lilies city
Lilies in the City - September/October 2016 - Issue 17
a Tale of two hearts
Cinnamon Rolls
Your right to
It's a LIC
lilies city Social Lily Lily Lifestyle Lily Eats Glowing Lily Practical Lily
6 A Tale Of Two Hearts 18 Restoration Through Degredation 10 The Merchant Man 16 True Education 14 Cinnamon Rolls 22 It's A LIC Giveaway 24 Your Right To Choose
Unless otherwise noted, all scripture references are taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible (The King James Version)
was 2 1/2 years old when I first started school. My parents tell me that I was so excited to keep up with my 4 year-old sister, that they were left with no other choice but to send me also. So with some preparation, I started school just as I was able to talk.
As a result, I've always looked forward to the first day of school. Throughout my elementary, secondary and post-secondary years, those first days were associated with feelings of excitement, a joy of learning, and a nervousness of embarking on a new adventure. But I quickly understood that school, learning and true education were not limited to the classroom. In teaching His disciples how to pray, Christ asked of the Father, "Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Mt 6:10). In almost every sense, and especially as it deals with education, our living on earth is preparatory for heaven. Daily we are faced with decisions, opportunities, and losses; each are 4
like section quizzes meant to prepare us for our final exam. Section quizzes assess our current strengths and weaknesses, revealing areas that need to be improved or fine-tuned. It is not the specific situation in life that we are to focus on. Rather, these quizzes are to direct us to Christ and His word where we can find strength, wisdom, focus, and motivation to cooperate with the work of the Holy Spirit on the deficiencies in our lives. Since true education extends beyond the desk, chair and black/whiteboard, how we approach a trying relationship, the loss of a loved one, a failed exam, a missed opportunity or the results of a poor decision, is training or preparation for heaven. Are we learning to trust God more and worry less? Are the heavenly graces of love, joy, peace, patience and self-control increasingly displayed in our interactions? Are we more timely and more organized, bringing perfection into every sphere of our life?
Education and learning still makes me very excited, especially as I remember that life here is a prerequisite for heaven. "This world is a training school for the higher school, this life a preparation for the life to come. Here we are to be prepared for entrance into the heavenly courts. Here we are to receive and believe and practice the truth, until we are made ready for a home with the saints in light."1 In this issue we look at the health of the body, the mind and the home. There's a yummy cinnamon roll recipe on page 14 and we share the details of our 2nd annual giveaway! Read about it on page 22 and watch the video on our Youtue channel for more details on the goodies! 1. Ellen G. White, Counsels on Health (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1923), 581.
Almarie Hill Almarie is the Editor-in-Chief at Lilies in the City (LIC). Of things seen on this earth, she loves only sweet potatoes and bananas more than words, writing and editing. Almarie lives for ministry and has a passion for Christ's wholistic method of healing - naturally. Wholly Whole is her personal ministry, reflecting her journey to completeness in Christ.
Akilah Ballard As the Financial Manager at LIC, the Lord has blessed Akilah with a knack for organization and attention to detail: two skills fundamental to finance and accounting. When not analyzing numbers, she loves to admire God through His created works: gardening has become one of her favorite interests. She suspects that the same excitement she has watching seeds grow is the same that God has in watching His Word bear fruit in our hearts.
Sarah Victor Sarah is LIC’s Account Manager and she has made it her personal goal to make the service of God the most attractive thing in the world. Whether she is sharing tasty, healthful recipes, sharing object lessons while gardening, or while making her all natural hair and body butters for Jane's Butters, there is always one goal: to show that there is great peace, safety, and most of all joy in the service of our loving God!
Have Any Questions For The Lilies Staff?
Rochelle Mekowulu Rochelle, the Business Manager, provides strategic guidance to ministries in their marketing and development efforts. She has always had a passion for ministry and the furtherance of the gospel. When not working on various projects, she can be found in nature, doing a bible study or writing.
Jaleesa Almarales Jaleesa, the Marketing Manager, believes that Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. Therefore counseling and teaching combined with a few other talents are tools that God has given her to prepare people, especially an army of youth, to meet our God. In her spare time, she can be found working on a DIY project, painting or trying to learn to play the piano.
