Reformation Bible College brochure

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this is reformation bible college.

Our core principles:

It’s a

hand of God, moving across generations, to unchanging. It doesn’t bow to trends. In Scripture, may be discerned, understood, and applied. halfway around the world to share it. We can’t conforming to the world. Reformation Bible College four-year and two-year undergraduate programs. deep, meaningful encounter with the Author of history,

record of wisdom and of folly. It testifies to the call a people unto himself.


we have the primary source from which truth It can’t be seen, yet it sends people feel it, yet it gives ordinary people the strength to resist offers demanding, uncompromising, and stimulating Through these programs, we offer young minds a the Source of truth, and the Sustainer of our faith.

what is reformation bible college about? By God’s grace, we at Reformation Bible College want to pass on the knowledge of God and the things of God to the generations that follow us. The purpose of RBC is exactly that — to extend an opportunity for you to study the riches of the historic Christian faith in a formal collegiate setting. RBC is the encapsulation of everything Ligonier Ministries and its founder, Dr. R.C. Sproul, have valued and advocated for the past 40 years, and is a natural outgrowth of Ligonier’s decades of teaching Christians to think deeply, critically, and obediently about every aspect of faith. As 2 Cor. 10:5 states: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ…” As a four- or two-year RBC student, your presence places you firmly on the receiving end of everything Ligonier Ministries represents — and has stood for over the years — and with that, the wisdom of Reformed biblical scholars both in the present and throughout church history. Through RBC, the goal of Ligonier Ministries remains unchanged: to equip minds to think Christianly and to mine the riches of Scripture through deep, rigorous study. We know that when the Bible is taught clearly, God is seen in all of his majesty and holiness, and hearts are conquered, minds renewed, and lives transformed. Our hope for you is nothing less than that.

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RBC offers four degree programs: four-year Bachelor of Arts degrees in Biblical Studies, Theological Studies, and Sacred Music, and a two-year Associate of Arts degree in Biblical and Theological Studies. In the programs at RBC, you can:

• Engage in a rigorous theological education focusing on the study of Scripture, in the context of historic Christian orthodoxy • Receive instruction in an intimate setting from a faculty of scholars and theologians, led by Dr. R.C. Sproul • Read and study the literary works from such authors as Aristotle and Augustine to Ernest Hemingway and C.S. Lewis as part of our Great Works curriculum. The Bible is central to everything we offer at RBC. We believe in its inspiration, authority, and sufficiency — holding that the living and active Word of God is still the greatest need in the world today. So our degree programs are specifically designed to give graduates a thorough knowledge of the English Bible, an introduction to basic principles of hermeneutics, a basic grounding in systematic, biblical, and historical theology, and an appreciation and knowledge of the context of Scripture and Scriptural interpretation throughout church history and in the broader history of ideas.

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The Associate of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies

The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

exegesis of the New Testament in its original language, 12 hours.

Who is it for?  This degree is

Biblical Hebrew  Preparation for

designed for all those who desire an

exegesis of the Old Testament in its

designed for people who want a

education in biblical studies and

original languages, 12 hours.

foundation in biblical and theologi-

specifically for those who aspire to

cal studies before transferring to a

be pastors, missionaries, and

four-year college or university


Who is it for?

This degree is

program, or for those who simply desire to complete their undergraduate studies after transferring from another institution. What is it?

24 hours Great Works curriculum What is it?

This program focuses

on the history and background of Scripture, the theology of Paul, and the original biblical languages of

This program offers a

foundation in Scripture and

Hebrew and Greek. The following courses are required:

Bachelor degree programs.

Biblical Studies

The content and

background of Scripture with principles for its sound interpretation, 24 hours. Systematic Theology  The system of doctrine taught in Scripture, 24 hours. Church History

The key people,

events, and ideas in the history of the church, 6 hours.

36 hours specialization curriculum 120 hours total

The Bachelor of Arts in Theological Studies Who is it for?  This degree is

theology. The following requirements are also required in the three

60 hours core curriculum

designed for all those who desire an Biblical Studies

The content and

education in theological studies.

background of Scripture with

Additionally, those who want to

principles for its sound interpreta-

explore apologetics and philosophy

tion, 33 hours.

more thoroughly will enjoy the extra

Systematic Theology

The system

courses in these fields.

of doctrine taught in Scripture, 24

What is it?  This program focuses on


the history of theology, philosophy The key people,

and apologetics, and on the historic

events, and ideas in the history of

ecclesiastical language of Latin. The

the church, 6 hours.

following courses are required.

