Back to School | September 2015

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Lilies in the City - September 2015 - Issue 9

lilies city





School of Christ Back to


ecoming Begetarian V



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lilies city Practical Lily Glowing Lily Lily Eats Social Lily Lily Lifestyle

6 Beating the Back to School Blues

8 Unveiling Modesty

10 Becoming Vegetarian


Vaccines: A Shot of Truth

14 The School of Christ

Unless otherwise noted, all scripture references are taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible (The King James Version)




he closed the book with a satisfied but pensive expression on her face. "Well done. Your reading is improving," I commended her. My niece had just finished reading her evening devotion from Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories. "Now, what was the story about and what can we learn from Richard?" I asked. She looked up at me from her 8-year-old eyes, "I don't remember," she gave me a half-smile, embarrassed. "You don't remember!?" I raised one eyebrow smiling back to reassure her, "Let's start from the beginning, let's read it again." But we didn't have to. Her memory returned just in time. How easy it is, in our round of daily living, to forget the main points of our sweet redemption. It's in these moments that we are to return to the beginning, to intentionally remember "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Rev. 13:8). With His blood, Christ, the Lamb, has purchased us from the bondage of sin (Acts 20:28; 1 Pet. 1:18), and by His pure life, He restores the lost image 4

of God in us (1 Pet. 3:18; 2 Cor. 3:18; 1 Jn. 3:2). He bought us from sin and brings us back to God. The promise of John 14:2,3 (compare 2 Pet. 3:1014) lets us know that we can be with Him because we will look like Him. So, we are ending this year with a "Back-to..." series, each month focusing on a different rudiment of daily Christian living. First, we will start with the School of Christ. Be sure to read the feature article on page 14. "Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them" (2 Pet. 1:12).

Administrative STAFF Almarie Hill Almarie is the Editor-in-Chief at Lilies in the City (LIC). Of things seen on this earth, she loves only sweet potatoes and bananas more than words, writing and editing. Almarie lives for ministry and has a passion for Christ's wholistic method of healing - naturally. Wholly Whole is her personal ministry, reflecting her journey to completeness in Christ.

Akilah Ballard As the Financial Manager at LIC, the Lord has blessed Akilah with a knack for organization and attention to detail: two skills fundamental to finance and accounting. When not analyzing numbers, she loves to admire God through His created works: gardening has become one of her favorite interests. She suspects that the same excitement she has watching seeds grow is the same that God has in watching His Word bear fruit in our hearts.

Sarah Victor Sarah is LIC’s Account Manager and she has made it her personal goal to make the service of God the most attractive thing in the world. Whether she is sharing tasty, healthful recipes, sharing object lessons while gardening, or while making her all natural hair and body butters for Jane's Butters, there is always one goal: to show that there is great peace, safety, and most of all joy in the service of our loving God!

Have Any Questions For The Lilies Staff? Contact us:

Associate Editor: Delnita McDavid

Rochelle Mekowulu Rochelle, the Business Manager, provides strategic guidance to ministries in their marketing and development efforts. She has always had a passion for ministry and the furtherance of the gospel. When not working on various projects, she can be found in nature, doing a bible study or writing.

Jaleesa Almarales Jaleesa, the Marketing Manager, believes that Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching people. Therefore counseling and teaching combined with a few other talents are tools that God has given her to prepare people, especially an army of youth, to meet our God. In her spare time, she can be found working on a DIY project, painting or trying to learn to play the piano.

Photo credit Daniel Sanchez - (cover, pg 2, pg 15) Karlon Cromwell - (pg 9) Layout & Design - Abiola Osinjolu







– Delnita McDavid

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).


h, the anticipation that another school year brings! Another year, another opportunity; another class, another exam; another try, another chance at success; new hopes, bigger and better dreams, a new start...and a new and improved me! Well, sort of. As a teenager, I would look upon every September with eager anticipation. It was another chance to start over, and remake myself. However, regardless of what I wore, what courses I took, how much I studied, or those I befriended, my attempt at selfchange and to positively propel my life forward never quite worked out as I had envisioned (see Prov. 14:12; 16:25). Every 6

school year seemed to result in disappointment. Life was fair – just not to me. Over time, it became apparent that in order to realise a fuller life, I had to learn how to “commit [my] way unto the Lord; [and] trust also in him” (Ps. 37:5). Moreover, to put it as my teenage self, I needed “to take a chill pill and relax” because life wasn’t going anywhere. As someone who studies and takes non-credit courses for fun, I understand how important and exciting the pursuit of an education can be. However, I have also come to understand that there is more to life than history, maths, or the sciences. Try seeking the Lord and His eternal kingdom and righteousness first (Mt. 6:33) and then see where your journey will take and what you will achieve (see also Ps.