Angelique Manning As the administrative assistant at LIC, Angelique is dedicated to using the skills the Lord has blessed her with to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. She believes that true happiness is found in unselfish ministry and with that, loves to serve whether it's by encouraging her family and friends or sharing the love of Christ with people in her community.
Photo Credits: Gladstone Brown (cover,
Contact us:
p. 2,24,26,27) Glenn Ballard (p.22)
Associate Editor: Delnita McDavid
Layout & Design: Abiola Osinjolu 5
a Tale of two
– Sheila Colas
"How do we keep both our physical and spiritual heart in shape?"
id you know that the physical heart is the very center of life? It is one of the most important muscles in the body. The heart is an amazing pump that continually circulates blood throughout the body. It is comprised of a type of muscle called the cardiac muscle; this muscle type is truly resilient and astonishing!
The heart is the only organ, that when it fails, death is the immediate result. Any obstruction to or in your heart can cause serious health problems. Unfortunately, millions of people continue to suffer and die from heart disease every year. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of death in the Western world. Similarly, our spiritual heart can be obstructed, leading to spiritual problems. Sin can cause an obstruction, blocking the flow of the Holy Spirit, and in turn, lead a person to experience a spiritual death. Compared to heart disease, think of how much more may die spiritually from a spiritual blockage? Where is your spiritual heart? According to the Bible, it is your mind. The mind is where you
commune with your Creator and spiritually? Is your life in disarray? make decisions (See Pr 23:7; Have you found yourself losing it Mt 12:34; Rm 7:25). The apostle with your children, family members Paul puts it all into perspective or friends? Have you knowingly with this verse, “For to set the said things today that you have mind on the flesh is death, but surely regretted? Are you apologizto set the mind on the Spirit is ing for what you did wrong and yet life and peace” (Rom 8:6, ESV). find yourself doing it all over again If we set our minds on our own a few hours later? Do you knowdesires and wants, then we will ingly wear, display, or assume a only find eternal death as our form of Christianity? Why can't we reward, but if we set our mind get victory over a sin that plagues on God, His Holy Spirit gives us us? Simply put, we are missing an amazing life now and forever. Christ, our natural pacemaker. We This is the same with the physi- need the power of the Holy Spirit to cal heart. If we’re only doing as electrify us. Spiritual lethargy must we please, embracing a seden- come to an end! tary lifestyle and eating foods we want that will clog our arter- Some may be in a situation where ies, sooner or later it will lead to they feel alone. You may feel like heart disease and even death. your family or friends have forsaken you. Or it may even be your There are many forms of heart church family. As long as you are disease and these can affect breathing in God's word and are the heart in several ways. The quickened by the Holy Spirit, you main problem with all varieties will be alright. "For He hath said, I of heart disease is that in one will never leave thee, nor forsake way or another, they can disrupt thee" (Heb 13:5). Rest assured in the vital pumping action of the this promise. heart or the flow of blood. THE RIGHT BEAT Let’s consider some of the simi- An adult heart is about twice the larities between the spiritual and size of a held out fist. Your heart physical heart. beats about 100,000 times per day. A rough estimate would mean that A NATURAL PACEMAKER the heart will beat around 2.5 billion The heart has a special sec- times in a lifetime. That is around 1 tion that is known as it’s "natu- million barrels of blood in an averral pacemaker". This sends an age lifetime. Just amazing! electrical charge which helps to keep all your cells beating at the Our brains produce between same time. Because the heart 50,000 -70,000 thoughts per day. has its own electrical impulse, it We repeat at least 95% of these can continue to beat even when thoughts on a daily basis. If we were separated from the body. This is to constantly dwell upon our cononly possible with a proper oxy- cerns, worries, and difficulties, we gen supply. Think of the pace- would have everything but peace maker as the conductor of an and quiet. If we were to calculate orchestra: it keeps everything your negative thought pattern over together and on time. your lifetime, do you think it would pass the 1 million mark? To a cerChrist holds us together. With- tain extent our mindset governs our out Him, we can do nothing (see actions. What results do you want John 15:5). Are you falling apart to achieve in your spiritual life? If 7
