Working with iMortgage

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About imortgage About imortgage Atimortgage imortgage we market, At we understand understandthat thatinintoday’s today’s market, home financing requires a company with a proven track home financing requires a company with a proven track record, financial strength and integrity. Our unwavering record, financial strength and integrity. Our unwavering commitment to key areas hashas commitment toexcellence excellenceininthese thesethree three key areas earned us a reputation as one of the most well earned us a reputation as one of the most well respected companies companies ininthe respected theindustry. industry. Founded in in 1999, concept of of imortgagegrew Founded 1999, imortgage grewfrom fromthethe concept creating aa premier premier builder-based creating builder-basedmortgage mortgagebanking banking company to to aa consumer-friendly provides a a company consumer-friendlysystem systemthat that provides vastarray array of of mortgage cutting-edge, costcost vast mortgageproducts productswith with cutting-edge, effective technology, technology, which effective whichgives givesour ourcustomers customersand and business partners a clear advantage. Headquartered in in business partners a clear advantage. Headquartered Scottsdale, Arizona, imortgage has offices in multiple Scottsdale, Arizona, imortgage has offices in multiple states and and is is looking looking to record states tocontinue continueitsitssolid solidtrack track record of growth. of growth. In2007, 2007, while while many many lenders In lenderswere wereeither eitherfailing failingoror fighting just just to to stay imortgagenot fighting stay alive, alive, imortgage notonly onlysurvived, survived, but expanded expanded by Today but by establishing establishingaaretail retailplatform. platform. Today weare areone one of of the held retail we thefastest fastestgrowing growingprivately privately held retail companies in in the AsAs wewe look to to companies the Western WesternUnited UnitedStates. States. look thefuture, future, our our ability resources the ability to toprovide providebig bigcompany company resources combined with with the combined theagility agilitytotomove movequickly quicklyasasanan independent mortgage ourour continued independent mortgagebanker bankerwill willensure ensure continued success. success. The financial financial strength enables us us to to imortgage The strengthofofimortgage enables continue our our access continue access totocredit creditfacilities facilitiesand andinvestor investor groups that that are WeWe areare a fully groups are essential essentialtotoour ourindustry. industry. a fully approved direct direct lender VA, HUD and approved lenderfor forFNMA, FNMA,FHA, FHA, VA, HUD and activelyinparticipate in USDA. In USDA. addition,Inweaddition, actively we participate and become and become experts in state and localloan government experts in state and local government programs. loan programs.

Dean Bloxom, President, has has beenbeen in the inmortgage the mortgage Dean Bloxom, President, industry for more than 30 years. Prior to industry for more than 30 years. Priorfounding to founding Dean held executive management imortgage, Dean held executivepositions management positions atatsome of of thethe nation’s largest and well some nation’s largest and respected well respected companies; overseeing billions in production volume. companies; overseeing billions in production volume. Jay Chief Operating Officer, bringsbrings close to close to JayJohnson, Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, 3030 years of of experience in the of technology. Jay Jay years experience in field the field of technology. has oneone of the mostmost efficient delivery systems hasdesigned designed of the efficient delivery systems ininthe mortgage industry, trimming wasteful timetime and and the mortgage industry, trimming wasteful costs – from thethe point of origination to thetodelivery of costs – from point of origination the delivery of the into thethe secondary market. theloan loan into secondary market. Dan Hanson, Executive ViceVice President National Dan Hanson, Executive President National Production, more thanthan 30 years of real , encompasses more 30 years of real Productionencompasses estate and mortgage knowledge. As aAs recognized, estate and mortgage knowledge. a recognized, experienced production executive, DanDan oversees the the experienced production executive, oversees talent andand strategic planplan for distributed talentacquisition acquisition strategic for distributed retail. retail.

Dena Yocom, Senior President Secondary Dena Yocom, Senior ViceVice President Secondary more than 25 years in mortgage the mortgage Marketing, Marketing, hashas more than 25 years in the business and currently oversees all warehouse business and currently oversees all warehouse and and investor relations in addition to the secondary market investor relations in addition to the secondary market loandelivery delivery functions. Dena a highly respected loan functions. Dena is a is highly respected industryveteran veteran capital market world sits on industry in in thethe capital market world and and sits on the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage Bankers Association. Bankers Association. Withcompetitive competitive rates, incomparable service With rates, incomparable service and aand a process that guides you easily from application all the process that guides you easily from application all the way through closing, we are confident that you’ll way through closing, we are confident that you’ll agreeagree thatimortgage imortgage made financing buyers’ that hashas made financing youryour buyers’ home… simple as that. home… simple as that®.

Please call for more information JenniferWong Deering Lillian Loan Consultant Direct 713 385 395 0407 6920 480 Mobile 936 650 697 5412 0039 480 Fax 877 268 553 5920 4609 855 NMLS ID 630337 221911

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by theAll AZrights State reserved. Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 3040 Post Oak Blvd., 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#100 200 Houston, AZ TX 77056 Scottsdale, 85254

Working With imortgage Don't Let Your Credit Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers

At imortgage, understand that580 in today’s market, home financing requires a lending partner with a proven with creditwe scores between and 639. track record, financial strength and integrity. Our unwavering commitment to excellence in these three key areas earned us a reputation as one of the most well respected mortgage in theonindustry. Wehasuse a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional keycompanies points based the credit score. We are a fully approved direct lender for FNMA, FHA, VA, HUD and USDA. In addition, we become experts in our state and government loan 41%) programs. Credit Score: 580local - 599 (Max DTI Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%)

600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%)

You can trust that we will provide competitive rates. imortgage works hand-in-hand with our credit union Owner occupied, purchase onlysolutions for a SFR Owner occupied, only foraa SFR partners to provide innovative mortgage to their members and affiliates. Inpurchase fact, we represent or FHA approved Condo or you’ve FHA approved Condo combination of convenient service and excellent customer care that already established. Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy Maximum 4 borrowers Our commitment to you is to maintain the long-term relationship you’ve created with your members. We are property Non-occupying co-signers are allowed not here to solicit them, rather to become an extension of your credit union with the ability to offer additional All disputed accounts must be removed accounts be removed All disputed mortgage products. As your lending source, we can offer supplementary resources with amust distinctive touch.

from credit report from credit report Approved FHA Homebuyer Education Cannot have mortgage late payments class required for all borrowers New Purchase Programs Special Programs Refinancing during the past 12 months Programs Cannot have any late payments during the Gifts are allowed • FHA • 95% Conventional • FHA Streamline past 12 months on credit • VA • Foreign National • FHA Refinance No gift funds allowed • USDA • HomePath® • VA Refinance Cannot use any down payment assistance • CHDAP • DU Refi Plus programs • Jumbo • High Balance Agency

• Conventional

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable Contact me today partnership. homeownership so to lessstart than our 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

Filling theCredit Gaps… Don't LetinYour Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers imortgage offers a variety of niche products and programs to better serve a wider range with credit scores between 580 and 639. of borrowers, particularly in our current economic environment. We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

Foreign National Loan Accepts Citizens Credit Non-Resident Score: 580 -and 599Non-U.S. (Max DTI 41%) borrowing for second homes in the United States.

600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%)

Jumbo Financing Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR Finance up to $5 million with LTV’s up to 90% or FHA approved Condo and can go above $5 million with an exception. Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy propertyAsset Dissipating Provides asset-rich clients the ability to qualify All disputed accounts must be removed withfrom no income to our maximum loan amount credit up report of $5 million. Approved FHA Homebuyer Education

class Friendly required for all borrowers Investor Cannot haveunder any late payments the Allow FHA flips 90 days, as wellduring as past 12 months Conventional, USDAon andcredit VA loans. We can also lend to clients with allowed up to 10 financed properties. No gift funds Cannot useMortgage any down payment assistance Pledged Asset Youprograms can pledge eligible assets in lieu of a down payment, 2nd mortgage or a home equity loan to cover normal down payment requirements.

Down Payment Assistance Offers homebuyers with their DTI down payment, Credit Score:assistance 620 - 639 (Max 50%) closing costs or any other costs associated with their standard FHA first mortgage. Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR Creditor580 FHA approved Condo Our expanded FHA guidelines provide home financing Maximum 4 borrowers options for borrowers with credit scores between Non-occupying co-signers are allowed 580-639. All disputed accounts must be removed 203Kfrom Homecredit Loans report You can make it your dream home all in one loan Cannot have mortgage late payments using the 203K loan.

during the past 12 months ® HomePath Gifts are allowed

pecifically designed for Fannie Mae owned homes. S No appraisal or mortgage insurance. REO Extended Lock Program We can help the process of purchasing a short sale or REO property become smoother with our extended interest rate lock program.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable If you have questions today! homeownership so less on thanspecifics….please 90 day flips are notcall allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

When Was Your Last Mortgage Checkup? Having regular checkups by a doctor is a critical step to ensuring your health. The same concept holds true for one of your most important financial investments: your mortgage.

A FREE service to my valued customers I would like to offer you a FREE, no-obligation mortgage checkup to evaluate your current real estate financing. We’ll take everything into consideration — money-saving opportunities, major life changes, investments ideas — that may have a major impact on your real estate financing decisions.

Let’s discuss the following needs and concerns: • A rising mortgage payment due to an ARM loan resetting • Consolidating your first and second mortgages to lower your overall payment • Buying or selling a primary residence, vacation home, or investment property • Using home equity to fund an important purchase • Consolidating credit card and other high-interest revolving debt • Eliminating private mortgage insurance (PMI) payments Viewing your mortgage as a financial instrument that can help you save money and achieve other life goals is a smart move. It all begins with your free mortgage checkup.

Call me today and let’s schedule an appointment — you will be glad you did! Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Before You Apply For A Loan... Start Collecting. The following information or documentation will be required to complete your loan application*: Your Residence History • Y our previous addresses for the last 2 years and how long you lived at each • I f you currently rent, your landlord’s name, address and telephone number to verify the most recent 12 month rental history

Your Employment History • N ames and addresses for all your employers for the last 2 years

Savings, Checking & Investment Accounts • C hecking/Savings Accounts - 2 most recent monthly statements • S tocks/Mutual Funds - 2 most recent monthly statements • 4 01K/Retirement Accounts - most recent quarterly statements

Miscellaneous (if applicable)

• D ates of employment for each employer

• Complete Bankruptcy papers including discharge

• L etter explaining any gaps in your employment in the last 2 years

• Complete Divorce papers

• P ay stubs for the last 30 days

• Social Security Card

• M ost recent 2 years W2’s • M ost recent 2 years 1040’s • Y ear-to-date profit and loss statement and current balance sheet (if self employed) • A ward letter and copy of most recent check for retirement, Social Security or disability income

• Driver’s License

Additional Information (if Refinancing) • Copy of most recent property tax bill • Copy of most recent homeowner’s insurance bill • C opy of most recent mortgage statement or coupon book

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Don’t Let YourTo Credit Determine Getting Ready Buy Score A Home? Where You Live There are four things to avoid doing before applying for a loan and during the loan process itself. Any one of We FHAimpact guidelines ordertotoqualify provideforhome financing options borrowers with credit thesehave fourexpanded things canour greatly yourinability a mortgage loan so it isfor critical to avoid doing scores between 580 and We your use aloan combination current FHA guidelines and additional key points based any of the following until639. AFTER has closedofescrow: on the credit score.

Do NotScore: Pay Off Credit 580Bills - 619

Do Not Credit Score: 620 - 639Move Your Money

• Owner onlyif for SFR or to Your loanoccupied, officer willpurchase advise you it isanecessary FHA approved Condo pay off bills to help you qualify for a loan. They will also show you the best way to pay off bills to make • Maximum borrowers, all must occupy sure we have 4the evidence we need to proveproperty that the bills have been paid. • Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• It Owner purchase only forwhere a SFRitor is bestoccupied, to leave your money right is until FHA Condo yourapproved loan is closed. Moving your money to a new bank or even into a new account can wreak havoc • Maximum 4 borrowers with the verification process.

• All disputed accounts must be removed from

• All disputed accounts must be removed from Do Not Make Major Purchases credit report Many borrowers make the mistake of buying a new • Cannot have anyorlate payments during thepurchase past car, some furniture making another major 12 without months on credit the impact it can have on their realizing ability to buy a home. A large monthly payment can • Gifts allowed affect theare amount of home you qualify for and, during the loan process itself, actually make it extremely difficult to get your loan approved.

