The Love of Liberty | July/Aug 2016

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Lilies in the City - July/August 2016 - Issue 16

lilies city




AMERICA Forever a place of Refuge?





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lilies city Lily Lifestyle

6 True Freedom 16 America Forever A Place of Refuge?

Glowing Lily

8 Healthful Homemade Hygiene Products

Social Lily

10 Choices Determine Destiny

Lily Eats

14 Banana Split

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture references are taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible (The King James Version)





he three houses directly in front of mine are empty shells. The structure stands firm but for the most part the inside is filled with ashes.

Not too long ago though, they were filled with busy activity; the daily toils, the going & coming and the joys & sorrows of families. One early morning a fire started on one, spread to the other two silencing the activity and changed many lives. The fire would burn for 4 hours before firefighters were able to completely extinguish it. Hundreds of litres of water gushed out of the hydrants, drenching the houses. What the fire did not consume the water destroyed. During all of the chaos happening directly across the street, I was fast asleep in the safety of my bed. From my rear facing window, I could hear the sound of many trucks outside but dismissed it as normal city noises. When I emerged from my room I 4

was shocked at the magnitude and proximity of the calamity. Then a peace washed over me. While some were running to and fro, I had experienced the security of truly having Christ as my refuge. While it wasn't my home, I looked around at my belongings and solemnly realized that I would have felt the same way if it had been me. We've lived here for 20 years and these walls are full of beautiful memories yet my Treasure is not in this earthly home. You don't have to be a scholar to see the strangeness of things happening all over this earth, from terrible food shortages in Venezuela, saddening mass murders in the United States and senseless riots in France - humanity seems to be falling apart. “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows� (Mt 24:7,8).

So many live a life of fear. They fear failure, loosing family & possessions, or the ending of the world. Christ wants to free us from the bondage of these fears and equip us for this reality. Concerning these last days, He lays out clearly what we should expect. He's given us in the Bible a road map of the events to take place as we near the close of this earth's history. In this special issue we begin to look at some of the players in these events. We look at true freedom, the importance and power of choices and the role the Bible says the United States of America plays in these final events. Want an abiding peace in the midst of these troublesome times? Let's learn now to daily choose Christ as "our refuge and strength, [for He's] a very present help in trouble" (Ps 46:1).



Almarie Hill Almarie is the Editor-in-Chief at Lilies in the City (LIC). Of things seen on this earth, she loves only sweet potatoes and bananas more than words, writing and editing. Almarie lives for ministry and has a passion for Christ's wholistic method of healing - naturally. Wholly Whole is her personal ministry, reflecting her journey to completeness in Christ.

Akilah Ballard As the Financial Manager at LIC, the Lord has blessed Akilah with a knack for organization and attention to detail: two skills fundamental to finance and accounting. When not analyzing numbers, she loves to admire God through His created works: gardening has become one of her favorite interests. She suspects that the same excitement she has watching seeds grow is the same that God has in watching His Word bear fruit in our hearts.

Sarah Victor Sarah is LIC’s Account Manager and she has made it her personal goal to make the service of God the most attractive thing in the world. Whether she is sharing tasty, healthful recipes, sharing object lessons while gardening, or while making her all natural hair and body butters for Jane's Butters, there is always one goal: to show that there is great peace, safety, and most of all joy in the service of our loving God!

Have Any Questions For The Lilies Staff? Contact us:

Associate Editor: Delnita McDavid

Rochelle Mekowulu Rochelle, the Business Manager, provides strategic guidance to ministries in their marketing and development efforts. She has always had a passion for ministry and the furtherance of the gospel. When not working on various projects, she can be found in nature, doing a bible study or writing.

Jaleesa Almarales Jaleesa, the Marketing Manager, believes that Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. Therefore counseling and teaching combined with a few other talents are tools that God has given her to prepare people, especially an army of youth, to meet our God. In her spare time, she can be found working on a DIY project, painting or trying to learn to play the piano.

Angelique Manning As the administrative assistant at LIC, Angelique is dedicated to using the skills the Lord has blessed her with to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believes that true happiness is found in unselfish ministry and with that, loves to serve whether it's by encouraging her family and friends or sharing the love of Christ with people in her community.