you have a mindset that limits your spiritual potential, then you will likely accept a life of limited spiritual results. A NEW HEART In the United States, thousands of people wait for heart transplants daily. Heart transplant surgery can cost upwards of $150,000. On average, twenty-two people die each day waiting for a transplant. Recipients must be matched by blood type, medical urgency, size of the donor heart, and may wait for months or even years for a suitable heart donor. I am glad that we serve a God that doesn't put us on a waiting list. God says that when we call, He will answer. He has enough Holy Spirit supply for all of us. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isa 55:1). Thank you, Lord, for allowing salvation to be free! Hallelujah! How can we take care of our heart health now? Here are some warning signs of both spiritual and physical heart attacks: PHYSICAL: Women Lightheadedness Upper back pressure Pain in chest, both arms, back, neck, jaw bone or stomach Fainting or extreme fatigue Shortness of breath Men Cold sweat or nausea Chest pressure or pain Shortness of breath Pain in one or both arms, back, neck, jaw bone or stomach Spiritual (How can you tell if you are drifting away from God?): You spend little time reading God's word ("Life is just too busy"). The Gospel doesn't affect you like it used 8
to ("Same old scriptures," some may say). You have more worldly friends than Christian friends. The sins that used to bother you don’t really bother you anymore. You find yourself quieting the voice of Holy Spirit more frequently. You don't pray like you used to. Your worship time is almost nonexistent. So, how do we keep both our physical and spiritual heart in shape? Eat the right foods, exercise regularly, pray often and spend time with God daily. Remember to always come to God with a sincere heart.
"Remember to always come to God with a
sincere heart."
10 10
nock, knock, knock.” Jeremy Smith was at home on a Wednesday afternoon, doing what he does best. Jeremy was on a winning streak. He had been playing Xbox online with his cyber friend, and it was now 3:00 pm. It had completely slipped his mind that he hadn’t eaten since yesterday’s breakfast! “That must be the pizza man,” he thought to himself as he paused the game, got his wallet and stumbled his way over to the door.
– Sarah Victor As he led the tall man to the living room, he felt a sudden sense of embarrassment about the chaotic state of the house. He rushed to pick his dirty laundry off the couch and to turn off the video game. Once they were settled in the living room, the tall man placed his big, black box on the table and told Jeremy the reason for his visit. “Jeremy, I am a merchant man. Everything that you will ever need is in this box,” he repeated.
Peeping through the curtains, he “You have a medium cheese asked, “Who is it?” pizza in that thing?” Jeremy “It is I, Jeremy.” snidely replied. Did I add my name to the pizza order? How does he know my name? The man pulled out an item out Hmmm, maybe I did add my name? of the box. It was a large loaf Jeremy shrugged his shoulders as of bread. “No, Jeremy. I have he hurriedly opened the door to something better. If you eat this get his pizza, only to find a tall man bread, you will never be hungry standing at his doorstep with a very again.” big box. A box completely unnecessary for his medium sized, cheese “Oh really?” he retorted, raispizza. ing his left eyebrow. “What else you got in there, apart from this “Jeremy, I have exciting news for supposed bread that will keep you. Everything that you need is in me full for the rest of my life?” this box!” “Well,” said the man as he “Uhhh, o-okay. Well, come in man.” pulled out an enormous jar of Although Jeremy had a feeling that water, “If you drink this water, this was not the pizza man, and that you will never thirst again either.” his pizza was not in that box, he Next, he pulled out a beautiful was intrigued. white robe and said, “It doesn’t
end there! If you wear this robe, you will never have to do laundry again. It will forever remain clean and spotless! Lastly, if all of that was not enough, I have one final offer to throw in,” said the man as he began to pull out the purest, most beautiful piece of gold that Jeremy had ever seen in his life! By this point, Jeremy’s eyes were beaming, and he was sitting at the edge of his seat. Suddenly, Jeremy bowed his head as despair overtook him. “I would ask you how much do they cost, but I know that I cannot afford any of this stuff.” “Well Jeremy, I have some wonderful news for you today,” replied the merchant man with great excitement in his eyes. “The expense has been paid in full! If you truly want the bread, the water, the robe and the gold, you just have to do two things.” “What is it?! I’ll do anything!” “All you have to do is believe that I will give it all to you and reach out and take them. Then they are all yours.” Jeremy could not believe his ears! He was astonished, hardly believing this could be true! He was so excited that he called his friends to relate to them his 11 11 11
experience. Then he left the house to tell all of his neighbors. Next he went to work to share, this good news with his coworkers and his church.
springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14).
