Ligonier Ministries 2009 Summer | Fall Resource Guide

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Dear friend,

As culture becomes increasingly secularized and religiously diverse, we can no longer assume that people share with us a basic, Christian understanding of reality. No longer are people asking if the biblical God exists. Instead, many think that true spirituality can embrace an impersonal force or personal deity. While in the past we could share the gospel with people who had a rudimentary understanding of the biblical story, today non-believers around us have little if any knowledge of the meaning of sin and substitutionary sacrifice, nor do they know the promises God has made.

Proclaiming Christ to those around us, more than ever R .C. Sproul PRESIDENT & FOUNDER of LIGONIER MINISTRIES

before, requires us to formulate a biblical worldview that can answer the most basic questions of existence: What is wrong with me? Why am I here? Can I know anything? Is this physical world all that there is? This catalog contains

resources that we believe can help you develop a Christian worldview and present it meaningfully to people who have little to no understanding of Scripture. We hope that you will find these tools useful for defending the faith once delivered to the saints.

This Year’s Most Popular & Best-selling Titles

Contents S u m m e r | F a l l 0 9 R e so u rce G u i d e 04 Who was John Calvin? 06 What can we learn from Calvin? 08 Who is the God of the Bible? 10 What difference does prayer make? 11 How can I “live out the gospel” in daily life? 12 What promises does God make in Scripture? 13 What is the “gospel”?

pg 10

“R.C. Sproul has an amazing gift for explaining difficult truths... the ideal teacher for a study of the Lord’s Prayer, because the prayer itself is a profound lesson on a difficult subject.” – John MacArthur

pg 4 “To my knowledge, there never has been a collection of authors of any edited volume under whose ministry I would rather sit than these.” – John Piper

pg 11

“These concise chapters give us a biblical presentation of the person and work of Christ, encouraging us to serve Him with reverence and awe.” – R.C. Sproul

14 How can I grasp the full picture of God’s Word? 15 What are the fundamentals of the Christian faith? 16 How can I come to a deeper understanding of Jesus? 17 How can I improve my personal devotions? 18 How do I respond to the cultural beliefs around me? 19 How can I be a convincing Christian? 20 How can we put God first in our family? 21 How can I help my children to grow in the faith? 22 What is God-glorifying worship? 23 Can Christians create beautiful music? 24 What is the doctrine of election all about?

pg 23

“Sounds of sweetness; music of delight; and wonderful ways to glorify the worthy Three in One.” – Customer Review

pg 13

“I cannot recommend these DVDs enough for their clear defense of the cross and its role in the life and worship of God’s people.” – R.C. Sproul

pg 27

“If you read, meditate on, and inwardly digest the content of this book, you will have a deeper, richer, and fresher appreciation for the greatest story ever told.” – Michael Horton

25 How can I know the Bible is true? 26 What is God’s purpose in history? 27 What does Scripture say about the end-times?

$5 off orders over $50

(See inside back page)

Who was John Calvin?

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine & Doxology Burk Parsons has brought together an impressive group of pastors and scholars to reconsider Calvin’s life and legacy. In twenty succinct chapters, these men examine Calvin the man; his work (as a reformer, a churchman, a preacher, a counselor, and a writer); and his teachings (on subjects as diverse as the Holy Spirit and prayer). What emerges is a multifaceted portrait of a man whose contributions to Christian thought and Christian living were significant indeed, a man whose life, work, and teachings are worthy to be remembered and studied even in the twenty-first century. This book will help you come to a better understanding and appreciation of one of history’s greatest theologians. JOH08BH Z HARDCOVER, 246 pages Z (Retail $19) $15.20

John Calvin [ book ] b y S i m o n e t t a C a r r Simonetta Carr introduces young readers to the life, thought, and world of John Calvin. They will come to know Calvin’s personality, his devotion to God and the church, and the personal challenges he faced. This book makes a great gift for children of this rich Reformed heritage. JOH09BH Z HARDCOVER, 64 PAGES Z (Retail $18) $14.40

John Calvin: His Life and Influence

[ book ]

by Robert Reymond The popular caricature of John Calvin holds him to be a stern and dour man. But nothing could be further from the truth as is demonstrated in this volume, a readable biography of the great Genevan reformer. JOH02BP Z PAPERBACK, 152 PAGES Z (Retail $13) $10.40

The Expository Genius of John Calvin [ book ] by S t e ve n J. L aw s o n Dr. Lawson looks at the life and preaching of John Calvin and encourages preachers to follow Calvin’s guidelines for expositing the Word of God. This will help you model Calvin’s habit of unveiling the glory of God from whatever text of Scripture you’re preaching. EXP03BH Z HARDCOVER, 142 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12


Mention history and some might struggle to stifle a yawn. But when presented as a narrative it can often be compelling reading. Stephen J. Nichols takes a key period in time, the Reformation, and presents its major players in a fresh way. From Martin Luther, a simple monk who wielded the mallet, to kings and queens, this book goes behind the scenes to uncover the human side of these larger-than-life Reformers. REF34BP Z Paperback,160 pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40

John Calvin 1 5 0 9 – 1 5 6 4

“Towering over the centuries of church history, there stands one figure of such monumental importance that he still commands attention and arouses intrigue. Called ‘one of the truly great men of all

Reformation Heroes [ book ]

time,’ his masterful expositions of Scripture

by Joel Beeke & Diana Kleyn

laid down the doctrinal distinctives of the

This illustrated overview gives a look at the lives of more than forty Reformation heroes and is an excellent tool for older children and teens.

Protestant Reformation. His theological thunder defined and articulated the core

“I hope this book will help awaken youth in America to the vital truths set forth so clearly and boldly by the historic heroes of the Reformation.” - R.C. Sproul

truths of that history-altering movement in sixteenth-century Europe. In turn, those lofty ideas helped fashion

REF35BH Z Hardcover, 240 pages Z (Retail $25) $20

the founding principles of Western civilization, giving rise to the republican form of government, the ideals of public

Heroes of the Christian Faith [ Teaching Series ]

capitalism. A world-class theologian, a

by R.C. Sproul

revered exegete, a renowned teacher, an

Dr. Sproul gives biographical sketches of seven of history’s greatest men: Polycarp, Athanasius, Aquinas, Luther, Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards. Examining the significance of each hero’s faith, Dr. Sproul traces each man’s contribution in church history. HER01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80

ecclesiastical statesman, an influential Reformer — he was all of these and more. His name was John Calvin.” — Steven Lawson, The Expository Genius

of John Calvin In 2009, we celebrate the 500th birthday of John Calvin. His life, ministry, and teachings have made a great contribution


to systematic theology and are of great


importance even for the twenty-first century

The Making of the Protestant Reformation

Reformation Sketches

Profiles of the Reformation

CD by R.C. Sproul

book by Robert Godfrey

CD by R.C. Sproul

church. It is only appropriate at this time to reflect on his legacy.

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education, and the philosophy of free-market

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

The Reformation [ book ] b y S t e p h e n N i c h o l s

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


What can we learn from Calvin?

* Living for God’s Glory by Joel R. Beeke

In this introduction to Calvinism, Joel Beeke — with contributions from Sinclair Ferguson, Michael Haykin, Derek Thomas and others — displays the biblical, God-

SEE ALSO ON LIGONIER.ORG: Treatises on the Sacraments b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Grace and Its Fruits b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Heart Aflame b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Calvin’s Ecclesiastical Advice

centered, comprehensive, and practical

b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

nature of Calvinism. Explore Calvinism in

Letters of John Calvin

history, in the mind, in the heart, in the

b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

church, in society, and more.

Sermons on the Beatitudes

LIV03BH Z HARDCOVER, 416 pages Z (Retail $24) $19.20

b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Thine is My Heart b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Tracts and Treatises b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

Truth for All Time b o o k b y J o h n C a lv in

The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism [ book ] by Craig Brown An excellent primer on Calvinism and some of the critiques that have been leveled against it. Here is apologetic help for Calvinists and answers for Arminians with honest questions. FIV04BP Z Paperback, 127 pages Z (Retail $9) $7.20


[ book ]

by David Steele, Curtis Thomas & Lance Quinn The five points of Calvinism summarize the teaching of Scripture that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone on account of Christ alone. Every Christian should have this book by Drs. Steele and Thomas in their library because it gives the biblical background for each of the doctrines of grace. FIV03BP Z Paperback, 247 pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40

Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life

[ book ]

by John Calvin This classic devotional incorporates sections from John Calvin’s

Institutes of the Christian Religion on obedience, self-denial, the significance of the cross and other topics. Learn to live the Christian life from one of history’s greatest theologians with the help of this important booklet. GOL02BP Z Paperback, 96 pages Z (Retail $9) $7.20

Commentary Set + Institutes Celebrating the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth (July 10, 1509–2009), Baker Books has released a special collector’s commentary series, with a new burgundy binding featuring a 500 year gold emblem on the spine. Also included is a free copy of

What Is Reformed Theology?

[ book ] [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

By providing a summary of biblical Christianity, Reformed theology encompasses much more than just the “five points of Calvinism.” Dr. Sproul offers a comprehensive introduction to the key distinctives of Reformed teaching, providing a good way for church groups to begin discussing the doctrines of grace, the primacy of Scripture, the covenants, and justification. WHA01DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $60) $48 WHA01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80 WHA01U Z Study Guide Z $8 WHA01BP Z paperback, 236 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

the The Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin ($24.99). That means this special includes 23 volumes total, with 22,224 pages plus another 800 pages for Calvin’s Institutes. Retail value of this package is $1,200. CAL07BH Z HARDCOVER, 22-volumes Z (RETAIL $1200) $119.70

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

edition of Calvin’s classic 22-volume

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

The Five Points of Calvinism

Who is the God of the Bible?

