Exhibition Transcript

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長庚大學工業設計學系104級畢業個展 -聽聞覺曉 撰稿人:郭綺芸 撰稿日期:2015/06/02

聽說 眼睛每天看到的花花世界,遲鈍了其他感官 想知道真相? 來聽聞後,就覺曉了

TO FEEL One hears The beautiful world that people see everyday, blunted the other senses Do you want to find out the truth? Come to heard and smell, you will feel it 此次個展的起因是對於「盲人的夢」的好奇,期間除了上網查詢資料、去圖書館閱讀相關書籍,還拜訪了盲 人歌手徐承邦,和啟明學校的可魯的店,受到很多啟發,也了解了盲人的生活,發現他們雖然失去了視覺, 仍然可以活得多采多姿,活得充實,反觀我們呢?我們雖然擁有視覺,但卻過度依賴它,忘了其他感官帶給 我們的美好,甚至失去了想像力。也因此衍生出了這次的主題,希望能藉由我的作品,讓大家重新省思我們 的感官生活。 It is the curiosity of the "Dream of the Blinded" that guides me to my solo exhibition. In the meantime, other than doing research online and in libraries, I personally visited blind musician Cheng Beng Hsu, and the shop of Kelu in Taipei School for the Visually Impaired. I was greatly inspired by the experience, and hereby understand more about the life of the blinded ones. Despite the fact that they lose their sights, they still have a colorful life and live to the fullest, and let us wonder, what about us? Even though we are capable of seeing, we often ignore the beauty that other senses bring to us, and even limit our capability of imagination. As a consequence, such inspiration brings me to my solo exhibition. Hopefully my work would serve as a chance to let people rethink their experience with the senses.

生活中有很多時候的聲音或是氣味,是我們不用「看」就知道是甚麼了,但常常因為眼睛帶來的豐富視覺體驗 ,而忽略了其他感官。白色也是常常被忽略的顏色,不像黑色的虛無,白色只是被視而不見,所以選用像牆壁 一樣的白色當作櫃子的顏色。打開櫃子會有一些生活中、自然中的聲音,並用氣味增強環境體驗,你能感覺出 幾個? In our daily lives we can generate images of things with our senses other than sight, but also because of the abundant information that our sight delivers to us, we often neglect the sensibility of our other senses. The color white is sometimes negligible, unlike the color black, which conveys emptiness. Therefore, I choose the color white to be the color of my closet, it is the kind of white that we see on walls. Once you open the closet, you can hear the sounds that are common in our everyday lives, and the sounds of nature. In addition, there are scented bottles that could enhance your experience with the senses and to test the strength of your sensibility, what can you sense?

透過盲人的雙手,用黏土捏出那埋藏在心底最美好的回憶,我將這些回憶以鋁線具體化,創造一個想像空間。 廖鍾浩是在愛盲護康按摩中心的盲人按摩師,他是後天失明,曾經想當一名籃球選手,對籃球的熱愛並沒有因 為受到眼睛的阻礙而消退,現在他還是會每天準時聽球賽,最美好的回憶就是籃球;另一位盲人朋友,因為家 附近的花店散發出的花香,總是能解開他深鎖的眉頭,心情不好時,芬芳花香能為他帶來笑容。 By the hands of the blinded ones, their best and deepest memories are pinched and molded into clays. To present such memories, I use aluminum wires as materials to shape my interpretation of their stories, hence creating a space full of imagination. Zhong Hou Liao, a masseur from a massage center for the visually impaired, has acquired blindness and wanted to become a professional basketball player before. Despite his disability, his passion for basketball has never diminished. He will still listen to game plays, and for him, his best memories are about basketball. There is also another friend, who is blinded as well, and is always relieved when he senses the fragrance of flower from the florist close by. Whenever he feels depressed, the fragrance can always lighten him.

看著人們從進到展場疑惑的臉龐,到結束體驗後感同身受的笑容,是整個作品過程中令我最滿足的地方。「盲 人的夢」永遠是最好的開頭,透過一個令人好奇的開頭,吸引了大家的注意,再透過擋住鏡片的眼鏡,直接拿 掉視覺,不僅讓人親身體驗盲人的生活,更能放大其他感官的感受。結束體驗後,有人覺得不安、有人覺得害 怕、有人認為有趣,這些感受各個都在證明我們多依賴我們的眼睛,為何拿掉視覺後,這些簡單的、生活中的 場景會令人害怕、會變得有趣?透過我的解釋,說明了這項沒有視覺的藝術作品,不像大家平時看到的那種「 美麗的藝術」,反倒是沒有華麗外觀的表現方式,更能打動人心、深植人心。這項作品不只激發了人們的同理 心,透過引導參觀者時的肢體接觸,更能在每次與人互動時,感受到人與人之間的溫度,「人」之間的彼此信 任,是隱藏在作品之中最重要的感受。 What satisfies me the most during my exhibition is to see the transition of the visitors' facial expression as they enter and exit, from showing great confusion to sympathetic smile. The topic "Dream of the Blinded" is a suitable starting point and so interesting in a way that it could catch people's attention right away. By wearing a pair of sunglasses and with the lens covered with black paper, the visitors lose their sights, hereby they could not only experience the life of the blinded ones, but also enhance the sensibility of other senses. After the experience, some are anxious, some are scared, some are amused, and all of these feelings prove that we rely too much on our sight. Taking off those sunglasses, we wonder, why are we so scared or amused by sensing those common objects in life? I would say that even though my work should not be appreciated by seeing, or cannot even be considered as "a beautiful art," with its plain presentation, it is perhaps more touching and could be deeply implanted in people's heart. Such work of art does not only inspire sympathy. As the visitors experience body contact with my work, their interactions with others would possibly change. They might be able to feel others' temperature, and believe in faith among "people," and this is exactly the effect behind my work that I intend to produce.

透過盲人的夢,沒有視覺的夢 發現 生活中我們依賴視覺 而忘了身邊藉由其他感官帶來的美好 忘了聽見海浪聲的平靜 忘了聞到咖啡香的愜意 忘了騎腳踏車時微風吹拂臉頰的溫柔 受限於視覺的約束 也忘了怎麼想像 透過體驗我的作品 希望大家可以來重拾美好 Through the Dream of the Blinded, that is, a dream without images, we notice that in life we rely so much on our sight Hence we tend to ignore the beauty that other senses bring to us We forget the tranquility of hearing the sounds of the waves Forget the charm of smelling a cup of coffee Forget the pleasure of the gentle breeze when riding a bicycle With the ability to see, we tend to restrain ourselves And limit our capability of imagination As you proceed to my projects, hope you could have a chance to restore the profound happiness

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