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As a local and family operated online business, it is important for us to give our customers variety and quality in our products. That is why we work with several farms to bring you foods and ingredients you may not find at your local store. let us be your go-to online bulk foods store
We here at Burl Wood Dreams would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our patrons. We so appreciate your business and trust in our little rustic home décor store. Built with such passion, all of our one-ofa-kind artistic and functional handcrafted pieces are created from extreme character natural edge burls in a variety of wood. All of our artists, as well as ourselves, love to make heirloom-quality pieces to enhance the beauty of your amazing home.
As always, we want to extend our sincere appreciation to all of our veterans, for without you we would never get to enjoy the freedoms we have on a daily basis. So, if you have visited our store, thank you so very much; if you haven’t had the opportunity, then we invite you to come in and enjoy the works of all our fantastic artists, who always create with
such passion and heart. We are so fortunate to display their beautiful works for your enjoyment.
Our inventory is everchanging, so if you want to put your own twist on things or need that special piece to fit a specific area, please ask us about the possibility of a custom build.
We look forward to serving all of our customers, both local and abroad, now and in the future.
Again, thank you so very much.
Corey, Kimberly, Zephania and AidenMARKETING DIRECTOR OF MARKETING
Allyia Briggs | 208.620.5444 allyia@like-media.com
Haleigh Ackling | 208.620.5360 haleigh@like-media.com
Kamy Jones | marketing@like-media.com
Jillian Chandler | jillian@like-media.com
Damen Rodriguez, Nedra Kanavel
Photographers: Adair Media Group pg. 1, 14, 16
Jason Duchow Photography pg. 36
Courtesy Photos: Tia Worzala pg. 20, 21, Sandpoint Renaissance Faire pg. 16, 36, The Bonner County Historical Society & Museum pg. 38
Four ways to use cash wisely
14 Q&A
Anita Pew: Visionary behind Sandpoint’s beloved Renaissance Faire
An in-depth look at the 7B and 9B Crop-Swap
Calendar of great local events,
2023 MARKS THE FIFTH ANNUAL SANDPOINT RENAISSANCE FAIRE (JUNE 10 AND 11). And to honor the occasion, we’re featuring the woman behind the event, Anita Pew, on this month’s cover of Go Sandpoint Magazine and in our Q&A article on page 14. Read more about Anita, her inspiration behind creating the Sandpoint RenFaire, the people, the work, the fun it entails. As Anita says, “Prepare thyself for merriment!”
Cover Photo by Adair Media Group.
There has been a lot of talk about a “cashless” society, but it’s not here yet. In fact, cash can still be a valuable element of your overall financial picture—if you employ it wisely. But how?
Consider these four key uses of cash:
• Everyday spending - Of course, you need sufficient cash on hand to pay for your cost of living—mortgage, debt payments, utilities, groceries, etc. You’ll likely rely on your savings or checking accounts to pay for these needs.
• Unexpected expenses and emergencies
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 12/18/18. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).
- It’s never a bad idea to establish a monthly budget. But, as you know, life is unpredictable—and sometimes you may encounter “budget-busting” expenses, such as a major home repair or a large medical bill. If you haven’t planned for these costs, you might be forced to dip into your longterm investments, such as your IRA and 401(k), which can result in taxes, penalties, and less money for your retirement. A better alternative is to prepare in advance by building an emergency fund containing up to six months’ worth of living expenses in cash, or at least in a highly liquid account, held separately from your regular checking or savings account so you won’t inadvertently spend the money.
• Short-term savings goal - When you are investing for a long-term goal— especially retirement—you will likely need to own a reasonable percentage of growth-oriented vehicles, such as stocks and stock-based mutual funds. The value of these investments will fluctuate, so, if it’s possible, you’ll want to avoid selling them when their price is down—which may make them unsuitable for short-term goals. But if you’re aiming for a goal that
you want to achieve in a year or so—a wedding, a long vacation, and so on— you’ll want to be sure a specific amount of money is there for you when you need it. Consequently, you’ll want to put away cash for this type of goal, possibly in a shortterm savings or investment vehicle that might pay somewhat higher interest than a regular checking/savings account.
