Class activities Week-5 Model – oval pavilion Construction Drawings Aim: Using a variety of materials (cardboard, foam blocks, foam core, balsa, corrugated card, glue etc.) construct a 1:20 scale model of the STRUCTURAL SYSTEM of assigned part of the Oval Pavilion. The model should show only detail about the structural systems and should be built on a rigid base (foam core or similar). Equipment use: Scaled photograph 1:20 of A46-01 pasteboard Balsa Sheet 2.5mm X 1 meter super glues rulers paper cutters cutting mats 1st stick: act as steel column 2nd stick: act as steel beams
details of our part in OvalPavilion : A40- 01 a) from Basement Plan
B) from Roof Plan view
c) from Reflected ceiling plan ground floor view
procedures: 1. converted the distances measured on constructing drawing plan to 1:20, we then got 7400 mm 9 9 5 0 mm
Base- pasteboard
2. cutting Balsa sheet into more than 20 sticks act as stud, later become timer framing in the whole structure.
It holds the hole structure and bearing the loads transferred from roof.
3. cut pasteboards into 2 of 3100 X 9950MM, acted as first floor walls and sticks them together to make the first floor 3 1st floor- pasteboad
9500 we have printed the 1:20 scaled plan out and stick on the base wall, it makes easier for us to constructed the first floor as we simply follow the lines.
Procedure 3
4. finished with four sides limitation: as the pasteboard was very light, it was hard to keep them stand vertically straight.
Procedure 4
5. sticks the steel columns and beams onto the first floor, but the limitation was even through we tired our best to make all the stick equal lengths but they were still uneven.
Step 1 2
Step 1 1: act as steel column
6. stick the beams onto the column
7. load bearing structure
If the load put on the top, It will transfer to the beams, then onto the coloumn, finally reach the foundation
8. compression
If I put compression on the beam, it would bend downwards However, the horizontal beam must be strong enough to hold the compression loads from the top.
9. comparison with other group's part.
Group 1 (above picture): This groups is doing the wing of the building, using a lots of bracing to hold the rigid frame stable and non-moveable. The material they were used were balsa woods, cut into stick and stick them together to make the shape, the balsa wood sticks act as steel columns. The right hand side part of the building (circle in red) was built without columns to support them under, instead, there were long bracings to tight them up.
Group 2(above picture): used very strong wood to act as their columns, the materials using reflects that this part of the building was less flexibility, also, very strong on load bearing.
Conclusions: By using different types of materials to form the structures system of the buildings, shown me more details and gave me further clear sense of how the building construction works, and the rules of individual elements in the construction play, in order to form a strong and stable buildings. For example we cut balsa woods into sticks, to acted as the columns and beam because its will not bend easily like pasteboard sticks and it looks more stronger than the board. Overall, we had fun in the model making procedures, it also showing the importance of team member's cooperation.