Do Notreport Change Jobs credit

Changing jobs before or during the loan process can • Approved FHA Homebuyer Education create a real problem in qualifying you forclass a loan, required for all borrowers particularly if the job is in a different line of work or at a lower rate of pay. During the loan process, it can • Cannot lateaspayments during past also createhave timeany delays the new job willthe need to be 12 months on credit verified. • No gift funds allowed

• Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• Cannot use any down payment assistance programs If you must do any of the things listed above (even if you’ve just been pre-qualified for a loan) contact your loan officer. They can help you by re-qualifying you if necessary and advising you of your options. The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy By avoiding these four things, you can look forward to a successful loan closing.

sustainable home ownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please call for more information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct Direct 209 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile Mobile 209 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax Fax 877 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 1020 15th Street, 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 Modesto, CA Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254

Don’t Let Your Credit Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers with credit scores between 580 and 639. We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

Credit Score: 580 - 619

Credit Score: 620 - 639

• O wner occupied, purchase only for a SFR or FHA approved Condo

• O wner occupied, purchase only for a SFR or FHA approved Condo

• Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy property

• Maximum 4 borrowers

• Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• A ll disputed accounts must be removed from credit report

• A ll disputed accounts must be removed from credit report

• A pproved FHA Homebuyer Education class required for all borrowers

• C annot have any late payments during the past 12 months on credit

• C annot have any late payments during the past 12 months on credit

• Gifts are allowed

• No gift funds allowed • C annot use any down payment assistance programs

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable home ownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with 90% Jumbo with LPMI Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance

You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase the home of their dreams. We Conventional are pleased to announce that partner Mortgage Insurance lifted Don’t let acronyms get you down...there is a for program that can buildhas you up!the 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive rate while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts up to $417,000 declining market designation for California, Arizona Nevada. Even better news, TheCalHFA Jumbo FHA Piggyback Buster is here to help with lenderand paid mortgage insurance (LPMI). teachers’ retirement fund. Program highlights include: we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is First time homebuyer or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 property in designated target concessions Purchasing Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: • 90% LTV up to $750,000 loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 LTV Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single 97% Rate reductions available 45 dayuprate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction • ••85% LTV to $850,000 Minimum 660 credit score Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Primary Second home rates residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest with a free use on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance Can Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate • ••Lender paid mortgage insurance Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620 credit score 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score refinance course is required allowance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit Per DU Findings 4 units DUavailable Findings Per DU • 25requirements orPer 30 year fixed loan certain restrictions) • SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes, condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with is aand direct lender. Our in-house requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing • imortgage Primary residence only Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. • Program for well qualified buyers CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area


If simplicity is one of your goals, a LPMI loan might benefit you by eliminating the CHDAP Program include: hassle of paying two highlights loans. 60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof Don’t miss thisprice opportunity to save money. CallCalHFA today to take advantage of of sales used as a second 3% mortgagelow interest historically rates. Please call for more information Low interest rate Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lillian Lisa Flores-Estrella Wong Colacion Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 480 562 385 924 1849 1872 0407 9725 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 480 562 681 689 650 547 4282 3597 5412 0264 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5922 5920 4017 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 630337 259751 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 16435 17777S. N. Center Scottsdale CourtRd., Drive, Suite#102 #275 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Scottsdale, Cerritos, AZ 92806 85254 90703

Great News That You’ll Flip Over We offer financing for properties that are seasoned less than 90 days. “This will allow homes to resell as quickly as possible, helping to stabilize real estate prices and to revitalize neighborhoods and communities.” The HUD waiver of the 90-day flip rule is in effect until the end of this year, unless extended or withdrawn by the FHA Commissioner. To protect FHA borrowers against predatory practices of “flipping” where properties are quickly resold at inflated prices to unsuspecting borrowers, this waiver is limited to those sales meeting the following general conditions: • All transactions must be arms-length • I n cases in which the sales price of the property is 20% or more above the seller’s acquisition cost, the waiver will only apply if the lender meets specific conditions • T he waiver is limited to forward mortgages, and does not apply to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) for purchase program • T wo appraisals are required, second appraisal cannot be paid for by the borrower • Home inspection is required • We can work with rough credit

Call today to learn more about 90-day flips on Conventional, USDA or VA Loans.

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

95% Conventional Financing Because imortgage has been granted the coveted “Proficient Lender Status” we are able to offer the following: • 95% LTV Owner-Occupied Loan • Max Loan Amount $417,000 • Purchase and Rate/Term Refinance • SFR, Condo and PUD Available • S plitEdge Available (call for exact details)

imortgage is a direct lender. In-house processing, underwriting and funding allows us to deliver exceptional service. Tired of 60 to 90 day closings?

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase the home of their dreams. WeConventional are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgagecontributing Insurance has lifted the 97% Financing Available! 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts while up to $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

First time homebuyerloan or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 97% 640 up • •97% LTV owner-occupied LTV owner-occupied loan 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: • ••Max loan amount $417,000 Max loan amount $417,000 Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage area Protect yourself interest withfirst a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single 97% Rate reductions available 45 LTV daycredit rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction • ••Minimum score requirements Minimum 660 credit score Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Second home Primary residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest rates with a free • •C an Homebuyer use onon a new purchase or& rate/term refinance use a anew purchase or rate/term refinance Education Counseling Low interest rate • Can Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score

620 credit score Per DU Findings • SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes,

refinance course is and required allowance • •S plitEdge available - additional credit condos, approved PUDs (2score toscore withFindings - additional credit SplitEdge 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU requirements certain restrictions) requirements

imortgage is is a direct lender. Our in-house processing, condos, PUDs (2 to 4 costs units with imortgage aand direct lender. Our in-house processing, requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing Riverside County & San Bernardino County underwriting and funding allows us to deliver certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. exceptional service. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service.

CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

CHDAP Program highlights include:

Tired 60 closings? Call us are when 21 days! Tired ofofbe 6060 toto90 90day dayclosings? Callus! us!- our average used for down and closingCall Interestclosings rate reduction used with Can 3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage Please call for more information Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lillian Lisa Flores-Estrella Wong Colacion Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 480 562 385 924 1849 1872 0407 9725 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 480 562 681 689 650 547 4282 3597 5412 0264 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5922 5920 4017 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 630337 259751 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 16435 17777S. N. Center Scottsdale CourtRd., Drive, Suite#102 #275 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Scottsdale, Cerritos, AZ 92806 85254 90703

$15,000 Possible in Down Payment Assistance NeighborhoodLIFTSM down payment assistance program is providing up to $15,000 for down payment and/or closing cost assistance to qualified buyers who are purchasing in the city of Phoenix. Assistance is in the form of a 0% interest grant; no re-payment is necessary when you own the property for 5 years. • A vailabe with FHA, 203K and Conventional renovation loans • Primary residence, owner occupied only • 0% interest rate grant • Income limits apply • Geographical limits apply

For more information on how you may benefit from NeighborhoodLIFTSM or other DPA programs, call today!

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

About imortgage Home Loans imortgage is a dual channel residential mortgage banker with financial strength, remarkable integrity and a proven track record of delivering quality home loans. We originate, underwrite, process and close loans in eight states across the country. imortgage is a leader in distinctive loan programs. With conventional, FHA, FHA 203K and VA loans, imortgage offers unique resources and programs in order to create individual home loans.

We offer credit solutions for difficult loans allowing you to close loans on time and sell more homes. Customers That Want A Second Home

FHA 203(k) Loans

! Great rate available ! Loan amount up to $417,000 ! 30-day closing

! Great for REO properties ! 3.5% down payment ! Renovations included in loan amount

First Time Homebuyer Programs

Investment Properties

! Flexible financing ! Income limits vary ! Low down payment required

! 20% down payment (1 - 4 units) ! Fixed rate or Interest only ! 30-day closing

Conventional Owner Occupied

Jumbo Loans

! 5% down payment ! Escrow hold balance on new construction ! Loans up to $417,000

! 10% down payment ! Loan amount up to $600,000 ! Fixed rate mortgage

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Do Have Canadian Customers? DoYou You Have Canadian Customers? imortgage offers financing customers imortgage offers financingfor foryour your Canadian Canadian customers Canadian Second Home Canadian Second Home • Maximum loan amount $417,000 • 30% down payment required and must have 6 months reserves • Must have 24 months of credit history • Credit report must contain four (4) trade lines • Minimum credit score required • Fixed rate loan

underwrite, process • CanWe notoriginate, own additional financed U.S. property

Maximum loan amount $417,000 30% down payment required and must have 6 months reserves Must have 24 months of credit history Credit report must contain four (4) trade lines 700 credit score minimum required Fixed rate loan Can not have additional financed U.S. property

and close each loan on-time.

We originate, underwrite, process and close each loan on-time.

Please call for more information Kate LillianFerguson Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 805 480 361 385 7203 0407 Mobile 805 480 331 650 6204 5412 Fax 877 855 863 268 6073 5920 NMLS ID 328481 630337

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation doesto notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2605 S. MillerRd., St., Suite 106 16435 N. Scottsdale 200 Santa Maria, CA Scottsdale, AZ 93455 85254

We for Canadians DoHave YouFinancing Have Canadian Customers? imortgage offers financing customers imortgage offers financingfor forCanadian your Canadian customers Canadian Here’s how toSecond own a Home home in Arizona: • Maximum loan amount $417,000 • 30% down payment required and must have 6 months reserves • No US credit needed • Must have 24 months of credit history • Fixed rate loan with standard conforming rates • Can not own additional financed U.S. property

We originate, underwrite, process and close each loan on-time.

Maximum loan amount $417,000 30% down payment required and must have 6 months reserves Must have 24 months of credit history Credit report must contain four (4) trade lines 700 credit score minimum required Fixed rate loan Can not have additional financed U.S. property

If you are looking to purchase in sunny Arizona, give us a call today. As a direct retail lender we can find the right financing for you.

Please call for more information Kate LillianFerguson Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 805 480 361 385 7203 0407 Mobile 805 480 331 650 6204 5412 Fax 877 855 863 268 6073 5920 NMLS ID 328481 630337

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation doesto notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2605 S. MillerRd., St., Suite 106 16435 N. Scottsdale 200 Santa Maria, CA Scottsdale, AZ 93455 85254

Assisting a College Bound Student The Family Opportunity Mortgage is a perfect alternative to the high cost of on-campus housing. As parents of a college bound student, you can take advantage of low interest rates today and build a future for your child tomorrow. What the Family Opportunity Mortgage means to you: • Your child must be enrolled in college as a student. • The property must be located close to the college your student is enrolled. • Property must be a reasonable distance from the parent’s home. • Property cannot be rented and your child must occupy it for a minimum of one year. • You cannot own another second/vacation home in the same location as the student’s home. • You apply and qualify for the loan, your student does not. • You own the property, but may put your student’s name on the title (if he or she is of legal age.)

Advantages of a student home investment: • Y ou build an asset rather than pay an expense. Even in the current economic times, a carefully considered home purchase should gain some value over time. • You or your student can earn the tax advantages that come with home ownership, such as mortgage interest deductions, real estate tax deductions and others*. • Your asset can be sold following the student’s graduation with possible gains in equity.

Contact me today to learn more about this family financing option. *You should consult with your tax accountant to determine which tax advantages may occur with your purchase.

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Consider An Credit FHAScore Loan Don't Let Your Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines order to provide home financing options for borrowers Struggling with a high interest ratein loan? with credit scores between 580 and 639.

Take advantage of falling interest rates! Even if you have just closed your loan, it’s worthwhile to We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score. explore the possibility of lowering your interest rate and monthly payment by refinancing, especially to anCredit FHA (Federal Administration) Score:Housing 580 - 599 (Max DTIloan. 41%) Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%)

These are some benefits of an FHA Loan: 600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%)

Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR • Downorpayments as low as 3.5% FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers, • Low minimum credit score all must occupy


• 1-4 unit owner-occupied residences All disputed accounts must be removed credit report • Gifts from allowed Approved FHA Homebuyer Education • Non-occupant co-signors allowed

class required for all borrowers • 6% Seller concession Cannot have any late payments during the past 12 months on credit • LTV’s not lowered in declining markets No gift funds allowed Cannot use any down payment assistance programs

Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR

or FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed from credit report Cannot have mortgage late payments during the past 12 months Gifts are allowed

At imortgage, we’re dedicated to simplifying the mortgage process and matching solutions to individual needs. Once I understand your goals, I can help you find an appropriate loan program. Don’t hesitate to contact me anytime with questions.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable homeownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Gregg Anderson SeniorConsultant Loan Loan Consultant Direct 541 385 480 646 0407 3027 Mobile 541 650 480 944 5412 2723 Fax 877 268 855 819 5920 0454 NMLS ID 630337 385008

Information imortgage contained is providing hereinthis is provided information to assist for general real estate guidance professionals only, notand legal is not advice. an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDivision of Finance and Corporate ML 5010. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed bySecurities the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale 3389 Crater Rd.,Lake SuiteHwy. 200 Scottsdale, Medford, OR AZ 85254 97504

Relax with imortgage lock program Don't Let Your Credit Scoreextended Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers credit scores betweenyour 580 and Thewith process of building new639. home can be many things, at imortgage we would like

it to start and end with being easy.

We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

Credit Score: 580 - 599by (Max Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%) Don’t be overwhelmed the DTI home41%) loan process. 600 619 (Max DTI 45%) Our Extended Lock program: Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR • Allows to approved take advantage of today’s low interest rates or you FHA Condo Maximum borrowers, all in must occupy • Lock interest rate4up to 6 months advance


• Free 30 day float down prior to close All disputed accounts must be removed • Takesfrom the uncertainty out of locking your loan credit report

Approved Homebuyer Education • Up-front deposit FHA is FULLY refundable at closing

Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR

or FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed from credit report Cannot have mortgage late payments during the past 12 months Gifts are allowed

class required for all borrowers • Gives you peace of mind while your home is under Cannot have any late payments during the construction past 12 months on credit No gift funds allowed Cannot use any down payment assistance programsexperience in builder mortgage banking offers proven process, in-depth imortgage’s

industry knowledge and a commitment to service that will help you realize your home financing dreams.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable homeownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

Need anan FHA LoanLoan Closed Fast? Fast? Need FHA Closed WeWe areare currently within30 30days! days! currentlyclosing closingFHA FHA loans loans within TakeTake advantage of falling interest rates!rates! If youIfareyou having troubletrouble with your lender haveyou nothing advantage of falling interest are having with youryou lender have to lose, only your commission to gain! Please contact me, we are currently closing FHA loans within 30 days.

nothing to lose, only your commission to gain! Please contact me, we are currently closing FHA

loans within 30 days.