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


The Holiness of God [ book ] [ Teaching

Series ] [ Audiobook ]

by R.C. Sproul Through biblical exposition and practical illustration, Dr. Sproul reminds us of the all-consuming nature of God’s holiness and calls us to proclaim this vital truth to the church and to the world. HOL01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 HOL01CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20

The Attributes of God

HOL01U Z study guide Z $8 hol01bp Z PRBK, 226 pgs (rev.) Z (Retail $14) $11.20 hol12bpP Z pocket, 272 pgs Z (Retail $5) $4 HOL01BPS Z Spanish PRBK Z (Retail $10) $8 HOL08BA Z Audio Book, 6 CDs Z (Retail $25) $20

[ teaching

series ]

The Holiness of God Extended Version [ teaching series ]

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

Our ideas about God are often too vague or just plain wrong. This series provides an informative and challenging survey of God’s attributes.

For twenty years, Dr. Sproul’s teachings on The Holiness of God have impacted the lives of Christians everywhere. Now we offer an extended version of this important series featuring over five hours of messages on God’s eternal majesty and our need to proclaim this vital truth.

ATT01CC Z 4 cds Z (Retail $31) $24.80 ATT01u Z study guide Z $8

HOL02CC Z 5 CDS Z (Retail $38) $30.40



Loved by God

One Holy Passion

Gospel Fear

CD by R.C. Sproul

CD by R.C. Sproul

book by Jeremiah Burroughs

Discovering the God Who Is [ book ]

Fear and Trembling [ teaching series ]

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

Given God’s incomparable magnificence, our hearts should be aflame with zeal for Him. In Discovering the God Who Is (previously titled The Character of God), Dr. Sproul seeks to set fire to your soul through a captivating study of God’s awesome attributes.

It is vital for young adults to understand God’s holiness so as to awaken a deeper understanding of God. This series discusses how God is to be feared as well as revered.

DIS06bH Z HARDCOVER, 222 pages Z (Retail $18)


FEA01DC Z 2 DVds Z (Retail $30) $24 FEA01CC Z 3 cds Z (Retail $24) $19.20 FEA01U Z Study guide Z $5


resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

The Holiness of God: 2009 National Conference [ teaching series ] Ligonier Ministries exists to proclaim the holiness of God in all its fullness. The 2009 national conference collection looks at His transcendent majesty. Thabiti Anyabwile, Joel Beeke, Alistair Begg, Don Carson, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Susan Hunt, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Derek Thomas are featured in this series. Several sessions speak to the lasting influence and importance of John Calvin. ORL09DC Z 5 DVDS Z (Retail $85) $68 ORL09CC Z 19 CDS Z (Retail $65) $52 ORL09MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z (Retail $45) $36

A Portrait of God: 2004 National Conference [ teaching series ] Listen as Drs. Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul and R.C. Sproul Jr. discuss God’s glorious character in the 2004 National Conference series. Learn how God’s attributes are defined according to Scripture and critique recent movements that would question the biblical definition of God’s wrath, love, immutability, and other crucial aspects of His character. ORL04DC Z 4 DVDs Z (Retail $85) $68 ORL04CC Z 15 CDS Z (Retail $65) $52

by Jonathan Edwards

The Power and the Glory: 2003 National Conference [ teaching series ] As Christians we affirm that every aspect of life should bring glory to God, and in order to live in such a way, we must learn how to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. As they seek to affirm these truths, Drs. Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, R.C. Sproul, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Douglas Wilson provide biblical teaching on the power and glory of God in the building of His kingdom. ORL03DC Z 4 DVDs Z (Retail $85) $68 ORL03CC Z 15 CDS Z (Retail $65) $52

People familiar with Jonathan Edwards’ most famous sermon often consider him a “hellfire and brimstone” preacher, even though he preached on the beauty and glory of God more than any other subject. The sermons included in Altogether Lovely reveal Edwards’ deep affection for the glory and excellency of Jesus Christ. ALT01BH Z HARDCOVER, 231 pages Z (Retail $25) $20

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

Altogether Lovely [ book ]

What difference does prayer make?

The Prayer of the Lord by R.C. Sproul Christ gave the Lord’s Prayer to teach His disciples about prayer, and Dr. Sproul, in his trademark fashion, brings out many of the truths Christ intended for His followers to learn.

Prayer [ Teaching Series ]

Readers will learn how not to pray, then will be

by R.C. Sproul

led into a deeper understanding of various topics.

As Christians, we are given the privilege and responsibility of communicating with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Dr. Sproul demonstrates that intimate communication with God is at the heart of our relationship to Him. Through Christ, we are accepted by God and enabled to call upon Him as our Lord and Father.

The final chapter includes questions and answers on aspects of prayer not covered elsewhere in the book, and the appendix addresses the difficult question of the relationship of God’s sovereignty and prayer. The Prayer of the Lord is an eyeopening journey, one that reveals new vistas in

PRA01CC Z 2 CDs Z (Retail $17) $13.60

familiar terrain. PRA12BH Z HARDCOVER, 144 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

“No book has done more to revolutionize my personal prayer life than this little book by Martin Luther. I


resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni



Praying the Saviour’s Way [ book ]

A Method for Prayer

Praying the Saviour’s Way is an analysis and application of the Lord’s Prayer. Learn how to pray after the model of Jesus and understand the proper priorities of prayer with the assistance of this biblical, practical, and pastoral work by one of the finest Reformed theologians living today.

book by Matthew Henry

When You Pray book by Philip Graham Ryken

The Lord’s Prayer CD by R.C. Sproul

by Derek Thomas

PRA10BP Z PAPERBACK, 124 pages Z (Retail $8) $6.40

would recommend it for every Christian’s library.” — R.C. Sproul

A Simple Way to Pray [ book ] by Archie Parrish and Martin Luther

A Simple Way to Pray is a guidebook on the purpose and method of biblical prayer. SIM02BP Z PAPERBACK, 139 pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40

How can I “live out the gospel” in daily life?

The Pilgrim’s Progress [ book ]

by D. A . C a r s o n

by John Bunyan

Called to live in the world, but not to be of it, Christians must maintain a balancing act that becomes more precarious the further our culture departs from its Judeo-Christian roots. How should members of the church interact with such a culture, especially as deeply enmeshed as most of us have become? This book is designed practically to help Christians untangle current messy debates on living in the world.

The book records the journey of Christian, an “every person” man seeking salvation on a pilgrimage to Heaven. Along the way, Christian encounters obstacles that test his faith and characters that help show him the difference between right and wrong. Told as a dream, this 17th century religious classic’s charm stems from its eloquence and old-world humor, and from its colorful characters involved in incidents and scenes to which readers who live in a world of temptations can easily relate.

CHR39BH Z Hardcover, 243 pages Z (Retail $24) $19.20

PIL02BH Z Hardcover, 430 pages Z (Retail $30) $24

In Christ Alone [ book ] b y S i n c l a i r F e r g u s o n

INC01BH Z HardCover, 256 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40

by R.C. Sproul Pleasing God offers practical guidelines for Christian living. Here R.C. Sproul shows us how to be diligent in overcoming our enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. This series is an encouraging, no-nonsense look at the lifelong process of sanctification. PLE01DC Z 2 DVDS Z (Retail $30) $24 PLE01CC Z 3 cDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20 PLE01U Z study guide Z $5



The Enemy Within

Christianity & Liberalism

Evangelical Ethics

book by Kris Lundgaard

book by J. Gresham Machen

book by John Jefferson Davis

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

This collection of articles is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In Christ Alone is packed full of scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer’s love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His love and so faithful in His work on behalf of His people.

Pleasing God [ Teaching Series ]

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Christ & Culture Revisited [ book ]


What promises does God make in Scripture?

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Believing God b y R . C . S p r o u l J r.

R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of

The Drama of Redemption

what God has committed Himself to do for

[ Teaching

His people. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God’s words, they

This series examines the Bible’s unfolding story of redemption in the covenants God made with His people.

refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives

dra01cc Z 5 cds Z (Retail $38) $30.40

on what He says. This book functions as a

Series ]

by R.C. Sproul

dra01u Z study guide Z $8

mirror in which every reader with a teachable heart will see how he or she can more fully believe God. BEL02BH Z Hardcover, 139 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40

God of Promise [ book ] by Michael Horton

The Seven Wonders of the World [ book ]

Michael Horton unravels the intricacies of the biblical covenants, showing how they provide a significant organizational structure for all of Scripture.

by I a i n D. C a m p b e l l This book is a handy introduction to the main theme of the Scriptures — our redemption in Christ. Analyzing seven key points in biblical history, Iain Campbell demonstrates the necessity of the gospel in light of God’s work to save His people under the old and new covenants.

GOD20BH Z HARDCOVER, 204 PAGES Z (Retail $20) $16 INT09BP Z PAPERBACK, 208 PAGES Z (Retail $16) $12.80 (limited availability for hardcover)

SEV01BP Z paperback, 96 Pages Z (Retail $9) $6.30



The Christ of the Covenants


book by O. Palmer Robertson

CD by R.C. Sproul

What is the “gospel”?


Jesus the Evangelist

[ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

by Ri chard Phi l l i ps

Dr. Sproul surveys the great work accomplished by Jesus Christ through His



crucifixion — the redemption of God’s people.


The Truth of the Cross is an uncompromising



reminder that the atonement of Christ is an absolutely essential doctrine of the Christian faith, one that should be studied and understood by all believers. Tru07BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

Understanding the Gospel [ Teaching Series ]

Do you share your faith often — or at all? All Christians are called to be evangelists. But many believers ask: What is an evangelist? How do I begin to talk to someone about Jesus? What must I say? This book offers answers about evangelism straight from the pages of Scripture. The book of John reveals Jesus crossing barriers to the gospel and ministering to people at their point of need. By focusing on these encounters, Jesus the Evangelist provides guidance, encouragement, and direction for those who struggle. JES02BH Z Hardcover, 208 pages Z (Retail $19) $15.20

Getting the Gospel Right [ book ] by R.C. Sproul

In this series, Dr. Sproul explains the essential components of the biblical Gospel of salvation. Beginning with the person of Christ, Dr. Sproul explains what exactly Christ saves us from and clarifies the doctrines of faith, justification, and sanctification.