Spotless Robe and Gold
….But guess what….? The merchant man was still sitting in Jeremy’s living room! “I counsel thee to buy of me gold Finally, the merchant man got tried in the fire, that thou mayest up. He packed the bread, the be rich; and white raiment, that water, the robe and the gold thou mayest be clothed, and that back into the big, black box, the shame of thy nakedness do and shut the box closed. With not appear” (Rev 3:18). tears streaming down his face, he whispered, “Jeremy keeps Like Jeremy, we also knew that singing about the offer, he we would never be able to afford keeps praying about the offer, such precious gifts. However this he keeps reading about the of- Merchant Man reassures us that fer, he even keeps telling oth- we have absolutely nothing to ers about the offer, but he has worry about! never once tried to reach out and collect this offer from me.” "Ho, every one that thirsteth, As the merchant man opened come ye to the waters, and he the door, a single tear fell from that hath no money; come ye, his face and hit the door mat. buy, and eat; yea, come, buy He sadly walked away with his wine and milk without money and once in a lifetime offer, never to without price. Wherefore do ye return again. spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for We are Jeremy. We were occu- that which satisfieth not? hearpied with worldly things until the ken diligently unto me, and eat ye Heavenly Merchant Man came that which is good, and let your into our hearts: “Behold, I stand soul delight itself in fatness "(Isa at the door, and knock: if any 55:1,2). man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, We are so busy talking, singing, and will sup with him, and he praying and sharing about the ofwith me” (Rev 3:20). And when fer, that we have yet to actually He came in, He presented to us grab hold of the offer; oblivious the deal of a lifetime: that we have kept the Merchant Man waiting for far too long. Let us learn from Jeremy. Let us not “And Jesus said keep Him waiting any longer. unto them, I am the bread of Now is our time of decision. Do life: he that cometh to me shall not wait until He leaves with His never hunger” (John 6:35). limited time offer. There will come a time when The Merchant Man, “But whosoever who is none other than Jesus, will drinketh of the water that I shall say, “He that is unjust, let him be give him shall never thirst; but unjust still: and he which is filthy, the water that I shall give him let him be filthy still: and he that shall be in him a well of water is righteous, let him be righteous
still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still” (Rev 22:11). Do you know what makes the offer so special? You can receive it all now! Even as you read this article, by faith, if you truly believe that it is yours, it is yours.
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life� (John 4:14).
CINNAMON ROLLS – Brittany Hodges, B|Whole
Did you know...
In the world in which we live today, there are many health conditions resulting from an enfeebled digestive tract and an irritated nervous system. Hot sauce, vinegar, caffeine and certain spices including cinnamon cause damage to the lining of the stomach and affect the brain's ability to function properly. Consuming these food items introduce acid reflux, irritability, constipation and other digestive problems. Cinnamon is a harmful irritant to the stomach. It can be substituted by combining cardamom and coriander* in the correct proportions leaving out the harmful effects. Please note this combination doesn't taste exactly like cinnamon but it gives a delicious flavour to most recipes.
Cinnamon substitute: ¼ cup ground coriander 2 tbsp. ground cardamom Mix ingredients and store in an airtight container. Use as directed in any recipe of your choice. *Cardamom and coriander can be purchased in the bulk or herb and spice section of most health food stores and some grocery stores. Coriander is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine and can also be found in that same aisle. Dough Ingredients: 1 packet dry active yeast
1 cup warm water ¼ cup organic cane sugar 3 cups all purpose flour 1 tsp salt ¼ cup coconut oil (melted) ¼ cup all purpose flour (to roll out dough)
Tightly roll the dough into a large log shape, making sure the ends are evenly layered.
Filling Ingredients: 2 tbsp coconut oil ¼ cup coconut sugar 2 tbsp cinnamon substitute
Cover with plastic wrap and set aside to proof for an additional 2 hours.