These are some benefits of an FHA Loan: • Down payments as low as 3.5%

These are some benefits of an FHA Loan:

• Low minimum credit score

Down payments as low as 3.5%

• 1-4 unit owner-occupied residences

Low minimum credit score

• Gifts allowed

1-4 unit owner-occupied residences

• Non-occupant co-signors allowed

Gifts allowed

• 6% Seller concession

Non-occupant co-signors allowed

• LTV’s not lowered in declining markets

6% Seller concession LTV’s not lowered in declining markets

At imortgage, we’re dedicated to simplifying the mortgage process and matching solutions to individual needs. Once understand we’re your goals, I canto help you find an program. Don’t hesitate to contact AtI imortgage, dedicated simplifying theappropriate mortgage loan process and matching solutions to me anytime with questions.

individual needs. Once I understand your goals, I can help you find an appropriate loan program. Don’t hesitate to contact me anytime with questions. Please call for more information Justin LillianSorsabal Wong Sales Loan Manager Consultant Direct 661 480 414 385 0095 0407 Mobile 661 480 269 650 6900 5412 Fax 855 866 268 7760 5920 NMLS ID 258555 630337

Information imortgage contained is providing hereinthis is provided information to assist for general real estate guidance professionals only, notand legal is not advice. an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 25152 N. Scottsdale Springfield Rd., Ct., Suite#150 200 Scottsdale, Valencia, CA AZ 91355 85254

Up to $35,000 for property improvements... About imortgage At imortgage understand ...included inweyour loan!that in today’s market,

Dean Bloxom, President, has been in the mortgage industry for more than 30 years. Prior to founding home financing requires a company with a proven track held executive management financial strength and loan integrity. Our unwavering An record, FHA Streamlined 203K provides borrowers a imortgage, financingDean solution that combines the positions at some of the nation’s largest and well respected commitment to excellence in these three key areas has purchase or refinance of the home along with the costs of improvements and repairs. companies; overseeing billions in production volume. earned us a reputation as one of the most well respected companies in the industry. imortgage is a direct FHA lender with years of experience 203K Chief homeOperating loans. Our in-house brings close to Jay in Johnson, Officer, processing, underwriting andgrew closing a seamless home experience. 30 years financing of experience in the field of technology. Jay Founded in 1999, imortgage from ensures the concept of has designed one of the most efficient delivery systems creating a premier builder-based mortgage banking Product in the mortgage industry, trimming wasteful time and companyHighlights to a consumer-friendly system that provides a costs – from the point of origination to the delivery of vast array of mortgage products with cutting-edge, cost • Standard guidelines the loan into the secondary market. effectiveFHA technology, whichapply gives our customers and business a clear advantage. in • 3.5% downpartners payment based on the Headquartered value of the home Dan Hanson, Executive Vice President National Scottsdale, Arizona, imortgage has offices in multiple after improvements Production, encompasses more than 30 years of real states and is looking to continue its solid track record • Minimum credit score required estate and mortgage knowledge. As a recognized, of growth. experienced production executive, Dan oversees the • Owner occupied, primary residence only talent acquisition and strategic plan for distributed In 2007, while many lenders were either failing or retail. imortgage fighting just to stay alive, • Seller contributions allowed up to not 6%only survived, but expanded by establishing a retail platform. Today • Repairs withingrowing 30 daysprivately and beheld completed Dena Yocom, Senior Vice President Secondary we are must one ofstart the fastest retail within 6 months Marketing, has more than 25 years in the mortgage companies in the Western United States. As we look to business and currently oversees all warehouse and the future, our ability to provide big company resources • $5,000 minimum repair amount - $35,000 maximum investor relations in addition to the secondary market combined with the agility to move quickly as an including all costs loan delivery functions. Dena is a highly respected independent mortgage banker will ensure our continued industry veteran in the capital market world and sits on success. the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage Can Include Bankers Association. The financial strength of imortgage enables us to • Finished basement or attic • Kitchen and remodels continue ourbath access to credit facilities and investor Withcabinets competitive rates, incomparable service and a • New appliances, groups that are electrical, essential to HVAC our industry. We are a fully • New plumbing, process guides you easily from application all the approved direct lender for FNMA, FHA, VA,• New paint, windows,that flooring way through closing, we are confident that you’ll agree • Energy efficient upgrades HUD and USDA. In addition, we actively participate in that imortgage has made financing your buyers’ and become experts in state and local government loan home… simple as that. Forprograms. more information about the FHA Streamlined 203K home loan, please call today.

Please call for more information JenniferWong Deering Lillian Loan Consultant Direct 713 385 395 0407 6920 480 Mobile 936 650 697 5412 0039 480 Fax 877 268 553 5920 4609 855 NMLS ID 630337 221911

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by theAll AZrights State reserved. Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 3040 Post Oak Blvd., 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#100 200 Houston, AZ TX 77056 Scottsdale, 85254

FHA Loan Limit Changes About imortgage Dean Bloxom, President, has been in the mortgage At imortgage we understand that in today’s market, industry fornow. moreYou thanmay 30 years. founding home financing requires a company with a proven track Keeping your finger on the pulse of the industry can be tricky right havePrior readtoabout the imortgage, Dean held executive management positions record, financial strength and integrity. Our unwavering recent loan limit changes in our area. at some of the nation’s largest and well respected commitment to excellence in these three key areas has companies; overseeing billions in production volume. earned us a reputation as one of the most well Effective through December 31, 2013 an increase in FHA conforming loan limit respected November companies in18, the2011 industry. in the highest-priced real estate markets will be in effect. Jay Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, brings close to 30 years of experience in the field of technology. Jay Founded in 1999, imortgage grew from the concept of has one of the Mac’s most efficient creating a premier builder-based mortgage banking Please note this bill raises FHA’s loan limits only, not Fanniedesigned Mae’s or Freddie limits. delivery systems in the mortgage industry, trimming wasteful time and company to a consumer-friendly system that provides a costs – from the point of origination to the delivery of vast array of mortgage products with cutting-edge, cost the loan into the secondary market. effective technology, which gives our customers and business partners a clear advantage. Headquartered in Dan Hanson, Executive Vice President National Scottsdale, Arizona, has offices in multiple imortgageCounty Current Loan Limit Production, encompasses more than 30 years of real states and is looking to continue its solid track record estate and mortgage knowledge. As a recognized, of growth. Maricopa & Pinal $346,250 experienced production executive, Dan oversees the talent acquisition and strategic plan for distributed In 2007, while many lenders were either failing or retail. fighting just to stay alive, imortgage not only survived, but expanded by establishing a retail platform. Today Dena Yocom, Senior Vice President Secondary we are one of the fastest growing privately held retail Marketing, has more than 25 years in the mortgage companies in the Western United States. As we look to “Restoring the higher loan limits for the FHA will provide homeowners and homebuyers with safe and business and currently oversees all warehouse and the future, our ability to provide big company resources affordable financing, while providing a much-needed boost to housing markets all around the country.” investor relations in addition to the secondary market combined with the agility to move quickly as an loan delivery functions. Dena is a highly respected independent mortgage banker will ensure our continued ~ James Tobinindustry of the National of Homebuilders veteran inAssociation the capital market world and sits on success. the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage The bill states: Bankers Association. imortgage The financial strength enables usfortomortgages for which a Federal Sec. 238. (a) Federal Housing Administration-of Notwithstanding any other provision of law, Housing Administration case number has been assigned during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act and ending on December 31, 2013, the dollar amount limitation on the principal obligation for purposes of section 203 of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1709) shall be considered to be, except for continue our access to credit facilities and investor purposes of section 255(g) of such Act (12 U.S.C. 1715z-20(g)), the greater ofWith competitive rates, incomparable service and a groups that are essential to our industry. We are a fully (1) the dollar amount limitation on the principal obligation of a mortgage determined under section 203(b)(2) of the National Housing Act (12 U.S.C. 1709(b)(2)); or process that guides you easily from application all the approved lender FNMA, (2) the dollardirect amount limitation that wasfor prescribed for such sizeFHA, residence forVA, such area for 2008 pursuant to section 202 of the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-185; 122 Stat. 620). way through closing, we are confident that you’ll agree HUD and USDA. In addition, we actively participate in that imortgage has made financing your buyers’ and become experts in state and local government loan For more information about the an FHA home loan, please call today. home… simple as that. programs.

Please call for more information JenniferWong Deering Lillian Loan Consultant Direct 713 385 395 0407 6920 480 Mobile 936 650 697 5412 0039 480 Fax 877 268 553 5920 4609 855 NMLS ID 630337 221911

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by theAll AZrights State reserved. Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 3040 Post Oak Blvd., 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#100 200 Houston, AZ TX 77056 Scottsdale, 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with FHA Multifamily Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase Today you canofutilize an FHA home loan to purchase a 2-4 unit property and then occupy one of the the home their dreams. We are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgage Insurance has lifted 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive while contributing to plan your 97% Conventional Financing units your primary residence. With this program, the buyer only needs 3.5% down if they on the asConventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts up to $417,000 declining market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. living there! FHA CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is First time homebuyer or qualified Veteran • 97% LTV owner-occupied loan

640 minimum credit score

• 97% LTV owner-occupied Conventional orloan refinancing loan amounts up to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts toawith $505,612 Benefits of purchasing 2-4 units as primary property in designated target Seller concessions Purchasing residence This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because:

The most obvious benefit islets that youqualify will receive the rent from the other units tothe help offset your loan own is loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 option you forrates a larger 17% second area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself from rising interest withfirst a free housing payment. In fact, over time, you could get to the point where the rent from90% the other deferred forlock 5 years. Loan amounts toreduction $505,612 LTV Financing LTVunits Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single family residence CalHFA 97% Rate reductions available when 45 day rate with a one-time rate • Minimum 660 credit score pay ENTIRE680 housing payment and you live essentially rent free! • the Minimum credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Second home Primary residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest rates with a free Imagine whatonitacould do for your budget ifrefinance •• Can use new purchase or Counseling rate/term Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on a new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time 620 credit score reduction Eligible properties include singlerate family you didn’t have a house payment. 680 credit score 620homes, credit score refinance course is required allowance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit Per DU Findings 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements

Using the rents from the other units to • SplitEdge available -Current additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible properties include single family homes, requirements help qualify condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house you CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing underwriting and funding allows to deliver You cancertain use therestrictions) rental income fromusthe other units imortgage is a direct lender. Our in-house Sales Price: $550,000 for target area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. to help qualify for the FHA loan.

Riverside County & San Bernardino County

CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding

It’s time to think of FHA in aAngeles different way. Orange, Los & Ventura Counties allowsnotusjusttofordeliver exceptional service. They’re single-family homes Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area and condos anymore.

For moreofinformation about FHA Multifamily Home Financing, please call today. 60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Can be60 CHDAP Program highlights include:

3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage Please call for more information Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1849 1872 6901 9725 480 385 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 681 689 687 547 4282 3597 7391 0264 480 650 5412 Fax 877 6479 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas ofto Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 92806 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

New Changes to FHA Streamline Refi FHA Refinancing CouldStreamline Mean Big Savings for Borrowers! If you’re a homeowner with an existing FHA loan that closed prior to June 1, 2009, and you’d like to get in on today’s low mortgage rates, you’ve picked the perfect time.

Get payment relief and a fixed rate loan with an FHA Streamline Refinance. Even though FHA recently raised most mortgage insurance premiums (MIPs), it substantially reduced MIPs for borrowers refinancing under its flagship Streamline Refi program. And just so you know, MIP is the insurance that you pay up front and during the term of the loan to protect your lender against a default.

Possible Appraisal Waiver Limited Documentation

Here’s a quick example of how you could benefit by taking advantage of FHA’s Streamline Refi*:

Lower Your Current

Up-front MIP on a $200,000 loan: Old MIP: 1% of loan, due at closing: $2,000 New MIP: 0.01% of loan, due at closing: $20 Savings:


Streamline AnnualAn MIPFHA on a $200,000 loan:

Monthly Payments The new MIP calculations come from FHA so there are sometimes additional factors to consider.

allows you a little extra money each month that can Please give me a call so that I can

Old MIP: at avg. rate of 90 basis points: $1,800 be put to good New MIP: at fixed rate of 55 basis points: $1,100 Savings:

Fast and Easy Process

advise you on your best possible

use elsewhere. refinancing options!


* Effective for a new FHA Streamline Refi originated on or after 6/11/12.

Please call for more information Fort Lillian Collins WongBranch Financing Loan Consultant the American Dream Direct 970 480 449 385 6600 0407 Mobile 970 480 449 650 6600 5412 Fax 970 855 449 268 6698 5920 NMLS ID 3096 630337

Information imortgage contained is providing hereinthis is provided information to assist for general real estate guidance professionals only, notand legal is not advice. an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoCO Department Real Estate as abyRegistered Mortgage Company. programs are subject change withoutof notice. Licensed the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate ID 3096. All rights reserved. imortgage Corporate NMLSNMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012. 2012.

imortgage 16435 2721 Council N. Scottsdale Tree Ave., Rd., Suite 236 200 Fort Scottsdale, Collins, CO AZ 80525 85254

FHA Don't Streamline Let Your Credit Refinancing Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers Getwith payment relief and a580 fixed rate loan with an FHA Streamline Refinance. credit scores between and 639. We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

• No appraisal allowed

Credit Score: 580 - 599 (Max DTI 41%)

• Limited documentation 600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%) Owner • Fast and easyoccupied, process purchase only for a SFR

Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%) Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR

or FHA approved Condo or FHA approved Condo • Lower your current monthly all must occupy Maximum Maximum 4 borrowers 4 borrowers, payments property Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed All disputed accounts must be removed • Payment must be accounts 5% lower must be removed from credit report from credit report Approved FHA Homebuyer Education Cannot have mortgage late payments class required for all borrowers during the past 12 months Cannot have any late payments during the Gifts are allowed past 12 months on credit No gift funds allowed Cannot use any down payment assistance An FHA Streamline allows you a little extra money each month that can programs

be put to good use elsewhere.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable homeownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

Foreign National Loan We are pleased to announce that we have expanded our Foreign National Loan Program to include Non-Resident and Non-U.S. Citizens borrowing for second homes in the United States. The following are required guidelines: • Maximum loan amount $417,000 • 30-year fixed rate mortgage • 3 0% down payment required from borrower’s own funds and must have 6 months reserves • Must have 24 months of credit history • I ncome amounts must be converted into US dollars • C redit report must contain four (4) trade lines plus mortgage rating • International credit report required • Single family homes and condos allowed • Property must be in an area where second homes are common and customary • Can own additional US property • Borrowers with diplomatic immunity are ineligible • Borrowers may not have a Social Security number

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Do you have a Green Great News That Thumb? You’ll Flip Over We offer financing for properties that are seasoned less than 90 days.