Photo Credits: Monik Amelia (p.19) William Kertawijaya (cover) Layout & Design: Abiola Osinjolu 5


FREEDOM – Rochelle Mekowulu

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"The Bible teaches that the only freedom we have is the ability to choose."


ive me liberty or give me death,” these are the famous words uttered by Patrick Henry, the great orator of the American Revolution. With these words the trumpet was sounded that ushered the American colonies into open war against the British. Countless millions since the days of Henry have uttered these very same words. Ingrained in the very fiber of the American philosophy is that death is preferable to slavery. In fact, the official motto of the state of New Hampshire is, “live free or die.” But our concept of what true freedom or liberty is falls very short of the biblical definition.

The notion that many have of freedom and liberty is the ability to do what they desire to do, when they desire to do it. Freedom then is a casting off of authority. This view of freedom revels in the mantra “you do your thing, and I’ll do mine.” It unknowingly embodies “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” the diabolical philosophy of the Satanist, Aliester Crowley. But the reality is that’s not what the Bible teaches about true freedom. The Bible teaches that

the only freedom we have is the ability to choose. We have the freedom of choice, but once that choice is made we become servants to whatever, better yet, whomever we chose to obey (Rom 6:16-22). The word translated as “servant,” is the Greek word “doulos,” which means slave. Our actions, whether good or bad, form habits;. And we all know that habits once formed are not easy to break. Now I know that to our modern mindset it’s not palatable to consider one’s self a “slave.” The very term invokes in our mind forced servitude. We don’t want to think of ourselves as being the property of someone else, but this is exactly the picture that the Bible paints. However, slavery is not always a negative experience. The apostles were not ashamed to be considered “slaves” of Christ (see Rom 1:1; Phil 1:1; 2 Pet 1:1; Jude 1:1). Why was that? The answer is rather simple. They knew that they had chosen a good and faithful master.

man remains unsatisfied. So we have to do more, spend more in order to get more. At times we strive to break free from these destructive behaviors but find that escape is illusive (Rom 7:15-20). On the other hand, service to God offers true liberation. Servitude to God is based on the principle of love not coercion (Jn 14:15). In Jn 8:36, we are told that when Christ makes us free, we are free indeed. Free from following the insatiable passions of human nature, and free from habits that are destructive. This Master loved His servants so much that He was willing to give Himself for them, and as a result of that, He has a loving interest in their well being; He seeks not to take from His servants, but to give them an abundant life (Jn 10:10). One of the biggest lessons the Lord taught me as a youth was that in life we are never really doing our own thing; at any particular moment we are either doing the bidding of God or the bidding of the devil. There are only two forces (masters) operating on this earth. According to Matthew 6:24, we cannot be slaves to these two masters at the same time. We must make a choice.

Slavery is vastly different under a loving and compassionate master, as compared to a tyrant. The Bible tells us that those who So practically, what does that look are servants to sin are held as like? How can you ensure that you captives (Prov 5:22). Sin is a are using your power of choice in merciless dictator and rewards the best way? Matthew 6:33 proits servants with nothing more vides a guiding principle. We are to than death (Rom 6:23). Many seek first the kingdom of God and believe that real freedom is free- His righteousness. When making dom to sin, and in so doing they decisions, ask yourself, “Will this feel that’s where happiness lies. uplift Christ? Will this help to estabBut in time it is realized that the lish His kingdom of righteousness very things that should have in my life? Will this draw me closer brought freedom, brought only to God?” bondage. Today, why don’t you choose the If you’ve lived in this world for one who has loved you with an any length of time, you can tes- everlasting love? His wages are tify to this fact. There is a cease- better and His service is so much less craving for pleasure, yet sweeter! 7 7

Deodorant It's as easy as 1-2-3 ... 4! Yield: To fill a one-ounce bottle* 1 level tsp baking soda 2 level tsp corn starch 3 level TB water 4 (or more) drops of essential oil (e.g. Lavender) Shake well before each use. *Roll-on bottles can be purchased online.

Toothpaste 1 tsp activated charcoal powder 1 tsp vegetable glycerin 4 drops peppermint essential oil (or other essential oil for flavor) For bigger batches, use ratio: equal parts charcoal and vegetable glycerin + 2 drops of oil per teaspoon of product.