Caramel Ingredients: ½ cup coconut sugar ¼ cup non dairy milk 3 tbsp vegan butter Directions: Combine active dry yeast with warm water and sugar. Allow mixture to sit for 10 min. Mixture should double in size and foam at the top. Melt coconut oil over low heat. Combine flour with sea salt in a large mixing bowl. Create a well in the flour and pour the yeast mixture and the coconut oil into it. Gently fold flour until combined. Knead the dough a few times to form a ball. Lightly oil a clean bowl and set dough inside to proof. Cover with a towel and place in a warm dark place for 2 hours.
Cut roll into 12 equal sized rolls and place on baking sheet leaving some space along the edges.
Preheat oven to 350°F and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Caramel sauce: Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat. Whisk occasionally for 7 min to prevent burning until well blended. Set aside to thicken. When cinnamon buns are finished baking, immediately pour the warm caramel sauce overtop. Serve while they’re still hot!
Happy Eating!
While you wait... Combine sugar and “cinnamon” and set aside. Lightly oil baking sheet where the cinnamon buns will be placed. Once dough has proofed, dust the countertop with flour and roll out dough into a 16×16 inch square. Brush dough with coconut oil, but leave all edges free from oil. Sprinkle a generous amount of cinnamon mixture onto the surface with any other fillings you may like such as raisins, pecans or coconut flakes. 15
EDUCATION – Eleida Feliciano
“In my short time learning and teaching God's way, I have come to realize I had been asking the wrong question.”
“True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study.”
e will not know true education until we humble ourselves before God and with unshakable faith choose to take Him at His word. We have been given such precious jewels concerning all aspects of the Christian walk. Education, being a major aspect of the Christian's life, has not been left out; there is much said on this topic in the Bible.
Unfortunately, we as the Israel of old, are still seeking to be "like all the nations" (1 Sam 8:5). The Israelites desired so much to be like the nations around them that to reach their goal, "God's plan of education was set aside, His authority disowned."1 God's people once more find themselves in the same condition. We must stop trying to combine the education system of the world with God's ways of education. It does not work! We must abandon all worldly wisdom and humbly follow God's way. To understand True Education, we must understand its purpose. God's purpose for education is not to prepare our children to go to college and to get a career
and be successful in this world. Instead, His purpose is to prepare them to do the work of God and to be able to stand in the Day of Judgment. The following three quotes have helped me understand God's purpose for education and have been a guide for me in my ministry to His children: ."True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers."2 ."Since God is the source of all true knowledge, it is, as we have seen, the first object of education to direct our minds to His own revelation of Himself...All created things, in their original perfection, were an expression of the thought of God."3 ."God's purpose in giving the third angel's message[see Rev 14:6-12] to the world is to prepare a people to stand true to Him during the investigative judgment...This is our purpose in carrying forward every line of work."4 God has already provided all we need to know about education; search the treasures in His revealed word— the Bible. Faith is the first step. If you have faith in His word and trust His ways, as you seek wisdom with sincerity of heart, He will lead you. I don't know everything there is to know about education: I have only begun to scratch the surface of the richness of these treasures. But, as I have put
to practice the little bit that I know, the Lord has blessed my efforts and given me even more understanding as I continue to study and learn God's way of education day by day. I made the mistake that most make, encouraging children to think about what they want to be when they grow up. In my short time learning and teaching God's way, I have come to realize I had been asking the wrong question. Now, I encourage my students to ask God what He wants them to be, and not just when they grow up, but even now. We have mistakenly taught children that they will do a great work for God when they grow up but God has a great work for them to do even now. In fact, many of our children will not have the chance to grow up in this world. In these last days, at their young age, they will have an important work to do that we adults will not be able to accomplish. This is why true education is so important in this critical age. What a weighty responsibility rests upon parents and teachers in the training of God's little children! May we consecrate ourselves to this work understanding the sober responsibility that we have before God to these little ones. 1. Ellen G. White, Education (Oakland, CA: Pacific Press Publishing, 1952 ), 50. 2. Ibid., 13. 3. Ellen G. White, Education (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1903), 17. 4. Ellen G. White, Manuscript Releases, Vol. 1 (Silverspring, MD: Review and Herald Publishing, 1999), 228.
