Li gubai portforlio 2013 2014

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Li Gubai 李顾柏 Birth: City:

1988-08-10 ChangZhou, China

Email: Phone: +31 6 1504 2521

Education: 2013.9 - 2017.7 MASTER DEGREE (processing): Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg. (Netherlands) _ ARCHITECTURE 2011.9 - 2013.7 MASTER DEGREE: Avans st.joost academy in Breda. (Netherlands) _ INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE 2007.10 - 2011.7 BACHELOR DEGREE: University of science and techology of Suzhou. ( China) _ INTERIOR DESIGN

Working experience: 2013. 4 - 2014.7 2011. 10 - 2012.4 2010. 6 - 2010.10 2009. 7 - 2010.1

Now UARCHITECTS in Eindhoven ( intern) Boonstra - van Kruysbergen architecten, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands (intern) Beijing Yuanzhou interior design company (intern) Beijing Kuoda interior design company (intern)

Workshops: 2014.1 “Gebiedsontwikkeling onder nieuwe condities” in Maastricht. 2012.1 “Spaces of trust” – Masterclass on “safe space concept” for NAC Football stadium in Breda, The Netherlands.

Theoretical Research: 2012.11 - 2013. 7 “Beijing quadrangle house and the connection with contemporary Chinese apartment blocks living condition.”

Competitions: 2013.7 Member of competition New Brede school in Uithuizen (second price) 2013.4 Member of competition Lindenau port (second price)

Skills: 2D: AI, ID, PS, CAD. 3D: 3DMAX, SKETCHUP, RHINO, GRASSHOPPER, V-ray render plugin.

My name is Li Gubai come from

I am a interior

architect , graduated in a master degree from AKV St.Joost academy in Breda. I am now studying in the FHK, MA+U fontys academy in Tilburg, Architecture, I successfully finished the first year. During my studies in The Netherlands, I worked as an interne in two offices, where I gained a lot of skills and experiences. Now I am looking for a new starting point, therefor I am looking for a new enviroment and new challenges. It is for this reason I am interested to find a position/

internship position in your office. I have strong traditional Chinese background and very fascinated by Eastern Asian traditional architecture and mentality. My graduation research was about Chinese contemporary living conditions. In my future professional position, I would like to build up the bridge between

Western European and Eastern Asian , more specific, the Chinese market and architecture. I graduated as a Master and a bachelor from Art and Design schools, so I am interested in and experienced research, designing, competitions. I also would like to learn more about building practice, construction and technics. It will take another 3 years before I graduate from FHK MA+U academy, I would be very pleased to learn and experience more about Dutch architecture in your office. (and also connect with my country)

Li Gubai 李顾柏





Beijing quadrangle house characteristics research and the connection with contemporary chinese living condition.

Huai de yuan apartment reconstruction ------ exprimental project of Beijing quadrangle research

New Chinese living condition suppose


3D MAZE: Utrecht canal Hotel design


SHADOW CREATER --- Pinecone: Ecological design: Pinecone windows filter

No.2 Candy room

No.6 Cofe room

No.5 Fridge dold drink area

No.8 toliet

sky glasses


PARAMETRIC ONION: Gas station design in Tilburg ------ Parametric design changable construction size depends on function.


MOON LIGHT STATION: Gas station extra function design in highway A58,Liesbos Different desity structure compose different level of privacy.

Tliburg Gas station ONION 2.0


BREDE SCHOOL IN UITHUIZEN: Practice competition in Uarchitects architecture office


ZAASTAD SPORTS CENTER: interior color proposal & furniture proposal

Practice project in Uarchitects


No.1 No.3 Storage room Casher

2.5 DIMENSION KUNSTHAL MUSEUM: Different architectual angles explaination of the Kunsthal museum, Rotterdam

No.4 Snack, drinks....

No.7 Somking area

Graduation research : Beijing quadrangle house characteristics research and the connection with contemporary chinese living condition. 2013. 7_Avans St.Joost academy in Breda

Nowadays, China is developing incredibly to become one of the biggest countries in the world. The Issues like "Huge population", "One child policy", "Aged society". "Unbalanced income" have been concered as very important topics in contemporary Chinese society. "Lonely","Lacking of time to spend with family", "High living and economic pressure" are very offen to discrible different age classes and society levels especially in the low income society group. Living condition is one of the most important element concerns within common people's life. It represents the Chinese current life quality especially under Chinas huge and dense population. An aged society (elderly generation), High living pressure (middle generation, young worker), Lack of communication (all generations) these 3 aspects are my research topics of Chinese current living conditions, inspired by Chinese traditional living conditions in Quadrangle houses.