• Source of investment - In regard to your longer-term investment strategy, cash can play two important roles. First, it can serve as its own asset class, alongside other classes, such as stocks and fixed-income vehicles. Unlike these other classes— especially stocks and stock-based mutual funds—cash won’t fluctuate in value, so it can potentially help lessen the impact of market volatility on your portfolio. And second, having the cash available in your portfolio gives you the opportunity to quickly take advantage of other investment opportunities that may occur. And you may be able to use your existing investments to help replenish the cash in your portfolio. For example, if you choose to take stock dividends in cash, these dividends can be “swept” into your brokerage account and held there until you’re ready to invest them. (However, depending on your comprehensive financial strategy, it may be a good move to simply reinvest the dividends into the same stocks or stock funds.) Keep in mind that you won’t want your investment accounts to contain too much cash, as its purchasing power can erode due to inflation.
By managing your cash efficiently, and putting it to work in different ways, you can gain some key benefits—and you’ll help yourself to keep moving toward your short- and long-term goals.
Anita Pew grew up in Michigan, where she graduated from the University of Michigan. She and her husband, Rob, along with their three boys (Ken, Trevor and Wyatt) would make the move from Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to North Idaho in 2006. They were drawn to its natural beauty and employment opportunities for both Rob and Anita.
Her love of Great Britain history was sparked after seeing the movie “Anne of a Thousand Days.” She remembers reading history books about the monarchies of England, especially enjoying the wardrobes and styles of dress. “Now with the streaming media, it is just an endless supply of history lessons and period drama,” Anita smiles.
In 2016, her passion for this period stirred an idea—to initiate a Renaissance Faire in Sandpoint!
Q.What initiated the idea to start a local Renaissance Faire?
A. In August 2016, with my children grown up, I had more time to pursue my interests and had volunteered at the Sandpoint ComicCon. It was great to participate and assist with this event. On the drive home, I called my friend, Tanya, and asked her what she thought of creating a Sandpoint Renaissance Faire. She screamed so happily and loudly that the phone was removed quite a bit from my ear. I then added, “Well, I should probably go to a RenFaire and see how this is put together.” We added a notice in the paper and, to our surprise and joy, about a dozen people showed up to our first meeting at Farmin Park in late August. So many ideas, commitments and overall encouragement was given, we knew we could make this event happen.
Q.How has the RenFaire evolved over the years?
A. Our first RenFaire was in 2017. We were so very fortunate to have the Epona Jousting Team from Spokane join us. The crowds reveled in their show, and to this day, you can see “the-hole-in-one-shot” when the jousters’ lances tips shattered each other on our website (SandpointRenFaire.com).
There were wonderful RenFaire entertainers, musicians, comedians and belly dancers! We had about 15 merchants and, of course, the box was checked on turkey legs! The local Chapter #890 of the Vietnam Vets provided the ale, and donations were gathered for our local food bank.
Over the years, we have developed guilds to focus on specific areas of the faire. We have grown from our estimate of 1,500 (we were hoping for 500 patrons) to last year's attendance at around 4,500! We are expecting over 5,000 this year. This growth in our faire allowed us to move to the Bonner County Fairgrounds from our wonderful hosts of two years, the Leens of Wild Hearts Equestrian Connections.
Q.Why would you encourage the community to attend?
A. This year we are most excited, because we are adding an official tournament to our Elizabethan Era Renaissance Faire. Participants are able to select from Jousting, Mounted Melle, Skill at Arms, Mounted Archery, Long Sword, Archery, Hatchet Throwing and Boffer Swords. This will create more of a historical aspect to our event, since tournaments in Medieval eras were an event to behold, and attend.
And the wonderment of all our unique entertainers, aerialists, Celtic bands, magicians, stilt walkers and long swordsmen. There will be blacksmiths, Viking museums and tarot card readings. Merchants have specialty, eccentric and handmade items. We challenge ourselves to have a bit of the unique for everyone, from our magical, sparkling Faerie Realm to our dazzling Royal Court, to the honorable Knights of The Joust. And of course, we strive to improve and create a vibrant, lively and completely unique event to Sandpoint.
Q.When is this year’s faire?
A. The fifth annual Sandpoint Renaissance Faire will be held at the Bonner County Fairgrounds on June 10 and 11 from 10am to 6pm. Tickets at the gate are $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and children 6 to 17. Children 5 and younger get in free! Discounted tickets for those who bring a bag of canned food to donate to the Bonner County Food Bank.
Q.What fills your heart most when seeing everyone enjoying an event you created?
