize what you have learned during these training sessions, and apply the wisdom you have gained to real life. The world needs you, the world needs your wisdom and leadership, yes, indeed, your leadership is desperately needed. I am Mother Mary, I love you. I come today to give you an update and share my love for you. Divine has decreed that humanity's Ascension has gone so far that all the karmic displays and releases have been too dramatic and Divine wants it come to a stop. In other words, Divine wants humanity to move on from the releasing and move on from dwelling on the past. Yes, the past needs to be healed. But healing needs to take place when all parties are ready. When parties are ready, healing happens fast. But because humanity is so eager to release that they forgot it takes time for the released the memories and energies to be healed. It is a process, not just release, but also healing, both need to happen. Otherwise, too much of either can cause imbalance, and that is not in the best interest of humanity, and Divine wants humanity to stop the releasing now and focus on healing for a moment. Once the releasing and healing balance, humanity can start again, but for now, it is wise just to stop for a moment, look around, see the debris, start to heal, heal each other and heal the planet. You always can start the cycle again when you are ready. But when you are off balance, you are at risk of recreating the karma cycle which you want to get rid of. So, that is the advice Divine is giving to humanity at this moment, and hopes humanity heeds the call and stops. I love you dear heart. Besides humanity's intense releasing, Divine also noticed that our dear light workers are not exactly at the place of balance either. When you are not balanced, either in the mind or at the heart, you tend to lose your self in the daily tasks and dramas and that is not what we want to see. We know it has been too much for you
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to handle, but the fact of the matter is that it is not much compared to what is to come, not at all, what to come and the impact of it is tremendous for every one, and Divine has been emphasizing it over and over in the hope that by the time these changes come, you will be ready. But from what we have observed so far, a lot of you are not where Divine wants you to be. In other words, you need more of the preparation, especially emotionally and mentally, because when you are emotionally lost, you are lost yourself, you not only lost the control, your cool, your peace, but also lost you, y o u r f a i t h , y o u r tolerance. And that is not what we want to see. So, dear heart, work on your emotions, work on your mind, bring peace to your heart, stay cool, stay centered, that is so important and I cannot emphasize it enough. Besides losing your cool, you also tend to lose your faith, and that is a no no. When things fall apart, you may Jind that your saving grace is your faith. So, when you lose your saving grace, you have no way to Jind your way home, you will be totally lost. Dear heart, faith is just that important, heed that, it is your saving grace. I love you dear heart. In this critical moment of your journey, I want you to always remember, you are loved no matter what, you are protected no matter what, you are guided no matter what. So, always remember that and always remember what I said. You are loved indeed, always. I love you dear heart. I pray that you all are doing your best to prepare. I pray that you know things are going to get much more chaotic and intense, so prepare thyself. I pray that you know how bad things seem to be, but the fact of the matter is that it is the rebirthing process, no body's "faults", it just is. Accept it as it is, no judgement or resistance, let the control go, let the rebirth happen, all is well, hard to believe but it is, all is well Indeed. I love you dear heart. I am Mother Mary, so it is. Linda Li http://kundaliniliving.net
Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 | 27
The Principle Project:
Love with Stephanie Tannock from Heartpower Healing
1. Why is this principle important in your life? To me, whenever I make a decision with love it is always with the best of inten@on for the highest good of everyone involved. I was born with a huge capacity to love and I think love is the one true source to self worth and connectedness to our fellow man. 2. What’s your best experience with this principle changing your life? I have many, many experiences with love crea@ng posi@ve change. All of my life I have felt drawn to those who do not have love for themselves and I have seen @me and @me again how sending love and trea@ng people with love and extending understanding from a principle of love helps them to tap into their highest good.
for the love of passion and a strong vibrant electric pink when love is needed to envelope and upliL. 5. If this principle was a taste, what would it be? Strawberries!! The fruit of love! 6. If this principle was a smell, what would it be? Rose – essen@al oil rose, pure intense yet femimine and gently fragrant. 7. If you could sing this principle, what would it sound like? A song or tone? Love is best communicated as a song – there are many elements and layers to love, a lullaby for nurturing, a love song for caring and a dance tune to elicit love and joy for all who hear it!
3. How is this principle a feeling to you? How do you know you or others are prac@cing this principle?
8. If this principle was a shape, what shape would it be?
I feel my heart swell; I see people dropping their ego face and defensive stances and truly connec@ng with their own heart and connec@ng with empathy and concern for others. A reduc@on in anger, an ability to listen, offer support, understand another who is different and connect on a common ground are all clear signals of the power of love to me.
As unimagina@ve as this response is, Love is epitomised by the shape of a love heart, for true love really is the dynamic energy from the heart. The heart generates an electromagne@c field (ECG) 60 @mes stronger than brain waves (EEG): the heart truly is the powerhouse of our human existence.
4. If this principle was a colour, what colour would it be? Pink – just like a Rose Quartz, a soL swirling pastel pink when love is gentle and flowing, a dark pink/red
28 | July 2016 | Lightworker Advocate Magazine
9. If this principle was an animal what would animal would it be? A bird – free and beau@ful and able to bring joy easily, whether soaring or singing!
10. What spiritual guides help you with or symbolise the energy of this principle? An Elephant – the symbol of love, protec@on, dedica@on and connec@on. 11. How does this principle change you and your vibra@on? When I come from a space of love there is nothing that can stop me, it is all powerful, all knowing, genera@ve, suppor@ve and connected. Love is the pure source of our essence – when we come from a space of love there is nothing greater seen or unseen! 12. Do you feel this principle will change or influence the world? I feel love is the main principle that will change the world, love is the founda@on to every other principle, there is no power greater than love. www.heartpowerhealing.com.au
Lightworker Advocate Magazine | July 2016 | 29
Tune into Michelle's weekly Radio Show Everyday Lightworker Enlightenment to learn more about these amazing principles. Call in LIVE! Now streaming live from her facebook Public page and ask1radio.com Tuesdays 10pm US EST or Wednesdays 12pm AEST Win free give-aways by turning up!