We s t e r n q u d r a n g l e house ditrict ChangAn Street

Tian An Men Forbideen city

Eastern qudrangle house ditrict

Beijing Hutong distribution

The Quadrangle house is one of the traditional living units in China. It is very representative to the Chinese traditional way of living (and its history). Quadrangle living unit is composed by four houses, orientated to the North, South, East and West. There is a big open yard in the center of the whole building complex. It is the ‘communication’ place where all generations of the family meet, the center where housekeeping activities take place. It is both a relatively private space within the residential area and a public space within the house.


Quadrangle house


Function space (kitchen, toilet) living room and bedroom

Hutongs are narrow streets connecting to each quadrangle house and in the same time Hutongs connect whole Beijing city. Hutong in an architecture language is very difficult to define, it can be " a shopping mall", "a laundry", " a toilet", "a bathroom", "a teahouse", "a storage", " kids playground", "the Hair dresser's" ........ Hutong as a social playground offers different people spending time together. It is a society " Living room" as we say nowadays - " Semi - public space".


Public zone

Living zone

Public zone

Family public zoon

Family public zoon

Family public zoon

Family public zoon


Family public zoon

Family public zoon

Family public zoon

Family public zoon

Living zone combining public zone.

Traditional quadrangles and Hutong

New situation: Hutong combine with quadrangles

Traditional quadrangle house and Hutong in the old Beijing city present a private space and a public space. It is a very traditional way of living in terms of social life, family life and so on.

Traditional quadrangle house and Hutong in the old Beijing city presented a private space and a public space. It is a very traditional way of living in all aspects. Based on my research on the society issues such as the aged city, high pressure life, one child policy and all kinds of reasons together - my conclusion is Chinese contemporary way of living has lack of social interactions and communication. By combining the “Hutong” (public social life) with the traditional “Quadrangle house” (individual life) together is possible to improve the current Chinese living condition. This new approach can reduce loneliness of eldery people as well as share young families financial pressure.


Graduation Project : "URBAN SLAM ": Huai de yuan apartment reconstruction New Chinese living condition suppose 2013. 7_Avans St.Joost academy in Breda

Huan De Yuan #1

This is my Master graduation studio project based on my graduation research. Project is about an interior reconstruction of a common apartement building located in Chang Zhou, Eastern China. This building originally built in 1998 - a very iconic block of flats from time before opening of Chinese apartment building. Each floor has 5.5 meters height (80 meters in total) which is very important characteristics of this building. The idea of this project is to change this iconic apartment into a low income housing apartment facing the Chinese current society problems based on my graduation research. Project is combining traditional ways of living with new society condition.


1. Traditional Hutong and quadrangles

2. Family communication space + Public commnication space

private communication space

public communication space

functional space

functional space

Hutong (public space)

3. Rise private space (bedroom) to the second layer.

4. Horizontal + Verutical Hutong connect whole building

Move Hutong combine with private communication space

Verticial Hutong

functional space, half public & private space

Hutong connect through whole building.

private dwelling functional space, half public & private space

Horizontal Hutong connect through whole floor.








Breakfast, Toilet 14 +10 people will go outside for work or Breakfast, Toilet study. 14 +10 people will go outside for work or study.

Lunch Time Around 35 people spend their day within the Lunch Time building. Around 35 people spend their day within the building.

Tea time Tea,coffee time. People, especially Tea timepeople and Elderly Tea,coffee time.4 years children under People, especially old in the Hutong. Elderly people and children under 4 years old in the Hutong.










Dinner Time Almost all residents will be home. Dinner Time Family dinner in Hutong Almost all residents will be home. Family dinner in Hutong

Evening, shower time Small group of people will gather in the Evening, shower time Hutong. Small group of people will gather in the Hutong.

