w i n t e r 2 0 0 9
T O O RDER C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( 8 A M t o 8 pm EST ) o r v i s i t w w w . l i g o n i e r . o r g
John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology
Celebrating Calvin’s 500th birthday
Edited by Burk Parsons
In 2009, we celebrate the 500th birthday
ohn Calvin is often reviled as a humorless
of John Calvin. It is only appropriate this
doctrinarian who preached an austere
year to reflect on the legacy of a man
theology that twisted Scripture. In John Calvin:
whose contributions to Christian thought
A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology,
and living were significant and whose
Burk Parsons and a cadre of godly pastors and
life, work, and teachings are worthy to be
scholars seek to set the record straight in honor
remembered and studied — even in the
of the 500th observance of John Calvin’s birth in 1509. The book explores aspects of Calvin’s life, ministry, and teachings, and it establishes his importance even for the twenty-first-century church. Contributors, in addition to Parsons, include Sinclair B. Ferguson, Keith A. Mathison, Steven J. Lawson, John MacArthur,
twenty-first century. In The Expository Genius of John Calvin, Steven J. Lawson focuses on the little known power of Calvin’s preaching ministry in Geneva and encourages
Richard D. Phillips, and Joel R. Beeke, among others. John Calvin: A Heart
for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology is a winsome portrait that dashes
preachers to
stereotypes about Calvin and the theological system that bears his name.
follow Calvin’s guidelines for
Read the first chapter online.
expositing the Word of God.
Burk Parsons serves as minister of congregational life at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and is the editor of Tabletalk, the monthly Bible study magazine of Ligonier Ministries. He holds a degree in biblical studies from Trinity College and the M. Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary.
The Expository Genius of John Calvin b y S t e v e n J. L aw s o n
JOH08BH Z Hardcover, 246 pages Z (Reg. $19) $15.20
EXP03BH Z Hardcover, 142 pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
The Christian Lover
by Michael Haykin
ust in time for Valentine’s Day. I n The Christian Lover: The Sweetness of Love and Marriage in the Letters of Believers, Dr. Michael A. G.
Haykin brings together letters from one or both parties in twelve significant relationships from church history. The correspondents include such notables as Martin Luther (writing to his wife Katie) and John Calvin (expressing to friends his grief over the death of his wife Idelette). Lesser-known writers include Helmuth von Moltke, who wrote to his wife as he faced execution at the hands of the Nazis in 1945.
A celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women in love with both God and one another.
The contents range from courtship communications to proposals of marriage to final words before dying, but most have to do with the events of everyday life. This book is a celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women in love with both God and one another.
Michael A.G. Haykin is the director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, located on the campus of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also professor of church history and biblical spirituality at SBTS and the editor of Eusebeia: The Bulletin of The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies.
Available January 15, 2009 CHR38BH Z Hardcover, 128 pages (Reg. $15) $12
T O O RDER C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( 8 A M t o 8 pm EST ) o r v i s i t w w w . l i g o n i e r . o r g
n Living for God’s Glory: An Introduction to Calvinism, Dr. Joel R. Beeke desires to introduce Calvinism to the serious
inquirer and to solidify a healthy brand of Calvinism in the minds of people who already embrace it. Here is the story of Calvinism, from its earliest roots to its brightest expressions. Here, too, is an exploration of how Calvinism is lived out. Living for God’s Glory will confront false assumptions and challenge believers to embrace a comprehensive outlook on the Christian life.
Joel R. Beeke is pastor of Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, and a prolific author. LIV03BH Z Hardcover, 416 pages Z (Reg. $24) $19.20
ammy and His Shepherd is a delightful trip through Psalm 23 — from the point of view of a sheep named Sammy. Sammy
lives happily under the care of his faithful shepherd. But one day he meets a sheep from another flock, one who lives in misery because her shepherd is not
Children will gain a deeper love and
so caring. Eventually, to the delight of both of them, Sammy’s shepherd buys the needy little
appreciation for the
sheep for his flock and gives her
Good Shepherd,
through the book, children will
Jesus Christ.
the one who is the subject of the
a name — Precious. As they work gain a deeper appreciation for psalm: the Good Shepherd, Jesus
Christ. Captivating illustrations by Corey Godbey help Sammy and Precious come to life for children. Bible passages, discussion questions, and activities reinforce the lessons of each chapter.