Veggie Wash 1 cup water 2 TB baking soda 1 TB lemon juice 1. Pour all ingredients into bottle and gently shake. A squeeze bottle will work well. Spray bottles will need to have a thick stem to minimize clogging. 2. Squeeze or spray onto produce; preferably only onto those with edible peels like apples, plums, potatoes, or squash rather than on fruit such as strawberries, as the solution may be absorbed. 3. After applying, let solution sit on produce for a few minutes, then scrub, rinse, and enjoy. 8







here are numerous things in today's society that can be extremely damaging to a child's moral values. That is why it is important, as a parent, to take every opportunity that presents itself to teach your children about the importance of having strong moral values. Decision making is one of the most vital skills our children will need to develop in order to become healthy, God fearing, mature adults. Decision making is crucial, because the decisions our children make dictate the path that their lives will take. Simply put, choices become habits and habits become our character. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it� (Prov 22:6). As you train your children in the way and admonition of our Lord and Savior, by God's grace, they will make wise eternal choices. Have you ever seen the joy on a child's face after you have complimented them for making a right choice? When children make a good decision on their own they

gain satisfaction and fulfillment. If a child makes a bad decision, although they may suffer for it, they can learn from the experience and make better decisions in the future. We must teach our children to hone in on their decision-making skills when the stakes are reasonably low. The red dress or the pink one? The crayons or the paints? Childhood is the safest time for our children to build their decision-making skills. When we train our children to discern good from bad, right from wrong, evil from righteousness, we are stamping eternity into their core habits of life. We are helping them to get to know God and themselves better from an early age. As our children mature, so do their options. Soon, it will not be the choice between paint or crayons, but who to befriend, where to hang out and whom to marry. There are many examples in the Bible, which were recorded for our benefit, where individuals or groups made bad decisions; some resulted in the loss of life. Not only do our children need to know the scriptures for themselves, but they must develop a

"If they have their own personal relationship with God, they will know more than what is good: they will have a revitalizing power at their dispense."


"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6). personal relationship with God also. If they have their own personal relationship with God, they will know more than what is good: they will have a revitalizing power at their dispense. When I gave birth to my first child, I was clueless as to how to raise a child. Some people may have missed out on lessons from their parents and do not know how to teach values to their children as a result, while others were taught and are still unsure of how to pass these values on to their children. If you are one of these people, do not worry, God's word is filled with gems. Here are a few scriptures which can help us cultivate optimal decision making skills in our children: Self-understanding and acceptance “..So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ,” (Eph 3:17-18, NIV). There is something powerful that 1212 10

comes from knowing that we are loved. This kind of love frees us to be ourselves. It is God's faithfulness to us, even when we are not faithful, that gives us a humble heart. This kind of love also allows us to come to Him, again and again, inspite of the state of our spiritual condition. Similarily, loving our children unconditionally means so much to them. We must also give them regular, focused, undivided attention. Showing these acts of love towards them communicates our unconditional love for them. As parents, our goal is to send our children out into the world, so rooted in Christ, His love, and our acceptance, that their confidence in who they are in Christ is unbreakable, unshakeable, non-negotiable and un-movable. How magnificent it is when we have faith in our Father’s love, knowing that we will always be safe, always be accepted, and always be loved. Oh! What a joy! Imagine how your little ones may feel. Constructive thinking “Keep thy heart with all diligence;

for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov 4:23). We are what we think. According to Psychology Today, negative thinking can damage your children's memory, feelings, and emotions. It can disrupt their sleep, appetite and their ability to experience long-term happiness and satisfaction. Speaking negatively with anger is even worse, "undermining cooperation and trust."1 We must fill our language with statements that will help our children see life in a positive way, to view adversity as manageable, to persist until they are successful, and to become more oriented to the needs of others. Teach them to identify positive and negative feelings in themselves and others. Replacing destructive thinking with constructive thinking increases self-esteem and improves coping skills. Feed your children nutritious meals “..But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the kings meat…” (Dan 1:8).

