The Lens of Prophecy | JAN/FEB 2017

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lilies city

Lilies in the City - January/February 2017 - Issue 19

Fear NOT What the Devil’s TV Show Will Not Tell You

BlueberryScones ISN'T



The Lens of


Staff Picks!

6 20



14 16

lilies city Practical Lily Social Lily Lily Eats Lily Lifestyle Glowing Lily

6 Fear Not

10 What the Devil’s TV Show Will Not Tell You 14 Blueberry Scones 16 Christ Isn't Dormant - Are You?

20 Staff Picks for Dull Hair and Skin

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture references are taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible (The King James Version)


Editor's Note


Groundhogs, Shadows and Prophecy

've always found Groundhog day very interesting. In elementary school, I remember watching in anticipation, did the groundhog see his shadow? Will there be 6 more weeks of winter fun? Or was the cloudless sky hope for an early Spring complete with gigantic puddles for splashing? Sometimes the groundhog saw his shadow and retreated back below ground, other times he didn't and began exploring the surroundings instead.

On February 2nd, many look to see what the groundhog will prophesy. Although his predictions are not often correct, they trust the little furry beast and plan according to his actions. I find Bible prophecy even more interesting. There are over 100 prophecies about Christ’s life —his birth, death and resurrection -- and He fulfilled every one to the letter. Equally detailed, are the prophecies that tell of Christ's Second Coming. A faithful study of the Bible reveals the prophecies that 4

unfold the events leading up to this much anticipated glorious appearing. Did you know that Christ is doing something even now in preparation for His return to earth? He didn't just return to heaven to rest and wait for the "right time" to come back to earth. In Revelation, the closing book of the Bible, John writes, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.." (Rev 21:1). Then John sees the New Jerusalem, God's city for His saints, descend from heaven and hears a proclamation that the separation created at the Fall (see Gen 3:15 cf Is 59:2) has finally ended—God will forever dwell with His people! "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" (Rev 21:4). Christ's return for His people, includes a complete change to the world and life as we know it. To this end, His return to heaven

after his resurrection was— among other things—to begin a cleansing of the one thing that continues to bring sickness and demise—sin. Rather than looking to see the shadow of a little furry beast, let's cast our eyes upon the "shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God" (Heb 8:5). The prophecy of Daniel 8:14 speaks to this. The sanctuary model that Moses built on earth was an exact replica of the one in heaven for he was told, "See...that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee."(Heb 8:5). The daily and yearly sanctuary services (Lev 4; 16:20-34) outline God's chosen method of completely separating sin from us. If Christ is working above to remove sin and we are to follow in His footsteps, should our lives down here mirror his work in heaven? Yes! In this issue we explore the realities of Bible prophecy.



Almarie Hill Almarie is the Editor-in-Chief at Lilies in the City (LIC). Of things seen on this earth, she loves only sweet potatoes and bananas more than words, writing and editing. Almarie lives for ministry and has a passion for Christ's wholistic method of healing - naturally. Wholly Whole is her personal ministry, reflecting her journey to completeness in Christ.

Akilah Ballard As the Financial Manager at LIC, the Lord has blessed Akilah with a knack for organization and attention to detail: two skills fundamental to finance and accounting. When not analyzing numbers, she loves to admire God through His created works: gardening has become one of her favorite interests. She suspects that the same excitement she has watching seeds grow is the same that God has in watching His Word bear fruit in our hearts.

Sarah Victor Sarah is LIC’s Account Manager and she has made it her personal goal to make the service of God the most attractive thing in the world. Whether she is sharing tasty, healthful recipes, sharing object lessons while gardening, or while making her all natural hair and body butters for Jane's Butters, there is always one goal: to show that there is great peace, safety, and most of all joy in the service of our loving God!

Have Any Questions For The Lilies Staff? Contact us:

Associate Editor: Delnita McDavid

Rochelle Mekowulu Rochelle, the Business Manager, provides strategic guidance to ministries in their marketing and development efforts. She has always had a passion for ministry and the furtherance of the gospel. When not working on various projects, she can be found in nature, doing a bible study or writing.

Jaleesa Almarales Jaleesa, the Marketing Manager, believes that Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. Therefore counseling and teaching combined with a few other talents are tools that God has given her to prepare people, especially an army of youth, to meet our God. In her spare time, she can be found working on a DIY project, painting or trying to learn to play the piano.