Church History

Biblical Theology

The progress of

revelation from the “shadows” of

Biblical Studies

the Old Testament to the “better

background of Scripture with

revelation from the “shadows” of

things” of the New, 9 hours.

principles for its sound interpreta-

the Old Testament to the “better

Great Works

Biblical Theology

The progress of

things” of the New, 6 hours.

60 hours core curriculum

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The intellectual

The content and

tion, 24 hours.

world within which the church’s great

Systematic Theology  The system of

theologians have worked, 24 hours.

doctrine taught in Scripture, 24 hours.

Biblical Greek  Preparation for

Church History

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The key people,

events, and ideas in the history of

What is it?  This program provides

skills, resulting in musical excel-

the church, 6 hours.

a foundation in biblical studies

lence. When applicable, students

Biblical Theology  The progress of

along with technical training,

will be actively involved in music

rooted in the rich history of sacred

ministry in a local church as part of

music through the ages and

their training, 14 hours

focused on the place of music in

Ensemble and Individual Concentra-

revelation from the “shadows” of the Old Testament to the “better things” of the New, 6 hours. Great Works

The intellectual

world within which the church’s

Christian worship. The following courses are required.

24 hours.

Biblical Studies

Philosophy & Apologetics  The

Scripture with principles for its

defense of the faith against the

sound interpretation, 24 hours

philosophies of man, 21 hours.

Systematic Theology  The system of

The history of

ensemble each semester to hone skills in group performance and will have

great theologians have worked,

Historical Theology

tion  Students will participate in an

The content of

doctrine taught in Scripture, 24 hours.

the opportunity to elect courses that complement the basic curriculum with training in vital skills and experience, 14 hours Music Theory

Skill-based study of

melody, harmony, rhythm, phrasing

Christian doctrine and practice, past

Biblical Theology  The progress of

to present, 9 hours.

and form. Entry-level through

revelation from the “shadows” of

advanced part-writing, sight

the Old Testament to the “better

singing, and ear training. Compre-

study of authors and texts of the

things” of the New, 6 hours

hensive use of technology to

ancient church, 6 hours.

Church History

Ecclesiastical Latin

Preparation for

60 hours core curriculum 24 hours Great Works curriculum 36 hours specialization curriculum 120 hours total

The key people,

enhance learning, 8 hours

events, and ideas in the history of

Music Survey

the church, 6 hours

role throughout the West since

Applied Music

Private study on a

A survey of music’s

antiquity, with attention to philo-

student’s primary instrument (piano,

sophical and theoretical elements in

organ, voice, or other instruments).

music which reveal God’s sovereign

Competency and placement

purposes, 4 hours

auditions for entrance into the music

The Bachelor of Arts in Sacred Music

curriculum will determine the level a student should reach over eight

60 hours core curriculum

semesters, 20 hours

60 hours music (or specialization)

Students will

Who is it for?  This degree is

Music Ministry

designed for the church musicians and

grow in spiritual formation and

pastors of the next generation.

philosophical basis, along with

curriculum 120 hours total

No matter the program, each element of the curriculum has been assembled thoughtfully, prayerfully, and deliberately, refined by 40 years of experience in educating believers to seek God’s truth as contained in Scripture.

RBC’s faculty represents some of the world’s most distinguished biblical teachers and thinkers, armed with a deep knowledge of Scripture, grounded in Reformed theology and informed by the history of the church. In addition, each professor is profoundly concerned about passing along transformational truth to the next generation, caring about the hearts of their students as well as their intellects. R.C. Sproul

Steven C. Adamson

Terry Yount

President, Distin-

Adjunct Professor of

Adjunct Professor

guished Professor of

Church History

of Music

Keith Mathison

Barbara Browning

W. Duncan Rankin

Academic Dean,

Adjunct Professor

Visiting Professor of

Professor of Biblical

of Music

Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology

Studies L. Michael Morales

Randall Van

Professor of Old



Adjunct Professor of Music

R.C. Sproul Jr.