Good nutrition optimizes the way your mind and body works. A well-functioning mind and healthy body increases our self-esteem and resilience. If your children see you eating nutritiously, they are more likely to take adopt healthy eating themselves and develop a lifelong positive habit, just like Daniel did. Self-esteem is a realistic estimate of your own capabilities and worth. People with high self-esteem are productive, responsive, imaginative, and attentive to the needs of others. Encourage your children to develop their natural aptitudes and interests. Set them up for success. Empower them to be more responsible. Need some more gems? Go digging into God's word. Your answers are found there. Couple your search with prayer and you won't be lead in the wrong direction. 1. Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Walkdman, “The Most Dangerous Word in the World,� (August 1, 2012.). Psychology Today. https://www.

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Banana I

t's summer time, you're at your local grocery store in the frozen food aisle and you're trying to decide which ice cream to buy. Reaching in the freezer, you grab your favorite gallon bucket of ice cream. Because of your most recent findings about foods that are healthiest for your body, you read the ingredients label. To your surprise, there are 14 grams of sugar per half cup of ice cream and also a few ingredients the names of which you cannot pronounce. So what do you do? You were convicted in your studies on healthful living, and now it's time to make a decision. To buy or not to buy? This banana split is a delicious summer treat and is a healthier alternative to your typical store bought ice cream that's made­up of mostly sugar and preservatives, which suppress the immune system and debilitate the reasoning powers. Feel free to add your own twist!

Ice Cream:

2 ripe bananas, coarsely chopped and frozen 1 cup of frozen strawberries 1/4 cup honey (or another natural sweetener of choice) 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/4 cup almond milk (or your favorite plant based milk)




1 banana Blueberries Coconut flakes Walnuts Granola crumbles

– Brittany Hodges

Instructions: 1. Chop and freeze 2 ripe bananas and strawberries for 8 hours or overnight. 2. In a food processor or blender, first add vanilla extract, milk and sweetener before adding, frozen bananas and frozen strawberries. 3. On a plate or in a bowl cut banana in half. Scoop ice cream on top of banana and sprinkle blueberries, coconut flakes, walnuts and granola crumbles for the topping. ** 4. Happy Eating! ** or choose your favorite toppings (e.g. carob chips, caramel date syrup etc. ) Now the ice cream decision doesn't have to be so difficult to make. This recipe is healthy, affordable and doesn't require alot of ingredients. I can assure you, you'll want to make it over and over again! CHOOSE this day which ice cream you will serve!

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AMERICA Forever a place of refuge?

– Andrew Barrett



he United States of America has always been known as a place of opportunity. Many touch its soils looking to live out the American Dream. Many others seek it for refuge, whether coming in as refugees escaping their war-torn homes, immigrating for certain advantages or illegally crossing its shores escaping oppresion.The Bible has something to say about the United Sates also, and we find it in the book of Revelation.

In the book of Revelation there are many eternal truths that are clothed in symbols, judgments, and antichrists. In order to fully understand Revelation, it is also important to see the direct correlation between it and the book of Daniel. One is a compact prophecy the other is a revealing, a revelation. Unlike Revelation, the prophetic portions of the book of Daniel were commanded to be sealed up (Dan 12:14; Rev 22:10); this means that none could understand it in its entirety (see Is 29:11,12).

core that reveals to us those “things which must shortly come to pass” (Rev 1:1). A book whose theme is still Jesus Christ and whose contents were “sent and signified [in signs and symbols] by His angel” (Rev 1:1). Revelation absolutely cannot be understood without the aid of the Holy Spirit who is granted only to those who desire to be in full obedience to God (see Jn 16:13; Acts 5:32). Obedience, therefore is pivotal to our understanding of this book of Revelation.

Rather than immediately thinking of a literal beast and literal earth, let’s seek out the scriptures for the proper interpretation. Is there any other text in the Bible that might tell us what a beast could represent or be a symbol of? We find our answer in Daniel 7:17,23.