If you are a horticultural enthusiast you can look to us to help cultivate your dreams. “This willfarmer allow homes to happy resell astoquickly possible, helping to stabilize realsolutions. estate prices and Your inner will be know as that we can provide mortgage

to revitalize neighborhoods and communities.”

The HUD waiver of the 90-day flip rule is in effect until the end of this year, unless extended or withdrawn by the FHA Commissioner. To protect FHA borrowers against predatory practices of "flipping" where properties are quickly resold at inflated prices to unsuspecting • Hobby Farms borrowers, this waiver is limited to those sales meeting the following general conditions:

We offer financing for expanded properties like:

• Orchards

All transactions must be arms-length. • Vineyards In cases in which the sales price of the property is 20% or more above the seller's acquisition cost, the waiver will • Unlimited Acreage only apply if the lender meets specific conditions. Residential properties that are partially used The waiver is limited to forward for agricultural purposes are eligible if the mortgages, and does not agricultural represent the borrower’s apply activities to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage hobby.(HECM) A hobby isfor defined as an activity that purchase program. generates less than 10% of the borrower’s income. Two appraisals are required, second appraisal cannot be gross paid for by the borrower. Home inspection is required.

You can reap the benefits from this special program. Contact me today to learn more about this type of financing or any have of our aother unique imortgage does NOT 90-day flipmortgage rule onplans.

Conventional with 20% down, USDA or VA Loans. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Anthony Colacion Loan Consultant Direct 480 714 385 422 0407 1872 Mobile 480 949 650 689 5412 3597 Fax 855 268 5920 5922 NMLS ID 630337 329651

Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, not legal advice. credit as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, terms, availability programs Z areand subject without programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 2099 N. S. State College Blvd., Scottsdale, Anaheim, AZ CA 85254 92806

5% Grant with the Home in 5 Advantage Great News! Housing just became more affordable with the Home in 5 Advantage. This grant program provides down payment assistance for low-to-moderate income individuals and families purchasing a home. Homebuyers can receive up to 5% of their first mortgage to be used as a down payment. Program Highlights: • Primary residence, owner occupied only • Does not have to be a first time homebuyer • Minimum credit score requirements • Income limits apply • FHA or VA loans • Grant funds can not exceed 5% of the first mortgage • G rant funds to be used for down payment or closing costs No repayment is required for this grant.

Contact me today to learn more about this assistance program available throughout Maricopa County, including Phoenix. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Purchasing a Home for Mom and Dad Knowing that your parents have a roof over their head is important. You can help your elderly parents purchase a property, if they can’t qualify on their own. With this program, the property would be classified as a primary residence for Mom and Dad. This means you can provide a home for your loved ones and invest in property at the same time.

How It Works: • Y our parents must have insufficient income to qualify for a mortgage of their own • You are the primary source of loan qualification • Y ou own the property, but your parents may also be on the title

There are no distance requirements for the location of your parent’s residence, so they can be your next door neighbors or across town.

Contact me today to learn more about this supportive program.

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

HomePath Mortgage About imortgage has been in the mortgage DeanMae-Owned Bloxom, President, At imortgagefor we understand that inPurchasing today’s market, a Fannie Specifically Borrowers Property. industry for more than 30 years. Prior to founding home financing requires a company with a proven track record, financial strength and integrity. Our unwavering commitment And to excellence in these three key areas has Features Benefits earned us a reputation as one of the most well •respected Low down payment companies in the industry.

• Y ou may qualify even if your credit is less Founded in 1999, imortgage grew from the concept of than creatingperfect a premier builder-based mortgage banking company to afor consumer-friendly system second that provides a • Available primary residences, homes vast array of mortgage products with cutting-edge, cost and investment properties effective technology, which gives our customers and •business Downpartners payment can be funded Headquartered as a gift, a grant, a clear advantage. in or a loan from a non-profit organization, state Scottsdale, Arizona, imortgage has offices in multiple states and isgovernment looking to continue its solidfor track record or local or employer owner ofoccupied growth. or 2nd home •In N2007, o mortgage insurance* while many lenders were either failing or fighting just to stay alive, imortgage not only survived, • No appraisal required

but expanded by establishing a retail platform. Today we are one of the fastest growing privately held retail companies in And the Western United States. As we look to Features Benefits the future, our ability to provide big company resources • 15 and 30-year fixed principal & interest combined with the agility to move quickly as an •independent Adjustablemortgage rate options bankeravailable will ensure our continued success.

• Interest-only options available at reduced LTV

imortgage, Dean held executive management positions at some of the nation’s largest and well respected Eligible Property Types** companies; overseeing billions in production volume.

• 1- to 4-unit properties brings to Chief Operating Officer, •Jay PJohnson, lanned unit developments (PUDs) & close condos

30 years of experience in the field of technology. Jay has designed one of the most efficient delivery systems in the mortgage industry, trimming wasteful time and costs – from the point of origination to the delivery of the loan into the secondary market. Dan Hanson, Executive Vice President National Production, encompasses more than 30 years of real estate and mortgage knowledge. As a recognized, experienced production executive, Dan oversees the talent acquisition and strategic plan for distributed retail.

Dena Yocom, Senior Vice President Secondary Marketing, has more than 25 years in the mortgage business and currently oversees all warehouse and investor relations in addition to the secondary market loan delivery functions. Dena is a highly respected industry veteran in the capital market world and sitsCF30HP on the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage Bankers Association.

The financial strength of imortgage enables us to continue our access to credit facilities and investor *Ask about cost details on loans without mortgage **Geographic With competitive rates,insurance. incomparable service and a groups that are essential to our industry. We are a fully and unit restrictions apply. The property must be designated on HomePath. process that guides you easily from application all the approved direct lender for FNMA, FHA, VA, way through closing, we are confident that you’ll agree comHUD as eligible for HomePath financing. Programs available only to qualified borrowers. Programs subject to and USDA. In addition, we actively participate in that imortgage has made financing your buyers’ and without become experts in state and local government loan apply. Some restrictions may apply. HomePath is change notice. Underwriting terms and conditions home… simple as that. programs. a registered trademark of Fannie Mae.

Please call for more information JenniferWong Deering Lillian Loan Consultant Direct 713 385 395 0407 6920 480 Mobile 936 650 697 5412 0039 480 Fax 877 268 553 5920 4609 855 NMLS ID 630337 221911

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by theAll AZrights State reserved. Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 3040 Post Oak Blvd., 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#100 200 Houston, AZ TX 77056 Scottsdale, 85254

Getting Ready To Buy A®Home? Don't Let Your Credit Score Determine Where You Live Introducing the HomePath Renovation There are four things to avoid doing before applying a loan and during the loanoptions process for itself. Any one of We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order for to provide home financing borrowers these four things can greatly impact your ability to qualify for a mortgage loan so it is critical to avoid doing Purchasing your between home, second with credit scores 580 and home 639. or investment property and it needs a little TLC? any of the following until AFTER your loan has closed escrow:

We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score. We can offer the HomePath® Renovation Mortgage for Fannie Mae REO properties*.

Do Not Pay Off Bills

Credit Score: 580 - 599 (Max DTI 41%)

Youreasy loan program officer will adviseyou youto if itpurchase is necessary This allows a to 619 (Max 45%)will pay off bills to help600 you- qualify for a DTI loan. They property that requires light to moderate renovation. also show you the best way to payonly off bills make Owner occupied, purchase for atoSFR The loan the amount includes both the funds for sureone we have evidence we need to prove that the or FHA approved Condo the purchase and renovation - up to 35% of the as bills have been paid. Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy completed value. property

Do Not Move Your Money

Credit (Max It is bestScore: to leave620 your- 639 money right DTI where50%) it is until

your loan is closed. Moving your money to a new or even into a new account canfor wreak havoc bank Owner occupied, purchase only a SFR with the verification process. or FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers verification process. Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed

All disputed accounts must be removed Do from Not credit Change Jobs to renovate your new Do Not Make Major Purchases That means up toreport $35,000 from credit report home. Changing jobs before or during the Education loan process can borrowers make the mistake of buying a new Approved FHA Homebuyer Cannot have mortgage late payments Many create a real problem qualifying you for a loan, car, some furniture making another major purchase class required forinall borrowers during the pastor12 months particularly if the job is in a different line of work or without realizing the impact it can have on their Contact me today to learn more about this the program Gifts are allowed Cannot have any late payments during a past lower of pay. During the loan process, it can ability to buy a home. A large monthly payment can oratother financing options available to you when 12rate months on credit also create time delays as the new job will need to be affect the amount of home you qualify for and, during purchasing refinancing No giftor funds allowed your home. verified. the loan process itself, actually make it extremely Cannot use any down payment assistance difficult to get your loan approved. programs If you must do any of the things listed above (even if you’ve just been pre-qualified for a loan) contact your loan officer. They can help you by re-qualifying you if necessary and advising you of your options. innovation in things, our program opens door for moreclosing. buyers to enjoyapply. sustainable *Ask mortgage about cost can details on loans without mortgage insurance. **Geographic and unit restrictions The property must be By The avoiding these four you look forward to the a successful loan

designated on as eligible for HomePath financing. Programs available only to qualified borrowers. Programs subject to change without notice. Underwriting terms and conditions apply. Some restrictions may apply. HomePath is a registered trademark of Fannie Mae.

homeownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Please Please call callfor formore moreinformation information

Pam Lillian Wong MikeTimmermeyer Frank Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Sales Manager Direct 480 385 0407 209 Direct 916 846 746 6412 8414 Mobile 480 650 5412 209 Mobile 916 613 214 8013 5577 Fax 855 578 268 5920 877 Fax 850 2849 9406 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 328707 NMLS Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. is this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined byproviding section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and does notchange constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, terms, and availability programsfor aregeneral subject to without notice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N.3013 Scottsdale Rd., Suite#205 200 Douglas Blvd., 1020 15th Street, #20 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Roseville, CA CA 95354 95661 Modesto,

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Have your Home reflect your StyleInsurance Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAP You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirement First time homebuyers orfund. qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase Take advantage of a HomeStyle Loan today. the home of their dreams. We Conventional are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgage Insurance has lifted the 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing thisConventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan new amounts upThis to $417,000 Usedeclining fixed-rate loan to rehabilitate and renovate your home. program allows you to market designation for California, Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA FHA Program highlights include: finance the cost of improvements into the loan amount up to 50% of the “as-completed” home value. we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

First time homebuyer or Veteran credit score 640 minimum LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing amounts to $417,000 The financed amount isyears. basedLoan on the estimated homeloan value after theup renovations! deferred for 5 purchase amounts to with $505,612 in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 97% Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single family Rate reductions available 45 LTV day rate lock with aresidence one-timerepairs rate reduction •• Minimum 660 credit score Improvements could include structural or Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos alterations, plumbing, heating/air conditioning, Primary Second home rates residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest with a free •• Can use a anew purchase orflooring rate/term electrical or on roofing. Update the& or refinance Homebuyer Education Counseling Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate 680 620 credit score reduction Eligible properties credit score 620homes, credit score appliances inside. Create aninclude oasis insingle your family refinance course is required allowance condos, approved PUDs withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit backyard with aand pool, spa, barbecue pit(2ortoscore even Per DU Findings 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements a gazebo. • SplitEdge available - additional credit score

salesfamily pricehomes, limits and income limits apply Eligible propertiesCurrent include single requirements condos, PUDs (2 to 4 costs units with imortgage aand direct lender. Our in-house processing, canCalSTRS has pre-negotiated closing You add isvalue toapproved your new property with Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting funding allows us to deliver these permanentand changes. imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. Contact me today to learn more about makingcosts CalSTRS has pre-negotiated processing, underwriting andclosing funding Los Angeles & Ventura Counties your dreamOrange, home a reality.

allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

CHDAP Program highlights include:

60 closings? Call our average closings are when 21 days! Tired 60 tofor 90down day Call us us!-home Canof be used and closing Interest rate call reduction used with more For information about the HomeStyle loan, please today. 3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage Please call for more information Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1849 1872 6901 9725 480 385 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 681 689 687 547 4282 3597 7391 0264 480 650 5412 Fax 877 6479 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas ofto Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 92806 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Immigrant/Expatriate Loan Program About imortgage Home Loans imortgage is a dual channel residential mortgage banker with financial strength, remarkable integrity Designed for professional immigrants entering United States on an acceptable visa. and a proven track record of delivering quality homethe loans. We originate, underwrite, process and close loans in eight states across the country. Do you have a customer from a foreign country transferring to the United States and would like to buy a home?

imortgage is a leader in distinctive loan programs. With conventional, FHA, FHA 203K and VA loans, imortgage offers unique resources and programs in order to create individual home loans.

WeProgram offer credit solutions This is for them! for difficult loans allowing you to close loans on time and sell more homes.