34:8); opportunities will abound in new and unexpected ways, gifts will be used at full capacity, F's will literally be turned into A's, and doors once closed will be opened. With Christ’s leading and transforming power, my schoolyear-disappointment syndrome became a thing of the past. My advice to avoid the back-toschool blues: 1. Stop trying to control a life you have no control over. There are two things that will happen: something or nothing at all. Time will always seem short when it comes to preparing for the next educational step and life journey. However, a loss of time may happen if everything you do is akin to a child telling his or her parent how things are going to be. God is not your child and you are not His boss. He does not exist to grant your every whim or step aside or


to be a waiting room or hallway to stand in until God opens the door for you. Pick up a magazine, download a book onto your phone or tablet to read, and simply enjoy the wait…as difficult as it will be. 4. Enjoy the journey.

nature of your resume. Instead you will be defined by what He has done and who He is; an infinite, loving, and eternal being who says, “I created all things. I give wisdom. I knew you before you were born. I am the one who gives you a future and a purpose – in Me you have your being”.1

3. Quit the murmuring.

Once finished, there is no going back, no switching back the clock, and no redo. Enjoy life and make the best of the time and opportunities that God has given you in the present. Learn to be content in all things (see Phil. 4:11) irrespective of personal or societal achievement, deadlines, or of how many boxes you have checked off of your academic to do list.

Let God’s dreams be your dreams! I know from experience that His are far more amazing and fulfilling than anything you could think up yourself (see Is. 64:4; 1Cor 2:9). So, take a chill pill, relax, and smell the roses. Life doesn’t begin in September or end there if things do not work out according to your plan. It begins and ends with the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. (see Is. 41:4; Rev. 21:13).

Unless you want to wander the wilderness for forty years, I suggest you stop complaining. Choose to do more than just make the best of a situation. There is always going

Remember, there will always be Someone in your corner who will not define you by your ability to take a test, GPA score, number of degrees, or by the impressive

1. Referenced scriptures in order of usage:

2. Understand that worldly failure does not mean the end of the world. So, no one wants to hire you or grant you a place at a good university. So, you are not a doctor by the time you are twenty-five. Maybe you won’t get your master's degree until you are thirty. Perhaps, you will be sixty by the time you actually finish your education. It is not the end of the world when you choose to serve the author of time. Simply step back and have a Jeremiah 29:11 and Romans 8:28 moment and remember Who is in control and His eternal promises.

Gen. 1:1 & Jn. 1:1-3; Prov. 2:6 & Jm. 1:5; Jer. 1:5; Jer. 29:11; Acts 17:28.


– Sarah Victor



What exactly is Modesty?


hen you hear the word, do you automatically think of the words: old fashioned, out-dated, inferior, oppressed, or subordinate? Well, I took it upon myself to delve into the true meaning of modesty. The same words kept resurfacing both in the Bible as well as in the dictionary. These words being: meek, gentle, quiet spirit, having the fear of the Lord, humble, unassuming, and simple. To my surprise, all of the words that I kept stumbling upon had nothing to do with our clothing, but everything to do with our character! We need to understand that modesty is in no way a feministic issue. Adopting the principles of modesty in dress and in character in no way indicates inferiority or weakness, but rather, it is a chance for you to witness to others!


How can the way I dress minster to others? “The King’s daughter is all glorious within; her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework; the virgins, her companions that follow her, shall be brought unto Thee. With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the King’s palace” (Ps. 45:13-15). Do you see how the Psalmist talks about the King’s daughter having inward beauty first and foremost, which then manifests itself on the exterior? Do you also see how he speaks of her friends and all those around her being transformed, filled with joy and gladness, all because of her influence? Are we not the King’s daughters? Are we not called to be a witness to others primarily in character, deportment, and conversation first and foremost? “If any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by [our] conversation. While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (1 Pet. 3:1-4). Did you think this was going to be an article where I explained in great detail what is deemed immodest and why you should avoid immodest clothing at all cost to prevent men from lusting after you? While it is true we should never dress in a way to seek male attention, this cannot be the driving force for why we adopt these principles.