Laura Angus Yount

Associate Professor of

Adjunct Professor

Philosophy and

of Music


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“The way the whole Bible is put together is what opened my eyes to God’s wisdom. It is amazing, all the parallels in the Old Testament and the New Testament and the fulfillment of God’s promises in Jesus Christ.”

“College is much more than grades. It is about learning more and more about the person and work of Christ and my role as a believer.”

“I am serious about becoming a good pastor, so I chose to attend RBC because it is the most solid Bible college out there. I also wanted to invest my time at a college that is small enough to care for my personal needs, while still giving me an education that will prepare me best for Christ’s ministry.”

Stephanie van Eyk, Vero

Isaac George,

Beach, FL, AA (degree

Greenville, SC, BABS

completion BABTS)

Joshua Rewis, Adel, GA, BABS

What is the great works curriculum? The Great Works curriculum offers students reading and interaction with the works that have most profoundly shaped Western culture. While many colleges offer literature, philosophy, and music overviews, utilizing a textbook to summarize the major ideas that have influenced Western civilization, the Great Works curriculum guides students through the original manuscripts, in translation. So we will read works by authors such as Plato, Augustine, Shakespeare, and Nietzsche. Additionally, we will study Great Works of music by composers such as Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart. Our goal is not simply to join in the great conversation, but to better understand the root ideas of the culture of this world in which we are called to minister. By reading the great works of western culture in the light of the Great Book, we are better able to compare and distinguish between the city of man and the city of God. How did Augustine respond to Plato? How does Shakespeare respond to Machiavelli? Â More importantly, the Great Works classes will weigh these influential ideas against the wisdom of Scripture.

WHY IS IT NEEDED? The Great Works program is needed because ideas have consequences — ideas march out armies. Scripture, however, is indeed able to thoroughly equip one to discerningly engage the ideas of the world, exposing both their merit and their error.

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Great Works Courses GW101 Ancient Classics  Authors

such as Homer, Plato,

Aristotle, Virgil, and Augustine. GW102 Medieval Classics  Authors

such as Boethius, Anselm,

Aquinas, Dante, and Chaucer. GW203 15th & 16th Century Classics  Authors

such as Shakespeare, Machiavelli,

Hobbes, Luther, and Descartes. GW204 17th & 18th Century Classics  Authors

such as Milton, Pascal,

Bunyan, Locke, Hume, and Kant. Music by composers such as Bach and Haydn. GW305 Late 18th Century Classics  Authors

such as Goethe, Hegel,

Coleridge, and Austen. Music by composers such as Mozart and Beethoven. GW306 19th Century Classics  Authors

such as Kierkegaard,

Melville, and Dickens. GW407 19th & early 20th Century Classics 

Authors such as Dostoevsky, Twain, Nietzsche, Conrad, Eliot, Sartre, and Hemingway.

GW408 Post-war 20th Century Classics 

Authors such as Orwell, Lewis, Solzhenitsyn, and O’Connor.

Put most simply, if you wish to understand and apply Scripture more deeply, and are willing and able to meet the academic challenge our programs represent, RBC is for you. Furthermore, if you desire to participate in a community of learning populated by serious, like-minded students, bound together by a deep respect for God’s Word and Reformed theology while benefiting from a low student-to-faculty ratio, you may find yourself in the best possible environment for a post-secondary education. While anyone may benefit from what we offer, our degree programs may be best suited for those preparing for graduate education (in seminary or otherwise), those desiring a solid foundation in biblical and theological studies before further undergraduate education, those completing an undergraduate education begun elsewhere, and individuals seeking personal enrichment and development. Our prayer is that when you graduate, you will be more able to apply the timeless truths of Scripture to your life and to the world you encounter. As Dr. Sproul has said: “My dream is that Reformation Bible College will supply this nation with an entire generation of articulate Christians who understand the Bible and their faith deeply, and that those individuals will then live out their faith in every nook and cranny of the world in which we live.�

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excited about the possibilities? We certainly are. To learn more or to apply, visit ReformationBible, or contact us at 888-RBC-1517. In addition, RBC regularly hosts preview days and always welcomes visitors to our beautiful, 42-acre lakefront campus in central Florida. Please contact us to schedule a personal introduction.

Take the next step, apply now!

465 Ligonier Court Sanford, Florida 32771 888-RBC-1517

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