A. Truly, it is the pride and gratefulness to be able to work with all of the volunteers in having this one-of-a-kind event in Sandpoint. After the RenFaire has been open for a few hours, I look around full circle and simply enjoy the wonderful surroundings. It is amazing to see all our guests with smiles and enthusiasm. Everyone is happy and eager to see more of the RenFaire. How heartwarming when guests even appreciated the mud from the torrential rain.
Q.Is there anyone you would like to thank for helping you to realize this dream?
A. Everyone at those meetings leading up to the first RenFaire was particularly important to helping us, [as well as] Lord Weezil and Lady Lorna, Two Rivers Medieval Faire in Cashmere, Washington, and a multitude of others. Moreover, the pleasure of knowing that our original Board members from the first year, Tanya Anderson, Sarrah Morton, Stesah Quesnell, Cassie Robinson and Megan Schlueter still play an integral part in the faire this year. And every year we are amazed with our good fortune of volunteers, as the first year proved. Ryan Robinson, who is our volunteer coordinator and first-aid guru. Jeremy and Sheena Smith just showed up with energy and enthusiasm and are now our Board president and merchant coordinator, as well as our newest board member, Shaun Chaffee.
Lastly, my husband, Rob, who has valiantly supported, listened and encouraged me throughout the years. Especially when I am realizing the full enormity of planning and organizing this event, I am duly blessed with the opportunity to work with all these people and share a passion with them for this community event.
Q.When not devoting your time and energy to the RenFaire, how do you like to spend your time, and with whom?
A. This event has inspired me to learn how to sew historical clothing, and I am loving every minute of it. Well, maybe not when I am ripping stitches out. I have a vegetable garden that always needs weeding yet still produces enough carrots and tomatoes for all of us. My favorite author is Jane Austen, so all JAFF is a treat to read.
The bright light and my most precious activity is spending time with my husband, our sons, their wives and our newest family member, grandson Liam. I love to unapologetically spoil him any chance I get.
Q.Are you involved in any other local organizations?
A. Although I am not directly involved with any other organization, our nonprofit is. The local Chapter of Vietnam Vets sells all the ale and mead at our event as a fundraiser for their activities. We also give discounted tickets to those who bring cans for our food drive for the Bonner Community Food Bank.
Q.What do you love most about the Sandpoint community?
A. Our guests add to the energy, magic and atmosphere of our event. They are inspiring to us and other guests with their costumes and adornments. From Vikings to nobility, Scotsmen to toadstool hats and fairies, our guests have surprised and inspired us. This community and the businesses within have been extraordinarily supportive and encouraging. They have donated money, gifts, time and allowed us to hang our posters everywhere. We are overwhelmed by the helpfulness of all.
Q.Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
A. Prepare thyself for merriment!
Tia Worzala and the “7B/9B Crop-Swap” movement in Sandpoint and Bonners Ferry, Idaho, are making a real difference in their community by tackling food insecurity and promoting a shareable food movement. Tia is the founder and president of this nonprofit organization that provides fruits and vegetables for children, the elderly and families in need during the summer months, as well as firefighters during fire season. A crop-swap is a way for people to meet their neighbors, swap, sell or donate excess produce, and fairly barter with likeminded people for fresh and local goods. The group offers free weekly harvest baskets that can be picked up in Sandpoint or Bonners Ferry. During Halloween, they provide pumpkins for children, and during the holidays, they provide Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for families.
Crop-Swap is a community movement that encourages everyone to join in and participate. In a recent interview with Tia, she offers her insight into the 7B/9B CropSwap movement and how it helps those not able to grow gardens along with offering a resource to discuss growing techniques, create community connections, save money, and eat a wider, healthier range of foods. This will be the movement’s fourth year in operation and their second summer in Bonners Ferry.
According to Tia, there are multiple attributes that separate her Crop-Swap from other groups. The 7B/9B Crop-Swap believes that no one owes an explanation of their story, and her group is there to provide support to anyone who needs food, while no intruding inquiries nor judgments are made. Crop-Swap is a community for trading. If one has strawberries and the other has rhubarb, they can work together to make sure they both have enough to make themselves a delicious pie. Crop-Swap also provides a resource for people who are unable to donate money but have crops to give in exchange for other products they cannot buy or grow in their zone. The Swap is not just for those in need and wanting, it is a community movement that encourages everyone to participate.