Angelique Manning As the administrative assistant at LIC, Angelique is dedicated to using the skills the Lord has blessed her with to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believes that true happiness is found in unselfish ministry and with that, loves to serve whether it's by encouraging her family and friends or sharing the love of Christ with people in her community. Photography: Glenn Ballard (pg. 16, 17, 18 and 19 Layout & Design: Abiola Osinjolu


Fear NOT


he opposite of trust is fear. What are you afraid of? Everybody has some fears and worries—as humans, we’re programmed to feel fear as a natural response to threats in order to protect and look after ourselves. No wonder why "Fear Not" is mentioned more than 365 times in the Bible.

However, what happens when your fears begin to take over? Fear can control your life and keep you from trusting in God, prevent you from having faith, and stop you from living the 6

– Sheila Colas

blessed life that was destined for you to live. Constant fear can become crippling. But it doesn’t have to be this way! Fear can hold many people back, and one of the biggest mistakes that you might be making right now is taking your fear at face value. Fear can be a product of two different things—reality or your imagination. It’s hard for your body and brain to differentiate between the two. In general, real fear will be felt by both you and others around you, while imagined fear will only be perceived by you. Imagined fear is

generated by your beliefs and individual perspective of the world, which is why some have fears that are hard to comprehend.

For example, someone who fell into a lake as a small child may have a fear of water even into adulthood, while somebody who’s never had a scary experience with water could be a professional swimmer with absolutely no fear of scuba diving. This is because although water in and of itself isn’t something to be fearful of, your personal experience could make it scary for you.

In general, the fears which hold us back are imagined fears that are personal to each and every one of us. Just because they’re imagined, however, doesn’t mean that they’re not real—they certainly feel very real to the person who is experiencing them.

1. Identify the causes ​3. Swap your negative of your fears thoughts for positive The way to identify your fears is ones

to self-evaluate. This process involves asking yourself a number of different questions such as, what your biggest fears are, Conquering the fears which are what triggers feelings of fear holding you back relies on you and anxiety in you and which getting down to the source; dis- memories invoke the most anxcovering what causes your fears ious feelings in you. You may is key to facing them head on find it helpful to go through this and taking control of your own process with a trusted friend, life and happiness. This is why family member, trained profesit is best to put your trust in God sional or pastoral leader. and not yourself. Figuring out what you need to do to push

You must learn how to constantly check your thoughts. Philippians 4:8 counsels, "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any


"Constant can become crippling" your fears out of your life and no longer allow them to hold you back will involve putting everything into perspective and sifting out the irrational fears from the rational ones. Letting go of our fears takes more than getting down to the root of them. We need spiritual strength and guidance. Once you know where it is that your fears come from and how to deal with them, you’ll become a braver and stronger person. In this article you will learn scientifically proven techniques to help you on your journey to freedom from fear.

2. Determine which fears are rational and which are not Is it a learned fear or an irrational fear? It’s not uncommon for people to still experience fear as a response to something reminding them of a situation that they experienced as a young child. It is also common to acquire a learned fear from a negative experience. This is why it’s important to jot down the different things which trigger feelings of fear in you, as memories can stick around even from the earliest years of childhood.

praise, think on these things" (Phil 4:8). Ask yourself, is what I am thinking pure or true? Am I allowing my thoughts to dictate my future?

4. Be Patient with yourself It’s vital to understand that you will need to be patient with yourself. Fear is an extremely strong emotion, and the fight or flight response generated by chemicals and hormones in the 7

body can lead to different physical responses which can make facing and conquering your fears extremely difficult. When you decide to conquer your fears, be aware of what this entails—at some point, you will need to face them. Remember that you are not facing this battle alone. Trust in God and know that you are more than a conqueror. No need to beat yourself up as you go through this journey: this will only hinder your growth. Rather, it’s important to be patient with yourself and resolve to take small steps towards achieving your goal to fearlessness.

5. Meditation and prayer

"Meditation is pondering the Word in our hearts, preaching it to our own souls, and personally applying it to our own lives and circumstances."