Time and time again I see the ill effects of women being introduced to the principles of modesty void of a true understanding of the biblical principles that underlie it. This ends up causing them more harm than good. How is this so? Elaborate please, you may ask? Well, from observation and personal experience, if you adopt these principles solely because you want to avoid lustful thoughts or looks from men, three possible scenarios could result: 1. You might begin to feel ashamed of your body. 2. You might even begin to feel guilty about your body, seeing it as a stumbling block. So that, every time any man looks your way, you hurriedly glance down at yourself to make sure you are completely covered and not giving any occasion for stumbling. 3. You will undoubtedly be exhausted from constantly thinking about the first two points, that you will try to simply avoid men altogether! Christ’s ultimate purpose was to fulfill His Father’s Will. And what exactly was His Father’s will? 1 John 3:8 tells us that, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” What does this have to do with modesty? Everything! The works of the devil, found in Galatians 5:19-21 lists anything that wars against the spirit, lust included. In the same way, if we like Jesus engage in destroying the works of the devil (and therefore lust), we are manifesting the Father’s Will for us. Now, if you are saying to yourself, “Wait, I thought that Christ was manifested in the flesh so that we might receive salvation?” You are indeed correct, but you see, by destroying the works of the devil, our redemption was a byproduct (praise God)! Likewise, applying the true biblical principles of modesty naturally destroys the works of the devil.

We should embrace all the truths that the Lord has so graciously made known to us with the same spirit as Jesus. In everything, our exclamation should always be, “Oh Father, Not my will, but Your Will be done in my life!”(Mt. 26:39; LK. 22:42). As a result, you will find a plain path set before your feet. I don’t promise the path will be easy, I only promise that it will be plain; and my dear sister, there is great beauty in simplicity. Want to learn more about the biblical principles surrounding modesty, write Want to learn more about the biblical to us at for principles surrounding modesty, write answers to specific questions or for to us at for more resources! Also,questions stay tuned answers to specific or for for that Also, will provide 6 pracmore articles resources! stay tuned for tical tips on dressing to the glory of more articles that will provide 6 practiGodtips while looking fabulous! cal on still dressing to the glory of God while still looking fabulous!


B egetarian V ecoming

– Samantha Edwards


h ere are so many good reasons to adopt a balanced, whole-foods, plant-based, total vegetarian lifetsyle - its good for your body, the environment, your intellect and the animals. As Christians though, we realize that the most important reason is that the Bible enjoins it. In designing the perfect environment for the first human pair, the Creator specified that their food would be of fruits, nuts, grains (Gen. 1:29) and then later vegetables and legumes (Gen. 3:18). Many doctors are now increasingly prescribing it too, showing how that which was good then is just as good (if not better!) now. Our first in this Lilies Feature, Samantha, shares her journey to becoming vegetarian - how it doesn’t only improve our lives but affects the lives of those around us too. --My journey with vegetarianism began fifteen years ago when I was first introduced to this new lifestyle. Of course I had not grown up a vegetarian, or anything remotely close to it, so it was a relatively new concept to me. Though somehow, it just seemed to make sense. I am so thankful to God for having then made this decision, albeit I was unmindful of how it would shape the rest of my life. 10

From S.A.D. to G.L.A.D.: The Cookbook Standard American Diet to God’s Life Activating Diet I initially got off all “meats”, i.e. chicken, beef, turkey, etc., however still consumed fish. Coming from a West Indian background, fish was never really considered “meat”—but thank God for wisdom. When I discovered that it was still a flesh food, I decided to wean myself off of it. It was also around this time when I rid my diet of all dairy products. My family thought I was some kind of extremist… new religion, new diet, new life. As a result, I was pretty much alone in this new journey- just me and my God. However, I loved the Lord and I was determined to follow Him and His way even if I was the only one. Little did I realize the influence I would have on my family in later years.

Family Influences When my mother developed Stage 4 breast cancer almost 10 years ago, it came as a shock and blow to the whole family. I made it a matter of prayer and when I went to visit her I shared with her the principles of healthful living. I really did not think she was paying me any attention but, to my surprise, she decided to become fully vegetarian! Around that time, my younger brother also decided to make the change, preparing vegetarian meals for our mother and becoming her caretaker since my sister and I had moved quite a distance from home. In addition, my father who was one of the chief naysayers of my lifestyle, having recently undergone a major surgery also began to make drastic changes for the better. But only after I had shared certain health principles with him (as I have done quite a bit in the past)—to God be the glory! Truly the Bible speaks, “Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men” (2 Cor.aa 3:2). Oh, that we would be the lights God would have us be, that our influence might bring others to know Him!