According to Tia, Mrs. Diana at Sam's Produce in Sagle remains as “a great resource for the Crop-Swap movement,” adding, “She has always gone above and beyond to make sure that if I can’t grow enough for the community, she will and has provided extra produce from her stand to help get the job done.” Tia also shares that “Don Reese has donated thousands of canning jars, lids, rings, and anything that can be named.” The movement has affected many and continues to thrive with the support of those in the community. Steve and Wendy Hawks, for instance, have donated money to make sure the firefighters are delivered not only produce but coffee, towels, water, etc. Tia recounted a fond memory of Linda Hiatt teaching her how to can, and one year being shown how to can applesauce using apples from her apple tree. That day, Tia became a canner and couldn't stop.
Crop-Swap is a year-round activity and offers all that grows in North Idaho. According to Tia, the sun starts to say hello in April, and they start moving and do not stop until the last meal is delivered on December 23 for Christmas. Between harvests, they are making sure everything is in order, preserving, and organizing for the next harvest. During the summer months, the gardens are in full swing, and it is all hands on deck. There is much canning and preserving to do in the fall. Crop-Swap is a busy movement, but Tia says it is rewarding to see the impact they are making in their community.
This time of year for the organization is “all go, go, go, go! Boxes, produce drop-offs and pickups, and building gardens.” Tia and her family are currently in the process of adding on to the garden they already have. She shares that “last year, Clay Harkey excavated our back yard so we could build a huge garden at our new home after we moved in 2021. This year we are starting from a blank canvas. Just dirt, ha-ha.” To have produce in boxes by mid-June, they were busy rebuilding everything to get it done by the end of May. “It will happen, and we will get it done! It can be challenging balancing four children and completely starting a garden over. It’s a lot of tilling, building, planning, landscaping, trial and error, the list goes on. We bit off more than we can chew, and we're chewing it for sure.”
Though this year has been a busy one with lots of challenges, Tia remains confident her production will be completed on time. “That is the only outcome I am willing to accept. We have never made a goal that we haven’t met, and we don’t plan to start that nonsense now.”
During the devastation of COVID, the 7B/9B Crop-Swap made their mission that much more important. “Neighbors were able to exchange produce they had on hand for the produce they didn’t. Some Crop Swaps even included trades for honey, eggs, farm equipment, tools— anything it took to be successful at being sustainable." Not only did the 7B/9B Crop-Swap help feed the community, but in a time such as COVID, it gave everyone with like minds the opportunity to come together as a team to make sure everyone could be sustainable one way or another. The group continues to bring happiness and joy to their fellow panhandle residents.
“I love the happiness on people’s faces, the shock value when they see what a week’s worth of produce is! When you are on the pickup list for the week, we make sure, no matter the size of your family, that each person has their daily servings of fruits and vegetables.” Tia goes on to share the admiration of her own children, who remain active with the organization. “The happiness my children feel when they recognize that they are doing something wonderful for their community is the most rewarding feeling. I am fortunate enough to feel that often in our home.”
Tia Worzala is a woman who has dedicated her life to ensuring that everyone has access to food. “Growing up on the wrong side of the tracks,” Tia found out firsthand what it feels like to be hungry and to not know where her next meal would come from. As a child, she often went without food during the summer months when there were no
school lunches available. It was then that she turned to gardening as a way to provide for herself and her family. Her knowledge of gardening came from her grandmother in Oregon and her neighbor Hal. She started with what little she knew and eventually developed a passion for gardening that has lasted more than 20 years. Her inspiration to grow food comes from seeing too many hungry people in her life. She believes that it is imperative for children and parents to know how to grow their own food and to preserve it. Tia's passion for feeding people is evident in everything she does. She feels that it is her job and her obligation to teach people how to be sustainable. She believes that everyone should have access to food and that it is not right for some people to have plenty while others go hungry.
Tia displays her food like art on the wall and takes pride in the fact that she can provide for her family and her community. Her obsession with making sure everyone has food can keep her up at night and wants people to understand that hunger is more common than people realize. She decided to teach her children how to support their community and help those in need by using their garden to provide food.
The 7B/9B Crop-Swap has dedicated itself to ensuring that everyone has access to food and they believe that it is their job and obligation to teach people how to be sustainable.
Tia Worzala and her 7B/9B Crop-Swap story is one of resilience, dedication and love, and it serves as an inspiration to us all.
To learn more, visit 7B Crop-Swap and 9B Crop-Swap on Facebook.