Dr. Sproul discusses the contents of the document “The Gospel of Jesus Christ: An Evangelical Celebration,” which he and several other leaders labored for more than a year to produce in hope of restoring evangelical unity regarding justification.

UND02CC Z CD SERIES Z 4 CDS Z (Retail $31) $24.80

GET01BH Z Hardcover, 208 pages Z (Retail $19) $15.20 GET01BP Z PAPERBACK, 208 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40

Together for the Gospel 2008 [ Teaching Series ] b y Va r i o u s Celebrate the glorious gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and its centrality to the task of faithful, biblical pastoring with Thabiti Anyabwile, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, John MacArthur, C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul as they assembled for the 2008 Together for the Gospel conference. Fourteen 60-minute messages. TOG02DC Z 4 DVDs Z (Retail $50) $40

Saved from What? [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l As he explores three questions — “Saved from what?” “Saved by what?” and “Saved for what?” — Dr. Sproul examines the biblical definition of the Gospel. SAV02BH Z Hardcover, 126 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

by R.C. Sproul

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

The Truth of the Cross

How can I grasp the full picture of God’s Word?

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


The Reformation Study Bible [ scripture ] R.C. Sproul (General Editor)

Dust to Glory [ Teaching Series ] by R.C. Sproul In Dust to Glory, Dr. Sproul provides a survey of the important themes and characters of Scripture, tracing the progress of redemption from creation to consummation, and demonstrating the unity of God’s Word as displayed in the diversity of the Bible.

The Reformation Study Bible has been updated to the readable and accurate English Standard Version (ESV). This foundational resource was created by more than fifty scholars and features thousands of in-depth study notes, 96 theological articles, 19 in-text maps,12 charts, and colored maps to help you understand the Bible better. This is the study Bible for the next generation of reformers. REF40S Z (ESV) Hardcover Z (Retail $39.99) $27 REF41S Z (ESV) Leather black Z (Retail $69.99) $42

DUS01DC Z 8 DVDs Z (Retail $142.50) $95 DUS01cc Z 19 cDs Z (Retail $116) $92.80 DUS01U Z study guide Z


Knowing Scripture [ teaching series ] [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

Knowing Scripture explains why we should study the Bible and provides practical guidelines for interpreting the Bible in our personal study.



ESV Calfskin leather

Biblical Studies



KNO01DC Z 4 DVDS Z (Retail $60) $48 KNO01CC Z 6 CDs Z (Retail $45) $36 KNO01UO Z outline Z $3 kno01bp Z Paperback, 125 pgs Z (Retail $13) $10.40

ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible [ scripture ] The new ESV Hear the Word Audio Bible provides more than 80 hours of Bible reading, conveniently captured on 60 CDs or 6 MP3 discs for listening at home, in your car, or for loading on an MP3 player. Each disc is fully searchable, helping you easily locate the exact Bible chapter you are looking for. Free ESV Bible Resources software offer included. ESV01CC Z 59 CDS Z (Retail $99.99) $80 ESV02MCD Z 6 MP3 CDS Z (Retail $49.99) $40

What’s in the Bible? [ book ] by R.C. Sproul & Robert Wolgemuth Dr. Sproul and Robert Wolgemuth have combined their efforts to help Christians understand the themes, events, and characters of Scripture. WHA04BP Z Paperback, 432 pgs Z (Retail $16) $12.80

What are the fundamentals of the Christian faith?

by R.C. Sproul Dr. Sproul defines the purpose of Christian theology and surveys its content, from the doctrine of Scripture to the doctrine of the end times. He shows that the truths of Scripture relate to each other in perfect harmony. This eye-opening series addresses a myriad of questions about the origin and authority of the Bible, God, the Trinity, man, sin, salvation, revelation, miracles, the church, the end times, and more.

Renewing Your Mind [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l When theologians in the early church were combatting the rise of several christological heresies, they set forth a rudimentary definition of the biblical doctrine of the Trinity in the Apostles’ Creed. This classic work by Dr. Sproul analyzes this important creed, explaining its tenets and showing how its doctrines are grounded in the teachings of Scripture. REN01BP Z Paperback, 216 Pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40

FOU01DC Z 8 DVDs Z (Retail $150) $120

The Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms [ book ]

FOU01CC Z 20 CDs Z (Retail $122) $97.60 FOU01U Z study guide Z $20

The Westminster Confession of Faith is considered to be one of the finest statements of doctrine ever produced. Here is vital information about Scripture, God’s character and the nature of the Trinity, the law of God, the gospel of Christ, the church, worship, and the sacraments.

FOU01UF Z Duplication liCense Z $50

What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? [ book ]

Wes01BH Z hardcover, 450 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12

by Richard Phillips

SEE ALSO ON LIGONIER.ORG: Foundations of the Christian Faith book by James Boice

Wha14Bh Z hardcover, 112 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

Faith Alone

Justification by Faith Alone [ teaching

series ]

by R.C. Sproul

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith [ book ] by R.C. Sproul This book is a handy reference tool, providing succinct, two-to-four page summaries of over one hundred doctrines of the Christian faith. ESS01BP Z Paperback, 302 Pages Z (Retail $15) $12

In this series, Dr. Sproul describes why the doctrine of justification is essential to the Gospel and shows how many evangelicals are now ignoring or abandoning it. JUS01CC Z 5 cDs Z (Retail $38) $30.40 JUS01u Z Study Guide Z $9

book by R.C. Sproul

Justification book by Francis Turretin

Justification by Faith Alone book by Various

Truths We Confess, Volumes 1-3, books by R.C. Sproul


800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

Rev. Phillips explains the doctrines of grace through the exposition of Scripture and helps believers feel the power of these magnificent truths. He argues that these doctrines are wonderful in that they reveal the sovereign, mighty, and effectual grace of God, shaping Christians’ attitudes toward God, themselves, the present life, and the life to come.

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Foundations [ teaching series ]


How can I come to a deeper understanding of Jesus? The Glory of Christ [ book ] by R . C . S p r o u l

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


From the royal herald of the new born king to the shepherds outside Bethlehem, to Jesus’ life-changing revelation to Paul on the road to Damascus, Dr. Sproul provides an inspiring look at those moments when Jesus’ life of humiliation gave way to the splendor of His deity. GLO03BP Z Paperback, 219 pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40

The Cross of Christ [ Teaching Series ] by R.C. Sproul In The Cross of Christ, Dr. Sproul discusses the saving work of the Son of God. Unfolding the drama of redemption revealed in the Old Testament, R.C. highlights humanity’s great need for salvation and communicates the way the Cross fulfills that need. He explains the certainty of redemption for those whom God draws to the Cross. CRO01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20 CRO01U Z study guide Z


Redemption Accomplished and Applied [ book ] b y J o h n M u r r a y

Are Christians merely forgiven, or do they possess

John Murray was one of the most important Reformed theologians of the twentieth century and is highly respected for his thorough, biblical presentation of redemption. This work is one of the most important books on the process of salvation in which Murray explores justification, glorification, sanctification, and other important topics.

the righteousness of Christ? Martin Luther said that if we understand justification “we are in the clearest light; if we do not know it, we dwell in the densest darkness.” And now, in this important book, John

RED02BP Z paperback, 192 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40

Piper accepts Luther’s challenge. He points out that we need to see ourselves as having been recipients of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness and therefore enjoy full acceptance with God and the everlasting inheritance of life and joy. COU01BP Z Paperback, 141 pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40



The Truth of the Cross

CD by R.C. Sproul

book by R.C. Sproul

The Atonement of Jesus CD by R.C. Sproul

How can I improve my personal devotions? F R O M L I G O N I E R M I N I S T R I E S A N D R .C . S P R O U L



Every month in Tabletalk, R.C. Sproul and the magazine’s editors chart a mm1-21.indd 1

12/18/08 11:46:40 AM

F R O M L I G O N I E R M I N I S T R I E S A N D R .C . S P R O U L

J U LY 2 0 0 9

$3.0 0

APRIL 2009

$3.0 0

our authors write with depth and practicality. Each issue features topical articles, including Dr. Sproul’s popular “Right Now Counts Forever,” insightful columns, as well as a Bible study for every day of the week. 3-Month Trial Annual Renewal One-Year Subscription Two-Year Subscription Three-Year Subscription International

free $ 20 $ 23 (36% off the cover price) $ 39 (A $ 7 savings) $ 49 (A $ 20 savings plus a free storage case) Prices vary. Please call 800-435-4343 or visit

JOH N C A LV IN 15 0 9 – 15 6 4

F R O M L I G O N I E R M I N I S T R I E S A N D R .C . S P R O U L


T H E C H U R C H in the



The Valley of Vision [ book ]

Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

course to introduce Christians to a wide variety of topics from the perspective of the historic Christian faith. Aiming for the best in biblical scholarship,

mm1-21.indd 1

12/18/08 4:25:23 PM

People need to maintain a diet of nutritious foods if their bodies are to grow and thrive. But what do the people of God need in order to grow and thrive in the Christian faith? Dr. Sproul identifies five of the crucial “nutrients” that promote spiritual growth: Bible study, prayer, worship, service, and stewardship. With biblical insight and practical wisdom, he teaches Christians how to maintain a balanced “diet” that will lead to growth and mature Christian living. FIV06BH Z Hardcover, 192 Pgs Z (Retail $13) $10.40 Watch Dr. Sproul discuss the key elements in this book!

Heart Aflame [ book ] by John Calvin

Including prayers of Richard Baxter, John Bunyan, Isaac Watts, Charles Spurgeon, and others, The Valley of Vision is a selection of petitions and meditations in the Puritan tradition. This compilation of prayers is intended to teach and encourage Christians to be faithful in their private and family worship.

John Calvin’s biblical commentaries reflect both deep theological insight and the warmth of a pastor concerned for his flock’s growth. Heart Aflame provides a year’s worth of rewarding daily meditations from Calvin’s commentary on the Psalms. HEA06BP Z PAPERBACK, 366 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

How to Enjoy Your Bible [ book ]

Mining for Wisdom [ book ]

by John Blanchard

by Derek Thomas

Learn how Bible study can be a delight and not a dull, laborious duty. This work shows the believer how to discover God’s purposes for life in His holy Word.