Regular prayer and meditation has help us to become more knowlbeen shown in numerous scientific edgeable, calm and peaceful. studies to be an important factor in Your life will open up to more living longer and staying healthy. opportunities and you'll find it Long-term daily spiritual practices easier to make healthy choices. help to deactivate genes that trigger inflammation and prompt cell Taking the steps to gain condeath, this results in the relaxation trol over your fears and no lonof the body and mind. ger allow them to rule your life Meditation has been proven to is a process which will take time, reduce stress levels and it can effort, patience, prayer and trust even help with conditions such in God—but it will all be well as high blood pressure. Biblical worth it in the end. meditation is no mind-emptying activity; it is an intelligent reflection upon God’s self-revelation 1. Ellen G. White, The Ministry of through nature, history and His Healing (Mountain View, CA: PaWord. Meditation is pondering the cific Press Pub. Assn., 1905), 143. Word in our hearts, preaching it 2. Ellen G. White, The Desire of to our own souls, and personally Ages (Mountain View, CA: Pacific applying it to our own lives and Press Pub. Assn., 1898), 370. 3. Ellen G. White, Sons and circumstances. Daughters of God (Washington, As we meditate on the wonders of D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. God we will be comforted, our anx- Assn., 1955), 270. ieties and fears will be minimized 4. White, The Desire of Ages, 21. and our trust in Him will increase. This type of meditation will also 8


What the Devil’s TV Show Will Not Tell You – Akilah Ballard

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"It is through its laws that a nation speaks."


t was 2:30 in the morning. The glow from the light outside dimly lit what otherwise would have been my pitch-dark room. I laid motionless in my bed; my eyes fastened on the still ceiling lamp in solemn silence. I had woken randomly in the night. Immediately, I took to my phone to check the news. It was the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November. Yes, you guessed it correctly; the day after the U.S. Presidential elections. The results were still trickling in, but the winner was now evident.

To the horror of many Americans and the jubilance of many others, Donald Trump, by an estimation1 of the Electoral College vote, was now the President-elect of the United States. While the American political-media scratched their heads as to how they missed Trump’s groundswell, protests around the country broke out in utter rebellion to the results. In Los Angeles alone protests grew to 8,000 people on the fourth day following the election.2 Trump supporters, on the other hand, erupted with absolute joy to the results. This election was unprecedented and of far-reaching importance and consequence in America’s history. Before going further, it would be well to note just how politics play a role in the fulfilment of Bible prophecy. In

studying the prophetic books, we see that prophecy involves nations, kings (statesmen), the laws these governments pass and the effect of such laws on God’s commandment keeping people. Politics then, which deals in this realm, cannot be discarded in ascertaining the unfolding of prophetic events. However, while we pay attention to politics, it is important to separate politics from the politician. It was Nebuchadnezzar, a statesman, which set up the golden image and passed a law for all to worship. However, Nebuchadnezzar was ultimately converted to the gospel of Christ (note Dan 3 & 4). As we consider prophetic events, let us heed the heavenly counsel to pray for our rulers (Heb 13:17,18). While there are concerns of those in opposition to Trump’s election (such as his stance on immigration, and healthcare policies), there is a concern of eternal import that many Americans and the world at large are wholly ignorant of. As I lay in my bed, a weighty realization of the striking similarities of this event with scripture, its prophetic significance, and the nearness of the dark future for

God’s commandment keeping people, now engrossed my mind. “Crucify him, crucify him!” was the swelling cry from the furious mob whose heart was laced with malice and envy. The time was 31 A.D. Lead by the Jewish elders and chief priests to Pilate’s judgement hall, Christ had begun drinking the bitter cup of the Father’s wrath. “Who will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?” (Mt 27:17). Pilate, wrestling with the conviction of Jesus’ innocence, tried to free himself from the guilt that sentencing Jesus to death would bring, by setting before the people what he thought would be an obvious choice. The base, immoral character of Barabbas (convicted of treason, robbery and murder) was placed beside the spotless purity of Christ. The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was the representative of God (see Heb 1:3 and 2 Cor 4:6). Likewise, as Satan is a murderer and the father of lies (note Jn 8:44), so Barabbas was the representative of Satan. In all reality, it mattered not who Pilate set before them, the religious leaders were going to choose against Christ. In a statement made by the Jewish lead11 11 11