LOCATION: Sandpoint, Idaho | SQUARE FOOTAGE: 3,124 sq. ft. | LOT SIZE: 4.800 Acres
BEDROOMS: 4 | BATHROOMS: 3.5 | LISTING AGENT: Jackie Suarez, Associate Broker
Close to town, privately sited at the end of the road adjacent to US government land, this elegant estate home, completed in October 2022, will impress the most discerning buyers. Bold Schweitzer Mountain views create the backdrop on your arrival. 8’ doors open to a spacious foyer. Cathedral ceilings and full-height fireplace grace the living room. Plus a dream kitchen. Highest quality Calacatta Gold quartz counters, a central white oak 10-foot island, GE Monogram professional grade rangetop, multiple ovens and butler’s pantry make cooking and entertaining a true delight. The main bedroom suite is a lux retreat with its own seating area and entry from the covered patio, gas fireplace, dressing room, bath with separate vanities and large custom shower. Guest suites on the main floor and in the loft quarters above the oversized 3-car garage provide plenty of room for family and friends. Wrap-around porch for outdoor living, large laundry room with flex space and storage galore. You’ll appreciate the high-speed Intermax ISP, heavenly vistas and prime location less than 3 miles to shops and services, close to the lake and ski resort.
Since 2020, we’ve all wondered what’s going to happen with real estate. This year in particular, the most prevalent questions seem to be: Is the bottom about to fall out? Will interest rates come down? What will this summer’s selling season look like?
For myself, I’ve decided—expect the unexpected. I remember sitting in my home office in spring 2020, in a COVID-lockdown friendly state back East, being told by the governor that real estate agents were not essential. I certainly let fearful thoughts take over. Yet, late 2020 and 2021 surprised us all with an unprecedented real estate boom. Just spring of last year, as I watched hike after hike hit interest rates, I worried again. Would all the buyers disappear? Would no one want to sell? Here we are in spring of 2023, and sellers still need to sell and buyers need to buy.
Unpredictability seems to be the norm of our times. Real estate is no exception. As soon as some of the smartest, most qualified experts in our field predict one thing, forces totally out of their control bring about a completely different, illogical result.
Buyers and sellers who embrace these concepts in 2023 will achieve what they want and enjoy taking those big steps toward their next goal:
Flexibility. We continue to have historically low inventory and at the same time the largest generation of potential home buyers. (Millennials, who are at prime home buying age, beat out Baby Boomers by about 20 million.) These two facts alone are allowing sellers to list and sell for much higher than they would have dreamed of pre-2020, giving them negotiating power.
Whether it’s relocating, downsizing, growing your family or investing in your future, we all, at some point, need the real estate market to help us achieve that.
On the other hand, buyers who are making offers now are going to great lengths to be able to afford the purchase. Until spring 2022, buyers could keep up with the rising prices, as long as interest rates remained very low (think 2.5 percent then vs. almost 7 percent now). When interest rates rose by almost 300 percent in less than a year, their purchasing power diminished dramatically. Some buyers left the market altogether and are still waiting for the “crash.” In circumstances like these, success for both buyers and sellers is still possible. I get to help people achieve these wins every day. I notice that the biggest winners are those who show flexibility when it comes to price, inspections, and other terms of the contract.
Appreciation of current market data. For sellers, this means working with an agent who will show you detailed information about recent sales in your area. An appraiser will first adjust the value of your home based on square footage, outbuildings, condition, acreage, and appreciation/depreciation of the market in general. Be prepared that most appraisers are going to factor in that much of our residential local market depreciated by about 8 percent since 2022. (This doesn’t apply to niche markets like waterfront and resort.)
Don’t base your expectations on what something down the road sold for. You want to hit the market at a price that’s backed up by the same data other real estate professionals have access to.
For buyers, before you write that offer for $50,000 under the listing price, ask your agent to do detailed research on their end. Find out what comparable homes have actually sold for in the last three to six months. If the sellers have a great agent, they’re going to know what the market will pay for their home.
I love what I do, because underlying all of real estate are people who are creating the life they want or need. Whether it’s relocating, downsizing, growing your family or investing in your future, we all, at some point, need the real estate market to help us achieve that.
Be prepared for uncertainty in some things, while also knowing that when you focus on your ultimate goals and the larger picture, you can and will win.