• No social security number required

Customers That Want A Second Home

• No credit report Great rate available international Loan • 20% downamount paymentup to $417,000 30-day closing • Qualify on offer letters and/or 30 days first pay stubs That Are Canadian Customers

single • O nlyPurchase debt that second follows home, is foreign Realfamily Estate owned 30% down payment Fixed rate mortgage Minimum credit score 700

FHA 203(k) Loans

Great for REO properties 3.5% down payment Renovations included in loan amount

Investment Properties

20% down payment Fixed rate or Interest only 30-day closing Finance up to 10 properties

Conventional Owner Occupied

Jumbo Loans

Escrow hold balance on new construction Loans up to $417,000

Loan amount up to $1,000,000 Fixed rate mortgage

20%Loan down Program, payment please call today. 5% down payment about the Immigrant/Expatriate For more information

Please callfor formore moreinformation information Please call Lillian Wong Jeff Johnson Loan Consultant Mortgage Planner Direct 480 385 0407 DIRECT 480 Mobile 480 344 650 7426 5412 MOBILE 480 Fax 855 330 268 9058 5920 933 7858 FAX ID 866 NMLS 630337

Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer imortgage is providing this of information general only, not legal advice. credit as defined by section 226.2 Regulationfor Z and doesguidance not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, availability of programs are subject to change without notice. programs are terms, subjectand to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER AZ Corporate BK 0903725. All ID rights reserved. 2009. imortgage NMLS 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Suite 200 4800 North ScottsdaleRd., Road, #1000 Scottsdale, AZ AZ 85251 85254 Scottsdale,

Historic Mortgage Rates: 1980-2012 We believe the year 2012 will be remembered for low rates and home affordability.

30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages 17%











Interest Rates





























Interest Rate Data provided by the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. 7/2012.




2012 Jan.1 to June 30

Rates are the lowest in 32 years. Take advantage and buy, refinance and/or renovate your home! Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! We MakeInsurance Investor Financing EasyInsurance As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAP

You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase the home of their dreams. Whether you are to a part-time real estate investor buying aInsurance second home to diversify We Conventional are pleased announce that partner forrate Mortgage has lifted the 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing Available! Conventional or refinancing with loan amounts up to $417,000 your real estate portfolio or anfor active full-time real estate investor buying additional declining market designation California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA FHA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage been givenyou authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. homes, arehave we can help your financing. Thechances 80/17 option lets you qualify for a secure larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is First time homebuyer or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 97% Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single Rate reductions available 45 LTV day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction •• Minimum 660 credit score Minimum 680 credit score • Owner-occupied allowance and home PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos

Primary Second home rates residence Primary Protect yourself from rising interest with residence a free Low interest rate 680 620 credit score 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score refinance course is required allowance • • Can own up to 10 investment properties condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings - additional credit SplitEdge Per DU Findings 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements • • W SplitEdge e can finance up to 3 -Current ofadditional those properties available credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible properties include single family homes, useoron a new purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance Can Homebuyer Education & • ••Vacation second home Can purchase or rate/term 45use dayon ratea new lock with a one-time rate reduction

condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

CHDAP Program highlights include:

60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof 3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage 1% down payment of borrower funds

Please for more information For more information, callcalltoday! Abby Green

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Lillian Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Wong Colacion Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 480 562 385 924 1849 0407 1872 9725 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 480 949 562 681 650 689 547 4282 5412 3597 0264 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5920 5922 4017 NMLS ID 259274 263424 630337 329651 259751 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 16435 17777S. N. Center Scottsdale CourtRd., Drive, Suite#102 #275 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Scottsdale, Cerritos, AZ 92806 85254 90703

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage Insurance Jumbo Financing for Luxury Homes CalHFA FHA & New CHDAP You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase the home of their dreams. We are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgage Insurance has lifted the 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive while contributing tohome. your We luxury home financing for your client’s primary and second 97% Conventional Financing Available! offer Conventional or refinancing with loan amounts up to $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

• M aximum totalhomebuyer financing isor$2qualified million Veteran First time minimum credit score 640 up LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV owner-occupied Conventional orloan refinancing loan amounts to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 Purchasing in designated target concessions inimum Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: • M creditproperty score required loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free • 3 097% and 15 yr fixed and 5/1 ARM deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single Rate reductions available 45 LTV day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction ••financing Minimum 660 credit score Minimum 680 credit score is available allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Primary Second home rates residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest with a free Can use on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance • •• L TV’s up to 80% Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620 credit score 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score refinance course is required allowance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings available credit • • R SplitEdge eserves from 10% to- additional 40% of total Per DU Findings 4 units Per DU Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements loan amount • SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes, condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with • imortgage Single family home or Condo is aand direct lender. Our in-house requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

CHDAP Program highlights include:

60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof It’s important to discuss your client’s current financial situation and offer 3% of sales price used as a second CalHFA financing options for the affluent buyer. Contact me today for a confidential mortgage Please call for more information Low interest rate mortgage consultation. Green funds payment ofAbby borrower 1% down Deferred loan Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Branch Manager NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1872 6901 9725 480 385 1849 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 689 687 547 3597 7391 0264 480 681 650 4282 5412 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 92806 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Lock Your Interest Rate For 150 Days! Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your retirement fund. First homebuyers qualifiedsecuring Veteransa have new option in financing that can them purchase Withteachers’ shorttime sales and reducedor inventory, homeafor your clients can take longer thanhelp anticipated. the home of their dreams. Lock-N-Shop can safeguard your clientsthat fromour the volatility rates while looking for thelifted perfectthe home. We Conventional are pleased to announce partner offorinterest Mortgage Insurance has 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts up to $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

• Lock yourtime rate homebuyer while you shop for a house. First or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up LTV loan • 97% 97% LTVowner-occupied owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: • •NoMax accepted contract needed. loan amount $417,000 • Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 LTV Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single 97% Rate reductions available 45 day to rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction • ••Float down lower rate. Minimum 660 credit score Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Primary Second home rates residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest with a free on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance • ••120 & use 150 day lock terms available. Can Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620 credit score 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score refinance course is required allowance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore units withFindings credit • •Protect your clients &- additional give them peace of 4 mind! SplitEdge Per DU Findings Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements • SplitEdge additional credit score Current sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible properties include single family homes, *Special Terms &available Conditions -Apply. condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted areaFloat down to the Rate is guaranteed

CHDAP Program highlights for up to 5include: months

lower rate 30 days prior to COE

60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof 3% of sales price used as a second

CalHFA mortgage Please call for more information Low interest rate For more information on the Lock-N-Shop program, please loan call today. Green 1% down payment ofAbby borrower funds Deferred Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1849 1872 6901 9725 480 385 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 681 689 687 547 4282 3597 7391 0264 480 650 5412 Fax 877 6479 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas ofto Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 92806 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Increase your purchasing power! Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance

You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase That’s right, you can increase your purchasing power and keep your monthly payment lower by using the home of their dreams. We are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgage Insurance has your lifted the 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtain a great loan with aour competitive while contributing 97% Conventional Financing private mortgage insurance. Foror well qualified buyers, thisamounts conventional can be a greattovalue. Conventional purchase refinancing withAvailable! loan up toloan $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

First time homebuyer or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 *news for property in designated target concessions 6% Purchasing Seller This isPower great you as our real estate partnerPayment because:* Increase Purchase Lower Monthly loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 option lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself from interest withfirst a free $320,000 $1,850 deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 97% Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single reductions available Rate$1,806 45 LTV day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction •• Minimum 660 credit score $313,737 $1,800 Minimum 680 credit score $310,000 $1,689with CHDAP or AHPP allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used Condos $1,750 Second home Primary residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest rates with a free $300,000 $296,626 •• Can use on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term $1,700 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620 credit score 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score $1,650 refinance course is required allowance $1,618 condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit Per 4 units Per DUavailable Findings DU Findings Per DU $1,600 $280,000 certain restrictions) requirements $1,560 $284,252 • SplitEdge available -Current additional credit score $1,550 sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible properties include single family homes, $270,000 $290,000

condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with $1,500 imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house requirements CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing $260,000 Riverside County & San Bernardino County $1,450 certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver $250,000 $1,400 imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. $265,708

$1,350 CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated closing costs processing, andPaid funding Borrower Paid MI Lender MI Borrower Paid FHA Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties Single Premium allows us to deliver exceptional service.



Borrower Paid MI

Lender Paid MI

Borrower Paid Single Premium

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

* Each example assumes a 30-year fixed rate mortgage with a 5% down payment and credit score of 760; interest rate is 5% for all with the exception of LPMI which has a 5.5% rate. Charts are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect an APR. Please contact your loan consultant for specific comparison.

CHDAP Program highlights include:

ofbe60 60 closings? Call closings are when 21 monthly days! Tired to 90down day Call us us!- our average used for closing Interest rate or reduction used with Can Private mortgage insurance canand provide up to 18% more in purchase power lower your payment 3% of sales priceLoan. used as a second CalHFA 15% up to over an FHA mortgage Please call for more information Low interest rate Contact me today about increasing your purchasing power or lowering your payment. Green funds payment ofAbby borrower loan 1% down Deferred Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1849 1872 6901 9725 480 385 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 681 689 687 547 4282 3597 7391 0264 480 650 5412 Fax 877 6479 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas ofto Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 92806 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with MIP on the Rise Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase If your clients are considering buying or refinancing a home, today may be the day. The Federal the home of their dreams. We Conventional are pleased to announce that partner for Mortgage Insurance lifted Housing Administration will soon increase mortgage insurance premiums on FHAhas home loans,the 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a (FHA) great loan with aour competitive rate while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing Available! Conventional or refinancing with loan amounts up to $417,000 increasing costsretirement to your clients. declining market designation for California, teachers’ fund. CalHFA FHA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is First time homebuyer or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up • 97% owner-occupied loan 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional purchase orqualified refinancing to $417,000 Dates toLTV keep in5mind: deferred for years. Loan amounts to with $505,612

in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: Max loan amount $417,000 • ••A pril 9, 2012 an increase of 0.10% in the Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage area Protect yourself interest withfirst a free annual mortgage insurance premium (MIP), deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single 97% Rate reductions available 45 LTV day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction ••which Minimum 660 credit score is broken down into monthly payments, Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP FHA for loansyourself under $625,500. This would raise Condos Second home rates Primary residence Primary residence Protect from rising interest with a free ••the use on a anew purchase or rate/term refinance Can Homebuyer Education & Counseling Low interest rate fee from 1.15% to 1.25% of the total loan Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time 680 620 credit score reduction Eligible properties include singlerate family credit score 620homes, credit score amount. refinance course is required allowance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit Per DU Findings 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements • •A pril 9, 2012available - an increase to the FHA’s upfront -Current additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply SplitEdge Eligible properties include single family homes, annual mortgage insurance premium (UFMIP) requirements condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing from 1% Riverside to 1.75%. County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver imortgage is-Price: aandirect lender. in-house Sales $550,000 forOur target areaMIP and $450,000 for non-targeted area service. • exceptional June 11, 2012 increase of 0.35% to the CalSTRS has closing costs processing, funding for FHA loansunderwriting overpre-negotiated $625,500, and raising fee to Orange, Los Angeles &that Ventura Counties 1.50% ofusthe loan amount. allows tototal deliver exceptional service.

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

For your clients considering refinancing or making a purchase, they might want to act now before the new CHDAP Program highlights include: mortgage insurance premiums take effect.

60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof If you information about whatCalHFA these higher fees will mean for your of saleslike pricemore used as a second 3%would clients, please contactPlease me call today. mortgage for more information Low interest rate Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Branch Manager NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1872 6901 9725 480 385 1849 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 689 687 547 3597 7391 0264 480 681 650 4282 5412 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 92806 85254

Piggy-Backs are BACK! Jumbo loan financing now available at a conforming loan price. • Maximum total financing is $1.5 million • 1&2 unit primary residence and 1 unit 2nd home • 2nd mortgage limits are minimum $10,000 to maximum of $250,000 • Properties in the states of CA, AZ, FL, NV are limited to a max CLTV of 75% (Purchase & Refinance) • Minimum credit score required • Borrowers qualify at Note rate for both products • ARM caps are 1% max per year up or down; 6% lifetime cap; 4% margin; 1yr T-Bill index • ARM loans may be amortized over 15 or 30 years

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Pledged Mortgage AboutAsset imortgage At imortgage we understand that in today’s market,

Dean Bloxom, President, has been in the mortgage

earned us a reputation as one of the most well

companies; overseeing billions in production volume.

Thehome Pledged Asset Mortgage program is an effective alternative to liquidating assets in your portfolio to cover industry for more than 30 years. Prior to founding financing requires a company with a proven track normal down payment requirements onOur a luxury home. Youimortgage, or any family member can management pledge eligible assets in Dean held executive positions record, financial strength and integrity. unwavering lieu commitment of a down payment, second mortgage a home some of the nation’s largest and well respected to excellence in these three keyorareas has equityatloan. It’s ideal if you wish toindefer capital gains or losses while maintaining your investment strategy and receiving respected companies the industry. Johnson, Chief Operating Officer, brings close to continued benefits from interest, dividends and investmentJay appreciation. Founded in 1999, imortgage grew from the concept of creating premier builder-based mortgage banking Programa highlights include: company to a consumer-friendly system that provides a vast array of mortgage products with cutting-edge, cost • Financing up to 90%which loan gives to value effective technology, our customers and business partners a clear advantage. Headquartered in • Finance up to $5 million imortgage has offices in multiple Scottsdale, Arizona, states and is looking to continue its solid track record of growth. • Pledged assets are placed in a pledge account In 2007,assets while many lenders werebonds, either failing • E ligible include stocks, mutualor fighting just to stay alive, imortgage not only survived, funds, CDs, money market, asavings and others but expanded by establishing retail platform. Today

30 years of experience in the field of technology. Jay has designed one of the most efficient delivery systems in the mortgage industry, trimming wasteful time and costs – from the point of origination to the delivery of the loan into the secondary market. Dan Hanson, Executive Vice President National Production, encompasses more than 30 years of real estate and mortgage knowledge. As a recognized, experienced production executive, Dan oversees the talent acquisition and strategic plan for distributed retail.