ers during that trial, we see reflected a choice made by the church in the early centuries of Christianity: one that is again being repeated today. "Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar." (Jn 19:15). With the rejection of Christ and election of Caesar (the State power) as their king, the Jews as a nation effectively forfeited the protection of God. Severing their connection with the Son of righteousness, they aligned themselves fully with the source of darkness. Divine wisdom counsels: “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prv 14:34). The Jews realized the consequence of such a decision in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. In the 2016 race for the White House, the characters of the candidates are nowhere near as contrasting as that in the crucifixion of Christ. In fact, one could argue the in comparison to the character of Christ, both Hilary and Trump are as Barabbas. Albeit not a perfect imitation, there are some striking parallels between the election of Caesar at that trial and that of Trump. In both elections, the choice of the professors of godliness—the religious sect— are to be distinctly marked. According to exit polls, Trump walked away with 81% of white evangelical votes. Irrespective of race, 68% of those who identify as atheist voted for Hillary Clinton, while Trump took 58% of Protestant and 52% of the catholic votes.3 In one election, the religious body chooses the state power of Rome (depicted as a dragon in Bible prophecy). In the other, their choice (perhaps unwittingly), as the Bible predicts, is instrumental in the advancement of the dragon’s agenda in our day. Irrespective of the person in Presidential office, the Bible predicts that America will carry out dictates and 12

values which are not in harmony with the Spirit of God, but with that of Satan. A study of Revelation 13 in connection with the book of Daniel shows how America will transform from a “lamblike” nation of Christian principles to one that speaks as a dragon (or speaks like Satan. See Rev 12:9). It is through its laws that a nation speaks. In observing the race for the White House, the student of sacred history and prophecy would all too keenly note just how Trump’s campaign promise to repeal the Lyndon Johnson amendment (which prohibits 501c3 organizations from engaging in political advocacy) would be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. In the crucifixion of Christ, a religious body is seen appealing to the civil government to execute sentence for a supposed moral violation. “…We have a law, and by our law He ought to die,” the Jews proclaimed (Jn 19:7). “The Jews therefore said unto him [Pilate], it is not lawful for us to put any man to death” (Jn 18:31). Despite being governed by moral precepts, the church has no power to impose civil penalties for moral violations. As the power to execute civil judgment rests with the government, it was necessary for the Jews to employ Rome to accomplish the crucifixion of Christ. Hereby we see a union of church and state. This union is the “image” which the Bible prophesied America would make before the second coming of Christ (note Rev 13:11 – 14). Trump’s promise to “give back power to the church”, by repealing the Johnson amendment4 would effectively pave the way for the uniting of church and state, and thus the formation of an image to the beast.

To some, the uniting of church and state may seem inconsequential, however, Holy Writ predicts that such a union will bring about a national religious law in direct opposition to God’s Fourth Commandment. Through such a law the enemy of our souls will seek to persecute God’s faithful commandment keeping people who will not worship the beast or his image (see Rev 13:15– 17). It was seventeen years ago, that The Simpsons aired an episode predicting the election of Donald Trump as president. While the devil’s TV show may make accurate predictions, the knowledge vital to salvation it will purposefully omit. In this new year, what preparations are we to make as we see the events foretold in scripture fast fulfilling? We are to believe more fully and pray more earnestly. We are to purpose in our hearts as did Daniel, to keep ourselves undefiled. We are to wrestle with God in prayer as did Jacob, for His grace to overcome every sin. We are to strain every muscle and bend every faculty in serving the Lord and blessing mankind. We must daily behold the sacrifice of Christ so that we might be changed into His image (2 Cor 3:18).

"While there are concerns of those in opposition to Trump’s election there is a concern of eternal import that many Americans and the world at large are wholly ignorant of." “…the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: He is their strength in the time of trouble…the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him” (Ps. 37:39, 40). 1. Estimation because the electoral college at the time of this writing did not vote as yet (they vote the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December; December 19 for 2016). And interestingly enough Clinton won the popular vote, but by est. electoral college Trump got the vote. So the electoral college vote “trumps” the popular vote… pun intended ;) 2.





Kushbu Shah and Azadeh Ansari. CNN. com, (2016). Accessed November 14, 2016. http://www.cnn. com/2016/11/13/us/protests-elections-trump/index.html. 3., (2016). Accessed November 15, 2016. http://www. national/president. 4.

“Donald Trump Remarks in



(2016). Accessed November 15, 2016.



Blueberry Scones – Sarah Victor



(Yield: 12 scones)

lueberry season is over! But if you are like many people I know, your freezer is stocked full of bags of fresh picked blueberries from when it was blueberry season. If you are in search of some more blueberry recipes, look no further. This blueberry scone recipe is quick and easy, and absolutely delicious. Make it for your family and friends the next time you cook them breakfast and they will love you forever!