17 17
Degradation through
– Samuel Tucker
"..our restoration from sin will be the more because of our degradation."
he work of God in the earth presents, from age to age, a striking similarity in every great reformation or religious movement.”1 Amidst the turbulence of the great controversy, the High and Lofty One who inhabits eternity has never ceased to direct the unfolding of events by His unerring providence. As we look at the landscape of society as it now is, especially here in the United States, there is much inquiry as to whether our Father in heaven has any direct care for the events taking place here on earth.
The present evils that face this particular generation are unlike any other that have come before. But divine inspiration tells us, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecc. 1:9) With these words of Holy Writ before us, we see that the evils with which we are tormented are not necessarily new but immorality in a more matured phase. The iniquitous practices that are eating like a cancer within the social body have a direct parallel with a particular time in this earth’s history. For example, France, during the time of its revolution, presented to the world the despotic results of pursuing a course contrary to the benevolent will of
God. The understanding of the events of bygone days have a direct relation upon our salvation from the depravity of sin and our employment in God’s great plan of redemption. As with any nation, its basis for prosperity and fortune is predicated upon its acceptance of the principles of Heaven. The preacher of Proverbs tells us, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34) The principles of righteousness were presented to France in the form of the Protestant Reformation, but its refusal to procure the free gift of heaven resulted in those most egregious scenes of bloodshed and unbridled passion. There were two aspects of governance that most troubled the legislative halls of France, they were its political and social spheres. There was also another aspect, which dealt with France’s religious obligation to God, but in matters of conscious, no system of earthly government has any moral right to interfere. France’s incapacity to govern itself in regards to the right political and social conduct brought about its ruin and has been the downfall of every major world power, from ancient Babylon all the way to Rome of antiquity. The same blasphemous mockery of the Eternal Judge in all of its varied forms, from atheism to new age, the unrestricted
19 19
indulgence of the lower passions, school of the world’s greatest phiand the mass increase in violence losophers. This was how Jesus that confounds the mind with won- sought to embark upon the restoder at the cruelty of man towards ration of the human family. his fellow man exists today. Now more than ever, it behooves us “The restoration and uplifting of to come in line with the creator’s humanity begins in the home.”1 purpose. It is an adherence to this This foundational institution -the purpose that brings that tranquil- home- was the bulwark estabity of existence so sought after by lished in blessed Eden and is legislators and statesmen but so to be used in this generation as quickly spurned as evil of all good. the means to commence God’s “Here it is shown [in the word of efforts to reform our race. Much is God] that the strength of nations… made of the three and half years is measured by the fidelity with Christ spent laboring publicly, which they fulfill God's purpose.”2 and rightfully so, but the first thirty years of His life was occupied in The purpose of the Eternal is illus- the common place duties of the trated in these words of Holy writ, humble home at Nazareth. If we “[He] hath made of one blood all will make a beginning anywhere nations of men for to dwell on all it must be here. the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before This state of political and social appointed, and the bounds of depravity finds one of its contheir habitation; that they should sorts in Modern America and seek the Lord, if haply they might almost every country of the habfeel after Him, and find Him” (Acts itable globe. Once again, as an 17:26, 27). acceptance of the free grace of heaven would have reconstructed The ingress of sin into our world France’s governing system, the had disrupted the plan of Jehovah same is with us. The whole world but the marvelous provision made is on the verge of a revolution by the three Heavenly Dignitaries more horrific and monstrous in its in the plan of redemption has results, than that which overtook provided the means by which France. this plan may be accomplished. Though degenerated by almost The great universal family, with six thousand years of transgres- God as our Father, is in great sion, our restoration from sin will mourning as we (the human be the more glorious because of race), have, like the lost prodigal, our degradation. In order for this gone astray into paths leading to process to initiate, we must start destruction. As Christ left Heaven where Christ began. to restore us to His home, so must we work to restore the homes of The earthly ministry of Christ man. As this wonderful work is began by a wonderful miracle of conducted, it will give a mighty filial affection with the union of two impetus to the setting in operation in Holy matrimony. John chapter of many other movements for the 2 depicts a wedding ceremony in final promulgation of our Father’s Cana of Galilee, it was not a kingly last invitation to return Home. court of high pomp nor a learned
1. Ellen G. White, The Great Controversy (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn. 1911), 343. 2. Ellen G White, Education (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1903), 175. 3. Ellen G White, The Ministry of Healing (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1905), 349.