This book is a twenty-eight day devotional on the book of Job. With biblical fidelity and pastoral concern, Dr. Thomas shows us how Job informs life coram Deo, before the face of God.

How07BP Z PAPERBACK, 185 pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80

MIN01BP Z PAPERBACK, 191 PAGES Z (Retail $15) $12

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

by Arthur Bennet, ed.

val01bh Z leather black, 432 pgs Z (Retail $26) $20.80


$3.0 0

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

subscribe to tabletalk.

MARCH 2009

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


How do I respond to the cultural beliefs around me? The Consequences of Ideas [ teaching series ] [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

Dr. Sproul investigates the questions that have been asked since the time of Socrates and Plato, tracing the history of thought from the earliest thinkers to modern philosophers. This comprehensive survey of philosophy demonstrates how the ideas of the past still impact us today. CON01DC Z 9 DVDs Z (Retail $105) $84

If There’s a God, Why are There Atheists? [ book ] by R.C. Sproul Why do atheists believe in unbelief? Dr. Sproul demonstrates that atheists have a vested interest in denying the existence of the God who claims moral authority over our lives. IFT01BP Z PAPERBACK, 150 pages Z (Retail $7) $3.50

Why I Am Not an Arminian [ book ]

CON01CC Z 12 CDs Z (Retail $74) $59.20 CON01U Z study guide Z $10

by Robert Peterson & Michael Williams

con01bh Z HARDCOVER, 224 pages Z (Retail $20) $16

Why I Am Not an Arminian is a historical analysis of the development of Arminian theology and a biblical critique of its tenets. This book demonstrates that the Reformed tradition summarizes Scripture more accurately than Arminianism, answers common misunderstandings of Calvinism, and shows that Reformed theology alone provides a God-exalting view of reality.

Christian Worldview [ teaching series ] by R.C. Sproul One of the greatest weaknesses of the modern church is the absence of a collective understanding and presentation of the Christian worldview. This series examines the Christian worldview and several of the major alternatives to it, helping to equip the body of Christ to impact the world collectively and effectively. Twelve 30-minute messages. CHR09DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $72) $57.60 CHR09CC Z 6 CDs Z (Retail $45) $36 CHR09UO Z Outline Z $3

WHY04BP Z PAPERBACK, 224 PAGES Z (Retail $17) $13.60

Choosing My Religion [ teaching series ]

[ book ]

by R.C. Sproul In this series, Dr. Sproul addresses the promises that relativism and rebellion make but cannot keep. In interviews with students and young adults, which reveal the convictions they hold, Dr. Sproul responds to these views with biblical truth and exposes false philosophies. CHO01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $25) $20 CHO01CC Z CD SERIES Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20

The Dark Side of Islam [ Teaching Series ]

[ book ]

by R.C. Sproul & Abdul Saleeb Dr. Sproul enters into dialogue with a former Muslim, Abdul Saleeb. They discuss some of the issues central to what many believe led to the disaster on September 11, 2001, and the war on terror. This work is intended to dispel popular misconceptions about Islam and expose Christians to the truth about the teaching of Mohammed and Islam. DAR01CC Z 2 CDS Z (Retail $17) $13.60 DAR01BH Z HARDCOVER, 92 PAGES Z (Retail $16) $12.80

CHO01US Z STUDY GUIDE Z $6 CHO01BP Z PAPERBACK, 128 pages Z (Retail $10) $8

Battle for Our Minds [ Teaching Series ] b y R . C . S p r o u l In Battle for Our Minds, Dr. Sproul explores the steady descent of Western thought from its biblical worldview through the Enlightenment down to the murky depths of post-Christian secularism. As he traces the impact of these worldviews on religion and public life, law, government, and more, he equips believers with truth for defending and proclaiming the Christian worldview. BAT01CC Z 2 CDS Z (Retail $17) $13.60 BAT01BH Z Study guide Z $4

How can I be a convincing Christian? [ book ]

Reason to Believe [ book ]

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

1 Peter 3:15–16 calls us to be prepared to give an answer for the hope that is within us. The task of defending the faith is not only for those with specialized training; all of us must be prepared to answer the critics of Christianity. This series provides a comprehensive overview of apologetics, the science of defending the faith.

The problem of evil is but one of many dilemmas used by skeptics to question the goodness of God. This helpful book examines common ways skeptics attack Christianity, offering arguments for the existence of God, the resurrection of Christ, the exclusivity of Jesus as Messiah, and other important topics.

def04Dc Z 9 DVDS Z (Retail $96) $76.80 def04cc Z 11 cds Z (Retail $68) $54.40

REA01BP Z Paperback, 160 Pages Z (Retail $10) $8

def04u Z study guide Z $10 def04bh Z hardcover book, 208 pages Z (Retail $20) $16 def04BA Z Audiobook Z 5 cds Z (Retail $25) $20

Classical Apologetics [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l , J o h n G e r s t n e r, & A r t h u r L i n d s l e y

CLA02BP Z PAPERBACK, 364 pages Z (Retail $26) $20.80

The 2007 National Conference equips believers to answer the false claims of postmodernism, naturalism, and our culture’s other atheistic theories. Dr. Sproul is joined by John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul Jr., and Ravi Zacharias to refute the claims made against the biblical worldview and to arm believers for the cogent presentation of orthodox Christianity. ORL07DC Z 5 DVDS Z (Retail $85) $68 ORL07CC Z 14 CDS Z (Retail $65) $52 ORL07MCD Z 1 MP3 CD Z (Retail $45) $36

Objections Answered [ teaching series ] by R.C. Sproul


A Primer on Apologetics

Not a Chance

book by John Gerstner

book by R.C. Sproul

In this series, Dr. Sproul examines some of the most common objections to the Christian faith. By providing a defense of some of the key beliefs of orthodox Christianity — such as the bodily resurrection of Jesus — Dr. Sproul helps us to confront many cultic heresies.

Defending the Faith

Creation and Change

OBJ02CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20

book by D.G. Hart

book by Douglas Kelley


800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

Dr. Sproul and his late mentor, Dr. John Gerstner, have been two of the most ardent defenders of the classical approach to defending the Christian faith in the past fifty years. Along with Dr. Arthur Lindsley, Drs. Sproul and Gerstner define and defend classical apologetics in this work that has been widely used as a textbook on college and seminary campuses. A friendly critique of the presuppositional apologetic advocated by Cornelius Van Til, this volume also discusses some of the most important arguments for natural theology, the existence of God, and the reliability of the Bible from the classical perspective.

Contending for the Truth: 2007 National Conference [ Teaching Series ] b y Va r i o u s

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Defending Your Faith [ teaching series ]


resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


How can we put God first in our family? Fathers & Sons Stand Fast in the Way of Truth [ book ]

by Douglas Bond

Family Practice [ book ] b y R . C . S p r o u l J r. ( E d i t o r )

Fathers & Sons contains 27 readings with the goal of providing close fellowship between father and son and leading sons toward Christian manhood. Taking serious issues seriously, yet promoting a joyful life of enjoying the pleasures of God, this book shows how, when a young man makes decisions about the direction his life will take, the stakes are high.

In this book, contributors including R.C. Sproul, Don Kistler, Elizabeth Elliott, R.C. Sproul Jr., and others discuss topics related to the Christian family. The varying roles of mothers and fathers in the context of marriage and family are examined, and the importance of raising godly children is also emphasized. Three appendices provide helpful insight from a pastor’s perspective.

FAT01BP Z Paperback, 336 PAGES Z (Retail $15) $12

FAM01BP Z Paperback, 98 PAGES Z (Retail $10) $8

The Intimate Marriage [ Teaching Series ]

[ book ]

by R.C. Sproul When you approach marital issues such as communication, gender roles, and sex from a biblical perspective, you not only nurture your relationship, you also bring glory to God. This series is an excellent resource for engaged or married couples who wish to grow in their relationship. INT05Dc Z 2 DVds Z (Retail $30) $24 INT05cc Z 3 cds Z (Retail $24) $19.20 INT05UO Z Outline Z $2 INT05BH Z Hardcover, 168 pages Z (Retail $15) $12 INT05BP Z Paperback, 127 pages Z (Retail $10) $8

Bound for Glory [ Teaching Series ]

[ book ]

b y R . C . S p r o u l J r. This book addresses the mission of the covenant family in the church and world. As Dr. Sproul Jr. defines the biblical roles of husbands, wives, and children, he explains the biblical model of parenting and discipline. BOU01DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $30) $24 BOU01BP Z Hardcover, 149 pages Z (Retail $20) $16

“I do not know anyone who has a better understanding of the covenant structure of the Christian family than my son, R.C. Sproul Jr. Bound for Glory is an especially good teaching tool on this subject. It clearly defines God’s purpose for the family and the proper roles of husbands, wives, and children in their covenant life together.” — R.C. Sproul

The Christian Lover: The Sweetness of Love and Marriage in the Letters of Believers [ book ] b y M i c h a e l A . G . H a y k i n Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin brings together letters from one or both parties in twelve significant relationships from church history. The correspondents include such notables as Martin Luther (writing to his wife Katie) and John Calvin (expressing to friends his grief over the death of his wife Idelette). Lesser-known writers include Helmuth von Moltke, who wrote to his wife as he faced execution at the hands of the Nazis in 1945. The contents range from courtship communications to proposals of marriage to final words before dying, but most have to do with the events of everyday life. This book is a celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women in love with both God and one another.