Susan Hunt, the author of twelve books, including four other children’s titles, has a passion to teach women a biblical apologetic of womanhood and of women’s ministry in the church so that they can glorify God by fulfilling His design and mission. In addition to speaking to women all over the United States, she has spoken at women’s conferences in several countries and her books have been translated into several languages. Mrs. Hunt holds a degree in SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z (Reg. $17) $13.60
Christian education from Columbia Theological Seminary.
T O O RDER C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( 8 A M t o 8 pm EST ) o r v i s i t w w w . l i g o n i e r . o r g
onathan Edwards is well known as perhaps the greatest theologian the United States has ever produced. He is equally
noted for his preaching and writing. But in this Long Line profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith. Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. Drawing on Edwards’ writings, as well as
The ultimate goal of this book is to challenge a new generation of believers to pursue holiness in their daily lives.
scholarly accounts of Edwards’ life and thought, Lawson shows how Edwards sought to live out these lofty goals he set for the management of his walk with Christ. In Edwards’ example, Lawson finds helpful instruction for all believers.
Steven J. Lawson is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama, and serves on the ministerial board for Reformed Theological Seminary and the board of directors for The Master’s College and Seminary.
UNw01BH Z Hardcover, 170 pages Z (Reg. $16)
ith The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. R. C. Sproul continues his series of books designed to present
deep biblical truths to children on their own level. In this work, he focuses on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from spiritual death. When Ella gets sick and has to take yucky medicine, she wonders why something that will help her get well has to taste so bad. She puts the question to Grandpa and he tells her the story of a great king and his subjects who enjoyed wonderful fellowship — until the people rebelled against the king and drank from a forbidden fountain. To their horror, they found that the beautiful water in the well made their hearts turn to stone. To reclaim his people, the king asks his son, the prince, to drink from a well of horrid poison. The poison will surely kill the prince — but he is willing to drink it to please his father and help his people.
PRI05BH Z HDCVR, 35 pages Z (Reg. $18) $14.40
PRI05BA Z Audiobook Z (Reg. $10) $8
T O O RDER C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( 8 A M t o 8 pm EST ) o r v i s i t w w w . l i g o n i e r . o r g
From R.C. Sproul
The Truth of The Cross In this book, Dr. R.C. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His crucifixion — the redemption of God’s people. Opening the Scriptures, Dr. Sproul shows that God Himself provided salvation by sending Jesus Christ to die on the cross and that the cross was always God’s intended method by which to bring salvation. The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers. TRU07BH Z Hardcover, 178 pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow We need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if our bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? In this book, Dr. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients” that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. With biblical insight and practical wisdom, he teaches Christians how to maintain a balanced “diet” that will lead to growth and mature Christian living. FIV06BH Z Hardcover, 135 pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
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Feed My Sheep, revised and expanded
In Christ Alone
their Savior and the Christian
In Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching, an outstanding team of pastors and scholars shows that expositional preaching is not just one of many acceptable methodologies that the church may employ as the cultural landscape changes. Rather, the preaching of God’s Word is the biblically mandated method by which unbelievers are to be converted and churches built up in the faith.
faith, and to live out that faith in
FEE01BH Z HarDCoVeR, 156 Pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
by Sinc lair Ferguson
his collection of articles is designed to help believers
gain a better understanding of
their day-to-day lives. In Christ
Alone is packed full of scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer’s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His love and so faithful in His work on behalf of His people. INC01BH Z HarDCoVeR, 256 Pages (Reg. $18) $14.40
Sinclair Ferguson is senior minister of First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C. A native of Scotland, he also teaches systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas, serves on the council of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and is a trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust. He is also a popular conference speaker and author.