Ingredients: 3 cups of flour 1 ½ tablespoons Haine’s featherweight baking powder ¾ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons coconut sugar (evaporated cane sugar, honey or maple syrup works too) ½ cup cold earth balance butter cut in chunks 1 ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1 ½ cup coconut milk, plus a little almond milk for brushing the top of the scones

Glaze: 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice ½ cup raw cashews ¾ cup water Pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 lemon, zest finely grated 3 tablespoons honey (or any sweetener of your choice)

2. Sift together the dry ingredients; the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Using a fork, cut in the butter to coat the pieces with the flour. The mixture should look like coarse crumbs. Fold the blueberries into the batter. Next, pour in the coconut milk. Fold everything together just to incorporate but DO NOT OVERWORK THE DOUGH! 3. Press the dough out on a lightly floured surface into a large rectangle about 12 x 4 x 1 inches. Cut the rectangle in half then cut the pieces in half again. This should give you 4 (3-inch) squares. Cut the squares in thirds on a diagonal to give you the classic triangle shape. 4. Place the scones on a cookie sheet and brush the tops with a little almond milk. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until beautiful and brown. Let the scones cool a bit before applying the glaze. 5. Add all of the ingredients for the glaze to a blender and blend until smooth. If needed, add more water a tablespoon at a time to get it to the desired consistency. Next, drizzle the glaze over the top of the scones, and serve while warm!

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. 1515




– Rachel Montanez


"Just as winter prepares plants and trees for growth, let's purposely use this season to evaluate our relationship with God."


or many of us awaiting the Second Coming of Christ, October 22, 1844 was a historic day. It was a farmer by the name of William Miller who introduced the concept of Jesus coming on October 22nd. His study of Daniel 8 and specifically verse 14, “And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed,” sparked great conviction in the belief that the cleansing of the sanctuary meant the cleansing of the earth from sin. Bitter sorrow came at midnight when the hopes of those awaiting the coming of Christ weren't fulfilled.

However, those who searched the Bible with a sincere heart and clung to their faith came to the understanding that Daniel’s “cleansing of the sanctuary” was not a prophecy of Jesus’ return, but instead the start of Jesus’ work of merciful judgment (Heb 8:1-2 and 9:11-28). This judgment is His final act before His Second Coming as mentioned in the first angel’s message (Rev 14:6-7). Aren’t you glad that Jesus is com-

ing soon to take us out of this world rampant with evil, injustice, and sadness? Since giving my life to Jesus on the day before my 14th birthday, my Christian walk has had many ups and downs. Like those that believed that Jesus would come in 1844, I too have sometimes not fully understood God’s plan for His church and my life, but just because we don’t understand or feel discouraged doesn't mean that God isn’t in control. Christ is never dormant. How can He be when the adversary, the devil, prowls around attentively with his agents like a lion seeking to trip us up and take our eyes off of Jesus and His mission (1 Pt 5:8)? The disciples didn’t understand how Jesus could be sleeping on the boat but in fact, they were the dormant ones (Mt 8:24; Mk 4:38). “If the disciples had trusted in Him, they would have been kept in peace. Their fear in the time of danger revealed their unbelief. In their efforts to save themselves, they forgot Jesus; and it was only when, in despair of self-dependence, they turned to Him that

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He could give them help. How often the disciples’ experience is ours!” 1 This quote alludes to a few important concepts: trusting in God, keeping our thoughts and minds on Jesus, and the first commandment. 2 We are in a dormant season. Winter is the time when trees become bare, and plants and flowers die off. Winter is also a time of preparation for roots and tree saps that will experience warmer weather and growth in the springtime. Just as winter prepares plants and trees for growth, let's purposely use this season to evaluate our relationship with God. A strong character is essential for withstanding the storms that will come during the year’s seasons of growth and harvest. Here are a few practical ways based on Luke 2:52 to help us prepare for the final act of mercy and judgment that started in 1844. 1. Pick a topic or area of interest and commit to studying a corresponding book. For example, if you’re interested in child rearing and the positive and negative influences you as a parent or parents have over your child, prayerfully study a section in the inspired book Child Guidance about influence. 2. Seek out inspired and biblically sound writings, they are an amazingly comprehensive source of wisdom. 3. Keep a journal of your thoughts for three days. This can be extremely revealing: jealousy, envy, impatience, faultfinding, amongst other feelings and characteristics that we sometimes neglect to address, are not of Christ. Christ knows our heart—we can “keep it real” with Him and when the Holy 18