SEE ALSO ON LIGONIER.ORG: Family Worship book by Terry Johnson

A Case for Family Worship book by George Hamond

CHR38BH Z Hardcover, 101 pages Z (RETAIL $15) $12

Fathers & Sons Hold Fast in a Broken World

Watch Michael Haykin discuss this book at

book by Douglas Bond

How can I help my children to grow in the faith?

b y R . C . S p r o u l J r. God calls parents to be the primary educators of their children. In this teaching series, Dr. Sproul Jr. explores the biblical mandate to teach children and addresses ways parents can fulfill their roles as educators and mentors. TRA01CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds [ book ] by Starr Meade Training Hearts, Teaching Minds is a devotional guide based on the shorter catechism to help parents teach historic Christian doctrines to their children. TRA03BP Z PAPERBACK, 360 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

TRA01UO Z Outline Z $3

The King Without a Shadow [ book ] [ Audiobook ] by R.C. Sproul

Sammy and His Shepherd [ book ] b y S u s a n H u n t Susan Hunt offers families a delightful story, built around the Twentythird Psalm, that will help children grow in their understanding of what it is to live among a community of redeemed people guided by a loving Lord. Discussion questions and activities help parents guide their children into a deeper understanding of the biblical text. SAM02BH Z Hardcover, 56 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60

kin01bh Z Hardcover, 32 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60

Read an interview with Susan Hunt about this book

KIN01CI Z audiobook Z (Retail $10) $8


The Prince’s Poison Cup [ book ] [ Audiobook ]

The Lightlings [ book ] [ Audiobook ] b y R . C . S p r o u l

by R.C. Sproul

Dr. Sproul weaves an allegorical tale that captures the essence of the biblical story of redemption in a manner that will fascinate and delight children. This book is an excellent introduction to the key themes of Scripture.

With The Prince’s Poison Cup, Dr. Sproul continues his series of books designed to present deep biblical truths to children on their own level. In this work, he focuses in on the atonement to show that Jesus had to endure the curse of sin in order to redeem His people from their spiritual death. PRI05BH Z Hardcover, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40

LIG04bh Z hardcover, 40 pages Z (Retail $18) $14.40 LIG04CI Z audiobook Z (Retail $10) $8

PRI05BA Z audiobook Z (Retail $10) $8



The Big Book of Questions & Answers book by Sinclair Ferguson

The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus book by Sinclair Ferguson

The Priest with Dirty Clothes book | audiobook by R.C. Sproul

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

When children understand the holiness and glory of God, a strong foundation is laid for lifelong discipleship. The King Without a Shadow is a delightfully illustrated story of one king’s search for the greatest King of all — One whose perfect light casts no shadow.

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Training Up Children [ teaching series ]


What is God-glorifying worship?

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


Singing and Making Music [ book ] b y P a u l J o n e s One of the most contentious issues in the church today is the type of music that is proper to use in worship. This book approaches the use of music in the church’s corporate praise, examining topics such as the criteria of good music, the contributions of Luther and Bach, hymnody, instruments, and many others. SIN05BP Z PAPERBACK, 328 Pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60

Worship [ teaching series ] b y R . C . S p r o u l Worship is the purpose for which God made us and is to be our chief delight. We are reminded in this series on biblical worship that the Lord is to be the center of our praise. Through a look at the teaching on worship found in both the Old and New Testament, this teaching tool helps us understand the function and importance of the different elements of worship. WOR02CC Z 4 CDS Z (Retail $31) $24.80 | WOR02U Z STUDY GUIDE Z $8

Recovering the Beauty of the Arts [ Teaching

Series ]

by R.C. Sproul

The Christian worldview has much to say on aesthetics (the philosophy of beauty), but believers often do not consider what Scripture says about the arts. This series is an overview of Christian aesthetics that examines biblical principles for the various art forms produced by human beings. REC02DC Z 3 DVDS Z (Retail $45) $36 REC02CC Z 3 CDS Z (Retail $24) $19.20 REC02UO Z OUTLINE Z $3

A Taste of Heaven

by R.C. Sproul

A Taste of Heaven searches the Scriptures for timeless principles from the worship practices of both Old and New Testaments to guide worship today. God intends worship to be an unforgettable encounter between Himself and His people — a taste of heaven. tas01Bh Z Hardcover, 173 pages Z (Retail $15) $10.50

Gospel Worship [ book ] by Jeremiah Burroughs In this treasured work, beloved Puritan pastor Jeremiah Burroughs masterfully gives guidelines to facilitate the reader to move closer to God in worship. Through 14 sermons, Burroughs carefully explains the right manner of worshiping God in the three great ordinances of hearing the Word, receiving the Lord’s Supper, and prayer. Burroughs shows that true worship is reverent, focused upon our holy God. GOS06BH Z Hardcover, 299 Pages Z (Retail $22) $17.60

Can Christians create beautiful music?


[ music ] b y T h e L i g o n i e r S i n f o n i a

This unique audio offering from the newly formed Ligonier Sinfonia is a treat both historically and musically. Samples from Baroque concerto literature like Bach’s “Violin and Oboe Concerto in d minor”, plus a variety of instrumental works by Telemann, Handel, Vivaldi, and Couperin will delight Baroque fans. These high Baroque pieces feature recorder and harpsichord, organ and strings, flute, oboe, gamba, and harpsichord solo. Enjoy a taste of the popular music from the courts of Weimar, Paris, Venice and London. Total run time 58:03 LIG08CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12 Hear sample tracks online at

Light All Around [ music ] b y T h e M a s t e r ’s C h o r a l e

Hymn Scenes [ music ] b y L a r r y H a l l & t h e Kiev Symphony Orchestra

HYM04CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12

LIG06CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $15) $12 Download a free track at

The Alphabet of Revelation [ music ]

Over Jordan [ music ]

by J. A . C . R e d fo rd

by Atlanta Boy Choir

In three dynamic works, Redford draws on his extensive background scoring for stage and screen. The result is an experience that will go beyond mere listening. Total run time 66:55

Negro spirituals rank among the most moving, beautiful, and haunting music ever produced. This album features the Atlanta Boy Choir singing 17 of these spirituals, accompanied by the piano. Total run time 66:24

ALP01CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $18) $14.40

OVE11CI Z 1 Music CD Z (Retail $14) $11.20

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

Hymn Scenes is a vivid instrumental collection of cherished hymns. These grand and expressive settings are arranged by Larry Hall and performed by the Kiev Symphony Orchestra. The drama and wonder of these familiar tunes is artfully displayed through the many colors of the orchestra. You may hear a sunrise in “More Love to Thee, O Christ,” a highland picnic in “Wonderful Words Of Life,” the somber stillness of “It Is Well” or an Autumnal, New England panorama in “Praise Him, Praise Him.” Larry Hall shows us a new way to appreciate these wonderful hymns by giving us a vision of the truths they proclaim.

This recording celebrates the light of God’s revelation in nature and in Scripture. Featuring the Master’s Chorale from the Master’s College in southern California, this album contains a diverse repertoire of twelve songs including, “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” “Agnus Dei,” “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence,” “You Are the Light,” and several others. Dr. Sproul gives narration from the book of Revelation to accompany “The Visions of St. John” by John Ness Beck. Total run time 57:55

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Ligonier Sinfonia: Music of the High Baroque 1700–1750

resou rce c onsu ltan ts available Mo n.–Fri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. ( EST)

800-435-4343 | w w goni


What is the doctrine of election all about?

Willing to Believe [ Teaching Series ]

[ book ]

Chosen by God [ book ] [ Teaching Series ]

by R.C. Sproul

by R.C. Sproul

This series looks at different views regarding free will throughout history, and it demonstrates how certain people undermine the gospel and obscure what the Bible teaches us about the nature of our freedom.

In Chosen by God, Dr. Sproul shows how election is entirely compatible with human freedom, dignity, and responsibility. This is one of Ligonier Ministries’ most popular and important series..

Wil01DC Z 3 DVDs Z (Retail $60) $48 Wil01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80

CHO02DC Z 2 DVDS Z (Retail $30) $24

Wil01U Z Study Guide Z $8

CHO02CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20

Wil01BP Z PAPERBACK, 219 PAGES Z (Retail $17) $13.60

CHO02U Z Study Guide Z $6 CHO02BP Z PAPERBACK, 213 Pages Z (Retail $13) $10.40 CHO02BPp Z Pocket, 213 Pages Z (Retail $5) $4 CHO02BPS Z Spanish PRBK, 147 Pages Z (Retail $10) $8

The Bondage of the Will [ book ] by Martin Luther This classic work by the Reformer Martin Luther illustrates the bondage of the will to sin apart from the grace of God. BON01BP Z PAPERBACK, 322 PAGES Z (Retail $17) $13.60

Predestination [ teaching series ] by R.C. Sproul In this series, Dr. Sproul discusses the biblical teaching on God’s sovereign work of salvation. Ten 25-minute messages

God’s Greater Glory [ book ] b y B r u c e Wa r e

PRE02CC Z 4 CDS Z (Retail $31) $24.80

Providence: God in Control [ Teaching Series ]

Contrary to popular belief, Calvinism does not deny the free will of human beings. This book looks at the relationship between God’s sovereignty and our decisions, explaining how divine control is compatible with human freedom.

by R.C. Sproul

GOD21BP Z PAPERBACK, 256 PAGES Z (Retail. $18) $14.40

PRE02U Z Study Guide Z $8

How can God be in control of everything that happens and yet not be responsible for evil? How does His sovereignty relate to my freedom? These questions and many others are explored in this in-depth look at God’s providence by Dr. Sproul. Fifteen 23-minute messages. PRO03CC Z 5 CDS Z (Retail $38) $30.40



The Invisible Hand

The Gospel of God

book by R.C. Sproul

book by R.C. Sproul

How can I know the Bible is true?

The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible

by R.C. Sproul

[ book ] b y B . B . Wa r f i e l d

Knowledge is the best defense against attacks on the inerrancy of the Bible. Scripture Alone includes some of Dr. Sproul’s most influential writings on the subject of biblical authority..

As a Reformed, Evangelical scholar he approached the Scriptures as authoritative. This volume is a collection of his writings on this topic of Biblical authority. He approaches the ideas of inspiration, oracles of God, and Canonicity. Some of his greatest writings are found here, useful for all who wish to defend the Scriptures in a modern, critical world.