Dena Yocom, Senior Vice President Secondary Marketing, has more than 25 years in the mortgage business and currently oversees all warehouse and the future, our ability to provide big company resources NCASIL-16 investor relations in addition to the secondary market combined with the agility to move quickly as an loan delivery Denathe is a need highlyfor respected mortgage banker will ensure our continued Thisindependent program can save you thousands of dollars a year by allowing youfunctions. to eliminate private industry veteran in the capital market world and sits on or a costly high-interest second mortgage. mortgage the Residential Board of Governors for the Mortgage Bankers Association. The financial strength of imortgage enables us to continueme our access to credit and investor Contact today for afacilities private mortgage consultation. With competitive rates, incomparable service and a groups that are essential to our industry. We are a fully process that guides all the direct lender for may FNMA, FHA, VA, Note:approved Eligible investment assets be pledged in lieu of a down payment. A pledge must you equaleasily up tofrom 200%application of the required down way through closing, we are confident that you’ll agree HUDIfand USDA. value In addition, we actively in must replenish the account or the lender may require the sale payment. the account drops below 168%, participate the borrower of all that imortgage has made financing your pledge buyers’amount and and become in state localasset government loan with 100% or a portion of the experts pledge assets. A and pledged account funded cash equivalent assets has an initial home… simple as that. programs. minimum pledge amount equal to 100% of the base. we are one of the fastest growing privately held retail

• Trading is allowed in the United pledged account companies in the Western States. As we look to

Please call for more information JenniferWong Deering Lillian Loan Consultant Direct 713 385 395 0407 6920 480 Mobile 936 650 697 5412 0039 480 Fax 877 268 553 5920 4609 855 NMLS ID 630337 221911

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by theAll AZrights State reserved. Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 3040 Post Oak Blvd., 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#100 200 Houston, AZ TX 77056 Scottsdale, 85254

Realtors ! imortgage wants to help you sell more homes! ®

One way to make that happen is to have faster closings. As a mortgage banker and direct lender, imortgage maintains full control of loan origination, underwriting, processing and funding. And that means faster closings, often within 30 days, for you and your clients. Real estate loves speed. Real estate also loves competitive interest rates and a choice of loans programs that can be tailored to fit specific borrower needs. imortgage offers you all of that along with a proven track record, financial strength and impeccable customer service!

We have a loan for every home . . . simple as that ! ®

FHA • 90-day flip OK • Minimum credit score required

Foreign National • Perfect for Canadian borrowers • 30% down on second homes

VA • Zero down up to $417,000 • No monthly MI

FHA 203K • Purchase and remodel all in one loan • Only 3.5% down

Conventional • 3% down primary residence • 10% down second home • Finance up to 10 properties

HomePath® Renovation • 3% down primary residence • 10% down investment • No monthly MI / No appraisal

Jumbo • As low as 10% down

HomeStyle® Renovation • Purchase or refinance • Repairs up to 50% of finished value • Great for homebuyers and investors

USDA • Zero down

Great rates, flexible loan programs and fast closings. Call today! Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Don’t Be Late Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAPInsurance You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your retirement fund. First homebuyers qualifiedtoVeterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase Didteachers’ youtime miss your lastorchance refinance? the home of their dreams. We Conventional are pleased to announce that partner forrate Mortgagecontributing Insurance has lifted the 97% Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with aour competitive to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts while up to $417,000 declining market designation for California, Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, teachers’ retirement Don’t make theFHA same Program mistakefund. again! Take advantage of the recent dip in interest rates and put more CalHFA highlights include: we your at imortgage have been given authority to mortgage issue Mortgage Insurance. cash inThe pocketoption today!lets Saving money a priority, let us help you refinance thisloan is 80/17 you you qualify for is a larger firstso because the 17%during second

First time homebuyer or Veteran loan amounts minimum credit score 640 up LTV owner-occupied loan • 97% 97% LTV loan Conventional orqualified refinancing to $417,000 deferred forclose 5 purchase years. amounts to with $505,612 great time! We owner-occupied can yourLoan refinance in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: in• asMax little as 30 days if needed while loan amount $417,000 • Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify for a larger first mortgage the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 yourself some ofProtect our competitors take up to interest rates with a free deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 97% Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single Rate reductions available 45 LTV day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction •• Minimum 660 credit score 3 months! Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Primary Second home rates residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest with a free •• Can use on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day rate lock with a one-time rate reduction

680 620homes, Eligible properties credit score include single family credit score Don’t waste refinance course isanother required second allowance

620 credit score condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge - additional credit Per DU Findings 4 units Per DUavailable Findings Per DU certain restrictions) requirements Interest rates are at historic lows. • SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes, Nowrequirements is the perfect time to find out condos, approved PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with imortgage is aand direct lender. Our in-house CalSTRS hasyour pre-negotiated closing how you can lower monthly& San Riverside County Bernardino County certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver payments. imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service.

CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties allows us to deliver exceptional service. Sales Price: $802,725your for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area Call us today to schedule FREE consultation!

CHDAP Program highlights include:

60 are when 21 days! Tired tofor 90down day closings? Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof 3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage Please call for more information Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1849 1872 6901 9725 480 385 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 681 689 687 547 4282 3597 7391 0264 480 650 5412 Fax 877 6479 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas ofto Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post Oak #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 92806 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Does client to free up cash? Don't your Let Your Creditneed Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers with credit scores between 580 and 639.

Pay cash for a home today and cash-out refi tomorrow!

Thanks to a anew FNMA guideline change, if your buyer wants to pay cashkey forpoints a homebased – or already cash We use combination of current FHA guidelines and additional on the paid credit score. for a home as recently as yesterday – and wants to take cash out, they can!

Credit Score: 580 - 599 (Max DTI 41%) 600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%) General guidelines

Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%)

LTV Owner only for aprice SFR • 70% (notoccupied, to exceedpurchase original purchase or FHAcost) approved Condo plus closing for single family residence, second homes or4investment Maximum borrowers,properties. all must occupy

Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR


• Mortgage rates are the same as for any cash-out All disputed accounts must be removed refinance.

from credit report • No “points” are added to the loan. Education Approved FHA Homebuyer classon required for all borrowers • Available owner-occupied properties, Cannot any late payments during the second homeshave and investment properties. past 12 months on credit (up to 10 properties) No gift funds allowed • Available when buyer has owned the home less 6Cannot anyisdown payment assistance than months.use Buyer eligible for a conforming programs loan, using standard guidelines.

or FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed from credit report Cannot have mortgage late payments during the past 12 months Gifts are allowed

• Must have HUD-I from previous closing to be eligible.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable so less than 90 adayCash-Out flips are notrefinance allowed. Additional credit me requirements Forhomeownership more information about please contact today. apply. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Gregg Anderson SeniorConsultant Loan Loan Consultant Direct 541 385 480 646 0407 3027 Mobile 541 650 480 944 5412 2723 Fax 877 268 855 819 5920 0454 NMLS ID 630337 385008

Information imortgage contained is providing hereinthis is provided information to assist for general real estate guidance professionals only, notand legal is not advice. an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDivision of Finance and Corporate ML 5010. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed bySecurities the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale 3389 Crater Rd.,Lake SuiteHwy. 200 Scottsdale, Medford, OR AZ 85254 97504

Freddie Mac Refi Relief Looking for a streamline refinancing option? If you have a Freddie Mac property as of May 31, 2009, you can easily refinance with the Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Open Access Mortgage.

Program highlights: • Open to single family homes, second homes or condos • Can be owner occupied or investment property • Minimum credit score required • L oan amount up to $417,000 for conforming and $625,500 for non-conforming • 15 yr or 30 yr fixed rate • Up to 105% of LTV

If you have been unable to refinance due to declining property values in your area, this program may help you save a little more each month by reducing your monthly mortgage payment.

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

HARP 2.0 Information HARP 2.0 (Home Affordability Refinance Program) was intended to assist homeowners who still qualify income and credit wise under normal and current mortgage guidelines. However, because the value of their home may have declined sharply they are unable to refinance due to loan to value restrictions. The program has nothing to do with helping homeowner’s who cannot afford their current home.

For example: Your client bought a home with 20% down five years ago at a rate of 6%. Current rates

are around 4% or the client wants to refinance into a 15 year fixed at 3.50% to shorten the amortization term. Unfortunately, current appraisals show the values in the neighborhood have declined enough to wipe out the equity and despite the initial large down payment, your client now has a loan that has a 100% or more loan to value. Without HARP 2.0 they would be unable to refinance.

HARP 2.0 was put in place so these qualified homeowners can take advantage of lower interest rates. Public Perception of HARP 2.0 Fannie Mae lends money. Offers unlimited loan to value . Loan approval guaranteed if payments have been on time for the past 12 months. Appraisal waivers guaranteed.

HARP 2.0 program is ongoing.

Reality of HARP 2.0 Program Fannie Mae replenishes funds that lenders use to make loans. They do not lend money directly to borrowers. Lenders have the right to restrict the loan to value. Loan approval is not guaranteed even if payments have been made on time. There are credit characteristics that are considered. Appraisal waivers are subject to an automated system that Fannie Mae controls. They use a complex algorithm to estimate property value. Not every HARP 2.0 loan will qualify for an appraisal waiver. The HARP 2.0 extends through December 31, 2013.

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Make it your own...all in one loan! Purchasing a home that requires a few updates? Make your home your own by taking advantage of our suite of renovation loan programs. Renovations can include updates on appliances, painting, kitchen and/or bathroom remodels, energy efficient improvements, plumbing, roof repairs and more!

Our renovation programs include: • FHA Streamlined 203K - Standard FHA guidelines apply - Owner occupied, primary residence only - Seller concessions allowed up to 6% • HomePath® Renovation Mortgage - Available for Fannie Mae REO properties - Primary, second home or investment properties - No mortgage insurance required • HomeStyle® Renovation - Purchase or Refinance SFR, PUD, 2-4 unit and condos - Primary, second home or investment properties - Seller concessions allowed up to 6%

Call today to see how we can help you finance value-enhancing improvements or required repairs on your new home. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Don’t Let Buying Your Credit Score Determine Rent vs. Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers with credit Don’t pay your landlord’s mortgage…buy and build your own equity. scores between 580 and 639. We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on With the credit score. flexible low cost loans, and programs to meet the needs of today’s home buyer, your dream home can

become a reality - FAST. actuallyScore: is to buy a home in today’s market. Credit Score: 580 - 619You’d be surprised at how easy itCredit 620 - 639

• Owner occupied, purchase only are for aendless, SFR orbut on the top•ofOwner occupied, purchase only a SFR or The benefits of owning a home list would be to gain equity for for your future. FHA approved Condo FHA approved Condo • Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy property

• Maximum 4 borrowers

• Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• Home Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed Purchase Example

• All disputed accounts must be removed from Amount of equity gained in 60 months credit report Your Equity • Approved Gained FHA Homebuyer Education class required for all borrowers


Amount paid to landlord in 60 months

• Cannot have any late payments during the past 12Paid months to on credit Landlord • No gift funds allowed


• Cannot use any down payment assistance To find out more about how you programs

• All disputed accounts must be removed Rent Ownfrom credit report Monthly Payment $2,000 $2,034

Taxes, Insurance & Other $20 $784the past • Cannot have any late payments during Total Payment $2,817 12 months on credit$2,020 Tax Benefit $0 - $631 • Gifts are allowed Principal Paid $0 - $490 Net Monthly Payment



Based on a 60 month analysis of home purchase: Total Equity Gained $0 $84,917 Cash Paid to Landlord $126,000 $0

can end the rental cycle and make The innovation in our mortgagetoday. program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy your dream home

Example based on fixed 30 year FHA mortgage. Purchase Price: $400,000 .Closing Costs: sustainable home ownership so less than 90Down dayPayment: flips$14,000. are APR: not4.816 allowed. Additional credit $3,000. %. Interest Rate: 4.750 %. Tax Bracket: 28.000 % Rental Assumption Increase/yr: 2.0 %. Ownership Assumption Appreciation: 2.0 %. 3/21/2011 requirements apply.