We continue to have historically low inventory and at the same time the largest generation of potential home buyers.
If you’re looking to buy or sell, making sure the right advocate is working for you is more important than ever—so is maintaining our community and preserving the qualities that make Sandpoint, Idaho, such an incredible place to live. With resumes that include careers such as lawyers and psychologists, our dedicated team brings an extra level of professionalism to the table. We pride ourselves in our ability to negotiate and advocate on behalf of our clients, to make sure you are getting the best deal possible, whether you are buying or selling property. Contact us for your real estate needs, and discover why we’ve earned all 5-star ratings!
UNDERLYING ALL OF REAL ESTATE ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE CREATING THE LIFE THEY WANT OR NEED. Whether it’s relocating, downsizing, growing your family or investing in your future, we all, at some point, need the real estate market to help us achieve that.
Be prepared for uncertainty in some things, while also knowing that when you focus on your ultimate goals and the larger picture, you can and will win.
Are you curious about current real estate trends in Sandpoint, Idaho? See page 32!
Selle Valley home on acreage! This 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom historic log home perfectly blends rustic charm with modern updates throughout, including all-new hardwood flooring, completely renovated bathrooms, and a new fireplace insert to complement the original stone hearth.
Say “hello” to your new home that is conveniently located in the heart of Sandpoint. The living and bonus rooms boast original wood floors, while the kitchen features maple cabinets and all the appliances you’ll need to whip up your favorite meals. Upstairs, you’ll find plenty of space for your family or guests. Not to mention, there is a fenced-in backyard with alley access, and a garage/shop measuring 25x40.
“Ben Geanetta helped us find our dream home. He was very attentive, responsive and accommodating. He patiently showed us numerous properties over the course of a year and was ready on short notice whenever we needed him. His pleasant personality went a long way in helping ease the stress of home buying.”
Data collected from Movoto.com
Saturday, June 3, marks the 15th annual Sand Creek Paddlers’ Challenge. Join the Sandpoint Parks & Recreation Department at City Beach for this enjoyable and exciting 4-mile paddle (roundtrip) up and back on Sand Creek, great for both families and serious racers alike. Open to canoes, kayaks and SUPs, there will be awards for 1st place in each division, as well as drawings for additional prizes. The event duration is 9am to noon, with a 10am race start. Registration is $20; must be 12 or older. Contact Sandpoint Parks & Recreation at 208.236.3613 or visit SandpointIdaho.gov/parksrecreation for registration information.
*Please note, as of press time, these events were still scheduled to take place as planned. Be sure to visit event websites to stay up to date with current information.
SEPT 1601
JUNE 10 - 11
Prepare thyself for merriment as the annual Sandpoint Renaissance Faire returns for its fifth year. From 10am to 6pm on both Saturday, June 10, and Sunday, June 11, guests will be taken back in time at the RenFaire, held at the Bonner County Fairgrounds in Sandpoint. Enjoy two full days of chivalry, excitement, fine entertainment and vendors. All the details can be found online at SandpointRenFaire.com. And be sure to read our Q&A with Anita Pew, the woman behind the event, on page 12. Tickets at the gate are $16 for adults, $12 for seniors and children 6 to 17. Children 5 and younger get in free; discounted tickets for those who bring a bag of canned food to donate to the Bonner County Food Bank.
Take a self-guided walking tour and explore all participating gallery locations! Welcome the summer season beginning Friday, June 16, and continuing through Friday, September 1, as Pend Oreille Arts Council presents ArtWalk. Each summer, local artisans, galleries and business owners throughout downtown Sandpoint work in collaboration to showcase all that this unique town has to offer, giving artist members and other local artists a chance to exhibit their work while encouraging all ages to explore this free citywide event. Maps of the walking tour will be posted at ArtinSandpoint.org/artwalk.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 18, and make plans with friends and family to attend Schweitzer's Summer Community Day and Opening Weekend! Welcome summer, a couple days early, at this unofficial kickoff to the season for Sandpoint and Bonner County. Schweitzer will be donating all lift ticket proceeds from the day to a local nonprofit partner. Mountain bike trails will open as weather and conditions permit. For additional details as the event nears, be sure to visit Schweitzer.com.