Spirit shows us our sin, we can confess and turn away by God’s grace. To have the mind of Christ that trusts explicitly in God, we must guard the avenues of our mind. Our mind also affects our physical health as disease often starts in the mind. 4. Ask God to help you formulate actions to overcome your weaknesses. Applying what we have read transforms knowledge into wisdom. Jesus is coming again very soon; satanic agencies are doing all in their power to destroy us. Why should we be any less diligent? 5. Regularly attending a prayer meeting service at church and keeping a prayer journal with the requests and answered prayers of yourself and others are also practical ways to grow spiritually. By God’s grace, let’s be transformed even more than we were last year in our prayer and Bible study. “Satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the Scriptures, will be overcome by his attacks.” 4 Now is not the time for us to be sleeping! Christ isn’t dormant. Praise God, He is in the Most Holy place preparing for those that love Him and joyfully keep His commandments. 1. Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages (Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1898), 336. 2. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Ex 20:3). 3. A lovely volume on biblical child rearing by Ellen G. White. 4. Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy (Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1888), 519.



Staff Picks! for dull hair and skin

For Hair

Angelique Picks Bentonite Clay Mask Have you heard of bentonite clay? It’s a greyish powdery substance made from aged volcanic ash. Bentonite clay is known for its highly absorbent properties, it sucks toxins and unwanted buildup out of the hair which strips the hair of its natural oils. My hair was soooo dry but after one application of a bentonite clay hair mask, my hair came out soft, light, shiny and bouncy. It literally brought life to my hair! A bentonite clay hair mask is Angie approved. ☺ 1. Mixed 4-6 tablespoons aloe vera juice and 3 tablespoons of bentonite clay powder with a few drops of lavender essential oil 2. Fully incorporate into hair from root to tip 3. Rinse and style as usual


For Skin Sarah Picks Oil Cleansing

I've had super sensitive and oily skin my entire life. I've tried so many products and concoctions that claimed that it would give me the desire I wanted, but until I was introduced to the oil cleansing method, all were unsuccessful. This method of face cleansing is not only simple and effective, but it also saves so much money! 1. Liberally, apply pure sweet almond oil onto your face (I've found sweet almond oil works best for me because of its high vitamin A content, it’s light texture, and its ability to absorb deep into the skin and dislodge any dirt) 2. Take a clean face cloth and dampen with hot water, ringing out any excess water (make sure it is not dripping) 3. Place the entire cloth on your face for 20 seconds and thoroughly wipe your face 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 5. OPTIONAL: I finish by using Thayer's Organic Peach Witch Hazel on a clean cotton ball to moisturize my face.

blood. But if you haven’t acquired the taste to enjoy it internally, you can still benefit from its use as a face mask due to its many properties that help to heal damaged, inflamed skin, prevent acne, tighten the skin and rejuvenate a tired face.

Jaleesa Picks Epsom & Oatmeal Face Scrub Do you have oily skin, acne, or dry skin? Be encouraged, those are all common problems. Try using a epsom salt and oatmeal face scrub. And don't forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, drinking water helps you to shine from inside out! 1. Steam your face in hot water to open the pores 2. Mix 1 tablespoon epsom salt with 1 cup rolled oats and 1 cup water 3. Apply in circular motions and leave on for 5 mins 4. Rinse with warm water followed by cool water 5. While your face is still damp, finish by adding a dime size amount of coconut oil to moisturize

Almarie Picks Molasses Face Mask

Unsulphured blackstrap molasses (not fancy molasses!) is loaded with benefits, it is very high in iron and potassium, helps to strengthen bones and is very good for the

1. Thoroughly mix 2 tablespoons of unsulphured blackstrap molasses with 1 tsp of turmeric powder until combined (Turmeric powder can be omitted) 2. Apply mixture liberally but carefully to face and neck 3. Let fully dry 4. Rinse with warm water and moisturize as usual

Akilah Picks Skin Brushing While rejuvenating your face and hair, remember the rest of your skin too! Dry skin brushing - literally, brushing your skin - will bring life to your whole body. Among it’s many health benefits, it revives and improves the overall skin look and tone, helps elimination and detoxification by stimulating your lymphatic system and improving circulation, and reduces cellulite. How does it work? 1. Take a regular shower and dry skin as normal 2. With a high-quality, natural bristle brush, brush your entire body using firm motions towards the heart (don’t scrub!) 3. Be sure to avoid sensitive areas and moisturize as normal 21 21

22 Lilies in the City - February 2015

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