I always had an interest in cooking and baking and now as a vegetarian a whole new culinary world opened before me. From Caribbean to Asian to Italian, I determined to make healthier vegetarian versions of the dishes I grew to love so much! People began to take an interest in the dishes that I would prepare and would always request recipes. At first, I really did not have many, but when these requests became more urgent and persistent, I was motivated to put together a cookbook. In fact, there was one lady who literally hunted me down for my lasagna recipe (which, at the time of her asking, I did not even have written down) and I had to quickly put one together. Then, I was called to do a series of cooking classes at a camp meeting and I realized I needed to get the cookbook completed since the attendees would to be expecting one. These events gave birth to The Better Way: Recipes that Will Glorify Our Creator & Inspire Your Taste Buds, which is founded on 1 Corinthians 10:31. Since that time, I have continued to add new recipes to my repertoire and plan on releasing another edition of the cookbook in the near future. Truly, God is good and His message of health reform is life changing. As a result of the impact, this message has had personally on my life, I now, with my husband, travel from place to place for our ministry, Tree of Life Ministries ( combining God’s wonderful biblical health principles with the plan of redemption. We could not be more blessed with working for the Master.

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TRUTH – Sheila Colas


ix years ago, I was unaware of the two sides of the vaccine debate. "It’s a sin to bring a baby into this world not knowing how the body works," someone said to me during my first pregnancy. It was a wakeup call. I then met a lady who sparked my interest in health and provided me with resources to help in my journey for truth. I was not completely convinced against vaccination when I finally delivered my first son and allowed him to be vaccinated. As he was still woozy from the epidural, it was unwise to add upon him the burden of vaccines; He did not want to nurse and slept for six hours straight (I later found that excessive sleep is one of the side effects of the Hepatitis B vaccine). The nurse brought him to me saying, “You have to do something, because he’s dehydrated and needs


breast milk!” It took time to wake him and I felt horrible. I did not then know anything about how the body functioned. Later on, I found this quote, "No woman should become a mother unless she is capable of being physician to her offspring. How can mothers turn over their tender children to the care of a strange physician, for him to dose them with drugs, the true nature of which she has no knowledge? Such a course is a sin in the sight of Heaven. Ignorance is no excuse for parents. Why do not those who take such responsibilities, educate themselves? They should read and investigate with a prayerful heart..."1 As I looked more into this topic from a Christian perspective,

I learned quite a bit about the simplicity of physiology. The immune system is made up of skin, mucous membranes, saliva, the spleen, tonsils, numerous glands, the brain, and more.2 All these work together in a holistic way to immunize the whole body. Germs don’t cause disease, and disease cannot come without a cause. Let’s look a little more at disease, immunity and vaccines. 1. The cause of disease There are two scientific theories about the cause of disease: Louis Pasteur’s germ theory and Béchamp’s cellular theory. The germ theory is based on the stance that every disease is associated with microorganisms outside the body and can “strike” anyone. To prevent diseases, one must “build defenses”.3 The cellular theory focuses on microorganisms inside the body. It

believes disease arises from unhealthy conditions within the body and in order to prevent diseases one must create health.4 The medical industry adopted Pasteur's theory to some degree, believing if your child is exposed to a weakened disease, the body will produce antibodies to that disease, and you become ‘immune’. However, antibodies are not always a good thing as autoimmune antibodies attack the body. For a vaccine to be considered safe and effective, all it has to do is create an antibody. This is, however, just one small aspect amidst the many other functions of immune system. If Pasteur was correct, we’d be sick every day because we are constantly exposed to environmental factors of disease. In reality the body enters a diseased state when, while it’s defenses are down from a compromised or weak immune system, unhealthy conditions within or without come upon it. Unable to navigate as normal, it becomes diseased in its effort to free itself from these conditions. 2. Real immunity and vaccine injury Immunity comes from our lifestyle. Our parents’ lifestyle prior to conception also plays a role. This is termed as epigenetics; an expression of your genes based on the nature and nurture of our environment. This can also be influenced by several factors including age and disease state. Our diet and lifestyle can either turn on our healthy genes, keeping harmful ones at bay, or turn on the harmful genes .5 6

3. Vaccines ingredients and cell lines include Aborted fetus tissues, sorbitol, sodium chloride, bovine cow serum, egg protein, human albumin, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, and aluminum phosphate. Peanut oil, MSG, tobacco, chicken eggs, vero (some vero comes from monkeys), yeast, hamsters, Ecoli, hen, rabbit, squalene and more.7 The FDA can’t even guarantee the viruses in the vaccines8 (see the 2nd paragraph of the citation). “It is on diseased, lifeless organisms that fungus roots.”9

1. Ellen G White. The Health Reformer. Parents their own physicians. The Health reformer. (October 1, 1866). 2. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. (2013). What are the organs of the immune system? PUBMED Health. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi. 3. James, W. (n.d). Pasteurian germ theory vs Bechamp cellular theory. Retrieved from 4. Ibid.