We are to seek to understand these symbols through diligent study and fervent prayer. Except there be overwhelming evidence to show that we should read specific portions symbolically, we are to take everything in the Word of God literally. With this foundation, let’s turn our attention to “These great beasts, which are However this book wasn’t to be Revelation chapter 13: four, are four kings, which shall closed up forever! Daniel was arise out of the earth... The fourth told to seal it up until “the time “And I beheld another beast com- beast shall be the fourth kingof the end”. “But thou, O Daniel, ing up out of the earth; and he dom upon earth, which shall be shut up the words, and seal the had two horns like a lamb, and he diverse from all kingdoms, and book, even to the time of the spake as a dragon.” (Rev 13:11) shall devour the whole earth, and end” (Dan 12:4). Although the shall tread it down, and break it devil has worked tirelessly at John, the author of the book of in pieces.” trying to get people to avoid this Revelation says that he beheld book and denounce it as some- “another” beast coming up out thing that is too hard to under- of the earth. This of course is an BEAST=KINGDOM/ stand, in the book of Revelation obvious implication that there we find the sealed portions of were either beasts or a beast COUNTRY/NATION/ Daniel revealed! The very title before this particular one, but first of the book, The Revelation of let’s begin by exploring the bibliPOLITICAL POWER Jesus Christ, reminds us that cal definition of “beast”. this is a prophetic book at its 17

How simple was that? Praise God, friends the same way God has provided an answer to all the complex symbols and problems in the book of Revelation, I pray that you may realize that He also has all the answers to the problems of daily life.

THE FIRST BEAST OF REVELATION 13 The first thing we see about the beast of Revelation 13 is that it rises from out of the sea. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (Rev 13:1). The sea is a body of water; and water, according to Revelation 17:15, represents a multitude of people. “And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and


nations, and tongues.”

might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished Since we have already estab- for a time, and times, and half a lished that a beast represents a time, from the face of the serpent” nation, putting the two symbols (Rev 12:14). together we find that the “beast rising up out the sea” represents In this verse we have a woman, a nation or political power ris- which represents the saints or ing to prominence in a densely church of God (see Jer 6:2; Ez 16; populated area, or simply put, an Rev 19:7; 2 Cor 11:2), the wilderarea where there is a multitude of ness, the serpent (enemy; another people. name for Satan, see Rev 12:9), and a time, times and half a time. The second thing we notice about this beast is that it is a combina- Recall that in Daniel 7:24, 25 we tion of a leopard, a bear and a have the saints, the little horn (the lion. (See Rev 13:2). enemy of the Church and agency of the serpent), and the time, times, This will bring the avid Bible and the dividing of time. student to a dream that Daniel, another character in the Bible We see Daniel 7 and Revelation had. In Daniel chapter 7, Daniel 12:14 speak about a number of dreamed of a lion, a bear and a things, including the “time, times leopard before the arrival of a final and half a time,” but notice in the “dreadful and terrible beast. This same chapter of Revelation that dreadful beast in Daniel’s vision “the woman fled into the wilderness, has ten horns, which represents where she hath a place prepared ten kings (see Dan 7:24), until of God, that they should feed her another “little horn” appears, a there a thousand two hundred and king different from all of the other threescore days” (vs. 6). ten kings. This little horn was prophesized to subdue three of Again we have the woman, the wilthe ten horns (Vandals, Heruli, derness, a persecutor (preceding Ostrogoths) (vs. 8, 24) and was verses), and a time. Notice that the seen committing blasphemy (vs.8, period of time in Revelation 12:6 25), persecutinge the church (vs. is plainly told “one thousand two 21,25) and in power for a “time, hundred and threescore days” (1 times and the dividing of time” score = 20, 3 scores = 3 x 20 = (7:25). 60) = 1260 days. We have established that the book of Revelation is a book of symbols and because A TIME, TIMES of this we have to ask if a “day” in the Bible could have another & HALF A TIME application. In Revelation 12, we are told In 2 Peter 3:8 we read “But, clearly the exact period of time beloved, be not ignorant of this the little horn would be in power. one thing, that one day is with the First, let’s compare a few verses Lord as a thousand years, and a in Daniel and Revelation where thousand years as one day.” the time, times, and half a time are mentioned. According to this verse a day could be 1000 years, using this interpre“And to the woman were given two tive key would mean the little horn wings of a great eagle, that she

would rule for 1260 x 1000 = a ridiculous amount of time.

find that 1260 days = 1260 years (see also Ez 4:6).

must multiply the 42 months by 30 days. 42x30 = 1260!