"This was how Jesus sought to embark upon the of the human family."
21 21
"It's a LIC
Each year we aim to give away some of our favorite products to a faithful subscriber as a small token of our appreciation for the love and support.There are a lot of amazing items in store this year so we’ll have not just one but two lucky winners! And to make this giveaway even more special, we decided to add a personal touch.
for dry and chapped skin. In a bar of soap, castor oil makes a soft, conditioning bar with a bubbly, stable lather. Coconut oil is a natural cleanser and moisturizer that makes a hard cleansing bar with a creamy, bubbly lather— even in hard water. Pomace olive oil has moisturizing, disinfectant and anti-wrinkle properties.
Be sure to check out our YouPURELY EDEN Tube channel for a special pre- Contact: sentation of each item. Now, let's shop/PurelyEden get into the giveaway goodies... Shea Butter Body Stick (For SAPPHIRE MOUNTAIN Heels, Elbows, Knees, & Toes) BEAUTY & Heart-Shaped Shea Butter Bar Contact: https://www.facebook. Shea butter is a particularly effeccom/SapphireMountainBeauty tive moisturizer because it tains so many fatty acids which are needed to retain skin moisSalt Bar ture and elasticity. The high fatty Have you ever taken a trip to the acid content of shea butter also ocean, swam in it, felt energized, makes it an excellent additive rejuvenated and so healthy? One to soap, shampoos, anti-aging reason is that the sea salt you are creams, cosmetics, lotions, and swimming in is full of great min- massage oils—its soft, butter-like erals such as magnesium, zinc, texture melts readily into the skin. calcium, potassium and iodine, among others. These minerals Organic Safe and Natoffer many therapeutic benefits ural Deodorant, Citrus including relaxing tight muscles. Blend Sea salt is excellent for gently This natural deodorant has no exfoliating dead skin cells, soft- harmful chemicals or ingredients ening rough skin, improving your like aluminum, which is linked to quality of sleep, and helping you breast cancer, or propylene glyrelax. Sea salt is also a natural col, which has serious health efdetoxifier because the salt ab- fects. We tested it; this deodorant sorbs the toxins from the skin. will give you proven odor protecThese sea salt bars are great for tion. After 30 hours, a hard workclearing up acne too. ing man had absolutely no odor while using our original formula. Jasmine Heart, PineIt is that powerful!
apple Mango & Almond Soaps
Lip Butter & Sachet
Some of the key ingredients in these soap bars are castor oil, FROM THE LIC STAFF coconut oil, and pomace olive oil. Castor oil is a high emollient, hu- Lily Painting by Jaleesa mectant, and softener that adds Almarales and retains moisture and protects the skin. It's also very good HANDMADE ITEMS by Akilah Ballard:
Polka Dot Infinity Scarf
100% Cotton, jersey knit with a beautiful drape.
Lemongrass Soap
Ingredients: Saponified oils of coconut oil, palm, rice bran, olive, and castor. Lemongrass essential oil.
Goodies Mug (picture not shown) by Sarah Victor
EDITOR’S PICK - Almarie Hill Woman's True Desire by Daniele Starenkyj
Coming Events & Crisis at the Close by W.D. Frazee Steps to Christ by Ellen G. White
The second giveaway winner will receive the lip balm, sachet, lemongrass soap and a Purely Eden Shea Butter Stick. The first giveaway winner will receive all the items from Sapphire Mountain Beauty, a Purely Eden Shea Butter Stick, Heart Shaped Shea Butter Bar, deodorant and all the LIC items exception the Lemongrass soap and the Steps to Christ book.
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Your right to
– Janelle Louis
“..there comes an almost imperceptible pressure to conform to the worldview of the majority.”
e are living in an interesting age. With advancements in technology, the growing popularity of social media, and the increasing sense of interconnectedness among individuals worldwide, people have many more opportunities to spread their messages—their ideas, convictions, thoughts, and worldview—to others than in the past. There is, however, a downside to the plethora of messages being shared. With increased exposure to others’ messages, there comes an almost imperceptible pressure to conform to the worldview of the majority.