Please call for more information

Pam Timmermeyer Lillian Wong SeniorConsultant Loan Consultant Loan Direct Direct 209 385 846 0407 6412 480 Mobile Mobile 209 650 613 5412 8013 480 Fax Fax 877 268 578 5920 2849 855 NMLS ID ID 630337 NMLS 200999 imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer Rates, terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 1020 15th 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd.,Street, Suite #20 200 Modesto, AZ CA 85254 95354 Scottsdale,

Don’t Let Buying Your Credit Score Determine Rent vs. a $200,000 Home Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers with credit Don’t pay your landlord’s mortgage…buy and build your own equity. scores between 580 and 639. We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on With the credit score. flexible low cost loans, and programs to meet the needs of today’s home buyer, your dream home can

become a reality - FAST. actuallyScore: is to buy a home in today’s market. Credit Score: 580 - 619You’d be surprised at how easy itCredit 620 - 639

• Owner occupied, purchase only are for aendless, SFR orbut on the top•ofOwner occupied, purchase only a SFR or The benefits of owning a home list would be to gain equity for for your future. FHA approved Condo FHA approved Condo • Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy property

• Maximum 4 borrowers

• Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed

• Home Non-occupying co-signers are not allowed Purchase Example

• All disputed accounts must be removed from Amount of equity gained in 60 months credit report Your Equity • Approved Gained FHA Homebuyer Education class required for all borrowers


Amount paid to landlord in 60 months

• Cannot have any late payments during the past 12Paid months to on credit Landlord • No gift funds allowed


• Cannot use any down payment assistance To find out more about how you can programs

• All disputed accounts must be removed Rent Ownfrom credit report Monthly Payment $1,300 $916

Taxes, Insurance & Other $20 $402the past • Cannot have any late payments during Total Payment $1,318 12 months on credit$1,320 Tax Benefit $0 - $176 • Gifts are allowed Principal Paid $0 - $287 Net Monthly Payment



Based on a 60 month analysis of home purchase: Total Equity Gained $0 $44,864 Cash Paid to Landlord $79,200 $0

end the rental cycle and make your The innovation in our mortgage dream home today. program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy

Example based on fixed 30 year FHA mortgage. Purchase Price: $200,000 .Closing Costs: sustainable home ownership so less than 90Down dayPayment: flips$7,000. areAPR: not6.288allowed. Additional $6,250. %. Interest Rate: 4.50 %. Tax Bracket:credit 28.000 % Rental Assumption Increase/yr: 2.0 %. Ownership Assumption Appreciation: 2.0 %. 3/21/2011 requirements apply.

Please call for more information

Pam Timmermeyer Lillian Wong SeniorConsultant Loan Consultant Loan Direct Direct 209 385 846 0407 6412 480 Mobile Mobile 209 650 613 5412 8013 480 Fax Fax 877 268 578 5920 2849 855 NMLS ID ID 630337 NMLS 200999 imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer Rates, terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2012.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 1020 15th 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd.,Street, Suite #20 200 Modesto, AZ CA 85254 95354 Scottsdale,

Mortgage Insurance Change - Radian Mortgage Insurance Relax Under Contract The process of purchasing a short sale or REO property can become even We are pleased to announce that our partner for Mortgage Insurance has lifted the smoother with the option to secure your interest sooner declining market designation for California, Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance.

Don’t be overwhelmed by the home loan process. At imortgage we offer an Extended Lock program.

This is great news for you as our real estate partner because:

Highlights: 97% LTV Financing

95% LTV Financing

• A bility to take advantage of today’s low interest Primary residence Primary residence rates

680 credit score • Lock interest for up to 6 months Per DU rate Findings

620 credit score Per DU Findings

90% LTV Financing Second home 620 credit score Per DU Findings

• F ree 30 day float down option prior to close should the rate decrease • IUp-front deposit is fully refundable at closings • G ives you peace of mind while your home is under contract • Takes the uncertainty out of locking your loan

imortgage’s experience in short sale financing offers proven process, in-depth industry knowledge and a commitment to service that will help you realize your home financing dreams. Please call for more information Lillian Lisa Flores-Estrella Wong SeniorConsultant Loan Loan Consultant Direct 562 385 480 924 0407 9725 Mobile 562 650 480 547 5412 0264 Fax 877 268 855 405 5920 4017 NMLS ID 630337 259751 Hablo Español

Information imortgage contained is providing hereinthis is provided information to assist for general real estate guidance professionals only, notand legal is not advice. an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs Z areand subject without credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation does to notchange constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Department EQUAL HOUSING LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 17777N.Center Scottsdale CourtRd., Drive, Suite#275 200 Scottsdale, Cerritos, AZ CA 85254 90703

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with USDA for Rural Housing Affordable Housing Program for RuralInsurance America Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAP You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase Make the dream of home ownership come true! the home of their dreams. Make the dream oftohome ownership come true!for We are pleased announce that our partner Mortgage Insurance has lifted the 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts up to $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, teachers’ retirement fund. Program highlights IfCalHFA your customers are purchasing a home inUSDA a include: USDA Rural Development defined rural area, they may be If your customers are purchasing a home in a Rural Development defined rural area, they may we at imortgage have been given authority to issueprogram Mortgage Insurance. eligible financing with Chase Guaranteed Rural Housing which features 102% financing. Thefor 80/17 option letstheyou qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

be•eligible for financing with the Guaranteed which features First time homebuyer or qualified Veteran Rural minimum credit score102% 97% 640program LTV owner-occupied loan 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional orChase refinancing loan Housing amounts up to $417,000 deferred for 5 purchase years. Loan amounts to with $505,612 in designated target concessions Purchasing property Seller financing. This is great news for you as our real estate partner 6% because: loan amount $417,000 •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free • Finance full purchase price plus closingto deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts $505,612 97% LTV Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single Rate reductions available 45 day rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time •• Minimum 660 credit score costs up to 102% appraised value forrate reduction Minimum 680 credit score allowance • F inance fullresidence purchase price plus costs up Condos and PUDs must beclosing FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP primary Second home Primary residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest rates with a free 102% appraised value for primary residence ••to Can use on a anew purchase or Counseling rate/term refinance Homebuyer Education & Low interest rate Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45seller day rate lock with a one-time • 6% concessions permitted forrate closing 620 credit score reduction Eligible properties include single family 680 credit score 620homes, credit score refinance course is required allowance seller concessions permitted for closing cost • 6•%SplitEdge cost assistance condos, and approved PUDs (2 toscore withFindings - additional credit Per Per DU Findings 4 units DUavailable Findings Per DU assistance certain restrictions) requirements • 100% gifting permitted for all closing costs

• SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes, • imortgage 100% gifting permitted for all closing costs requirements condos, PUDs (2 to processing, 4 costs units with • No post-closing reserve is aand direct lender. requirements Our in-house CalSTRS hasapproved pre-negotiated closing Riverside County & San Bernardino County certain restrictions) andreserve fundingrequirementss allows us to deliver • underwriting No post-closing • 29/41% ratios or Aus Gus approval imortgage isPrice: a direct lender. Sales $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. • NOT limited to pre-negotiated first-time home buyers CalSTRS has closing costs underwriting and funding • processing, NOT limited to first-time home buyers

allows us to deliver exceptional service. • 0.3 monthly guarantee fee

Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties

• 0.3 monthly guarantee fee Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area • May not currently own a home

CF30RH-12 CF30RH-12

It’s important to discuss your client’s current financial situation and offer financing options for the affluent buyer. Tired 60 tofor 90down day closings? are when 21 days! Call us us!- our average be60 used and closing Call Interestclosings rate reduction used with Canof It’s important to discuss your client’s current financial situation and CalHFA 3% of sales price used as a second Contact me today for offer a confidential mortgage consultation. financing options for the affluent buyer. mortgage Please call for more information Low interest rate Contact me todayfunds for a confidential mortgage Green ofAbby borrower loanconsultation 1% down payment Deferred

CHDAP Program highlights include:

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Lisa Flores-Estrella Colacion Jim Weir Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Loan Consultant Branch Manager Loan Consultant Consultant NMLS ID 259274 Direct Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1872 6901 9725 480 385 1849 0407 Mobile Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 281 562 689 687 547 3597 7391 0264 480 681 650 4282 5412 Fax Fax 877 6479 855 268 405 5922 4017 863 6077 855 385 268 6009 5920 NMLS ID NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 259751 373616 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. Allreserved. rights reserved. 2011. Texas of to Savings Mortgage Lending Lic. 67345. All EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING 2012.AZ BK 0903725. programs areDept. subject change&without notice. Licensed by the AZrights State Banking Department LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #102 #301 17777S. Center Court Drive, #275 3040 Post OakRd., #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Suite 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Cerritos, 90703 Houston, TX 77056 Scottsdale, AZ 92806 85254

OurAre Veterans Can Homes We Proud To BeOwn A Lender To Our Veterans The VA Loan offers many specialafeatures... Are you considering purchasing home? Don’t forget about the VA Loan. Eligible Veterans are those who served on active duty and have a • 0% down payment discharge, other than dishonorable, after a minimum of 90 days of service during wartime or a minimum 181PMI continuous days during peacetime. •ofNo All Veterans must qualify, for they are not automatically eligible for the program.

• Special Financing for Veterans

Did you know that a VA Loan offers:

• Closing cost Limited by VA • 0% Down Payment ~ more than 90% of VA loans are no-down No Mortgage Insurance • •Loans are assumable, provided the person assuming the loan is qualified • No Pre-payment Penalty • No Prepayment penalty • You Do Not Have to be a First-Time Homebuyer • Additional assistance offered by VA should have problems making home If veterans 100% financing isn’t enough, theretheir are even more benefits to applying loan payments in the future for your VA home loan for veterans who are ready to purchase: • VA home loans are assumable, provided the person assuming • Seller concessions up to 4% the loan is qualified. You mayTime be eligible to haverequirement your VA funding fee waived, • •No First homebuyer check with your mortgage representative for details. • You have the VA behind you offering additional assistance if you ever find you are having problems making your home loan payments, at any time in the future.

Please call for more information LillianCosta Wong Amy Loan Consultant Direct 480 229 385 4121 0407 209 Mobile 480 603 650 9648 5412 209 Fax 855 385 268 6015 5920 877 NMLS ID 270094 630337

Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. credit Rates, as defined by and section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doesto not constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of terms, availability programs are subject change without programs are subject change withoutof notice. LicensedCRMLA by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. Licensed by thetoCA Department Corporations 4130969. All rights reserved. 2012. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale504 Rd., W.Suite 11th200 St. Scottsdale, 85254 Tracy, AZ CA 95376

We Are Proud To Serve Our Veterans The VA Loan offers many special features... • 0% down payment • No Monthly Mortgage Insurance • Special Financing for Veterans • Closing cost Limited by VA • Loans are assumable, provided the person assuming the loan is qualified • No Prepayment penalty • A dditional assistance offered by VA should veterans have problems making their home loan payments in the future • Seller concessions up to 4% • No First Time homebuyer requirement • Eligibility can be used more than once

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Vesting in Special Entities Don't LetTitle Your Credit Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers

As a luxury homeowner or investor, you may be able to limit liability and remain somewhat anonymous by with credit scores between 580 and 639. vesting title in special entities. We provide an exclusive option to vest the title of your property in a Trust, Limited Liability Company, Sub-S Corporation or Partnership. As a well qualified borrower, this alternative We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score. gives you the ability to retain title within a preferred legal structure, suited to your future financial plans.

Credit Score: 580 - 599 (Max DTI 41%)

Choices for entity 600titles: - 619 (Max DTI 45%) Owner occupied, Trust purchase only for a SFR • Inter Vivos Revocable

or FHA approved Condo

Credit Score: 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%) Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR

or FHA approved Condo Maximum 4 borrowers Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed • Partnerships All disputed accounts must be removed from credit report from credit report NCASIL-16 Approved FHA Homebuyer Education Cannot have mortgage late payments class required for all borrowers during past 12 months The vesting can be a corporation, partnership, LLC or trust, however the the borrower must still be a natural Cannot have any late payments during the Gifts are allowed person who completes the loan application and who qualifies for the mortgage. The borrower will sign the past mortgage 12 months credit note, deed, andonany related addendums, HUD 1 Settlement Statement and all closing documents as No giftAll funds allowed an individual. credit reporting and interest paid on the mortgage will be linked to this individual’s social Cannot security number. use any down payment assistance programs • Limited Liability Company (LLC) Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy • Sub-S Corporations property

Contact me today to schedule a personal and confidential mortgage consultation.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable homeownership so less than 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply.

Note: While title may be vested in an entity, the borrower must be a natural person who completed a valid loan application and who qualifies for the mortgage. The borrower is responsible for the indebtedness. There is a $400 fee for vesting title in special entities.

Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

Waiting Period Time Frames This helpful at-a-glance guide will provide you with the required wait times when working with bankruptcies, foreclosures and short sales. Event Bankruptcy




Chapter 7: 2 years

Chapter 7: 2 years

Chapter 7 or 11: 4 years

Chapter 13: Minimum 12 months with satisfactory payout & court approval

Chapter 13: Minimum Chapter 13: 2 years from 12 months with discharge date or 4 years from satisfactory payout & dismissal date court approval 2 years: 80% max LTV/CLTV 4 years: 90% max LTV/CLTV 7 years: Per Eligibility Matrix

Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure

3 years

2 years

Foreclosure / Pre-Foreclosure

3 years

2 years

Forgiveness of Debt (Short Sales)

3 years

2 years

2 years: 80% max LTV/CLTV 4 years: 90% max LTV/CLTV 7 years: Per Eligibility Matrix

2 years

2 years: 80% max LTV/CLTV 4 years: 90% max LTV/CLTV 7 years: Per Eligibility Matrix

Forgiveness of Debt Restructuring (Short Payoff or Modification )

3 years

7 years

Note: Guidelines are for purchase transactions only. Additonal requirements for loan approval may apply.

Please contact me to learn more about your client’s qualifications. Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

Quick Guide for Waiting Periods Don't Let Your Credit Score Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers with credit scores between 580 andwill 639. provide you with the required wait times when This helpful at-a-glance guide

working with bankruptcies, foreclosures and short sales.