Night Time Public toilets still in used. Night Time Public toilets still in used.


fire escape & elevator

Vertical connction Vertical Hutong

Hutong Narrow Hutong Back street

existing ground floor plan

existing first floor plan

New Ground floor plan

New First floor plan


Entire block routine

4. Vertical visual connection 1. Elevator

Second layer/ Served/ Private layer

First layer/ Servant/ Public layer

2. Fire excape

5. Vertical Hutong/ Physical connection

3. Private dwelling orientated vertical, touching two floors (Hutong)

Main Entrance

Principle floor section

Air conditon Pipeline Water Pipeline Cookerhood Pipeline & Toilet ,Bathroom exhaust pipe

+10.500 Second layer Private small studio flat "Quadrangle house" +5.000 Ground layer Public communication space "Hutong "

Principle floor diagram 1


2 3 Second layer / Private space


5 6




11 12 15 17



Kitchen: About every 4 dwellings share one kitchen (>5m2)

14 Elevator , Fire escape

Toilet: 4 public toliet seats used by people in Hutong and 4 dwelling do not have private toilet. (38 people day time stay in the building) *<Standard for design of public toilet in city> 《城市卫生设计标准》

First layer / Public space (Hutong) / Servant

CJJ 14-2005 3.2.7

Shower room: 3 shower room for 30 people do not have individual shower room. *<Code for design of residential building> 《老年公寓住宅设计标准》 GB/T 50340 - 2003

Glass windows (5 Meters height)


"URBAN SLAM" block of flats This diagram shows whole apartment block after renovation: all floors are connected by vertical and horizontal “HuTongs” - which means the public "living rooms" are offering people social interarctions in shared spaces. There is a wide range of daily outdoor activities brought together into the new “HuTongs” such as tea houses, restaurants, chess corneres and others. There are not only "low income" social housing apartments, but also street commercial and cultural facilities joining together in the building to change apartment's isolated life into an urban scale, creating so called “Urban slum”.


2 people*3=6 2 people*3=6 For each floor For each floor 6 Middle generations 6 Middle generations


3 people*5=153 people*5=15 For each floor For each 10 floor Middle generations 10 Middle generations 30.6% 30.6% 5 Young generations 5 Young generations 20 people*14=210 Total building Total building 20 people*14=210


8 Middle generations 8 Middle generations 4 people*4=164 people*4=16 For each floor For each floor 4 Young generations 4 Young 18.8% generations 18.8% Elderly 4generations Elderly generations 16 people*14=224 Total building Total 4building 16 people*14=224


10 floor Middle generations 10 Middle generations 5 people*5=255 people*5=25 For each floor For each 5 Young generations 5 Young 25.4% generations 25.4% Elderly 10 generations Elderly generations 25 people*14=350 Total building Total 10 25 people*14=350 building



6 people*14=84 Total building Total building 6 people*14=84


2 3 4

Numbers according to the proposed plan Numbers according to the proposed plan 62 people in62 each floorin each floor people 868 people in whole building 868 people in whole building

34 14 14

Middle generations 34 Middle generations Young generations 14 Young generations Elderly 14 generations Elderly generations

Per capita living space:living 5-12 space: m2 Per capita 5-12 m2 Actual situation the apartment block Actual with situation with the apartment block 24 people in24 each floorin each floor people 336 people in whole building 336 people in whole building Per capita living space:living 32.3 space: m2 Per capita 32.3 m2

* <The research on Habitation low – income in China cities in China cities * <The research for on the Habitation for the people low – income people – A case study–on policy, urban planning & Architecture modes of low A case study on policy, urban planning & Architecture –modes of low – rented housingrented in Chongqing 龙颖 housing Metropolitan> in Chongqing Metropolitan> 龙颖 ISBN 978 -7 -112 – 12314 ISBN 978 -7 -8 -112 – 12314 -8 * China National Bureau of Statistics 2009: Chinese2009: Per capita living * China National Bureau of Statistics Chinese Per capita living space is 30 m2space (average) is 30 m2 (average) 08

This building originally has 8 groups of users on each floor. According to this project there will be 17 groups for each floor in the future. Based on higher density of people, sharing the cost for public space facilities including water, electricity, internet and aircon supplies can reduce the financial pressure. As Chinese policy: having flats less than 12 m2 per person will have finnancial support from government. All these are actually going to be much cheaper than getting a mortgage for buying a regular apartement in the city.

population density

social density

spatial phenomenon

closes gaps in isolated Chinese living conditions This project is not the only answer for the current Chinese living situation. But it could be one of the possibilities to possitively seeking for the solution of all these actual society problems.