Read Revelation 13:1-7. In this passage, a number of things stick out about this beast that shows a direct correlation between the little horn of Daniel However, notice in Numbers 14:29 - 7: they both commit blasphemy 34 how we have the children of Israel and both persecute the saints. (at the time, God’s church, the saints And notice now the time periods; and the woman) go into the wilder- the little horn rules for 1260 years, ness for a specific time. In this verse while this first beast of Revelation (vs. 34) we find the interpretive key 12 rules for 42 months. for the symbolic day. Here’s the interpretive key; in “After the number of the days in the Bible there are 30 days to a which ye searched the land, even month. The flood in Genesis 6-8 forty days, each day for a year, shall is a great example of this at it took ye bear your iniquities, even forty 150 days which was also reckyears, and ye shall know my breach oned as 5 months. 150 days / 5 of promise.” months = 30 days to a month. To see how many prophetic days this 1 day = 1 year, as we apply this we beast, or entity would rule for we

Based upon this evidence and the intimacy between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 we can conclude that the first beast of Revelation 13 is one and the same as the little horn of Daniel 7. Who is this first beast and this little horn? We’ll cover that in a future article.

The days in Revelation 12 and Daniel 7 could never mean 1 day = 1000 years because no power has ever lived for so long!

What significant time in history lasts 1260 years and relates directly to God’s church (the woman)? History reveals that the Dark Ages, began in 538 A.D. and ended in 1798 A.D. (1798 538 = 1260)!


THE BEAST REVEALED In verse 11 John sees the first beast receive a deadly wound, this was in the year 1798. In the verse immediately following John sees another beast already “coming up” out of the earth. This means that this beast, or as we have already deciphered, this nation or country would have begun to be established a little before or around the time of 1798. Also, unlike the other beasts, this nation does not rise out of the sea, but rather it rises out of the earth. This can only mean one thing: if the sea represents a densely populated area it follows that the earth being the opposite of the sea represents a scarcely populated area. Additionally, the Bible speaks of it having two horns like a lamb. The lamb is a representation of Christ and/or christians (See Jn 1:29 and Jn 21:15). Therefore the Bible is describing a Christian nation whose principles at first would be unlike the tyranny of the first beast, but instead somewhat like Christ. Let us notice an interesting verse that reveals the type of governmental principles Christ would have. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgement and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Is 9:6,7). 20

Here we find that a kingdom with Christ-like principles would be ordered and established with justice and judgment, or equality. We also find in Galatians 5:1 that the Bible says “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free...” The last significant point is the fact that Christ is a refuge. There is an amazing principle we find in the book of Joshua 20:1-5. According to the law in the Old Testament, if one person accidently killed another and was afraid of a potential avenger he could flee to a “city of refuge” plead his case and be completely protected from the avenger until a formal judgement. The avenger was in fact, not legally allowed to pursue anyone once in a city of refuge. Friends, how relevant this is for us today! What an encouragement for those of us who have committed wrongs but have “fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us” (Heb 6:18) in Jesus. While in Christ, the avenger -the devil- cannot touch us! “The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.” (Ps 9:9). Let us apply these principles to the lamb-like beast of Revelation 13:11. Can you think of any Nation that came up out of a scarcely populated land that professed christianity, promoted liberty and was established towards the end of the 18th century? A nation with a judgement system that emphasized justice; nation that was also a place of refuge from European persecution? A regular encyclopedia can tell beyond the shadow of a doubt that this beast is a representa-

tion of none other than the United States of America. The United States of America gained its independence on July 4, 1776, completing it’s constitution in 1787. Unlike the densely populated Europe, the Americas were scarcely inhabited by the First Nations. The strong connection between the US constitution and the Bible is clearly apparent - even the US currency bears the phrase “In God we trust”. Despite the fact the this beast would be founded on Christian principles, the Bible says that it would eventually speak as a dragon. Which represents nothing good (see Rev 12:9). A nation ‘speaks’ through her legislative bodies, and though once professing christianity, the US will speak like the dragon. She will, according to the Bible which has only been accurate thus far, repudiate her former principles and revert back to a satanic persecuting power. So, where do you stand? Is Christ your city of refuge?

"And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon."

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22 Lilies in the City - February 2015


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