Architecture Portfolio - M.Arch Florida International university

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LIGIA FILGUEIRAS Contact: | (786) 203 - 7492

EDUCATION Expected May 2021 May 2016

Masters of Architecture Candidate at Florida International University, 3.86 GPA Honors College + School of Architecture. Dean’s List all semesters. Member of APX, AIAS, NOMAS.

Miami Beach Senior High School, 3.6 GPA

President of the National Art Honor Society, treasurer of SHAPE Club, and member of Mu Alpha Theta, Quill and Scroll Honor Society, Ecology Club and Swimming/DivingTeam.

EXPERIENCE Jan 2021 Present

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida International University

Jan 2020 Jan 2021

Graduate Research Fellow, Florida International University

Mar 2019 Sep 2019

Digital Lab Assistant, Florida International University

Feb 2019 Sep 2019

Robotics Lab Volunteer, FIU School of Architecture

Aug 2018 May 2019

Student Curator , FIU Frost Museum

Aug 2017 Aug 2020

Worthy Estimator, Scribe & Professionalism Chair, Alpha Rho Chi

Assisting with Environmental Systems II, a class centered upon utilizing BIM software to teach students how to analyze and optimize building efficiency to achieve carbon neutral designs. Worked with CREST Center for Aquatic Chemistry and Environment on immersive modes of data visualization to engage the local community and raise awareness of water issues. Helped students using 3D printers and lasercutters for assembly of architectural models, assisted them in optimizing digital models using Makerbot and Ultimaker Cura. Helped fabricate 3D ceramic extrusion clay project,managed social media accounts and volunteered at Robotics Lab Inauguration event. Curated Exhibition including local artists with FIU Honors Aesthetics and Values class. Held several positions in the fraternity’s Executive Board. Created chapter’s official website, managed chapter’s social media accounts, recorded chapter’s attendance, planned budget and organized several workshops.

AWARDS AND PUBLICATIONS 2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2016 2016

Studio Work Selected for Representing Design 10, Prof. Camilo Rosales, AIA Section, Fall 2020 Studio Work and Photography selected for Representing Design 6, work published in Infill Housing 7 Book. 2019 BEA International Scholar, portfolio selected for award by FIU SOA Faculty.. Lucille E. Snaith Memorial Honors College Scholarship Recipient, FIU Honors College. New Member Excellence Award, Alpha Rho Chi. Silver Key Scholastic Award, Drawing and Illustration. Best drawing and Illustration, Miami Beach Senior High School.

SKILLS Modeling Rendering Post-Production Additional

Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Revit, Maya, Z-Brush, GIS, Unity, Blender. Keyshot, Lumion, Enscape, V-ray. Lightroom, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere Pro, After Effects. Photography, 3D Printing, Painting, Drawing, social media management.



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TABLE OF NoHo Greenspace New York, NY Summer 2020

Arbor Etum Eco Resort South Beach, FL Spring 2020

The Grand Opera House Alternate Dimension Fall 2020

CONTENTS The Void A Social Experiment South Beach, FL Fall 2019

Coconut Grove Community Canopy Coconut Grove, FL Fall 2020

Octopus Skyscraper Alternate Dimension Fall 2020

01 Noho Greenspace Community Center Comprehensive Studio | Summer 2020 Professor: Glenda Puente Location: New York Program: Athletic and Community Center. Concept: To create a building where the most important area would not be the built space, but absence of built and integration of nature. Strategy: Recessing all floor levels, except for the ones with sports courts, which align to the city grid, to create outdoor green spaces that can be utilized for public gatherings and exterior activities.

el 3

Le v

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Le v

el 1

Le v

el 6

Le v

el 5

Le v

el 4

Le v

02 The Void A Social Experiment Design Studio 8 | Fall 2019 Professor: Henry Dominguez Location: South Beach Program: Cultural Center + Exhibition Space. Concept: Reconstruct character of site by descontructing existing urban framework. Strategy: Perforating existing buildings with a new mass composed of a series of interlocking social spaces, allowing engagement among people in different establishments.

Building Elements

Building Floor Plan

Main Event Space

03 Arbor Etum South Beach Eco-Hotel Sustainability Studio | Spring 2020 Professor: Claudia Bush Group Project with Matheus Stancati Location: South Beach Program: Eco-Hotel for tourists visiting Miami, designed for a hundred years from now, considering Sea Level Rise on site. Concept: A building that restores a relationship with nature. A place of leisure and tranquility that disconects the visitor from the chaotic essence of their cities and introduces the peacefulness of the natural world. Strategy: Elevating ground level and creating adaptable strategies to address sea level rise, while introducing open green spaces to be used by hotel guests.

FEMA Sea Level Rise Projection - Data Collected from ArcGIS

Site Today

Site in 2100

Site in 2100 - Storm Surge Scenario

Carbon Neutral Strategies

Building Entrance

Typical Floor Plan

Rooftop Floor Plan

04 Coconut Grove Community Canopy Design Studio 10 | Fall 2020 Professor: Camilo Rosales Group Project with Matheus Stancati Location: South Beach Program: Flexible Market Space, with integration of existing Farmer’s Market. Concept: To amplify the connection between different communities and estab;ish a symbiotic relationship between architecture and nature. Strategy: Removing architectural barriers at ground level, making building act as the trees on the site and allowing free flow from street to park. Elevating paths to accentuate tree-like relationship.

Ground Floor Plan

Zoom In

Site Plan

05 The Grand Opera House Futurly Virtual Entities Workshop Series Tutors: Arek Keshishian, Mariana Cabugueira , Subin Jameel and Vamsi Krishna Vemuri. This project was one of the many products of a six-week workshop series led by professionals in the field. In this period, students were exposed to many techniques in Grasshopper, Z-Brush, Maya and created a Virtual Reality World built in Sansar. The goal of this particular experiment was to create a complex space by seamlessly combining multiple techniques learned in the workshops.

Experimentation Process

06 Octopus Skyscraper Futurly Virtual Entities Workshop Series Tutors: Arek Keshishian, Mariana Cabugueira , Subin Jameel and Vamsi Krishna Vemuri. This project was one of the many products of a six-week workshop series led by professionals in the field. In this period, students were exposed to many techniques in Grasshopper, Z-Brush, Maya and created a Virtual Reality World built in Sansar. The goal of this experiment was to create a habitable space composed of the various intricate Maya techniques taught in the workshops by Mariana Cabugueira from Zaha Hadid Architects.

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