Studio Project : "The Maze hotel ": Utrecht canal Hotel design 2014. 3_Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg

This is my studio project of a design for a hotel with a skybridge over a canal located in Utrecht. The building consist from two objects connected through bridge and the change of the facades was not allowed due to the city's policy. Except a temporary stay, hotel is a space intensively dealing with public and private interactions. The see and to be seen in hotel as a game between private and public spaces turned to be an important issue in this project. Target building

Target building

"Everybody is interested in the others private life, but meanwhile affraid of losing their own secrets and privacy." There are various angles of unexpected situations meeting your eyeview in this hotel. The user experience is full of surprise. As an experimental project a sort of 3d maze was created to reach these unexpected situations. The entire hotel is then composed from a "never ending passage" and rooms of various shapes.


structural diagram

aerial picture

location, siteplan


The whole hotel is composed from rooms of various spacial qualities. The arrangment of rooms are not following any regular routine. From the interior and the exterior, people will have different experience by meeting unexpected views and situations.


entrance Storage


exit Storage



Functional shceme

R 10


R 10










11300 0



103 0 0

9183.0 mm




7073.0 mm 3 0 0

00 0


3216.0 mm R



43 2 0

C 0000.0 mm






0000 0




( 1)

-2985.0 mm R












teel Profile

ouble glasse

polyester finishing 4mm multiplex timber panels, 18mm timber planks 27 x 45, air gap timber beam, 67 x 114mm, insulation mineral wool, 90 mm thick


win ow s

timber beam, 67 x 114mm timber planks 27 x 45, air gap multiplex timber panels, 18mm interior plaster finishing 8mm






R4 interior plaster finishing 8mm multiplex timber panels, 18mm timber beam, 67 x 114mm, insulation - mineral wool, 90 mm thick timber planks 27 x 45, air gap multiplex timber panels, 18mm polyester finishing 4mm

IPE 100

timber floor 22mm timber beams 71x171mm timber beam, 67 x 114mm, insulation - mineral wool, 90 mm thick timber planks 27 x 45, air gap multiplex timber panels, 18mm polyester finishing 4mm

Principle sky bridge

Plan 12

Exterior view

Interior view


Studio Project : SHADOW CREATER --- Pinecone: Ecological design: Pinecone windows filter 2014. 5_Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg

This is an ecology design studio project inspired by a natural sources from Dutch nation forest park. Pinecone is natural object with interesting feature of shrinking and expanding itself due to a moisture increase in its environment. This project is very directly using this natural characteristic of pinecone applied onto a window filter or facade to achieve various light qualities in the building interior. This window filter is powered only by the moisture sensitivness in the air in a very environmentally-friendly way without any chemistry elements.


0 min

12 min

20 min

35 min

42 min

50 min

1. Temperature do not effect on Pinecon's expansion or shrivel. 2. Pinecon's expansion or shrivel is controllable by portion drying or humidification.

30 min

60 min

Section of pinecone from horizontal and vertical. 15

Sunny, dry, summer In the dry condition

Cloudy, wet, winter In the moisty condition

Pinecone composed into one surface and have dynamic changes by moisture difference.

Wet pincone surface

Dry out pincone surface



Pinecone filter applied on the inside window

econe filter applied on the outside window 17

Studio Project : Stand up --- Body notation mapping ONION --- Parametric design Gas station design in Tilburg --- Parametric design 2013. 12_Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg

PHASE 1: Mapping the movement

The main aim of this project was to capture a space defined by a movement of a human body. This project was divided into 3 steps. First step was worked in groups to map and create a notation of a human body movement. My team choose the movement of sitting to standing. Mapping the motion first with a series of picture, which were afterwards developed into the 2d notation, which was carried on to recreate into a 3d maquette.

Movement map 18

PHASE 2: Parametric model making Following the step 1, the second step was to rethink the whole notation and translate it to a pavilion based on the rules of parametric design. The project was finally a sitting pavilion for people to take a rest after work. Each piece of the construction is one of the notation moment and futher more, to use this pavilion you actually need to move yourself in a same way notated in the first step - from "sitting to standing up". This model was developed in the grasshopper software for rhino.

maquette, step 2

structural diagram

pavilion located in the Chinese building site 19

PHASE 3: Parametric design- Gas station in Tilburg The third stage of this project was to create a gas station located in Tilburg south. The idea was still based on the concept of the pavilion.

Shell Gas station

BP Gas station Kempenbaan 1

The concept of this gas station was to break the traditional eyeview of people's experience about highways. This was achieved by using various distance and position between the car driving in the highway and the people resting in the gas station. This project was also applied the pamatric design by Rhino and Grasshopper 3d program.

functional diagram 20

step 2

step 3

conceptual section

No.2 Candy room

No.5 Fridge dold drink area

No.6 Cofe room

No.8 toliet

sky glasses

sky glasses

changable construction size depends on function.

changable construction size depends on function.

