7 minute read
A Warm Welcome and Comfortable Stay SETTING UP YOUR SHORT-TERM RENTAL
By Nikki Luttmann, Seven Bee Interiors For Sandpoint Furniture, Carpet One and Selkirk Glass and Cabinets

So many people are falling in love with our area and purchasing replaced ASAP. This goes for flooring, cabinetry, carpeting, countertops a second home here. If that is you, congratulations! If, instead, and all bathrooms and plumbing fixtures. I also look at heat sources and you are from here and decided to take advantage of this boom we ventilation. It might be summertime swelter to us locals, but someone are experiencing and rent out your home for short-term rentals visiting from Arizona or Georgia might find our chilly summer nights a (STRs), congratulations! If, like me, you just live here and don’t have bit on the frigid side. Comfort is key. Ceiling fans and air conditioning a second home, still—congratulations! We live in a beautiful area that must also be in good working order. If none exist, a good-quality floor people love to visit. or table fan is definitely a must—especially in bedrooms. All doors and Setting up your property to rent, however, can be intimidating. I’ve doors, if possible. worked on many rental properties, and the competition is fierce for the high-dollar rentals. Part of the issue is the pressure from social media. A fresh coat of paint is always appreciated, as are clean carpets, maintained Rental companies and, indeed, renters, would like their vacation homes fireplaces and appliances, a full kitchen—including cookware and basic to be Instagram and Facebook worthy. They want a vacation home that spices. Towels and linens are a must, as are clean sheets and ultra-clean comes with bragging rights. But how does one accomplish this and bedding. It should look and feel like a hotel but with a “homey” twist. still account for the fact that items may be stolen, damaged, broken, windows must also be in good working order, with locks on bathroom misplaced or misused? Curb appeal is important as well. That first glimpse of the home when people pull up really begins their experience. If you do not live here full When outfitting a short-term rental, the first thing I do is assess the time, make sure that you have a landscaper or someone maintaining surfaces. Anything worn, damaged or unsightly needs to be repaired or the lawn and front garden beds. Hot tubs are a plus, but of course, not
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necessary, as are fire pits. However, it is a good floor of a bonus room, and the kids have had a idea to leave your renters with instructions for great time, treating it like a campout! both! Instructions for any unusual or high-end appliances are also a good idea and may prevent Interior decor should be simple, tasteful and area unwanted mishaps. specific. Signs reading “Welcome to the Lake” or For furnishings, the focus is usually on beds. photos and other personal memorabilia are “How many does it sleep?” is a common question not. People love their vacations to be beautiful in the world of STRs. However, this question and fun, but not stressful. Your STR is not the should be addressed within reason. Bunk beds place for your grandmother’s china or pristine are a plus, but not always necessary. Sometimes antique dining table. Items need to be somewhat queen-sized beds in each bedroom work just affordable and replaceable, just in case an as well, as family members can double up if accident occurs. A short-term vacation home needed, including kids. Pull-out sofas are also is a place where your guests don’t want to have recommended, but again, not always necessary. If to worry about their surroundings. The best gift you’d like to focus on quality instead of quantity, you can give them is a comfortable bed, a simple that is certainly acceptable. As well, I’ve worked but cohesive interior and a warm Bonners Ferry on STRs where instead of a huge room of beds welcome! we’ve placed good-quality sleeping bags on the “Relax, You’re at the Cabin” are welcome. Family
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By Trish Buzzone, Thinking Partner, Executive Director, The John Maxwell Team
As we all transition into a world indelibly changed, much of the conversation around us is about “living in the new normal.” Should we expect more of the confusion and chaotic energy that has permeated much of the past few months? Or will we have a foundation of awareness and understanding to build on?
Whatever the answers to these questions are, I want to thrive in that environment. I want to think and act in a way that encourages me to be the person who will do the things that create the life I want to live, and I want people I care about to have the tools to do the same.
This is why, over these past few months, I have separated myself from things and people who invite the chaos and confusion, and I have chosen to focus on those guiding principles I know to be true: fundamental, foundational beliefs not subject to my circumstances. I have also chosen to invest time with thinking partners I trust, people who know me, who understand and support my vision, who will help me stay focused, and who will engage in ongoing conversations that encourage a higher level of awareness.
What is a Thinking Partner?
While the term “thinking partner” is often used interchangeably with “mentor,” there are important differences. In a mentor relationship, one person is seeking a higher level of understanding the other person has achieved. There is a distinct master-student dynamic, rather than a peer relationship.
While both thinking partners and mentors are trusted friends who challenge our thinking and encourage a higher level of awareness, thinking partner interaction is more of a twoway street. Each person contributes wisdom and perspective, actively listens for limited thinking, and offers ideas that help us think bigger and see more clearly. Because of this, each person benefits from the counsel and encouragement of the other.
The Value of a Thinking Partner
When we choose to engage honestly and intentionally with a thinking partner, especially in times of uncertainty and confusion, we put ourselves in the position to view our situation from a different perspective, which often reveals opportunities or issues we might not have seen. This kind of limited vision is common even in less-stressful times, because as we grow accustomed to “what’s working,” we get stuck in the loop of our own comfortable inner monologue, and we fail to explore other, potentially better, ideas.
A trusted thinking partner brings a fresh perspective that helps us build on what we already have or helps us create a whole new approach. Thinking partners challenge our thinking in a way that draws us out of our comfort zone; reveal faulty assumptions, leading to shifts in how we think about ideas, view challenges and approach solutions; and instigate innovation, creativity and inspiration.
As we let go of preconceptions and assumptions and allow the mutually beneficial listening and sharing to work, these interactions lift the lid on our limited thinking and reveal unexplored ideas and opportunities we may otherwise miss. In this way, my thinking partners continue to help me maintain focus, be positive and stay strong as we all move forward together. Who are your thinking partners, and how have they helped you?
You can connect with Trish Buzzone at TrishBuzzone.com, Facebook.com/trishbuzzone or Linkedin.com/in/trishbuzzone.
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