SCR01BH Z Hardcover, 210 pages Z (Retail $16) $12.80

INS06BH Z Hardcover 458 pages Z (Retail $27) $21.60

Hath God Said? [ teaching series ]

War on the Word: 2002 National Conference

by R.C. Sproul

[ Teaching

This series defends the infallibility of Scripture and explains why Scripture is the standard of truth in the world. HAT01DC Z 2 DVDS Z (Retail $30) $24 HAT01CC Z 3 CDs Z (Retail $24) $19.20 HAT01U Z study guide Z $8

by R.C. Sproul In this series, Dr. Sproul explains the meaning of biblical inerrancy and demonstrates why this doctrine is vital to the health of the church. THU01cc Z 6 CDs Z (Retail $45)



b y Va r i o u s

Drs. R.C. Sproul, John MacArthur, Robert Godfrey, Erwin Lutzer, Sinclair Ferguson, R.C. Sproul Jr. and Ken Jones discuss various issues related to the understanding and defense of sacred Scripture. Demonstrating how the Word of God is under attack, they explain that the assault comes from both inside and outside the church, as those outside claim that Scripture is not the Word of God and those inside fail to handle the Word aright. ORL02DC Z 4 DVDS Z (Retail $85) $68 ORL02CC Z 15 CDS Z (Retail $65) $52



The Canon of Scripture

book by Norman Geisler, editor

book by F.F. Bruce

800 -4 3 5- 434 3 | www.ligo nier. org

Thus Says the Lord [ Teaching Series ]

Series ]

resour c e c onsultants available M on.–F ri. be twee n 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. (EST)

Scripture Alone [ book ]


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The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards [ book ]


by S t e ve n J. L aw s o n In this Long Line Profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith. Lawson examines Edwards’ life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion, which cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. Drawing on Edwards’ writings, as well as scholarly accounts of Edwards’ life and thought, Lawson shows how Edwards sought to live out these lofty goals he set for his walk with Christ. In Edwards’ example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers. UNW01BH Z Hardcover, 170 pages Z (Retail $16)

SEE ALSO ON LIGONIER.ORG: God’s Law and the Christian CD by R.C. Sproul

Profiles of the Reformation CD by R.C. Sproul

Handout Church History MP3 DVD by John Gerstner


Foundations of Grace [ book ] b y S t e v e n J . L a w s o n

The Church in History [ book ] b y B . K . Ku i p e r

From Genesis to Revelation, more than forty authors over a period of fifteen hundred years wrote the transcendent truths of God’s sovereignty in man’s salvation. As a result, the Bible in its entirety teaches that God saves sinners — the Father choosing His elect, the Son redeeming these chosen ones, and the Spirit calling, regenerating, and preserving them throughout all the ages to come.

The Church in History is an introduction to church history that provides an exploration of the events and persons who have profoundly shaped the people of God. In concise, readable chapters, this work analyzes such important events as the Council of Nicaea, the Protestant Reformation, the Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy, and others that help us understand why the Western church is in the position that it is today.

FOU04bh Z Hardcover, 577 pages Z (Retail $28) $22.40

CHU05BP Z PAPERBACK, 412 PAGES Z (Retail $26) $20.80

Watch an interview with Steven J. Lawson online at

The Reformation [ book ] b y S t e p h e n J . N i c h o l s

Confessions [ book ]

Stephen J. Nichols takes a key period in time, the Reformation, and presents its major players in an original way. From Martin Luther, a simple monk who wielded the mallet, to kings and queens, this book goes behind the scenes to uncover the human side of these larger-than-life reformers.

b y S a i n t Au g u s t i n e

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The Confessions of Bishop Augustine of Hippo reveal one man’s weaknesses, desires, and sin as well as his repentance and conversion. This is one of the church’s timeless works on Christian living, obedience, and conversion. CON03BP Z Paperback 347 pages Z (REG $10) $8

What does Scripture say about the end-times?

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From Age to Age [


book ]

by Keith Mathison

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“If you read, meditate on, and inwardly digest the content of this book, you will have a deeper, richer, and fresher appreciation for the greatest story ever told.” — Michael Horton

The Last Days According to Jesus [ teaching series ] [ book ] by R.C. Sproul

Postmillennialism [ book ] b y K e i t h M a t h i s o n

POS01BP Z Paperback, 287 pages Z (Retail $15) $12

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Postmillennialism has made a comeback in our day as Christians look for an eschatological framework that emphasizes the power of the Gospel. This book is a helpful introduction to postmillennialism.

Bible study groups all over the United states are studying the events that surround the end of the world. This series is a great resource for helping groups understand that our interpretation of matters like the millennium, the antichrist, and the rapture must be grounded in the original intent of the biblical authors. LAS01DC Z 2 DVDs Z (Retail $60) $48 LAS01CC Z 4 CDs Z (Retail $31) $24.80 LAS01U Z study guide Z $8 LAS01BP Z Paperback, 298 pages Z (Retail $17) $13.60

When Shall These Things Be? [ book ] b y K e i t h M a t h i s o n ( E d i t o r ) In this volume, edited by Dr. Keith A. Mathison, several Reformed scholars contribute essays refuting the position of hyper-preterism. Contributors include Chuck Hill, Simon Kistemaker, Robert Strimple and others. WHE06BP Z PAPERBACK, 416 PAGES Z (Retail$18) $14.40

SEE ALSO ON LIGONIER.ORG: A Case for Amillennialism book by Kim Riddlebarger


Index |

A ll L ig o ni e r R e s o u rc e s

Biblical Studies Amazing Love BK Ask R.C. 2007 CD Babe in the Manger CD, MP3 The Beatitudes CD, MP3 Biblical Theology BK The Big Book of Questions and Answers About Jesus BK The Big Book of Questions and Answers BK

Key | BK = Book, SG = Study Guide, MU = Music

The Christmas Story CD, MP3

The Life of Joseph CD, MP3

Wisdom CD, MP3

Discovering God’s Will BK

Coming of the Messiah CD, MP3

The Life of David CD, MP3

The Word of God in English BK

The Discipline of Grace BK

The Coming of the Kingdom BK

Look to the Rock BK

Creation and Change BK

Luke Lifechange BK

Christian Living

The Drama of Redemption CD, MP3, SG

Matthew Henry NIV Commentary BK

Abortion CD, MP3, DVD, SG

Dust To Glory CD, MP3, DVD, SG

The Messiah is Born CD, MP3

The Abolition of Man BK

Ecclesiastes CD, MP3

The Method of Grace CD

All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes BK

The Enemy Within BK

English Standard Version Bible BK

Mining For Wisdom BK

Anger CD, MP3

Evangelism and Missions SG

English-Spanish Parallel Bible BK

New Geneva Study Bible BK

Art and the Bible BK

Evangelical Ethics BK

The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment BK Does Prayer Change Things? BK Dual Citizens: Worship and Life between the Already and the Not Yet BK

Ephesians Lifechange BK

The Origin of Paul’s Religion BK

The Assurance of Salvation CD, MP3, DVD, SG

The Evil of Evils BK

The Epistles of John BK

Parables of Jesus CD, MP3

Assured By God BK

The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit BK

Essential Commentaries for a Preacher’s Library BK

The Pathway to Freedom BK

Believing God BK

Family Practice BK

Face to Face with Jesus CD, MP3, SG

Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free BK

Biblical Economics BK

The Family Worship Book BK

Boice Expositional Commentary: Philippians BK

First Peter CD, MP3

Pocket Companion Bible BK

Bound for Glory BK

Fathers and Sons Stand Fast In the

Boice Expositional Commentary:

Footprints of the Fisherman BK

The Prayer of the Lord BK

Boys and Girls Playing BK

Boice Expositional Commentary 14 Set Series 27 Volumes BK Boice Expositional Commentary: The Epistles of John BK

From Heaven with Love CD, MP3

Promises CD, MP3

Boice Expositional Commentary: Acts BK

Galatians BK

The Promise Keeper:

Boice Expositional Commentary: Ephesians BK

Galatians MP3

Boice Expositional Commentary:

Genesis DVD

The Sermon On The Mount BK

The Minor Prophets, Volumes 1-2 BK Boice Expositional Commentary:

The Genesis Debate BK God With Us BK

God of the Covenants CD, MP3, DVD, SG Psalm 51 CD, MP3 The Purpose of God: An Exposition of Ephesians BK

Building a Christian Conscience CD, MP3, DVD, SG Building on the Rock BK Can I Know God’s Will? BK Can Man Live Without God? BK The Case for Family Worship BK

God in Space and Time CD, MP3

Putting the Truth to Work BK

Boice Expositional Commentary: Joshua BK

The Gospel of God - Romans BK

The Reformation Study Bible BK

A Christian Directory BK

Boice Expositional Commentary:

Great Men and Women of the Bible MP3, SG

Romans Lifechange BK

Christian Education CD, MP3

Great Men to Live By CD, MP3

Salvation Through Judgment and Mercy BK

Christian Ethics CD, MP3

The Hard Sayings of the Apostles CD, MP3

Sammy and His Shepherd BK

Christmas Messages CD, MP3

The Hard Sayings of Jesus CD, MP3

The Sermon on the Mount BK

Christ in Easter BK

Genesis Volumes 1-3 BK

The Gospel of Matthew Volumes 1-2 BK Boice Expositional Commentary: Nehemiah BK Boice Expositional Commentary: The Gospel of John Volumes 1-5 BK Boice Expositional Commentary: Psalms Volumes 1-3 BK Boice Expositional Commentary: Romans Volumes 1-4 BK Boice Expositional Commentary: Daniel BK The Book of Ephesians CD, MP3 The Book of Nehemiah CD, MP3 The Book of Acts MP3 Calvin’s Teaching on Job BK Charity and its Fruits BK Choosing a Bible BK The Christ of the Covenants BK The Christ of the Prophets BK