Different desity structure compose different level of privacy. Different desity structure compose

No.1 No.3 Storage room Casher No.1 No.3 Storage room Casher

No.4 Snack, drinks.... No.4 Snack, drinks....

No.7 Som No.7 Somking area


Gas station, night view

No.7 Somking area


Studio Project : "MOON LIGHT STATION" Gas station extra function design in highway A58,Liesbos 2012. 7_Avans St.Joost academy in Breda

This is a desing project situated in the Liesbos station near Breda alongside the A58 highway. In the new liesbos gas station, the purpose is to look for extra functions more than the original gas station.




By hearing many legends, Liesbos forrest is full of homosexual colour. Some people treat the forrest as the best cover for their secret activities during the night. Light is one of the most important elements for people when finding the right "destinations". ByA58monitoring these forrest light conditions, it is possible to modify people' s ways through the place. This means that various light condition provides different activities within the gas station design. This concept is not only aiming for providing homosexual space but is also an experimental project tring to satisfy all kinds of people's needs within one space.


During the day time, many people enjoy the nature in the forest.

During the nightl there are also people come to meet people by special reason.

Moon light create different light condition in the forest.

People during the night finding the right light condtion to fits for their needs.

People choose different light condition by themself.

Different car and people use different light condition. 24


Moon light (Arti through glass co the forest light s spacial way.


people choose r condition for the


ificial light) go olumn create shodow in


right light eir own action.

Interior light condition modeling 25

Practice work BREDE SCHOOL IN UITHUIZEN Close competition 2013.7_Internship Uarchitects architecture office

This is an architecture internship project of a Brede school in Uithuizen. It is a building for three schools and municipality office. Project is situated in a green area next to the outdoor sport centre, at the edge of a town, on a plot with a view into the fields. The main idea of the concept is that each school has its own wing of the building designed in different way due to its own requirements. Partially two storeys are connected together to create a social interaction space for all schools. During this competition we were concerned about how these three completely different schools gather together, in terms of various ages or religion childs and so on. Finally, we used a 3D plan to explain our idea of differences and similarities for each school. We won this project as the first price in the competition.


Front facade

Ground floor

First floor 27


Brunwerd is the most colorful school in the project. All the furniture and floor were chosen in colorful material in order to emphasize the characteristic of this school.

De schelp is the most flexible school wihtin this project. Most of the classrooms are connected with each other by a huge sliding doors. Students in this school are willing to connect with each other more freely depends on flexible spacial quality.

De Regenboog is the most traditional school and also with a very strong religion color. Windows arrangement was decided to make very regular and simple. Middle part of the school is a small religion square for students to get together for various events. 28

Interior social heart 29



interior color proposal & furniture proposal 2013.12_Internship Uarchitects architecture office

Sports center interior color proposal & furniture proposal

This is a office internship project of a furniture proposal for a project of a sporthall in a construction phase held by the office. Project is situated in the city of Zaanstad. This sporthall is going to be used by both, society and also by pupils of the nearby ADHD (kids losing concentration) school. The task was to create a furniture arrangement for the first floor including the bar area and a meeting space to satisfy both groups of users.


Phase 1 This phase was about testing various colours and typologies of furniture to devide interior functions. By using different height of sitting position, there were created various views of the users experiencing more active atmosphere of the space.

CAFE area

BAR area

Waiting area

Lunch area

Interior color proposal and function arrangement 31

Phase 2 This phase was about a research on actual pieces of furniture through various companies websites and catalogues.It included also a meeting and negotiating with company advisors.

Final furniture proposal 32

Phase 3 This phase is about creating the final arrangement according to the budget.

Final furniture proposal 33

ĺœ– Communication studio 2.5 Dimension Kunsthal

Different architectual angles explaination of the Kunsthal museum, Rotterdam 2014. 3_Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg

This is a school project aiming to analyse the Kunsthal museum, Rotterdam, in different aspects such as layering, mind map, numbers, history and so on. There were various tools used in the research about this museum. In this task, the museum itself is analised without simply repeating but putting visitor's own experience understanding and representation instead.


This is the mind map of the Kunsthal museum. The idea of this project was to respresent my own story: Using a small paper maquette with sketches to describe the kunsthal museum. Through combining 3D and 2D explanations the project is expressing the personal spacial impressions of visitors own experience.


This maquette consist of the Kunsthal museum facades and section technical drawings. These are represented by various colours and thicknesses and shapes of paper, to use a unique way of translation of 2D drawings into maquette to capture of visitor's visual experience.


Thank you!


Li Gubai Eva Horakova Pieter van Kruysbergen

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