Did you know that vaccines aren’t mandatory for school? In most states/provinces, one can get a religious exemption from the health department or can see if he or she qualifies for a medical exemption by requesting one from your health care provider.10

5. University Of Utah Health Sciences. (n.d.). Epigenetics. Retrieved from 6. Humphries, S. (2015, February 4). Neonatal immunity: The first three years pt. 1. [Video file]. Retrieved from watch?v=wL8srdLw4c0 7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2015, February 15 (13th ed.). Vaccine excipient and media summary. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-

God says in His word, “And the Lord will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest upon thee” (Deut. 7:15). So why should we deliberately put these diseases into our bodies? Let’s meditate on these verses: “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?” (1 Cor. 6:19).

preventable diseases. Retrieved from 8. Khan, A.S. (n.d.). Investigating viruses in cells used to make vaccines; and evaluating the potential threat posed by transmission of viruses to humans. Retrieved from scienceresearch/biologicsresearchareas/ucm127327.html 9. Ellen G. White. Education. (Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1903) p.189 10. National Vaccine Information Center. (n.d.). Vaccine laws. Retrieved from

There is so much more we can say about vaccines. While we’ve only touched the surface, we pray it gives you something to propel your studies as you decide how to immunize your body and the bodies of your loved ones. 13

School of Christ

– Rochelle Elvir Rousseau Mekowulu


rowing up in New York City, September was back-to-school month. This time of year generally found us children in a state of near like depression at the thought of returning to school. On the other hand, many parents were doing a “happy dance”. As I think about the subject of school, I am reminded of another school – the School of Christ. Some might be surprised that Christ has a school, but He does. The tuition is free, the Instructor is out of this world, the curriculum is varied covering a wide range of subjects, every willing individual is able to enroll, and the classes are never full. In fact, there are always more open seats than students to fill them. When I first learned of this school, I was a bit skeptical about enrolling. Why? Well, for a number of reasons: school is always in session, there are no holidays or summer breaks, I didn’t like some of the subjects covered - especially the practicums, and to top it off, you never graduate. You can begin to see why this school is so vastly different than others. After speaking with the Instructor though, I got a better sense of the school. I began to realize that this school was set up in the way it was because of the kind of students it was seeking to produce. I learned that its aim was not simply to help me to thrive in this world. No, the aim was much higher: it was to prepare me to live in eternity. When I saw the resume of the Instructor, my jaw dropped. I had never in my 14

life seen such an impressive document. Imagine having a Teacher who has no beginning. As a lover of history, I greatly anticipated all the things that He would teach me, because He’s always been around. While I’ve never been a great lover of the sciences, I’ve always had an interest in learning how things work, from our bodies to the universe. I was amazed to learn that my Instructor was the Creator of everything and had an understanding of biology, physics, chemistry, etc., that could not be matched. As I spoke more to the Instructor and one of the things that sealed the deal for me was how I began to understand just how much He had my best interest at heart. I learned that if I enrolled in the school, though the classes might be difficult, He would always be there to assist me. I loved the one-on-one tutoring provided and that it’s literally 24/7. I have never called on my Instructor for help and found Him unavailable. His care for His students is so deep that He was willing to give His life to ensure their success. Since the aim of the school is to develop the character, the methods employed tend to be unorthodox. The teaching aids include all manners of problems, trials and temptations. The greatest lessons that are learned sometimes come through suffering, hardship, sickness, and poverty. These are developed to help us to see the defects in our character that we might turn to the Instructor more fully to get rid of them.

This school is very practical. It’s not about theories and hypotheticals. The Instructor will put you in real-life situations, sometimes over and over, so you can master each lesson. And when you have finally mastered that lesson, He introduces you to yet another problem so that you can become a well-rounded individual. I have struggled and still struggle with the Instructors chosen methods of discipline. Sometimes, it’s all I can do to continue in a class but I can’t imagine not seeing it through. My Instructor is so encouraging and always cheers me on. He makes it almost impossible to fail. Every student of the school is also a recruiter and as such, I encourage you to enroll in this school. It is a choice that you will not regret. The education and sense of purpose and mission that you will receive in this school is unparalleled. The peace of mind gifted that will serve as an anchor during the most difficult times is not available in any other school. Unlike other schools, the primary education that you will gain fits you to dwell in heavenly places. Oh, I forgot to mention that we have the best textbook ever! It’s called the “Bible”. This book is comprehensive and touches on every subject imaginable. To enroll, contact us and we will be more than happy to walk you through the admissions process.

"This school is very practical"


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