As a millennial who engages fairly frequently with individuals who promote very different messages compared to my own ideals, I oftentimes sense from my colleagues, society, and culture, a powerful influence to be like everyone else: to accept the worldview of the majority. I don’t believe that I am alone in this. This would not be so grave an issue if it weren’t for the fact that the majority is seldom correct on every point. If they were, we would not have been admonished against following the multitude to do evil (see Exodus 23:2). I recently saw a video in which an older gentleman asked two Christian millennials a hypothetical question regarding worldview, perception, and reality. Initially, one young man expressed a moral conviction
that is seldom seen among the majority, but as the conversation continued, he suddenly changed his conviction. As he realized the parallel between this particular scenario and another hotbutton topic being discussed in the media at the time, he quickly changed his viewpoint and chose to subjugate his original convictions in order to be in harmony with what was more readily considered to be an acceptable point of view. I was troubled by the fact that, by the conversation’s end, this young Christian felt the need to espouse a worldview completely opposite to his initial position, relinquish his courageous stand, and alter his initial conviction and moral ideals to adopt a more widely-held worldview. I submit to you that such behavior is problematic for both Christians and non-Christians alike, and it has its foundation in an improper education. God created humanity with the freedom to reason from a sound foundation and to choose for ourselves. In order to exercise these God-given abilities, we cannot allow society to tell us what to believe and how to conduct our lives; culture and the media are constantly changing and neither are reliable standards nor safe guides. When we neglect to exercise these God-given attributes to reason and choose, we do not live up to our fullest potential.
“..Culture and the media are constantly changing and neither are reliable standards nor safe guides.”
Relinquishing our reasoning abili2525
“The Science of true education is the truth, which is to be so deeply impressed on the soul that it cannot be obliterated by the error that everywhere abounds.” ties and right to choose is specifically problematic for Christians because it goes against God’s government. God condemns neither reason nor freedom of choice; on the contrary, He encourages them when conducted from a solid foundation and linked with faith in Him as a loving Savior. He invites us today to reason together with Him (see Isaiah 1:18) from the sure foundation of His word. If I’m to be honest, I am concerned for myself as a millennial in the twenty-first century. I am also concerned for my son growing up at a time when culture and the media exert such powerful influences over the minds and convictions of individuals. I’ve realized that, in order to combat this influence, there needs to be a change in our education. Here are four things that I’ve decided to consciously encourage in myself and with my son in order to help us retain our reason and 2626 10
choice. I recommend you do the same.
Ask questions.
If you don’t understand something, ask questions. Avoid repressing the childlike nature to be inquisitive. When children ask questions, do your best to answer them truthfully and, if you don’t know the answer, find out and share.
Know God’s word.
Take time for personal devotion and Bible study each day so that you know and understand the foundation from which we are to reason, and encourage your children to do the same. Seek to understand God’s character, His will, and the way His government functions. Help your children become rooted and grounded in divine truth.
Understand prophecy.
The Bible plainly states that in the times in which we now live, there would be a power that would cause the majority to receive its mark and consequently receive the wrath of God (see Revelation 13-14). Understand for yourself what that mark is and what the true issue at hand is. Teach it to your children and help them to see the unfolding of prophecy in both history and current events. Teach them which side of this great conflict they should choose to be on and help them make decisions everyday that are founded upon that aim.
Experience God and cultivate faith in Him and His word.
Seek this for yourself through prayer and study and ask God to help you lead your children to Him. He will hear these earnest prayers.
In light of the heavy pressure from society to conform to apparent norms, true education is what we need in these times—both for ourselves and for our children. God will use a right education to bring us safely through earth’s final conflict. “The science of true education is the truth, which is to be so deeply impressed on the soul that it cannot be obliterated by the error that everywhere abounds.”1 1. Ellen, G. White, Fundamentals of Christian Education (Nashville, TN: Southern Pub. Assn., 1923), 542.
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28 Lilies in the City - February 2015