Join the Community Resource Envision Center at The Idaho Club Golf Resort for their third annual IdaHOPE Classic fundraiser—a celebration of hope, generosity and community spirit! Scheduled for Monday, June 19, this exciting event brings people together from all walks of life, united by a common goal of making a difference. With delicious food, great music, and an atmosphere filled with positivity and kindness, the IdaHOPE Classic promises to be a memorable experience while making a difference to bring hope and change to our community. Registration begins at 11am; shotgun start promptly at 12:30pm. For additional details and to register, visit CRECIdaho.com/idahohope-golf-classic.
JUNE 24 - 25
Join the pack and race the wolf at this year's Race the Wolf trail race series, with new distances for 2023. Located at Schweitzer Mountain Resort, the course is known for legendary climbs, fun single-track and fast two-track. The 5 Miler Trail Race and Sky Climb take place Saturday, June 24, followed by the Trail Marathon (replacing the 52k) and Trail Half Marathon (replacing the 26km) on Sunday, June 25. Offering incredible views that stretch from Lake Pend Oreille to Montana and the Canadian border, don’t hesitate to register (registration can be found at RaceTheWolf.com) to participate in this year’s race. You won't be disappointed!
The scenic and sensational cycle ride of the summer, Sandpoint’s 16th annual CHAFE 150 Gran Fondo is nearly upon us! Witness this wondrous event on Saturday, June 17, as a spirited supporter or a pedaling participant. Organized by the Sandpoint Rotary, the CHAFE 150 is regarded as “One of the top charity rides in the U.S.” This year’s proceeds will be donated to Lake Pend Oreille School District’s (LPOSD) “Book Trust” program, whose mission is “to help elementary school children with little/no access to books fall in love with reading and become lifelong learners.”
A Gran Fondo, Italian for “Big Ride,” is a long-distance bike ride that challenges each rider to battle their own individual clocks rather than race against other cyclists. The Sandpoint CHAFE 150 offers a variety of distanced routes: 150, 80, 40, 25 and this year’s brand new 55-mile gravel route, all of which are majestic, joyous journeys. The 150-mile route is what separates this event from others and draws in repeat riders from all over the country as they attempt to beat their previous times. The 150-mile ride is a lavish loop around the Cabinet Mountains of Idaho and Montana, traversing through a gorgeous lake and river-riddled route.
This glorious undertaking is overseen by a dedicated year-round committee and made possible by over 80 sponsors and 150 volunteers. The day starts with a beautiful breakfast hosted at the beachfront Trinity restaurant after registering at City Beach. For those partaking in the 80- and 150-mile routes, a shuttle bus provided by LPOSD will transport you to the ride’s starting line, the rest of which will start at Sandpoint City Beach. A bike shuttle service will also be provided by Litehouse, and SAG (Support And Gear) services will be offered by Greasy Fingers. There will be a multitude of hydration stations manned by dedicated volunteers and first aid supplied by Bonner General Health. “The rest stops are some of the best of any ride you’ll find,” boasts Mel Dick, CHAFE 150’s organizer.
Circle the date, throw on some bike shorts and invite the family out this summer to participate in this year’s CHAFE 150. “We expect between 350 and 500 riders this year,” Mel states. Come challenge yourself on two wheels while taking in the lovely land of Sandpoint and aiding local students with the gift of literacy.
Registration can be found online at CHAFE150.org.
Sandpoint’s new holistic wellness center uses restorative Theraphi light-based technology to promote healing on a cellular level. Offering personalized wellness packages to help you obtain your health goals. Come experience our deeply relaxing and highly rejuvenating services.
Bring your Father or Son in for any Theraphi session during the month of June for a ‘Buy One, Get One FREE’ offer!
It is hard to imagine Sandpoint City Beach a quiet and unrevealed place. A place for wildlife and a few locals just looking to get a bath. A 1915 Pend Oreille Review news article describes the increasing popularity of the sandy beach in Sandpoint: “… A few [people] have every year taken advantage of the beach for bathing purposes, but never before have the people been drawn there in throngs as they have this year.”
Of course, people continued to come and enjoy the sandy lake shore for a refreshing dip under the big blue mountains.
Today the many visitors who come every summer have the luxury of two bathroom/changing facilities to accommodate the privacy to change, but this was not always the case. For a while there were one or two tents and little cedar forts quickly thrown together on the beach, but in 1921 they had two houseboats partitioned into dressing rooms with eight lockers. That would be a rocky suit change on a windy day.
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Open Every Other Saturday!
