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our friends of THE LIBRARY
It was 1989 when Jim Clarke inspired the creation of Friends of the Library (FOL). He enlisted the help of his wife, Judith Clarke, along with Pat Stevens, Phyllis Burwell, Gloria Ray, Dick Wolf and Jeff Johnson (who would become the organization’s first president).
“Jim was a strong patron of the library at the time, with friendships among the staff working [there],” shares Julie Smith, FOL president. “As a legally blind individual, he utilized the library and became inspired to form an organization of volunteers who could support the library. His wife, Judith, joined him in this pursuit.”
Friends of the Library is a 501c3 organization, and the group serves as library advocates, raises and provides funding for projects that are not normally within the scope of the library operating budget, provides volunteer assistance with library programming, and otherwise promotes library services.
“The Friends of the Library functions as an adjunct in how it supports the library through its book sales and events,” says Pam Webb, FOL member-at-large. “The FOL promotes the library’s mission to meet community needs by serving as ambassadors of the library through its offered programs and events.”
The primary purpose of the Friends of the East Bonner County Library shall be: to maintain an association of person’s interested in libraries, to focus public attention on the library, to stimulate the use of the library’s resources and services, to receive and support and cooperate with the library in developing library services and facilities for the community and to support the freedom to read as expressed in the American Library Bill of Rights.
Today, Friends of the Library has 101 members! When joining FOL, members may choose a lifetime membership or an annual designation, according to Julie. “Our membership year runs January 1 to December 31, so we are actively inviting new members and processing renewals.”
Those interested in becoming a member can fill out a membership form, found in the membership brochure on the kiosk in the library lobby. When filling out the membership form, members can select several areas for involvement: book sorting, book sales, hospitality, publicity, program development or serving on the board—many of these activities require only a once-amonth commitment.
Each month, FOL holds its Used Book Sale—with these book sales being their primary fundraiser and service to the community. “The monthly book sale is a treasure trove of reading choices, listening choices for music or books, or viewing choices of all sorts of movies and documentaries!” Julie affirms. “Each month the sale offers different choices among the various reading