Christian Marriage CD, MP3

The Hard Sayings of the Prophets CD, MP3

A Tale of Three Kings CD

The Christian Imagination BK

The Hard Sayings of the Bible CD, MP3

The Ten Commandments BK

The Christian Lover BK

Hebrews Lifechange BK

Themes from Deuteronomy CD, MP3

Church and State CD, MP3, SG

Highlights From Romans CD, MP3

Themes from Ecclesiastes MP3, SG

Confessions of St. Augustine BK

How to Enjoy Your Bible BK

Themes From James CD, MP3

Conduct for the Crayon Crowd BK

Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible BK

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus BK

Conflict with Iraq: A Just Cause for War? MP3

Introduction to Wisdom Literature CD, MP3

TNIV Gender Neutral Bible Controversy BK

Cultural Revolution CD, MP3

James Lifechange BK

Triumph of The Lamb - Commentary

Dealing with Difficult Problem CD, MP3, SG

Jerusalem Decree CD, MP3 Jonah CD, MP3 Knowing Scripture CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG Knowing Christ: The I AM Sayings CD, MP3, SG The Life of Jesus CD, MP3, SG

on Revelation BK Twelve Ordinary Men BK A Walk with God: An Exposition of Luke’s Gospel BK What’s in the Bible? BK

Deliver Us From Evil BK Depression: A Stubborn Darkness BK Desiring God CD, BK Developing Christian Character CD, MP3, SG Devotions From the Pen of Jonathan Edwards BK

Way of Truth BK Fathers and Sons Hold Fast in a Broken World BK The Fear of God BK Five Things Every Christian Should Know CD, MP3, SG Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow BK The Fruitful Life BK Future Men BK God’s Law and the Christian CD, MP3, SG God’s High Calling for Women BK God of the Storm CD God Is the Gospel BK God-Centred Evangelism BK A Golden Treasury of Puritan Devotion BK Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life BK A Good Start BK Gospel Life Book Package BK Gospel Fear BK Gospel Reconciliation BK Gospel Remission BK Gospel Worship BK Gospel Conversation BK Gospel Revelation BK The Gospel Ministry BK Grace and Its Fruits BK A Grief Observed BK Grow in Grace BK

For more information, please visit or call 800-435-4343

Guilt and Forgiveness CD, MP3

Oaths and Vows CD, MP3, SG

Standing in Grace BK

Handout Church History MP3 DVD, SG

Born Again CD, MP3

A Heart For God BK

Onward Christian Soldiers BK

Striving Against Satan BK

Heroes of the Christian Faith CD, MP3

The Bride of Christ CD, MP3, SG

Heart Aflame: Daily Readings from Psalms BK

Holiness: 2001 National Conference DVD

Suffering and the Sovereignty of God BK

Here I Stand BK

By Faith Alone BK

Healthy Christian Growth BK

5 Keys to Spiritual Growth:

A Taste of Heaven BK

John Calvin: His Life and Influence BK

The Canon of Scriptures BK

2005 National Conference CD, MP3, DVD

Thanksgiving CD, MP3

Jonathan and Sarah: An Uncommon Union BK

A Case for Amillennialism BK

Homosexuality CD, MP3

Overcoming the World BK

Thoughts on Family Worship BK

Jonathan Edwards: A Guided Tour of His Life

Celebrating the Sabbath BK

Hope BK

O Worship the King BK

To All The Saints of God BK

Humility: True Greatness BK

Persecuted Church CD, MP3

To the Rising Generation BK

John Owen on the Christian Life BK

The Hunger for Significance BK

Pilgrim’s Progress BK

To Whom Much is Given CD, MP3

Listener’s Here I Stand CD

Christianity and Liberalism BK

Improve Your Prayer Life II BK

Pleasing God CD, MP3, DVD, SG

Training Up Children CD, MP3, SG

The Making of the Protestant Reformation CD

The Christian Life BK

In Christ Alone BK

Prayer CD, MP3, SG

Transforming Grace BK

Martin Luther: A Guided Tour of His Life

Intercede for and with Your Family BK

Praying the Saviour’s Way BK

Training Hearts, Teaching Minds BK

and Thought BK

Heirs With Christ : The Puritans on Adoption BK

and Thought BK

Children of the Living God BK Chosen by God CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Church Leadership SG The Church BK

The Intimate Marriage CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Pressing into the Kingdom BK

A Treatise on Earthly Mindedness BK

Meet the Puritans BK

Invigorate Your Church BK

The Priest with Dirty Clothes CD, MP3, BK

The Truth War BK

New Testament History BK

Irenicum: Healing Divisions BK

Principles of Conduct BK

Unless You Repent BK

Profiles of the Reformation CD, MP3

City Of God BK

J. Gresham Machen’s The Gospel in the

The Problem of Pain BK

The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards BK

Reformation Sketches BK

The Classic Collection CD, MP3

The Valley of Vision CD, BK

The Reformation BK

Communion of Saints CD, MP3

The Pursuit of Holiness BK

Walking as He Walked BK

Reformation Heroes BK

Contemporary Theology CD, MP3

The Puritan Pulpit: Jonathan Edwards BK

Warfare Witness BK

Seeking a Better Country BK

Joy CD, MP3

The Puritan Pulpit: Thomas Watson BK

What Jesus Demands from the World BK

Keeping in Step with the Spirit CD, MP3

The Puritan Pulpit: James Ussher BK

What is a Healthy Church Member? BK


The King Without a Shadow CD, MP3, BK

The Quest for Meekness and Quietness

When You Rise Up BK

Above All Earthly Pow’rs BK

Created in God’s Image BK The Cross of Christ CD, MP3, SG Crucifixion CD

Modern World BK Jonathan Edwards’ Resolutions and Advice to Young Converts BK

Knowing God’s Will CD, MP3

The Psalms and Hymns of Isaac Watts BK

of Spirit BK

When You Pray BK

After Darkness, Light BK

Leadership for Women in the Church BK

Reasons for Duty BK

When the Darkness Will Not Lift BK

Chosen by God: 2005 Akron Conference CD

Leadership CD, MP3

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning BK

The Will of God CD, MP3

Chosen By God:

The Lightlings CD, BK

Recovering the Beauty of the Arts

The Wisdom of Counsel CD, MP3

Listener’s Sinners in the Hands


of an Angry God CD

The Reformed Pastor BK

Living By Faith CD, MP3

Religious Affections BK

The Lord’s Prayer CD, MP3

Respectable Sins BK

Love CD, MP3

The Role of Women in the Church CD

Love in Hard Places BK

Running the Race BK

Love, Sex, and Marriage: A Biblical Guide BK

Serving the King BK

Making Tough Moral Decisions CD, MP3, SG

Sex Within a Context CD

Making the Most of Your Devotional Life BK

A Simple Way to Pray BK

A Marvelous Ministry BK

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God BK

Meaning For Men CD, MP3

Singing and Making Music BK

A Method For Prayer BK

Small Talks on Big Questions BK

Modern Fascism BK

The Soul’s Quest For God BK

The Mortification of Sin BK

The Spirit of Revival BK

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church BK

Spiritual Desertion BK

2008 Alaska Discovery Cruise MP3

The Church: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Book BK

Counted Righteous in Christ BK The Courage to Be Protestant BK Covenant Baptism: Marked For Life CD, MP3, SG

Cults and the Occult BK The Cross of Christ: 2007 Dallas Conference MP3

With Reverence and Awe BK

Almighty Over All Book BK

The Death of Death in the Death of Christ BK

Women’s Ministry in the Local Church BK

Altogether Lovely Book BK

The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God BK

Worship CD, MP3, SG

Angels CD, MP3

Dispensationalism BK

Worthy is the Lamb BK

Angels and Demons CD, MP3, SG

Disputations on Holy Scripture BK

Worldview & Culture Teaching Series CD

The Apostles’ Creed CD, MP3

Discovering the God Who Is BK

Ashamed of the Gospel CD, BK

The Doctrine of Christ CD, MP3

Atheism REMIX BK

The Doctrine of Scripture CD, MP3

The Atonement of Jesus CD, MP3

The Early Writings of John Gerstner I BK

Church History Art for God’s Sake BK The Church in History BK Contending for Our All BK Jonathan Edwards Evangelist BK Evangelicalism Divided BK Giants of the Christian Faith SG A God Entranced Vision of All Things BK

The Attributes of God CD, MP3, SG

The Early Writings of John Gerstner II BK

Back to Basics: Reformed Faith BK

Jonathan Edwards: A Mini-Theology BK

Baptism Debate CD, MP3

Essential Truths of the Christian Faith CD, MP3, BK

Basic Training CD, MP3, SG

Eternal Security CD, MP3, SG

Becoming Conversant with the

Explaining Inerrancy BK

Emerging Church BK The Bondage of the Will BK

Index |

A ll L ig o ni e r R e s o u rc e s

Theology (cont.) The Expository Genius of John Calvin BK Faith Alone BK Faith: The Evidence Of Things Unseen CD, MP3, SG The Cross of Christ:

Key | BK = Book, SG = Study Guide, MU = Music

Hard to Believe BK

Kingdom Feast CD, MP3, SG

2006 Pastors Conference CD, MP3

A Tale of Two Sons BK

Has Science Got Rid of God? BK

The Last Days According to Jesus

2007 Pastors Conference MP3

Theology in Dialogue BK


2008 Pastors Conference MP3

Through Western Eyes BK

Heaven CD, MP3, SG

Let the Nations be Glad BK

Pastors Conferences, Best of 2003-2006 MP3

Through the Looking Glass BK

Jonathan Edwards on Heaven and Hell BK

Living for God’s Glory:

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit CD, MP3

Thus Says the Lord CD, MP3

The Person of Christ BK

Together for the Gospel 2006 DVD

Hath God Said CD, MP3, DVD, SG

The Heidelberg Catechism BK

An Introduction to Calvinism BK

The Heidelberg Catechism: A Study Guide BK

Losing Our Virtue BK

Pleasing God in Our Worship BK

Together for the Gospel 2008 DVD

Hell CD, MP3, SG

Loved by God CD, MP3

Postmillennialism BK

Total Depravity CD, MP3

Here We Stand BK

The Majesty of Christ CD, MP3, SG

Predestination CD, MP3, SG

A Treatise of Effectual Calling and Election BK

Famine in the Land BK

The Holiness of God CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Meaning of the Gospel CD, MP3