We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

Conventional Loans:

Credit7 Score: 580 -waiting 599 (Max Credit Score: • Chapter BK – 4 year periodDTI from41%) the discharge/dismissal date 620 - 639 (Max DTI 50%) 600 - 619 (Max DTI 45%)

• Chapter 13 BK – 2 year waiting period from the discharge date or 4 years from the dismissal date Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR Owner occupied, purchase only for a SFR • Multiple Bankruptcies If there are multiple bankruptcies within a 7 year period,Condo the waiting period or FHA approved–Condo or FHA approved is 5 years from the most recent discharge/dismissal date Maximum 4 borrowers Maximum 4 borrowers, all must occupy

property– 7 year waiting period from the completion date • Foreclosure Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed disputed 2All • Deed-In-Lieu/Pre-Foreclosure Sale (Short Sale) – Minimum year waitingaccounts period must be removed from credit report from credit report Approved FHA Homebuyer Education Cannot have mortgage late payments FHA/VA Loans: class required for all borrowers during the past 12 months • Chapter 7 BK – 2 year waiting period from the discharge/dismissal date Cannot have any late payments during the Gifts are allowed past13 12BK months on of credit • Chapter – 1 year the payout must have elapsed and the borrower’s performance must have been paid as agreed. Document that the borrower’s current situation is not likely to recur. The court No gift funds allowed must grant permission to thepayment borrowerassistance to enter into a mortgage transaction. Cannot use any down • FHAprograms Foreclosure/Pre-Foreclosure/Short Sale – 3 year waiting period • VA Foreclosure/Pre-Forclosure/Short Sale – 2 year waiting period for Foreclosures Additional requirements for loan approval may apply.

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable homeownership so less thanyour 90 day flips are not allowed. Additional credita requirements apply. Please contact me about client’s qualifications in obtaining home mortgage. Please call Please callfor formore moreinformation information

Pam Timmermeyer Lillian Wong SeniorConsultant Loan Consultant Loan Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS 630337 NMLS ID ID 200999 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer imortgage is providing this of information only, not legal advice. credit as defined by section 226.2 Regulationfor Z general and doesguidance not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, availability of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA

Attention CalSTRS Members 99% Financing Available with Your Tax Refund Could Mean a NewInsurance Home As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Attention CalSTRS Members Attention CalSTRS Members As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! As-Little-As 3% Down Payment! Mortgage Insurance Change Radian Mortgage CalHFA FHA & New CHDAP You can obtain a great loan with a competitive rate while contributing to your teachers’ retirementorfund. First time homebuyers qualified Veterans have a new option in financing that can help them purchase the home of their dreams. We are pleased to announce that partner Mortgage Insurance lifted the Do you remember you spent last year’sfor income taxcontributing refund on?has 97% Conventional Financing Available! 97% Conventional Financing Available! You can obtainpurchase a what great loan with aour competitive rate while to your 97% Conventional Financing Conventional or refinancing withAvailable! loan amounts up to $417,000 decliningFHA market designation for California, teachers’ retirement fund. CalHFA Program highlights include: Arizona and Nevada. Even better news, we at imortgage have been given authority to issue Mortgage Insurance. The 80/17 option lets you qualify for a larger first mortgage because the 17% second loan is

First time homebuyer or qualified minimum credit score 97% 640 up •Yeah, LTV owner-occupied loan neither do we. of spending itVeteran on with loan amounts LTV owner-occupied loan •97% 97% LTV owner-occupied loan Conventional purchase or refinancing to $417,000 deferred for 5Instead years. Loan amounts to $505,612 something frivolous, whyisnot itnews towards property input designated target concessions Purchasing Seller This great for you as our real estate partner 6% because: •something Max loan amount $417,000 loan amount $417,000 that matters, something that you •• Max Max loan amount $417,000 The 80/17 optionfrom lets rising you qualify forrates a larger the 17% second loan is area Loan upbecause to $417,000 mortgage Protect yourself interest withfirst a free and97% your family will appreciate for years to deferred for 5 years. Loan amounts to $505,612 Financing 90% when LTV CalHFA Financing 95% LTV Financing Primary, single Minimum Rate reductions available 45 LTV daycredit rate lockfamily with aresidence one-time rate reduction •come score requirements ••Minimum 660 credit score ~ a home! Minimum 680 credit score allowance and PUDs must be FHA approved program is used with CHDAP or AHPP Condos Second home Primary residence Primary residence Protect yourself from rising interest rates with a free There is no greater feeling than owning your • •Can use onon a new purchase or& rate/term refinance use a anew purchase or rate/term refinance Homebuyer Education Counseling Low interest rate • Can Can use on new purchase or rate/term 45 day lock a tax one-time own home; andrate by score usingwith your refund for 620 credit score reduction Eligible properties include singlerate family 680 credit 620homes, credit score refinance course is required allowance •your SplitEdge available additional credit score home down payment, youPUDs eliminate the condos, and approved (2 toscore withFindings • SplitEdge available - additional credit Per DU Findings 4 units Per DU Findings Per DU requirements bigger hurdle! restrictions) certain requirements • SplitEdge additional credit score sales price limits and income limits apply Eligible available properties-Current include single family homes, Combining a down payment assistance requirements imortgage is is a direct lender. Our in-house processing, condos, approved PUDs (2 to 4 costs units with imortgage aand direct lender. Our in-house processing, CalSTRS has pre-negotiated closing program with an FHA first mortgage could Riverside County & San Bernardino County underwriting and funding allows us to deliver certain restrictions) underwriting and funding allows us to deliver lead to littleSales or is noPrice: out of pocket. imortgage amoney direct lender. exceptional service. $550,000 forOur targetin-house area and $450,000 for non-targeted area exceptional service. CalSTRSunderwriting has pre-negotiated costs processing, andclosing funding

allows us to deliver exceptional service.

Orange, Los Angeles & Ventura Counties

Sales Price: $802,725 for target area and $656,775 for non-targeted area

CHDAP Program highlights include: Please contact me today to learn about these programs. 60 closings? Call us are when 21 days! Tired ofofbe 6060 toto90 Tired 90day dayclosings? Callus! us!- our average used for down and closingCall Interestclosings rate reduction used with Can 3% of sales price used as a second

mortgage Please call for more information Green funds borrower 1% down payment ofAbby

CalHFA Low interest rate Deferred loan

Senior Loan Consultant Direct 1849 Please call714 for422 more information Mobile 714 681 4282 Abby Ramon Green "Ray" Santiago Anthony Jim Lisa Weir Flores-Estrella Colacion Lillian Wong Fax 877 385 6009 Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Branch Manager NMLS ID 259274 Direct 714 951 422 893 6306 713 562 395 924 1872 6901 9725 480 385 1849 0407 Mobile 714 951 907 4038 949 562 689 547 3597 0264 281 687 7391 480 681 650 4282 5412 Fax 877 6479 855 385 268 405 6009 5922 4017 863 6077 5920 NMLS ID 259274 263424 329651 373616 259751 630337 imortgage is providing this information for general guidance only, not legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability programs are subject to change without notice. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. Hablo Español LENDER

imortgage is providing information for general guidance only, notand legal advice. Information contained hereinthis is provided to assist real estate professionals is not an advertisement to extend consumer terms, availability programs are subject change without credit Rates, as defined byand section 226.2 ofofRegulation Z and doestonot constitute legalnotice. advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Licensed by thetoDepartment ofand Corporations CRMLA AllBanking rights reserved. 2011.AZ BK 0903725. Texas Savings Loan Department as4130969. aAZ Mortgage Banker. EQUAL EQUAL HOUSING HOUSING programs are subject change without notice. Licensed by the State Department LENDER imortgage Corporate ID All 3096. All rights reserved. imortgage Corporate NMLSNMLS ID 3096. rights reserved. 2012. 2012.

imortgage 2099 S. State College Blvd., #102 Anaheim, CA 92806 imortgage 2099 1250 Corona State College Pointe Court, Blvd., #301 17777S. 3040 Center Post Court Oak Drive, #275 #100 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#102 200 Anaheim, Corona, CA 92879 Houston, Cerritos, TX 77056 90703 Scottsdale, AZ 92806 85254

5 Don't Ways Get More Letto Your Credit ScoreDone Determine Where You Live We have expanded our FHA guidelines in order to provide home financing options for borrowers

By simply becoming more deliberate about what you should be spending your time on, more aware of what witharecredit scores between 639. you spending your time on580 andand more vigilant guarding your time, you will get more done in a day than most do in a week!

We use a combination of current FHA guidelines and additional key points based on the credit score.

Set Goals for the Month: Having goals will guide you on what you should be spending your time on.

Journal: “Success580 leaves clues.” It makes smarter. It clarifies thoughts it can keepDTI you on Credit Score: - 599 (Max DTI you 41%) Credityour Score: 620 and - 639 (Max 50%) purpose. Here’s how journal DTI to help45%) you be more productive. 600to-use 619a (Max • I n youroccupied, journal, take your quarterly down occupied, into projects and thenonly break Owner purchase only for goals a SFRand break them Owner purchase foryour a SFR into weekly outcomes. orprojects FHA approved Condo or FHA approved Condo

Maximum Maximum 4 borrowers, alltomust occupy 4 borrowers • U se the weekly outcomes decide what you need to do daily. And then plan tomorrow. Do this daily. property This will keep your re-associated with your goals. Non-occupying co-signers are allowed All disputed accounts must be removed All next disputed mustyour be removed the Block time: After you figure out what you want to accomplish day... accounts literally block calendar in

from credit report

fromthem credit 15 min. increments. Take the tasks in order of importance and block onreport your calendar. Approved FHA Homebuyer Education Cannot have mortgage late payments Work fast, set deadlines pretend they are real: Very few people work fast. Just watch ‘em. There is an class required for all and borrowers during the past 12 months old axiom that says “activities expand to the amount of time allotted”... for some people, work just expands. Cannot have any late payments during the Gifts arethat allowed You have more to do than there are hours in the day so it is imperative you be conscious about how past 12 months on credit “fast” you are working. Deadlines work! No gift funds allowed Be ruthless with your time: You have realized by now that time is your number one asset. Guard it like a Cannot use any down payment assistance pit bull. Be ruthless. Meetings for “coffee” and “phone meetings” are one of the biggest vampires of your programs productive time. If you are going to get on the phone, have an agenda set. What is the purpose of the call? Ask the question “When I get off the phone I want to have accomplished what?” ~ This article was written by Jeff Paro

The innovation in our mortgage program opens the door for more buyers to enjoy sustainable so assist less than 90inday flips2012 are not allowed. Additional credit requirements apply. Myhomeownership objective is to you your success! Please Please call callforformore moreinformation information

Pam LillianTimmermeyer Wong Senior Loan Consultant Loan Consultant Direct 209 Direct 480 846 385 6412 0407 Mobile 209 Mobile 480 613 650 8013 5412 Fax 877 Fax 855 578 268 2849 5920 NMLS ID ID 200999 630337 NMLS Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer this information guidance only, not legal advice. credit imortgage as defined is byproviding section 226.2 of Regulationfor Z general and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of Rates, of programs are subject without notice. programs areterms, subjectand to availability change without notice. Licensed by to thechange AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. EQUAL HOUSING Licensed by the Department of Corporations CRMLA 4130969. All rights reserved. 2011. LENDER imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite#20 200 1020 15th Street, Scottsdale, AZ 95354 85254 Modesto, CA


We have a loan for every home...simple as that

Prequalification Form Mortgage applied for: o Primary Residence o Second Home o Investment Property Sales Price:$_________________________________ o VA Eligible

o First Time Homebuyer

Borrower’s Name: _______________________________________

Co-Borrower’s Name: _______________________________________

Date of Birth:________________ SSN:__________________________

Date of Birth:________________ SSN:__________________________

Marital Status: o Married o Separated o Single o Divorced

Marital Status: o Married o Separated o Single o Divorced

Number of dependents:____________ Ages:______________________

Number of dependents:____________ Ages:______________________

Home Phone:__________________ Cell Phone:____________________

Home Phone:__________________ Cell Phone:____________________

Borrower’s Present Address:

Co-Borrower’s Present Address:







Rent: o

Rent: o

Own: o

Years______________ Months______________

Own: o

Years______________ Months______________

o Citizen o Perm-Resident Alien o Non Perm-Resident Alien

o Citizen o Perm-Resident Alien o Non Perm-Resident Alien



Address: ___________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________

For:_______Years _______Months Self Employed: oYes oNo

For:_______Years _______Months Self Employed: oYes oNo



Business Phone:__________________

Business Phone:__________________

Borrower’s Income/Assets

Co-Borrower’s Income/Assets

Gross Annual Income: $____________

Gross Annual Income: $__________

Checking Name/Account ____________________ A vg bal $_____________

Checking Name/Account ____________________ A vg bal $_____________

Savings Name/Account ______________________ Avg bal $_____________

Savings Name/Account ______________________ A vg bal $_____________

Do you intend to occupy this property?

o Yes

o No

Do you have any outstanding judgements?

o Yes

o No

Have you owned property in the last 3 years?

o Yes

o No

Have you filed for bankruptcy in the last 7 years?

o Yes

o No

Do you pay child support or alimony?

o Yes

o No

Have you owned any real estate in the last 3 years?

o Yes

o No

Referred By: _______________________________________________

I hereby authorize imortgage to verify all information provided and obtain and review my credit report. The information provided is not to be considered as a request or application for the extension or granting of credit, as defined under Regulation Z and RESPA and does not require a Good Faith Estimate or a Truth in Lending Disclosure.

Borrower’s Signature:____________________________ Date:_________

Co-Borrower’s Signature:___________________________ Date:_________

Please call for more information Lillian Wong Loan Consultant Direct 480 385 0407 Mobile 480 650 5412 Fax 855 268 5920 NMLS ID 630337 Information contained herein is provided to assist real estate professionals and is not an advertisement to extend consumer credit as defined by section 226.2 of Regulation Z and does not constitute legal advice. Rates, terms, and availability of programs are subject to change without notice. Licensed by the AZ State Banking Department AZ BK 0903725. imortgage Corporate NMLS ID 3096. All rights reserved. 2012.

imortgage 16435 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 200 Scottsdale, AZ 85254

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