b y v a ri o us a u t h o rs
T O O RDER C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 3 5 - 4 3 4 3 ( 8 A M t o 8 pm EST ) o r v i s i t w w w . l i g o n i e r . o r g
Jesus the Evangelist b y R ich a rd D . P hillips JES02BH Z HarDCoVeR, 208 pages Z (Reg. $19) $15.20
Do you share your faith often — or at all? All Christians are called to be evangelists. But many believers ask: What is an evangelist? How do I begin to talk to someone about Jesus? What must I say? This book offers answers about evangelism straight from the pages of Scripture. The book of John reveals Jesus crossing barriers to the gospel and ministering to people at their point of need. By focusing on these encounters, Jesus the Evangelist provides guidance, encouragement, and direction for those who struggle.
What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? b y R ich a rd D . P hillips WHA14BH Z HarDCoVeR, 111 Pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
In What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace?, Rev. Phillips explains the doctrines of grace through the exposition of Scripture and helps believers feel the power of these magnificent truths. He argues that these doctrines are wonderful in that they reveal the sovereign, mighty, and effectual grace of God, shaping Christians’ attitudes toward God, themselves, the present life, and the life to come.
A Taste of Heaven by R.C. Sproul tas01bh Z HarDCoVeR, 173 pages Z (Reg. $15)
In A Taste of Heaven, Dr. Sproul searches the Scriptures, finding timeless principles from the worship practices of the Old Testament to guide worship today. God intends worship to be an unforgettable encounter between Himself and His people — a joyous experience engaging the worshiper’s entire being.
Read this book online for free. Check out the Reformation Trust Online Bookshelf at www.reformationtrust.com.
Read the first chapter online
Read the first chapter online
The Expository Genius of John Calvin b y S t e v e n J. L aw s o n EXP03BH Z HarDCoVeR, 142 Pages Z (Reg. $15)
The Lightlings
Foundations of Grace
b y R . C . S pr o ul
b y S t e v e n J. L aw s o n
$14.40 $8
LIG04bh Z HarDCoVeR, 40 pages Z (Reg. $18)
Many people are familiar with John Calvin’s important contributions to systematic theology, but fewer people know of the power of his preaching ministry. In this new book, Dr. Steven J. Lawson looks at the life and preaching ministry of John Calvin and encourages preachers to follow Calvin’s guidelines for expositing the Word of God. Lawson’s work is a powerful reminder of the importance of expository preaching and a call to return to the proclamation of biblical truth from the pulpit in our day.
Read the first chapter online
LIG04CI Z audiobook Z (Reg. $10)
In The Lightlings, Dr. R.C. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. A race of tiny beings known as Lightlings are a picture of humanity as they pass through all the stages of the biblical drama — creation, fall, and redemption. In the end, children will understand why some people fear light more than darkness, but why they need never fear darkness again. The Lightlings is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture.
FOU04bh Z HarDCoVeR, 577 pages Z (Reg. $28) $22.40
From Genesis to Revelation, more than forty authors over a period of fifteen hundred years wrote the transcendent truths of God’s sovereignty in man’s salvation. As a result, the Bible in its entirety teaches that God saves sinners — the Father choosing His elect, the Son redeeming these chosen ones, and the Spirit calling, regenerating, and preserving them throughout all the ages to come.