Preachers and Preaching CD, MP3

Treatises on the Sacraments BK

Fear and Trembling CD, MP3, DVD, SG

The Holiness of God Spanish BK

The Mystery of the Trinity CD, MP3, DVD, SG

Preaching The Cross BK

The True Believer BK

Fear Not! BK

The Holiness of God Extended Version CD, MP3

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit BK

A Primer Roman Catholicism BK

Truths We Confess Vol 1-3 BK

The Federal Vision and Covenant Theology BK

The Holy Spirit BK

The Mystery of the Lord’s Supper BK

Primitive Theology BK

The Truth of the Cross BK

Feed My Sheep:

The Holy Spirit CD, MP3, SG

Names of God CD, MP3

The Prince’s Poison Cup CD, BK

Understanding the Gospel CD, MP3

Holy Scripture CD, MP3

Names of Jesus CD, MP3

The Providence of God CD, MP3, SG

An Unexpected Journey BK

The Final Word BK

Holy Boldness CD

No Place For Truth or Whatever Happened

Providence: God in Control CD, MP3

The Unexpected Jesus BK

The Five Points of Calvinism BK

The Holy Trinity BK

Questions and Answers on

The Urban Face of Missions BK

The Five Dilemmas of Calvinism BK

The Holy Spirit: His Gifts and Power BK

Foundations CD, MP3, DVD, SG

The Holy Spirit Extended Version CD, MP3

Foundations of the Christian Faith BK

Chosen by God:

2006 Fall Conference Series CD, MP3 The Sovereignty of God: 2007 Fall Conference Series CD, MP3

A Passionate Plea for Preaching CD, BK

to Evangelical Theory BK Nothing But the Truth BK

the Shorter Catechism BK

The Wages of Spin BK

Now That’s a Good Question BK

Redemption Accomplished and Applied BK

Faith Alone: 2003 Washington D.C. Conference CD

On Being a Pastor BK

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination BK

The Westminster Confession of Faith

One Holy Passion CD, MP3, SG

Reformed Confessions Harmonized BK

Inerrancy BK

Only One Way? BK

Renewing Your Mind BK

The Westminster Confession: A Commentary BK

From Age to Age BK

Institutes of Elenctic Theology, 3 Volumes BK

The Power and Glory: 2003 National Conference

Repentance CD, MP3, SG

The Westminster Confession Into the

The Future of Justification BK

The Institutes of Christian Religion BK

Foundations of Grace BK The Freedom of the Will BK

2003 Houston Conference CD

Getting The Gospel Right BK

Institutes of Christian Religion, 2 Volumes BK

Given For You Book BK

The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible BK

Give Praise to God BK

An Introduction to the

The Glory of Christ BK The Glory of Christ BK The Glory of Heaven BK The God We Worship CD, MP3, DVD, SG God Alone CD, MP3, DVD, SG God’s Greater Glory BK God in the Wasteland BK God The Real Superpower BK The Gospel According To Jesus BK The Grace of Repentance BK Great Themes in Puritan Preaching BK Handout Theology SG The Hand of God BK

Heidelberg Catechism BK Introducing Covenant Theology BK The Invisible Hand BK The Israel of God BK I Will Build My Church CD Jesus the Evangelist BK Jesus Blood and Righteousness BK Jesus Loves the Little Children BK John Calvin: A Heart for Devotion, Doctrine, & Doxology BK Justified by Faith Alone CD, MP3, BK, SG Justification by Faith Alone BK Justification by Faith Alone BK Justification BK

CD, MP3, DVD A Portrait of God: 2004 National Conference CD, MP3, DVD Bought With a Price: 2006 National Conference CD, MP3, DVD Evangelism According to Jesus: 2008 National Conference CD, MP3, DVD The Holiness of God: 2009 National Conference CD, MP3, DVD Our Great and Glorious God BK Our Sovereign God BK Out of the Ivory Palaces CD, MP3 Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2003 Pastors Conference CD Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2004 Pastors Conference CD, MP3 Overcoming the Eclipse of God: 2005 Pastors Conference CD, MP3

R.C. Sproul Digital Library CD

and Catechisms BK

21st Century BK

Roman Catholicism CD, MP3

Westminster Dictionary Of Theological Terms BK

The Sacraments CD, MP3, SG

What Christian Parents Should Know about

One Holy Passion: 2003 Santa Ana Conference CD The Invisible Hand: 2004 San Diego Conference CD

Infant Baptism BK What is Reformed Theology? CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Saved From What? BK

What is the Gospel? CD, MP3

Scripture Alone BK

Whatever Happened to the Reformation? BK

The Invisible Hand:

What is the Christian Worlview? BK

2004 Seattle Conference CD, MP3 Selected Shorter Writings 2 Volume BK The Seven Wonders of the World BK

Whatever Happened to Hell? BK What’s So Great About the Doctrines of Grace? BK

A Shattered Image CD, MP3, SG

What is the Reformed Faith? BK

The Shape of Sola Scriptura BK

When Shall These Things Be? BK

The Sovereignty of God BK

Where in the World is the Church? BK

Chosen by God: 2005 St. Louis Conference CD

Who is Jesus? BK

Systematic Theology (Berkhof) BK

Why Have You Forsaken Me? CD

Systematic Theology (Hodge) BK

Why I Am Not an Arminian BK

For more information, please visit or call 800-435-4343

Willing to Believe CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Glory to the Holy One BK

Praise God In His Sanctuary MU

Gloria MU

A Primer on Apologetics BK

Worldview & Culture

The Glorious Sounds of Christmas MU

Psalms of Scotland MU

The Alphabet of Revelation MU

The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back BK

The Psychology of Atheism CD, MP3

Answering Islam BK

God in the Manger MU

Puritan Sketches MU

Apologetics of the Early Church CD, MP3

God of Grace and Glory MU

Reason to Believe BK

Battle For Our Minds CD, MP3, SG

God at Work BK

Reading Between the Lines BK

The Battle For the Beginning BK

Go To the Ant CD

The Real Face of Atheism BK

A Blueprint For Thinking CD, MP3, SG

Handout Apologetics SG

Silencing the Devil CD, MP3, DVD, SG

Choosing My Religion CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Handel’s Messiah: The Complete Work MU

Simple Gifts MU

Christian Worldview CD, MP3, DVD, SG

A Harp Noel CD

State of the Arts BK

Christian Mind CD, MP3

How Should I Live in this World? BK

Surprised By Suffering CD, MP3, SG

Christmas Celebration MU

Hymns for a Kid’s Heart, Volumes 1-2 BK

The Taubl Family Classics MU

Christmas in Kiev MU

Hymn Scenes MU

Tearing Down Strongholds CD, MP3, BK, SG

A Christmas Legacy CD

If There’s a God, Why are There Atheists? BK

This Light so Fair MU

Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart BK

Is Jesus the Only Savior? BK

A Thousand Voices CD

Christian Evidences CD, MP3

Islam and Violence MP3

Three Views on Creation and Evolution BK

Christ & Culture Revisited BK

Jesus Among Other Gods BK

Trinity Hymnal BK

The Church Triumphant Volume 1 MU

Joy for Every Age MU

Truth CD, MP3

The Church Triumphant Volume 2 MU

Lifeviews BK

True Religion CD, MP3

The Church Triumphant Volume I & II MU

Ligonier Music Sampler MU

Ultimate Issues CD, MP3, DVD, BK

City of God CD, MP3

Light All Around MU

Veni Domine MU

City of Man CD, MP3

Ligonier Sinfonia:

Wayfaring Stranger MU

Classical Apologetics BK

Music of the High Baroque 1700-1750 MU

We Hold These Truths MU

Logic BK

Westminster Brass Anniversary Edition MU

The Consequences of Ideas CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Loving God with all Your Mind BK

What Wondrous Love is This BK

Creation or Chaos CD, MP3, SG

A Meaningful World BK

Whatever Happened to Truth? BK

The Cross and the Crescent CD, MP3

Mere Christianity BK

When Worlds Collide CD, MP3, BK

Dancing Day MU

Not a Chance BK

When Morning Gilds the Skies BK

The Dark Side of Islam CD, MP3, BK

Objections Answered CD, MP3, SG

Why Can’t I See God? CD

Defending Your Faith CD, MP3, DVD, BK, SG

Of the Father’s Love MU

Worldviews in Conflict CD, MP3

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O Lord Most Holy MU

The Word Became Flesh MU

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Upsetting The World:

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2 0 0 9 Wes t C oas t C on f e re n c e Is There Life After Death? September 25–26, 2009 | Seattle, Wash. R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Michael Horton

2 0 0 9 P a c i f i c N or t h w e s t C r u i s e The Importance of the Church September 28–October 2, 2009 | Sails from Seattle, Wash. R.C. Sproul, Michael Horton

2 0 0 9 M in i s t r y L e ad e r s h i p C on f e re n c e Pillars of the Christian Faith October 20–22, 2009 | Orlando, Fla. R.C. Sproul, Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Steven Lawson

2 0 1 0 W i n t e r C o n f e re n c e a t L igo nier A c ad e my Suffering and the Sovereignty of God January 22–23, 2010 | Sanford, Fla. R.C. Sproul, Derek Thomas

2 0 1 0 Wes t C oas t C on f e re n c e Christless Christianity March 26–27, 2010 | Los Angeles, Calif. R.C. Sproul, Michael Horton, John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul Jr.

2 0 1 0 Na t i on al C on f e re n c e

Tough Questions Christians Face June 17–19, 2009 | Orlando, Fla. R.C. Sproul, Alistair Begg, Michael Horton, Steven Lawson, Albert Mohler, Burk Parsons, John Piper, R.C. Sproul Jr., Derek Thomas


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