Auction Start Dates: June 10 & 24
• Auctions go live on designated Saturdays & end the following Thursday at 6pm. Pre-bidding & viewing begins on the Friday before auctions open.
• Bid online or in person— call or stop by for more details.
• For our full auction schedule, including all in-person viewing & pickup days, please check our website or follow 3 Mile Auction on Facebook.
We Take Consignments! Stop by our shop, located at the junction of Hwy 95 & Hwy 2 - 3 Mile Store corner, or call to inquire about items accepted & drop-off times.
3 Mile Auction Does On-Site Auctions & Estate Sales! Call for more information. 208-295-1033
The Wildflower Spa at Seasons is an Aveda Concept Spa and Salon that provides an elegant, relaxing and healing atmosphere for their clients. Their staff is comprised of highly trained massage therapists, estheticians, hair stylists and nail technicians who are committed to making your visit enjoyable and rejuvenating.
Sandpoint SummerFest
Schweitzer Fall Fest Schweitzer.com
The Idaho Club TheIdahoClub.com
Sandpoint Elks Golf Course -
Geo Hali Sandpoint Helicopter Charters
Go Fish! Charters
Lake Pend Oreille Cruises
Bottle Bay Resort & Marina
Dover Bay Resort DoverBayIdaho.com
Sandpoint Marina SandpointWaterfront.com
Western Pleasure Guest Ranch
Action Water Sports
Sandpoint Watercraft Rentals
Sandpoint Watersports
Take a Brewery Tour
Sandpoint is home to four great breweries. Bike to each, or take a walking tour: Matchood Brewing Co., Utara BrewingCo., MickDuff’s Brewing Co., Laughing Dog Brewing.
Spend a Day at City Beach
Enjoy fun in the sun at the sandy, grassy downtown public beach on the lake. SandpointIdaho.gov
Shop the Sandpoint Shopping District
Explore the many unique shops in charming downtown. DowntownSandpoint.com
Drive The Pend Oreille Scenic Byway
Experience some of North Idaho’s most scenic views along this 33.4-mile drive.
Relax with a Spa Day
Visit the Wildflower Spa at Seasons Resort or Highlands North Day Spa for a day of rejuvenation.
| HighlandsNorthDaySpa.com
Explore Local Galleries
Walk the downtown and stop in at several local galleries to enjoy local and regional art.
Stop in Cedar Street Bridge
Explore various shops and restaurants in the downtown bridge spanning Sand Creek. CedarStreetBridge.com
Do a Tasting at the Local Winery
Enjoy local sips from Pend d’Oreille Winery. POWine.com
art galleries & entertainment
eats & drinks
retail shopping
*At participating stores only. Discount applies to materials only on select items; cushion, labor, and installation charges are additional. Prior orders exempt. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer ends 6/26/2023. All offers are for retail customers only and are not applicable to contract/commercial work. See store for details on all offers and warranties. ©2023 Carpet One Floor & Home®. All Rights Reserved. **At participating stores only. See store for details. No interest will be charged on the promo balance if you pay it off, in full, within the promo period. If you do not, interest will be charged on the promo balance from the purchase date. The required minimum monthly payments may or may not pay off the promo balance before the end of the promo period, depending on purchase amount, promo length and payment allocation. Regular account terms apply to non-promo purchases and, after promo period ends, to the promo balance. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders: See your credit card agreement terms. Subject to credit approval.
*At participating stores only. Discount applies to materials only on select items; cushion, labor, and installation charges are additional. Prior orders exempt. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Offer ends 6/26/2023. All offers are for retail customers only and are not applicable to contract/commercial work. See store for details on all offers and warranties.
©2023 Carpet One Floor & Home®. All Rights Reserved. **At participating stores only. See store for details. No interest will be charged on the promo balance if you pay it off, in full, within the promo period. If you do not, interest will be charged on the promo balance from the purchase date. The required minimum monthly payments may or may not pay off the promo balance before the end of the promo period, depending on purchase amount, promo length and payment allocation. Regular account terms apply to non-promo purchases and, after promo period ends, to the promo balance. For new accounts: Purchase APR is 29.99%. Minimum Interest Charge is $2. Existing cardholders: See your credit card agreement terms. Subject to credit approval.
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and 6/26/2023. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional balance is not paid in full within 18 months. Minimum monthly payments required.
and 6/26/2023. Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the promotional balance is not paid in full within 18 months. Minimum monthly payments required.