Read the first chapter online
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Enhance your Bible Study and Daily Devotions The Reformation Study Bible
Dust to Glory by R.C. Sproul
This overview series provides a panorama of biblical truth and a starting point to help you understand the content of the Bible. Dr. Sproul provides a survey of the important themes and characters of Scripture, tracing the progress of redemption from creation to consummation, and he demonstrates the unity of God’s Word as displayed in the diversity of the Bible. DUS01DC Z 8 DVDs Z (Reg. $142.50) $95 DUS01cc Z 19 cDs Z (Reg. $116) $92.80 DUS01U Z study guide Z
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Puritan pastor Matthew Henry gives instructions for developing a more consistent and meaningful prayer life. Henry explains both public and private prayer and provides many sample prayers that can be used in order to help structure the believer’s conversations with the Lord. Dr. J. Ligon Duncan III provides an introduction explaining the background of this important work as well as two outlines for scriptural prayer and an outline for prayers offered in public
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MET02BP Z prbk, 390 pages Z (Reg. $15) $12
Presented in the English Standard Version, this foundational resource, created by more than fifty scholars, features thousands of in-depth study notes, 96 theological articles, 19 in-text maps, 12 charts, a presentation page, color maps, and a daily Bible reading schedule. REF40S Z (ESV) Hardcover Z (Reg. $39.99) $27
subscribe to tabletalk. Every month in Tabletalk, R.C. Sproul and the magazine’s editors chart a course to introduce Christians to a wide variety of topics from the perspective of the historic Christian faith. Aiming for the best in biblical scholarship, our authors write with depth and practicality. Each issue features topical articles, including Dr. Sproul’s popular “Right Now Counts Forever,” insightful columns, as well as a Bible study for every day of the week. Join us as we study the beginning and ending of Paul’s ministry as we turn to Galatians and the Pastoral Epistles for our Bible studies in 2009.
A Method for Prayer
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N e w
b o o k
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r e f o r m a t i o n
John Calvin Book Set
5 Things Every Christian Needs to Grow The Truth of the Cross A Taste of Heaven
Living for God’s Glory John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology The Expository Genius of John Calvin
SPR43P Z 3 Book set Z (Reg. $45) $27
RTJ01P Z 3 Book set Z (Reg. $58) $34.80
Authors Book Set
Children’s Book Set
Foundations of Grace In Christ Alone Jesus the Evangelist
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RTA01P Z 3 Book set Z (Reg. $65) $39
RTC02P Z 3 Book set Z (Reg. $53) $31.80
*book set prices expire 5/31/09. No substitutions or variations.
R.C. Sproul Book Set
t r u s t
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N e w
m u s i c
f r o m
L i g o n i e r
M i n i s t r i e s
Light All Around Music CD b y Th e M a s t e r ’ s C h o r a l e
This new recording celebrates the light of God’s revelation in nature and in Scripture. Featuring The Master’s Chorale from The Master’s College in southern California, this album contains a diverse repertoire of twelve songs including “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” “Agnus Dei,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” “You Are the Light,” and several others. Dr. Sproul gives narration from the book of Revelation to accompany “The Visions of St. John” by John Ness Beck. LIG06CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Reg. $15) $12
Get a free download online. Listen to samples and get a free download Visit store.ligonier.org.
Hymn Scenes Music CD b y L a rr y H a ll w i t h Th e K i e v S y mph o n y Orch e s t r a
Hymn Scenes is a vivid instrumental collection of cherished hymns. These grand and expressive settings are arranged by Larry Hall and performed by the Kiev Symphony Orchestra. The drama and wonder of these familiar tunes is artfully displayed through the many colors of the orchestra. You may hear a sunrise in “More Love to Thee, O Christ,” a highland picnic in “Wonderful Words Of Life,” the somber stillness of “It Is Well” or an Autumnal, New England panorama in “Praise Him, Praise Him.” Larry Hall shows us a new way to appreciate these wonderful hymns by giving us a vision of the truths they proclaim. HYM04CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Reg. $15) $12
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2009 National Conference | March 19-21 | Orlando
Thabiti Anyabwile
Alistair Begg
D.A. Carson
REGISTER BEFORE JANUARY 23 TO SAVE! Please join us in Orlando as we address the critical issue of the holiness of God during Ligonier Ministries’ 22nd annual national conference. On March 19–21, 2009, Thabiti Anyabwile, Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Steven J. Lawson, Al Mohler, R.C. Sproul Jr., Derek Thomas, and R.C. Sproul will proclaim and defend the holiness of God. We will look at Scripture’s teaching on God’s holiness and how it affects our worship, doctrine, and personal walk with Christ. This expanded conference will also feature a mini-conference on the life and influence of John Calvin, whose 500th birthday we celebrate in 2009. For the sake of the gospel we must never negotiate the holiness of God. We hope that you will join us in March as we look once more at His transcendent majesty. www.holinessofGod.info | 800-435-4343
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